Zac s story 5
- 3 years ago
- 52
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"Francine" drove carefully through the shopping precinct looking for someone, anyone suitable really, for the next part of her plan.
The plans were flexible around a core idea and Jamie -- older brother to one of her classmates -- was perfect.
Elena blew the car's horn and waved.
"Jamie isn't it?"
"Yeah. And you're Francine."
"That's right."
"Nice car."
"Thanks. I was wondering if you could do me a favour."
"Depends what it is."
"I need someone to get a bottle of Vodka for me."
"You're not old enough to be drinking."
"It might be a present for someone else."
"I don't know; buying it for you could get me into serious trouble."
"I'd be terribly grateful."
"Just how grateful do you mean?"
"Bring me the bottle and we can go for the a little drive." Elena waved a couple of notes. "I can pay you for the vodka and reward you at the same time."
Jamie smiled and disappeared into a liquor store while Elena waited for him to return, double parked and motor running. She ignored the occasional irate beep as someone had to move around her; even if she got a ticket it would be Francine who faced the music.
Jamie jumped in beside Elena without further invitation and pulled the neck of a bottle out for her approval.
"Thanks. You in any sort of hurry?"
"Not really. Supposed to meet up with a couple of friends."
"Let's go see if they want to join us. I need the vodka for later but there's more than one way to party."
"How old are you?"
"Just eighteen, why?"
"Just checking you ain't jailbait."
"Oh, no. I'm all legal and looking for fun."
"I thought you had a boyfriend."
"'Had' not 'have'. What would you do if you were a girl and you found the love of your life not only had a pencil dick -- no, the stub of a pencil dick -- but also had a three second fuse? I mean, I'm sorry for Martin but I can't face the idea of having to put up with that for the rest of my life."
Elena reached over and felt Jamie's crotch. "Now this is much better."
"Thank you. It can last longer than three seconds as well. If you give me a chance, I'll show you."
"Well I think that sounds great. How about, while you tell me where to drive, you get it out and I can start warming it up?"
Jamie did so and Elena reached over to carefully fondle his prick while she kept her eyes on the road and the other hand on the wheel.
"That's much better. A real handful."
In fact there was little if any difference between Martin and Jamie. It might seem strange that she let Martin fuck her when he was so high on her shit list, especially to let him take her cherry, but Elena didn't value that highly since she'd done most of the same things to herself anyway. What she would value would be the first time someone honestly made love to her as herself. Revenge and lusty investigation didn't count.
Elena would hope Jamie and his friends passed on stories of Martin's inadequacies. She couldn't do the same as Francine elsewhere as easily since Francine had spoken favourably about her boyfriend in the past. Within the limited constraints of Francine rarely ever acknowledging that she'd lied or exaggerated, Elena might be able to express new dissatisfaction.
Jamie instructed her to pull over and when she did so, Elena bobbed her head over the segment of erect penis protruding from his pants.
"Let's start eroding Francine's reputation immediately!" she thought.
Elena tucked the spirit out of sight and offered Jamie the money for it. She rather hoped he might take it out of her instead but he folded the notes and put them into his pocket. Oh well. At least he was attractive and, if he wasn't her intellectual equal, Elena didn't expect to be debating him.
A girl entering a house containing unknown men having promised another man that they would party should be, at the very least, nervous but Elena was excited instead. She knew she could handle pretty well any situation and was looking forward to comparing "studs".
Jamie opened the door and walked right inside. He didn't bother ushering her in first but Elena had rated the possibility of being shown that curtesy as rather low.
"Guys, this is Francine. Francine, this is Kevin and that's Will. Francine and I were planning on having a little entertainment and she thought you guys might like to join us so be polite or she might change her mind."
"For real?"
"Yes," confirmed Elena with a sexy leer. "I've found I've got a boyfriend who is a miserable fuck -- literally -- and I want to compare so next time I'll know what to look for."
"Sounds sensible. You should try before you buy and, though I'm not looking for a girlfriend, I'm certainly willing to help you out."
"Oh, I'm not ready to actually ditch him yet -- he does have some other qualities; like my wheels outside."
"Well, so do you Francine. So do you. You look damned sexy in that dress but you'd look sexier out of it. How good a dancer are you? You reckon you could do a striptease for us?"
"Mmm, I'd hoped you would want to peel me down but I like the idea of getting you hot. I'll do it but I want your dicks sticking out your pants so I can see you appreciate me. I want you to do me a little favour as well please."
"I have a camera. Can you video our party? I might want to be able to show my loser boyfriend just what he could have had if he'd been able to keep it up properly. If you do a good job and promise not to let it out of your hands I might let you have a copy before I go so you can beat your meat to it later."
"Oh we promise," agreed Kevin eagerly. "Don't we guys?"
"Of course."
"Well then, here you are. Since you're the most interested Kevin, how about you get it set up while I make sure Will and Jamie are ready?"
Elena handed the digital camera to Kevin and showed him how to use the octopus tripod legs to mount it onto the back of a chair if necessary and the simple controls to allow him to act as cameraman or to go hands-free as he desired. She made sure the date was not displayed on screen.
While Kevin experimented, Elena stood in front of Jamie and slide his zip down while he kissed her. She opened his belt and pushed pants and underwear down his legs. Jamie hadn't been exposed like this before his friends outside a high school locker room and then an erection would have been cause for homosexual abuse. Will didn't care though, he was eager for his own turn.
Elena stepped back and pushed Jamie into his seat. "I'll leave you to finish undressing but here's some incentive."
She ran her tongue, flat and wide, across the tip of his boner. Kevin kept the viewfinder centred on her pretty face.
Standing again, she turned to Will. He hesitated a second before kissing her. Hell, it had only been a lick; she hadn't made his friend come. His pants were shed and he had his prick teased as well.
Smiling after pushing Will down into his seat and licking his knob, she knee-walked over to where Kevin stood with the camera. She looked directly into the lens as she worked his belt open and undid his zip. Kevin's hands were a little unsteady as he recorded the POV shot of Francine exposing his prick and swallowing it in one quick motion.
"Mmm, tasty!" she advised her audience. She helped Kevin remove his shoes and then his pants before taking her place for her own disrobing.
Elena had never felt she could be so forward before but, since no-one knew it was her, she was free to play any game that she wished. The camera had recorded her giving head and Francine deserved the notoriety that would produce. Elena enjoyed the feeling of power it had given her over Kevin. She could tell he would do what she asked in order to get a little more.
"Got some music with a strong beat? Not too fast; something I can sway to."
Kevin paused the video and found something. On his nod Elena positioned herself before the young men and waited for the beat to come around. She grinned.
No-one was interested in taking her out dancing so Elena had practised in front of the mirror and this had been one of the songs she had listened to. If her performance was still amateurish, her audience was willing to ignore any inadequacies.
Elena started by putting her hands on her head and swaying her hips sensuously from side to side in time with the music. As she did so she made her labia swell. When she turned and touched her forehead to the ground between spread feet, her skirt rode up leaving her crotch clearly noticeable if not yet visible through her pale blue thong.
Elena had chosen that over white for a reason and when she repeated her dip after caressing her breasts through her top there was a large dark wet stain. The three men could see it and Elena was sure anyone else who watched the video would as well.
Elena then proceeded to unbutton the front of her dress in a teasing fashion. The buttons went from neckline to hemline and as she opened each fastener Elena flash the right side and then the left, briefly giving a hint of what was below.
She didn't delay. People would want to get to the "good stuff" fairly quickly and she knew her live audience did.
Elena was quite eager herself.
Before revealing her bra, Elena pumped her breasts up a little so they stood out above the fabric. She would restore them to Francine's normal size when she removed the bra so as to match her image later but the bra itself could be blamed for any inconsistencies and the overflow would certainly keep the viewers interested.
Once she had her buttons undone to waist level Elena slipped a hand inside her dress and made sure her audience could see she was squeezing her tit. She used the other hand to start opening the bottom buttons, working upwards and lifting the triangle of fabric to show her panties before dropping it back down again; teasing the boys with a hint of camel toe.
Finally -- and it didn't take much longer that it really needed to -- Elena was down to the last button and she used both hands to undo it. Rather than flipping her front open again though, she let the dress slip off of her shoulders and down onto her arms; gathering it just below her breasts to let the audience finally see the whole of the curvy upper surfaces and more than a hint of cleavage.
With feet spread wide apart again, Elena opened the dress in one swift violent motion and angled her arms behind her so it slid to the floor. Though separated from her body, Elena was quite confident the dress would still retain its modified form for as long as she needed.
Elena wished she could see how she looked on the video. There should be more damp stains visible under the bisected front of her panties. She cupped her breasts again and then rubbed her hands over her stomach and around to her butt. Bending forward with her head held back allowed her to look directly at the camera while showing maximum tit flesh and cleavage.
Still bent, she swung around on the spot to face the other way and swayed her butt from side to side again. The narrow strand of cloth covering her butt hole was inadequate to hide the puckered sphincter as she took hold of each cheek and stretched them apart. Elena eased around slowly and the men got the same view before she faced the camera again.
Next she reached behind and freed the clasp of her bra. She teased, dropping the straps from her shoulders while holding the cups in place, then resting each forearm across her chest in turn as she slid the other arm out of its strap. Easing the bra out from behind her arm she dangled it for a while before throwing it at Will.
A quick flash, deliberated, as she changed from covering arm to palms pressed to each tit. No-one would doubt she intended to show them off and Elena was only using the time to return them to their "correct" size.
Cupped palms flattened against each mound and Elena moved them in little circles. Making it appear that she was turning herself on Elena first gripped her tits so her fingers sunk into the flesh, then exposed them so she could take her nipples between thumbs and fingers instead.
She tilted her head back and licked her lips. Was the show everything she hoped it would be? The "boys" still had hard pricks so it couldn't have been totally inadequate.
Still playing with one tit, Elena began rubbing her crotch through the outside of her panties. Since it did feel good, she had no need to act and it was no hardship to ease her hand inside the thong instead.
When her finger came out she knew it would be glistening. A slight change in the "formula" and the juices were both more copious and thicker -- while just as tasty. She made sure she was facing the camera while she licked and sucked it clean.
Elena bent forward for the camera again, pressing her breasts together then juggling them from below. She tugged her nipples away from her body so the view indicated her arousal.
Next she bent over backwards. Francine had at one time been limber enough to do that while Elena had never shown any gymnastic aptitude. Whether Francine could still do so was a moot point; enough people had seen her brief stint as a cheerleader sub to know it was not impossible. As she touched her hands to the floor and then lifted one and finally two feet over her body to stand on the other side she was sure the world would have a wonderful view of her leaking crotch.
She slipped a thumb into each side of her thong and turned so the camera only caught the strand across the back moving over her smooth butt cheeks. She swayed her hips to the beat, a clear bump to each side interrupting the descent of the underwear. When the strap was tucked below her butt Elena turned and allowed the viewers to watch the front descending.
No sooner had the cloth been totally displaced than Elena cupped her hand over her pubes. No mere teasing cover this time, Elena let people see her middle finger plunging into her cunt while the lips hidden by her other fingers shrunk back to what Elena guessed was more normal for Francine. Though they shared a locker room, Elena hadn't been inclined to stare and simply knew that Francine wasn't one of the girls whose femininity was obvious.
Elena did another backflip this time with her lips spread butterfly-like to show a flash of pink. She came to rest with legs apart again and raised her arms similarly so she formed a letter "X".
Through an open doorway Elena could see an empty bottle on a table in the kitchen.
"Can one of you give me that bottle please?"
The all looked around and Will carried out her wishes.
"Thanks." She placed it on the ground between her feet. "Watch this!"
Elena had no real expectations of what she would do to sully Francine's reputation. She had expected to find one or two guys, blow them or fuck them making sure the stories spread around town. Instead she had a chance to either irreparably damage -- or make -- her reputation world-wide.
Elena bent her knees and lowered herself until her pussy made contact with the empty bottle. She steadied herself with her hands then straightened her legs, lifting the bottle off the ground as she did so.
There was applause from her audience but she silenced them. "Can you zoom in?"
Kevin did so and the young men watched spellbound. Elena had lifted the bottle with only the rim inside her. Now, unassisted and against gravity, her cunt began to swallow the long neck a centimetre at a time. Elena paused between lifts for dramatic effect. She had a tight grip inside her using her vaginal walls in ways men could only dream about. Had she wanted to, Elena could have taken the whole bottle up inside her but that would have been excessive and she wasn't there to show off.
Releasing the bottle, Elena caught it as it fell out of her body and held it up to the audience.
"Which of you would like to prove that at least one man knows how to eat pussy?" Elena was pleased that the three men all leaned forward.
She had heard that guys expected to get blown but wouldn't return the favour. Since she had no personal experience to prove or disprove the story she thought it a good thing that the numbers stacked up to suggest it was all a lie.
"Jamie, are you game to go public?"
It was a risk that he might not want his name mentioned but she thought guys might consider any publicity of their better points to be a good thing.
Jamie took his top off and met her in front of the camera, as naked now as she was.
"You good at this?" she asked.
"You tell me," he grinned and started by kissing her.
Being kissed in such a passionate manner sent Elena's head spinning; fortunately without her losing control of any of her changes. That wasn't really a problem; each shape was like a town in the bottom of a valley and to get from one town to the next it was necessary to drive up and over the mountain range in between. Normally that required quite a bit of energy. For some changes that might only need the effort to unravel and re-knit a sweater; for others each molecule needed re-assembly.
Elena was fortunate that her powers allowed her to travel through a temporary tunnel beneath the mountains. Once there, the tunnel vanished and the change was fixed, or at least fixed until some mysterious rubber band pulled the object back to the original town.
Though Elena hadn't been sought out by the boys her own age, she had been kissed before. A party of twelve and thirteen year olds had played kissing games and she had learned that even inexperienced kisses could be nice. When the partner was experienced it was so much better and having his hard prick pressed against her belly only excited her more.
Jamie worked his way down her body, kneeling to kiss and caress her breasts then helping lower her to the carpeted floor so he could work his way across her belly and down between her legs.
The touch of his tongue was even better than her own had been. Though Jamie didn't find the most sensitive spots, he found enough and Elena didn't have the distraction of trying to keep going while approaching orgasm.
Jamie wasn't going to bring her off that quickly though. He wanted her begging to be fucked, not overwhelmed in the first twenty minutes and dead for the rest of the day.
It had been a while since Jamie had had some afternoon delight and never with a porn movie scenario. Kevin had the camera almost in Jamie's face as he filmed each lick of his tongue through the tasty lips. Jamie didn't mind but thought it would look better if Francine wasn't just laying back enjoying herself.
"Will! I think our guest is hungry."
Will knelt beside Elena's head and Kevin zoomed in on his prick as it slid out of sight between the young woman's lips.
Elena licked it and tasted his pre-cum. That was okay but he was sweatier than Jamie had been. Elena's mouth suddenly tasted of the mint that she added to her saliva and the mucus in her nostrils developed a floral musk reminiscent of the small pill-like candy she adored.
Much easier to bear!
Will wasn't badly developed and kept hitting the back of her throat in his eagerness. Elena decided to give Francine yet another useful talent but wanted to make it even more entertaining. She let the prick slip out of her mouth again and held him from pushing back in.
"Jamie, do you think you're strong enough to hold me for a little while?"
"Sure thing Francine."
"Okay then, let me up and I'll give Will a special blow job."
If Kevin was disappointed that he was missing out by being the cameraman he didn't show it.
Elena faced Jamie, standing a couple of metres away and then did a hand stand directly in front of him so her butt pressed into his stomach.
"Lift me so I can rest my knees on your shoulders please."
Jamie did so and Elena hung suspended from his shoulders with his prick now pressed between her shoulder blades.
"Will, show me how you can eat pussy while I see how far I can swallow that lovely sausage of yours."
Kevin was divided between filming Elena's wide open pussy -- which he did until Will started to dine -- and capturing the inverted blow job.
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I told about her getting her ears pierced three more times in the last chapter. She now looks awesome with six earrings. She also expressed interest in getting her nipples pierced. I asked her if she still wanted to have her nipples pierced? She said, '"Definitely." "Well why haven't you done it?" I asked. She told me that since she hasn't decided on her breast size yet that the surgeon told her there were several options for doing implants. Some implants are done around the nipple area and for...
Wife Lovers‘Aida Gonzalez!’ barked the director. ‘You’re up next. Get ready!’ Steady now girl. Don’t screw it! She scolded herself. The 5′ 4′ dark haired girl took a deep breath to steady herself. She watched for the director’s cue. When she saw his hand signal, she walked on to the stage with her black pinafore and a white apron holding a tray with the usual mock-up stage props of tea sets. She set the tray down on the low table, ‘Would Madame want some tea?’ She asked of the leading actress. The...
When Mom came back with the pizza, she had composed herself. Her robe was tightened at the waist and her face had lost some of the flush. The pinkness remaining on her cheeks was probably due to the wine. She put the pizza on the coffee table and sat down. “I’ll get more wine,” I said as I stood up. Fortunately my erection had subsided somewhat. I picked up the nearly empty bottle. We normally only had one bottle on Friday nights. I quickly emptied the last into her glass and rushed off to...
My dear wife is so good to me in so many ways, but especially the way she indulges my harmless sexual fetishes. Straightforward fucking has always been good and I love the way she writhes and moans as she surrenders to the intensely exquisite pleasure of a prolonged orgasm impaled on my throbbing cock. Sometimes we will fuck slowly for over an hour whilst I hold back on my explosion of joy and repeatedly send her to the Gates of Paradise until she almost faints with rapture. We have always...
FetishThere's an old joke about D.C. weather; If you don't like it, just wait a week. The weather flips around so quickly it almost produces whiplash. (This is opposed to Florida weather, which practically vibrates.) The common side-joke, which isn't terribly clever and is used too often by comedians who aren't really trying, is that it is caused by all the hot air blowing out of the Capitol building when Congress is in session. Locals know however that this is not the case. No, the local...
Mera naam Amit hai aur main 34 years ka hoon. meri height 5’8″ hai aur mera penis 6″ tak lamba ho jaata hai. mujhe ladkiyon ke boobs bahot ache lagte hain aur meri nazar jab bhi kisi ladki ke boobs ki taraf jaati hai tab mera penis tezi se lamba hone lagta hai . meri abhi shaadi nahi hui hai aur mere gharwaale mere liye ladki talash kar rahe hai. Yeh baat 1 saal pehle ki hai jab main 33 years ka tha aur mere parents ko kaafi talash ke baad kuch ladkiyon ka khoj mila. unhi mein se ek ladki ko...
They lay like this, Donald’s head on Emma’s outstretched tied arm, both breathing deeply, both content at this moment. After a couple of minutes, he calms himself. Donald gets off the bed and walks away. The disappointing sigh which comes out of Emma is music to his ears. He comes back shortly and sits on the bed his ass up next to Emma’s thigh. He leans and unclasps her new necklace. The confused look on Emma’s face disappears when he tells her to hold the clasp between her teeth. She...
Love StoriesHe was a vision of beauty, although, I should have been used to this god-like image by now. He strolled casually towards me, as if what we were about to do was as normal as taking a walk in the park. It had always intrigued me as to how he was so laid-back about our work, as if I didn’t turn him on. If we were in a club and I had seduced him, this would be his ultimate fantasy. My breasts glistening with my own juices, sitting waiting for him to do with me as he wished. I had to admit it, I was...
Michelle and I look through the take-out menu and decide we will get the sesame chicken and 2 spring rolls. As she calls in the order I think back on the amazing day we have had. This morning Richard , Michelle and I had a threesome at work. I must say having sex at work is so much fun. The thought of getting caught turns me on. And the thought that it is just wrong adds to my desire . Then when you add a hot guy like Richard to the mix as well as my beautiful friend Michelle sex at work is...
Group Sex"Does this make you uncomfortable?" She used to ask me, whenever she would do something outrageously arousing, like it was nothing. I was fifteen, she was seventeen, my older step sister. Obviously, I had no experiences at that time other than masturbation. She always liked to tease me... "I have an oral fixation. I just... love to have things in my mouth, isn't that nice?" She would put up pictures of naked girls on her walls just to pretend she was a lesbian, though, I'm sure she...
Linnet was extremely quiet – almost withdrawn – on the journey back to Essex and for some time after. It was Erica who made the biggest difference to her; on the journey she spent most of trip curled up on Linnet's lap or snuggling against her, with a sensitivity that might have been remarkable in an adult. Linnet, in response, held her; occasionally stroking her hair or absently kissing her head. It took a couple of weeks but Linnet gradually returned to her 'old' self; not that she...
He came into town about 3 month ago. Calling himself Bill he booked into the local caravan park and took out a rental for 6 months. Anyone near him was scared. He bullied his way around and never paid fully for anything. He just threw the money he was prepared to pay on the counter or ground. He rode his Hog around the place without a care for anyone else at any time he wanted. However he was careful not to ride when he had a skinful of drink. The local police had called on him a few times...
I Think X-Hamster is A great site. It’s funny that their are a couple of Peter North’s gay vid’s on her. And Great Video’s of Peter North Cumming on lot’s of lovely faces like Czech Republic Nikita Denise I think she’s so Hot. But I personally think Peter North’s greatest Cum Shot Came in a Flick called the Big Boob Boat Ride. His Awesome Cum Shot all over Bunny Bleu’s face. I hope Maybe someone might be able too get this one posted up. Peter North and some Guy called Johnny cum Lately both...
Just a reminder that this story would include stuff such as: Dickgirls. Feminine boys. Demons or fantasy creatures. Illustrated/visualized nudity. If you're uncomfortable with such things mentioned, or is simply opposing it, then I do not recommend reading this story. Another note: All artworks, writing, and characters in this book belongs to Galactic Panic. I do not encourage the redistribution or authorization of my works, thank you. + No tracers! I. The Meeting "So... You've been having...
FantasyIt started off as a normal day in school, when all off a sudden I saw my teacher bend over in front off my desk to pick up a pencil. I could see her butt in her cute little skirt. I think she did it on purpose I thought, no way I thought that’s just my blindness hoping that my teacher crush liked me back. Little did I know I was gonna get my wish later that day, when class ended my teacher asked to see me after class. “I hoped that I wasn’t in trouble, I walk up and ask if I’m in trouble.” No...
BDSMRicordo ancora benissimo le ultime parole della mia, purtroppo ex ragazza ieri notte, mentre mi sferrava l'ennesimo schiaffo. Io e lei non stiamo più insieme da oltre un anno, da quando mi ha scaricato perché secondo lei, ero un codardo. Non avevo le palle, diceva sempre. Ma io la amo ancora, e da allora ho provato più e più volte a riconquistarla. E' finita sempre male, sempre con lei che mi augurava le peggio cose e mi prendeva a schiaffi. Anche ieri sera, quando mi ha urlato: "SEI VERAMENTE...
I met her at the lingerie store. We were both buying sexy panties. She was so pretty and asked if I thought the panties were sexy. She said she loved sexy panties. I told her I thought she would look good in them. She then bought six pairs and we went and had coffee. After coffee I took her to my house and she was going to model the panties for me. She stood in front of me and began to strip for me. She had long dark hair and a beautiful face. When she removed her bra her tits were firm and...
Fast forward, this one day i was exploring the woods. I wanted to take a shit, there were these rest stop located in the woods for people who came for camping. I usually never got the chance to visit them. This one day i felt the urge to shit badly so i went there. There was one person sitting outside the rest stop. I went inside there were two stalls both empty. It was my first time going there, i went inside one of the stall and began to take a shit. I was on the toilet its then when i...
Anita playing again in Jamaica My sweet Ana insisted that summer holiday to spend few days again at the sandy Jamaican beaches. But I knew she was thinking not in the sunny days, but in some black dicks she would meet there…We arrived on Friday afternoon and spent the day relaxing and enjoying the sun at the beach. The hotel was celebrating a new anniversary and it had a big party on Saturday night. The main show was around a band of drummers. The black leader of that group had Ana’s complete...
Hi my Indian sex stories readers. At first I was not sure to post on the site but now thanks to all your comments and support I am feeling better about my secret. Thank you for your comments and likes. You can read my story in the above links: Here I continue with our story……. So after a week that our relation started it was “Raksha Bandhan” ,and as you all know it is the day brothers and sisters recognize the relation . Well me and bhai did recognize our relation and we were going to celebrate...
IncestHow do you dress to seduce your boyfriend’s father? I thought to myself while getting ready that morning in my new fancy apartment Gene furnished for me in celebration of my decision to “stay on”. What was I thinking? Well, I was doing two of my favorite things in the whole world, making an obscene amount of money, much more than I was promised, and fucking obscenely! I was definitely becoming a hardcore slut. He was pimping me out practically. I set up all the video equipment and everything...
He sat in his office twirling in his chair. He called her direct line. From his office he could see her pick up the phone. "You know we never really spoke about that space you're renting." "Who is this?" she said, laughter in her voice. "After that kiss, it's the three legged man, or a cripple. I can't decide which." Her laugh was really too sexy to be real. It couldn't be real. "How bout we grab dinner and I can tell you why I should rent that space." "Ummmh, let me think...
Pervert Tube Premium sounds like it’d be right up my alley, certainly more than something as generic sounding as YouTube. “You” can be damn near anybody, but we already know the video-sharing giant excludes perverts. I can’t count the number of times I’ve been banned from YouTube just for trying to share some of my adventures, but I get the feeling I’m not going to get the boot from this joint. In fact, I might just feel right at home.Of course, there’s the matter of just what kind of porn...
Scat Porn Sites“Sorry about that.” She said. “No. It’s my bad.” She then proceeds to pick her stuff up and I help her. When I hand over her stuff, “Oh, Kevin. Hi!” She goes in for a hug, which I also do just to be polite. While we talk, we start to walk. And because of her hugging me, I end up getting a massive hard-on, which I try to cover up with a notebook. “Hey Alyssa. What’s up?” “Nothing. Thank god school’s over.” “You can say that again.” “You got any plans for the summer?” “Not much....
Hi doston mein Gaurav ek baar fir se hazir hu apni 3rd story le ke. Meri pahli 2 no kahaniyion pe mujhe kuch khas response nahi mila but, mein is baar chahunga ki agar aapko meri kahani pasand aai to email kare aur agar pasand na aai to zaroor email kare aur suggestion de. To aapka jyada wakt na lete hue kahani pe aate hain. Is kahani ki heroine hai Shivangi fake name) age karib 20 saal aur figure 32-26-34. aap khud hi soch sakte hain uski gaand (ass) kaisi hogi. aur hero hai Vinit (fake name),...
Katelyn lived downstairs from me in my apartment complex. She was a vivacious and very outgoing teenage young lady, living alone, trying to make ends meet on a bartender salary and “odd jobs on the side” as she referred to them. Katelyn had a model-like body, tall and thin, with soft small globes for boobs, and gorgeous long brown hair that she often kept pulled back and tied into a ponytail. Every now and then, she’d let hair down, which only served to make her more appealing.Katelyn and I got...
TeenHe walked through the seemingly endless corridors towards his room, his mind focused on what would be happening soon. His black hair hung straight, just below his shoulders, and his tall build cast long shadows in the dim light of mansion. His feet stopped in front of a black door and he opened it without hesitation. Inside was his wife and father in law waiting in his small living room in silence. “Every thing has been set, as promised,” His father in law told him. The man just nodded giving...
I am now going on 67 of age and finally I plucked up courage to do something I did when I was a young lad, have gay sex, I've always fantasized about having gay sex again although I am now a married man, I watch old gay guys having sex all the time, I get so hard and horny, anyway I was watching online some old gay grandads having sex in a woods, what a turn on, I came buckets watching it, one was a big fat guy maybe about 70 ish the other was about 10 years young and not so big, they both had...
There are three of us, best pals since childhood. Credit due, Trish McGovern is the successful one. Froggy flogs used cars at his old man’s Cadillac shop. I’m on the way to the top pier of the advertising industry, but with still some ways to go. But Trish, well Trish defies consumption. She graduated from the Yale Architects’ School, which is rumored, a priori, to be top shelf. Sometimes all lessons aren’t learned in school. In fact, should you live in the Brewster Household, more...
I was at the beach in the morning. About 2 hours before the start of the game, I went home to change and take a shower. Germany was playing Argentina in the next round of the World Cup. I put on some dark jeans. Some black Adidas Flip Flops. A white German Football Jersey. I put on some black boxer briefs. I grabbed my keys and headed out the door.I drove to a bar near my house. Its kinda of an English pub. I have come there to watch most of the games played so far. They always have all the...
Operation Rescue: The New Co-Ed Chapter 16 - Once More Unto the Breach A young man gets in trouble and loses his scholarship. It looks like his dream of college to escape a poor future is doomed - until he sees an ad recruiting 'adoption facilitators'. Tommi's is ready for her second transfer, but she has a conflict in timing between mid-terms and her hormones being ready. Then things get really...