Devlin's StoryChapter 28 free porn video

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"... and like an idiot I asked 'how did it happen?'," Devlin said with a laugh. Sue laughed with her. It was Wednesday and she was at the Extended Stay, helping Sue get her kids dressed. Sue had called earlier; Danny had to go to an early morning teleconference, her Rehab session had been moved up to noon, and she needed helping in getting their daughters off to day care.

Sue stopped brushing her hair long enough to look up. "And what you really meant was 'How could you be so careless? I thought you were using birth control.' Did she tell you why she wasn't?"

"Not really." Devlin turned Stephie around. She was Sue and Danny's youngest and she squirmed as Devlin pulled her dress down. "There you go." She drew a breath before grabbing Kimberly, their 4-year old. "I got to meet him later that night when he showed up to take her to dinner. I couldn't say anything, of course." She sighed. "He seems kind of nice. I guess I'll get to know him better in the coming months."

"When's the baby due?" Sue turned her wheelchair slightly as she studied her hair in the mirror.

"Around the beginning of November." Devlin laughed, straightening Kimberly's collar. "I asked my mother and she kind of evaded the question at first, like she didn't want to admit just what she and Tom were doing, or when."

"She's probably still getting used to the idea that she's going to have a baby. The first few days that you're pregnant you're sort of in denial. Trust me, it takes a little while to get used to the idea. When does she want to get married?"

"As soon as possible. She doesn't want to walk down the aisle visibly pregnant."

"She sounds like my mother," Sue said with a smile. "She used to snip about girls who 'had to get married'; said they had the wedding night before the wedding, as if that was wrong. I didn't tell her what my college years were like." Her smile broadened into a laugh. "She would have had a coronary if she knew what I did my first freshman and sophomore years."

She stretched and leaned back in her wheelchair. "I was like every other girl in school. Two days after their parents left, every freshman girl was at the Health Center to get her birth control prescription. I expect it hasn't changed much since then."

"Not noticeably," Devlin said. She took a comb and started in on Kimberly's hair. "Alexa, the girl who lives across the hall from me says the Health Center plans on getting deluged the first week of the term."

"Does your mother know if it's going to be a boy or a girl yet?"

"Not yet," Devlin said. "The doctor's going to do an amnio next week. My mother's almost 37, so the doctor wants to be careful."

Sue nodded at this. "I'm glad I've had these two when I did. I don't want to be like Mrs. Proctor back home. She's 41, and pregnant with her fifth."

"Five?! I thought she only had three. Her oldest, Janet, graduated from high school with me."

"She and her husband went on a cruise and came back with a little souvenir. She said she's going to get her tubes tied after this one."

Devlin finished with Kimberly's hair and fastened it with a barrette. "You know, I can still scarcely believe it. I'd suspected my Mom was seeing somebody, but..." She spread her hands helplessly. "This is the last thing I expected."

"Our mothers aren't supposed to get pregnant," Sue said. "Nuts, they aren't even supposed to have sex. You just don't think of your parents having sex."

"I suppose." Devlin started to say more, but was stopped by a knock on the door. After a quizzical glance at Sue, she answered it.

The man seemed surprised to see her. "Isn't this where Rick and Beth Miller are staying?"

There was something about him that looked familiar, but Devlin couldn't put her finger on it. "Um, no it isn't, sorry."

Stephie tugged at Devlin's jeans, holding up her coat. Devlin smiled at the man. "Have you checked with the front desk?"

The man nodded. "They said the Millers were in Room 302." He looked at a slip of paper in his hand. "I guess I'll go check with them again."

Devlin smiled and closed the door. Stephie held out her arms and Devlin helped her put on her coat. Kimberly was struggling with her boots, and resisted Devlin's help. When she finally got them fastened she stood up triumphantly, walking around and showing them off.

"You're much better with them than Danny is," Sue said quietly. "Men just don't seem to have that much patience with young kids."

"I think it's a gender thing." Devlin grabbed her own coat. "A woman expects to take care of young kids, men don't. Or at least that's what one of my professors says."

"Maybe." Sue pulled on her jacket. "Now you're sure this won't be a problem? Those car seats can be a real hassle. Danny had the staff here take them down to the lobby, and the manager said he'd help you with them."

"I'll be all right. What are you doing in Rehab today? Or do they tell you that in advance."

"The nurse said it was a surprise." Sue rolled her eyes. "The last time they 'surprised' me, it was with an electric wheelchair." She grabbed her purse and a blanket. "I'm ready."

"Okay," Devlin told the two girls, "time to go."

The girls each picked up a backpack, and Kimberly held the door for her mother. They ran ahead and rang for the elevator while Devlin pushed Sue's wheelchair. By the time they got to the lobby the Para-Transit Bus had arrived to take Sue to her Rehab session.

The manager helped Devlin put the car seats in her car, and made sure the two girls were both fastened in securely. "After a while it gets so it's automatic," the woman said. "Will you be doing this very often?"

"Today was an emergency," Devlin said. "I might have to do this again, but not soon."

The woman nodded. "And Mr. Mitchell is bringing them back?"

"That's the plan."

The woman nodded. "That should be everything, then." She rubbed her arms briskly. "Glad I could help."

"I would have been lost doing this," Devlin said. "Thanks a lot."

The daycare was in the north end of town. After Devlin dropped the girls off, and their car seats, she felt at loose ends. Even if she hit every light red and took her time parking, she'd have more than two hours until her next class. Well, there was always studying. She had a paper for one of her classes, and... She glanced at the seat beside her and felt a moment of exasperation--she'd left her books at the Extended Stay.

"If my head wasn't attached I'd forget it somewhere," she muttered as she pulled into a turn lane. She heard a horn behind her. Some car behind her had just been cut off. It was a gray beater, more primer and Bondo than styling, and it looked familiar. Then she had it, she'd seen that car in the Extended Stay parking lot as she was buckling the kids in.

She dismissed it as she barely made the light. She caught a glimpse of a solid mass of cars ahead of her where road construction was narrowing everything down to one lane each way. She bit off a curse. She was in no mood to sit in traffic for the next hour and go just one block. Instead she could duck down an alley, make a turn and double-back to the Extended Stay.

At first the cop wasn't going to let her turn, but after giving her a withering glare, he nodded and she made the turn, flashing him a smile as a 'thank you'. By the time she got through the alley and another two turns she thought to look behind her. The 'Bondo car' was nowhere in sight.

"Must be too many detective novels," she muttered. Her literature class had just read a pair of Mickey Spillane novels and, surprise-surprise, she found she liked his vivid story-telling style. She wished the English authors she'd read the previous term had written half as well.

She parked in back of the Extended Stay. She still had her key card from when she and Danny had used it, and rode up in the elevator damning herself for being so forgetful. She'd just have to remember a little better the next time.

When she opened the door to the room--it was still as messy as when she'd left it--she stopped in surprise. Danny was standing next to the desk going through some papers.

"This is unexpected," she said.

"Oh, hi. Um, did Sue and the girls get off on time?"

"I just dropped the girls off at the daycare." She crossed the room and picked up her books from the table. "Guess what I forgot."

"Yeah, I forgot some papers I needed this morning. Fortunately I can fax them to the people in Toronto."

Devlin glanced at the clock, an idea forming in her mind. "Do you have to be back right away?"

"Not for a couple of hours," Danny said, looking at the clock, too. He smiled and loosened his tie. "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?"

Devlin dropped her jacket on a nearby chair and started unbuttoning her wool shirt. "It'd be a waste of a perfectly good opportunity, wouldn't it?"

Their first time was rough and fast. Devlin insisted on doing it doggie style. She wanted to feel him deep inside her, and when she felt him blasting against that fiery little spot on her cervix, she gave a soft cry and came.

He barely softened, which was all right with her. She straddled him, but didn't put him in. Instead she slid back and forth on his cock as it lay against his stomach, rubbing her clit directly against his hardness, feeling his girth spreading her sex lips. When she came that way--it was a shivery kind of orgasm that left her wanting more--he was more than ready for the second round.

He stretched her out on the bed, taking his time, kissing her, fondling her breasts, drawing imaginary lines on her sensitive skin with his tongue, working her up--as if she needed it--before finally moving between her legs and what they'd both done so many times and yet looked forward to.

He was soft, he was hard, he filled her, he left her aching for more. She pushed up against him, taking everything he had. In those last moments, as she drew tighter and tighter, as everything focused down on that one spot where he so wonderfully plugged her up, she clung to him. All she could feel was his hardness in her molten depths. His face was rigid as he tried to hold himself back, and when he lost it, when he drove into her in short, hard strokes, she lost herself to her own need and came, swept up in a wild moment of pure intensity.

She came back, lying beside him and cradled in his arms, her sweat-slicked skin pressed close to his as it had so many times before. She felt like she would float away but for his arms. She wanted to move, but she didn't want to leave his warmth.

Danny opened his eyes, a tired look on his face. "That has to be the fastest we've done it in some time," he finally murmured. "And it was just as good as always."

Devlin smiled and kissed his cheek. "We had to release all of that pent up energy."

"Pent up energy? I thought... Sue mentioned you'd joined some lifestyle group here in town. I thought you were--"

"I did, but it isn't the same," she interrupted. "You know all my secret places. You know exactly how to get me wound up. Someone I've never met before doesn't know that, and won't learn it in one evening no matter how much time we take."

He slid a hand up her body and cupped her breast. "True. I suppose experience does help."

She pushed his hand away. "That feels good, but we don't have time for another go around."

He turned to glance at the clock. "Yeah, you're right." He sighed. "I wish we did, though." His lips curved down. "I've still got all of this pent-up energy."

"I thought you and Sue were finally making love again."

"Not really. Oh, we go through the motions, but she isn't feeling much. Plus, with the kids here in the room..." He grinned sheepishly. "Call me a little self-conscious, but I'm having some performance anxiety. There's nothing like really getting into it, and feeling a hand on your leg, and realizing it isn't Sue's."

"Yeah, that'd turn me off in a hurry."

"That's exactly what happened." He sighed. "I'm hoping Sue will start enjoying our lovemaking, when we do it, that is."

"Yeah, I hope so, too."

He propped himself up on his elbow. "So what was this other group like?" He leaned forward and teased her nipple with his lips.

"Stop that!" She playfully swatted at him. "We don't have the time."

"I know, but I want you to walk out of here with your nipples poking holes in your clothes."

"They do that already on these cold days, thank you." For a few moments they wrestled, he trying to suck her nipple, she trying to push him away. In the end he used his superior weight and strength to pin her to the bed. There he unmercifully tickled and kissed her until she relented with a laugh.

"We really don't have time to fool around much longer." She was aware of his cock and balls pressing against her leg. It was already stiffening out, and she knew if he made the slightest effort she would blow off the rest of the afternoon.

He slid his hand between her legs, rubbing her gently. She was already wet, only in part due to him, and this just lit her fire again. But she was also pretty tender down there, and so she pushed him away.

"Are you sure you can cum again so soon?" she asked, eyeing his cock. It showed no sign of going down.

"One way to find out," he replied.

"Well, let's do it right." She twisted around and took his cock in hand. It was red and wet, and mostly hard. She gave it a friendly kiss hello, then wrapped her lips around it and began sucking. It filled out, pressing against the back of her mouth as she played with his balls.

She could taste his juices--was it really more than a week since the last time she had? She could also taste herself, something she'd grown used to those nights in Toluca. She could feel his strength, and the way he responded when she stopped to suck his balls. One hand moved up and down his length while the other fondled his balls and probed the skin over his prostate. She knew he wanted to cum in her again, but there was no time for that. He'd have to settle for the next best thing.

It took a few minutes, but finally he pushed up into her mouth, held himself there as she sucked as hard as she could, and then he was pulsing into her, filling her mouth with his essence.

After several seconds the spurts died away and he relaxed, pulling his softening length from her mouth. He lay back on the bed, his chest rising and falling rapidly, his arm thrown over his eyes.

Devlin gave his cock one last kiss before laying her head on his tummy. When his breathing returned to normal she dropped one last kiss on his heated skin before crawling up next to him.

"There, all better?"

"Much." He lifted his arm, staring at his watch. "Damn, I see what you mean. Look at the time. You're going to be late for class."

"What time is it?"

"Uh, 1:15."

"It's only English Lit, and I've already finished reading the book. At least I won't have to listen to the professor tell us how good the 19th Century English novel is."

"They're not that bad. I enjoyed some of them."

"None of them would get published today, they're too slow and their plots are pretty lame."

He sighed and began to get up. "If the stories sound lame, they weren't when the books were published. Besides, we have different standards, now. You have to keep that in mind."

Devlin stretched and sat up. She felt absolutely wonderful, and even the prospect of her Economics class this afternoon wasn't enough to dampen her mood. The room was a mess, their clothes were everywhere, and she was mildly surprised the maid hadn't interrupted them.

She grabbed her clothes and dumped them on the chair next to the desk. Danny was just stirring off the bed as she headed into the bathroom.

"Can I come in?" he asked a few moments later, knocking.

"Of course, silly," she said. "I'm only peeing, there's nothing you haven't seen several times."

"It just seems, I don't know, wrong to interrupt someone when they're using the toilet."

She laughed as she wiped up. "Now that you mention it, I guess so. But just a few minutes ago you had your face right there."

"It isn't the same thing."

She got the shower going. After it warmed up she stepped in. Behind her she could hear him using the toilet. When he joined her in the shower he slid his hands around her, cupping her breasts. But it was only a friendly squeeze. He stepped back and let her clean up.

She wanted to linger, to enjoy the sensuous feel of the hot water sliding over her skin. But she didn't have time. She might blow off English Lit, but she couldn't blow off Economics. And she wasn't going to walk into that room smelling of sex.

After a finger douche she grabbed one of the last remaining clean towels. "If the maid wonders how you ran out of towels..."

"... we'll blame it on the kids," he said. "Everyone knows young kids can go through a bathroom like a tornado through a trailer park." He stepped out of the shower, his nude body pink and glowing.

Devlin dressed as fast as she could. Danny was still dressing when she grabbed her books--she remembered them this time--and wrestled her coat and muffler on. "I'll see you..."

"I'm not sure," he said. "Call Sue and we'll figure something out."

"Sure, she's the instigator of all of this."

"Hey, you agreed to it."

"So did you." Devlin sighed. "I'll call her tonight."

"We usually eat about 7:00, and we should be back here by 8:30. Why don't you call about 9:00? That's the girls' bed time, so you shouldn't be interrupting things."

She gave him a peck on the cheek. She still felt marvelous, even rushing around like this wasn't going to spoil her mood. She had enough time to stop at Linkins and get herself a cup of coffee and an apple. Despite what some might think, her high-protein snack hadn't really banished her hunger.

She alternated between sipping and eating as she waited in the hall for her the class before Econ to let out. She studied the people walking past her: she thought she'd seen the same man who'd come to the door a few moments ago, and she was curious if he'd show up in the hall. She couldn't put her finger on why he seemed familiar, but she knew she'd seen his face recently.

The bell rang and she forgot about it. It was time for the Dismal Science, and not even the prospect of sitting on the hard wooden chairs for the next hour could ruin how she was still feeling.

By now Devlin knew everything she had to do for a sales meeting: get the continental breakfast from the kitchen, get the order slips unpacked and stacked on the table in the corner, set up the screen and unpack the slide projector, get the computer powered up and the diagnostics run, lay out the samples of fabric, and finally, put up the dummies. The first few times she'd done it she had spent over an hour at it; now she could get it done in 15 minutes.

She had just left the Catering Office when she ran into Danny. "Hi, stranger, what are you doing here?"

"I'm here to see the Athletic Club Manager," Danny replied. "Right now I'm waiting for my attorney." He glanced at his watch. "He was supposed to be here 10 minutes ago. How about you?"

"I have a sales presentation in just a few minutes. Say hi to Sue for me."

"I will. She was grateful for the help yesterday."

"Not a problem." She gave him a wave and went back upstairs. She'd just finished putting everything out when Denise O'Connor knocked on the door. "Are you ready?"

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I rolled over and watched Paul get dressed. He was a short guy with blonde hair and so delightfully built. I watched him pull up his underwear and remembered how wonderful he tasted. Four straight nights after meeting at that small underground gay club and the entire weekend. I wasn’t used to so much time together with one person, especially one as perfect as Paul.Hi, everyone. My name is William, Bill to most, and I have a fun job that has me traveling all over the place for a few months at a...

Gay Male
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Kaise Maine Apni Gaand Padwai

Pichle saturday ki baat hai, jab main ghar par baitha porn dekh kar horny ho raha tha.Maine grindr bhi download kiya kyunki main ek ladke ke saath sex karna chahta tha. Tabhi ek ladke ne mujhe text kiya àpp pe. Uski profile pe looking now likha tha. Hamne information exchange ki. Usne bataya ki who top hai 21 years old punjabi sandhu boy. He was cute as well. We agreed to meet at my place. He drove to my place and we were chatting , talking about other stuff. He was right into sex wanted to get...

1 year ago
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My First Amazing Experience

Hello, Everyone. I am a regular reader at Indian Sex Stories. This is a story of me and my girlfriend. For obvious reasons, the name of the characters are changed. I was always a shy studious guy. But I am also very horny. I masturbate every day. I am a sporty guy and have lots of stamina. This story dates back to 2014. We met at an interview in Mumbai. She is from Nagpur. We had a nice conversation and post our interview we exchanged numbers. Initially, we used to talk mostly on a formal...

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Jaw Dropping Moments

My Mom is something else. She will do anything for me. There is just the two of us at home now, since Dad was killed in the auto accident. She works full time, and still helps me with my homework. I'm a freshman at state. Played guard for Kennedy High School's basketball team. Now, I'm hoping to make the team at the State Teacher's college, which is located about twenty minutes away, out in the sticks. Coach Brown said that if I do, that he would award me a tuition scholarship. We have...

3 years ago
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The Continuing Adventures of Alexa and Jenny 1 The Honeymoon

The Continuing Adventures of Alexa & Jenny: #1 The Honeymoon "UGH! This suitcase isn't going to be big enough!" Jenny exclaimed as she looked at the pile of clothes that was laying on the bed. We were getting ready for our honeymoon trip through Europe, Well, mostly the UK. We were flying to London on Wednesday night and then a few days in London hanging out before taking a little road trip up to Scotland for Jessica and Paige's wedding. After that we were going to Paris for a...

1 year ago
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Fascinated By A White Large Penis

My name is Mela. After marriage, I moved to Scotland with my husband AJIT as he got an IT job here from India. I am about 5ft with a normal figure 34C breast and slightly plump. AJIT always likes my plump figure as he said too thin is not his liking. AJIT is about 5ft2. In Scotland, we look small with so many big white people. After we moved here and settled we started to spice up our sex life by watching porn or making a video of ourselves and watching. AJIT has cock about 5 inches which I had...

3 years ago
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Stolen WifeChapter 3

The Indians were in an uproar when the daylight finally came. They had spent the whole night after discovering that the guards were missing by staying awake and prepared to fight. By the time the morning came, they were exhausted, both physically and mentally. Maria was the only one in camp who had gotten a full night's sleep. The Indians gulped down pemmican and water for breakfast, not giving any to Maria, but she did not expect any. Maria was hungry, of course, but she felt that she...

1 year ago
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It Started At The Gym

 The gym was packed for a Saturday evening; I belong to one of those twenty four hour gym. I like Saturday evening work outs because it usually not many people working out. I guess everyone wanted a little swell before hitting the clubs. I was just getting ready to do some curls when I felt like I was being watched. I looked around to see a sexy, hot woman doing squats. She had a look of lust in her eyes as she squatted. I moved into position to curl, so, I could flex a little for her. We...

Straight Sex
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Virtual Furry Dream

It was amazing how much technology had advanced on the years that followed the pandemic. In part, it was due to the great effort of countries to invest in technology to help economic recovery. One of the things achieved was the advent of virtual reality. Not the glasses that allowed augmented reality. We are talking about the actual movie and cartoon promise of laying on a bed, with a helmet in your head that induced you into a sleep where you could dream of anything that you desired, allowing...

4 years ago
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Gluteus Maximus Chapter Four

"Gluteus Maximus" -- Chapter FourOver the next few days, I walked through the world in somewhat of a daze. Ispent almost every conscious moment thinking about Dev; fucking me hard andstretching my hole, Dev telling me I was a gay pussy who needed cock, Devgiving me the brush off.I desperately wanted to see him again and struggled mightily not to callhim before Sunday -- four long days away.I was distracted in school and suddenly had no use for sweet Becky. I gaveher a host of excuses why I...

2 years ago
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Brad and Ashley Part 1

Ashley Adams entered her bedroom and went to the closet. She picked out some sleep clothes in preparation for her nightly shower. Exiting the closet she took a couple of steps toward the bathroom, then froze. She looked with disbelief at the wall of glass separating her bedroom from the backyard. The drapes that usually provided her privacy were gone. "Daaa... deee!" she hollered loudly enough to be heard throughout the house. Her father, Morgan Adams, was in the living area at the other end of...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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Cindy was a single mother

Introduction: I love reading sex stories and I am sharing My personal favourite stories By Talented Writers A Story By: beach-mom Cindy was a single working mother. She had many ex-boyfriends who were either divorced or unmarried. Having gone out with them for the past few years only brought back the reasons why she never married any of them in the first place. Cindy felt it was all-hopeless, she would never be able to find the right guy suitable for her. Her daughter Debbie was fifteen,...

3 years ago
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New Years Eve

When one of my wife’s girlfriends invited us to a ‘Swinging New Year’s Eve Party’ my wife was simply thrilled and accepted her kind invitation immediately. We hadn’t been out on a New Year’s Eve in many years. However with both of our children in college, why not. She was excited about that party for a week. Of course all she could think about was Christmas before that but as soon as that was over all of her concentration was on that ‘Swinging New Year’s Eve Party.’ She made an...

2 years ago
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A Hotel with Mum

Finally we arrived at the hotel. We checked in and went up to our room. Because it was a work trip mum's firm had paid for the whole thing and put us up in a very nice hotel. It was a large, double twin room. Two double beds each with it's own dresser, night stand and wardrobe. There was a large sofa with a coffee table in front of it and a a TV on a stand in front of that. In the corner there was a table with four chairs around it. I dumped my travel bag on one of the beds, mum did the...

1 year ago
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Watched by My Roommate

My wife and I had been dating for about three months when I got a new roommate. Jason was decidedly gay, though he did a good job of covering it up. As far as roommates goes, he wasn't a bad one at all. Most weekends he was gone and didn't come back until late Sunday evening, so on those weekends that Laura and I were strapped for cash and couldn't afford a hotel off base, it was nice to know that we had some privacy in my room. Because it was a training command, having a guest of the opposite...

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Family PortraitChapter 10

We would be dropped off close to our house, and after getting in I checked for messages on the fridge, before working my way upstairs to where Karen was already in her room and preparing for bed. Karen had stripped out of the shorts she was wearing and was down to just her black bra and matching panties, the satin ones that I like so very much as they mold to her feminine form rather nicely, and much like a second skin. She then laid down on her bed and adjusted one of the pillows so that...

3 years ago
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Union RebellingChapter 15

Kat hesitated, her mind flashing through different options. She briefly considered turning around and going back towards the passenger elevators, but rejected that option as too revealing. She didn't want Paron to know that she was aware of his spying. She was more interested in why he would be so blatant, so obvious about his interest in her. If he was a spy for InterSys, then he shouldn't have been so clumsy. Kat entered the elevator, nodding at Paron but not saying anything. They had...

1 year ago
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ThisGirlSucks Aria Lee Blowing Arizona

Her name is Aria Lee, and she is a stunning Asian chick with long legs and a slamming body to boot. She has a hunger for big dick in her young, wet mouth, and we here at TeamSkeet are happy to help her satisfy her cravings. She is originally from Arizona, and that is where she learned how to suck dick like a pro. She is so skilled that she can say the ABCs while taking my dick all the way down her throat! And the way she lets her spit cover my cock, you can tell Aria is truly passionate about...

2 years ago
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Good Story to good not to share Stuck up rich gi

Kristen had whined the entire week before they left. She had whined and sulked during the plane flight, and was now whining, sulking, pouting, and occasionally snarling. Going on an African safari, far from chili dogs, pizza, MTV, and her friends, was not her idea of a holiday.For once, though, her parents had held firm. They intended that this would be a good old fashioned family holiday, and were determined to enjoy it if it killed them, and her. No amount of whining, cajoling and beg- ging...

4 years ago
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Tracy by Pamela [email protected] There are some girls that are born with an indescribably powerful senuality and sexiness that cannot be taught. You have to be born with it to have it. These are girls who move through the world with a rare feminine beauty that creates a chemical reaction in the boys who cross their path. Boys like myself are agog when we encounter such girls. We feel an instant churning attraction in our gut. Often we force ourselves to look the other way...

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The Niece The Wife and Their Needs Pt 4

I'm awakened by the sounds of loud moans and the bed moving, there's something familiar about the moans and as I open my eyes I see my niece atop my wife in a 69 position and they're both very actively involved in licking and sucking each other’s pussies. I stretch as I say, "Damn you too are absolutely insatiable", and not realizing my dick is standing at full mast with my need to piss. "Yeah well it looks like you might be needing something too with your dick all hard and stiff...

1 year ago
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Housewives and Cheerleaders Chapter 21

Monday at lunchtime, Kat was hanging out in Jackie London’s office on when a girl walked in who neither of them had seen before. She was a slim, tan blonde with a fresh-faced look, dressed in a pink blouse and a denim skirt. Approaching Jackie’s desk somewhat tentatively, she asked, “Are you Ms. London?”“I am,” answered Jackie. “And you are...?”“My name’s Lexi Borden,” said the girl. “I just transferred here. I wanted to ask you about maybe trying out for the cheerleading squad.”“Hmm,” said...

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Inviting a PickupChapter 17

"Maybe they just got here," Lana said, noticing her dad's truck and Aunt Valerie's Hummer in the drive. Jake felt the hoods, they were both cool and he shook his head. "Stay behind me," he ordered, pulling his pistol as he stepped onto the porch. He started to knock and Lana handed him her key, before pulling her own pistol from her waistband. He nodded, carefully unlocking the door and easing it open. They could hear the sound of a radio in the back of the house, and then a woman's...

1 year ago
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A Show of RealityChapter 25

I beat several Olympic records getting back down the corridor, cursing my utter stupidity. I heard a palisade of gunfire in front of me as I ran. The door to the room was still open, and I could definitely feel a strong breeze against my back now, and a dull roaring sound from within. A quick look inside and I gulped. Lisa was against the wall near the inner vault door. She was directly in front of Victor, with one of his arms around her throat and a gun at her head. Courtney was on the...

1 year ago
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Teaching Her Girls How To FuckFinal Chapter Reposted1

The middle of May, I got a message that my CO wanted to see me. I went to the command tent, and was surprise that it was the Colonel who wanted to see me. He was sitting at his desk, reviewing some paperwork. I stood at attention, till he pointed to a chair for me to sit in. "Staff Sergeant, no Jack you have been an exemplary soldier in my command, that is why I find this order from Fort Bragg most unusual." he said. "The order reads that I am to place you under arrest and have you...

2 years ago
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Hersquos Different Be Nice

“ Preston, I’m flying in next week and hotels are pretty pricy. Can I stay with you for a week??? “ my sister Julie asked over the phone. It was spring break of her sophomore year in college and she wanted to hang out at the beach.It made sense. It’s spring time in Daytona, of course they’re gonna be expensive. “ You know it’s not a problem. I’ve got plenty of space “ I told her referring to my 3 bedroom, one occupant home.“ Great! I’m bringing my friend Ash. Is that cool? “ she asked.“ Hiiii...

4 years ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 54 A Buggy Mission

"May I help you," a woman said from behind a desk. I watched her look at me very suspiciously as I said, "Yes ma'am. I have gotten myself lost. I was told to arrive here to meet my coworker Susan Gibson for a meeting with a client in this building. Being the new kid on the team I hope they are not playing a joke on me." She asked for my badge, hit some keys on her keyboard, stuck my badge in a card reader, and then looked at me really funny again. My badge was checked again before she...

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The Pretty Gurl

She turned heads and brought smiles when she walked. Slim, appropriately sized sized breast with a prominent bubble butt. She was all girl in appearance. Marla was sex on legs, always dressed fashionably sexy but never over the top. She had alluring Class! The world admired her, lusted her, not knowing that that lovely lady...wasn't!Marla had recently turned 40, yet appearing to be 30. Her dark flowing mane fell below her shoulders, her bubble butt filled her skirts and bounced just enough to...

3 years ago
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Jims WorldsChapter 10

"You know, honey, if those Russian bastards were killing for the meat and just taking the skins as a byproduct, I wouldn't be nearly as incensed. Does that speak good or ill of me?" Jim asked. "I think it just marks you as human. I feel the same way, and, I'll bet, the vast majority of humans would feel the same way, too, if they knew what was going on." "I think that the people who are buying those skins are just as guilty as the Russians killing for them. I wish there was some way...

2 years ago
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Chelseas Twelve Days of Christmas

Authors Note: This is my entry in the ‘Winter Holidays Contest’. There are some elements of the BDSM category in this story so if that is not to your taste perhaps choose a different story. If, however, you read and enjoy it please vote and leave a comment. Thank you very much to my friend, Margaret who proofread for me. ~ellie Chelsea’s Twelve days of Christmas Chapter 1. Innamorata Chelsea Gillian walked slowly down the staircase into the magnificent ballroom. She was poised and beautiful....

4 years ago
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Whats A Master Part Two

Several weeks after I had met Ursula, with the help of Cynthia, my old friend, I received an invitation from Ursula to a party at her home in the suburbs of our east coast city. I readily accepted. I had grown to adore Ursula. I was so lucky that she was not married yet. That definitely gave me an opening. I knew the lifestyle she practiced and I was not horrified. I was fascinated. We had met a few times in the interim, and each time we had been conventional lovers. I had fucked her, sucked...

1 year ago
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CumSwappingSis Freya Parker Theodora Day Stepsis And Her Friend Need My Secret Ingredient

Theodora Day invited her BFF Freya Parker to her first Thanksgiving as a blended family with her new stepbrother Codey Steele. Codey and Freya keep making eyes at each other across the table, which just doubles down on the request Theodora is about to make. When Codey compliments Theodora’s cooking, Freya asks her friend about the next exotic thing she plans on making. Theodora announces that she’s been contemplating cooking with sperm. She wants to make some cum crepes for...

4 years ago
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High TidesChapter 9 Reprieve Relief

“We’ll be lucky if we find even ONE BED! I don’t know of any vacant. Helena and Will, are using my stateroom during their visit!” “Follow me!” Gidget leads the way! “Doesn’t Sally need to feed before bedtime?”. “Sally’s had enough hotdogs for one night!” Gina insinuates, leaving me speechless and grinning. “Maybe. But does Sally consider she’s had enough pussy tonight?” Gidget hip bumps Gina. “She might tempt me, if she went about it the right way!” “Itching to try a petite child-sized...

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my bdsm check list

Bdsm check list for meNote | 13 days agoBDSM check ListAnal Play- Curious is a Hard limitBeating (General) YesBeating - Canes YesActs in which one partner is beaten with a cane. YesBeating - CropsActs in which one partner is beaten with a crop. YesBeating - FloggersActs in which one partner is beaten with a flogger. YesBeating - HairbrushesActs in which one partner is beaten with a hairbrush. CuriousBeating - HardActs in which one partner is beaten hard. YesSmall Limit Yes (Asthma may kick or...

3 years ago
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Becoming Brandee Chapter One

Becoming Brandee Chapter one: My wife, Julie, peered into the office where I was sitting at one of computer desks typing an IM to a new friend I had recently met on the internet. "Is this the man you have been telling me about?" "It is him, honey. As I've told you he is very different than most of the others I have chatted with online and I find myself really liking him and the way he thinks." She smiled back, "A girl does need a good man to share some of...

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