Runners Make the Best Ponygirls
- 2 years ago
- 60
- 0
Perhaps he did sleep a little there; at least, the alarm startled him when it went off. Usually, when he woke, there was time for a little comprehension of where he was, what he was doing, but not this time. It was time to rumble, and he knew it. Within seconds, he was out of the cab of the truck, heading back to the tailgate. He opened it, and grabbed a white plastic bucket, then headed for the fire hall, and went straight to the men's room. There was a big, deep sink there, and he filled the bucket halfway with warm water. While it was filling, he used the urinal; he might not have the chance later.
The bucket was a little fuller than he wanted it when he got back to it, so he slopped a little water into the sink. On the way back out, he stopped at the coffeepot and filled a styrofoam cup. He looked around; the place was fuller than it had been before, as many of the back markers had made it in, but, a glance at the restart board showed that there were a few inbounds still out on the trail. The most recent arival was Jim Conger, the guy that had started in front of him, and who he'd passed while still on the lake; Jim's leader must have gotten his act together a little, since he'd passed at least a few people. He really wasn't doing that bad, considering; this was about the time that Mike and Mark had made it to Warsaw back in the first Warsaw Run. Things had sure changed.
He noticed Tiffany and Phil getting up from the table with the Gravengoods and the McMahons. Could they have sat there and shot the shit all this time? Probably so, he thought. Well, his sleep, however brief, gave him that much of an edge. Tiffany was young enough that she could get away with it on an overnighter, but he made a mental note to sometime bring up the importance of getting some sleep at the checkpoints on longer races. But, that was for later.
He went back out to the truck, got out the toy sled and the cooler, and dumped the warm water into what was left of the dog food from earlier, and swirled it around with the cheap saucepan he used for a dipper. Then, he went out, plopped a pan down in front of each dog, and put some of the baited water in each pan -- not anything like earlier, just enough to top off the tank. The yellow marks he could see in the snow, in the light from the streetlights, showed him that the dogs had already run some of the water from the last time through their systems.
The activity started to wake the dogs, some of them reluctantly. Josh didn't particularly want them standing around long, but he was going to have to have the dogs awake to put booties on them, and in the best of circumstances, it was going to take a while.
This was one of the advantages of his late start -- his arrival in seventh place put five dog teams between him and Tiffany, so she wouldn't be too aware of what he was doing. She still hadn't managed to get out to the dog lot yet, so she probably wasn't planning on a full bootie job. Even if she did figure out what Josh was up to, there wouldn't be time enough to counter it with a full bootie job on her dogs.
As he'd expected, putting booties on all the dogs took a while and so did picking up the empty pans. At say, three minutes per dog, along with a little talk, in ten dogs, you went through half an hour. His coffee was cold by the time he was done, but he tossed it down, anyway, more for the sake of needing a little caffiene and hydration himself, but hopefully not so much that he'd need to take a piss call before Spearfish Lake.
He was just finishing up when he noticed Mike leading Tiffany's leaders back out to the restart line. "Mark, how much time we got left?" Josh asked.
"Ten minutes," Mark said.
Just enough time to get his own act together. He loaded the second leg snack bag in the shed, and checked to see the emergency gear was there. Then, he got the hat and headlamp back on, and fastened up his parka. From the small gear bag in the truck, he took a tiny transistor radio with an earplug. The radio went in an inside pocket, and the earplug was run up through the neck of the parka, where he could get at it. He saw Mark looking at him, wondering about the radio. "Figured I'd need the help staying awake," he lied.
His gear now pretty much together, he made one last pass down the line of dogs, shining the headlamp on each one as he went. He'd inspected harnesses while he'd been putting booties on the dogs, the one final check for twisted harnesses or other potential problem areas was worth the trouble.
"Five minutes," Mark said.
"All right, let's do it," Josh said.
They didn't have the herd of handlers they'd had before, but Mark and Jackie along with a couple of the volunteer checkpoint handlers were all that were needed. The dogs were getting up for it, now; they were excited, ready to run, but not so much that the five of them couldn't handle them. They came around the corner of the building just in time to see Tiffany and her team head out the restart chute.
They took their time; Josh didn't want the dogs in the restart chute longer than necessary, for they knew what that would mean, and he didn't want them wasting energy with four-off-the-floors, although he liked to see them eager.
The restart chute wasn't as big a deal as the start line back in Spearfish Lake had been. Where there had been a big crowd, and loudspeakers, here the chute was only a little longer than the team, more to keep the odd spectators out of the way of the dogs, than anything else. There was no loudspeaker here; just one of the Warsaw firemen's wives, acting as timekeeper, with a clipboard showing the restart times, and a wristwatch clipped to it. "I'll give you a thirty-second warning, then count you down from five. No gun," the timekeeper said. "Is that all right?"
"Fine," Josh said. "How long have I got?"
She glanced at the watch. "About a minute twenty."
Just about right. Josh stood on the sled brake, while several handlers held onto the dogs. "They look good," Mark said.
"They are damn good," Josh replied, loud enough that the dogs could hear him, too.
"Good luck on the way back," Jackie said. "We'll see you at the finish."
"See that Phil gets out clean before you go," Josh said.
"Thirty seconds," the timekeeper said.
"All right, dogs," Josh said loud enough that he could let his excitement show to the dogs. "Are you guys ready to rumble?"
He got some leaps, wags, and a couple four-off-the-floors, in spite of the handlers trying to keep the dogs under control. He stepped on the runners, and got a good grip on the drive bow. This was the part that counted.
"Five seconds ... four ... three ... two..."
" ... one ... MUSH!"
"HIKE! HIKE! HIKE! HIKE!" Josh yelled to the dogs as the handlers stepped back and forty eager paws dug into the snow. The dogs were ready to run; they came out of the hole at least as quickly as they did at Spearfish Lake. Quite quickly, they blasted out of the chute, and past the small crowd -- after all, it was almost three in the morning.
Suddenly, Josh realized that he hadn't seen Jim Horton, and made a mental note to get up and see the old man sometime. They raced up the street -- both crossings were blocked off -- and soon they came to the edge of town. Horton's house was right out on the very edge of town, and as he came up to the house, Josh noticed a car sitting in his driveway, pointing out, engine running, and it made Josh smile. Jim may not have been up to the fire station, but he was watching the race go by. He waved at the shadowy figure in the car, and got a flick of the fog lights in reply.
Not far past Horton's house, the street narrowed to a single lane, obviously plowed out just for the race. It continued northward like that for about half a mile, where another yellow blinker light was flashing. There, Josh knew, the plowing would come to an end, at the turn onto the North Country Trail.
It was a fairly tight turn, Josh knew, and the team was still having its starting rush. He'd never wiped out on this corner, but somebody did in almost every race, and he started trying to slow the dogs, with calls of "EASY!" and dabs of the sled brake. "HAW!" he yelled to Alco and Geep at the corner, and held on as the dogs made the turn. He didn't lose the sled on the corner, but once again, he came that close to it. Once around the turn, he could see the paw prints of a dog team and sled in the snow ahead. The trail was packed pretty well, by the passage of a couple of snowmobiles to try and break trail. You weren't supposed to run iron dogs on the North Country Trail, unless for trail maintenance, and Mark had contended for years that breaking trail for the race counted as maintenance, so nobody in the Trail Association griped too loud.
Normally, he would have tried to slow the dogs down at this point, but he wanted to run hard, until he could catch up with Tiffany, or at least try to for a while. With four minutes lead, she probably had close to a mile on him, and it could take him much of the way to Riverbend if he could do it at all. So, letting the dogs romp for a while longer was part of the plan.
At least the trail right here was reasonable to run fairly fast on. Josh could remember his first Warsaw Run; he'd taken over from Mark at Warsaw. Then, the trail had been so crooked and narrow that Mark and Mike had made the planned decision to wait until they had a little crack of daylight to work with, and Josh trailed Mike, running with him according to the plan they'd worked out, all the way back past 919. The trail had been a bear, then; there were any number of low-hanging sweepers. Mark had spent most of the next summer trying to get the guy from Camden who was supposed to do trail maintenance in this section to get out and do it, but the guy, whoever it was, said the trail was good enough for him. Finally, Mark had taken the bull by the horns, and had run his tractor and brush hog down the trail, with Mike and Josh and Fred Linder going along to cut back the brush on the sides and overhead. The guy from Camden exploded when he saw what Mark had done to "his" trail, and there had been a hell of a pissing match at the Trail Association meeting over it. The upshot was that the trail was now maintained to Mark's standards, by Mark and the Warsaw firemen, and low-hanging sweepers and turns so tight that a five-dog team was marginal were a thing of the past.
As time went by, the dogs dropped back to what Josh figured was a reasonable trail pace. A lot depended on running at least a little faster than Tiffany was running, but there was no way to tell how fast that was. About all Josh could do was to keep up a pace that he was sure would take him back to Spearfish Lake in under 12 hours elapsed time, and hope for the best, and try to keep alert for signs of Tiffany in front of him. The moon was now around in front of him, more or less, still big and fat and full, and he didn't need to bother with the headlamp. As the minutes lengthened into an hour, the one-pit-stop scenario began to look better and better to him, for the farther they went, the more he began to doubt that he'd see Tiffany before Riverbend.
While Mark's doctoring of the trail had made it much easier to run a dogsled on, it was still pretty crooked and blind in spots, and there was one section, about two miles out of Riverbend, that was worse than most. If Tiffany were in here, there'd be no chance of sneaking up on her.
Of course, Murphy ruled; Josh came out of a twisty section, around a sharp corner, and there she was, not fifty yards in front of him, and they were closing the gap pretty fast. Here was one of those instant decisions: take the pass now, while they were close enough, or run behind. Getting ahead meant that she could key her race to him, and could blow up the single pit stop strategy, but she was running slow enough that he didn't have much choice; if he dinked around at this speed for long, he could have Mears and his Siberians on his ass before he knew it. "TRAIL!" he shouted, and Tiffany gee'd George off into the deeper snow on one side of the trail. Alco and Geep stayed on the trail, and as the sleds passed, Josh said, "Everything going OK?"
"OK," was the response he got back.
Now that he had Tiffany behind him, the thing to do was to break contact as quickly as possible. It made a stop at Riverbend pointless; she could catch up with him there, pass him, and break a little ways further down the trail. If he could break free, he had the option of continuing past Riverbend a ways, and taking a break there, or pressing on with the one, maybe one and a half stop strategy he'd worked out earlier. The trail opened up before much longer, he knew; he'd have to keep checking six. If he seemed to be opening the gap, he could press on for a ways, then do half a stop. The Riverbend stop wasn't a cast in stone place to stop, anyway, since no stopping points were cleared on this section, except for stopping right on 919 when they recrossed it, but Riverbend had always been convenient.
Josh kept the steam up; after half a mile, there was a place where he could look back a bit further than elsewhere. Tiffany wasn't close; at least not within a hundred yards or so. But then, maybe she just wanted to drop back to the point where she was barely in contact, just like Josh had planned.
Unknown to Josh, things weren't "OK" with Tiffany. Things had gone fine for most of the first hour, and, also unknown to Josh, she'd worked out the same strategy -- a single stop, maybe a quickie second one if things were going right. But, it wasn't working, mostly because the team was slowing down.
Actually, it wasn't the team that was slowing down, but George that was slowing, and she could tell it. Usually, George was towing the team; now, he was keeping a slack line, and Dasher almost overran him at times. It was hard to figure out; George was almost always the team's powerhouse, its soul. She'd dropped way off the pace for probably the last half hour or so before Josh caught up with her. As he passed, she was starting to get seriously worried about George. He'd run good for a few minutes, then slow, and the overall pace was well off what she wanted.
When Josh passed, she knew that the one-stop strategy was out the window. The obvious thing to do was to press on a little farther to Riverbend, where there was good room to get the sled off the trail, then stop, snack the team, and see what was wrong with George. Maybe he'd picked up some ice in a paw, although that happened rarely. But, she didn't make it to Riverbend before she saw George limping, and that was it, right there. No race was worth injuring a dog over, especially -- most especially -- not her loyal George. There was a slightly wider spot in the trail, and she gee'd the team over to the right, set the snow hook, and went up to see what the problem was. She went right to the paw the dog was favoring, and was surprised to see that he didn't have an ice ball. What she saw was worse: when she pulled her fingers away from his paw, there was blood on them.
That was that. George wasn't going any farther tonight, at least on foot; he'd finish this race in a dog bag on the sled. There was no telling what had caused it; maybe a sharp piece of ice in the trail, maybe some piece of debris. As long as she was stopped, and some re-rigging was going to be involved, it was a good time to do a full stop, snack the dogs, and do a quick paw check.
It turned into more than a quick paw check. She'd seen Josh putting booties on his dogs, but she'd shied away from putting booties on most of hers; the dogs ran better without the booties, and she'd not had much in the way of paw ice buildup in recent weeks, so she only bootied the susceptible ones. Sure enough, there were several dogs that she needed to bootie; it was just as well she stopped.
She was just getting nearly done with the booties, when a dog team loomed out of the blackness. She scrambled to get out of the trail, and saw that the team going by her was Greg Mears and his Siberians. She was just getting the booties on the next dog when another team loomed: Switchstand's familiar form told her that it was Phil. "Everything going OK?" he asked.
"Just a rest stop," she replied, lying through her teeth. Phil probably wouldn't stop until Riverbend, and probably Greg would stop there, too. If Dancer could move the team at all well, she could repass the two of them there. Josh would have to stop, too, but he was far enough ahead that catching up was going to be tough, even if George could have led.
It took her another two or three minutes to finish up. Her last act was to break out the dog bag, and zip George into it, with a big wad of paw salve on his foot. The dog looked mournful; he really wanted to go on, and it was a heartbreaker to be taken out of line, even though he was hurting. She got back behind the sled, took out the snow hook, and hiked the team into action, pushing the sled back out into the trail. The dogs took off running at a good pace, not as fast as she'd like, but in the trail.
As they headed up the trail she slowly began to realize that something else wasn't right: Dancer wasn't moving the team like George did. They were moving along at a good trot, but it wasn't a racing pace, despite desperate urges to "HIKE" from the sled runners.
In a quarter mile, the realization that she'd screwed up big time began to sink into Tiffany. Dancer had run in the lead a lot -- but always with George beside him. Thinking about it, she couldn't remember ever having run Dancer in a single lead before. Without George next to him to give him confidence, he was being tentative, and tentative meant slow.
Tiffany knew what to do; she'd remembered Josh talking about trying every dog, until he found one that would lead, on his return through the storm from Warsaw last year. Alco, a dog he'd never considered as a leader, took the team over and won the race for him. Dancer at least knew the commands; who could she run with him, to perk up his confidence? Dasher, currently running in swing, was an obvious choice.
She stopped the team right in the middle of the trail, ran forward, and quickly rerigged a double lead, giving a kind word to both Dasher and Dancer. Why in hell hadn't she done this before, she wondered to herself. She knew the answer -- she'd always had George right there, always reliable, always ready to go, always the obvious answer, always the greatest lead dog since Susan Butcher's Granite, in her eyes. But Susan Butcher always ran Granite in a team with half a dozen other leaders she could call on if she needed. She'd watched Josh struggle with a leader problem for a year, before he'd finally worked out a solution -- under normal conditions, Alco had seemed marginal as a leader to her, but he'd discovered somehow that having Geep alongside improved him immensely. Josh had come up with two solutions, in fact, the way Switchstand was running. Now, she could see that she was going to have to do the same thing; and she made a mental note to talk to Josh about increasing his leader depth even farther, too.
She got back to the sled, pulled the snow hook, and got the team moving again. It was better than before, not perfect, but better. While she stood there, trying to figure out her next move, it struck her who her first three dogs were. "Oh Dasher!" she called, with her first smile in the last twenty minutes. "On Dancer. On, Prancer and..." Nope, not Vixen. She was running in Phil's team.
The team wasn't moving as good as she wanted, but maybe she should give them a few minutes to settle in. "HIKE! HIKE! HIKE!" she called to them, trying to hurry them along.
Not far ahead of Tiffany, both Greg Mears and Phil Wines were taking a breather at Riverbend. Both had discovered a fair share of paw ice, and both decided to bootie up the rest of their teams. Phil had seen Josh putting booties on his whole team, and had had the time to do something about it, so was farther along to begin with, but Greg was a lot more practiced at it than Phil, and predictably, got away a couple minutes ahead of him. Phil was just finishing up when Tiffany went through. He threw the rest of the gear into the sled, then hiked the team back into motion. Switchstand, having had -- and having needed -- the breather, took the team out fast, and they were barely to the top of the hill past the campground before they caught up with Tiffany. She saw them coming, and an idea hit her -- maybe Dasher and Dancer could take their pace from Phil. Before he could even call "Trail", she hawed her team off into the snow once again. As Phil came by, he could see George in the dog bag, and that was all he needed to see. "Trouble?" he asked.
"Try and catch him!" she yelled back. "I'll try and keep up."
Josh was unaware of the drama taking place what was now a couple miles or more behind him, but nobody, least of all him, knew how far in the lead he was. What he suspected was that Tiffany was pulling the trick on him that he'd hoped to pull on her -- hanging back, just on the edge of being in contact, letting him wear his team out, then planning on a drag race up the grade. He kept checking six, but there wasn't any sign of her. Finally, several miles past Riverbend, he decided to go back to his original two-rest strategy, mostly to see if she really was out there. It was far enough that she'd probably have taken her break, so he picked a spot where he stood a good chance of seeing her coming for a ways, drove the dogs off the side of the snow machine track, and grabbed the food bag.
It was a quick stop; he cut it as short as he dared. Fortunately, the paw check went well; only about five or six booties had been tossed, and he was able to get the dogs rebootied again without too much trouble. Finally, with everything ready to go, he went back to the back of the sled, and stared down the trail. Still, no one there. He gave the dogs a couple more minutes to breathe easy and empty their bladders, then decided enough was enough. Still with no sign of anyone on his tail, he got the team moving again.
The late stop had thrown his schedule off a little, so he spent a little time thinking about where to make his second stop. Maybe about the point on top of Turtle Hill, where he'd stopped with Judy the other day, would be about right. Maybe he'd run a bit slower, too; he'd just about convinced himself that he'd broken contact with Tiffany, unless she'd seen him stop and was being awfully cagy. She was capable of that, he knew; race tactics had always been a strong point of hers, and she could still be lurking out there in the shadows. It wasn't even five, yet; it would be another hour and a half or two hours before there was enough light to be sure.
At least this seemed to be working, Tiffany thought. Dasher and Dancer caught right up to Phil and his team, and she hung there, no more than fifteen or twenty yards behind him. With George on point, she'd go ahead and pass, but not with these dogs on point -- it was out of the question. Phil was going pretty good, too; under the circumstances, it was about the best she could hope for. Phil may have been a rookie, but he had a damn good team there, nearly as good as her own when it was at full strength. Switchstand was doing a hell of a job up there in lead. It was hard to tell if they were closing on Mears, but she wouldn't be surprised. Maybe, just maybe if they could keep this up out onto the grade, they might be able to run past him in the open, and maybe, just maybe, she could salvage third, instead of fourth.
Right now, she was mad with herself, though. Over the past year, Josh had several times suggested that she train herself another command leader, just in case, and she'd responded by running Dancer in double lead with George, and she'd convinced herself that it counted as training another command leader. But she'd never quite bothered to check it out. That was going to have to cease, right now. In two years, George would be eight, and that probably was starting to be a little marginal if he could make it to Nome; she'd never quite admitted the reality of that fact to herself, but now it was as strong as it could be. It was best to learn this lesson in the Warsaw Run, rather than in Alaska, she realized. Right for the moment, things were going too well under the circumstances to want to stop and screw around with leaders, but in the next couple of days, before they left for the Beargrease, she'd try every dog that even seemed to have a ghost of leadership potential, and get started with the training. Dasher seemed to be doing pretty good, and she knew she wanted to give Pipeline a try. Snoopy was on the young side, but would be worth a try, too. Though nothing much could be done about it right now, it was a mistake she'd never allow herself to make again.
Ever since his stop, Josh had convinced himself that he was out of contact with Tiffany; if she'd been playing cat and mouse with him, she would have had to have caught him at his rest stop, unless he had a big lead. In fact, he had a couple miles on Mears at that point, although there was no way of knowing that.
The last few miles through the lowlands up to the low part of Turtle Hill seemed to take forever. Much of the trail here was through a deer yarding area, where deer holed up in the winter, and there was always the chance of the team getting the scent of a deer and taking him on a wild goose chase. More as an effort to get their minds off of that, he talked to the team almost continually, telling each dog how good they were, how proud they made him. Besides, hearing himself talk gave him something to listen to. After a while, he began to sing to the team, songs that he occasionally sang to himself, like "City of New Orleans" or "The Rock Island Line", a song that he'd discovered that Bud often sang to himself. "City of New Orleans," he'd picked from Jenny; it wasn't a commercial song for her, but the kind of ballad thing that she really loved, but rarely performed in public. It made the time go by, and may have helped the team run a little faster, to attempt to get away from his singing -- no one would ever accuse him of being the singer that Jenny was.
Coming from the east, it was a gradual climb up the shallow end of Turtle Hill, nothing like the steep descent to 919. The team was keeping up a good trail pace, without much urging, although they slowed a little going up the hill, which was to be expected. Josh had considered stopping at the top of the hill, with its nice view, but with his late stop earlier, he figured he'd better drag it out a bit further. Besides, it was easier to make the descent off Turtle Hill with the dogs at a trail pace, rather than hurrying off of a rest stop. He'd never stopped at 919 during a race, but it was the perfect place, now; besides, he wouldn't have to stomp around in the deep snow; he could tend to the team on the plowed road. Best of all, he'd have a good look back up the hill, well lit by the full moon, now in front of him.
As he came across the top of the hill, he was sorry that he had decided not to stop there, because the view of the snowcovered countryside in the light of the moon was tremendous. It was even better than in the summer, especially that wonderful, special evening he'd spent there alone with Amy. If there were any regrets about losing Amy, that was it. There were some other times later, but that one time was special, a night to remember, one he knew he'd never forget. It had been five years, now -- a long time, at his age.
But life had intervened, and once again he reminded himself that he was doing things he could never have done with Amy. Except for a couple of family interests, she was pretty straight; she'd never have tolerated living in a house with thirty or forty or fifty dogs in a dog lot outside; he'd not have known the power of his hand on the throttle of the SD-38s as they leaned into a long rock train, never known the thrill of a dog team on a moonlit night, never known the complex bundle of worries and joy that came with having a comfortable lead in the Warsaw Run, never have even considered the Iditarod. It was a lot to give up for a good time in bed.
It took some talking to the team and some riding of the sled brake to get down Turtle Hill in good order. As he descended the hill, he could again see yellow blinking lights through the trees; the local ham radio club maintained a roadblock here, to make sure that there wouldn't be any car-dog accidents with the homebound teams. Earlier in the evening, the roadblock had been down at the railroad crossing, but the last mushers had gone through hours before. In a few seconds, he was out to the road, and he hawed the team, to turn down the road, then gave them a "come haw", so they were pointed back at the trail. He brought the dogs to a stop along one side of the road and set the snow hook.
He felt comfortable enough with his lead that he thought he could make it a decent length, but the smart thing would be to get everything out of the way, so he could depart on a moment's notice. Not wasting any time, he grabbed the snack bag again, and hurried up to the front of the team. He fed the dogs quickly, looking for missing booties or other problems as he went. There were six or eight booties missing, not an outrageous figure for the distance they'd gone, but he had plenty of spares. With the snack bag now empty, he tossed it in the sled, and started in on the missing booties, making sure that each bare paw was clear of ice.
This is the last story in my ‘Manhattan Girl’ trilogy. There are 13 chapters, the story is complete, and the chapters will post in rapid succession. I would like to sincerely thank Gaius Petronius for editing for me, and IanSaulWhitcomb for beta-reading. I am extremely grateful to know you both. Votes and comments appreciated. ***** The slight incline came as a welcome relief after miles of flat terrain, and the balls of Amy ‘s feet met the ground quicker with each rotation. Open space...
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John heard Amy knock and let herself in. ‘You don’t have to knock, you know. You have a key, just let yourself in.’ ‘Oh, okay. It just seemed like a courteous thing to do.’ ‘We’re way past that,’ John smiled and was met with a serious gaze. ‘I have to show you something.’ Amy held a stack of magazines close to her chest. ‘Remember how I asked if I could send that photo you took into Runner’s World?’ ‘What?’ John’s face lit up. ‘They actually used it?’ Amy grinned and nodded while...
This story was written for Adults. So if you are underaged in your country or don?t like TG stories please stop reading. This story is mine and if somebody wants to put it up at a different website should ask first. Runner in the morning, Ladyboy in the evening, Part II By Greta In the first part I had fallen in love with a fellow female runner and had a sexual encounter with her. Pure bliss but then things got out of hand. My wife threw my out after she found out what I had...
RUNNER?S WORLD RUNNER?S WORLD ??????????? I was out doing my daily six-mile run when I heard footsteps rapidly approaching from behind.? I waited a moment then turned around expecting to see some male running-ace flying past me.? Instead, it was a young woman and a young man running together at a good pace of just over six-minutes per mile.? We exchanged a brief look, and in that instant flash, I focused on the beautiful woman's bright emerald eyes.? I was hooked.? She smiled at me and...
John loaded the last gift in the Range Rover, closed the hatch and declared, ‘Okay, that’s it. Go say goodbye to Freddy and I’ll stay down here with the car.’ ‘Be right back.’ Amy dashed upstairs and scanned her tiny apartment to make sure she hadn’t forgotten anything. ‘Bye-bye, Freddy. Try not to miss me too much. Tracy will come by to visit and feed you every day and I’ll see you in a week.’ She kissed the grey cat, who responded with indifference, then she ran down the three flights of...
Amy sat on the subway with the plastic-covered dress folded neatly in half upon her lap. At the time Tracy’s suggestion that she rent a designer gown seemed like a great alternative to buying something, but now the blood spatters across the front of the Gucci dress made the frugal choice look disastrous. She hoped the store owner would allow her to pay it off in installments, although she had no idea how much to expect. Not that she had any right to worry — whatever she owed would be trivial...
Thank you Gaius Petronius for editing for me. There are 13 chapters in this series and they will post daily. Vote, comments, and emails sincerely appreciated. ***** John watched Amy and Tracy exit the cab, and after greetings and introductions, the two couples were led to a table. John paused momentarily, giving himself an opportunity to fall behind and get a good look at Amy’s backside, from her toned pale shoulders down to her nicely rounded bottom. Once seated, Amy and Tracy began talking...
I would like to thank Gaius Petronius for editing. Any mistakes are mine. There are 13 chapters in the story and it is complete. Votes, comments, and emails are appreciated. Thank you for reading! DB ***** Amy looked around Anne’s office, waiting for her therapist to return. Late afternoon in January, darkness was setting in, and the room was lit by only a table lamp on the desk. The walls were painted robin’s egg blue. The painting of an ocean scene and the overstuffed couch had always...
Tracy slid onto the stool next to Amy’s. ‘Sorry, there weren’t any tables available.’ Tracy waved a hand away. ‘Prime-time in Manhattan? A coffee shop across from the library? I feel damn lucky to have a stool to park my butt on. Thanks for meeting me over here. I didn’t want make those old men in the writers group break down in tears when I started asking about your date with John.’ ‘Oh, they wouldn’t even be interested… except Naveen,’ Amy laughed. ‘He might actually cry.’ ‘Ha!’ Tracy...
I watched her run, her hair in a long pony tail, as it swished in time with her long strides. Long, lithe legs extending in an easy stride. Five minutes before they'd been wrapped round my back. This affair, this zipless fuck, had been going on for almost two years now and I still didn't know her name, still never saw her at any other time and I still didn't know where she lived... o-O-o Springtime on the riverbank. What a wonderful time of year. Time to be up early at the weekend. Time to be...
Quickie SexTo all readers: This story is meant to be read by Adults. So if you are underaged in your country or don?t like TG stories please stop reading further. Runner in the morning, Ladyboy in the evening By Greta Now I am living in a new town, just having moved here a few months ago. I can?t live without my morning run so every day after I wake up I get ready for a run in the Park nearby. After a couple of days I spotted a gorgeous woman with an incredible figure, long brown hair and...
This story is intended for the open minded adult. So if you are underaged in your country or dislike TG stories please stop reading. This story is mine and if somebody would like to put it up on a different website should contact me first. In Part II the newly transformed Greta went through more feminity training and suffered the indignation of having to give a blowjob to Aina, a Ladyboy who helped with the training. This was done all in order to prepare Greta for her debut with...
This story is intended for the open minded adult. So if you are underaged in your country or dislike TG stories please stop reading. This story is mine and if somebody would like to put it up on a different website should contact me first. In Part III the newly transformed Greta had an ecnounter with her Lovers mother Isabel and she turned out to be wicked. Unfortunately she has seen through Gretas disguise which she reveals after Gretas lover Aleila left for work. If you haven?t read...
© April 2003 I watched her run, hair in a long pony tail, swishing in time with her long strides. Her long, lithe legs extending in an easy stride, whereas five minutes before they'd been wrapped round my back. This affair - this zipless fuck - had been going on for almost two years now and I still didn't know her name, still never saw her at any other time, still didn't know where she lived... o-O-o Springtime on the riverbank. What a wonderful time of year. Time to be up early at...
Mathew: July 4th: One year after the plaque: I watched as the fireworks detonated above the city of Driggs, Idaho. My wives were sitting around me as the town celebrated its independence day. Around the park were hundreds of survivors of the worst disaster the country ... no, the world ... had ever seen. The casualty count was in the billions, as only three in ten survived the plague. The Middle East, China, and the South East Asian countries had been mostly wiped out. The United States had...
I trip and fall, he is so close behind me, I try to get up but he falls on top of me and keeps me to the ground. I struggle and wiggle trying to get out of his grasp. He is too strong.. DAMN! He turns me over and I get the first look at his well shaped face, those hard black eyes filled with passion stare back at me. He spoke softly " Do not fight me, you will only tire your self out." I didn't listen, and he held both of my wrist in his rough warm hands above my head. He pushed his mouth...
John stared mindlessly at the bottle of beer as he rotated it around in his hand, until William slid into the booth across from him. ‘Well?’ his friend asked. John raised his eyebrows as if he didn’t know what William meant. ‘Amy? Hiking? Photos? How’d it go?’ John shook his head, trying to form an answer. ‘I don’t know,’ he said in frustration. ‘It started out great. I mean really great. We had a fantastic time and Amy was warm, flirty, and a lot of fun. We hiked and I took photos and then...
Amy sat on the floor between John’s knees watching TV as he played with her hair. ‘I can’t believe you have to work on Thanksgiving,’ she said. ‘I don’t have to, sweetheart, I want to. It’s business as usual in the UK, and I get out of visiting my family.’ ‘I thought you said you love your sisters.’ Amy turned and met his eyes. ‘Don’t you want to see them?’ John laughed, ‘Of course I do, just not on holidays. They’ve all moved to different cities and if I visit one, the other two get their...
Amy and Tracy sat whispering on John’s couch, while the men worked in the kitchen. ‘I’m still getting over the shock of this place,’ Amy whispered to her friend. ‘I know,’ Tracy agreed. ‘I can fit my apartment in her about five times.’ ‘At least as many for me,’ Amy laughed. ‘So it looks like William’s super comfortable in the kitchen? And John’s being a good sport?’ ‘He’s trying to impress you,’ Tracy winked. ‘Little late for that. I’m officially smitten.’ Tracy sipped the wine she held...
John was in deep. Slinging one of her legs over his shoulder, he plunged his cock even deeper and watched her face intently as her eyes bulged with each thrust. ‘Oh my god, you feel huge like this,’ she moaned loudly, ‘You’re gonna make me cum!’ Her tits bounced with each rapid plunge and he watched as her French-manicured fingertips rubbed a circle around her clit. Her precious dirty little mouth formed a perfect ‘O’ as her eyes rolled back in her head. Her body trembled visibly while her...
I watched her run, her hair in a long pony tail, as it swished in time with her long strides. Long, lithe legs extending in an easy stride. Five minutes before they’d been wrapped round my back. This affair, this zipless fuck, had been going on for almost two years now and I still didn’t know her name, still never saw her at any other time and I still didn’t know where she lived… o-O-o Springtime on the riverbank. What a wonderful time of year. Time to be up early at the weekend. Time to be...
Introduction: This is my first story and I would love to hear your comments! I was running… all I can do now is run. I hear his footsteps fallowing me. I try to scream but Im too scared. I trip and fall, he is so close behind me, I try to get up but he falls on top of me and keeps me to the ground. I struggle and wiggle trying to get out of his grasp. He is too strong.. DAMN! He turns me over and I get the first look at his well shaped face, those hard black eyes filled with passion stare back...
Why? I can’t say. I don’t know why. But I what I did and I don’t regret it a bit. I run with a co-ed club. It’s a fun bunch, some fast, some less so. We finished our run and everyone was standing around chatting, stretching and cooling off. And it was hot. Too hot. My shorts and tank top were soaked with perspiration. I tried toweling off to no avail. The idea of getting into my car, literally dripping with sweat, saturating my leather seats, was not appealing.I parked in the far corner of the...
Ocala Florida 4:13 pm Marylyn I looked in fear, as the man tightened his finger on the trigger. Then I snapped out, "You kill me, and you will have every cop in the country after your ass. I'm a Federal Judge, and you have been photographed holding the weapon on me." "What you mean, photographed," the man asked as he looked around nervously. Raising my hand I pointed at the camera on the bank and then at the one on the light pole for the intersection and said, "Firstly, there is...
USS Alabama, Mobil Bay, Alabama 7:20 AM Mathew We walked through the gift shop, and went to the snack bar. The girl behind the counter came over and asked what we wanted. We all had scrambled eggs, bacon, toast and coffee. I paid the bill, and we took our coffees to the table. A few minutes after we sat down the lady behind the counter called me. I went over and picked up the tray of food. Carrying it back, I set it down and passed the plates around to everyone. We ate our breakfast...
Beaumont, Mississippi; 2:35 PM CodieAnn I saw a movement out of the corner of my eye. I turned, leveled the pistol, and fired. My bullets caught Teddy right in his chest, and he staggered back. I quickly fired twice more, and he flipped over the rail. I walked over and looked down at Teddy and saw he was still alive. With a snarl, I remembered all the rapes he had done to me and Katie, and I fired twice more. His body jumped twice as the rounds hit him. I snarled out at him, "That's for...
4:30 AM Pakistan, Skyang Kangri Mountain: Ali Mohammed: High up on Skyang Kangri a small lab was buried deep in the Western flank of the mountain, protected by elements of the Elite anti-terrorism units of the Pakistan military. They were protecting dozens of the most highly respected microbiologist who worked for the government of Pakistan as they developed a new biological weapon. Snow was falling high in the mountains as I entered the base and walked past the security. I showed them my...
9:30 AM Arkansas, Entrance to the Crater of Diamonds State Park: Matt: I cursed as the SUV almost made me crash. I watched as the teenagers screamed out the windows, waving beer cans. One even threw one at me, and I watched the spray hit the windshield as I straightened out the RV. The SUV overcorrected and I watched in horror as it went off the side of the road and into the gully that ran the length of the road. "Fucking idiots!" I said as I applied the brakes and stopped near the...
11:45 PM: Bella Vista, Arkansas: Ana: I just pulled my panties and shorts down when I heard someone yelling at the teller out in the store. "Give me the fucking money, or I will blow you away, you old hag! Check the bathrooms!" I quickly pulled up my shorts up and picked up my purse. I stepped up on the toilet and waited. I heard the men's bathroom door being kicked in and then the women's. I was crouched there shaking as I pulled my pistol out when I heard several gunshots and a...
9:11 PM: Cheyenne, Wyoming: Matt: I ran over to the KFC to get dinner with Marybeth. I ordered two bucket-meals with multiple side orders for all of us. While we were over at KFC, the girls had run into Wal-Mart and picked up a few items. I felt my cell phone buzz in my pocket as I paid the bill, and we carried the food back to the RV. We enjoyed a good meal, and I booted up the laptop. I brought up the news and started checking to see what we had missed in the last few days. We watched...
09:01 AM Laramie, Wyoming Matt We watched as the eight four month old Saint Bernard puppies buried Beth under their massive bodies. They were licking her all over, and had her giggling as she tried to recover from their assault. "What's going on, Matt?" Judy asked as she watched the fifteen year old being licked to death. Beth was being licked from all directions and didn't know where to turn to first, until the largest laid down on her belly. "Getting Mary her final birthday...
05:50 AM: Matt: I woke up just before six am and looked at Judy sleeping. Ana was behind her, and had her arm draped over Judy's side. She was cupping Judy's left breast and gently massaging it in her sleep. With a smile I leaned down and kissed both of them gently on their noses until they woke up. Slipping out of bed, I saw Cyclone and Henrietta waiting for me. I petted them, and started to lead them out of the room when Henrietta jumped up on the bed and lay down beside Judy. She...
07:30 PM Matt I lay there gasping in pain. The burning between my legs made me afraid to look, but I finally had to. Looking down, I saw a bloody furrows on my inner thighs. Checking the wounds I realized they weren't major because they had missed the arteries that ran on the inside of the thigh. I sighed out in relief. The bullets had also missed my nuts which was another good thing. They had only ripped through my pants and the inseam of my legs. The wounds were bloody, but not life...
09:19 AM: Matt: I hit the ground and rolled, the dog flipped over me, but didn't let go of my arm. Rolling and kicking at the dog, I noticed it was a German Shepard, and was wearing a badge on its collar. It was growling as it chewed the right sleeve of my parka. "Let go you SON-OF-A-BITCH!" I screamed as my foot smashed into its chest. The dog yelped but continued to try and get through my sleeve to get to the flesh inside. I could hear gunfire from behind me as John fired at the...
05:42 PM: Matthew: "What?" I said as I looked at Anastasia and CodieAnn. "Over here," Beth said and we looked into the den. The floor was covered with plastic, and sheets were hung, making two enclosed partitions. Stepping into the first room, I saw a chair with a robe draped over the back. Before I could say or do anything, Marybeth stepped in, and started working on the straps on my backpack. I was so cold, that I was trying to get my gloves off and Mary grabbed them. With a quick...
Lodge, near Driggs 8:45 PM: Mathew: I grabbed my shotgun with my right hand, as my left grabbed Anastasia's arm as the door was pushed open. With a yank of my arm, she went stumbling into Regina who was pulling out her pistol. The shotgun came up and I fired as the barrel of a rifle pushed through the opening. The steel pellets ripped through the thin door and the gun was withdrawn as I snapped out, "Everyone down!" Everyone started hitting the floor as an automatic rifle opened up from...
Early Christmas Morning: Mathew: I lay there in bed watching my girls sleep. Looking at the clock, I saw it was five-twelve in the morning. Slipping Beth off of me, I slid out of bed and went to the bathroom while the girls cuddled closer together. After taking a piss, I walked to the bedroom door and looked at my girls, sleeping. Reaching down, I picked up my shotgun, opened the door and slid out. Cyclone followed me, and we went down the hall to a spare bedroom. I changed to warmer...
Sheriff Sub Station: Six miles outside of Driggs: Mathew: I turned towards the door and took a deep breath. I had noticed that Ana was only wearing her shirt. I remembered the man telling her to push and I just knew my daughter was dead because I didn't hear her crying. With another deep breath to clear my mind I walked to the door and looked inside. Ana was sitting on an ambulance bed with CodieAnn holding her. She was crying and Codie was rocking her. Walking over to Ana, I sat down on...
December, 1984, Chicago, Illinois I was stirred awake by knuckles rapping hard against my door. I blinked several times and squinted to see the clock across the room. I’d been asleep nearly three hours. I dropped my head back to the pillow and sighed. “I was sleeping!” I rasped. “I don’t give a fuck what you were doing, Steve Adams! Open this door right the fuck now!” a stern voice said. That was Bethany’s voice! But she was in Madison! “Bethany?” I croaked. “Yes, you idiot! Open the...
When Gwyneth and Evan met they hit it off very well. They were sexually compatible and within two months they were living together. They decided to move into Gwyneth’s apartment because it was a lot more tastefully decorated and also in a better part of town. Evan retained a few of the bits and pieces that he had in his apartment, before disposing of the rest.Three months on, both were pleased with their cohabitation and knew that they had made the right decision. In fact, their sex lives kept...
Straight SexMichael and I had known each other since we were in elementary school. We had dated off and on since high school, and lived together for three years. We did everything together. Avid outdoors people, we camped, fished, snowboarded, and mountain biked. We went on long drives in the country, read the newspaper to each other, held hands on walks down the beach. We were the perfect couple – everywhere except the bedroom. Though he’s always been the sexiest man I’ve ever met, sex between us wasn’t...
A Fantasy created by International Writers Curt B, Julie Van, Satinlvr_mwf andWunderboi******Chapter 48- The Cosmopolitan Quarter******Our story thus far:The arrival of Rhino RMM Inc. had transformed the fortunes and the lives of sleepy Hawksville in ways beyond the wildest imagination of its original inhabitants. What had once been a sleepy backwater town reliant on farming and few decaying industries for its existence was now a dynamic highly developed hive of activity and pleasure that...
Dressing in my sisters clothes became a regular thing after about 2 months of doing it, I would use her vibrator on my ass at least once a week. My family was gone more often so it gave me plenty of time to prefect doing my make up, hair and shaving my legs. One night when my family WAS home i was looking for a pen to write a card. I went to my parents room to look for one and on my step mom's dresser was a small blue key, i had no clue what it would go to and for some reason it seemed...
Pat and I were away for the weekend. We settled in our hotel room, and I told Pat I wouldn't mind a nap. Pat wasn't tired because she had slept a good chunk of the drive."Okay, you have a rest, and I will have a look around," Pat said after kissing me on the forehead.I made myself comfortable on the bed while Pat freshened up and fell asleep before she left.When I woke I couldn't believe it, I had slept for nearly two hours. I slithered off the bed and splashed cold water on my face.Back in the...
MatureWe both got naked and lay down on my bed. 'Now, just put your finger on your pussy' I said, and she copied my as I did. 'Now, try rubbing it up and down.' I said, and she gave a moan of pleasure as she did. Another knock on my door. I knew it couldn't be Milly so I said come in. My 16 year old son walked in. 'Oh' He said, 'since when is she, you know?' he said. 'Since right now. Don't worry sweetie. Jack, come back in a second, yeah?' I said. He left and I continued to help Milly....
Hi, my name is Tom. I immolated a homeless person to summon a succubus to serve me, but I messed up the summoning. Instead of taking my soul, she stays here on Earth, killing the occasional person and smoking my weed. A witch named Kate lived in my closet, which was actually a portal into her lab, and a backfired potion made her fall in love with me. If I take Kate’s virginity, though, she’ll lose her magic. More recently, Kate moved her portal to the trunk of Demie’s classic 1967 Chevy...
Hi iss readers apne bahut si story padhi hogi lekin asi story nahi padhi hogi aap jab ye story padhenge to sab apni maa ko apne paas bitha lena konki tabhi asi story ka mazaa ayga chalo amin apko story batata hoon mera naam vishal hai main meerut ka rahne wala hoon meri maa ka naam radha hai jisa naam waisa kaam unki heigh 5’4″ hai shareer khate pita ghar wala yani khoob hara bhara bade boobs moti hips matlab poora bharat maan ke sharir mein basa hai to aapko batata hoon Ek din ki baat hai maa...
"Who's the blonde chick with Ben Jackson?" Big Frank Hammer was leaning nonchalantly against a crap table in his casino. The beautiful brunette to whom he'd just spoken followed his gaze. Her eyes ran up and down Sue Ryan's taut young body, appraising her coolly. "You planning on taking away more than his money, Frank?" she said, smiling slowly. "That wouldn't be a bad plan, Glenda," Hammer mused. His eyes raked over Sue's pleasing form. "Fabulous pair of tits." "You...
We’d gone dogging for the first time last week. That is, we'd found a remote parking area with several cars. In one of the cars, a couple was fooling around sexually. We and a couple of other people had watched, with their invitation. Then my wife and two guys had joined in. While the two guys had sex with the female from the car, my wife had stroked and sucked the cock of the male.The drive home was interesting. I was hugely aroused from watching; particularly watching my wife fellate another...
Group SexHi myself Sunny, I am entrepreneur running my business for past few years successfully. My story is one of my dreams which happened with me in real 7 months back. This story started with the recruitment of my office secretary. After working with me for 8 months I was impressed by her skills and offered her role of my personal manager as well. She accepted the role and she became my both personal secretary and manager. We both are unmarried (Age-27, Name-Natasha), that’s why I hired due to no...
Introduction: The concluding chapter to the sequel to Spring break Broke My Heart A Dish Best Served Cold or Bryans Revenge 2 (The sequel to Spring Break Broke My Heart) By rutger5 (An Original Story – Copyright2012) It took me a while to find parking near the Katz residence but in Borough Park thats to be expected I guess. Finally I found a spot around three blocks away where I parked. As I was getting out of the car the letter from Courtney sitting on the passenger seat caught my eye. I...
My cousin, Kim, my friend three doors down, Sara, and I always played together growing up. We often slept over at each others houses and, as I turned eleven, then, twelve, then thirteen, I realized that I was attracted to girls as much as I was boys. At eleven, I didn't have a name for it, just a feeling. One particular night, when we were all sixteen and spending the night at my house, my parents went out to dinner; we were all set to shower, then watch a movie. I showered first, then my...
The sudden lurch of the train pulling out of the station roused Gwen from her momentary cat nap. As they slowly picked up speed she watched in silence as the city turned into suburbs which in turn became fields of lush green corn and soybeans, mixed in with an occasional patch of golden brown wheat. The gentle motion of car and the barely discernible clickety-clack of the steel wheels were quite calming. She was just about to doze off again when a feminine voice asked softly, "Do you mind if I...
We got to the library and sat a table in the back. We were half way done with our work when Hermione showed up and sat next to us. "Hi guys". she said. "Hey hows it going?" Asked Ron. I Wasn't paying atention to there conversation. I was too busy looking at her tits. Normaly you don't notice them cause she is always in her school robe but today she had on a tight sweat-shirt and the where clearly visable. I also took notice of here pants they where super tight and when she stood up...
I had never been in a truly functional, mutually satisfying, and comfortable sexual relationship with someone. They had all been either one-sided (three guesses whose side was favored... not mine), unfulfilling, or sexless. I was so tired of being asked what I wanted, and unless I gave Google Maps-worthy directions, I didn't get anything. I know it's hard for guys to understand what I need as a woman, but sometimes we want to be taken and just play around. You know, just experiment! Sometimes...
BDSMHer eyes slowly opened, brilliant green wide eyes the color of emeralds or the green, green grass that grew in the gardens during the all too brief months of spring and summer. They were slitted. Like a cats, people would always say. Even after all this time, she couldn’t help roll her eyes when someone said that. It was so… cliché. Obvious. Obvious or not, it was still pretty accurate. Like a cats, Silmaria’s eyes were slitted, sure. They also saw incredibly well in the dark. The room was...
Randy's Narration Continues The sun had risen long ago, and as she was finishing up her dissertation, she had begun idly stroking my shaft, as if she couldn't think of anything better to do with her fingers. As the final words left her lips, they, too, seemed to be at a loss for something to do; so they parted one last time, in order to be put to better use than mere speech. Her cheeks hollowed as she sucked. I shuddered and moaned loudly, gritting my teeth, resolving to myself that I was...