A Paladin's TrainingChapter 6: Blades free porn video

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all characters are over the age of eighteen years

***ARAN – Ironshire, Ekistair***

The clashing of steel echoed throughout the basement beneath Smythe’s house as dull-edged practice blades met repeatedly. Smythe circled Aran, whirling a huge, five-foot long great-sword like it weighed nothing. His footwork was impeccable, and he stepped with a precision and grace that belied his tall, wide-shouldered stature.

Smythe had chosen to use the basement rather than the yard outside to keep away from any prying eyes; Ironshire knew Smythe as a weaponsmith, and someone skilled with a blade, but that’s all they knew. His true identity as one of the last surviving Paladins of Aros was a closely kept secret, so for now, combat training was done out of sight and vala training was done well outside of town, out of view of the walls.

Aran held his somewhat smaller blade upright, circling in opposition to Smythe, waiting for an opening in the larger man’s seemingly impenetrable defense. It was warm down here – despite it being early spring – and both men were shirtless, sweat beading in the thick jungle on Smythe’s chest just as it did on Aran’s somewhat less hairy one.

Aran watched his opponent warily; that big blade looked unwieldy, but with it, Smythe could strike like a viper. Aran’s arms, legs and torso were stinging from the multiple thin bruises that the blunt edge of Smythe’s blade had left on him. They healed much faster than they otherwise would have – thanks to the vala – but that didn’t stop it hurting when he received the hit.

Aran had yet to score a single blow on his mentor, who watched him intently, his dark eyes never leaving Aran’s face as he continued to circle. Aran had been studying him carefully, trying to find a pattern in his movements, and three times now, Smythe had fooled him into thinking he’d settled into a routine, only to change it and catch Aran off-guard.

This was maybe the tenth time he and Smythe had sparred, and Aran counted it a point of personal pride that he bore less fresh bruises from today than in the last session. By rights, he should have been exhausted; Smythe was a far harsher tutor than Elaina had ever been. Aran almost laughed out loud when he remembered nearly running away from the Chapel in the Emerin Forest because of the intensity of his early training.

Smythe had spent the last month making Aran work so hard that the thought of going back to Elaina was a pleasant fantasy – even if you took the sex out of it!

Whip-quick, Smythe struck again, his blade arcing forward in a sweep. Aran tried to parry, but had not been watching for Smythe’s feint, and so his mentor scored him sharply beneath the arm after slapping Aran’s smaller blade away.

“Where’s your head at, lad?” Smythe growled, glaring. “Do that on the battlefield and you’ll be dead!”

Gritting his teeth against the burning sting on his ribs, Aran reset himself. Smythe was right; he’d let his mind wander, and had missed a possible opportunity. Smythe’s feint had left him very briefly open to a counter attack, but was it a mistake? Or was it deliberate?

The bigger man’s blade flashed forward again – this time with no feint – and Aran just barely managed to push it away in time. Taking a deep breath, he calmed his mind and listened to the gentle hum of the vala inside him. It was becoming a more consistent presence in his awareness, the warm glow lending him strength, without which he was sure his training would have disabled or even killed him. An ordinary man would only last so long training for eighteen hours a day for five weeks straight, but Aran and Smythe were no ordinary men.

Smythe said the teaching was this hard because it forced you to learn to rely on your vala, and Aran had definitely noticed a difference in himself since starting with his mustachioed mentor. He rarely felt tired any more, despite the harsh training, and noticed that he could go longer without food and water if required, but also found that when he did eat, he could easily put down two or three times more food than he had before! Smythe said it was the vala adjusting Aran’s body to suit its power, and that though he might get hungry less often, when he did eat, he should eat well, especially when healing from injury.

Another thing Aran had noticed was the way women around town noticed him. He didn’t step out often, but he occasionally caught women staring at him in the street, sometimes quite openly. He knew it would happen, eventually, as attracting the opposite sex was a natural part of being arohim, but it would probably be some time before he got used to it. Also, now that he’d had a taste of sex – thanks to his former mentor, Elaina, and the three women who were now melded to him – the absence of women bore a gaping void that he never would have noticed were he still a virgin.

Smythe struck yet again, but this time Aran caught the feint. Instead of taking the bait, though, he pivoted to the right, and Smythe’s two-handed thrust carried past Aran’s left side, leaving his own left side open for a killing blow. Aran swept his blade right-to-left, which – if they’d had sharp swords – would open Smythe across the kidney, but with shocking speed, Smythe whipped his blade back round, holding the hilt one-handed, his other hand flat on the wide blade to support his parry.

Aran spun away from the parry and was about to launch another attack when Smythe raised his hand to halt him. “Break, lad,” the towering Paladin said as he wiped his arm across his brow.

Aran nodded and lowered his sword, not feeling tired but still grateful for a rest. This had been their longest sparring session yet. They’d started just after midday, and it now had to be dark outside, though he couldn’t tell; the basement was beneath the ground and there were no windows in the stone walls.

“That was good, at the end there,” Smythe told him, grounding the dull point of his blade and folding both hands over the pommel. “You almost scored a hit on me. What did you do differently?”

Aran wasn’t sure he knew the answer to that, but he made his best attempt. “You feinted, but you knew I knew it was a feint, and so you expected me to counter the move coming after the feint.”

Smythe nodded slowly. “And?”

“And I tried to so something you wouldn’t expect, move in a direction that didn’t match your attack, which wasn’t really your attack, was it?”

Smythe didn’t smile, but Aran thought his lips may have moved just slightly. Was that approval? Hard to tell, with that thick mustache in the way. “And what is the lesson here?”

Aran was saying the words before consciously aware of it. “Find what your opponent expects you to do, and do anything but.”

“Good, lad. You’re learning,” Smythe grunted as he hefted his sword again. “Now that we’re warmed up, let’s continue.”

Aran smiled as he raised his own blade. The notion of a six-hour warm-up would have horrified him a year ago, but now he just set his feet and focused, feeling the vala glowing softly inside him as he squared off with his mentor.

***MALOTH – Somewhere in Palistair***

“Oh, yes, my Lord! Your big cock feels wonderful!”

Maloth gripped tightly to the ample hips of the beautiful and remarkably voluptuous Ellerion Velenar, High Matriarch of the High Elves of Laefandell. Well, she had carried those titles once, but now, she belonged to Maloth, bound to him in body, mind and soul.

The golden-haired Elf possessed an otherworldly beauty, and due to her many centuries walking the earth, her body had developed in the unique way of Elves; growing more rounded and comely as she aged. As Ellerion bounced eagerly on his cock, her magnificent breasts swung in time with her motion, the pale orbs capped by petite pink nipples. Maloth’s hands slid from her waist to her chest, where he mauled the soft flesh with his black-nailed fingers, his crimson skin contrasting sharply with her fair complexion.

They were fucking in his bedchamber, a vast space all of black stone, lit by various standing lamps and torches that emitted fire the colour of amethyst, bathing the room in an eerie purple glow. Maloth needed no light to see by, but he liked the ambience it created.

“I want your seed, my Lord!” The Elven beauty cried, gyrating her hips insistently. Her arms were folded behind her head, and she pushed her prodigious chest against his grasping hands, moaning when he roughly pinched and slapped her tits. Her bald sex swallowed his crimson pole at increasingly faster speeds, and she reached yet another climax as she rode him. Her greatest pleasure was now to please Lord Maloth, and she would seek it always.

Ellerion was his second acquisition since waking from his long slumber. His first was Glinda Stonedeep, sister to King Burin Stonedeep of the Dun Arghol Dwarves, across the sea in Ekistair. Glinda had just been fucked royally, and she was now sleeping face-up on the bed beside them, her own titanic chest shifting with the movement on the mattress.

Dwarves, unlike Elves, did not experience physical changes as they aged, they were simply notorious for the outrageous dimensions of their feminine assets. Short of five feet tall, Glinda had curves most women of other races would kill for, somehow appearing pleasingly plump without being fat. Add that to a striking face, long black tresses and a royal heritage, and she was extremely suitable to serve Maloth for eternity.

With a grunt, Maloth began to erupt inside the Elf’s clenching cunt, his dark seed flowing into her body and providing her with the sustenance she now required to remain healthy. As his thralls, Glinda and Ellerion required his essence at least once every lunar cycle or they would take ill and eventually die. Any harm that befell Maloth’s harem would also harm him, making this process not only enjoyable, but also necessary.

Ellerion was still enjoying the peak of her pleasure when he roughly shoved her off to collapse atop Ginda. The Dwarf immediately woke and began kissing the Elf, and Ellerion responded willingly. Resisting the urge to fuck them both again, Maloth rose from the bed, stretching his arms above his head.

The tall mirror nearby caught his attention, and he studied himself critically. He had awoken from long years of sleep a frail husk at death’s door, gaunt and malnourished, but now, since his second Binding, his seven-foot, crimson frame had filled out again, and much of his muscular form was restored. His manhood jutted proudly forth, still erect and slick from his recent copulation, and his balls hung heavily between his broad thighs. His face bore chiseled features; defined cheekbones and a strong, clean jawline. He did not care for hair on his face, and his body grew none at all, leaving his sleekly toned physique undisturbed by imperfections.

One more binding, and he should be completely restored physically. After that, additional bindings would continue to increase his strength and power. Maloth was a Demon of Lust, his body made to entice females, to inspire want and desire, which is how he ensnared them and bent them to his will.

His sister, Shenla, was his female counterpart; a Demoness of Lust, a mistress of seduction and sexual abandon. Shenla had bound her own thrall recently; her first, an impressive Orc warrior whom she was probably still breaking in at this very moment.

Their mother was Morgeth the Corruptor, an ancient, powerful Demoness who had razed this world for years before finally being thrown back by the Order of Aros. Maloth remembered that much, despite being merely a child when the Paladins stormed his mother’s home. Before her death, Morgeth had banished Maloth and Shenla to this place, a haven she had prepared for them in a land far across the sea, and she had put them to sleep, surrounded by a magic barrier that kept the world out until they woke.

For many long years they slept – at least four centuries, by Maloth’s reckoning – and now they were awake, walking the world and slowly building their strength. Maloth and Shenla had awoken inside a stone chamber deep beneath the ground, accessed only by a lone set of stairs that led to the surface, or so Maloth had thought. Further inspection had revealed that that stone chamber had been only one room in a magnificent underground structure, almost like a buried castle. It was perfect for what they needed; Morgeth had truly provided for her children, even in death.

Strangely, Morgeth had never said much about their father except that he was a remarkable man. Maloth only had vague memories of him; a Human, of all things! He must have been extraordinary indeed for an ancient Demoness to willingly carry his child! Maloth would discover what he could about his father in due time. For now, he needed to focus on collecting information, and the best way to do that, was to use the two busty beauties on his bed.

Already, he had learned much, particularly from Ellerion. This land was called Palistair, and across the sea to the south was a much larger land called Ekistair. Palistair was home to Orcs, High Elves, Dark Elves and Giants, as well as Humans. Interestingly, there also appeared to be a cloister of Wardens of the Dead, necromancers who had served his mother when she ruled. Apparently, these races had fled here after the war, when the Seven Kingdoms of Ekistair had splintered.

Maloth had been almost disappointed to hear from Glinda that the Order of Aros had been wiped out – he’d wanted a chance to test himself against a few of these Paladins – but he was pleased that they were gone; it would make his intended odyssey fathoms easier.

Ellerion said that no one people in Palistair were fond of the others, and so skirmishes and raids were frequent over land and resources, or both. All-out war had not occurred because no side was willing to lose large numbers, yet any treaties or agreements that had been attempted had simply not worked. This news pleased Maloth, as division was easier to manipulate than order.

Surprisingly, it was the Humans who had the upper hand in this centuries-long stalemate; Palistair was surrounded on its east and west coasts by inhospitable mountain ranges, and its north coast was home to an uninhabitable frozen tundra. The only access to the ocean was the southern peninsula, upon which the Humans had cleverly built a fortress-city. All attempts to lay siege to the fortress by the Orcs, Dark Elves and High Elves had fallen short, probably because they had tried it individually, rather than as a united force. Ellerion’s information said that the fortress-city – Amindaer – while grand to behold, had fallen into depravity, and was now being ruled by a bandit-king.

If Maloth ever hoped to get back to Ekistair and complete his mother’s legacy, he would need to find a way to take Amindaer. It would be a long journey, but not impossible.

Ellerion was laying on Glinda, their massive chests pushed together as they kissed. The Elf had one thigh between the Dwarf’s, and their hips were bucking as each woman ground her pussy against the thigh of the other. Maloth, having never gone soft, turned back the bed to watch, his long shaft twitching at the display.

“Ellerion,” he said, addressing the Elf, who raised her head immediately and smiled adoringly. Glinda continued to kiss at her neck and shoulder. “What news from Laefandell?” Soon after binding her, Maloth had had Ellerion send a letter to her people explaining that she was safe, but would not be returning home for some time, as she was ‘on a journey for the benefit of the Elves.’ After that, she had been sending regular letters – under Maloth’s instruction – requesting current information from the Elves’ many scouts across Palistair.

Ellerion scrambled off of Glinda and knelt on the bed, facing Maloth. Her luscious thighs were parted, her moist slit visible between them, and she thrust her chest forward, displaying herself for his pleasure while she answered. She spoke the common tongue well, in a refined, polished accent. “All is as normal with the Orcs and Dark Elves, my Lord,” she replied obediently, her large, sapphire eyes drifting down to his turgid cock. “The most interesting news is that the Giants were recently raided by the Oragashi.”

The Oragashi were a roaming band of notorious Ogres that occasionally harassed Human towns and villages, or in this case, a clan of Amun’noroth - Hill Giants. No doubt the rapacious Ogres only had one intention for kidnapping two Giantesses. “Go on,” Maloth ordered. Glinda rolled to the edge of the bed and hopped off, pressing herself up against Maloth’s side. He allowed the Dwarf to stroke his shaft while he listened to Ellerion.

“The Oragashi captured two female Noroth in the night, making off with them before the tribe could stop them.” Ellerion was now enviously watching Glinda’s hand sliding along Maloth’s prick. She licked her full lips as she continued. “The Noroth tribe reached out to Laefandell for aid, but the Tar’elda of course refused.”

Of all the animosities between factions in this land, the Giants and the High Elves had the most cordial, though it was far from friendly. For the Giants to reach out to Laefandell for help meant that they must be desperate indeed. “Why can’t the Giants mount their own rescue?” Maloth asked, grasping a handful of Glinda’s silky hair and bringing her face to his cock. “A company of Noroth could easily dispatch the Ogres, surely.”

“This is true, my Lord,” Ellerion replied meekly, one hand straying to her pussy, where she began to delve a finger between the wet lips. “But the Oragashi appear to have a new leader, one smarter than his predecessor.” Maloth’s eyebrows rose at this news. “He has made it known that any attempt at pursuit will result in the death of the captives. As you know, my Lord, Noroth are not known for their stealth, which is probably why they beseeched the Elves for help.”

Maloth grinned. “So, the Giants are desperate, and the Elves will not help.” The next move was obvious. “Send word to the Noroth, Ellerion. Tell them Lord Maloth can deliver the aid they so badly require.”

Ellerion opened her pretty mouth, but another voice interjected from behind Maloth; a honeyed tone that dripped with lewd promise. “I’ve already taken the liberty, my Lord.”

Maloth turned to see Shenla standing in the archway, one hand leaning against the stone, the other on a well-curved hip. Standing there naked, she was sex personified, with skin the colour of rose and a body with similar proportions to Glinda and Ellerion, except on Shenla those curves looked perfected, as if carved by a master artisan. Her eyes were deep purple, reflecting the light as she smiled salaciously and licked her black lips. Lustrous waves of black hair fell down around a beautiful face with exquisite features.

She sauntered forward, her gaze focused on where Glinda was eagerly suckling on Maloth’s cock. A pair of magnificent breasts adorned her chest, shifting hypnotically as she walked forward, the black nipples crinkled and hard, as they were most of the time. Her slim waist flared out into round hips and a lush, ripe ass, and the thighs beneath were nothing short of luscious. Her cunt was bald and smooth, the cleft calling Maloth like a siren song, but he pushed the desire away; he was not yet strong enough to fuck Shenla without harming himself.

It was a cruel twist of fate that saw Maloth only able to safely spend his seed inside women who were bound to him. To spend his essence inside any other woman would Bind her to him for eternity, and Maloth was very selective about whom he gave that honour. To spend his essence inside Shenla would energise and nourish her, but it would also temporarily drain some of his life force, and Maloth was not yet strong enough to be able to weather that, no matter how tempting she was.

“You have, have you?” Maloth asked as Shenla stopped inches away, her breasts almost touching his chest.

“Yes, my Lord,” she purred. “The Noroth responded immediately, saying they were sending someone to meet us; a Giantess by the name of Nemalinair.”

Maloth reached out to pinch one of Shenla’s erect nipples between his thumb and forefinger, bringing a moan from the sexy Demoness. “I approve,” he said simply. “When do you expect her arrival?”

“Anytime, now,” Shenla replied in her sexy drawl, looking down to watch the way Glinda was slurping on his cock. She tousled the Dwarf’s raven hair with a grin. “I love her big tits, brother! You certainly know how to find them. When can I get some time with that big pole of yours?”

“Soon, Shenla,” Maloth assured her, touching her dark lips with his finger. “One more binding, and I will be ready for you.”

“Can’t wait,” she breathed before sucking his digit into her mouth.

“With the Giantess expecting Elves,” Maloth began. “I will send Ellerion to greet her once she arrives.”

Shenla bowed her head slightly. “Of course, my Lord. If there is nothing else, Barrog is still strapped to my bed, and his huge cock is calling to me.” Her purple eyes glinted as they met his, with both mischief and arousal.

Maloth seized a handful of hair at the nape of her neck and crushed her mouth with his, dominating her with his lips and tongue. Shenla melted beneath the kiss, whimpering into his mouth. “You may go,” he growled, breaking the kiss. “As long as you remember to whom you belong.” He released her, and she turned to leave, but not before he smacked her ripe ass, the firm cheeks bouncing as she sashayed from the room.

“Ellerion!” He snapped, turning back to the bed. Glinda followed his movement obediently, her mouth never leaving his cock. The golden-haired Elf looked at Maloth expectantly, awaiting orders. “We must make sure you are prepared for when the Giantess arrives. You will tell her exactly what I want you to tell her, and nothing else. Understand?”

When Ellerion nodded, Maloth pulled Glinda’s mouth from his cock and pushed her onto the bed face-first. She squealed delightedly when he climbed on behind her and grasped her by the hips, pulling her up onto her hands and knees before shoving his raging shaft into her needy Dwarven cunt. He began to thrust savagely, sending his balls swinging heavily beneath him and Glinda’s plump ass rippling as his hips slapped her pale skin. While he fucked, Maloth delivered his instructions to Ellerion, who watched the scene before her with untamed desire in her sapphire eyes.

***ARAN – Ironshire, Ekistair***

Sweat beaded on Aran’s bare chest as he sat cross-legged in the warm morning sun, heeding Master Smythe’s instruction. They were just outside Ironshire’s walls, maybe half a mile away from the town, in a lightly wooded glade far enough from any farms that they were unlikely to be interrupted. Aran’s eyes were closed, his brow furrowed in intense concentration.

“Focus,” Smythe said for what had to be the hundredth time. “Control is the key. Use the breath. You will learn to harness your vala, and consciously choose how strongly you wish to affect those around you.”

Smythe had been teaching him to use his vala to reach out to people, to feel them, and allow them to feel him. It would give people a sense they could trust him, but not actually influence them in any way. It explained what Aran had done when he’d first met Jeira’s husband, Hamlin, where he’d used his vala to create a feeling of commonality with the other man.

One aspect of the vala is that it makes one more magnetic to the opposite sex – or same sex, depending on one’s desires – and Aran would find that unless he kept his vala suppressed at times, he would be receiving much more attention from nearby women. Not such a horrible concept, but Smythe advised from experience that if one wanted to keep a low profile, being chased around by willing women was not the best way to do so. “It’s fun and laughs,” the big Paladin had lectured him earlier. “Until a jealous husband turns up at your door with half a dozen friends all carrying clubs.”

Aran focused on his breathing. In and out. In and out. Feeling the warm glow of Aros’s gift swell and ebb inside him. He could feel everything around him, see it as if his eyes were open, including Smythe, who was standing off to one side, watching him intently while puffing on that long pipe. Smythe’s vala radiated powerfully from him, and to Aran’s mind the man was surrounded by a shining golden aura, invisible to anyone who did not possess the vala.

“Remember,” Smythe warned. “Every woman you meld with is a direct link to you, and if anyone ever wishes to harm you, they can do it through her. If one of you feels pain, so will the other. If one of you dies, the other will feel agony like nothing else in the world, and it will take a long time to recover.”

Aran thought back to when Elaina had told him about her meldin man dying, and how it had nearly killed her. He resolved to be careful when considering melding with women in the future; the last thing he wanted was someone getting hurt because of him, especially someone innocent. If anything happened to Jeira, or Liaren, or Induin, Aran would never forgive himself. As he thought of them, his three meldin floated into his awareness. Jeira seemed to be at home, or at least he could tell she was in that general direction, many miles away to the south in the Emerin Forest. Induin and Liaren felt much closer, as their home – the Elven village of Ildernass – was much closer to the northern border of the Emerin.

Hot pleasure floated across the melda from the Elvish sisters; they must be making love again, something they seemed to do rather frequently, making Aran wish he could be with them. The warm light inside him continued to rise and fall with his even breath.

“Good,” Smythe said, a touch of approval in his gruff voice. “Now, I want you to suppress the vala as much as you can, reduce it down as far as it will go.”

Aran focused, imagining the light shrinking, diminishing, until it was just a pinprick in a dark void.

“Now, reverse it.” Smythe barked. “Bring it out, expand it as far as you can imagine.”

Aran followed instruction, imagining the light expanding with every breath, growing larger than himself, then out further and further, until he felt he was sitting in a bubble hundreds of feet across.

“Impressive! You learn quickly, lad. Relax.”

Exhaling, Aran released the bubble, letting it dissipate. Sweat rolled down his face, chest and back. They had been at this since dawn, and it was not yet midday. He was pleased to hear he was making progress, however.

“This power we have is near boundless in its uses,” Smythe lectured. Aran opened his eyes to regard his teacher, who was pacing back and forth before him, pipe smoke trailing in his wake. “You have just begun to scratch the surface of what is capable. However!” He stopped, pointing a thick finger at Aran. “The one thing that it cannot do is be used for personal gain. It is not even a choice. Acts of selfish origin simply cannot be performed using the vala. There must always be a mutual benefit for all involved, else the power simply will not be available to you. Do you understand this?”

Aran nodded, repeating it back to Smythe word for word.

“This means,” Smythe began. “You cannot meld with an unwilling partner, nor can you pleasure them. The vala gives you strength far above and beyond your normal means, and this power will not make itself available to you if you wish to harm an innocent. Get the idea?”

Aran nodded.

“Good,” the big man said, resuming his pacing. “The next thing I will teach you is...”

The lessons continued all day and long into the night, and it was a very weary Aran that finally dropped into bed, asleep the moment his head hit the pillow.

***MALOTH – Somewhere in Palistair***

Maloth strode through the wide corridor, Ellerion at his heels. His mother had truly had the gift of foresight, and she’d supplied this underground domain with everything he and Shenla would need, including clothing. A diaphanous gown had been found for Ellerion, the black fabric so thin you could see right through it to the luscious body beneath, and Maloth had chosen a robe of similar style, a loose-fitting garment that ended just past his knees, tied at the waist with a sash.

The Giantess was visiting Maloth’s home, and so would have to adjust to his customs. Ellerion had already greeted the woman outside one of the many concealed entrances to this place before directing her to a suitable sitting room where she could comfortably await Maloth.

“What was your experience of this Giantess?” Maloth asked the Elf without looking back.

“She is impressive, my Lord,” Ellerion replied. “And beautiful, too. She seemed eager to meet with you and be on her way.”

“Did she say anything of interest?”

“Only that her tribe is expecting her back the day after tomorrow, so if you plan on detaining her, my Lord, you may want to consider that.”

Somehow, Ellerion had managed to deliver the advice without sounding like she was telling Maloth his business. The advantage to having Ellerion was that she was well-versed in matters of court and understood how to deal with dignitaries and royalty. Glinda also possessed the same skill. Maloth didn’t need the advice, but it was good he wasn’t only one using his head. He most certainly did not want to detain the Giantess under these circumstances; the last thing he needed was a clan of angry Noroth coming down on top of him.

Same as A Paladin's Training
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The Burning Blade By Whisper PROLOGUE:He could feel the darkness. Always it was there, sometimes waiting like a lover of the ages, patiently biding its time until the moment when it could embrace him. Other times, it hungered, drawing him in leaving him feeling powerless and weak. How long ago had it changed? When did the darkness leave him, abandon him and walk away, while he stood silently in this void. The cold, silent and heartless darkness had been long lasting. It held no passion, no...

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The Razor Blade

I had a wonderful experience with a disposable razor and a neighbor that I just have to share with you. First, let me describe her. Christina is 24-years old, has shoulder-length blonde hair, and measures 34D-22-33. She has an athletic build and a beautiful face highlighted with a small beauty mark on her cheek and subtle makeup. I’ve had the hots for her for a while, and come close to fucking before, but nothing happened until last night. I invited Christina down to taste a new bottle of...

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There's something exciting about having control over her and making her feel what I want her to feel when I want her to feel it. That was the thought going through my mind as we collected our tickets from the counter outside the theater. I had received two passes for movies and knew that she was the one I wanted to accompany me. I wanted hers to be the hand that touched mine as we ate popcorn from the same bucket and hers to the be thigh that mine touched when my leg wandered over to the...

4 years ago
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The Props Master Prequel Behind the Ivory VeilChapter 7 The Blade

It wasn’t often that Rebecca could free herself early enough in the day to surprise Wesley with dinner. Lately, though, with Wesley spending his afternoons in the library, she had found time to indulge her culinary whims before he got home. This afternoon, the first time this week, she had stopped at the city market and purchased a rack of ribs, smiling at her own extravagance. When Wesley got home he would be greeted by the smell of barbecue sauce. They would still have a good bit of the...

2 years ago
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Sword Saint a New StartChapter 17 A wizards staff is a sharp blade

I had Meri toss the kid his rusty knife as we left the campsite. The shadows were almost nonexistent, and the morning wind had a dampness that promised rain. Yea. We didn't have to wait long before the downpour started. I had just raised the cowl of my robes when I glanced over and saw a miserable Meri trying to keep up with me. I needed to get her a hooded cloak of some sort in the next village, if at all possible. I was about to offer one of my robes to her, but it just felt wrong to do...

2 years ago
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Maesons AssistantChapter 17 Honing her blade

The next morning was like most mornings, her parents getting ready for work and leaving almost before she was awake. Kimber smiled as she recalled the one oddity of that particular morning. Dipping her toe into the water, before diving in to begin her workout, she remembered the look on her mother’s face as she caught sight of her daughter returning to her room sans clothing. As she stroked through the water, she felt only a little guilty that she had perhaps delayed a bit in the bathroom,...

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A Peon Turned Me His Whore

Hi ISS readers, this is Karishma Singh. Age:19, a girl living alone in the big city of Mumbai. I have a fair complexion with very bright skin tone, with the perfectly toned body and nice assets. I lost my parents in an accident when I was 17 years old. Since then, I moved to Mumbai for my higher studies in Catering Course. My studies are supported by the insurance money my parents had left for me and I work as a part-time attendant in a Burger joint to supply for my day to day allowances. This...

2 years ago
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my exciting trip to Ahmedabad

Introduction: Baroda – Abad with Sandip As told earlier..that inspite of having very bold and clear cut relationship with my hubby…somehow i couldnt tell him that I already had physical relation with Sandip. During next 4-5 months my hubby so many time, encourage to have develop good frndship with Sandip..but i never dare to tell him that we already cross all the limit one time. After that full encounter…Sandip and i hardly find place and time meet alone for more than 10-15 min…..and in that...

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Just Shopping For A Suit MaamPart 7

His knees felt so week. Her mouth around his cock felt like heaven. He was so hot from watching her move around him that he thought he would explode. When she started meeting him thrust for thrust, sending his cock deep into her throat, he knew he could not hold out very long.She used her hands on his hips to pull him deep into her mouth. He grabbed her hair and pulled her to him at the same time. They moved in sync with long, deep, hard strokes. His cock was rigid and he felt ready. She...

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Kitchen Table Fuck

Lake had come in the back. Straight into the kitchen without knocking like it hadn’t been two years. She stopped inside the doorframe, hands behind her, easing the creaky screen door to a close without a slap. “I’m so pissed off at you I could smash every dish you’ve got.” “That’s one way to say hello,” Mace replied cautiously. He was standing at the counter in a pair of jeans and a T shirt – no shoes. She’d picked the hottest night of the year. He’d been pouring bourbon in a glass but...

Straight Sex
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this isnt reality how many balls have i drained t

Hello im 38, single male. Ive been curious about swinger clubs for a few years now. I got the bright idea to plan a day of freakiness and i asked my gf if she was interested. She surprizingly agreed and was excited to go. So we prepared ourselves for something new and crazy. We got to the place and theres about 30 naked ppl in different groups either y men being serviced by a lonely housewife, or couples, a glory hole one lady was all decked out in dom gear. My gf and i just got a drink and...

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Harem slaves

'We live to serve you master' the two slave girls speak sultrily. they were your father's favorites and trained extensively to sate his sexual lust. he was a very fat and cruel old sultan but he had impeccable taste in slave girls. the blonde girl is alina a slave girl from the sunset kingdom of the far west. she came to the harem an 18 year old virgin. your father was very pleased and paid the slaver 1000 gold coins for her. then he took her in every way a man can take a woman. for the next...

3 years ago
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The Group A High School Sex Ring in ActionChapter 6 The Girls Night Out Part II

Janet and Beth had thoroughly enjoyed their "girls only" initiation for the newest female member of The Group, Penny. Penny had been brought into the female members of The Group for a couple of reasons. For one, she'd found out about The Group's existence and Janet realized that Penny might become a real problem for the high school sex club's continued existence and survival if she began to spread the word about the organization's existence to people who didn't need to know. Another...

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One Blissful Rainy Night

It was a cloudy night with forecasts of thunder showers. Distant lightning could be seen from the southern horizon. I lay awfully frustrated on the bed, my overtly rich husband lying on one side of the king sized bed, fully sated after his 2 minutes fuck session with me. An impotent male chauvinist, whose money bags lured me in his trap and now I am stuck with him. I know some of you are thinking ‘why not divorce him?’ It’s true the thought also entered my mind, but then, I am the sole...

3 years ago
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Ball streching and pussy delight

Ball Stretching & PussyWhy strech that scrotum ball sack? Because we can. When I was 19 and banging my first delicious 17 year old, and it was hot and we were sweaty, my ball sack was loose and long and when a banged her she loved the feel of those balls brushing up against her ass and pussy.Using the neoprene rubber strechers, I've made it to three frigging inches of strech after a few months. It is a great arousing feeling. What I would like is to take those out-streched balls hell...

3 years ago
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The Lost Notebook of Doctor EChapter 5 Nude or Naked

Getting ready for school the next morning, Abby walked to the bathroom without bothering to put on any clothes. She just did not see the point. It’s not like she was in public where someone could get upset, or there were laws. She was in her house, and everyone had seen her at one time or another. Besides, she was seriously considering asking her mother to take her to that Red White and Blue beach she had heard about. Everyone seemed to be ok with being naked there, and it was not one of...

1 year ago
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Recollections From A DiaryChapter 15 My First Seduction Danielle

Dear Diary: Thursday Julie and Doris both made comments about my dancing today. Yeah I'm an amazing dancer! Well, I CAN move and I know all the hot steps and tricks... but I love slow dancing the best. Although... I've never done that with a woman... Ha, ha, ha, I don't even know if lesbians do that, although why wouldn't they? But I've rubbed guys to orgasm without using my hand -- just my thigh and leg. Ummmm, when I realized how hard I was making the first guy -- it just turned me...

2 years ago
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Double TakeChapter 26

“It’s okay. I’ve done it before.” —G.S. Jennsen, Relativity “I DIDN’T ACTUALLY KNOW you were here,” I stumbled. “I’m sure I would have noticed you ... in that.” “Yeah. Yeah. This is the first day for this outfit. Like it?” Desi said, relaxing as she sat to eat. “Is that even legal in school?” Beca asked. “School dress code allows personal expression in mode of dress as long as certain basic forms of decency are adhered to,” Desi said as if quoting the student manual. “Mr. Danielson...

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My Sexy Saddle Ride

As I finished rinsing the soap off my naked body, thinking it was already a week and a half since I picked up my saddle ... finally ... Today I’ll go for a ride! YUM YUM. Drying off my sexy body and slipped on a red thong and bra, I made my way to the kitchen.After cleaning up the kitchen and a load of laundry, I dressed and put my choice of sex clothes in the saddlebag. I drove to the riding stables.The old fart husband went off to be with his cronies. Probably to harass the new waitress at...

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SilMil 8211 The Extended Family

Hi friends, this is a story about how I went on to marry two sisters and live with both of them under one single roof. All this did not happen overnight, and it took about 8 years for all of this to happen. Am Kiran, 30 yrs of age and married to 2 sisters Anusha and Harini. Anusha is younger and was my first wife. I met Anusha at our office. She was in the same team as I was and was 2 years younger to me. I liked Anusha the day I saw her. But I wasn’t sure to take it to the next level and have...

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My Second Chance Book 2 Grade 10Chapter 22

First thing, Thursday morning, Doc signs me out of the hospital. I understand why they do it, but I think it was funny that Dr. Nowak pushes me in a wheelchair and has me transported to UVic in an ambulance. I arranged for the lab to be closed for the morning, so it is just Doc, a nurse that signed an NDA and me. To start with, Doc explains how the test will progress. Typically a stress test takes 15 minutes, and all that is needed is for the patient to work strenuously for 8 to 12 minutes...

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Dream Fantasies And Fetishes Of My Best Friend8217s Sister

I received a text message which contained a postcode and time and read, “Drink plenty of water and don’t be late, Shivani.” Bewildered at the text message, I mean what was the whole drink plenty of water about? Anyway, I drank water throughout the day. We were due to meet at the hotel at 7.30 pm. So I left. I didn’t see much of Arjun these days. The remaining exams were from a different course, so we didn’t study together. I recall drinking approximately 2 liters of water in such a short space...

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The Devolution of DeannaChapter 3

Kelsey picked up Deanna early Saturday evening. "This is your house?" Deanna said when Kelsey turned through the gate and onto the long driveway. It was a large house. "No," said Kelsey. "This is Ashlee's place. Her parents are gone all the time so her house is usually the party house." "What about the sleepover?" "This is where we'll spend the night. I just told your mom that so she'd let you go. Parents are too protective. You need to experience your first party." Deanna...

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Destined Hearts Ch 02

The bed was warm despite the lack of any covers but the sheet. A damp, almost sex-laden, air hung throughout the room. Luke was having one of the best dreams he could remember. What made it better was that it had actually happened. A beautiful woman had laid beneath him, played a very active role in their lovemaking, and had eventually clung to his shoulders and come with his name on her lips. Then his mind took it to the next level. Camryn was on all fours, her face buried in a plush pillow...

4 years ago
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Before the EnergistsChapter 27 Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds Before the Energists

Early morning, February 13, 2003 I quickly clicked off my watch's alarm at 4:20am, hoping that my birthday girl didn't hear it. As expected, she didn't flinch and was softly snoring with her back to me. I gingerly got out of bed and went about getting the first part of Kaleigh's birthday surprise ready. After turning up the thermostat to about 75, as I didn't want either of us to 'freeze', I went to the kitchen and put together her breakfast-in-bed-tray. I pulled the flower...

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Rude Awakening

Rude Awakening By Rosie I wake up, though I don't feel as alert as usual. In fact, it takes me a while, even with my eyes wide open, to realize that I'm in fact awake, not dreaming. There's a sense of chill to my skin, round my midriff and legs. It's nothing new to me, my pajamas have a habit of riding up. The top part has a habit of bunching up above my stomach and the bottoms tend to rise up to my knees. Somehow today, it seems today that the legs have hiked up even more and I'm...

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The Black Seas Ch 21

Tortuga, 1706 The Hades’ Whore glided swiftly into the bay of Tortuga with the wind at her back. The port was as lively as it had always seemed to Rusalka. She stood atop the bowsprit glancing from ship to ship in search of Blackbeard’s. What she didn’t see or was even aware of was the Flying Dutchman slowly sulking up upon her. Davy Jones stood on the deck with a wide grin spread across his face. He knew none of the Hades’ Whore’s crew knew they were there. His crew—all wicked creatures from...

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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriess5e8 Patricia

Series 5, Episode 8: Patricia Grant (41) – Dagenham We open with our familiar high image of the United Kingdom – from high up in orbit ... The whole of the British Isles in one shot. Then our top-heavy cartoon character version of Charley, our host, appears infront of us ... She points down toward the landmass below and says, “Hey look ... It’s the United Kingdom of Zoo ... Let’s look closer and see what we can see...” She giggles, then waves and turns and falls toward the country at...

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New Harem Slaves

It was only a day since Amber and her mother, Sharon were captured and sold as slaves. Their idyllic vacation in Egypt was ended when the men d**gged them, her father taken from them. They were stripped naked, probed and fingered until they were sold to the highest bidder at a slave auction, just like a****ls. Their Master that purchased them was an evil man, glaring at them while he stroked the bulging erection in his pants.Sharon was already stripped naked and bound, chains on her wrists...

1 year ago
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I am a masochistic cocksucker

I am a masochistic cocksucker. I mean, I like to give oral pleasure to ahyper-masculine, abusive-type straight guy. I like it when the guy calls menames, like "faggot," "queer," "bitch," or "pervert." I like to have theguy make me feel ashamed of myself for being so queer for him at the sametime that I'm doing my best to make his dick feel good in my mouth for him,sucking on it. I like to be spit at and slapped around abusively while I'mbeing called names. I like it when the guy calls up his...

2 years ago
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Turning out BarbieDoll

Turning out Barbie DollThe continuation of the “Barbie Doll” series. Brice listened and thoroughly enjoyed Jeff fucking Barbie. Hearing the story of his father stimulated him again. He hoped they would bring it up again. He had much of Barbie's past from her, the only thing she held back was who he actually was? Barbie lay with Jeff, both in the after glow of a great fuck, Jeff asked “tell me more about Brice's dad”? She giggled telling him that he was just a k** she loved. She was divorced,...

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My cdhood Friend

It was one of those hot summer muggy days when a c***dhood friend of mine came to visit me. As he entered my home, he started to complain about his wife. G said that she just wasn't as horny as she once was and that their sex life had dwindled from everyday to 1-2 times every month. I could see the frustration in his face as he looked at me. We talked alot about his wife and then we began to chat about things we'd done years ago and laughed at them. G asked me then if I had any porn mags or...

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Handling It Pt2 Opening Up

Just before she put his cock in her mouth, Aileen handed John the video camera.  It was powered on and cued up to play.  She didn't want him to record this time, she wanted him to watch.  And one way or another, she knew he was going to enjoy it.  She watched him raise his finger to touch the screen, knowing he'd found the playback icon.  When she heard the sound of her recording coming from the speaker, she took him in her mouth and went to work.- -Aileen sat on the sofa with her coffee,...

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BSC08 How Jack and Susan Became NudistsChapter 21 Jerking Off on the Bus

Just before the bus arrived the young girl with the annoying younger sister piped up with, “Actually, do you know what I feel like doing right now?” She paused as everyone shook their heads quietly waiting for her to continue. “I actually feel like ripping all my own clothes off just for the hell of it. My blabbing sister is right ... I do shave my pussy and you know what, who the fuck cares if I’m not a Lifestyle Nudist! Why can’t I just decide to not wear any clothes just like I decide what...

1 year ago
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What you dont know cant hurt

Quick note: I published this story elsewhere but decided to continue it here. I have a few chapters planned, but I may run out of ideas quickly, so feel free to add to it or to suggest something. Also, this is a work of fiction, and doesn't reflect my beliefs irl. Respect people's sexual orientation and all that. Now, let's get to it. Today was Monday. I hated my job, but at least today there was a new hire in the breakroom. I was doing my best not to look, but she was just gorgeous. She...

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Miss Greene Chapter 2

That evening, both Adam and his teacher, Miss Greene, relived the exciting and forbidden events of the afternoon. Adam couldn’t believe the woman of his dreams, the love of his life, wanted him too. He could still feel his first kiss, the taste of her tongue dancing in his, his first blowjob and then repaying the pleasure by eating her out. It was all so much better than the movies he had watched online. He was in such bliss, and so satisfied from their adventures that he just lay there...

3 years ago
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Working with Trista Ch 03

Working with Trista Ch. 03byamberbmaid©This is the next day in my experience of working with Trista. If you haven't read the prior chapters, please do so. Don't hesitate to contact me with feedback.****************************************Day 4:I awoke to the sound of my phone ringing; Trista of course was on the other end. She told me to have my stuff packed up, that I'd be switching rooms. She explained that instead of us having two separate rooms we may as well upgrade and get one nicer room...

4 years ago
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How I Started Turning Girls into Lesbians PT6

Ms. MartensSince Ms. Martens was a dedicated first-year-out-of-college English teacher who still thought she could make a difference, I knew she always went home late.When I walked into her classroom after cheerleading practice, as expected, I found her sitting at her desk grading papers."Go home, Ms. Martens, you need a social life."She looked up and laughed, "I could say the same thing to you, Bree. It's almost six o'clock.""Oh trust me, I have a very active social life," I countered."What...

1 year ago
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Becoming John Collins Mistress Part Two

The next day, everyone was a bit hung over. I needed to pick up my car, which I’d left at the bar the night before. Joe said it was on his way and he’d be glad to take me. I borrowed a raincoat from John to wear over my skimpy outfit, then Joe and I headed out. Joe was making eyes at me during the drive, and I decided it would be best to come clean. “Joe, there’s something you should know about me,” I started. Joe quickly said, “Hey, baby, there’s a lot I’d like to know about you.” “Yeah,...

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Teen BOY learns in the WOODS

When you are very young, in high school and love sucking cock, it's really HARD to find guys that like their big cocks sucked and if you ask people you don't know, you just might get your ass beat! Believe me, it's tough to find them and I tried for months to find a few boys that were like me!I enjoyed looking at naked men and women in magazines for a long time and I knew I was bi since I can remember! I had to just satisfy myself by jerking off after my parents went to sleep or when I got home...

4 years ago
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Compurape 30

Louis rang the doorbell and waited before he went in. He wasn’t supposed to, Jerry had told him. ‘Just walk on into the house.’ But no way was he going to do that. This was an all white neighborhood, and he was a black man. What if the computer program Jerry raved about hadn’t worked? There was no answer to his ring. Feeling nervous but hopeful, Louis pushed open the door. ‘Mrs. Weston?’ he called out. ‘It’s Louis Field. Your husband Jerry asked me to come by…?’ Getting no response, Louis...

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Claire 6 close shave

Claire carried the chips and dip on a tray into the family room where her two good friends Jill and Vera were watching a soap on the television. "Hurry up with that, I'm hungry," said a famished Vera! "You don't look hungry," kidded Jill while her friend made a face at her before diving right into the food!!! It was just a good old fashioned "hen party", with three girls trading gossip and watching the soaps! As usual, the conversation got trashier and trashier the longer they talked, and in no...

3 years ago
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The Run Part 1

Johnathan got home from work late Friday. He usually left an hour early at four pm but today he stayed late and ended up leaving well after 6:00. When he got home he checked his phone and found zero messages. It was to be expected. He was newly divorced and had just moved to a town an hour and forty-five minutes away from home. He decided to call home and have a chat with his boys. But being that they were now both teenagers; they were way too busy to talk to their dad on a Friday night. 'What...

Gay Male
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Private Silvia Dellai Horny Dance Instructor

If there’s any girl in the world that you’d want to be your dance instructor, it’s Silvia Dellai. Sexy, beautiful and horny, this Private star won’t just teach you how to move on the dance floor, she’ll teach you how to move in the bedroom too! So watch Silvia in action right here on www.private.com as she takes advantage of her lucky student, John Price, after class, first starting with some oral action and a deepthroat blowjob, before then putting her spectacular tattooed body to work as she...

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My Neighbor Nurse Next Door

It was a spring day as I was heading in to work at a local video store near the college I was attending in early May of 1993. School was out for the summer and I didn't enroll in any of the summer classes like I've done after both my freshman & sophmore years. I found out I was ahead of schedule and I still have another two more years, instead of one. Therefore, I decided to take the summer off and work a little more. Originally, I was born & raised in SE. Michigan in the early '70s. I...

2 years ago
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Cris n Kelly Part 2 The Awakening

Cris 'n Kelly - Part 2 - The Awakening ? by: Old Timer I awoke alone in the bed feeling a bit sick and thought I had the flu or a mild hangover. Figuring Kelly would have some over the counter remedy, I went through my normal morning routine. With my light colored hair and mild beard, I can often skip shaving and this day was no exception. There appeared to be a fresh pair of Lady Jockeys that I put on as well as a clean bright green sleek running warmups with a side zipper. The...

4 years ago
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The Unclean PrinceChapter 3

Jesse was actually the person who took the photo I used for Yvette's portrait. He spent the month of September with me in the Shenandoah Valley. The family spent a few days exploring the area, and even in my emotional malaise, I was dazzled by the array of colors as the leaves turned from green to brown and a thousand colors in-between. Jesse took as many photos as I did, but with cheap disposable cameras until Papa gave him a new, top-of-the-line digital. "If you're gonna try to keep up...

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Miss Manson Gets Caught Out

Ms. Jasmine Storey, the Deputy Head Mistress in charge of student behaviour at St Katherine’s School sat behind her desk in her office in disbelief. Never in her seventeen years as a teacher, and even in her seven years as Deputy Head Mistress, had she heard anything like it. She could not believe what the young Head of Music, Miss Mulligan, had told her that morning. Even when Rebecca had presented her with overwhelming evidence that one of the teachers at St Katherine’s had been over-stepping...

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The Rich and The Famous Ch 05

Sabrina sighed and glanced at her watch pointedly. Again. ‘Alex are we going to have to just change the shooting schedule today?’ She called in the direction of the director who was talking with the crew. ‘I’m sure Lori will be here soon Sabrina.’ Alex assured her, his tone polite but impersonal, not like the way he normally spoke to the woman he’d once slept with and with whom he retained a good friendship. Sabrina’s smile remained fixed in place but inwardly she was seething- what on earth...

4 years ago
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Intimate Sex With Married Colleague Asha 8211 Part 2

Hello friends. I am Shravan here, back with the next part of my affair with my colleague Asha. Thank you all readers for the feedback provided for my first part of the story. This incident happened when I and Asha both were jointly assigned a survey task. We were very happy when we got to know that we both are assigned the same task and both are going to work in the same team. The survey was scheduled for 15 days. We both had an erotic plan for the same. When the work started in rural areas of...

3 years ago
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The new Mrs Harris Part 2

As I drove home I replayed in my head over and over again the events that landed me in this mess, in this body, in this life. I still couldn't believe it myself, what had happened, such was the ridiculousness of it all. The fateful day two months ago started like any Monday, I went to school, I went to the local sports club after school to play tennis with my friend Paul, before arranging a round of golf with him on the following Saturday morning. I loved playing sport, any sport really,...

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The Coffee ShopChapter 11

“My dad sent me a new Bourbon,” Sierra said, “want to try it out?” “Make mine a short one,” Glenn replied, “the clock change always does a number on my routine. I’m afraid too much Bourbon would knock me out.” “I know. We have to take down the Halloween decorations in the shop and put up Thanksgiving ones.” She handed him a glass and sat beside him on the sofa.” “I just hate driving home in the dark.” He took a sip. “Well, my lease is finally done. I just need to wait for the property...

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