A Paladin's TrainingChapter 9: Priestess free porn video

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all characters are over the age of eighteen

***ARAN SUNBLADE – Somewhere in the Karvani mountain range, Western Ekistair***

Aran had just taken his third step into the pitch black tunnel when the rumble of grinding stone signaled behind him. He turned to see the archway closing, taking with it what little daylight penetrated the persistent darkness.

Unable to see whatsoever, he gritted his teeth and moved forward, his booted feet treading carefully and his hands outstretched to feel for obstacles. There was no sound in the tunnel but for his footsteps and breath, both of which he kept steady and even. The tugging sensation in his belly had vanished as he crossed the threshold of the archway, leaving him bereft of its presence for the first time in days.

After a few moments of feeling his way in the dark, he stopped, chuckling to himself. Why was he walking blind when he didn’t need to? He tapped into the vala, instantly heightening his senses. He still couldn’t see with his eyes, but now, at least, he could feel the space around him. He expanded his presence out to about ten feet, giving him a much better read on his surroundings and making him wish he’d thought of this while back outside the mountains; he could have travelled through the night easily!

He was indeed in a tunnel, the smooth stone walls just out of arm’s reach if he stood in the centre, displaying more carvings similar to those outside. The arched ceiling stood a few feet above his head, it too engraved with the strange symbols. Oddly, he felt some sense of recognition as he studied the glyphs, as if he should be able to understand them. The entire place bore a potent air of age; ancient wisdom and memory exuded from the stonework.

The passageway continued in a straight line for maybe a hundred yards, finally opening into a great chamber, the boundaries of which were far outside Aran’s current ten-foot sensory radius. He took a deep breath and expanded his vala upwards and away from him until he could sense the entirety of the massive space. He was standing in the entry to a square chamber, hundreds of feet across and housing a forest of huge stone pillars thicker than a Giant that supported the vaulted stone ceiling.

Several other archways lined the chamber walls. One in particular caught his attention, the gentle flicker of torchlight emanating from its depths. The light was coming from the archway directly across from where Aran stood.

At that moment, the strange resonance he had felt outside flared into life once again, this time from beyond the archway, closer now, and much more powerful. It pulsed in time with his vala, blending with it, and with him. He gasped as it washed through his being, energising him, filling him with life. Just as suddenly, it vanished, retreating back to its origin.

Breathing hard, he let his vala diminish back to the smaller radius, and began to walk through the chamber, passing through the massive pillars on either side. His path took him right through the heart of the space, where an enormous statue stood.

Carved of smooth marble, the twenty-foot high monument depicted a voluptuous nude woman of regal bearing, arms wide as if in welcome to those who beheld her. Aran marveled at the craftsmanship; she was all seemingly one piece, as if carved from a single huge slab of marble by an extremely skilled artisan. Aran doubted even Dwarves could produce work of this quality.

“She is beautiful, no?”

Aran’s head whipped around, seeking the owner of the voice that had broken the silence. His mouth went dry as he regarded the smiling woman before him, his enhanced senses painting a picture clearer than the noonday sky. Dumbly, he realised he had not needed to turn in order to sense the stranger, but rational thought fled as he drank her in.

She was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen. She stood tall, almost as tall as he was, fair-skinned and statuesque with long golden hair framing a perfect heart-shaped face and cascading over slim shoulders. She wore a filmy robe – one very similar to those that Aran and Elaina wore at the Chapel – that was nowhere near opaque, failing to conceal a body that set Aran’s heart racing.

She was the epitome of grace and femininity, with an hourglass figure and large, heavy breasts sitting proudly on her chest, her nipples clearly visible through the poor excuse of a robe. Her slim waist flared into child-bearing hips that in turn led down luscious thighs that seemed to go on forever. Even her sex was clearly visible through the fabric, hairless and smooth.

“Yes, she is,” Aran murmured, having forgotten the statue completely. Suddenly he knew this woman to be the source of the power that had drawn him here. He dimly wondered how he had not sensed her when she entered his radius.

The gorgeous woman laughed, a pure tone that made Aran’s heart sing. “I will receive that as a compliment, Aran.”

“You know who I am?”

She stepped closer, breasts shifting enticingly beneath the filmy robe, until she was less than a foot away. “I know you completely, Aran.” Her voice was softer now, an intimate caress that made his skin tingle. “But you do not yet know yourself.”

Aran frowned, perplexed by the strange remark. “What does that mean? I don’t know myself?”

The woman merely smiled and turned away, moving toward the archway which emitted the firelight. “Come,” she said without looking back. “I have much to teach you, and our time together is not in abundance.”

He followed willingly, unable to keep his eyes from her peach-shaped bottom as it bounced beneath her robe. The sun-haired goddess led him through the archway, the firelight bright enough that he could now see normally.

The archway was the opening to a tunnel identical to the one that had brought Aran in from outside. In this tunnel, however, the carvings were of slightly different shapes and pictures, and torches lined the walls, stationed every twenty feet or so and cradled in elaborate metal sconces. The passage opened into another chamber, much smaller than the first, but still sizeable, perhaps fifty feet across.

The room was well lit with torches and stand-lamps, displaying comfortable-looking living quarters, complete with a large bed, an armchair, and a fireplace so large it occupied almost the entire opposing wall. The walls that were not occupied by furniture or artwork bore bookshelves crammed with dozens upon dozens of volumes. Plush rugs covered much of the stone floor, giving the place a lived-in, homely feel.

His beautiful guide entered the room and turned, regarding him gravely. “This is my home, Aran. Few have visited here, in recent years. What do you seek?”

Aran had not forgotten his purpose for coming here. “I seek the Truth.”

She eyed him for a moment, her lips quirked in the beginnings of a smile. “Perhaps you do, and perhaps you do not. I, for one, know very well what young men seek.” She pulled a string on the shoulder of her robe and the entire garment whispered softly to the floor. A golden nimbus then surrounded her, rapidly expanding and enveloping him.

Aran’s mind lurched as he beheld this creature. His heart was thumping in his chest, his blood racing, his breeches painfully tight with his immediate hardness. Lust and utter reverence for this goddess were sweeping over him like a wave, threatening to carry his mind away and leave him a brainless husk.

No! He would not succumb to this! Gritting his teeth, he dug deep into his vala, drawing on it, relying on it. Gradually, he felt the tempest lessening, the sweeping waves of lust and awe diminishing until there was nothing, just himself and the frighteningly powerful woman who stood naked before him.

“You are as strong as I had hoped,” she said calmly. “This is good.”

Aran was still trying to get his breathing under control. “Who are you? Are you a Paladin?”

She shook her head. “I am called Amina. I am the last remaining High Priestess of Aros.”

High Priestess? But the High Priests and Priestesses were all long dead! Aran knew them only from legends and stories heard from Elaina and Smythe.

Amina must have sensed his confusion. “All will be explained in time, young Paladin. I ask you again, what do you seek?”

“The Truth,” Aran replied, steeling himself for another onslaught, but thankfully none came.

“Very well,” Amina replied, leaving the robe on the floor and walking gracefully to a large glass orb that was balanced on a thin metal stand that Aran had not noticed before. She stood behind the strange ornament, looking at him expectantly. Aran crossed the intervening space to stand opposite Amina, putting the orb between them.

She fixed him with a blue-eyed gaze, placing her hands on either side of the sphere. “There are many truths, Paladin, told by many mouths. Ultimately, most are lies, spoken too freely and heeded too easily. The Truth, however, is often dismissed, as it is the most difficult to hear. Paradoxically, it is also the most valuable to heed. Therein lies the struggle for much of the world.”

She paused for a moment, her crystal blue eyes never leaving his. “Will you receive the Truth, Aran? No matter how dark, how terrible it may be?”

Aran forced himself to meet her gaze levelly. “I will.”

“Then place your hands on the Stone, Aran, and know the Truth.” Amina removed her hands, allowing Aran to replace them with his. Pulse quickening, he looked into the glass sphere. Before, it had been transparent like ordinary glass, offering a clear reflection, but now, a pale smoke began to fill the orb, roiling and writhing, entrancing him, drawing him in...

Aran galloped down the grassy hill on a white horse, wind streaming through his golden hair and the steed’s silver mane alike. The sky roiled overhead, thick black clouds pulsing and rumbling and releasing jagged lightning bolts with far too much regularity to be natural.

To either side of Aran, a long line of Men and Wood Elves and Dwarves on horseback charged with him beneath a banner bearing Sunblade’s blade and sun, held high and proud by the bannermen even as the lightning stabbed down at his army, flinging men and horses alike into the air, often in pieces.

Once, there would have been Orcs, High Elves, Dark Elves and others riding with them, too, but times had changed, and Men, Wood Elves and Dwarves were all that remained of the once grand Seven Kingdoms.

Ahead, at the base of the hill, lay the enemy; hordes of creatures of darkness that had slain and pillaged their way across Ekistair for the last several years.

He was Darius Sunblade, and he was leading the final cavalry charge. He planned to shatter their ranks with a full-forced attack, breaking them into -

What? Where am I? Who am I?

A strange voice interrupted his thoughts, muttering in the back of his mind, but he dismissed it, focusing only on the enemy. Trolls, Giants, Goblins and Gnolls, among many others, all milled in masses at the base of the incline, mixed in with scores of the unholy Risen that Wardens of the Dead had conjured. As if that weren’t enough, scores more of the twisted Druids of Shadowglen waited eagerly, most of them in their massive beast-forms.

This was all that was left of the Morgeth’s army. This battle would be the culmination of years of bloody conflict. The dark army would surely break today, and victory would finally be upon the forces of the light.

He drew Narlir, the slightly curved blade bursting alight with tongues of flame as it neared the creatures of the night. The enemy ranks were close now, individual faces distinguishable among the masses. Here a snarling, hulking Troll with arms as thick as a horse’s legs and leathery, grey skin.

There a hideous Goblin, short and sharp-faced with skin the colour of pond algae. Goblins ran in packs, and you had to watch them carefully; they were crafty, rapacious creatures, and liked targeting the women.

Here a massive, red-eyed bear the size of a horse rearing on its hind legs and roaring like the thunder. The Druids took many forms, all of them larger than a natural creature, and far more dangerous.

Several colossal, twenty-foot tall mountain Noroth stepped out beyond the pikes, hefting clubs the size of trees and squashing underfoot any of their own allies that failed to move in time.

Darius felt no fear; the vala pulsed in him, guiding him, lending him strength. The cavalry line swept down the hill, hooves thundering, meeting the forward-marching Giants head-on.

With a roar, Darius dipped his head close to Strider’s mane, barely avoiding being taken from the saddle by a huge club that had indeed once been a tree, roots still dangling from the bole. He swung Narlir as he ducked, the blade taking the Giant’s hand effortlessly. The huge creature screamed as dark blood sprayed, misting in the air.

Darius tried to ignore the cries of his men as some of them inevitably went down to the fierce Noroth assault. A glance to either side showed him – thankfully – that the majority of his battalion had survived and were pushing through. Good riders, all of them, hand-picked by his best captains. Giants were big and strong, but also clumsy, and experienced riders knew how to navigate them.

The next challenge was the pikes, being held steady in place by a multitude of hulking Trolls, Gnolls and several creatures even Darius did not recognise. He braced himself as Strider charged forward into the forest of spears, as fearless as his rider...

The battle was done. Darius was on his knees, head bowed and more exhausted than he’d ever been. He was bruised and bloodied, but alive, Firesong still flickering in his fist. Sadly, Strider had not survived, the noble white stallion had fallen shortly after the first charge. All around him, Men, Elves, Dwarves and the other forces of the light rejoiced, cheering one word again and again; “Sunblade! Sunblade! Sunblade!”

He wished he could be as cheerful. Raising his head, he surveyed the battlefield. Creatures of the dark littered the bloody ground, contrasting sharply with the intermingled corpses of his own soldiers bearing their pure white tabards. The next part was always hard, perhaps harder even than the fighting itself.

He waited patiently for the cheer to die down, before raising his hoarse voice. “Sweep the battlefield! Gather the wounded! Kill any surviving enemy! No prisoners!”

His army, standing as they were, saluted as one, then began carrying out his orders. Darius walked with them, carefully stepping over the dead, keen eyes scanning for survivors. He could have used his vala to sense life in the area, but he was simply too exhausted. Instead, he trusted Narlir, which would flare into life when in proximity to darkspawn.

Narlir translated roughly to ‘Firesong’ in the common tongue, and she had saved Darius’ life more times than he could count.

A weak cough sounded nearby. He rushed toward the sound as fast as his weary legs could carry him, almost stumbling over the corpse of a Troll, its belly impaled by a spear. The cough had come from a jumble of bodies made up of a wolf-Druid, a dog-faced Gnoll, and several of his own soldiers.

Grimacing, Darius knelt and began dragging corpses away, searching for the survivor. After a moment, a woman’s face appeared, bloody and battered. She was barely breathing, pinned down by the bear-sized wolf, coughing up blood. He called over a nearby soldier – Remen, Darius thought his name was – to help, and they dragged the body of the heavy wolf aside, uncovering the woman. She bore the Sun & Blade tabard, the white fabric almost entirely stained with blood.

“Gods, Commander, she’s lucky you heard her,” Remen said with wonder, looking down at the poor soldier.

As Darius knelt to check her injuries, Narlir flared, flames roaring along the blade. A split second later, a spearhead thrust through Remen’s gut, skewering him from behind. Remen dropped to the ground, eyes wide with shock, mouth bubbling blood. Behind him, a Troll rose to its feet, a visible hole in its belly where the spear had been embedded.

Darius cursed himself for a fool for not checking the Troll’s body. He had been rushing toward this woman, ignoring all else, and now Remen was dead.

With a roar, he leapt forward over the corpse of the wolf, ignoring his exhaustion, Narlir spinning in his hands. First, he took the beast’s leg, toppling it over before he took the heavily muscled arm that reached for him as the creature fell. Finally, he took its head as he should have done when he first saw it lying on the ground. Before it had killed Remen.

Wasting no time, he sheathed his blade and gently picked up the fallen soldier. She awoke, staring up at him with the clearest emerald eyes he had ever beheld. She uttered one word before going limp in his arms.


Miraculously, the soldier had survived. Her wounds were closing quickly, and she looked to make a full recovery. Darius had spent much time at her bedside, back in the forward camp while she healed, finding himself drawn to her, unable to forget those eyes that had stared at him so adoringly on the battlefield.

The healers had been keeping her asleep for the most part, as they said it helped the body to heal faster. She had opened her eyes once or twice, briefly, before drifting off again. Darius still had not learned her name, and oddly, none of his captains could place her, either. Not for the first time, he wished his vala extended to being able to heal others.

He placed a hand on her forehead to feel for fever despite the fact he had seen the healers do this several times over the past days. He carefully kept his vala suppressed so as not to accidentally meld with her. It was frowned upon for a Paladin to meld with a person without permission, and Darius had never melded a woman who had not specifically asked for it.

The moment his callused palm touched her smooth forehead, his vala lurched inside him, unbidden and spasming wildly. He felt it reach out of its own accord towards the sleeping woman. Shockingly, he felt an answering resonance from inside her, but it was the opposite of his own. It was pure darkness, an infinite, abyssal maw that eagerly drank up his light, sucking it from him.

Unable to move, Darius could only sit and watch in shock as his vala gradually began filling up the dark void this strange soldier possessed. The two forces struggled, each vying for domination, until finally, they melded, intertwining, veins of darkness and light entangled in an intricate, complex web.

She opened her eyes, clearest green gazing into his sky blue. Her name was Morgeth, and she was a demon. A very powerful demon he had somehow just melded with.

A demon he now knew down to her very core, as she surely knew him. Looking into her eyes, he saw surprise, as well as felt it through the melda.

So, she had not expected this was possible, either.

The melda also carried another sensation. Deep, primal, undeniable desire.

For long moments, they stared at each other, reading one another’s souls and knowing every intimate detail of each other’s lives. One truth stood clear; whatever happened from here, they were in it together.

With a gasp, Aran was back in Amina’s room, hands clutching the orb, the swirling grey mist roiling fitfully inside. “Who was that? Darius Sunblade? I was him!” Hearing no answer, he frantically looked around, finding the room empty. Somehow, he had experienced this Darius’s memories, as if they were his own. He’d felt the heat of battle, cried out at every wound taken, wept for the dead who fell at his side. More unsettling was the feel of the melda he had created with Morgeth, and the wrenching desire he felt for her, and her for him.

He tried to release the sphere, but found himself unable to remove his hands. Panicking, he pulled harder, but his hands held fast. The smoke in the orb spun faster, whirling into a maelstrom, inexorably drawing him back in...

Under cover of night, Darius and Morgeth fled the camp, stealing horses in the process. Somehow, the melda had accelerated Morgeth’s healing far beyond the normal pace, quickly rendering her fit to ride. Similarly, Darius’s wounds had also completely vanished, obviously some mysterious benefit of the melda.

Morgeth laughed as they raced through the night, her dark hair streaming behind her as they sped across the moonlit plains, a rapturous smile on her fair face. Gods, she was beautiful.

This is wrong! I’m bonded to a demon! How is this possible!

Again, Darius heard the strange voice in his mind, and again he dismissed it, concentrating on what was important; getting Morgeth to safety. If the Paladins had the slightest inkling of what had been recuperating in their camp ... Well, he chose not to dwell on that, nor what would become of him if the Order ever discovered what he had done.

A flash of rage echoed from Morgeth, who had sensed his thoughts. Rage not directed toward Darius, but at anyone who tried to harm him. Knowing what she was capable of, Darius pitied anyone who tried.

Morgeth was an ancient demon, centuries old, and she possessed – among other abilities – the power to overcome any male of any race with pure, unbridled lust. Her power grew whenever a man gave her his seed, and she had had countless men over the centuries. Thousands, if not more. She was presently assuming a human form, for obvious reasons.

Before Darius could wonder how she avoided detection from the other Paladins, the answer came to him from Morgeth; on the battlefield, her presence had been masked by the sheer number of darkspawn around, and back in the camp, no Paladins had had any reason to be on alert, what with the war won.

Why Narlir had remained quiet in Morgeth’s presence, however, remained a mystery. A Paladin’s weapon was a part of its maker, something indescribable, an essence infused upon its creation. Narlir had always burst into flame when darkspawn approached. She was a reflection of Darius’s undying commitment to their destruction. And yet, somehow, here they were.

This dark train of thought ate at his mind until an unspoken message entered his awareness from Morgeth. “You are the Sunblade. The Lord Commander of the Hammer of the Light. What you decide, happens.” He looked over to see Morgeth watching him, a sultry smile on her face. With fresh resolve, they raced on through the night.

An hour or so later, they reigned in their horses in unison, unable to deny themselves any longer. Without a word, they dismounted and began to strip, leaving their clothes heaped in piles on the grass. It was a beautiful night, and the moon was full, providing ample light for Darius to admire Morgeth in all her nude glory. Pale of skin and dark of hair, she was a vision, five feet tall, with an hourglass figure, full, round breasts with hips and thighs to match.

Darius knew, however, that this was not her true form.

With a seductive sigh, Morgeth raised her arms above her head, stretching as if flexing muscles she hadn’t used for a long time. Her body began to change, growing taller, until she was six feet or more, equal to Darius. She began to fill out, her breasts growing larger, fuller, until they were proud orbs he could never hope to get a hand around.

The rest of her followed suit, her hips and thighs thickening, while at the same time not growing fat, simply more ... womanly. Her skin darkened, taking on a red hue. Her face became even more alluring, her eyelashes longer, her lips thicker, her eye teeth pointed.

A tail erupted from the base of her spine, curling around in front of her and snaking between her legs briefly before wrapping snugly around her slim waist. Black wings also appeared from behind her back, stretching languidly in the moonlight before folding, the angular tips visible over her shoulders.

Darius took her in, his cock standing straight out before him. Never in his life had he felt desire this powerful. He felt an equal desire from Morgeth as they rushed to each other, their bodies slamming together, their lips mashing in wanton lust. Her spectacular breasts billowed against his strong chest as their tongues dueled, each trying to devour the other. Veins of darkness and light pulsed both against and with one another in the intricate spider web of their bond, driving them to heights unimagined by either human or demon.

A surprising revelation cut through the haze of Darius’ lust; for the first time in her long life, Morgeth wanted a man to take control. He bore her to the ground, laying her on her back, her generous thighs open, inviting him. Her slick, hairless sex glistened in the moonlight, drawing his turgid member toward it. Unable to prevent it even had he wanted to, his hips thrust forward, burying him to the hilt inside the most delicious pussy he had ever experienced.

Morgeth’s scream of pleasure echoed across the plain as his balls came to rest on her ample bottom. He took a moment to savour the feeling of her warm, slick tunnel enveloping his cock, squeezing him tantalisingly, tempting him to empty himself inside her.

Not yet, though, not until he was done fucking her. He began to piston his hips savagely, driving into her with all the force his warrior’s body could muster. She met his every thrust with her own bucking pelvis, her long legs wrapped around his waist, her fangs buried in his shoulder.

He roared at the pleasure more than the pain, pumping harder, trying to drive her into the ground. Before long, his balls boiled, churning with unforetold urgency. With a mighty bellow, he thrust one last time, the deepest yet, his cock erupting inside her, the seed of the Sunblade entering the waiting womb of the demoness Morgeth.

Aran’s eyes focused, fixated on the orb, the sensation of the demoness beneath him while he fucked her still burned into his mind. His body was wracked with lust, with the feeling of total abandonment that Darius had felt. His breeches were painfully tight, his member straining against the fabric as if trying to tear its way free. Dark desire coursed through him, flooding his vision, tempting him, beckoning him to become the mindless animal Darius had become.

Time flashed forward. Images raced through his vision, of Darius, and Morgeth, all blending together in a moving mosaic, but somehow, Aran understood.

Morgeth, her belly round, pregnant with Darius’ child. No, children! Aran watched through Darius’ eyes as the succubus gave birth to twins, a boy and a girl.

Time flashed forward again. Darius, captured and kneeling before the Order of Aros, receiving judgment. Morgeth, hundreds of miles away, screaming in agony as the Gift of Aros was torn from Darius, destroying their melda and leaving her weak, helpless.

Flash. The Paladins of Aros confronting Morgeth, destroying her utterly, but not before she had carefully hidden her children away, out of reach of the Order.

Flash. A slow darkness overtaking the Order of Aros. Paladins beginning to turn on each other, eventually leading to an internal war, destroying the Order from the inside out, grand temples razed to the ground, thousands of arohim killed by their own brothers and sisters.

Flash. The world moving forward without the Order. The Temples left still standing slowly falling into decay, Paladins all but wiped out, the survivors retreating into hiding, living out their remaining years keeping their vala a secret.

No! I need to fight! Aran’s inner voice screamed at him, at the darkness, as he struggled to maintain control. He searched frantically within himself for something, anything, to hold on to.

There! The tiniest pinpoint of light shone through the blackness.

He reached out to it, grasping it, drawing on it, letting it fill his being. The darkness in turn began to recede, retreating from the warmth and light of the vala. Aran’s vision returned, and the orb between his palms was now clear glass again. A sigh of relief escaped his lips as this time, his hands came free of the sphere. Exhausted, he turned to see Amina standing there, still unclothed.

“What did I just see?” He asked the Priestess. “Did that really happen? Was it real?”

“What you saw was the past,” she replied seriously. “A past that you are tied to.”

“To me? How?” In his heart, Aran knew the answer that was coming. His stomach was ice.

“You saw your ancestor, Darius the Sunblade. You saw him conquer under the light, and you saw him fall into darkness.”

Aran didn’t realise he was dropping until his knees hit the ground, followed by his hands. He stared hollowly at the rug on the floor, his fingers curling into fists, his breathing ragged. “He abandoned his people for a demon, abandoned himself for a demon!”

“Remember, Aran, the Truth is always the most difficult to hear.”

“Why, though? Why would Aros allow the melda to be forged with a demon?” It didn’t make sense.

Compassion laced Amina’s honeyed voice. “The will of Aros is not for ones such as us to comprehend, Aran. Gods do what gods will. It is our calling to remain faithful, and serve.”

“The children,” he muttered, getting his breath under control. “The children survived.”

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I was watching from the sitting room window when they arrived shortly after two o’clock that Saturday afternoon. I had put our car away and closed the garage door so they had room to park on our drive. They came in a Volkswagen Polo, about seven years old. He held the door politely while she climbed out. Laura, watching beside me, said, “They look nice enough. Ordinary people.” “That’s what they said on the phone. I’ll go to the door - we ought to offer them something to drink.” They introduced...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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Chronos Chronicles 2 Without a MapChapter 24 For Annie For a Hero

Gunga Din leads us off to a quiet empty spot. It is by process of elimination that I decide to start with Gunga Din. He seems to agree and we start the slow process of stripping down. With him it takes longer. He has more weapons hidden over his person. My kind of man. I am rather impressed. I am down to the boots Gwen gave me. Gunga Din is down to his small cloth. I look him over. Nice. There is a small squeak behind us and I look over at Seth. He is swallowing compulsively and licking his...

3 years ago
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Living Next Door to Heaven 284 Midnight Special

Monday after Thanksgiving, we were right back in the swing of things. Call was at eight in the morning and the audience was seated by nine. I watched Elaine move into her routine and the audience get into it. There were close to forty people in the audience and they were in the holiday spirit. ELAINE: We're back after the national day of mourning on Friday. That's right. Black Friday. I think it is fitting that we commemorate the day the stock market crashed on Friday, September 24, 1869,...

3 years ago
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My first time Bi

Have you ever had an affair you never intended to have? Ever had a love affair that got off to a bad start, and then proceededto get worse? Ever turned your best buddy into a love slave for you and his sister? Ever wonder how such a dumb thing could possible happen? I've been wondering for years how this story could have happened. Itwas really exciting at the time, but it was also really stupid. If you'restill reading, I have to warn you this story gets into straight, bisexual,and gay sex...

4 years ago
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Jack and JillChapter 13

I got this picture in my head of me falling through the front doorway, pulling Jill after me, as I went to turn the handle and Mom pulled the front door open. Jill must have sensed something because she pulled back on my hand when the door opened. "Jill." "Hi, Mrs. Hill." Mom held her arms out and Jill fell into them. She hesitated a split second, then wrapped her arms around Mom's waist and was scrunching her cheek into her bosom. Mom raised one her her hands and stroked Jill's...

3 years ago
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Jackin Jill Ch 05

Denise glanced down at Rodney’s hand, and then lifted her eyebrows.Snapping out of the momentary trance, he reached out and added his other hand to the first, tugging upward on her top. She raised her arms when the material reached the bottom of her lacy pink bra.As her top slid over her head, Denise took over and absently tossed it off to the side. The bra was sheer, leaving little of her small, perky breasts to the imagination, while still making him hungry for more. A crooked, sexy smile...

2 years ago
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Bharathi Brutally Fucked By Her FatherInLaw 8211 Part 1

Hi, This is Rajesh again with my new sex story, working in an MNC and now settled in Bangalore. I am having a great sex life and enjoying my sex life to the fullest with my 8-inch cock and satisfying many Ladies and Aunties. Any unsatisfied girls, aunties, and widows can contact me at and for complete satisfaction and the secrecy will be maintained. I met my old college flame Bharathi recently in Chennai who had married our classmate, a Brahmin boy Rahul from our class. She had opposed her...

3 years ago
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Saving AmandaChapter 2

I’ve done all I can for her with my limited medical supplies. My radio tower and satellite dish were both knocked out by the storm and there’s no way to send for a rescue helicopter. At least her vitals are normal, her breathing is steady, and she’s resting well. When I first discovered her, I thought she was dead. I shot that bear five times before it stopped trying to get back on its feet. I had to roll him off her to check for a pulse. She was nearly naked, and bloody as hell as I lifted...

3 years ago
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Me my friend and his younger brother and sister part 1

Well it started when i was at jacobs house 1 day. However jacob wasnt home at that point at time but his kid sister and brother were. Holly his very cute 13 year old sister, was great looking, she was 5'4ft,small budding tits and a cute preteen ass and brown hair. his brother jack was 11 and small for his age, he was very skinny with blonde hair. Anyway i walked into the house and walked into their living room were their computer was kept and i saw a porn website on the screen, with lots of...

1 year ago
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The Crusader Chapter 4 Blood Feud

The further adventures of Rollie Chambers. Constructive comments, emails and critiques are welcome and requested. Thank you for taking the time to read and comment on my story. Rollie Chambers was speeding. Weaving through traffic he jumped a yellow light and roared through another intersection. Damn rush hour, he thought. City's getting too crowded. Rollie cut in front of a car on his right, getting a one finger salute and a long horn blast for the maneuver. Turning into the lane leading...

3 years ago
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My first time was with my best friend

My best friend Sasha had called and invited me out for the evening since my husband was out of town. I agreed, as I was getting a small dose of cabin fever and wanted a bit of fresh summer sultry night air. ‘Let’s go check out this new chick club that just opened’ she requested as we talked over the phone. ‘It sounds like a cool place where females can go to drink and dance without the typical guy bullshit of trying to get into your pants’ she added quickly.  ‘Cool’ I responded as I wanted a...

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Smell Of Paradise

Hi indiahn sex stories dot net guys, this is Samwell. If you like my story can mail me Or send feedbacks. Any girl in me can also mail. The incident happened a year ago when I was doing my MBA. I had a girlfriend named Veronica. Describing her, she was sexy brown in complexion with dark black hairs. She was short around 5’5. Though short her assets were admirable with big booty and boobs. She wasn’t plump she was lean with an excellent figure. But all these apart the thing I loved about her...

3 years ago
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Allison and Emanuel Naked In SchoolFriday Morning Part 2

Friday Morning: Part 2 “Sounds good sir.” So, what do you think Benerdon’s plan was this time? To sow a bit of discord into the school. I don’t know about that. It seems to me like she wants to distract Mr. Litski from looking into her dirty laundry. A bunch of angry teachers sounds like the best way to accomplish that. Particularly if she’s not around. Then the only one they can go to is him. And if he makes a decision that she doesn’t back up... Then that further ties him up when...

3 years ago
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GFs Former Lover Called Her

I had been courting this cute co-ed the last couple years. After graduation we started dating and I was in her room one day. One of Julie’s old schedule books had a day circled on it with an ‘all right John!’ entry for that day. I asked Julie about it and she told me about an affair she’d had with this guy John the previous year giving lots of erotic details. I was so turned on that we fucked ourselves like crazy right then and there! When she said things like ‘I told him I wanted to suck his...

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Jeff and his mom

It was an early summer evening. I had been out with some friendsfor a late dinner when suddenly one of them became ill. So ourplans fell through and I returned home earlier than expected.As I entered the front door, I noticed that the TV in the den wason. The den is accessible from the hall via an open door and fromthe kitchen via a swinging door. A shuttered "window" also lookedin on it from the kitchen. It was originally supposed to be adining room, but with k**s formal dining rooms are...

2 years ago
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Susan and Jason Naked In SchoolChapter 19 Sunday

JASON Morning time. Again. Mornings haven’t been good to me lately and today was the worst. My bed felt nice and warm and my pillow extra comfy. It was a good consolation however my body was sore. I didn’t want to get out bed but the sun was coming in through the window and woke me up. I could feel Gracie’s presence here in my room. I could feel the warmth of her massive, to me, body. I was still laying down with my eyes closed. “Are we late for the play, Gracie?” I mumbled. “That was...

1 year ago
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BJJones the Story of My LifeChapter 371

As soon as the girls and Cindy were seated, I handed out the report so everyone would be up to speed when Frank arrived and a serious conversation could be had. As they were reading I watched facial expressions and eye contact, there were no changes I could detect. I guessed I would have to wait until Frank got here and we started talking. “Sorry I am late; there was a stalled car on the bridge jamming up everything,” Frank said as he sat down. I started the conversation to bring the girls...

3 years ago
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Student Ho To Aisi Itni Hot Sexy Ki Sb Ko Padhane Ka Mann Kare

Yah un dino ki baat hai jab mai 12th ka exam de chuka tha aur 2 months ki vacations thi. Mera bhai collage jaa chuka tha , matlab mai bechara ghar mai akela. Ab yaha hoti hai apni story ki heroine ki entry. Muje bore hote dhek meri mom ne muje tution padhne ka idea diya. Mere ghar ke paas mai ek ladki raheti thi jo class mai thi . Ab us ladki ke bare mai kya batau , kya figure tha, usko dhekte hi kisi bhi normal ladke ka khada ho jaye. Waise mera kisi ko tution padhne ka bilkul mood nai tha but...

4 years ago
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Saint Seiko

In ancient times, a group of young Futanaris devoted their lives to protecting Athena, the Hermaphrodite Goddess of Wisdom and War. These Futas were capable of fighting without weapons—a swing of their cocks alone was powerful enough to rip the very sky apart and shatter the earth beneath them. These brave heroes became known as Saints, as they could summon up the power of the Cosmos from within themselves. Now, in the present-day, a new generation of Saints is about to come forth. **Toyko,...

2 years ago
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Len and AlbertChapter 1

It was early evening and Len sat in the club quietly enjoying his pint. He’d been a member since shortly after Rose had passed away a couple of years earlier and he found he needed company other than his own. It wasn’t particularly regal but it was warm, the beer was a good price, and the majority of members were of a similar age to his own.‘Penny for ‘em.’ said Albert as he plonked himself down at the same table. ‘Oh, hello Bert,’ said Len, ‘no I was just what-if-ing, you know?’‘Like, what...

2 years ago
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Hot Shower Stories Chapter 1

when we finally got there we needed to change, it was in the changing rooms that i realised i was alone with you, in the dark, with you in barely anything that you insist to call a swim suit. and all i was wearing were some thin lightweight swimmers trunks. well little did i know how right i was when it came to describing your outfit. i came out and saw you standing by the exit in the tightest thong/bikini bottom i ever saw!! it squeezed your lovely, round, pear shaped ass perfectly and the top...

3 years ago
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Caller Unknown Chapter 3

“I’m not sure where she went,” Willow said as she paced around her dark apartment. “Sorry, Mitchell.”Faith’s husband replied, “But you said you thought she was going shopping? The stores would have been closed for a while, wouldn’t they?”She screwed her lips tight, thinking for a second. “She… must have gone out to a movie with a friend after. She said she might do that. Probably why she’s not answering her phone.”“Yeah. Okay,” Mitchell said, still sounding unsure but a bit less anxious."It...

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Caveworms 4

Anticipation can be a difficult thing to deal with. I cant say I was worried about mums reaction when she came down and saw us, but not knowing exactly what was going to happen was making me excited, though somewhat impatient. I could tell Hannah was feeling it too. After we heard the ominous silence after the footsteps, I knew that mum had noticed the smell. Remembering the effect it had on me in the cave, I knew shed be drawn down here, but she sure seemed to be taking her time. After a...

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This is a fictitious story which I have based on true accounts from friends, along with personal experience. This is not a hard sex story; it is the commencement of a romantic tale of first experiences and the feelings experienced by many, many people, when confronted by sexual situations and sensations for the first time. It includes masturbation and the thoughts of a couple who are sexually inexperienced, yet desperate for their first time to arrive. I hope you enjoy. James Horton...

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Maxine Stones New LifeChapter 272 Jaywalker and Dogs Who Chase Cars

Since Rosanda was no professional, I gave her very little respect. Even so I reran some of the surveillance tape from inside the apartment to be sure she had stayed put while waiting. It appeared that she had. So I walked in pretty much unconcerned. "You wanted to talk to me?" I asked. "Yes," she said. "First of all let me say I forgive you," she said with a straight face. "How nice of you and why exactly do you think I need your forgiveness?" I asked. I have a feeling that she was...

4 years ago
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The Seduction of a slut

Portia Stewart closed her lace parasol with a snap and turned to watch the throng of people shove their way into the shade of The Egyptian Theater building. Perspiration pooled at the base of her back, soaking into her chemise as she waited for her husband, Gabriel, to return with the tickets. People shouted, pushing their way in. What they were clamoring about? It would be hotter in the building than in the ninety-degree sun. Despite the heat, the crowd was enticing. It was gathered for a...

1 year ago
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Doggies Dont Wear Clothes

They’d just gotten done with body-pump class and showered and decided to go across the street to the coffee house. Adam ordered a dark roast, black, no cream. Lily and Craig both ordered nutty caramel lattes, which made them laugh as always. They joked again that maybe Craig and Lily, not Adam and Lily, should be the married ones. They made conversation. ‘We finished the basement,’ said Adam. ‘Put in a full bathroom, drywall, wall-to-wall carpet. Place looks great.’ ‘You act like you did it...

3 years ago
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Audreys Last Resort

Illustrated Fetish Stories for ADULTS ONLY!  Not for republication  ILLUSTRATED FEMDOM/fm Toilet stories    http://www.slavex.com/                'Audrey's Last Resort'    TJ Ryder   Audrey, beautiful teacher and toilet slave to Delta House,the dom/sub lesbian sorority she was owned by, was still wondering what her supervisor Mai Ling meant when she said that on days when she was hungry and couldn't find enough toilet clients, she could always line up at the plumbing pipe.  She thought that...

4 years ago
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A Ski Trip to Hell

Did you ever have the feeling you’re making a huge mistake and yet you couldn’t stop it? Those were my exact thoughts as I packed for our Christmas vacation to a remote ski lodge. My wife and I planned this trip with the hopes of reviving our shaky marriage. As the date neared, our relationship kept getting worse with the only good news being we’d stopped arguing because we’d stopped talking to one another. I kept telling myself that the trip was already paid for and I had to go through with...

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Dee is explored in the rainforest1

Dee had been with her husband on this trip and they’d taken the long trip to Brazil to do a little exploration of the rainforest. Dee and her husband John were in their late 30s and this was to be a trip of a lifetime. They’d always talked about visiting the rainforest and now their dream had come true. They’d arrived at their hotel after a long flight and transfer and after some acclimatisation they were ready to make the short trip to the forest from the nearest town on the outskirts of...

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Room 512

You booked a room at a hotel. You gave me instructions on the place and time to arrive. A key was available for me at the front desk. I was filled with anticipation the entire day. I had butterflies in my stomach and only ate a light lunch. As I entered the elevator of the boutique hotel, my hand trembled as I pushed the button for the fifth floor. I exited and walked to room 512. You instructed me to use the key to enter immediately. It was dark. I entered and closed the door quietly. I...

1 year ago
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Aloha Tube Big Tits

One thing that automatically makes any porn video hotter is a chick with huge knockers… don’t you agree? Of course, you do; every real man does. Ah, but there are like millions of porn websites you can visit with sluts who have massive knockers… So, the real question here is, which site would most suit your dirty-ass taste? Have you ever heard about a nice little fap paradise called AlohaTube.com?Aloha Tube is a porn aggregator website, and obviously a free one. Aggregator websites are...

Big Tits Porn Sites
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Bedtime Fun

*This story is about fictional characters (from FF13). Please do not re-post this with out permission. I already posted this story on another site. Shotacon warning*Snow gently ran a finger across Hope's bare shoulder. His skin was as soft and smooth as silk. Snow liked the way the Hope’s skin felt against his own. He especially liked the way his lips felt when they kiss. As the boy slept soundly, Snow brushed his thumb over the teen's pale cheek and rose pink lips. He wished that he could kiss...

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That Boy

Hi, my name is Clara, I'm 20 and I go to college in New York City. I had just started the new year when I noticed a new boy attending some of my classes. He hadn't been there the previous year so I began to wonder who he was since he did look familiar. I asked around with my friends and eventually got the info that his name was Isaac and he just graduated from the military academy in West Point. When I heard his name I almost fainted since I did know him from back in early high school, but he...

Erotic Fiction
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Solo nude days

I was furloughed in April and May 2020, but did some work at home from June onwards, since then I have had ‘zoom’ meetings with others from my office which has included my Boss and we’ve had one on one meetings, often after the other have signed off. I know we have all had those instances where people are still in the pyjamas when talking to their office, After our first zoom meeting Tim asked me to dress for our one on ones in my ‘special outfits’ as he calls them which is basically high...

1 year ago
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The Lamia

Upon the bleak Scottish moors in winter a single wanderer seeks solace from the storm. What he stumbles upon looks to be simple good hearted assistance but there is more to this refuge than meets the eye. *** It is in the bosom of a woman that the ray of the Divine splendor will receive human form. (Vedangas). Empty Moors. --------------------- The Scottish moors are bright with purple heather in the late autumn. Two months later the color is gone and the cold grips the huddled hawthorn and...

2 years ago
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A Good ManChapter 26 Shoulders to Cry on

Clarissa was right. By the time I got to school when it re-opened in the New Year, word of our break-up had spread and I could feel all eyes on me. Clarissa and I had been the school’s golden couple and the younger kids in the school had held up our seemingly perfect relationship as something to aspire to. Not anymore. The first person to actually speak to me rather than just look on with sympathy was Lily. “I was sorry to hear about you and Clarissa. I thought you made a good...

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Don and me Summer Sun

A long time ago in a far away land, I was 18 and in my last year at school, you know, that Summer when it was always sunny and it never rained. The exams were over and you were waiting for the final judgment to decend from the Examination Board ( or is it bored...)My friend Don and I seemed to hang out together all day every day and most nights too. His parents were always out until the early our of the morning and we would spend many lovely hours naked together in his home. Of course we...

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Stupid Part III

Okay, part II wasn't as good as part I. Here's part III and like the other two parts, it's silly stuff, but I hope you like it. You can e-mail me at [email protected] Stupid part III Next morning I was woken up by a banging on my door early in the morning. Deborah walked in with a huge grin on her face. She was wearing tight jeans with heals and a loose shirt. "And how is our little slut this morning? Been dreaming about real men? I hope you're ready for a busy day...

4 years ago
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Brad was at the park one Saturday playing softball with his buddies when he spotted Morgan, a tall, thin blonde sitting on a nearby bench. Brad accidentally lost the ball near where she was sitting and had to go get it. Everyone had packed up their things and left, since it was getting dark. Brad and Morgan had a little privacy, even though they were outdoors. Brad struck up a conversation with her, and they were getting along nicely. Morgan was doing some subtle flirting, giggling, brushing up...

2 years ago
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Suzys College Entrepreneurialism Part 2

(Read the first part first. No, honestly, best to start there...)I didn't see Dave for the next couple of days as it was the weekend. I did my Saturday job at the chemist and it seemed so boring and such a waste of a day for half of what I'd got from the boys for one evening. And, lets face it, I'd enjoyed them lusting over me, seeing them cum and me exercising power over them. And the money! I wondered how much more I could get out of them, and how frequently?So on Monday I spoke to Dave and...

4 years ago
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Her name is Sabrina, she is black, stands five feet nine inches tall. Forty Five years of age. Her complexion is just a shade darker the caramel. Her legs are very shapely and she loves wearing dresses and heels. Me, my name is Kevin. I am a sexy ghost. I give women exactly what they really want, anytime, anyplace. Sabrina enters the nail shop and sits down at the table to get a manicure and pedicure. I whisper in Sabina's ear I am so glad you wore a dress. Yes Sabrina knows who I am and what I...

2 years ago
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Resonance II

As I said in my first posting, I teased myself into making a Harley Quinn costume and wearing it on the way home from a college homecoming trip on the Saurday before Halloween. Once I got over the fear of being caught, it was a happy delight. The experience had me bouncing all day Sunday, and I wrote it up and submitted it. As I headed to the office the following Monday (Halloween itself), I recalled Halloweens past when I would leave work early, get dressed, and parade a little...

4 years ago
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A Pearl in the Snow Ch 03

The Misaki situation, on the other hand, never seemed to reach a proper conclusion. Polls in the tabloid press were still nearly dead even for which woman I should marry, and I was seen (much as our raccoon-badger mascot) as the male personification of romance and sex appeal. Misaki and I continued to go on frequent dates together, but still I withheld myself from her bed while she claimed publicly I was in fact a frequent visitor to it. Soon she was even being seen in Niigata with me, right...

3 years ago
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Dominatrix Justine

Good morning, this is your 9 o'clock morning call. I sit at a desk in front of a large mess of papers. I dial. Typical, I wonder what the change is this time? At last I connect on the phone, -the appointment is 10.45am, not what I thought I had agreed - indeed I would take money on it that 9.45am was what we had discussed. No doubt, once again, my fears, my timidity at the effrontery of even making a call had contributed to my own lack of concentration on such an elementary matter. Oh...

2 years ago
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Yankee Swap Chapter 1

Yankee Swap, Chapter 1 "Number nineteen - who has number 19?" Ken slowly moved across the crowded room to the Christmas tree and picked up a flat rectangular box. He ripped open the wrapping and displayed the stainless steel onion basket for all to see. This was his 'gift' from the Yankee Swap. Now the choice was to keep it or swap it. For those unfamiliar with a Yankee Swap, it is an old New England tradition. An item that was received as a Christmas gift, that...

1 year ago
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Alisonrsquos Day at the Beach

It was a quiet time at the beach. The period between spring break and the summer crowds. There were a few surfers in the water and some families farther down the shore. You could tell when the shuttle boat arrived as the crowd, if you would call it that would migrate and change.Alison sat on the white sandy beach and looked out over the emerald clear waters of the Gulf. White puffy clouds were lazily drifting across the blue sky as a warm and humid breeze churned up the waves. The six foot...

2 years ago
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Nancys Golden Desires

Nancy Conners was basking in the warm afterglow of a wonderful fuck. Her fingers trailed down her tight stomach, over her bare pussy mound to run gently over her still engorged clit. She could feel Jim’s cum beginning to leak from her well-fucked pussy and Jim’s eyes as they drank in the beauty of her dancer’s body. Jim loved Nancy’s small tight frame, her pale skin, entrancing green eyes, fiery red hair. Her small hard tits had the most responsive of nipples and Jim loved to see the...

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The Sheriff

I am Steve a Deputy with my local Sheriffs Department. I am 29 years old 5’9” and weigh 165 lbs. My wife Sarah also works at the Sheriffs department she is 27 and a has 36DD breast. Sarah is a office worker. We have both been good employees and have not been in any trouble since we started working there. Although a scandal has ran through our small department with a couple people being indicted. On one Friday I received a phone call to go to the Sheriffs Department after my shift ended at 7 pm....

She Males
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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 82

Your laugh of the day! Judy Wallman Trump, a professional genealogy researcher in southern California, was doing some personal work on her own family tree. She discovered that President Donald Trump’s great, great uncle, Remus Trump, was hanged for horse stealing and train robbery in Montana in 1889. Both Judy and President Trump share this common ancestor. The only known photograph of Remus shows him standing on the gallows in Montana territory. On the back of the picture Judy obtained...

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