Sexy Telephone Operator
- 2 years ago
- 29
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Straight to voicemail.
Jason ended the call without leaving a message and sighed. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid, he silently chided himself.
Of course, he couldn’t have known that Sheila would react the way she did. He never would have guessed that revealing his shaving kink would freak her out. Obviously, it had. The look on her face had spoken louder than words. He’d told her to forget he brought it up, and she said it was fine, but then said she wasn’t feeling well and went home not long after. She hadn’t answered a text or phone call since.
Alternately mad at her and himself, he’d tossed and turned all night, and then spent most of the morning pacing through the apartment.
His phone rang, and he looked to see it was Sheila. Nervously, he answered, “Hello.”
After a few seconds of uncomfortable silence, he asked, “Are you okay?”
“I ... I don’t know.”
“I’m sorry. Just forget I ever brought it up,” he apologized.
“I can’t. I just ... I never thought you would ... It’s just so weird.”
“It’s not important. It’s just a silly fantasy. It’s not like it’s something I need.”
She sighed, and after a pause, said, “I’m sorry I haven’t been answering. I need some time.”
“Are you breaking up with me?” he asked.
“No. Of course not. I’ll text you, okay?”
“I’m sorry. I just can’t even right now.”
“Okay. I...” he trailed off before finishing with love you because the line went dead. He looked at the display in disbelief and muttered, “Are you fucking kidding me?”
He tossed his phone on the couch in irritation.
It only got worse a couple of hours later. He hadn’t been out or spoken to anyone about the whole affair, but text messages and phone calls from his friends checking in on him confirmed that word had gotten out. Nobody had yet mentioned what had started the whole thing, but then again, he doubted any of them would be callous enough to do so if they had heard.
At least word that he didn’t want to talk about it spread just as quickly, and people left him alone. By the time evening rolled around, he was too emotionally exhausted to be anxious or angry, and ended up sitting on the couch in the dark, half-listening to music.
A knock on the door broke his reverie. He remained on the couch, afraid it was another friend coming over to check on him. Even worse, it could be Sheila. He was in no frame of mind to make up with her after she’d aired their dirty laundry to at least one person with a big mouth. He needed a little time. At least a chance to try to sleep on it.
A second knock sounded, and he reluctantly got up. The music playing made it fairly obvious he was home. No matter who was at the door, not answering it was probably going to make it worse.
When he opened the door, his brow furrowed, because it was nobody he expected. It was Sheila’s younger sister, Jamie.
“So, my sister’s being a real bitch, huh?” Jamie said by way of greeting.
He stood staring, wondering why she was there. It was unlikely Sheila had sent her, because the siblings didn’t get along very well.
Jamie grinned and chuckled before asking, “Can I come in?”
“Uhm ... Yeah. I guess.” He let her in - still perplexed.
Jamie barely waited for the door to close before she started in. “I knew something was up when Sheila came home to do laundry this morning. She was acting all weird. So, I kind of eavesdropped on her when she was on the phone.”
He watched her sit down on the arm of the couch, and at a loss for what to do, remained where he was. He asked, “Do you know who she was talking to?”
She shrugged. “No clue. Anyways, she said you had a thing for watching a girl shave her pussy. Creeped her out, I guess.”
Jason involuntarily groaned and reached up to rub his temples. Even though he assumed that had gotten out as well, hearing it confirmed was another thing.
Jamie continued without missing a beat. “Like I said, she’s being a real bitch. I don’t think it’s creepy. It’s kind of hot, actually. I’ll do it for you.”
His hand fell to his side, his eyes widened, and his mouth dropped open. He gave a shake of his head and asked, “What?”
“I said, I’ll do it for you. I think it’s hot.” With that, she reached into her purse, pulled out a lady’s razor, and twirled it in the air. “Nobody else ever has to know.”
Despite the shock, Jason shivered, and blood rushed between his legs. The shaving kink had always turned him on, but with the real possibility of fulfilling it for the first time right in front of him, the arousal hit him like a prize fighter.
“Here, look,” she said, and unashamedly jerked down the front of her shorts and panties, revealing a patch of curls on her mound. “I’ve been letting it grow. Perfect timing, huh?”
Holy fucking shit, he thought. Time seemed to grind to a halt as she ran her fingers through the dark curls. He only realized he was staring with laser intensity when she let go of her shorts and they covered her again.
“Why?” he asked, forcing his eyes back up to hers.
She grinned, and went back to twirling her razor. “I’ve always thought you were hot, and hearing you liked it turned me on.”
“Sheila would find out,” he said, shaking his head.
“I’m not going to tell her. Are you?”
“She’ll find out,” he reiterated.
“I’ll tell you what,” she said, and then hiked a thumb over her shoulder. “I’m going to go shave. Come watch if you want. It’s up to you.”
She stood up and headed for the hall, swaying her tight young ass, and letting her razor dangle sexily from between a finger and thumb at her side. She didn’t look back even when she opened the bathroom door and turned on the light. She left the door open, and he could see her shadow playing on the wall.
His heart racing and his cock throbbing, he thought, Don’t do it. Don’t do it. The big head that was protesting was quickly losing control - and blood flow - to the smaller one below. He took a step, and then another. Before he knew it, he was standing outside the bathroom door.
She hadn’t been wasting time. Even though he had hesitated for only a few seconds, she’d already removed her shoes, top, and bra by the time he stepped into the door. Like her sister, she had small breasts, with dark, skinny ovals surrounding visibly stiff nipples. They looked incredible. She grinned and moaned when she saw him in the doorway.
Then she shoved down her shorts and panties, fully revealing the short curls on her mound. When she crooked her finger to beckon him, he was like a puppet on a string.
“Here, feel,” she said, taking hold of his wrist and guiding it to her thigh. “I didn’t shave my legs today.” She tugged his wrist higher, to her mound, “And I haven’t shaved my pussy in almost two months.”
He couldn’t resist running his fingers through the nest of dark hair as he imagined her shaving it off for him. Sheila never let her hair grow much at all, so her sister far better served his fantasy. Even though Jamie wasn’t much younger than her sister, she was younger. Fresh out of high school and barely legal, Jamie was pushing another button as well.
Jason was so engrossed in his thoughts and running his fingers through her curls that he only noticed her other hand moving when she squeezed his cock through his shorts. He groaned from the touch.
“Mmm,” she moaned as she explored his erection. “Can I see?” she asked, and then pulled down on his shorts without waiting for an answer.
Jamie soon had his naked cock in her soft hand. Between her other hand, flexible legs, and dexterous toes, she managed to drop his shorts to his ankles. Caught up in the whirlwind, Jason let his hand slide lower, and wriggled a finger into her cleft. She was soaking wet.
A hand tugged upward on his shirt and she said, “Take this off, too.”
He was well beyond the point of no return, and complied without a second thought.
Jamie smiled and moaned at the sight of his revealed chest. “You’re lucky. I’d pretty much decided I didn’t like this,” she said, and ran her hand over her mound. “One more day, and I’d have already shaved it off.”
Her fingers uncurled from around his cock, and she moved toward the tub. He unconsciously stepped out of his shorts - his eyes fixed on her. She bent over, showing off her incredible ass and a nice glimpse of her folds, hidden by a nest of hair he’d soon get to watch her shave. She turned on the water and adjusted the temperature while letting her ass sway slowly back and forth.
Once the water reached a comfortable temperature, she straightened, running her hands up her body. She glanced back over her shoulder and said, “You can touch yourself if you want. Just don’t come. At least not yet.”
As if it had been waiting for permission, his cock began to urgently ache. He wrapped a hand around it to quell the throbbing.
Jamie moaned and stepped into the tub. She had barely bent her knees to sit down when another kink demanded he voice it.
“Can you turn on the shower?” he asked.
She offered a crooked grin and said, “That gets you off, too?”
He nodded.
Her dexterous toes once again came into play. She pulled the valve with them, and water began to cascade over her body. She arched her back, letting the spray bounce off her breasts, and then slowly turned. He stroked his cock, watching the water droplets meander down her body and bounce every which way.
Once she completed her pirouette, she offered another devilish grin and reached for her sister’s body wash in the shower caddy. She turned away from the spray, built a heavy lather in her hands, and began to rub it into her breasts.
It was sweet torment watching her lather up her body, even as she watched him slowly stroke his hand over his erection.
“I’m guessing Sheila won’t do this for you either?” Jamie asked.
“Sort of. If we’re in the shower together,” he answered, his eyes roving over her.
“What else? Has she ever let you fuck her ass?”
He shook his head. He hadn’t dared bring that up, and after the way she had reacted to his shaving fetish, he knew he never would.
“Does she let you raw dog her?” she asked while building up another mound of lather in her hands.
He answered with another shake of his head. Sheila wasn’t on birth control, so he wouldn’t have wanted to do that even if she let him.
Jamie turned, letting the water wash the suds off the front of her body while lathering up her ass. “Come in her mouth?”
“Sometimes,” he answered.
“Does she swallow?”
“Come in her face?”
He drew in a deep breath, because she’d hit another trigger. Sheila had let him come on her tits a couple of times, but the one time an errant spurt had hit her chin, she’d gone ballistic.
Her questions made him realize he’d been willfully ignoring a lot of warning signs. Though Sheila enjoyed sex, she was far from adventurous - and more than a little selfish. In retrospect, it was no real surprise that hinting he wanted to watch her shave had caused such a reaction.
He shook his head, in answer to her question.
Jamie moaned, still posing and lathering her body. “I’d have to think about anal, because that cock is big, but I’d at least try it for you. I’d let you raw dog me, come in my pussy, come in my mouth, and shoot it all over my face. I’d be your little cum dumpster, however and whenever you wanted it.”
Jason groaned as his cock throbbed hard from her dirty talk. He oozed a drop of pre-cum, and she didn’t miss it. She beckoned him nearer, and squatted as he approached. She leaned out of the tub, took his cock in hand, and gathered up the clear droplet on her tongue with a moan.
She looked up at him and asked, “Ready to watch me shave?”
He nodded emphatically and said, “Yeah.”
She pointed to her razor and shaving foam, which were sitting on the sink next to her purse. He turned to grab them, and found her adjusting the shower head to spray as straight down as it would go, when he looked back. She then moved to the end of the tub, out of the shower.
Jamie smeared shaving foam over her left leg, completely covering it from ankle to thigh in white cream. She then picked up her razor, gave it a little spin, and held it under the shower for a moment. Jason found himself holding his breath as she brought the razor to her leg.
She was absolutely putting on a show. He had caught glimpses of Sheila shaving through the gap in the shower curtain before, and knew she was quick and methodical about it. Jamie was drawing the razor slowly over her skin, glancing at him at the end of every stroke. Jason’s cock throbbed hard in his hand as he watched his fantasy finally fulfilled in spectacular fashion.
It was absolutely fascinating to watch her bend, twist, and lift her leg into all sorts of crazy position, seeking out every little bit of stubble. The thick coating of foam vanished in careful stripes, leaving behind irregular bead trails on her gorgeous legs.
She stepped back into the shower when she was finished, washing away the remnants of foam. She continued to perform for him, sliding her hands over her skin, and arching her back. Once it was clean, she planted her foot on the edge of the tub.
“Feel,” she said.
He let his hand glide over her skin, and a shiver ran through him. He could feel her trembling as well.
“So soft and smooth, isn’t it?”
“Yeah,” he answered in a husky voice. His light touch went all the way up to her inner thigh - making her quiver again - and then back down to her ankle.
Jamie dropped her foot back into the tub and bent over, taking hold of the base of his cock. She gave the tip a kissing suckle, gathering up the pre-cum he’d leaked as he watched.
“One down,” she said, and winked at him before standing up straight again.
The repeat performance was just as slow and sensual as the first. Once again, she asked him to feel the results, but tugged his hand upward when he completed the journey back to her ankle.
She settled his hand over her mound and asked, “Ready for this?”
“So fucking ready.”
“Tell me to.”
“Shave your pussy for me.”
Jamie moaned, shuddered, and then bent over for another taste of pre-cum. She turned into the shower immediately afterward, wetting the curls on her mound. After letting him have a good look at the glimmering, dripping hair, she reached for her shaving foam.
She smeared the lather in a thick layer over her mound, leaving only little pepper-like specks where her hair poked through. Then she took up her razor, squatted down, and leaned against the wall of the shower. Jason stepped up right to the edge of the tub, and then knelt down for an even better view.
The razor settled just above the apex of her folds, and slowly glided upward, bisecting the foam between her legs. A second stroke through the same stripe left behind bare skin. She moved to the right, repeating the process, and then to the left of the bare stripe in the middle. When she cleared the last stripe, and the last bit of stubble on her mound, he felt a dribble of pre-cum running down his knuckle.
She tugged on her nether lips, holding them aside, and went to work on the crease of her thigh. Jason had never seen anything so sexy in his life. Despite barely tugging his foreskin over the hard core, he felt the first tickles of a hot itch in his cock that signaled an approaching orgasm. He slowed down, only giving in when the demanding ache forced him to.
Jamie shaved the crease of her other thigh, and then went into a sort of slow dance. She twisted, turned, splayed her legs, and manipulated her crinkled folds, stripping away the foam and the hair it covered. After a careful inspection with her fingers, she braced her hand behind her and stood.
He watched her wash her pussy clean, and she didn’t have to ask him to feel the results when she turned back toward him.
“Was it everything you imagined,” she asked as he stroked his fingers over her baby-smooth pussy.
“More,” he half growled.
She pulled him into a brief, hungry kiss while his fingers were still exploring her. When their lips parted, only a few scant centimeters separated them. He could feel her warm breath on his lips when she said, “Now I want you to come all over my face.”
He let his fingers glide over her mound as she knelt, getting one last feel of her smooth skin. Her knees had barely settled when she took his cock in hand, and engulfed it in her mouth.
Jason growled, feeling the hot itch surge and spread almost immediately. She sucked him hard, curling her tongue around his shaft, and pumped her hand quickly at the base. She was far more enthusiastic than her sister, and Sheila had never gone on her knees for him. She would only suck him when he was prone in bed. It all combined with the fulfillment of his fantasy to push him to the edge in an embarrassingly short time.
“Fuck. Close,” he warned her in clipped grunts.
She let him pop from her lips long enough to say, “Do it. Come all over my face. I’m your little cum slut. Give it to me.”
Jason growled loud, long, and low when she sucked him back into her mouth again. Her wet hair danced from the fast bobbing of her head, slapping against her skin. She moaned around him, adding yet another dimension to the pleasure. After only a few sucks, he was on the cusp.
“Gonna come,” he growled.
Jamie let him slip from her lips and stroked his cock fast, aiming it right at her gorgeous face. “Do it. I want that cum all over my face. Give it to me. Shoot it all over me. In my mouth. On my face. Come for me.”
He let out an explosive grunt as his cum surged up. Jamie squealed when the first eruption spattered on her upper lip, dripping into her wide-open mouth. It also decorated her cheek and the tip of her nose. The next covered her closed left eye, and spattered into her hairline. Over and over again he pulsed, glazing her face with trails of semen, until he began to dribble into her mouth.
Jamie let him go, and he snapped out a hand to the towel rack to balance on his wobbly knees. She moaned and licked her cum-spattered lips, letting him see the cream pooled in her mouth afterward.
“Get my phone and take a picture so I can see,” she said.
Light-headed and weak, he stumbled over to the sink and found her phone in her purse.
“Hurry. Tell me when you’re ready,” she said.
He fumbled to start the camera with uncoordinated fingers, and then framed her face. “O-okay,” he said between hard breaths.
Jamie opened her mouth wide, showing off the cum there, and he snapped the picture. His sensitive cock protested mightily at the sexy image.
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Dil’s turn: Friday. I’m doing the very best of wrap-ups to a week’s work, in the office, in my cubicle, formalizing reports of the week’s efforts. My cellphone rings, and it’s distinctive, a special ringtone that I’d reserved for Jamie when we were a thing. That is, for certain values of ‘thing’. It didn’t take me a month of living with Jamie, she having moved right in with me, to decide that she wasn’t going to be the LAST one ever, but she was fun, sexy in a soft, voluptuous way, and a...
Sister’s Eye Operation Beverly was only fifteen when she got corrective eye surgery. She had been wearing thick Coke bottle glasses for a few years and she hated it. The operation took place in a big city a few hours away and the doctor told her that it would be six to eight weeks before he could remove the bandages and then a few more weeks before she could function normally. Dad was not in the picture and hadn’t been for a few years. Mom was a struggling executive at a big company...
A quiet beep slowly brought Felix out of his dreamless slumber. Glancing at the clock on his nightstand he saw that it was 9 A.M. Adjusting the glasses on his face and looking at the laptop across the room he was able to see 'Operation Complete'. Jumping up with excitement Felix quickly crossed the room and checked the chamber which sat next to his desk, seeing a neat row of small, clear bullets in addition to ten syringes lined up, caps protecting the sharp needle and its valuable...
Julia knew she was in trouble when she came round to find herself with her arms stretched above her head and unable to bring them down to her face to relieve the awful headache. She knew she was standing and as her eyes came into focus she saw a plain brick wall in front of her, she could feel what appeared to be a post of some kind pressing into her back, her arms pulled up and tied behind the post above her head causing her to arch her back and thrust her body forward as the thick pole...
"Not there! Lower. And for heaven's sake faster." "Faster? How fast does it need to be?" "Faster than what you're doing, Pat. I can barely even feel anything. And you're all out of position." "Linda, show me again where you want me to be." "Left hand there. Right hand there. A little bit higher... higher... right there. Okay, now twist and HEAVE." This time it worked. Lieutenant Linda Shannon of the Sheriff's Department landed flat on her back. Pinning her to the mat at the...
Detective Inspector Gina Alfredi looks in disbelief at the CCTV images. She should be used to the absurd indulgences that surround the Milan Shoe Fair each year, but this takes the biscotti. The stiletto heeled shoe that she can see on the screen must be 4 metres high. It's perfect in every detail, from the tip of the heel, the replicated stitching, the shaping of the toe and the sole. Heaven only knows what the leather that's covering it must have cost. But that's what you find with the...
The Thermopylae left superlight, emerging in a cloud of technicolor gas in high orbit around Hades, the bridge crew coming to as the autopilot activated the ship’s point defense systems in order to protect the human occupants during the brief minutes that they were incapacitated. Captain Stavros stood with his hands clasped firmly behind his back, the only indication of discomfort or disorientation a twitching in his right eye, he had completed so many jumps that the wracking energies barely...
Es ist Nacht in der Großstadt geworden. Die Turmuhr zeigt 23 Uhr. Für den Februar ist es ein relativ milder Monat. Sabine (42) und ihre Tochter Katja (18) sind auf dem Weg nach Hause. Sie waren im Operhaus und haben sich die Oper „die lustige Witwe“ von Franz Lehar angeschaut. Die Karten hatte Katja ihrer Mutter zu Weihnachten geschenkt, damit sie mal wieder zusammen weggehen. Sabines Ehemann Karl ist auf einer Dienstreise und die beiden Frauen wollten den gemeinsamen Abend richtig ausnutzen....
Operation By Kellie Nadine "Congratulations, Ms Axum. The operation was successful." "At last! I'm finally Wanda Axum; my dreams of becoming a woman have been realized! Do you know how long I've yearned to be female? For as long as I can remember! Thank you so very much, Doctor." "Yes, I suppose." replied Dr. Fairweather. "You were so long in the dark that you may have felt... inadequate. However, your surgery didn't involve gender reassignment. Although primarily found in...
"It's been a week now and we still don't have any idea where Jordan is," Phil growled. "And who knows what could be happening to Luana." Charley looked up from the mass of formulas and diagrams he was studying in the office that had been set aside for his use in the Redmond, Washington facility. He had taken over the analysis of the portal mechanism concealed in the Place of The Gods, trying to figure out how it could access two more sets of special constants than Neal Marten's...
In the third level’s hour of the Incarnation Scouring formation soul’s trial, an additional child like creature appeared atop the white cloud. The might of the third level was equivalent to a Peak Core Master with endless soul energy. To keep his facade, Zax had to relinquish the black sphere he used in the previous two levels and come up with an actual defensive soul formation. Of the remaining one hundred and fifty seven contenders, around fifty were eliminated. In the fourth level’s...
Operation Marcia walked slowly down the hallway holding a small slip of paper with the name and address of her new doctor. She checked the suite numbers as she continued to the end of the hall. Room 415, there it was. The door was bare except for the name of the doctor, Dr. Randall Walters, MD. Marcia double-checked the paper with the name on the door and stepped in. The waiting room was small, with only a couple chairs and a coffee table. Back issues of National Geographic and Women’s Day were...
Operation Marcia walked slowly down the hallway holding a small slip of paper with the name and address of her new doctor. She checked the suite numbers as she continued to the end of the hall. Room 415, there it was. The door was bare except for the name of the doctor; Dr. Randall Walters, MD. Marcia double-checked the paper with the name on the door and stepped in. The waiting room was small, with only a couple chairs and a coffee table. Back issues of National Geographic and Women’s Day were...
Straight Sex'How could I be so reckless?!' Mejar reprimanded himself as his face turned rigid. 'That woman is getting closer!' An ominous feeling at the back of his head caused him to shiver. From a hidden pocket in the torso part of his black clothes he took out a small capsule and threw it to his mouth. BOOM! An unbridled golden aura fluctuated out of Mejar's body. The color his mist energy emitted promptly turned dark gold. With the boost from the capsule, Mejar actually reached the Advanced...
Hi, ISS readers kaise hai sab mera naam revan hai aur main pune ka rehne wala hu main iss ka regular reader hu aur ye meri pehli story hai story start karne se pehle main apne waare me bata du meri age 24 years hai aur height 5”3 hai, lund 6″ aur dekhne good looking to nahi hu but kisi b aurat ko satisfy kar hu ab story par aata hu….. Meri puna me dance class hey specially ladies ke liye aerobics aur yoga ke saat saat dance or massage ke liye home service private tuition be deto hu … Ek din ki...
PREVIOUSLY IN THE SARAH (and LISA) AND GREG SERIES Sarah and Greg met, talked, fell in love, lived together, and got married. However, it was not a traditional couple since Sarah was born into the wrong body, a male's body. Although she looked like a beautiful woman to most people, she still had a cock. On their honeymoon, Sarah and Greg met Lisa who eventually became the third member of their marriage. All three lived happily together and more secure as their triad became accepted by all of...
I watched the timekeeper and brought the stealth fighter alive. I felt the strike carrier as it emerged from jump and yanked the lever back for the thrusters. The fighter erupted out of the carrier with the other nine fighters and began accelerating. A moment and the carrier opened a wormhole and jumped out. I began the random twisting spiral while beginning micro jumps. This was a confederate system that had sent raiders to imperial systems. Several destroyers started out to intercept us. I...
The ‘clean up operation’ down between Jared’s legs began with Max’s tongue extending itself right out of her mouth then doing one long lick up the under side of Jared’s erection. That lick began at Jared’s furry balls and ran gently up the length of the urethral tube then right around the rim of the glans penis. Finally that very sensuous lick ended with a quick flick of the tongue just under that piece of pepperoni that sent it straight up into Max’s mouth. That mouth was then plunged right...
A non-descript, mud-streaked Land Rover Defender pulls a horse box trailer away from the stables at Club Sporting Valcros. Inside the trailer, a piebald pony munches absent mindedly at the hay in his net, seemingly unconcerned by the grunts and thumps coming from inside the trailer's tack box. Karen Freeling is driving the Land Rover. Her elder sister, Trudy, is sitting beside her. Karen, fresh from practising her dressage, peers through her sunglasses at the lane ahead and slows down for...
Freddie steps off the Flying Dolphin onto the harbour side. He can remember when the low, sleek, hydrofoil ferries were new. Now, the throb of their diesel engines sounded more desperate than powerful. They were tired and battered by years in use. He felt the same way sometimes. Mykonos quay has the usual array of restaurants and bars. On the hill behind the quay, windmills stand like sentries guarding the port and trying to ensure the place goes on looking like the postcards of it. It's...
"Well, I'm most impressed, Jungle Jane." The Commissioner was being fulsome in his praise and Jane certainly wasn't objecting even if he always managed a sleazy leer on his lips whenever she was around. "Apart from that one incident on the day you arrived we haven't had any more of these mysterious robberies. Your presence is obviously having the desired effect." That wasn't how some of the local papers saw it, though. Some had remarked that it was odd that the robberies had stopped...
I am not sure who brought us information about the Tory miller, but whoever it was, I owe him a debt of sincere gratitude. The lieutenant detailed George and me to go out with an empty wagon and to bring it back filled with flour, no excuses acceptable. So that was what we did, at least what we set out to do, and when we followed the directions and crude map we had been given, we found the mill. It was well-built of local stone and had a overshoot wheel. We could actually hear it groaning...
For two days, Sister Lucia was left alone to contemplate her fate. She wondered what she would be required to do for this strange establishment where she was punished and yet encouraged to sexual sin. When she tried to leave her cell and go into the corridor she confirmed that although there was a doorknob on the inside of the door, it did not turn and she could not open the door. The servants brought her food, but never spoke, and they were always careful to shut the door after they...
July 25, 1982, West Monroe, Ohio “Hi, Angie, it’s Mike,” I said when she answered the phone on Sunday afternoon. “Mike? We just talked during the week! What’s up? Is there a problem with me coming to visit in two weeks?” “No, not at all. I wanted to talk to you about the problems I’m having with Jocelyn.” “Uh-oh. Did something bad happen?” “You could say that,” I sighed. “Do you have time to talk? This won’t be a short conversation.” “For you? Of course!” I explained, as best I could,...
Hi friends sabhi bhabhies and girls ko mera pyar (sexwala). Aaj main apko ek or kissa batane ja raha baat undino ki hai jab main tution deta tha. Jaha mere paas collageke students mere paas padhne aate the. Jis me 7 ladkiyan or 4 ladke aate the. Jisme pravina and sonal bhi the.sonal 5’4” lambi thi gori curvybody thi uski sexy lagti thi or pravina 5’ 6” lambi slim body wali ladki thi dono F.Y.Bcom me thi. Ek din jab class khatam hui main apne office me betha tha. Sab ja chuke the....
[This story is a prequel to NATURAL NEIGHBORS but should be read second. It is about a family’s first incestuous experiences and contains oral, incest, anal, bi-sex and group sex. Don’t read it if any of those are offensive to you.] At first, I was annoyed that mom had invited strangers for a ‘new neighbor brunch’. Now, seated against their beautiful, fiery redheaded daughter Rayna, I couldn’t remember why. Her blonde mom, Maria, was nearly as hot and my twin sister couldn’t keep her eyes off...
Fun Size - Exercise Time By Apple Step up. Step down. God, I wish I hadn't said that about his late daughter... I couldn't have known he'd hear, and I guess he'd still have lost it, but I figure it would be someone else here right now. Step up. Step down. I'm doing step aerobics, it's that time of day again. I stand, facing him, him facing the TV. He mostly ignores me and just watches the TV, but it's still humiliating. Step up. Step down. My breasts... Yeah, that's...
A tired Dave didn't speak much during the drive to the Thurlow residence but when they finally arrived he felt rejuvenated. Raymond pulled up in front of the main door and Dave saw the surprised expressions on Alec and Shauna's face. He had warned them that the mansion was huge but his description obviously hadn't done it justice. The butler, James, walked out the front door and as Dave stepped out of the Rolls he said, "Welcome back to London, Sir." Dave nodded, "It's nice to see you...
My sister (Bel) and I are twins. Sort of. I’m Alan. We celebrate the same birthday. We are in the same grade in school – right now, that’s Junior Year of Waltrup High. Our Moms insist we were born at the same moment. Right. We don’t really look alike; of course – she’s a woman. She has rich, chestnut brown hair, a turned-up nose. She stands 5 feet 11 inches tall, as opposed to my 6 feet zero. My hair is lighter than hers. We keep our hair short because we swim 50 laps every morning and long...
Starting Over, Chapter 1. This story will take a little time to build up with the background required, but it’s been bouncing around in my head for a while. It’s a more serious story with some romance in it. Bear with me…. I have all 5 chapters drafted and I’ll post each one in as the previous one is posted so I can finish editing. Main Characters: LTC (Retired) John Jackson, 5’11’, 180, 46 years old. Marie Jackson, John’s widow, 5’8′, 140, 44 years old. Angelica Jackson, John and Marie’s...
Introduction: please give me any positive and negative comments on this story, and i havent been writing in awhile, and i will accept amy comments. I will make a squal if more negatives than positives, but i do hope you enjoy. Now know right now, this is just the start of the story, and there is no sex in this one. Juliane sat on her couch and flipped through the magazine for home living, searching for new homes , open for bidding, and land plots, scattered through the forests. She twirled her...