A Paladin's TrainingChapter 7: A Weapon free porn video

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all characters in this story are over the age of eighteen

***ARAN – Ironshire, Ekistair***

Steel clashed and clanged as Smythe and Aran circled each other in the small basement, each man’s blade seeking the skin of his opponent. Not a single mark marred Aran’s body, but Smythe bore three red stripes on his torso and one on each arm above the elbow.

Aran’s mind was empty, save for the fleeting presence of each moment flowing seamlessly into the next. He was one with his blade, one with the sweat dripping down his chest, one with his muscular mentor, who was relentlessly attacking, trying to force him off balance, but like a boulder before a wild storm, Aran simply allowed the immense force to flow around him, placing sharp counterattacks when moments presented themselves.

Those moments were rare, as Smythe truly was a master swordsman, and had Aran not been focused as an arrow in a drawn bow, he would have been amazed at the fact that Smythe had not scored a hit on him so far today.

The big Paladin was tireless in his constant assaults, his greatsword spinning and flicking like nothing Aran had ever seen. From what he knew of these long, heavy blades, they were meant to be used in a manner that resembled vicious, inelegant chopping, as they were too heavy for finer movements, but Smythe handled his as if it weighed nothing, and Aran was careful to respect his skill.

Suddenly, Aran realised why Smythe was attacking so furiously; he must be unwilling to endure another one of Aran’s assaults, so he was keeping Aran on the back foot! Either that, or it’s what he wanted Aran to think...

Deflecting a particularly sharp thrust, Aran changed to an attacking form and began to press forward. Not in a rush, but in a gradual momentum that would apply slowly increasing pressure to his mentor. Indeed, Smythe reluctantly gave ground until he was back in a defensive form, and that’s where Aran began to push.

Smythe was fast, but Aran was faster, their blades ablur as the younger man overwhelmed the older with strength and speed he had kept hidden until now. With Smythe now putting all his focus behind keeping Aran’s blade at bay, Aran completed his attack, performing a series of complex feints to lower Smythe’s guard. The greatsword went clattering to the stone floor, flicked away by an intricate flourish that Aran had learned from Smythe himself, and the big Paladin froze as Aran’s blade came to rest against his throat.

Aran stepped back quickly; he’d won the match, there was no need to be disrespectful and gloat about it.

“Well done, lad,” Smythe said, his face split by a broad grin. “That was masterful work, there. Now that I know how quick you really are, I’ll be watching for it next time.”

Aran smiled. “Looking forward to it, Master.” He really was beginning to enjoy these sparring sessions, as tough as they were. The sword work in particular was usually the pinnacle of his day.

Smythe grunted in response. “Don’t let it go to your head, boy. You’re good, but if you start imagining you’re the best in the world, sooner or later it will cause you problems.”

Aran nodded respectfully. “Duly noted, Master. Shall we continue?”

Smythe shook his head, his shoulder-length black hair swaying a little where it wasn’t plastered to his head and neck with sweat. “No, we are done sparring, for now. You have proven yourself worthy of carrying a blade, and so now you must forge your own.”

Aran nearly dropped his weapon. “Forge my own blade? But I know nothing of smithing, Master!”

Smythe smiled at that. “Then it’s time you learned, young Aran.”

***KING BERENOR – Dark Elven Realm of Eredor, Palistair.***

“Sire, Lady Shenla has arrived.”

“Send her in, Peldin,” King Berenor commanded in his bass voice, dismissing the guardsman with a flick of his dark finger. Peldin was a good soldier, and had served Berenor well over the past two-hundred years or so. He was a loyal Mor’elda, proud and strong, and not afraid to perform some of the less glamorous tasks that came with serving a king.

“Yes, sire,” Peldin said, inclining his head respectfully before turning heel and striding toward the huge stone doorway that led to the anteroom, where this ‘Lady Shenla’ would be waiting under the watchful eyes of his Nightguard. This woman claimed to have advantageous information regarding the movements of the Tar’elda, sworn enemies of the Dark Elves.

Berenor was no fool, however; anyone claiming to possess such information would be asking for significant payment, that is if they weren’t dealing misinformation on behalf of said Tar’elda.

Berenor adjusted himself on his throne – a marvelous piece made purely of worked silver and adorned with rubies and emeralds – as he watched Peldin go, adopting a relaxed, confident demeanor. He wore not a stitch, as was the custom for Mor’elda when they were in their underground home.

Tall and lithe and graced with handsome features, Berenor knew he presented an imposing figure, especially with his manhood hanging heavily between his legs, which were deliberately open as he sat his throne. It was a symbolic – and primal – display of power, also useful in keeping visitors from the upper world off balance.

Often, up-worlders were not used to such open displays of nudity. Especially Humans, sticklers for propriety that they were. As a male Elf, Berenor’s loins continued to grow throughout his life, and at over four hundred years old, he bore an impressive appendage, several inches long in repose and twice that when hard.

His attendants stood to either side of the throne, one to his left and one to his right. Evalys and Avalys were twin sisters, both of them young and stunningly beautiful, and both properly unclothed; Berenor knew how important appearances were in matters of court, and only chose the most attractive Elves to serve him. Skin as black as moonless night, and hair as white as snow like all true Dark Elves, his prime courtesans were two of the most stunning creatures in his realm. Less than a hundred years old, their bodies were still slender and lithe, with pert breasts, long, slim legs and tight bottoms.

Berenor’s loins twitched as he looked them up and down in turn; he would allow them to service him after this so-called Lady Shenla said what she had to say. He would have let them pleasure him during the audience, but he wanted no distractions at this meeting.

The throne room itself was a vast space with high, arched ceilings supported by fluted stone columns as thick as three Elves. The dais sat at the end of the room, opposite the entrance. The underground city of Eredor was a testament to the skill of Mor’elda craftsmanship.

The heavy, black stone door swung inward as it was pushed open by Peldin, who escorted a cloaked figure through the double row of thick stone pillars that led to the dais. The figure moved confidently, seemingly unhindered by the pitch blackness in which the Dark Elves lived. So, Lady Shenla could see in the dark then? Or was she aided by magic? Her cowl turned in Peldin’s direction every now and then, the tilt suggesting that she was eyeing him up and down.

Berenor’s eyebrows lifted slightly as he noticed that, for some reason, Peldin was developing an erection.

“King Berenor, High Seat of the Elven Underground Realm of Eredor,” Peldin began grandly. “I present to you Lady Shenla.”

Her lack of a title left a telling vacuum at the end of Peldin’s announcement, and Berenor suppressed a smile at the contrast.

Lady Shenla reached the dais and curtsied – though not very deeply – before lowering her hood, revealing to Berenor the most beautiful face he had ever seen. Lustrous black hair framed a perfect face with large, dark eyes and full, sensual, midnight lips. His attendants looked like common wenches compared to this stunning creature!

“Greetings, your Highness,” she drawled in a sultry voice, her tone laden with promise and desire. “I am Lady Shenla. It is a pleasure to be in your presence.” Her tongue caressed the world ‘pleasure,’ sending a tingle up Berenor’s spine and stirring his loins. Despite his usually solid self-control, his dark phallus began to lengthen between his thighs. Shenla glanced dismissively at his courtesans, before fixing her hot gaze back on him.

“The pleasure is mine, Lady Shenla,” Berenor returned politely, willing himself not to grow erect so easily. It was difficult, but he managed it. “I trust your journey was pleasant?”

She nodded gracefully. “Indeed, sire, but for the conservative ways of the surface-folk. Where I hail from, we embrace our bodies, much the same as your people do.” To demonstrate, she let the cloak slip from her shoulders, the garment pooling on the floor at her feet.

Berenor’s self-control vanished and his cock springing up to full mast as he took in the ravishing rose-skinned goddess before him; all luscious curves and feminine allure. Usually, he favoured slender, willowy women, but this woman was the picture of perfection; lush and fertile with large, round breasts, wide hips and shapely thighs. Berenor’s mind felt clouded by lust as he beheld her, and all thought was reduced to dim background noise.

Shenla’s eyes focused on Berenor’s rigid pole standing up proudly in his lap. She licked her lips seductively. “I see the pleasure is indeed all yours, my King,” she purred, stepping up onto the dais. “We have much to discuss, sire. Would you prefer privacy?”

Berenor nodded dumbly. “Leave us,” he commanded of Peldin and his courtesans without taking his eyes off Shenla. He did not even notice the twins’ pert ebony rumps as they wiggled out of sight, shadowed by the Guard-Captain.

Shenla was within arm’s reach now, and knelt before the throne, placing her hands on his thighs, slowly sliding them up and down. “Mmmm, my King, I did not expect you to be so ... virile!” She purred. Just having her touch him was sending sparks through Berenor’s body. “Maybe you and I can have some fun together, no?”

Berenor nodded again, unable to speak, completely enraptured.

“Before we do, oh mighty King, there’s something I need you to do for me, something only an all powerful ruler like King Berenor can do.”

Berenor found some words, though his tongue felt thick and clumsy. “Anything, my Lady. Name it.”

Shenla giggled in delight. “Excellent! You’ve made me so happy!” She lightly drew a black fingernail down the inside of his thigh and back up again, lightly scraping his heavy balls.

Berenor moaned, already on the brink of spraying his seed all over Shenla’s face.

“My brother, Lord Maloth, is about to proceed taking back the land that is rightfully his,” Shenla explained, continuing to tease him with her fingernails. “For this, he will need many soldiers. He also is of the understanding that you, my big strong King, are seeking to expand your territory.” She bent down and licked the underside of his cockhead with her long, serpentine tongue.

Berenor felt like the top of his head was going to lift off. He had never known pleasure like this, and she had barely touched him! He reached out to caress her face, and she purred, sucking a finger into her luscious mouth, loving it with her tongue. “I am, my Lady,” he murmured, barely coherent.

Shenla released his finger and hefted her heavy tits onto his thighs. “Good, sire. A powerful King needs to conquer, and expand his rule.” She grasped his thick cock, bringing it to nestle between her spectacular breasts, his midnight skin contrasting with her silky rose.

Berenor’s hips began to buck slightly of their own accord, sliding his pole up and down the wonderful tunnel of titflesh. His juice had already started to leak from the tip, and Shenla happily licked it up with her long tongue.

“My brother, Lord Maloth, wishes to strike a bargain, your Highness,” Shenla purred in between licks. “He will not only expand your territory, but he will crown you King of all Palistair, if you in turn provide us aid in our coming conflict. Agree to this, and I shall give myself to you, Berenor. You can have all of me.” She punctuated the sentence by engulfing his angry black cock in her mouth, taking it all the way down into her throat, her nose pressing up against his pelvis.

It was too much. Berenor felt his balls churn, about to explode. At the last second, Shenla squeezed the base of his cock hard, her other hand pulling his balls away from his body, delaying him the climax he so desired. He was breathing hard as he answered. “I agree!” He roared. “I agree to your terms! Now please, do not deny me any longer!”

***SHENLA – Eredor, Palistair***

Shenla smiled wickedly; her task here was done, and now she could enjoy herself. She had not had any cock for long hours – since she’d left Barrog on the outskirts of Eredor – and this so-called King had a nice one. She mounted him right there on the throne, trapping his length between her pussy and his belly and sliding her wet lips up and down the rock-hard pole.

He was moaning, mumbling incoherently, lost in the pleasure she was giving him. Shenla was more than a little shocked at how easily he had succumbed; he had very little willpower, for a King. How did he rule this realm effectively? He must have very dedicated and able advisors, surely, else he would have been supplanted long ago.

Then again, sex and seduction were what she was made for, and she was very good at it. She pushed her breasts into his face as she raised her hips, and in one smooth motion, impaled herself on his thick shaft, all the way down until she could feel his thighs against her ass. A second later, Berenor roared, his black cock exploding inside her hungry pussy, and Shenla quivered as her own climax overtook her.

Her body greedily absorbed his essence, filling her with energy. Gods, she loved it! She never felt so alive as when a man was pumping his seed into her cunt. She would have to be careful, though; Berenor must live to serve his purpose; Maloth would not be pleased if she accidentally fucked him to death.

Shenla had fucked Elves before, and they had more stamina than Humans or Dwarves. She hoped Berenor would last a good long while; she intended to make this last as long as she could. She gave him a moment to recover, then began to bounce in his lap with abandon, her moans of lust echoing through the throne room.

***BERENOR – Eredor, Palistair***

Berenor sat back on his throne in a lust-induced stupor, his body rocking in time with Shenla’s vigorous motions. She was gyrating in his lap, now with her back to him and her luscious, plump ass grinding against his belly. She leaned back against his chest, and he mauled her tits, unable to cover them completely with his big hands. This creature was sex made flesh, taking him to heights of pleasure he had never known! All other women were nothing compared to Shenla!

She had been riding him for a good hour or more, and he had filled her several times, which only seemed to make her thirst for more. Dimly, he wondered where all his stamina was coming from; he had never been able to fuck at this pace, for this long. The line of thought vanished as he felt Shenla’s tight tunnel clench again as she appeared to climaxed for the dozenth time, forcing Berenor over the edge with her, his heavy balls lifting as they emptied what was left of his seed into the rose-skinned goddess.

Just as Berenor began to wonder when his fortitude would fail, Shenla lifted her wonderful rump from his lap, rising up until eventually his long cock popped from her pussy. It waved before him, glistening with her juices, refusing to give in. She turned and smiled at him, unconcerned with his royal juice dripping down her thick thighs. She ran a finger through her wet folds and put it in her mouth, sucking it clean.

“Mmmm, delicious!” She said with a giggle, exaggerating the sucking motion for his benefit.

Berenor’s cock twitched in response to the lewd display.

“It pains me to say, Sire,” she purred as she looked down at him. “But I must take my leave. I will, however, see you again.” She leaned in and locked her mouth over his, giving him a toe-curling kiss while at the same time tugging his shaft a final few times, slapping the dark head against her hanging breast and leaving a sheen of his juice on the smooth red skin. Then, in a flurry, she left the dais, sashaying toward the door, only stopping to pick up her cloak, but not bothering to don it again.

The throne room door swung open as she approached it, opened by that delicious guard that had shown her in. His black eyes locked onto her tits as she sauntered toward him, and his cock lurched to full mast in an instant.

Shenla eyed the Dark Elf up and down. He was quite handsome, really; tall and wiry, with smooth, black skin and a pretty face. He wore nothing except a sword belt and some sort of cloak that showed his station. What had he said when he introduced himself? Guard Captain?

So entranced with her was Peldin that he never looked up to see his King slumped down on the throne, exhausted from Shenla’s attentions. From where they stood, one might think Berenor was dead, though Shenla had left him more than enough vitality to recover from his sexual ordeal.

Berenor’s seed had energised Shenla, and dark magic pulsed strongly in her veins. Stepping up to Peldin, she placed a hand on his chest and wrapped several tendrils of lust around his heart and loins. The Dark Elf inhaled sharply as arousal swept over him like a flood.

Yes; Peldin would do nicely. She would Bind him as soon as she could get him alone. “Go to your King,” Shenla purred in the Elf’s ear. “Tell him that I require you to escort me back to my home, and that you may not return. Tell him that Lady Shenla will return to visit very soon, and will think of him always.”

Peldin nodded dumbly, a vacant look in his dark eyes. “Yes, Lady Shenla,” he breathed.

“Good boy,” Shenla whispered, giving his cock a quick squeeze as a reward. He wasn’t as big as Berenor, but he had potential, and he had a nice, tight ass, which she admired as he hurried back to the dais to pass on her message to the king.

Shenla couldn’t hear what was said between the men from where she was standing, and she didn’t exactly care; Berenor was putty in her hands, now, and there was no chance of him denying her request.

Indeed, Peldin came striding back down the long hall, a broad grin on his face. He bowed elaborately, one hand on the hilt of the long sword he carried at his slim waist. “Guard-Captain Peldin of the Nightguard is at your service, my Lady.”

Shenla returned his grin, hoping hers did not look too predatory. “You will be, Peldin,” she purred. “You will be.”

***ARAN - Ironshire, Ekistair***

Sparks flew as the hammer collided with red-hot steel, bouncing harmlessly off Aran’s thick leather apron, the impact of metal on metal ringing through the smithy time and again as the hammer rose and fell, rose and fell. Aran wiped his brow between swings, yet fresh sweat continued to spring forth with every swing.

The previous three months had been grueling; Master Smythe had pushed him to his physical and mental limits, and beyond. Yesterday – for the first time since beginning his training under Smythe – Aran had bested the big Paladin in swordplay. Afterwards, Smythe had told Aran that his training in Ironshire was almost complete, but he had one final task to undertake, which is why he was now working the forge, smithing his very own sword under the careful supervision of Smythe. This was his fifth attempt, and he dearly hoped it was the last; night had long since fallen, and it had been a very long day.

“Good!” Smythe barked gruffly, his dark eyes glittering in the light of the forge fire. Combine those eyes with that bold nose, and the man resembled some kind of huge bird of prey. “Not too much, now! Remember to keep it hot!”

A few weeks ago, Aran would have growled in frustration at the man’s constant orders, but he had grown used to it. He also knew better than to anger the big weaponsmith, so he did as he was instructed, placing the length of steel back in the coals before pumping the bellows, bringing it back to ideal temperature so he could begin hammering again.

Under Elaina, Aran had always carried a mace, but Smythe had taught him much of the sword recently, and Aran found that he much preferred blades over the heavier, bulkier maces; swords were elegant, more graceful, when wielded properly. This particular piece would be about four feet long, and slightly curved with a single edge. Smythe said that when a Paladin forges a weapon himself, part of him is infused into it, giving the weapon special properties.

Aran continued following Smythe’s guidance, losing himself in the process, until he found himself giving the blade its final quenching, the water hissing fiercely as the steel cooled. He had already crafted the hilt; he’d made it from good hide, long enough for two hands. Smythe had taught Aran both single and two-handed fighting styles, and he preferred the latter over the former. Elaina had, of course, taught him basic combat before he left the Chapel, but it was in the more advanced forms that Smythe had trained him.

Smythe peered over Aran’s shoulder as he drew the blade from the quenching barrel, casting a critical eye over his pupil’s work. “Excellent work, Aran.”

“Thank you, Master.” Aran said, quietly grateful Smythe wasn’t going to make him start again.

The steel now cool, Smythe carefully picked it up and inspected it more closely, while Aran waited with baited breath for his mentor’s response. The mustachioed Paladin grunted as he turned the blade over in his big hands. Finally, he looked at Aran, his broad face impassive. “Fit the hilt, lad,” he said quietly. “Well done.”

Aran nodded, exhaling in relief, unable to hold back a smile. Eagerly taking the blade, he began to fit the boarhide hilt, all the while trying to think of a suitable name for his new sword. He suddenly realised that all the time he’d been training under Master Smythe, he’d never seen the man’s weapon, only the practice weapons they used in training. When he turned to ask about it, though, Smythe was gone.

Making a mental note to ask him later, Aran got back to fitting hilt to blade, all the while thinking up and discarding names. Swift? No. Seeker? No. Dawn? No.

The sound of footsteps behind him brought him back around to see Smythe had returned, carrying a huge sheathed greatsword. “I sensed your question, lad,” he said quietly. The air around them grew completely still as Smythe drew the weapon, the thick five-foot blade gleaming brightly in the light of the forge. Aran couldn’t be sure, but it almost looked as if the sword was drawing the light to itself, glowing a little brighter than ordinary steel.

“This is Lightbringer,” Smythe said, holding blade upright before him. “As Paladins, we must often face darkness. Lightbringer comes to life when creatures of the night are close, and she has taken the heads of many.”

“Lightbringer,” Aran breathed, taking in the marvelous weapon. He wished he could come up with a name for his own sword that sounded as good as this one.

“Each Paladin’s weapon has its own unique power, lad.” Smythe explained. “Something that comes from within its maker. Your blade will reveal its true nature in time, and then you will know what name to give it. I named Lightbringer after she first awoke. I was living in another place, at the time, and a local tribe of goblins had decided to raid my village in the dead of night. Lightbringer and I showed them that that was a bad idea.”

He grew quiet for a moment, a faraway look in his eyes as he remembered. Blinking, he came back to the now, a smile splitting his face. “Congratulations, lad. I’ve taught you all I can. You’re a fast learner, and the vala is strong in you. I firmly believe your future will be a great one.” He bowed formally, his blade held horizontally before him, balanced on upright palms. “I welcome you, Aran Sunblade, to the Order of Aros, as a Paladin. May you serve, love, and fight with all your heart.”

Astounded, Aran picked up his own sword, hilt now secured to blade, and returned Smythe’s bow in the same fashion. “Thank you for your teachings and your guidance, Master.” He realised suddenly that he would be leaving Ironshire, and he felt a touch of sadness at the thought; he had enjoyed training under Smythe. As tough and hard as the man was, his company had not been unenjoyable.

“Rest up for the next day or two,” Smythe said, suddenly much more friendly, jovial even. “Then you will move on. Elaina taught you to walk, and I have taught you to run. Now, you must learn the Truth.”

Aran heard the capital clearly. “The Truth, Master?”

Smythe offered nothing more on the subject. “Come! We have worked hard these last months, which means we have earned a drink, lad!” He sheathed Lightbringer and strode from the forge, into the night. Smiling, Aran followed.

The Iron Arms was pulsing with life as Smythe and Aran entered the tavern. Tables were packed with men and women – mostly Humans, but the odd Dwarf or Elf here and there – dicing or playing cards or simply enjoying a laugh and a mug of ale or glass of wine. On a raised platform at one end a pretty Elf woman played a complex, merry tune on her flute, while her male counterpart deftly worked the strings of his lute. All in all, the tavern had a lively, jovial feel about it.

Smythe took in the atmosphere and turned to Aran, grinning widely. “Come, lad!” He said, clapping Aran on the shoulder with a big hand. “Let’s find a table!”

Aran didn’t see how that was going to happen with the place this full, but Smythe moved through the rows of tables nonetheless, nodding and smiling politely to those who recognised him. Sure enough, as Smythe approached a corner table at the back of the room, set against the wall with two bench seats, a group of four men quickly vacated, all of them very carefully not looking at Smythe.

The big Paladin took the far seat, putting his back against the wall. “Ha!” He barked, his dark eyes following the men who were now hurriedly exiting the tavern while trying to appear casual. “Jame and his lads. They owe me coin for some work I did a while back. Probably hope I’ve forgotten.”

Aran sat opposite his mentor, glancing over his shoulder toward the door. “Why didn’t you ask them for it?”

“Bah,” Smythe said dismissively. “Wasn’t that much coin, lad, and I didn’t want to start a fuss in Brehnda’s place.”

“Fair enough,” Aran murmured, looking around with interest and wondering who Brehnda was. Just then, a pretty Dwarf appeared at their table, her hands on her well-rounded hips. Aran’s mouth fell open as the biggest pair of breasts he’d ever seen hove into view, the massive pale orbs only barely constrained by an overworked bodice with an extremely low neckline, the contents of which seemed ready to spill forth. Her tremendous chest overshadowed even Elaina’s very considerable assets!

“Get your fill, lad,” the Dwarf said with a wink. “I’m used to it, round here, ‘least from those who’ve never seen a Dwarf woman before.”

Smythe cackled a laugh, and Aran felt his face redden. With an effort, he brought his eyes up to her face. There was a smile on her plump lips, and a sparkle in her dark eyes. At just under five feet tall and maybe into her thirtieth year – going off Human years, at least – she was remarkably attractive, and Aran’s vala threatened to reach out, but he used his training to keep it at bay. Raven curls fell about the Dwarf’s bare shoulders – her green silk dress somehow keeping her decent without straps – the tresses shifting as she looked from Aran to Smythe.

“Who’s this fine young colt?” Brehnda asked Smythe, jerking her head toward Aran. “And where have you been hiding him?”

Smythe grinned. “Brehnda, this is Aran. Aran, Brehnda is the owner of this fine establishment.”

Aran extended a hand, which the busty Dwarf took. “Nice to meet you, young Aran,” Brehnda said, eyeing him up and down brazenly. “What brings you to Ironshire?”

“I took him as my apprentice,” Smythe said, answering the question for Aran. “The lad’s good, and he’ll soon be off to set up his own shop elsewhere. I’ve taught him all I can.”

Brehnda gave Smythe a disappointed look. “Shame. Not enough quality men in this town, Henley.” She turned to Aran and whispered, though it was intended for Smythe to hear. “I’ve tried everything I can to convince him to marry me, Aran, and I mean everything, but still the man resists!”

Aran chuckled, and Smythe just shook his head, a small smile on his face as he listened.

Brehnda continued. “I mean, if these are not enough,” she hefted her monumental breasts. “Then I don’t know what else a woman can do!”

“They’d be enough for me, Brehnda,” Aran said, playing along. “I’m surprised you’re having trouble finding a husband, to be honest. You certainly caught my eye.”

“Don’t listen to her, lad,” Smythe broke in. “She’s pulling your leg. The last thing Brehnda wants is a husband, believe me.”

“You talk sweet, for a young one,” Brehnda purred at Aran, touching his face. “Truthfully, lad, I could have a husband tomorrow, if I wished.” She put on an affected sigh, playing an act. “Half the men in this tavern would marry me in a heartbeat, but as I said,” she leaned in close to Aran to whisper in his ear, her lips just barely touching him.

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I’m standing at a bus stop on the Lower Ormeau Road when a para brick comes up the street–four squaddies with SA-80s. They’re on the other side of the street. One of the guys gets down on one knee and enfilades me with his weapon. Two of the others stand back to back while the other scopes. I wonder if the weapon’s on safety but no one’s ever been shot this way to my knowledge so I don’t really care. The squaddies do a Blackhawk Down run across the street and flatten against the wall of the...

2 years ago
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Cleo Benedict DominatrixChapter 5

Ralph followed Cleo and the youthful Lindy, with the natural obedience now second nature to him, the strutting steps of both as they displayed their tightly clad buttocks, keeping him keenly aware of his subservience as they exited the car at Faulkner’s grandiose suburban residence. Cleo gave a sneer toward the once shiny Nash Ambassador, now gathering dust, just one of Faulkner’s trinkets; it’s redundancy providing a portent to the fate of its vanquished owner, as she strode with impunity up...

3 years ago
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My first sex experience

Hello! All ISS fans. I would love to share with u peoples my first sex experience, before that I would like to tell u about me. My name is Ramesh, 25 male from Bangalore. This is a real story, which happened when I was 12yrs old in 7th STD in the year1993. This incident happened with my mil’s daughter. Her name is Geeta, she is one year elder to me looks good and decent now also but has very high sex intensions in her mind. She was the first girl, who taught me how to make love in that young...

2 years ago
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Now thats an Oops

Now That's an Oops! by Maggie Finson "What?" Bobby questioned his friend Gerald. "I really think you should re-read that spell, uh Bobbi." Gerald responded a bit distractedly. Still buzzing from the numbness caused by the spell that was to change him from a nerd to a girl magnet, Bobby began to get an uneasy feeling as his friend continued staring with open mouthed - lust? "What are you staring at?" Bobby demanded, then clapped a hand over his mouth in horror at the...

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ResonanceChapter 11

When I woke I was moving through another corridor. A bearded, balding doctor was looking down at me. I could see a tiny version of myself reflected in his round glasses. “Shalom. I don’t want you to move. I’m going to ask you some questions. Two blinks for yes, one for no. Do you understand?” I blinked twice. “Good. You speak Hebrew?” Two blinks. “Good. That will make things easier.” A medical chart was passed across me. He scanned it, turned to quickly consult someone behind him in...

3 years ago
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Living Next Door to Heaven 1Cast

Brian Frost: Junior; not quite seventeen, 5'6" tall and physically fit; one of the oldest in his class because of his October 5 birthday; always the littlest guy in class, his friends still tower over him, but they trust him more than anything. Joanne Barnes: Next door neighbor of Brian's; dark blonde and blue eyes; 5'9"; 18-year-old model who just graduated; always Brian's guardian angel and fantasy; originally Brian called her Heaven, and now that is the name she is known by...

1 year ago
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CousinChapter 12

The two girls woke early the next morning, but even though both were curious about the other's activities, nothing was said. They quickly dressed and carried their stuff out to the car. Leaving the key in the room as they had been instructed, they started north again. An hour later they hit the interstate and soon pulled off at a small shopping center to get some breakfast at one of the fast food places. As they were eating, Lisa suddenly had an idea. "Instead of eating more hamburgers for...

3 years ago
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One Magical Evening

I have always liked mature gentlemen. They treat me better, their conversations are more interesting, and they have more of an air of mystery about them. But I never thought Paul would respond to me the way he did. Paul is a 50 year-old VP in my company, ultimately my boss. He seemed conservative, married with a family, but even so I was attracted to him from the day we met. I flirted with him lightly, by text messages and in person, and he responded, but not eagerly. I’m half his age,...

4 years ago
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Der Autoverkufer und seine Frau

Jeder von uns kann Teil dieser Geschichte sein. Roger ist in Kiel aufgewachsen und da er ein grosser Autonarr ist, hat er eine Automechanikerlehre gemacht, kurz nach Ausbildungsende hat er, dank seinem heissen, getunten Alfa, die wirklich bildhübsche Marlene kennengelernt und sie nach wenigen Monat geheiratet. Er hat gewusst, die musst du behalten. Zwischenzeitlich ist einige Zeit vergangen, Marlene hat Roger mit ihren Ansprüchen dazu gebracht sich weiterzubilden und so arbeitet er mit seinen...

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Bad Cop

Last summer my girlfriend Sarah and I were driving home from the lake, we had both had a little bit to drink, but I felt good enough to drive. It was a warm summer evening and we were excited to get home, her parents were gone so I was going to spend the night at her house. Seeing her in a bikini all day had gotten me really horny, I would’ve fucked her at the lake if my friends weren’t there. We were flying down the highway her hand rubbing my bulge, my 5” cock was rock hard in my swim shorts....

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Rookie And Cookie Do The Unexpected

Hello Readers. This is my first post here about an incident which had actually happened between me and our Cook at home. It may not seem that erotic or hot but this is what happened and I’m putting it in words best to my capability and knowledge and this post is to just make me feel better as I am embarrassed and feel guilty, heavy hearted till date that this happened for quite some time with me and I didn’t feel it was right to share it with any friend or cousin, might feel better tonight I...

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Rain and Bath Water I

     Twila entered her huge walk in closet, running her fingers through her long black hair, twisting it up in a bun and securing it with a clip at the top of her head.  It had been a long day with her sister’s kids and all she wanted more than anything in the world at that moment was a nice long bubble bath and soak the day away. She went to a set of drawers designed especially for her personal bath toiletries and removed sandalwood bubble bath, some scented salts and beads and a few candles. ...

1 year ago
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Fucking SexStarved Married ExGirlfriend

Hello Readers, Here I come with another great sexperience of mine. First I’ll start with introductions for those who don’t already know me. I’m Karan living in Pune and working at an FMCG Co. I live with a couple of friends and my younger bro Arjun who has recently come to live with me. My friends’ names are Kamal and Sunny. The series of incidents in this story took place over a period of 6 years. The real action took place when I completed my PG and went home. After I completed my 11th...

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Love Hurts

When I saw David O’Brien for the first time, I fell in inlove with him. We first met each other at a club in ****. We danced the whole time with our eyes locked from a distance. Then he came and pulled me away from the person I was dancing with. Me and David danced all night. I gave him my phone number and he gave me his. I couldn’t stop looking at him; he was the most handsome guy I had ever seen. He was damn sexy, too. “You better call me!” I demanded with a smile. He smiled back at me with...

2 years ago
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Himura BattousaiChapter 11 A Ribbon and Selfishness

The next morning. Kenshin and Sanosuke are walking home. Kenshin: Six badly injured, three less so. The Black Hat affair has begun with some small damage. One cannot face nine casualties with a calm face. Sanosuke: You're expecting too much. Nobody died--that's pretty good. The Black Hat... Udou Jin'eh, huh. Originally a Hitokiri and completely psycho to boot. But we've got the strongest of all on our side (slapping Kenshin on the back) so why worry? Kenshin: Not really. (That hurt.)...

1 year ago
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DDFBusty Angel Wicky Busty Blonde8217s Three on One Fun

Busty legend Angel Wicky treats herself to three of her favorite fucks in this Pornworld Busty exclusive. That’s right, it’s a three on one. But our big titty bombshell is up to the challenge. Join the voluptuous vixen as she’s ridden and rammed by Luca Ferrero, Maximo Garcia, and Angelo Godshack in this unforgettable group sex performance. Our curvy assed blonde glamour model can never have too much anal sex or dp action, and our 4K cameras put you right there in her ass...

2 years ago
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Semper FiChapter 6

Audrey and Katie practically attacked Robert the moment he got back to his pod, while Carly, Julie, Maria, and Jackie each watched in fascination at first. Both pregnant girls simply couldn't keep their hands of the man that all the ladies but Julie were calling "Daddy" now. Then again, all of them but Julie were young enough to be Robert's daughters, so that made sense. Audrey's tongue explored Robert's front, while Katie's pleasured his back. Both ladies knew exactly what Robert...

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Self Destructive

Yes, this is a true story. By the time I was twenty years old a number of things had occured in my life to more or less mess me up in the head and I had a string of years that were rather self-destructive. This is an example of one of my less-than-stellar moments. I had been twenty-one for a couple months and was doing my part to keep the profits up at the Jack Daniels distillery. My favorite drink was the JD Long Island Iced Tea and I had no problem putting them away. I’d spent this...

4 years ago
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And then we were three Chapter 6

And then we were three . . . My wife and I continued developing our love making to make it more interesting. That kept our desire for each other very much alive and wanting very many performances.   Of interest I would say that when I fuck my wife, after my cum and her orgasm, I put on a strap on and fuck her harder and longer duration, bringing her many orgasms and getting from her many vocals expressing her satisfaction and encouraging words to do it “harder and longer”. Expressions of...

Group Sex
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Beach pt2

I awoke the next morning with the visuals of last night’s man-on-man open-air fuck still re-running in my head; the one with the young blond male groupie, Nick, who surprisingly followed me to the beach. I hadn’t been with men that much, but I have to say that, this little dirty tryst under the naked moonlight made me definitely want more. At least with him.Nick was gentle yet masculine, submissive enough yet strong-willed, and his body… well, it was just fucking right. Sleek from youth and...

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Affair with a Telugu Woman

This story is based on real events. ***** Introduction This is a story of a time when I was working in the US and still living alone in a 1BR apartment. I was already engaged but had come to the country alone as an IT consultant. I worked for a medical insurance company and I was assigned to a team that consisted of 8 people. One of them was a Telugu lady (Harisha) who was about a year younger to me. She was married with a 5 month old son. This story is what happened between me and...

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The TRUE Cinderella Story Ch 2 Snows Exile

Cinderella was getting older. She retained her looks and her sexiness, but she was still getting older. She would be turning 31 soon, much older than she would have liked. On one bright morning, she awoke and walked, naked, over to her full length mirror. She checked out her body, admiring her gravity-defying breasts, her curvy body, flat stomach, and shaved cunt. I am still sexy, she decided. I am not happy about getting older, but I am still a sexy little minx. She smiled to herself...

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Trick or Treat

I was out with several friends, just yakking and stopping here and there for candy. A couple of the girls, Stacy and Marie, were dressed as fairies. Brenda was wrapped in gauze and was a mummy. Her mom found a case of expired bandages at the hospital where she worked, and oh, my, what a find! She laughed as she told us the story, her supervisor thinking it would make a great mummy costume for a silly teenaged girl and told her to take it home. It totally did! Two of us were dressed like slutty...

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The School Trip

As she stood on the battlements of the old city, Hannah felt her smile smirk at the edges. She couldn't help it. She could feel his semen trickling out of her, gathering in her purple cotton knickers. She tried to concentrate on the map, working out how to get back to the square from here.“Come on, MIss. It’s freezing. Which way is it to the restaurant?”She turned and faced the group of unruly teenagers in front of her.“Right, come on them. Anthony, you lead the way. Head down towards the...

Straight Sex
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The prude and my girlfriend

Chapter 3For the first time I was living in this town I went to church that next Sunday. Not many people were visiting the service, but I stayed at the back of the church. I could see Marjory sitting somewhere in the front of the church. The service didn't take that long, maybe 45 minutes. Afterwards they always drink coffee and I attended this coffee meeting. I knew some people and just mingled somewhat, until Marjory came up to me. She wore a nice skirt with low heeled pumps. I Gave her a...

1 year ago
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Can I Speak to the Manager

Literal internet meme mom needs to speak to the manager because her six-week-old computer will not power on. Karen gets all her problems solved. I had only been working in the tech portion of our local big box consumer electronics store for a few weeks. I had started after high school graduation as a temp employee while I was on the delayed entry program for the Army. I was waiting entry, as apparently schools for Explosive Ordinance Disposal had a waiting line. Maybe I was not your typical...

4 years ago
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Repo Auto CenterChapter 7 The Examination

And then it came time for the rubber to hit the road. I would have to face the girl who abandoned me at the car lot for my head shoved into a car’s trunk grubbing for goodies. The more time passed between that moment and morning, arriving at school, the more painful the responsibility got. I was so embarrassed now having been called out as a virgin by what seemed like everybody, even Shorty and Aron racing by the lot in the company jeep yelling, “Hey v-i-r-g-i-n!” Seems Siza would forever...

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My best buddy Burt RIP had an attractive cousin who used to visit a lot. She always acted superior over us sixteen years olds being almost nineteen and dating an attractive hunk. Butt,s dog Lucky loved this girl almost as much as Burt and one afternoon we found out why. Butt and I loved fishing and we knew most big predator fish loved small frogs and in late July and early August local fields had freshly hatched frogs in almost every thick clump,of grass. It did take a dab hand to catch these...

2 years ago
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Kamuk Anjali Ki Chudai Story 8211 Part l

Hi mera naam Anjali hai mai delhi se hun or mere pati jinka naam Ravi Prakash hai ek private compnay mai kaam ker te hai or kabhi kabhi tour pe bhi jate hai hamare koi baccha nahi hai mere pati sex theek se nahi ker pate hai 5 mint se jyada woh tikte nahi hai or nahi theek se unka lund kheda ho pata hai unka ilaj bhi chal raha hai. Yeh meri pehli story hai mei ek shadishuda aurat hun meri age 29th hai mere pati sex theek se nahi karpate jiski wajah se mai sex mai maza nahi lepati mera...

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Dream Holiday Part 1

James had just a couple of days left of being 12, his holiday was to celebrate his birthday as it was luckily placed around the end of summer, he had beautiful mid length sandy blonde hair and blue eyes which looked even better than the sea around the resort we stayed in and he was around 5'5 and had an amazing smile. He went home the same day I did so I would have time to see if he would make my dream complete, for the first few days we just walked around the resort talking about random...

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Laylah and DavidChapter 8

Laylah hugged David's waist tight as they took off on his motorcycle. She was not as apprehensive about where they were going this time; it was daylight, after all. David had not said much about where they were going other than it was a place called the Hermitage. Laylah had heard David talk about this place when they were chatting online. It was a place of ruins and supposedly great epicenter of spiritual activity. The ride was a relatively smooth one. The crisp air was refreshing, the...

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In today’s internet pornography climate, there are all kinds of websites out there made for all kinds of people, from weird BDSM forums to sites dedicated to nothing but Hentai flash games. The demand of serial masturbators all over the world in the past 20 years has prompted the porno industry to come up with some truly bizarre shit in order to satisfy people with all kinds of psychological trauma, sexual frustrations, and general issues. However, there are still plenty of websites such as...

Free Porn Tube Sites
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Athos Ch 04

A BIG Thank You! to my editor for everything you’ve done with this story. ———————————————- Chapter: 04 How Monique made a change to her plans Agnan awoke early next morning, to the sound of the birds singing their morning songs. As he arose from bed and walked to his wardrobe, he noticed the letter on a nearby table. Agnan had almost forgotten about the letter and its mysterious sender, he shrugged his shoulders and continued dressing. An hour later he ordered his horse to be saddled, for he...

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Change Of My Life 8211 Part 6

Hi. This is your Natalia. Came to continue my journey of my life. My hearty thanks to Indian sex stories and my readers who cheered me up to continue….! Kisses to all of them and Indian sex stories admin too! New guys go and read my past parts to gain confidence n grip on my life. Up to the past part me and my sis went to a pub in search of a black guy for us. And I found one guy and ended up dancing with him. K…let’s jump.in to the story.! We both are sitting and I watched my sis. She is...

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My Wifes Admission That She Had Cheated On Me

My wife and I had been married for over twenty years. Our marriage was great until one day she dropped a bombshell on me. My wife is in her upper forties and is very attractive for her age. Her body doesn’t show her age at all as her tits are fantastic and her ass is gorgeous. I would think most men would fuck her in a heartbeat if they had the chance. She is a great mom and works very hard at her job. She mainly works with men and has been hit on several times at work. I think it is great...

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Forgive Me for I Have Sinned a Pregnant Woman Cheats

From: Beth Zanders Sent: Saturday, September 25, 2010 6:11 PM To: [email protected] Subject: Forgive me for I have sinned... Dear Mark my loving husband, First off I must tell you I love you with ever fiber of my being and what I am about to tell you does not change that. I am sorry. So, so sorry. Please read the story and understand that I did not mean for this to happen. But it did and I can not take it back. It started so simply, like everything does I suppose. It was day 3 of you...

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And the prize is

My boyfriend plays on a soccer team that lost a lot of games this season.  The guys have a banquet dinner where prizes are handed out for most improved player, most valuable player, and so on. This season the guys didn't do so well and had a huge losing streak.The banquet is held in the basement of my boyfriend's business.  There is a bar, and couches, and a couple of big screen TVs.  There is food set out, drinks are passed around, and usually everyone has a good time. It would not be usual...

Group Sex
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Master of the Kingdom Seizing Power ArcChapter 7 Colette II

“Thank you both for your hard work tonight, I’m sure His Grace will appreciate it,” Colette told her subordinates with an incline of her head. The two maids remaining, after King Roland had demanded to take one of them with him while he dealt with traitors within the Capital, curtsied back. “We live to serve His Grace the King, mistress,” murmured the brown-skinned, voluptuous foreigner Leana, unfailingly polite as always, despite the fact that she was a few years older than Colette. The...

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Sometimes you find delightful surprises in the most unexpected places.I had taken the day off to paint the guestroom. I got up bright and early, threw on an old, baggy tank top and some shorts and got to work. I grabbed a brand new paintbrush, and as I was fiddling with the packaging, I dropped the paintbrush down my shirt. (I know-I'm a dork.) Here's the thing: as it fell, the bristles sc****d my nipple, and it felt kind of good. Rather good, actually.Intrigued, I picked up the brush again....

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Carmens overnight black

Carole had called me and wanted me and Joe to come for an overnight visit and we readily agreed and soon showed up at Carole's door ready for what we hoped would be a weekend of fun. As we got settled in Carole said she had a surprise for me and would give it to me after dinner. I waited patiently until dinner was over and saw Carole make a short phone call, still wondering what surprise she had in store for me. Pretty soon a knock came at the door and Carole asked me to answer it. When I...

3 years ago
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Drinks To Sex With Super Hot Aunt

Hi guys, hope you all doing fine. This is Abhi, and this time I am coming with an incident happened to me last year. I hope you all will enjoy and like my experience which I am going to share with you all. The incident happened to me with one of my Aunt and her name was Ekta. She was around 33-35 years old, and was married to my uncle who was quite aged than my Aunt. At least there was 15-18 years gap between them. So coming back to the incident I used to live in Bangalore alone as I was...

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My Love Of Waifs

I’ve always had a thing for small skinny women. As such, my wife is only 5’ tall and never saw the high side of 100 pounds. That having been said they can’t look too young though. I want to know that I’m with a woman and not some child.The first woman that I played with that met my true desires was 15 years my senior. Seeing her on her knees before me with my eight inches of cock in her face became permanently etched into my brain. From then on I knew who and what my partners would be.Recently...

1 year ago
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The Best SistersChapter 6

Michelle and Melissa Best were the most beautiful brides Chicago's society could recall. It was as double wedding where all the important people in the city attending. They wore the selfsame satin and lace gowns of pure white. They felt that never being with another man before, the brides believed that left them as still virgins. Both were glowing as Chicago's Mayor Busse on each of his arms marched them down the aisle. In one short year, the Best sisters were now elevated to importance in...

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Choose a BBW story

BBW are Big Beautiful women. They are for all the chubby chasers out there. They are for people who like women with a little meat on there bones. They are women who can be aggressive or nice. Women who like all types of men, be it skinny or tall themselves. This story is second person. The first intro is short because it your story to make. You pick your age and body builds and goes from there

4 years ago
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AngelicaChapter 4 Near Misses

When Angel arrived at Red's Barn is was a lot less crowded than it had been on Saturday night. Mondays were not as busy. At least she could smoke in the bar, which was a welcome relief. The bar was owned by a man everyone called Red. He had been there Saturday night and he was there tonight. "Nice to see you again darlin'," Red smiled as he tipped an imaginary hat to her. "Thanks," Angel smiled at him warmly. Angel was feeling hungry and she ordered some chili cheese fries. Red's...

2 years ago
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Library Check Out

by BrettJ © 2013 For the first time in years, I am going back to revisit some characters from my early work on LIT. Those who are new to my work my want to read the stories ‘Library Loving’ and ‘Reward for a Job Well Done’ to get a full understanding of this story, although I think it stands on its own. As always, thanks for your support. ~~BrettJ Arleigh Madison tried to keep from crying as everyone wished her good luck on her new job and said her good-byes. She had been at the library for...

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Moving On

I wake up once more to stare at the ceiling, alone. The other half of the bed lays empty, and has for few days now. I don't know where Victoria went. It was probably my own fault for letting our fight go to far, but I was so frustrated and laid out all my grievances. I let it all go, it felt great. But I thought she was bluffing when she started packing a bag. I haven't seen her since. And neither has her family, or so they say. So here I am. Alone. Buzzzzz. Buzzzzz. Buzzzzz. My phone vibrates...

4 years ago
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Fresh Dorm Angel Scissored Splits

As Vee and I walked into the showers, the girls that occupied it all stopped what they were doing and stared. Vee and I just looked at each other. We both blushed at the same time. I thought it was because it was the first time they had seen me naked. That’s why I blushed. But Vee knew the real reason. I found out as the flat-chested girl, I almost ran into entering the showers for the first time, took it upon herself to initiate the embarrassment. ‘Well, well, well, if it isn’t the two...

3 years ago
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BJJones the Story of My LifeChapter 85

We had gone to bed early enough so that after the threesome we still had a good nights sleep. I woke up at five refreshed and ready to get things done. Jenny, Patti and I had fruit, cereal with orange juice and wheat toast for breakfast. In between bites I was making notes on a pad of things that needed to happen today. The majority of them depended on the outcome of the call from the realtor. Something was different this morning. I was as enthused as much as the girls were about the...

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Married males curiousity fullfilled

As a basically straight married man who has had a curiousity for man to man action for years, I would look at pictures on the net and read stories of other guys experimenting with other men. I would jerk off to the thoughts of being with another guy in the same room or sitting next to me. Sometimes fingering myself as I would J/O and I loved the sensation that it gave me when I finally came. I began to have all kinds of fantasies about this and what it would be like to have a another guy fuck...

1 year ago
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All I Need Pt 03

Part 3.That Friday, our parents left in the early afternoon for their trip. The night before, I had told Amy that I felt it was overdue for me to take her on a real date. I made reservations for us at an Italian restaurant in the next town over that I'd read good reviews of online. It was an hour's drive each way, but I didn't want to run into anyone that knew us, as I was determined to make the night special for her.I dressed wore a charcoal gray dress shirt and khakis, as I didn't own a lot...

2 years ago
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Her Faux Blown FuseChapter 38 The Most Unexpected

As craggy as David the tree was he could manage a smile and I wanted to laugh at how silly that looked but didn’t dare get that personal with him yet. He stared at me for moments and then said, “There’s something we’re going to do to you since already your cognition regarding the future, memories of the past are coming along so well. Mmmm-hmmmm.” My clothes were still lying on the ground where I’d left them when I went for my neighborhood streak. I questioned my tree friend with my concerned...

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Cousins Farmyard FunChapter 6

"Ohhh, lick me doggy. Oh yes, yes, lick my cunt." It was incredible that she was crooning to the dog now. But Barbara didn't care. Her pride, her reputation were gone now. All that mattered was that lovely animal wedged tightly between her thighs, his tongue touching her clit again and again. Oh, how she thought she'd piss from excitement when he touched the rounded red little clit, pressing it down into the surrounding damp juice- puddled flesh. "Mmmmmmmm..." There could be nothing...

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