Tentacle RomanceChapter 2 free porn video

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The Youma shrieked loudly as it bit down upon itself, and sent another pair wrapping around Sailor Venus' wrists before she could react, forcing her arms apart. The Senshi gritted her teeth, continuing to force-feed the Youma, but her efforts only seemed to spurn it on, and as she began feeling a cold tingling creep through the armor that held the Youma's tentacles half an inch away from actual skin contact.

"I can't keep this up forever!" Venus grumbled through gritted teeth as she was pulled in four different directions at once, "I guess this just calls for desperate measures!"

With that, Sailor Venus sat up, and bit down hard on the nearest tentacle. Once again the Youma shrieked in pain, immediately sending reinforcements. One quickly wrapped around its victim's throat, pulling Sailor Venus back down, as several others backed up the ones binding her arms and legs.

The Youma then began pulling the desperately struggling Senshi across the floor towards itself, with only her armor protecting her from really bad rug burn. Once she was within arm's reach, the tentacles that bound her legs squeezed tighter, almost penetrating the force field that protected her legs.

"I won't make this easy for you!" Sailor Venus shouted defiantly as her lower body was pulled off the floor until she was resting only on her shoulders.

The Senshi gritted her teeth as multiple new tentacles slithered about body, desperately trying to find a weak point, but having no luck. Several even tried tearing away at her skirt, but it might as well have been made of wrought iron for all the luck they had, as one boldly ventured underneath of it trying desperately to get a grip on her under garments with even less success. Venus could just imagine the frustration it was going through, as she was only vaguely causing her to be aware of the way it gnawed at the frictionless surface that her armor provided.

"Having problems?" laughed Sailor Venus, unable to suppress her amusement at the Youma's utter failure to take advantage of her. Infact, it soon found her squirming arms and legs almost too slippery to maintain a proper grip on, and had to continually shift and shuffle around its tentacles to maintain its hold.

"Well, that's just too bad!" she taunted as it tried to unsuccessfully wrap tentacles around her breasts, failing miserably at it, as the tendrils simply slid off the armor's frictionless surface, "Because all you're going is tickling me! And I HATE being tickled!!!"

With that, Sailor Venus somehow found the strength to stagger to a standing position. She forced her arms forward, grabbing as many squirming black tentacles as she could into a large bundle by the time her hands met. The Youma's eyes went wide with disbelief at the feat the Senshi had just performed, and howled in frustration.

"Nothing personal!" Sailor Venus commented, shifting her weight, and beginning to turn in a slow arc, "But I already have someone that I'm interested in... And she's the only one that I want touching ME!!!"

She then began picking up speed, spinning both herself and the frustrated Youma in faster and faster circles. The creature made a few dizzied sounds of protest as the room blurred around it as it spun, it's free tentacles flailing, and knocking over various household items in an attempt to anchor itself.

Finally, it began to almost cry, as the only sound that it heard was the sound of Sailor Venus laughing maniacally at its expense until she shouted as loudly as he could, "Crescent! Beam!!!"

They Youma let out one last shrieking cry of terror as bright golden light flowed along its tentacles, following them up to its body, where the solar radiation began filling it with unimaginable pain. Its eyes literally burned out of their sockets as all the hydrogen in its body was converted into helium in a small, well-contained nuclear fusion reaction. The Youma wasn't conscious by the time thousands of small black bits flew in all directions, heralded by a glowing brilliant radiance...

Sailor Venus sighed heavily as the tentacles that had once held her disintegrated into dust. She then looked over at the two small children who were still cowering in the corner. "I guess I'll have to call 911 or something," she muttered quietly, "But I have NO idea as what to report having actually happened here..."

Sailor Venus picked up the phone and dialed the number before simply putting the receiver down on the end table. "Don't worry," she reassured the two motionless, frightened children, "they'll send somebody along just to make sure. Just stay put, the police will be here soon enough..."

"Are, are you Sailor Moon?" inquired the boy nervously.

Venus ground her teeth, composing herself before turning back towards the two. "No," she said with a forced smile, "I'm Sailor Venus! And don't either of you forget it!"

"Oh! I see!" exclaimed the little girl, "I knew you couldn't be HER! Because you're much too cool! You don't need some guy to come in and save you at the last moment! You're a real heroine, Sailor Venus!"

The Senshi sighed contentedly, smiling happily. "Well, in that case," she replied, picking a note pad and pen up off the floor, "Here's a little souvenir!"

She quickly wrote "Sailor Venus" on two sheets of paper and handed them to the two children, before happily bounding out the window, back into the cold pouring rain...

After changing back, Minako immediately called a meeting. About fifteen minutes later, the group was assembled at Rei's. It was then that Minako explained to the others most of what happened on her way home.

"So you say that your powers just fizzled out for a short time?" inquired Luna as Ami scanned Minako for anomalies.

Minako nodded and sipped her tea. "I'm reading a 7.41% drop in your life force energy," commented Ami in a serious tone, "Are you certain that you weren't energy drained just before you tried using your Crescent Beam, Minako-chan? Or even before hand, perhaps? You weren't... 'With' anyone were you?"

"What?!" demanded Minako, missing Ami's joking tone completely, and turning slightly red, "Are you crazy?! But yeah. Maybe it did drain me a little. But it may have been able to generate some kind of dampening field as well."

"That's quite conceivable," responded Ami, "But I don't think that Youma DID get to you."

"Oh?" inquired Minako suspiciously.

"Yes..." explained Ami carefully, "You see, from what I've discerned from its residual aura signature, and the dust that didn't wash away in the rain. This Youma could only feed from frightened victims. But really, that's only a hypothesis. You don't show any signs of showing fear, though. Not in the last forty eight hour, anyway."

"It could be that it required an adrenaline rush as well," volunteered Luna, "But, unfortunately, we're no more closer to solving this-"

"Hm, that's strange," commented Ami, just before she put the computer away.

"What?" inquired Minako, feeling suddenly paranoid.

"You've experienced heightened endorphin levels in the last four hours," explained Ami, blushing a little, "Gee, I was only kidding about you doing 'things'..."

"Hey!" came Minako's exasperated reply, "I'd remember something like THAT!"

"You wouldn't necessarily have to go too far," explained Ami, "Unless I miss my guess, the victims of the Youma we're after might not need to be quite so... 'Brutalized' as Mirimoto-san was. Maybe it's like Jack the Ripper. He only went way out of his way with his killings when he had a lot of time on his hands. Maybe you were the victim of a light snack at an... 'Inopportune moment'?"

"And just what are you implying?!" demanded Minako, her face becoming horribly flushed.

"OR!" laughed Usagi, "Minako-chan really DOES have some new secret boyfriend she's hiding from us! And she was so involved that she didn't even notice-!"

"Would you just shut up, already!" yelled Artemis, glaring coldly at Usagi, "Can't you see that Minako-chan's been through a rather traumatic experience?! She could have killed! Or worse!"

The group stared at the cat, shocked by his out burst. A second later Usagi began to cry. "I think we should go..." Minako said quietly, as she got to her feet.

"I, I'm sorry, Usagi-chan," apologized Artemis as he watched Minako step outside.

"Well I guess this meeting's just fallen to pieces!" grumbled Makoto, collecting her things.

"Look," continued Artemis, "There's some things that I have to discuss with Minako- chan. There's more going on in her life right now than hunting some Youma with a hyperactive libido. Also... I may have a lead."

"Oh?" the group, minus the teary eyed Usagi, inquired as one.

The cat shook his head sullenly. "No. Not now, I... I'm sorry," he replied.

"Look, if you have something more for us to go on-" implored Rei.

"No," Artemis continued, closing his eyes tightly, "Not now... I have reason to think that it might be someone close to Minako-chan. But I need to break the news to her first, okay?"

"How does lunchtime tomorrow sound?" inquired Rei.

The cat nodded. "For now, fine," he responded, "But right just now, I have a friend to talk to..."

The cat then ran out and dashed after Minako, who had had a unfair head start. "Oh, man!" Artemis muttered, "I REALLY hate the rain... !"

Minako was leaning against a lamppost several blocks away when Artemis finally caught up to her. Her arms were folded across her chest, hugging herself against the cold as she forlornly stared at the ground.

"Hey," said the cat, shivering as the rain made him look more like a drowned rat.

Minako looked up and Artemis could tell that she'd been crying. "Oh dear," he replied mostly to himself, "Minako-chan, what's wrong?"

She just shook her head, continuing to stare at her feet. "Forget it!" Minako yelled over the sound of the pouring rain, shutting he eyes tightly to hold back the tears.

"But, you can talk to me," implored Artemis, sitting down at her feet, "That's part of my job, right?"

Minako sighed, covering her eyes with her hand. "I'm not stupid, ya know," she muttered, "I know what Ami found. I know when I was energy drained. I felt it but I told myself it was something else..."

"Maybe it was," offered Artemis, looking away, uncertain of how to continue.

"But that's not all," Minako continued grimly, "It happened when I kissed Yuri-chan. Artemis-kun, so you know what it's like to always fall in love with the wrong people?! Every fragging time?!"

"Minako-chan!" Artemis interrupted, trying to sound sympathetic, "It might NOT be her! Maybe the Youma was just passing by and discreetly stole some of your energy to tie it over 'till dinner! We don't really know yet... But as a precaution, Rei-chan and Luna- chan are stopping by your school to scan Yuri-chan. And who knows, maybe Ami-chan's computer was way off the mark."

"Machines don't die..." sneered Minako, trying unsuccessfully to hold back her feelings.

"'Lie'," corrected Artemis quietly.

"Whatever!" Minako exclaimed, throwing her arms in the air.

"Look," continued the cat, "Maybe Yuri IS something else. But so what? She didn't exactly strike me as 'evil'. And I AM a fairly good judge of character! And besides, there ARE a lot of other 'things' out there besides just Youma. I mean, hey, you know two talkin' cats for cryin' out loud!"

Minako gave a small smiled. "Maybe," she half sobbed, half laughed, "Maybe she's another Sailor Senshi. I do seem to recall there being some possibility of a tenth planet out past Pluto."

Artemis looked thoughtful for a moment. "Um... No," he said nervously, looking around in an exaggerated paranoid manner, "As I recall, that's something else..."

"Oh?" inquired Minako, finally meeting the cat's gaze.

"Um... It's nothing! Really!" he replied in his least believable tone of voice, "And besides, it's one of those things that'll come back to you once more of your past life memories come back."

Minako stared down at the cat, trying to hold back a smile, all too soon giving in, and laughing out loud. "You're lying through your pointy little teeth!" she accused, bending over to pick up the wet cat, "You have absolutely NO idea what's actually out there, do you? You're just trying to make me laugh!"

"Ask me no questions, I sell you no flies!" replied Artemis with the utmost of sarcasm, "And, um, thanks..."

"For what?" she asked, hugging the cat closer.

"For making it easier to tell you that the person you're in love with is a suspect..." Artemis answered sheepishly.

"I suppose so," Minako replied with a shrug.

"Yeah well, we can do a little investigating of our own before the other's show up tomorrow," the cat suggested, "But I guess that our best bet is to catch her before your first class. But it would be easier if we could just visit her at home."

"She headed west today," replied Minako, "But I can't give you much more to go on than that."

"Well, I guess that's something," Artemis said thoughtfully, "Maybe Ami-chan can do some cross-referencing and find out who's moved into any vacant apartments in the districts west of your school. She'd probably need more to go on, though."

"Are you kidding!?" laughed Minako, "This is Ami we're talking about here!"

"Yeah!" agreed Artemis with a wide grin, "You're probably right, but we'd best be at school early tomorrow, that way we improve our chances of catching Yuri-chan before class. How's an hour sound to you?"

Minako nodded. "No problem," she answered, "So long as you don't mind me being the walking dead first thing."

"Well," replied Artemis with a wry grin, "I guess you'll just be 'Sailor Walking Dead' if any Youma show up!"

"Don't push it, kitty!" Minako said with a scowl.

"Just kidding!" laughed Artemis, "Now, if you don't mind, what do ya say we head home, okay? Pneumonia isn't on my shopping list today!"

"Sure," responded Minako, "I guess my energy levels are low enough without catching the flu..."

The next day, Minako and Artemis arrived at school an hour and a half early, and as promised, Minako was only half awake as the two sat upon a bench near the front gates waiting for Yuriko to arrive.

"So, what's the plan, Artemis-kun?" Minako inquired with a yawn.

The cat glanced around as various other early risers milled about. "I think we have a fairly good vantage point right here," the cat replied, "We can probably just stay put for now."

"Sounds like a clam," muttered Minako, her eyes half closing warily before suddenly leaping to her feet, half scaring Artemis to death. "Yuriko-chan," she whispered under her breath.

"What-?! Where-?!" the cat exclaimed trying to look in all directions at once.

"Over there," Minako answered as Yuriko walked slowly towards them, her eyes downcast.

"Yuri-chan!" Minako called, as the girl got closer.

"Oh! Minako-san, greetings and salutations," she replied sadly, stopping a few feet away, barely meeting Minako's gaze, "I, I'm so sorry about yesterday..."

"It's okay," assured Minako, stepping over to Yuriko, and putting her hands on her friend's shoulders, "I'm glad it happened. It just makes it easier to tell you, Yuri-chan... That I'm falling in love with you."

As their eyes met, Minako could see tears starting to form in Yuriko's eyes, before spilling down her cheeks. "Minako-san, I-" she whispered, choosing her words carefully, "I've loved you since I first saw you in the newspaper in Kyoto. And as much as I had dreamed that you'd feel the same for me. I, I just don't want to wind up hurting you..."

"Oh!" replied Minako, feeling a little unnerved, "You fell in love with me due to the pictures I did when I was modeling for those Sailor V publicity shots? Wow, I guess I shouldn't have been quite so self-conscious about my appearance!"

"Um, no," continued Yuriko, shaking her head slowly, "That's not what I meant..." She reached into her carrying case and pulled out a scrapbook. Yuriko flipped through several pages as Minako reluctantly let go of her shoulders.

"This is what I meant," Yuriko replied, "Not publicity shots, Minako-san. I meant, the real thing."

Minako's eyes widened for a moment as she saw a newspaper article; cut out, and pasted to one page in the book. The picture was of the 'real' Sailor Venus, firing off a Crescent Beam, with an old headline mentioning something about her stopping a bank robbery. Minako thought quickly, knowing that her Sailor Senshi armor also altered her appearance in such a way as to give her a level of anonymity. But still feeling worried that perhaps her vanity had finally gotten her in trouble, and that Minako's 'impersonating' Sailor V had finally blown her cover.

"Minako-san, it's all right," came Yuriko's nervous tone, "I know... about you. It's a talent I have. But I've never told anyone! I promise, I'm the only one who knows. And when I found out that you went to school here, I couldn't help but ask my 'Mother' to transfer me here, seeing as we were going to move to Tokyo anyway. But now I'm afraid that I'm endangering you. I'm afraid of hurting you Minako-chan."

"Yuri-chan," Minako replied, taking the girl's face in her hands and tilting her head up, "How do you think you could hurt me? What don't I know?"

Yuriko took hold of both of Minako's hands, lowering them. "Seeing through your disguise is something that I've always been able to do. Along with my other talent..." Yuriko explained sadly.

"Other talent?" inquired Minako, her pulse racing as they spoke.

Yuriko nodded and continued. "Yes, I call it 'Hiding in Plain Sight'," she explained, "That's why I can disappear so easily. People just subconsciously ignore or forget me for a little while. Just like we did the other day."

"Oh!" laughed Minako, feeling relieved, "So that's all! You're and Esper!"

Yuriko glanced back up at Minako and put her arms around her friend. "Please," she implored, "just hold me for a little while, my dearest Minako-chan. We're shielded from view by my talent, but after you here what I have to tell you. You'll hate me forever."

Minako hugged Yuriko, and the girl squeezed her tightly in return. "What is it, my love?" Minako inquired softly, savoring the sensation of Yuriko's warmth against her own basking in the feeling of freedom of expression afforded by the girl's psi-power.

"I, I..." stammered Yuriko, beginning to cry on Minako's shoulder.

"It's okay," she soothed, "You don't have to tell me all of your secrets right away... Even though you seem to know most of mine..."

"Only some," admitted Yuriko guiltily, "but especially the one that I have no right to know."

"Shh, it's okay, Yuri-chan," Minako whispered, "It was bound to happen sooner or later someone was eventually going to see through my disguise when I'm out stomping Youma-"

"That's not it," interrupted Yuriko, shaking her head sadly, "Minako-chan, have you ever tasted honey?"

"Yes," she answered questioningly.

"Well, when I kissed you-" began Yuriko.

"How very poetic..." replied Minako, hugging her friend appreciatively, and blushing profusely.

"No, you misunderstand," Yuriko continued, "it was more than just your kiss..."

Minako waited for the girl to finish, but Yuriko only shook her head. "Maybe later," offered Minako reassuringly, "We have our whole lives ahead of us. But I should tell you. I have some friends stopping by here for lunch today, and-"

"F-friends?" stammered Yuriko, looking imploringly into Minako's eyes, "Um, can we meet them right here, by any chance?"

Minako nodded giving her a questioning look. "Sure, but why?" she inquired.

Yuriko turned away and shrugged. "I, I'd just feel better about meeting new people in an as public place as possible. That's all," she answered nervously.

"I understand," replied Minako with a smile, ands leaned forward to kiss Yuriko.

She turned back and tilted her head slightly before meeting Minako's lips with unbridled enthusiasm. The two stood silently for several moments; simply holding one another, enjoying the comfort provided the touch of each other's kiss. But suddenly Minako felt a warm drop of moisture touch her lips.

She opened her eyes, and saw that Yuriko was crying. "I, I'm sorry, Minako-chan," Yuriko said sadly as she pulled away, causing Minako' heart to sink, "But I don't want to hurt you..." Yuriko then broke away completely, and tore off into the crowd of passing students, once again, disappearing.

"OH!" there you are!" exclaimed Artemis, running over to Minako as she stood staring off into space, the feeling of euphoria leaving her a little dazed, "Where did you two go? It's like you just vanished!"

"Paradise..." muttered Minako softly, unconsciously licking her lips, and stilling feeling Yuriko's touch upon them, as she tasted her tears, "I never thought that it would be such a sad place."

"Yuriko-chan," chuckled Artemis rhetorically before noticing the look in Minako's eyes. "Hey, what's wrong, kid?"

"Um... They're not salty," Minako said wonderingly.

"What aren't?" the cat inquired.

"Yuri-chan's tears..." Minako answered, and a chill ran down Artemis' spine...

Minako spent the morning feeling terribly alone, as for some reason, Yuriko failed to attend any of their mutual classes. So, when lunchtime finally came around, Minako immediately rushed outside to where Artemis was waiting for her.

The cat looked up at her with a grim smile and motioned towards the street. "They'll be here soon," he said quietly, "But are you gonna be okay? You look pale."

Minako shrugged. "Maybe," she responded, sitting down on the bench, "I have NO idea where Yuriko is, though. She wasn't in school this morning."

Artemis looked thoughtful for a moment. "Well, there goes that plan I guess..." he muttered.

Minako looked over at him with tears in her eyes. "Then I guess that's it then," she commented sadly, "She's guilty by reason of omission. The others will assume that Yuti- chan ran when she found out that they were on to her. Now they'll hunt her down... and end it..."

"Minako-chan," Artemis said guiltily, "That's not what's going to happen. I'm sure she'll turn up. And then we can go from there. We'll just wait for her-"

"And what if Yuri-chan IS the Youma?!" demanded Minako, "What then... ?"

"We'll deal with that possibility, when, and if it comes to that," Artemis answered, hating the way this was hurting Minako, "Don't worry, I'm sure it's all just a coincidence. I mean, any evidence that there is against her is purely circumstantial. I'm sure that neither of you has anything to worry about."

Minako just shook her head, thinking over Yuriko's words earlier that day, wondering what Yuriko had so desperately wanted to tell her but just couldn't. "I just wish that Yuriko was here to defend herself," Minako muttered, "so that we could prove her innocence."

Artemis turned away, and noticed the approaching figures of Rei, Ami. In Ami's arms was nestled Luna, and all three wore grim expressions upon their faces. They noticed Minako and Artemis almost immediately, and rushed over.

"I think that we should tell you this right off, Minako-chan," replied Luna.

"Oh?" inquired Minako, without looking up from her contemplation of the ground at her feet.

"Well, it's just that we found a very old news paper article from Kyoto," explained Ami, pulling out a photocopied newspaper article, and handing it to Minako, "We thought that it was only fair that we told you."

Minako looked up, and took the paper without a word. She stared blankly at it for several long seconds, before her eyes went wide, and began tearing up. The headline read, "Family of Honor's Student Slain. Daughter Presumed Kidnapped". The picture associated with the article was of Yuriko. Minako shuddered slightly, but continued reading. It went on to say that Yuriko's parents were slain in their beds, and that all that was found of Yuriko were some torn bedclothes and signs of a struggle.

Minako dropped the paper and stared blankly forward in silence. "I'm sorry, Minako- chan," Ami said quietly, putting her hand on Minako's shoulder for emotional support, "If you need to talk..."

"It's not your fault," whispered Minako, feeling cold all over.

"So what now?" Artemis asked Luna quietly.

The cat shrugged. "I guess we should find out where she lives," replied Luna, "It's still possible that there's more to this than we're seeing. Some Youma do keep humans as slaves for extended periods. Sometimes using them like livestock, feeding from them when hunting is too dangerous to be worth the bother. Yuriko-san may still just be an innocent victim in all of this."

Minako shuddered at Luna's words. The thought of some vile Youma using Yuriko as a food supply filling her with contempt. But still, there was the possibly that Yuriko had been brought across by the Youma instead. She could have been lying about being an Esper, her abilities could very well have been Youma powers. But Minako tried not to think about that.

"I, I think I need to be alone, guys..." she commented, feeling a little sick, "If you think that it's for the best go and check out the school's records for her address. But, promise me this. If she IS a Youma, I don't want to be there when you guys... End it..."

"We understand," replied Luna solemnly.

"I'm sorry, Minako-chan," Ami said again, as her friend turned and walked away.

"I know," Minako said forlornly leaving them standing by the gates...

Minako found the tree she would often meet Artemis, and leaned against it. She let out a long sigh, and looked up into the ginkgo's foliage. "You can come out now," she said evenly to the empty air.

"How-? How did you know?" came Yuriko's startled voice from behind her.

"Lucky guess," responded Minako, turning to see Yuriko leaning against the opposite side of the tree, her arms folded across her chest.

"Minako-chan, I-I'm so sorry that I couldn't tell you-" began Yuriko.

"But I guess I'm just getting used to you hiding things from me," interrupted Minako, "So, what's the whole story? Just tell me. At this point I can take anything."

Yuriko took a deep breath before pushing herself away form the ginkgo tree and moved to face Minako. "A long while ago she came looking for a daughter. Someone to carry on Her legacy. It was because of my being an Esper that She chose me," Yuriko explained, her deep green eyes seeming distant as she spoke, "But I wasn't quite what she'd bargained for. I'm not like her. I refuse to be... Anyway, a while ago, I heard about Sailor V. I became quite a fan of hers... So I tried to find out everything I could about her. Until eventually, I found myself quite in love with you, Minako-chan. Then, when I found out that you lived in Tokyo, I begged and pleaded with Her to relocate us. I made up all kinds of excuses. And made a few scarifies... But we moved here. And now I've finally met you in person, I think I know what I really want. But first I just want you to know, that I never told her anything about you, my love. You're safe from her, but I'm not. And that's why- That's why I want you to end this. Soon..."

Minako met her gaze and took Yuriko's hand. "I promise," she said, "That I'll take care of this creature that's been using you. And then no one will hurt you. Not ever again, my dearest Yuriko."

Yuriko shook her head. "No, Minako-chan," she replied sadly, "There's more to this than you think..."

Minako's heart sank as the painful realization sunk in completely. "Then you're a- A-" she stammered, unable to get the words out.

"Minako," sobbed Yuriko, taking Minako in her arms and crying onto her shoulder, "Please, if you truly love me, don't say it. Please just don't say those awful words."

Minako closed her eyes tightly, fighting back the tears, clenching her fists as she felt her anger build. She felt angry with herself for not accepting the truth sooner, and felt mad at the universe for never allowing her a "normal" relationship, she was consumed with hatred for the inhuman, twisted creature that had ruined Yuriko's life forever.

"So, what happens now?" she asked, through gritted teeth, putting her arms carefully around her friend, no longer caring about the consequences of close contact with Yuriko.

I want you to end this," Yuriko whispered almost inaudibly in Minako's ear, "I can't keep going on this way. Being something less than human, sustaining myself by drinking Her corrupted energy..."

"So, she did 'bring you across' then... ?" commented Minako, suddenly experiencing a terrible calm.

"Yes," admitted Yuriko, sobbing and releasing new tears, "and that's why- why I was so afraid to spend too much time with you. Just in case I- hurt you. But please, Minako- chan, believe me when I say that I've never hurt anyone. I could never. Infact, the strange thing is, is that I require a victim who's willing. That's one reason why I've had to stay with Her. So that I could have someone to feed from and not have to worry. But now, now I just want it all to end. And I... Really do want you to know, that I DO love you, Minako. Honestly, I do. And that's why I want it to be you. I want you... To kill me."

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June was rolling the sushi while Lorna made another small batch of fried calamari. The luscious tentacles could easily be sliced or diced or shaved, and readily blended into a myriad of sushi styles. Cooking it, though, was trickier than cooking ‘normal’ squid, which was tricky enough by itself. Lorna knew her way around seafood though and soon found the right combinations of marinades and oils, and cooking temperatures and times. The downside, or upside, was having to do all that...

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2 years ago
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Tentacle Queen

Tomorrow will be the happiest day of your life: tomorrow you turn 18! On a woman's eighteenth birthday she is given her first [and typically only] bottle of Perfected Bonding Lube and introduced to three adult tentacle monsters. She must then pick one to be her first bondmate and forever after having sex with that bondmate at least once every lunar month! OH-MY-GOD: you can hardly wait! Sure you've had your flings with the other girls at school, but tomorrow you have SEX! You're considered very...

1 year ago
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Tentacle Party part 5

Michael woke up a few minutes after his tormentors left. He moaned quietly, the taste of his own cum still in his mouth. His cock was at full attention and leaking pre-cum again. His couldn't open his eyes due to the slowly drying cum coating his face. He was still horny as fuck.He rolled over and got up on his knees and started to wipe the cold cum off his eyelids. It was slow going, it felt like four centimeters of cum on his face. Finally, after several minutes, he could pear out at the...

3 years ago
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Tentacle Rape

Before we begin, here's a little background info: You come from a distant planet, searching for live victims to lay your eggs in. On your planet, there are only males, so in order to reproduce you need to lay eggs in humanoids. You appear in the shape of a man, which is a trait your race has so you don't stand out on humanoid worlds. Unlike most humanoids, you are a bright orange color and you do not have just 1 penis like organ. You have MANY. There is the main penis, which is roughly around...

3 years ago
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Tentacle Transformation

It is very cold. You feel uncomfortable. Sweat pours down your sleeping body. Dreams are scattered, unfocused, confused, quick. You feel a powerful tension, as if something is trying to grow from within... With a sharp gasp you wake up from the dream, covered in sweat, your bed sheets twisted and tucked around you, trapping you, forcing you to struggle to free yourself, you walk almost drunkenly to the bathroom, to wash your face, feeling overheated. Looking up into the mirror, you stumble...

4 years ago
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Tentacles! By Enclosed Lady ? enclosedlady (at) yahoo (dot) com ---------------------------- Sci-fi tentacle short story. F/f f/self, insertions, rubber, reluctant. (englishisn't my 1st language) Feedback welcome. ----------------------------- A chemical female scientist tested her new rubber experience to enclose herex-submissive girlfriend. During the process, the female meet some tormentinguninvited guests....  Year 2083 - at 17:00 Paula entered the elevator in secret military base....

1 year ago
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Tentacles penetrating yuki

I’m running late for work! “Yaaaa!” I scramble throughout my closet and grab a white buttoned up dress shirt and a black pencil skirt. I quickly brush my long brunette hair up in a bun, put on my red lipstick and rush through the door with my heels.I’ve been working as a secretary for a large corporation for about 5 years now. My life has been nothing but plain and structured. It’s a typical normal day running errands, taking minutes in back to back board meetings, and scheduling calls for my...

3 years ago
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Tentacle Testing

As your escort leads you through the impressively clean building that is to be your home for the next six months, you can't help but wonder if you made the right choice accepting this job. Sure, the pay will be amazing, free and premium healthcare for life, job perks being rather obvious, but still, are you really willing to devote the next half year to being tested by the scientists of Tentacles Incorporated? "Excuse me, Dr. Banson," you ask the nice woman in a blue business suit who's been...

3 years ago
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Tentacle Monsters And The Women Who Love Them

It was the year 44,444. Slightly over a century ago Humanity's scouts finally found a sapient alien race that had survived the immediate aftermath of inventing the atomic bomb, and it turned out that we were similar enough in our thinking to not only communicate, but socialize. Thing was there were a few small issues... Roughly four centuries ago the human Y chromosome finally became so damaged and degraded that no amount of genetic engineering could allow us to perpetuate the male half of...

1 year ago
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Tentacle street v2

Two men sit in a darkened room filled with computers. A few of the screens illuminate their faces. One of them sips a soda which the other stares intently at his computer screen. The guy holding the soda walks off to through the empty soda can into the trash can. On his way back he trips and hits a switch on a table. He gets up and notices what happened. "Ah fuck...." He quietly whispers to himself. You see, The building which they're sitting in is in fact a top secret research facility....

2 years ago
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Tentacle RomanceChapter 3

Minako let out a long sigh as the tension she felt was finally released with the gentle touch of Yuriko's soft tongue. Watching with great interest, her mind swimming in ecstasy, Minako took twin fistfuls of her bed sheet when she felt the way Yuriko wove her tongue teasingly around and around her clit, avoiding it by mere millimeters, after licking it but once. "Oh! I think you're teasing me way to much!" Minako replied, moaning softly under her breath as Yuriko's tongue sent little...

4 years ago
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After nearly 4 years with the FBI’s biocontainment lab without a promotion she was starting to wonder where this career was actually going. It wasn't that she didn't like the work, each case was unique and interesting it was just that she really needed more money to pay off her student loans then the government was paying these days. After all medical school and a doctorate in biology hadn’t come cheap. “So tell me what you think Dr. Longman.” said a voice from behind her. “Ah...

3 years ago
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Chucks FantasyChapter 6

I called Alice and told her our plans had changed and that Chuck and I would see her on Friday. "Were you able to convince him to do what we talked about?" "He was very reluctant, but when I told him you would make him a VP he decided that he would do it." "He does understand that it isn't going to happen over night?" "I don't know what he thinks about it. That is a discussion that you will have to have with him. Basically I gave him a promise on your behalf that if he does A you...

3 years ago
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What A Surprise

This will be a story hard to believe. Myself, I don’t believe in coincidences. Nor fate. You will have to judge that for yourself. Just listen and come to your own conclusions. But I am not giving my name. My wife would kill me if she found out. My wife and I were driving through the West earlier this year. When we were approaching Las Vegas, Nevada, my wife expressed the need to stop and rest for the rest of the day and night. You see, she is disabled with chronic pain, and we make it a point...

1 year ago
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VolleyballChapter 4

The following week Coach Addams changed the practices from twice a week for two hours a day to three times a week for three hours a day. Practice time was usually from one to four on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. Coach was getting us in condition so we were ready for the games. Gaby was a good girl on Tuesday but tried the shower thing once more on Wednesday. Lindsay wasn't going to deal with that again, so she had Emily drive us back and left Gaby to walk home. Gaby complained the...

1 year ago
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Party On and Sex Too

Some parents seem to know it all. Yes they do. Theirs did. Mike and Patricia and a few friends went out of town, for five days, and entrusted their home to their kids for those five days. They even had their older son keep an eye on it too, hoping it wouldn’t be destroyed by Travis, the 26 year old son and their 18 year daughter, Amber. In fact so that it wasn’t “destroyed” they alerted a few neighbors to “keep an eye” on the house for the next few nights insuring them that nothing peculiar...

1 year ago
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TeenPies Jessa Blue College Rejects Cock Accepts

Getting into college is one of those things that seems like the biggest deal in the world when you are a teenager. So, when Jessica Blues boyfriend gets into college, she wants to celebrate with him. The only problem is, she did not get in. She decides that to cheer herself up she is going to get an academic dick down. She waits for her boyfriend with her ass out on the bed, beckoning his boner inside. He shows up and fills her vacancy, no holds barred. She takes his cum-filled graduation cap...

1 year ago
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Were Finally Legal

       All these events, including the good and bad, have happened this wonderful year. The year is wonderful, because the characters tried many things for the first time in their lives. There were two young girls of 17 in India and everyone had a crush on them as they passed them anywhere: at high school, at malls, on streets or anywhere else. Something special was in those nymphets, but they never were too stuck-up. One of them was a striking beauty named Naina and she was 5’5?. At her young...

3 years ago
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Natalya (Natty to all her friends) is the assistant admissions coordinator at State University and on this particular afternoon she was sitting back in her chair and staring at the pictures of her family that were prominently displayed across the front of her cubicle. In two large decorative frames were pictures her late husband Charles, her daughter Mary and her husband Frank and, of course, the love of her life, her grandson Billy. "Thinking about your grandson again Natty?" Caught...

2 years ago
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Am I a Cock sucker

When you look at porn photos or videos do you want to see sexy young ladies with other ladies or playing with themselves? Or do you want to see them fucked by huge cocks?When a girl is alone and a guy walks on screen and she reaches over to massage his crotch do you get excited when she finally pulls his Dick out of his pant ? Is that something you look forward to ? Do you like it when she sucks his cock and it grows larger ? Now think about this one....do you wish you were HIM or do you...

1 year ago
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I spent all morning at Adult Prime, eating my bowl of breakfast Viagra while perusing their collection of dirty movies. It was definitely a good way to start the day, and frankly, a damn decent way to while away the afternoon hours before jerking off to it as a nightcap. Some of you might think, well, a guy who legally changed his name to ThePornDude is just naturally going to be masturbating to the stuff all day and night. The thing is, it’s a rare site that can keep me occupied this long...

Top Premium Porn Sites
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The Destroyers Book 2 Hope and BetrayalChapter 21 Vengeance 3

Aboard Space Dock One, Commodore John Thompson walked out of his office and headed for his personal shuttle. It was docked in one of the many launch bays on the twenty-mile long space dock. Walking through the concourse, he looked out at the USS Ark Royal. He saw the ship was almost completed. The command tower was going up as he watched. He picked up the pace and entered the shuttle bay to find his aide standing there. Lieutenant Susan Blake ... all of four foot nine inches of her, with her...

3 years ago
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Joy Ride

It was Friday after work and my car would not start.   Just as luck would have it Amber walk by and asked if I needed a ride home.   Yes I replied so I followed her to her car.   She is a real looker with a great shape. She has a great set of knockers on her, long blonde hair, blue eyes and beautiful tan skin. She was wearing a pink blouse and full black skirt.   During the drive home we exchanged small talk. Talking about how she liked to go back to college and get her...

Straight Sex
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Could it ever happen

He was a quiet, and very fit black man, late 20s maybe... tall, small head with very short hair... and his eyes spoke more than his mouth.He had something about him, she thought... something very appealing about his silence... some sort of hidden passion, manifested not only by the semi-permanent bulge in his pants, but also by his delicate mannerism in which he touched her and the way he breathed when he fucked her... it always seemed as if he was holding back something more than words... and...

1 year ago
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Debbies first

I’ve been friends with Debbie for almost fifteen years and have always had the hots for her. She’s a petite, 5’2”, hard bodied, small figured woman. She is in her mid 40’s, but has a body that most teenagers would kill for. Though I don’t consider myself any particular body part kind of guy, I gotta say she has an ass that would cause me to just blatantly stare like some kind of school kid. I consider myself respectful of women, but occasionally I lose large amounts of blood to my brain, and...

1 year ago
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NubileFilms Angel Youngs Evelyn Claire Do You Like Scary Movies

Evelyn Claire and Angel Youngs are having a girls night in. With a bowl of popcorn, they get ready to turn on a scary movie in honor of Halloween. As they’re about to start, the phone rings. Angel answers and deals with the creeper on the other end of the line. Angel assumes it’s her husband as she hangs up. The phone rings again almost immediately, with the caller implying that he can see what the girls are doing. Evelyn challenges the caller by asking what they’re doing...

3 years ago
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Her island holiday Chapter 3

Sandra, even in an intoxicated haze knows what she wants. As Arnie advances on her prone on the bed she moans. She looks at his manhood. Even in the dull light of the small room it looks huge. She readies herself for his attack. She squeals as she feels his cock once again opening her up. “Yes, oh yes baby. Fuck me darling” she mutters and then moans as he begins to bury his cock balls deep in her eager pussy. “Just like that” she wails as he starts to pound her. Almost immediately she hears...

2 years ago
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BrideChapter 6

I did put them on her, but while I did it, I licked from her clitoris to her anus, she moaned, then giggled and pushed me away, "Stop it you bloody sex maniac" she laughed, "Or we'll never get to the pub" then she moaned in protest when I did stop! A typical Saturday night, the pub was full, almost to bursting so after fighting our way through the throng to get to the bar, we stayed there squashed against each other There was a gleam in her eyes as she looked round the pub, I think...

1 year ago
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Professor Marvel Heroine Capture Part 1

She reminded herself that she should not be ungrateful. Every armor had its flaws. Ice Queen was in the middle of the battle for New York when her entire suit shattered. Strangely, at that exact moment, the battle had come to a complete haul with every camera focusing on her… like they knew what was going to happen. Ice Queen was still recovering even a week later after the battle after her suit malfunction, her next step caused her to trip. Her hands had caught her but her feet remained...

2 years ago
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Prom Date

Dan always enjoyed sleeping late on Saturday mornings. As he relaxed in bed, the sun beaming through his window he recalled Friday night at the mall with his best friend Alex. The two had stumbled across a shop of oddities. A shop neither had seen in the mall before, though from the look the shop had been there forever. With little else to do Dan and Alex chatted with the scruffy old shop owner. About nothing much, daily life, though both were shocked when he scoffed, that neither...

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Bob Sue and Anitas holiday romance 1

Bob sat on a stool by a shallow table window cill, high up, to one side of the `L’ shaped inside bar. He was tucked just around the corner of the short side of the `L’, looking through a hatch like window, which was dropped away and would be raised again after closing time. Bob had chosen this cheap beach side pop up bar as it gave a great view across the beach and this stool position gave him a clear view across to the groups of millennials partying on the veranda below, so whilst out of the...

1 year ago
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Dont Speak to Me of Desire

Don’t speak to me about desire. I know more of that word than most know about their own heartbeats. I have desired many things, some of which I have actually managed to grasp. I know desire. I know it well. I desire her with a part of me so ancient that it is nothing more than the spawn of patience. I look at her and wonder what it would be like to know her touch on my skin. Soft? Harsh? Dominating? Submissive? This part of me, an elder of mankind be eons, does not wonder… it waits. It waits...

2 years ago
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She was fucked by 4 guys

Hi this is Pabby this story was told to me by the girl who contacted me through my mail and fixed up the time for one full day as she wanted to take out the fire in her pussy. we met just for one whole day and for the whole day she never let me rest and kept me on the job… fuck fuck fuck… Her name in the story is changed because I dont ant to open her identity. She told me her story how she was introduced to the world of sexsual pleasuer…. If any girls, women, couple wanna contect me for the...

4 years ago
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Webcam Boys Chapter 8

This is a series originally posted on Nifty by a friend of mine. On his behalf (because for some reason, he couldn't get an account here), I'm posting it here. He reckons people who read here might like it too. The tags for this story aren't specific to any one chapter, but are general for the entire series. It's a work in progress, with currently 8 chapters and counting. Chapter 1 serves as a prologue. Chapter 2 is the actual start of the story, with Chapter 3 onwards containing the real...

1 year ago
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Gotta have Faithe

Everything seemed oddly out of place this Wednesday evening as I intently watched Faithe lost in thought; staring into the food well at “The Mongolian Spirit.” We had enjoyed nearly seven and a half months of saying things to each other that could land you in jail in most states, but her distraction tonight was one laden with guilt. In moments like these I cursed the intuitive nature bestowed upon me at birth as my inner demons began their battle deep within my soul. Inevitably the “bad angel”...

3 years ago
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A Benign SomethingChapter 4

For the next several weeks, Gayle and I tried to meet for lunch, as often as we could. Sometimes our schedules didn't match, but most of the time, we were able to still find time to talk, either by way of the phone late at night or email during the day. And, with each passing day, with each conversation and email message I received from her, I wanted to be with her even more. Whenever the phone rang, I instantly dashed over and snatched it up, hoping to hear her voice. Likewise, whenever I...

2 years ago
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The Preachers Wife Chapter Nine Brotherly Love

Maggie's brother, Bob, learned he had cancer during his physical examination while retiring from the Army. He was forty-seven years old, a big, muscular, macho guy with a bluff manner and a confident air. Maggie was forty-two. Both had married young. Both were divorced, Maggie only recently from her preacher husband. She was working in a refugee camp in Thailand.As adults, their paths had rarely crossed and Maggie didn't see Bob for several months into his treatment and recovery. Their mother...

3 years ago
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Brandees Move Ch 05

Jamie smiled at me and leaned in for another kiss. This one was short and sweet. He looked up at the clock behind me. “It’s 7:16. The guys will be here soon. We better get straightened up.” Jamie rose to his feet and I noticed the huge bulge in the front of his jeans. “Wait,” I said grabbing his hands. “They won’t be here for another fifteen minutes at least. Let me repay the favor.” I reached for the button of his jeans and opened it swiftly. The zipper came down as I pulled at the waist...

3 years ago
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After Practice

Christine Willoughby was twenty-five and a nurse. She was of an athletic toned physique; her breasts were of a divine medium size, firm, soft, and oh so natural. Her arse was full and firm, a perfect bubble butt while being small. She was a beauty, the sort that only turns up once in a generation. Her features were so soft and perfect they had to have been sculpted by the Gods themselves. Her natural olive tones worked perfectly with her warm smile and sparkling life filled eyes. She lusted...

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Basic Training Release

It was our first pass from Basic Training: our graduation day. Like a breath of fresh air, my sister was there to celebrate this long awaited moment with me. No one else had come with her because of previous commitments, but it didn't matter. Julie and I were as close as a brother and sister could get. And by the way she turned all heads that day, I was secretly hoping we grew even closer together. Julie had been the only one who consistently and regularly wrote to me. In the growing lonely...

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Bhabhi Hi Suchhi Hamdard

Mera naam pinki, 28 saal ki khoobsurat ladki hoon.Main delhi me rahti hu. Meri ek bhabhi hai jo bhaut hi open minded hai mai apni jawani me unse bhaut close thi. Unke kai saare boyfriends the wo ssari baate mujse share krti thi. So starting se hu muje sexy baato ka bada shauk tha. Kabhi kabhi bhabhi mere ghar aati thi pr ab meri usne bolchal kam hoti hai. Do saal pahle meri shaadi bihar ke vivek se hui hai. Shadi k baad muje bihar pasand nhi aaya to mai apne maayeke delhi me aa gyi. Yaha mai...

1 year ago
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BangBus Michelle Anderson Essential As Fuck

Today on the Bangbus we pick up Michelle Anderson, an essential worker waiting for the regular bus. She was hesitant to talk to us but we flashed her some cash and she was happy to flash us some tits. We were impressed by her confidence. So we invite her in. It didn’t take long for her to take off all her clothes. She has a nice round ass. Tony puts on a condom to protect himself from a virus. But Michelle begs home to take it off. Tony obliges and takes it off. They fuck hard. So hard...

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Meagans Desire

Meagan picked herself up off her bed. Her breathing was still heavy, but it was slowing down considerably. She picked up a hand mirror and glanced in it. The redness was leaving her pretty, youthful face. Bending down, she grabbed her underwear and short shorts and pulled them up. "Meagan?" came a call from outside the room. "What?" asked Meagan. "Can I grab the car keys? I'm going to John's." "Sure," said Meagan. Quickly, she adjusted her messy hair, and pulled the straps of her tank top...

2 years ago
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Unexpected Sex Experience With Rekha Aunty My Love

Hii girls and sexy women this is Abhay form Indore. I’m normal looking guy with the exact fat at each place of my body so if any girl or women interested for some action please contact me on my mail Now we come directly on the story it was happened 2 year ago with my aunty she was very pretty lady whom I mate. I’m in love with her when i saw her we mate in one marriage. She was my uncles wife her name is Rekha. she has good assets her size is 34 30 36 she was in her mid 30s. During the...

2 years ago
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School Van Driver 8211 Part 2

Hello friends puja kaur again . jinhone last story nhi padhi wo please pehle last story padhe . school van driver ne gand mari Ghar aate hi mujhe langda kar chalta dekh mummy ne puch kya hua . kisi se ladkar to nhi aya na . mene kaha na mummy sip hokar gir gaya tha . mummy ne dantte hue kaha , dekh kar to chala nhi jata chal roti laga rhi hu kha le , Mene kaha didi kaha hai , to mummy boli padi hai maharani kamre me . to m sidha room ki tarf chala gaya , mera or didi ka ek hi room tha , us waqt...

3 years ago
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College Life

DisclaimerThis story is a work of pure fantasy. If you are underage and/or repelled by erotic fiction about non-consensual sex then do not read any further.I would like to stress that in this story quite a few rather stupid clich?s are used. Therefore I want to urge those of you who cannot distinguish truth from fiction to please don?t read any further.English is not my native tongue so I guess that some errors could not be avoided. I sincerely hope that they do not disturb your reading too m...

1 year ago
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Chyoas adventurer

In the world of Exciom the different clans live in harmony. Dwarves, elves, beastfolk, humands and the like live side by side in both metropolitan towns or separated on the great kingdoms of each race. The kingdoms are well connected through roads and trade lines, however much of the world is in still need of being discovered. The great wilds stand imposingly at the edge of the known world. Many fearless adventurers go into the wilds to bring in the heads of beasts never seen before, treasures...

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Bound Bride

Categories - Bondage Keywords -- French Maid Very High Heels Sex Toys Synopsis -- Jay and Sandy had a normal marriage until one day Jay came home early and found Sandy in bed with a stranger. Bound Bride By Janet Baker We'd been married for just over two years and were quite happy. Our sex life was plain vanilla -- she seemed uninterested in sexual exploration and I was shy and afraid of broaching subjects that might offend her. We loved each other but were young and...

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wifes gangbang

GangBanging the WifeWell, the wife has really come a long way since we got her hormones straightened out as well as her back. I guess she’s trying to make up for lost time. Once she found out that I really meant it when I told her she could fuck other men, she’s had a different one just about every day. It’s nothing for me to walk in from work and she be on her back with some big dicked stud between her legs pounding away. There are days when I either have something going on or am just wore out...

2 years ago
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Peters Promise

Peter sat in shock as he listened to his fiancée finish her statement. His anger surged through his body. Pete was driving to the show for their regular date when he asked Polly if she wanted to take a week and go camping with him after her college classes ended next month. Polly said, "Pete you know I am leaving the day after classes are over. Shelly, Emma and I already have almost all our things packed ready to leave. You know we are taking the whole summer for a trip out west." "Polly if...

1 year ago
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Daring to be adventurous

Daring to be adventurous By SG [email protected]        School was back in session and friends were reuniting. Having already stopped off at the liquor store for supplies I was on my way over to Natalie’s new apartment. Natalie and I have been best friends ever since our freshman year. We were complete strangers to one another before we came to college and were assigned the same room. At first it was awkward to be roommates with a girl I had never met but it didn’t take long before we...

3 years ago
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My True Gay Experiences Part Two

I had another six month break between guys due to mainly the location I was living at the time. I had to take a course away from home and searched the Yahoo Personals (when they were free). Found a guy, hosting, who lives about 20 minutes away. Friday night after class, I showered up and hopped in my rental car and headed to his townhouse apartment.I arrived, all nervous of course, and met this tall white guy, with blonde or light red hair in his late 30's. He was wearing a t-shirt and some...

4 years ago
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Innocence Taken Part 2

Kayla lie there underneath Taylor, breathing heavily and overwhelmed with feeling. Never in her life had she experienced something that came anywhere close to comparing to that. It seemed like everything else in the world had disappeared and she had been taken into another reality where nothing else mattered. But now that the initial contentment had worn off, she felt guilty and extremely disappointed in herself. She wasn’t a virgin anymore, and... what was she going to tell her Mom? WAS she...

2 years ago
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A Day Shopping Slave Style

After a few weeks of exceptional service, even by my high standards, I’ve decided to take my slave shopping as a reward. Soon she will be out of the shower, so I begin searching the closet. I stand and contemplate my choices for a few minutes. I think to myself, today she will be my slut. With a smile, I pick out a chainmaille top I had custom made for her, and her micro black suede skirt. I grab my favorite net stockings and a garter belt and walk into the bathroom as she is stepping from the...

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