Reginald's WivesChapter 7 free porn video

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He mused, “Just like the others” What did she mean by that? He shook his head to clear it, thinking that he read too much into things.

He turned back to Reg. “Thanks you for your help, Mr. Robertson; in fact, you and the ladies. You were all helpful, one way or another. I’ll let you know if we have anything to go on.”

He left, shaking his head at the oddities of this group of university students, nice as they seemed.

Once back at the station, he spoke to the station commander about the idea that the students had about a link to the university. “I was wondering, sir, if we should have a look at the three vehicles we found with links to the university?”

His boss peered inquisitively at the Sergeant, knowing how perceptive the man was. He decided to give him his head for a while anyway.

“Sergeant, I like your proposal, provided we don’t spend too much time on it. See what you can find out about these vehicles, and we can take it from there. I will authorise access to the available data for you.”

“Thank you, sir. I’ll report back as soon as I can.”

Once he got that, Sergeant Phillips cast his suspicious eye over the data on the three vehicles. One Range Rover had been stolen for a joyride and left in the university car park, undamaged. That one could be dismissed from the search.

The second was removed from a local garage, where it was in for a service. The garage was extremely lax, he felt, to allow that to happen. He would speak to the owner about future security measures. There was a degree of damage to the vehicle, as it had been used to attack an ATM at a local supermarket. The thieves had grabbed cash from the machine and sped off in another vehicle, leaving the Range Rover on site. The damage was all to the front of the vehicle. Again, this one could be ruled out.

The third was the one he thought worth exploring. It belonged to one of the Professors, and had been taken from outside his flat. The professor had gone to work with another professor, on a car-sharing agreement, therefore it was unaccounted for during the day of the crash event. That fitted the scenario. Unfortunately, its present whereabouts was unknown.

This made the Sergeant think hard. Where do you hide a Range Rover? The simplest answer is inside a garage or lockup, provided the roof is high enough for such a vehicle to fit in. Ownership or lease of the garage would however be a give-away to the thief, so a doubtful solution. The Sergeant needed some help with this search.

He went to the staff canteen to look for certain constables who did a lot of inquiries through road patrols. The ones he thought were best at this were fortunately sitting there, having their break before going out on another patrol.

“Fred and Gavin: just the men I was looking for!”

“What are you after, Sarge? We are due to be out in a few minutes, so we can’t do any job for you just now.”

“No, no. I just want you to do some thinking. If you were trying to stash a stolen Range Rover, where would you put it?”

Gavin laughed. “I wouldn’t steal one in the first place. It is a pretty obvious vehicle. If we assume the thief isn’t stupid, he would go for the clever option, which is to hide it in plain sight, among other vehicles.”

“Explain please, Gavin?”

“Any place where there are many vehicles parked will deter anyone from looking too closely at the vehicles. A multi-story car park is not a good bet, as it gets checked every night for forgotten cars, but an airport long-stay car park is perfect. No-one checks on the vehicles, as many sit there for months while the owner is away on a job in another country.”

Fred added, “The other good bet is an industrial estate car parking area. Even at night there are people at work, so cars parked there are never noticed as anything unusual. Another possibility is the car parking area behind a car showroom.”

“Why’s that?” asked the Sergeant, whose expertise lay in other directions.

“People buying a new car usually have a trade-in, so the car park often has vehicles of all ages parked there. During the day, anyone can simply drive in, park the vehicle, then walk out and away, as if he was a customer who has bought a new car and his wife is waiting for him round the corner in the new car. They usually leave the keys in the ignition, and the showroom staff collect them later and label them with the registration number.”

Gavin concluded the litany with,”The last option is the staff car park of a large firm, where hundreds of cars are parked every day, and not often in the same spot, so a different vehicle in any spot is not unusual. Personnel changes occur regularly, and staff switching to a new or newer car is perfectly normal.

The only person likely to notice a strange vehicle is someone working late, and even then they are usually tired and concentrating on getting home. They may very well ignore other vehicles in the car park.”

“Wow. I am impressed, guys.” said Sergeant Phillips. “Can you do me a favour and keep an eye open for a black Range Rover in any of these possible sites? It is a stolen vehicle, and I can give you the registration number. I know that you have loads of stolen vehicles to watch out for, but I expect this one to be parked, colour black, and probably damaged on the near side.”

Gavin sighed. “Okay, Sarge. We’ll do that. Are you on duty tonight, or going home?”

“Home, in a few minutes, but feel free to ring me on my mobile if you find our target. I want a close look at it before Forensics moves it. We may have to check it for fingerprints and DNA, and I’d like a quick eyeball of the exterior and interior before they move it.”

The constables scanned every car park they passed, and made a few detours to include others, and eventually came to the Tesco store. The huge car park there was best checked by driving into it. Even at this time of the evening, there were dozens of vehicles there. There was a staff area behind the store, so they drove round there as well. Parked in an unobtrusive corner was a black Range Rover.

Taking their police car closer to it, they examined the number plate. Bingo! It was the one the Sergeant sought. While the driver phoned the Sergeant’s mobile, Gavin got out and took himself inside the store, where he asked for the person in charge.

A woman was summoned, and she said, “I am the night manager, constable. Mrs Mary Flanders. How can I help you?”

“Mrs. Flanders, we are interested in the black Range Rover in your staff car park. Can you tell us anything about it?”

She looked blank. “Range Rover?” She turned to the customer services girl who had called for her. “Jenny, a staff Range Rover. Do you know anything about this car?”

“Big, black, flashy thing? It has been in the car park for some time. I assumed it belonged to one of the managerial team who is away on a holiday break; that’s why I didn’t comment on it. It was stuck in a corner slot.”

The constable was decisive. “Then we can take it that it does not belong to a current member of staff? A member of the public might have left it there, possibly. Do you have CCTV coverage of the staff car park?”

The customer girl looked carefully at the night manager for an answer. Mrs Flanders swung her head around to look at who might be in hearing range, then advised, “I think we should move to my office for this discussion, constable. We never discuss security matters in front of the customers.”

Nodding his acquiescence, the constable said, “Excuse me while I notify my colleague in the car.” He phoned the car and explained why there would be a small delay.

“Lead on, Mrs. Flanders.”

They walked through the store to the administrative area. Mrs Flanders led him to a room where she had her office. A security man was in the same room, watching a battery of CCTV monitors. He looked up as they walked in, and asked, “Can I help, Mrs Flanders? Or do you want me to leave temporarily, if it is private?”

“Stay as you are, Tom. We may need your assistance with a problem.”

The constable walked behind the security man’s chair, to look at what could be seen on the monitors. He found the one for the staff car park, and asked the man, “Tom, can you bring up the Range Rover on the screen? It is in a corner parking slot.”

Tom moved a knob on his control panel, and the camera obediently swung round, but came to the end of its range before showing the black vehicle. The canopy of a tree obscured the corner. Tom muttered a curse, “Damn. It looks like coverage doesn’t stretch to that corner, constable.”

“I see. Were you aware of that failing, Tom?”

“No, sir. It hasn’t come to my notice until now. No-one has mentioned it.”

Fred was thoughtful for a moment. “Does this system record the images, Tom? If so, for how long?”

Tom told him, “It goes onto hard disk. Our system has five hard disks for recording. Each disk stores up to a week’s recordings, and switches to the next when full, so the total runs to a maximum of five weeks before it returns to the first one and rewrites the disk, though it might be as low as 30 days, depending on a number of factors. Other stores may vary, but the minimum target is 30 days.”

Fred was delighted. “In that case, Tom, can you search through the staff car park recordings, and see if you can establish when that vehicle arrived. If you can find that, look beyond for a little while, to see if the driver who parked it walks into view. If you can find such images, please do us a copy that is date and time stamped, as evidence in a criminal prosecution. Can do?”

“Yes, sir. We can manage that. It will take time, unless you can suggest a date?”

Fred frowned. “I’ll need to get back to you on that, but certainly by tomorrow. Is this all right with you, Mrs Flanders?”

“Yes. I have to report to my superiors any dealings with the police, but that can wait until tomorrow, so that we know what is to happen. I could do with more information before reporting up the hierarchy.”

Fred concluded, “Right. Someone will be in touch with you by tomorrow about the images.”

He went back out and round to the car, where Gavin had been recording the find and all the details. He said to Fred, “Do you want to phone the Sarge now, Fred?”

“Yeah. I’d better do that, not that we can have anyone doing anything much until morning.”

He rang the Sergeant and passed on the find information. Sergeant Phillips was delighted, especially about the CCTV possibilities.

“Thanks, Fred. I’ll get the forensics people on to it ASAP, once we get it delivered to them. I presume you put a sticker on the vehicle?” This was a ‘police aware’ sticker, prior to having a recovery vehicle pick it up without making any change to the vehicle condition. It would be wrapped up and chained down to the recovery truck.

“We have, Sergeant. We’ll let you get back to your family life now!”

“Indeed. I had a good meal and am drinking my coffee now. See you tomorrow, and thanks again. You have a favour available if you need one.”

Sergeant Phillips checked his watch and noted the time of the call in his police notebook, and a synopsis of the call, plus a note to have the CCTV material collected. Things were looking up.

At the Robertson household, celebrations were in full swing. The assessments were now over, and they all anticipated good passes, based on their own estimates of how things seemed to them.

Less enthusiastically, Reg had spread a delicate and quiet enquiry around the university as to the full name of the ‘Jim’ who had tripped him some weeks ago, but so far without any feedback. He wondered about this until an informant told him that the man had put out the word that his name was not to be revealed to any of the Robertson clan. The guy had a bad enough reputation that this blanket demand was having its effect. No-one wanted to risk his ire, it seemed.

Then came a surprise. Frances got an email, saying simply ‘JIM is Fitzgerald, in second year’. The sender was a public computer in the media centre, clearly used for its anonymity, and date stamped, showing it had been used during the busiest time of the day at that centre. Nobody would remember who sat where, at the computers. There would be no way to trace the sender, as was clearly the intention.

Frances showed the email to Reg.

“Darling, please don’t get involved with this man again. We don’t need any more hassle of any sort.”

“Frances, my love, I don’t intend to do anything directly. If the police come up with anything that they can pursue, then we can simply mention this man as worth looking into.”

She relaxed. “All right then. I and the other girls don’t want to see you hurt.”

“I know. You are my flock of avenging eagles looking for prey. I have no wish to be a tethered goat as a tempting snack for Jim or anyone. I have better things to do with my time, such as keeping my girls happy.”

“An ideal target for your enthusiasms, darling Reg. Now that Mr Fixer has got all the house security upgrades done, we can take things easy for a while. What do you think of the wines that Prudence brought in?”

“Better tasting than I expected. All I could ever afford in the past was plonk, so my taste buds never experienced the joys of good quality wines. I am learning to appreciated the finer things in life, such as my wives.”

“Good choice, my love. For you have to attend at least two parties in the next three weeks, so you need to be sociable and able to converse about such wines, and good cheeses like Brie and Manchego.”

“As long as I am also able to spot soft cheeses that Prudence needs to avoid, such as the Brie you mentioned.”

“Of course. None of us wants Prudence to get another migraine. Beware of Taleggio and Camembert, Prudence, and any other which might have tyramine in it. Red wine often contains tyramine, so make sure you stick to white wine, and not a lot of that, either; PLUS, you must drink at least a glass of water before bedtime. Reg, make sure she obeys me on that.”

“Yes, dear,” sighed Reg. “I’ll read up on migraine triggers before we go out to any event. At least I have a decent suit to wear.”

“That was for our commitment ceremony, Reg, not for every event. If we feel you need another rig-out for a special event, we will get you one; is that understood?”

“Yes, Frances. I am on your wavelength now about money. I accept that for the moment I am a kept man, until I get my degree and take up a well-paying job. I want to be able to look after my girls in the future, instead of the other way round. I know you all do it out of love, but I still have emotional baggage that says a man should look after his wife – or wives in our case.”

“Reg, you should look on it not as being a kept man, but having grant aid that comes from us rather than from the government. We will happily allow you to care for us that way when you can afford to, if that will make you happy. You are already making us happy, so we want to reciprocate; that is all.”

“Okay, I can go along with that reasoning. Frances, I love you, girl. I want you to remember that, even if I do some moaning at times.”

“I know, Reg. You are still adjusting to life with us. We understand, my love.”

Frances also got a phone call from her father, to report on the insurance payout.

“Frances, your claim in regard to the break-in has been paid in full. The insurance people were all set to up my premiums as a result, but when I told them about all the security improvements, they changed their collective mind, and in fact dropped it slightly after consulting the actuarial oracles. You said it was Prudence’s father who organised the improvements, didn’t you?”

“Yes, Daddy. Why?”

“I was just wondering if I could get him to arrange for security improvements at my other buildings.”

“Mmm ... Daddy?” Frances was now being careful in what she said.

“Yes, girl?”

“I don’t think Prudence’s father is in that kind of business. His work is kind of hush-hush, and he was going out of his way to help us, so I don’t think he is in the market for what you want.”

“Oh, I see. Not even as a sort of sideline business, then?”

She laughed lightly. “You do try hard; don’t you, Daddy? I will get Prudence to speak to her father about it. Will that satisfy you?”

“Yes. He is effectively your father-in-law, so we relatives ought to help each other, is what I am thinking. Would you disagree?”

“No, Daddy, I wouldn’t. I am simply being careful to not upset anyone. Okay?”

“I follow. Good girl. Marriage has made you even more mature. Are you girls all okay with Reg? Just checking; for your menage is so unusual.”

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Jahnavi Bhabhi 8211 Part 2

I ended up with my Jahnvi bhabhi, all naked in the bathroom. You can read how it happened in the first part of this story. I was in a completely confused state of what to say to bhabhi. I just kept quiet and left the room to go to mine.  I could not get those images out of my mind. I spent the whole time in my room thinking about that incident. We had dinner sitting opposite to each other without being able to look at each other’s faces. My mom was also there at the table. She talked something...

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Slut And so it begins part 2

Slut: And so it begins Part 2I was kneeling on my hardwood hallway floor, spunk dripping out of my just fucked ass. My legs shaking and my pussy trembling with sexual contentment.Alan from next door had just opened Pandora's box.For the first time in an absolute age, I felt sexually satisfied. My hunger for more was growing within me.My husbands neglect of his sexual duties had brought this to a head that here I was a lingerie clad fuck slut for the young guy next door. He had skillfully played...

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Ek anjan se enjoy

Hi i am nirav from Rajkot ::: mene aap sabki stori padhi :: to muje bhi esa laga ki me bhi aapni bat kasu so likh diya:::me rajkot ka rehne vala hu:: ek din me barish me bhiga huva ghar aaraha tha tab raste me ek bhabhi ki car bandh ho gai thi:: muje dekhakar boli ki meri car bandh he :: pls muje mere ghar tak chod denge? Mene bola chaliye bethiye:: wo meri bick par aagai :: tab mene dekha ki wo bahut ni sindar or sexy thi :: karib 30 sal ki hongi:: uske kapde mese uska jisma saf dikhai deta...

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My Story Ch 06

I woke from my slumber and realised I was in O's bed. I let a satisfied smile spread across my lips and snuggled in to the duvet. I could still feel the wetness between my cheeks from last nights passionate and sexy 'love making'. It gave me a feeling of complete satisfaction and fulfillment. O was pleasuring me in ways I'd never experienced and it just gave me an overwhelming feeling that I put my complete trust in him, and yes, I was definitely falling for him. I was hoping for a repeat...

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The Ravishing of Snow Owl

It had been a long winter for the tribe and the eldest daughter of the Chief. Heavy snow and bitter winds had confined her. It was a long drought for her social life. No man. No sex. Night dreams with wetness and need. Her focus was on fingers, tight asses, lips, and cocks. She fretted on her emptiness and the nightmare of loneliness. She woke dissatisfied. The daily chores for her parent’s teepee were brief, a mere public presence not suited for flirting with warriors. The weather broke...

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DadCrush Madison Summers One Thankful Daddy

Maddison Summers is home for the holidays, and her stepdad, Filthy Rich, couldn’t be more excited! When Filthy gifts Madison an apron for Turkey Day dinner, she immediately puts it on and arouses herself in bed. Filthy can’t help but watch from a distance but is caught off guard when Madison notices him watching through the crack in the bedroom door. The next day, things turn up a little bit when the two undress to toss their clothes in the washing machine. Madison and Filthy can’t stop...

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The next day, it took all her willpower to not rush over to Ryan’s house at one o’clock, but Charmaine managed. It was Thursday now – just eight days after her first “date” with him. It was hard to believe that her first sexual experience with him was a mere eight days ago – they have fucked so many times since! Today was her first day of her part time job. In a few days, Monday to be exact, she would commence school. She would be quite busy at that point, but she knew that she could make time...

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Hannah’s insufferably girly script stared at me from the slip of paper in my hand. There was only one word on it.LoganFollowed by a heart with a toothy smiley-face in it which I couldn’t easily look away from. It was the eyes. They were following me when I moved the paper around in my hand, like those of a haunted painting.Ugh. I gave the back of Hannah’s head another glare and, for the hundredth time, mentally repeated the argument we’ve had over and over this last month. Only this time I won...

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PenthouseGold Emma Starletto Creampies for Stepdad

Nubile blonde Emma Starletto has been eyeing stepdad Johnny Goodluck for some time, and in today’s premium Penthouse taboo family porn video, the naughty stepdaughter finally gets to have a taste of the tattooed stud’s big dick for herself. After titty sucking on Snow White’s pale nipples, the Sweet Slut gives a fantastic blowjob followed by a cowgirl ride on his rod. Listen to Miss Emma moan as she gets her tight trimmed pussy licked and fucked by daddy in doggystyle until a...

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Nutcracker Sweet Part 2 of 2

Rick grinned and hit me on the shoulder with a wet slap, saying, “Your mind says no, but your dick obviously says yes. Relax, Jason; both of you just relax and enjoy. This isn’t the first time we’ve done this kind of thing. I love it, as you can tell…” he thrust his hips forward, showing off his little erection, throbbingly hard and pointing skyward, “…and Mikki is a very sexual woman. I’m on board with her wants and needs, and don’t mind if she occasionally enjoys a little more cock than I can...

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BlacksOnBlondes Brooklyn Chase 08252021

Brooklyn housewife who likes to get to know her personal trainers because her husband is out of town a lot. She schedules Prince and Jon Jon to come over at the same time for their “interviews”. But really she has her eye on both of them the whole the time. Since they are there she suggests they both give her some work out tips and they have her go through some stretches that show off her ass and put their crotches right by her face. Then they decide she needs a “real...

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Dogs Bitch

I have led a shelter life as a child. I was very naive about life, and sex. My dad passed away when I was ten, my mother raise me the remainder of my years with her. I was twelve when we moved to Florida. This move was so my mother could be close to her sister, my Aunt Bee. The neighborhood we moved into has always been very quiet. Our neighbor had a daughter a year older then me. Terry the neighbor and I became very close friends. Terry explains to me some things she knew about life, which...

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Sapphires EmeraldsChapter 17

Unable to wait any longer, Abby turned to the two directors. "Excuse me, sirs. But I think we really need to get started on this debriefing. We're all on edge here. If we can get this op going, maybe we'll all be able to take a breath. I, for one, am nervous as heck. Can you explain to me how this is going to go down and what will be required of me? Like, who am I going to be if I can't be Abby?" Abby asked not only for herself, but for the man next to her who had quickly become such an...

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ExploitedCollegeGirls Londyn 09202018

Filipina-mix Londyn is the kind of chick you want to bang the second you meet her. She’s super pretty, got that calm-yet-energetic vibe going on, and you just know she puts out like a freak in the sheets if you push her buttons right. Before we get to that though we find a present in the hotel lobby, talk about her sexual history (surprisingly tame for a hot girl like that), likes and dislikes, and all the other stuff we like to know a guy might want to know before we dip our sticks in to...

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Temporary Cock Part 3

I made it through the rest of the car ride, but by the time we arrived at Liv’s place, my cock was fully erect again. She had a great apartment right on the top floor of a new building that I usually was super jealous of. Right now all I wanted to do was get inside.She fumbled in her purse for her fob to unlock the door. A stiff breeze rolled down the street, gusting beneath my dress and giving me a vivid reminder that I wasn’t wearing any underwear. Despite the warmth of the summer afternoon,...

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AssParade Kendra Lust Chloe Cherry Tag Team

Chloe Cherry starts out by stretching out until she feels Juan’s hard-on. She freaks out until she really notices how big it is. She’s amazed by his cock and decides to tease him a bit more before she got on her knees to suck him off. She gets caught sucking by angry Kendra Lust. Kendra takes Chloe upstairs and lets her know that she’s going to teach her how to be a slut before shoving her face into her big tits. Chloe takes Kendra’s pants off and starts licking her pussy and ass. Kendra Lust...

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I looked out past the curtain at the gathered media raiding the tables with coffee and donuts; Harry was standing beside me. It was five minutes to two. “Harry, let’s go get us a donut before the vultures clean the carcass,” I said. “You aren’t afraid they will try to grab a piece of flesh?” he replied laughing. “As long as you are breathing and moving they will stay back. Troy - on the other hand - might be in trouble,” I replied with a laugh as I took my mug and walked towards the steps...

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Veterans Day

The red ball of the sun sank slowly through the purple clouds and behind the distant trees. The old soldier sat quietly watching the sunset. Reflections from the gold aviator wings pinned on his threadbare robe flickered along the wall with each raspy breath. It was the same scene he had watched for years. The young blonde nurse always stood in the background until the last rays had tinged the sky in orange and the evening star appeared before wheeling the chair back into the room. Her...

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After settling in with a glass of champagne each from the hotel mini bar, the atmosphere was electric with sexual tension. Helen, who had not said much since being introduced, met Monica's gaze from the other side of the bed.  “Want to watch Barry undress me?” “Uh, uh,” smiled Monica, the realisation of what she might be in for, becoming far more than a long held fantasy.  Barry stood behind Helen with as much aplomb as he could muster in his shaking hands, and slid the long zip at the...

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Cum Addict

When Rick Sommers got a phone call offering him a free holiday on an Aegean island, including airfare, hotel and breakfasts for a seven days, he jumped at the opportunity. A colleague at work had booked the holiday and paid for it, but then was informed that he had to go to South Africa to open up a new company office. Rick had a great flight to Athens, then two ferry rides to reach his final destination – the island of Yumnos. As he was getting off the boat he was somewhat surprised to see the...

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The Ballad of Annie Greene Part 8

Bob and Millie by Peggy Sue I never found out why Arthur left. He started to explain why he was leaving and I stopped him. Since I was a child I was always suspicious of 'why' questions. If the answer wasn't simple, it must be a lie. So I was alone. I didn't feel like sitting alone in coffeehouses - I would have missed Arthur, and I was determined not to waste time with useless emotions. I was enjoying masturbating anyhow. So I looked up my old friend Millie. Millie was surprised...

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Going over to clean her up

As pre-arranged Jessica called me as soon as her one night stand left. She was an ex girlfriend but we still screw every now and then. She called from the club last night about 2.30 telling me that she was on her way home with a guy called Brad.The time now is 8.30 and I’m on my way to her apartment, I’m very excited about our meet. She meets at the door wearing just a old white long t-shirt, she kisses my on the lips and I wonder when they had been over the last couple of hours. She proceeded...

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Playing by the RulesChapter 2 How to Score

Rule 1: Any woman whose name is written within this notebook shall have sex with you within the next 24 hours. Rachel February 17th Rule 2: You must write down the woman’s first and last name to avoid confusion. Arthur held his pen under the second rule for a long time as he contemplated just whose name to write down. He considered using Rachel’s again, but that wouldn’t prove much. Maybe someone famous like an actress or singer. No, he might wind up on the front cover of a...

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Things to Do with My Slut Ch 17

Chapter 17 – New Rules I could not wait for noon. I got up Saturday morning and hit the gym hard. Trying to keep busy until it was time to go. I hit the batting cages and then showered. I threw on some neutral cloths and headed out the door to the diner. The ride was filled with thoughts of what might occur. I had no idea what had happened yesterday nor what was to come today. I was excited, nervous and completely terrified. I arrived at the diner on time. I entered and did not see Emma, or...

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Business or Pleasure Rob and Jane Part 5

Rob had been working very hard over the last month and the strain was beginning to get to him. He hadn’t seen Jane in over two weeks and not only did he miss talking and laughing with her but, he was majorly horny! They had been chatting online and sending each other dirty pictures all week which, wasn’t helping him concentrate on his big presentation that was due on Friday. He was hoping for a promotion and everyone said how much he deserved it, he had been working really, really hard. Still...

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Young woman is sodomized by her new neighbor 3

Suddenly Allen stood and spun around then speaking with a soft voice he said, "Let's get dressed, we'll discuss this later ... okay?" he said as he bent over to pick up his gym shorts.Mary sat in the bed and watched Allen slip on his gym shorts as her heart beat up her body. She didn't care about his massive erection anymore or the fact she had just offered herself to a man she had just met less then an hour ago. Mary cared about Allen's feelings and she knew why. She had no clue how to escape...

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I Did It for My HusbandChapter 4

I got into bed with Gary after my shower. Thankfully he was finished raping me for the night. He pulled me into his arms and went to sleep with his hand on my breast. I lay there awake for a very long time, listening to his quiet snoring in my ear and trying not to think about what my life has become. I doubt if I got more than two or three hours sleep. I still felt dopey the next morning when the alarm went off. Gary shut it off and took me into the bathroom. I have showered with Jimmie...

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Being HumanChapter 14

Even hours after the fact, Ghok is astonished that a woman carrying around so much has so much energy. In truth, he has probably done most of the actual work, but Rachele is undeniably a very engaged lover. Her appetite in the bedroom proves to be even more voracious than her appetite in the kitchen. He has lost count of the number of times they have actually fucked, and the number of positions he has taken her in. Yet despite the exhausting marathon of sex that has completely milked him dry,...

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Sally the Ghost

I watched him stroke his cock. I knew he was close because his breathing had become more regular, his eyes had closed, and his head was tilting slowly back. Pleasure beamed from his face. His toes will be curling soon, I thought, and he’ll explode all over. My attention was on the head of his shaft as I stood, straddled him, and squatted my sex over his erection. I had to time this just right. How unladylike, I thought with a wry grin as I considered my predicament. I was nude, squatting over...

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Donna Finally Female

Donna, Finally Female. For those that have not followed this story, my birth name was David Johnson, I was an orphan, I made friends with Donna Wilkinson also an orphan, we both found out we were trapped in the wrong body, so with the help of hormone pills stolen from Donna's place of work we simply became one another, I became Donna a buxom size 24 girl with a 42-34-42 figure, while Donna became Dave an slightly overweight guy who now loves sport and works as an apprentice...

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The Smile

The smile wasn't a friendly, welcoming smile. It was more the kind of smile that a crocodile might give to its prey; or better yet a spider, if spiders could smile. There was no warmth, no feeling of any kind behind it, it was just malevolent. She was dressed in a light shift, with only pants underneath. And she had been admiring herself in her full length mirror, holding the shift tight across her bosom. She had been thinking it wasn't a good bosom, her tits were too small, the left one...

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