A Golfer's Dream: Book III - The Real Education BeginsChapter 21: Back In The Thurlow Life free porn video

A tired Dave didn't speak much during the drive to the Thurlow residence but when they finally arrived he felt rejuvenated. Raymond pulled up in front of the main door and Dave saw the surprised expressions on Alec and Shauna's face. He had warned them that the mansion was huge but his description obviously hadn't done it justice. The butler, James, walked out the front door and as Dave stepped out of the Rolls he said, "Welcome back to London, Sir."
Dave nodded, "It's nice to see you again, James."
Alec and Shauna started to walk behind the car to help with the bags but Dave whispered, "They won't want your help. They'll put the bags in our rooms - just follow Sarah inside." The sun was very low on the horizon as they walked into the extravagant mansion. Sarah led them into the informal living room where Lady Dianna was reading a book while Lord Thurlow was reading a newspaper. When they entered the room, Dave walked to them as they stood up. He smiled at the couple and shook Lord Thurlow's offered hand, "Thank you both for inviting us to stay with you." Turning to Sarah's mother, he formally introduced his companions, "Lady Dianna, this is my good friend, Alec Trainor and his girlfriend, Shauna Baird."
Alec and Shauna walked to the distinguished couple and softly shook hands with Lady Thurlow before Dave continued, "And this is Lord Thurlow, our host and benefactor." As his friends shook his hand Dave turned back to ask, "How have you been, Lady Dianna?"
She smiled at him, "Very well, thank you. How was your flight?"
He nodded, "It was good, ma'am, but I'm a little worn out from getting through customs and immigration." Alec stifled a laugh and both Sarah and Shauna were trying to look innocent.
Lady Dianna wondered about the odd looks but simply continued, "We are very glad you are here safely; Margaret has prepared a snack for you in case you are still hungry."
Dave thanked her with, "That would be nice; airplane food is just fair at the best of times." Dave asked Lord Thurlow, "I was wondering if it were possible to have a third person added to our group next Sunday? I met Hilary Duff on the plane and I had met her father during my college tournaments. Bob Duff, who has a very low handicap, is coming to England to watch the tournament and I hoped he could play with Alec and me."
Lord Thurlow looked confused, "Who is Hilary Duff?"
Dave chuckled, "Sorry, she is an actress and pop singer. She has become very famous the last few years."
Lord Thurlow nodded as he pulled out his cell phone, "I'll check, but I am sure it will not be a problem. I will send James with a reply."
Dave nodded, "Thank you, sir; thank you very much." Then he followed Alec and Shauna who were being led to the informal dining room by Sarah.
When they were seated at the table, the cook, Margaret brought out sandwiches and a tray of fruit. Dave, Alec, and Shauna all thanked her before they dug in. While they ate Sarah asked, "Alec and Shauna, do you want to share a room or have separate rooms?"
Shauna asked, "Would your parents be offended if we slept in the same room?"
Sarah shook her head, "No, my parents wouldn't be offended in the least. They know you are both adults and old enough to make your own decisions."
Shauna replied, "We would like to share a room then, please."
Sarah smiled then nodded to James who was standing quietly at the door. He nodded understandingly then disappeared. Dave talked with Sarah as he ate and she brought him up to date on her first year at Oxford. She had really enjoyed being out on her own and her parents were slowly giving her more freedom - they had watched over her very closely since the incident in Vancouver. Until she went to Oxford, they had insisted Roxanne remain with her when they weren't available. Now Sarah was allowed to go to parties and other events without supervision.
James returned to the room and reported to Dave, "Lord Thurlow said that Mr. Duff is booked into your group making it a foursome. Lord Thurlow also said that the fourth would be Mr. Mike Weir who has requested to play with you on Sunday as well."
Dave smiled, "That's great. Thank you, James."
Dave pulled out his phone and programmed Hilary's number into his cell from the sheet of paper. He would have programmed it on the plane but he wasn't allowed to use his cell on the plane.
He dialed the number and after several rings he heard her voice. "Hi. Hilary, this is Dave; the deed is done. Your dad is booked in with us and we are teeing off at one-fifteen. Tell him that he will get a treat as Mike Weir is going to be playing with us as well."
Hilary acted as if she had not heard a word he spoke. Her only response was an urgent question, "What happened to you at the airport? Were you arrested?"
Dave laughed, "No, that's a long story for another time - it was absolutely nothing serious."
She asked again, "Are you in any trouble?"
He got serious, "No, none; that was actually a police friend just playing a joke on me."
Hilary sighed. "Oh, I've been worried about you since I left the airport." She paused as she seemed to catch her breath and get refocused. "What time did you say the tee time was and who is the other golfer?"
Dave was surprised to hear she was worried about him. He repeated, "The Old Course tee time is one-fifteen on Sunday and we will be playing with Mike Weir. He is a Canadian on the PGA tour. I am sure your father will know who he is. I have played with him before - he is a great guy."
"Thank you, Dave. I know my dad will love this. I will call him shortly and tell him. Where are you staying in Scotland?"
Dave replied, "We are booked into the St. Andrews Bay Hotel."
Hilary laughed, "So are we - this is great. Dad is going to be absolutely thrilled. Do you have plans for Friday night? I would like to invite you to my concert."
Dave said, "Just a second." He looked at Sarah and asked, "Hilary wants to know if we would like to go to her concert on Friday?"
Sarah's head was bobbing up and down as she gasped, "Yes, Rose wanted to go but the tickets sold out too quickly. Can she come as well?"
Dave spoke back into the phone, "We would love to go. Can we get an extra ticket for one of Sarah's friends?"
Hilary chuckled, "No problem. I will have five tickets with backstage passes waiting for you at the concert hall. If you come an hour early, I can probably spend a little time with you before I go on stage."
Dave thanked her, "That will be great, Hilary. We'll see you on Friday. Goodbye."
Sarah jumped up as she explained, "I have to call Rose and tell her. I'll be back in a minute."
Dave laughed at Sarah's excitement. Once she was out of the room, Alec whispered, "Dave, this house is un-fucking-believable."
Dave laughed again. "I told you it was incredible. That is what I meant when I said Sarah and I are from completely different worlds. Her lifestyle is unlike anything we have ever witnessed."
Both Alec and Shauna simply nodded. Dave excused himself and went into the kitchen. Margaret was cleaning up and, after he cleared his throat to get her attention, he asked, "Hi, Margaret, how have you been?"
She smiled at him, "I've been very well, Dave. What can I do for you?"
He explained, "Alec and I will be practicing early in the mornings the same way I did two years ago, but I don't want you getting up early just for us. We will find our own breakfast - if you don't mind."
She smiled at him. "I was just putting out a couple of bowls for you. The cereal is in the same cupboard and you know where everything else is. Welcome back, Dave."
Dave nodded, "Thank you, Margaret. It's good to see you again."
When he returned to the dinning room Sarah was talking animatedly about Rose and how excited she was to get to meet Hilary Duff. Alec and Shauna had finished eating so Sarah suggested a brief tour. She led them outside and they walked through the grounds until they reached the gazebo and sat down to relax as the sun dropped below the horizon. The sunset over the manicured grounds looked dream-like. Sarah explained, "Raymond will be waiting for you at six-thirty at the front entrance. As you requested, James will not be waking either of you so make sure you set your alarms."
Dave hugged her then kissed her softly, "Thank you, Sarah. Do you have plans for Shauna?"
Sarah giggled. "Don't worry about Shauna and me; we will have a wonderful morning doing girl-things while you two boys play your little games."
Dave gave her a mock-insulted look for teasing him then laughed and kissed her again. He looked at Shauna and Alec and they were cuddling comfortably. He was so pleased to see they had worked through most of Alec's disability issues and he thought how much stronger their relationship appeared. He felt Sarah cuddled into his side as she whispered, "It feels nice to hold you again. I missed you."
Dave could feel her body molded tightly to his own and he replied, "I missed you, too."
As the grounds grew dark several landscape lights came on; after relaxing for a half hour, Sarah escorted Dave, Alec, and Shauna back to the house. She showed Alec and Shauna their room which was just down the hall from Dave's room - he had the same room as his previous visit. He kissed Sarah goodnight then crawled into bed. He went to sleep quickly and barely noticed Sarah cuddle into him during the night. When he woke in the morning, he was alone and he wondered if had dreamt about Sarah sleeping with him.
He showered and freshened up before he carried his clubs down the hall to Alec's room. He tapped the door lightly and Alec stepped out of his room. He chuckled, "I waited here for you because I knew I would get lost if I tried to find my own way. This house is amazing."
Dave laughed at his friend who was now repeating himself but Dave remembered how awestruck he himself had been two years earlier when he was trying to find his way around the mansion. Alec followed him to the front entrance where they set their clubs down before they went to the kitchen. As they sat eating Dave asked, "How did you and Shauna sleep?"
"Fantastic, the bed is really comfortable and it was nice to have lots of room. The single bed at the apartment is a little cramped." Dave nodded agreement. "So, what happened with Roxanne?"
Dave smiled at his friend. As they ate he told him the whole story in detail. Alec's mouth dropped open several times and at the end he simply shook his head. "She was really hot looking. The short hair and the suit looked incredibly sexy on her."
Dave laughed. "It looked even sexier when I ripped it off her. She is truly amazing, passionate, and inventive."
They rinsed the dishes before they walked to the front door. Raymond had loaded their clubs into the Rolls and was standing by the rear door as Dave and Alec walked out the front door. Dave walked to Raymond and shook his hand, "How are you, Raymond? I hope you can please call me Dave the way you did two years ago - and this is Alec. I told him that you would have to call us 'sir' when the family is around but please use our first names when it is just us."
Raymond smiled, "Okay, Dave." Alec shook his hand as well. "It is nice to meet you, Alec."
Dave and Alec got in the back seat. The drive to Royal Blackheath passed quickly and they were soon pulling up in front of the old brick clubhouse. Dave told Raymond they would be ready to leave at noon. Raymond nodded before he got back in the car and drove away.
Dave led Alec into the old clubhouse and he got several buckets of balls and they went to the driving range. They both hit balls for three hours and Dave noticed that Alec's swing was getting steadily more consistent. They moved to the putting green and spent two more hours there. Several of the members Dave had met the previous visit said hello to him. Dave adjusted nicely to the greens and he was looking forward to playing a round the next day. Alec loved the old golf course and was also looking forward to playing.
Dave went into the pro shop and Harry Richardson, the club pro, walked to him and shook hands. "Nice to have you back with us, Dave. I understand you are playing in the Open Championship next week."
Dave nodded, "Yes, and this is my good friend and caddie, Alec."
Alec and Harry shook hands before Harry explained, "I have had several requests from members to play with you. Lord Edward spread the word that you were returning and he says he wants a rematch. John is traveling abroad so Alec will make four. Do you remember Ross Johnson? He was the club champion when you were last here." Dave nodded as he remembered playing with Ross and two of his friends. "Ross would like to have a game with you this week as well, if you are available?"
Dave nodded as Alec simply shook his head in wonder at how Dave was being received in England. He was still surprised how quickly Dave could make friends with total strangers. He reflected on the discussion he and Shauna had had with Dave the previous day about how quickly he developed relationships with people because he was so honest.
Dave replied, "We would like to play on Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday around eleven o'clock if possible. Please give Edward first choice of those dates and then Ross or anyone else of your choice can join us in the remaining times."
Harry shook Dave's hand, "Great, I will arrange those times for you. It is nice to meet you, Alec." Harry shook Alec's hand before Dave led the way to the front entrance. It was just noon and Raymond was waiting for them.
Dave and Alec got in the Rolls and were surprised to find Sarah and Shauna were also in the back seat. Sarah explained that both couples were going to lunch and then doing some sightseeing. The afternoon passed quickly and they all enjoyed the tour of London.
When they returned, it was dinner time and the young people joined Lord Thurlow and Lady Dianna in the informal dining room. The meal centerpiece was an elegant salmon and Dave enjoyed it immensely. Alec wasn't a big fish connoisseur but he ate the meal anyway. Dave watched him make a few strange faces and he struggled to fight off laughing out loud. Shauna ate the meal without any trouble or hesitation.
After dinner the four young adults went swimming. They simply fooled around in the water for an hour before Alec and the two women got out of the pool to relax in the warm night air. Dave swam laps for forty-five minutes; when he climbed out of the pool he was tired but felt invigorated. Sarah had suggested that everyone take a change of clothes with them to the pool so they could shower in the pool-house when they finished. She smiled at Dave, "Grab your clothes; we have the pool-house first."
She picked up her clothes and led the way. Dave was still drying himself when he picked up his clothes and waved to Alec and Shauna, who were grinning at him, Dave then followed Sarah. His eyes were drawn to her svelte body and he watched her beautiful ass which was barely covered by the small red bikini bottom. She walked through the door and he followed close behind. As soon as the door swung shut she moved into his arms and kissed him passionately. She whispered, "I gave you last night off because I knew Roxanne would wear you out - but now it's my turn."
As she slipped one hand inside his shorts he asked, "Did you sleep with me last night?"
She giggled. "Of course I did, silly; although you were very much in a deep sleep. I haven't waited eleven months just to sleep in a different bed. I will be out of bed before you wake every morning but I will be with you for at least a little while every night I can."
He smiled at her as he pulled one of the cups of her red bikini top away from her soft round breast. He lowered his head then sucked the pink nipple into his mouth. As he licked and sucked her nipple he unfastened her top and tossed it on the floor. He massaged her other breast with his large hand. She moaned in appreciation before he lowered his hands and pushed her bottoms off. Kissing his way down her body, he found her soft nether lips and teasingly slid his tongue inside her opening. She moaned again and held his head to her sex. He licked and sucked her tasty pussy until she reached a quickly-induced initial orgasm.
After allowing her a few moments to recover, he pulled down his shorts and escorted her to the large shower. He opened the shampoo and worked a lather into her hair before he took a bar of soap and cleaned every inch of her lovely pale body. As he was washing her shoulders and back he pushed her forward and eased his hardness into her simmering snatch. She gasped as he filled her completely. He moved his hands to her hips and began a steady stroking motion. Sarah moaned in delight and as her second orgasm began to build she pushed back to meet his thrusting hips. Dave could also feel his orgasm building and he increased the speed until he was driving into her. She moaned as her orgasm flooded her senses just moments before Dave's throbbing member exploded, sending his juices deep inside his little princess.
They were both happily tired as Sarah rinsed clean then cleaned Dave's big strong body. She washed his hair before they turned off the shower and dried each other. After pulling on clean clothes they kissed passionately before walking out of the pool-house. Alec and Shauna went in as soon as Dave and Sarah sat down. Dave and Sarah talked about their plans for the rest of the week before the topic changed to college. Dave found out Sarah had dated several guys over the winter but none of those relationships had developed into anything serious. She said her studies were most important to her and that she wanted to become a school teacher. She thought it would be fun and rewarding to mold the minds of the future.

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