Devlin's StoryChapter 23 free porn video

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Devlin leaned forward, nestling her breasts into her bra. Then she reached back, hooking the strap into place. She ran her fingers under the shoulder straps until they felt right. After a toss of her hair she picked up the t-shirt from the chair where she'd thrown it and pulled it on.

"I really should be leaving in a couple of minutes," Danny said, looking at his watch.

"I'm sorry I'm taking too long," Devlin replied, "but I thought you wanted this to look realistic." They hadn't spent the night in the Extended Stay room; instead they had met that morning, coming in through the side entrance. The night before Danny had mentioned something about messing up the room a little to make it 'lived in'. Devlin had given that some thought, and brought her own ideas about 'lived in' with her.

She had collected a coke can from the dorm, and a couple of juicy romance novels. She had also picked up a couple of tourist brochures from the lobby. She left these on top of the dresser where the maid would see them. She had a sweater she folded over the back of the chair--she had put that chair under the overhead light as if she'd been reading. She even put a napkin and a half-eaten pastry in the trash can. Those were the 'little' signs somebody had been there.

She'd decided the bed needed to look messy, not just turned down with the bed clothes slightly roughed up. So this morning, no sooner had they gotten to the room, than she pulled half the covers off the bed. Danny had been a little surprised, but when she sprawled on the bed, her legs open in naked invitation, he got the idea.

They had sex partially under the covers. They'd tried various positions, though she had to admit that riding his cock, while personally satisfying, didn't really mess up the bed all that much. Afterwards, as Danny headed for the showers, Devlin pulled the covers back up and smoothed them out. Now the bed had that definite 'used' look. Then, with an impish smile on her face, she'd stepped into the shower and given Danny a blow-job.

He hadn't complained, though it did take a few extra minutes. As far as Devlin was concerned no guy in his right mind would complain about a blow-job in the morning.

"Ready to face the day?" she asked when she finally stood up. She gave her mouth a quick rinse after swallowing his offering, and then gave him a full-body kiss.

Danny slipped a finger down into her sex, rubbing gently around her clit. After a few seconds she leaned back against the wall, propping one leg on the edge of the tub. Danny spent some time cherishing her breasts; it all combined to push her to a wet, messy climax that left her leaning against the side of the shower panting for breath.

After he'd left the shower she did a rinse, emerging with a towel wrapped around her. She'd spoiled the 'modesty bit' as he called it by doing a lot of bending over.

"I wish you wouldn't do that," Danny finally said.

"You mean showing of like that?"

"Precisely. You know we don't have time for it."

She laughed and relented. "Fair enough. It's no fair to you, and I'd just end up thinking about it all day."

"Do you end up masturbating or something?"

"Sometimes." She shrugged. "You'd probably be surprised at how many girls masturbate."

He laughed. "Not really. I figure that at certain ages they do it just as often as guys do."

"Um, maybe. I don't think girls are brought up thinking they need the release of a climax as often as guys. What do you think of the room?"

Danny looked around. "If I didn't know better I'd say we'd spent the night here."

"What time do you have to be at work?"

He looked at his watch. "Not for a bit, about 15 minutes or so."

She gave him a smile. "I'll try to hurry, but don't hold your breath."

He glanced at his watch. "How much longer?"

"How long have you and Sue been married?" she replied. "You know you never ask a woman that question. We'll have to work out our timing in the morning. I'll be a little faster tomorrow. Some mornings I'm not terribly organized, and this was one of them."

Danny didn't say anything, he just settled in the chair and watched what was on TV. But he jumped up eagerly when she finally picked up her coat and umbrella.

"Are you sure you don't want to do this in the evening instead?"

Danny shook his head. "I think the morning works out better, at least for now. This way we have an alarm that'll stop us from spending too long at it. In the evening we'd have too much temptation to keep going."

"Well, yeah," she conceded, "but I was thinking of the rest of your schedule. I'm sure you have more than a few early morning meetings."

Danny laughed. "Tell me about it. You'd be surprised at how many people think 7:30 is a wonderful time for a meeting. Get it out of the way early and so on. Of course they get up at 4:30, and they'd be in at the office at 5:30 if they could."

"What's stopping them?"

"No customers. I know one who... he's in Customer Service, and if he had his way he'd be in at 5:00 and go home at Noon. Trouble is, most customer service complaints are from Noon till 3:00."

"What time does he go to bed?"

"8:30 or 9:00, I think."

"Yuck. Doesn't leave much time for a social life."

Danny chuckled. "Is it any surprise that he's single?" He shook his head. "No, the hard part is making people like Dennis conform to the rest of the world."

Devlin stopped at the front doors and buttoned up her coat. Last night it had started raining, the cold, persistent rain that would wash away the snow but freeze at nights to produce ice, though by late afternoon it was supposed to get up in the 50's. This was the start of the mid-February 'heat wave' that the Midwest always went through when the temperature rose into the 50's and 60's for a week or so. It was a teaser for the warmer weather yet to come.

She turned to say something to Danny. He was watching a woman walk across the lobby, three little girls in tow. All four were wearing denim skirts--though to his credit Danny was ignoring the little girls.

She wouldn't be caught dead in a skirt as short as the woman was wearing, not on a day like this; the cold air would rush right up her legs. The little girls did look cute in their outfits. They were probably off to a day of day-care or something like that while their mother was busy.

Danny had always seemed to have a fascination with skirts, especially the ones she wore. She'd worn a tight little miniskirt one time that had kept him wound up for hours. Another time she'd worn a little cotton flip skirt, a flirty little blue and white checked thing that she just loved because of the way it moved and floated around her legs. They'd gone upstairs and had fantastic sex. He'd insisted she keep it on; he flipped it up, pulled away her panties and eaten her past all endurance. They'd done it lying on the bed, standing up against the dresser and desk, and doggy style against the windows. His cum was running down her legs and he still couldn't seem to get enough.

He'd finally fallen asleep from sheer exhaustion. When he awoke she was in the kitchen, wearing sweatpants and a sweatshirt, and doing her homework. She was much too tender to touch between the legs and for the first time in more than a year she really felt like she'd had enough sex.

Devlin laughed softly to herself as she pulled out of the parking lot. That wasn't a feeling she'd had very often while in high school. She had that skirt in her closet, she'd have to wear it again some time, especially if they could have a couple of hours alone. She glanced at the time/temperature display on the corner of a building. She'd have to wait for the weather to warm up, though. For all that she liked showing off her legs, skirts were something you wore only when it was warmer than it was today.

She saw the Athletic Club farther down the street. She still had to decide what she wanted to wear to Cindy's party. She had stored some of her clothes at the Athletic Club--it was much better than putting them in the lockers in the basement of the dorm, and she could use the showers at the Club without arousing any undue comment.

"Somebody has a glow about them," Connie said when Devlin joined her roommate in the Linkins Dining Center. Connie smiled mischievously. "If I didn't know better I'd say you just got laid."

"Yeah, I did," Devlin said. "An hour ago I was naked on the bed while we ravished each other's bodies having pig-ugly sex." An hour before Danny had been filling her with his cock. She'd been trying to pull him deeper inside her, trying to get him to touch those spots that would send her out of her mind. She'd succeeded, too, but she couldn't tell these girls that.

"Pig ugly sex?" Rebecca asked as the others laughed. She was a Junior who lived across the hall. "I've heard sex described many ways, but never as 'pig-ugly'."

"That's when you're rolling around on the bed making all sorts of grunting noises," Devlin said as she took off her coat and hung up her umbrella. "There's nothing delicate and romantic about it, it's just hard sex for its own sake."

Rebecca and her roommate Alexa both laughed. "I wouldn't mind something else hard like that," Alexa said. "Guys keep treating me like I'm so delicate that I'll fracture if they touch me wrong." She was thin with skin almost as pale as Krissi's.

"Consequently she doesn't get much," Rebecca said, "not that I'm getting much, either. So, Devlin, did you really have sex this morning?"

Devlin gave them all a beatific smile. "How romantic can you feel at this hour of the morning, especially if you didn't spend the night together?"

Connie rolled her eyes. "She wishes she had sex, but from what she's said lately her boyfriend would be done in two minutes, maybe three at the outside."

"Even that much would be an improvement," Alexa said softly.

Connie looked at Devlin out of the corner of her eye. "You know? I could almost believe it, though. I've heard you complain about how fast he is. You two could do it twice and still have time to do your dancercise and get here for breakfast."

"She wouldn't have that glow in her face," Alexa said. "If she showed any emotion at all it would be anger from wanting to rip the guy's head off for being so fast."

"No, I wouldn't want to rip his head off," Devlin said. "Not if he lasted only two minutes."

"True," Rebecca said with a nod. "You'd go for something a little lower and a little more personal. You know, the other head, the little one that does most of a guy's thinking for him."

"I think that's too kind," Alexa said. "I'm not convinced a guy does any thinking with either head." She leaned forward and dropped her voice. "There was this one guy I met last month at a dance. He kept pressing me to go back to his dorm room with him, you know, but I'd heard about him from some of the other girls, all talk, but no action. Anyway..."

Devlin listened with half an ear as Alexa described in raw detail her encounter with a guy she nicknamed "the one-minute wonder". They knew she was seeing Jeff, they knew she was uneasy about her relationship with him, and somewhere they'd agreed not to talk about him unless she brought him up first. She decided to see how lunch went today. Maybe she'd ask their advice tomorrow at breakfast--though she had a good idea what that advice would be: dump him. Everybody was saying the same thing.

As she headed for her first class she wondered how Jeff would react if he knew she'd had sex with Danny this morning. He'd probably think she was a slut or something. In a narrow, technical sense she probably was. But slut was such a harsh word for what she and Danny did. Necessity, that word fit--Danny's sex-drive had a necessity about it. What about her own? Well, she'd be a fool to say the day didn't go better if she got laid. She remembered talking with Danny about it at the Athletic Club.

They'd been lying on the bed, cuddling together as they drifted back down from their climaxes. She liked those times and the way they nestled together.

"You have to be the most orgasmic woman I've ever met," Danny murmured, kissing her on the forehead.

"Lots of practice," she replied. "I read somewhere that the more you cum, the easier it is for you to cum." She kissed him on the end of the nose and ran her hands over his shoulders. "I've certainly had a lot of practice."

"There's more to it than that. It isn't just a practice."

"Well, true. It's emotional, too, and I like how I feel after a climax." She laughed softly, which made her aware of his cock still inside her. "I like how I feel during a climax, too."

"And before, don't forget those moments just before you cum when you're clinging to me and trying to pull me deeper, those moments when you know you're going to cum, but haven't yet."

"I could never forget those." She ran her hands over his nipples, trying to get them to stand up. "Shall we see how I like it a second time today?"

"There's another word that describes you: insatiable."

"Well, true. By the way, I don't recall hearing 'no' in there."

And they'd done it again, which had made him late getting back from 'lunch' and meant she was so late getting to class that she'd skipped it instead. But that climax had buoyed her up the rest of the day and then some.

She felt happy this morning, that happiness that only came from a really strong climax, and it certainly brightened her mood. Everyone else would probably be grumpy from the rain; she'd float along above them, disregarding their comments.

Getting together in the morning with Danny at the Extended Stay Hotel had been her idea. If they were going to be fake a married couple living there, she'd concluded, it was much better to give the maid actual messy sheets and used towels, rather than trying to fake it. Danny hadn't wanted to--it meant the kids had to get up earlier than he'd wanted, but that meant they went to bed earlier, which wasn't a bad thing. His sitter, Mrs. Witherspoon, had agreed, even though the kids went to bed the moment they got to her place. She didn't even question why Danny had to go in an hour earlier than he had been. At that hour of the morning she wasn't thinking very clearly.

Devlin settled in her seat in the classroom, smiling happily at everyone around her. A magazine article she'd read had recommended starting the day with a climax. It certainly made everything seem a lot rosier, even her hardest class. And for the next week or two they'd be doing it every day, just like when she'd been in high school. She definitely liked that idea.

When she walked into the dining area at Linkins she could see Jeff at a table next to the wall. In the last two years he'd grown maybe another inch, but he'd redistributed the weight he was carrying; a little less paunch and a little more in the shoulders. His butt was nice and tight, and his legs, even through his jeans, looked muscular. He certainly looked a lot more attractive than he had in high school.

For once he was looking the wrong way. She dumped her purse on the table and slid into the seat before he could do anything.

"G'morning," she said, "or Good Afternoon, whichever it is."

"Uh, morning. I didn't see you coming."

"So, how've you been?"

"I was surprised you weren't at the dorms this weekend," he said. "I had these tickets to a play that I thought we could go see."

"My mother called Friday afternoon and said she needed to see me." Devlin forced her anger back down. He'd had tickets to a play, and he'd assumed she'd go out with him. No warning, no planning, no checking, he'd just assumed. It was like he didn't think she had a life away from him.

"She's selling the house and she wanted me to know."

"Selling the house?" Jeff looked shocked. "How could she? That's your home."

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0003 - Conner 0097 - Ace - Zimmel 0098 - Lucy 0101 - Shelby (mother ship) - Derrick 0125 - Lars 0200 - Ellen 0301 - Rodrick 0403 - Johnathon 0667 - Marco - Brown 0778 - Jan 0798 - Celeste - Shelby (human) 0908 - Tara - Mara 0999 - Zan 1000 - Sherry - Lucie (for the moment) Looking at the charge on the holo/micro shield projector Derrick sighed as he leaned over the man he'd snapped the neck of. Pressing all three buttons twice a beam shot out scanning up and down the dead...

1 year ago
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Opposites AttractChapter 4

They both woke up quite early. It was a little colder during the night, but not uncomfortably so. Mikki was outside and Will crawled out of the tent. He stood up, yawned, and then stretched. He turned and saw Mikki squatting over the hole; she looked up and smiled at him. She dropped the waste tissue into the hole, then covered it with it with some of the dirt. "Morning!" she said. Then, walking over to him, she kissed him on the cheek, squeezed his bum, then giggled! "Sorry! I couldn't...

1 year ago
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Uncle Roger Part 3

I could barely stop thinking about my last visit to Uncle Roger. What we had done was very wrong, and I felt ashamed and disgusted. I was also extremely confused and conflicted - Roger had insisted that I had acted voluntarily, and that he had simply encouraged me. Encouragement is one thing, but coercion is another, and I wasn't sure whether he had crossed that line. At first he had blackmailed me into wearing girl's clothes, threatening to tell my mother that I'd been snooping...

3 years ago
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Neighbor MILFS

I felt like such a pervert, scurrying from room to room, peeking out of the blinds. Hell, I AM a pervert, for spying on a bunch of women old enough to be my mom. With my parents gone this Saturday morning, and several of the neighborhood MILFs out in their respective yards, it was the perfect opportunity to check them out. It's kind of funny that I've grown up in the same neighborhood as these women, and it wasn't until I turned eighteen that I started to notice that there are some attractive...

2 years ago
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Special BondLong Weekend at the Lake Chapt 127 Revised

Introduction: RJ and Candy Make New Discoveries A SPECIAL BOND Long Weekend at the Lake ___________________________________ No institution or agency may use this work for other than the intended purpose to provide personal entertainment. All characters are fictional. This is a work of fiction. Of fantasy. Its called My Right of Free Speech. If you do not approve of youngsters engaged in various sexual acts . . . or if you live in one of the God-forsaken States that bans possessing/reading...

3 years ago
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LUST OR REGRET YOU DECIDEI was 24 when I had my first job at a law firm it was what I had studied to do in the last 4 years,I was really pleased to be able to work as a defense lawyer for the next few years it was always my intentions to one day have my own law firm,While working in the office there was always opportunities to date some of the office girls in fact it was so easy for me to chat them up as a single man I was always told that I was very good looking young man, Over the coming...

2 years ago
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Makan Malkin Ki Sexy Choot

By : Sharmamanendra Hi friends my self manendra or main Iss ka regular reader hoon. Ab main jyada bakvaas na kar ke seedhe story par aata hoon. Ye abi ki hi baat hai meri jaipur main nayi nayi job lagi hai or mai ek company main clerk ke post par hoon.  Maine yahaan maansarovar main hi room liy hai. Mera makan malik bahut hi seedha or accha admi hai uska naam abhishek hai uski age koi 30 ke kareeb hi hogi wo saadi suda hai or uski bibi bhi mast Item hai. Or unka ek chota baccha bhai hai. main...

2 years ago
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Showing Off SusanChapter 2

It was another Saturday night. After the usual argument about whether or not she would go down to Rusty's with Lanny for a few drinks, Susan was home reading and he was sitting alone at the bar drinking beer. She had forgiven him for the backyard incident several weeks ago as long as he promised to not let it happen again. He looked up to see Frank, his truck driver friend from the plant, slide onto the stool next to him. "Where the hell is that cute little wife of yours?" asked Frank....

4 years ago
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First Do No Harm Winter JenningsChapter 7 Sugarhill

The Princeton University campus looked like a college should look. An Ivy, anyway. Venerable, distinguished buildings. Sidewalks that wended and winded. Even in the July heat, hordes of students were strolling, reading, lying on lawns, playing hacky sack, sharing a joint, napping. I felt ... old. It was Saturday morning; Rowley was still at the Marriott Marquis. She had requested a late Sunday checkout. Thank you, Jessie and Jesse. I was on my way to Rowley’s leafy neighborhood, to Elm...

1 year ago
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Connie Spanked

Connie Spanked. Today I met up with a woman who I had been chatting to both by e-mail, text and MSN. Connie was in her mid 40’s and had a good figure, she had contacted me because I had placed an advert on Vivastreet saying that I was a Mature Guy who Spanked Wayward ladies. Connie explained to me how she was nervous but that she needed to be punished for the bad she had done when she was younger, she had let men touch her when she was far too young to allow this, she told me how had...

1 year ago
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Unexpected adventures with a stranger part 1

It’s Saturday night and I’m out with friends. We’ve had a few beers, picked up some weed and are now looking for a place to smoke it. Mike, the only guy present tonight, says he knows a cool place and leads us through the center of town, to an anonymous looking door. We are buzzed up and one elevator-ride later we step into a large pool hall. I’ve been living in this city for two years now, and had no idea this place existed. We have another round of beers and watch some people play pool....

Straight Sex
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Kristys Journey into Darkness A BBC fantas

Into the DarkChapter OneMy name used to be Kristy. Now everyone calls me whore, slut, or anything else they want to. It all started at a frat party about two months ago. I’m a freshman at a big southern college, I won’t name it, because I don’t want anyone to find out who I am. Anyway, I was at this party and I had a little too much to drink. I’m always getting into trouble when I drink too much. I was there to check out guys and maybe get laid. There were some nice looking guys there and I was...

2 years ago
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Exploring My Lesbian Side With Sister

Hello everyone, my name is shanaya and I am from Delhi. My age is 23 years and I am thin with my mass concentrated in the right places. Today I am sharing one of my lesbian encounters with my own sister. Please read the entire story because I know you will love it. You can send your feedback and comments at my email id : . I will surely reply to all your emails. Thanks to your response for my earlier stories. So the story begins : My best friend’s name is riya. We both go to the same college...

3 years ago
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Rebel 1777Chapter 26 Melissa

Staging ambushes became our specialty. Since most agreed that I had the best Pennsylvania rifle in the company, I was often the bait in our trap. Once we had spied a small camp of the enemy pickets or a foraging party at work, my job would be to step out in the open, fire at them a time or two, aiming for the officers of course, and then run for it once they got moving toward me. If we worked it right, we could bag up to a dozen men and horses that way, replenish our supplies and send a...

2 years ago
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The Straight Girl the Bi Girl and the Manipulative Boyfriend Chapter 2

“I still don’t want you to touch it.” “You don’t want me to touch it!!!!” “No, not until I say you can.” I was confused. I’ve been fully clothed on my knees with a man’s pride and joy waving around in front of my face a few times before but never with the man completely naked and telling me not to touch it. Normally they can’t wait to feel my lips and tongue on it. Toby had either gone completely off the idea, had decided he didn’t fancy me any more or he was just a bit unusual.

4 years ago
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The Night In The Hotel

The A/C in the room was roaring at full blast. I was on the bed under a loose blanket. Completely cold and bedridden. My body aching. I got myself up, my long hairs let loose over my naked body. I was smelt of a whole lot of things, whisky, cigarette, beer and sweat. I could feel my whole body limb and was tired. It did not take much time for me to realize how wild I was over the past few hours. I looked around the room. Shi was lying on the bed next to me, dug inside layers of sheets and...

3 years ago
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To the shower

To the shower.He wakes up feeling disorientated. The beautiful blonde bob is still lying on his chest. He stretches his legs. Blondie stirs and wakes. Her head twists and she looks at him."Hello. Remember me? We fucked a while ago; we were good, too.” She smiles at him."Of course I remember. You bit me on my chest so I wouldn’t forget you. I can see it. ”He runs a hand over her hair and down her soft smooth back. He looks over his left shoulder to his clock.“I got work in a couple hours, what...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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The Feminization of Leslie Part Two

The Feminization of Leslie - Part Two Chapter Two - Leslie At Alison's suggestion, Catherine began dressing Leslie in boy's clothes well before he started attending nursery school. He seemed not to have acquired any significantly feminine mannerisms from his sojourn in skirts as a toddler, but he was nevertheless blonde-haired, delicate featured (one might even say pretty) and slim, almost willowy. For the most part, he favored trucks and soldiers as playthings at school, but he...

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PurcellChapter 8 New Life

Ab felt fairly happy with the planting season just past as he rode to school Monday evening. He’d plowed his land and Cellus’s land, and Martha still seemed happy. He’d planted a lot of cotton, some corn, and even beans and turnips. He had a new cabin with a fireplace and a floor. He’d bought a ham to hang from the ceiling of his new cabin, and he figured to eat well the next year. He was even happier when he got to class. He knew that there were four teachers in the school, and they taught...

3 years ago
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Student And Girl Working In MNC

Her name was Aditi(name changed) aged 24. She was the hottest girl I have ever saw in my life!! Those breasts …..Wow, she used to were tight bra as those melons were priving to come out of that captivity. So how it started was: I was new to Bangalore recently joined for engineering in 2016.I used to live in pg in Whitefield ,Bangalore.I travelled to my collage by bus every day. After the initial month of I used to go to pubs nearby and travel with my friends a lot. Sometimes I was too late for...

2 years ago
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Gary GingerChapter 5

Gary woke up slowly. His head was pounding and his entire body was in pain. He groaned and heard footsteps. He saw his mother standing over him with a very worried look on her face. “Gary ... oh Gary...” Alice began to cry. She stroked his hair. “Hey mom,” Gary gasped. “You need your pain medication?” Alice asked. Gary could only nod. The pain on his stomach was excruciating. “Let me call the nurse,” Alice said and pressed the button near the bed for a nurse to come assist. Within a few...

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The hookup

Sipping my drink I look around nervously. I start to wonderif he will even show. I am almost ready to leave when I see him. Walking into the bar so full of egotistical confidence it was almost sickening. However there is no denying that he is attractive. Standing at the height of at least 6 foot and even with clothes on I could see that he had a hard body from working out. His dark hair slicked back and I wonder how he had managed to make it look so damn good. I can’t tell from where I am...

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Sue sunbathing

I could see her from my bedroom window upstairs. Sue hadn’t lived here long, her husband and herself moving into the neighborhood a few months back. We had met on a few occasions in passing, but I always waited for her to sunbathe. She would pull out her lounger and lay in the front driveway. I would stand in my room, watching as she undid her top and lay there. I would watch her and think about approaching. I had heard stories she would fuck anyone and her husband let her. Sometimes I would...

2 years ago
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Tara the Barbarian verse the Slimy Tentacle Monster

The sage said only use the potion as a last resort as he stared hard enough to catch a peek at her nipple under the barbarian’s chain armor. He walked over to the edge of his tent and placed the potion on the ground and hurried to the other side. Not thinking much, Tara walked and bent over to receive the free gift. The old man inhaled quickly and grabbed a pillow to cover lower belt area. The ranger quickly pointed out the Barbarian had neglected to were panties that day which made Tara...

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Ruthie Throws an Orgy Ch 02

All of us completely naked, we headed for the queen-sized bed that awaited us. Pam slipped a pillow under her ass and lay on her back in the middle while Ruthie lay on the edge of the bed, close enough to watch what I was doing. As Ruthie said, this had been an educational day for her so far, and now, for the first time, she was going to see and hear another woman making love. When I got onto the bed next to Pam, I made a point of lying on the opposite side so Ruthie could have a clear view. ...

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For the first time with a call

It all started with an obscene phone call. Heidi had been babysitting our five-year-old son since he was a crib-bound infant but the whole time she worked for us was an ever ascending level of torture for me as her form rapidly changed from cute unisex to eighteen-year-old mega-hottie. When she called me to tell me about the call it came as no surprise to me since the caller had just put into words all the thoughts I'd been having for years.When she said, however, that it was the third such...

4 years ago
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Impressionable Teens

“I want to do it,” Tracey told her best friend at lunch. “You’re crazy! You saw what they were doing. What if someone here saw you?” “So what if they see? What can they do?” “Well you could get suspended or expelled for a start. Then there’s the whole rape thing. You’d just be inviting that you know.” “We talked about that. You can’t rape the willing. I think it’s just soooo hot. Anyway. It’d be on the weekend and the school can’t say anything about what I do on weekends.” “Well maybe they...

2 years ago
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Australian StoryChapter 6 Discovery

Saturday 31-Mar 2007 On Saturday night, Chris sat down and looked at the notes that he'd made the night before, the list of things he knew about Shahia. It was painfully short. - Shahia's family used to have lots of money, now they don't have enough He was pretty sure that he was right about that. She used to go to St Joseph's. He had nosed around on the net and found that it cost about $15,000 a year to go there. It didn't matter how you looked at it; that was a lot of money. But...

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Hal the Beginning Original versionChapter 4

They move everything from the van to just inside the lounge room, they’ll be properly put away after dinner. Hal tidies up the garage, and puts both cars away then locks the garage up again from the inside. The ladies help ready dinner and set the table. It’s going to be a bigger meal than usual: Mum, Liz, Hal, Jasmine, Betty, Debbie, Alison - she arrived while he’s walking back from locking up the garage, and Jane; eight people, almost a full load because ten is the maximum for the table...

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