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Growing up without a mother is all I remember. It was just my dad and me. I don’t remember my mother walking out on him and me because I was all of two years of age at the time. Dad tried his best at being a single parent and I tried not to rattle his cage very often because he had a temper. He never beat me, but he sure did toss a few of those fatherly stares at me, the ones only fathers can dish out. If you all know that old saying, “If Looks Could Kill” then you know what I mean. Fathers have a knack at doing that without uttering a word. When you see one of their eyebrows twitching staring into your eyes you automatically know that you’ve done something to piss him off or you’re in big trouble. My Dad would sometimes talk with his eyes telling me to go to my room also signifying he’d deal with me later without opening his mouth.
The odd time I fled to my room waiting his arrival that could have been fifteen minutes to two hours thereafter kinda made you stop and think of what you did to piss him off. By the time, he entered my room tapping ever so lightly on my bedroom door to announce himself I had usually figured out what I had done and the consequences I might have to face.
“And what do YOU think should happen to YOU for whatever I had done?” He’d asked leaning against the back of my door. “Hmm, maybe I should be grounded?” I asked praying what I replied was enough to satisfy his question. “And how long do you think that you should be grounded YOUNG man?” “Hmm, one day?” I would exclaim remembering to look at him because if I didn’t while responding he’d order me to stare into his eyes replying to his question. “A day, one day eh!” He’d utter staring me down. “TWO?” I’d ask with my voice squeaking when he didn‘t respond. “And no TV for how long would you say?” He’d usually ask. “Hmm, one day?” “That sounds, hmm, hmm, hmm, how long?” He’d ask rubbing his chin or tugging his neatly trimmed goatee if he didn‘t care for my reply. “Okay Dad, no TV for two days!” “That’s better,” he’d reply opening my bedroom door with one hand behind his back. “Just a thought Yuvraj,” dad would whisper backing out of my room. “Yes Dad?” “If we don’t learn from our mistakes what happens?” He asked. “We are given stricter punishments!” “That’s a good thing to keep in mind,” he’d reply closing my bedroom door.
If I was misbehaving around our house doing something petty all Dad had to do was fake a cough if he caught me. In addition, if I hadn’t done a chore like taking out the garbage he’d wait until we were in the kitchen at the same time and he would stare at the cupboard neath the sink until I clued in. Nonchalantly, I’d get up and remove the trash stuffing it into one of two bins at the side of our house. When I got back, he’d be staring at the sink using his eyes to tell me to make sure I washed my hands before doing anything else. God forbid if I didn’t wash my hands after using the john! “Did I hear water running after you finished?” Dad would ask when I had exited the bathroom. I’d high tail it back into the can to wash up.
I was 18 when my Dad began drinking excessively. The odd night he’d venture into my room drunk as a skunk when I’d be sleeping. He’d park himself on the side of my bed and he’d talk to me in the darkness thinking I some long lost friend. “It’s me Dad, you’re drunk!” I stated several times sitting upright telling him to go to his bedroom to sleep it off.
The following year my father stopped drinking. We never talked about his binging the year prior. He decided to get back into shape again after gaining fifteen beer pounds. He worked diligently and he bought a membership down at our local YMCA.
“You need a friend Dad,” I said when I was sixteen and a half. “Do I really?” He asked. “Yes you do, you don’t ever go out at night to do anything.” “Like what?” “Play pool, meet friends for coffee, I don’t know, meet ladies, something Dad, I don’t know,” I answered. “I’m not interested in meeting women,” he replied.
If only Dad could have read my mind after uttering the statement about not being interested in women. I had to stop myself replying because I was going to add, “I’m not interested in women either!” I bit my tongue fighting off what I had almost uttered.
I wrestled with myself for months on end asking myself, “I wonder if Dad knows that I’m gay?” I pondered on whether or not to tell him my secret. The odd time he’d ask me if I had a girlfriend at school. “No Dad,” I’d reply whispering. He didn’t pursue it further until the following month before asking me the same thing usually while eating breakfast together.
On my nineteenth birthday, my father surprised me buying me an old car that he had worked on in his garage. Many times, I’d sit on a stool watching him restoring the vehicle that he said he’d sell one day when he was finished bringing her back to life. He had rescued the old gal from the wreckers when I was 16. “One day i’ll finish and she’ll look brand spanking new!” He’d utter. When he said the car was mine, I almost feinted. I had to promise to keep her looking new and I vowed that I would.
The following year in early June, I finished high school with honors thanks to Dad overlooking my homework and or grilling me before final exams. “I never finished high school let alone ever went to college. You’re gonna be the first in our small family to attend college and get a degree!” Dad said a few times rubbing the top of my head making me squirm begging him not to mess my locks. Sometimes he’d stand behind me massaging my shoulders if I was working on a book report reading back every word that I had penned before handing in my assignment the following day at school.
“It’s gonna be awful lonely around here when you leave for college,” dad whispered from behind his newspaper with me sitting opposite him at our kitchen table. “No it won’t Dad, I won’t be living on campus, i’ll be home everyday.” “No you won’t, you’ll be so darn busy studying and spending ever free minute with friends, it’s okay son I was just talking to myself,” he’d reply. “You have to meet someone Dad, you need friends.” “Do I indeed?” “Yes Dad you do.” “All the guys I know hang out at the bar after work. If I do the same thing i’ll drink and get drunk.” “You don’t have to drink booze, drink soda-pop, drink water or drink juices!” “I don’t know Yuvraj, I really don’t know.” “Don’t you ever want to get married again?” I asked poking the center of his newspaper. “No I do not,” he answered lowering his paper telling me not to poke it. “Why not Dad?” I asked staring into his blue-gray eyes. “i’ll get married when you get married,” he shot back grinning ear-to-ear flashing a perfect smile. “Sorry Dad, that’ll be the day, I’m never getting married!” “That makes two of us then doesn’t it?” He asked.
I paused wondering if the moment was right to reveal my secret to my father. I had thought of writing him a letter but I ripped it to shreds half way thru the note. It felt ridiculous writing to say, “Hi Dad…oh yeah, and by the by, I’m gay!”
It was now or never, I figured. “Dad, can I talk to you?” I asked.
He lowered his newspaper folding it in half creasing it placing it beside his breakfast plate. “What is it Yuvraj?” He asked sitting back in his chair folding his muscular tattooed arms across his broad chest. “Yes son?” He asked staring into my baby-blues.
I cast my eyes down staring at my empty plate and dad faked a cough. I raised my head staring at him. “I’m gay,” I whispered. “Come again,” he replied wide-eyed. “Dad, I am gay.” “I thought that’s what you said,” he responded. “Don’t get upset eh,” I said watching his left eyebrow twitching. “Did I say that I was upset?” He asked. “No Dad, but your eyebrow is twitching,” I answered. “That damn thing,” he whispered using the back of his hand to rub it. “Are you disappointed with me?” I had to ask. “Should I be?” He asked in reply. “Don’t talk like that Dad, I’m not nine years old anymore, answer me!” “No is my answer.” “That’s why you’ve never seen me with a girlfriend.” “That’s what I figured when you were 18,” he replied stunning me. “Why didn’t you say something?” I asked. “Was it my place to ask and what would you have replied?” He asked. “I don’t know,” I whispered. “Let me tell you something about your old man I sort of thought you already knew,” he said uncrossing his arms placing his large hands at the sides of his breakfast plate.
Dad leaned into the table staring into my eyes. “Did you ever think that your old man might be gay also?” He asked. “WHAT?” I asked stunned sitting back in my chair gazing into his eyes. “Have you?” He asked. “No, never of course not, you can’t be gay,” I answered relaxing and smiling thinking my Dad was joking around. “When have you ever seen me with another woman?” He asked sitting upright. “Like neverrrrrr,” I whispered pausing, staring into his blue-gray eyes. “Exactly and you never will, not that I have anything against women other than I do not wish to have sex with them,” he replied.
Without thinking, I rambled, “Then why haven’t I ever seen you with another man?” “Should I ask you the same question!” He shot back. “I’m sorry Dad but I just don’t believe you.” “And why not?” He asked gazing into my eyes. “Because since I can remember you’ve always been around, you never go out or do anything other than work on your hobbies, stuff like that.” “Maybe you didn’t watch close enough or at all times and besides how could you?” “What do you mean?” “First of all I wasn’t around every second you think I was. Don’t worry Yuvraj I never left you alone and went out gallivanting even when I used to drink too much or do you remember?” “Of course I do.” “Well, I’m no angel, are you?” He asked cracking a smile.
Dad continued smiling watching me blush crimson red. “I don’t have a boyfriend if that’s what you mean,” I replied. “And neither do I.” “Have you ever had a boyfriend?” I asked. “Not to speak of, have you?” “Not really Dad.” “Seems were two of a kind eh?” “It seems so Dad.”
Since dad was talking openly and honestly, I had to ask, “When was the last time you had fun with another guy?”
Dad uncrossed his arms pausing before he replied. “Define fun!” He exclaimed. “You know what I mean.” “Well Yuvraj let’s just say it’s been a while and leave it at that. Do you have your eyes set on someone, another guy?” “Not at this time I don’t,” I answered.
“You take the summer and relax Yuvraj, I don’t want you working, we’re doing fine with my wages, very nicely I might add. You take it easy this summer and keep the house in order and the yard and i’ll do the rest, okay Yuvraj?” “I can get a part-time job!” “There’s no need to do that, we’re doing just fine and I’m proud of you for graduating with honors.” “Thanks Dad, really,” I whispered smiling ear to ear. “And you’re a handsome devil at that, did I ever tell you?” “Not in so many words,” I answered beaming. “You’ll never be an ugly mug like your grease monkey old man that’s for sure,” he replied. “Don’t say things like that Dad, you’re handsome, you have a great body and there’s nothing wrong with being a mechanic, nothing!” I exclaimed. “I’m not really a mechanic son, I don’t have my license.” “It doesn’t matter Dad, you’re a mechanic aren’t you?” “I suppose I am,” he whispered dropping his gaze. “Are you ashamed of yourself?” I asked telling my father to look at me. “A little I guess you could say, a little.” “But why, tell me why Dad?”
“Well son, I never even finished high school and I wasted a few years goofing off as a teenager,” he replied. “You can always get your GED equivalent and all teens goof off,” I said smiling. “I goofed off and got a bunch of tattoos didn’t I?” He asked stretching his arms at his sides. “There’s nothing wrong with your tattoos,” I replied. “Did you know that I used to ride a bike?” He asked. “A bicycle?” I asked staring into his eyes watching him burst into a fit of vigorous laughter shaking his head side to side. “A bike, a motorcycle, a Harley!” He bellowed chuckling. “When Dad?” I asked surprised. “I got rid of my bike when you were four or five, don’t you remember?” He asked. “I don’t ever remember you having a motorcycle; did you ride with a gang?” I asked. “Nothing serious but your mother sure did when she left me,” he whispered telling me something I never knew about her. “Tell me Dad, what happened?” I asked. “It wasn’t all that special; she decided to hook up with some Pritamlal-Blow who belonged to a big rich family. She said that she was sick of being tied down needing her freedom.” “So she left just like that?” I asked. “Well, not just like that, we weren’t getting along the two of us. We should never have gotten married, big mistake…not that I regret you being born, no way son never do I regret not having you okay?” “I know Dad and thanks.” “So, she took off with some biker dude we used to know, well she knew him much better than I ever did and do you know something Yuvraj?” “What’s that?” I asked. “I never missed her, not a day has gone by that I even think about her not being around and I hope you’re not upset that you got cheated out of a mother?” He asked. “I don’t remember her so how could I miss her, its cool Dad, really it is.”
It was mid August when came home one day carrying a two-four of Budweiser on the top of his left shoulder and a bag in his other hand from the LCB (liquor control board).
I was in the kitchen tossing a salad. “What’s that stuff?” I asked when the case of beer landed on the kitchen table. “What’s it look like?” He asked reminding me that he was on vacation for the following three weeks. “I know what it is Dad but what’s it for?” I asked watching him emptying the bag placing a bottle of rye whiskey and a bottle of Kaluha on the table. “I thought that we could do some real celebrating before you head off to college.” “Dad, I’m not heading off to college. I’m not going anywhere, the college is less than two miles away and i’ll be home everyday just like when I was in high school!” I stated. “Oh no you won’t not all the time!” “Take that stuff back Dad, I don’t want any and you don’t need…” I said not finishing my sentence. “Don’t tell me what to do Yuvraj!” Dad snapped. “Sorry Dad, I’m not hungry, i’ll put the salad in the fridge along with the cold chicken and potato salad, i’ll see you later,” I replied shoving the food into the fridge before exiting the kitchen heading to my room.
“Be a stuffed shirt, see if I care!” Dad bellowed when I left the room. “Go to hell!” I shot back wishing I had kept my trap shut slamming my bedroom door.
Dad was making a racket rummaging around the kitchen. I pictured him drunk as a skunk within two hours. I heard loud rock music playing in the living room and an hour later, I heard my father trying to sing along with different rock bands. He sounded like a wounded animal and he must have thought that he sounded like a rock star because he continued singing his heart out.
It was around ten o’clock when I heard something crash! “What the hell are you doing down there!” I hollered from the top of the stairs asking dad if he fell and hurt himself. “Damn coffee table…fuck it!” He bellowed before singing a new tune. His voice sounded hoarse.
I felt like running downstairs to give him shit for acting like an idiot. I returned to my room pissed off with my drunken father. The loud rock music ceased for a half hour and I couldn’t hear a fucking thing coming from downstairs. My bedroom door was wide open.
“Should I go downstairs and see what the hell he’s doing?” I asked myself wondering if he had passed out on the floor or sofa.
My foot touched the top stair and I had to lean to the side grabbing the banister when I a loud blast of music caused me to shudder. Some such noisemakers were rocking the night away with Dad leading the band.
I decided to go downstairs to see what my father was doing. I squatted taking my time descending the stairs handing onto the banister in case I was hit with another surprise.
I was halfway downstairs when I sat on a step turning my body peering thru the spindle rails peering into the living room.
I gasped covering my mouth! My father was standing hanging onto a beer in one hand and his other hand was gripping the outline of his rigid prick thru his denims rocking his hips back and forth squeezing his stiffy. He had tossed his shirt over the chair in the corner and his socks dangled from two candlesticks on the fireplace mantel. His left shoe sat atop the TV and his right shoe was nowhere in sight.
“Yeah, yeah, yeah,” dad sang trying to keep up with whoever was also trying to sing strumming an electric guitar. I couldn’t make out the lyrics. I hated rock music, pure noise and crap but dear old dad just loved it!
“Yeah, yeah, yeah, so fucking horny!” He declared squeezing his horizontal boner.
I gasped again when Dad leaned back jutting his hips forward squeezing his dick meat. He placed the neck of the beer bottle to his boner rubbing it back and forth moaning and groaning rubbing it more firmly. When he tilted the bottle, he poured beer along his horizontal shaft. It looked as though my father had pissed himself. He tilted the bottle up touching the head of his prick inside his jeans soaking his knob before giving it a squeeze. It looked as though his knob was stuck to his hip!
Dad stood upright tilting his head back stretching his muscular arms at his sides gripping the beer bottle in his left fist. He jutted his hips forward and I could easily see the outline of his hardon. Dad dropped the empty bottle of beer on the carpet at his side. Singing his heart out, he moved his right arm. His right fist locked onto his bulge giving it a hard squeeze casting his head down staring at what he was doing. My father grunted. “So fucking hard!” He declared, tossing his head back squeezing the outline of his prick.
Dad stretched his fingers with his arms at his sides before bringing his hands together. I thought he was going to say a prayer but he didn’t. He placed his large palms on his hard semi-hirsute chest. He rubbed his pecs. He pinched and twisted his nipples. He tugged them moaning and groaning.
Dad’s fingers dug into his washboard abs pinching each of his ripples before he stuck the tips of his fingers into his wet tight denims. “Fuck yeah,” he moaned with one or two fingertips caressing the head of his cock stuck to his hip.
Dad extracted his fingers. He unbuckled his belt before removing it. He tossed it over his shoulder. I didn’t look to see where it landed because my father undid a brass button at the top of his jeans. He tugged them and I thought he was going to split his fly down the center but his jeans didn’t have a fly zipper. He was wearing button down denims.
Dad undid two of the buttons. Gyrating his hips for a few seconds before he stopped to give his prick another hard squeeze. “Fuck yeah, so fucking stiff,” he whispered.
“Drop them Dad, take them off,” I heard myself silently whisper with my right fist inside my jeans and briefs squeezing my dick meat. My belt was unbuckled, my fly was undone, and my prick was oozing like a bitch. I squeezed my knob coating the inside of my fist. I withdrew my hand from inside my briefs. Staring at my hot looking father, I licked my palm before sticking my fist into my briefs again.
My father shimmed his hips unbuttoning all five buttons. He pinched the sides of his hips lowering his jeans. He wasn’t wearing underwear! His big dick popped out of his denims rock hard bobbing up and down curved upward. His thick cut prick was nine hard inches!
His jeans tumbled to his ankles shaking his legs and his hairy low hanging plump balls came into full view. I squeezed my meat oozing precum while staring at my horny father pulling his jeans off his feet stepping out of them. He kicked his denims to the side looking down at his upright stiff prick.
Dad cooed like a horny pigeon using the tip of his finger to caress the underside of his bone hard dick. He pressed the head of his dick into his abdomen moaning and groaning before wrapping his fist around his hot looking prick.
Jutting his hips forward, Dad leaned over. I gasped! The head of his cock entered his mouth! He sucked it softly moaning before pulling his head off his knob. “Mmm, mmm, mmm,” Dad moaned licking his lips. “So fucking hard,” he whispered squeezing his big cock.
I had a perfect fucking view when my father turned to the side a few inches leaning over again taking his prick into his mouth. He sucked his knob hard. He moaned and sighed. His dick sunk deeper and deeper into his oral cavity. He grunted when his knob entered his throat. I gulped gasping for air! Dad released his stiffy reaching for his furry low hangers giving them a tender loving squeeze. My father moaned pulling his head back. He sucked his knob again giving his testicles another loving squeeze. “Mmm, mmm, mmm,” dad softly moaned working the head of his prick.
I stretched out my legs lowering my jeans and briefs down around my knees. I raised my T-shirt tucking it behind my head. My knob was stuck to my gut and he was oozing. My piss slit winked a few times and then I wrapped my hand around my stiffy. I oozed scooping it up with the side of my thumb before I sucked it watching my dad moving his head back and forth self sucking his boner. I was so temped to suck my cock but I dared not turn away from watching my horny drunken father.
My hot nude father pulled his head off his prick. He mumbled murmuring sampling his spent clear nectar. He began licking his engorged knob and he teased his pee hole with the tip of his tongue before twisting his prick working his dick ridge. “Gotta suck him again,” my father, whispered taking his knob into his hot mouth yet again.
I rubbed my piss slit with the tip of my thumb. I oozed a long thread of precum. I had to suck my knob just for a minute. Handing onto one spindle I leaned forward taking the head of my prick into my mouth. I moaned softly giving the head of my prick one long hard suck before pulling my head off my bone hard stiffy. My spent nectar tasted so good.
My father stood upright jutting his hips tossing his head back pumping his cock faster and faster. He was gasping and panting and then he started grunting when his low hangers banged the side of his fist and knuckles.
I was too involved watching my father while squeezing my prick. I could no longer hear the loud rock music blaring in the background staring at my father’s throbbing stiffy.
“Gonna blow, gotta cum so bad!” Dad groaned releasing his prick.
“Don’t stop now!” I silently blurted gasping for air.
Dad parked his ass on the edge of the sofa leaning back resting his neck on the back of the couch with his right hand wrapped around his boner pumping it vigorously with his furry low hangers jumping around.
“He’s gonna blow his loads all over himself,” I said to myself slowly pumping my stiffy.
My father’s heels dug into the living room carpet. He elevated his butt a few inches pounding his dick meat squeezing him more firmly pumping faster and faster.
My father’s furry chin touched the top of his chest staring down at his hardon. “Cum!” He bellowed. “Shoot!” He hollered. “Blow baby blow!” He yelled staring at his prick.
Dad pinched the base of his stiffy whacking his washboard abs with the head of his dick. “Cum!” He shouted tapping his hard gut.
My horny drunken father released his prick. The head of his cock slapped his gut. He gripped the sides of his head watching his boner twitching and jolting. “Cum!” He commanded.
A ribbon of his hot manseed rocketed out of his dick barrel when his prick stood upright. His spent cum arched, and his knob slapped his gut. Dad groaned and his dick stood upright again as his first rope came crashing down splashing his chin and chest. His second wad flew out of his prick followed by a third and forth rope splashing his face, chest and gut. Dad released his head placing his hands at his sides. He was breathing hot ‘n’ heavy.
I looked at the head of my dick. My piss slit winked. I lowered my head as fast as possible creaming my lips before the head of my dick entered my mouth.
I had to release the spindle because my body was squirming. I sucked my knob hard feeling my prick squirting four more times.
“SHIT!” I bellowed sliding down the balance of the stairs landing on my bare ass at the foot of the stairs.
When I dared to raise my head, Dad was standing at my feet staring down at me. He was rubbing his spent spunk into his chest. He wiped his chin before licking his palm clean.
“See what you did and see what you get for watching me jerk-off!” Dad said laughing turning around shaking his furry ass cheeks. “Shake your ass one more time and i’ll fuck it!” I shot back sitting upright. “Who’s stopping you!” He declared entering the living room swishing his rear end.
Prologue I was typing away, answering the usual morning emails, trying to politely turn down unsolicited plot ideas that I "do not believe I can do justice to." You know the kind: "dear mr vargas I want u to rite me a story about me and my mama, like we r both left handed and..." I was about to do the same with a rather nice request from the Edgewaters when I read closer. The happy couple were about to celebrate 25 years of married bliss. George wanted an erotic story to give his wife...
Sebastián era un chico de 20 años que comúnmente pasaba solo la mayor parte de sus días. No era de muchos amigos, sino es que tenia alguno, y prefería pasar sus días solo tranquilo y en silencio. Comúnmente era parte de su rutina ir a revisar la casa de tu tía, la cual le daba unos billetes por ver que la propiedad estuviera intacta ya que ella no vivía allí sino que con su pareja al otro extremo de la ciudad. Bueno, veamos si algo ha cambiado Dijo Sebastián Pero cuando puso la llave en la...
MILFEsta mañana quiero escribir un poco sobre mi verdad, sobre la realidad de mi vida que es muy distinta a lo que todos piensan.Ante los ojos de los demás, soy una joven responsable, divorciada, que lleva una vida sentimental y sexual muy normal y hasta recatada, diría yo. "No te hemos conocido un novio en años" dicen mis amigos y hasta mi familia, "no todo en la vida es trabajo" también afirman.Anoche una gran amiga paso por mi casa, a contarme que ella y su esposo habían empezado a tener ciertas...
Christmas break had finally come and my daughter, Julie, had come to stay with me instead of her mom. She hadn't been home since the summer and I missed her dearly. I was also very lonely without her in the house. We didn't have many plans for the break but I knew we would be seeing a lot of each other. Her first few nights home were pretty uneventful. She had gone out to see her old friends most of the time and we finally had a night together. I left work early so I could still get to the gym....
Maggie Pintero was a beauty. The first time I saw her, she was wearing what I guess could best be described as a sundress, made of soft, light cotton with small pink and green flowers against a yellow background. Small cap sleeves, a low bodice that displayed the warm soft blush of her breasts, and a full gathered skirt that when she walked fluttered, whispering of the treasure beneath. I remember the dress so vividly because as a young man just graduating high school, our neighbor lady down...
So here we were, nineteen year old 'women of the world', or so we thought. We had arrived in Trinidad that morning for a fortnights holiday. The place was a paradise compared to Brixton. The year before we'd been in Benidorm but this year Trailie wanted to go somewhere 'exotic', so here we were. There was; Shauna, tall, leggy, blond and very pretty. Kim, dark, athletic, big boobs and pretty with it. Trailie or course, short, blond, bubbly, and drop dead gorgeous. Finally there's me, Beth,...
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IncestStepdad by Jenny Leeds as told by Tamara I liked John and I didn't like him. I liked him because he made my mother happy. These days she had a smile on her face and hummed or sang as she went about her housework or got into her nurse's uniform to go to her job. I didn't like him for the same reason, I guess. Plain old jealousy. My old man got himself killed in some kind of police action in Central America a dozen years ago when I was two, and I was used to being the "man...
***A stepdaughter wants to sample her stepdad, so she seduces him. They teach each other a few things about sex, and start a beautiful relationship. (M/f-teen, inc, ped)***I was 16 years old the first time I fucked my step dad, and yes, in case you were wondering, I fucked him, he didn't fuck me. I had wanted him for awhile, and when the opportunity came up, I jumped on it, or should I say I jumped on him! I was at the mall one day with my friends and had been doing a lot of flirting. It had...
Kara’s mom, Sandra, was at it again. She was so fake around men that it was disgusting. She had her already DD breasts stuffed so tightly into a push up bra that was way too small. Her silk button down top was unbuttoned just enough to reveal her cleavage, that jiggled as she did that overdone laugh she always did when she was flirting. Kevin, her new boyfriend was eating it up. He couldn’t stop staring at her full cleavage and kept his hand gripped on her mother’s thigh as he drove; looking...
I hated Steve from the first day I met him. I remember it clearly, even though I was only seven years old at the time. My mom had just divorced my dad and I felt so alone. I felt that she had dumped daddy to be with Steve. I had always felt that way. Growing up my anger towards Steve grew stronger. I knew the only thing I was upset about was my parents splitting up. Even though Steve was the best father a girl could ask for, I always held that grudge against him. My mother and I would always...
Daddy ??????????????? Privacy, Respect, things that sometimes we take for granted, are the things that I'm being scared not to have anymore while I'm being drag in to a room that seem more like a prison. He's looking at me while I?m on the floor, I try to scream for help but he's just watching me probably thinking what to do with me. He takes me by my hair saying "Ok, we are going to have some rules now, first you don't have any rights, as you've seen no one can hear you, you...
Sitting in the car next to Daddy as we drive home from school, I'm so scared.I glance over at Daddy; he is clenching the steering wheel, staring straightahead as he drives us home; I have never seen him so angry! Biting my lip,I stare out the car window and try not to cry. Remembering what has happened,I feel the blush spreading over my face. I had been attending an all girl Catholic school since I was 5, and now in11th grade, my friends and I had started to ?alter? our modest uniforms...
I was about seven the first time I saw my daddy naked. He was taking a shower and I needed to pee. Sitting on the toilet Daddy turned off the water and opened the shower curtain. I sat there a moment before noticing his 'thing' hanging between his legs. I had never seen one before. "Daddy is that your penis?" "Yes, Jackie, that's my penis." He didn't seem to be embarrassed as he grabbed a towel and began drying his back. I flushed the toilet but still sat there watching as his thing...
Daddy? I was making the evening meal while my fifteen-year-old daughter was finishing off her homework at the kitchen table. She let out a deep breath and closed her books. "All done, Daddy!" "Well done, sweetheart, I'll be a few minutes yet." "Daddy?" "Yes, punkin?" "Will you sign this permission slip for me? Pretty please?" "What's it for, honey?" "I want to join the junior cheerleader squad. All the coolest girls at school are signing up, and I...
When I was sixteen, I was still a virgin, but I had already learned how to get myself off. I hadlistened to the brazen talk of the other girls at school and learned many things. My littlefingers served me well. I never fell asleep at night before relieving the daily tensions withmy fingers deep inside my slippery pussy.I had never seen an adult cock because I had no attraction to the immature, but horny, boysat school, finding their interest in me undesirable. On the other, I began having...
Daddy's Girl Ever since my wife took off it has been just me and Tammy at home. She was 12 when her mom left us. I still call her my little girl but she has blossomed into a beautiful young woman now at 19. She still likes to call me daddy. She has shoulder length red hair and he body has filled out in all the right places. Daddy or not, I would have to be blind not to notice how sexy she looks.We have always been close and she still comes up and gives me hugs for no reason at all. Sometimes...
1 I was born in one of the many breeding farms in the States, apparentlymy father and his family wanted a son so I was given to the slave orphanage.Growing up in an orphanage was hard at times but we were taught a lotand shown how to serve. We were woken up in the mornings before the sun came up, our diaperswere taken off and we were run for 5 miles and told to do our vaginal andanal exercises. Then we were cleaned and brought to work in one of themany fields or farmhouses. At night we were...
“Daddy” by: Jayla “Good morning sweetie” “Good morning daddy, breakfast is ready.” I smile as I can feel my nipples so hard under my pajama. I start to breathe a little faster. “You look flushed, are you alright Vicky?” He asks seemingly concerned. “Yes daddy.” How can I tell him that each time I see him I get flustered, wet and excited? He is my dad, I shouldn’t have those feelings. “I will be home late today, I have a meeting. I will grab a bite on my way home so don’t bother to cook for me...
IncestI remember being a little girl; my father would pick me up in his muscular arms. I’d giggle and hug him tight around his neck because he’d always try to swing me around or throw me up, but all I wanted was his arms around me. I was the biggest Daddy’s Girl you’d ever see. I was maybe 3 or 4 when I learned how to cry and get him to hold me. I first noticed it when I hit my little sister, her name is Natasha, and she is about a year younger than me. I was playing with my favorite doll; she had...
IncestKYLE AND HIS FATHER - THE TAXI DRIVERJeff Hyatt rushed in the door from work in just enough time to shower and change before heading back out the door again. Jeff and his 19-year-old son, Kyle were meeting an old college friend of Jeff's for dinner tonight. Jeff's friend, Greg was celebrating his 40th birthday and the Hyatt men were taking him to dinner in one of the best restaurants in New York City. Jeff hated to drive into the city so he had a taxi due to arrive at their house at 7:00 and of...
I loved my father a lot growing up and he took advantage of that. It started one day when he took me to the store with him and on the way he drove out to the country and pulled the car behind some bushes. He pulled me to him and kissed my neck and asked me if I wanted to please daddy and make him feel real good. I said yes and he then said it would be our secret and he knew I could make him very happy. He then pulled my pants down and put a finger between my legs and rubbed my pussy. The more...
KYLE AND HIS FATHER - THE PROWLERKyle was awakened by a loud "THUD". He shot straight up in bed. "What?"he garbbled still half asleep. He looked around his room trying to focus still partly unaware was where he was. As he awoke he realized he was in his own room and that something had awoken him. He had heard a noise, that's right a noise. But was it real or just part of a dream? Maybe it was his Father. He glanced at his alarm clock and saw it was nearly three in the morning. His Dad had...
Mouth Organbythrustingpiston©Deepak and Sadhana had been married for well over twenty five years. Their only daughter, Anjali had been married for about two years to Vijay. They were residents of a high rise building in Bmbay, which had two apartments on each floor. Sadhana had come to know that the apartment on their floor was up for sale. She informed her husband about the fact that the apartment was up for sale and urged Deepak to buy the apartment for their daughter. They discussed the...
This one time, I was really pissed with my mother as she insisted on saying,"What can a doctor achieve?You need a boy to fulfill you,love."I don't understand what is the necessity for me to search for boys being in high-school .I cursed violently and entered into my dorm I shared with my roommate , Zafar. Coming to my roommate, he was a complete knock-out. Hot, lean ,athletic, short straight black hair,the bluest of blue. And guess what? He never has a girlfriend. never! It's been so long that...
I have this fantasy of you sitting at the kitchen table reading the paper and having coffee, wearing only a robe and black dress socks. I wake and come in to get some juice, wearing only my tighty-whiteys. I notice you've dropped a piece of the paper on the floor. I bend over to pick it up, giving you a fantastic view of the globes of my ass in the briefs, and when I straighten up and turn around. I notice a tent forming in your robe as you look me in the eye, and mom has just pulled out of the...
I have this fantasy of you sitting at the kitchen table reading the paper and having coffee, wearing only a robe and black dress socks. I wake and come in to get some juice, wearing only my tighty-whiteys. I notice you've dropped a piece of the paper on the floor. I bend over to pick it up, giving you a fantastic view of the globes of my ass in the briefs, and when I straighten up and turn around. I notice a tent forming in your robe as you look me in the eye, and mom has just pulled out of the...
This story contains elements of light to moderate BDSM,and a FxF relationship in which the narrator is the submissive.I wake with a start, reaching for my phone. 5:35am. Shit, which way is it again? Could be either 2:35 or 8:35 where you’re at. This should be quick and easy math in my head but I keep going back and forth between adding the threes for you and subtracting them for me. Both of these options seem like impossible times in my hazy, dream-laden mind. Subtract the three. Yes, it’s...
I was sitting in the recliner in my bedroom with my laptop in front of me, working on my website. I was wearing a short nightgown that didn't really cover my plain cotton panties. The scoop neck of the nightgown enhanced, rather than covered my considerable bosom. My father came into my room. He is a tall man, a little over six feet and well built. He was only wearing a pair of briefs. As soon as I looked up, I turned red because I could see that my father had a hard-on. "Daddy, get out of...
All characters in this story are over 18. “Come on, princess. Get in bed.” “But I don’t wanna!” I cried a little, stomping my feet. “Daddy has some more work to do. I’ll be back up in a little bit, okay? It’s past bedtime for you, though, little one,” Daddy tried to reason with me. He picked me up and set me on the edge of the bed, night clothes already next to me. I whined loudly as he pushed my pink pacifier past my lips. “There.” He smiled as he pulled my shirt and skirt off, reaching behind...
BDSMMy hearts racing, I'm so excited as I look for room 112. You told me that the door will be open slightly and to just come in. I walk into your motel room and your not there but on the bed is a note and a few curious items. I pick up the note:Katt,Strip off everything but your panties. Put on a strap on each ankle and wrist. Put the blindfold on and stand in the corner. I'm nervous but do as you say because I know I must obey. As I stand in the corner I think about the last time I saw you,...
I was 14 when i started to learn more about sex and masturbation, it was when my mom asked me to get her a pair of socks from the guest room in her drawer, when i opened it there was a huge dildo and her socks. I gave her the socks and she went to the mall she would be back in an hour and my dad was gone for work he wouldn't be gone all day. So i went back to the drawer to see under her socks were about 10 dildos from big to small. I was so interested in them.It had been so long since i looked...
*True shit so dont be saying "lie" in any form in comments. Not much details about the sex so if ur a horny geek jerkin to words on a screen save ur time and read something else!*When i was a little girl (still am and always will be lol) me n my daddy was real close like best friends. He took me anywhere i wanted and did anything i wanted. Only thing he wanted from me was a smile. Anyways... I was like 12 and i was starting to grow some hair down there and my boobs was growing too. I started...
[Warning: Contains incest] Daddy By Britney Kandey Once upon a time, in a land that is not far away from our own there was a little boy who we will simply call Sam. Sam had just turned 14 and was looking forward to going away next year to boarding school and leaving the trailer park along with the rest of the trailer trash well behind him. Sam's mother had died when he was 2 and he had lived alone in the caravan with his Dad ever since. The locals used to say that his Mum...
MY HOT DADMy dad was an ex army man and body builder and I was a scrawny 90 lb sissy, which I constantly heard from my dad. He hated the fact that I was terrible at sports, was in the band, and had only girls for friends. I knew I was gay and I started sneaking off to the adult bookstore and hanging out in the parking lot. This is how I got into older men. I would give them head and they would get me porno in return.Truthfully, I had never thought about my father sexually until one night in...
It's the weekend, and I get a call from my girl She is going to swing by before work, and grab some lunch with me by the pool. I make a couple sandwiches, and cut up some fruit. I set it all out, and go change into my swim trunks.As I drop my clothes to the floor I notice someone standing behind me. It's my sexy little girl. She just turned 20. Her 5' 2" frame is filled out. She always says that her breasts are too small, but I think that they are perfect. Her smile could make any mans heart...
- an ever so slightly kinky addition to a romantic story by WTSman So what happened to Catherine, Hannah, George and Colin? This is a very special, personal epilogue for a favourite friend. She let me publish it for all to enjoy. You can read this story "stand-alone", but it will make much more sense if you read "It's Practically What Uncles Are For " first. Chapter 1 The phone started ringing just as Hannah had gotten the baby to sleep. She straightened up her aching back, tiptoed...
For a tool shed, it could have been worse living. A small bunk had been fashioned out of some shelving. The walls were lined with rumpled, moth-eaten tapestries. The window was sealed tightly shut with grime, but allowed for a fuzzy view of the lakeside. Stacks of canned goods and jugs of lukewarm water lay scattered around the corners. A wicker chair with a hole cut through its seat rested in an alcove, under which lay a shallow trapdoor latrine. Betty was unused to sleeping in such an...
Ben is just a good ole country boy. He is good looking, but not classically handsome. He has a beefy build, dark curly hair, and he is several inches shorter than me. He is friendly, charming, and he looks to be in his mid to late 30s: somewhat younger than me. When he turns on his 1000 watt smile, I get a little weak in the knees. The first couple of times I saw him I was fine, but taken aback by how much he turned me on. Over time it got to where I would blush bright red like a schoolgirl...
You're leaving work about fifteen minutes behind everyone else. Stuck on the phone, you missed the mass exodus to the parking garage. You hate walking though the structure in the dark by yourself. Even though nothing has ever happened here, you still don't feel safe. The dim lighting and confusing echoes make you nervous. Walking quickly with your head up, you clutch your keys tightly in your hand.You are within touching distance of your car when I strike.I grab you from behind, pulling you off...
Hi, my name’s Amanda. I’m 23, and live in a nice little apartment on the outskirts of a big city, and work as a bank teller. My little brother, Todd, lives with me. He’s 21, and was already getting by quite well just by picking up jobs doing landscaping during the spring and summer and then plowing during the winter. I sincerely love my younger brother, more so than most older sisters in the world. We had always gotten along pretty well, but a couple months into my senior year, our...
IncestThe day was what one would expect. Classes and baseball or in Jill and Mary's case, Softball. After practice and supper we were all busy studying, typing, and turning in papers for Thursday, Friday, and Monday. We had to turn in Monday's papers as we had a home game in afternoon on Monday and Tuesday. Thursday morning was busy as we all had to eat, pack and be at the bus by eight thirty. We loaded onto the buses and took off for the far off destination. We actually studied and compared...
I kept sneaking glances at her as she sat at her little table, scowling at the menu. I couldn’t help it—she was stunning. She was also darker than anyone I had ever seen in my life.When I checked in, Mrs. James said there was only one other guest. That wasn’t a surprise for a country inn in October, almost an hour from the nearest town. I only picked the place because it was near the gypsum plant I had to inspect that week.“And what would you like for dinner, dear?” Mrs. James hovered over me....
InterracialHi guys aap sab maje me honge. Main nishant phir se apko meri ek story batane aa gaya. Pls muje mail kijiye apko meri story kaisi lagi. Mera mail id maine jaise apko bataya hua hai ye baat hai kuchh 5 mahine pahele ki. Mere ghar ke baju me rahene wali ek ladki jiska naam purvi hai. Wo ek company me kaam karti thi. Main use pahele se pasand karta hun. Uska figure 36 30 36 hoga. Muj se baate bhi wo karti hamare ghar uska aana jaana bhi hai. .ek din wo ayi aur muj se puchha “nishant tum subah...
~~Start of Part-4~~ As we were recovering we just laid there next to each other and at this point knew there was no sense in asking if it was ok to touch somewhere, we just let your hands roam around each other’s bodies and play with things as we felt like doing at the time. ¬The body of a fully-grown woman was mesmerizing to me and I could not stop touching and nibbling on nearly her entire body. This kept both of us at a low simmer as we were both very excited by what I was doing. She looked...
My final couple of years of high school I got into to this work study program. I was a very smart k**, kind of a nerd. I had all the credits needed to graduate so they thought this would challenge me. I got this job to work at the local bank during school hours. I shadowed the bank president. She was a tall slender woman with silver, almost white hair. She kept it in a bun on her head. I figured she was around sixty. Not bad looking for a granny. She dressed all business. Skirts and blazers....
Denise watched from the doorway as Jack slowly rose from his crouched position at the toilet and flushed it. She felt terribly sorry for him, but at the same time her sympathy was beginning to wane, as he had no one but himself to blame. She stood there uncertain as to if he would want someone to baby him or not. At times like this, Denise became very uncertain about Jack's moods. "Are you going to be ok," she asked quietly. "I guess," he grumbled as he gingerly stood and shuffled over...
A Year In My Life Part I-1 Tuesday, February 14 "Bob. I'm your brother. There's no way." "It's only for one night." "No way." "But, bro. I need your help." "I wouldn't be able to show my face at school afterwards." "No one will know." "Bet me." "Lets ask mom?" "No. She always sides with you." "No, she doesn't." "Tell me one time when she sided with me?" "Ah ... the last time we stopped for fast food." "Big deal. She doesn't...
Men around her. Her, naked and collared on the floor, her lips snarling and her eyes fluttering. Drugs swimming through her veins and her cunt throbbing. Cameras around her, the world watching. They were going to destroy her. Omega felt her heart skip a beat and she knew, if it all ended now, she was where she was supposed to be. ___ She smiled. Her eyes fluttered. “Beat me,” she whispered. They stepped forward, silent. “Fucking beat me,” she screamed. Closer now. Still, they said...
It was early evening when Carl returned to Rose House. He had found a coffee shop in downtown Pleasanton that had internet access and had been doing some research. He had used his iPad to find the hotel his friend Tom had mentioned. It was located just north of SFO, the common term used for San Francisco’s airport. He searched their website and other pictures tagged as having been taken in the hotel to get a feel for the interior. Of course there was no mention of an illicit poker room there,...
I saw her first when I went to get admission into her class. She was reputed as the best English teacher at the time. I was there all by myself and stood there, watching her. She was sitting in a chair, jotting down names, addresses and marks of the applicants and the fees received in a register. Most others had one or both of their parents with them. I was the only loner. She glanced at me briefly as she kept talking to the other students and their parents. Finally she turned to me and asked,...
I woke, stretched and yawned. I sighed. Another day of spell casting for the city was in store for me. No, come to think of it, today was Seventh day, so I worked the mid-shift. I hated the mid-shift. Still a wizard had to do what a wizard had to do. I spent a little time cleaning up, and glanced at the clock. It was five minutes to eleven. This meant I had a few hours before I had to report to watch command and get started on the days spell casting. Probably glyphs of warding again. The...