Society Wedding - Part 2 free porn video

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Society Wedding ? Part 2 By Alice Barry When we left our lovebirds, Alvi and Jeff had just been wed in a huge country club wedding. Alvi or Alice as he is called when 'dressed' was resplendent in her white satins and veil. Jeff was a knockout in his tuxedo. Their parents were ecstatic that the boys had finally found their true loves. Mother I was surprised that my Mother had become so accepting of my relationship with Jeff. It was like she decided that if her son was going to dress as a woman, she would behave like she had a daughter. Our relationship was getting along splendidly when Jeff and I invited Mom to dinner shortly after our honeymoon. The Business It was the first time that I was invited to a board meeting of the Wadsworth Company. The folks wanted to divvy up jobs, appoint Jeff as the Chairman-in training and decide future direction. Because any relationship, no matter how strong at the outset, might be severed later; Jeff and I had signed mutual pre-nuptial agreements. Part of that played into the direction of the Wadsworth Company. "I call this meeting to order," sounded Bill Wadsworth in an exceptionally business-like tone, "Is the secretary of the corporation ready to take notes?" "Dad, just get on with it, everybody knows why we are here, everything is being recorded for transcription tomorrow," urged Jeff as he drummed the table. "Okay, family, we are here to formally determine family representation on the board for the next two generations. "Jeff, you will become Chairman of the company when I retire in 5 years. Mark will succeed you, unless you have natural children of mature age by the time you retire. If you do not have children, Mark's children will succeed him. It is up to the generations after that to decide further succession plans." I piped up, "Jeff and I are trying very hard to have children. Perhaps my husband needs more time off to work on it." "Alice, if you can find a way to get pregnant, I promise that your children will eventually be leaders of the company," Bill answered with a chuckle. Jeff gave me a look like, 'why me?' but I continued. "So, if Jeff and I were to adopt a child, it might reap the benefits of the company but could not succeed into the leadership?" "That is exactly the point of this meeting." "Jeff, as soon as this meeting is over, we need to work on getting me pregnant. Maybe there is something wrong with you?" Jeff shook his head and simply said, "Let's talk about this at home. The rest of the meeting is serious stuff." Bill cleared his throat and continued, "While Alvi and Jeff 'try to make babies,' the rest of us will continue. Alvi's pre-nuptial sets down the requirements for him to inherit chunks of the company. If there is a breakup in the first five years, Alvi walks away with personal gifts, $100 thousand, his car, and minor trinkets. If Jeff dies naturally in that time; say from too much sex, Alvi is his sole heir. After five years, the amount increases by $1 million per year until the fifteenth year. Then he is the sole heir and entitled to a seat on the board to protect his interests. Are there questions?" "Too much sex is a natural death?" inquired Mark, "don't tell my wife!" Marilyn Wadsworth spoke up for the first time, "all sex aside, we just want to be sure that everyone is on the same page and there is no animosity later over the secession plans." "Mother, you know us better than that," argued Mark, "have we ever fought over anything important." "No, you haven't. Not like some families, we just want to get it all down on paper so we are covered later." The meeting was adjourned soon after and we departed for home. Bedroom Talk "What the hell were you thinking in that meeting," demanded Jeff as we got home, "perhaps you want to tell them our favorite positions too?" "Your dad started it with that crack about 'natural' children. Why can't a child that we adopt become an officer of the company? Sounds like discrimination to me! I was just trying to add a little levity. They were all so serious." "The family business is serious business. Maybe you should not worry your little head and go be a nice wife. Get gussied up for me before you come to bed!" "So you can fuck my brains out while we are trying to make babies?" "Alvi, sometimes I wonder if you are not just a dumb, big- boobed blond." "You will pay for that remark," I giggled, "I got the boobs naturally. I told you that the gynecomastia [? see author's note at the end] was a side effect of a depression drug I took in college;" as I crawled under the covers. "I would pay to have them removed if you wanted." "I like them now. Either you like them or now; they are part of the package." In moments, my ankles were wrapped around Jeff's shoulders and he was poised to enter my rosy little hole. We always called this position, 'making babies' and it was my favorite. Jeff knew instinctively what would set me off and went right for the magic button. A few hits against my prostate, and I was screaming for more. It is so satisfying to wake up with your husband still buried in your ass, his hands still cupping your boobs; ready to begin the day with a good fuck. Family Duty It was pre-ordained that I would enter the business in some capacity. I had had a career, albeit not a very glamorous one, but I had been out in the world. The big decision was whether I would have to work as a man or woman. Once I had been introduced as Jeff's wife; the boss' wife, I had to maintain that role. This led to my first shopping expedition with my mother as two women together. Have you ever had a really, really awkward telephone conversation? "Ring ring?" went the phone. "Hi mom, would you like to go shopping with me?" "Oh, Alvi, I haven't taken you shopping since you were around ten. What is the occasion?" "Mom, um, well um" "What is it? Tell me, now!" "Well, I am going to work at Wadsworth Company and I need proper work clothes." "And you want me to help you find just the right suit? Is that it?" "Yeah, Mom, that's right. I've never bought a ladies suit before." "You, you, YOU, want ME to help you dress up in drag so you can please your boyfriend? Are you out of your flipping mind?" "I knew this was a waste of time. I just thought we would spend a little time together." "You are crazy. Me, take MY SON to buy a dress? Can you imagine my embarrassment when you go in a fitting room?" "Calm down, Mom. I just went through a full round of wedding parties. We have entertained at home and we went to the symphony last week. No one has even hinted that they thought I was not a real and complete woman." "Even if I was to agree to do this with you, why me? Why now?" "Because I am scared and want my mommy to help me. We never did these things before and I don't understand colors and fabrics and textures. I don't have a 'woman's touch'." "Why not take your friends that got you into this?" "Well, push comes to shove, they wear scrubs all day. They don't look much like professional women. Amanda does not look like the image I have of Jeff's wife. I want to look elegantly professional. Not sexy and not sloppy. Kind of like YOU dress for work." I was appealing to her vanity and it was beginning to work. "And Mom, I thought I would rather shop with you than with Marilyn Wadsworth. You, after all; have seen me naked. I thought it would be a fun thing to do together." "I'm not really sure that I like this, but I'll try it once." Shopping With Mom Remember shopping with Mom as a child? How she would mess with your inseam right in the middle of the store? Mom wanted to dress you in the most unstylish things imaginable. Remember when you were the last kid in white strap loafers? Shopping for a dress with my Mom was not like that. After she got over the initial shock, we had a great time. We were like two old friends shopping. It was not a Mother/Son expedition. We went in Nordstrom's and she insisted that I get a professional bra fitting. Even when I protested that I *knew* my size, that was not good enough. Instead of playing with my inseam, she messed around with my bra straps. I don't know which is worse. I bought a lot of beautiful things that day. I had noticed one of the women in the office wearing a silk suit and decided that was exactly what I had to have. And I needed all the accoutrements to pull off the look. Taking Mom was a great idea. First, she got to see that I was not an embarrassment, second, she has a great eye for color, and last she did not want me in something that did not match my age. I came out with a gorgeous light grey silk suit with a white shell. The skirt comes an inch above my knee; conservative but not terribly so. Mom insisted that a lacy, ecru bra underneath would emphasize my femininity; just a peek of lace showing through. I was a knockout. A few basic skirts and sweaters rounded out the day. "Now Alice, if you buy all these outfits, you're going to need matching shoes." "But Mom, I'm tired." "No buts, young lady, you are the one who wanted to shop. Shoes, NOW!" 'Wait a minute,' I thought, 'she called me young lady. Should I mention it?' I let the moment pass; I was having fun with Mom. I found out that I could be such a tease. All the nice young men in the ladies shoe department seemed to enjoy their job for one reason. They got to try to peek up so many skirts. Okay, so I may have opened my legs a bit too far a few times; innocently mind you. They don't need to know that I am sporting a dick and balls; perhaps bigger than theirs, and not a pussy. Mom caught that, "honey, it is not nice to tease the boys. They are just trying to make a living. They are probably in the storeroom relieving themselves." "I'm not used to keeping my knees together." "Am I going to have to tell Jeff to keep you locked in the house?" "Oh, I am having too much fun shopping with you. I'll be good. We should have done this long ago." We ate a light lunch; a girl has to watch her figure after all. Mom commented on my measurements, "Does Jeff know he has a runway model. What was that measurement, 36-28-35? How did you get to this?" "Frankly, Mother; I did nothing. Jeff and I jog all the time. Remind me to get another sports bra. And I watch what I eat and exercise; lots of bend over and touch the toes stuff." "I understand where the boobs came from, I remember when you came home from school because you had been teased, and the little waist; what about your butt?" "Amy thinks it came from the combination of exercises I do. Or maybe I just had a predisposition for a bubble butt. I don't remember that much about Dad's physique." "Your Dad did have something to hold onto, but nothing like yours," I saw a twinkle as she reminisced. "Well, Jeff is happy with it. I found that between high heels and all, I have a nice walk. Jeff calls it 'that practiced walk;' like some of the girls we knew in school." I loaded up the car and took her home. I was never so glad to get home and take off my shoes. Fashion Show When Jeff came home from the office, I wanted to show him everything I had bought. "Eh, Alvi, you are not going all girlie on me, are you?" Jeff asked as I showed off the silk suit. "I just want you to see that I am trying to make the right impression. You'll tell me when I go over the top." "Go shop all you want. Glad things are smoothing out with your Mom." "I think next time; I will ask your Mom to shop with me." "I don't think I can afford the two of you with a charge card." "I'll be good. Just want your mother to think of me as a daughter-in-law and not the queer that stole her son." "Now that that is settled, let's cut out the show and go to bed. I am anxious to prove to Dad that we CAN make a baby, if we screw enough." Beddy Bye Time I had one last item I wanted to show Jeff that night. I don't why I did it, but I bought a lovely, pink baby doll gown. Lying on the bed, with my legs spread to receive him, I looked like any uptown housewife. Jeff was not pleased, "so you are going totally femme on me? What happened to the guy I married? I like guys! I like the hard bodies and hard dicks." "I still have the dick. It is still all yours. Just thought I would liven things up a little bit." "Maybe I will just rip the gown off of you and screw your brains out." "Yum, screw my brains, big boy!" Jeff has an outstanding dick and balls. Even flaccid, it is at least six inches and hangs with a slight downturn. The balls are like golf balls. Just writing about them makes me excited. I could nurse on that dick all day and frequently have. Jeff straddled my chest and presented his dick for my enjoyment. I began by swirling my tongue all around the head, nibbled down the sides, before taking one ball then the other inside my gaping mouth. I worked my way up to the bulbous head. I took it into my mouth as the pee slit parted with a tiny drop. I quickly deep throated the entire length even as I felt it begin to grow even larger. I was having trouble breathing until he began to stroke in and out. He was massaging my nipples and hefting my tit. He let out a sigh and thrust forward, trying to get it all in my mouth. I chewed a little and applied my vacuum. It did not take much and he began to cum buckets. I swallowed quickly and would not let go until it was scrubbed clean and went limp. I still wanted to get fucked, "Jeff, please put it in the other hole." "Not until you take off that silly nightgown." "Why don't you take it off me? It won't bite." "It's bad enough that you have to be dressed like a woman at work. I don't want to see it in my bedroom. And when are you going to do something about those boobs?" "You mean OUR bedroom," I sighed as I began pulling the gown over my head, "First of all, if I am going to present myself as a woman in public, why would I want to get rid of my boobs? Just so I could wear prosthetics? Second, you know they grew naturally. I have explained over and over about gynecomastia. Lots of guys have it in some form; mine is just more pronounced. You seem to get some pleasure playing with my nipples when we make love. Why don't you read up about it on the 'net and leave me alone? "I will be all man in here. Jeff, turn over; it's your turn to get screwed." He does not present his ass for my enjoyment very often, Jeff is the consummate 'top man,' but when he does, it is my big day. I could not get enough of Jeff's body. His square, angled features contrasted so much to my feminine soft features. His butt is small; the shoulders are large and broad. The small waist is evidence of his workouts and our running routine. Jeff lay down spread-eagle on the bed. I began by licking his butt hole, quickly darting my tongue deep inside. Each time, he let out a little whimper. Once he was at a fever pitch, I lowered my dick into his rosy pink bud. He winched and told me to press forward. After feeding the whole thing in, I thrust over and over again. I came in a monumental orgasm and flooded his bowels with my essence. Jeff seized up, grabbing my dick in his vise-like ass as he came from both ends. We fell asleep, connected as only two lovers can. Mother Wadsworth "Ring ring. Ring ring," I heard as I rushed to get the phone, Jeff was out with his dad for their weekly Saturday golf game. "Hello, Wadsworth residence, how may I help you?" "Alvi, is that you? This is Marilyn Wadsworth. How is my favorite daughter-in-law?" I thought, 'my God, I must be in trouble now, or Mark's wife was in deeper shit.' "Hi, Mom, Jeff is not home, something I can do for you?" "Actually, I was calling for you. Did you hear about the charity dance at the Zoo to dedicate the new Rhino House we sponsored?" Tentatively I said, "Yes, I assumed we were going to the dance." "Donna and I were going shopping for something spectacular to wear to the dance and I thought you might like to join us." Donna is Mark's wife. She knows about my little masquerade and is openly hostile toward me. "And why did you want me to go shopping with the two of you? I don't think Donna likes me." Marilyn answered in a mischievous tone, "that is exactly what I would like to change. I never had any daughters to go shopping with and thought I would like to start with my two daughters-in-law." "Why now?" I asked. "I wanted the three of us in coordinating outfits. Let everyone be painfully aware that now there are three Wadsworth women for the city to watch out for." "When are you going? I need a few minutes to get presentable." "How about we pick you up in an hour; we will get something to eat, and then go spend, spend, spend!" Shopping "Donna dear, look at Alice; you could pick up a few fashion tips from her. See how her legs look in those three-inch pumps?" whined Marilyn over her watercress salad. "Mother Wadsworth, I don't know why I am here. Alice is not a woman and is never going to be, as does not want to be. And Alice does not have two screaming children to chase. She can turn off the woman when 'she' wants to," sneered Donna with all the venom she could muster. "Oh, dear! I so hoped that the two of you would get along. I won't be here forever to keep the family in the limelight." "Why don't I just get a cab and go home? I can see where I am not wanted," I interjected. "No, Alice. Donna is going to apologize and behave like an adult." "Oh, what the fuck! You have Jeff, Mark, and Bill on your side. I'm just the caretaker for the next generation." Marilyn exasperatedly replied, "at least watch your language and keep your voice down. Next time I want to shop I'll just call Alice. You can wear a burlap sack if you wish!" Things got less bad after that. Actually, I had fun shopping with those two. Donna started to tolerate me a little more. She said I was a better mirror that the one on the wall. I did not hesitate to tell her what looked bad on her. Donna was actually quite beautiful and had a good figure, especially for a 35-year old mother of two. When I saw her in the fitting room, I could not stop myself from complimenting her on her shape. "How do you do it? You chase kids all day long. Mark is always working. Yet here you stand looking like you spend hours at the gym. Do you have a secret potion?" "Secret potion? Nah, chasing the kids, I never have time to eat. All those loads of laundry; running up and down the stairs, do wonders for the legs." "Why don't you get help? You can surely afford it," I suggested. "Haven't you heard how cheap Mark is? If I had help, he would probably expect me to go to work to pay for it." After that, Donna and I started to get along pretty okay. We could commiserate about our husbands and she could forget about my sex. Once we were trying on gowns in the same fitting room, the differences did not seem to matter. Marilyn observed our conversation, "I see you girls have found something in common. You can complain about my boys." "I was noticing that Alice and I are virtually the same size. Next time she can come shop for both of us." "But if I do, will Mark want to pay for the trip?" We decided rather than look all alike; we bought almost the same gown in three colors. Mine was chiffon yellow; my favorite color. Donna went for the aqua and Marilyn demanded white. The lady is white is always the center of attention. I saw a woman in the mall wearing Lucite high heels, it looks like she was walking on air and knew I had to have the same thing. Donna liked the idea so much, she got the same ones. Marilyn insisted that a woman of her stature had to have white patent pumps. All in all, it was not a bad shopping expedition. I proved to Donna that I am not a parody of a lady; and I saw that there is a person under her gruff exterior. The Rhino Dance Fortunately, the night of the dance at the zoo was not steamy hot. In fact, there was a slight chill being the middle of fall. I draped a long shawl over my shoulders and held Jeff's tuxedo clad arm. Did I mention how I was dressed? The yellow gown I chose was backless and almost front-less. From tiny straps, it plunged halfway to my navel. No bra was possible, just a little cantilevering inside the dress. I emphasized my cleavage with sparkly eye shadow between my boobs. Donna was particularly ravishing in almost the same dress. Mark could not take his eyes off of her. Donna whispered to me in a conspiratorial tone, "Remind me to go shopping with you more often. Mark has not looked at me like this in years." "I told you it takes a man, to know what men like!" "I take back all the crap I laid on you. Let's let bygones be yada yada yada. What are you doing tomorrow, I was thinking of going to a movie and shopping?" "I was thinking something sexy for the bedroom," I piped up, "something to keep the boys at home." "Girlfriend, I like your thinking. Should we tell Marilyn we are talking or let her think she has to take us shopping so we will talk?" "I think we can get one more expedition out of her before she catches on." Jeff and I were dancing chin to chin when he complimented my dress, "are you trying to give some of the old men heart failure? Shouldn't you have dressed more modestly?" "Are you saying you don't like it or do you? Do you see how your brother is ogling his wife?" "Oh, I love it. I'm just uncomfortable how it looks on my boyfriend." "I can announce to the crowd that I am a man and take off the dress. You can tell all your friends and the media that you are really gay. I have no shame in MY body." "Keep you pants on! I love your dress. You look lovely tonight in it. Everyone is envious of me and my beautiful, loving wife." I teased, "That's better. You can tear it off of me in a few hours and see how loving your wife can be." The dance went off spectacularly and I guess they raised plenty of money for some needy rhinoceros. I danced with Jeff, Mark, and some bank president that seemed to think he was seeing the mother lode when he looked down. I felt his 'father lode' against my belly the entire time. Wouldn't he have been surprised? I giggled about it all the way home. We have come to the end of chapter 2. In chapter 3, somebody will impregnate either Cindy or Fran. Jeff and Alvi will have some steamy sex and Alice will have more adventures in CD. Cast of Characters: Alvin/Alice...................Me the Narrator Amanda "Amy"..................Good friend and Matchmaker Fran..........................Friend Cindy.........................Fran's lesbian 'wife' Jeff..........................My husband Mark..........................Jeff's younger brother Donna.........................Mark's wife Bill & Marilyn Wadsworth......Jeff & Mark's parents Rosalie Bairdron..............My mother Author's note: Want to know more about Gynecomastia, or male breast growth; go to Your author has had it since his early twenties and is now a natural 40C. © 2003 Alice Barry

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Masters Wedding

Master’s Weddingi am sure few brides, at least in this country, have had as little to do with the planning of their wedding as i.Master planned the entire event; the date, the time, the location, the guests, the food, the music and, of course, the bride’s apparel. Not only did i have little input, but i had little prior knowledge of the event. For sometime i have known the date, but almost nothing else. i had not been told where W/we would be married, who would be there, or what i would wear....

2 years ago
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Blushing Bride Part Five The Wedding Night

Blushing Bride - Part 5: The Wedding Night by Richard-to-Rachel I guess it's natural to be full of nerves and second thoughts on your wedding day but I'm not sure how many grooms have the sort of thoughts that I was having on the morning of my wedding. It wasn't that I wasn't very much in love with Gina, my beautiful fiancee, my dream woman with blonde hair and dark skin, a woman who had always been so loving and generous to me. It was just that between...

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The Best Stand at the Wedding Fair

THE BEST STAND AT THE WEDDING FAIR by Angela Dee North PROLOGUE "Listen, Bridie, I said I was sorry! What more can I do?" I was in the doghouse with my wife yet again. I'd completely forgotten to collect a parcel from the Post Office depot. Now it was too late. The depot had closed an hour ago, and Bridie had wanted the parcel today. "For god's sake, Terry!" she fumed. "You know perfectly well how much I needed that mannequin for the show tomorrow! It was going to be...

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Double Wedding

Fiction : I was about to marry my c***dhood sweetheart Paula Rother. I loved her and she loved me but it hadn't been straightforward. After school she went to Manchester University while I went to work at a local accountants as a lowly paid junior clerk. She said we where inseparable but during the two years she was away she met Graham. I was heart broken and knew I was beaten. He was incredibly bright, handsome, popular and with wealthy parents. Apparently everything he did was successful and...

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The Chauffeur 48 The Wedding

By PABLO DIABLO Copyright 2019 CHAPTER 1 As each day passed, I could see John getting more nervous about the upcoming nuptials. I took him to the Ralph Lauren store to buy him his tuxedo as well as mine and Fred’s. At first, John wanted this tuxedo that looked like he was getting ready to pull bunnies out of a hat. Fred and I just stood there watching him bounce from display to display before Fred offered, “John, why don’t you let David and me help you pick out your tuxedo?” John thought...

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The Wedding Dress Club

The Wedding Dress Club When I met Sean, I was convinced I'd found the perfect man. And as he recited his vows to me on our wedding day, I felt like the luckiest girl in the world. I was marrying a man who was promising to care for me and love me unconditionally for the rest of our lives. He told me he adored more than any other woman in the whole world. Things were great for the first few years, I loved being married and we had a lot of fun together. Our friends would comment on how...

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An Unexpected Wedding A Wish Book Story

Authors Note: I realise that it has been quite a while since the last story and I apologise for that, but my writing is very sporadic due to the way that life always has a way of getting in the way. As with all my stories, the initial concept comes quite naturally, the challenge is always bringing the story to a satisfactory conclusion. This is the 4th story I have published, but for every published story I think there are at least 3 or 4 unfinished stories left on the pad. This...

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Our Cuckold Wedding Part One

I had been dating Jen for just over a year when we decided to finally tie the knot and get married.Jen was twenty-eight-years-old and had one broken marriage behind her. She married when she was just eighteen and against her parent’s advice, she married the guy who turned out to be an abusive drunk.The marriage ended two years later and her previous experience did put her off trying to find the right guy; she didn’t believe that he was out there. Jen is slim build, smallish thirty-four B cup...

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GS A Wedding to Remember

GS: A Wedding to Remember By Julie Every girl dreams about what her wedding is going to be like. Who she will marry, what she will wear, what the church looks like, etc. Shelly was no different. She had dreamed of a small wedding with just family and very close friends in a chapel that had numerous stained glass windows. When Josh Anderson, the love of her life, asked her to marry him, she knew exactly what she wanted. She began looking for and found a small chapel in a...

4 years ago
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An Uninvited Wedding Guest

Becky Hamilton was upset she had gotten stuck working a double shift on such a beautiful sunny Saturday afternoon. She was a front desk attendant at the River Star Plaza hotel, and the person who was supposed to be working the desk tonight had called in "sick". Becky tried calling backups from the list, but oddly enough not one of the people on the list seemed to want to answer their phone on a beautiful summer's day. This had forced Becky to work a double. Of course, Becky had...

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Wedding Night Part One

As a tranny callboy/escort, I was always fulfilling the fantasies of lots of gay and bisexual men. But there was a fantasy of my own I had had for awhile that I wanted to fulfill with a handsome bisexual escort myself. I wanted to hire a handsome stud escort to pretend he was my hubby and have honeymoon sex with me like I was a bride on her wedding night.Every single girl fantasizes about having a big handsome man to please every night, to sleep with her and spoon together after sex, feeling...

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Darlenes Wedding

Darlene's Wedding By Ricky Don... Ah the lunchroom. The camaraderie, the pleasant conversation, the sophisticated repartee, the ever present smell of cutting fluid and hot metal that pervades any machine shop. And don't forget the misogyny, profanity, and homophobia. Really, it's not that bad, at least I don't have to put up with the smokers since the county banned smoking indoors. Actually, I kind of like the ambience of the lunchroom most of the time. ...

1 year ago
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Two Weddings No FuneralChapter 4 Another Wedding

Saturday tea was fun. Sunday, David, Sandra and the kids came for Sunday dinner. My nephew cleverly informed me that Patrick was "real little." Sandra and Weena stayed as far from one another as feasible. I thought Sandra was going to explode when Patrick fussed and Weena hauled out a breast for him. I went into the kitchen briefly to snicker. David followed me. "That was funny!" "Yeah. Didn't she know where milk comes from?" "It was the nonchalance," said my brother. "When she...

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Naked Wedding

We had arrived in Amsterdam to attend my Aunt's wedding. She was going to marry a Dutch guy she met while working there. He owned a fancy spa in Vianen where the wedding would be held.My mother took time away from work and I skipped a week of classes from college. It was shaping up to be a nice little vacation.Mom and I spent a day in Amsterdam after arriving, just being tourists and exploring the city.The next day, Aunt Helen arrived from Vianen to pick us up. My mother gave her a big hug. It...

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Naked Wedding

We had arrived in Amsterdam to attend my Aunt's wedding. She was going to marry a Dutch guy she met while working there. He owned a fancy spa in Vianen where the wedding would be held.My mother took time away from work and I skipped a week of classes from college. It was shaping up to be a nice little vacation.Mom and I spent a day in Amsterdam after arriving, just being tourists and exploring the city.The next day, Aunt Helen arrived from Vianen to pick us up. My mother gave her a big hug. It...

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Darkness and LightChapter 39 A Bride a Wedding and a Widow The End of a Journey

They had dismounted their horses, and as they now walked towards the three negotiators Athea watched them dismounting their horses as well. They all were tall, of pale complexion and it was difficult to guess their ages. Coming closer she could discern more details. Athea remembered Sureyssa’s remarks. She could not smell them like the cat, but now she understood the meaning of young bodies, but old minds. Their dark red heavy armors did not look shabby, but as if they had worn them for...

2 years ago
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Christmas Wedding Part 3 Smith and Walker

Two weeks before Christmas Lord Bradford and Lady Ophelia Smith had bucked longstanding family tradition of hosting an annual Christmas soiree at their Barnstead, Lincolnshire, England estate and decided to throw a smaller family gathering for the multiple Smith branches as well as the Walkers, their granddaughter's aunt and elder cousin, two weeks early. The reason that they were hosting it two weeks early was due to the couple going to the United States to spend Christmas with the...

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Wedding Bells are Ringing The Wedding of Nicole and William

Introduction: Continuation of the Adventures of a Railfan Series Wedding bells are Ringing – The wedding of Nicole and William This is a continuation of the Adventures of a Railfan series. In this story, William and Nicole get married and they start their lives together. This is also a work of fantasy, even though the two people depicted in the story are based on Fiancee and myself. If you are a new reader, I suggest you read the Adventures of a Railfan and Nicole, Myself and Rachel before you...

1 year ago
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My Wedding Day

My Wedding Day By Pink Mia Let me tell you about my wedding day. It wasn't what I would have ever, in a million years, thought would happen to me, but I suppose on my 7 year anniversary to my husband I should tell the story. My name was Allen Moorcock. Well, now it's Amy Williams. It really started the night that I broke into 1611 Evergreen Terrace. The lady that lived there was named Brenda Evens and she had been widowed for a couple of years. She was so stunning and glamorous...

1 year ago
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A Wedding Story Chapters 13

I began my love of Fictionmania in the early part of the year 1998. The internet was just a baby back then, yes it was a long time ago! I am grateful for the dedicated volunteers who have kept this site alive. There was a period of time many years ago, I can't recall the year, the server crashed and we went for months without this site. Then like magic it returned and it has been here since! If I had one wish for myself, it would be this. Be reborn a female, grow up to get married to a...

1 year ago
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Society Ki Ladki Ko Choda

Hi indian sex stories dot net doston…I’m rahul and I am 23 years old living in pune.My height is 5’10 and weight is 70 kg.My dick size is about 6.5 inches long..If any girl or any lady wants satisfaction or pleasure then they can contact me, story kaise lagi batana,my email id is lets come to the story. Ye baat aaj se 6 month pahle ki hai,mai roj raat ko khana khane ke baad society me walk karne jata tha,wahi mujhe nikita (name changed) dikhi.She was 25 at that time.Her figure is...

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Society Whore Anjali Part 8211 3

Ye meri story ka third part hai jimse ki mai bataungi ki kis tarha meri society eke k neta type admin or uske dosto ne ramesh ki gair maujudgi mai ek week ke liye apni rand banaya or jo unki marzi aayi vo mere saath kiya jisme ki sharma ji or anil ka bhi haath tha. Jis tarha se mai pehele anil ki personal rand thi ab usi tarha mujhe sharma ji bhi apni rand ki tarha use karte hai vo mujhe apne ghar bulate hai khub buri tarha se chodte hai or na jane kya kya nhi karvate. Or upar se anil jo mujhe...

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Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Boys

(This story actually began as a daydream/fantasy that I used to have, many years ago. I just thought about writing it out in story form. Hope you enjoy - katie.) The Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Boys (S.P.C.B.) By Katie Dale Ironically, it all began on my thirteenth birthday. On that day, May the 7th 2080, the "Kindness to Boys" act passed government, almost unanimously, and became law. Let me give a little explanation into the background of this law, and why it...

2 years ago
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Society of Switchers

Society of Switchers By Jennifer Allison My sixteenth birthday is tomorrow. My birthday wish is for my body to decide what sexual direction it wants to go in. You see I have been having severe sexual problems since I reached my teenage years: 1- I have never had a hard on in my life. 2- No wet dreams. 3- Looking at naked women doesn't excite me. 4- I get no excitement in the boy's shower. 5- Girls don't excite me. This problem seems to run the family. My...

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Society Of Sissies

Society Of Sissies Players: Ms. Rose Carter, Ms. Ingles School For Girls; Sally Ingles, Jennifer Whitman, Dr. Susan Marco. Synopsis: Mark was going to his first collage party flattered, he was even invited, given he wasn't very typical or even average for a male and a freshman besides. His landlady Rose insisted he go if for no other reason than to make a few new friends. Mark walked off happily as Rose watched. In a few hours he would return. Rose mused nervously as she took up...

2 years ago
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A Wedding Story

CHAPTER 1: A family PROBLEM"Cecil are you really sure you're ready for the responsibility of marriage? Even though you and Cheryl have been dating since junior high, do you think she's the right girl for you?""Mom we've been through this before. I know you don't really care that much for Cheryl's family. You can't blame her for the things her two sisters have been rumoured to have done.""It's in the family blood son. That's what bothers me. I just don't want to see you hurt. I know you...

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My wife my fantasy true in a wedding party

First start off by describing my wife. She is 32yrs old a beautiful woman. 5'1" tall 110 lbs nice big ole' breast with a bubble butt, and very sexy calf muscles. I love her legs. She is some what of a conservative girl. Doesn't really show off her body much. But it is hard not to notice, when she has on yoga pants on! She is in every sense " a woman in the streets but a freak in the sheets." As far as our sexy life I can't complain. She is always open to trying new things. As long as they're...

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My wife my fantasy true in a wedding party

First start off by describing my wife. She is 32yrs old a beautiful woman. 5'1" tall 110 lbs nice big ole' breast with a bubble butt, and very sexy calf muscles. I love her legs. She is some what of a conservative girl. Doesn't really show off her body much. But it is hard not to notice, when she has on yoga pants on! She is in every sense " a woman in the streets but a freak in the sheets."As far as our sexy life I can't complain. She is always open to trying new things. As long as they're not...

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Christmas Wedding Part 11 Honeymoon and thereafter Finale

In contrast to the blockbuster revelation by Julius Stoner, over at the Finn home things were much calmer for all. The twins managed to sleep in for the first time since they were a year old giving their parents time to get the last of the hidden gift from the office, the one room in the house they had no access to. As they walked downstairs they saw more gifts out, ones that said "From Santa" causing the twins to look up at their parents in shame over making him make a second trip to...

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The Curtsey Part X The Wedding

The Curtsey Part X - The Wedding By Sissy Smith The weekend was spent getting Prissy and Pansy ready for their beauty College d?but. Jessie and Alice spent the rest of Saturday and all of Sunday prepping the two sissies. Part of the procedure was to keep them focused on the task at hand, no time to revert to boyish ways. Whenever one of them made a mistake both were reprimanded. Jessie's goals were to turn the two sissy boys into twin girls who would become one sissy girl in reality. T...

4 years ago
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The Gavin McClain Stories 3 Ericas Big Day Chapter 1 PreWedding Nerves

The wedding of society girl Erica Greendale to Stephen Laughton is fast approaching. In the story's prologue, however, one-time almost-lover Gavin McClain and envious Maid of Honour Helen have been plotting an evil wedding-day surpise.You are invited to celebrate the marriage of Erica Louise Greendale To Stephen Edward Laughton On Saturday 20th July 2013 At St Xavier’s Church, Islington And afterwards at Langham London Hotel RSVP ~~~~Erica Greendale woke early on the day of her wedding. She...

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Bell Whistles SecretsChapter 11 Wedding Bells

The first Friday in April was the date set for our wedding. It was not April Fools day, although it only missed being so by one day. That it was not on that ignoble holiday did not keep me from feeling a fool as we approached that day. That's not to say that I was having second thoughts about marriage but I was having second thoughts about having such an elaborate wedding ceremony. In the first place I felt having a full six months to prepare for the wedding should have given us an...

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Barb Chapt4 The Wedding

Waking with Barb in my arms, I think to the dinner the night before. I am sure now that Barb’s ex-husband’s girl friend is named Jane Jones. I remember what she had done to my brother just two years before. He asked her to marry him and she said yes. She moved in the following week and set to making his place her home. Two weeks after she moved in, he had to call me to come get him from work for he got too sick to drive and she was not answering the phone. We arrived to find not only was she...

Straight Sex
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Money is No Object My Bridal Makeover Chapter 23 The Week Before The Wedding

'MONEY IS NO OBJECT' ... MY BRIDAL MAKEOVER! CHAPTER 23: THE WEEK BEFORE THE WEDDING After the Hen Night, I had a nice lie in on the Sunday and then just 'slobbed' around the apartment, in a denim skirt and Tshirt, for the rest of the day, saying farewell to my bridesmaids for the time being, although I would see them again throughout the week. They were all leaving to go to the hotel which Rachael had booked for the wedding. They had their rooms booked there until the Monday after the...

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Wedding Dress Surprise

Wedding Dress Surprise At last Jack's wedding dress from Ebay had arrived and he could play dressups as a bride. But when he takes a walk in the garden things take an unexpected turn - for the good. I stood there staring at the package. I had been waiting weeks for the delivery after ordering it from eBay. I had taken a chance and told them I was male, so when they made it from my measurements it would be the right shape perfectly for my body. For my measurements I had...

2 years ago
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Wedding Dance

"Oh baby, your cock feels so nice." the blond haired eighteen-year-old girl called out as she rode up and down on the young man's cock." "I can't believe how hard it is." The dark haired teen beneath her smiled as he held onto her creamy breasts, playing with her small, pert nipples. The seventeen-year-old was stripped to his shorts, pulled down to expose his cock and balls. The girl was still wearing a blue bridesmaid's dress, hiked up to allow access to her pussy. The top of the...

4 years ago
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The Wedding Anniversary

Number 28 of a series of individual stories. The Wedding Anniversary by SONIA (Email [email protected] - Please send comments) Chapter 1 - The plans and a day at work My wonderful wife Sally Anne and I have had many adventures when I have dressed in lingerie or fully as a woman. I always let Sally Anne dictate how and when I dressed up. We had the next weekend planned to go away to a cottage with Kate and Karl who were our best friends, especially as Karl...

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Amandas Wedding Album

Amanda's Wedding Album Chapter 1 - The Photo Shoot Michael realized just how fortunate he was. He was one of the lucky few whose wives actually preferred them to keep their bodies hairless. She often asked him to shave his chest and legs, and he would reluctantly give in after putting up a brief fight, making it seem like it was all for her while secretly enjoying every minute of it. She had no idea that he was a closet crossdresser, and he was pretty sure that she would neither...

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My Wedding Gift

I hadn’t seen Linda since she and my daughter Shellie had graduated from high school over four years ago. They had been best friends but had gone to different colleges. They kept track of each other through social media, phone calls and the occasional chance meetings when they came home. I kept track of Linda for Shellie through chance meetings with her mother. Linda’s mother and I would talk when we stumbled into each other at the grocery store or post office. We'd update each other as to our...

Straight Sex
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A Wedding Day to Remember Ch 03

She walks down aisle dripping with others men's cum. Terry (on TV) said to me, "Get me hard again, baby, I'm want to fuck you one more time before I take you to the church to marry your new husband. If you want me to fuck you one more time, all you have to do is begin sucking my cock. Don't worry if you don't want to do it, it is OK. In fact if you want to stop with just Charlie here fucking you in your asshole, drop your head close your eyes and enjoy it as he fucks you, baby. You will get the...

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