- 4 years ago
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The day following the crowd incident, we made preparations to move inside the airfield perimeter and take up residence in the Delta Force/Ranger hanger. About two days after we moved in, we began receiving daily mortar fire that lasted for about five minutes. After a week of this, several of us ran a suggestion up the flagpole to 'remove' this problem. Of course it was only pure coincidence that it happened after we left our strongpoint outside the perimeter. Some of the D boys and Rangers had thought along those same lines. After putting in the proper paperwork and getting it signed off by all the command staff present, none other than Defense Secretary Aspin vetoed it. He stated that it would be an unnecessary escalation in force and that other means were being sought as well as stating that the special operators in theater should be more concerned about mission planning to garner positive results about Adid's whereabouts. So in other words, we were to endure the daily mortar barrages and hope that none of us bought the farm prematurely due to unnecessary escalation. Too bad Mr. Aspin didn't inform the Somali mortar team about this, as I'm sure they would have viewed it from his perspective. With nothing left to do but sit around the hanger, we amused ourselves with card games, basketball, shooting matches with Delta and the Rangers, and cleaned our equipment daily to kill time between ducking when we heard the crump of the mortar. It wouldn't have been so bad if the hanger doors were able to close and it didn't face the perimeter fence, which was only 100yards away. Any skinny who could get on a roof or a hilltop could look right in at us, give them a good set of binoculars and they could watch us preparing for operations.
We sat for weeks with no mission tasking and finding make do jobs around the airfield. Clint and I would go to the tower and take turns looking for that mortar team and betting on where they would set up next. We would watch the 160th SOAR shuttle D-boys and Rangers over the city on patrols and insert them in suspected Adid hideouts. It was a total waste of effort and time. I walked by the comm shed one day and popped in to see if maybe they needed a hand.
It was a madhouse as the operators tried to facilitate the constant requests from general officers and coordinate the activities of the UN forces. I watched as General Garrison micro managed Colonel McKnight endlessly. It was an exercise in futility. Out of the 15,000 servicemen in theater, just under 2000 were actual Special operators. That small number is about right for a light colonel to command and the last thing he needs is a two star bucking for three, looking over his shoulder and double-checking everything he does.
I casually flipped through the dispatches and noticed that no fewer than five admirals were off shore or rotating through theater. When you're the only game in town, everybody wants a piece of the action.
The pilots from the 160th were the best I have ever worked with. Their aircraft were constantly being fine tuned by the mechanics; every time they flew they put themselves at risk. The militia forces in Somalia had no anti-air capability but made up for that with initiative. They would watch our tactics and adapt to them. My teammates and I discussed this at great length nightly and came to realize that our forces were ill equipped to handle this type of guerrilla fighting. You can't roll into town with lightly armored vehicles, large helicopters, limited air support and expect the opposition to lay down their arms and go back to being a docile population. Officers and civilians who haven't studied military history, or know anything the military, contrived all the tactics for this operation. All the Ranger deployments to locate and capture Adid were done in broad daylight in the middle to late afternoon so CNN could broadcast it and that guaranteed the population had scored their drugs and were stoned. When you have access to some of the finest night vision technology in the world, and your enemy has no night vision capability, why conduct operations in daylight? This was a guerrilla skirmish and the only way to out G a G is to become one yourself. All the missions started the same way everytime; helos take off followed by a combined convoy of Humm-vees and five-ton trucks. We commented that that style of operating leaves a 'footprint' but those comments fell on deaf ears, but it made great news footage. Adid was no idiot; he had attended numerous foreign war colleges and studied every conceivable form of warfare. He realized he couldn't defeat us in a conventional conflict but he stood a chance with unconventional tactics. But the powers that be all suffered from CRS, Can't Remember Shit disorder. It was either the career enhancement light in overdrive that blinded them or just plain stupidity.
Clint put in for permission to go with the Rangers on their seventh, so far, fruitless capture Adid mission. My team was leaving the next morning so the rest of us packed up and sat around while the D-boys and Rangers had their briefing and prepared to go. I sat on my gear and watched the helos leave followed by the convoy.
Clint had wrangled a ride in one of the Hummers assigned to the support column. I dozed in the heat, relaxing with nothing to do, totally unaware that the heat was about to get turned up.
An hour into the mission and already it was going bad. Over the comm net I was listening to Delta call in a negative package meaning that Adid had slipped past us yet again. I wandered over to the Ranger comm area and listened as a Medevac was called in because someone had fallen during the fast rope insertion. No wonder. The Blackhawk used is a very powerful aircraft, the down draft from the rotors can flat knock you on your ass if it hit you and considering that the streets were mostly sand and dirt, all that shit blowing around makes visibility next to impossible. I found out later that the helo were inserting the second Ranger chalk and because of the dust storm left by the previous bird, the second bird came in too high and one Ranger had dropped fifty feet when the rope ended and the ground wasn't there.
It soon went from bad to worse when vehicles and soldiers began taking serious hits. I listened for a few more minutes and then walked back over to my area, cutting through the Ranger bunk space. I couldn't help but notice that there were ballistic trauma plates from body armor lying on the cots and on the concrete floor, also a vast quantity of canteens and camel back hydration systems. I walked up to a Ranger who was sitting on his rack and asked him about the plates. He told me that they were under orders to remove the back plate from the armor to save on weight and the mission was a quick in and out so no need for extra water. I just walked away and shook my head. These kids were outfitted with some the best body armor ever produced and some suckhead ordered them to leave out the back panel. Made perfect sense in the great chaotic insanity that was unfolding. Now their armor would be like a screen door on their back, not likely to stop a forceful fart let alone a high-powered rifle round like they would be going up against. Another hour came and went, radio traffic had picked up. Part of the support column had broken off and was returning with the wounded and prisoners.
Within that second hour, a 160th Blackhawk was shot down and crashed in the city. Shortly after we got word of this, a second Blackhawk limped into view and set down on the airfield. We watched as the crew ran to another bird and went back into the fight. Nothing beats front row seats except maybe being there. As the third hour dragged by, Ell-tee came over to us. He told us that the support column was coming back in, mostly combat ineffective, there were two Blackhawks down, and the Rangers were facing a numerically hostile force. He looked around at us to gauge reaction, and then told us to grab everything that kills, we were mounting up and going to the Pakistani/10th Mountain Division cantonment area, which was a huge sports stadium. We suited up, full armor, extra magazines, grenades, medical supplies, and elected to wear the lighter weight Pro-tec helmet instead of the heavier K-pot.
Not having any vehicles of our own, Webb wandered over to the Ranger/160th motor pool and 'appropriated' a Hummer. We packed ourselves into it, which made a tight squeeze, and drove over to the stadium. Inside, it was a madhouse. Pakistani and Malaysian troops were running all over the place trying to get organized. Webb drove through them to the 10th Mountain area.
A relief convoy was forming but we still had no time frame for departure. We sat and waited just outside the line, talking amongst ourselves. Ell-tee had gotten out and was walking around watching the activity. He came back over to us and told us that the Hummer we had didn't have a mounted weapon. We de-assed it right there, taking all our gear and walked over to the 10th Mountain motor pool. In all the rush and confusion, they must have thought we were Delta, because the motor pool sergeant gave us two armored and armed Hummers. One had a M2.50 caliber and the other a Mark 19 40mm grenade launcher. Now we were in business. We drove over to their ammo supply point, backed in and Ell-tee got out. With the bumper numbers belonging to the 10th, he strode over like he was part of them and requested some supplies. He came back over and told us to load up everything we were going to need for the mounted weapons and ourselves. It was like winning the lottery and getting a shopping spree thrown in. I grabbed a pallet jack and off we went. By the time we were finished, we had the entire rear of each Hummer full of crated ammo.
We grabbed a few 'stray' armor vests and shoved them around the sides and rear of the ammo and on the floorboards. You could almost hear the engines strain a little, as we pulled back into the waiting line. Splitting up to put roughly an even number in each vehicle, gave us more room to divide the gear. Billy Rogers, our team commo man had been trying to reach Clint since this all went down. He had no luck and figured because Clint just had his personal radio with him and it was mostly short-range, he could receive us but not send. The overhead observation/comm relay helo didn't have our encryption key available so we couldn't bounce a signal off them and using the AWACS was not a good idea because they would have to bounce it back offshore then through JOC. The convoy formation continued well into the night as we heard the chatter over the SINGCARS radio from the Hummer. Several flights of AH-6 'Littlebird' helos flew over on their way to provide fire support to the besieged Rangers. I mentioned to Webb that they were using the Littlebirds, and he just shook his head. He commented on what a waste as we had Cobra gunships sitting on the runway that packed a heavier punch and were armored. To this day, I have no idea why Garrison didn't use those gunships and relied on inadequate, smaller, non-armored, lightly armed support craft.
Finally the convoy was ready to move out, only seven hours after the Rangers started getting hit. What efficiency.
We were sitting somewhere in the middle of the convoy. The Paki's had some armored vehicles, mostly Soviet BDRM and BMP vehicles with a few surplus U.S. M60A1 Patton tanks leading the way. Once we exited the stadium, we moved like a little old lady in heavy traffic, never going over 25mph. Webb was fuming behind the wheel. I was sitting behind him with Doc to my right. Matt Connors was standing up manning the MK19 and Billy Rogers, the team commo man, was sitting up front with Webb's 249 sticking out the window.
Ell-tee came over the team net and fumed about the lack of speed. Webb suggested that we break off and parallel the convoy. We peeled off at the next side street and raced down alleys and squeezed between buildings.
We made good time until we came to the first large roadblock. Sporadic small arms fire had come our way but nothing connected. Ell-tee's Hummer came to a sudden stop in front of us; Webb slammed on the brakes and skidded up to his bumper. Hannaberry manning the .50 on the other Hummer swung the heavy weapon over and raked a rooftop above us. Webb and Ell-tee conversed over the team net for a minute then both vehicles slowly backed up a few yards Hannaberry covering us and Connors dropping 40mm into the roadblock until a hole was big enough to drive through. It was still a narrow opening and it folded back the mirrors and scraped paint on both Hummers. We raced down the narrow streets, small arms fire now getting more intense, I was firing out my side, Doc laying down long suppressive bursts, Connors walking the MK19 around us, Rogers putting out fire on his side and Webb firing his M9 one-handed while driving. I'd yell out 'Loading!' whenever I'd drop out a spent mag and stick a fresh one in. There was no conversation besides each of us yelling out that word. Webb yelled back to me that he was out and handed me his M9 over his shoulder. I grabbed it, reloaded it and handed it back. Spent brass was flying around the inside of the vehicle and the occasional 40mm casing would drop down inside. We met up with the main convoy just past the K-4 traffic circle and the firing became intensive. It was like being inside a corrugated tin shed during a heavy hailstorm. I noticed that the Paki M60 tanks weren't with the convoy. We pulled up alongside the main force as they stopped and loaded up the wounded. Heavy fire was being directed our way and I was sending out a steady stream of 5.56 to any convenient target. To say we were surrounded would be an understatement; it was just a target rich environment. Tracer rounds, flares, RPGs, overhead gunship runs, it was a macabre Fourth of July in October.
The convoy moved out to the crash site after loading all the wounded at the first casualty collection point. Clint wasn't with this group. We moved further into the city, the skinnies coming out of the woodwork and sniping at us from every doorway, rooftop, window, alley and sidestreet we passed. Our Hummer was smoking when we rolled up to the crash site. BMP's provided some cover for loading the wounded. Ell-tee told us to establish a perimeter. I bailed out my side, amid a cascade of spent brass and Rogers bailed out the other. Doc stepped out and used the Hummer for cover as he leaned the 249 over the sloped back and put out fire. I scrambled for cover behind a pile of concrete and steel rubble and reloaded. Rogers ran over and joined me. The same cycle continued, I'd yell loading and drop behind cover and Rogers would cover fire until I came back on line, and I'd do the same for him. This went on for quite some time, Doc would cover us as we ran back to the Hummer to resupply and then back again to our little pile. Webb continued to fire out his side now using Doc's M4, while Connors walked 40mm along the roofs and buildings around us. It was getting pretty hairy when Clint limped over and dropped down beside us. I yelled over the firing what happened and he yelled back that he had taken a hit through the side door of his Hummer that had hit the knife on his left side and shattered the blade. I told him to see Doc and he just looked at me like I was crazy. Rounds were impacting all around us, our Hummer had been hit several times and three tires were flat. Holes in the armor were very apparent. The windshield had taken several hits and was starred.
Webb still sat there calmly reloading and firing, Doc still at the rear corner laying down fire with the 249, Connors MK19 had run dry and he was firing his M4 from the roof hatch, using the MK19 for cover.
It seemed an eternity as the wounded were loaded and cutting the flight crew out of the helo. It was just getting light when we got word we were moving out. The firing had died back a little and I took a quick inventory of my ammo. I had six mags left, 30rds each. Not looking good. Between Rogers, Doc, Clint and myself, we had all but exhausted the supply of 5.56 that was in our Hummer. Wounded had been loaded into the Hummers, which still sat idling, Webb behind the wheel calmly firing single shots out the driver's side. Connors had switched to single shot as well and was picking targets while trying to get really small behind the MK19. Ell-tee came over the team net and told us that we were pulling back to the Paki stadium using the vehicles for cover until we were out of the hot zone. The BMP's starting moving around and the Hummers and five tons that still ran were turning around to leave. I ran crouched over to our Hummer and yanked open the door, casualties were stacked inside and Doc was checking on them. I looked at him through the open doors and he passed me the 249. I reached up and grabbed Webb's shoulder and told him I'd be running out with the rest.
He yelled to me best of luck, slapped a fresh mag into his M4 and went back to firing. I slammed the door shut on my side and ran back to cover. In the last few hours, the street levels had been cleared out and now most of the firing was coming from the roofs and alleys. The vehicles began forming up when I grabbed Clint and told him we had to go. He winced when he stood and I put his arm over my shoulders and helped him up. His left leg looked stiff and Doc had slipped over earlier to clean and dress his hip and thigh. He was moving slowly so Billy Rogers came around the other side and propped him up. We moved like a big three legged race using the trucks and Hummers for cover firing on the go. The Paki armored vehicles led the way and once clear of the crash site slowed down and stopped to let us onboard. There wasn't much room but between Billy and I, we packed Clint inside the closest BMP and he passed us his full magazines before the door slammed shut. We took cover in a doorway and divided up the magazines as the vehicles pulled out yet again. Those of us on foot were a mixed bag of Rangers, Delta, 10th Mountain and of course SEALs. Webb waved as he roared past us on four flat tires, followed by Ell-tee's Hummer. We ran as fast as we could to keep up with the vehicles and just sprayed the alleys and streets as we passed. Once the convoy reached the K-4 circle and turned onto Halawadig Road, they increased speed and left us in the dust.
Now, alone, with no vehicle cover we came under fire from roving technicals and running groups of Somali's. Our group was firing in all directions and trying to keep together. The Rangers, who had been engaged since 1530 the previous day and all through the night, were keeping up but you could tell they were running on pure adrenaline and guts. The Delta boys were right there in a pinch putting down targets and providing suppressive fire.
Billy and I were shooting and scooting along the right flank of the gaggle when the 249 went dry. I let it hang on its sling and swung the M4 back into play. Even with both of us firing single shot and with Clint's mags, my M4 ran dry about four blocks from the stadium. I let it drop on its sling and drew my M9. When we reached the stadium, I checked my M9. There was one round in the chamber and two rounds in the magazine. I did the math later and realized that I had burned through twelve, fifteen round magazines of 9mm in those four blocks.
Once inside the stadium, medics and stretcher-bearers greeted us. Rogers and myself wandered over to the triage area to check on Clint. A corpsman walked up to me and told me I was hit. I looked at him strangely and asked where. He grabbed my right arm and showed me the blood. I glanced down; some shrapnel from an RPG had hit me in the back of my right biceps and hand. Blood had run down my arm to my wrist where it had dried and left a congealed, sticky, black and dark red crust. I holstered the M9 that I still held, and peeled off my glove. A small metal fragment had hit the back of my hand probably at the same time as my biceps. I hadn't noticed it because of the adrenaline high, it hadn't gone in deep and I could still use my hand and arm. It was strictly superficial but it was bloody. I walked over to Doc and showed him. He pulled out the small piece, wiped the area, and sent me on my way. No need for stitches just a little butterfly closure and good as new. The biceps wound was just a little bloody hole about the diameter of a pencil. A look into it and no metal so off I went with a Band-Aid. Clint got the worst of it. He was lying on his side as we walked up; an Army medic was probing for blade fragments in his leg. He looked up as we approached. The medic finished and began suturing the wound. We helped him to his feet and wandered around to find the rest of the team. The mess tent was filling up with soldiers and walking wounded.
We walked past it to the where most of the vehicles were parked. Webb, Connors, Ell-tee and the rest of team was sitting on or around our shredded Hummer. Connors was still standing in the ring mount leaning on the MK19, drinking out his canteen, Ell-tee was standing by the back talking to Webb, Hannaberry was looking at the door in front of where I had been sitting, wiggling it back and forth as it hung from only one hinge. The door panel had a big hole in the bottom and the Lexan window was shattered all over the inside with a thin strip still stuck in the window track, the back floorboard had a matching hole. If I had been sitting there, that would have been me.
Webb had a little cut on the back of his neck and earlobe. They were talking about a near hit from an RPG that impacted the road on that side of the vehicle. It had damn near flipped the Hummer. Connors was saying it was the strangest thing. The RPG warhead looked like a land torpedo as the shooter had been hit and triggered it on the way down. The warhead sped along at ground level and went off after it had gone under the Hummer and impacted with a large brick or something on the driver's side of the vehicle. Unreal. The vests on the floor had stopped the blast from getting in. Webb had just turned to look right when it went off, saving him from getting a face full of metal. The doorpost, his vest's high collar and the helmet did the rest. A little gallows humor about it not being our Hummer made us chuckle.
We found a truck heading back to the airfield and hopped a ride. It had been a busy weekend now it was Monday morning. The price for this mission was costly, 18 Rangers died and over 100 wounded. A majority of the wounded had laid in the dirt for hours and the wounds had become infected resulting in amputations for some, systemic infections for others. I believe that this could have been avoided if this mission had been planned properly. This was the only mission that an Air Force AC-130 gunship was not on.
This aircraft and all its firepower could have made a mile wide swath around the Rangers and using its onboard fire control systems, picked targets off for hours until relief arrived.
The Cobra gunships at the airfield should have been used, they were great equalizers and packed serious firepower. General Garrison was deputy commanding general of all UN forces in theater and it shouldn't have taken over seven hours to organize a relief convoy, all he had to do was pick up a phone and issue orders. The Blackhawk helo used in this operation is too large of an aircraft to have hovering overhead at 75feet.
Witnesses report over 200 RPG's were fired at the two Blackhawks that were shot down that day. That's the old theory of shooting fish in a barrel with a shotgun. Unlike some so-called investigative reports, the RPG warheads were not specially modified to hit their targets, just a massive fusillade at a semi stationary target. The Rangers that fought and died that day had been a part of the most decisive small unit battles in the history of warfare. Of course, the public will never know the level of their courage or valor as all records, transcripts, and camera footage is sealed inside the 75th Ranger Command at Fort Bragg. All they have to go on is eyewitness testimony, and a few books. Is anyone to blame for this fiasco? In my opinion, the list is long and distinguished and starts at the very top. But, of course that is only my opinion.
Coming back from Somalia, we stopped in Hawaii for a layover. Clint and I wandered around the airport killing time when I was paged to return to the USO desk for a phone call. As I walked back to the desk, my mind was slow in trying to figure out who would call me and why. The lady at the desk seemed very pleasant and directed me to the courtesy phones. I picked it up and a voice told me to wait. Stranger and stranger I was thinking when a different voice came on and identified itself as Master Sergeant Vaughn, 1st Special Forces Group. I almost answered with a 'yeah so what?' when he continued and asked me if I knew a Karen Vaughn. Affirmative I replied, and then he verified a few more questions that almost bordered on invasive before moving onto the reason he called. He was Karen's father, the girl I was seeing back in the states, and that she had been involved in a major car accident while visiting her parents in Washington. I was speechless. There was silence on my end long enough for him to ask if I was still there. I stammered out a yes and then listened as he went on. Apparently, Karen had gone home to visit and while waiting at a stop sign, had been rear-ended by a lifted, full size, 2ton, Chevrolet Suburban.
Her little Firebird hadn't been able to protect her enough resulting in several injuries and severe damage to her neck, shoulder, and thoracic spine. As he went on listing the injuries, my mind kind of blanked. The color drained from my face and Clint stepped over to shake my shoulder.
MSGT Vaughn finished up the call by telling me that she had been airlifted to Madigan Army Hospital, MAMC, as it was the closest trauma center and she being a military dependant. I hung up and sat down on the stool in a daze. Clint shook me a couple of times to see if I was OK. I didn't even hear him ask me. It seemed that time had stood still; I wasn't aware of much of the flight home until LT tried to talk to me and it took several attempts before he stepped into my face and got my attention. I explained to him what had happened and told him that before the Somalia deployment, I had planned to propose to her. I must have looked pretty bad because he pulled out emergency leave papers and sent me to Pineapple to have him walk them through the process then put me on a plane to Washington State.
While on the flight, I took a moment and read the orders, they had an open return date and a post it note with LT's private line, home phone and Pineapple's home phone as well as an additional sheet detailing the Naval support facilities in the area and the personnel to contact that were friends of LT and Pineapple.
I arrived at Sea-Tac, found the military assistance desk and made arrangements for transport to Fort Lewis. I was told to wait for the next shuttle bus to the downtown Greyhound station. A few hours went by when a shuttle bus from the Seattle MEPS stopped and disgorged its cargo of new recruits. I wrangled a ride from them to MEPS and from there, asked if anyone was heading south to Tacoma. As luck would have it, a Marine Gunnery Sergeant was heading that way on his way back to Portland.
We left about an hour later and talked along the way. He seemed to know I was in a bit of a hurry and managed to do about 70mph all the way there.
We pulled up to the Madigan Gate and were waved through due to the sticker on the car. He dropped me at the main entrance, I thanked him for the lift and he wished me good luck before driving off. I stood and looked up at the building. It was late and the flag outside was slowly wafting in the night breeze. I lowered my head and looked at the entrance. Only a civilian volunteer visible at the information desk. I reached down, grabbed my seabag and moved inside. I hadn't even changed into my dress uniform and had on a set of BDU's so the volunteer assumed I was Army. He told me that personnel assigned to the hospital had to report to the barracks located down the road. I looked at him and told him that was nice but I was here to see a patient and if I had the time I might think about checking out the barracks but as you could plainly see, I'm not Army.
It had been a long flight and I was a little testy. He looked closer at my uniform and apologized before asking whom I was here to see. I told him and he directed me to the correct elevator. The ride up took an eternity. I got off at the correct floor and walked over to the nurse's station. I was told that it was after visiting hours and ICU only allowed visitors during certain times. I then asked if any family members were still here.
The nurse behind the desk gave me The Look, like I was asking her for her first born before checking the clipboard. She notified me that a MSGT Vaughn had just left and was heading back to his unit just down the road. She gave me some vague directions to the 1st Group compound and I about faced and strode to the elevator. I had a purpose now, moving out of the hospital, I turned right, slung my seabag, and began a fast jog in that direction.
I found the correct street and headed down it before turning into the SF compound. I jogged up to the head shed and dropped my seabag in front of the CQ desk and asked for MSGT Vaughn. The CQ soldier really didn't know what to do with a Navy guy at his desk so he gave directions to the barracks buildings. I thanked him and jogged off in that direction. I found the building and it was locked with a cipher lock, so I rang the buzzer until someone wandered out of their room and opened the door. I checked the building roster, found the room and jogged up to it. I was just about to beat on the door when it opened. MSGT Vaughn stood there and looked me up and down. He motioned me inside and then said a few short words like 'Damn son, What'd you do? Run all the way from the airport?'. I assured him that I had only run from the hospital and he grabbed my bag and motioned me to the couch. He offered me a drink which I refused, he poured himself one and then we sat and talked about his life in SF, skirting the subject of his daughter until he finally set his drink down, looked me straight in the eye, and asked what my intentions were. I told him I was going to marry his daughter. He looked at me over the rim of his glass for a very long time. I returned his stare with one of my own before he quickly tossed back his drink, set the glass on the table and stood up. 'Oh Shit'. I was thinking as he moved towards me. I stood up as well. He looked like he wanted to hit something, his face unreadable. He stuck his hand out and told me welcome to the family, before muttering something about how the rest of the detachment would say about him having a fish fucker in the family.
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The events in this story are true. They happened over 10 years ago, but it’s still a very fond memory. “Lady Ariadne” and I remain friends, though not a couple. My girlfriend, Ariadne, and I practiced S + M with me usually in the dominant role. When I spanked her just right, she orgasmed, a tremendous turn on for both of us. On the occasions I was the submissive, I’ve always hoped to come while being spanked. Ariadne and I had the best sexual couplings either of us has ever experienced. At the...
I didn't know how to adjust to what was happening in my marriage. I didn't know what to say, what to do, or how to make things better. I'd been trying for years. And it didn't seem to make a difference.My wife wasn't cheating on me. I knew that. I knew that, for some reason, over time, she'd lost interest in sex. I just didn't know why. I knew it couldn't be me. Before our marriage, I was fucking around a lot, having a good time, and I never had girls not want more. After I met her, we used to...
TabooUpon arriving back at the car Nancy said that we had to hurry to our next destination because it would be closing soon and then she instructed me to drive while Alice and herself got in the backseat. "Honey, do you know that porn shop up the road a couple of miles?" said Nancy. I nodded that yes I did and I was instructed to drive there quickly. At the porn shop, Nancy suggested that I fix my makeup and then she told me that I could remove my leash and put it in my purse because I would be...
CrossdressingThis story is based on a real experience...The rain poured down on the inhabitants of London. Their mixed gray and black coats went well with their brightly coloured umbrellas. I stared down at my drawing pad once more and admired my work. It was acceptable, but I could have done much better. I looked again outside the window and imagined what their lives were like. They would suffer the rain for now, but soon they would be in their warm, cosy, homes. With their partners or spouses. Maybe...
First TimeLearning from the Lap of Miss Anderson Bob Perkins had been the history teacher at Middlesex High since he graduated from the state teaching college seven years before. Miss Bonnie Anderson, the school principal, appointed him Boys Dean after a few years on staff, as he was very good with the students. Bob and Bonnie had a very good professional relationship, and she relied upon his advice in matters of discipline and student affairs, even though she was nine years his senior and had much more...
SpankingTight Jam 3 (The Tables Turn)Don Abdul (c)2008Stan was just settling down to his search through the company archives in the basement when he felt a light tap on his shoulder. Whipping his head around, he saw Constance smiling wickedly at him. His heart sank when he suddenly realized it was Friday afternoon, and before he could dwell upon what she wanted, she stated her business, and quite tersely too. "Tomorrow morning on the dot of 8 a.m; same place, be there!" She turned without as much...
Straight SexThe six of us rode home with no problem at the border. My two girls were upset at the slaves conditions and Sonya even cried for a while. One woman was about twenty four and looked many years older. The other two were fourteen and seventeen with the younger one being black. These two had been runaways that never made it back to the parents they thought were abusive. They didn't know anything of the Manny's of the world. I carried the oldest one in my arms and through the house. Some of the...
Kneeling in front of Megan, I took her foot in my hand while the crowd around the dance floor began to cheer and chant. I looked up and met her uneasy smile with my own. The mob that encircled us was obviously anxious for her to uncross her legs and for me to begin the ritual. I stalled for time, allowing the bridesmaid the opportunity to gracefully part her legs – if she chose to do so – without appearing to be eagerly slutty. I shook my head and grinned as I carefully slid her shoe off and...
Straight SexI had just watched my wife kelly have sex with my freind ray it was arranged by us and we enjoyed it very much. Ray was away so we havent had time to arrange it again so my wife suggested calling a builder around while i hid somewhere so i could watch them. The first builder we called was nice but kelly never liked him so we called another one out but the same thing happened. we were about to give up when there was some road works being done outside our house. the guys were all typical rough...
VoyeurThis morning I was musing on some of the good blow jobs I have received and thought I might share some: P – Expert technique, loved to pay attention to cockhead, shaft and balls. Plus had the skill to look into your eyes while doing it. She read a lot of womens magazines and took tips from them. Swallowed too, excellent girl when you just wanted to cum and couldn’t be bothered fucking her. J – I was the first (so she said) to come in her mouth. I was kneeling over her feeding my cock in my...
Hello friend mera naam pinky h aur main delhi ki rahne wali hu aaj main ap sabko apni chudai ki sacchi kahani batane ja rahi hu kaise mere padosi ne mujhe choda mera pati hamesha apne job ke silsile me bahar rahta h aur main aghar me akeli rahti hu aur kabhi kabhi apne boyfriend ko apne ghar bulakar chudwati hu lekin aaj main apko batauni kaise mere padosi ne mujhe choda aur main apne padosi se chudi aur ab to wo mujhe daily mere ghar aakar chodta h aur main abhi apne padosi se chudwati...
As she laid there naked reading her romantic novel peacefully in the couch she didn't hear him slowly walking up behind her. He sneak up to where she is laying, he grabs her hands and pins them down , slowly works his way where he's in front of her smiling with his fangs showing. She gasps from when he grabs her hands and being pinned down she looks at him with her soft blue eyes then smiles back and ask's "what do you plan on doing mister ". He reply's back to her with just a smile as he...
Take your fucking head out of your ass for a second and listen to me! The dullest of shit often turns into a cumtastic, dick-blowing, ball-draining experience! The nerdiest of chicks, the ones with turtlenecks who wander the neighborhood collecting donations for Christian Sister's Society are the wackiest of cock-gobblers!Straight.aebn.com/straight/categories/549/transsexual looks like an online DVD shop that your mama used to get herself moist back in the 80s, but actually, it's a pretty...
Premium Shemale Porn SitesI felt like the luckiest man in the world after Jane took my cherry. I'd just gotten royally fucked by the woman I'd been fantasizing about for a couple years now and had probably become my best friend. Not only that, she'd liked so much we were now steadies, so I'd moved directly from monosexuality to rampant, kinky sexuality all courtesy of my voluptuous, delightfully kinky sweetheart. She came over every night and after study we jumped each other bones. Sometimes before we finished studying....
ExhibitionismHy guys, my name is evilmage007(changed) and I reside in Kanpur. This is the story of how I caught my maid stealing and how she became my sex slave. Going to the story, I am a fair toned guy from Kanpur and I am doing my graduation and I live with my parents. We have a maid called Sangeeta who is wheatish in complexion with a figure of about 36-32-42. Her boobs and ass are the centers of attraction because she is not much good looking from her face. Sangeeta used to come to work at about 10 pm...
Hi readers this is jai pal here again with real story of my mom, thanks a lot for your good response in my three stories 1) Mom ko papa ke dost ne chodha 2) Mom ki chudayee dekhi car parking mein. 3) Mom ko papa ke dost ne chodha (part-2) Yeh sab real stories hain aur meri mom bas pooch mat gazab ki raandi hai uska figure mein pehle apni sab stories mein bata chukka hoon fir bhi new readers ke liye bata deta hoon Mummae : 40 Kamar : 36 Gaand : 38 Mera ek dost police mein sp hai, uska naam bhupi...
Dallas, Texas. INT. Holly’s bedroom. Night time. Holly and her wife make sweet, sweet lesbian love when Holly suddenly tells her that she plans on flying out to the Southwest the next day to shoot a porn movie. With a man. Closeup of a shocked wife. Cut to wedding rings being flushed down the toilet. At least this is how we’d imagine the situation at blonde, green-eyed first timer Holly’s home. The wife thing is real – Holly is married to a woman, but the ladies like to...
xmoviesforyouI am 28 yrs old. I live in a small house in remote village of Kerala. My name is Ani. My parents are at Bangalore. They visit our village once in a year to look after our property of teak plantations. This year as my father was busy in business schedule, he send my mom Mercy to inspect our teak plantations. She landed from Bangalore by train. I had been there at station to pick her. For the first few days’ mercy was busy doing house hold chores and cleaning up the mess i had made up during the...
IncestNote : This story is completely fictional! My cousin and i were always close so,i wasnt surprised when she showed up to hang out. She was upset when her man left her for another woman. she had come over to talk since we are close. But,I had no clue as to what she truely wanted... She wanted to swim so,i figured i would watch and talk while she swam.she walked out in her bikini. she has fair skin,red hair, dd tits,a huge ass and some freckles. her tits spilled out of her top and her ass was...
IncestHi everyone, this is about a train journey that me and my mom had last year First of all this something that really happened in my life and so I will be explaining bit detailed. People he can’t read that much please stay away Ok let me tell about my family . My name is tom , am 18 now and my dad is jacob,47 working in baharin. We are having some business there. My mom’s name is reenu , 37 and we have been settled in kottayam which is a part of kerala. Dad usually visits as in every 6 months...
IncestMarnie Jenkins closed her eyes while rotating her head as she tried to work the kinks out of her tired neck and shoulders. It had been a long day, and now here it was almost ten thirty at night and she still had a pile of reports to go over before tomorrow's big meeting!!! Deciding to take a five minute break, she stood up and stretched, and for some reason, she cupped her full chest through her blouse and tweaked her rapidly hardening nipples!!! All of the nervous tension in her body seemed to...
Five hours later... Time: February 9, 9570 11:30 AM UCT Eliana was alone on Level-B, the first sub-level below the CAT's Level-A garage. Like Level-C below it, Level-B was a large work and storage area, 8 meters by 16 meters with a 4-meter ceiling. Along the length of an 8-meter wall were several isolation chambers with numerous diagnostics for bio-analysis. Eliana and Basel had placed their specimen in Chamber-#1, their most secure repository. The large corpse was frozen solid. Once its...
Rose strutted into the hotel room as Doug watched. He stared at her smooth round arse, her long stocking clad legs and her dainty feet wrapped in thin leather stilettos. She walked slowly over to the bed. Her arse swayed and her black satin dress swished around her thighs as she turned to face him. "Like what you see?" Her voice was like honey, it dripped sex appeal. Doug nodded. "Uh huh". Rose was a stunning woman, voluptuous even. Her jet black, hair was done up in a bun that...
It was late and dark. There are not many street lights in rural Montana. I was walking along the side of the road headed home. God! I hate boys sometimes. My "boyfriend" took me to a party in Lewiston...and then promptly hooked up with Erin! She's this new botch in town that seems to think all the boys are for her. No one even knows her, she just came in one night and started sleeping with anything that has a dick. I was looking for him just 3o minutes after we got to theparty and found...
[This is inspired by "Jill's New Baby" by Pshadme.] Robert's eyes were almost closed but still he struggled, hanging on to that last sliver of consciousness like a shipwrecked sailor clinging to a bit of flotsam. But she was making it hard, almost impossible to stay awake. The vision of the large soft breasts that first ensnared him now danced inside his drooping eyelids. Her musky perfume filled his nostrils, tranquilizing him when he should be terrified. Her voice was cooing and...
9am next morning george wakes me up standing next to the bed naked hard cock, i ask him wheres jimmy? jimmy took the dogs to the park... i told george i'm not doing anything without jimmy and to leave me alone, he wouldnt listen, he stuck his cock down my mouth and started fingering me, i went for it although i knew that if jimmy finds out its over! we fucked really rough he slapped me a lot and pulled my hair kissed me then spat in my mouth and told me to swallow! them on my face and slapped...
Rob came to the table and sat down next to k and ask is all in agreement to the rules? We both said yes rob said good now lets go to our room k will ride with me and you will follow when we stood up rob told k to raise her skirt for the walk out without a question k raised her skirt and t they went with me following like a little puppy. I was hardly able to keep up with Rob a we went across town to another motel Rob had already rented a roo #66 inside was a king-sized bed and a chair...
Three days after Charlie left my need for fucking began to “takes its toll". I had to e-mail him. "Hi! Charlie. When are you coming over to Canada? I am not getting my way with Doug. I am afraid he is very much his daddy's son." "Don't give up on Doug yet. I can tell you that if my Tiger Mom shows up naked in front of me, I wouldn't know what to do with her. In other words, you might appear dominating and intimidating to Doug. For his cock to rise to the occasion that kind of feeling...
Introduction: It is kind of a mix, there is a bit of true story and then, the rest is figment of my imagination. Hope u guys njoy just as much I njoyed writing. The article Doctors sexamination I was not feeling too well and so I informed my mother I was going to see the doctor. He was the same guy we had been going to since I was a baby. This is almost 20 or so odd years. I took a half day from work since I was not feeling too well and got on the tube and the bus, then I walked for another 5...
My nurse’s name was Kim. Having been hospitalized a few times over the years, I was convinced that all the “sexy nurse” stereotypes were not true at all. Most nurses were nice, helpful, but always in a hurry. They generally just took care of business. In my experience, the hospital situation never lent itself to anything sexy. Except for Kim. She was a pretty girl in her mid-thirties, maybe five years younger than me. I don’t know what it was about her, but I couldn’t keep from looking her up...
The quarter ended to the school year, that meant I was no longer in gym class. The last day of gym I made sure I fucked my gym teacher very well because I knew I wouldn’t be able to see him much more. But that was okay because without him knowing I was admiring my math teacher. I was switched into that class about a week ago. He’s about 32 years old, has a shaved head, clean cut beard, brown eyes, and beautiful smile. When he smiled it was like the world lit up. I always loved math, but this...
When Daria walks, wherever she goes, every guy who sees her stands at attention. That’s one of the reasons why she was part of the On Location North Coast special. And now, here’s something completely different for Daria. Something she’s doing for the very first time. Something no one expected to see her do. Busting out of a tight blue sweater, Daria enters the bedroom where Tyler Steel is waiting. Waiting to go where no man has gone before on-camera. Again, this is a first...
xmoviesforyouI gave Tad my phone number and left the Unitarians, probably forever. But still, there was no denying that I’d just had a profoundly religious experience. There had to be a God, with creatures like Peggy Gabriel running around loose! I wondered how old she was. She sure didn’t look old, but her boy, Tad, looked like he could be eight or even nine. She could be, like, thirty, even. Not exactly over the hill, but maybe too old to give a second look to a kid like me. Still, I knew I looked...
The night was once again late. Ron had gone to bed like always and avoided Hermonie like the plague. Harry looked up from his Herb Homework and spotted Hermonie’s skirt, up farther then it should be. No panties were where they should have been. Harry, who had only dreamed of these moments from Wizard porn, was most interfered. He looked at Hemonies face and saw she was caught up in Runes for Experts. This was for her class tomorrow. It was about midnight and Hermonie was wide awake. He began to...
‘And now,’ the loud voice overhead said. ‘YOUR RABID BADGERS!’ To say the arena went nuts was an understatement. Championship Semi-Finals against the Pythons, our archrivals, at home? ‘Nuts’ was the understatement of the century. ‘At center, number twenty-nine,’ the announcer said. As he got to his pause, ‘Smooth Criminal’ by Alien Ant Farm started blaring over the speakers, the crowd pounding on the glass. ‘Craig ‘The Hammer’ Millard!’ The crowd cheered, as our home crowd always did. Craig...
June 18, 1983, McKinley, Ohio “Becky, this is my friend Milena; Milena, Becky.” “Hi!” Milena said. “I hope I’m not intruding.” “Hi,” Becky replied. “You aren’t. Mike told me you were going to hang out with us tonight.” “Do you drink wine?” Becky laughed, “My pastor would have a cow, but he’s not here!” Milena laughed, “And shacking up with Mike, THAT would be OK?” “Well, no!” Becky laughed, blushing slightly. Milena uncorked the bottle of wine while I got three glasses from the...
My story sounds suspiciously like those letters they publish in men’s magazines. You know, the ones that start - "I never thought I’d be writing a letter to your magazine, but . . . " Well, that’s the way it is with my story. I never thought I’d be telling anyone about the wild things that happened to me and my family, but I had to tell someone. The tale is just too juicy to keep secret any longer.My name is Lynn and my family consists of my younger brother, Billy and my two parents. To me,...
As usual, comments and honest opinions are greatly appreciated.If you didn't read the first parts you should, it will make more sense if you do.“It’s about time you slowpokes got here!”I looked around the tower of stuff in my hands to see a woman in about her early 40's smiling back at me. She was very pretty, standing at 5’4” with brown hair and hazel eyes and a nice set of breasts; she could have easily passed for 30. “We didn’t know how much longer you’d be, my husband Jim was just about to...
IncestThe more I've thought about the idea of a secret room it recently expanded to an even more exciting dungeon fantasy. The idea of renting a climate controlled storage unit and turning it into a sex dungeon full of BDSM gear and furniture along with a long series of various sex toys. So with that in mind, this is my more recent fantasy.Agreeing to meet at my storage unit, she arrives in a tan trench coat, appearances seem as though she is completely naked underneath. As I escort her to my...
"Then we have a deal?" "Let me get this straight," said Bart Manning, the saloon owner who also ran the brothel upstairs, "you have your own girl - working out of Pastor Graves upstairs bedroom of all places - and you're willing to cut me in for half if I supply you with customers?" "Right," said Miranda assuredly. They sat at a back table in the saloon. "Why should I send you customers when I can get ninety percent of the take here? Because you said yourself you sometimes...
“Mom I need to try to do this myself, only way I am going to get back to full speed is doing it on my own,” I see it doesn’t help the situation and figure on turning it up a notch,” Can you just wait outside the door for a bit in just in case?” She nods in agreement and smiles lightly before stepping out of the room. I dress easily, it’s not that difficult to put on the basics of shorts and a t shirt before stepping out of my room and she smiles at me. She’s trying, really trying but I...
It was my privilege to write this story with the talented Milik Redman. It is the second part of a story of a judge and a Crown Prosecutor who face an ethical issue in the context of a precedent making trial. Their choices will have lasting impact on their lives and careers. Philippe Rannou took a deep breath before opening the door to his court. An unfamiliar turmoil had unsettled him and the dispassionate calm he usually felt before hearing a case was gone. It was a personal conflict. The...
Today she was going to buy sexy lingerie. She knew just the shop to get the really scandelous articles. She wanted crotchless panties and shelf bras to start with.When she got to the shop the clerk asked her if she could assist her and she then showed her some very sexy bras and panties. The clerk looked at her DD tits and smiled. Then she eyed her ass. You will look great in these she told her as she handed her bras with the center cut out so the nipples could poke thru.She showed her to a...
I worked in an office with a lot of gay men. Many times we would go out for drinks & I attended many a party hosted by them. To say they can be WILD is putting it mildly. They also happened to offer a lot of emotional support during a tumultuous period in my life. I would trip out with them & there were a few that were extremely good looking who I was dying to jump on. My most desirable one was Peter. He was the VP of operations. He could have easily been a male model. He was that...
Your in charge now. 36 year old Mother and 18 year old son switch places. Jenny was a 36 year old mother of Dan, Her 18 year old son, She and Her husband Sam married at the age of 18 when they found out that she had become pregnet and have been happily married for the last 18 year. Dan is a only child and can be a bit of a bratt, as his Dad Sam is hadly there because of being a sales rep and it taking him all over the country. Jenny and Dan were sat having there dinner together,...
In the deep lurking depths of the Underworld there lies a vast network of caverns, chambers and tunnels keeping ancient relics, ruins and cities hidden, from these dark caverns had ancient relics of power been discovered. Remnants of an ancient age when beings of vast power ruled over all of Avalon in harmony before falling away during a great cataclysm, leaving nothing but lost and forgotten knowledge amongst their underground citadels. These relics were to be called, Dungeon Hearts, when it...
Harry Johnson started, and wondered what had waked him from the half- sleep he had fallen into. Then he felt a firm hand gently caressing his belly, fingertips running a ring around the tops of his bathing trunks, occasionally a long, cool finger darting under the elastic band and entwining itself playfully with his thick pubic hair. He lay for a moment with his eyes closed, sighing with pleasure as he felt the experienced fingers bring his slumbering loins to life. Opening one eye, he...
Hi, I'm Grant. I'm a 53 yr old IT professional who yesterday got to work with a new recruit. Felicity is a 22 yr old brunette with a slim body packed with sex appeal - a great ass and a set of outstanding tits - the type that don't sag, even when laying on her back (more on that soon). She has a beautiful face and smile, and an air of confidence about her. Let me tell you about yesterday... Felicity arrived at her desk about 8:30 AM - I'd been at work for about 30 minutes by that time. She...
Mandy Muse is a thick teen hottie with a rich music producer father. She got home expecting to see him, but instead there was a young black hottie sitting there writing songs. It turns out he was some hot new talent from another state who has been ghostwriting for some of her dads artists. After seeing Mandy he could not focus though. Not only did he get writers block, but also a super hard writers cock. Mandy was down to help him relieve it ???? She started by jamming her stunning mouth on his...
xmoviesforyouI had caught him a couple times looking at my chest while I was working away. I had a habit of in the summer wearing some lower cut shirts so I always ended up with a lot of cleavage showing. And I guess to a horny 18 year old it was a God send. So as I worked on this frame I found myself staring out of the corner of my eye as I watched him work. He didn't seem to notice my stare while he had his ear buds in listening to his music just working away on some matting for an 18 X 24 picture....
Despite our unprotected activities, Paula was not the first of my companions to produce my child. That honor would fall upon Donna. She presented me with a daughter about a year and a half after we were extracted. I loved my little Charlotte, and was there in the birthing room when she was delivered. I loved Donna as well. In fact, I love all my companions, but I wasn’t in love with most of them. I tried to divide my time evenly between them while still showing Donna that special affection I...