Smooth As Silk
- 3 years ago
- 25
- 0
Dil’s turn:
You know, I DO have a conscience. I know, I’m a guy, right? “Stiff dick has no conscience”, right?
Maybe some guys are like that. Okay, I guess I’ve kinda been like that for the last few months with Jamie. Jamie’s fun, as long as I don’t try to analyze it too much. She’s s bit of a typical pop culture girl, about fashions and movies and contemporary music, but she can be coerced into a discussion of other subjects. Just don’t expect it to last too long, to get too deep, nor broach ideas outside the more popular views. She’s not BAD looking if you accept a version of current fashion. Her makeup and hair follow the current moods. I can accept that. Might not be what I’d choose, but it’s acceptable.
We have a certain comfortable compatibility in the sexual component of life. It’s sex, okay? Not particularly adventurous sex, but we pretty much get each other once or twice every day, except for her periods. Then she refuses to be touched below the waist. I’m relegated to - oh horror – blowjobs and hand jobs. She loves nipping and nibbling and sucking around me until I come, but never has she been able to bring me off with her blowjobs. It’s not for lack of enthusiasm. She really does try, and it feels great, but I just never quite get there. She’s jerked me until the first spurt, then sucked me, but it’s always like that.
And the ‘l-word’ has never been mentioned. She apparently doesn’t operate like that. Oh, we’ve been exclusive since she moved in, but the only time she talks about love is when she’s ragging on other people.
Like Jenn. “Jenn’s in luuvvvv with Kenneth. They don’t have sex. They don’t live together. He’s gone a week at a time and all she does is stay home or come over here. But she’s in luuvvv.”
What I’m trying to say is that I’m not ‘using’ Jamie and she’s not ‘using’ me, well, except I do end up paying for rent and groceries and when we go out to eat or order in. I cover that. In return, I get a snuggly, big-titted bed partner who fills a bunch of other appetites, one in particular. Scintillating conversation can be vastly overrated.
And here’s Jenn. I like Jenn. Always did. Smart. Smarter than Jamie. Doesn’t go nuts with makeup and clothes and hair, just sort of says ‘here I am. Take it or leave it’. in three-way conversations, it often becomes two-way because Jenn’s like me, a reader, and we’ve read a lot of the same books and watched a lot of the same movies and we start tossing quotes around and Jamie’s like “I didn’t SEE that” and Jenn and I are laughing at each other.
I would’ve pursued Jenn except ‘she’s in luuvvv.’ And so Jamie and I just sort of ended up together.
Last night Jenn didn’t seem quite so ‘in luuuvvv’. Didn’t seem that way this morning, either, unless she’s redirected.
After she got dressed, before she left, we kissed. Held each other close. It was, in my mind, as intimate a thing as the previous three hours of loving each other in every way we could.
“Dil,” she sighed, brown eyes sparkling, “I mean this all. Serious.”
“I do too, Jenn. But...”
“But you just hang on for me. I know things. You’ll see...”
And she left. I went into ‘domestic’ mode, stripping the sheets of the bed for laundry, refreshing the bed with a fresh set. Started the washer, made a few additions to the grocery list, headed out, came back with necessities. And a couple of cases of wine. We have some inexpensive favorites. Doesn’t hurt to stock up.
Three bottles of a favorite white wine went into the fridge. Yeah, I know ... too cold. Get over it. We like it like that.
I continued housekeeping until the door opened and Jamie swarmed in. Pleasant to look at. On weekdays she wears a dress or a skirt and blouse ensemble and really does look good.
“How was YOUR day?” I asked.
She glanced around the house. My efforts were obvious. “Normal stuff. Processing orders, mostly. You’ve been busy.”
“Just took a bit of catching up,” I said. “What’s on tap for the evening?”
Giggle. (It’s one of her best moves. I love a feminine giggle and Jamie’s good at it) “Me ‘n’ you and a movie, I guess. Day Two of my period.” She eyed me with an odd smirk. “Not like you didn’t get your pressure relieved last night, huh?”
“I’m still trying to figure out what last night was,” I said.
“Jenn did you GOOD,” she snorted. “I talked with ‘er on the way to work this morning. Seriously. She did HERSELF good. That really was the first time...”
“I saw the blood. I thought it was all painful, you know...”
“Mine was. I guess Jenn was just ready.”
“All came as a surprise to me. Never thought you’d be into threesomes.”
“I’m not,” she affirmed. “First time for any of that for me, too. Wasn’t REALLY a threesome. We both did you. That’s all.” Giggle. “Besides. A little wine. And it must’ve done something to you. She didn’t suck you for a minute before you came...”
“Thought I was having a wet dream...”
“You have wet dreams starring Jenn?!?”
“No, they’re usually randomly generated females. And since it’s been you ‘n’ me, I haven’t had any. You do a good job of keeping pressure from building up.”
She smiled. “I like that. But you came in her mouth. You never...”
“Like I said, it was just the way things ... I’ve never fantasized about two women, and there it was, one, then the other...”
“And you came...”
“Well, I think it was good for Jenn. She needs some relief. Her and Ken, well ... I hear rumors...”
“I thought they were a thing.”
“I dunno what kind of thing, now.” She stood up, unbuttoning the vest of her ensemble. “I’m getting out of this get-up.”
“Can I help?”
I undressed her down to her panties. Got me a face-full of tittles for my troubles. That’s never bad.
“You changed the bedsheets,” she observed.
“I like fresh sheets. It’s fun to put the first spot on ‘em...” Her hands started fumbling with the belt on my jeans. “I hate this belt...”
I flipped the buckle to release it. “Here...”
“Get out of ‘em. I got a goal.”
“Yeah, you came in HER mouth, so I know it works like that...” she pushed me back onto the bed, laughing, then pulled my jeans down.
Come or don’t come, I do love a blowjob. She was in a playful mood, really going at me, but I had three good ones, REALLY good ones, this morning with Jenn. And she’s not Jenn. Why does that make a difference?
Still, I could feel the stirrings. Maybe this was the time.
RIIINNNGGGG!!! Her phone.
“Damnit!” she said, rolling reaching for the nightstand. She eyed the screen, hissed “Jenn!” then “Hey, sis! Wassup?!?” Pause. “No, I’m already home. Dil did the shopping. We’re just kinda messin’ around.” Pause. “Well, uh-huh, sorta THAT kind of messin’ around.” Pause. “Nah, it ain’t getting further than this. Seriously.” Pause. “Sure, come on over.” Pause. “Yeah, spend the night. Tonight you get the sofa, though...” Giggle. “Okay. Bye!”
She turned to me. “Your other girlfriend’s coming over this evening.”
“Cool,” I said, trying to sound unexcited. “What’s for dinner?”
“Oh, we hadn’t had pizza in a while.”
I sighed. Not my favorite, but good enough. “Go ahead and use my account. You know what you and Jenn like. I’ll eat anything.”
She cast a wry eye at me. “Just so one of ‘em’s not Jenn.”
I played silly. “Why not? She’s eaten me.”
“You ARE a dog! Get up and get dressed.”
“Okay,” I said. “I appreciate our little interlude. By the way, got wine in the fridge. Why don’t you see if we can get a good movie this evening?”
That’s what I thought the evening would hold – pizza, wine, a movie, conversation.
So it takes an hour for Jenn to show up. She bounces in the door past me, saying “I had to go to the house to get a change of clothes for tomorrow, and I brought my nightshirt in case we ain’t doin’ that ‘naked’ thing.” She looked at me and then Jamie. “But I really liked that. Uh, you got any wine?”
“I’ll open the first one,” I said, “but my pants stay on until after the pizza.”
“Bummer!” Jenn giggled.
“I think I created a monster,” Jamie said.
“I’m not a monster. It’s just that, well, there’s no place I can just lounge around naked. Maybe if I locked my bedroom door at home, but no...”
An hour later, the pizza box is in the trash, hands are washed, three wineglasses are refilled and Jamie’s, well, I thought she’d pull back from nudity tonight but...
“We get to watch YOU strip,” she giggled.
“Yeah,” Jenn agreed.
Did I mention SECOND refill?
“I’m bashful,” I said, turning my back on the two of them sitting together on the sofa.
“That’s okay like, that, Dil. You got a nice ass,” Jamie tittered.
At least I didn’t have socks on. I turned, nude, sporting a chubbie. “Well, here I am,” I said. “Your turn.”
They did it. Two of them. Naked. And I’m the only guy in the room and...
“He’s getting HARD,” Jenn squealed. She wasn’t able to pull off a good ‘outrage’.
“It’ll go away,” Jamie countered. “Boy, come sit on the sofa. I’ll get the movie started.”
I plopped myself down between them, wiggling my butt to make a space. The movie started.
About ten minutes into it, Jamie waved her empty glass. “Can I get just ONE more?”
Jenn tilted hers back, waved it, too.
“Okay. I guess I’ll get that third bottle out.” I stood up, walked across the room and around the bar to the kitchen area.
“He’s fun to watch,” Jenn said.
“Oh, I know,” Jamie agreed. “I love it. Dicks’re fun.”
“I brought the glasses back.
“C’mere, boy,” Jamie commanded after I handed Jenn back her glass.
I stepped over as she took a sip, then she grasped my dick with a cool hand.
Giggle. “Dip!” And she raided her glass, dipping the tip of my dick into the chilled wine.
“Hey! That’s COLD,” I blurted.
Giggle. “I’ll warm it up.” And she engulfed the first inch and a half in her mouth. It was also chilled, but her tongue was agile, slurping around then she released me. “Mmmmmm...” she looked at Jenn, who was staring at both of us. “First time I ever tried that.”
“I can’t believe you did that in front of ‘er, Jamie,” I blurted.
“Oh, get over yourself. I watched you two last night, didn’t I?”
“Yeah, but...”
She smiled a little oddly, the wine working. “Jenn, honey ... You can get one if you want. I’ll loan ‘im to you...”
“I’m, like, PROPERTY?”
“Just follow instructions, darlin’,” she slurred. “Jenn?”
I looked at Jenn’s face. Got a wink for my attentions. “Sure, why not?”
I stepped over, Jenn did the same dipping move, but when she got me into her mouth, she sighed an audible and palpable “Mmmmm” as well.
I shook.
“One more and I’ll quit,” she tittered.
When she finished, I sagged back into my seat.
“Really, Jamie? Sharing me?”
Jamie kissed me sloppily, “Didn’t think you’d mind too much, boy.”
Jenn’s hand was between her and me. I felt her finger wiggle, turned, saw her smile and lick her lips.
“Wait, wait wait!” Jamie squealed. “Back up! I like this part of the movie.”
She was draining her glass as I performed the operation on the TV. I got up.
“Where you goin’?” Jenn asked.
“Bathroom. Offload some used wine,” I answered.
“Bring that last bottle from the fridge,” Jamie ordered.
“You ain’t had enough?” I questioned.
“I’ll go slow...”
As I walked across the living room, Jenn giggled. “It’s cute the way it swings when he’s walkin’.”
“Cuz it’s soft,” Jamie explained. “Watch. Dil, we’re talkin’ about your dick. Stop.”
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Whodathunkit? You recall, I'm sure, the trunks Grace brought to Ann Arbor from the Not Lansing's property. The ones from basement, attic and garage? I certainly do. The detectives wanted to search them. Hell, it sounded good to me, but Grace said, "No." "If you don't have anything to hide, you should let us," said the thin one. "Yeah," said the fat one. "Get a warrant," said Grace. That heightened the police mentality instantly. Constitution be damned, asking a policeman to...
(an old story my now wife sent me years ago from her perspective, to me. the names have been changed to protect the innocent, lol) It was a warm day, especially for December 11th. You sat in your living room, anxiously awaiting your little Katie’s return, and as the clock rolled over to 6:00pm, you knew that she’d be there any minute. As if on cue, you saw headlights flash across the wall, and the familiar sound of her car’s tired engine. Her silhouette was outlined in the light from across...
There are many possible incest type scenarios possible in the world of DragonBall Z. This story will explore many of them. Some examples are Chi-Chi and Gohan/ chi-chi and goten/ Bulma and trunks/Bulma and dr. briefs (her father) /Bulma and mrs. briefs (her mother)/ mrs. briefs and trunks/ Hercule and videl. It does not need to be limited to one on one encounters either. For example: Bulma with Dr. and mrs. briefs/ Trunks with Bulma and mrs. briefs/ chi-chi with gohan and goten. I will write...
For the first time in two years, Valira shut her laptop off immediately after recording a film review. The editing process put aside for now, her heartbeat ramped up as the afternoon crept on. A buzzing cellphone skidded along the stone kitchen countertop, prompting a jog towards it from her work desk. Dark, medium-thick locs held in a ponytail slapped her lower back; ample breasts bounced in a white tube top before an abrupt stop and the phone being picked up.“Hello.”“Valira Talan?”“Yes, this...
Fantasy & Sci-Fi‘Sometimes it’s not the vision that’s blurred. Sometimes it’s the situation. I always see things clearly… or as clearly as they can be seen…’ Her voice echoed off the walls, this solemn, serious representation of an inner solitude that often eluded even his keen ears. He could hear it every now and again, but when she waxed poetic there was a glassy sheen over her oh-so-blue eyes that couldn’t be penetrated by any man. She knew it too, and could smile when he attempted to delve into her inner...
As she readied herself to walk away, she remembered why it was important for Damian to get up and going. "Hey, Damian!" she called from the hallway. "Don't have to mow Mrs. Wentworth's lawn before their graduation pool party, which starts at noon." She waited patiently for a reply and pictured her son frantically trying to put himself together and get dressed. "Hey, you..." "Yeah, Mom. I heard you. I'll be out in a sec." "Good. I'll have your breakfast ready so you...
I've been with my wife for a number of years and we have a great sex life, we both enjoy watersports too. But this story takes it to a higher level of enjoyment. One night we were in bed playing around, I asked if I could put my cock in her ass and she agreed. This night, anal sex with her was really HOT, she was bucking and loving my hard cock in her ass, I was doing her doggie and I said to her 'go down' she said 'what?' I said to her that I want her to suck my cock. She stopped and said ok....
FetishLadyboy Gold! Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls. Tonight’s sexual entertainment is full of beautiful ladies, and uh, hot boys? Sorry, no. I’m still a little fuzzy from all the Everclear and Cialis last night. LadyboyGold is a premium site that doesn’t specialize in ladies or boys, at least not in the traditional sense. I’m sure I don’t have to explain that to somebody browsing my list of shemale sites, though.LadyboyGold claims to be the number-one reviewed TS site in the...
Premium Shemale Porn SitesThese very erotic trysts repeated for the next two weeks: Wednesday morning, my wife would remind me that she would be working late on a project at work. I would wait in bed, pretending to be asleep but naked (and quite hard). She would quietly come home just after midnight, remove her clothes, except for her panties and slip into bed next to me. She would then gently touch my shoulder, I would roll over and slide down her body, sitting up to just long enough to remove her panties and then...
I arrived at Samantha’s house, knocked on the door, and let myself in. I’ve been friends with Sam since the third grade, and I’ve always been welcome to just go right inside. Sam and I had plans to hang out for the afternoon. Our last year of High School was done, and we were ready to relax and have some fun! “Hello?” I called into the house as I slipped off my shoes. I was wearing short pink cotton shorts today and a white top with super short sleeves. My top had a pink Batman logo on it. I...
In the weeks after blowing Kurt in the men's room at the club in front of several men, we had enjoyed some enthusiastic sex remembering and reliving the event. This was a pattern we had begun during his year, from the very beginning. His first had been the facial, and while I wasn't prepared the first time for having anything shooting at my face, I’d enjoyed the excitement, and when we’d talked the next morning, I’d told him I'd be up for trying it again. And we did it again. And again. It...
SeductionIt was our last full day in Vegas, the teachers conference was really informative, and I did a lot of networking. Bonnie, (Ms. Johnson) and I, attended a seminar the last morning, I noticed that Bonnie was sitting quite close to a teacher from a district 150 miles from where we teach. The seminar was about "dynamic classrooms" and the teacher giving the presentation wasn't half bad looking. After the seminar ended Bonnie came to me with her teacher friend in tow and asked if I wanted to go with...
The next day, My girlfriends let me sleep in, but I don’t get any extra sleep anyway. At 6 in the morning, Paul knocks on my door. I sit up and look at the time before asking, “What is it?” Paul pushes the door open and says, “You are the one that wanted to meet my contact. It is either now or never. he isn’t in town for long and will not reschedule.” “Give me a minute. I’ll meet you in the car.” As soon as he leaves, I open my bedroom safe and pull out some cash, then I get dressed and...
Intro The calendar had become a countdown; each day circled was a day nearer to her wedding. The big red blob around the 21st June signified the day, the day she'd cease being plain old Jane Fellows and become Mrs. Robert McCloud. It was now; Jane paused and mentally counted down using some virtual fingers, fifteen days. Fifteen days. She rolled over and kissed the half awake Robert on the mouth, slowly he started to kiss her back and then she felt his hand on her belly and her legs began...
In last part you read how, me and parul enjoyed sex in my flat, now I will tell what all crazy things we did further. I really turned into a sex devil. Next day when we woke up, parul and I made plan for movie and went to near by mall. Let me tell ya brief about me and parul. I and her both work together, she was my senior at work and even married for 3 years. Not the stories continues. Parul was looking dam hot in that short length skirt and crop top, that was exposing her milky white thighs...
The Adventures of Abi This story is based loosely on some real experiences and is mixed with a healthy dose of my kinky and perverse imagination. What is included is a lot of bisexual FF – a little MM, MF. There is punishment, spanking, exhibitionism, wrestling, groups and a little incest. It is primarily a fantasy. Do not try this at home – and always be safe. Also, all of the characters are all over 18 and everything is completely consensual. This story is long and I will post more and more...
It was 5:42 which left Kavya two hours to sleep and sweep off this night. She let her body fall on the cold bed and closed her eyes. Soon, everything came back... She was in her room, combing her silky hair while contemplating her exposed body in the mirror. She loved the way her long hair covered her full breasts and deliberately parted her legs to look at her insides. She has never been a shy girl and love wandering au naturel in her room with her windows wide opened. She never mind closing...
SupernaturalSummer started off at the beach. Anna and I spent the afternoon there, relaxing in the sun, checking out the hot guys as they checked us out.We followed the beach up with a Memorial Day house party at friends. After being out in the sun all afternoon, the alcohol gave me a nice buzz. It also stole all of my energy. I was ready to call it a night after that, but Anna had other ideas.“Tim's having a private get together. He’s been texting me all night to come over. Let’s just go over there for a...
Hardcore"Will you eat your semen off of your partner?" That was the card I drew in the middle of a game called Sex is Fun. My wife, J, and I were sitting just in our underwear in front of our fireplace and enjoying its warmth on a cold winter's night. J said that I would answer "no" without realizing that I had been hoping to bring the subject of creampie eating up with her one day. I quickly answered "yes" meaning that I should have got the point for that round and we would move on to the next card....