The Priestess
- 3 years ago
- 23
- 0
all characters are over the age of eighteen
***ARAN SUNBLADE – Somewhere in the Karvani mountain range, Western Ekistair***
Aran had just taken his third step into the pitch black tunnel when the rumble of grinding stone signaled behind him. He turned to see the archway closing, taking with it what little daylight penetrated the persistent darkness.
Unable to see whatsoever, he gritted his teeth and moved forward, his booted feet treading carefully and his hands outstretched to feel for obstacles. There was no sound in the tunnel but for his footsteps and breath, both of which he kept steady and even. The tugging sensation in his belly had vanished as he crossed the threshold of the archway, leaving him bereft of its presence for the first time in days.
After a few moments of feeling his way in the dark, he stopped, chuckling to himself. Why was he walking blind when he didn’t need to? He tapped into the vala, instantly heightening his senses. He still couldn’t see with his eyes, but now, at least, he could feel the space around him. He expanded his presence out to about ten feet, giving him a much better read on his surroundings and making him wish he’d thought of this while back outside the mountains; he could have travelled through the night easily!
He was indeed in a tunnel, the smooth stone walls just out of arm’s reach if he stood in the centre, displaying more carvings similar to those outside. The arched ceiling stood a few feet above his head, it too engraved with the strange symbols. Oddly, he felt some sense of recognition as he studied the glyphs, as if he should be able to understand them. The entire place bore a potent air of age; ancient wisdom and memory exuded from the stonework.
The passageway continued in a straight line for maybe a hundred yards, finally opening into a great chamber, the boundaries of which were far outside Aran’s current ten-foot sensory radius. He took a deep breath and expanded his vala upwards and away from him until he could sense the entirety of the massive space. He was standing in the entry to a square chamber, hundreds of feet across and housing a forest of huge stone pillars thicker than a Giant that supported the vaulted stone ceiling.
Several other archways lined the chamber walls. One in particular caught his attention, the gentle flicker of torchlight emanating from its depths. The light was coming from the archway directly across from where Aran stood.
At that moment, the strange resonance he had felt outside flared into life once again, this time from beyond the archway, closer now, and much more powerful. It pulsed in time with his vala, blending with it, and with him. He gasped as it washed through his being, energising him, filling him with life. Just as suddenly, it vanished, retreating back to its origin.
Breathing hard, he let his vala diminish back to the smaller radius, and began to walk through the chamber, passing through the massive pillars on either side. His path took him right through the heart of the space, where an enormous statue stood.
Carved of smooth marble, the twenty-foot high monument depicted a voluptuous nude woman of regal bearing, arms wide as if in welcome to those who beheld her. Aran marveled at the craftsmanship; she was all seemingly one piece, as if carved from a single huge slab of marble by an extremely skilled artisan. Aran doubted even Dwarves could produce work of this quality.
“She is beautiful, no?”
Aran’s head whipped around, seeking the owner of the voice that had broken the silence. His mouth went dry as he regarded the smiling woman before him, his enhanced senses painting a picture clearer than the noonday sky. Dumbly, he realised he had not needed to turn in order to sense the stranger, but rational thought fled as he drank her in.
She was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen. She stood tall, almost as tall as he was, fair-skinned and statuesque with long golden hair framing a perfect heart-shaped face and cascading over slim shoulders. She wore a filmy robe – one very similar to those that Aran and Elaina wore at the Chapel – that was nowhere near opaque, failing to conceal a body that set Aran’s heart racing.
She was the epitome of grace and femininity, with an hourglass figure and large, heavy breasts sitting proudly on her chest, her nipples clearly visible through the poor excuse of a robe. Her slim waist flared into child-bearing hips that in turn led down luscious thighs that seemed to go on forever. Even her sex was clearly visible through the fabric, hairless and smooth.
“Yes, she is,” Aran murmured, having forgotten the statue completely. Suddenly he knew this woman to be the source of the power that had drawn him here. He dimly wondered how he had not sensed her when she entered his radius.
The gorgeous woman laughed, a pure tone that made Aran’s heart sing. “I will receive that as a compliment, Aran.”
“You know who I am?”
She stepped closer, breasts shifting enticingly beneath the filmy robe, until she was less than a foot away. “I know you completely, Aran.” Her voice was softer now, an intimate caress that made his skin tingle. “But you do not yet know yourself.”
Aran frowned, perplexed by the strange remark. “What does that mean? I don’t know myself?”
The woman merely smiled and turned away, moving toward the archway which emitted the firelight. “Come,” she said without looking back. “I have much to teach you, and our time together is not in abundance.”
He followed willingly, unable to keep his eyes from her peach-shaped bottom as it bounced beneath her robe. The sun-haired goddess led him through the archway, the firelight bright enough that he could now see normally.
The archway was the opening to a tunnel identical to the one that had brought Aran in from outside. In this tunnel, however, the carvings were of slightly different shapes and pictures, and torches lined the walls, stationed every twenty feet or so and cradled in elaborate metal sconces. The passage opened into another chamber, much smaller than the first, but still sizeable, perhaps fifty feet across.
The room was well lit with torches and stand-lamps, displaying comfortable-looking living quarters, complete with a large bed, an armchair, and a fireplace so large it occupied almost the entire opposing wall. The walls that were not occupied by furniture or artwork bore bookshelves crammed with dozens upon dozens of volumes. Plush rugs covered much of the stone floor, giving the place a lived-in, homely feel.
His beautiful guide entered the room and turned, regarding him gravely. “This is my home, Aran. Few have visited here, in recent years. What do you seek?”
Aran had not forgotten his purpose for coming here. “I seek the Truth.”
She eyed him for a moment, her lips quirked in the beginnings of a smile. “Perhaps you do, and perhaps you do not. I, for one, know very well what young men seek.” She pulled a string on the shoulder of her robe and the entire garment whispered softly to the floor. A golden nimbus then surrounded her, rapidly expanding and enveloping him.
Aran’s mind lurched as he beheld this creature. His heart was thumping in his chest, his blood racing, his breeches painfully tight with his immediate hardness. Lust and utter reverence for this goddess were sweeping over him like a wave, threatening to carry his mind away and leave him a brainless husk.
No! He would not succumb to this! Gritting his teeth, he dug deep into his vala, drawing on it, relying on it. Gradually, he felt the tempest lessening, the sweeping waves of lust and awe diminishing until there was nothing, just himself and the frighteningly powerful woman who stood naked before him.
“You are as strong as I had hoped,” she said calmly. “This is good.”
Aran was still trying to get his breathing under control. “Who are you? Are you a Paladin?”
She shook her head. “I am called Amina. I am the last remaining High Priestess of Aros.”
High Priestess? But the High Priests and Priestesses were all long dead! Aran knew them only from legends and stories heard from Elaina and Smythe.
Amina must have sensed his confusion. “All will be explained in time, young Paladin. I ask you again, what do you seek?”
“The Truth,” Aran replied, steeling himself for another onslaught, but thankfully none came.
“Very well,” Amina replied, leaving the robe on the floor and walking gracefully to a large glass orb that was balanced on a thin metal stand that Aran had not noticed before. She stood behind the strange ornament, looking at him expectantly. Aran crossed the intervening space to stand opposite Amina, putting the orb between them.
She fixed him with a blue-eyed gaze, placing her hands on either side of the sphere. “There are many truths, Paladin, told by many mouths. Ultimately, most are lies, spoken too freely and heeded too easily. The Truth, however, is often dismissed, as it is the most difficult to hear. Paradoxically, it is also the most valuable to heed. Therein lies the struggle for much of the world.”
She paused for a moment, her crystal blue eyes never leaving his. “Will you receive the Truth, Aran? No matter how dark, how terrible it may be?”
Aran forced himself to meet her gaze levelly. “I will.”
“Then place your hands on the Stone, Aran, and know the Truth.” Amina removed her hands, allowing Aran to replace them with his. Pulse quickening, he looked into the glass sphere. Before, it had been transparent like ordinary glass, offering a clear reflection, but now, a pale smoke began to fill the orb, roiling and writhing, entrancing him, drawing him in...
Aran galloped down the grassy hill on a white horse, wind streaming through his golden hair and the steed’s silver mane alike. The sky roiled overhead, thick black clouds pulsing and rumbling and releasing jagged lightning bolts with far too much regularity to be natural.
To either side of Aran, a long line of Men and Wood Elves and Dwarves on horseback charged with him beneath a banner bearing Sunblade’s blade and sun, held high and proud by the bannermen even as the lightning stabbed down at his army, flinging men and horses alike into the air, often in pieces.
Once, there would have been Orcs, High Elves, Dark Elves and others riding with them, too, but times had changed, and Men, Wood Elves and Dwarves were all that remained of the once grand Seven Kingdoms.
Ahead, at the base of the hill, lay the enemy; hordes of creatures of darkness that had slain and pillaged their way across Ekistair for the last several years.
He was Darius Sunblade, and he was leading the final cavalry charge. He planned to shatter their ranks with a full-forced attack, breaking them into -
What? Where am I? Who am I?
A strange voice interrupted his thoughts, muttering in the back of his mind, but he dismissed it, focusing only on the enemy. Trolls, Giants, Goblins and Gnolls, among many others, all milled in masses at the base of the incline, mixed in with scores of the unholy Risen that Wardens of the Dead had conjured. As if that weren’t enough, scores more of the twisted Druids of Shadowglen waited eagerly, most of them in their massive beast-forms.
This was all that was left of the Morgeth’s army. This battle would be the culmination of years of bloody conflict. The dark army would surely break today, and victory would finally be upon the forces of the light.
He drew Narlir, the slightly curved blade bursting alight with tongues of flame as it neared the creatures of the night. The enemy ranks were close now, individual faces distinguishable among the masses. Here a snarling, hulking Troll with arms as thick as a horse’s legs and leathery, grey skin.
There a hideous Goblin, short and sharp-faced with skin the colour of pond algae. Goblins ran in packs, and you had to watch them carefully; they were crafty, rapacious creatures, and liked targeting the women.
Here a massive, red-eyed bear the size of a horse rearing on its hind legs and roaring like the thunder. The Druids took many forms, all of them larger than a natural creature, and far more dangerous.
Several colossal, twenty-foot tall mountain Noroth stepped out beyond the pikes, hefting clubs the size of trees and squashing underfoot any of their own allies that failed to move in time.
Darius felt no fear; the vala pulsed in him, guiding him, lending him strength. The cavalry line swept down the hill, hooves thundering, meeting the forward-marching Giants head-on.
With a roar, Darius dipped his head close to Strider’s mane, barely avoiding being taken from the saddle by a huge club that had indeed once been a tree, roots still dangling from the bole. He swung Narlir as he ducked, the blade taking the Giant’s hand effortlessly. The huge creature screamed as dark blood sprayed, misting in the air.
Darius tried to ignore the cries of his men as some of them inevitably went down to the fierce Noroth assault. A glance to either side showed him – thankfully – that the majority of his battalion had survived and were pushing through. Good riders, all of them, hand-picked by his best captains. Giants were big and strong, but also clumsy, and experienced riders knew how to navigate them.
The next challenge was the pikes, being held steady in place by a multitude of hulking Trolls, Gnolls and several creatures even Darius did not recognise. He braced himself as Strider charged forward into the forest of spears, as fearless as his rider...
The battle was done. Darius was on his knees, head bowed and more exhausted than he’d ever been. He was bruised and bloodied, but alive, Firesong still flickering in his fist. Sadly, Strider had not survived, the noble white stallion had fallen shortly after the first charge. All around him, Men, Elves, Dwarves and the other forces of the light rejoiced, cheering one word again and again; “Sunblade! Sunblade! Sunblade!”
He wished he could be as cheerful. Raising his head, he surveyed the battlefield. Creatures of the dark littered the bloody ground, contrasting sharply with the intermingled corpses of his own soldiers bearing their pure white tabards. The next part was always hard, perhaps harder even than the fighting itself.
He waited patiently for the cheer to die down, before raising his hoarse voice. “Sweep the battlefield! Gather the wounded! Kill any surviving enemy! No prisoners!”
His army, standing as they were, saluted as one, then began carrying out his orders. Darius walked with them, carefully stepping over the dead, keen eyes scanning for survivors. He could have used his vala to sense life in the area, but he was simply too exhausted. Instead, he trusted Narlir, which would flare into life when in proximity to darkspawn.
Narlir translated roughly to ‘Firesong’ in the common tongue, and she had saved Darius’ life more times than he could count.
A weak cough sounded nearby. He rushed toward the sound as fast as his weary legs could carry him, almost stumbling over the corpse of a Troll, its belly impaled by a spear. The cough had come from a jumble of bodies made up of a wolf-Druid, a dog-faced Gnoll, and several of his own soldiers.
Grimacing, Darius knelt and began dragging corpses away, searching for the survivor. After a moment, a woman’s face appeared, bloody and battered. She was barely breathing, pinned down by the bear-sized wolf, coughing up blood. He called over a nearby soldier – Remen, Darius thought his name was – to help, and they dragged the body of the heavy wolf aside, uncovering the woman. She bore the Sun & Blade tabard, the white fabric almost entirely stained with blood.
“Gods, Commander, she’s lucky you heard her,” Remen said with wonder, looking down at the poor soldier.
As Darius knelt to check her injuries, Narlir flared, flames roaring along the blade. A split second later, a spearhead thrust through Remen’s gut, skewering him from behind. Remen dropped to the ground, eyes wide with shock, mouth bubbling blood. Behind him, a Troll rose to its feet, a visible hole in its belly where the spear had been embedded.
Darius cursed himself for a fool for not checking the Troll’s body. He had been rushing toward this woman, ignoring all else, and now Remen was dead.
With a roar, he leapt forward over the corpse of the wolf, ignoring his exhaustion, Narlir spinning in his hands. First, he took the beast’s leg, toppling it over before he took the heavily muscled arm that reached for him as the creature fell. Finally, he took its head as he should have done when he first saw it lying on the ground. Before it had killed Remen.
Wasting no time, he sheathed his blade and gently picked up the fallen soldier. She awoke, staring up at him with the clearest emerald eyes he had ever beheld. She uttered one word before going limp in his arms.
Miraculously, the soldier had survived. Her wounds were closing quickly, and she looked to make a full recovery. Darius had spent much time at her bedside, back in the forward camp while she healed, finding himself drawn to her, unable to forget those eyes that had stared at him so adoringly on the battlefield.
The healers had been keeping her asleep for the most part, as they said it helped the body to heal faster. She had opened her eyes once or twice, briefly, before drifting off again. Darius still had not learned her name, and oddly, none of his captains could place her, either. Not for the first time, he wished his vala extended to being able to heal others.
He placed a hand on her forehead to feel for fever despite the fact he had seen the healers do this several times over the past days. He carefully kept his vala suppressed so as not to accidentally meld with her. It was frowned upon for a Paladin to meld with a person without permission, and Darius had never melded a woman who had not specifically asked for it.
The moment his callused palm touched her smooth forehead, his vala lurched inside him, unbidden and spasming wildly. He felt it reach out of its own accord towards the sleeping woman. Shockingly, he felt an answering resonance from inside her, but it was the opposite of his own. It was pure darkness, an infinite, abyssal maw that eagerly drank up his light, sucking it from him.
Unable to move, Darius could only sit and watch in shock as his vala gradually began filling up the dark void this strange soldier possessed. The two forces struggled, each vying for domination, until finally, they melded, intertwining, veins of darkness and light entangled in an intricate, complex web.
She opened her eyes, clearest green gazing into his sky blue. Her name was Morgeth, and she was a demon. A very powerful demon he had somehow just melded with.
A demon he now knew down to her very core, as she surely knew him. Looking into her eyes, he saw surprise, as well as felt it through the melda.
So, she had not expected this was possible, either.
The melda also carried another sensation. Deep, primal, undeniable desire.
For long moments, they stared at each other, reading one another’s souls and knowing every intimate detail of each other’s lives. One truth stood clear; whatever happened from here, they were in it together.
With a gasp, Aran was back in Amina’s room, hands clutching the orb, the swirling grey mist roiling fitfully inside. “Who was that? Darius Sunblade? I was him!” Hearing no answer, he frantically looked around, finding the room empty. Somehow, he had experienced this Darius’s memories, as if they were his own. He’d felt the heat of battle, cried out at every wound taken, wept for the dead who fell at his side. More unsettling was the feel of the melda he had created with Morgeth, and the wrenching desire he felt for her, and her for him.
He tried to release the sphere, but found himself unable to remove his hands. Panicking, he pulled harder, but his hands held fast. The smoke in the orb spun faster, whirling into a maelstrom, inexorably drawing him back in...
Under cover of night, Darius and Morgeth fled the camp, stealing horses in the process. Somehow, the melda had accelerated Morgeth’s healing far beyond the normal pace, quickly rendering her fit to ride. Similarly, Darius’s wounds had also completely vanished, obviously some mysterious benefit of the melda.
Morgeth laughed as they raced through the night, her dark hair streaming behind her as they sped across the moonlit plains, a rapturous smile on her fair face. Gods, she was beautiful.
This is wrong! I’m bonded to a demon! How is this possible!
Again, Darius heard the strange voice in his mind, and again he dismissed it, concentrating on what was important; getting Morgeth to safety. If the Paladins had the slightest inkling of what had been recuperating in their camp ... Well, he chose not to dwell on that, nor what would become of him if the Order ever discovered what he had done.
A flash of rage echoed from Morgeth, who had sensed his thoughts. Rage not directed toward Darius, but at anyone who tried to harm him. Knowing what she was capable of, Darius pitied anyone who tried.
Morgeth was an ancient demon, centuries old, and she possessed – among other abilities – the power to overcome any male of any race with pure, unbridled lust. Her power grew whenever a man gave her his seed, and she had had countless men over the centuries. Thousands, if not more. She was presently assuming a human form, for obvious reasons.
Before Darius could wonder how she avoided detection from the other Paladins, the answer came to him from Morgeth; on the battlefield, her presence had been masked by the sheer number of darkspawn around, and back in the camp, no Paladins had had any reason to be on alert, what with the war won.
Why Narlir had remained quiet in Morgeth’s presence, however, remained a mystery. A Paladin’s weapon was a part of its maker, something indescribable, an essence infused upon its creation. Narlir had always burst into flame when darkspawn approached. She was a reflection of Darius’s undying commitment to their destruction. And yet, somehow, here they were.
This dark train of thought ate at his mind until an unspoken message entered his awareness from Morgeth. “You are the Sunblade. The Lord Commander of the Hammer of the Light. What you decide, happens.” He looked over to see Morgeth watching him, a sultry smile on her face. With fresh resolve, they raced on through the night.
An hour or so later, they reigned in their horses in unison, unable to deny themselves any longer. Without a word, they dismounted and began to strip, leaving their clothes heaped in piles on the grass. It was a beautiful night, and the moon was full, providing ample light for Darius to admire Morgeth in all her nude glory. Pale of skin and dark of hair, she was a vision, five feet tall, with an hourglass figure, full, round breasts with hips and thighs to match.
Darius knew, however, that this was not her true form.
With a seductive sigh, Morgeth raised her arms above her head, stretching as if flexing muscles she hadn’t used for a long time. Her body began to change, growing taller, until she was six feet or more, equal to Darius. She began to fill out, her breasts growing larger, fuller, until they were proud orbs he could never hope to get a hand around.
The rest of her followed suit, her hips and thighs thickening, while at the same time not growing fat, simply more ... womanly. Her skin darkened, taking on a red hue. Her face became even more alluring, her eyelashes longer, her lips thicker, her eye teeth pointed.
A tail erupted from the base of her spine, curling around in front of her and snaking between her legs briefly before wrapping snugly around her slim waist. Black wings also appeared from behind her back, stretching languidly in the moonlight before folding, the angular tips visible over her shoulders.
Darius took her in, his cock standing straight out before him. Never in his life had he felt desire this powerful. He felt an equal desire from Morgeth as they rushed to each other, their bodies slamming together, their lips mashing in wanton lust. Her spectacular breasts billowed against his strong chest as their tongues dueled, each trying to devour the other. Veins of darkness and light pulsed both against and with one another in the intricate spider web of their bond, driving them to heights unimagined by either human or demon.
A surprising revelation cut through the haze of Darius’ lust; for the first time in her long life, Morgeth wanted a man to take control. He bore her to the ground, laying her on her back, her generous thighs open, inviting him. Her slick, hairless sex glistened in the moonlight, drawing his turgid member toward it. Unable to prevent it even had he wanted to, his hips thrust forward, burying him to the hilt inside the most delicious pussy he had ever experienced.
Morgeth’s scream of pleasure echoed across the plain as his balls came to rest on her ample bottom. He took a moment to savour the feeling of her warm, slick tunnel enveloping his cock, squeezing him tantalisingly, tempting him to empty himself inside her.
Not yet, though, not until he was done fucking her. He began to piston his hips savagely, driving into her with all the force his warrior’s body could muster. She met his every thrust with her own bucking pelvis, her long legs wrapped around his waist, her fangs buried in his shoulder.
He roared at the pleasure more than the pain, pumping harder, trying to drive her into the ground. Before long, his balls boiled, churning with unforetold urgency. With a mighty bellow, he thrust one last time, the deepest yet, his cock erupting inside her, the seed of the Sunblade entering the waiting womb of the demoness Morgeth.
Aran’s eyes focused, fixated on the orb, the sensation of the demoness beneath him while he fucked her still burned into his mind. His body was wracked with lust, with the feeling of total abandonment that Darius had felt. His breeches were painfully tight, his member straining against the fabric as if trying to tear its way free. Dark desire coursed through him, flooding his vision, tempting him, beckoning him to become the mindless animal Darius had become.
Time flashed forward. Images raced through his vision, of Darius, and Morgeth, all blending together in a moving mosaic, but somehow, Aran understood.
Morgeth, her belly round, pregnant with Darius’ child. No, children! Aran watched through Darius’ eyes as the succubus gave birth to twins, a boy and a girl.
Time flashed forward again. Darius, captured and kneeling before the Order of Aros, receiving judgment. Morgeth, hundreds of miles away, screaming in agony as the Gift of Aros was torn from Darius, destroying their melda and leaving her weak, helpless.
Flash. The Paladins of Aros confronting Morgeth, destroying her utterly, but not before she had carefully hidden her children away, out of reach of the Order.
Flash. A slow darkness overtaking the Order of Aros. Paladins beginning to turn on each other, eventually leading to an internal war, destroying the Order from the inside out, grand temples razed to the ground, thousands of arohim killed by their own brothers and sisters.
Flash. The world moving forward without the Order. The Temples left still standing slowly falling into decay, Paladins all but wiped out, the survivors retreating into hiding, living out their remaining years keeping their vala a secret.
No! I need to fight! Aran’s inner voice screamed at him, at the darkness, as he struggled to maintain control. He searched frantically within himself for something, anything, to hold on to.
There! The tiniest pinpoint of light shone through the blackness.
He reached out to it, grasping it, drawing on it, letting it fill his being. The darkness in turn began to recede, retreating from the warmth and light of the vala. Aran’s vision returned, and the orb between his palms was now clear glass again. A sigh of relief escaped his lips as this time, his hands came free of the sphere. Exhausted, he turned to see Amina standing there, still unclothed.
“What did I just see?” He asked the Priestess. “Did that really happen? Was it real?”
“What you saw was the past,” she replied seriously. “A past that you are tied to.”
“To me? How?” In his heart, Aran knew the answer that was coming. His stomach was ice.
“You saw your ancestor, Darius the Sunblade. You saw him conquer under the light, and you saw him fall into darkness.”
Aran didn’t realise he was dropping until his knees hit the ground, followed by his hands. He stared hollowly at the rug on the floor, his fingers curling into fists, his breathing ragged. “He abandoned his people for a demon, abandoned himself for a demon!”
“Remember, Aran, the Truth is always the most difficult to hear.”
“Why, though? Why would Aros allow the melda to be forged with a demon?” It didn’t make sense.
Compassion laced Amina’s honeyed voice. “The will of Aros is not for ones such as us to comprehend, Aran. Gods do what gods will. It is our calling to remain faithful, and serve.”
“The children,” he muttered, getting his breath under control. “The children survived.”
Hello! thank you for reading this unfinished story. So i somehow released this story while i am still writing it. the plan was to finish one storyline before releasing, but oh well. I dont know how to hide the story again so have fun reading :) This is also my first ever story, but i am trying my best! According to legend, back during the war of the ancients, deep within the mountains of Ashenvale there was a temple of elune. The high priestess at the time, Seylana, had singlehandedly held...
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The air in the hotel lobby was cool and humid. That made sense, since the whole thing was a two-story air-conditioned courtyard around an indoor pool. Despite all that, my palms felt warm with a nervous sweat. My heart was pounding as I walked past the front desk toward the room - her room.Rationally, I knew I had nothing to fear. This had been years in coming, years of long calls and chats and covert e-mails. The love and devotion I felt was real, and it was echoed unconditionally on her end....
It’s fucked up. It’s fucked up. I was 15. Sitting on my friend’s front steps having two officers in front of me and my friends hand on my shoulder. Even though it was winter and I was wearing baggy jeans and a white shirt I wasn’t cold. I was in disbelief. I was at my friend Trevor’s waiting for my mom and dad to come get me. My mom said she would be there in 5 minutes. That was an hour and a half ago. And now two cops are telling me that my dad hit a patch of black Ice and Swerved downhill...
I sat in the darkened video booth, with the door slightly open. I had a gay video playing which was showing a younger guy getting his cock sucked.In the hallway, different guys were walking past, cruising what was being offered. I was here to suck cock.An older guy looked in, leaned close and whispered, "Do you want a blow job?' I answered,"No. I'm here to suck cock."He moved on.Several of the guys were older. I wasn't as interested in them, as I had a younger guy in mind. In the hallway, a...
Diane was 5'1" tall and only weighed 102 pounds. Her tits were shaped like someone had cut a medium sized navel orange in half and put the two halves on her chest. She had large dark nipples that showed very sexily in the clothes that she wore and got hard as soon as she started to get turned on. Her skin was the color of milk chocolate and she kept her black hair straight and shoulder lenght. She could easily pass for a high school girl rather than the 22 that she was and she...
I met her during my second year at college. We were only a few weeks into the semester. I knew that I had seen her often last term with a guy, but he seemed to be gone from her life, so I moved into that vacuum. I found out that he had graduated, and their long romance had ended over the summer break. To him it was just a college thing, but I could see Lisa had expected something more from the relationship. "It's too soon," she informed me whenever out intimate moments became passionate. I...
First TimeAs I wrote earlier wife and I had some great anal sex but when I fuck her ass I always think of a guy. She doesn’t know and I would never tell her. Because of the Coronavirus and everyone being quarantined it seems that you just have to get out of the house. Originally we were going to meet on Monday but we had to change it to Wednesday because of conflicts in scheduling. His wife is considered essential personnel and my wife works part time and her job is also considered essential. We decided...
Clive and David had come up to our place again and It had been a great night out at our local pub and after a nice meal and a few drinks, we were back at our place and enjoying a bottle or two of wine.Clive over the last few years has been mine and Jill’s regular 3 some partner and although he had introduced David to us almost a year ago and we had all become good friends, when the four of us got together Jill had kept it purely a social event. David knew what the 3 of us got up to because we...
My watch woke me, as usual. Warm under the covers in the dark cabin, I was wrapped up in warm, naked woman. I didn't really want to leave, but as gently as possible I disentangled myself. It was a little like I imagine wrestling an octopus to be, made worse by small whimpering sounds. In the end I resorted to using a pillow to replace my body in her arms. Clearly not satisfactory, but better than nothing as I hastily pulled on cold clothes. I was unable to resist kissing the top of her head...
I awoke with a start. It was dark in the room so I had no idea of the time. I lay for a moment as awareness of where I was came back to me. I wondered what had disturbed me. Light was at my window and I could hear faint snatches of noise. On impulse, I got out of bed without switching on the light and padded across to the window. The light came from the living room opposite. The curtains were undrawn and I could see the interior clearly. What I saw made me start back then, as if drawn by a...
I really should complain. What the fuck, what’s going on? How did you get in? No… I am struggling but am easily overpowered. I have just entered my apartment and turned my back to close the door. It clicked shut, and then it happened. The hood was pulled over my head, the gag forced into my mouth and rapidly taped in place; it was a pair of panties, I think. My shock had frozen me still and allowed you the seconds needed to overpower me. Quickly you push me forward, through to my bedroom....
ReluctanceIt was a warm and sticky August night. There was just enough light for Jason to see his watch. He saw thatit was after 10:00 PM as he sat there in the darkness waiting for the lovers to come. He knew they would come. He had no doubt about that. He had planned everything too perfectly and he was sure that nothing could possibly go wrong. He would be hiding out on the balcony when they returned and here he had a perfect hiding place to view the action. But yet, something was bothering him....
VoyeurHere it is 2010 which started out very well when my husband and I went out on the town and stayed at a nice motel on the way home. Sure, we could have easily made it home but my husband had other ideas since when I have had a few drinks, he knows I am wide open for adventure. I have been an exhibitionist for many years and have to say that many men have seen me either naked or partially clothed. I suppose I am chicken to do many things when alone so am lucky to have an understanding husband...
ExhibitionismAnthony was trying to figure out how to control this new development or at least understand it. He could feel the beast bubble to the surface, as a strange scent came through the open window. Anthony was greatly interested in this unexpected reaction. First he checked to see if Leah was still asleep. Then he followed the scent out of the building. He made his way to the rooftop to get a better view climbing upward. Anthony soon lost scent as he made his way across the rooftop of the...
My girlfriend and I are both relatively young in respect of trying new sexual stuff although my g/f is the more adventurous. I am 22 and she is 21 years old. We had been together about a year when she told me her ex boyfriend used to like her to wank his friends off. They would sit on the sofa in the dark and she would wank 1 of them off. I kind of couldn’t get my head round it to start with but then got to liking the idea. She said they would go out for drinks, then come back and put on a cd....
Officer Jones (Georgia Jones) is on her lunch break. When she gets a call regarding indecent exposure, she yells at dispatch telling them that she’s on break. Can’t they just give this one to the rookie?! Dispatch informs her that she’s the closest available officer and that the rookie is busy with another call. She shakes her head, tells them she’s on it and asks that the coordinates be sent to her. She puts her foot on the gas and drives there as fast as she can. Maybe...
xmoviesforyouCat, a successful but lonely business woman gets to know a Megan practitioner of the Old Path. Becoming close friends Megan offers a solution Cat's relationship issues. Thinking it crackers but after years of repeated failure in her personal life Cat was willing to try anything..... The Bonding. Starting in business as a teenager, Cat Collins was often held up as an example of how good ideas, ambition and hard work can lead to success but that was only part of the story. The flip...
Ali has always been a beauty, long legs and breasts way perfect for her thick body. Her best friend Lee is almost 6 feet tall and very fit, the best part of him is that he has a smile to die for, beautiful straight white teeth. Relationships have never been their thing but an open friendship for a little wild night has always been an unspoken arrangement. Ali is the “huntress”. She finds what she likes and Lee has never disagreed. July in Ocala is terrible, 105 and no one wants to be...
Hey guys, I’m back to share about a crazy bachelorette party with you guys. All the stories I write here are real experiences from my life so far. I’m Sarah, 24 years old, living in Mumbai, a short introduction for the new readers. A corporate worker turned full-time model. I’m bisexual, and my stats are 36-28-36. So a couple of months ago one of my friends got engaged, and now she’s about to get married next month. Like the good friends we are, we decided to throw her a grand bachelorette...
Ebony Goddess Mystique is busy looking over the resume of her husband’s latest hire, Anna Claire Clouds. She’s NOT impressed by what she sees, wondering WHY her husband would hire her, but then it sinks in. Her husband’s a horndog, so he DEFINITELY didn’t hire Anna for her brain. That’s when Ebony Goddess Mystique calls Anna to her office to scope out the competition… but when she finds out Anna is a lesbian, well, Ebony Goddess Mystique’s husband...
xmoviesforyouHi, I am rajesh suri 25 yrs . Delhi mein rehta hun and kafi chill life ji ra hun. Hamesha nai cheezein karne ka shauk tha isliye i thought ek sex story b submit ki jaaye. Kaafi nai cheezein try ki unhi mein se ek pe based story aj share karunga. Mai delhi mein pichhle bees saal se reh ra hun, baaki saari family punjab mein hai. Kafi saare cousins hain so sbke baare mein btana to difficult hai but jo main cousin hai uska naam hai raghav. Mera bada bhai hai n married hai. Uski Wife matlab meri...
Hi ISS Readers! The stories are really exotic and I enjoy reading them thoroughly and daily I read one or two stories here and after reading these stories I have also decided to share one of my experience here. I’m rahul from Chandigarh. I’m 21 years of age and doing engineering. I have a nice body and I hit gym daily. My height is 5’11” and my cock size is 8.5″. This story is how I finally fucked my girlfriend. I think I have already made u guys bore so coming to my story. Me and my girlfriend...
Brent sat with pride at Scott's graduation ceremony. He had made his promised B average again for the second year in a row and was qualified to attend almost any accredited university in Canada. That he had chosen to follow his sister's choice of Selkirk College in Castlegar was a minor surprise. Brent wondered if Tanya was the big influence in that decision, since she too would attend the local college. Andrea sat beside him, holding his hand and beaming with happiness at her brother's...
Notes: So, for some reason lately I’ve been obsessed with this. Then the other day, this popped into my head. I probably could have wrote more but I ran out of time and figured that I’d just post like this. Plus it could lend itself to another story. My regular caveat. I’m not an author, I just play one on the internet. I like this creative outlet for my fantasies and hopefully some of y’all like it too. It really helps me to visualize when I write. Tuesdays were my wife’s busy day at work....
“Hello there!” A voice shouted behind me as I strolled hand in hand with my husband, Simon, on Blackpool’s Central Pier, I turned, a man in his mid 40s, around 6ft tall with thinning dark hair slimly built, he spoke again, “Hi, pardon me but aren’t you A.J. from... ? I love your blog,” I felt myself redden slightly, a reaction I always tended to undergo whenever somebody recognised me from my online blog posts, “ Yes I am, how are you?” I offered him my hand which he shook vigourously, “ nice...
We see the shower from the outside with a woman’s shape inside. The camera moves inside, and we see Karly washing off the soap under the shower. She changes the setting to the water jet and uses it to spray her back and her butt. Then she brings points it at her pussy. We see her eyes shut and she has a dreamy smile and then we see her breathing increase. The camera zooms in and we see that her nipples are tight, and the camera pans down so we can watch the jet of water against her clit. The...
As the five of them worked their way through the dungeon, they were surprised that they no longer found any opposition. There just didn't seem to be anything that approached them or tried to attack them. That bothered Dusty. They had just gone from having wave after wave of ghouls attacking for over an hour to an eerie quiet. The only thing that made it worse was the occasional dripping sound of water from somewhere in the distance as they made their way deeper into the dungeon. "This is...
Over the course of the next twelve months, these parties and of me getting drunk at them; was becoming a regular occurrence. By the time I was close to sixteen, I think I would have suck on ever biker’s cock in the club. I pleaded with Bones; whom I had a major crush on; to fuck me. He was like most of the regulars at the club, declining my invitations and basically telling me; “I was too young”. Although I was fitting in at the Club and I felt welcomed; where I wasn’t was at...
She Started It By Margaret Jeanette Sheila Morgan was playing outside. She was swinging on her swing set. She saw Jim Compton in his yard next door. She called for him to come over and play. He came to play. Being eleven years old both of them played together a lot. Sheila was a tom boy but enjoyed girl's games. She suggested they have a pretend tea party. He sat at the small table and took a cup and pretended to drink from it. "Here take this doll. It is our baby and you...
Introduction: The kids come back at midnight! I posted my first chapter under a different id mistakingly. Sorry about that. After I woke up from my nice little nap, I began to wonder if what had happened earlier had just been a dream or not. When I saw the dry cum on myself, I began to realize that it had been very real indeed! It had been so much fun having those two 9 year olds with me earlier. It was clear that we were destined to have a lot more fun! That assumed, of course, that someone...
NOTE: This chapter story is fiction and a romance. Although there are explicit, sexual scenes described herein, this story is not intended as a ‘quick read’. I hope you will enjoy this story as much as I have enjoyed writing it. **~*~** Chapter 1 Bales of hay surrounded the tractor shed where a couple was engaged in some quick and steamy afternoon sex. A beautiful Latina stood with her back against a wide wooden post, gasping in sexual delight while clinging passionately to her tall blond...
I couldn’t wait for practice the next day, though when I got there I learned that Matt was out sick. I was disappointed by his absence and recall that some of those butterflies of doubt seemed to reinvade my belly. My practice was lackluster and I think I must have been pretty moody because Beth called me on it after practice. I told her that nothing was wrong but I could tell she didn’t believe me. I really felt the need to talk to Matt so I did something that I can’t imagine myself doing now....
The title of this story is entitled "Genesis". Why would I say so to you, because I have to say why I have totally changed after many years. She changed her way of thinking, changed the way she spoke, her approach, and most importantly changed her way of enjoying a man. I know it may be difficult to understand at this point, but soon you will know why I'm all talking about it.For a long time since I was 16, I slept with a boyfriend. I've never been to any partner who changes each night and...
As sissy sat facing the wall head bowed, my tongue was hard at work on Mitresses sopping wet pussy, eagerly lapping at her like a hungry puppy, Mitress taste so delicious her yummy wetness over my lips, chin, and in my mouth, giving a little gasp, and licking her lips, Mistress said oh god yes right there.Pushing my face deeper in to that hot wet heaven as i lapped at her tongue sliding through those wet lips flicking at her hard tingling clitty, Mistress gave a moan, shuddered oh don't stop...
It was only the third week of my summer break and I was already bored out of my mind. I had completed all my homework and now there was nothing left to do. I could hear my sister talking on the phone to one of her girlie friend but I just stared out of the window. Perhaps I should clear out my cupboards you never know I might find something interesting. It did almost straight away, a pair of handcuff from a 'Detective kit' I must have gotten when I was a kid. You couldn't actual lock them...
I'm a married man, but I still think about my first nut, I was about 14 or 15, walking down the the street when this guy offered me a ride, I got in, he was a black guy about 25, I could tell he was gay, he pulled into a alley and rubbed my dick and said take out, I did and as soon as he touched it I came all over the place, he said don't worry about it and still wanted to suck it, but I got out and went home, as soon as I got there I went right into the bathroom and jacked off for the first...
"Get out of my bed," she demanded. "What? This is our bed." "Was, husband-boy. From now on you'll come in here at my invitation only." I was stunned. Surely she must be joking. Still a bit groggy, I suddenly recalled what had transpired earlier that evening. "Where is he?" I alarmedly asked. "Bill's gone home. I need to be alone. You can sleep downstairs on the couch. Get moving!" "Now wait a second--I have some rights here too, don't I?" Laura gave...
Let's be honest, let's just be honest. You are trying to revive something that is already dead. She was thinking to herself while she was watching her face in the mirror preparing it to do her makeup. On the other side of the room, you could see a bed lined with expensive lingerie she bought just for this occasion. Nice black corset that perfectly fit her waistline and made her boobs even perkier, sexy pair of lace panties which would make access to a certain body part easier and a pair of...
Quickie SexYou have been approached by a female funny valentine who has offered to bring you across parallel dimensions so you can amass the ultimate harem.... And become the strongest in the jojo multiverse but that's less important.
Reddit CFNM, aka r/CFNM! What? I said Reddit, and you already have your dick in your hand? Is this what Reddit has come to? If you're like me, this is where you've found a lot of cum sluts in their early days. Reddit is known to produce some of the hottest new pornstars on the planet. With the ability to post nude photos and gain a following, you can create your corner of hot photos and videos for people to follow you based on a specific porn category. Today we won't be the only ones with our...
Reddit NSFW ListA & K Meet C For The First Time (Part 3)C withdrew her fingers from her own pussy and K’s, she held up her fingers with her own pussy juices to K to lick and her fingers from K’s pussy to her own mouth, they greedily licked each other’s juices from C’s fingers, exchanging moans and telling each other how good they tasted.A looked across at the 2 naughty ladies in front of him, his state of arousal had never been higher. He was watching them lick each other’s juices from C’s fingers, wow...
My girl had always gone out and got off with other men, she was over-sexed, for me, at least!My girlfriend, myself and an few others came back to ours after a night out. We had been clubbing with friends and whilst out she was teasing me by saying she fancied this other guy who was in our group. My girl had already been flirting and dancing with this fit black guy all night, I didnt really take much notice at the time as we were in a crowded club. But, shock horror, he ends up being a friend of...
I wasn't drunk enough. There was only two of Bill instead of the twelve I wanted. I could probably still drive like this, though I wasn't going to. The bartender had already taken my keys. Maybe just a few more and I'll be out cold. Bill was no help. He was my landlord, the guy I paid to keep living in my apartment with my fa... With my daughter. I forgot. I don't really have much family anymore, since my wife left and took our youngest with her. Thanks Melissa. I can't even get drunk...
(Ann gets inked in an intimate area)"Unique tattooing, can I help you?" David answered the ringing phone. "Hi David, this is Ann. Do you have any time to squeeze me in today?" she asked, cheerfully.A huge smile flashed across David's already darkly handsome face when he heard her voice. Ann.... Her golden hair, long legs and chubby body just made his senses soar, not to mention his heart race every time she smiled at him. She had a smile that would melt the polar ice caps, and bring blinding...
A meeting room somewhere on Earth-Omega, three weeks before the end of the heroic age: The room was silent. None of the members of the heterogenoux group seemed to have anything to say to his or her companions. After a long wait, they finally heard the mechanical door sliding, announcing the arrival of their host. "Ladies and gentlemen, I hope you will forgive me for the delay. I had a meeting I couldn't shorten. Welcome to this new iteration of the Secret Society of Super-Villains, I'm glad to...
My Master, J, and I had been working with each other for a few weeks. He had been working to tame me. I had been working to serve Him. As we were both very busy with work and family obligations, our time together was very precious and Master kept me very busy during the week. For the first several weeks, I had been very diligent writing my reports every day, keeping up with my exercise routine, keeping the apartment nice and neat, etc., but little by little, I had learned that I could slack,...
BDSMWith the current economic problems and the biggest flu epidemic for years, I got a call from a nursing agency, looking for part time relief nurses. When I was young I had trained for a time as a nurse, though I’d never practised as one for a while, and the agency had trawled through nursing records. As our situation was a bit precarious economically, purely because of things out of our control, I accepted. The job was to visit a number of older people who had been referred to the agency by...
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Chapter 28 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Truth and Bluffs Megan stared at the tiny Faery in shock. She understood taking strong, decisive actions, but to unleash three MOAB bombs on US soil against a camp of Knights was too much. Intellectually, she knew the Paladonic Knights were considered a terrorist organization. She also knew that they stood against magical creatures and anything from the other world. They were evil, filled with...
Eve. Perfection encapsulated in curves and mounds. Delicious nipples, cherries hanging provocatively from the vine. Fleshy pink lips, suggestively revealing the tip of a tangible tongue or the nub of a blissful bud... Gazing in wonder at these images in my husband's Ralph magazine had never before inspired such titillation in my soul. I had enjoyed many happy married years, a wonderful intimate friendship and increasingly satisfying sex life. Why then, all of a sudden, were my thoughts...
LesbianThursday Week 33 Dave woke up with an excited Jill fondling his penis and kissing it. She was turned on by knowing what today was - the longest air flight she had ever done was going to be a highlight, but only of today, because it was taking her and her two fiancés to her wedding ceremony and the start of the rest of her life. Getting married was a dream for most girls, but she was getting two husbands. She decided that the one she was sleeping with should give her some pleasure,...
A Warning to White HusbandsAppreciated what you have. That is the lesson that I hope to pass on to those of you who read this. What I relay to you in my text is not a glamorous story, something that I am proud of, nor is it an erotic tale. I am taking the time to write about what happened to me as a warning to the other white husbands may be heading down the same path that I have walked. There are seemingly so many white men cruising the internet seeking and reading tales of the cheating white...