Society Of Switchers II free porn video

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I wasn't really planning on another part to my story. That was until I read all the kind and wonderful comments about part 1. I hope this story doesn't disappoint you. Society of Switchers II By Jennifer Allison It has been sixteen weeks since I discovered I was a switcher. A switcher is someone who switches bodies with someone else every four weeks. The switch is between a girl and a boy and it occurs during the girl's period. We will switch back and forth until one of us gets pregnant. My partner is a girl name Jennifer, who I attend high school with and have English together. The switch takes place Friday night as we sleep. --- "Dean I am sorry I couldn't get out of attending Rachael slumber party," Jennifer informed me the afternoon before the switch was to take place. "Jennifer I asked you to get me out of it," I told her. "I couldn't come up with a way," Jennifer told me. "Rachael has been planning on this party for three months. I just couldn't say I couldn't attend." "But it is tomorrow night. I need at least a day to get my head on straight being you," I said. "I had to endure that little boy outing of you and your friends. The last time I was you," Jennifer reminded me. "I told you I was sorry about that," I said. "I simply forgot about it." "That trip of yours and my slumber party are somethings we are just going to have to learn to live with," "I do it on one condition," I said. "What condition is that?" asked Jennifer. "You going to have to become more feminine," I told her. "Every time we are back into our old bodies, you revert to your tomboyish ways and I have to answer too many questions to why I go from feminine to tomboyish every four weeks." "Agreed," said Jennifer. "I won that round." "Won what round?" I asked. "I decided last weekend to start becoming more feminine," Jennifer said with a chuckle. As usual that night I felt myself drifting on a cloud and awoke the next morning in Jennifer's body. --- So as I agreed I was at Rachael's front door that night. With a small over night bag and my pillow tucked underneath my arm. My pillow is one thing I refused to adjust to. Jennifer likes sleeping on foam rubber pillows, me I am duck feather all the way. So every morning after the switch we get together and switch pillows. "Jennifer good, you are the last one here," Rachael said as she met me at the door. "Everyone else in their nighties. So hurry up and get into yours." "Won't your dad mind?" I asked. "Him and mom won't be home until after midnight," she told me. I brought only my nightshirt but I did go out and buy a pair of black lace panties. When I got my first look at the other girls I was the most conservative in dress. Another boy's dream come true. A slumber party with six beautiful girls running around in their nighties. I didn't mind it one bit one that I was one of those girls. I might be able to enjoy these sights in some ways right now, but in four weeks I will enjoy the memories. It was a normal slumber party in every respect. One of the girls even borrowed one of her dad's XXX videotapes. At first most of the girls were making rude comments about the movie like: "Why would want to do that?" especially during the blowjob seen. I did notice that the ones who did the most complaining were the ones that were playing with themselves as the couple in video were in the love scene. After the movie the fun began. I was out voted on the choice of game to played. The game of choice was Truth or Dare. I wasn't picked for the first five times and I was worried what my truth or was going to be. One of the girls took the dare instead of the truth. "Susan, have you ever seen a man's dick?" asked Brenda. The rumor around school Susan liked playing around but so far no one could prove it. "I'll take the dare." replied Susan. Brenda then pulled the strap to her nightie to reveal her breasts and nipples in all its glory. "Dare it is, I want you become my baby and it is lunchtime." Susan had no choice as she bent over and took Brenda's breast in mouth and started sucking. We all sat there and watched. By luck the next question was mine. Susan asked then asked. "Jennifer have you ever touched a man's dick. I don't mean a baby's. Also give us the details." After what Brenda had put Susan through I knew the truth would a lot better than the dare. "Yes I have." I tried to reach for the bottle before I had to say anymore. "I said I wanted details," reminded Susan, as she took the bottle before I could grab it. "Okay!" I said. "I touched Dean's." "Come Jennifer give us all the dirty details," said the other girls. "I should rephrase what I said, I touched a man's dick through his pants," I told them. "Drat! Most of us have done that with our boyfriends and dates," Susan said somewhat angrily. "I thought you had actually touched Dean's without his clothes on." "Sorry, that is all that happened, but Dean did ask me to stop before he had an accident," I said hoping that would end the matter. I then spun the bottle and it handed on Rachael. "So Rachael have you ever kissed a boy?" I asked. "Truth!" Rachael then said, "No." Finally around two-thirty we all settled down and went sleep. I was awoken at seven by Rachael who said in a very unladylike fashion. "What is the hell going on?" "Rachael go back to sleep, I need my beauty sleep," I told her. "Jennifer what are you doing in my bedroom?" asked a very confused Rachael. It finally dawn on me. Rachael was like me; a switcher and she just had her first switch. "You aren't Rachael Simms are you?" I asked. "No I am not. I am Phillip Bream." said Rachael. I could tell I needed to calm Phillip down before he awoke the others. "Phillip I need you to calm and come with me to the bathroom. We do not want to wake the other girls." Still in a confused state Rachael followed me into the bathroom. If she hadn't been so confused she would have screamed and woke the whole house. I did just stop Rachael's first scream. It happened when she finally looked into the bathroom's mirror. I got my hand on her mouth just in time. "Please don't scream," I begged her. Then I said, "I know you are scared but I can explain everything. But we need a few things first." I could still the fear in her eyes. Rachael asked in a low calm voice, "How can you explain this to me? That I woke up this morning in the body of Rachael Simms." "First thing first, we need to send the other girls home," I told Phillip. "Then get Rachael over here with your parents and mine." "You mean Rachael in my body?" asked Phillip. "Yes she is," I answered. "How do you know all this?" she asked. "I do. I will explain after we get all the girls out of here and the others get here," I replied. "Since you won't tell me what going on until they leave how do we do that?" asked Rachael. "It is very simple. Tell them something unexpected has come up. Then ask Brenda to take them home. She drove her car over last night," I told her. --- We then left the bathroom. I knew from the way Phillip walked and talked she was still confused frightened and scared all at one time. "Everybody up!!!" shouted Rachael. "Go back to bed! Can't you see we are trying to sleep here?" moaned Susan. "Something has come up, I need you to leave now!" Yelled Rachael. By now everybody was awake. Brenda asked, "What is going on?" "Something has come up. I need all of you except Jennifer to leave right now," explained Rachael. "Brenda can you take the others home?" They're four very confused teenage girls that left Rachael's house that Sunday morning. Rachael's parents were more confused. "What is going on Rachael?" asked Brian Simms. Before Rachael could answer the telephone rang. It was Phillip's dad. He wanted an answer to what was going on. "Simms, what is gong on? My son woke us this morning with some cock and bull story that he is your daughter Rachael." Mr. Bream asked so loudly that Phillip heard every word. "Is that my dad?" asked Phillip. "I don't know what is going. My daughter just asked if you were her dad." Brian said to Mr. Bream. "I can explain it all," I announced. "Mr. Simms could you ask Mr. Bream to come over with Phillip and his wife?" Mr. Bream agreed to my request. The first words out of Brian Simms' mouth after he hung up the phone were. "So what in the bleep is going on Jennifer?" "I'll explain everything when the Breams and my parents get here," I told him. I got my mom on the phone. "Mom, Rachael is a switcher," I told her. "Are you sure?" she asked. "Rachael switched for the first time last night," I replied. "Rachael is standing in front of me telling us his name in Phillip Bream. Mr. Bream just called to complained to Mr. Simms that his son Phillip woke up this morning claiming to be Rachael Simms." "It sounds like they are switchers, and it also sounds like that neither family knows the truth." My mom then asked. "What have you told them?" "Very little, I told them I would explain when you, dad and the Breams get over here," I replied. "Your dad I will be over in fifteen minutes." My mom told me. "Let me talk to Alice." I handed the phone to Alice Simms. "My mom wants to talk to you." "Alice, I know how confusing this morning has been. All I can tell you, there is an explanation." Mrs. Simms then hung up the phone. Before I could say a word in edgewise. Mr. Simms asked, almost demanded. "What is going on Jennifer? And what is a switcher?" "Yes Jennifer why did you call me a switcher?" asked Rachael. "I can explain it all, but please wait until the Breams and my parents get here." I begged them. "I give them thirty minutes. If they aren't here by then," said Mr. Simms. "I will get some answers then." --- My parents arrived first twenty-five minutes later. I could see the reason why they took so long. They stopped and picked up Jennifer. Who almost blew it. "Dean, my parents told me we have a new couple ready to join the Society of Switchers." "What was that?" asked Phillip in Rachael's body. "Dean why did you call Jennifer, Dean and her parents yours?" "I know it is confusing but we can explain it all when the Breams get here," said my other body. This conversation was cut short by the arrival of Rachael and the Breams. I stood in the of the Simms' living room surrounded by the at least six worried faces. The only comfort came from the presents of Jennifer and her folks. "Let me start off with. There is nothing harmful or dangerously wrong with Phillip and Rachael." I said. "If nothing is wrong. So why do they claim to be each other?" asked Mr. Simms. "They just found out they are two of around ten thousand people," I told the concern families. "Rachael and Phillip are switchers. Switchers are people who switch bodies." "How do you know all about this switching Jennifer?" asked Rachael in Phillip's body. "Jennifer and I are also switchers," I replied. Before another question was asked. "Right I am in Jennifer's body and she is mine." "WHAT!!!" said six voices. "There is no explanation why it happens, but it seems that some boys on their sixteenth birthday will switch with a sixteen year-old girl who just happens to be having her period on that day. They don't why it affects some of the kids and why a kid is a switcher and his parents are not, like in your case," I told them. "My brother John is a switcher but neither of my parents are. Jennifer's parents were switchers." "How can this happen?" asked Walter Bream. "Does the government know about this switching?" "No one knows why it happens?" answered my dad. "The government knows and is working to find out how, why and a way to stop. Ever since ex-President Clinton found out about it." "Why didn't the government work on it before Clinton found out about it?" Alice Simms. "The only ones who knew about the switching were the kids involved and their parents. Just let imagination run wild and think what would happen if somehow the news got out that Phillip and Rachael have switched bodies." We stayed quiet a minute to let the Simms and Breams think. Walter broke the silence. "Just thinking about what can happen makes me want to throw up. There is no way I want anyone to find out." The others nodded in agreement. Phillip then asked, "How did Clinton find out about switching?" "The same way your parents did," I said. "Chelsea woke up one morning claiming to a boy. Before Clinton could go ballistic trying find out what was going on with his daughter. One of Chelsea's secret service detail stepped in and told the Clinton's the truth about what had happened. The reason why he knew all about it was. His sister is a switcher." "I can see why Clinton doesn't want the world to know about all of this." Alice Simms said. "So what happens now?" asked Brian Simms. "Will Phillip be in my daughter's body for the rest of her life." "They will switch back in four weeks," I told them. A loud "PHewwwwwwww!" was heard from Phillip and Rachael. "Then they will switch again in eight weeks." "WHAT??????" came from the Breams and Simms. "Rachael and Phillip will switch bodies every time Rachael's body has her period," I informed them. "I am in my third four week period as Jennifer. We switched Friday night." "Can the switching be stopped?" Phillip. "Only one thing has been found to stop the switching. It will stop when Rachael becomes pregnant." "Then I have a solution," announce Walter Bream. "After the kids switch back in four weeks. Phillip will make Rachael pregnant. My family will support any decision Rachael decides about what to do with the baby." "That won't work," my mom told Walter. "When a switcher has sex, their sex drive increases by five fold. They become like rabbits in heat. Also there is no guarantee that Rachael will the one who becomes pregnant. It could be Phillip in Rachael's body that becomes pregnant." "We just make sure that doesn't happen," said Walter. "There will no way in hell you would be able to stop it," my dad said. "How would you know," I didn't like the sound of Walter's voice when he said that. "I know for a fact that it might not work," my mom waited a minute before she continued. "My parents had the same idea you're talking about it. It didn't work me and my husband then and the odds are they work for Rachael and Phillip are only 50-50." "So!" said Walter. "For the first sixteen years of my life I was a boy. On the night before my sixteenth birthday I switched with my husband. Whose family knew about the switching but weren't switchers themselves. My parents knew nothing about it until it happened." my mom pause to catch her breath. "My dad was one those macho men who would pay a million dollars to stop his son from being a girl half the time. Back then he had a lot clout in the community so he forced his decision on my husband folks, that I would make my husband pregnant like you have planned. The two of us had sex every day of those twenty-eight days. We switched anyway. Then they tried to keep us apart. But we had only enough time to have sex three times during the next four weeks. The morning after the switch was to take place. I awoke in the same body I went to asleep in the night before. Nine mouths later Jennifer was born." My mom waited for all this to sink in, then said. "My dad never saw his granddaughter. He killed himself a week after the switch failed to take place." "So what do suggest we do about it then," asked Alice Simms. "Support them, Help them to adjust to all of this. They will have to learn to live each other's lives. You as parents will need to help them do that," answered my dad. "Let me give you example of the help they will need." "Please do," said Brian Simms. "Two weeks from today you are having a family reunion and Rachael has to attend for some reason. Won't it be a little awkward when Rachael can't remember anybody's name or anything about your family. It will be your job to make sure that Phillip who is in Rachael's body can remember all that he needs to. Then in four weeks you will need to update Rachael on everything that she missed during the four weeks she was in Phillip's body. The Breams will be doing the same thing. Keeping Rachael inform and updating Phillip." "So we will have to do this until I become pregnant," said Rachael. "That comes to the two of best things of this situation," my dad told them. "Most of the time the couple that switches usually ends up married to each other. The other is that I haven't heard a divorce occurring between a switching couple. Since both man and wife has more understanding of what the other's life is like." My mom then purposed that the grown-ups and the kids separate and talk among ourselves. Rachael and Phillip might have questions they want to ask and are afraid to ask them in front of their parents. Rachael in Phillip's body and I walked together to Rachael's room. "You didn't exactly tell the truth last night during truth in dare." "I didn't, if I did the school would know about switching before the end of the first period. By lunch time the whole city would know about it. To tell you the plain truth. I would have never told you if I didn't have too." "From what my imagination came up with if the outside world found out about our ability to switch bodies. I wouldn't have told you either." *Just so you remember can keep the names straight. The names will match their bodies." "So do you have any questions?" asked Dean. "How do you the two of you handle it?" asked Phillip. "It was hard at first but with the help of my brother John and his partner Paula. The two of them help us set-up a system that helps." I said. "John, you mean he is a switcher too?" asked Rachael. "What do you mean by partner." "Yes John is a switcher and the girl he switches is with is Paula," I answered. "Partner is a way we switchers refer to the person we switch with. You and Phillip are partners." "You said earlier that the two of you switch sixteen weeks ago, is that right?" asked Phillip. "Yes, I wore pantyhose to school for the first time the following Monday." Then I reminded Phillip, "You made a comment about them that day." "I am your best friend. We have told each other our deepest secrets." Phillip then asked, "Why didn't you tell me?" "Would you believe me if I did," I replied. "It is very hard to explain to someone about switching until they have actually seen it. I bet right now your parents still haven't accepted it 100%." "I did something, or should I do something I really know why I did," said Rachael. "There are somethings that will carry over that you didn't need to be told or shown," said Dean. "How do you do it without anyone finding out?" asked Rachael. "The time was the hardest, we weren't exactly prepared for it. My parents knew I was switcher but they didn't know who was going to be my partner. Now we leave each notes with information. Say Jennifer learn something last Friday that I needed to know to be her. She will then leave me a note telling me what." "What about the other things that a person does from experience?" asked Phillip. "That is way you will spending a lot of time together along with your parents and Jennifer and me," replied Dean. "You will have to learn to pass as each other. I'll give you example of something that you Rachael will have to learn and you will have to learn it by Monday." "What is it?" asked Rachael. "When a girl sit down she will smooth out her skirt without giving it a second thought. We learn do it at an early age. A boy doesn't, so you will have to learn it so it becomes second nature." "Another thing you can't be a blabbermouth. If you find out something as Rachael and it concerns a friend of Phillip's. You can't tell them," I inform them "Why not?" asked Phillip. "If it concerns a friend shouldn't we tell them?" "So you think it is fair to tell Phillip's friend about Penny Atwater, then?" I asked. "That is a totally different situation," replied Phillip. "What about Penny Atwater?" asked Rachael. "You cannot separate the situations. By saying something that you were not supposed to. You don't know who will be hurting," I said. "I haven't done so. But John did it with Paula. All I can say Paula was hurt by it and it took a very long time before John and Paula fixed the riff between them." "I understand," said Phillip. "The best way is. What others don't know won't hurt you." "So what this about Penny Atwater?" Rachael asked." "She is going to find out sooner or later, we might as well tell her," said Dean. "I agree," said Phillip. "You know those big breasts of Penny's?" I asked. "The ones that every boy in school drools over." "Yeah," said Rachael. "They are fake," I told her. "Penny has an hormone problem and her breasts really haven't developed yet. Her doctors are working on the problem. So her parents got her a pair of falsies and all the girls in school have agreed to keep Penny's secret." I then said. "I gave my word to Dean that I would also keep that secret." "I give my word to the three of you. I will not tell anyone Penny's secret." promised Rachael. I then took Phillip aside to tell him something. "Last night you told me that you didn't have a date to the Valentine's Day dance." I reminded him. "You mean I should ask Rachael?" before I could say another word he asked to talk to Rachael in private a minute. "Rachael would you do the honor of being my date for the Valentine's Day Dance?" Phillip asked. "Yes, definitely yes!" replied Rachael. "Great you and I can go shopping for your dress tomorrow after school," I said. "You should see the dress I am wearing." "I know nothing about such a dress," said Dean. "You weren't supposed to," I told him. "I knew this dance would be my first as you. So mom and I spent a whole week of window shopping looking for just the right dress and all the matching stuff to go with it." "I hope it doesn't make you look too feminine," Dean told me. "I am sorry to say, it will show off every feminine attribute that this body of ours has," I told him. "I planned on making the other guys forget about Penny Atwater." "You wouldn't do that to me," Dean said to me. "Talk to mom, she is the one who helped pick it out," I told him. "She always wanted to give you sweet sixteen birthday party but you were to much of a tomboy to appreciate it. So next Saturday night is our coming out party." Dean didn't take to this idea to well. I knew mom had talked to him about Jennifer becoming more feminine. The four of us then decided that Phillip and Dean should head to Phillip's house. I stayed at Rachael's helping her learn all the things she needed to know to pass as a girl at school the next day. It was also agreed that I would also spend the night. *There will be a part 3. The dance and what happens after the dance.

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CowboyChapter 12

He headed south for no good reason; and so a day or two later arrived in New Horizon. He saw one of the bills almost immediately and wondered where he had come to. He was tempted; he was also tempted to simply take advantage of the standard fare to finally find out what full-on, face-to-face, sex was like. “It’s time” he said out loud. A man looked at him and said “About noon I reckon” “No, I ... never mind” He found his way to the door that led to the land of carnal delights. Inside,...

2 years ago
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The Best 13 hours

I am a 28 year old and live alone in my small house, and have just got a girl as a tenant for making up for my expenses. She lives on the first floor and me on the ground.She is not a head turner when you look at her first, but when you get a closer look, you ll find that Nidhi is damn attractive and sultry. Her black eyes, her thin yet delicious lips, her sexy feet, and her darkish and such smooth n sexy skin.The more you look at her, the more you would desire her on your bed, her soft hands...

Straight Sex
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Claires Awakening 8 Field Trip Part 2

I started to panic. I was sat in Scott’s house, in my underwear on the sofa in his living room. I’d just sucked his cock. My boyfriend’s cock. We were an official item!? What was I doing? Biding my time, I picked up my glass and slowly sipped my drink, desperately trying to think of an answer. Scott was still smiling at me, waiting for his answer. “Come on Claire, I’m a gentleman. You sucked my dick, now it’s my turn to make you come!” I was blushing. “Oh, it’s okay. You don’t have to!” I...

1 year ago
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Muth Se Chut Tak Ki Yatra

Hi friends… Mera naam anurag hai, mein aaj aapke samne ek kahani pesh karne jar aha meri apni sachi kahani hai. Baat un dino ki hai jab mein meine bsc me admission liya tha , 12th maine apne home town se hi kiya tha lekin hamare home town mein 12th k aage education nahi thi isliye mujhe bsc k liye modinagar jana pada. Pehle mein aapko wo kahani batata hu jab mein chut k bare mein or sex k maze k bare mein jana. Mein 10th mein hi chut k bare mein sabkuch jaan gaya tha or muth bhi marne...

2 years ago
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Not Quite a White Knight Book 1Chapter 31 A Talk With Jax

As soon as he saw the Captain was with me Jax knew something was up. He is smart, he figured it out quickly. Jax had been through the wringer before, he knew what to expect. He never liked it, but it was a part of doing business. FBI agents are sometimes called “human lie detectors” because they have been trained to read suspects during interrogation. Some agents, like those in profiling, get more training. British, German, and Israel have made advances in doing similar work. There are...

1 year ago
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Its fun while youre travelling

This incident took place around 5 years ago, when I completed my 12th boards exam. I was travelling to my native place-near Shimla- in the 2nd class AC with my cousins who will be joining me after 3 days. I met this lady in the train. We were in the same compartment. I expected more two people to be joining us as there were two more berths empty. The journey began and after 20 mins the TC came for a round up when I asked him about the remaining two people in our compartment but he told us that...

3 years ago
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AnnetteChapter 18

Harry drove home in euphoria. He had been in that state all day. He chuckled at the look on Annette's face when he left. Louise was being such a mother hen that Annette was unable to do more than give him a farewell peck. Her face and eyes had shown frustration and regret but above all love. More than the love they had acknowledged three years earlier. Her love now was barely contained. It was possessive and yet completely yielding. Harry mused on the last three years. It had been a major...

3 years ago
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Yep I Can Fly Part 4

Chapter 11 Meds "Look, I'm not sure who Ned is, but I really have to..." "You saved my life that night at the party." "Party?" "Anyone ever tell you you're a horrible liar, Ned? You're gonna have to work on that. Trust me. Anyhow, I never thanked you. I'm sorry for that," Janet said as she looked around us while nervously twitching. "Seriously, I'm not who you think I..." "I see you got the package. Nice fit. Personally, I would have gone with red, but the meds they pumped...

2 years ago
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Stuck Again

  Hi this is Brian again. If you remember me from my previous adventure I have it pretty good. I live across the street from a gymnast, Amy, and regularly fuck her. She loves my big fat 10 inch cock, especially the 4 inch wide head. We usually do it in the afternoon after school before her Mom gets home. We are both 18 and seniors. We have come close to getting caught especially the first time when I got my cockhead stuck in her when it went past her cervix. We try to be as careful as we can...

1 year ago
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Chrissie Part 44

Interest in this story appears to have waned, so this is definitely the final part of Book Four, and probably the end of the "Chrissie" saga altogether, unless enough folks want the series to continue. "Chrissie" Part XLIV by c.w. cobblestone Rebecca and Karl both did doubletakes when I stumbled through the front door. My angel covered her mouth with her hand. "OMG, Chrissie, what happened to you?" I had to brace myself against the doorjamb to stay upright. "Um ... it was...

2 years ago
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Her Duty

Her Duty My mother always told me to be obliging and submissive before the men in my life. ‘Their lives and ours are too different to understand each other. You’ll make a better man of your husband if you are his wife, mother, nurse, and teacher, all at once. And the same for your sons and father. They don’t know it, but they need it. You should be obliging even when they don’t ask for your help,’ were her words of wisdom. I never forgot her lesson. I watched her oblige to my father’s every...

1 year ago
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FamilySinners Athena Faris Mixed Family

Nathan’s selfish mother, Aurora told him he has to convince his step-cousin Athena to move out of the house and go to college, asap. Unfortunately Athena’s only option to pay for tuition is working as a stripper. Nathan helps Athena learn how to give a killer lap dance and before long his dick slides right inside her. The ever building sexual tension over the years has truly reached a breaking point. Athena rides her step-cousin’s cock like a pro and soon the two are erupting into intense and...

1 year ago
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My Wife and Her Brother

When I was in high school, I really got into Penthouse Letters magazine. The stories about wives who had sex with other men used to turn me on something fierce. I had a couple of girlfriends my last two years of school, and I used to hint to them that if they wanted to play around with other guys it would be okay with me, so long as they told me about it. Of course they both told me I was weird. As if I didn’t already know that. While I was going with one of those girls, I caught her giving a...

4 years ago
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A Witchs Orgy

Moira and Guinevere Carling were sisters, though not in the biological sense. Each found a similar in the other -- sisters in dark temperament and unnatural desires, sisters with great powers in the black craft -- and the two cleaved to each other for mutual benefit. What benefit, you might ask, would compel two of a species with a well known preference for solitude to spend eternity together? Quite simply stated: beauty. It isn’t as unreasonable as one might think. After a few hundred years,...

1 year ago
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What Happens in Vegas

“Ladies and gentlemen, we are now beginning our descent into Las Vegas. Please return your trays to the upright position and fasten your safety belt. We will be arriving shortly. As always, thank you for flying Delta Airlines.” I was getting antsy. This three hour flight flew by and I felt that my skin was on fire. I was mere minutes away from Las Vegas, my very first time, and a very special surprise was waiting for me in my hotel. It had been years since I had seen him, but since a random...

Straight Sex
1 year ago
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My Tiny Skirt Part Two

After Sis Mary is out of sight, I further question Eric whether he is comfortable with my dressing? He told me that he is and commented that I look very sexy in the tiny skirt and my T-Shirt blend well with the micro-skirt. He suggested a belt to compliment the denim skirt would look nicer. I accepted his suggestion and I went into the room and choose the beige color belt (about 2”) to try it. It really looks much better with the beige belt on. By then Sis Mary had already brought in coffee for...

1 year ago
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Dan and Marys Internet Tryst

Dan had longed for something to replace the good pussy he had with Gloria since she left him three months ago.  He resorted to looking for women online to replace the void he had...or rather looking for a void to fill of his own.  One lucky night, he met Mary while being so blunt as to tell any girl he met that all he was looking for was some holiday ass with no commitment.  Finally, he found Mary who was looking for the same thing.  They chatted online a few times talking of what they would do...

2 years ago
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Behan Ko Patni Banaya 8211 Part II

Apni behan Neerja ko maine uss raat teen bar choda. Dono thak chukey thay. Mera lund bhi dard karne lag chuka tha, Subhah main Neerja ko ghodi bana kar chod raha tha jabgali se akhbar wale ki awaz sunayi padi. Hum bhai behan chudayi mein itna vyast thay ki raat kab beet gayi pata hin na chala. Agla din Ravi vaar tha iss liye koi problem nahin thee. Hum dopahar tak sote rahe. 2 baje jab meri ankh khuli to Neerja naha kar gusalkhane se nikal rahi thee aur ussne jism par towel lapeta hua tha. Jab...

1 year ago
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Best Sex I ever had

It all started when I went on vacation to visit my family to my native place. I had some stuff for my brother-in-law's fiancé upon my arrival I called her to come and get her stuff. When she arrived she asked me if I wanted to go out for a drink. Of course I accepted. After we had a few drinks we started dancing. She would get so close to me and that I could feel her nipples getting hard through her this blouse. We then started kissing and after awhile we walked out of that place she asked if I...

3 years ago
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It Was Bound To Happen

It all started when I got a new job where he was the manager. The moment I saw him I knew I wanted him. The fact that he knew Brazilian jiu jitsu and did cage fighting only made him more attractive. His muscular arms alone sent shivers down my spine. And I knew he felt the same way about me, he had no problem telling me that. The fact that I filled a D-cup and had curves in all the right places made him check me out constantly. He even made a bet with me once that I lost and had to wear my...

2 years ago
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I need a fuck

I need a fuck. I want you to press yourself against me as I step out of the shower. I want you to twist my nipples, making me moan. You’ll stroke my freshly shaved pussy and I’ll feel your hot breath on my neck as you search for my fleshy button. The cold shower I took will do nothing to douse my desire. You’ll push me onto my bed, dripping wet, and slap my ass. “Stay.” You’ll command and I won’t dare to move. I can’t quench my desire without you. You’ll open our toy draw, and slip a blindfold...

2 years ago
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ShawnChapter 27

A taxi brought me to the children's hospital and I found Mr. Surbert's office with no problem. I further explained my feelings of why I was donating some of my time. He walked with me to the head doctor of one ward and we walked around for an hour. Most children were recovering, partly due to the help they were given but partly also the body's own repair mechanism. In four cases I pointed out how the diagnosis was incorrect and what was really causing the problem. It most cases this was...

3 years ago
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Protection and Preservation Book 07Chapter 26

[Arnold's manuscript] It was quiet and we found a safe spot to cross and immediately went into the woods to be out of sight from the road. We waited to here for any hue and cry but it stayed quiet. We walked back to the town staying well away from the road. We arrived at the outskirts and looked at our same road. We found a similar tripwire and worked around it. I told Maria that I hoped to untie our wires and retie them behind us to further hide our passing. She nodded. She whispered,...

2 years ago
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CadeChapter 24 First Time Meetings

The children noticed that whenever they talked to Cade about school or anything else these days, he seemed far away and distant. After dinner every night, he retreated to the basement to continue sorting through the old boxes he had found. He was anxious to continue reading the old letters. Reading the letters only proved more frustrating for Cade however, because most of them were full of romantic drivel rather than any real news. By the time he finished reading the last letter in the box,...

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Debbies Dream Comes True

Debbie's dream comes true Hi, this is a sort of follow on from my last story and is a fictional account of what I would like to happen to me. I am yet again visiting Steam Works, this time hiring a private room in order to change and make myself ready. I have some new items with me this time; a locking chastity device and a latex mask. Putting the chastity device on is sometimes a problem for obvious reasons, so I have brought some ice cubes to settle things down so I can get it on...

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Aunt Kims beloved

* based on a true story. I am Jess female30 .* I am usually not superstitious,but this was destined.seeing aunt kim standing in the cabin. I felt a shiver. The cabin was Victorian style and she locked the door behind her. Glaring at me in devilish delight. And I saw her pulsate. Gently, cupping and caressing my breasts as she twirl my nipple perfectly.squeezing gently. And massaging between my she rubbed my breasts slowly stroking me gently.’ Your perfect’ she moaned...

1 year ago
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Camping With DaddyChapter 5

After Brad Grover had fucked the savage girl on the moss covered ground of the swamp, he had collapsed back on the ground and tried to rest for a moment. But seconds later, he again felt warm, wet lips and tongue licking hotly at his cock and balls down between his legs. He tried to concentrate on what she was doing and will himself to hardness again, but the wild fuck he'd just thrown into her hot little cunt had drained his balls dry. There wasn't a milligram of cum left in them to...

3 years ago
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Pussy Playmate

It was a cold and rainy night in April and she was tucked as far back into the deep doorway of the older, brick office building as she could get, trying to get out of the wind and rain. It was Friday night and the building was closed for the weekend. Despite people's desire to enjoy themselves on Friday night and forget the toils of the week, it was a bad night to look for customers. In reality, business hadn't been "good" in some time. Between the wet, miserable thirty five degree weather, and...

Group Sex
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King of Sex

You wake up to the noise of your alarm. You notice 2 women sleeping next to you completely naked. You get up and head to the washroom to brush your teeth. Another day, another women you need to fuck. You can’t complain about it too much, but it ain’t the best scenario you could be in. 3 months ago, you uploaded a couple videos on porn sites. You didn’t think much of it, you just wanted to make some money while having sex. Well, those videos blew up! You have all kinds of women willing to pay...

1 year ago
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No Good DeedChapter 20

Celia hung out for a few more hours, and I found I really did like her, now that she was not working on getting her next fix. I can see the girl that Megan became friends with, and why she stuck her neck out for her. By the time she left to head back to school, I was over my funk about being left behind by the girls. I was looking forward to welcoming them back when I heard their car pull up to the house, but stopped as I opened the front door, surprised to see a second car following behind...

1 year ago
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My daughterinlaw enslaves me

I am a 54 year old widower and live in Chitoor in Andhra. My daughter is married and lives with her husband, who is a doctor, in the Usa. My son was killed in a bus accident. My daughter in law, Vaani, who was 33, with a daughter of 9, having lost both her parents, and having nowhere to go, came to stay with me. She was well built, with a dark complexion, and a lovely pair of eyes, besides her other assets. I always found her beautiful, with her nose studs and earrings, and her liquid eyes....

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58Year Old Uncle8217s Slave

Hi indian sex stories dot net readers! This is Rohan, 22, gay. Ever since I was a child, I had a foot fetish for older men’s feet. I was born in 1995 and by 2004, at the age of 9, I’d learned how to masturbate. Men whose feet seemed to be fairer than their other body parts used to be my weakness. It was in the year 2009 when I had the privilege to have a closer look at my Uncle’s super sexy feet. Let me describe my uncle. He has an average physique with an average height. The skin tone is not...

Gay Male
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Little Arab Buttercup part two

All had gone as planned. I had been able to secretly and discretely get my little buttercup out of her Northern Africa country. I had simply made very special plans with a French smuggler in the port. We knew who all the players were at the consulate. We kept track. We sometimes used them for missions that were not quite kosher, so to speak. I was good friends with the CIA operative in the consulate. His title was Secretary of something or other, but we all knew his mission here. And we had...

1 year ago
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What If Reading EroticaChapter 3

Roger continues his story: I told Nancy to call 911, and I would be right over. She said she already did and they were on the way, both the police and paramedics. I got up to leave and Marsha said, "I coming with you!" I had no time to argue with her so we got in the car and headed over to Nancy's house. When we arrived the police and paramedics were already there. We looked around and seen that they had taken Bob out to the ambulance. He had two bullets shots in the stomach but was...

3 years ago
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First Time for Jack

Jack looked at the departing school bus, half way down the wet street, and mumbled "shit" several times. Not only had he missed the bus, but it was raining hard and he was getting soaked. He was about to return to the school when a Ford Taurus pulled up to the curb, the passenger window came down and the woman driver leaned over and called to him. "Hi, Jack. Get in before you're drenched." The fifteen year old boy immediately recognized not only the voice but the face of the woman, Miss...

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The Pink Room 2 The Auction

Sleep. If you could call it that came late and in fits. My ass was sore from the stretching plug crammed inside of me. When I shifted position on the bed my tits flopped around and my nipples dragged on the sheets. My cock kept trying to get hard but couldn't due to its constraints. I had to go pee in the night and tip toed in to the bathroom. Of course I started thinking I should have worn a nightie (huh?), but I always slept in the nude before why not now. Morning came all too soon...

3 years ago
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Bunk Beds Chapter 6

Version 1.2 -- Now with 37% more sense-making! Disclaimer: This is a work of non-fiction and all elements contained within are true. Permissions and rights have been given from the relevant parties to use their names and likeness; only the entities behind the bunk beds have requested to remain anonymous. Bunk Beds -- Chapter 6: By Isis Eris Beth and I ended up going to a thrift store since the mall is so expensive and it's not like either of us have much money, anyway. I...

2 years ago
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Teachers enjoy the school trip

Nikki and I have been friends for around 4 years and have both worked as teachers together for the last 3. Nikki is a stunning blonde; she is 5ft 7 with long naturally blonde hair. She is very slim but has great 34DD breasts. We often go to the gym together after work and you can tell as she has a great firm ass, overall as time has gone on I realised she is generally one of the main things I constantly fantasise about. We recently took away a group of 18 year olds on a water sports tour. The...

Straight Sex
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Alpha cum slut and sissy bitch part 1

Sometimes its good to go out!,,My weekends are usually spent in front of my computer, wallowing in all the glory of porn, degrading myself with determination, searching the nooks and crannies of porn for my latest kink or fetish. This month I have explored latex and the fringes of domination ( should be right up this betas street, no?)Anyway last Sunday I ran out of excuses and arranged to meet a friend for breakfast. I arrived on time and was just about to sit down when I got a message from my...

3 years ago
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A Neighborhood July 4th Celebration

Denise looked around at all of the happy faces and smiled because the party was going so well. It certainly took the stress off, as she was the one who made most of the arrangements for the large neighborhood gathering. Everyone seemed to love an Independence Day celebration and the party atmosphere spread through the entire neighborhood. Denise was over the top, as everyone came up and thanked her for the great party.It seemed someone was constantly shoving a drink in her hand and it felt like...

1 year ago
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Bedsit in London 1992

This is the story of my first one night stand. I had had 2 long term girlfriends but had split from the last one about 8 months before this incident. I had been working in London with a team of about 10 people, 2 were women. As we were all on short contracts of only 3 months and none of us lived in London (most coming from Oxford, and I from Birmingham) our employers put us up in a low quality hotel in east London for Monday-Thursday nights, with the team being driven back to oxford on Friday...

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