Society Of Switchers free porn video

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Society of Switchers By Jennifer Allison My sixteenth birthday is tomorrow. My birthday wish is for my body to decide what sexual direction it wants to go in. You see I have been having severe sexual problems since I reached my teenage years: 1- I have never had a hard on in my life. 2- No wet dreams. 3- Looking at naked women doesn't excite me. 4- I get no excitement in the boy's shower. 5- Girls don't excite me. This problem seems to run the family. My older brother by two years, John, had the same problem, but on his sixteenth birthday it all changed. The changes occurred overnight, and a week after his birthday he had a steady girlfriend; the same girl he is now talking marriage with when he graduates from college. If I had overheard the conversation taking place downstairs I would have known something was about to change in my life. --- "I wonder how Dean is going to handle tomorrow?" asked John. "I think he will take it quite well, you did," replied my dad, Don. "Do you know who Dean's Partner is going to be?" asked John. "No. I worked it down to three possibilities, but nothing solid. It just depends whose time it is." replied my mom, Joan. "All I know is it is going to happen to tonight. We'll be more prepared for it than we were with yours, John. Off to bed now. We have a lot of things to do tomorrow." --- As I slept I dreamed I was floating in the air. My body just seemed to float never touching the ground until it finally came to rest. As my dream stopped, my confusion became even greater. "Time to get up, Jennifer," a strange woman's voice said. Still trying to shake the cobwebs from my brain. I asked, "Who's Jennifer? Who are you?" "I guess you aren't Jennifer." "You guessed right. I am a boy and I am certainly not Jennifer." "I hate to tell you this, but you are my daughter Jennifer, and you are certainly a girl." "WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?" "Get up and come to breakfast. Your dad I will explain everything to you. One thing, Jen, you aren't in trouble." I looked down for the first time. The nightshirt I was wearing didn't bother me, but what did was the two breasts sticking out from my chest. Looking further down I could see a pair of totally hairless, good looking legs. A little worried at what I would find I moved my hand underneath my nightshirt. What I found was a pair of panties. Rubbing the panties to feel what was inside I could feel something I didn't understand. When I put my hand inside I found out I was wearing sanitary napkin. It must be Jennifer's time of the month, or should I say it was now my time of the month. I got up and rushed to the vanity mirror to find myself staring into the face of Jennifer Long. I knew her from my English class. Jennifer's long, blonde streaked brown hair was parted in the middle and was so long it reached the middle of my back. Without realizing what was happening I walked into the bathroom, were upon I removed my nightshirt, panties and napkin. Jennifer must have begun her period last night because there was blood on the napkin. I disposed of the napkin and then proceeded to douche myself, just like I had done every fourth week since I was twelve. What was I saying? Doing this since I was twelve? When I finished I went back into my room and put on a fresh pair of panties, a shirt and a pair of pants. Then I went downstairs to find out just WHAT THE HELL WAS GOING ON! --- I found Mr. and Mrs. Long sitting at the kitchen table, waiting for me. A bowl of Fiber One and a small glass of orange juice were sitting in front of an empty chair, so I knew it was for me. Before I sat down I asked, "What has happened to me? Where is the real Jennifer?" "Please, sit down and eat your breakfast and we'll try to explain what happened to you." As I sat down Mrs. Long asked, "Who are you?" "Dean McLane. I attend the same school as Jennifer. We have the same English together." "Oh yes, I know your mother." "So what happened?" "You and Jennifer have switched bodies." "What are you talking about?" "All we know for sure is that when some boys reach their sixteenth birthday, for some weird reason they will switch bodies with a girl who recently turned sixteen and who is also having her period. We don't know how it happens or why." "Will we ever be able to switch back?" "Yes, but not for twenty-eight days." "Why so long?" "You can only switch during Jennifer's time of the month." "Thank heavens for that!" "You don't understand. You and Jennifer will switch bodies every twenty-eight days." "WHAT!!!" "You and Jennifer will switch bodies every four weeks until the day one of you becomes pregnant. There will be no more switches after that." "I don't believe this happening to me. Why? WHY?" I cried. "Did my parents know that this could happen to me?" "Most likely, especially if you showed the signs." "Like?" And suddenly I suspected why and I explained my sexual problems. "Yes, those were the same signs I had right before my sixteenth birthday," said Mrs. Long. "Same signs? You are a woman and mother." "That is right I am. But for the first sixteen years of my life I was a boy; on my sixteenth birthday I switched with my husband. As usually happens the partners fall in love with each other. In our case I was the one who became pregnant." "Partners? That's strange. My brother John refers to his girlfriend Paula as his partner. Do you mean he's switcher too?" "Most likely. Did you notice that since his sixteenth birthday John forgets things and has to be reminded by your parents?" "Yes I did. He would promise to do something with me, then he would forget about it." "That happens when the switch takes place. You and Jennifer will remember about 95% of the things, but a few things will get past you. That's where our job as your parents comes in. We'll keep you up to date on things that you need to know." "I was wondering about that. This morning I cleaned myself up like I had been doing it for years and without giving a second thought to what I was doing. I have a question. Do a lot of people know about this?" The phone rang. "Yes, she's here," Mr. Long, or should I now say my dad, answered. Handing me the phone, "Jennifer, it's for you." "Hello," "Hi, partner." It was the original Jennifer, who was now in my body. "Guess where I found myself when I awoke this morning? I guess you don't have to guess, Dean." "You're taking this switching very well." "I certainly am. You don't know how long I've wanted to be a boy. Now I have a chance to be a boy for half of the time." I held my hand over the mouthpiece and told the Longs. "Jennifer says she always wanted to be a boy." "We've figured that out, she always was a tomboy." "Your brother John says we should get together and work some stuff out between us. He also says he'll sit down with us and help us adjust to our new environment. You know he is a switcher too? Right now John is Paula and Paula is John, just like the two of us." "I guess I figured that out." "So why don't we get together this afternoon and talk, all four of us." "Sounds like a good idea. See you then." After I hung up I told my new parents, "Jennifer, John and Paula are coming over this afternoon." "Jennifer, you need to start using the right name for the body. People will start thinking something is wrong if you keep calling Dean, Jennifer." "I'll work on it." "Don't work on it. DO IT!" "Yes ma'am." --- I spent the morning learning girlish stuff that didn't carry over from the switch. Mom had to show me how apply my make-up. Jennifer had very little, since she was more into the tomboyish look. Another thing was learning on how put on my bra. Most girls learn how early on with their first training bra, but I had to have it down pat by Monday when I had to take PE in school. Then I had to learn some Fashion sense. Where a boy could wear almost anything without having to worry if it clashed or not, a girl's clothes had to match properly. Looking through my purse I found a driver's license, which my dad soon took away from me. Dean had only a learner's permit. "Jennifer, when you pass driver's test as Dean you can have this back." "What if my friends ask why I am not driving?" "Just tell them you lost your driving privileges for a month." "Will this mean Dean will be able to drive in my old body?" "I've talked to your dad. Dean will not be able to drive either, not until you have passed your driving test, since he has only a learner's permit. I think Jennifer will really appreciate you working on that!" Then I had to work in the Kitchen preparing some food stuff for my guests. --- By the time John pulled into the driveway, I looked pretty feminine with the make-up and the clothes I was wearing. I knew from Jennifer's memories this wasn't what she normally looked like. To tell you the plain truth I liked being Jennifer and I wanted to feel as feminine as possible. The first words out of Dean's mouth were: "I see mom has finally gotten the daughter she always wanted." "Why would you say that?" "I would never wear make-up and a dress on the weekend." replied Dean. "Jeez Jennifer - you do look good. I mean real good." "Thank you. Did you have any trouble this morning when you woke up in my body?" "I was a little shocked and disoriented at first, but both your parents and John were there to help explain what had happened. My biggest problem was when I took my first leak. I did it standing up and couldn't remember the right way to do it. I pissed all over the floor, but the second time I learned my lesson." "Yeah, I know what you're talking about. For some reason I had no trouble with my sanitary napkin and cleaning up afterward." "Dean, it didn't help that the first time you peed you had a boner. The second time you didn't." piped in John. "How big was it?" I asked. "You should know." "I don't know. I never had one in my life." "That is one of the signs of a potential switcher, the inability to have a boner." said Paula. "I didn't know how big mine was until the first switch." "A good six inches at least, but I can't really tell. It's the first adult one I have seen up close and personal." Turning to Paula I asked, "Why didn't you tell me about this when you noticed the signs?' "How could I tell you about it? You would have thought I was crazy. What do think mom and dad had to go through? They weren't switchers, my other parents had to explain everything to them." "My parents didn't seemed bothered with the switch," said Dean. "That's because they were switchers. John, Paula, do you know how to stop the switching?" "Sure, get laid without protection. There will no switching after the moment of conception. It means that when Paula's body gets pregnant we stay put." "That is what happened to your parents. Your mother says she spent the first sixteen years of her life as a boy." "You have to be kidding!" "No, I am not! She told me this morning." Turning towards John and Paula I asked, "How do you handle the switching?" "It was difficult at first, until we worked out a system of leaving each other notes. The notes would detail everything that our partner needed to know; like that fishing trip I promised you last year, the one where you tricked me into saying I would take you and a couple of your friends. Your mistake was that the day you picked for the trip was my switching day." John said, "I refused to take you, I don't like to fish. And I didn't like the idea of you tricking your brother into it." We all had a good laugh at that one. "Do you know of any other switchers?" "No! We don't advertise. As mom and dad may have told you, there is a health department in the US government working on the problem, but there is total secrecy on who the switchers are." "How did the government find out about this?" "Chelsea Clinton is one of us. When the President found out about it, he ordered a secret investigation into finding a cure for it." "I bet that was a very interesting morning at the White House." "Not as much as you would think. One of Secret Service agent's sisters is a switcher, so he was able explain the problem and the solution. The major problem was explaining why a certain boy had to have a Secret Service detail every other month." "That wasn't the major obstacle. It seems like the boy's father was a Republican and one the most active supporters of impeaching President Clinton. Meals at both houses became quite vocal, I'm told." "Isn't it a bit confusing, especially in school? Jennifer and I only take one class together, how do we keep track each other's assigned school work." "That is why you'll be spending a lot of time together, especially during the last couple days before the next switch. You don't want to go from a B student to a D, someone would notice something was wrong. It also means you can't be a show off if one of you has already taken a class, you don't want to become an egghead and make it look like you know everything." "What about our friends?" "Friends can cause a lot of trouble if you aren't careful. Your closest friends know most of your secrets, so you need to be very careful around them not reveal something only your partner could know." "Let me give you example," Paula said. "It was the second or third time that I was Paula, and her best friend Jane told me something in complete confidence about a friend of mine. It was something my friend needed to know and, without telling Paula, I told my friend what Jenny told me the first chance I got as John. Since that day Jane and Paula haven't spoken to each other, and it was six months before John and I were talking to each other again." "Have you" I paused. "Have you done?" "Done what?" Asked Paula. "I think Jennifer wants to know if we had sex yet." She looked at me. "Right?" "Yeah." "NO, we've done some kissing and petting, but my parents advised me not to go all the way until my wedding night." "That is what they tell all the kids." "In our case they made a very good point. It seems there is a side effect to being a switcher, we don't have the same sex drives as normal kids. After a switcher has gone all the way their sex drive is increased to about five times that of a normal person. We end up like rabbits in heat, and the switcher has the problem in either body." "What if we have sex with someone besides our partner?" I asked. "Just think of the complications. Say you did have sex with someone else and your sex drive goes through the roof. You want to become the school slut while you partner stays home and does homework? How do you think they'll feel about that?" "John and I have talked it over with all of our parents. The solution we came up with is that we become boyfriend and girlfriend, we fell in love not long afterwards. My parents did it that way, and I suppose yours did too, Jennifer." Dean turned towards me and asked. "How about a movie tonight?" "Why not?" I said. "There is a movie I've been wanting to see and just haven't gotten around to yet." "Jennifer, you'll need to learn how your partner lives, their likes and dislikes. That movie you want see? Your partner might not be caught dead going to that movie. The two of you need to learn to live each other's lives without making major changes in them. For me, I had to learn to eat cottage cheese. You know how it made me so sick that I throw it up as John? Well, Paula had it for lunch every damn day since junior high school. If I didn't eat it, it would look very suspicious." "How about me, playing Saturday morning football with your friends, then watching college football all afternoon and all day Sunday. I can think of a millions better things to do than watching Monday Night Football. I can't stand football." "Yeah I know. I've missed the last two Super Bowls because I happened to be you. Paula wouldn't be caught dead watching the game. Well, at least I got to watch the World Series." "Hey - I like baseball, I'm on the high school softball team. The only problem we have is that one of us isn't as good a pitcher as the other." Dean looked at me. "Jennifer, sitting here talking to you I see something that you will definitely have to work on." "What?" "A girl sits with her legs together, you're sitting like a boy. If you make Jennifer look like a Butch then when I get the body I'm going to make it look so feminine you're going to have to wear dresses to school." "Threats, I haven't had her body for 12 hours and already she's making threats! What happens if I decide I LIKE dresses and make YOU wear them?" "Peace children! It's in both of your interests to work together - no matter what happens." --- We talked for a little bit more, then I served the snacks I had prepared. "I guess it is time for Jennifer to start acting like a lady instead of a tomboy." Said Dean. "Why do you need to be a tomboy now, since you'll be a boy half the time." "That is one of the great things about being a switcher, you get see both sides of the coin." "There's one question I haven't asked yet," I said, "Do any of your friends know about the two of you? Do you know of any switchers other than Paula and Jennifer's parents?" "None of our friends know. We don't want them to know, but we do know of a few others. There is sort of a club, we call it the Society of Switchers. Throughout the world there's only about a thousand confirmed switchers. Even with both parents being switchers it doesn't mean that their children will be switchers." "Mom thought she had your partner narrowed down to three girls. Jennifer wasn't even on her top ten list, but she is happy it is Jennifer." We talked some more about the problems caused by switching and more about the Society of Switchers. Finally they had to leave and I had to get ready for my date that night with my old body. Fifteen minutes later. I received a phone call from Dean. "Jen? I'm sorry but I have to change our date tonight. Our parents have a surprise birthday party planned and they wanted me to make sure that you will come. You'll come won't you?" "Certainly! What time?" "7 ish." --- Entering Dean's house in Jennifer's body the first time was a very strange experience for me. I knew where everything was, but I had to act like a complete stranger. When I greeted my mom for the first time I gave her kiss on the cheek. She whispered. "Welcome to your second home, Jennifer." I ran into my first obstacle, in the form of Fred Gingerman, Dean's best friend since first grade. I knew almost for certain that he was not a switcher, he had no trouble with girls. All he had to do was snap his fingers and suddenly a girl would appear. He was instantly after the new me, but Jennifer has resisted him before. "What are you doing here, Jennifer? Chasing me now?" "No, Dean invited me." "I didn't know if you knew Dean existed." "We have English together. Besides I've always has a crush on Dean." "Why would you be interested in Dean when you could have had me?" "I didn't want you. Dean was always nice and understanding with me." Dean arrived to break up the conversation. He greeted me like he was greeting his date... a hug and a peck on the cheek. "Sorry, Fred - you're too late. Jennifer is mine." "Hey! I thought you didn't like girls?" "I always liked girls, but I was never like you, trying to be a constant lady's man. Besides I've had a crush on Jennifer since the first time I meet her, but was afraid to do anything about it." "What changed?" "My sixteenth birthday. I woke up this morning and decided my life had changed and I wasn't going to let shyness run my life any more I just picked up the phone and asked Jennifer to go to a movie with me. When I found out about the surprise party I invited her over here instead." The party was strange for both Dean and me. I had to act like I didn't know some people when I had known them all my life. Dean had to remember all my old friends, neighbors and relatives. I did notice that John or one his parents were always within listening distance. I know it sounds kind of strange that I would refer to them as Dean's parents instead of mine, but it was starting to feel right. I thought that Dean and I handled the situation quite well. We set up another meeting for tomorrow with John, Paula and both sets of parents. We needed to go over everything that Dean and I needed to know. Like locker combinations, class schedules, which books for which classes and gym. We also had to catch up on Schoolwork, since we had only one class together. There were secrets and stories about our friends and enemies to share, so we could pass among friends and classmates without raising too many questions. In a sense we needed to learn about each other's lives. --- Monday morning I had to get up 2 hours early. Where Dean could be up and out of the house in twenty minutes, now that I am Jennifer I have to get up in time to do my make- up, hair and clothes just right. I must have tried on at least ten different combinations to get the just right look. It had been decided by all those involved that Jennifer would gradually give up her tomboy ways, so I wore a simple blouse and skirt with 1 inch heels. I've seen Jennifer in a skirt before, but every time she was also wearing socks. Today I borrowed a pair of mom's pantyhose. From the expression on my best friend Rachael's face I knew the pantyhose came as a complete shock to her. "Jennifer! Are you wearing pantyhose?" she asked. "Why yes. I do believe I am." I couldn't resist, I flipped up the hem of my skirt to very ostentatiously check. "After all, I just turned sixteen and I suppose I have to grow up sometime. I even went on a date Saturday night." "WHO?" "Dean McLane, He invited me to his birthday party." "Dean? You're kidding! You could have had your pick of almost any boy in school. You know Fred Gingerman always had a crush on you and you never gave him the time of day." "Fred wasn't after me. He was after another notch on his pistol." The five minute warning bell rang and I had to get to my first class as Jennifer. --- Algebra. Not too hard since I carry a 4.0 GPA in the class, but I had to play dumb because Jennifer was just barely getting a 2.0. I think I had better help her get better for my own good. My next class was any teenage boy's dream come true - GYM. As I walked down the hallway to the gym I noticed that three of the foxiest girls in school walked into the locker room ahead of me. I had always wondered what they looked like naked. Ms. Stonebridge, the PE instructor, announced. "Leotards and tights today, girls. It's started to rain, so Mr. Burns and I decided to combine our classes and do aerobics." I knew from past experience that the girls would love it, but the boys would spend the whole class in complete discomfort. I found myself next to Penny Atwater as I undressed. Penny Atwater - Hahhhhhhh! Penny's 36Ds made any male student (or teacher) drool if she walked by. They had only one thing on their minds - getting their hands on those beautiful mounds. To my utter shock, something then happened to throw me for a loop. As Penny removed her bra, her breasts came with it. She was wearing falsies! Her real breasts were about the size of a young girl's breast that had just started her path to womanhood. I think I just found out about the biggest joke that had been pulled on the boys of our school. And I couldn't tell anyone or I'd blow my cover! Trying not to be too obvious, I continued to get dressed for gym. Penny's leotards were made so that no one could tell she had no breasts. Remembering what John and Paula told me. I said or did nothing out ordinary. As I stood with the rest of the girl's gym class, I watched the boy's class enter the workout room. Half of them had their gym pants tented up within a couple of minutes. Every male in the room, including the boy's instructor, had a bulge in their gym pants after ten minutes of the class. I enjoyed the thought that my body was helping to cause so much discomfort. By the middle of class every boy had to go back to the locker room for a few minutes. Every one of them returned with wet hair. I didn't have to wonder why they had to shower in the middle of class. Halfway through the class both instructors disappeared. None the other girls showed the slightest hint that this was out of ordinary. As we entered the locker room after the class was over, Ms. Stonebridge told us to hold off undressing for a moment. I couldn't figure why until I saw Mr. Beal, the boy's instructor, slipping out the door. Could Ms. Stonebridge have helped him relieve him of his problem? Interesting. I was wondering what my reaction would have been if I had been allowed into the shower room with twenty girls last Friday. I just might have had my first boner. Since my body was as good looking as any girl in the class, I just enjoyed the sights, comparing my new body to the others. --- My next class was English. For the first time today I met my old body. I had quite a few questions for him. Dean must have been reading my mind. "I'll talk to you at lunch." He whispered, which was right after English. Since we were both about equal in English, neither one of us had to worry about showing off. The main problem was answering to our right names. I almost blew it twice, and I tried to sit in Dean's assigned seat. Lunch was a very big problem. Where Dean loaded his tray with everything that looked good, I was stuck with ice tea and low fat yogurt. "I bet you have questions about your gym class." "Yes, I do. But no questions about Penny Atwater. Those I got answers for!" "Penny, the biggest joke in school. Every girl in school knows the secret. If the secret gets out, I will know exactly where it came from." "Don't any of the boys know about it?" "No! We girls just loved watching all the boys drooling over those fake breasts." "What about Ms. Stonebridge and Mr. Beal?" "That affair has been going on since the beginning of school. Everybody in both classes knows when we have a combined class that the two them will end up in the locker room." "Hasn't anyone complained?" "Why should we? The boys enjoy the sight of the girls in our leotards and the girls enjoy the sight of the discomfort we cause the boys. Especially when they have to go back to the locker room to relieve themselves." "I sort of enjoyed the thought that I was causing all them boners." "What have you got planned for this afternoon?" "Mom's taking me to the doctor's office. I'm going to have my ears pierced." "Don't go too far making me too feminine right away." As Dean said this, he leaned over and kissed me on the lips. As we kissed his hand was rubbing my nylon-covered leg. Not to be outdone, I returned the kiss and did a little rubbing of my own. For the first time I felt my old body's boner. "If you continue to that I will have to go relieve myself." "Darn, I was hoping you hadn't had time to figure that out yet. That's exactly what I'm trying to do." --- For the next four weeks I lived out a dream. On the last day of our first switch, Dean and I spent most of Friday evening preparing the other for the switch back. That night I felt the same feeling of floating in air, when I awoke the next morning. I was back in my old body. One thing I decided to do over the next twenty-eight days was to pass my driver's test. That way both Jennifer and I could drive by ourselves. I also had to prepare for the biggest problem the two of us have faced so far. Jennifer and I have the same history teacher, but different period. I had a report scheduled for the day of the switch, which will be worth 50% of grade for the semester. This was no problem for me. The problem was Jennifer's report was due the following Monday. Guess who got to prepare both reports?

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Picture Perfect

“Do that to me please.’ I grin and look back at Ben, there is a picture on the computer screen, I turned it towards him so he could see. “I want this.” I crouched on his lap like a kitten, in my black thong and lacy bra. The computer is on the couch and I am leaning forward my chin resting on my hands as I peruse the images. My round peach of a bottom is in the air, I am sucking on my pinky as I adjust my glasses so I can get a better look at the bodies floating in front of me.

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Chesters Choices

"...and you can just go fuck yourself asshole" Is the last sentence you hear before you lovely girlfriend Natasha puts down the phone with what sounds like excessive force. She has been pissed at you for quite some time now. Who knows what started it but it seems lately that the only thing you guys can do is fight, or ... wel fuck. You guys have been together now for a couple of years but it seems the romance is withering. Or maybe you just found out how much of a bitch she can be sometimes....

4 years ago
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Drive For ExcellenceChapter 29

Andy just stood there and stared at me after he managed to get the words out. Tears started to run down both cheeks. "Www ... What am I... [sniffle] going to ... do?" I stood up and pulled Andy over to the bed and sat him down. I put my hands on his shoulders and said, "Look at me, Andy." He sniffled and stared into my eyes. "We'll work everything out. Tell me what you know." "Crystal missed her period ... How can this... [sniffle] be happening ... to me?" "How long ago should...

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Hot adventure with Lucas

I was such happy when last week Lucas called and said he can come visit me and stay overnight because than he has some work plan here. He is really nice boy to talk and spend time with and then ... my cock is hard in few seconds I imagine his naked body. Wednesday afternoon I had my blond hair friend again in my apartment. We were talking about everything and I was horny, more and more, I just imagined him dripping sweat on my exercise bike and my cock was hard like stone. He saw it and said :...

1 year ago
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9 July 2008Chapter 3

The third night and results show always featured the contestants singing in groups to different songs. Brad and Abby were happy to be practising an extra song to help the time pass by quicker and take their minds off the impending voter results. The theatre was again filled to capacity, the Hayward and Kendall families so excited for and proud of their son and daughter. “Welcome to Canadian Idol! I’m your host Ben Mulroney and tonight these sixteen performers will learn their fate. Only ten...

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Loosening Up Book 2 CohousingChapter 14 Seminar Sex

Lunch was a bit of an embarrassment for Dave. Again there were the two tables with about eight to ten seats on each table on each side. There was a small stampede by the women attending the course plus Gwen to sit next to Dave. It was quite noticeable to all of the other men. Up to that point, he might have deflected some of the criticism as a joke, but now every other guy knew there was something strange going on between Dave and the women associated with the seminar. He cursed under his...

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Denise Gets Caught chapter 1

Denise Gets Caught, chapter 1 Dennis Radcliff had it made. His wife was a real MILF, and she was constantly horny. A fact that he took advantage of almost every night. Dennis worked from home Tuesday through Friday in his home office, going into work on Mondays and Fridays for the weekly meetings. Angela worked in an office full of other women and run by other successful men like Dennis. Men who constantly praised her looks, often making advances. Advances that she would share...

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Bowling for HeartsChapter 25

Every morning that I wake up next to Tamara is a good morning. I looked at my sweet baby lying next to me. Her hair was a mess and she still had on her dress from last night. She looked beautiful. I reached over and caressed her back. She moaned slightly then stretched. She then rolled over and pulled me closer. "Good morning," I said. "How are you feeling?" "Rode hard and put up wet. Literally!" she said. "But I love it." "I need to get up and get moving. I'm meeting Michael for...

1 year ago
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The Barfly ch 1 rewrite

Author’s comments: This is a rewrite of the first story I published on the forum while the main story site was in-operational. All comments are welcome but if any of the categories named don’t fit your taste then please don’t read it. If you read it anyway then don’t criticize me for writing about the things you dislike. Since English is neither my first nor second language all spelling and grammar corrections are more than gratefully accepted. Some years ago I read the...

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The Lesson Plan Part Two Supply Teacher Episode Four

The Lesson Plan -- Part Two: Supply Teacher Thursday: Sex Education Chapter 16 "Good morning!" I welcome Vicki into the house, out of the dark cold morning and into the warmth and light. She looks tired, if I'm honest, and slightly irritated that I appear to be fresh as a daisy and awake. What she doesn't know is that I've been having to get up this early every morning for the last week. This is normal for me. "Coffee?" I ask with a smile, drawing my robe around me and bustling...

2 years ago
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Becky Loves Cum Pt 1

This is the second installment of 'Naughty Grandpa' Nearly a year had past since Patty and I saw her grandc***dren Sara and Becky. No one was the wiser that I fucked little Becky during her stay here. Whenever I fucked Patty, (And those were few and far between) I that about that little girl. Her small tits, tight bald pussy, and how good ole grandpa took her virginity. Heh heh heh. Patty was even surprised how long my dick would remain hard when I fucked her.I think she had her suspicions that...

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I Seduced My Younger Brother And Lost Virginity 8211 Pt 1

Hello, I am Huma and here to tell you an experience when I lost my virginity to my younger cousin Iqbal. This happened when I was 23 years old and my cousin was 19. I am neither fat nor slim, at that time I had 34 size breast (doodh / mamme) and 36 ass (gaand). We lived in a compound and our houses are just a few meters away. One of my friends was getting married and I had to attend the pre-marriage function. It was October, the evenings were pleasant. My cousin went to drop me there and would...

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Massage exhibition story The Crescendo For You

I’d like to start with a sensual massage, me blindfolded, you in the corner watching...(Note: This story is a re-posting of my previous entry with a better title so it's easier to find.)We are in a large private room with a massage table in the center and a chair off to the side on a slightly raised platform, and a large window with a nature view on another wall. As I undress, and before you put the blindfold on me, I peeked at the items on the table nearby and touched a bowl of warm stones, a...

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The School Part Six

It was a good and happy crowd at the bar, and a couple of sarongs were whipped off in fun, and it was nice to see so many tits bouncing about with the laughter. I saw Carol talking to Penny before she came bouncing into the bar, well Carol’s tits were actually doing the bouncing as she went and sat down next to Ann and start whispering to her. I saw Ann shake her head and then Carol took hold of her hand and whispered with more urgency to her it seemed. Being offered another drink distracted...

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mistaken identity

It was 4 th of July last year Our entire neighborhood gets together to celebrate.  One of the neighbors invites everyone over to have a huge cookout.  It is more of a feast and adult beverages.  This year was great because all the kids that had grown up together were coming home from their first years at college.  The party starts about 2:00pm with everyone gathering and bringing something to share.  Mike had started his oversized grill with a beer in hand.  A couple of the guys wheeled...

Straight Sex
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The Voyeur

Alice had been hiking for a couple of hours and hadn't seen another soul and that was just fine with her. This was her day to enjoy herself and she intended to do just that. She wasn't going to think about anyone else, not her husband, not her son, not her job, no one but herself. She finally reached the secluded overlook she had found years ago and she laid out the blanket and undressed. Naked, she looked over the edge and saw the beauty of the valley far below then she took out the...

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A Game of InchesChapter 2

Ashley was lying back on the sofa, my Father had his face buried between her legs. She was wearing a tee shirt, her panties were around her right ankle. Her head was tilted back, her eyes were closed, and her hips were moving against his mouth. I stepped back in the hallway, wondering what to do. I knew I should go back to my room, they deserved their privacy, but I couldn’t seem to make my feet move. I leaned in again, peering around the corner. Ashley was now moaning softly, her finger’s...

4 years ago
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Male Enhancement Pills and the Wifes Sisters Part I

Introduction: Who knew that buying something informercial would change your life so drastically? Thank you for taking a shot reading my story. It will start a little slow for most of your liking, as I really like to take care in making you care about the characters, and I try to make people seem as real as possible (Except for having extreme physical features — that is TOTALLY UNREALISTIC!). Hopefully you dig it and if you would, please offer some constructive criticism. I originally...

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Dads Loose ShortsChapter 2

"My first time was with Fred when I was 14. He was gentle though and took it slow. Then we both had a wild climax. Unfortunately I was fertile myrtle and found a baby growing in me. Luckily we both had parents who were understanding and supported us until we graduated from high school." "Oh that was neat your parents went along with it." "Fred's parents went along with it but my parents were really angry and didn't like it. So I moved into Fred's house and we fucked almost every...

4 years ago
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Marks Diary Part 2

Mark's Diary Part 2 By Mark Dayette (This is the continuation of the true account of my strange life) Before I explain how the story website Fictionmania has impacted my life I will describe some of the key events that took place to me in my mid- 20's. As I said previously, after graduating from college I moved back into my mother's house to live with her. I had an English degree but I wasn't really pursuing any employment in that field. I started working part-time at a Hallmark...

1 year ago
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Milfty Sheena Ryder Rachael Cavalli Poolside MILFs

Sizzling MILFs Sheena Ryder and Rachael Cavalli may not be stuck in the upside down, but our lucky pool guy would not have it any other way. The chicks love laying out by the water in their ultra colorful swimsuits. They show off just enough skin to get his blood pumping on his dick stiff in his swim trunks. So, when they start seducing him, this guy thinks he is caught in a fantasy. He does not want to end his lucky streak, so he will do whatever these MILFs want. He follows them inside and...

2 years ago
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Losing VirginityWeek 3

Monday May 31st was Memorial Day. Aaron picked Liz up from her place and they went back to his. They spent the day playing with his dogs and just watching movies. He cooked her dinner and they practiced their signing. Liz just seemed to love being in Aaron's arms. Aaron loved having her there. Aaron lived forty-five minutes away from Liz depending on the route taken. Liz had on a button up shirt on. Driving back to her house that night she unbuttoned her shirt and dropped her bra down. The...

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cumming out party

sarah crawled on her hands and knees across my queensized bed. As she firmly nestled one of her kneesagainst my pussy and lowered her generous breasts tomine and began stroking her nipples back and forthacross mine she smiled and said, “How come I have todo all the work?”“Because it’s my bed,” I said, brushing my finger tipsalong her firm upper arms and onto her back. I raisedmy head a bit and was rewarded with a long and lovingkiss.Sarah lowered her wonderfully warm breasts againstmine and...

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The Two Os Chapter 1

"Goodnight, Alexa" the last of the crew shouted as they walked out the door to their cars. "Night" I replied, locking the front door behind them. I quickly walked toward the back, trying to ignore how creepy the dining room was now that it was empty and dark. The doors swung open roughly, the bright yellow light was blinding but comforting. The sound of a gentle bass poured from the speakers, replacing the loop of classic hell that played all day long and I smiled. She was making this...

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Slut for Homeless Men

Standing naked in front of her full length mirror, Amanda looked stunning at thirty three years old. She had a face of an angel with large blue eyes, soft desirable lips, perfect white teeth and natural golden blonde hair that hung down her shoulders. Her 36C breasts were perky with large puffy pink areolas waiting to be sucked on. Her body had the perfect curved hips and flat belly. Almost every day she wax or shaves her pussy and sexy legs, keeping her body smooth and definitely making her...

1 year ago
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A HOT Way To Pay A Debt

Damn….where was I gonna get the money to pay for this. My Parents were gonna kill me. I had run up 700 dollars on their credit card that easily. The one that was 'Only for emergency use Delilah, ONLY for emergencies'. Fuck, my Dad told me I had one week to come up with the money, or he would take my car. I had to think. I finally decided to sell some things at one of those shops. You know the ones that offer the best prices around. I made my best friend Kara go with me. She was nervous because...

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Aunty Ko Choda Aur Pregnant Kiya

Hi indian sex stories dot net stories, thanks for the support from all the readers and the women who believed me and had an encounter with me. If any ladies interested to satisfy their needs secretly and want any real sex to mail me I am Neel Patil age 27 normal look slim body with 6 inches long and 2-inch wide cock.With great stamina and knowledge in various Kamasutra positions and I know how to respect a woman and satisfy her in bed This story is 2 weeks ago.I gt a mail from women named...

4 years ago
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Favor For My Wife

A little while back Kate was at our house for the weekend as she is every once in a while. Her and Ashley have fun together shopping and stuff. This time it was a Saturday morning and I had gotten back from a business trip late the night before. Ashley was already asleep when I got home but in the morning I was woken up to a familiar feeling. Ashley had slipped under the covers and was beginning to suck on my cock. Her blowjob abilities are rivaled by none. I couldn't see her but I...

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San Diego "Hello?" Jack answered his phone without checking who it was. "Monsieur Jacques, bonjour!" Jack furrowed his brow, lowered his phone and took a quick look at the area code. 702... Las Vegas. Bridgette, he realized. "Jacques? Have I reached monsieur Jacques?" Bridgette asked in a ridiculously over-the-top French accent. Jack laughed and asked, "What's with the accent, Mignonette?" "Does it sound good? I've been practicing. The guests love it!" "It sounds pretty fucking...

Group Sex
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DGIRL SORORITY pt 2 Katie looses her anal virginity

_____________________________________________________________________________________________ Jake, caucasian, tan, brown hair, 7.5 inch cock Katie, caucasian, pale, blonde hair, medium size tits Samantha "Sam", caucasian, tan, chestnut hair, big tits, fit, 7 inch surprise Annabelle "Bella", latina, dark tan & tattooed, dark brown hair, small tits, big ass, 6 inch slender surprise ____________________________________________________________________________________________ After he...

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My Petite Mami

Hi, I am Ashish Nair aged 25 a Malayalee by birth, brought up in Gujarat so a Gujarati. This is my 3rd story a true episode in my life like the previous ones. My previous stories were 1. My first sex lessons 2. I teach my cousin sex For new readers an introduction of myself: I am a Malayalee by birth; we had our land and house in Kerala and both my father and my mother had their share of land in kerala. The ancestral house of my father was in his name. My grandmother used to stay there and...

1 year ago
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Hubby arranges evening with Liam

“She has wonderful breasts” LIam said to my husband. “I know, would you like a closer look?” Tonight was to be the night. Hubby had swapped several e mails with Liam to set this up and our first meeting was to be tonight. It’s 8.25 I have bathed, shaved my pussy, and prepared myself. Hubby had dressed me in black see through lingerie with stockings and suspenders. The extra high heels made me look a little slutty. I hoped I would be attractive enough to excite him and get it over quickly....

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Tenjho Tenge Rewritten

You sigh as you enter your new high school, its pristine walls high looming dauntingly above you with every passing step... After ages of training, you have finally managed to perfect your family's personalized style of martial art - an obscure mix of judo, hapkido, and wudang. With your newly-sharpened prowess, it was easy to secure a spot in Tadou Academy, and equally easy to find yourself the center of attention among the freshmen. A young man soon approaches you, a chibi-looking girl...

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Married Chinese Lawyer First Encounter Story

So like I explained in my post about the Married Chinese Lawyer introduction, I met her when an ex-gf of mine introduced me to her as a fuck buddy. My ex was a cuckqueen, she enjoyed watching me fuck the lawyer who was a good friend of hers. It was just purely a fuck buddy entertainment relationship for my ex. I had only met her a few times and only knew her first name. Had no idea what she did, how old she was or any other information. It was just to fuck her so my ex could watch and enjoy and...

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Cousin Dee Gets Her First Dick

I belong to a very large and conservative Muslim family. We lived in one of the largest cities in central India. My father had 7 brothers and we all live in a huge gates private compound. We have several houses and buildings attached to one other and this has kept us very close as a family unit. A little about me.. I stand 5’10” tall, very fair, with long, straight dark hair. I have been a soccer player since I was small and I have a naturally slim and athletic build.I love motorcycles and...

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P90SEX Chaper 3 The beach party

P90SEX Chapter 3: THE BEACH PARTY From in front of my computer, I called out to my wife who was in the next room, “Allie, I just got an email from Natalie. She says that we can arrive at her place any time from three o’clock this Friday. I might schedule myself off so that we can get there early.” “Great idea," Allie replied. “I’ll make plans to take the day off too so that we can leave right after breakfast and be there in plenty of time. How long would you expect it to take us?” “About...

Group Sex
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Rise of the Sexpier Queen

Authors note: I am dislexic and have no proof reader. I make periodic passes to catch what I miss Wich is why there's not that much written yet. I am trying my best. Also I refuse to write out numbers. It's a thing with me. Why write "twentyfive" when u can just write "25". It's was the start of spring brake when 5 friends desired to have a bonfire on a secluded stretch of beach. There was Sam aka Samantha Carter. She was a first read head with bangs covering half her face and the rest pulled...

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The Succubae Seduction 3 Knights Son Ch 02

Chapter 02 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Legacy Now, I don’t consider myself an insensitive person, and I have a high regard for life. However, I also believe some people should be removed from society with extreme prejudice: child molesters, rapists, and people who don’t use their blinker among them. Okay, I’m joking with that last one. Anyway, my father’s death gave me more of a feeling of relief than one of sadness. Yet, as I sat in the lobby of Kingsley, Nowell, Issa,...

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My Angel1

Greetings, my name is James, I like reading stories on here and thought I would give it a shot. This will be a largely unerotic story that is going to build, so let's see if you enjoy this introduction? Angel- day 1 My life is less than stellar. When I was 15, I thought I knew everything about everything. I thought I knew what love was, what it was like to be 'large and in charge' Haha, I know it seems silly for some of you who know better. Anyway, one thing good came out of my youth. I...

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Teachers Pet

It was the last day of summer and the new school year started on Monday. John looked out the kitchen window and thought to himself that it was going to be another year of boring school with boring kids and even more boring teachers. He hated school except for the fact that he had a couple of close friends and it would be cool to see them again. John had been exiled to an out-of-state summer camp his Dad and Mom had insisted he attend, but now he was back in town and ready to have some fun with...

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Invasion of Privacy part 1

Invasion of Privacy (Revised) By Kara Denise Wilson I was sitting in my bedroom one afternoon, playing a football game on my Playstation. Arsenal was administering a brutal beating on Crystal Palace, thanks to my skillful playing, and I was contentedly whiling away the hours of a midsummer day. I was 16 and on summer vacation from school. Just as the referee blew the whistle for full time of the game, I heard something odd. I flipped the TV off so I could get a better idea of what...

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The Good YearsChapter 70

The next day, the doctor and I had several long conversations. She didn't hypnotize me. She did caution me about getting too far ahead of myself, or trying to put things back together again too hastily. Life has a way of diffusing a lot of activity being cast in any one particular direction she told me. She also said that proceeding cautiously was probably something for me to stick with, at least for the short term. We spoke at length about the conflicts she said I had over my relationships...

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My Love of Buttplugs

I'm writing this with a buttplug inside me that's been there for more than 12 hours straight, through breakfast and a shower and a trip in the car. I love to have it in me, and I keep pushing myself to keep it in for longer and longer times. The one I'm using now is not very big, about 4.5" long and 1" wide at the neck and cock-shaped, but once I can take it too easily to feel much discomfort, I have no doubt that I will go on and try bigger ones. So this morning, I got to thinking; what...

3 years ago
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Road trip to Perpignan

Back when I was relatively young, eighteen or so, but still thought I knew more or less everything , an old boyfriend of mine invited me to go to his parents' house near Perpignan in France. The house was on the coast there and sounded adorable. Despite my arrogance, I wasn't stupid and soon checked out that we weren't going to go on our own but with three more friends, two girls and a guy. I wasn't even the youngest, the youngest was a partial friend of mine who was only seventeen then. It...

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Being touched in the cinema

I looked through my wardrobe, trying to find the perfect outfit to wear. I would be seeing him again that night so I was super excited. He made me feel so wonderful and I was definitely happy to have him in my life. I tried to imagine what our evening together would be like in my mind; every time with him was always so perfect, so it was hard to imagine anything other than perfect.   My phone rang and I answered it, feeling rather happy to hear his voice, “I’m gonna be there soon” he said,...

Straight Sex
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SleepIn For DaddyChapter 2

He didn't want to ever take it out of her; his prick felt so wonderful, buried to the balls within the marvelous grasping of his mother's beloved pussy, locked tenderly into the greasy, hot depths of that previously forbidden cunt his father had fucked so often, this deliciously thrilling gash that other men had screwed, too. Now Jerry was one of them, and he vividly remembered his mom calling out in the throes of her passion that she had never been fucked so hard and so deep. The come...

1 year ago
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Marzena w szpitalu

Marzena trafiła do szpitala na rehabilitacje po załamaniu nerwowym. Pół roku temu w wypadku straciła obydwoje rodziców. Jej stan cały czas się pogarszał, coraz bardziej zamykała się w sobie. Z ciężką depresją trafiła do szpitala rehabilitacyjnego w malownicze położonej miejscowości. Marzena trafiła do pokoju w którym były jeszcze trzy kobiety. Dziewczyna słabo reagowała na świerze powietrze i piękne widoki. Którejś nocy, coś ją przebudziło ze snu...?

3 years ago
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My unexpected Sunday afternoon masturbation session

As this is my first written experience, let me introduce myself. Male, 28, and the most important bit you need to know: I'm a passionate masturbator. Do not get me wrong, I love sex (with both genders) and as I've been told I'm quite good at it, but for some reason I prefer to play with myself. My personal history includes all kind of masturbation techniques, ranging from the most typical to the most kinky. I guess the best thing is to combine sex and masturbation in your life. Anyway, let's...


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