A Paladin's TrainingChapter 4: Elves free porn video

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***ARAN – One Year Ago, Emerin Forest Chapel***

Aran’s eyes shot open as his bedroom door slammed against the stone wall. Outside, the window showed a violet sky dotted with myriad stars; it was not yet dawn.

“Up!” Elaina roared. She was planted in the doorway, dressed in a simple coat and breeches with knee-high leather boots.

Aran’s covers flew off as he leapt out of bed, his heart racing. What was happening? Was there some emergency? He even forgot to cover his privates with his hands. “What is it?” He asked frantically. “What’s wrong?”

“You’re training has begun!” She barked, her emerald eyes boring into him like augurs.

This was a different woman to the one he’d met yesterday, surely. Where was the feminine goddess that had entertained him with dinner and stories last evening?

“Get dressed and meet me in the practice yard,” Elaina ordered. “Your lessons begin immediately.” At that, she strode off down the hallway, her boot heels echoing on the stone floor.

Catching his breath, Aran stood frozen for a moment, wondering what in the world was happening, when a sharp, “NOW!” from Elaina launched him into action. Pulling his clothes on as fast as he could, he hurried downstairs, hoping he could find the practice yard quickly enough.

The first day had been something out of a nightmare. Elaina had worked him to exhaustion in just the first half-hour of teaching him how to swing a club. By sunrise, he’d been unable to lift his shield-arm to defend himself, let alone hold off Elaina’s constant attacks. She’d punished every mistake he’d made, and he’d made plenty; he was a mass of bruises and aches and pains.

That was just the early morning. By mid-morning, Elaina had marched an already bone-weary Aran off into the woods to teach him to hunt. He’d been extremely unsuccessful, barely able to lift the short bow let alone draw it, and therefore missing every target he’d aimed at. Elaina, however, who looked as if she’d done nothing all morning, despite have worked as hard as Aran in the practice yard, took down a healthy boar, which she said would feed them for many days to come.

Then she’d made Aran drag the dead beast back to the Chapel, and it had taken him the rest of the day to lug the two-hundred-odd-pound carcass barely half a mile back home. Once back at the Chapel, Aran had collapsed face-first to the ground, only to have Elaina’s boots appear in front of him, followed by a set of knives rolled up in a leather sleeve.

“Get up,” Elaina had demanded quietly. “Pick up the knives, and follow my instructions.”

The next few hours had been occupied by Aran learning how to butcher a pig. Nothing was wasted; even the bones were kept for soup in the colder months. Elaina was accustomed to living in a remote area, and knew how to make things last.

Aran had never been this tired in his life. Once finished storing the meat, Elaina had finally told Aran to clean up and head inside. When he went to open the rear door to the Chapel – the one that led out to the practice yard – Elaina barked at him; “not like that! You’re covered in blood and offal! Strip down!”

Too tired to care, he’d removed his clothes and staggered inside. When he turned to close the door, his hand froze on the handle. Elaina was following her own advice and stripping off her clothes before coming inside. She was facing the doorway where Aran stood, but she was focused on what she was doing, and not looking his way. Aran’s breath caught as she stood up after pulling her boots off and began to work on the buttons of her coat. He knew he shouldn’t be watching, and wasn’t sure what she would do if she caught him looking, but he was unable to tear his eyes away.

After the short leather coat dropped to the ground, she attacked the laces of her shirt. Time seemed to slow down as each lace came away one by one, until finally the fabric parted and her tremendous, pale breasts came into view, the proud orbs capped by small, pink nipples.

Aran’s exhaustion fled, and a strange energy flooded through him. Unrestrained by clothing, his cock shot to full length, but he was unaware of his body’s reactions as he drank in the display before him.

Next, Elaina untied her thigh-hugging breeches and began to tug them down over her ample hips. As she bent, her breasts hung down beneath her, swaying to and fro as she wiggled her way out of the tight pants.

When she bent to gather her clothes together, Aran came to his senses and fled, the very last thing he’d seen burning into his vision; Elaina, from behind, bent at the waist, her full bottom and smooth pussy taunting him.

***ARAN – Present Day, somewhere in the Emerin Forest***

Shafts of early morning light pierced the forest canopy above Aran, casting dappled shadows across the grass around him. The young Paladin sat shirtless, feeling as one with the woods around him, his heart beating in time with the pulse of life in the vast forest, every tree of oak and pine and fir, every bluebird, raven and jay, even the tiny insects invisible to the naked eye.

Today was Aran’s third day on the road to Ironshire, and he had spent this morning and the previous two in deep meditation. He continued breathing deeply, savouring the peace of the present moment. Had he not been in such depth of awareness, he may not have heard the whisper of an arrow being drawn from behind him. Normally this sound would have been alarming, but strangely, he sensed no danger from the potential assassin, so he kept his eyes closed and his breathing even.

“Remain where you are, traveler,” the stranger said. “Or you will find an arrow in your neck.”

The voice was light and feminine, with a pleasantly lilting inflection. If Aran wasn’t mistaken, that was an Elvish accent. He quickly considered his location; according to Elaina, the Eryn’elda village of Ildernass was about three days’ walk from here. Perhaps this one was a scout?

“Be easy, mellon, I mean no harm.” No small part of Aran’s tutelage under Elaina had been the various tongues of Elves, Dwarves, and other races. Mellon meant ‘friend’ in common Elvish.

“State your business, firya,” the Elf demanded, using the Elvish word for ‘human.’

Aran thought for a moment; he could lie, and hope to get away with it, or he could trust the Elf. His vala told him that despite the risk, he should speak truthfully. “I am a Paladin of Aros, bound for Ironshire to further my training.”

The Elf paused for a moment. “You move through hostile lands, eruchen.”

Aran didn’t know that word. He thought it meant ‘child-something.’ He wondered why these lands were considered hostile, as he had received no knowledge of this from Elaina. His intuition bore a question: “Perhaps it is not the lands that are hostile, mellon, but it’s people?”

After a moment, Aran heard the bowstring relax before the Elf replied in a softer tone. “Forgive me, eruchen, our people are troubled, and trust is spare.” Soft footsteps approached, and Aran rose smoothly, turning to greet the Elf girl.

He had never met an Eryn’elda in person before, only having heard many myths and legends from travelers, most of which Elaina said were untrue. Their beauty, however, his mentor had not denied.

The figure standing before him was lithe and tall, almost as tall as he was. She was clad in forest colours, all greens and browns, with soft leather boots hugging her slender legs to the knee. Above the boots, tight breeches showed the gentle curves of her thighs and hips. A quiver was strapped over her short coat, above which her perfect face regarded him; beautiful pale skin, full pink lips and stunning emerald eyes, framed by a cascade of silky, dark brown hair. Her slightly pointed ears indeed marked her as an Elf, as if her otherworldly beauty was not enough.

“Have you a name, eruchen?” She asked, boldly eyeing him up and down. He thought her eyes lingered on his shirtless chest for a moment, before flicking back to his face.

That word tickled at him. Eruchen; he felt like he should know it. “Aran,” he replied, offering a hand.

The gorgeous Elf studied him for a moment, then finally smiled and clasped his hand. “I am Liaren.”

Aran half-expected the spiritual melding that had happened with Jeira, but this time, no such thing occurred. Releasing her hand, he asked; “you called me eruchen. I don’t recognise the word.”

Liaren smiled. “It is a complex word, with many meanings. A rough translation would be ‘Child of the Gods.’ Your Order is remembered well among my people.”

Aran was surprised to hear this; many people erroneously blamed the Paladins for the chaos of the Darkening. It was nice to hear they were remembered well at least by some. “That means a lot to hear, Liaren,” he said with a smile. “It is unlikely the rest of the world feels the same, however.”

The Elf eyed him up and down, a small smile on her lips. “You might be surprised at how many friends of the eruchen are out there, Aran.”

“I hope you’re right,” Aran replied, meeting her emerald gaze. There was an element of playful mischief about Liaren, and he decided he liked it. “You said there was some trouble? Is it something I can help with?”

Liaren’s expression darkened. “We were overrun by ungol over a week ago. We didn’t detect them until they were upon us, and we lost many brothers and sisters. How they avoided our scouts is still unknown. They carried off my sister, Induin. I fear the worst for her.”

“Ungol?” Aran blurted. “But aren’t they all long dead?”

Liaren looked at him as if he’d just suggested that the sky was green. “I don’t know where you heard that, eruchen, but it wasn’t dead spiders that carried off my sister.”

“Sorry,” Aran said placatingly. “It’s just that I was always taught the spiders were wiped out hundreds of years ago. In my village, mothers use stories of the ungol to frighten their children into behaving.”

Liaren cocked a fine eyebrow. “I hate to ruin your fantasy, but they weren’t wiped out. They simply retreated underground. We keep their numbers down in this region, where we can, but this attack was severe and calculated. Something stirs them, Aran.”

Aran could barely believe it, though he didn’t doubt Liaren’s word. The Ungol were alive and well? “Let me help you,” he offered.

Liaren looked thoughtful for a moment. “Another sword would be welcome. We were weakened by the attack, and more bows could not be spared to search for Induin. I hunt alone, and would appreciate the aid.”

“Then I am yours until your sister is safe,” Aran offered, hoping the matter could be resolved quickly; he did not want to keep Master Smythe waiting too long.

“Then come,” Liaren said. “I was tracking the ungol when I found you. They passed not far from here.”

Aran quickly donned his shirt and breastplate and gathered his few belongings, keeping his mace and shield ready. Liaren led the way to the edge of the clearing and into the forest.

They walked for maybe two hours or so, the slender Elf ghosting silently through the trees beside Aran, who tried his best to move as silently as she. Her head swiveled constantly, sharp eyes picking up signs Aran had no hope of seeing. He was also very aware of the way her breeches hugged her slender hips, not to mention her perfectly formed bottom, as she stalked through the undergrowth.

“You move well, for a human,” Liaren whispered over her shoulder. Was that a smirk on her lips? Aran chose to ignore it.

“We were attacked by ten or so ungol,” The distractingly pretty Elf told him quietly. “We killed probably half, wounded a couple more. I’ve been tracking three, as far as I can tell.”

“I’m still trying to process the fact that they are still around,” Aran murmured as he scanned the forest.

“I can see how it was easily believed,” Liaren explained, keeping her voice low. “For the last few hundred years, the ungol have been quiet, living underground and only rarely venturing to the surface, but something stirs of late, eruchen, and creatures of darkness are responding. There is a new shadow looming in the world. It is distant, but my people can feel it.”

New shadow? What did she mean? Aran wanted to know more, but when he asked, Liaren waved him to silence so she could focus on her tracking. Aran remained quiet after that, and kept alert and aware. Gradually, the forest around them began to change; spider webs began to appear on the ground and in the trees, scattered at first, then thickening as they moved deeper into the forest. The canopy was also growing denser; fewer and fewer shafts of sunlight penetrated the thick foliage above.

Suddenly, Liaren stopped, catching Aran’s eye and raising a finger to her lips. He watched as she squatted and ran a hand lightly over the ground, then tilted her face up to study the trees above. She held up two fingers, then pointed straight ahead, indicating two targets in that direction. Aran did his best to follow silently as she rose smoothly and stalked forward.

Dropping to the mulch-covered ground on her belly, Liaren motioned for him to do the same. They crept to the top of a small rise, where before them, the forest floor declined into a small hollow no more than twenty paces across. The area was thick with spider webs, and Aran watched as one of the ungol skittered across the hollow, tending to various cocoons. The creature was large, maybe as tall as Aran and just as long, its thick body covered in coarse black hair. Eight beady eyes sat above a huge pair of fangs.

Aran eyed the beast in wonder. A real, live ungol, like something out of a myth, right before his very eyes! What else was out there that was supposed to be long gone from the world? Trolls? Goblins? Ogres?

The ungol stopped in the centre of the hollow to check one cocoon in particular, the silvery web glistening in the faint light. Aran met Liaren’s gaze for a moment. There wasn’t much chance Induin was still alive, even if she was in the cocoon. Still, Aran saw a glimmer of hope in the pretty Elf’s emerald eyes.

Liaren rose to a crouch and unlimbered her bow. In one smooth motion, she drew and loosed. The shaft flew true, striking the spider in the centre of its eight eyes. The ungol gave a piercing shriek as it dropped to the ground. Wasting no time, Liaren dashed down the slope, making a beeline for the centre of the hollow. Aran loped after, trying to keep pace with the fleet-footed Elf.

Another shriek came from up ahead as another spider descended the opposite side of the hollow. Without breaking stride, Liaren loosed another shaft, dropping the creature where it stood.

That accounted for two. Didn’t Liaren say she was tracking three? A flicker of movement on his left was all the warning Aran had to get his shield up. A needle-sharp sting thunked into the wood, penetrating the shield just above his forearm. The force of the blow sent him sailing backward and sprawling across the ground. He watched grimly as his assailant, a spider twice the size of the first two, lowered itself the rest of the way to the ground on a strand of web as thick as Aran’s arm.

The huge ungol uttered a bone-curdling scream and rushed him, its eight legs lending it tremendous speed. Aran rose to his feet quickly, spiked mace at the ready. The creature screamed again as three arrows from Liaren’s bow punctured its fat abdomen in quick succession. Not slowing, the ungol reached Aran and stabbed a forward leg toward him, knife-sharp point aimed at his chest. Aran’s shield deflected the blow and he instinctively swung his mace in counterattack. The spiked ball hit the hairy appendage with a sickening crunch, rendering the limb useless.

The monster bellowed as two more arrows pierced its hairy hide. It turned in fury, searching for Liaren and giving Aran the opportunity to swing again in an attempt to crush another leg. Almost casually, the beast lashed out with a rear leg, taking Aran across the chest and knocking him to the dirt.

Grimacing in pain, Aran scrambled to his feet, just managing to deflect another blow, the force of it nearly knocking him down again. The creature’s legs were an excellent defense; he needed a way inside the spindly limbs. Two more arrows streaked through the air, sinking into their target. Dark green blood was oozing where the arrows peppered the ungol’s hide. Thinking quickly, Aran scooped up a handful of dirt and flung it at the creature’s eyes. It had the desired effect; blinded, the spider scrabbled around, lashing out wildly. Rushing in, Aran crushed one leg, then another. Finally, he delivered the killing blow, embedding his mace in the centre of the beast’s eight eyes. The ungol’s lifeless body dropped to the ground.

Breathing hard, Aran’s eyes sought out Liaren, who was already fighting her way through the webs in the centre of the hollow. He hurried over as she reached the cocoon she was after, and helped her pull it free. They lay the webbed mass gently on the forest floor and Liaren drew her belt knife to gingerly cut the webs, careful not to cut whoever – or whatever – was inside. She gasped as the silvery strands parted to reveal the face of a beautiful Elf. Her eyes were closed, and she did not appear to be breathing.

“Induin,” Liaren whispered softly, brushing her sister’s face tenderly.

Aran felt a pang of sadness for Liaren. A week of searching, only to find ... Wait. Aran gently laid his hand on Induin’s forehead. She was cold, lifeless to the touch, except ... He closed his eyes and reached within him for the vala of Aros, feeling the now familiar warmth as the energy filled him. Gently, he passed some of the energy into Induin’s body, hoping to find a spark of life.

There it was! It was faint, but it was there! Focusing all his will, he used his power to fan the spark to a flame. As he did, he felt his essence melding with the unconscious Elf, felt the intertwining of souls he had felt with Jeira. He was melding with Induin, but she would live.

Physical awareness of Induin flooded into Aran, and the deepest corners of her heart were revealed to him. Her body was unharmed, though her muscles felt a little stiff. As for her nature, she was kind, curious, brave and full of life. There was fear, too, though it was subsiding as the melda took hold.

With a gasp, Induin’s eyes shot open and she sat bolt upright. The rest of the webs parted around her, revealing her naked body. A weeping Liaren wrapped her sister in an embrace, offering prayers of gratitude in her native Elvish tongue. Aran, thankful as he was that Liaren’s sister was alive, couldn’t help but appreciate the sight of Induin. She was put together much like her sister; lithe and willowy, all gentle feminine curves. Her long hair was silvery-flaxen instead of dark like Liaren’s, and her eyes were sapphire blue rather than emerald green. Aran’s eyes traveled down over her petite breasts and flat stomach to her hairless sex, smooth and inviting.

The sisters hugged for a time, eventually breaking the embrace. Liaren turned to Aran, eyes still swimming with tears. “Thank you, eruchen,” she said as she embraced him. “You brought her back.”

Aran smiled, hugging her back. “I’m just happy we got here in time.”

After a moment, Induin slowly rose to her feet, unconcerned by her nudity, using her sister for support. “What happened?” She asked in a voice almost identical to Liaren’s. “The last thing I remember is scouting for ungol.”

Liaren stroked a stray lock of silvery hair out of her sister’s face. “You were poisoned by them and taken for feeding. The eruchen here helped me kill these ungol to save you. He fights well, for a human.”

Aran raised an eyebrow at the friendly jibe, which Liaren countered with a wink. Induin’s eyes locked on Aran, an eternity passing as the Elf allowed herself to feel the melda between them. “Eruchen,” she whispered. Without warning, she flung herself at him and planted her mouth on his, giving him a toe-curling kiss. Aran wrapped her up in his arms and lost himself in it.

“Well, that’s one way to reward him,” Liaren said dryly.

Induin broke the kiss, breathing hard. “Can you do for my sister what you did for me?”

Aran wasn’t sure if he could. He hadn’t seen a way to make it work for Jeira and Hamlin, but maybe it was worth a try. “Perhaps. I’m not sure it will work.”

“Do what?” Liaren asked warily. “What won’t work?”

Induin stepped to one side, holding Aran’s hand. She reached her other hand toward Liaren. “Come sister, you must feel this. He truly is eruchen. The stories are all true!”

Liaren’s eyes flicked between Aran’s and Induin’s for a moment before she stepped forward and took her sister’s hand. Aran took her other one, the three of them forming a circle. He half expected nothing to happen, yet he could not have been more wrong.

His vala surged, shooting through him and out, as if he were merely a conduit for Aros’ power – which he supposed he was – coursing through the two Elves and back into himself, melding them more closely than any blood kinship could. The women gasped in unison as the vala took hold of them, their eyes widening at the increased awareness of each other.

After what felt like an eternity, it was done. They all stood for a moment, hands still clasped together, catching their breath. Aran could feel the difference inside him; he had indeed melded with Liaren now, as well as Induin. She was like her sister at heart, exuberant and playful, courageous and caring, but there was also something else that he had not sensed in Induin, a deeper strength. If Aran had to bet, he would say Liaren was the leader of the two twins, and also the strong one when times were tough.

His eyes met Liaren’s, and they laughed together, sharing the special moment, before the two Elvish sisters looked at each other, and for a time, Aran was forgotten.

The two beautiful girls came together in a torrid kiss, passionate and loving, both of them moaning as their tongues danced. Aran’s jaw dropped, and another part of him did the opposite at the sight of the two gorgeous Elves kissing, one of them stark naked.

Aran suddenly realised what was happening. Quite by mistake, he had not just melded the two sisters to himself, but also to each other! He had read nothing in Maigan Ezra’s book about this! He wondered if he could reverse it, if they even wanted him to.

Induin broke the kiss, turning briefly from her sister. “Thank you, eruchen,” she said breathily, before moaning and embracing her sister again.

Aran stood there and watched his women enjoy each other. That thought was a little strange; his women. But it was true, they were now his and he now theirs. He offered an idea. “As much as I’m enjoying watching you two right now, why don’t we go somewhere a little more suited to the mood?”

The two stunning elves turned to him, flashing him twin smiles that set his pulse racing.

A short time later, they arrived at a hidden camp, situated on the way back to the Elven village of Ildernass, which Induin and Liaren called home. The camp was secluded and peaceful, and to Aran’s delight, it contained a rock pool, heated from deep beneath the ground.

In moments the trio were naked and in the water, engaged in a steamy three-way kiss. Aran could feel the soft breasts of his two lovers pressed into his chest while they somehow expertly stroked and fondled his cock and balls without breaking the kiss. The clearing filled with soft moans of pleasure as the sun slowly waned.

There was no hurry; they had all night to enjoy each other, but Aran wanted to fuck one of his beautiful Elves now. “You first,” he growled playfully as he grasped Liaren’s slim waist and pulled her into him. In a flash, her long legs were around his waist and she was sinking slowly onto his rock-hard cock. Aran quickly read Liaren through the vala and found that she had no real preference regarding cock size; she would feel good whether it was large or small. Maybe it was an Elvish trait?

They moaned together as Aran began thrusting gently inside her. Induin took turns kissing her sister and then Aran, all the while lightly squeezing his balls.

Just as his vala suggested to him that Liaren would like something a little more, he felt a difference inside her pussy as Induin slid a finger into her sister’s ass. Liaren squealed in pleasure and bit down on Aran’s shoulder, her hips beginning to rock against him harder.

Aran kept one hand on Liaren’s ass and moved the other around behind Induin, sliding a finger down her spine and into the cleft of her ass. Sensing what she wanted, he lightly teased her smooth slit before rubbing her hard love button, then slid his middle finger inside her slick pussy and began to make circular motions. Induin gasped at the pleasure, turning her face from her sister to kiss him hard.

Meanwhile, Liaren’s pussy was tightening; she was getting close. Aran reached through the melda and gave her pleasure energy a nudge, ratcheting it up another notch. The beautiful Elf began to buck against him, churning the steamy water in the small pool. She threw her head back and began to wail in a string of elvish Aran didn’t quite understand, but he could imagine it was all filthy.

His finger still inside her, Aran pulled Induin closer and growled, “I’m going to pump your sister full of my hot seed.”

Induin moaned as Aran’s finger continued to circle just inside her. She ground her hips back and forth under the water, inspiring him further with her own filthy talk. “Fuck her, eruchen, make my sister your little elvish whore.”

Hearing them talk about her like that was just what Liaren needed. Her pussy squeezed him hard as she came, her legs locking him into her like a vice.

Induin, sensing what Aran wanted, reached down and squeezed his balls firmly, pushing him over the edge. He growled into Liaren’s ear as he began to unload into her tight hole. Her climax continued as his cock spasmed, filling her with his come.

Somehow, Induin managed to wrap her slim legs around both of her two lovers and hold them tight as Aran’s finger brought her to her own peak.

They stayed like that for a time, locked together, their breathing gradually slowing. Eventually, they retreated from the warm pool and set up camp for the night. Induin produced some bedding and other useful items, which were cleverly stored inside a tree by the last Elves to use the campsite.

Before long, the three lovers were lounging near a merry fire. The night was warm, and none of them had bothered with getting dressed, all of them knowing that any garments would just be removed again sooner or later.

Aran lounged back against a fallen log, with a beautiful naked Elf under each arm. Lazily, they kissed and touched each other while they talked.

Induin and Liaren had many questions for Aran, about Paladins and Aros and his powers, some of which he could answer, some he honestly didn’t know yet. There was no risk in sharing knowledge of the Order with the Elves; now that they were melded with him, they would never do anything to harm him, nor he them. Additionally, the Eryn’elda were a naturally reclusive lot, somewhat removed from the rest of the world, rarely associating with other races or cultures unless necessary, which meant that there was less chance of their knowledge of Aran accidentally finding the wrong ears.

He found himself telling them about Elaina, and Jeira, and how it seemed his power was growing more all the time. In turn, he had many questions about Elvish culture.

“What is it you want to know?” Liaren asked, playfully licking his nipple.

Aran thought for a moment, which was no easy task with Induin lightly stroking his cock. “How does your society work? Who are your leaders?”

Liaren took her time replying, lazily stroking his thigh with her fingernails, caressing his smooth balls from time to time. “We Wood Elves live in tribal communities. The older an Elf becomes, the wiser and more respected they are. Usually, there is one matriarch leading a tribe, and ours is Meruin. Some say she is over a thousand years old, but none of us really know. She is well-liked, kind and just, and she rules fairly.”

“So, Elves don’t keep track of their age?” Aran asked.

Induin replied in between soft kisses on his chest. “When you live forever, eruchen, age is not something you think about often.” She giggled and added, “however, one way for outsiders to tell an Elf’s age is by the size of their endowments!”

Liaren laughed out loud and sat up, displaying her pert breasts. “My sister and I, we are only just over fifty years old. That is roughly twenty in your human years.”

Aran eyed her chest appreciatively. He liked an ample bosom, to be sure, but the perky, youthful breasts of these Elvish girls was certainly enough to keep him happy.

Aran had to inquire; “are you saying that the older you get, the more your breasts grow?”

Induin sat up on his other side, thrusting her chest out to mirror her sister. “That is exactly what we’re saying. Not just the breasts, though; the older we get, the more rounded and comelier we grow in our hips, thighs, and bottoms, too! I think it’s because Elves have children much later in life than humans, so their bodies become more suitable for carrying babes as they grow older.”

Same as A Paladin's Training
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Your stomach fluttered as you walked along the dark path towards the cluster of flickering lights in the distance. You and the rest of your squad walked in total silence, hands resting on swords and eyes darting around to the dark. On the road, the ground was paved with light colored stone. Every couple of feet stood a pole with an ornate lantern bathing the area with light and separating the known from the forest. The ground outside the line of gleaming sentinels was dark with an omnipresent...

2 years ago
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Harry Potter and Arya Queen of The Elves

Arya worked at her love’s breaches, her nimble fingers making short work of the button and zipper. He was not so patient with her clothing. She felt her pants tear free under his strength and decided to follow his example. His undergarments were shredded by her grasp. She didn’t even notice her panties disappear as she pushed the gorgeous male back onto his bed. He was in his true form, possessing the same Princeling-like physique as he had after the gift from the dragons at his first...

4 years ago
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Orcs and Elves

The fires roaring around Griffin's Nest could be seen for miles as could the celebratory shouts echoing throughout the valley. The largest gathering was over one thousand strong centered on a bonfire reaching twenty feet into the sky. Drums filled the air with the rhythm the victorious army stamped their feet to. Every kind of meat imaginable was roasting over one of the pits and the warriors gorged themselves. There were barrels stacked upon barrels of liquors and ales the empty ones thrown...

3 years ago
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Shaking her drowsiness Kayla looked down to her body only to discover… she was naked! Everything on her body except her mother’s necklace was stripped off. She got up and tried to run to the door only to be pulled back by the collar around her neck. She sat there in this strange place naked and began to panic. She pulled and pulled at the chain but the enchantment on it was much too strong. She tried pulling the collar but the collar (also enchanted) shocked her every time she tried pulling on...

3 years ago
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Corrupting the elves

You lived a normal life. Going through highschool, then a couple of jobs as you found your place in life. You were turning 25 today, not a milestone but your crush from highschool had agreed to a date with you. You were on top of the world as you walked across the street. You didn't see it coming, didnt even know how it happened. One moment you were walking towards the resturaunt, happy as could be, and the next you werefalling, the light above you from the open manhole getting further and...

3 years ago
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Irish Elves

My mother forced me to leave my beloved NYC to move to a small town in Ireland where she originally grew up and lived until she was 18. She loves the place, but I have my doubts. How will I cope? Going from all the traffic, noise and pollution to Trees and fresh air and so much quiet? The new house we moved into is my mother's childhood home. It's a two-story with plenty of room and no neighbors for a mile or so. I loved our cramped little apartment. And I know it sounds strange but I also...

4 years ago
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Fun With Santas Elves

The night was a cold one; it was two days before Christmas. I couldn't take it anymore, being the mall Santa. All those hot M.I.L.F. s with their bratty kids coming in and out of the mall. I would like to just like to fuck one of them in my fake elf house. Their was this one girl that came close to getting raped in their I tell you. She had the most perfect ass and a set of legs that would make your tongue fall out and hit the floor. I had her come up and the damn kid wanted a new fucking big...

3 years ago
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Paladin Simulator

Press Start Game, or this game will make no sense at all! You can skip through to chapter 6 if you are here for the gameplay and not the story “Our noble order dwindles in number by the year. The better of us die martyrs, granted grace through bloodshed. The lesser of us succumb to vice’s call, and fall from the light. My dearest, your training is complete now, but promise me this - promise me that when you pass on to the next realm, you will do so having left this one a better place.” Your...

3 years ago
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College Daze Our First Year TogetherChapter 5 Learning About Our Background and Ourselves

Tandra and I set out for our parent's place early on the Thursday before Christmas, with the weather being as co-operative as could be expected for that time of year. In many ways, I was glad that we'd left early, because as soon as we neared the lakes, it started to snow. In the name of safety, it took us three extra hours to do that trip from what it would normally. I spelled my sister behind the wheel for two of those hours, and that was about all my throbbing head would allow. It did...

1 year ago
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Doing it for themselves

Angie's divorce had been verry messy but Terry had relented and left her well provided for in the settlement and had bought out her half of the business. Min was struggling with her husband being out of work and having three kids. So with both their kids in the hands of their parents the girls headed of for a month of holiday sun. They'd done a lot of island hopping and Greece, Turkey, Spain and Italy as youngsters so just retraced old times. Sat under the blue night sky the restaurant was full...

2 years ago
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The Gods Themselves

The Gods Themselves Synopsis When the Gods conspire against you the only thing you can hope for is they will soon weary of their games and leave you alone. They did grow bored, those Gods, but not before it was too late, and all Josh could do was smile sheepishly as Julie's mouth opened and closed. He didn't need to ask what had caught her attention and thank the stars He fought against the impulse to curtsey. All he could do was shrugh: A little sun, a tad bit of arthritis, and...

4 years ago
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A Friday to Themselves

"My parents are going to be gone for the whole weekend.” My boyfriend Michael said walking up to me at my locker after class on a Friday.“Alright, well what time do you want me to come over tonight?” I asked with a smirk, knowing full well what was going to go down tonight.“Anytime after 7:00 would be fine,” Michael said smiling.“Okay sounds good, I’ll see you then,” I said before leaning in and giving him a quick kiss. I turned and went to leave but Michael grabbed my arm and pulled me in for...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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Dance of a LifetimeChapter 51 Making A Name For Themselves

The weekend after Sophia and Warren got back from the Junior Grand Prix, John Vassar had his annual Christmas party. Four days later, it was Christmas Day. Even though she had more of a family this year, Sophia still went over to Warren's for Christmas. It had become "what she did" for Christmas, and she enjoyed it. They had won money with their skating. Although they were saving most of it for college and the like, they did spend a little more on this Christmas than they usually did....

2 years ago
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The House to Themselves

Gregory and Victoria own their own business and tend to travel across the world a lot for their work. Usually it was just one of them gone at a time, leaving the other at home to run the household, but as their sons started to grow up and became able to take care of themselves (usually with frequent check-ins from neighbours and friends), both Gregory and Victoria left for business trips together. At this point in their lives, Gregory and Victoria had raised two extremely independent, smart...

2 years ago
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Tammy and I Discover Ourselves

Tammy had a slight mental disability but she is an absolutely delightful person and amazingly is very with it. I met her on the bus in the morning as she was making for work, we got talking and much to my surprise, I found myself instantly attracted to her. but I soon realised when getting to know Tammy that she was the kind of woman I was looking for. There on in, every morning on the bus my whole aim was just to converse with her, in as much as I felt sorry for her in a way, but I needn’t of...

2 years ago
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Pleasure Ourselves

The sun through the window has me awake, but I'm not in a hurry -- it's Saturday. Rolling over to the side of the bed, I look down at Lydia on her cushions. She's curled up, with her blanket pulled to her freckled shoulders, and her bright orange hair is spilling onto the pillow. Hearing me stir, she opens her eyes and sits up, the blanket falling away. Her breasts catch the light, highlighting the small pink nipples against her pale flesh. The bed creaks slightly above me, waking me slightly....

3 years ago
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The House To Ourselves

Diane stumbled in from the party, drunk and a little high. Her parents and youngest brother were away for a week so she knew the only one who might "catch" her was Charlie, her other brother 2 years younger than her. She wasn't worried since she also knew that Charlie likely was in the same condition. A star soccer player he'd had girls, including not a few of Diane's friends, falling all over him since he was old enough to have a clue. In fact, a couple of nights before one of Diane's very...

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Peter Ch 06 Paul and I occupy ourselves

Warning: This and subsequent chapters deal with many explicit passages with topics you may find objectionable. Theses topics may or may not include: straight sex, extramarital relations, cuckoldry, interracial sex, bisexuality, homosexuality, FemDom, male domination, voyeurism, masturbation, etc. If these, or other similar topics offend you, it might be best to find another story more to your liking. 
Chapter 6I looked over at Paul and he was still slowly working his cock. He had amazing...

2 years ago
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Pleasuring A Friend And Ourselves

I was drifting, halfway between asleep and awake when Patrick came into the room. He and his friend Craig were winding up what had been a fun evening. Craig was out visiting from England, so it was the first time I’d met him even though he and Patrick had been close for decades. I’d made us all dinner and, after lots of lingering and laughter, they’d shooed me off to bed when my yawns start getting a little obvious. And so there I lay relaxed in bed, drifting in and out of sleep, sometimes...

Oral Sex
2 years ago
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Keep It to Ourselves

After a crappy first marriage and many, many sexcapades I met the woman of my dreams. Alice is about eight years younger than I, she is thirty years old. Blonde, petite, nice perky tits, dynamite ass, and a tight little pussy that gets dripping wet at the drop of a hat. This girl loves to fuck!! She never says no. After several months of dating we decided to get married. a couple of months before the wedding we were at Alice's parents house. I had met most of the family, most of them women...

3 years ago
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Finally the house to Ourselves

Lisa and i finally got to get a chance at have anal sex at her parents house. We built up the whole week of sexual desires for this...Saturday finally arrived...I wake up cold since it was still winter. I do my daily routine of breakfast,shower, and dress for the day. But, today was gonna be exciting. I waited all morning for a text from Lisa(gf) who would give me the signal for when her parents were leaving for the day...I was sitting around watching t.v. just surfing the channels. Till I...

4 years ago
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Love and Family During the Great DeathChapter 6 What a Rumpled Bed We Make for Ourselves

David made introductions all around and got the girls busy putting their things away. He decided Alice's friends could sleep in her room. Amy and Erica, the girls with the broken arm and the injury respectively, were assigned Alice's bed while the others agreed to sleep on the floor of her room. David figured none of them would sleep a wink. He also reminded himself to be extra quiet after everyone went to bed, though he seriously doubted he'd be 'getting any' that evening. Ma got busy...

4 years ago
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His Smile when they lose themselves

His smile always stood out to me. Goodness his smile. Just a little quirk of that mouth of his, a tiny movement of his lips, it was all it took to make my putty in his hands. We’d met through mutual friends when I moved countries for university. Months later we were always hanging out. The first time I met him and he smiled at me I knew he’d be dangerous to my well being, but I ignored it. I mean just ‘cause I felt the attraction doesn’t mean he did right? Besides, I didn’t see him that much...

4 years ago
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Quarantine Finding Themselves

"Can I help you?" Mary said through the screened door. She'd sent Jordan into the living room to wait until she knew what was going on. "Good evening, ma'm," the man in the black polo shirt with an embroidered badge and a the words 'Worcester County Sheriff's Department' embroidered below the badge. "My name is Deputy Reese of the Worcester County Sheriff's Department and I'm afraid that I have a summons here for you and a Jordan Alden." "Before I open the door," Mary was cautious,...

2 years ago
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The House to Themselves

The afternoon sun shone on the sidewalks and hedges of Ambleside Close, Albany, in Livingstone county, illuminating the windows and front doors of the detached houses which circled around the small patch of grass that added a touch of green to the grey tarmac and sidewalk Alison lay stretched out on her bed in just one of the bedrooms overlooking the parked SUVs and MPVs parked either by the sideways or in the drives. The television in her room was on, as always, broadcasting the image of a...

2 years ago
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They Helped Themselves

Beth and I were not into swinging. Neither of us had ever had a sex partner other than each other but Beth did like for me to play with her tits and pussy in public places. Not to be watched, just for me to secretly finger fuck her without anyone noticing. The fact that it was in a public place with us surrounded by people really turned her on. One of our favourite places for doing this was in crowded bars. On these occasions Beth would only wear shoes, mini skirt and tee shirt. This was so I...

1 year ago
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Brother and Sister find out about themselves

My name is Josh and I’m 18 years old. I’m about 6 foot and well built with a 9 inch dick with a 7 inch girth. I have a younger brother, Matt, at 18 years old. I have one sister, Ashley, who is also 15. I never really paid that much attention to her when she was younger until now because she has a perfect body with nice sized tits and a nice round ass. My story starts when our parents went on a weeklong vacation leaving us at home alone. They felt it was ok because we were both perfect student....

4 years ago
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Punjabi Bhabhi Ki Chudai In Ptk

I am samir from ptk and gsp and  I  have had sex with an aunty and a bhabhi. M not lying and its true.. So now  I  am gonna start story further in hindi.. Yeh ek saal pehle ki baat me apne ek dost phone kr rha tha toh wrong number mil gya aur woh ek bhabhi ka tha and she picked up my call and  I  asked her this number is of sahil ( sahil was my frnd who  I  was calling that time) and she told me this numbr was not of sahil.. So  I  said sorry, and cut the call.. Uske baad uss number se mujhe...

2 years ago
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Not Naked in School

Wendy felt so embarrassed as she stood waiting for the school bus, with her fellow school students at the bus stop. Her hair was tied in plaits, her skirt came to just below her knees, a blazer and blouse covered her from the pit of her throat to her waist, and long white socks from her ankles to her knees. And worse, if that wasn't bad enough, beneath these clothes, she wore a bra and knickers. In fact only her knees and hands were exposed to the summer sun. The other students regarded her...

3 years ago
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Dating 2 Best Friends 8211 Part 1

Hi everyone, this is Dan, obviously a nickname,, the story is my personal experience, gave me some good memories and some scars too.. Feel free to say your heart out in my inbox,, ,, Moving on to the story,, This is a story about my high school days. High school is a place where all laws of love get broken, twisted and shattered. Getting on to the story, We had recently moved, So I got into a new school. I had just completed my tenth. I didn’t know anybody in the school. Being the new kid in...

1 year ago
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Simone The Schoolgirl Part One

I looked at her with new eyes. Her hair was hanging forwards and her sweet face looked so soft. I looked at her perfectly straight legs, slightly tanned. He thighs were full and her calves had a lovely roundness to them. She had a woman’s legs - not those of a typical skinny schoolgirl. I felt my cock starting to twitch and decided the best thing would be to get this over with a.s.a.p. I moved behind her, holding the ruler poised above her glorious behind. Simone The Schoolgirl (Part One) A...

2 years ago
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HandsOnHardcore Jenifer Jane Aria Logan Cum Swapping College Cuties

It’s a Summer day at the pool that gets sizzlingly sexy between Erik Everhard and his glamour model girlfriends, Jenifer Jane and Aria Logan. Mr. Everhard’s thick schlong impressively handles the needs of both babes’ tight and anxious gaps when he stacks their slits straight on top of each other and up and pummels them in this eXXXtraordinary display of FFM hardcore hotness. See Erick entertain their sexual needs simultaneously too as Jennifer, that green-eyed Czech fucks him...

3 years ago
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My wife now his whore By Joe Blow

Introduction: All of these stories have been written by someone else who deserves the credit for being a Readers Best Choice Award Winner Ive been happily married for nine years to a voluptuous 32 year old Italian girl. We have two small children. Amanda has incredibly smooth olive skin and big soft tits that are fairly firm for their size. She also has a full round butt! Her lips are soft and full, and her brown bedroom eyes will give anyone a instant hard on! I was surfing the web one day...

2 years ago
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PenthouseGold Alexia Anders Exotic Alexia Anders Gets XXXtra Erotic

We start with an unforgettable erotic solo: super sultry Alexia Anders slowly stripteasing out of sexy turquoise lingerie until she’s finally on the couch, legs spread wide open, panties pushed to the side, and masturbating her sweet shaved pussy, all the while looking at you with “come fuck me” eyes. Then Ramon Nomar enters the scene to give XXXtra pleasure to the exotic babe with his tongue, fingers, and monster cock. Watch the Penthouse starlet get fucked until she’s...

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Nan Mom and Me Pt6

Please bear with the start of this chapter as it describes events over the intervening years………….. After a couple of years, Mom and I decided to have another baby before she was too old.  We had a boy this time and named him Joseph Daniel; he was nicknamed JD by the kids at school. When Mom brought him home, our lives continued on the same track.  Whenever Mom would feed JD I was always there to help drain the excess milk from her beautiful teats..  We also kept up the routine of Mom lying on...

3 years ago
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After the break up

       We’d been fighting for weeks and both knew the break up was coming.  It had all started over something small but just kept growing until there was no way to stop it.  Both of us were furious and it all came to a boil that night.        ?Fuck you!? screamed Laura.  ?I am done dealing with this crap, get out of my house!?  Laura was blonde, about 140 pounds, and shaking with rage as she yelled at me.  She was about 5’ 6? but with her heels seemed taller and had great legs, a nice tight...

3 years ago
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Giving my wife to 3 black guys

About five months ago me & my wife was on our way to Memphis TN to try out a swingers club that we saw on the web. To save money we stayed in a cheap motel it was in kinda a bad part of town there was bars in the windows of ever store & all we seen walking around was black people. Later that night we got ready to go my chubby wife had on a short leather skirt with out wearing an panties if she just bent over a little bit you could see her fat pussy hanging out. Her shirt was a low cut...

3 years ago
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Enjoying some revenge sex

Having fucked Chloe, her mum and my step-s*s all in one weekend, I approached the working week with a spring in my step; not since the height of my relationship with Jen had I enjoyed such variety in my sex life. But in the back of my mind was the nagging doubt I had about Chloe. Should I dump her and move on before going to the US, or wait and see how I felt when I got back. That decision would soon become quite easy.With the trip to the US looming, Monday was a very busy day at the office....

3 years ago
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Jolly Time With Jagada Masturbation in Marriage

I have posted in this site a story titled "Great Fucking in Grain Warehouse". In this story I have narrated my sexual experiences with 3 ladies in the warehouse who were employed for cleaning and packing grains. For about one and half years when I was employed there I daily fucked these three women. Later I left that job after getting a better employment. But my contacts with those ladies remained and sporadically we would meet and exchange pleasantries though I did not fuck them anytime...

3 years ago
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Patchwork People XI A ghost and a riddle

XI. A ghost and a riddle. Night again. Bus travel made her sleepy, but only during the day it seemed. She traveled through the night hours wide awake. Phoebe could see her reflection like a ghost super-imposed over all that limitless darkness. She felt like a ghost, too, like something not quite real, a figment of someone's imagination. But who's? She was a ghost floating across the countryside to haunt a person who'd run as far away from her as possible. What brought her back...

3 years ago
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Nine And A Half Weeks

Nine And A Half Weeks by Dawn Middlemiss It had been a bad week. First I'd lost my job. Really, I didn't care too much about that. I worked in a bank. My boss was demanding, and when we'd lost staff before he expected the rest us simply to cover for them. The work had been boring and repetitive, pushing pieces of paper around, yet also stressful and pressured. If I'm honest I'd caused trouble and I wasn't surprised when the boss had called me in. What hurt me more...

4 years ago
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The Futa Fairy Futa Teachers Naughty Wish Chapter 1 Ms Marcies Student Dilemma

Chapter One: Ms. Marcie's Student Dilemma By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 Every day was torture when I walked into the hallowed halls of Washington College, the school where I taught at. Everywhere I looked, the girls strutted down the halls, so youthful, so sexy in their tight jeans, their tighter tops, their short skirts, their leggings that molded to nubile flesh. My heart raced, my pussy so hot in my panties and pantyhose, my nipples hard in my blouse. So many beauties. The...

2 years ago
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A Wild Night

The bar has a typical Thursday evening crowd. It could be almost any downtown bar across the country and you would find a similar mix of suits, students and laborers all trying to get over the day's stress. I went in for a beer with no notion of what the night held in store. I pushed my way past a boisterous group to the bar that ran the length of the room. After several attempts I managed to flag down the bartender and order a draft stout. With drink in hand I head to watch the pool games in...

2 years ago
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Cindy was babysitting for the Indian family next door to her at 16 she was 4 years older than the boy she was looking after who was in his room with his cousins who were all 10, one of the cousins came in said to Cindy ” show me your tits” Cindy looked at him and told him no your to young, the boy looked said ” in my country boys rule you girls obey us” Cindy told him to get stuffed, the other boys came in and all jumped on Cindy and dragged her on to the floor and held her down, Cindy tried to...

2 years ago
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Fun with Janice

Janice T messaged me: "So, when are you two going to invite me?" She included a hot picture of two women and a man, naked and wrapped around each other, to make sure I understood. There was a problem. I wasn't a twosome. In fact, my last affair had been with another woman, who just got more and more unhappy with my kinkiness and and exhibitionism. Fortunately, I had a wide variety of fuck-buddies of both genders. The problem with fuck-buddies is that they're rarely available and interested on...

Group Sex
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A Ballbusting Tournament

The time had come for the yearly Ballbusting Tournament. Since the division of men and women, the Ballbusting Tournament was the only chance they had to show who the superior sex was. Everyone wanted to partake in the Ballbusting Tournament to bring glory to their sex and if not glory, what would be better than to show everyone who was ultimately superior. Even people that failed in the tournaments were treated as heroes for their courage. For the Ballbusting Tournament was not entirely without...

3 years ago
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Multi-Phasic By Ellie Dauber, Copyright 1999 "Who am I to be today?" The speaker was a phantom, wavering shape that was only vaguely recognizable as human. It drifted like smoke through a soft shimmering void. Its - her -- voice was soft and feminine, but hesitant with fear. It had been so many days, days without counting, since the torture began. "Do you remember who you were yesterday?" The second being manifested itself as a ball of bluish green light. It pulsed...

2 years ago
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My Reluctant Wife the Actress in a Black Church

The events in this story occurred in the 1980s, when I was twenty-eight years old and my wife, Pamela, was twenty-seven. I was a production manager for a manufacturing company headquartered in North Carolina , and the company had just given me a promotion and transferred Pam and me to Biloxi , Mississippi. I was assigned to make improvements in their operations.We had not tried to have any children up until then and were hoping to start our family since I was making a better income following my...

4 years ago
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Traveled With A New Friend On A Ten Day Tour

I had to travel to Delhi for about 10 days for various meetings, and I wondered what I would do when I was not in meetings. Damn, it would be crazy to sit around for 23 hours for just a 1 hour meeting a day. And I was so tired. I was wondering if I could do something different just for once and thought of this idea. How about if I take a escort along with me for the travel. That way I can enjoy while I am not working. So I started my search. I walked the busy streets of red light areas, and...

2 years ago
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AssParade Kosame Dash Kosames Magnificent Booty

This week we caught up with Kosame Dash. This chick has a magnificent booty, worthy of AssParade. She displayed us her assets for some time before we got down to the real fun. Our boy Tony Rubino was the one uncharged of showing this beauty a good time. Kosame chocked on his cock before he penetrated her tiny little pussy. Watching her ass bounce as she jumps up and down on his cock is a sight to be seen. Kosame’s pussy got stretched in several positions before she took a giant load all over...

4 years ago
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Monica Me

I would like to share my experience which I had while I was working in US. As the guest house allotted to me by my office is far from my office I stayed at a house near my office. There was a couple named Vishal Reddy and his wife Monica Reddy. They had a 2 year old baby girl. They had rented the side portion of the house only because Vishal lost his job and were finding it difficult to meat their ends. I saw Vishal was moody fellow but Monica was calm & working very hard going to job and...

2 years ago
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Camping with the Boys

Camping with the boysOn one of our summer camping trips, Rebecca and I set up camp in a remote spot in Black Range State park. The camp ground was empty except for one other campsite.As we went about our business throughout the day we noticed that there were three young guys camped in the other occupied site. We had a chat with them and they told us that they were there for the week, just escaping the rat race like we were.They were nice fellas all in their early 20's, fit and good looking...

3 years ago
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My best friends brother

I had a hard time adjusting to life here in Germany when I first arrived. I had to struggle to learn the language and the social things here...like, you see naked people in the park, sunbathing! We never had that back home. Ah, but then I met Victoria and we became fast friends. Victoria, I call her Vicky, is younger than me and still has braces on her teeth but I didn't care about that. It was so cool to find someone I could be comfortable with. I wasn't a virgin but I didn't have much...

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