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I was born in one of the many breeding farms in the States, apparentlymy father and his family wanted a son so I was given to the slave orphanage.Growing up in an orphanage was hard at times but we were taught a lotand shown how to serve.

We were woken up in the mornings before the sun came up, our diaperswere taken off and we were run for 5 miles and told to do our vaginal andanal exercises. Then we were cleaned and brought to work in one of themany fields or farmhouses. At night we were taught the important things;Leather craft, sewing, speaking and how to walk in heels. We were encouragedto walk on our feet only for work, inside we always were led around onall fours. We were taught that we had no choices or will. The women whoraised us were strict and nobody ever really went against them. The slavesthat did went away and never came back. Some of my fellow slaves wouldbe sold to families to be servants in some capacity but the lucky few ofus that were whore-stock would be sold as untrained slaves on our 16 th birthday.Whore-stock was rare. The Masters and Mistresses who would buy us had tobe registered with the federal government to train new slaves, it was evenrare for them to come across whore-stock. They were highly paid and wellrespected people in society and whatever money they made from selling usthey got to split with the state, so needless to say they trained us well.

It was the morning of my 16 th birthday,the day I would be sold. I was taken to a large exam room and my diaperwas taken off. I was bathed and made to wear the thick leather collar Ihad made in leather craft. Another diaper was put on along with a leashand I was led into a small wooden crate with air holes drilled into itand locked in. I was loaded onto the truck and driven to town.

It was my first time off the grounds of the orphanage so I lookedout of the holes in my crate in awe of the changing landscape. The truckstopped after about a half a day and the crate was unloaded and openedand I was led inside a large building and told that I was the only onetoday. There were four men and one woman watching me and others lookedon as I was lifted onto a steel table and my diaper came off. I was cleanedoff and told to raise my rump high. The four men and woman looked at allmy holes and squeezed my tits, inspecting me and writing things down separately.I felt my cheeks get separated and I jumped slightly when my holes weretouched lightly. Nothing was said.

A clean diaper was put on me and then I was led out into the townsquare where it seemed like everyone in the town was there to watch theauction. I was held off to the side and watched as breeding slaves, servantsand older whores were sold. I was last and when I was brought up therewas a hush over the crowd. The four men and one woman were sitting in thefront row and I realized they must be the Federal Masters. I was turnedand talked about, as rare virgin whore-stock and the crowd seemed likethey were in awe. The men were looking at me with lust and the women seeminglywith hate as the bidding started. I was sold to a large handsome man for50,000 credits and I was put into the crate and loaded into the back ofhis truck.

I looked out of one of the air holes as hours later we drove upto a huge farmhouse on what seemed like many acres. I watched as some ofhis servants carried me down into the cellar and opened the crate. I peakedout slowly and waited for instruction. The big man leaned down and lookedat me and told me it was ok to come out. I crawled out tentatively andhe pulled on my leash telling me it was ok and not to be scared. He askedme if I needed a diaper change and I instantly came out of the crate andlay on the floor on my back and raised my legs for him. He said, "Goodwhore," and he changed my diaper and cleaned me up. He said, "I'myour new Daddy, can you say Daddy, whore?" He was rubbing cream intomy holes as I nodded my head and said, "Daddy." "Good whore," hesaid, "Daddy is going to show you how to go in the potty." Iwas confused but my new Daddy was so nice so I said, "Ok Daddy," andI smiled. He continued rubbing the cream in and he sat back on his heelsand just looked at me and said, "You're a very pretty whore," andhe reached down and rubbed my breast. I squeaked and said, "That ticklesDaddy and he pinched my nipple until I flinched. "Do you like it,whore?" he said. "Yes Daddy, but it makes me feel like I haveto pee, Daddy." "That's because you're a whore and the only thingyour good for, is to have your holes filled," as he put his fingerslowly into my cunt hole and felt for my hymen. He smiled and said "Ithink I need to fill your ass hole, whore, maybe I'll sell your cunt'svirginity to the highest bidder." I didn't really understand him soI smiled and said, "OK Daddy." He tickled my clit and said, "Thenext time you have to pee you tell me ok, whore?" "Yes Daddy," Ireplied and he unhooked my leash and told me to follow him.

I followed him upstairs to a huge modern kitchen with a large islandcounter in the middle of the room. There were pots hanging on a rack abovethe marble-topped island and all the appliances were steel. The back wallof the kitchen was all windows and French doors out to a deck leading toa pool. I could see a barn and a couple of buildings leading back to woodsall around to the distance.

He told me to hop up onto the island part of the counter onto mystomach with my legs dangling over the side. He smacked my ass and tookmy arms and placed them behind my back. He put a bowl of water under myface and said, "It's time to feed that mouth hole of yours. Don'tuse your hands, whore," and I watched him prepare to cook as I lappedat the water. He chopped onions and garlic and made us an omelet. Whileit was cooking he said, "Do you have to pee, whore?" I said, "NoDaddy." He said, "Good," and I saw him reach for the oliveoil and I felt him pour some on my ass. He rubbed it into me and said, "I'mgoing to enjoy this, whore." I smiled and said, "OK Daddy," andhe reached over and took a wooden spoon and inserted the long smooth handleinto my ass hole. I squealed and moaned and he said, "Keep drinkingyour water, whore. You shouldn't concern yourself with how I treat yourholes." I took a deep breath and tried to ignore his probing but Iwas confused, it felt good and I didn't understand why. He was lookingat me from different angles and he laughed and said, "You are so brainless," ashe slid his hands over my ass. He fucked my hole with the stick for a whileand then washed his hands and put the omelet in front of my face and toldme to eat. He sat at the table and ate properly as I stuck my face intothe meal and devoured it like an animal. He laughed at me and told me Iwas a good whore.

When he was done eating and he was satisfied that I had enoughhe told me to get down off the counter and clean up the dishes. He showedme how to scrape the food off and rinse them and put them into a machine.He sat back and watched me work with the spoon sticking out of my holeand the food all over my face. He showed me how to wipe down the countersand to put all the food away and he pulled at my nipples from behind meand told me to keep working. He watched me wipe the crumbs off of the counterinto my hand and noticed some dropping on the floor. He grabbed my handsand head and pushed me to the ground and stuck my face onto the floor andleaned his knee into my back. He said firmly, "You stupid little bitch.Lick it up, cunt," as he pushed my head down. I stuck my tongue outand licked the floor willingly. "Do you want to please your Daddy,whore?" He asked. "Yes Daddy," I squeaked out and he gotup and told me to scrub the crumbs off the floor as he slowly pushed thespoon deeper into my hole. He fucked me with it while I scrubbed and Ifelt that feeling again, like it felt good when he hurt me. "You craveto be humiliated and used, don't you, whore?" He said as I felt thelong stick go deeper into my body.

He asked me if I had to piss and I told him yes as he worked meupstairs into a lavish bathroom, steering me by the stick in my ass. Hetold me to hold it in and when we got there I saw a small child's chairin the corner. He told me to stop and then said, "You sit on thatpotty and you relieve yourself, whore." He pulled the stick out fastand threw it in the garbage. He watched me relieve myself and laughed atme when I pissed. He said, "Look at the whore, pissing for the firsttime in a little potty." It took me a long time and my legs were numbas he cleaned me off and turned on the bath. He scrubbed me while on myhands and knees and slowly cleaned my ass hole with his soapy finger. Igot confused again and I decided to ask, "Daddy?" "Yes,whore?" He replied as I felt another finger fuck me. "Why doI tingle when you touch me there?" I asked, breathing heavy. "Because,you are a whore and your sole duty in life is to be used. When you justbreathe into it and take your abuse, you will feel release. Just breathe,never make a sound, whore." He answered and I breathed through hiscleaning.

He wrapped me up in a towel and carried me into a huge red bedroom.There was fabric everywhere and he laid me back onto the bed and spreadmy legs back. He left and came back with a diaper and a bottle of creamand he pulled open my pussy and poured the cream onto my open pussy. Hishand went right to my clit and he rubbed the cream into me and I felt likeI was sliding off the earth. I instantly grabbed my nipples and pinchedthem hard, holding them up and I let out a moan. He laughed and said, "MaybeI should train you to be a cum whore. Yes, I am ¼ Ilove it, a virgin cum whore!" He stopped rubbing me and put my diaperon. He had me step into a harness that strapped all the way from my neckto my knees and he placed me on the bed so my head was down and my asswas up. He strapped me in to straps that had been attached to the mattressso I couldn't move. He hooked my arms comfortably by my sides and coveredme with the blankets. "I'm proud of your first day whore, but letshope tomorrow is even better. Sleep."

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“Courtney,” EJ said as he shook me a little. “We're here.” “Really?” I asked groggily. We were descending. I looked out the window and saw bright blue water. “Beautiful, right?” EJ asked as he looked out too. “I love this!” “I'm going to have to take you to the beach.” “Yep.” “Okay, let me warn you before we get off. My cousins aren't as- how can I put this? They aren't as civil as what you're used to.” “Um, sure.” “So, they will most definitely try to flirt with...

2 years ago
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Introduction: The misfortunes and misadventures of Ensign Wesley Crusher WARNING! This text file contains sexually explicit material. If you do not wish to read this type of literature, or you are under age, THEN YOU SHOULDNT BE READING THIS!!!!!   WESLEY CRUSHERS PAINFUL ORDEAL WITH THE KLINGONS   DEEP SPACE 7 09:00 HRS: Wesley Crusher woke up in the morning with his hard five-inch dick along with his hairless balls sticking out of the leg opening of his tight white briefs. Hed gotten...

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The WalletChapter 3

The master suite was a marvel. The main point in the room was the sleep comfort bed. It was a super king. There's plenty of room for my legs. All the furniture was Queen Anne style. It just happened to be my favorite style. Two dressers, and a mirrored chest lined the walls. There also was a piece of furniture that looked like the others. When I opened it there was a full TV Stereo setup. The TV was at least 50 inch. Looking at the wires from the set, the Stereo had to be a Dolby sound...

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My Third BiEncounter With An Older Guy

I wont bore you with going over the same waiting scenario of the next week, all i can say was the level of anticipation was even greater, and unlike the week before this time there were no doubts in my head about meeting him on saturday, now that id had felt, and tasted a cock, i knew even though in nthe future i wanted a relationship with a girl, i could see me always wanting to indulge in manfun, and although i craved for my first piece of pussy, i would always need some cock in my life. The...

4 years ago
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Amar bondhur 2

Amio boudeer guude amar laura ta dhokate aar bar korte korte bolte laglam, “hi amar Sapna rani amio tomar guud chude chude khuub aram pachhee. Nao, aaroo nao amar laura thap gulo tomar guuder bhetor obdee nao amar. Aamar aajker bhaggoo ta khuub bhalo kenona aaj ami tomar moton sundoreer guude amar bara ta dhukiye tomake chudchee. Amar chodon tomar bhalo lagche to? Theek theek bolo to, ke tomar ei ras bhortee guud ta ke beshi bhalo bhabe chode, Ami na Subhash? Amar thap khete khete Sapna boudee...

3 years ago
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Car Sex Took My Virginity

Hi to all and this is Rahul and I am a very big fan of ISS. I have been reading it since 2 years. This is my first story. I know you will like this story so please mail me @ about response.I am a bio medical engineer in Bangalore. My work is in office most of the time and sometimes I have to go to hospitals to assist surgeons in operation theatres while using new components of our company. So visiting hospitals in Bangalore is a usual routine for me. Once I went to one of the very big hospital...

4 years ago
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Biancas Night Out

Bianca Tortellini walked along the empty beach with the sun behind her. It was already warm even though it wasn’t even seven in the morning. She held her heels in her left hand and a half-smoked cigarette in her other. She could still feel the buzz from all the booze she had had the previous night. Her white dress hugged her tall body showing off her curvy figure. She wasn’t one of those anorexic model types but a full-figured woman of twenty-one.She stopped and looked out at the sea where a...

3 years ago
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Ek Anokha pariwar

Dear friends, meri pehli story aap ko kaise lagi. Aap ke bahut sare e-mail aay aur phone bhi aaye.sabhi ko yeh kahani bahut pasand aaye mera mail i.d hain mein aage kahni suru karta hun.aap tak aap ko pata chal gaya hoga ki mera ghar ek randi khana hain.mein massi ke kamre mein gaya aur massi ke saath let gaya aur unke shirr ko sehlane lagaunke badan ko hath lagate hi mein kafi excite ho gaya tha aur ghutne se ooper ranon par bhi malish kar raha tha jab wo kuch nahin boli to meri ungliyan aur...

2 years ago
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AbeyanceChapter 7

I popped the mint in my mouth and walked slowly to the door. I dreaded this. I was probably going to have to sit and tell my family a bucket full of lies before I could go to bed. I gathered my strength at the front door and went in, trying to act as normal as possible. My parents and Laura were in the living room watching television. Only Laura seemed concerned. I was nearly an hour late getting home but they weren't worried. I suppose they thought that I was safe in the home of a...

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My husband Martin announced over dinner one Friday that a work colleague of his was getting married the following day and we had been invited. I had never met this guy or his bride but apparently it was our duty to attend as far as Martin was concerned. I was more than happy to go along, I like a good wedding and the chance to dress up and enjoy ourselves. That night I went through the closet to decide what to wear. The reception and party were being held in the garden of the groom’s parents,...

3 years ago
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First visit

It's the first time I've visited you and you have the house all to yourself. I knock on the door and you answer wearing only some sexy lingerie and heels. I greet you with a kiss and we shut the door. As it's closed I shove you against the wall and kiss you hard. I grab your wrists and bring them together above your head and hold them against the wall with one hand. With the other I cup your tits, squeezing as I kiss you. My hand moves down your body and rubs your pussy through your sexy...

3 years ago
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Returning To Old Habits

Like many cross dressers, I found my habit has a certain ebb and flow. I would bury myself into my kinky hobby for several weeks, only to hide everything away again. I used to have purges too from time to time, where I’d convince myself it was wrong and throw my clothes away, swearing I’d never do it again. The last time I purged was in my mid twenties. I’d been with my then girlfriend for around a year and we had decided to live together, so, in order to keep things secret, I threw all my...

3 years ago
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BetrayalChapter 56

"Gotcha, you motherfucking hacker." Max triumphantly typed another command on the keyboard. The laughing skull and crossbones disappeared from his screen and were replaced by views from the network of cameras that made up his elaborate surveillance system. The last several hours had been tortuous as Max battled an unknown intruder who had taken the security system hostage. The intrusion had occurred right around the same time that his phone warned him that a break-in was occurring at the...

2 years ago
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Uncle Marty

It was a hot summer day late in the month of August and I was cleaning my lawnmower in the coolness of the garage when my phone rang. I looked over at it and saw that it was my brother Benny. I hit the pick-up and speakerphone buttons and said hello.“How’s it going, cocksucker?” Benny shouted across the speaker. I immediately looked around to see if anyone was within hearing distance and then picked up the phone with my grass-stained hands and took him off the speaker.“Good, just cleaning up...

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Evening At The CastleChapter 20 Siobhan Joins The Club

The aroma of freshly brewed coffee dragged me from a deep sleep and I slowly became aware of bright sunlight streaming through my bedroom windows. It took me a moment to recognize the room and realize where I was. Throwing the covers aside, I slipped into my robe and stumbled to the kitchen to find Siobhan already seated in the breakfast nook, sipping coffee and munching on a stale biscuit. "Good morning sleepy head," she said, smiling brightly. "Couldn't find much to eat. No eggs,...

1 year ago
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MollyChapter 4

The next day at school was as bad as I thought it was going to be. Even my fair weather friend Michelle pretended to not see me in the cafeteria. I decided to skip my last class and get out of there early to avoid the whispering and looks of the others. I went home and put on some rice to cook for dinner. We still had some leftover red beans to go with it in the fridge. I put them on to warm. I was wishing we had some sausage or even a potato to put in it. Dad was sitting in his recliner...

1 year ago
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FirstClassPOV Skylar Vox Busty Blonde Skylar Vox Takes A Huge Cock In POV

Gorgeous blonde babe with big tits, and round ass, Skylar Vox, is a naughty bombshell who loves being dominated by a horny stud. Skylar can’t help but feel wet and horny for Tyler D while she teases him with her stunning curves in black lingerie. The horny blonde can’t help herself any longer. She gives Tyler a sloppy blowjob before offering her shaved pussy to him. Her round ass gracefully bounces as she rides Tyler’s cock in reverse cowgirl. Moans of pleasure fill the room...

1 year ago
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Beginner Adventuress

Rasa stepped out from under the arch, and she allowed herself a moment to take a breath. With this step, she was finally within the bounds of Novelus! It was the biggest city she'd ever seen...Of course, she'd heard that it was small compared to the truly great cities further toward the center of the empire. But it was still a city! There were buildings with more than two floors! The streets were all paved! There were dozens of people! There was scarcely a tree in sight! Reviewing the...

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SeeHimFuck Blake Blossom The Perfect Male Body

Army vet Sam Shock brought his perfect body ? and big girthy dick ?? to the studio the other day and we paired HIM up with fan favorite Blake Blossom for this week’s fantastic See H?️M Fuck update. After our talented directory Johnny ?? Robbins helps us get to know a little about the award-winning stud ? Sam does a sexy striptease for Blake, teasing the bulge in his See HIM boxers ? until we finally get to see that thick gift ? he’s packing. Blake lubes up ?? Sam’s phenomenal...


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