Dad's PlaceChapter 2 free porn video

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As if sensing my need - or possibly because of her own - she began to wiggle back against my cock. She lifted herself up and I felt her hand reach down under her to grab my shaft. She lowered herself down onto it, sliding it back and forth inside her slit until it was just as slippery as she, then she guided it into the waiting tunnel and sat down on it. Her weight buried me inside her, right up till my cock pressed against her cervix. I knew she hadn't been with anyone because there was no way she could still be this tight!

Water sloshed all around us and even out onto the floor as she moved up and down on me. Dad had once told me in confidence that she couldn't have children for some reason and since she'd not raised the issue of birth control the first time, I saw no reason to raise it now. I used my hands on her firm little ass to help her bob up and down on me.

I felt myself quickly approaching that point of no return and I wanted her to cum with me, so I reached over her thigh with one hand and found her hard clit. It was strange, feeling myself slip in and out of her while I stroked her clit. I whispered in her ear while biting on her neck, telling her to let go.

She did. We arrived at almost the same second. There was no better feeling on earth than her pussy contracting around my cock as I shot a long full load into her.

Eventually we got out of the tub when the water started to get cold. I dried her off head to foot, pausing to pay extra attention to certain locations. I wrapped her in her long bath sheet, swung her up in my arms and carried her to the bed. She gave me a beautiful smile for that gallant gesture. Then I stripped the towel off her and simply stared down at her for a few minutes. It took no time at all for my cock to be standing ready again. This time however, I dropped between her knees and spread her smooth thighs. I knew she was ten years older than me but there was so sign of age or sag anywhere on her body.

I put my mouth onto her pussy and licked her till her next orgasm took her. Then I lay down on top of her and fucked her hard until I came again in no time.

We cuddled for a long time, spoon-fashion, and had planned on getting up and going out for lunch. However, the very nearness of her got me so hard again that I entered her from behind, lying on our sides Eventually, I got her on her hands and knees and did it doggy style till she came hard and screaming, then I came one last time, lying on my back with her straddling me. She collapsed over on my chest, both of us sweaty and dehydrated, needing another bath, but both of us blissful.

I'm not sure if we dozed any or simply relaxed with our eyes closed, but she suddenly woke with a start. Her digital clock on the nightstand displayed 3:20. Chris would be getting home from school around 3:30. We didn't panic, but hurriedly dressed and had just sat down at the kitchen table with unopened bottles of water before us. Chris didn't seem to notice the flush on our skin and I hope he couldn't smell the hot salt tinge of sex in the air.

He was surprised to see me here early but happy. Not only was he starting as quarterback in the homecoming game, but his girlfriend was one of the candidates for homecoming queen. He was already strutting around proudly. I had to laugh sheepishly because I'd probably done the same thing last year. It was strange how much your thoughts and feelings could change in a year, after going away from the familiarity of home and the friends you'd grown up with. It all seemed so unimportant to me now, all that high school stuff.

"I'm only home for a few minutes," he told us, grabbing an apple from the fruit basket. "We got that parade and then we're all meeting at the field. You're coming to the game, aren't you?"

"Wouldn't miss it," I said, waving him off. He went to his room, changed into his clean game jersey and dashed out the door again.

Cassie and I just sat and stared at each other, kind of in shock at being brought back to the real world like that. It was almost as if I'd only imagined what we'd spent most of the day doing. If wondered what was going on behind those pale blue eyes, if she could possibly be thinking what I was thinking. I was ready to hop back in bed for a repeat performance.

"The parade is passing up Wells Street," she said. "We could walk over and watch it."

Trying not to let my disappointment show too much, I agreed. We still had about forty-five minutes to kill, there was time for something intimate, I was sure. I didn't really want to feel this way, but it was like my body was out of control. I wanted her again! Over and over. Naked, doing whatever I told her. I had to keep reminding myself that she wasn't one of those high school girls who did whatever I asked because I was their football hero. I also had to keep telling myself not to be that insensitive bastard who'd used all the girls I could get away with. This was seriously different.

I sighed and decided I could sit here and look at her like a puppy begging for scraps or I could act like I had a modicum of self control and clean up the mess where I'd dropped my bags just inside the door. I chose to walk away. She seemed relieved when I did and we stayed in our separate corners till parade time. That didn't keep her off my mind.

As we walked up the street later, I realized I was talking incessantly. Cassie eventually hooked her arm through mine and gently said, "Relax Keith. I'm not expecting anything from you. Just be yourself. I always like that best."

I'd not known just how really uptight I was until she said that. I had no idea that it showed so much. I wanted her to like me, I wanted to appear knowledgeable about things, I wanted to be on her level. I forced myself to take a deep breath and let my muscles flop.

I envied Cassie the calm demeanor she always wore, not knowing then that that particular kind of confidence only came with experience. She always displayed the same attitude, ready to deal with whatever came along in her life. I'd only seen it fail once, when Dad died. She seemed to anticipate nothing and remain composed no matter what the situation was. Later in life, I came to understand that I had learned to be "cool" from my stepmother. Dad had taught me how to handle most things that I would have to deal with, but Cassie taught me not to worry about what those things might be.

The parade was pretty much the same affair as it was every year. All the different clubs in the high school made tacky floats, the marching band got to show off and various local merchants got to plug their businesses. This was the fifth one we'd been involved in, probably the 15th one we'd watched. I suppose this was one of our family traditions.

After we walked home, we got right into my truck and I drove back to the small stadium. Cassie and I didn't hold hands as we walked, although I wished we could've. We couldn't give any clues like that because the bleachers were already filled with people who knew us.

We walked around the track from the gate to the home stands. Our team was already on the field warming up and many of them, including the coaches, called out surprised greetings to me. I found myself wanting to be back out there with them in the thick of things.

Cassie had always had a sixth sense for our feelings, seeming to always know what we were thinking. At the turn-off that led up to the bleachers, she stopped and pulled me down so she could speak into my ear and be heard over the crowd.

"Go," she said. "Have fun with your friends. Just don't strand me here after the game, okay? I don't want to walk home in the dark."

I was amazed and torn. I wanted to do the grown-up thing and go sit with her and be her companion, but such a big part of me still needed to be out their on the field again, hanging out with the guys, being the ex-hero back to give them inspiration. The coaches would talk to me like an adult now, ask my opinion, maybe. Of course, I didn't see it clearly at the time, but that's what I felt.

"It's okay," she assured me, "I promise." I suppose the relief was clear on my face. I took off out to the field.

I only thought of her once while the game was going on. I'd turned to look over the packed stands to see if I could see her. I only wondered if she was proud watching me and Chris out here. Had she been proud watching me last year? And was she looking at me differently now? Then someone yelled about the last play, starting an argument and pulled my attention back to the game.

When the game was over and we'd (rightly so) beaten them by 17 points, I stood at the gate and waited for her to come out. She was laughing with some of the other parents. She'd not needed me, had not been crushed and alone without me. I felt a silly sort of disappointment.

We walked back to my truck and sat for some time in the center of a sea of unmoving traffic, recalling the exciting parts of the game. Again, I had something to tell her and wasn't sure how she'd react.

"The guys are having a party over at Mike's," I finally just blurted out. "Everyone's going to be there. Chris is going. And some of the guys from last year..." I let it hang like a question.

"Oh?" she commented nonchalantly. "That sounds like it will be fun."

"Um..." I ventured, testing the waters. "You don't mind if I go?"

If she'd given any indication I should stay home and fuck her all night, I would have done so without hesitation, but she hadn't so far. In fact, she hadn't made any comment on what we'd spent the day doing, at all. It only made me realize just how much more growing up I had left to do in this subject of relationships.

"I don't mind," she said, "But you're not dumping me here, are you?"

"Of course not!" I exclaimed, not sure if she was just teasing. I was actually starting to yearn for people my own age because they weren't so confusing.

"I'll feel better knowing you are there with Chris anyhow. I know there will probably be drinking going on and I don't trust him to be responsible the way your are." And here she was praising me for being grown-up!?! "Don't let him drive home if he does drink, alright?"

"I won't," I promised her. "We'll be fine."

At the house, I didn't go in with her. She surprised me by leaning over and kissing me softly on the cheek. Was it a momma's kiss or a lover's kiss?

" Be careful," she warned, and it clearly became a mom's kiss. I watched her till she was inside the house, picturing her naked as she bounced up the stairs and unlocked the door. By the time I got to Mike's house, I had a raging hard-on and felt no need to hide it.

I drank too much, played too much, and thought about Cassie far too much at the party. I took my perpetual horniness out on more than one willing cheerleader, including one I'd turned down last year. No matter how drunk I got though, none of them turned into Cassie while I pounded away. And as drunk as it got, I wasn't anywhere near as bad as Chris. In fact, by 4:30 when the party began to wind down, I'd begun to sober up and keep my dick in my pants, sipping Dr. Pepper and watching a candle melt. Chris could barely walk but was still belligerent when I told him he was not driving home. It finally took three of us to hold him down and take away his keys. I used guilt to get him in my truck, telling him how devastated Cassie would be if he got himself killed driving home drunk. Then he got on a crying jag all the way home until he was just mumbling something law and incoherent.

I parked up close to the front door before I even attempted to deal with dragging Chris in. I was glad he was my little brother because he still seemed to way a ton. When I poured him across his bed, I didn't even care that he still had his shoes on. After I locked up, I hoped we hadn't made enough noise to wake Cassie. I felt guilty too. I crept back to her bedroom to look in on her.

She was not awake. Watching her in the dim light, lying on her side, cover tucked in under her arms, her beautiful golden hair spilling all over the dark sheets, I wanted nothing more than to crawl in behind her and wrap her up in my arms. I watched her until she rolled over, her face now hidden in darkness.

"'night," I whispered and retreated to my own room. There must've been more booze in me than I thought because I was out cold as soon as I hit my pillow, still fully dressed just like I'd left Chris.

Thankfully, I wasn't hung over when I woke up. I was thirsty though and stumbled sleepily to the kitchen. I found Cassie there, sipping orange juice and reading some science fiction book. She was always cool like that, never getting into those silly romance novels.

I pulled out a coke and flopped down beside her.

She put the book down and laughed. "You look like you had a good time."

I only shrugged. My mouth was parched and all I wanted to do was pour half this coke into it with the first gulp.

"Did you?" she prompted.

I swallowed loudly, belched, excused myself and said, "Yeah, it was okay."

"Just okay?"

I wondered what she was getting at.

"I saw some old friends, but I guess it's true what they say about not being able to go home again. It just didn't feel the same."

"Hmm..." she commented, "I'm sorry."

Another shrug.

Her face suddenly lit up with a pointedly teasing smile. "So how many girls did you do last night?"

That was not something I had expected. I choked on the fizzy liquid and took a minute to answer. I was smiling inwardly. She was jealous!

"Would you believe me if I said none?" I replied.

"Not at all," she smiled mischievously. I narrowed my eyes. Was she jealous?

"Then maybe you just shouldn't ask me," I bantered back.

She laughed out loud this time. "Then maybe I won't. Where's your brother? I noticed his car isn't here."

"I guess he's still asleep. He was wiped out good last night."

"Drunk?" she asked, and suddenly I felt awkward. Chris and I were the kids here and she was the parental figure. Us against them, right? And here I was ratting on him.

"Well?" she asked while I tried to figure out a tactful way out of this. I finally sighed and settled on the truth.

"Yeah, he was plastered."

A frown crossed her features, genuine concern. "Keith, I don't know what to do about him. He's started to do that a lot lately. I don't know how to stop him. Do I punish him? How? This is totally out of my range of experience. He'll be eighteen in a couple of months and well, he's already bigger than me."

Sipping the coke, I tried to think like Dad. Tried to figure out what he would have done. When I was seventeen, almost eighteen, I started getting into the party habit too, just like the rest of my friends. Dad taught me never to drink and drive by taking my car away for extended lengths of time. When I quit lying and trying to pull the wool over his eyes, it dawned on me that although I might be sober, at least I could be out of the house with my friends.

"I'll try and get through to him," I volunteered. "Maybe he'll listen to me."

"He's probably feeling pretty bad right now, don't you think?" she asked, and I wasn't sure I liked the look in her eyes.

"Oh, I'm sure of that. I put the trash can by his bed but I don't think he got the chance to use it."

"Then I can think of a little punishment right now," she smiled.

"Uh..." I started to protest, feeling sorry for my little brother, but she was sort of his mother. Smiling evilly, she got up and started towards his bedroom. I had to follow if for no other reason than curiosity.

Chris' room was midnight-dark, mini-blinds closed and dark curtains drawn. The smell of liquor permeated the room.

Cassie first opened the curtain, then pulled up the blinds. Chris moaned and fumbled with the pillow, trying to get it over his eyes. Cassie tugged the pillow away from him and tossed it on the floor. He roared angrily and rolled over quickly. I grinned because I knew what that rolling over would do.

He grabbed his head between his hands and moaned like he was dying. I gave him about five seconds.

Suddenly, he lurched up and started to gag. He searched through bleary eyes for the trash can and we leaped back to avoid the revolting splatter. Cassie laughed even as she held her nose.

Chris threw up until there was nothing left but dry heaves. He rolled back on the bed and covered his eyes with his arm. "Ah, my head! Turn off the lights, it's killing me!"

"What did you tell me you were going to do today?" Cassie asked.

"Huh?" he groaned, clearly not fully sober.

"You told me you'd clean out the garage today," she reminded him. Then with a wink to me, she added, "I think a rat got in the back and died. The smell is awful, like rotten meat."

"Ohhhh..." He cried out, clutching his stomach and starting to heave all over again. I didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

"It looks like a box fell on it maybe," she continued, "There's something kinda thick and green oozing out from under one of them..."

The noises Chris made weren't even human anymore.

"Go ahead and close the blinds back," she whispered to me, "I'll be right back."

Chris saw her leave as he rolled away from the reeking trash can. "Man, I didn't know she could be such a bitch."

Even I had to admit it was pretty harsh treatment.

Cassie returned a few minutes later with several items. A cold bottle of water, three Tylenol, a multi-vitamin and an ice pack wrapped in a thin towel. She made him drink, swallow the pills, then drink some more. When he collapsed back, she situated the ice pack across his forehead.

"Ahhhh," he sighed, finally relaxing.

"Just remember," she told him admonishingly, "It'll get worse every time you come home in this condition. If I have to buy a dog and collect it's poop, your mornings after are going to become hell. So it's your choice."

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Dads Two Little Earth Day DarlingsChapter 8 Saturday EARTH DAY

"C'mon, what should I wear?" Nikki asked in her whiniest voice. It was eight thirty in the morning and she was calling from her place. I was still in bed. My father was next to me. We were both naked. "I asked daddy last night and he told me we're truly going to get back to nature today. We're going to go nude – all day long." "Emily!" "And you should probably trim your pubes too. Daddy said he prefers a neat pubic bush." "Shut up!" Then the Nikkster hung up. Dad and I...

2 years ago
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Dads Best Friend 2

As I awoke the following morning, all I kept thinking about was, did I dream what happened between me and Mike the night before? Absolutely not possible. I got up, got dressed and that’s when I realized it was no dream. My entire body was sore. ‘Good morning mommy!’ I said as I walked into the kitchen. ‘Good morning sweetie,’ she answered. ‘Where’s dad and Mike?’ I asked looking out the window for dad’s truck. ‘They left about two hours ago headed to work. Why?’ she replied. ‘Ah, no reason,...

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Dads lessons

I wasn't prepared for my chem test, so I told the nurse that I wasn'tfeeling well and she let me go home. Since both of my parents work and Ilike only half a mile from school I told the nurse that I would walk home.The fresh air would be good for me.I got to my house to see two cars in the driveway: my dad's and a car Ididn't recognize. I thought that this was sort of weird considering myfather normally came home at around six. I entered quietly, wanting to seewhat was going on.I didn't see...

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Megan was a gorgeous girl, 18 years old, 5'10", 128lbs, long wavy blonde hair that cascaded all the way down to her firm, little ass, big brown eyes, hourglass waist and perfectly perky breasts. She was the envy of every girl in her high school and the fantasy of every male that drawed a breath within a 50 mile radius. She was the only c***d of Evelyn and Rick. So, needless to say, Megan was a very spoiled girl and used to getting anything she wanted. But there was only one thing in this world...

2 years ago
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Dads Best Friend 2

As I awoke the following morning, all I kept thinking about was, did I dream what happened between me and Mike the night before? Absolutely not possible. I got up, got dressed and that's when I realized it was no dream. My entire body was sore. "Good morning mommy!" I said as I walked into the kitchen."Good morning sweetie," she answered."Where's dad and Mike?" I asked looking out the window for dad's truck."They left about two hours ago headed to work. Why?" she replied."Ah, no reason, was...

Straight Sex
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Dads Two Little Earth Day DarlingsChapter 6 Thursday

I showed Nikki a copy of the Urquhart report at lunch the next day. Simply put it next to her tray. "I found the letter in dad's room, I copied it," I said. I watched her slowly chew her food as she read the words. I saw the exact instant when understanding came into her eyes. "Oh my gawd ... it's true," she finally mumbled. "He has been banana split sperming us!" I didn't answer. Instead I bent over and pulled a plastic container from my purse. "What is it?" she asked as I...

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dads daughters

add me on msn at [email protected] I watched as my daughter took my fathers cock into her mouth. She was enjoying herself so much that the entire time she spent getting it down her throat she smiled. My father looked at me as Charlotte took him, he too had a smile on his face. His hand had gone down into her hair, and he gently helped her get his cock down her throat. I sat back and watched, this was the first time Daddy had done anything to Charlotte, though, he had spoken many times about...

3 years ago
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Dads Guide to Surviving a CSection

This is a different type of story for me. It is loosely, very loosely, based on my first son’s birth. However, it is told with tongue planted firmly in cheek. This may be to right time to tell all of you our family motto: ‘Never let the truth get in the way of a good story.’ Large parts of this story are true, though a lot has been embellished and a lot more has been made up. Additionally, I want to state for the record that while I seem to be picking on the nurses in this story, I have the...

2 years ago
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Dads Best Friend 3

“Mike! Open up.” Came my fathers voice from the other side of the door. “What are we going to do?” I asked quietly. “I don’t know baby. Maybe he doesn’t suspect anything. Just, I guess, finish getting dressed in the bathroom and I’ll stall him. Just hurry.” He whispers kissing me on the for head as I grabbed my clothes and ran down the hall to the bathroom. As I was trying my best to get my clothes on with shaky hands, I could hear Mike opening the door. “Hey Tom! What brings you out this...

3 years ago
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Dads Best Friend

My name is Krystal. I was seventeen my last birthday. I’m five foot seven and have an average body. I have always thought of myself of the kind of girl that would never find her dream guy, but one night changed everything. As I lie in my bed, I hear someone come into my room and quietly shut the door behind them. I slowly open my eyes to look around, scared of who it may be. When my eyes adjust I am utterly shocked to see my dad’s best childhood friend, Mike, standing in front of the closed...

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I watched as my daughter took my father's cock into her mouth. She was enjoying herself so much that the entire time she spent getting it down her throat she smiled. My father looked at me as Charlotte took him, he too had a smile on his face. His hand had gone down into her hair, and he gently helped her get his cock down her throat.I sat back and watched, this was the first time Daddy had done anything to Charlotte, though, he had spoken many times about taking her. He talked about waiting...

1 year ago
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I was so excited when daddy called me and told me he was coming to visit in two weeks. We have shared such a special relationship since my birthday five months ago. I had just finished school, and was preparing for a fun filled summer before going off to college. I knew that I would be to busy studying to have much fun, so I wanted to make this summer really count.I was in my bedroom, sitting on my bed, and going over ideas, when my daddy knocked on my door."Can I come in sweetie?""Sure!" I...

2 years ago
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Calli saw her daddy’s car as he waited for her outside Our Lady of Hope Catholic Academy. She smiled as she walked up to it, then tossed her backpack and overnight bag into the backseat.She climbed in. “Hi, Daddy!” she said, giving him a kiss on the cheek.“Hi, sweetheart,” Carter, her daddy, said. “You’re eighteen today! An adult now, you can do whatever you want.”“I know,” Calli said.Carter felt his cock harden as he looked at Calli. She wore her school uniform — a burgundy sweater over a...

3 years ago
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Dads little gal

She came sneaking in the house around midnight. She was tiptoeing to the stairs. She knew she was supposed to be home two hours ago. Surely daddy would be sleeping now and she could get in bed before he knew she did not make it home by curfew.She put her foot on the bottom stair and then she heard him.Little girl, where in the hell have you been? Do you know what time it is. The breath she had been holding trying to make it upstairs, slowly came out with a long sigh. She knew she was in trouble...

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Dads Guide to Surviving a CSection

Children's stories begin with the words "Once upon a time..." Adult stories begin with the words "No shit! This really happened". This is what really happened: We had just found out that we were pregnant with our second child. I say we although women will tell you that there is no "we" about it, that they do all the work. All we men do is have a ball getting the ball rolling - so to speak. But I am here to tell you we men are just as involved as our ladies with the pregnancy. We're...

4 years ago
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I was typing away, answering the usual morning emails, trying to politely turn down unsolicited plot ideas that I "do not believe I can do justice to." You know the kind: "dear mr vargas I want u to rite me a story about me and my mama, like we r both left handed and ..." I was about to do the same with a rather nice request from the Edgewaters when I read closer. The happy couple were about to celebrate 25 years of married bliss. George wanted an erotic story to give his wife as the beginning...

1 year ago
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Vegas.By jjcoleDad had decided to throw a birthday party for my twenty-first birthday. That made me nervous because since Mom left us Dad had become more gay. Apparently both of my parents were bisexual when they met. Her pregnancy had been a surprise and they married. To me they were ordinary Mom and Dad until I was f******n.By the time I was eighteen I had figured it out.I went away to college and Mom immediately left with her best friend. Dad had expected it.When I came home for Christmas...

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Dad Turns Me

Everyone in this story is over 18.Hi world my name is Jeff Steele and I’m 24 year old, right now I’m going to tell how my 44 year old dad Paul started fucking me.Wednesday 11:45pmIt all started on today we came home late from watching a Manchester Titans vs Newcastle Vikings game.11:45pm me and my dad got home trying to be quite because mum Ann and sister Lucy would be a sleep.“God damn traffic, why do people drive slows” Paul said.“It not there fault dad, someone lost the car while driving and...

3 years ago
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Dad And Servant Love

My dad was private worker whose working workers hours will be from 5-8pm evening ,rest of the time he stays at home .My mom was government worker,she stays at another place due to her post location.So my appointed a servant in home to look after all chores like washing clothes,maintaining house,cooking,,etc.Servant name was vidya ,she was widow got 1 year old son.She stays along with us in our home. My dad workout daily 1-2hours.He got well built muscular body,100 kg in weight,6 feet height.My...

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Dad teaches Me

You must be of legal age to read this story. if you are not into male onmale and i****t do not read. it's all in fun and for enjoyment. write andif you state age I'll answer and trade pictures from NJ [email protected] Dad was surprised when he came home from school that Friday tofind the house full of his friends and mine, there to be with him on his40th birthday. somehow I managed to pull it all off without his eversuspecting. Dad teaches History at the Local University and is the...

1 year ago
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I made time to talk with my real dad the other day. He was thrilled that I called him. We decided to meet at the playground, that he used to take me to when I was just a k**. I brought along a picnic basket filled with sandwiches, iced tea, sliced peaches, nectarines, oranges and bing cherries. Along with chips and brownies. I got to the park shortly before my dad did. I had spread the blanket on the ground under a huge oak tree. I had poured me a glass of tea and waited for him to show. ...

2 years ago
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Dad Allow Me To Fuck Mom

Dad Allow Me To Fuck MomHello friend I am new in this site. My name is Rajib. Age is 30 years now. I am the only son of my parents. My father is class one officer of State Government. My mom is a housewife. My mom is now 50 years. My dad is now 56 years. It’s happened when I am 26 years. After a fever of 7 days I check my blood and it took me the cancer in my cheats. Doctors said this last stage for me only 6 month in my life. After that mom and dad become mad for me. They want always happy me....

4 years ago
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Dad Allow Me To Fuck Mom

Hello friend I am new in this site. My name is Rajib. Age is 30 years now. I am the only son of my parents. My father is class one officer of State Government. My mom is a housewife. My mom is now 50 years. My dad is now 56 years. It’s happened when I am 26 years. After a fever of 7 days I check my blood and it took me the cancer in my cheats. Doctors said this last stage for me only 6 month in my life. After that mom and dad become mad for me. They want always happy me. But I know my life...

3 years ago
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Dad and Me Part 1

Let me tell you something about me and my figures. I am 19 years old, horny girl with fleshy body, flat and firm tummy and deep belly button. I have some extra meat around my thighs and waste; and my melons are splendid in size. I have plump breasts with pink hard nipples and a deep cleavage between the two meaty mounds on my torso is very outstanding. My ass cheeks are round and firm with deep ass crack and soft rectum. My pussy mound is slightly bulging outside, making clear triangular...

1 year ago
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Growing up without a mother is all I remember. It was just my dad and me. I don’t remember my mother walking out on him and me because I was all of two years of age at the time. Dad tried his best at being a single parent and I tried not to rattle his cage very often because he had a temper. He never beat me, but he sure did toss a few of those fatherly stares at me, the ones only fathers can dish out. If you all know that old saying, “If Looks Could Kill” then you know what I mean. Fathers...

4 years ago
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Dad Fulfilled My Mom8217s Desires

‌hello indian sex stories dot net friends,main vicky jacob phir se haazir hoon apni nayi story ke saath jismein aap yeh padhenge ki kaise mere second father ne mummy ka treatment karakar unko sirf satisfy aur pregnant hi nahin kiya balki woh sab kuch diya jiske liye meri mummy ne escort service join kiya tha,jinhone meri pichli stories nahin padhi hai woh usey padh lein aur apna appreciation muje mere email id par dein,toh aate hain ab story par,jaisa maine pichli story mein bataya tha ki...

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Dad spoils me and my best friend then her sister

Introduction: A shopping spree is all it took! I hope that I remembered the majority of what happened, as its been a few months. My name is Erin, and this is the one experience that forever changed my life. I was 15 years old and visiting my dads house for the weekend along with a girl friend from high school. Her name is Nicole and she was also 15. Nicole comes from a low income family and didnt really have much. She mostly wore hand me down or second hand clothes most of the time. Upon...

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Dad taught me how to SUCK COCK

I was in high school and lived with just my dad. Mom had long since left for parts unknown and I really never knew why she left but she did.Dad and I had a really close relationship and he did a great job of raising me and taking care of things.One afternoon, dad was at work and I was snooping around his bedroom and I found an old show box in the very back of his bedroom closet. I took it out and opened the top and inside was a stack of old pictures, polaroids mostly and and a couple of VHS...

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Dad spoils me and my best friend then her sister

My name is Erin, and this is the one experience that forever changed my life. I was 15 years old and visiting my dad's house for the weekend along with a girl friend from high school. Her name is Nicole and she was also 15. Nicole comes from a low income family and didn"t really have much. She mostly wore hand me down or second hand clothes most of the time. Upon Nicole's request, I asked my Dad if we could go to the mall and kill some time shopping. He agreed and off we went. He told the...

3 years ago
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Dad Once Again

Hi, this your juicy cunt sudha again with my 5th episode to all the iss readers, and this time it is my personal experience to my dear readers. The first four for new readers are 1) sweet home 2) gaon ki gori 3) second innings and 4) virgin sister. As i said this is my personal experience and hope this will also make my male and female readers to enjoy. I have received a lot of mails encouraging me and one or two even said that while reading my ventures they discharged without even touching...

2 years ago
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Dad Wakes Mom Up For Hot Sex

Hi guys this is my new story, about mom and dad’s sex adventure. My mom is 45 years old but looks in her late 30s with a sexy body of 36-30-36. My parents have maintained a very active sex life. My dad because of his job had to go out of station for few weeks. He was going to come back home tonight, and dad was very horny for mom. Mom also works in a MNC, she was very tired when she got home and got into her bed and went to sleep very early that night. So straight to the story Dad came back...

1 year ago
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Darcy And Dad Mom had lost her battle with breast cancer five years earlier. Dad was still experiencing grief and seemed to be having difficulty adjusting to life as a widower. After all, they had been happily married for 25 years, having met as teenagers. Essentially their adult life together was the only one that either of them had ever known. Watching dad struggle emotionally through the months and years following mom’s passing was heartbreaking. Dad remained in my parents’ home out in the...

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