Campground AwakeningChapter 3 free porn video

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My aunt was looking at me, her head tilted a little. I felt like something under a microscope. She hadn't answered my question yet, and ten minutes had gone by. Okay, maybe not ten full minutes, but it felt like it.

"Do you want me to take my top off?" she asked suddenly.

I swallowed, but didn't say anything.

"Come on, Bobby, it's not that hard a question," she said. There was an edge in her voice.

I didn't know what to say. I mean I knew the answer, but I was afraid to say the answer. You know how sometimes somebody asks a question that either nobody can answer, or maybe nobody wants to answer, and there's an awkward silence, and then somebody changes the subject and ignores the question?

Yeah ... that didn't happen here.

"Do you want to see my breasts, Bobby?" she asked.

"Okay, yes," I finally said. I waited for something to happen. I figured it wouldn't be good.

"Do you want to see me entirely naked?" she asked.

This was getting ridiculous now.

"Of course I do," I said. I think there was a little edge in my own voice at that point. I mean what kind of questions were these to ask a sixteen-year-old boy? It's not like a sixteen year old boy would say "Um ... no ... I'm not much interested in seeing the naked bodies of women I get boners for."

Her voice was definitely hard when she spoke again. "You're not in love, Bobby. You're in lust. Try not to confuse the two."

That didn't seem fair somehow. I mean I was only sixteen, even if I was going to turn seventeen in October. I have one of those tempers that my mom calls a 'bubble temper.' What that means is that my anger bubbles out suddenly, but then pops and is gone again really fast. That happened now.

"How the hell am I supposed to know the difference?" I said kind of loud. Believe it or not I felt guilty, not because I yelled at my aunt, but because I yelled while we were fishing. How stupid is that?

Her face kind of wrinkled up and then relaxed. Her shoulders, which I hadn't even realized were tense, relaxed too.

"Good point," she said, almost like she was talking to herself. She looked off toward the shore, and then back at me. "Hurry up and catch another fish," she said.

"What?" I was confused.

"Two apiece for supper," she said. "We only have three. So one of us needs to catch another one instead of jaw-jacking and scaring the fish away."

I figured I had been dismissed. She sounded like a typical adult at that point, and I felt pretty much like a typical kid who had somehow done something wrong that I couldn't understand why it was wrong. So I went back to fishing.

About fifteen minutes later, during which neither of us made a single sound, she hissed and set her hook.

"Finally!" she said, clearly elated. I just figured she was happy because now she'd caught up with me on the fish count. She got the fish in and off the hook. Then she laid her pole down and leaned over to wash her hands in the lake. She sat back up and looked at me. I swear she looked like a cat, looking at a mouse.

"I should wait," she said softly. "But I can't. That's how good you are, my fine young nephew."

"What?" I asked in a complaining voice. I had no idea what was going on and I was starting to get nervous.

She reached behind her and undid her bikini top. As it fell she stood and shoved her bottoms down, instead of untying them. I know I was looking at her like a deer in the headlights as she stepped over the middle seat towards me. She knelt in front of me.

"If you hear a boat, you better tell me ASAP," she said, her voice husky. "Now stand up!"

Used to following orders, I stood and she attacked my shorts, opening them and pulling my underwear down with them. My penis had been trying to get hard ever since she bared her breasts, but it was only about half way there. Her hand came up and gripped it between her thumb and two fingers and she skinned the foreskin back, baring the knob. She kissed the tip, said "I've missed you," sighed, and then sucked my now mostly hard cock into her mouth. Her hands went to grip my butt cheeks and I swayed, making the whole boat rock. My feet widened instinctively, and when I grabbed her head with both of my hands it was purely to keep from falling over.

Bits and pieces of that will always be in my memory. Because I was so tall she could kneel without hunching over. That pressed her breasts against my knees. I'll always remember that. I know it seems silly, but it's the first place her breasts ever touched my body, and I can still, to this very day, remember what it felt like. About half of my cock was in her mouth, being sucked deliciously when I grabbed her head. Like I said, I only did that to keep from falling overboard, but when I did it she let me pull her nose right against my body, which just seemed impossible. I mean I'm not a foot long or anything, but it looked like more than would fit in a woman's mouth. That felt just weird.

Of course I was feeling other things too. Her jaws acted like she had a big wad of chewing gum in her mouth, and her tongue was all over the place and I think I made baby sounds because there was this ball of something huge that was expanding in my loins and it felt like it was going to shoot up and explode out the top of my head. I looked down and her nose was buried in the brown hairs I was so proud of down there. I know my eyes were bugged out, but they stayed in my head. Then, as I watched, her lips kind of pooched out and started pulling off, exposing the cock I was very familiar with, but which now looked completely different somehow. It was fully hard now, and watching those pink lips sliding along my rigid column not only felt different, it made my pecker look different too. I was actually kind of proud of it in that instant, because it was so thick and firm looking.

Her lips got to the head and slid off. She swallowed and kissed the tip and then slid her lips back over the crown, to lock in the dip behind the knob. Her tongue started moving all around and she sucked and I groaned and just as I felt the sweet release of semen entering my prick, her right hand came off my butt and slid around so that her thumb and first finger could squeeze the base of my cock. I thought I was going to die right then and there. I know I must have gripped her hair painfully. She paid me back by cutting off that soothing flow like a hatchet cuts off a chicken's head. I groaned pitifully.

She pulled her lips back, but left her tongue connected to the tip of my cock. She let up on the pressure and a big dollop of white oozed out of the tip, right onto the tip of her tongue. She curled her tongue back into her mouth and I heard her swallow again.

"Mmmmmmm." That sound made my balls feel like they were going to burst any second. She looked up at me. "You taste yummy."

Then she took her hand away, put her mouth back, pressed her nose into my pubes again and I started vibrating like a poplar tree in a windstorm.

This time when I felt the soothing jets, she stayed right where she was. How she could swallow with my cock all the way in her like that, I don't know, but I felt her do it. She did cough once, and pulled back so that only half of my penis was in her mouth, but it didn't matter to me. Nothing in my whole life had ever felt that good.

She kept sucking and kissing and playing with my peter until it got so small and shriveled up that I thought she might have killed it. Then she looked up at me and said, "I'm going to teach you how to make a woman that happy."

Of course I had heard of eating pussy. Most of my friends bragged that they'd done it hundreds of times. No matter that there were only forty-six girls in our entire senior class, with maybe another hundred girls in the lower classes. I mean it wasn't mathematically possible for all the guys I knew to have eaten that much pussy unless they hit every girl in school at least three or four times. And I knew Julie May had never gotten her pussy eaten.

Had she?

That was just a flicker of a smidgen of a doubt as Aunt Wendy pulled up my shorts and told me to button them.

"No sense in both of us having to try to get dressed if somebody comes," she muttered.

Then she had us switch places and she sat down on the seat and leaned back and spread her legs.

Remember, now ... she was buck naked ... the first real woman I'd ever seen that way, and for sure the only one I'd ever seen displaying herself completely unashamed, not only in front of me, but actually for me.

So yes, I was a basket case. My cock tried like the dickens to get hard again, but that was a lost cause.

The next thing I knew I was on my hands and knees and my nose was an inch from her firm, pale pussy lips and she was talking. I think it was her talking that is responsible for me not becoming a raving lunatic at that moment.

She gave me a forty-five second tour of her girly parts. I swear it! Her fingers spread herself open and one polished and pointed fingernail began touching and pointing out things as her voice identified them. It was sex ed the way it should have been taught.

Then she commenced to instruct me on just how to use my lips, tongue, teeth and even my nose, of all things, to make her squeal.

And squeal she did.

If you've never done this, you really need to try it some day. You're in for a treat. Not that that's what I thought at first. At first I was afraid it would smell nasty and taste nasty and I was sure I'd throw up and ruin everything. But that was only a flicker of a smidgen of a fear that vanished just as soon as my nose was close enough to catch a whiff of what her pussy actually smelled like.

And she tasted even better!

Anyway, I didn't even have to worry about whether I was doing it right or not, because she told me whether I was doing it right or not. And pretty soon, what with me being a pretty quick learner generally, all she was saying was things like "Ohhh yes, Bobby, just like that," and "Mmmm keep going ... yes ... ohhh that's it, baby." And when a woman talks like that for fifteen minutes in a row and never has a bad thing to say to you, it makes you feel pretty damn good, let me tell you that.

I didn't find out until later that she had very quiet, almost secret orgasms. I did notice that every once in a while her breathing would speed up and she'd pant and make these almost chanting little noises, but I didn't know they were orgasms. Not then. All I knew was that she wanted me to keep doing it, and I was more than happy to oblige. When I realized my cock was rock hard again it didn't even bother me, because it was obvious now that that was a perfectly all right way for it to be.

Finally she said it was enough, and lay back to catch her breath. Her legs were still wide open, and I stared at what I'd been nibbling on for half an hour. Her pussy lips had been tight, pale strips of swollen skin when I started, but now they were loose, almost floppy, and they were a darkish pink. They weren't tight together either, but formed a kind of wrinkled opening that was dark inside. I knew that was where a man's penis went ... into that darkness, but it was still just academic knowledge at that point. I honestly didn't think about dropping my shorts and sticking my own rigid penis in there. It's hard to explain. I knew it was theoretically possible, but it just wasn't something as real as, say, eating pussy now was. That had been theoretically possible too, half an hour ago. Now it was something I knew how to do, and loved doing.

Anyway, she sat up. I was still kneeling, staring at her pussy.

"So, I take it you enjoyed that," she said. I looked up and she had that smile on her face again, the one where I wasn't sure if she was teasing me or not.

I nodded and licked my lips. I didn't know my whole face was shiny with her juices.

"Are you hard again?" she asked.

I nodded some more.

"Let me get my suit on first," she said.

I wondered about that while she pulled her bikini back on, and wondered even more when she put her shorts on too. But I didn't have time to think about that as she had me sit down where she'd been, and lean back. She got my shorts open again and I ended up standing up while she pulled them down. It bounced into the open like a cheerleader doing cartwheels ... just full of energy and excitement. And the cool thing about it was that I knew it wouldn't be full for long, because she was going to make it all tired again. She reached for it and squeezed it as I sat back down.

"So hard," she murmured.

She had me lean back, but she didn't suck it this time. Instead she just jerked me off. She started slowly, almost like she was playing with it. She also shifted her grip a couple of times. I found out later she was watching my reaction as she tried different grips. She settled into one that put my foreskin in the upper half of her palm, where her thumb could stroke the head of my cock as her hand bared it. Then she speeded up.

"I knew you could last a while if we practiced enough," she said.

"Uhhhh," was all I could get out.

She seemed to know somehow that if she went just a smidgen faster I'd pop, but she kept her speed just below that.

Then she started talking ... saying things that made me crazy.

"Such a strong, long, handsome prick," she sighed. "You gonna cum for me, handsome prick? You gonna spurt for little old Wendy?" She shifted her attention from my penis to my face, and sped up a little more. "Cum for me, Bobby," she purred. "I want you to squirt way up in the air for me. I want to see you cum and know it's all for me."

"Gaaaaahhhhh" I groaned. I was right on the edge.

She was using her right hand, and I saw her left go behind her. Her bikini bra sagged, and then fell from those perfect titties.

"I'm gonna aim it at my breasts, Bobby. Can you cum on my breasts? I want to feel your hot jism on my nipples, Bobby. Come on, Baby, squirt for me."

Her hand sped up the magical amount and I had what I'm sure my mother would have described as a conniption fit. My prick spat so hard it hurt. Aunt Wendy leaned forward and almost touched the tip of my cock with her right nipple. A rope of white painted it and she moved her body so that the second jet got all over her left breast as she pressed it to the tip of my cock. She kept jerking, and as the surges of soothing semen lessened she tilted my cock so that she could collect it in her left palm.

Then she smeared it all over her naked upper body. She let go of my penis so she could use both hands, and she looked up at the sky with her eyes closed, a smile on her lips. I watched both hands try to get into her shorts, but they were too tight. She pulled them back up and massaged her breasts, twiddling her nipples and baring her teeth. A growl came from her throat and "Wendy's Wolves" popped into my head. She lowered her head. Her eyes opened and looked at me with that same hungry look she'd had before. It was a cat look, though ... not a wolf look.

"You, my friend," she said, her voice low and husky, "are a problem."

"Me?" I know I was staring, wide eyed and open mouthed.

"Oh yeah," she sighed. She leaned forward and put spermy hands on my shoulders. "Kiss me," she ordered.

I know you're probably getting tired of me saying that I can't explain things, and can only remember parts of things, but you have to remember all this was brand new to me. When I left my parents' house to go camping with my aunt, I had zero sexual experience with the exception of 'self abuse, ' as my mother called it. Since then I'd seen my first naked woman, gotten and given a blow job, blown more spunk in two days than I had in the previous two months and was about a thousand percent more educated on things sexual than I had been.

And then, piled on top of all that, there was this kiss.

I'd been kissed before, by lots of different people, including the woman who was kissing me at that moment. But she had never kissed me like that before. Nobody had ever kissed me like that before. It was a kiss that threatened to pull my insides out through my nose if I didn't suck in enough air to block that avenue of escape. My heart hammered in my chest. My lungs labored like I'd just finished a five mile sprint. My groin felt like it was just going to break loose and fall in a heap. It was so powerful, with her lips chewing almost, and her tongue flicking in and out of my mouth, that I honestly thought something in each of us had flowed together to join in a way that could never... ever ... be separated. It must be what twins feel like, when they say they can feel what each other is feeling.

Her lips dragged off mine, and I distinctly remember leaning forward, trying not to let hers get away. I had closed my eyes and as I opened them I saw hers, only inches away. They fluttered and she seemed to sway slightly.

"Oh Bobby," she sighed. "What are you doing to me?"

I didn't have the faintest idea what I was doing to her. I was much too busy trying to sort out what she was doing to me. But it didn't matter, because she leaned forward to kiss me again.

We ended up in the bottom of the boat, kind of cramped between the seats, sort of half lying down. I know I felt her hands moving on my skin, and I'm pretty sure my hands might have moved around a little too, but almost all my attention was on her lips, and what they felt like, and what they were making me feel like. I had always thought kisses like this were sexual, but it went way beyond that. There was something spiritual about this kind of kissing. It created a kind of awe that made every second of it something precious, to be cherished and remembered forever.

I know, I know. I'm making a big deal and going on and on about a simple kiss.

But that's the point. There was nothing simple about that kiss at all. It changed me. Something gelled in me. I felt something deep inside me that I would be able to recognize from that moment on. I didn't really understand it then, of course, even though I knew something important had happened, but always after that, all I had to do was kiss a woman and I knew instantly if there was any chemistry between us or not.

That kiss - I still think of it as one kiss, even though it was really a long series of them - finally ended, and it was completely different than what I felt after I ate her pussy. When she sucked me, or I got to taste her, I wanted it to go on and on forever. But kissing her was more like eating a fine meal. There came a point where you were comfortably satisfied, and if you stopped there, it felt good for a long time. You knew you could repeat that meal again, when you got hungry again, but it was enough for now. I know it affected her too, because her eyes were misty when we finally stopped. She kissed me three more times, but they were different. They were urgent, quick kisses, hard and demanding, but not requiring that I do anything but be there.

Then she scrambled back to the motor and jerked it to life. She powered out of that little cove and around the comma shaped land and headed back to the marina at full speed. I picked up her bikini top and held it out to her, a little wide-eyed. She blinked, looked down at her shiny naked skin and powered down fast. She giggled hysterically for a few seconds, said "Be right back," and then dove overboard. I saw her washing my stuff off her upper body. I helped her back into the boat and she put her bikini top back on. She was shaking her head and muttering, but I couldn't hear what she was actually saying. Then she started the motor again and headed back to the dock.

She seemed antsy from the moment we got back to the dock, all the way through cleaning the fish and cooking them. We had dehydrated potatoes au-something-or-other and she opened a can of baked beans. It was the perfect meal after the perfect day and I was floating on cloud nine. I mean it didn't get any better than this. This exceeded even my wildest dreams about getting some time off from the farm and going camping.

"Bath time," she said suddenly, putting her plate down on the ground.

"It's only six-thirty," I said, looking at my watch.

"Don't argue with me," she said a little tensely. "Go take a shower while I wash the dishes. Then I'll go."

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Kennedy sat musing for a few minutes. Pipes had made a deliberate mention of the house being swept for bugs. She was pretty sure he was concerned about listening devices, here. Well, odds were he had something to be worried about. She'd never found one, but she was sure her father was a thorough man. Mr. Glastonbury was, too. She shook her head. She'd been stupid, yes indeed. Yes, she'd risked her life and those of a bunch of others. The fact was the only thing she could have changed was...

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Greater Than Expectations

Greater Than Expectations By Supposition Life I was born four months premature and spent my first six months of my life in the hospital. My early birth was brought on by a car wreck that my mother Mary Kinsman Raul, didn't survive but before she died she named me Sean Kinsman Raul. She was sole heir to the Kinsman fortune which was large and very old money. My father William Raul was from old money too and his parents were dead also. I had the best medical care at birth that money...

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Live Ornaments for my Garden

We stood in the garden now that had recently been landscaped all it was missing were some garden ornaments and now I had three. In the garden were three holes freshly dug and there was a supply of fast drying concrete ready to be poured. Sadie was first, she was Janes daughter. She was just 23 years old nice big tits and a big mouth just right for what I had planned for her. I told her to strip naked, she looked at me horrified as I explained what was going to happen. Each of them would...

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Fucked By 5 French Men In France 8211 Part 1

Hi all ISS readers. Back with a new story. This time it’s not mine, one of my online friend’s story which was exciting and hence thought of sharing with you all. You can reach out to me at Due to privacy reasons, she was not ready to share her mail id also. Now, sharing it in her words itself. Hi, friends, I’m samrutha now 34. This story happened way back in 2008 when I was a virgin and was working in one of the MNC IT company in Pune. I’m a Brahmin girl and I was literally brought up like an...

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Lydias Dream Ch 0304

Please stop and read Chapters 1 and 2 before this one. There is a very important message for readers before Chapter 1. Chapter 3 I have messages for you from Lydia. Pam stood and said she needed to get busy. ‘I’m going to bake a cake for your birthday. What’s your favorite kind?’ ‘I like them all but my favorite is carrot cake.’ ‘Let me see if we have the ingredients.’ She walked to the kitchen and looked up the recipe. After a few minutes of reading and searching through the fridge and...

4 years ago
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The Coffeehouse Quintet Book 2 Lessons InfidelityChapter 4

Day 4 Ellen was sprawled out on the bed when Ben woke up. Her fake breasts were twin mountains and a valley under the sheets. He thought about last night. The shame of knowing that his wife had pleasured numerous men in the VIP room strangely excited him. He wanted to be angry, but what right did he have? First, he'd cheated on Ellen earlier in the day, then he'd failed to sexually satisfy her. Plus, hadn't he married her for her looks and wild spirit? Instead of getting angry, he threw...

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I blame it all on my Psychology 101 professor... If the old coot didn't cancel one of my classes, I wouldn't have gone home in the middle of the day. If I hadn't gone home when I did that day, I wouldn't have been the one to grab the mail from the box, and when I did - well, let's just say that I'm a curious guy.So when I saw a letter addressed to my mother with a return address from some outfit called "What's Love Got to Do with It", that curious nature of mine took over. It wasn't junk mail,...

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Cumshot over cousin Louise

The best thing about the times when I was a boy and my family stayed with my uncle Arthur in his big house by the sea for beach holidays was my cousin Louise. She was the same age as me and I started to notice her in our mid teens. From age 16 to 18 I noticed her even more as her curves started to deliciously fill her swimsuits then her bikinis. Every time I saw Louise at uncle Arthur’s house her bikinis seemed to get smaller and smaller as her breasts got bigger. One evening, when I was 18,...

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Special Delivery

Special Delivery Special Delivery Part I She was there. In my bed. And I didn?t know how she got there, who she was. But she was there just the same. And she was stunning. Not just stunning, either, exquisite, spectacular, a one of a kind specimen?at least in my book. I turned around quickly and looked at the door as it closed behind me. I stepped back through it and looked at the numbers on the door. 4-C. Yes. That is my apartment number, or at least it was when I left this morning. I...

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The Ghost of Scarlet Mountain a Karl and Merry Adventure

"Sooth, 'tis a tonic to be in the open air once more," Merry exclaimed as Nightshade's booming wings hurled she and Karl among fleecy clouds. "I heartily agree," Karl replied. "Between the scheming nobility and the fawning hangers-on at court I am pleased to be shut of all such nonsense. No doubt you were becoming restless as well, noble dragon." "I was indeed," Nightshade replied. "Food is plentiful in the royal forests, but I crave adventure and to see new things." "We are...

1 year ago
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Love on a Rainy Day

Rosemary got up and looked up from her computer at the rain falling on her window. Her last novel had been easy but she could not get her new story working. She decided to take a shower and relax before her husband came home. They had been married for almost two years and she still looked forward to seeing him when he came home. Both had been working at the same software design company when they met three years earlier. John asked her to marry him after they had dated for a year. After took of...

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A night out

Walking into a restaurant with my husband, finally having a date night after months of trying. For this day I dressed up, a little black dress showing all my small curves. The hem of the dress barely covering my upper legs. Semi-high heels and stockings, you will notice the stockings when I cross my legs. A little bit of make-up on my face, not too much only highlighting my big blue eyes and lush lips.You are already in the restaurant with some colleagues, they're making a lot of noise and you...

1 year ago
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The Bunker Part Two

All characters involved in sexual activity in this story are over the age of 18. If you are under the age of 18 or do not understand the difference between fantasy and reality or if you reside in any state, province, nation, or tribal territory that prohibits the reading of acts depicted in these stories, please stop reading immediately and move to somewhere that exists in the twenty-first century. Archiving and reposting of this story is permitted, but only if acknowledgment of copyright and...

3 years ago
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Box Shaped HeartChapter 6 Do Cats Eat Bats

Carter had never known the blessing of having a personal assistant, but as a programmer, it wasn’t like he needed one. He wasn’t even a good team player, and he worked as a freelancer for that reason. But leaving everything in Mark’s professional hands had made him feel relieved. Tomorrow, he was going to go to work and have his entire schedule well prepped by his new assistant, while he only had to worry about being pretty, as Mark had said, while almost throwing him out the door. He did...

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Events On A Cruise Ship Changes A Marriage Forever

Our sex life was mostly fun then. For a day or two after being apart for so long, we would have sex for hours, and he would make me feel sexy and wanted…always bringing home pretty outfits from fancy boutiques sought out during his travels…black, pink and blue lingerie ensembles…a Chinese geisha gown…and even a St. Pauli Girl get up from Europe that I wore on Halloween one year. Only occasionally back then would he bring up someone different during our bedroom time, and when he did he...

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Chicken Soup

My Chicken Janet L. Stickney [email protected] I was just sitting there on my nest when it came out. I had layed an egg! Shocked, I stood up and looked at it, seeing that it was indeed an egg, a very real egg! I sat down again and spread my wings a bit to protect it, and never moved until I felt movement, which somehow felt very natural. Then the egg hatched! Laying an egg, was way out there, but then having it hatch? Now that was really out there! The chick screamed at me...

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Pakathu Veetu Paiyanai Kuthiyai Naka Vaithen

Vanakam. Enathu peyar Manju, vayathu 22. Naan Tamilnaduvai sernthaval, ippozhuthu kalluri padithu mudithu veetil irukiren. Enaku kaamam meethu athiga aarvam irukum, enathu thozhigaludan niraiya kaama kathaigal pesuvom appozhuthu avargal kaathalargaludan eppadi sex seithaargal enbathai pagirnthukolvaargal. Aanal ennal avargalidam en kaama kathaiyai pagirnthukola mudiya villai athanaal en kathaiyai ungal idam pagirnthu kolgiren. En kathaiyai padithu niraiya aangal kai adithu ennai oopathu pol...

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Topanga Lawrence Becomes Violet Vortex

TOPANGA LAWERENCE BECOMES THE VIOLET VORTEX Hi fans, I know most of you don?t know who the actress Danielle Fishel is but she is this hot actress who was on a terrible sitcom who grew up into a babe. I just had to put her in a story. You may be seeing another actress Monica Keena in tights [email protected]   Ms American is Mr X creation but the rest is mine. If you are a minor stop reading this awful story filled with bondage, forced sex and other adult...

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Time MachineChapter 16

As it turned out, economics didn't give a damn about how we treated it, and of course, I won. A couple of days later I walked into the agent's office, handed him the money, in cash to his delight, and got all the papers done in less than an hour. We were now the proud owners of a house that needed a lot of renovation. Anita had to quit her job and Nina gave notice on hers, she had to work till summer break but after that she would be, she told her employer, 'moving back to her hometown'....

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What if She WantedChapter 13

Saturday Yukiko I get Candy out of her cell. I notice that Crystal has Vicky already up and heading for the bathroom. Now, Vicky no longer needs the spreader bars. After tonight, neither will Candy. I open her cell and help her out. It appears she did not get much sleep last night. I let her flex her legs and stretch her arms for a while, before going up to Simon's bathroom. Just as I did yesterday with Vicky, I help her get ready. Candy is much more anxious than Vicky was. As I towel her...

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Foliage of the Mind Ch 01

Chapter 1: Nick’s Bar He lit his cigarette and looked over the bar’s dark atmosphere taking a deep inhale. ‘So, you really want to know why I’m here?’ A question that didn’t need asked. Of course, we do, and so does John as he listened to his friend speak. We all want to know. So why don’t we float around this little bit of smoke and watch the two men drink their beer. One speaking the other nodding. One who will speak is about 5’11’, dark brown hair, hazel eyes, a tanned skin that must be...

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Deep Throat Games

oral – bisexual – deep throat – curious – strap on – dildoI had always wished Lori would fulfill my fantasy and deepthroat me during oral sex. Lori, my wife of four years, is a stunner. At 5 feet and 7 inches tall, she has oversized breasts and the ass and legs of a sprinter. Before I married Lori, I had many girlfriends. One of my girlfriends was such an accomplished cocksucker that she could take my whole prick in her mouth and tongue my balls at the same time. My wife Lori sucked my cock,...

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Samanthas Strip PokerChapter 2 Rules and Stakes

"How are we going to match chips to clothing?" Samantha asked. "Let's see, the white chips can be worth 1 for shoes and socks." I replied counting out chips for each of us. "If the shoes and socks are worth 1 each, then shorts are worth 5." Samantha continued. I agreed and counted out more chips, an additional 2 reds and a white. "Reds chips are worth 2, and our shirts can be worth 10." I added two green chips to each of our stacks. "So, the greens are worth five each. Right?"...

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Twins Have a Bond

I looked into her eyes and knew just what she was thinking, even what she felt, as we walked along the beach. It had been a long winter and we were glad that Mom had decided to bring us to the beach to get away from the city for a few weeks. Dad dying had taken a toll on all of us, but I think it upset Carry even more than she let on. I always knew when she was bothered by things, I always have. We’re twins after all. My name is Jerry; I know it's kind of corny, naming twins with such similar...

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KellyChapter 3

The sun was streaming through the windows and as morning moved towards noon, the light shifted across the room slowly revealing Kelly's nude body, lighting first her hair and then sliding like a silent intruder over her eyes. She brushed her hand across her face trying to shoo away the invader, but it was too late. The light had stirred something in her subconscious and it slowly turned on her other senses. Disoriented, Kelly, eyes still closed, tried to place where she was and why Aaron...

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Double GlazingChapter 7

Up to this time commission had been paid according to the value on paper of the order. Bob had instituted this, years ago, and had never envisaged a situation where the average gross profit margin of forty-five percent could be eroded. However Aubrey with his manoeuvrings often reduced the margin, sometimes to dangerous levels. I had put the facts in front of Bob on a number of occasions, but he wouldn't act on it. Now I put it to Andy that commission should be paid only after the true costs...

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The Future of Miss PowersChapter 13

Danny was once again set loose upon the world with camera in hand. Mrs. Herd, having decided that he did indeed have an artist’s eye, had changed his assignment. She wanted him to take art from art for art’s sake, to art as a means of selling an idea. This time he was to take photographs that could be used in a collage for a deodorant advertisement. He figured this was going to be a pretty easy assignment. Steve walked up to Danny and greeted him, “I see you’re out with the camera...

3 years ago
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Call Me Kate Chapter 1

Colin “Col, get in here! We need to chat.” Uncle Ron yelled from the family room. “Coming, fat man!” I yelled back. My friends got a kick out of the fact that I called my uncle out of his name like that. But it was normal back in England, where my family was from. I was reluctant to get up because my girlfriend Lindsay was in the middle of giving me a downstairs-outsidey, or rubbing my cock through my pants, while we were under my blanket. I had invited her, my best mate Henry, and his...

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Gangbang Sex With Reshma

Hi guys, this is Kevin once again back with another encounter. I got a great response from girls and guys. Thank you so much. So this is going to be a continuation of the previous story. Please read all here. I can guarantee you won’t be disappointed. This is my 10th story. After the encounter with Reshma, things were going really good for me. She even broke up with her boyfriend. We both were having the fun of our life. We had sex in so many places, from my car, terrace to you name it we had...

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Seducing Beautiful Girl Fathima

Hello ISS readers …. I would like to introduce myself as harry. I live in Chennai. I am very much interested in sex since college days. I would always love to have relationship. I am ardent follower of ISS. I am reading ISS for many years. I would like to thank all the writers for sharing your experiences with others. And also the content managers of ISS for selecting and publishing good stories. This incident happened six years ago… The heroine of the story is fathima (name changed for...

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Buddhe ne gand mari

Hi dosto ye meri pahli story hai .mujhe sex story padne ka bahut souk hai. Me delhi ke paas ka rhne wala hun .agr kisi ko mujhse contect krna hai to kr lena.ab me apni story par ata hun.. Baat jab ki hai jab me18 saal ka tha ab meri age 23 saal hai un dina me 11th ki pdaai kr rha tha.mere sath ak ladki pdti thi jiska naam kavita tha. Ham dona dheere-2 ak dusre k najdeek aate ja rhe the. Maine aba tak kisi ladki se sex nhi kiya tha . Magr chahta tha ki kisi se sex us ldki ke chkar me main...

2 years ago
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Rainy Day Sex Marathon

I was gasping for air as the cum launched out from my cock and hit me in the face. It was a very powerful orgasm, not huge in volume, but very strong intensity because it was my 3rd one of the morning. I’d woken up to the sound of pounding rain outside, and, of course, to my daily “morning riser” hardon. When it rains like this, it makes me remember one of my favorite sex experiences almost 4 years ago, the summer I turned 16. My girlfriend Kellie and I had hiked about a mile through the...

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My First Time With a Guy2

I was 20 years old, working night security at a factory near my house where I spent most of my time looking at porn and jerking off. I had known for years that I was into both guys and girls but hadn't yet been with a guy apart from the little bit of experimentation that I mentioned above but about six months before this story took place I began to seriously crave cock. From the time I hit puberty I had basically been addicted to porn and I was into any and every type of porn that was out...

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Sandras Awakening Ch 06

How great life was since Sandra started taking care of her own needs. She started fixing her hair, wearing make-up again and humming a lot. She smiled a lot now because she had a lot of reasons too. ‘Sam may not want me anymore,’ Sandra thought while soaking in a hot bubble bath, smiling, ‘But others did!’ Last week at the movies had been nothing short of wonderful. Damien had done things to her, that while sore the next day, they were terrific that night. ‘Like that butt thing?’ She...

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JEN.TXT by Cindy V. femdom, TV, humiliation I don't think Jennifer has ever liked me. Jennifer is about 23, with long black hair. She is very pretty, and she accomplishes her beauty with only a little dark grey eyeliner. She would be a knockout with a little more makeup. She also dresses very conservatively for someone her age, often with a jacket and knee or below length skirts, and very low heels. She walks with a slouch, not with the confident walk of someone so lovely. And she...

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LegaciesChapter 20 Vacation on New Yacht Report of Successful Sea Action Partners for Claudia and Yen

All of the ladies had gathered for our morning run before I arrived which was a significant change. We set off at a fairly fast pace as our stamina and strength had been improved significantly from out twice daily exercise sessions and were back well before or regularly scheduled breakfast time. The hot subject for the day was quickly raised with all voicing, "When will we leave for vacation on the yacht?" I turned to Mat and asked, "How soon will the plane be ready?" She indicated that...

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