S.M.O.M.S: IngridChapter 9 free porn video

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When I told Claire the news, she yelled. “How could you?”

I heard myself yell back, “It was you!” I blinked with disbelief. “What sort of sick human being are you?” A swirl of memories coalesced in my head. Andrew had been dating Claire!

“There was nothing indelicate about our relationship.”

“He’s seventeen. You’re twenty eight! How can you even feel love for a child that young?”

“That’s none of your business.”

“He’s my son, Claire. Now I’m twice glad my mother is taking care of him.”

“Why? Because you couldn’t?”

She got to me. Instead of exploding, I gave a peace offering. “Let’s calm down before we say shit like that.”

“Damn you!” She left the library without signing out. Questions came to me. Why were they meeting at the university? Did it really matter where? I told myself, it was to throw Garrick and I off the scent. That evening, I employed his nose.

Dinner had become a rote meal for us. Without Andrew, the family felt as broken as it was. If Garrick learned the nature of my crimes, it would fall entirely apart. My heart was as broken and divided as my family. I missed him terribly, and I was relieved to be away from him. This is how family abuse victims feel.

“Garrick, I know why Andrew spent a lot of time at the university.”


“He was dating an older woman.”

“How old?”

“She’s twenty eight.”

“Boy, he’s off by a dozen years.”

“It’s Claire.”


“I may have to fire her.”

“You know your job.” He looked down at his salisbury steak. This was his classic conflict avoidance behavior. No matter how I challenged or asked him, he would defer to me.

“She’s a top notch librarian.”

“She’ll find work elsewhere.” He told his fork.

“They never engaged in sex.” In their case what did sex even mean? Had they kissed? Petted? Licked each other’s asses? What was Claire’s definition of “indelicate?”

“Andrew’s a smart boy.”

“ ... except when I had sex with them and two goats.”

Garrick looked up and shook his head. He smirked unhappily at my jibe.

“He’s your son.” I prompted.

“She’s your employee.”

“Andrew is more important.”

“He’s safe with your mother.”

“I only wish I knew how deep their relationship went.” ... meaning Andrew’s and Claire’s. I looked at my food.

“Ask her, but don’t threaten her.” Garrick finally took a stand. “If they pursued each other fairly and responsibly,...” He sighed, “I don’t know. I’ve always suspected Andrew had a wild streak. Claire may not be the predator, no matter what the law says. She may be trying to protect him, if not herself.”

“I was too quick to judge her. It came out of me unexpectedly.”

“You’re not at fault. I know you won’t fire her until you’ve explored all possibilities.”

“Yes.” I left it at that. I emailed Clair that night, promising not to put her on the rack.

She emailed back. “Sorry. See you tomorrow.”

I left early for work, the next day. I had to be there before Claire arrived. She had the same idea. I saw her getting out her car as I walked from the bus stop.

“Are you ready for the rack?”

“Which one? We have so many. I prefer historical fiction.” She caught up to me at the front doors.

“I prefer legal help books.” I unlocked them and opened one for her.

“No you don’t.” She opened an inner door for me. “You like dusty bodice rippers.”

I led her straight to the couch in the office. I sat down and patted the other half’s cushion. She sat, unrepentant.

“I’m sorry. Yesterday, I overreacted.”

“You’re concerned for your son. I got hotheaded and stormed out. I’m glad we didn’t try to settle this yesterday.”

“Everything will be just fine, between us, if you let me slip that letter opener between your ribs, a few times.”

“Don’t reach for that. I brought a full bottle of sleeping pills in my purse.”

“You care for him. I get that, Claire. I believe you, about abstaining from sex with him. But do you honestly love him?”

“I’ve been in love a couple times, Ingrid. This is something different, strange even, if that wasn’t obvious. But there’s something about him I don’t get from the men I’ve been dating.”

“Constant threat of incarceration?”

“Pooh. He’s very adult, Ingrid. You’ve done an amazing job. I don’t mean adult for a seventeen year old. He puts my manly, never quite a fiancé, to shame. Andrew has a calmness and strength, as if he’s already the master of his destiny.”

Yeah. That would be my doing, however against my will. “You should see my mother bring out the little boy in him.”

Her head waved the notion away. “Remember that time when I saw you and him with a BDSM collar. That shocked me twice. First, What The FUCK! Second, he bought that to spice up his parent’s sex life? What kind of young man does that? I’ll tell you, I got a little boner when you explained it, and that’s rare for me.”

I nearly groaned from guilt. She had seen what might have incarcerated me. A tiny part of me was happy she’d seen the new collar and not the one I had tried to cut off of my neck. “Did you reach out to my son, first?”

“Actually, that was a teensy bit of fate. I was taking classes to boost my web based research skills. My car wouldn’t start, and I checked everything I knew. I was about to call a tow truck, when I remembered cheaper options from the gig economy. I’d just heard a lecture about the battle between corporatized and independent services. Centralizing the availability of gig workers are more efficient-”

“Spare me.” I held up a hand. “Andrew?”

“I signed up for Angie’s List, posted an immediate call for help, and Andrew came to fix my car.”

“Gods damn the fucking internet.”


“Sorry, shouldn’t have said that aloud.”

“It’s not like we fell into each other’s arms. It turned out a ROM chip in my engine had fried. It was a dead car, but Andrew said the fix was cheap and simple, but he’d have to hunt down a copy of the ROM’s data and find a maker space to burn an EPROM.”

“You like throwing out buzz words you only half know.”

“Absolutely. Seriously, Andrew said it as if he was reciting poetry.”

“That would be your ears, not my son’s voice.” I heard him recite that crap far too often when he was briefly interested in computer electronics.

“I told him, I’d like to see how such a weird thing gets fixed. He invited me to tag along.”

Please, gods, don’t turn this into a freaking romantic comedy.

“Turns out, my car was fucked. The manufacturer had anti-piracy measures in the ROM, to keep such a cheap repair out the hands of mechanics not affiliated with their brand. Andrew apologized, refused to charge me, and took me home. I let a twenty dollar bill slip out of my purse when he came around to open the car door for me.”

Sleeping pills, give me your fucking bottle of sleeping pills! I smiled appreciatively. My chivalrous, mother ass fucking boy, I thought.

“I told him I’d pay for a tow and get it fixed at the dealership. He raged about how I was buying into a unjust plutocracy. He didn’t rage at me but at the system. He said he would drive me where ever I wanted, until he fixed my car. It took him two weeks to find a burnable image of the ROM.”

Claire noticed my plastic smile. She heaved a breath. “Yes. I could have stopped it there. I certainly should have told you what happened, back then. I don’t know how apologize. I was lonely, and Andrew is a responsible, caring man. He was what I needed most.”

“How do you feel about him now?”

“I want to have ten kids with him.”

“I want to fire you.”

“Please, don’t.”

“Okay. I won’t.”

I needed a moment in the bathroom for a good cry. It took longer than a moment.

“You aren’t cutting your wrists in there, are you?” She called through the door, after five minutes.

“No, just sharpening the letter opener. When I cut you, don’t spurt any blood on the tile grout. It’ll be impossible to get the stains out.”

“Don’t worry. The stains already between the tiles will hide them.”

I exited the women’s bathroom with a red but dry face. I returned to her in my office.

“I want to hear about physical contact.”

“Ingrid, I swear, we haven’t even made out. We talked, played board games, computer games, saw art movies. A university is a great place for a platonic couple in love. I dropped my classes after a month of his company. I swore him to absolute celibacy. He accepted that I am asexual. At the worst, we held hands and hugged. If he hadn’t behaved, I would have broke it off. Your son is the greatest gentleman I’ve ever known.”

I burst into tears! “Get out! Get to work. Go to hell. I don’t care!” I ran out of my office, grabbing my satchel, and scurried down the sidewalk. I walked all the way home. I knew then, like it was etched in my bones. I had been Andrew’s sexual outlet during his affair with Claire. He wasn’t saving my pussy for Garrick. He was saving his cock for hers!

I called him, halfway home. He had just clocked into Mother’s shop. “Go somewhere private, Andrew, NOW.”

“Mom? Are you mad?”


“I may hang up.”

“I may drive down there and cut off your descendants.”

“Well, if you put it that way.”

“Claire told me, Andrew. I figured out the rest. You piece of human shit!”

“You’re turning me on, you realize.”

“Fuck you.”

“Sorry. I thought that might happen. If you hadn’t left Grandma’s so quickly, I would have told you about it before she could.”

“Don’t call my mother that.” I fumed.

“Look, Mom, I can’t go far from work, to talk with you right now. I’ll call you tonight.”

Fucker hung up before I could. My long walk home didn’t help my mood.

“Make yourself dinner tonight, Garrick. I’m on strike.”

“How many x’s should I make on the calendar?”

“All the fucking x’s.”

“Things went badly with Claire?”

“Thank you for asking. No. She’s the most responsible, lonely, adult woman I’ve ever known.”

“So you are going to fire her - the library being a government institution and all.”

“I wish.” I ran to my husband’s arms. He was everything I needed. Our sex that night consisted of kissing and holding each other on our bed, still dressed for work. We skipped dinner and clumsily made our way to our room for the night.

I woke and fixed supper for his breakfast. He went to work. I called the library office and left a message for Claire. “I’m not going to fire you today.” Then I noticed, Andrew had called during the night. He hadn’t left a voice mail. I cleaned house until five, his time. Then I called him.

“I’m in traffic, Mom.”

“Good, then I have your attention. Don’t you dare talk while you’re driving.”

“I shouldn’t have answered.”

“If you get hit by a truck, I’ll thank the stars for letting it be my fault.”

“Talk, then.”

“I hate what you did to me. When Claire swore you and she weren’t having physical relations, I hated you more. I don’t want you coming home, ever. Graduate. Get a job, Marry Claire, for all I care. Don’t ask me to your wedding. I’ll kill myself if you do. I’ll kill you if you don’t invite Garrick. He’s so proud of you, I want to kill him.”

“That’s a lot of potential death, Mom. Everyone I knew in high school would swoon over that much death.”

Fucking teenagers. “I’ve said my piece. Good luck with that truck.”

“One second, Mom. I’ve pulled over to the curb.”

I almost punched the end call button. I wish I had.

“I get it, Mom. I used you. But don’t forget, I was using you before Claire and I became a thing. I really do lust for you. Keeping my promise to her made me take it up a notch, I admit, but I swear, you liked what I was doing-”

I hung up.

He texted me not long before Garrick returned from work. “There’s something taped under the bottom of my desk’s middle drawer. You don’t want Dad to see it. Call me when you find it.”

I hesitated long enough to be saved by my husband. We ate frozen dinners and made love on the couch. I woke up in the middle of the night. My mind churned over what Andrew had hidden under his desk drawer. How could he have planned anything before Mother trapped him? We didn’t know that would happen.

It couldn’t be important. Maybe he just wanted to clean house, in case I throw out all his things. I decided to let him stew and went back to sleep.

For days, every time I thought of my son’s secret stash, I grinned, hoping my silence about it would annoy the fuck out of him. I had my own grindstone tearing at me. My respect and friendship with Claire remained absolute, but working with her, day after day, reminded me of how I had suffered for her righteousness. And she was the rare type who never craved sex. Lucky cunt!

I knew it wasn’t her fault. Maybe it was somewhat mine, but it took a lot of willpower to turn my thoughts away from guilt and anger. I scheduled less hours overlapping our shifts. She didn’t comment. Days passed, and I felt more in control of my feelings about her and my son. Then I started blaming her for something she had absolutely no involvement with.

Andrew’s missing presence affected Garrick and my sex life as one might expect. We didn’t want sex for the first week after I returned without our son. Our sex the second week was perfunctory and mechanical. By the third, we’d put more life into the act. Andrew called often and Mother reported good behavior and competent work. Mother used ‘competent’ when others used ‘genius’.

Sex turned good, and necessary as I struggled against my anger for Claire’s ‘deceit’. But after relying on Garrick for distracting orgasms, I failed to give as much as I took. He happily gave until he was unhappily pretending to give happily. Our sex life died like an old light bulb, sputtering.

“I’m sorry, Garrick. I used you, when I should be celebrating how much you love me!” I wailed.

“Don’t think that, Ingrid. I’m just off my game.” Yes, that was code for not getting it up.

“I want to make it up to you.”

“We’ve had our troubles before.” He reminded me, sweetly. He meant when I couldn’t show him my ass was stuffed with a three pound butt plug. He thought I had simply needed emotional space. He was asking for emotional space.

“I remember.” My pussy twitched at the memory of my anal obedience training. I wanted Garrick more, then. He needed time to refresh his giving nature. “Let’s just snuggle, until you decide you want all of me again.” That did make him happy. I liked it for the first few days. But I had burned him out with weeks of sexual demand. By the fourth day, I was crawling the walls. I masturbated every chance I got. Claire reminded me the city was saving water and to stop flushing the toilet every two hours.

After ten days of no sex, I fished out the huge plug hidden behind four towels and installed it as slowly and with as many orgasms as I could, easing it into my ass.

I hadn’t been so sated in two weeks, including the sputtering end of sex with my husband. Of course, that night, Garrick invited me to have sex with him. I panicked. I’d told him about my ‘fetish’ for the plug, but for some reason, I couldn’t admit I’d started using it again. I declined, but promised the next day would be better. The next day, he didn’t ask. I nearly asked him. Instead, I made love with my black ass blaster, after he went to sleep. I felt so stupid! But it gave delicious orgasms. Garrick made love with me the third night, and it was good.

We abstained the fourth night. Two forces drove me away from initiating sex with Garrick. I had used him selfishly and didn’t want to burn him ever again. My orgasms with the plug, honestly, were stronger. I guessed that wouldn’t last. Like Eric and his mother, everything new becomes old. I became a fifties bride, ready to be there when my husband wanted. I hated myself.

To compensate, I gave Claire a break from my vindictive feelings. I’d been careful about not using work to punish her. I resumed talking with her, about simple things. I liked her. She was an amazing woman. One good thing about getting bored over new things was, the story of her and Andrew had gotten old. I cared less about it. Nothing could happen anyway. Mother kept an eagle eye on my son.

I sought to rebuild my bond with Claire, rather than tear at it slowly with sullen silence. She responded gratefully.

“That woman was here again, with her son. You know the one on an invisible leash.” She gossiped.

OMGs, I’d forgotten about Tess Elgin. Two months had passed since we last talked. I felt for her all over again, but I had nothing to share. Compared to her life and Lila’s, I was a free bird who would never hunger. I forced myself to ask casually, “Did she leave another message?”

“No. She returned a book. Then her son dragged her out of the library. She seemed very unhappy about it. I assumed she gave him the what-for after leaving our sanctum.”

More likely, she gave him oral sex rather than oral admonishment. “Huh.” I said, sidling over to the records counter. I sent Claire to the far stacks, while I searched for Tess Elgin’s name in the check out database. “50 Shades of Gray, volume 17.” Her son had no imagination. I found the book on the stocking rack. Inside was a slip of paper.

“Not the same tree, but one just like it down the street. Thursday morning.”

She had to mean next morning. I arrived ten minutes early to figure out which tree. First I looked at the trees where we talked. I wasn’t alone, but I ignored the park’s other patrons. The drug dealers were dependable. They worked their territory like dedicated sales folk. Then I walked down each street from the intersection closest to her and my meeting place. I found the tree she meant, on my second try. It was an old but beautiful Japanese maple. She met me there, promptly at 9am.

After a hug, she got right to business.

“My name is Tess-”

“Sorry, Tess. I need to tell you. My son went away for the near future, possibly as long as two years. I want to hear your story, but I don’t know if I’m worthy to listen.”

Tears formed in her eyes. She struggled to keep her face neutral She failed and burst out, “I hate you!”

I expected her to run, but she stamped her foot and shook her fist at me. “Why you? You weren’t even that troubled! You don’t deserve to be here.”

“I’ll leave.”

“NOO!” She wailed. “I don’t have anyone else.”

“I’ll listen.”

“I hate you.”

“What should I do?”

“Stabbing yourself in the legs or arms works for me.”

She wore a full length skirt and long sleeves. I blanched at the idea of it.

Then, I noticed the possible real issue. “You’re not pregnant.”

She burst. “I didn’t want the child, but when I miscarried, I felt terrible!”

I hugged her. She struck me with her fist, twice. I didn’t care. She melted in my arms. “I’m so sorry, Tess!” I was grateful I could soak up her tears with my dress suit.

Her story spilled out over the rest of me. I soaked it up too. “Henry says I have to get back on the pregnancy horse as soon as possible. No matter how I relieve his balls, he makes me spit it into my hand and push it into my vagina, or let it drip from ass into a cup, which he pours into me. I get terrible infections, but Henry says it’s because my body needs a new baby. I’ve had to go on antibiotics three times since I miscarried. I beg him to just fuck me, but he says diversity will make a stronger baby.” I know what’s true, but when he says it, there is no other truth. He’s going to kill me with tainted cum.”

I could only keep hugging her. At least she couldn’t see me crying.

“Thank you.” She sniffed and disentangled herself from my arms. “Don’t come again, unless your boy controls you.” She turned and walked away, miserable.

On the way to work, that day, I chose a new mission for myself. I must find another submissive mom, to help Tess. I had no clue how to go about such a thing. So I used my imagination. Where could I find mothers who couldn’t help but succumb to their sons’ sexual desires? Searching for that on the internet wasn’t worth attempting. I’d just get porn. Fuck, searching for Hello Kitty returns porn as often than cute, stuffed cartoon animals.

I did search for missing mothers, specifically, how to find them. Apparently, they weren’t all that different from finding anyone else missing. Look in locations that would feel familiar to them.

What kind of place did mothers have in common that would feel significant to them? I considered lots of places, OBGYN centers, big box baby stores, parks. When I thought of yarn stores, I felt that was a good first place to try. There weren’t many of them, and for the last twenty years, knitting had become a persistent fad among millennials. I searched for the closest yarn store.

I took to my new mission with a patriot’s fervor. Afternoons, between the end of my shift and my husband’s return home, I hunted for submissive mothers. Yarn stores proved to be an abject failure. The women were too young to have post pubescent children, for the most part, and I realized, once under their control, the boys would decide where their mothers could be found.

Next, I hung out, like a sore thumb, at malls and mini-golf / arcades. I saw hundreds of boys and their mothers. The reminded, how rare my situation was. I felt a strange joy that mine wasn’t anybody else’s nightmare, except a few incredibly unlucky mothers. Seeing boisterous children and caring moms refilled a long forgotten corner of my misery with hope.

Once, a security guard confronted me. “Ma-am, I recognized you from previous visits. You’re not buying anything, and you seem generally suspicious. I have to ask you to leave and not come back.

I nodded and left. Mentally, I applauded the brown skinned protector. If my son still liked skee-ball and classic arcade video games, I’d give the guard’s establishment all of my business. I recommended them to mothers bringing children to the library.

After many weeks, I hadn’t found anyone to share their troubles with Tess. My sex life with Garrick had grown hot and cold. It was like we couldn’t sync up our desires. Surely, that had to pass. We’d figure it out. We weren’t shy talking about it, and we loved each other as much as ever. Privately, I blamed the heavy silicone filling my rectum. I couldn’t not stop myself from using it to give me powerful orgasms. I was expecting its potency to wane any day, but it had become a true fetish. I craved the pleasure it provided, possibly to my husband’s disappointment.

I grew more desperate in my search. Occasionally, I would visit sex shops, to see if mothers were being coerced to buy toys for their sons to use against them. It was a silly thought. Then I tried more culturally acceptable, erotic venues, like specialty underwear stores. I have to say, I didn’t observe as much as I shopped for myself and Garrick. I was just exiting the changing booth with a naughty open crotch pair of purple panties and its matching, open nipple bra. The woman waiting for the booth had two boys with her. They snickered and exchanged silly expressions. They noticed me and saw what I had just tried on. Their jaws dropped. After I passed, I parsed their intense whisper. “Mom, you have to get that for us.”

I nearly dropped the hangers in my hand. I shuffled away faster. From then on, I stalked them. Their mother did, in fact go to where I had found the purple, ‘open’ set. She looked around fretfully. I ducked behind stinking lotions and and lubes. She’d told the boys to wait by the checkout counter. My hopes sank when they obeyed.

I didn’t follow her back to the changing booth, but I found a spot to watch it. I realized, I had no idea how to approach and invite this woman, or even be certain if she was truly under her sons’ control. If I didn’t think of a way, quick. I’d miss my one, if slim, chance to help Tess.

Worse, the boys must never, ever suspect their mother sought emotional support against their abuses.

Desperate, certainly foolish, I pulled a business card from my purse and wrote on the back. “We can help, if you can’t talk about what your sons make you do.” I sneaked over the the changing booth. I cleared my throat before softly telling her. “Ma-am, did you drop this?” I pushed my card through the crack between the door’s hinges. “I think this is for you, even if you didn’t.”

A sharp intake of breath assaulted my bravery. Then the woman said, “Oh.” The card was taken through the crack, from my fingers. I made a hasty retreat. I fled the mall, sorry only that I hadn’t bought the naughty, ‘open’ set, for Garrick. He and I synced up perfectly that night. The sex was even better than with my ass lover. I looked forward to putting it back in the linen closet. I blamed my success at finding my first potential recruit. There was something subtly erotic about searching for women with dominating sons.

When I masturbated, I had to steel my mind harder against remembering the things Andrew would make me do. That was a pit, I dared never fall back into.

The woman didn’t call. She didn’t email. She didn’t show up at the library. I told myself that was a good thing. I shouldn’t wish for other women with abusive sons.

I spent another five days searching without success. Garrick and I found a decent rhythm. Sex was pretty good, half the time. The other half, I crept out of my bed and masturbated in the hall bathroom. I had returned to harboring the mighty plug, 24-7, with time out for bathroom breaks. I didn’t hide this from Garrick. He encouraged me, but it sounded hollow. At best, I unconsciously pressured him for sex less often.

Six days after giving my card to the woman in the changing booth, she drove up to the bus stop next to my library. I was waiting to go home. The passenger window of her grey, Ford sedan, rolled down and she called to me. “Are you the lady I can talk to about my boys fucking me?”

I understood spiritually, the phrase, “Knock me down with a feather.”

“You look like a librarian.”

Say something, Ingrid! “Uh, Ma-am...”


“No!, I mean, YES, You can talk to me! There are others-”

“Well, I don’t like it! My husband thinks it’s cute, but he don’t like sex. He likes trains.”

“Um, would you rather talk somewhere private?” I interjected.

“Oh, yeah, maybe we should do that.” She stretched to open the door before me. “Where are you going?”

“Um, it’s not far. Would like to park somewhere away from people? I know a side street just down the block.

“Okay.” She revved the engine and the car bolted. I had to navigate quick. This woman was in a hurry.” The tires screeched to a halt on a street that was more like an alley. Only trash collection vehicles frequented here.

“Now can I tell you?”

“Uh, you can, but can I ask your name? I’m Ingrid Mulderhoek.” I offered my hand.

She shook it, but was clearly worried. “Do I need to show you my ID?”

“No. You can even tell me a fake name. I won’t disrespect you for that.”

“I got no use for respect. My sons fuck me.”

“Yes, you told me.”

“What else should I tell you?”

“I’m sorry, do you mind if I explain a little about how this works?

“Okay.” She seemed agreeable to anything. “But isn’t that what I asked?”

“Hmm, it is.” Her vapid speech must be some sort of coping mechanism, I told myself.

From the moment I handed her my card, I constructed an elaborate description of our help group, guaranteed to help any woman trust us enough to participated. I pared it down for this woman, considerably.

“You’re not alone. I was like you, and I know a few other women who can’t stop their sons from doing what they will with them. We understand how hard and emotionally trying it can be. Our individual experiences are wildly different, but our pain is often too similar. By helping each other to express their troubles, we help ourselves by sharing the pain, and letting it out.”

“Huh, lots of women are getting fucked by their boys?”

“No, it’s really rare. That’s why it’s so important to help each other, when we discover others like us.”

“You mean, I’m special.”

I didn’t know what I meant anymore. My canned description was failing at it’s purpose, to ease women’s worries. This woman didn’t seem at all afraid. “Excuse me, but what can I call you?”

“Yeah, you’re Ingrid, and I’m Janice. Sorry. Is this a club? Are there dues?” She reached for her purse.

“Janice, we don’t need money. We try to get together often enough to prevent our anguish from building up. Time is the main thing we spend. I imagine it must be difficult to have made time today to reach out to me.

“I guess, but today is the day William and Burke go swimming all day. It’s like a club. The dues are twenty five dollars for all day, but that’s for both of them. I have until 5pm. I was going to park and find you in the library, but I saw you at the bus stop, first. Was that okay?”

The woman had confidence issues, as well as a brain the size of- Stop it, Ingrid. “That was very okay.”

Same as S.M.O.M.S: Ingrid
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When I was 18 years old, I was a bit of trouble for my stepmom. You know, the usual bad boy stuff. You see, my real dad divorced my stepmom and moved away and I never knew my real mother. My dad married my stepmom when I was 9 and though our relationship was strained and a bit distant, I considered her my mother.So at age 18, I was a real hellraiser. Finally one day, my stepmom, Donna, laid down the law: I would follow her rules to the letter or I would be placed "in the system," kicked out....

3 years ago
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How To Wake A Sleeping Daddy

Daddy is going to be home all week and I have a little something special planned each day. This morning, I woke up and made daddy's coffee. I brought the coffee in his favorite mug to his bedside table, sitting it down carefully and quietly. The smell of freshly brewed coffee and the vanilla essential oil we keep heating in the bedroom filled the air. The soft whir of the ceiling fan, a few outspoken birds, and daddy's soft snoring were the only sounds. I carefully peeled back the blanket and...

2 years ago
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GenerationsChapter 39 More Smiles

“Mommy! You’re home!” Holly came bounding into the kitchen, half-dragged by Goldie on her leash. “How was your trip? Is that a new dress? It looks very pretty.” “Thank you.” Lauren had worn a new halter-topped sundress home. It was a bright yellow and green print, calf length with a pronounced flare to the skirt. She also wore a pair of new sling back high heel sandals and nude toe stockings, and a large flouncy straw hat. “My trip was just fine.” Lauren lowered her face first to the...

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The Package Ch 01

Suzanne studied herself in the mirror. Staring back at her was a moderately pretty 30-something (although men would say she was stunning). Suzanne was critical, but she had to agree that her hair was superb — thick shoulder-length auburn hair with such a shine and bounce. Her face? Oval, clear-featured with a dusting of freckles and piercing green eyes. She wore no makeup, or very little, and her complexion was good. ‘All right,’ was her verdict, also remembering how her last boyfriend had...

1 year ago
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Fiona Mike and Me

I'm really not sure why this happened. I am sure that I have never given anyone any reason to think that I am a wuss, but somehow at least two people came to the conclusion that I was on the wimpy side and that conclusion had some dire results for them. I am a pretty average guy and I have (or had) a pretty average life. A good job that paid all the bills with a little left over to pack into savings. A lovely wife and three great kids, a dog named "Dawg" and a cat named "Flowers." The...

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I Control Minds Ch 04

Alex couldn’t believe herself. She was fishing Greg’s cock out of his biker shorts and wondering to herself why she hadn’t done this in the past. As she got it out and began stroking the fat organ she really couldn’t believe that in all these years she hadn’t taken advantage of this man’s gift. Her mouth watered as she pulled him toward her. ‘How could you have kept this from me,’ she asked before filling her mouth with the enormous head of Greg’s cock. Greg leaned back against her desk as...

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Mista ridges here again with a story I remembered today..I had a neighbor that lived across the street named zuzu she was a slender cape verdian her man @the time was always havin the cops at their house so one time he got locked up and did a bid..well one day I see zuzu an asked her if she smoked trees(cronic maryjane marajuana) for my non ebonic people:)..and she said yes. An invited me up to smoke later that night ....so I went across the street an went upstairs to her spot and I have 2...

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Jennys Dream

The quiet background music changed to a somber processional march. The congregation rose quietly and turned toward the center aisle. The procession was lead by a priest in full ceremonial vestments. The only unusual item was the stole. The usual brightly colored stole was replaced by one of black velvet, which contrasted sharply with the flowing, white robes. The priest was followed by two acolytes. One carried polished brass cross on a tall pole. The other carried a folded satin cloth. Six...

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WednesdaysChapter 33 Wednesday Ed

Dana and I got there first that night. She'd come home a little early, put on a t-shirt and shorts, and we walked down Maple to Tom's. I love the way t-shirts cling to her breasts, and I love to watch them move as she walks. Anyway, we sat in the booth with our first beers and played footsie, my toes running up her thigh to where her shorts covered her bush. Her foot was busy, too. Then Ned and Toni showed up. "Hi, you two," Toni called, starting to slide into the bench next to...

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ContagionBy Brewt.BlacklistJanuary-July 2011RichardLiftISN'T THAT sweet? The little dish is fronting for her man that she doesn't think I know about. Can't see him, sure, but I know he's, oop, there he is."Thanks for stoppin'. It's frickin' cold out here!"That's not the word he really wanted to use."Really, we appreciate it, a lot. Ahh. I'm not kiddin' about the cold.""No problem. Where ya headin'?""We's headin' North.""North, Miss Tessmaker."I looked in the rearview mirror to see the girl...

2 years ago
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Tobago nice sunny beaches and much more

Winter was very cold at New York; then my loving wife asked me if we could have a quick escapade to some place at the Caribbean.I thought Ana getting out on a sunny beach would be good for her.Then I knew my sensual wife would have the chance of being well used by some local black men there. The thought excited me…The trip to Tobago was right in time; with very nice weather. We got to a nice resort; where our room overlooked the ocean. Tourists were sun tanning on the beach or the hotel pool....

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Danas Revnege Part 4

Dana's Revenge ? Part 4 ? by: Tweak (This is the continuing story of a man who is paying the price for having jilted his previous girlfriend. She has imprisoned him in a chastity device and is slowly turning him into a sissy.) I woke up Sunday morning and prepared for my day not knowing what Dana had 'planned' for me today. I took a shower and shaved all my required parts. I put on my make-up and dressed in my maid's outfit and began my chores. Around 9:45 the phone rang and...

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Duck HuntPart II Dave

Shit. I can’t believe you’re even asking. Yeah. No. She didn’t go. It was right before all of us went to Greece. The normal crew, most of the usuals. We went to Costa Rica a couple years ago, rented that house that slept like sixteen or some ridiculous number. I figured all the women we’d meet would have been from Costa Rica but it turned out all of them - almost all of them - were American women. Fly all the way to Costa Rica to meet women from Texas and from Georgia and Florida. Women I...

4 years ago
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Spyro and Cynders new adventures

(All characters that appear in this story is more that 18 years of age since this takes place several years after Dawn of the Dragon.) How do we start this adventure? Who do we follow? Will it be our heroes, Spyro and Cynder? Or do you wish to follow side characters like the Guardians or even OC characters? Note, you don't have to stick to one character. This is simply the point of view you wish to start from.

2 years ago
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My Friend8217s Mother Is A Bitch

This is a fictional story. I am writing this due to my friend’s wish. Now going to the sex story, heroine of the story is my friend’s mom. His family members are sunny(my friend) Reetu(his sister) Rupali(mother) Bridesh(father). Met at a camp in Kodaikanal. We became friends soon. Due to our common interest in incest. We started sharing our sex fantasies one by one. He was mad for his mother and dying to fuck her tear her pussy. He was even ready to fuck her mother. So I decided to make a...

1 year ago
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“Scarlet, you know her, the tall elegant redhead, late-thirties, we had drinks with her. Slim body with wonderful long legs. “Tell her fine by me as long as she looks after my sexual needs.” “You mean you expect a blow job?” A few days later we met Scarlet for drinks. “Sarah told me you want to watch her being pleasured by two boys from the gym.” “Yes, that would be very exciting for me. She told me you expect a blow job from me as a quid pro quo. That would be even more exciting for me....

3 years ago
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The Developing of Emma Part Four

Emma awoke in the softness of her silk sheets and wondered what the day would bring; her sissy cock bulged and dribbled sticky pre-cum through the outlet of her cage as she thought of sucking Kurt’s cock; her tight little anus clenched and released at the plug, which acted like a comforter. Elaine was right, Emma was beginning to enjoy the plug and as she tried to rub her confined cock, she imagined the plug to be Kurt’s cock; how she wanted to cum! The blue pill she had been given would keep...

4 years ago
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My wife and our older nieghbor

So my wife (Charisma), have been married for 20 years and and have 3 k**s. My wife is still hot as hell. 5'7", blonde hair, 36DD chest, flat stomache, and dark brown eyes. Anyway she is very sexual, does cam and even plans on her own web site. When it comes to sex she has done BJ, creampie, and even anal. 2 guys max for now though and no dp yet.So this happened like 6 months ago. We went out for a basic date. Dinner and maybe drinks. Maybe cuss I don't drink but she does. She had on her sexy...

4 years ago
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Weekend BBQ Pt 1

It's Friday and I just came home after a long day at work. I am active duty military so my days are long and stressful.I walk into the house and my wife Joy is sitting on the couch with her long tone legs stretched out perfectly showing me the outline of her thick pussy. I feel my cock instantly twitch.I decide to sneak up and snuggle to her while pressing my throbbing cock against her. She pushes back against my cock and lets out a slight moan. I push forward to meet her thick pussy lips and...

Group Sex
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Rennen! Das war momentan Noras einziger Gedanke. Möglichst schnell, möglichst weit weg. Die Rufe hinter ihr nahm sie genauso wenig wahr, wie die Leute, welche ihr auf dem Bürgersteig erschrocken auswichen. Die Ampel vor ihr war auf rot, doch sie achtete gar nicht darauf. Sie rannte über die Strasse, sprang über die Motorhaube eines Volvos, welcher erschrocken abbremste. Sie warf einen Blick über die Schulter. Entsetzt merkte sie, dass der Mann, von dem sie seit dem Einkaufszentrum verfolgt...

2 years ago
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Meeting 5 Being Shared By Adam

Sally spent the whole day fretting about tonight. She must have been sick at least twice and could not settle into anything. She spent two hours getting ready and was still not happy. I told her that she looked sensational. I gave her a glass of wine to settle her nerves, but she looked terribly anxious. Sally always gets like this before meets and I just have to manage it as best I can.After packing some sexy clothes into a bag we finally we headed out to the hotel in Daventry. We checked just...

Wife Lovers
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Chapter 2 Tiffanys Tattoo

Today was the one-month anniversary of living on my own. Leaving my aunts' home had been harder emotionally than I had expected. While I was only moving from North of Tampa to St. Petersburg Beach and knew I'd still see them regularly, my aunts had been everything to me.They had lovingly taken me in when my parents were killed and raised me as their own. They had always been there for me as I grew up and their support had been unwavering, especially when I made the decision to become my own...

2 years ago
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Nude Lingerie 3

“Fucking hell, woman,” gasped Catherine Hart, the new attorney of Pussy Power. “Where’s your clothes?”She got up from behind her desk and scrutinized my naked body. Catherine was a forty-something and very shapely brunette, dressed conservatively in a two-piece business suit. As she walked up to me, I saw her gaze moved up and down by body and when it reached my naked pussy, her eyes suddenly bulged like they want to jump out of their sockets. I smiled. I liked her reaction. I could feel a...

Group Sex
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Average and Regular

"You marry me. I have money." The hot tight bodied female asking for my hand in matrimony was holding out a tight roll of American currency in her hand. Now having girls giving me money and asking for marriage is not something I have happen a lot. This brings up the big question-Why? Was her plea for us to be wed in married bliss due to my stunning good looks? Hardly-sure I was fit and trim at a little over 5 foot 6 inches, but at best my looks could be described as "ordinary or...

1 year ago
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Pumping An Indian Housewife Aunty8217s Ass Hard

Hi readers! I am Sangharsh here, a 21-year-old guy from Mumbai. The events which mentioned in my story are absolutely true. Okay readers, my story begins here. In my apartment, a couple along with their kids came to live as my neighbours. The guy’s name was Dhruv, who was a marketing specialist and was out of town for almost every day while the woman’s name was Anita. Anita was a housewife. Now, let me tell you about Anita. She was fair, thick from the bottom and had firm and large boobs...

4 years ago
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Imogen a Harry Potter taleChapter 67

"You have received but few hints of your past, and they have been so subtle that I doubt you picked up on them. Do you recall your first visit to Grimmauld Place, and what the portrait of Mrs. Black screamed at you?" "Yes." There was a long pause; Imogen by her silence passed a test. "You really do take my instructions literally, don't you? How rare in a teenager. I give you permission to speak freely." "My recollection of things not in 'the books' is very far from perfect, but...

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My ot My Niecesand Me Part 2

Until. One night when Crista was 27 I heard her knock at my window. So, I got up and let her in. I couldnt believe my eyes as she stood before me in a short jean skirt and a sheer red top. I could see she wasn't wearing a bra as her nipples poked out. Her brown eyes looked deep into mine. Her hair flowed at least 2 ft below her shoulders and her skin is a smooth dark olive. OMG her legs looked so hot. She immediately kissed me and our tongues intertwined. I literally orgasmed as we kissed for...

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He was my Forbidden Fruit part 11

I had never in a million years thought of Mason in a romantic way and had never thought he would be interested in me. He had never shown any sort of interest before other than me being his 'Best Friend's' wife. We simply contented ourselves enjoying each other's company, sharing the same interests, and we both loved deep, meaningful conversations. We could talk for hours about anything and everything. These conversations were sometimes so intense and so full of emotion that we got to...

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Meeting Elicia

I took a moment to reflect on what brought me to this point. And by "this point", I mean a 4 foot 11, dark brunette girl, with a pixie cut wearing only panties straddling my lap and grinding against my rigid cock like it was the first time she was getting any action in three years. It all goes back to ordering two coffees at the shop down the street. I never figured something like that would lead to my current situation. *** I was standing in line at the local coffee shop wearing my best...

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Barging into the room, were Stu, Princess and Jennifer, seeing us dressed with me on my phone in the wheelchair, packed and ready to go. Peter sent me a text. I let Honey ‘man’ my wheelchair as the ladies all giggled at the look on her face. Stuart understood what had happened and I saw him shaking his head in deference to me. My lap held my, Honora’s, and Jennifer’s bags as we all got to the bus together. Stu handed me a piece of paper, which I put in my shirt pocket because Peter had come...

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Every Woman Has a Price12 Collections

She wanted a drink. She stopped herself from pouring it. She didn’t eat the cookie she wanted. Was it too much to treat herself? What if she got Owen’s body fat? What if she damaged Owen’s liver? Elizabeth ground her teeth. Then she realized what she was doing and stopped. “You OK?” Carlos stopped her by the rear exit of the restaurant. “I just want to go home and get a shower,” she said, as she tied up her hair. Ponytails kept the strands out of her eyes but they did little to augment her...

2 years ago
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My first orgasm pt 2

The summer had come again and I was off to the farm, it had been a hard year since I first saw Adam, Granddad had to retire due to seriously ill health and had to take on extra help around the farm, Adam was still there as Granddad had given him full charge of everything and only went to him if he had to order something.I turned up as usual after first week of end of college and done my usual tour of the farm with the dogs, I found Adam who I was so pleased to see, he was chatting to another...

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How I Lost My Virginity To A Busty Village Aunty

Hi ISS readers, I’m Sukumar from Hyderabad. I’m not new here as reader but I’m new to share my true story. I’m an Engineering student, 23 years old but look much older with my face. I have a fair body. Just as a casual student will have. This is the story of losing my virginity, happened during my twelfth class vacation. I have a habit of going to my friend’s village whenever I feel bored. Though I started going recently but I love to go there. I go there not because it’s a good village but I...

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Summer Camp Punishment

The ride out to the Black Woods Campground was horrible. After last week’s events, mainly getting caught in a loving, post-coital embrace with my best friend Kevin, my parents have now gone silent. For a week all I heard from them is how I have disappointed them and insulted their good Christian sensibilities, not to mention the embarrassment they will have to put up with once word spreads that their son has lost his virginity to another guy. The fact that I recently turned 18 had no effect on...

2 years ago
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Dads MindControlled Daughters Chapter 4 Mommy Helps Her Virgin Daughter

Chapter Four: Mommy Helps Her Virgin Daughter A Belt Buckle Mind-Control Story By mypenname3000 Copyright 2021 Notes: Thanks to WRC264 for beta reading this! In a week my daughters had set up Best Dad's Daughter Services. “Showing young girls how to love their daddies!” Sarah set up the website, Tonya did the banner and other graphic designs, and Janelle did the marketing. I couldn't believe how excited they were for me to teach other daughters how to love their daddies, and to teach...

3 years ago
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First time to go This far

So its not unusual for my and my sister to fool around and neither of us are virgins but this was the first time went this far. I can remember it clearly. Her long legs and slender body, she wasn't tan by any means but something about how she was glowing, all I could think: Wow. Her eyes shone bright in the moonlight through the window, she was staring right at me. "But...." I muttered, she had my head spinning ready to give in, "Your my sister, we can't- its wrong." She completely...

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Exchange Student

"Geez, this place smells like a whorehouse," my dad bellowed. I started to ask him how he knew what a whorehouse smelled like, but decided he probably wasn't in the right frame of mind for a wisecrack from his fourteen-year-old daughter. Besides, he was right. My slutty sister and I had both drenched ourselves in way too much perfume, the latest skirmish in our war over Marcel, the handsome, debonair French student that our parents had brought into our home, never suspecting what a turmoil...

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BJJones the Story of My LifeChapter 87

Tuesday morning started off with all kinds of action going on. Jenny, Patti and I were entertained to all kinds of sounds coming from next door. There were sounds from diesel engines to all kinds of crunching and crashes. It was loud enough to have all the girls in the kitchen before we left for work. They wanted to go watch. I told the make sure they stayed well out of the way if they did. When I walked into the office the night supervisor handed me a stack of messages that had come in this...

2 years ago
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Cable To Pleasure

‘It’s beautiful out there,’ you told me, as you peered out the window, up towards the mountain. ‘Yes, it is. Wait till you see it from higher up.’ We were waiting to board a cable car that would take us to the mountain’s peak. ‘That reminds me,’ I said, ‘I’ll be right back.’ At first, you paid me no heed and continued admiring the views. After a while though, you looked to see where I had gone off to. You spotted me conversing with the operator. I appeared to be handing him some cash. You...

3 years ago
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Adventures of Me and Martha JaneChapter 15C

During the week, Ronnie set me up with two posing assignments. They went well, although I found myself very restless while trying to hold a single pose for more than fifteen minutes. I posed twice for the same artist, a middle-aged woman in Greenwich Village whose apartment walls were literally flooded with drawings, paintings, and photographs by herself and others. She seemed quite pleased with me, and she gave me some pointers on how to promote myself and register with various services. I...

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11th GradeChapter 15

Surprisingly, once I stopped fretting over my relationship with Brenda, I was able to feel relaxed around her again. After dinner we all sat in the library, talking about money. I excused myself long enough to go in the kitchen and visit with Gerta and Hans. Gerta told me that Grace and Jane had driven to Bolling for the weekend, and that Mama had given them the keys to the apartment my parents kept there. For some reason, this seemed to upset both Gerta and Hans, and I didn't know why....

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A chance meeting... then, again, in different circumstances, a glimpse across a room brings questions, possibility and longing. Feelings you were previously unaware of. Although.... This is a work of adult fiction. No resemblance to reality should be inferred or expected. Copyright KLS 2008. Reacquainted By Kristina.L.S. I'd been living in the old house for several months and...

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BJJones the Story of My LifeChapter 368

I was in my office with Lorrie and Marcy; we were discussing the latest update of the work on the two C130s at Toronto. Every few days Lockheed sent pictures and a report on progress; they clearly understood the deadline was fixed. Jenny and Marcy had insisted there be a daily financial penalty for every day past the deadline in the contract. Amy sent an email that the budget had been signed and that we should precede with logistics for the new embassies. Everyone would be super busy again...

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Shalini Nair From Chennai

Hi, this is Sandy from Chennai. I am doing my PG course. This is my second sex story am submitting here kindly give nice feedback am a fan of Indian sex story for two years, kindly bare my grammatical mistakes. Mature ladies and young girls who are willing for chatting hangouts phone sex straight performance and advice. Kindly come forward and mail me The incident that happened to me was in my college days. This was when I was 20 years old and was doing my last year of graduation. I had got a...

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In the club

You’re over the other side of the club, we’re pretending not to know each other, I can tell by the look in your eyes. We do this sometimes, pretend to be strangers and play these little games. I keep on catching you looking at me, just running your eyes up and down my body. I am so thankful for wearing these jeans. I pull my top up a little bit at the front showing a bit of my stomach to everyone. My eyes are trained on you, I see you lick your lips as my fingers graze over my stomach and dip...

4 years ago
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First time with a MILF

Hi i am romeo (name changed) 24 yrs of age,, delhi -ncr and this is the story of a real incident that happened with me a while ago.So first of, i am an athlete i love playing outdoor games and all sorts of adventure sports so you can imagine how fit my body is. And my cock is neither too big nor too small i.E, 7 inches.As soon as i hit my twenties i started having this insatiable crave for aunties and mature ladies. Although i’ve had many girlfriends, no offense but a teenager or young girl...

2 years ago
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Clove and Spice

I glanced away from my video game for a second to pick up my cellphone when it started to ring. I looked at the screen only long enough to notice that it was my best friend Lars Wilton calling. "Hey," I said simple, propping the phone up between my cheek and shoulder. I took a moment to wipe the sweat from my palms before picking the controller up and turning most of my attention back to the game. It was the newest installment in the Modern Warfare game and I was playing online at the...

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ScamAngels Paige Owens Aaliyah Hadid Rent Money Payoff

When rent is due and no money to be found, Paige Owens and Aaliyah Hadid plot how they can make some fast easy cash. The victim this time will be one of their neighbors that appears to be in a miserable relationship with his wife from which he can’t divorce or he’ll lose everything. Our two cunning girls see this as a weakness and decide to exploit it by seducing their neighbor, give him the best threesome sex of his life and record everything on their phones. They can hold that...

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Nurse NiceNurse Nasty

Meanwhile: I'm putting down my initial thoughts for a “Nurse Nasty” story here to see what kind of response I get from the wonderful readership on this site. If I get good comments, I'll finish the story and put it up at a later date. My “Reluctant Kidnapper” story is also in the pipe to be finished and published soon. Look for it on Amazon under the ZondarTheBear pen name. Nurse Nice/Nurse Nasty By ZondarTheBear (A companion piece to “The Nerd With The Footlong...

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Naughty Girl Gets Punished

She grasped my pulsating member tightly into her soft delicate hand. Slowly she fondled my balls with her left hand. She looks up at me and we lock eyes for only an instance. I could feel the electric energy between us. This sweet young eighteen year old wanted so badly to do one mischievous sexual act. For whatever reason she did not care, nor did she divulge. Her head moves closer to the tip of my penis, her lips part unhurriedly but so deliberately. Within a moment my quivering cock...

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Kerrie ch 03 A New Tattoo and a Facial

Introduction: Kevin starts asserting control, Kerrie gets another tattoo and a facial from Kevin Chapter 03 – A New Tattoo and a Facial Why dont I go get the car. You stay her and keep Kerrie company, all right? Mark patted his wifes ass and smiled at Kevin. I expect you can protect her from any of the boys inside who might get the wrong idea. Kevin smiled and slid his hand down Kerries back, underneath the waistband of the panty-skirt. Hed given them back to her after she finished her dance...

2 years ago
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Richter Part One

His powerful sense of smell allows him to pick up and track the unmistakable scent of a perverse young woman. Her sexual fluids and sweat giving away to Richter, her insatiable lust and the demented fantasies her mind concocts, draw Richter in with potency. His prey was 23-year-old Elaina. An athletic and pretty blonde girl who was comfortably in her bed, staring at a computer screen. Wearing nought but a night tee, she softly moaned as she stroked her exposed clitoris and buried available...

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