Runner's MoonChapter 13 free porn video

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The sun had long set; even the twilight was gone. It was cold out on the ice of Spearfish Lake, a a short ways out from the shoreline, off of the city beach. It was above zero, but with the clear skies, that wouldn't last; it was going to get chilly tonight. That wasn't all bad; Josh could stand it getting down a bit colder, since the dogs would be less likely to overheat. There was a gentle breeze, not enough to move the inch or two of snow that had fallen the night before -- just enough snow to smooth out the ruts and divots from the trail breaking. Best of all, a big, fat full moon was rising -- a "Runner's Moon", he'd once heard Jim Horton describe it, and he knew from his own experience that the dogs ran their best on clear, cold, moonlit nights.

Six times now, Josh had stood out on the ice of Spearfish Lake, waiting for the Warsaw Run to start; five times, he'd been a starter, and he'd finished the race the sixth time. Still, there was an excitement as the clock clicked down to the start time.

He remember the first time like this. Mark and Mike had started just before full darkness, with only five Pound Puppies each, all in their first year of running. A hundred miles had seemed like a lot to ask of the dogs, and it was a big step into the unknown. The next year, there had been six teams, of seven dogs each, and one of them had been his. Crosstie had been his leader that year; in fact, this would be the first time Josh had started the Warsaw Run without the faithful, intelligent old dog.

None of the ten dogs still on the picket line from the truck had been among the other six dogs; it had been what had seemed to him a good team then, that mangy pack of mutts he'd spent every spare minute for months training. He could still remember their names: along with Crosstie, there had been Polly, Stinker, (who had a digestive system that produced the worst dog farts he'd ever experienced), Jack, Shadow, Headlight and Truck. Three of those dogs would be making their fifth Warsaw Run start, along with him, but in other teams. Shadow had been one of his best wheel dogs, and had been a candidate for training this year, but probably only had a year or two left and definitely would have been too old for his plans for two years off; still, Jim Conger had been glad to have her. Smaller than the average wheel dog, she made up for it in sheer strength and traction. Jack was running in the lead for Dave Stitely; Josh had always had better leaders around, so Jack had rarely led, and never in a race, but he'd helped Dave build up a pretty good team, which included Truck. Both of them -- both dogs he'd gotten from Woody, years ago -- were nearing the end, too; this was probably their last start. Stinker and Headlight had run in the Pound Puppies race earlier in the day, and Polly had helped give rides to kids; she'd saved second for him, that first year he'd started his own team, and though well beyond racing now, she still enjoyed getting in harness. She'd been a tough dog to part with, and Josh had only let her go with the understanding that her retirement was mainly going to be spent as a pet.

Josh hadn't counted, but there were probably fifteen or twenty dogs that had passed through his or Tiffany's hands at one time or another running in the twenty-three teams out of the twenty-six starters that weren't from Run-8 Kennels. He couldn't remember all their names, right now -- some, he'd only had for a short time -- but it only helped underline just how good the team he had for this race was. It was a darn good team. Winning, even as defending champion, was not a foregone conclusion; after all, he'd won last year's race, after hope was gone, mostly on a lucky fluke. But, even assuming no flukes, there were at least seven, and perhaps as many as ten teams there that stood a good chance of winning. Tiffany had a team that was at least every bit as good as his; even running pure Siberians, Greg Mears couldn't be counted out; Fred Linder, from Warsaw, had built up a very strong team the past couple of years; his leader was a dog that Josh had given up on, but who had worked well for Fred. Given a couple of breaks, even Phil Wines, running Josh and Tiffany's backup dogs, couldn't be counted out, since many of the backup dogs were relatively untried yearlings that showed a lot of potential, and were strong candidates to go to Nome in another couple years. Having Switchstand in lead was an entirely unknown quantity; the Siberian/grayhound mix had speed to burn, and if he'd developed the endurance to go with it, could be tough to beat. Phil's relative inexperience was the only real weak point, but he had the intelligence to overcome it.

Leadership, of course, was the big unknown quantity in Josh's team. Alco could be counted upon to give a good account on the trail, and with Geep alongside, the two probably made up as much command leader as he would need. Both had given excellent accounts of themselves in training, especially the last few days, but they were essentially untried. In a few hours, he'd know if his rather enforced gamble was going to pay off.

"Ten minutes till starting time," Ryan Clark's voice came over loudspeakers set up in the icy corner of lake off the Spearfish Lake beach where the mushers, friends, dog boxes, trailers, and over 250 dogs were gathered around.

"We better get organized," Mike said, loud enough for the group standing between Mark's and Josh's dog trucks to hear. Mike was still beaming; in spite of everything, including limited training time, he'd finally pulled off his first honest-to-pete Pound Puppies win earlier in the day, if you didn't count the first Pound Puppies/Warsaw Run, which Tiffany had helped him with.

Tiffany already had her White sprint sled set up, gangline stretched out for ten dogs. "I'll grab 'em," Josh said. "Tiffany, you hook them up." Josh went over to the picket line, selected George, who would lead, slipped on his harness, and told the dog, "You run good for Tiffany." Jackie took George by the collar, and led him over to the head of the gangline. Dancer followed, with Mike putting on the harness, handled to the waiting gangline by Gil Evachevski. Dasher and Prancer followed, then Hemp and Snoopy, then Comet and Donner, and finally, Mongo and Pipeline in wheel. Excitement built among the dogs as the team filled out; already, they were ready to run, jumping up and down, eager to go.

"They look ready to rock and roll," Josh told Tiffany as he helped her on with her racing bib, Number 4.

"Yeah, they look like it to me, too," Tiffany said, a little subdued by the same pre-race butterflies Josh was feeling.

"Good luck, kid," Josh said. "See you in Warsaw. I gotta get Phil ready."

"Good luck to you, too," she said.

Half a dozen other people grabbed necklines, and helped Tiffany take the dogs out to the line gathering by the starting chute; with the excitement of the dogs, that might not even be enough, but there would be others at the starting line that would help keep the dogs under control. "OK, Phil, we gotta get ready," Josh said. Next to where Tiffany's sled had stood, Josh's old wooden Gravengood sled sat. It was a good racing sled, not quite up to the lightness of the Whites, but a darn good one, one of the last ones Mark had built before his main business took him out of his sledmaking sideline. A somewhat longer gangline had already been laid out; they knew from long experience that Switchstand ran best in single lead, mostly because he was a lot faster than most dogs they could pair him with. There were still hands around to help with the hookup, which had to be quick; Phil already had bib number 7 on, and he and Mark had already been harnessing dogs while the rest of the crew had gotten Tiffany going.

Given the harnesses already on the dogs, hookup didn't take that long. Switchstand went on in front, then four other pairs of dogs, with Marmaduke running in single wheel. It was sort of a scratch team, but a good one; Josh would have been happy to run a team this good any year before this.

"Good luck, Phil," Josh said as he hooked Marmaduke up to the gangline. "I don't know what else I can tell you, except to try to hold Switchstand down the first leg, so he doesn't burn everybody out. Let them run hard the first couple of miles, then try to bring them down to a trail pace."



"Thanks for having the confidence in me."

"Hell, you can handle it," Josh said. "Just bring 'em back in good shape, and be ready to tell us how everyone did."

"I'll do my best."

Ryan Clark's voice came over the loudspeaker. "Now in the chute, starting as number one, Jim Horton of Warsaw."

Josh looked over to the starting chute, which was empty. A couple of years ago, they'd picked up on an Iditarod tradition; bib number one was reserved for Jim Horton, who hadn't had a dog team in almost thirty years. But, he'd been the last of the pre-snowmobile dog mushers in the county, and even now, though in his late eighties, his experience and wisdom about handling dogs were still sought by Spearfish County mushers, not the least Josh and Tiffany. In a sense, he'd taught them all. It was a special moment, and Josh knew that if Jim felt up to it -- and he didn't always, these days -- he'd see him in Warsaw.

"Hold up another couple minutes," Josh said loud enough for Phil's handlers to hear, "Then get down and get in line."

The two minutes lasted about thirty seconds; even the handlers were excited. No loss, though. Josh turned to Mark, the only one remaining. "We better get started," Josh said. "We've got half an hour, but a lot to do."

There hadn't been room enough to lay out three sleds and ganglines, but there was now. Mark carried Josh's own White sled over to where the other team had stood, then started to lay out the gangline and all the other lines, while Josh went to harness his own dogs. He was just getting the harness on Geep when he heard Clark's voice on the loudspeaker, "Now in the chute, from Run-8 Kennels here in Spearfish Lake, Number 4, Tiffany Langenderfer-McMahon." Josh stopped what he was doing, stepped up on the bumper of the truck. From the higher vantage point, he could see Tiffany's team in the starting chute, between two rows of plastic snow fencing. The whole team was hopping and jumping, ready to run; in the floodlights, he could see Tiffany's purple racing parka and snow pants, the "Run-8" patch on her shoulder. It was too far away to make out the details, but Josh and Phil had a similar one, a pair of racing dogs superimposed on a diesel railroad engine. Tiffany had wanted to use "Trailbreaker Kennels", but the name was already taken, and a cab ride on the SD-38s one time as they walked a load up out of the Kremmling pit, bellowing and shaking the earth, sold her.

Clark was standing next to the timekeeper; he counted down, "Five ... four ... three ... two ... one ... MUSH!" At the last word, a starter's pistol went off, and instantly Tiffany's team was accellerating down the floodlit chute, ten tails strung out behind ten madly-running dogs, Tiffany kicking off the back, to try to help them pick up speed. In a matter of seconds, they were beyond the floodlights, off into the night.

"Too bad you didn't draw higher," Mark commented.

"Not all bad," Josh said. "These guys like to pass people. Keeps their interest up."

That was said as much for some of the other mushers standing around as it was for Mark. Starting twenty-first, Josh would have a rougher trail to deal with than the early starters, and passing teams slowed both teams down. At least, he had the option of doing a lot of the passing on the railroad grade, where the broken trail was wide, making for a fairly quick pass, and the hard layer of older snow beneath the new snow wouldn't get cut up too badly. It might even be in his favor; it would make him and the dogs hustle more between passes. He'd know when he got to Warsaw and the starting differentials were equaled.

In order to make the first one back the winner, the 26th starter was only allowed a four hour stop.The 25th starter had to stay four hours and two minutes, and so on, until Bib Number Two, the first starter, had to make a four hour and fifty-two minute stop. Some felt the longer rest slightly favored the early starters, but that was a matter for discussion, anyway. The restart times on the board in the Warsaw fire station would tell the real story. Josh hoped to be somewhere near the fifth and tenth arrival in Warsaw, depending on which teams got in ahead of him, and hopefully would be in the first two or three to restart.

Josh only got another couple dogs harnessed before he heard, "Now in the chute, from Run-8 Kennels here in Spearfish Lake, Number 7, a rookie, Phil Wines."

"That was nice of you," Mark said.

"We owe him," Josh explained as he hopped up on the bumper again, "And this gives us a chance to evaluate some of the dogs under fire." He stood there waiting until the starter's pistol went off, and watched Phil race out of the floodlights. Switchstand predictably took the team out fast; Josh rather doubted he'd see Phil before Warsaw.

Josh and Mark turned back to harnessing dogs, and were down to the wheel dogs when some of the people that had helped Tiffany and Phil to the starting line returned. They finished the harnessing, and Josh selected dogs and gave them a last minute check, Mark and Mike hooked them to the gangline. First to go over were the lead pair, Alco and Geep. Alco had a lot of trail miles on in lead, especially this year, and Geep, while green, was taking commands better than Alco. If the pair worked out, he'd have his main leader problem solved, and there was a good chance that Switchstand might make it as a long-distance leader, too. Neither Alco nor Geep ran the team with the confidence that Crosstie and Switchstand did, but they were still young dogs, and had the potential to develop.

Next up were the swing dogs, Baldwin and Scooter. Both of them were good, strong dogs, and both would lead on the trail, if asked, but preferred to have another dog alongside for confidence. If Josh were going to have to develop yet another command leader, this is probably where he would consider starting. Baldwin was a two year old, out of the same litter as Geep and Alco, and had proven to be a good team dog. Scooter was a Pound Puppy, one of the last that Josh had taken in, two years ago. Mark had turned him up, and had seen the potential of a good sled dog, but the dog had been mistreated, and had had some real behavior problems. It had taken a long time and a lot of training, neither of which Mark had the time for just then, but Scooter had proven to be a good race dog in the end, strong and fast, so in spite of his unknown bloodline had been a logical candidate to breed with Shack. It was still too early to see how that experiment was going to come out, but the puppies looked good and acted like they wanted to grow up and be race dogs.

Next up were U-Boat and Morse, the last of the Diesel Dogs, the first George and Nimbus litter. U-Boat was a strong, fast team dog, but didn't appear to have the confidence to want to run as a leader; a little on the passive side, but a solid dog. Morse was actually a slightly better dog, in Josh's opinion, but had had a sore paw a couple weeks before. It seemed healed now; the dog had been running well in practice, and was a better candidate for the trip than Zephyr, the one dog they'd left behind out of the now 31 racing dogs.

Following them were Boxcar and Sidetrack, brother and sister. Both dogs had come from Greg Mears; one of his prized purebred Siberians had been in heat and caught by an unknown dog at a race four years ago, and Mears had spread the resulting puppies out among his friends, for what they were worth. What they were worth was pretty good. Sidetrack was about as classic looking a husky as you could ask for, with a pair of ice-blue eyes you could fall into; Boxcar wasn't as striking, and had one blue and one brown eye. Now in their second year on the racing team, both were fast dogs, with good legs and good wind; Josh wouldn't have minded having another couple of dogs out of that litter.

The wheel dogs were Pumper and Throttle. Pumper was an older dog, one of the most experienced on the team. He'd acquired her from Fred Linder, in exchange for a couple of promising pups, when he'd been looking for a larger dog that could work as a wheel dog. Pumper had a pretty good shot of malemute, and a lot of something else, probably some Siberian, maybe a little lab, maybe a little Irish setter. About ten pounds heavier than the rest of the team, she had a tendancy to go fat, so had to be run more than the other dogs and her feeding had to be watched carefully, but the extra trouble was worth it on the trail. At her age, it was a tossup whether she had Nome in her future, but she lent stability to what was otherwise a pretty young team, and her size helped guide the sled on crooked trails. Throttle was the one remaining dog out of the first litter they'd bred, out of Mark's Cumulus and Bullet. They'd had great hopes for that litter, but most of the dogs had turned out rather mediocre. Throttle wasn't slow, and had been bigger than the rest. A competent wheel dog, Josh occasionally put him into swing in situations where the leader needed some extra help steering the team.

Ten dogs, easily the best team Josh had ever assembled, the team he'd been working toward for years. He'd have felt better if the leaders weren't quite so green, but if they proved out this year they'd be up front for another few years. The dogs didn't know it, but if his plans worked out, most probably had Nome in their future. They looked excited, ready to go; Josh had held off hooking them up as long as he'd dared, just so they wouldn't waste energy jumping up and down while still tied to the truck. And, jumping they were; they were eager to go, doing wheelies, four-off-the-floors, lunging, trying to pull.

He looked around. The dog lot was getting empty now; only a handful of other teams were getting assembled, and a few vehicles had already left, to watch the race at the 919 crossing, and later, to head on to Warsaw for the midway pit stop. He looked over at Crosstie, tied out beside the pickup truck. The dog was anxious to be going, jumping up and down like the rest, with that mournful, "They're leaving me behind," yowl that huskies had. It was tough leaving Crosstie behind -- they'd gone through a lot together, but life was going to be easier for her from now on. She'd stay outside this winter, since she still had a heavy winter coat, but maybe next summer he'd think about converting her to an inside dog. There were worse things than having Crosstie laying by your bed while he slept, he thought.

Being careful -- he still had a couple minutes -- Josh went down the line with a flashlight, checking hookups. Not that he didn't trust Mark and Mike, but an extra check couldn't hurt. He thought about having Boxcar and Sidetrack switch sides, but couldn't come up with enough reason to actually do it beyond a nervous urge to fiddle.

"Got your gear?" Mark asked.

Josh shined the flashlight into the sled. The snowshoes were tied into place, as was the sleeping bag, and a small duffel bag contained a few items of emergency gear. Another small bag contained trail snacks for the dogs; he'd snack the dogs on the trail, and give them a full feeding at Warsaw, although the food, already mixed with warm water and sitting in a cooler, would be brought up by Mark in the pickup, along with pans and a few other items needed for the layover. Josh bent over and unzipped both bags, to make sure they actually had what they were supposed to have. He was going to have to carry considerably more gear on the Beargrease, enough more that he'd have to take the new toboggan sled that he and Mark had built over the summer.

"Let's do it," he said, pulling on a pair of cheap sunglasses, to try and limit the damage the floodlights were going to do to his night vision; two hundred yards out, he'd rip them off and throw them away.

Mark and Jackie and Mike and Kirsten and Gil and Josh each grabbed a dog by the collar, and Mark led the crowd down to the short line of racers waiting to start. While they stood there waiting, Josh pulled up his snow pants -- he'd let the suspenders dangle, to try to stay cool -- then pulled on his hunter orange camouflage parka. The parka, with its Run-8 Kennels patch, was as much his own trademark as Tiffany's purple one. He checked to see that the headband holding his headlamp on was tight over his fur hat, and quickly checked to see that it was working. With the full moon lighting up the scenery, he didn't plan on using it much before Warsaw, but there were a couple narrow spots, where the crossover ran from the lake to the grade, and at the Spearfish River crossing.

Four minutes to go, and he was as ready as he could be. This was the longest wait of all. The dogs were ready, he was ready. The Warsaw Run wasn't quite as big a deal as it had been for him in the past, when it had been the only distance race he'd run all winter; now it was just the first and shortest of three, or maybe four. But, it was a home town crowd, and that made it more special; more special, indeed, in that only he had been in all of the Warsaw Runs, even the first demonstration. In his mind's eye, he could see the trail unfolding ahead of him, going over the race in advance.

"Now in the chute, from here in Spearfish Lake, Number 21, a rookie, Jim Conger," he heard Clark's voice on the loudspeaker. Ahead of him, Jim's handlers, and the start line helpers, pulled the dogs up into the start chute; only the nose of the sled was behind the starting line. Jim had run the Pound Puppies several times, but this was his first Warsaw Run start. He had a solid team, if not a fast one, and Josh knew from talking with Jim both last summer and at the musher's banquet that his leader was marginal. Still, it would be good experience, and Jim was a friend, too; Josh had been one of several local mushers that had helped Jim get started, and he hoped that he'd do well and be back in the future with a better team. Josh's old Shadow would be solid for him, anyway. But now, he was competition, to be passed as quickly as possible and left as far behind as possible.

Clark counted Conger down to the start; the starting pistol went off, and Jim was on his way. Even as they were still in the floodlit chute, where Josh could see them, he could predict trouble; the leader was running slower than the other dogs, almost to the point of tangling. They'd better get that out of their systems real soon, Josh thought, or is was going to be a long night for Jim.

Now it was his turn. His handlers led the dogs forward, as Josh trailed behind, walking behind the sled. Some of the starting line handlers came out and grabbed a dog by the collar, and they brought the little White racing sled to a stop just at the starting line. Clark's voice again came over the speaker. "Now in the chute, from Run-8 Kennels here in Spearfish Lake, Number 22, the 1992 Warsaw Run defending Champion, Josh Archer." There was a little cheer from the couple of hundred people assembled around the starting chute. Josh waved his arm to acknowledge them, then stepped on the sled runners and took a good grip on the drive bar. Time, which had dragged so slowly for the last few minutes, now went by like a shot; it seemed only an instant before he heart Clark's voice count down, "Five ... four ... three ... two..." At two, Josh yelled to his team, "UP" to get them ready, as if that were needed. " ... one ... MUSH!"

"HIKE! HIKE! HIKE!" Josh yelled as the handlers released the dogs at the sound of the starting pistol. "ROCK AND ROLL! HIKE! HIKE!" Switchstand could not have done a better job of taking the dogs out of the chute; it was an effort to hang onto the sled during the starting rush. A blur of people and snowfence whizzed by, and Josh kept yelling "HIKE! HIKE!" to his eager team.

In only seconds, they were beyond the snowfence and the floodlights, and for an instant Josh was almost blind from the sunglasses. He freed a hand, ripped them off and tossed them away in one motion, and he could see again. With the big moon rising in the sky, he could see quite a bit, clear across the lake, where the trail had been plowed out fifteen yards wide; off in the distance, down in the dim shadows by the shore, he could see the blinking yellow highway warning light that marked the trail's entrance to the crossover path to the rail grade. Not far in the distance, he could make out Conger's team, not going very fast. Crosstie would have led them better than that, and for an instant he'd been sorry about not thinking to offer to loan her to Conger, but it was too late for that, now.

His own team was going like a son of a gun, now; once he got them up on the grade, he hoped to get them down to a better trail pace, but they reeled Conger in quickly, even before they reached the edge of the lake. As they came up on him, Josh swung around to check behind -- "check-six", he called it, picking up the expression from a black fighter pilot friend of Mark's that had visited earlier in the year -- although any team coming up on him just then would have to have been solid grayhounds and not planning on going much farther. With a quick glance, he saw no one was there, so he yelled to his team, "ON BY HAW", telling them to pass on the left, and followed it with "TRAIL! TRAIL! to let Conger know he was passing. Conger was well over to the right side of the trail, anyway, and as Josh's team passed, he could hear Conger cussing at his lead dog. Hopefully, up on the grade, they could develop a more even pace. One down; Josh had figured he needed to pass about a dozen teams, more if possible, in the easy passing area between the start and Warsaw.

By the time he was well past Conger, the flashing yellow highway construction light and barricade that marked the trail leaving the lake was coming up on them, and the team raced past it and shot up the crossover trail, hardly slowing down. The crossover had been plowed out since he'd last come down it behind Switchstand and the pack of seventeen dogs three days before; now, it was wide and easy, hardly an effort. A couple of hundred yards up the crossover, the trail bent to the right and joined the railroad grade.

It was time to be trying to slow the dogs down to a trail pace. "Easy, easy," Josh called fairly lightly; he was willing to take a couple miles to slow them down, and, in fact, he didn't really want to slow them down much. The leaders did drop the team down a little, helped by a couple touches of the sled brake. The trail here was in good shape; a crew from the Vietnam Veterans, one of the race's sponsors, had borrowed the snowmobile trail groomer from the DNR garage after the Pound Puppies race, to bring the trail out to the club back up to racing shape. They'd done a good job; the trail was smooth and solid, and while Josh could see where the rails were, they wouldn't be a problem to cross. Now, he could relax a little bit, and his eyes had pretty well recovered from the floodlights. He took a glance to his right, where Orion hung beautifully in the starfilled, clear sky. He could feel the cold of the night settling down on his face; not enough to matter, just enough to tell him that it was cooling down.

A few cars and a small knot of people were waiting alongside the state road overpass, one of the few places where it was possible to watch the race from out on the trail. It was fairly open here, and Josh could make out another team in front of him. It wasn't moving very fast; just past the overpass, Josh called "TRAIL" to move them over, and his own team went by without breaking stride. He saw the number "16" on the other musher's bib, but didn't recognize the team; someone from down in Camden, he thought. The team seemed to be running in good order, if not terribly fast; perhaps they had to have had trouble, to have dropped that far out of order. Two down.

It wasn't much farther up to the crossover trail that ran up to the North Country Trail, the way they would return. Josh called "ON BY! ON BY! to his leaders, since heading up that trail was a frequent training trip, but Alco and Geep didn't even give the side trail any attention. "You guys are doing just fine," he called to his two leaders. There was another training trail crossing, a mile or so farther on, the route that Tiffany usually took to school, but these dogs rarely took it, and Josh didn't even bother with an "on by" command. He did give them one at Busted Axle Road; the dog lot lay half a mile up the road, and there might have been some dogs that wanted to go home, but not these dogs, at it turned out; once again, nobody had the idea of going home. There were a handful of people here, as well, and Josh thought he saw Mark's truck with its dog box on the back. His own truck had 20 bays, enough for Tiffany's and Phil's teams, but not his own, as well, so they had gone to the starting line in Mark's truck.

They went by Busted Axle Road -- that wasn't its real name; officially it was County Road 542. People had called it Busted Axle Road on account of its roughness for years, but they were were beginning to call it "Dog Town Road," thanks to the Run-8 kennels, plus Mark's and Mike's, all located within a quarter mile of each other.

Same as Runner's Moon
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Runner Girl Ch 02

Thank you Gaius Petronius for editing for me. There are 13 chapters in this series and they will post daily. Vote, comments, and emails sincerely appreciated. ***** John watched Amy and Tracy exit the cab, and after greetings and introductions, the two couples were led to a table. John paused momentarily, giving himself an opportunity to fall behind and get a good look at Amy’s backside, from her toned pale shoulders down to her nicely rounded bottom. Once seated, Amy and Tracy began talking...

4 years ago
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Runner Girl Ch 12

I would like to thank Gaius Petronius for editing. Any mistakes are mine. There are 13 chapters in the story and it is complete. Votes, comments, and emails are appreciated. Thank you for reading! DB ***** Amy looked around Anne’s office, waiting for her therapist to return. Late afternoon in January, darkness was setting in, and the room was lit by only a table lamp on the desk. The walls were painted robin’s egg blue. The painting of an ocean scene and the overstuffed couch had always...

3 years ago
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Runner Girl Ch 08

Tracy slid onto the stool next to Amy’s. ‘Sorry, there weren’t any tables available.’ Tracy waved a hand away. ‘Prime-time in Manhattan? A coffee shop across from the library? I feel damn lucky to have a stool to park my butt on. Thanks for meeting me over here. I didn’t want make those old men in the writers group break down in tears when I started asking about your date with John.’ ‘Oh, they wouldn’t even be interested… except Naveen,’ Amy laughed. ‘He might actually cry.’ ‘Ha!’ Tracy...

3 years ago
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I watched her run, her hair in a long pony tail, as it swished in time with her long strides. Long, lithe legs extending in an easy stride. Five minutes before they'd been wrapped round my back. This affair, this zipless fuck, had been going on for almost two years now and I still didn't know her name, still never saw her at any other time and I still didn't know where she lived... o-O-o Springtime on the riverbank. What a wonderful time of year. Time to be up early at the weekend. Time to be...

Quickie Sex
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Runner in the morning Ladyboy in the evening

To all readers: This story is meant to be read by Adults. So if you are underaged in your country or don?t like TG stories please stop reading further. Runner in the morning, Ladyboy in the evening By Greta Now I am living in a new town, just having moved here a few months ago. I can?t live without my morning run so every day after I wake up I get ready for a run in the Park nearby. After a couple of days I spotted a gorgeous woman with an incredible figure, long brown hair and...

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Runner in the morning Ladyboy in the evening Part III

This story is intended for the open minded adult. So if you are underaged in your country or dislike TG stories please stop reading. This story is mine and if somebody would like to put it up on a different website should contact me first. In Part II the newly transformed Greta went through more feminity training and suffered the indignation of having to give a blowjob to Aina, a Ladyboy who helped with the training. This was done all in order to prepare Greta for her debut with...

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Runner in the morning Ladyboy in the evening Part IV

This story is intended for the open minded adult. So if you are underaged in your country or dislike TG stories please stop reading. This story is mine and if somebody would like to put it up on a different website should contact me first. In Part III the newly transformed Greta had an ecnounter with her Lovers mother Isabel and she turned out to be wicked. Unfortunately she has seen through Gretas disguise which she reveals after Gretas lover Aleila left for work. If you haven?t read...

4 years ago
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© April 2003 I watched her run, hair in a long pony tail, swishing in time with her long strides. Her long, lithe legs extending in an easy stride, whereas five minutes before they'd been wrapped round my back. This affair - this zipless fuck - had been going on for almost two years now and I still didn't know her name, still never saw her at any other time, still didn't know where she lived... o-O-o Springtime on the riverbank. What a wonderful time of year. Time to be up early at...

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Mathew: July 4th: One year after the plaque: I watched as the fireworks detonated above the city of Driggs, Idaho. My wives were sitting around me as the town celebrated its independence day. Around the park were hundreds of survivors of the worst disaster the country ... no, the world ... had ever seen. The casualty count was in the billions, as only three in ten survived the plague. The Middle East, China, and the South East Asian countries had been mostly wiped out. The United States had...

4 years ago
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I trip and fall, he is so close behind me, I try to get up but he falls on top of me and keeps me to the ground. I struggle and wiggle trying to get out of his grasp. He is too strong.. DAMN! He turns me over and I get the first look at his well shaped face, those hard black eyes filled with passion stare back at me. He spoke softly " Do not fight me, you will only tire your self out." I didn't listen, and he held both of my wrist in his rough warm hands above my head. He pushed his mouth...

2 years ago
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Runner Girl Ch 06

John stared mindlessly at the bottle of beer as he rotated it around in his hand, until William slid into the booth across from him. ‘Well?’ his friend asked. John raised his eyebrows as if he didn’t know what William meant. ‘Amy? Hiking? Photos? How’d it go?’ John shook his head, trying to form an answer. ‘I don’t know,’ he said in frustration. ‘It started out great. I mean really great. We had a fantastic time and Amy was warm, flirty, and a lot of fun. We hiked and I took photos and then...

1 year ago
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Runner Girl Ch 10

Amy sat on the floor between John’s knees watching TV as he played with her hair. ‘I can’t believe you have to work on Thanksgiving,’ she said. ‘I don’t have to, sweetheart, I want to. It’s business as usual in the UK, and I get out of visiting my family.’ ‘I thought you said you love your sisters.’ Amy turned and met his eyes. ‘Don’t you want to see them?’ John laughed, ‘Of course I do, just not on holidays. They’ve all moved to different cities and if I visit one, the other two get their...

4 years ago
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Runner Girl Ch 07

Amy and Tracy sat whispering on John’s couch, while the men worked in the kitchen. ‘I’m still getting over the shock of this place,’ Amy whispered to her friend. ‘I know,’ Tracy agreed. ‘I can fit my apartment in her about five times.’ ‘At least as many for me,’ Amy laughed. ‘So it looks like William’s super comfortable in the kitchen? And John’s being a good sport?’ ‘He’s trying to impress you,’ Tracy winked. ‘Little late for that. I’m officially smitten.’ Tracy sipped the wine she held...

2 years ago
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Runner Girl Ch 04

John was in deep. Slinging one of her legs over his shoulder, he plunged his cock even deeper and watched her face intently as her eyes bulged with each thrust. ‘Oh my god, you feel huge like this,’ she moaned loudly, ‘You’re gonna make me cum!’ Her tits bounced with each rapid plunge and he watched as her French-manicured fingertips rubbed a circle around her clit. Her precious dirty little mouth formed a perfect ‘O’ as her eyes rolled back in her head. Her body trembled visibly while her...

2 years ago
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I watched her run, her hair in a long pony tail, as it swished in time with her long strides. Long, lithe legs extending in an easy stride. Five minutes before they’d been wrapped round my back. This affair, this zipless fuck, had been going on for almost two years now and I still didn’t know her name, still never saw her at any other time and I still didn’t know where she lived… o-O-o Springtime on the riverbank. What a wonderful time of year. Time to be up early at the weekend. Time to be...

3 years ago
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Introduction: This is my first story and I would love to hear your comments! I was running… all I can do now is run. I hear his footsteps fallowing me. I try to scream but Im too scared. I trip and fall, he is so close behind me, I try to get up but he falls on top of me and keeps me to the ground. I struggle and wiggle trying to get out of his grasp. He is too strong.. DAMN! He turns me over and I get the first look at his well shaped face, those hard black eyes filled with passion stare back...

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Runners dilemma

Why? I can’t say. I don’t know why. But I what I did and I don’t regret it a bit. I run with a co-ed club. It’s a fun bunch, some fast, some less so. We finished our run and everyone was standing around chatting, stretching and cooling off. And it was hot. Too hot. My shorts and tank top were soaked with perspiration. I tried toweling off to no avail. The idea of getting into my car, literally dripping with sweat, saturating my leather seats, was not appealing.I parked in the far corner of the...

4 years ago
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RunnerChapter 3

Ocala Florida 4:13 pm Marylyn I looked in fear, as the man tightened his finger on the trigger. Then I snapped out, "You kill me, and you will have every cop in the country after your ass. I'm a Federal Judge, and you have been photographed holding the weapon on me." "What you mean, photographed," the man asked as he looked around nervously. Raising my hand I pointed at the camera on the bank and then at the one on the light pole for the intersection and said, "Firstly, there is...

2 years ago
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RunnerChapter 4

USS Alabama, Mobil Bay, Alabama 7:20 AM Mathew We walked through the gift shop, and went to the snack bar. The girl behind the counter came over and asked what we wanted. We all had scrambled eggs, bacon, toast and coffee. I paid the bill, and we took our coffees to the table. A few minutes after we sat down the lady behind the counter called me. I went over and picked up the tray of food. Carrying it back, I set it down and passed the plates around to everyone. We ate our breakfast...

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RunnerChapter 5

Beaumont, Mississippi; 2:35 PM CodieAnn I saw a movement out of the corner of my eye. I turned, leveled the pistol, and fired. My bullets caught Teddy right in his chest, and he staggered back. I quickly fired twice more, and he flipped over the rail. I walked over and looked down at Teddy and saw he was still alive. With a snarl, I remembered all the rapes he had done to me and Katie, and I fired twice more. His body jumped twice as the rounds hit him. I snarled out at him, "That's for...

3 years ago
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RunnerChapter 6

4:30 AM Pakistan, Skyang Kangri Mountain: Ali Mohammed: High up on Skyang Kangri a small lab was buried deep in the Western flank of the mountain, protected by elements of the Elite anti-terrorism units of the Pakistan military. They were protecting dozens of the most highly respected microbiologist who worked for the government of Pakistan as they developed a new biological weapon. Snow was falling high in the mountains as I entered the base and walked past the security. I showed them my...

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RunnerChapter 7

9:30 AM Arkansas, Entrance to the Crater of Diamonds State Park: Matt: I cursed as the SUV almost made me crash. I watched as the teenagers screamed out the windows, waving beer cans. One even threw one at me, and I watched the spray hit the windshield as I straightened out the RV. The SUV overcorrected and I watched in horror as it went off the side of the road and into the gully that ran the length of the road. "Fucking idiots!" I said as I applied the brakes and stopped near the...

1 year ago
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RunnerChapter 8

11:45 PM: Bella Vista, Arkansas: Ana: I just pulled my panties and shorts down when I heard someone yelling at the teller out in the store. "Give me the fucking money, or I will blow you away, you old hag! Check the bathrooms!" I quickly pulled up my shorts up and picked up my purse. I stepped up on the toilet and waited. I heard the men's bathroom door being kicked in and then the women's. I was crouched there shaking as I pulled my pistol out when I heard several gunshots and a...

4 years ago
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RunnerChapter 9

9:11 PM: Cheyenne, Wyoming: Matt: I ran over to the KFC to get dinner with Marybeth. I ordered two bucket-meals with multiple side orders for all of us. While we were over at KFC, the girls had run into Wal-Mart and picked up a few items. I felt my cell phone buzz in my pocket as I paid the bill, and we carried the food back to the RV. We enjoyed a good meal, and I booted up the laptop. I brought up the news and started checking to see what we had missed in the last few days. We watched...

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RunnerChapter 10

09:01 AM Laramie, Wyoming Matt We watched as the eight four month old Saint Bernard puppies buried Beth under their massive bodies. They were licking her all over, and had her giggling as she tried to recover from their assault. "What's going on, Matt?" Judy asked as she watched the fifteen year old being licked to death. Beth was being licked from all directions and didn't know where to turn to first, until the largest laid down on her belly. "Getting Mary her final birthday...

2 years ago
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RunnerChapter 11

05:50 AM: Matt: I woke up just before six am and looked at Judy sleeping. Ana was behind her, and had her arm draped over Judy's side. She was cupping Judy's left breast and gently massaging it in her sleep. With a smile I leaned down and kissed both of them gently on their noses until they woke up. Slipping out of bed, I saw Cyclone and Henrietta waiting for me. I petted them, and started to lead them out of the room when Henrietta jumped up on the bed and lay down beside Judy. She...

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RunnerChapter 12

07:30 PM Matt I lay there gasping in pain. The burning between my legs made me afraid to look, but I finally had to. Looking down, I saw a bloody furrows on my inner thighs. Checking the wounds I realized they weren't major because they had missed the arteries that ran on the inside of the thigh. I sighed out in relief. The bullets had also missed my nuts which was another good thing. They had only ripped through my pants and the inseam of my legs. The wounds were bloody, but not life...

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RunnerChapter 14 Death and Plague

09:19 AM: Matt: I hit the ground and rolled, the dog flipped over me, but didn't let go of my arm. Rolling and kicking at the dog, I noticed it was a German Shepard, and was wearing a badge on its collar. It was growling as it chewed the right sleeve of my parka. "Let go you SON-OF-A-BITCH!" I screamed as my foot smashed into its chest. The dog yelped but continued to try and get through my sleeve to get to the flesh inside. I could hear gunfire from behind me as John fired at the...

1 year ago
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RunnerChapter 15

05:42 PM: Matthew: "What?" I said as I looked at Anastasia and CodieAnn. "Over here," Beth said and we looked into the den. The floor was covered with plastic, and sheets were hung, making two enclosed partitions. Stepping into the first room, I saw a chair with a robe draped over the back. Before I could say or do anything, Marybeth stepped in, and started working on the straps on my backpack. I was so cold, that I was trying to get my gloves off and Mary grabbed them. With a quick...

1 year ago
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RunnerChapter 16

Lodge, near Driggs 8:45 PM: Mathew: I grabbed my shotgun with my right hand, as my left grabbed Anastasia's arm as the door was pushed open. With a yank of my arm, she went stumbling into Regina who was pulling out her pistol. The shotgun came up and I fired as the barrel of a rifle pushed through the opening. The steel pellets ripped through the thin door and the gun was withdrawn as I snapped out, "Everyone down!" Everyone started hitting the floor as an automatic rifle opened up from...

1 year ago
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RunnerChapter 17

Early Christmas Morning: Mathew: I lay there in bed watching my girls sleep. Looking at the clock, I saw it was five-twelve in the morning. Slipping Beth off of me, I slid out of bed and went to the bathroom while the girls cuddled closer together. After taking a piss, I walked to the bedroom door and looked at my girls, sleeping. Reaching down, I picked up my shotgun, opened the door and slid out. Cyclone followed me, and we went down the hall to a spare bedroom. I changed to warmer...

4 years ago
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RunnerChapter 20

Sheriff Sub Station: Six miles outside of Driggs: Mathew: I turned towards the door and took a deep breath. I had noticed that Ana was only wearing her shirt. I remembered the man telling her to push and I just knew my daughter was dead because I didn't hear her crying. With another deep breath to clear my mind I walked to the door and looked inside. Ana was sitting on an ambulance bed with CodieAnn holding her. She was crying and Codie was rocking her. Walking over to Ana, I sat down on...

2 years ago
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Union RebellingChapter 24

"Themis, is it? You may call me Vicar Gauss, or sir." The officer, Gauss, was staring at her with interest, gauging her reaction to the use of her Agency code name. Since Kat already knew there was a leak and she didn't have to fake a response. She simply stared back, not speaking and not showing any reaction on her face. Gauss nodded, and then sat forward in his chair, resting his elbows on the table and his chin on his hands. "Where is the other Agent who boarded with you? We are...

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Yannis decision chapter 19

I woke up and looked for Yanni but he was not in the bedroom. I was the only one in bed and I was horny. I went to pee and to look for Yanni. The house was empty. Neither Yanni nor Mistress Gaby nor Mistress Nancy were in the house. I was all by myself. I have been in this situation before, and when I am horny I just take some of my toys and begin giving me the fuck I was craving. First I inserted the butt plug to open my pussy. The butt plug is thick and does a great job split opening my...

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My client

Hye, namastay and salam. This is sangeen from peshawar, pakistan. The story which i m going to narrate might not be very good for u but it is not fake fictitious or mere fantasy it’s a 100%real true incident except names and addresses. Well i m a lawyer by profession i m married age 39 years. Its 2 years old occurrence, i got case of divorce from a nearby district mardan where a lady was seeking divorce from her husband. The husband was heroin addict and she wanted get rid of him. I prepared...

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Jocks Cheerleaders Ch 01

He was late. He hated being late. It was maths, and he hated maths. The engineering subjects he loved, particularly the practicals. He’d been good at maths at school, but this esoteric stuff on fluid flows he just couldn’t get the hang of at all. He hurried down the corridor, knocked on the door and slipped in muttering an apology. He looked blindly around and at first couldn’t see a seat. Then he spotted one near the back, and his breath caught in his throat. He was sure the person occupying...

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The Lesbians

You may not want to hire me, but I can’t guarantee you’ll enjoy what I do to you. I am the sole owner of a lucrative bondage company, the sole Dominatrix, I do have staff that set up the clients for me, a brunette named Jill and a pretty redhead named Cindi. The Clients never meet me before hand, have no idea what I will do to them, but most of them are couples, been together for several years and their sex life has lost its zip, so they contact me, agree to my terms, then live with what...

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Gefhrlicher Strand

Wir hatten einen frühen Sommerurlaub am Mittelmeer gebucht, um ein bisschen in der Sonne zu baden. Meine Frau, Susan, freute sich auf einem der vielen Sandstrände auf der Insel Zakinthos. Wir beide baden gern in der Sonne und schwimmen nackt und bald fanden wir einen der FKK-Strände der Insel. Susan war ziemlich begeistert, ihre fabelhafte Figur vorzeigen zu können. Sie ist 5 Fuß 8 Zoll groß, hat lange Beine, einen flachen Bauch und schöne volle Brüste, mit Brustwarzen, die einfach gesaugt...

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The Hot Boss Comes To Town

It was Thursday of the week following my exhilarating night of exhibitionism and sex with Todd, one of the sales managers in the high-tech firm I work for in Silicon Valley, and Joseph, who owns a lovely restaurant where that evening began.I was sitting at my desk at work when an email memo appeared saying that the President and CEO of the company, Jeffrey Scott, would be visiting our office the next day. The word around the office was that he was quite handsome and very personable…not the...

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***Introduction/Present***The funny thing about unemployment is not only do you get paid to sit on your ass and play with yourself all day, but you get to spend a lot of time reflecting on life. Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining, but rather reflecting on how I got where I am today and the fact that I'm still living at home...with mommy. We really do have a great relationship, not only as mother and son, but also as lovers. Much of it has to with our over active sex drives, and our deep...

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Annas Annals 1 Mutual Masturbations

Anna stares into the dark garden on a moonless evening. She undressed before going to bed. She is horny as hell.Anna stares into the dark, as if looking for somebody. The boy she is in love with. She can not help fingering herself.Anna is not sexually satisfied with one awesome orgasm. She wants more. She longs to be with him. Her first friend.Anna is unaware of my presence at only a few meters distance. Hard-on still directed at her, as if it directs her comes. Anna spreads her legs a...

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Beach Club Afterparty

My wife is a sexy and roaming wife. She just can't seem to help herself. I am her fourth husband because she just couldn't be faithful to anyone. We have now been married eight years and she knows it turns me on when she has her infidelities and I always let her cuck me with at least one of these conditions: that she either does it with me watching, listening or her telling me about it just before or right after. One of my favorites parts though is to watch her seduce or be seduced. When she is...

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The Destroyers Book 2 Hope and BetrayalChapter 11 A General Comes Calling

Ken stood in his office. With the forward wall pulled back, he could look out over the bow of the great ship. In the distance, the Oregon, along with three destroyers, blasted chunks out of Io - one of Jupiter's larger moons - scaring the landscape as he watched the target practice taking place. Walking over to his desk, he sat down, and went over the last report from the Dachshund. They had found a strange signal emanating from the planet Pluto, and how they were trying to track it down...

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The Bi Beach Clan Chapter One On the Trail

Ten hours and two diversionary loops off the trail and we haven’t shaken the four Hybrids that are tracking us - one man and three women. They're good, no doubt, and even with Lainey’s seemingly unshakable belief that I’m some kind of a superhero, she’s beginning to sense my concern. As a hunter, I’m hardly a match for a Hybrid at my very best and our shortage of quality victuals as of late has left me less than ready for such an encounter.I stop, raise my field glasses, and take a look back....

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It seemed to Ken that time had slowed down to a snails pace as he watched the events unfold before him. The door to his sister's bedroom seemed to take forever to open and for Connie to step inside. Connie's head was down as she placed something in her purse before it rose up. That act also seemed to take forever as did her eyes growing wide as she took in the scene in front of her.Ken could blame no one but himself as had been pushing his luck as of late, but never imagined that he would...

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Tesss Notes Part One

Tess's Notes - Part One Please find a moment to read the story "Dressed So". The following is a supporting chapter to the three parts previously released. This is a collection of notes Tess prepared over a period of years. 2013.2 I laugh today thinking of how strongly Michelle had come on to me at the riverside restaurant several months ago. I was with two girlfriends having a pleasant light dinner on an early fall evening. She must have been dining as well, for she came into the...

1 year ago
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The Touch Ch 18

WARNING TO READERS – This is a long, rambling, multi-part story and VERY British. The individual chapters will make more sense if read in sequence. Pt.18 Of horses and hand-jobs The week that followed was quite hectic for all of us. With less than a month to completion the building work at the garden centre was coming along in leaps and bounds and you could now see that it was going to look terrific. Most of the re-built units were completed, the big glass and steel canopy and arboretum that...

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Strip Games With My Mom

This story is imagination story. My family consists of dad, mom, sister and me. We lived in the apartments in Mumbai. My dad works in the private company in Mumbai as supervisor. He was busy with work in developing the company. He was the right hand to boss in that company so he was always busy with the work. He regularly goes to gym to maintain the good physique and was fair and tall. My dad married my mom when he was 25 years and mom was 22 year. Next the mom was the house wife. She is the...

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With My Aunt Pinni 8211 Part I

Hi I am Sumanth. I am from AndhraPradesh and stay in Bangalore for study purpose. This is my first story in ISS. About my aunt she is white in color and short with 36-32-40 hope every one can imagine her beauty. I have to tell readers that i haven’t had sex with her but i enjoyed a lot with her as she didn’t accept for that. My aunt’s family stays in a small town and we stay in a city. All this started in 2010, when my grand father passed away. I don’t have any affection to my grand father so i...

1 year ago
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A Twist in The Tale Part Two

The rest of the day was consumed by work and we both relaxed a bit. Friday came around, Jo told me she would follow me home in her car so as not to arouse any suspicions in the office. Linda was waiting for us in the lounge, she was wearing a low cut top, a long skirt and sandals. “I’ve ordered in a takeaway, it should be here soon and then we can get down to business. Jo your rooms ready, I’m sure you want to freshen up and change into something more suitable. And then you and Alan can have...

3 years ago
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Girlish DelightsChapter 6 Stapleford Grange

A visit to Stapleford Grange was a matter that Elinor considered for some time before she wrote to the Countess of Bargoed explaining that she had recently discovered that the Emir of Kobekistan was her father, and asking the Countess's permission to telephone her. About noon the next day the telephone rang and a woman's voice asked, cautiously, to speak to Miss Bollington. "Speaking," said Elinor. "I have the Countess of Bargoed for you, please hold the line." Some moments later an...

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