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[Warning: Contains incest] Daddy By Britney Kandey Once upon a time, in a land that is not far away from our own there was a little boy who we will simply call Sam. Sam had just turned 14 and was looking forward to going away next year to boarding school and leaving the trailer park along with the rest of the trailer trash well behind him. Sam's mother had died when he was 2 and he had lived alone in the caravan with his Dad ever since. The locals used to say that his Mum had committed suicide but Sam new the horrible truth about how it had been his own father who had murdered his mother with extreme violence one night along time ago. Every night since Sam was five he had replaced his mother to his father anyway, who would tuck him bed and demand a blowjob from Sam. Then he would slowly have sex with Sam until he had blown his load. Sam's father was a very evil man who was not to be crossed by any stretch of the imagination. 14 year old Sam was not in any state of mind or physical presence to be the first person to take a stand against his father, no matter what his father did to him in the past or present. Sam enjoyed a few things though that his father had to offer him, such as his rather large collection of PlayBoy magazines and also the constant almost endless supply of alcohol that his father kept around the house. The night Sam made a break from the Trailer Park was a very out of the ordinary night for Sam. It had been yet another terrible day at school for Sam who was failing math and English quite badly, he had come home to a drunken father who had wasted no time in pretty much raping him and sending him to his room with no dinner. In his room alone and in pain something finally sent Sam over the edge to the point where he felt like he could no longer go on, he tried to slash his wrist but the razor drew blood, but not enough to end his misery. Sam went into his dad's room and picked up the 9mm glock pistol that his dad kept in a safe place, loaded a full clip of ammo into it and headed out to the lounge where his drunk father was watching football on TV. A few moments later the smoke cleared the barrel of the pistol and Sam's father was on the floor dead with no less than 10 bullet holes in his head. Sam knew the cops would show up sooner or later, but he knew that they would not be there within the next 10 minutes. So Sam packed up a bag of things he might need, and took off out of the trailer park in search of a new life and some where to lay low. He had taken the gun with him and new that the first thing he would have to do is find somewhere to get rid of it where the police would not be able to find it. Vinny the gun dealer lived 5 blocks down the road from the Trailer Park so Sam hot footed it off there to offload the gun and get a few bucks for his troubles. $200 in his hand now Sam knew that he would be able to at least leave the city and find somewhere to start a new life, but he would need more money soon enough and somehow wondered that if he had the gun he might have been able to use it to make more money. But Sam was not a fugitive by any stretch of the imagination, so he jumped on the first Greyhound bus that came along heading out of town and headed off towards the great unknown. The bus trip took all night and then most of the next day until it came to a holt in some odd looking city that Sam didn't even bother to get the name of. All he knew is it wasn't the trailer park that he had spent his whole life in, and that was all he needed to know. He left the bus and went and had a basic breakfast. Sam had always been taught that breakfast was the greatest meal of the day. The next thing Sam knew he had to do was get a newspaper and just check if there was any mention of his fathers untimely demise, there wasn't which meant that at least there was not going to be a nationwide man hunt for Sam. The first person Sam encountered after breakfast was an older boy called Carlo who was of Afro-American descent. Carlo took Sam under his wing for some reason and led him to a place where Sam could spend some time, basically it was a tunnel next to the motorway where a gang of street kids had taken refuge from the world. Over the next six months Sam and Carlo became pretty good friends, with Carlo looking out for Sam wherever possible. Sam made money on the side robbing people, stealing from shops and in general just being a regular non-law abiding citizen. Carlo had introduced Sam to allot of people who would basically make Sam's life as easy as possible for him to get his hands on pretty much anything he wanted. The gang living under the bridge formed Sam's family unit and he was just happy to be away from the constant sexual abuse of his father. Carlo got sent to jail though which put Sam into a dilemma of what to do now that he was on the street with no one directly watching his back. At age 14 going on 15 he was still not able to survive alone. He still had his family unit of a gang under the bridge who he was living with, but there numbers had dropped when Carlo had been sent to jail. Entering the situation came Diet Durkewst from across the wrong side of the tracks. Diet was roughly the same age and build as Carlo had been, he had just got out of jail for various crimes and he arrived to what he called home to find all the new kids on the block. One of the new kids on the block of course was Sam, who for some reason Diet, like Carlo, had quickly taken a shine to. Although where Carlo had done it out of the kindness of his heart, Diet had seen fit to take a shine to Sam on his never ending quest for money. Diet Durkewst is what you might commonly refer to as a pimp, and he turned out to be quite a good pimp at that if there ever was such a thing. Diet had all the girls under the bridge quickly turning tricks on the street corners, he made sure that all the boys under the bridge knew that if they didn't like the situation they would answer to him. As for Sam, well he proved to be a rather different boy under the bridge. Diet took Sam across town and started giving him to all the rich businessmen who where into little boys the toy they so much needed. Sam knew the drill from years of abuse from his father and had became rather good at sucking cock, and even better at having anal sex. Sam was proving into a very good money earner for Diet, and also being rather in demand from the dirty businessmen who desired his services. Diet moved Sam out from under the bridge into his own flat so he would be better looked after, and drip fed Sam just enough money to have enough food to live on to say healthy. Diet even sampled the goods Sam had to offer for himself on more than one occasion, although Diet had a big image to admit to this in front of anyone else when questioned about it. Sam turned 15, and it wasn't long after that of course that he turned 16. Time was moving so fast a year seemed like a second to Diet who was lost in a drug induced paranoia and a thirst for money that was unforgiving. Carlo got out of jail and dealt Diet the final blow that ended Diet's life but also landed Carlo back in jail. This left Sam again alone, but this time he was 16 and had his own place to live, although he didn't know how much longer he good afford to pay the rent. Diet had basically made sure that Sam did not have any access to the list of customers that Diet had been feeding Sam to on a regular basis. Sam had gone down under the bridge to check up on the old gang only to find that after Diet had died they had mostly all either been arrested for various charges or they had decided to take off before someone worse came along. Sam was alone and terrified as to what would become of him, with nowhere to turn he sat down on the park bench and started to cry for the first time in years. The park he had chosen was the right park to be crying in, as a Nun called Sister Mary happened to be going for a walk through that park that day. She had come up and sat down next to Sam and spoken to him about god for many hours until Sam had stopped crying. Sister Mary had convinced Sam to go to the local Orphanage with her when she had heard Sam's story. Sam had lied a little in the story he had told Sister Mary, and also neglected to tell her that he didn't really believe in God at all. Sam at the orphanage again found himself back in School, but was able to also relate with a few of the other kids in there. Sam for the second time in his life had found a place that he might be able to call home, even though he still missed his mum he made the most of the situation that he now found himself in. He turned 17 in the orphanage and knew that it would not be long until his 18th birthday when he would again find himself free on the outside world this time as an adult. Sam was even able to boost his confidence while being in the orphanage and had made sure to go and make a visit to Carlo in jail at least once a month. Carlo was pleased with getting a visit from Sam, but Carlo found it rather amusing that Sam was living life in an orphanage. Carlo also made Sam to promise that he would not commit any more murders as he did not want to hear of Sam ending up in jail for the rest of his life as Carlo now found himself. The adoption came as a shock to everyone at the orphanage, especially Sam. Sam was almost 18 at the time, well 17 and a half, the odds of any one getting adopted at that age where so off the scale of possibility. But he had been adopted by a nice family who had a farm in the middle of basically nowhere, and Sam was rather looking forward to having a real family again. Mr. and Mrs. Sears were their names, they where both unable to have children and had been looking for an older child to adopt. Mr. Sears taught Sam how to work the land on the farm where as Mrs. Sears taught Sam his schooling. Sam was happy that life with the Sears contained no sexual abuse, just like days in the orphanage. Sam had still not at this stage had sexual intercourse with a female, and the only time he had ever seen a naked girl in fact was in the pages of one of his fathers PlayBoy magazines. The only major problem for Sam living on the farm was the fact that he didn't get to see Carlo, but at least he was still able to write Carlo letters whenever possible. Mr. Sears sat down Sam one night and said that it had always been his dream to see his son go off to some flash University and get some flash degree. Sam knew that in many ways he owed allot to his new family the Sears', so he was more than happy to play along with Mr. Sears an enroll at the best of the best University's there was "UCKA". Sam got accepted into UCKA without any major problems, after all he had the money from Mr. Sears but also the Sears last name to hide any dark history that Sam was now well and truly starting to leave behind him. Sam spent his 18th birthday on the farm and spent the rest of the holidays before UCKA was due to start helping out Mr. Sears around the farm. The day that Sam left the farm for UCKA there where tears not only in Mr. and Mrs. Sears eyes but also Sam's. UCKA was the hugest thing that Sam had so far come across. He found himself sharing a room with a kid name Nick O'chey who had come all the way from Ireland to attend UCKA. Sam spent that first night thinking of how his life had changed, from a kid who had hit the streets after killing his sexually abusive father, ending up a street kid come child prostitute, to being in an orphanage, to going to a farm with a new family and finally ending up at UCKA. Nick turned out to be a real clown, always managing to make Sam laugh at all the right moments. The thing though that Sam admired most about his roommate was the way that Nick was able to pull the girls with ease. Sam was now an 18 year old virgin in the way of girls, who had more experience than any girl on campus when it came to the guys. One night Nick somehow managed to bring home some Twins from England Abigail and Kimberly. Abigail was to be Nick's sex toy for the night, and Kimberly had tagged along to be a gift from Nick to Sam. The moment Sam had rolled over and found a girl in his bed taking off all her clothes he had totally no idea of what to do. Kimberly picked up on the fact that Sam seemed shy and even found out that Sam was a virgin. Kimberly assured him that it would not hurt a bit and proceeded to go down on him and give him a blowjob. It was not the best blow job in the world by any stretch of the imagination, and Sam felt as if he could do a better job himself but he was going to make sure he would enjoy it. He fingered Kimberly's now moist pussy before inserting his penis in to her and losing his virginity with girls. He was able to go the distance, which was a pleasant surprise for Kimberly who expecting him to blow his load early and go to sleep. But she didn't complain at all she just enjoyed every moment of the sex that the two of them were having. Kimberly after having sex with Sam swapped with Abigail and Abigail went on to have sex with Sam. They spent the rest of the night swapping the twins between each other until the sun came up in the early hours of the morning. Sam thanked Nick for being kind enough to bring him home a gift that night, and the two boys went to sleep in there beds as the two girls headed back to their own dorms. Nick and Sam both missed a day of studies at UCKA, but in their minds the night before had been most worth it. That night the two where going to pledge for a fraternity house on campus simply called Sypha Loompaa U Tauras (S-L-U-T). Although it was not the most popular fraternity to be in, they still had a reputation on campus for throwing the wildest parties that UCKA had ever seen. Nick and Sam where separated as soon as they entered the S- L-U-T far house and both of them where sent to separate rooms to take part in a three round initiation process. Task one was simple enough, they had to head off down to the dean's office and come back with at least two of the dean's personally engraved pencils. This was an easy task for Sam to complete bearing in mind that he used to be a street kid who knew all the tricks of the thief trade. So when Sam returned in record time with a whole bunch of the dean's personally engraved pencils he was soon getting cheers from allot of people who where all ready members of S-L-U-T. Task two was bending over a couch and dropping your pants down while two girls in their underwear smacked your bottom for half an hour with giant black paddles. The object of the exercise was not to cum, and not to run away too embarrassed to go on to the final task. Sam enjoyed the experience but was able to hold back his sexual feelings and also he didn't want to run away now. The final task was quickly upon Sam who was taken into a special room where two other people doing the initiation where all ready waiting for the final task, a fourth person then entered who was Nick. Sam was happy that his roommate Nick had also passed the first two tasks. The final task turned out to be a Voodoo ritual ran by the fraternity. Sam didn't really believe too much in Voodoo so took it all in his stride, from watching the four chicken's getting slaughtered in front of him, to the Voodoo chanting and then to taking his place on the table that had a red tablecloth on and was surrounded by candles. One of the other people doing the initiation had run off screaming at this point, which slightly put Sam off his concentration. Nick and the remaining initiate candidate at this moment where blindfolded, as the Voodoo man said a few mumbo jumbo magic words before biting off the head of a snake and pouring the snake blood onto Sam, who at this point was starting to think how crazy these people really where. But after the snake had been drained of it's blood, the lights when on and Sam realized something odd had taken place. Nick and the other initiate candidate had their blindfold's removed. Nick asking the question all most straight away. "Where's Sam?" I thought for a moment how silly Nick was, I was right there on the table in front of his very eyes. There was only one small flaw in my plan, I now had small A-cup breasts, long braided black hair, long nails and was dressed up as cheerleader. To top it all off the one thing I forgot to mention I also now had a vagina. I don't know what came over me but at that point I somehow managed to faint. When I woke up I was in bed but it was not my bed back in my normal room with Nick. I had not gotten into the frat and Nick somehow had. I was almost forgetting the fact that I had somehow been turned into a girl when Nick entered the room to fill be in with the finer details of being in S-L- U-T. It seemed that over the years there had been a shortage of girls willing to preform commands at the request of various S-L-U-T members, so during the initiation ceremony one of the new recruits was transformed from a male into a sexy girl via the Voodoo ritual. For my stay at UCKA I would now be known as Avery LeKerr the UCKA slut from the S-L-U-T fraternity house that would make every boys dream come true. They had taken care of all the arrangements and my male body would be found dead in the ocean within 10 days. Nick also informed me that there was no way I was going to get changed back into a boy so I better get used to being the slutty little girl that I now was. Nick then used one of his world famous lines on me, before I soon found myself sucking on his cock. I was happy when Nick made the comment that I did in fact suck a better dick than the twin Kimberly had the night before. The End for now [OK this started as just a short story but I might consider making a UCKA kinda on going story, or at least something to do with S-L-U-T or Avery LeKerr depending on the reviews that this gets.]

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Nothing happened for the next couple of days, except I slipped back into the second part of my split personality. I went back to being Max the ugly, middle-aged, eccentric chick. I ate at Helen's in the morning, rode my bike around town. Sometimes I went to look at things for Sylvia, and the realty business. It was Friday morning after my walk that Walter made it into town. Walter not only was head of the Green County Savings and Loan, he was also an honorary member of the Swamp Thing team....

4 years ago
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To Walk the ConstellationsChapter 11

REBEL The rebel base on Gem looked like someone had just taken one of those rust mite nests on Stumble and just tossed an entire chunk of rusted auto onto it. The base itself was a bit like a rust mite nest too: Narrow corridors cut into raw rock, with doors fastened onto the walls and riveted into place in a kind of slapdash workmanlike way. The doors that were open looked in on storerooms filled with rifles, guns, grenades, armor, crates of food, tanks of pre-programmed nanopaste, and...

1 year ago
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The new BBC in the neighborhood part 6

Living with Barbara has been lot of fun. and of course unlimited sex. I have gone to fuck Gina and a couple of her friends, and the three girl at the hotel. I even walked in on my Barbara getting fucked by one of her clients. After they were done, and came out of the spare room. I was sitting on the sofa with a look of what the fuck is going on here, caused her client to stop in his tracks and said oh fuck. He said I am sorry man, she didn't tell me she had a boyfriend, I am really sorry....

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Star Fuck Adventures Chapter 1

Your name is Alexia, a young 18-year-old feline. To be more descriptive, your a 18-year old ANTHRO feline; with silky tan-golden fur, a brown top which barely contains your nice-sized tits, and a small short skirt. Surprisingly you ARE wearing lingerie, skimpy black lingerie to be more precise. Though it would be quite easy for anyone to spot those panties of yours, the way you move. You live in the great city of Corneria, always bustling and full of economic and environmental wonder. Things...

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I lived alone for a few years, getting older all the time. The house I lived in was in a suburban development. The houses were close together. My house was only the width of a driveway and a smidgen of lawn from the house next door. The houses were all the same cookie cutter, so my bedroom window was across from a bedroom in the house next door. The neighbor’s house was empty for a long time, but then a family moved in. There was a husband and wife and two young women, who looked like twins i’d...

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Watching Mom Fuck

100% fiction! My dad died when I was biy and my mom didn't handle it to well. She started drinking a lot and soon she was attracting other drunks who would hang out at our house. Mom was in her mid 50's with a decent figure and pretty face. She wore granny style wire rim glasses and a short hairstyle that made her look older but stylish. Moms ass was big and round and perfect and her tits were nice and big also. Moms brother and my uncle was named Lee and he was very close to her. He had told...

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Cuckold Husband By A Black Man Found Online

I am a married woman in my prime age when life would be most fulfilling. But I have been leading a frustrated life for many years. I am married but do not have satisfying sex life because of husband inability to perform in bed. I craved for affection, romance, and most of all zesty lovemaking with lasting hours of sexual intercourse. My husband's sex drive never came close to matching my own. I missed all that and husband hardly satisfies my womanly wants and needs, material wise he provided...

3 years ago
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The Solitary ArrowPart 18

"Harlen, dammit, you've been propping up my bar for two weeks now." Tammer groused, drawing a greasy rag over the oaken top of his bar. "It's not doing you any favors." The huntsman's head came up from regarding his Coghlandish rum and looked at his former mentor, and current friend with a bleary eye. "How long did you mourn Trokenaur's departure, Tammer?" Harlen snapped. Tammer thought a moment, then sighed. "A few months." He said. "And sometimes, I still do." His face fell...

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My Ghost with Benefits Ch3

I pushed myself up on my bed, still sweaty and naked from what happened. What had happened? I was imagining a situation in my head, I could see the experience so vividly, as if I was really feeling it. I thought I saw for a second...After cleaning myself off and throwing my clothes back on, I headed off to the library. That whole thing had been... well, incredible honestly. I had never felt anything like it, but it had also freaked me out somewhat. Was it just in my own head?The main library...

College Sex
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Dragon Clans Bk 01 Pt 15

Chapter 15 ‘Damn it,’ Nigel said under his breath. The thumping rotor noise of the Lynx Mk8 drowned out his words to the other 5 passengers of the helicopter as it moved smoothly 50 meters above the ground. The explosion just over the hill surprised him and left him with a sense of dread. ‘Open the god damn door, deployment alpha, get us the fuck down there!’ he yelled, as the tension grew exponentially in the cabin. All of them could see the flames and dark ominous smoke billowing up from...

2 years ago
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121. SARAH AND THE SILVER MASTER 1This story promises to be a long saga, and it should be read in order. I should explain I do consultation work giving assistance with sexual mental problems of a serious nature mostly to women who have hang-ups about guilt. Some I find require actual chastisement, some just consultations. This case all began with this letter plopping onto my mat one morning (I have withheld her address for professional and security reasons) ...

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Evil Awakened Lives Taken

Ginna Thornbreak, actually the creature that was once Thadius Thornbreak in his daughters stolen body, waited in the small room she had taken at the only inn in Sombourn village. It was ratty and worn by time, abuse and lack of care from the half dead owners. The constant feeding of the local vampire population tended to age and weaken the living quickly to death. He knew his companion would return before sundown and they would secure the door and the small window until the sun was up enough to...

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Bridesmaid BethanyChapter 1

I suppose that in today's constantly evolving society, things would have been much easier for me had I simply been either a gay man or a transsexual woman. The stereotype that gay men routinely cross dressed, perpetrated by pop culture's embrace of the outrageous, campy drag queen, was rivaled only by the daytime-talk-show-portrayal of the transsexual as a predatory seducer of straight men. But for a heterosexual, genetic male like myself, to dress as a woman not as the result of a...

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Sexteen Saskia Sexual Strides 3 SEXUAL SATISFACTI

SEXTEEN SASKIA SWEET SLY SLOW SEDUCTIVE STARTSASKIA SHOWS SHYLY SUBMISSIVE SEXUAL SLAVERY : Sweet Saskia Ven (Overveen) Secretly She Studies SEXUOLOGYShe Seeks Self-SustainingSstaying-place - Still: She & Sibling-sisShe's Seen See-Swim Slow Strandbad Bloemendaal (Flowervale)She's Secretly Full-Nude Bare-Back Maning Mare @ Dunes Dusk ===================================================SEXTEEN SASKIA SHOWS SLOW SEXY SHOT IN THE WOODSSEXTEEN SASKIA SHOWS SLOW SEXY SHOOT IN THE WOODSHYLY SHE...

2 years ago
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She saw him from far, he stood tall among men, circumstances, and life in general. He had always done so. The years had chiseled his features, there were no wrinkles and his body seemed as lean and firm as ever. She looked at him, loving every cell in him, worshipping him from far. She was so pleased to see he was so beautiful as he had been the day she had met him.She followed him everywhere, unseen and unheard. He never noticed but then, he had stopped noticing her ages before. He had also...

Love Stories
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Bill and Haley and DeenaChapter 26

Sandy’s turn: I am Sandra June Gleason. The ‘June’ part is from Mom’s grandmother. It fills in a block on forms. I never met the lady. Mom said she was worth emulating, though. I hope I’m doing that. Mom’s not around to tell me. Mom’s health went bad and she passed away when I was ten. Ever since then, I’ve lived with Dad and his wife, often referred to as ‘The Evil Stepmother’, always with a smile. I missed Mom because she was, after all, Mom, but after she’d cut me loose for a couple of...

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The scene is a beautiful hotel in the wilds of the Somerset Levels. It is a warm, late summer evening and the sun is setting over the hazy landscape. It is the occasion of my friend, Jess’s hen night and it is a quiet and small affair of perhaps nine of her closest friends. Relaxed and informal we have been sitting, talking and drinking in the lounge overlooking the hotel’s garden and across the fields beyond. I found myself alone with Jess. She thanked me for organising the party and I told...

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The Plan

Introduction: Help me with the plan [b]The Plan&hellip,&hellip,Part 1 Melissa and I have been together for ten years, married for five. Our previous marriages of 12 yrs each yielded us 5 children. We had a very romantic courtship, as we are both hopeless romantics. We became the best of friends, everyday meeting in lust for an hour or so, till I left with my cock stuck to the side of my leg and Melissa always wanting more. This continued for about 8 months before we slept together. Our sex...

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Anal AlisonChapter 1

I bought a house and moved out of the apartment complex where I had been living when I moved into the state. The house was older in an established neighborhood which I bought from an older couple who were retiring to Florida. My name is Tom and, being 28, this is my first house of my own though I have had apartments since college. I moved my furniture with the help of friends and set up housekeeping in my new digs. It was nice to have a yard and, since it was late spring, plants were...

3 years ago
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Damsel in Need Molly

Larry and Maria are a couple who have been married for 5 years. Larry is a black man of mixed race heritage, his mother was French but his father was African. Maria, on the otherhand, is a very pale skinned beauty from England. They are both 30 years old, with Maria having had a baby just six months ago. Prior to having their baby, the couple were active participants in a partner swapping group, with Maria especially liking to hook up with the other wives for some carnal delights. Larry loved...

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Grandpa Jackie 4

Well the rest of this story seems almost academic. Ellen finally, for the first time in her life began to trust, depend and lean on her sister Margarie. After stealing Margaries potential boyfriend, marrying him, ignoring him and then enlisting Marge in helping her to divorce him, she finally found betrayal. Probably worse betrayal then she has ever given to anyone in her life, but that is probably because no one trusted her enough to let her that close. Ellen began calling her...

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The Defeated

All characters in this story are at least 18 years old. The Watcher, Asmodatu, appears to us on an alien landscape. "I am Asmodatu the Watcher" he told us, "like Uatu, I have observed the rise and fall of civilisations, worlds, galaxies. I know all that is, most of what has been and much of what will be. I also have many windows into the strange parallel worlds of what might have been" Asmodatu waved his hand and showed an image of Rey's lightsaber duel with Kylo Ren in Star Wars: The Force...

2 years ago
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Double TearsChapter 141

“Everyone will be tracked, cradle to grave, with no possibility of escape.” —Dave Eggers, The Circle WE HAD THREE VEHICLES among us at Donna’s. My truck, Livy’s Wrangler, and Rachel’s Yaris. For the hell of it, we decided to take the Wrangler. It looked like a good day and even if it was too cold in the morning, we had visions of taking the top off on the way home. And so, at way too early o’clock, we walked into the National Services Regional Office. I don’t know why I felt so nervous....

3 years ago
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day in Edinburgh 2

Mark looked at me in a bewildered way, but cottoned on fast.   “Yes,” said Mark, “your wife has a lovely body, you’re a very lucky guy.”   “Well I don’t mind if you want to feel her body,” said Tom. I couldn’t believe my ears, what the hell’s got into Tom?   Tom lay back, closing his eyes.   “Are you tired,” I asked.   “Just a bit,” said Tom, “This is so relaxing.”   Mark began to finger fuck me again this time pushing three or four fingers into my soaking pussy. I...

Group Sex
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Low Light Lesbian Experimentation

Machayla's hand moved up my naked chest slowly, approaching my quivering nipples. The breath had left me when I lay on the bed beside her, letting her unbutton my pajama top and slowly pull it off, leaving me completely naked. The light by our bed cast long shadows on her pretty face and small boobs. I felt something for her I'd never thought possible, a sexual attraction and something like lust or avarice. I wanted her to want me. And she did. I could see it in her eyes as she looked down at...

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ADVENTURES OF A MILKBOY The story of a birthday surprise for a 16yr old milk delivery boy

Like every teenage boy I had fantasies about scantily clad ladies opening their door early in the morning just as I was delivering their milk, no such luck, the best I’d get would be the man of the house in his vest and work jeans complaining that I was late and should have delivered his milk earlier so he could have his breakfast before leaving for work, how they thought a 14 yr. old could be bothered to get up at 6am so they could have their cereal before catching the bus to their workplace...

1 year ago
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Total Woman Academy 12

Ned and Mrs. Jones walked through the newest Total Woman Academy facility. The post-graduate facility would be used for returning graduates and training of undergraduate staff. It included the same fixtures, furnishings and accoutrements of the senior facility except for the guest residence which was unnecessary. The common rooms included enlarged dining, exercise, yoga and massage areas. Each suite included garden tub and opened onto the pool and sundeck. The rooms were soundproofed to help...

2 years ago
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New Beginning

A New Beginning By Eve Smith Here was I, Nick Beaumont skulking around like some common thief, but needs must I thought. I crept through the undergrowth at the side of the house. I had hurt my ankle when I had jumped down from the wall that surrounded it and was limping slightly. At least no one had seen me and for that I had to be grateful. Should the mob that I was trying to avoid get hold of me I was a dead man and they would not make my demise pleasant. My stomach churned at the...

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Cant Get A Ticket

The female police woman ignoring his obvious con job, said, “Sir, you just ran that stop sign and you didn’t even make an attempt to stop!” “Well,” he ventured, “I am late for work and I just didn’t see the sign, I’m real sorry!” “I’m sure you are,” she intoned, “but we’ll have to write you up a ticket anyway, maybe next time you’ll pay a little more attention.” Now feeling desperate, Sam decided to plead with her, hoping that by throwing himself at her mercy she might let him go with a...

4 years ago
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Carly The Naughty Smoking Witch Strikes Again

Carly The Naughty Smoking Witch Strikes Again Carly was about to have a bite to eat in her local pub when this 31 year old business woman blew out a large cloud of smoke and laughed as her smoke drifted over to the young witch's table and onto her food. Carly was not impressed and went over to have a word. "Don't you know that smoking is bad for the baby?" Carly said as the woman, who was wearing a short black pencil skirt, high heels and a lovely white blouse, just looked at Carly...

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