Paladin Simulator
- 3 years ago
- 23
- 0
all characters are over the age of eighteen years
***ARAN – Ironshire, Ekistair***
The clashing of steel echoed throughout the basement beneath Smythe’s house as dull-edged practice blades met repeatedly. Smythe circled Aran, whirling a huge, five-foot long great-sword like it weighed nothing. His footwork was impeccable, and he stepped with a precision and grace that belied his tall, wide-shouldered stature.
Smythe had chosen to use the basement rather than the yard outside to keep away from any prying eyes; Ironshire knew Smythe as a weaponsmith, and someone skilled with a blade, but that’s all they knew. His true identity as one of the last surviving Paladins of Aros was a closely kept secret, so for now, combat training was done out of sight and vala training was done well outside of town, out of view of the walls.
Aran held his somewhat smaller blade upright, circling in opposition to Smythe, waiting for an opening in the larger man’s seemingly impenetrable defense. It was warm down here – despite it being early spring – and both men were shirtless, sweat beading in the thick jungle on Smythe’s chest just as it did on Aran’s somewhat less hairy one.
Aran watched his opponent warily; that big blade looked unwieldy, but with it, Smythe could strike like a viper. Aran’s arms, legs and torso were stinging from the multiple thin bruises that the blunt edge of Smythe’s blade had left on him. They healed much faster than they otherwise would have – thanks to the vala – but that didn’t stop it hurting when he received the hit.
Aran had yet to score a single blow on his mentor, who watched him intently, his dark eyes never leaving Aran’s face as he continued to circle. Aran had been studying him carefully, trying to find a pattern in his movements, and three times now, Smythe had fooled him into thinking he’d settled into a routine, only to change it and catch Aran off-guard.
This was maybe the tenth time he and Smythe had sparred, and Aran counted it a point of personal pride that he bore less fresh bruises from today than in the last session. By rights, he should have been exhausted; Smythe was a far harsher tutor than Elaina had ever been. Aran almost laughed out loud when he remembered nearly running away from the Chapel in the Emerin Forest because of the intensity of his early training.
Smythe had spent the last month making Aran work so hard that the thought of going back to Elaina was a pleasant fantasy – even if you took the sex out of it!
Whip-quick, Smythe struck again, his blade arcing forward in a sweep. Aran tried to parry, but had not been watching for Smythe’s feint, and so his mentor scored him sharply beneath the arm after slapping Aran’s smaller blade away.
“Where’s your head at, lad?” Smythe growled, glaring. “Do that on the battlefield and you’ll be dead!”
Gritting his teeth against the burning sting on his ribs, Aran reset himself. Smythe was right; he’d let his mind wander, and had missed a possible opportunity. Smythe’s feint had left him very briefly open to a counter attack, but was it a mistake? Or was it deliberate?
The bigger man’s blade flashed forward again – this time with no feint – and Aran just barely managed to push it away in time. Taking a deep breath, he calmed his mind and listened to the gentle hum of the vala inside him. It was becoming a more consistent presence in his awareness, the warm glow lending him strength, without which he was sure his training would have disabled or even killed him. An ordinary man would only last so long training for eighteen hours a day for five weeks straight, but Aran and Smythe were no ordinary men.
Smythe said the teaching was this hard because it forced you to learn to rely on your vala, and Aran had definitely noticed a difference in himself since starting with his mustachioed mentor. He rarely felt tired any more, despite the harsh training, and noticed that he could go longer without food and water if required, but also found that when he did eat, he could easily put down two or three times more food than he had before! Smythe said it was the vala adjusting Aran’s body to suit its power, and that though he might get hungry less often, when he did eat, he should eat well, especially when healing from injury.
Another thing Aran had noticed was the way women around town noticed him. He didn’t step out often, but he occasionally caught women staring at him in the street, sometimes quite openly. He knew it would happen, eventually, as attracting the opposite sex was a natural part of being arohim, but it would probably be some time before he got used to it. Also, now that he’d had a taste of sex – thanks to his former mentor, Elaina, and the three women who were now melded to him – the absence of women bore a gaping void that he never would have noticed were he still a virgin.
Smythe struck yet again, but this time Aran caught the feint. Instead of taking the bait, though, he pivoted to the right, and Smythe’s two-handed thrust carried past Aran’s left side, leaving his own left side open for a killing blow. Aran swept his blade right-to-left, which – if they’d had sharp swords – would open Smythe across the kidney, but with shocking speed, Smythe whipped his blade back round, holding the hilt one-handed, his other hand flat on the wide blade to support his parry.
Aran spun away from the parry and was about to launch another attack when Smythe raised his hand to halt him. “Break, lad,” the towering Paladin said as he wiped his arm across his brow.
Aran nodded and lowered his sword, not feeling tired but still grateful for a rest. This had been their longest sparring session yet. They’d started just after midday, and it now had to be dark outside, though he couldn’t tell; the basement was beneath the ground and there were no windows in the stone walls.
“That was good, at the end there,” Smythe told him, grounding the dull point of his blade and folding both hands over the pommel. “You almost scored a hit on me. What did you do differently?”
Aran wasn’t sure he knew the answer to that, but he made his best attempt. “You feinted, but you knew I knew it was a feint, and so you expected me to counter the move coming after the feint.”
Smythe nodded slowly. “And?”
“And I tried to so something you wouldn’t expect, move in a direction that didn’t match your attack, which wasn’t really your attack, was it?”
Smythe didn’t smile, but Aran thought his lips may have moved just slightly. Was that approval? Hard to tell, with that thick mustache in the way. “And what is the lesson here?”
Aran was saying the words before consciously aware of it. “Find what your opponent expects you to do, and do anything but.”
“Good, lad. You’re learning,” Smythe grunted as he hefted his sword again. “Now that we’re warmed up, let’s continue.”
Aran smiled as he raised his own blade. The notion of a six-hour warm-up would have horrified him a year ago, but now he just set his feet and focused, feeling the vala glowing softly inside him as he squared off with his mentor.
***MALOTH – Somewhere in Palistair***
“Oh, yes, my Lord! Your big cock feels wonderful!”
Maloth gripped tightly to the ample hips of the beautiful and remarkably voluptuous Ellerion Velenar, High Matriarch of the High Elves of Laefandell. Well, she had carried those titles once, but now, she belonged to Maloth, bound to him in body, mind and soul.
The golden-haired Elf possessed an otherworldly beauty, and due to her many centuries walking the earth, her body had developed in the unique way of Elves; growing more rounded and comely as she aged. As Ellerion bounced eagerly on his cock, her magnificent breasts swung in time with her motion, the pale orbs capped by petite pink nipples. Maloth’s hands slid from her waist to her chest, where he mauled the soft flesh with his black-nailed fingers, his crimson skin contrasting sharply with her fair complexion.
They were fucking in his bedchamber, a vast space all of black stone, lit by various standing lamps and torches that emitted fire the colour of amethyst, bathing the room in an eerie purple glow. Maloth needed no light to see by, but he liked the ambience it created.
“I want your seed, my Lord!” The Elven beauty cried, gyrating her hips insistently. Her arms were folded behind her head, and she pushed her prodigious chest against his grasping hands, moaning when he roughly pinched and slapped her tits. Her bald sex swallowed his crimson pole at increasingly faster speeds, and she reached yet another climax as she rode him. Her greatest pleasure was now to please Lord Maloth, and she would seek it always.
Ellerion was his second acquisition since waking from his long slumber. His first was Glinda Stonedeep, sister to King Burin Stonedeep of the Dun Arghol Dwarves, across the sea in Ekistair. Glinda had just been fucked royally, and she was now sleeping face-up on the bed beside them, her own titanic chest shifting with the movement on the mattress.
Dwarves, unlike Elves, did not experience physical changes as they aged, they were simply notorious for the outrageous dimensions of their feminine assets. Short of five feet tall, Glinda had curves most women of other races would kill for, somehow appearing pleasingly plump without being fat. Add that to a striking face, long black tresses and a royal heritage, and she was extremely suitable to serve Maloth for eternity.
With a grunt, Maloth began to erupt inside the Elf’s clenching cunt, his dark seed flowing into her body and providing her with the sustenance she now required to remain healthy. As his thralls, Glinda and Ellerion required his essence at least once every lunar cycle or they would take ill and eventually die. Any harm that befell Maloth’s harem would also harm him, making this process not only enjoyable, but also necessary.
Ellerion was still enjoying the peak of her pleasure when he roughly shoved her off to collapse atop Ginda. The Dwarf immediately woke and began kissing the Elf, and Ellerion responded willingly. Resisting the urge to fuck them both again, Maloth rose from the bed, stretching his arms above his head.
The tall mirror nearby caught his attention, and he studied himself critically. He had awoken from long years of sleep a frail husk at death’s door, gaunt and malnourished, but now, since his second Binding, his seven-foot, crimson frame had filled out again, and much of his muscular form was restored. His manhood jutted proudly forth, still erect and slick from his recent copulation, and his balls hung heavily between his broad thighs. His face bore chiseled features; defined cheekbones and a strong, clean jawline. He did not care for hair on his face, and his body grew none at all, leaving his sleekly toned physique undisturbed by imperfections.
One more binding, and he should be completely restored physically. After that, additional bindings would continue to increase his strength and power. Maloth was a Demon of Lust, his body made to entice females, to inspire want and desire, which is how he ensnared them and bent them to his will.
His sister, Shenla, was his female counterpart; a Demoness of Lust, a mistress of seduction and sexual abandon. Shenla had bound her own thrall recently; her first, an impressive Orc warrior whom she was probably still breaking in at this very moment.
Their mother was Morgeth the Corruptor, an ancient, powerful Demoness who had razed this world for years before finally being thrown back by the Order of Aros. Maloth remembered that much, despite being merely a child when the Paladins stormed his mother’s home. Before her death, Morgeth had banished Maloth and Shenla to this place, a haven she had prepared for them in a land far across the sea, and she had put them to sleep, surrounded by a magic barrier that kept the world out until they woke.
For many long years they slept – at least four centuries, by Maloth’s reckoning – and now they were awake, walking the world and slowly building their strength. Maloth and Shenla had awoken inside a stone chamber deep beneath the ground, accessed only by a lone set of stairs that led to the surface, or so Maloth had thought. Further inspection had revealed that that stone chamber had been only one room in a magnificent underground structure, almost like a buried castle. It was perfect for what they needed; Morgeth had truly provided for her children, even in death.
Strangely, Morgeth had never said much about their father except that he was a remarkable man. Maloth only had vague memories of him; a Human, of all things! He must have been extraordinary indeed for an ancient Demoness to willingly carry his child! Maloth would discover what he could about his father in due time. For now, he needed to focus on collecting information, and the best way to do that, was to use the two busty beauties on his bed.
Already, he had learned much, particularly from Ellerion. This land was called Palistair, and across the sea to the south was a much larger land called Ekistair. Palistair was home to Orcs, High Elves, Dark Elves and Giants, as well as Humans. Interestingly, there also appeared to be a cloister of Wardens of the Dead, necromancers who had served his mother when she ruled. Apparently, these races had fled here after the war, when the Seven Kingdoms of Ekistair had splintered.
Maloth had been almost disappointed to hear from Glinda that the Order of Aros had been wiped out – he’d wanted a chance to test himself against a few of these Paladins – but he was pleased that they were gone; it would make his intended odyssey fathoms easier.
Ellerion said that no one people in Palistair were fond of the others, and so skirmishes and raids were frequent over land and resources, or both. All-out war had not occurred because no side was willing to lose large numbers, yet any treaties or agreements that had been attempted had simply not worked. This news pleased Maloth, as division was easier to manipulate than order.
Surprisingly, it was the Humans who had the upper hand in this centuries-long stalemate; Palistair was surrounded on its east and west coasts by inhospitable mountain ranges, and its north coast was home to an uninhabitable frozen tundra. The only access to the ocean was the southern peninsula, upon which the Humans had cleverly built a fortress-city. All attempts to lay siege to the fortress by the Orcs, Dark Elves and High Elves had fallen short, probably because they had tried it individually, rather than as a united force. Ellerion’s information said that the fortress-city – Amindaer – while grand to behold, had fallen into depravity, and was now being ruled by a bandit-king.
If Maloth ever hoped to get back to Ekistair and complete his mother’s legacy, he would need to find a way to take Amindaer. It would be a long journey, but not impossible.
Ellerion was laying on Glinda, their massive chests pushed together as they kissed. The Elf had one thigh between the Dwarf’s, and their hips were bucking as each woman ground her pussy against the thigh of the other. Maloth, having never gone soft, turned back the bed to watch, his long shaft twitching at the display.
“Ellerion,” he said, addressing the Elf, who raised her head immediately and smiled adoringly. Glinda continued to kiss at her neck and shoulder. “What news from Laefandell?” Soon after binding her, Maloth had had Ellerion send a letter to her people explaining that she was safe, but would not be returning home for some time, as she was ‘on a journey for the benefit of the Elves.’ After that, she had been sending regular letters – under Maloth’s instruction – requesting current information from the Elves’ many scouts across Palistair.
Ellerion scrambled off of Glinda and knelt on the bed, facing Maloth. Her luscious thighs were parted, her moist slit visible between them, and she thrust her chest forward, displaying herself for his pleasure while she answered. She spoke the common tongue well, in a refined, polished accent. “All is as normal with the Orcs and Dark Elves, my Lord,” she replied obediently, her large, sapphire eyes drifting down to his turgid cock. “The most interesting news is that the Giants were recently raided by the Oragashi.”
The Oragashi were a roaming band of notorious Ogres that occasionally harassed Human towns and villages, or in this case, a clan of Amun’noroth - Hill Giants. No doubt the rapacious Ogres only had one intention for kidnapping two Giantesses. “Go on,” Maloth ordered. Glinda rolled to the edge of the bed and hopped off, pressing herself up against Maloth’s side. He allowed the Dwarf to stroke his shaft while he listened to Ellerion.
“The Oragashi captured two female Noroth in the night, making off with them before the tribe could stop them.” Ellerion was now enviously watching Glinda’s hand sliding along Maloth’s prick. She licked her full lips as she continued. “The Noroth tribe reached out to Laefandell for aid, but the Tar’elda of course refused.”
Of all the animosities between factions in this land, the Giants and the High Elves had the most cordial, though it was far from friendly. For the Giants to reach out to Laefandell for help meant that they must be desperate indeed. “Why can’t the Giants mount their own rescue?” Maloth asked, grasping a handful of Glinda’s silky hair and bringing her face to his cock. “A company of Noroth could easily dispatch the Ogres, surely.”
“This is true, my Lord,” Ellerion replied meekly, one hand straying to her pussy, where she began to delve a finger between the wet lips. “But the Oragashi appear to have a new leader, one smarter than his predecessor.” Maloth’s eyebrows rose at this news. “He has made it known that any attempt at pursuit will result in the death of the captives. As you know, my Lord, Noroth are not known for their stealth, which is probably why they beseeched the Elves for help.”
Maloth grinned. “So, the Giants are desperate, and the Elves will not help.” The next move was obvious. “Send word to the Noroth, Ellerion. Tell them Lord Maloth can deliver the aid they so badly require.”
Ellerion opened her pretty mouth, but another voice interjected from behind Maloth; a honeyed tone that dripped with lewd promise. “I’ve already taken the liberty, my Lord.”
Maloth turned to see Shenla standing in the archway, one hand leaning against the stone, the other on a well-curved hip. Standing there naked, she was sex personified, with skin the colour of rose and a body with similar proportions to Glinda and Ellerion, except on Shenla those curves looked perfected, as if carved by a master artisan. Her eyes were deep purple, reflecting the light as she smiled salaciously and licked her black lips. Lustrous waves of black hair fell down around a beautiful face with exquisite features.
She sauntered forward, her gaze focused on where Glinda was eagerly suckling on Maloth’s cock. A pair of magnificent breasts adorned her chest, shifting hypnotically as she walked forward, the black nipples crinkled and hard, as they were most of the time. Her slim waist flared out into round hips and a lush, ripe ass, and the thighs beneath were nothing short of luscious. Her cunt was bald and smooth, the cleft calling Maloth like a siren song, but he pushed the desire away; he was not yet strong enough to fuck Shenla without harming himself.
It was a cruel twist of fate that saw Maloth only able to safely spend his seed inside women who were bound to him. To spend his essence inside any other woman would Bind her to him for eternity, and Maloth was very selective about whom he gave that honour. To spend his essence inside Shenla would energise and nourish her, but it would also temporarily drain some of his life force, and Maloth was not yet strong enough to be able to weather that, no matter how tempting she was.
“You have, have you?” Maloth asked as Shenla stopped inches away, her breasts almost touching his chest.
“Yes, my Lord,” she purred. “The Noroth responded immediately, saying they were sending someone to meet us; a Giantess by the name of Nemalinair.”
Maloth reached out to pinch one of Shenla’s erect nipples between his thumb and forefinger, bringing a moan from the sexy Demoness. “I approve,” he said simply. “When do you expect her arrival?”
“Anytime, now,” Shenla replied in her sexy drawl, looking down to watch the way Glinda was slurping on his cock. She tousled the Dwarf’s raven hair with a grin. “I love her big tits, brother! You certainly know how to find them. When can I get some time with that big pole of yours?”
“Soon, Shenla,” Maloth assured her, touching her dark lips with his finger. “One more binding, and I will be ready for you.”
“Can’t wait,” she breathed before sucking his digit into her mouth.
“With the Giantess expecting Elves,” Maloth began. “I will send Ellerion to greet her once she arrives.”
Shenla bowed her head slightly. “Of course, my Lord. If there is nothing else, Barrog is still strapped to my bed, and his huge cock is calling to me.” Her purple eyes glinted as they met his, with both mischief and arousal.
Maloth seized a handful of hair at the nape of her neck and crushed her mouth with his, dominating her with his lips and tongue. Shenla melted beneath the kiss, whimpering into his mouth. “You may go,” he growled, breaking the kiss. “As long as you remember to whom you belong.” He released her, and she turned to leave, but not before he smacked her ripe ass, the firm cheeks bouncing as she sashayed from the room.
“Ellerion!” He snapped, turning back to the bed. Glinda followed his movement obediently, her mouth never leaving his cock. The golden-haired Elf looked at Maloth expectantly, awaiting orders. “We must make sure you are prepared for when the Giantess arrives. You will tell her exactly what I want you to tell her, and nothing else. Understand?”
When Ellerion nodded, Maloth pulled Glinda’s mouth from his cock and pushed her onto the bed face-first. She squealed delightedly when he climbed on behind her and grasped her by the hips, pulling her up onto her hands and knees before shoving his raging shaft into her needy Dwarven cunt. He began to thrust savagely, sending his balls swinging heavily beneath him and Glinda’s plump ass rippling as his hips slapped her pale skin. While he fucked, Maloth delivered his instructions to Ellerion, who watched the scene before her with untamed desire in her sapphire eyes.
***ARAN – Ironshire, Ekistair***
Sweat beaded on Aran’s bare chest as he sat cross-legged in the warm morning sun, heeding Master Smythe’s instruction. They were just outside Ironshire’s walls, maybe half a mile away from the town, in a lightly wooded glade far enough from any farms that they were unlikely to be interrupted. Aran’s eyes were closed, his brow furrowed in intense concentration.
“Focus,” Smythe said for what had to be the hundredth time. “Control is the key. Use the breath. You will learn to harness your vala, and consciously choose how strongly you wish to affect those around you.”
Smythe had been teaching him to use his vala to reach out to people, to feel them, and allow them to feel him. It would give people a sense they could trust him, but not actually influence them in any way. It explained what Aran had done when he’d first met Jeira’s husband, Hamlin, where he’d used his vala to create a feeling of commonality with the other man.
One aspect of the vala is that it makes one more magnetic to the opposite sex – or same sex, depending on one’s desires – and Aran would find that unless he kept his vala suppressed at times, he would be receiving much more attention from nearby women. Not such a horrible concept, but Smythe advised from experience that if one wanted to keep a low profile, being chased around by willing women was not the best way to do so. “It’s fun and laughs,” the big Paladin had lectured him earlier. “Until a jealous husband turns up at your door with half a dozen friends all carrying clubs.”
Aran focused on his breathing. In and out. In and out. Feeling the warm glow of Aros’s gift swell and ebb inside him. He could feel everything around him, see it as if his eyes were open, including Smythe, who was standing off to one side, watching him intently while puffing on that long pipe. Smythe’s vala radiated powerfully from him, and to Aran’s mind the man was surrounded by a shining golden aura, invisible to anyone who did not possess the vala.
“Remember,” Smythe warned. “Every woman you meld with is a direct link to you, and if anyone ever wishes to harm you, they can do it through her. If one of you feels pain, so will the other. If one of you dies, the other will feel agony like nothing else in the world, and it will take a long time to recover.”
Aran thought back to when Elaina had told him about her meldin man dying, and how it had nearly killed her. He resolved to be careful when considering melding with women in the future; the last thing he wanted was someone getting hurt because of him, especially someone innocent. If anything happened to Jeira, or Liaren, or Induin, Aran would never forgive himself. As he thought of them, his three meldin floated into his awareness. Jeira seemed to be at home, or at least he could tell she was in that general direction, many miles away to the south in the Emerin Forest. Induin and Liaren felt much closer, as their home – the Elven village of Ildernass – was much closer to the northern border of the Emerin.
Hot pleasure floated across the melda from the Elvish sisters; they must be making love again, something they seemed to do rather frequently, making Aran wish he could be with them. The warm light inside him continued to rise and fall with his even breath.
“Good,” Smythe said, a touch of approval in his gruff voice. “Now, I want you to suppress the vala as much as you can, reduce it down as far as it will go.”
Aran focused, imagining the light shrinking, diminishing, until it was just a pinprick in a dark void.
“Now, reverse it.” Smythe barked. “Bring it out, expand it as far as you can imagine.”
Aran followed instruction, imagining the light expanding with every breath, growing larger than himself, then out further and further, until he felt he was sitting in a bubble hundreds of feet across.
“Impressive! You learn quickly, lad. Relax.”
Exhaling, Aran released the bubble, letting it dissipate. Sweat rolled down his face, chest and back. They had been at this since dawn, and it was not yet midday. He was pleased to hear he was making progress, however.
“This power we have is near boundless in its uses,” Smythe lectured. Aran opened his eyes to regard his teacher, who was pacing back and forth before him, pipe smoke trailing in his wake. “You have just begun to scratch the surface of what is capable. However!” He stopped, pointing a thick finger at Aran. “The one thing that it cannot do is be used for personal gain. It is not even a choice. Acts of selfish origin simply cannot be performed using the vala. There must always be a mutual benefit for all involved, else the power simply will not be available to you. Do you understand this?”
Aran nodded, repeating it back to Smythe word for word.
“This means,” Smythe began. “You cannot meld with an unwilling partner, nor can you pleasure them. The vala gives you strength far above and beyond your normal means, and this power will not make itself available to you if you wish to harm an innocent. Get the idea?”
Aran nodded.
“Good,” the big man said, resuming his pacing. “The next thing I will teach you is...”
The lessons continued all day and long into the night, and it was a very weary Aran that finally dropped into bed, asleep the moment his head hit the pillow.
***MALOTH – Somewhere in Palistair***
Maloth strode through the wide corridor, Ellerion at his heels. His mother had truly had the gift of foresight, and she’d supplied this underground domain with everything he and Shenla would need, including clothing. A diaphanous gown had been found for Ellerion, the black fabric so thin you could see right through it to the luscious body beneath, and Maloth had chosen a robe of similar style, a loose-fitting garment that ended just past his knees, tied at the waist with a sash.
The Giantess was visiting Maloth’s home, and so would have to adjust to his customs. Ellerion had already greeted the woman outside one of the many concealed entrances to this place before directing her to a suitable sitting room where she could comfortably await Maloth.
“What was your experience of this Giantess?” Maloth asked the Elf without looking back.
“She is impressive, my Lord,” Ellerion replied. “And beautiful, too. She seemed eager to meet with you and be on her way.”
“Did she say anything of interest?”
“Only that her tribe is expecting her back the day after tomorrow, so if you plan on detaining her, my Lord, you may want to consider that.”
Somehow, Ellerion had managed to deliver the advice without sounding like she was telling Maloth his business. The advantage to having Ellerion was that she was well-versed in matters of court and understood how to deal with dignitaries and royalty. Glinda also possessed the same skill. Maloth didn’t need the advice, but it was good he wasn’t only one using his head. He most certainly did not want to detain the Giantess under these circumstances; the last thing he needed was a clan of angry Noroth coming down on top of him.
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The Burning Blade By Whisper PROLOGUE:He could feel the darkness. Always it was there, sometimes waiting like a lover of the ages, patiently biding its time until the moment when it could embrace him. Other times, it hungered, drawing him in leaving him feeling powerless and weak. How long ago had it changed? When did the darkness leave him, abandon him and walk away, while he stood silently in this void. The cold, silent and heartless darkness had been long lasting. It held no passion, no...
I had a wonderful experience with a disposable razor and a neighbor that I just have to share with you. First, let me describe her. Christina is 24-years old, has shoulder-length blonde hair, and measures 34D-22-33. She has an athletic build and a beautiful face highlighted with a small beauty mark on her cheek and subtle makeup. I’ve had the hots for her for a while, and come close to fucking before, but nothing happened until last night. I invited Christina down to taste a new bottle of...
There's something exciting about having control over her and making her feel what I want her to feel when I want her to feel it. That was the thought going through my mind as we collected our tickets from the counter outside the theater. I had received two passes for movies and knew that she was the one I wanted to accompany me. I wanted hers to be the hand that touched mine as we ate popcorn from the same bucket and hers to the be thigh that mine touched when my leg wandered over to the...
It wasn’t often that Rebecca could free herself early enough in the day to surprise Wesley with dinner. Lately, though, with Wesley spending his afternoons in the library, she had found time to indulge her culinary whims before he got home. This afternoon, the first time this week, she had stopped at the city market and purchased a rack of ribs, smiling at her own extravagance. When Wesley got home he would be greeted by the smell of barbecue sauce. They would still have a good bit of the...
I had Meri toss the kid his rusty knife as we left the campsite. The shadows were almost nonexistent, and the morning wind had a dampness that promised rain. Yea. We didn't have to wait long before the downpour started. I had just raised the cowl of my robes when I glanced over and saw a miserable Meri trying to keep up with me. I needed to get her a hooded cloak of some sort in the next village, if at all possible. I was about to offer one of my robes to her, but it just felt wrong to do...
The next morning was like most mornings, her parents getting ready for work and leaving almost before she was awake. Kimber smiled as she recalled the one oddity of that particular morning. Dipping her toe into the water, before diving in to begin her workout, she remembered the look on her mother’s face as she caught sight of her daughter returning to her room sans clothing. As she stroked through the water, she felt only a little guilty that she had perhaps delayed a bit in the bathroom,...
Jack Parker was excited. He knew that, that Wednesday, December 10th, 2003, after school, he would have sex. Again. He knew it. Matt had promised him. And Jack had no reason to doubt Matt. But Jack thought that he would fuck Matt again. And suck Matt again. And, this time, he hoped (he was so curious about it, he had to try it), he would (maybe) be fucked by Matt. That's what he thought. He didn't dare to mention any of it to Matt, but he was ready. And, after the night before, with...
Karma is totally turned-on by the idea of making sex videos. She asks Donnie if he would be willing to video her having sex with one of his friends, Charles (Charles Dera). The idea of watching his wife having sex with his buddy excites Donnie so he agrees. Donnie can’t help but tug on his dick while videoing his wife as she gags on his buddy’s huge cock. After the two amateur porn stars fuck each other in every position possible, Charles takes Karma from behind and fucks her good until he...
xmoviesforyouBeth Ann Durke couldn't be any less conscious of the male eyes appraising her enhanced young curves as she, accompanied by her outlandishly dressed husband, treaded the familiar sidewalks of the Edgemont Heights shopping center. His whispering dispatches that this 'punk' and that 'bastard' had just undressed her, dribbled off the voluptuous blonde wife like water off the proverbial duck's back. She had just over-played her starring role, then upstaged her own self in the manner of a...
As I walked into the dungeon I was confronted with a wonderfully erotic sight - 13 stunningly attractive young models hanging from the centre beam by their manacled wrists. Every toned muscle was painfully stretched as the models scrambled to gain any purchase on the floor with their toes to take some of the weight off their abused shoulder sockets. There was no relief of course. I had carefully adjusted the length of the manacle chains whilst they had been unconscious so that the most that...
Seducing Mrs. Sexna in resort By Hot san I am san 24 yrs old once during my vacation I and my friend stayed at the resort. We got a room in a small house. Our only neighbors lived the next door. A married couple in their mid forty’s. Sometimes we would meet each other for a drink at the bar. Just saying hi and talking about the slopes and stuff, you know. My friend left in a week. He had to go back to the campus and prepare for exams. I stayed alone. The first evening I went to the bar for a...
answering my cell phone. "The lounge floor," a woman with a plummy accent insisted, "It's staining the ceiling downstairs it really is not good enough!" "And where is this?" I asked, she told me, it didn't register. "London!" she said. "That was weeks ago!" I explained. "Well it's not good enough, either you rectify it at no cost or I shall sue." "OK, text me the address," I agreed, "I'll see what I can do." "I want rather more than a vague promise,"...
The girls did their best to wear him out last night and Kal planned on sleeping in, but Sera had different ideas. There was a knock on his bedroom door and Kal looked down at the gorgon who was happily suckling his half-hard cock after treating him to a good-morning blowjob. At his questioning look, the gorgon just shrugged and closed her eyes, returning to her task. “Come in!” he called out. Velt peeked her head around the door before walking in followed by Graff. Neither of them paid the...
It was a Wednesday night. The week had already been a hard and trying one and, as usual, Mac and Harm found themselves on opposing sides in a court-martial. Of course, Admiral Chegwidden only had so many JAG lawyers to pick from and he frequently had to put Harm and Mac on the opposite sides of a case. And, as he never said, but both Mac and Harm suspected, A.J. Chegwidden took a perverse delight sometimes in knowing that he was facing one of his lawyers off against the other one. The case...
This is a true story that happened when I was 17. My parents won a cruise for a week and naturally my sister and i were happy for them. They never get to go anywhere especially since our 80 year old granny moved into the basement suite so we could be closer to her. She is still spry and able but let's face it, she's getting up there. So my sister and I promised our parents we would take good care of granny while they were gone.One night we all just happened to be home. Granny offered to cook...
Hello all I am Vinod again to cont telling about my mom dad me and Vijay uncle any one like to contact my uncle his e mail id is any comments lets us know any one like to meet my uncle e mail him..coming to story as my mom walked to my dad he was wearing shorts and Vijay uncle was fully nude his huge lund was half hard my mom was wearing just panties walked to my dad as they both sitting on the sofa my dad pulled my mom’s panties I was very shocked by my dad actions he fingered my mom choot...
February 1, 1992, Chicago, Illinois “Pull up to the valet,” Kajri said as I crossed Goethe Street. I did as she asked. She reached into her purse and handed me a guest parking card for the building. I handed it to the valet and we went up to the doorman. “Miss Cooke and Mr. Adams to see Miss Lundgren,” Kajri said. “She said we don’t need to be announced.” “You’re on her list,” the doorman said, consulting a small leather-bound notebook. He opened the door for us, then walked us to the...
Hi mera nam Rahul he. Me mumbai ka rehnewala hu. Aaj me aapke sath mera real life incident share karne ja raha hu.Me 6 ft tall aur meri gun 6.5” ki he. Mumbai ki koi aunty aur ladki muzse contact krna chahe to mail me on I am sure u will enjoy my company & fun. Love fat and milfs. To chudai story ko suruwat krte he. Ye incident 3 mahine pehle ka he. Isliye sabhi yade taza hai aur yad aaye to mera lund khada ho jata he uuuuufff ye lund bhi na. Me dadar ka rehnewala hu. Mere ghar me meri ma,...
Sarah was petite. Everything about her was small apart from her personality. She was confident and sometimes pushy but I think that was part of the attraction to me, she was a challenge. She was also very well spoken, another plus. I liked her long blonde hair and her small frame. I liked her small perky breasts and the way she came fast when she was riding me. I also liked that she told me to tell her when I was going to cum. The first time she asked me to do it I’d been a little surprised but...
Tammy sat on her bed crying softly. Another month had passed since her boyfriend had died. It was a tragic car accident that had left her alone and depressed. Every passing day seemed to pull her deeper into despair. She was left to a life of loneliness and misery.The car accident had not only killed her boyfriend, but it had left Tammy's face disfigured. She had two huge scars running down the left side of her face and burns covering her forehead and scalp.High school was supposed to be a...
I have always loved sex with strangers. It's a well known fact that I am a total slut and proud to be a whore. This story tells of a recent exploit of mine in the woods at a well known 'dogging spot'. It was a summers evening and I had been seeing a sex client in London during the afternoon and I was driving back to the coast through Surrey. I had been to the spot a few times and knew the geography of the place, including where to park etc. I was dressed like a slut as the married guy I had...
Now the story: It was Friday night and we were sipping some Pinot Grigio and trolling Craigslist trying to find a girl to fuck as we've had a few threesomes with other bi guys but never with another girl. Lawrence was eager to see me lick pussy. I came across an ad in the W4M section with no picture. She was married but unfulfilled. Saying to put "cuddle" in the subject line. She was just wanting affection but said if there was chemistry it could lead to more. I responded with our...
His By Sweetcheeks88"Be still, little girl,? he ordered while his right hand cuffed her neck in his strong grip, his left wrapped in her hair, tilting her head to the side. He loved how this exposed her neck to him, for him to devour, and him only. His eyes locked into hers, daring her to make a sound or to disobey. He knew how to get her attention. He knew exactly how to make her surrender. "This neck...mmmmm...(kiss) lower)...mine", he groaned against her tender flesh,...
This To Keep Me Quiet By Michele Nylons Chapter One - It's Not Right Uncle John, For All Sorts of Reasons Author's Note: This is a little two-part tale similar to my early stories. It has all the trappings of a Michelle Nylons story: a little incest, a little blackmail, a lot of sex and surprising ending. I hope you like it. Crystal Palace sat at the bar watching Melanie Starr singing The Crying Game. Melanie sang it so well that the club was silent and Crystal suspected...
One night as I was finishing up at the office, I overheard my husband on the phone with a client. I couldn’t hear what the person was saying but I heard Mike say “Sure, I’ll work that up now.” Which meant that I would be going home alone tonight. Just like I called it, he hung up the phone and came to my office and told me that he would be working late tonight and that I should go ahead and head on home for the night. I grabbed my things and gave him a kiss and left for home. It was...
Again, a warm and hearty welcome to my Earth readers. As previous readers are aware I had retired to the planet Rigel VI, on the outer rim of our galaxy and I continue the story of my adventures with the amazing local custom of pleasure-slaves.The rich elite of this planet, of which I had become one of its newest members, bought and sold pleasure-slaves. Pleasure slaves were women (and men) who had submitted themselves to the auction houses in the big cities here.They were escaping the terrible...
Fantasy & Sci-FiThis is the first part of an encounter my Fuck Buddy (with MASSIVE tits)sent me. I had some vids on my phone, but lost the SD card. Doh! The first time I met him he came to meet me at the station, he was bigger than I thought. 6'3" and heavy in a rugby player sort of way and young, under 40. As it wasn't a secret why we were meeting I wore a skirt and top, stocking and black high heels. I noticed him taking it in. It was a bit daunting, I was very nervous but we made idle conversation about...
Ok, so I'm in school, in class and let me tell you, my teacher, Mr Harrap is so unbelievably sexy! He is about 39 years old, 6ft 3in, and his hair is dusky blond. And his body? Well, you could have an orgasm just looking at it! Can you imagine what it must be like under that clean white shirt and those cut-off jean shorts that look like they where made just for him? And then there's his eyes, well there's nothing quite like them, they are the most piercing blue eyes you have ever seen....
For the first couple hours after our arrival, Marald played the congenial host. We went to a smaller dining area than the one I had visited before, and platters of cold meats, bread, and fruit were available for consumption. I made a sandwich which fascinated our host. After the meal, Marald offered a tour of his Keep to my two companions, who jumped at the chance. He assured them that I would rejoin them soon. They left with a servant. Marald cornered me, and asked if I would not wear the...
Hi to all and this is Rahul and I am a very big fan of ISS. I have been reading it since 2 years. This is my first story. I know you will like this story so please mail me @ about response.I am a bio medical engineer in Bangalore. My work is in office most of the time and sometimes I have to go to hospitals to assist surgeons in operation theatres while using new components of our company. So visiting hospitals in Bangalore is a usual routine for me. Once I went to one of the very big hospital...
As Travis walked along a busy street that morning on his way to the bus stop for his trip to work, he was met by the spectacle of a man with a bloodied head sitting against a building. Any unusual sight disturbed Travis, and what disturbed him even more in the present case was the behavior of people walking past, unconcerned and in some cases even resentful at the inconvenience of having to walk around the man’s outstretched legs. Only one person even acknowledged his presence explicitly, and...
Gay MaleOctober 12th, 1995, 4:40 PM MST, SeaGuard Trucking, LLC, Phoenix, AZ John now knew with a distinct amount of certainty that the derailment of the Sunset Limited was accidentally planned and executed by Charlie Croker of SeaGuard Trucking. He had no truly distinct proof of it, but he didn’t need to convince a jury. His son had looked at the facts available to him and drew an outline of what had happened. Investigation of the puzzle pieces of the actual facts put together a picture that almost...
John pulled up and put the car in park. They had been driving now for a couple hours, trying to let this torrential rain let up. He had this perfect date planned for Renae. They ate at a nice restaurant and were going to come lay and look at the stars that night at an old cabin that his family kept on their land. There wasn’t much left standing, but it still had a porch and a swing, and it was sitting on a nice grassy hill that had an excellent view at any time, but it was...
Straight SexDISCALIMER: This is a work of fiction and any likeness to any person or persons, real or fictional, is pure coincidence. Feed Back would be great and if you want more Id like a 85% rating ???? —————————————————————————————————————————————— —————————————————————————————————————————————— Hi, my name is Connor and this is a true story, probably the best thing that has ever happened to me. But before I get too much into that I guess I should give you some background info. I am 18 and about 6 foot...
The Mother - Part 3 Alice felt slightly bad about taking Emily by force. But in her mind, she felt it was something that had to be done. But what had hurt her more, was the sudden madness that had struck Carl. "Becoming a woman!" she said to herself, as she drove into town. "I knew he wanted to look after Emily, but that is just utter madness. Emily, it appears you deserve a better parent." She parked the car as close to the adoption agency office as possible, and took a pushchair...
Dawn Estevez's heart pounded all the way home. Dear God ... her husband was about to fulfill the only fantasy that had ever driven her to distraction ... She glanced out the back window of their car to see that Rick's partner with the L.A.P.D., Officer Larry Wilson, was still following them. She'd always thought Larry was a nice guy ... even after Rick had told her that he and Larry had fucked a few women together. To look at Larry, you'd never suspect he was the type. He looked like the...
I have always liked the look of leather shorts that have a very short inseam. While looking through Ebay one day, I came across some black leather shorts that looked quite sexy. They were square cut with a little v-shaped notch at the sides of the hem. They were being sold by a manufacturer in Pakistan. I was a bit hesitant to order the shorts because the seller was in another country. The photographs of the shorts did look quite good and the description of the item convinced me to give it a...
Gay MaleNoah watched out his living room window as the sky darkened into dusk. He saw a black Chevrolet Suburban pull into a visitor's parking stall. A lanky woman in her mid sixties stepped out and headed toward his unit. "Rachel!" he called. "It looks like Mom is here." Rachel stepped from the kitchen in her shorts and tank. "Great. How are you going to intercept her and tell her that I'm carrying a load?" The doorbell rang. Noah sprang to answer it. "Hi, Mom..." "Noah..." She...
Compliments of pigs41 The teacher asked the class to use the word ‘contagious’ in a sentence. Mary put up her and said “My friend had chickenpox and my mum said not to visit her so I didn’t catch them as they are very contagious.”” “Excellent Mary.” said the teacher. Next Sebastian said “When I had a cold mum told me to wash my hands a lot so I didn’t spread it to anyone else as colds are contagious.” “Well done Sebastian.” said the teacher. “Anyone else?” asked the teacher hoping...
I.R.C. Internet Relay Chat “ When predator becomes prey.” © drkfetyshnyghts 2009 Foreword IRC stands for "Internet Relay Chat". It was originally written by Jarkko Oikarinen in 1988. Since starting in Finland, it has been used in over 60 countries around the world. IRC is a multi-user chat system, where people meet on Channels (rooms, virtual places, usually with a certain topic of conversation) to talk in groups, or privately. There is no restriction to the...
FetishThis was about 2007. I'm 47 years old, working in admin at a college. It's 3 years before I become Lady Bee (but I've started the journey) and early on in my relationship with 'The Beekeeper'. I'll say now my haircut is terrible. It's short with a fringe, I look like Rodney from 'Only Fools & Horses'! I don't know what I am thinking. I wear glasses, as I have done for years, but these are in my 'Buddy Holly' frame days (people always complain about the glasses but I'm blind as a bat without...
I’m Prakash in late 40s pretty fair and hansom man from Ahmedabad and own a dyes manufacturing unit. This story is about my FOI (father’s younger cousin sister). Actually she is not real sister of my father but some distant cousin, who don’t have any near relative in her family. My father was the only person who accepted her as cousin sister. She is married and in late 30s no kids. Even though she’s in late 30s she looks much younger, slim but fair like me, nice but not big boobs, and no shag...
IncestI love how my lady can get so turned on, that if she craves wild sex it gonna happen. Like this past weekend, we had a small get together with a few friends and co-workers. After mid-night the party thinned down to a couple friends and a co-worker of my lady, Todd. Soon it was down to my lady, myself and Todd.I had noticed most of the night that my lady and Todd would grind together when dancing. I found it hot watching. Plus I knew either way, I was gonna get some, lol. When he stepped out to...
I’m hot and bothered under our covers when my phone goes off at about half past nine. The window had been closed all night, and the temperature was beyond bearable. God knows how I managed to sleep through it. I ignore my phone, instead moving backwards slightly to nestle myself in your arms. You wrap them tightly around me and hum a low, quiet ‘Good morning, beautiful.’ I squeeze your elbow gently and kiss your forearm where it crosses along my collar bone. You kiss me in return, on the...
Their new found closeness was only interrupted again when Ashton got a new coworker. Nancy was a blonde woman with thick rimmed glasses who was assigned to the cubicle next to Ashton’s. On her first day she commented how lucky she was to be seated next to someone her age and attractive. She admitted she normally does not flirt at work but just one look at him made her change her mind. Shelly caught wind of this quickly and of course confronted Nancy, giving her the same line about Ashton...
David was downstairs waiting while I got ready for what he thought would be a dinner date. It was our one year anniversary tonight and I had a different idea of how I wanted to spend it, and I was sure that he wouldn’t mind once he saw me. I walk towards him quietly and he turns around smiling. I knew he’d like it, I’d gotten it just for him. I was wearing a very short black skirt and a tight red v-neck shirt that would allow him to see right down to my full breasts. I walked into his open...
My husband had come home early after a meeting had been cancelled. He had wanted to grab his golf clubs to have a quick round at the local golf course. He entered the house and saw my bathrobe near the bottom of the stairs and then saw more clothes discarded on the stairs. When he heard noises, moans and groans, he thought I was having an affair. He burst in our bedroom door and got the shock of his life. Our old babysitter was naked on our marital bed with a large dildo up her bum. I had...
Damn it, she was late again. Would there ever be a time that she wasn’t running between twenty minutes to an hour behind for pretty much everything? Lisa thought to herself in frustration as she stood in front of her bathroom mirror hurriedly applying the finishing touches to her mascara. She slid her burgundy lipstick over her lush lips and pressed them together to ensure an even coat. She was replacing the cap when the doorbell rang. Ugh! Of course. Just one more delay to ensure that she...
Please refrain from hating on people’s chapters as they wrote it for the Chyoa community, but don’t let the possibility deter you from writing. For **people wanting to write**: Just add your path on this with an appropriate title and I’ll read through it to see if it is ready to be approved. If you want me to edit it for you just PM me and I’ll do it. And finally only add onto other people’s paths if you are working with them or they allow you to add onto it.
September 17, 2017 Dear Ms. Diary, After breakfast, we girls were busy. Gracey and Liya set up the new house network. Rhee and Carol uploaded yesterday’s videos from their phones and Liya’s and, along with Heather, tracked down all other videos and photos that we were keeping, got them uploaded to permanent storage, and removed them from all other devices. I spent four hours catching up on more than two days in the diary. Dad and Sandy made a bunch of food for dinners this week. I missed...
I am Rajesh from eastern India, working in well known organization as an engineer, 42 yrs old. My family consists of my wife, Keya and two small children. We stay in company provided flat; our neighbours are also from the same company, all family persons. As company is doing well, we are all happy and well off. Keya, 35 yrs old, a classic beauty, figure is 36-32-36. I used to joke with her that she is having the sexiest ass in the locality. She used to poke me, and then you have checked all the...
I was 33 and recently divorced. I had decided to take a break from things and take a little trip. A couple of girlfriends of mine had invited me to go to Vegas with them for the weekend. I had accepted and looked forward to some fun. One of the girlfriend's husband was a pilot for a major airline so we got free upgrades to first class. We left on a Friday afternoon and planned to return on Sunday evening. We were staying at the Bellagio. We had fun on the flight out there. We drank champagne...
Straight Sex