Her Sensuous SearchChapter 9 free porn video

"There's gonna be a stag show at my lodge this Thursday night, Suzy Baby," Hub said at breakfast Tuesday morning. "Since Doug will still be out of town, I thought you might like to go along with me. How about it?"
"To a stag show?" Sue gasped.
"Sure, why not?"
"I thought they were for men only!"
"Not in this age of women's lib. Why, lots of guys will be bringing their wives and their girlfriends," he said, lying through his teeth. There'd never been a wife or girlfriend at any of the lodge's stags.
"I don't think I'd better," Sue told him. "Doug wouldn't like it."
Hub gritted his teeth and then sing-songed mockingly, "'I don't thing I'd better. Doug wouldn't like it.' Well, piss on Doug. What's he got to say about anything around here anymore anyhow? As long as you live here, Suzy Baby, you're my little cunt and I'll decide what you do or don't do, understand? Now you're going to that fuckin' stag show, and that's final. And I want you to wear your miniskirt and that new see-through blouse I got you. And no bra. Got that?"
If she'd had the guts, Sue would've run away before Thursday night. As it was, she actually started to pack her bag several times. But she had no money and didn't even know what town Doug was working in this week, so she couldn't go to him for protection. In fact, she wondered if her husband would protect her, or if he might scold her and send her back to Hub. God, she was confused, and frightened.
Maybe there would be other women at that stag show, like Hub said, but Sue definitely did not want to go to it. She'd heard about stag shows and could only guess what kinds of vulgar and obscene things went on at them. If other women wanted to sink that low, let them, but she herself did not care to. And another thing, she didn't trust Hub. She simply couldn't believe many men, if any, would degrade the women they loved and respected by taking them to such an affair, even if the woman were willing to attend, which she also seriously doubted.
But during the next three days, as they spoke of the upcoming event briefly, Hub assured Sue that she had absolutely nothing to worry about. This stag, he told her, was to be very tame because women were invited to it. She didn't know whether to believe him or not, and he never really convinced her in her heart of hearts. But she knew she would have to go with him. He would make her go.
And he did.
When the dreaded evening finally arrived, Sue was nearly a mental case. She felt like screaming and climbing the walls, her nerves were so on edge. Hub gave her a tranquilizer before they left the house. She didn't want to take it - the doctor had prescribed the medication for Doug's deceased mother, not her - but he made her swallow it, and not with water either but with a mixed drink which he forced on her and insisted that she finish.
By the time they drove into the parking lot of Hub's lodge, Sue was feeling a bit calmer. She was still scared to death, though, and dreaded the evening which lay ahead. She felt ridiculous as she walked toward the building clinging fearfully to Hub's arm. He'd made her wear high heels, hose and that lacy black garter belt he liked so well, and the junction of nylons and garter belt straps fell about an inch below the hem of her miniskirt. As if that weren't bad enough, he really hadn't allowed her to put on a bra beneath the see-through blouse he'd bought her. The wispy material didn't hide her breasts in any way. If anything the skimpy little blouse called more attention to her tits than if she had gone topless. Or so Sue thought, at any rate. And when Hub escorted her inside, her worst fears came true.
There were perhaps fifty men, and Sue was the only woman. She wished the floor would open up and swallow her alive, before she died of embarrassment and shame.
"How could you, Hub?" She gasped, stopping just inside the large room in which the lodge held its dances. "Take me home. Please take me home."
"Relax," he said. He took hold of her wrist and half dragged the unwilling girl farther into the room. Men were sitting at tables, smoking and drinking and talking. Others were milling about shaking hands and also talking. Still others were at the bar. There was a crap game going on in a corner. The atmosphere was boisterous, the language coarse and vulgar. But the din of voices became quieter and quieter as Hub led Sue past group after group of the astonished men.
"Hub, please!" Sue whined. "They're all staring at me!"
By the time he had maneuvered her up onto the bandstand, the entire place was so quiet you could hear the flick of a Bic.
"Smile for the nice men," Hub said out of the corner of his mouth as he pulled her right out to the front and center of the bandstand.
Sue forced a sickly smile, the best she could do under the circumstances. If she didn't faint dead away, it would surprise her.
"I guess you're all wondering who this here pretty little lady is I've brought with me tonight," Hub said loudly, addressing his fraternal brothers without the aid of a microphone. "Well, her name's Suzy. Now Suzy's husband is out of town, you see, and I'm baby-sitting her for him so I had to bring her along, okay?"
The men began to grin. "Okay!" several of them shouted in unison. Someone whistled at her. There were four or five remarks thrown at her that made Sue feel cheap and degraded.
"See, they like you," Hub said.
"Well, I don't like them," she whispered hissingly. "I want to go home, Hub. Please!"
"On with the movies!" someone yelled, and a chorus of "Yeah, let's get this show on the road," followed.
Hub led Sue down off the bandstand. She followed him to a table in the rear of the room. Some of the men were ignoring her now, and she was grateful for that. But others were still staring at her, or more like leering, rather, as if they were hungry wolves and she were something good to eat.
"Sit down, Suzy Baby. I'll be right back."
She took a chair at the empty table as Hub walked away, leaving her all alone in this huge roomful of horny men, many of them half drunk. The looks they were giving her made her want to crawl under the table and hide. Not a one of them tried to get fresh with her though. This made Sue wonder if maybe they were afraid of Hub, too, or if perhaps there was some sort of gentleman's code of ethics among these un-gentlemanly lodge members which forbade them from trying anything with the wife or girlfriend of another brother.
Apparently the latter was true, because the vulgar passes that she expected and dreaded would be made at her never materialized. As a result of this, she began to feel safe, at least, but not very much at ease. The tranquilizer was working better now but she was still quite nervous and tense.
When Hub returned to the table where he'd parked Sue, the lights were being shut off. A projector had already been set up in the middle of the room, and a viewing screen had been raised on the bandstand. Hub brought drinks from the bar.
"I don't want it," Sue objected, pushing away the highball he'd set before her.
He said nothing, just glanced at her, grinned and then turned away to speak with a man who'd stopped at their table.
A moment later the last light went out and, a second after that the projector whirred to life and a cheer filled the darkened room as numbers flashed in reverse order on the screen. There was no sound. The film was black and white, an old one if the scratchy frames and jerky sections of it were any indication. It started out with a vacuum cleaner salesman walking down a street and entering an apartment building. An attractive young woman in a housecoat let him into her apartment and he began demonstrating the vacuum cleaner, first on the room and then, getting her on the bed and her housecoat open, on the woman's titties and between her legs. She soon quit resisting and got hot and started grabbing for his fly. It was when she unzipped his pants and pulled out his penis that Sue, mortified at being present during such goings on, picked up her highball and took a deep and much-needed drink of it. She closed her eyes, refusing to watch any more of the obscene movie.
"Hot damn, look at him go," Hub said, a couple of minutes after Sue had decided not to look anymore.
Without thinking, she opened her eyes. There on the screen were the lady and the salesman, both of them naked now, in bed and going at it. He was atop the woman, between her parted and upraised legs, and his hind end was bouncing up and down at an unbelievably fast pace. She gaped with incredulity.
The room was suddenly filled with laughter, and the owner of the film admitted that, yes, he had "doctored" it to get that funny effect.
"Bunch of regular guys," Hub said.
"Bunch of morons," Sue muttered.
The first film ended shortly. As stags go, it wasn't much, which was the reason the owner had edited it for a laugh.
"A nun's story" was the title of the second film. It was also in black and white, old but in good condition.
"Pay attention, boys," someone called out. "This one's a classic."
It began with two nuns leaving a chapel. They parted, the older one going out of camera range as the younger one walked closer, becoming larger on the screen. She was very pretty and her face had an expression of angelic calmness and serenity.
Sue sipped at her drink and watched, thinking that, so far at least, this one wasn't so bad.
The young nun entered her room and began disrobing, unaware that a Peeping Tom was at the window watching her every move. Naked, the nun took a brush and started brushing out her long and lovely dark hair. Then she reached into the same dresser drawer where she'd gotten the hairbrush, and she brought out an electric vibrator. After plugging in the vibrator, she lazed back in her chair and, starting with her beautiful face and swanlike neck, began using the machine on herself. The expression on her face underwent a dramatic change as she ran the vibrator over her large, womanly breasts, lingering there. Down her midsection she moved the machine, in a circular motion, and then she put it right in between her legs.
Sue was shocked. She couldn't believe that any moviemaker would stoop so low as to depict a nun masturbating. But there it was, on the screen for all to see. Of course, Sue supposed the young woman was merely an actress and not really a nun. But still, just the idea of a nun doing such a thing was downright obscene! To make matters even worse, the Peeping Tom, who turned out to be a very handsome young man, broke into the room and started trying to rape the naked nun.
"This is sacrilege," Sue said, standing up. "I won't watch it, Hub. I'm going out to the car. I'll wait for you there."
He grabbed her arm and jerked her back down. "Shut up and sit there, until I tell you you can get up."
Angry with Hub but afraid to disobey him, Sue picked up her drink and finished it off.
This movie was way above the first one. The nun soon gave in to her attacker, and it was almost beautiful to see. The screwing and the sucking went on and on and on. Sue didn't want to watch, but she couldn't tear her gaze away. Whether she was a nun or not, the pretty young woman on the screen was certainly not acting once the action got going. She was being ravished by a handsome young stud with an ever-hard hose of quite respectable proportions, and she responded to it for real. The rape soon developed into a session of sexual lovemaking that was as tender and caring as any woman could've wanted, and yet it was incredibly passionate.
Butterflies flitted about in Sue's stomach. Her nipples grew crinkled and sensitive. An itchy sensation started between her legs, making her squirm with the beginnings of a sensual discomfort that wouldn't be denied.
"Getting to you?" Hub asked.
"Don't be ridiculous," she said, but when he changed glasses with her, she picked up his highball and took a nervous drink of it
"It's getting to me," he said. "Wanna feel?"
She didn't want to, but he grasped her wrist and drew her hand over into his lap anyhow, rubbing it against the erection which was still inside his trousers. When she started feeling him up of her own volition, he chuckled and pushed her hand away, got up and walked away from the table.
Feeling rejected and humiliated, Sue turned up the highball and finished it off. How could he treat her this way? Why did she stand for it?
On the screen, there was a close-up of the young man's prick plunging in and out of the nun's pussy as she hunched it up to him. Sue's own hips began moving imperceptibly as she empathized with the passionate nun. She had to force her hips to quit when she realized what she was doing. Sue had never dreamed that pornography could be beautiful, or that it could arouse desire within her.
The nun and her rapist-lover changed positions. Now they were going sixty-nine. The camera zeroed in on the nun's groin and showed the young man's tongue lapping eagerly at the hair- surrounded split. Just the sight of it made Sue tingle between her thighs. Then she saw the nun's lips sucking longingly at the young man's organ, and it made her own mouth water.
When Hub returned with fresh drinks for them both, the movie was just ending, with the young nun, smiling her satisfaction, returning to the chapel to pray. Sue accepted her drink gratefully and took a gulp of it.
"That flick make you hot?" Hub asked.
She shook her head.
His hand darted up between her legs and under her miniskirt, and he cupped her crotch. Her snatch had a fever and the sheer strip of nylon covering it felt moist to the touch.
"That flick make you hot?" Hub repeated.
Her cheeks turning red with shame, Sue nodded her head. How could she deny it when he was feeling the proof?
"Just proves what I've thought all along," Hub said matter- of-factly. "It wouldn't have done anything to a decent woman."
As he spoke, he hooked the dew-dampened secretion band of her briefs to the side and slid a finger up into her slippery sheath. Sue sucked in her breath and shuddered, partly from the pleasurable sensations of his probing finger and partly from the depraved thrill she always felt to one degree or another whenever he humiliated her.
The next movie started. This one was in color. A young white girl of about fourteen was hitchhiking. A new Lincoln Continental stopped for her. A huge black man with an Afro haircut and a beard leaned over and opened the door. He looked the youngster up and down with an appraising eye. She winked at him and licked her lips. With a grin, he drew her into the front seat of the car and they were driving off as the scene closed.
In the following scene, he was driving along with his arm around her, fondling her tiny titties, while she pulled out his massive black organ and started jacking him off. Before long, he pulled her head down into his lap and stuck his cock into the child's more-than-willing mouth. She went down on him like a pro, and this scene ended with a terrific come-in-the-mouth shot.
Her breathing labored, Sue watched unblinkingly as the sordid sex acts between a little white girl and a big black buck went on before her. She was getting hotter and hotter, what with Hub's finger stirring her honeypot continuously while she absorbed the bombardment of erotic visual stimulation as well. And she also began turning on to the crude and obscene remarks being called out occasionally by some of the men now. It sounded as if they were becoming affected by the movies, too. In her mind's eye she could see them sitting there with hard-ons bulging their trousers, and this lewd mental image excited her all the more.
"Reach over here to my lap, Suzy Baby," Hub whispered.
She reached over into his lap and discovered that he'd freed his penis from the confines of his trousers. Instinctively she jerked her hand away.
"Play with it," he urged. "It's dark in here. No one will know."
Tentatively she extended her trembling hand and searched for his penis. It wasn't difficult to find, big and hard as it was. A tiny moan of longing escaped her lips as she wrapped her slender feminine fingers around the thick hunk of tubular turgidity.
"Feel good to you?"
"Uh-huh," she admitted, as she began stroking her hand slowly up and down the massive member.
On the screen now the big buck was struggling to penetrate the tiny hairless cunny of the little white girl. The Lincoln was parked on a trail in the woods, its driver and his passenger lay on a blanket a few feet away. The men in the audience were having mixed reaction over this film. Some of them cursed it as too obscene, and a few of these got up and went to the rest room or back to the bar. But most of the men were going wild, and one yelled out. "Cram it up her, Rastus! That little box will stretch a mile before it'll tear an inch!"
To her dismay, Sue found herself silently seconding the motion and siding with the majority of the men who wanted to see the child impaled by the enormous black. This unladylike emotion was totally incompatible with her normal self. Sue realized this, but she was too far gone to care now. The tranquilizer and booze had done their wicked work and now the dirty movies were doing theirs. Lust was taking her over. Ruttishly she beat Hub's meat for him while he stroked his passion-provoking finger in and out of her juicy split. When the huge black man managed to work the bulbous head of his penis into the young white girl, Sue nearly swooned. She gawked as the sturdy black stanchion slipped in and in and into the small body of the child. Then the black man was fucking the little girl and Sue could hardly get her breath. At the last split-second, the man withdrew and shot his cum all over the girl's heaving white belly. It was more than Sue could bear. Something had to give, and give it did.
"Oh... oohh... ooohhh," she sighed aloud, forgetting where she was as the mind-numbing tremors of a fabulous orgasm swept over her.
"Have a good one?" Hub asked, after Sue's breathing returned to a semblance of normalcy.
"Mmm-hmm," she sighed, glancing around the darkened room to see if any of the men had noticed. Apparently they hadn't, much to her relief.
"Thought so. You nearly squeezed my pecker in half," he chuckled. Then he backed his finger out of her and handed her his handkerchief. "Now me."
During the next movie, Sue jerked Hub off and caught his semen in his handkerchief, just as he'd made her do in the car that night which seemed so long ago now. After that, he got them fresh drinks. Sue sipped hers too fast, and Hub gave her his. She was quite tipsy now, and the dirty flicks, each of them only a few minutes long but coming back to back, had made her very much hot and bothered again. She could hardly wait for the stag show to end so Hub would take her home and give it to her good.
After more than an hour, the movies ended and the lights were turned back on. Blinking, embarrassed now that she no longer had the darkness to hide behind, Sue stood up. She bent over and put her mouth close to Hub's ear.
"Take me home and ravish me, you big brute," she whispered.
"Sit down," he said. "It's not over yet, stupid."
Sue felt silly. She sat back down and, lowering her gaze so she wouldn't have to make eye contact with any of the sexed-up men surrounding her, she remained silent and subdued.
A middle-aged man mounted the bandstand. He took down the movie screen. Then he announced, calling out loudly, "It's time for the live entertainment. Let's bring on the live entertainment."
Somewhere someone threw a switch and the bandstand was flooded with light. The middle-aged man blinked and shaded his eyes. He stood there awkwardly for two or three more minutes, then he called out, "Where are the live entertainers? Hub, didn't you hire some live entertainers?"
"I made the arrangements," Hub called back. As chairman of the entertainment committee, this was his responsibility.
"Then do you have any idea of just where in the hell they might be?"
"They're supposed to be here," Hub replied. "Maybe they're dressing."
"Or undressing," a new voice quipped, and several men laughed.
Just then two strapping black men, in their late twenties or early thirties, walked into the room carrying a mattress. They were fully clothed, wearing sports shirts and trousers. After they'd climbed onto the bandstand, they put down the mattress and turned toward the audience. One of them stepped forward.
"Please accept our apologies for the delay, gentlemen. I wish I could announce that the show is ready to go on. Unfortunately, I can't. This has never happened before. It's certainly not like Rita - Rita's our partner - to be late for a gig. But she is late. And she hasn't called or anything. I don't know what to do. Without a lady, my partner and I have no act. We ain't that kind, guys."
The big room was filled with laughter.
"And you wouldn't want us here if we were," he continued. "So, shall we wait a few minutes and see if Rita shows up... or what?"
"Or what," Hub called.
"How's that?" the black man asked, cupping his ear.
"Or what," Hub called again, louder this time. There was a glint of pure licentiousness in his eyes as he stood up, taking hold of Sue's wrist and pulling her to her feet, also. Being chairman of the entertainment committee, it had been quite easy for him to set up this situation. And now, excited over the carnal degradation which he had arranged for his stepson's wife, it was time for him to come to the rescue. He began pulling the totally bewildered young blond toward the bandstand, calling out for all to hear, "There's no reason why the show can't go on. Hells bells, why should we sit around waiting for this Rita broad? Suzy here will be glad to fill in for her, won't you, Suzy Baby?"
Shocked to the point of stupefaction Sue couldn't even find her voice. Her mouth dropped open, then began working as if she were trying to say something, but no words passed her full pink lips. Her eyes wide with horrified disbelief, all she could do was shake her head and glance about at the men, silently begging them to help her as Hub dragged her nearer and nearer the bandstand.
Most of the men were leering at her, their expressions clearly saying they could hardly wait to witness her ravishment at the hands of the two paid black performers. "Neat twist, Hub," Sue heard one man say as they went past him. "She's quite an actress. Almost makes a man believe she's really not the third member of this team we hired to perform for us."
They think I'm... Oh, dear God! Sue moaned inwardly, and just as Hub dragged her onto the platform and turned her over to the two black men, both of whom had hurriedly stripped to the buff, she found her voice and screamed, "OHMYGOD, NO! HELP ME SOMEONE! I'M NOT A PERFORMER! HUB IS MY HUSBAND'S STEPFATHER, AND HE -"
One of the blacks had grabbed her from behind and clapped his hand over her mouth, effectively silencing her. Both the performers were in on Hub's plan. In fact, he'd paid extra, out of the lodges money, in order to get the men without their female partner. They didn't know the whole truth of the matter however - that they would actually be raping a young and beautiful blond bride in front of half a hundred or so of Hub's horny lodge brothers who were also being fooled - because not a single one of them would ever dream what 'good old Hub' was really doing to this poor girl. Hub had told the black men that Sue was a pervert who could only enjoy sex in this manner, that it was her idea and that she had begged him to fix it up for her. They were free to sexually use and abuse Sue in any way they wanted to, so long as they didn't do her any physical harm. Both of the oversexed black men were eager to get at Sue, too, once they saw how pretty and appealing the 'kinky little honky' really was.
While the one held her from behind, his hand still over her mouth, the other divested her of her blouse, miniskirt and panties. She wished she could simply die when he showed the secretion-soaked crotchband of her panties to his partner and commented that the 'old dude' must've told them straight.

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