Mistrusting a MemoryChapter 2
- 4 years ago
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An hour and a half later Judy again chirped, "Let's vote!" Maggie looked around. People looked tired. A lot had been said, but there didn't seem to be any general consensus. Voting would at least be trying to make progress. She passed out ballots.
This time, when she separated the pieces of folded paper, there were four in the guilty pile and eight in the not guilty pile. Everyone looked surprised.
"My, my," said Maggie, who had changed her vote, but didn't expect anyone else to do so. The others who had changed their votes felt the same way. It buoyed them all a bit.
"Interesting," said Tim, who hadn't thought anyone other than Hank would change his vote.
"What just happened?" asked Jim, whose laptop was open on the table in front of him. He'd tuned them all out for the last 45 minutes, when they seemed to be saying the same things over and over. He'd simply voted with the majority this time ... except that he was suddenly in the minority. "I want to change my vote," he said.
Everyone looked at him. "Why?" asked Maggie.
"Cause I want to get out of here," he said honestly.
"Dude!" said Hector. "Try not to care too much about this woman, you know?"
"What do you care for?" asked Jim, staring at the Hispanic man. "You don't know her. She's from a different world than you and me."
There was a stunned silence. This was the first time Jim had spoken more than a word or two. All of them had seen him pecking at the keyboard of the laptop. Most thought he was taking notes for some reason. None of them had realized he didn't really care about the issues until he spoke this time.
"Let me tell you a story," said Hector. "There was this girl I knew. Her name was Maria. She was like thirteen, OK? So she's sitting there, doing some math homework, minding her own business, when this carload of dudes drives by and unloads a clip of nine millimeter. She takes one in the head and boom ... she's dead. Just like that. No more homework. No more going to school. No more getting a goodnight kiss from her mother ... just dead."
Jim's fingers left the keyboard. "OK, sure that's sad, but she IS from your world. What does that have to do with this case?"
Hector didn't frown or give any other indication that he was upset.
"She was sitting in an ice cream parlor, over in midtown, not in the hood. She went there every day to get away from the hood, so she could do her homework without being afraid. They wasn't shooting at her. They was shooting at the ice cream parlor, because one of the guys in the car thought the owner of that place had dissed him. What I'm saying is there is only one world, and we all live in it. You can't just decide that because that chick lives over there, and you live over here, that it ain't your problem. It IS your problem. It's ALL of our problem ... you know?"
"Very astute," commented Tim.
Hector looked at him. "Man ... you need to learn some English." He sat back in his chair, looking disgusted.
Jane was frustrated. The vote had surprised her, because she thought Fetterman's status as guilty had been agreed upon. Hadn't everybody agreed that she killed the man? Tim's rambling comments had seemed stuffy. She was still nervous about Hector, and hadn't gotten his point.
"I don't understand," she said suddenly. "She killed the man, right?"
There was a nod or two.
"So what's the problem here? I just don't get it."
Helen was sitting across the table from Jane. She leaned forward. "Are you comfortable with sending Lacey Fetterman to prison for the rest of her life for killing her rapist?"
Jane looked uncomfortable. "That's not the point," she said.
"It most certainly IS the point," said Helen. "If we find her guilty, that's what's going to happen, plain and simple."
"No it's not," said Waldo suddenly. "She can get parole in ten years."
Helen looked at him now. "Are you comfortable with sending Lacey Fetterman to prison for ten years for killing her rapist?"
"We have to!" said Waldo, interrupting. "She murdered a man. Read the Bible. Thou shalt not kill!"
"Oh Jesus," moaned Jim.
Waldo looked at him sharply. "Yes! Jesus! He paid the price for our sins, and he told us to obey the law!"
"Well then," said Hector calmly. "If he died for our sins then she's covered, right?"
"Don't mock God!" Waldo almost shouted.
"I'm not mocking God," said Hector. "I'm just saying ... you know ... would Jesus have voted to send her to prison?"
"Please," moaned Maggie. "Let's not bring religion into this."
"Render unto Caesar what is Caesar's, and unto God what is God's," intoned Tim from the end of the table. "This is a matter for Caesar."
"Exactly!" Said Waldo. "She broke man's law and she must be punished."
Danny laughed. It was almost shocking in the room, which was filled with tension.
"It's not funny!" shouted Waldo.
"Hang on," said Danny, still smiling. "Look what just happened. You said it was God's law first, and now you're saying it's man's law. You said that Jesus paid the price for our sins ... Lacey's sin ... and yet you demand that she be punished. I'm not laughing at you. I just think you're confused, that's all."
Waldo DID look confused. He folded his arms. "I just know murder is wrong," he said stubbornly.
"That's the problem with the law," said Tim. "The law is black and white, but real life is full of shades of gray."
"I actually understood that," said Reggie. "Congratulations."
Tim smiled tentatively. "It's what I was trying to say during lunch."
Hank spoke up. "IT IS full of gray," he said. "I get what Waldo is saying. But I also get what Tim just said. All I know is that this man attacked her. I voted guilty the first time, but I changed my vote because I thought about how he grabbed her, there in the car. Can you imagine what must have been going through her mind? Here was the animal who had caused her so much pain ... had ruined her whole life. He had a hold of her again! I can't help but think I'd have done the same thing she did."
Waldo almost jumped up. "There you go!" he said. "That's manslaughter! Acting in the heat of passion. You said you'd do it too. That's one of the elements of proof! And grabbing her was provoking her. That's another element of proof! If you won't vote for murder, at LEAST vote for manslaughter!"
"But he was helpless," moaned Jane. "He grabbed her, but he couldn't DO anything to her. She could have jerked loose. Even I could have jerked loose, and I'm weak."
"What if you HAD been in her place?" asked Hank. "What if you tried to jerk away and couldn't. What would you have done then?"
"I don't know," moaned Jane. "Screamed! I would have screamed!"
"Everybody was screaming," said Hank. "The man raped you. He said he'd be back. He has your wrist in his grip! You can't get away. What are you going to do?!"
"I DON'T KNOW!" screamed Jane. There were tears in her eyes.
There was a moment of silence as Jane wiped furiously at her cheeks.
"She smelled gasoline," said Kelsey. "Didn't she say she smelled smoke? If he held her there, and the car caught on fire anyway, she could have been killed. What if she was unconsciously afraid of that? Wouldn't that be self defense?"
Maggie shook her head. "There was no testimony about that. She didn't say she was afraid the car would catch on fire. We can't try to imagine what was in her mind. I'm like Helen. I think the punishment is too much, but we have to obey the law. The judge said so."
Hector looked at her. "So you were one of the guilty votes this time?"
The place he directed her to was a tiny hole-in-the-wall that she would have never given a second glance. She realized how hungry she was the instant she walked in, through the door Bob held for her, and the odor of wonderful, delicious things hit her like a sledge hammer. "Vinny!" Bob called out to a man, standing at the grill, wearing a white paper hat. Vinny looked over his shoulder, grinned, and held both hands up in the air, a spatula still in one. "You got me, copper," he said....
Lacey was ferrying a flash drive containing hundreds of photographs from the dig to the museum. A major discovery had been found. A collapsed cellar had been uncovered and, inside it, there were bones. Human bones. It wasn't clear yet how they had come to be there, but there were no indications of intentional burial. The artifacts found with the bodies suggested that people had taken refuge in the cellar and had died there. The pictures were needed at the museum as soon as possible, so that...
Bob had just left the briefing room, coming on shift. He hadn't even buckled his seat belt when the radio squawked to life, telling him of a multiple injury accident, with an explosion involved. Paramedics and the fire department were already on the scene. Three patrols were being dispatched, and all three were still in the parking lot, after the briefing in the squad room. Three engines roared, and three sirens began to wail, as tires screeched. It was impossible to get close to the...
When Bob went off shift, he returned to the hospital. "How come you're the only cop who ever checks on her?" asked the head nurse. "It's my case," he said bruskly. "How's she doing?" "Better," said the nurse. "She should be awake. All her vitals are normal. The sedative has been stopped. The only reason she's still in ICU is that she won't wake up." "I'll just sit with her for a while," said Bob. He'd stayed in uniform, since that got him almost anything he wanted, with...
Sleep came with difficulty for Bob. His mind roiled with the import of what he knew ... or thought he knew. He tried to convince himself that cars caught on fire all the time. There was only circumstantial evidence that the dead man was her rapist at all. Even the fact that there had been no more rapes with that modus operandi didn't prove anything. Like Lacey, no one had come forward to ask where their son, or brother, or father, or husband was. The crispy critter, still unidentified, was...
He took her to the impound lot, answering her questions when he thought he could do so safely, and dodging them or changing the subject when it got close to something he didn't want to talk about. She was appropriately awed by the damage to her car, and only glanced through the box of her possessions. The attendant brought out a bill for storage, and Bob tore it up. "Hey, you can't do that!" said the attendant. "I just did," said Bob. "The lady was in the hospital while it was...
He took her to Santini's. On the way, he told her a car had sideswiped hers, and that she hadn't been injured. While she was trying to help others involved in the accident, an explosion had occurred. He left it simple. "Explosion," she said, her voice far away. "I remember light ... all over ... I was submerged in light." "What else do you remember?" he asked, his voice guarded. "Just that. When you said explosion, it just came to me." When they walked into Santini's, Donna met...
Bob eventually slept, despite the erection between his legs that demanded attention. It was still demanding attention when he woke the next morning, with a soft, naked woman pressed against his body. It had been a long time since there had been a naked woman of any kind pressed against his body when he woke. That had been a result of long hours, and an unwillingness by Bob to turn over part of his life to any woman. It wasn't that he didn't like women ... it was more that he hadn't found a...
Bob went back to his apartment. The bed was still unmade and the wrinkled linens held the imprint of a bed that had been slept in by a couple. The pillow she'd used was lying against his own, like her head had lain close to his. On impulse, he bent to sniff the sheets where she had lain. They smelled like ... her. He hadn't missed the verbal slip that the doctor had made. She'd been about to say that as much as she would have liked to get naked with him, right there in the office, it...
Bob sat and read magazines, until there were none left to examine. There was no noise coming through the door—it was so quiet he felt like he was the only person on the planet. Eventually, his ears detected the hum of air being pushed here and there by the building's air handler units. He heard a siren dimly, through the walls, but no traffic noises. He checked his watch so frequently that he finally took it off and put it in his pocket. Finally, he dozed off. He woke, when the door opened...
Bob popped two Vivarin when he got into the squad car the next morning. She had kept him up all night, satisfying her own needs and making up for the dry spell Bob had been in. He felt drained, but also more relaxed than he'd been in years. He was no longer distracted, either. Lacey had another appointment with Claire, but he was no longer worried that she'd suddenly realize there was no past between them. That had already been addressed. Now all he had to worry about was the return of...
Lacey went back to see Claire ahead of schedule, and told her everything that had happened. Claire put her under again, and spent an hour exploring the details of the rape that she hadn't gone after earlier. As each horrible part of the assault was revealed, Claire worked more instructions into the dialog, intended to minimize the emotional impact of the memories. Then she brought Lacey out of the hypnotic trance and spent another hour with her, concentrating on the things that Lacey felt...
Bob heard her gasp as he left the bedroom. His head swiveled and he saw her standing there, bent slightly forward, her arm outstretched, hand turned sideways in a fist at the top of a candle. Her face was so pale it looked almost ghostly. Her mouth opened and an agonized groan was torn from her throat as she dropped the lighter and reeled backwards. Her eyes stared at the tall, pale yellow flame that the lighter had created at the tip of the candle, but her mind saw the same hand,...
Back in the apartment, Claire asked questions. They were not "What did you do?" type questions, but rather were "How do you feel about what you did?" type questions. Lacey didn't feel good about any of it. For the psychiatrist, it was like walking a tightrope. Or, perhaps it was like making her patient walk the tightrope. There needed to be remorse for a bad deed, for there to be health in the mind and spirit. But it could be taken too far, and the patient could begin to hate herself,...
She was adamant about keeping her appointment with Claire. He was glad she was going, because he had to go to work. He hoped Claire would talk some sense into her, and he made her promise not to do anything until she'd talked it over with him, no matter what she decided to do. She was waiting for him when he got home from his shift. She was calm, but looked drained. "I have to make this right," she said. "If you're sure about this, then it needs to be done right," he said...
Two weeks later Bob was coming home from the gym, still dressed in his sweats. McDill had instructed them, superfluously, not to see each other until after the trial. He had been noncommittal after his questioning of Bob, concerning what his defense would be. "I have some ideas," was all he'd say. Bob turned the last corner and started toward the entrance to his apartment building. A car pulled to a stop at the curb next to him and the window rolled down. "Get in!" came a male voice he...
Roger Schwartz grabbed his briefcase and hurried for the entrance/exit of the new suite of offices the prosecutor's staff was lucky to have just moved into. Lucille, his secretary, called out a cheery "Good luck!" as he sailed by her desk. "Don't need luck!" he yelled back, flashing her a grin. In fact, he believed that. He was one of the up and coming lawyers of a generation that believed skill would make "luck" an archaic term. If that seems a bit rash, perhaps it could be said...
The door to the jury room opened and a man wearing glasses came in. He looked at something on a clipboard in his hand. "We're about to begin," he said, with no other introduction. "I need to give you some information about what's expected of you. Please listen closely." He read a list of rules, things they could and could not do while they were sitting in the jury box. His voice droned, making it clear he'd read this list countless times in the past. Fully half the jury tuned him...
The next witness called after lunch was probably a poor choice for that particular spot in the lineup, but it hadn't been planned that way. It was the medical examiner who had done the autopsy on Kinneson's remains. Schwartz apologized to the jury for what they were about to hear, and then had the doctor describe the compound fracture in the victim's leg, which would have made it impossible for him to move around on his own. Then there was the testimony of the condition of the lungs, which...
It was day two of the trial and Roger was ready to produce testimony about the DNA identification of Gilbert Kinneson's remains. He had contacted Senior Technician Fred Simms, the lab supervisor, and hastily explained what he needed. Simms said it would be no problem. Schwartz tried to be as clear about things as possible. "Now I know that there were a lot of tests done on the DNA from the body," said Roger. "That's not germane to the issue in this trial. All I need is an overview of...
Instead of calling the first defense witness, Matthew now exercised his right to cross examine Officer Robert Duncan. Once Bob was on the stand, and had been reminded he was still under oath, Matthew began what he believed in his own mind was some of the most important questioning he'd do. He didn't want to ruin Bob, but uppermost in his mind was Lacey's welfare. "When did you first meet my client?" was his first question. Bob named the date and said, "I needed to interview her as the...
There was a diner, of sorts, on the first floor of the building. It served pre-packaged sandwiches and salads. There were also hot soups, Polish sausages, hot dogs, kraut and the like. Maggie wasn't interested in the fatty foods, so she chose a bowl of mushroom soup, with lemonade, and took it to one of the small tables that were scattered around. She sat in one of two chairs at the table. She was joined by Helen, who asked if she could sit in the other chair. Neither woman seemed to be...
"The defense calls Doctor Claire Montgomery to the stand," said Matthew. Roger stood. "Your honor, I fail to see the relevance of anything this witness could bring to the issue. I must object. Mental state is not at issue here. The accused did not plead based on insanity, either temporary or otherwise." Matthew spoke clearly. "Your honor, I have already indicated that I'm trying to establish motive for my client's actions. This witness's testimony is crucial to that...
As soon as Claire left the courtroom, the judge turned to the jury. "I'm not going to sequester you, because you have not started your deliberations. You may all go home to your families, but you are not to discuss anything you've heard in this case with anyone, under any circumstances. Is that perfectly clear?" Most of the jury nodded. "Court will resume at nine-thirty tomorrow morning," he said, and banged his gavel hard on the block. The gravity of the situation had penetrated...
The jury room hadn't changed much, but the changes that HAD been made were obvious. At each of the twelve chairs around the long table, there was a cheap name tag, made of paper folded into an inverted V. Maggie's was at one end of the table and bore the title "Foreman." It was almost lunch time and some faceless employee had provided a tray of sandwiches, individual bags of various kinds of chips, fruit, and pre-packaged salads from the cafe downstairs. There were also a dozen kinds of...
"Has the jury reached a verdict?" asked Judge Gunderson. Maggie stood. "We have, your honor." The bailiff took the folded piece of paper from her hand and walked it to the judge. He opened it. He looked at the jury, and then back at the paper. "Was this unanimous?" he asked. "Yes, sir," said Maggie. Gunderson handed the paper back to the bailiff, who returned it to Maggie. "The defendant will stand," intoned the judge. Lacey and McDill stood. Lacey looked like she might fall...
As it turned out, Claire's misgivings were justified. Nothing like this had ever happened before, and she had no clue as to how to proceed. Had she been in her professional setting, she would have controlled the conversation. She couldn't really do that, there in the restaurant. So, she chose to try giving Lacey the redemption she sought. "They forgave you," she said, her voice tight. Bob shot her a look that said very clearly, "What the fuck? You don't mean that." Lacey didn't see...
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“Man! This just can’t be!” I thought. What the hell was I to do? Later that same week I took a day off and drove up to talk to Barbara. I figured that due to her medical condition, her caregivers would surely recommend that she abort the baby, and I wanted to talk to her and support her through the whole ordeal. I strolled into the room that Barbara shared with an elderly woman patient, her head jerked up to look at me and then she burst into loud sobbing and crying. I went to her, held...
Hi all, I am Khalid 22 year old now but this story some year ago but plz one think my English so poor plz try to understand and I will try to write better who u understand so when I was 13 ,slim body owner as like kids in as age , my sister yes she was mush older to me her age was 23 m age 10 year different so mush because our dad was go USA after my sister born we was so mush poor so my dad go to USA for money and then he come back so late and I was born .. So my sister is also mom for me…she...
IncestI wake up in a fog Saturday morning. My head is thick, terrible cotton mouth , wondering what the hell happened last night and why i partied so damn much. i lift my head and see Andy sleeping next to me. I slip out of bed and and make my way to the bathroom, on the way i feel the cracking of the crusty cum all over me, up and down my chest, all over my cock and balls, even on my throat. I start recounting the thing that happened last night, what I can remember anyway. The weird thing is, I'm...
The Witch Doctor by Teddie S. Hi. My name is Brian, or it was Brian. It's now Brianna. And, this little story is of the changes that have occurred in my life. When I was young, I was confused as to who I was. I was a boy, but liked to play and look like a girl. I use to wrap a towel around my waist and pretend it was a skirt. When we played house, I wanted to be the mother. And, I had an aunt who was gorgeous and I wanted to be just like her. I was...
Freedom and risk in all directions By SG [email protected] I had two timers in my hand. They were the standard twenty four hour timers used by people on vacation to make their lights come on and off. I plugged both timers in the power strip I had plugged into a third timer box which was plugged into the wall. The power was off on it for the moment. I plugged a cord into each of the timers then closed my eyes and spun the dials on the timers. I had used a number of pegs on each timer...
I thought that might be all that was planned, and I was in the process of getting my nightshirt in order again when there was another tap on the door. It was actually louder than a tap ... loud enough that the frivolity in the tub ceased. The lady finally moved, and sat at her vanity, her arms up and hands busy with her hair. "Enter," she said, clearly. Jane gasped. My eyes went to the door, of course, as it opened. In stepped Jack, followed by Stephan ... and his brother, Charley. Jack...
Posie was psyched up for Halloween, and as usual, had purchased her costume almost a month in advance. It was a long, black velvet dress with red, lacy trim and a split up the side that went just past her knee. She’d picked out the perfect accessories. Black heels, fishnet stockings, long, black gloves, and a red and black mask with gold sequins. The mask had been requested by the host of the party, though she’d never met him. Her friend Kevin knew him, and had given her his extra invite. She...