A Paladin's TrainingChapter 11: Maralon free porn video

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***ARAN – Maralon, Capital of Ekistair***

Aran had thought Ironshire was impressive when he first saw it, but Maralon would swallow Ironshire ten times over! He tried not to gawp as he threaded his way down one of the wide, cobbled avenues through the bustling throngs of citizens going about their day.

He wove through the crowds as smoothly as he could, wishing he could use his vala to enhance his senses. At the very least, it would save him from being jostled so thoroughly. Amina’s warning repeated itself in his mind, however, keeping him erring on the side of caution.

Jostling aside, he tried to refrain from gawking too much; being from the country, he’d never seen this many buildings in one place, let alone the thousands of people all living practically on top of each other.

The houses and other buildings were mostly all brick, three or four stories tall and narrow, with dark-tiled sloping roofs. A forest of countless chimneys left the smell of wood smoke hanging thick in the air. It was still early; the sun had been up for barely an hour and breakfast fires would still be alight.

Horses and carts aplenty populated the streets, sometimes knocking down an unwary pedestrian. Most times the drivers offered nothing in the way of apology, as if it were simply a matter of course. Shopkeepers cried their wares loudly beneath their awnings while smiths, wheelwrights and other craftsmen and women further added to the cacophony with the ring of metal on metal or the knocking of hammer on wood.

The people here seemed to favour dark clothing, Aran had found. Many of the men wore black cloaks and strange cylindrical hats with high tops. Walking canes were popular, too, even though most of their bearers appeared not to need them. The local fashion was completed by strange beards that left their upper lips bare, or bushy sideburns that ended just before the chin.

The women wore bonnets, usually of a dark hue, with their dresses a slightly lighter brown, or red, or blue, with wide skirts that seemed ungainly in these crowded streets, but fashion rarely made practical sense, as Aran understood it.

He stopped when he came to an intersection of two major avenues. In the centre was an elaborate circular fountain ten paces across supporting a twenty-foot tall statue of a robed man standing proudly, chin held high and hands folded over his chest. The sculptor had been good; the man’s face was carved in enough detail to show a decidedly pious expression.

A man standing on the edge of the fountain caught his attention. Wearing a rather garish yellow cloak with red trim, he was surrounded by a crowd of onlookers, all of whom were listening avidly to his words.

“And that is why the Order needed to be destroyed!” The fellow said, addressing the crowd in a loud voice and making grand gestures with his hands. “To protect good folks like yourselves from the corruption and filth that they perpetrated!”

A few folk cheered, others clapped as Aran slowed to listen, standing off to the eastern side of the fountain, out of the speaker’s line of sight.

“The arohim claimed to be servants of a God!” The man continued, the light of zeal unmistakable in his eyes. “And yet, rather than serving the good people of the world, they built grand temples and monuments to openly display their arrogance and ill-gotten wealth, all the while engaging in sordid rituals of the flesh! Decadence and lust were their ways, and many innocent folk fell prey to their enticing and seductive teachings!”

Aran couldn’t believe what he was hearing. He had half a mind to step forward right now and set this fellow straight! If it weren’t for the Order, none of these people would be standing here today! Anger seethed in him, but he reluctantly let it go; a confrontation here would surely have no positive outcome, especially with all these people so keenly heeding this man’s tirade.

“The Heralds of Dawn are dedicated to the protection of ordinary folk from such things ever occurring again!” The man continued. “Yes, we successfully destroyed the Order, but we must have measures in place to prevent another force from ever taking it’s place! We are petitioning the Council for further power to carry out these measures as we speak! Do we have your support?”

Cheers erupted from the crowd, which had doubled in size since Aran had arrived. Their reaction concerned him no small measure; if the people really believed the Order was corrupt and evil, it would be that much more difficult to restore their faith in Aros.

Unwilling to risk being discovered, he turned and slipped through the crowd, disappearing into the flow of the city.

A little later, Aran was standing in front of a fruit cart, perusing the somewhat shriveled merchandise. The proprietor was cheerfully trying to engage him in conversation, but Aran was distracted by something, offering only noncommittal responses.

Upon approaching the cart, something had resonated inside him, humming in time with his vala for the briefest second before disappearing. Not a minute later, it had appeared again and then vanished again just as quickly. It was something he had only felt in the presence of other arohim, but this felt different; it was a weak, fitful pulse, where Elaina, Smythe or Amina would radiate a strong, steady vibration. To add to the peculiarity, his vala had stopped pulling at him for the first time in the week-and-a-half since he had left Amina’s temple.

He continued to pretend looking at the apples, keeping his senses sharp, waiting for the signal to appear again. Had he not been so focused, he would have missed the scrawny hand that appeared over the side of the cart to seize an apple before whipping back out of sight. A moment later, a figure, barefooted and dressed in dirty rags – probably a boy, by the look – disappeared into a nearby alleyway.

Aran almost dropped the apple he was holding, for at the last second before he vanished ‘round the corner, the boy was surrounded by the faintest whisper of a golden glow.

The shopkeeper, unaware he had just been burgled, politely asked Aran if he was going to buy anything. Barely looking at the man, Aran pushed a coin at him before hurrying into the alley after the urchin, not having to look terribly hard to find the poor lad crouched behind a rain barrel, scoffing the wrinkled apple, juice running down his dirty chin.

The lad was underfed – perhaps dangerously so – all skin and bones as he was. He seemed unconcerned at Aran’s presence, focusing solely on devouring the fruit as fast as he could without choking. This close, Aran could feel that resonance again. If he were a betting man, he would wager that this young urchin possessed the vala, and probably had no idea.

When the boy was done, he looked up at Aran suspiciously. “What do you want?”

Aran proffered the apple he had just purchased. “Still hungry?”

The lad eyed him warily, looking hungrily at the fruit, but cautious to trust. Aran waited, a kind smile on his face.

Hunger won, and the boy snatched the apple from Aran’s hand and tucked in. When it was gone, Aran asked if he wanted any more. The boy nodded eagerly, so Aran returned to the cart and bought three more apples, all as wrinkled as the other.

Sitting down opposite the hungry lad, Aran tossed him another apple, asking a question as he did. “What’s your name?”

“Sara,” he replied around a mouthful.

“Did you say Sara?” After getting a nod of confirmation, Aran blurted, “You’re a girl?”

“Yes!” Sara shot back around a mouthful. “Is that a problem or something?” She glared at him in challenge.

Upon closer inspection, Aran noticed the shape of the ‘boy’s’ cheekbones, chin and nose, which could most definitely belong to a girl, as could the long, matted brown hair framing that dirty face. Startling cornflower-blue eyes contrasted sharply with the grime. Reassessing, Aran placed Sara’s age at seventeen or eighteen.

“No! Not at all!” Aran said, trying not to sound defensive. “I’m sorry, Sara, I meant not to be rude.”

“Yes, well,” Sara began, acid on her tongue. “I meant not to live on the street and starve to death, but look what’s happening.”

Aran looked down at his hands. He was still clutching an apple in each one. He was uncertain what to say next, but then Sara spoke again, this time in a gentler tone.

“I’m sorry, stranger,” she said sincerely. “I know you didn’t mean any harm. Thanks for the grub, and for not selling me out to that shop keeper. He caught me once, and it was ... bad.” She left the details of the capture open to Aran’s imagination. He decided he didn’t want to think too hard about it.

“Aran,” he responded warmly, tossing her another apple. “My name is Aran.” She snagged the apple from the air and this time ate at a more leisurely pace.

“So, what can I do for you, Aran?” Sara asked between bites. “Aside from eating all your food?” She smiled for the first time, showing a genuine warmth shining out from beneath the dirt on her face.

Aran returned the smile. “Well, Sara, you can listen for a minute or two.” She looked back expectantly while her jaw worked on the fruit. “I’m not sure if you’re aware, but you have a very special gift.”

“Yup, I know,” she said with a grin.

“You know?” Aran asked incredulously. “How long have you known?”

“About a year or two, I reckon,” she said nonchalantly, nibbling around the core to get every last bit of flesh. “At first I thought I was normal, but then the other urchins said that they’ve never seen nobody filch food like me, and I’ve never been caught, so I figure I’ve got a gift.”

Aran felt like burying his face in his palm. “No, Sara, that’s not what I meant. You actually have a very rare, and very powerful gift. I have the same gift, which is why I followed you back here from the street. I felt it inside you just before you stole that apple, and I can feel it inside you now.”

Sara just stared back at him blankly.

Aran kept trying. “Haven’t you ever felt different from the people around you?”

Sara looked thoughtful for a moment, then nodded. “All the time.”

Hope rose in Aran that she was seeing his point, but it deflated when she continued with an angry light in her eyes. “I feel different every time I see them!” She threw a skinny arm toward the street, taking in the people passing. “Going to their homes every night, to their families and their fireplaces and their warm beds!” Her voice cracked at her last words and tears brimmed in her eyes.

Aran’s heart went out to the poor girl. “Sara,” he said gently. “Do you find that since I sat down with you, you’ve felt more comfortable in my presence with each moment? As if we’ve known each other for years?”

She dashed her tears away, streaking the dirt on her face before looking at him. After a moment, she nodded slowly. “Yeah, I reckon I do, now that you’ve said that. I didn’t notice before – I was too hungry – but now that I think of it, I normally make a habit of staying clear of strangers, yet here I am talking with you.”

Aran nodded, understanding. “It’s one of the many benefits of the gift we share. If you were to learn to use it, you would find yourself living a much different, much more meaningful life.”

“Different how? Meaningful how?” Curiosity painted her dirt-caked face.

Aran met her gaze, pondering how to begin explaining this to her. He thought back to his first lesson with Elaina, when she had told him about his true purpose. He decided that it would be best done in more comfortable surroundings.

“I have an idea,” he said finally. “You help me find the place I’m searching for, and I’ll tell you everything you want to know. You can either believe me or not, that’s up to you. Either way, you’ll get to be in out of the cold, and I’ll wager a hot meal may even be involved.”

Sara thought for a moment, her eyes searching his face. “Agreed,” she said, rising to her feet. “On one condition.”

Aran cocked an eyebrow. “Yes?”

“I get that last apple.”

With a chuckle, he handed her the last apple before standing and fishing a piece of paper from his coat pocket. “I take it you know the city well?”

“Like the back of my hand.”

“Excellent. I need to find a house, or a shop, or some place that displays this symbol.” He held up the paper, which displayed a sketch of the sunburst of Aros; a solid circle radiating sinuous lines. “It might be discreet, but it would be visible to someone looking for it.”

Sara studied the symbol, a thoughtful expression on her face as she chewed on her fourth apple. Suddenly, recognition bloomed. “I’ve seen that before! It’s sometimes hanging in the window of Sorla’s house!”

“Sorla?”Aran inquired. “Who is Sorla?”

“She’s a half-Orc that lives over in the East Quarter. A herbalist. She patched me up once when I took a tumble and hurt my leg. Gave me some herbs to help with the healing. Tasted horrible, but I sure healed up quick!”

Aran felt a rush of excitement. “Can you take me there now?”

“Yup!” Sara said cheerfully, tossing the finished apple core over her shoulder with a grin. “Follow me!”

***MALOTH – Ruins of Angavar, Palistair***

Some time ago, Kreya had led them underground, into what she said had once been the vast network of sewers beneath the ancient city of Angavar. Maloth and Shenla rode at the fore, Shenla shrouded in her cloak so as not to draw a crowd with the scandalous array of leather straps to which she’d taken such a shine.

Kreya sat in front of Maloth, her back pressed firmly to his chest while Barrog and Glinda trailed their masters alone. Torvin and the other two Mor’tirith had peeled off soon after they’d entered the underground, having other business to attend.

The stone tunnels had been maintained, judging by their look, in a state of far better repair than the ruins above. Torches lined the walls, which were either intact or had been patched, as were the ceilings, which were more than high enough for a Noroth to stand in.

A black-cloaked Warden passed them with two thralls in tow. He shot a strange look at Kreya as she passed, riding with Maloth as she was. Maloth cocked an eyebrow at the fellow, or more accurately, his company; his undead minions were she-Elves, tall and lithe and very naked, their bodies slim and graceful even in death.

Their skin was the pale grey shade of the pre-dawn sky, and their eyes were all white, devoid of irises or pupils. They were hauntingly beautiful, Maloth had to admit. He made a mental note to see if Kreya could create some of these creatures for his household; they would make very attractive servants and they would be easily disposed of if their use ended.

Kreya said that the Wardens hoped to rebuild the city one day, as a haven for those who wished to practice the darker arts in safety. Since binding her, Maloth had learned a lot from her about her people. The Mor’tirith were scattered after the War, and all Wardens left alive went into hiding. Eventually, a small cluster regrouped and migrated across the sea to Palistair. Soon after, they discovered Angavar, an abandoned city which held corpses aplenty in its huge graveyard, and no living to perturb the Wardens.

Raising undead thralls as they required – they called them ‘Risen’ -- they slowly began to recover, creating a home underground in the tunnels beneath the city. Once they had chosen a new queen – Kreya’s mother, Morin – covert messages were sent out to all corners of the land, calling home any surviving Wardens of the Dead. Several had answered, and returned to join their brethren.

Kreya said that currently there were less than fifty in the coven, with roughly one-hundred and fifty risen dead at their service.

Another of Kreya’s fellows passed them in the tunnel, this one a woman with a large Orc trailing behind. It was male, and bore the same skin tone as the Elves that Maloth had seen earlier. It wore only a crude loincloth which failed to completely conceal the appendage swinging between its legs as it shambled along. Kreya nodded at the woman as she passed, getting a nod in return.

Barrog, striding along at the rear of the group, growled in his throat – probably at seeing one of his kin enslaved so – until Shenla shot him a look, quieting him. Glinda, perhaps feeling for Barrog, nudged her horse over and gave him a comforting pat on his broad shoulder, having to reach up a little despite her being on horseback and Barrog being on foot.

“Do not console him, Glinda,” Maloth ordered without looking at the Dwarf. “He is Shenla’s, now, and all former loyalties and ties are severed. He would do well to remember that.” It was a warning; Barrog was a very useful tool, but Maloth would remove his head in a blink if he became a liability. It would cause Shenla no small amount of pain, but unnecessary risks could not be accepted.

“Yes, my Lord,” Glinda replied meekly, moving her horse away.

At Kreya’s indication, he turned Shadow to the right, down a connecting tunnel. Immediately, he noticed an increase in activity. More black-cloaked figures moved up and down this tunnel, appearing and vanishing through smaller openings. Most of them were accompanied by various forms of Risen, some carrying heavy objects, others clearly just along for show and dressed to draw the eye, or not dressed at all, in some cases.

Kreya said it was something of a status among her folk to have the most beautiful or attractive servants, which is why they were so often on display. It wasn’t just the men, either. A few women had passed with muscular or otherwise attractive male minions, their assets revealed to all who looked. And, of course, there were the men and women that seemed to favour minions of the same sex, and for the same reasons.

One scrawny fellow had even raised a Giant! The diminutive Warden was happily perched on the shoulder of the Norothi, fifteen feet off the ground as she strode down the tunnel wearing nothing but a few scant scraps of cloth covering her lower half and her titanic breasts.

Apparently, the more powerful the Warden, the better quality the resurrection, meaning a more intact original body. The most powerful of them could animate dead that could communicate, and even have some memory of their former life, according to Kreya.

As the party rode deeper into the busy tunnel, Maloth noticed that guards were stationed about in the form of hulking Risen brutes of Orc or Troll or Ogre stock, carrying truncheons or cudgels and placed at strategic points in the passageway. The guard saturation thickened as the party approached an iron gate set into the stone, before which a beautiful Risen Elf stood.

White hair whispered down her shoulders and back, and ghostly eyes aimed at them as she smiled. This was the first Risen that Maloth had seen with an expression on its face.

“Welcome, Lady Kreya,” the Elf said, bowing respectfully. Her voice sounded oddly distant, as if it were echoing down a long tunnel before leaving her throat. She was wearing a black robe so thin one could see straight through the fabric to the very generously curved body beneath.

Maloth knew that the older an Elf woman was, the shapelier she became, which would put this particular specimen easily at over three hundred years, if his own Elf, Ellerion, was anything to go by. Ellerion was over five hundred, and possessed even greater curves than this Risen.

“If you please,” the Elf continued. “Her Highness, Queen Morin, will receive you and your companions.” She turned, showing her ample bottom, and gestured to the two massive Ogres standing on either side of the gate. They obediently pulled it open, allowing the party to follow the Elf through.

“She will be glad to receive you, I think,” Kreya whispered as they passed through. “Though you should be warned; she is rather full of herself at times, and can be prickly.”

Maloth slipped a hand inside Kreya’s cloak and palmed her breast possessively in response. “Leave the queen to me, Kreya. I will handle her.”

“Yes, my Lord,” she sighed as his finger circled her nipple through her cloth wrap.

The Elf guide led them to where the tunnel opened up into a large chamber with a dais at the opposite end, atop which sat an elaborate throne made all of bones. The skulls of various creatures adorned the arms and back. To either side of the throne, a Risen Orc stood, huge and muscular, their features identical even down to the massive organs hanging between their naked thighs. Shenla was eyeing them with interest.

A Human woman lounged atop the throne, one leg crossed over the other, wearing a robe similar to the Elf, except that hers bore an intricate framework of bones with trinkets dangling from it, fanning out in an arc between her shoulder blades, the peak sitting just above her head.

She was beautiful, if a little severe of expression, and there was much of Kreya in her features. Maloth placed her in her middle years, perhaps a little less. Her slim body still looked fit and attractive and her modest breasts were devoid of sag, easily visible through her thin robe. Her raven hair was lightly touched with grey at the temples, and her eyes were pale blue augurs, the same shade as Kreya’s.

Looks aside, Morin’s presence was impressive, dominating the room as she leaned forward. “You have returned, daughter,” she addressed Kreya, who quickly vacated the saddle. “I grew concerned when you did not return last night.”

Kreya bowed deeply. “Mother, I am sorry to have concerned you. I assure you, I was quite safe.”

“Indeed,” Morin said flatly. “Word has reached me of your companions. It came as a great surprise to me to learn that the children of Morgeth the Corruptor survived the purge, and have conveniently arrived on our doorstep.”

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  Zoe continued to be quite the disciplinarian whilst my wife Susie was away, and I was spanked regularly together with Jeff, and now also 21-year-old Hannah. We would each have to go bare bottomed across my daughter’s lap to be spanked by her very firm hand and then with the strap, and occasionally with the dreaded cane. It was something to hear three adults gasping and crying as my daughter Zoe soundly spanked each of us in turn, the other two watching, either glad our own punishment was...

3 years ago
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First time wife shared

Wife's first time, was a while ago....I always think about this and it gets me so bloody horny. I'm no writer, so bear with me and I'll try and convey the story as best i can.We used to live in Whitburn, West Lothian after we were married. We had a few neighbours come and go in the time we lived there and all were friendly, but it was not until another young couple moved into next door that the thought of swapping started to awaken.Over the space of about a year we all became very good friends,...

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Bella loved sex. She had been with most men in her town from the high school football team to the 80 year old grandpa. She would spend hours in bed to just a quick fuck in the back of a car. Yesterday she fucked grandpa Joe for three hours in his back yard. He loved that she would deepthroat his cock as grandma would not even touch it. She even would have sex with a wife while the hubby watched. Men loved to see their wives lick and suck Bella's smooth pussy while they stroked their cock. Then...

3 years ago
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Retro Rookie CopsChapter 4

The last criminal on our list was named Shoosh. He resembled an ostrich with two necks and heads. He stood over 8 feet tall when his necks were fully extended. We would have known that he was male just by the multitude of colors in his tail and the way it shimmered with iridescence, a beautiful sight under any circumstances. He was a lawyer and perfectly suited to the job: two-faced and a great show! Shoosh's home was similar to Jak-Jak's in that it was made up of several building roofs...

1 year ago
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Private Mary Rock Masseuse

Mary Rock is one of our sexy masseuses in Private Specials, A Massage With… and today she’s come to treat the lucky Tommy Cabrio to one hour of hot and oily action that you simply won’t want to miss! A handjob, a blowjob, and a wet and slippery 69 serve as the perfect warm-up for this sensual brunette as she gets the fun started with some hot POV action. Then watch the rest of the session on www.private.com as Mary goes on to enjoy a phenomenal gonzo fuck on the massage table, riding, grinding...

2 years ago
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Sailing Quiet Romance

Sailing – Quiet Romance This is a little tale about an experience I had a while ago. But first, let me introduce myself, and also mention that all characters herein are consenting adults. The names have been changed in an effort to circumvent unnecessary persecution. I’m an ‘older’ guy, recently retired, living on a barrier island in the Gulf of Mexico, off the southwest Florida coast. I enjoy leading an active life, and try to stay fit by walking, bike riding, swimming and sailing on the...

2 years ago
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Being Turned Into A Woman By My Wife

"Being Turned Into A Woman By My Wife" by Lorraine Simmons I have fantasized about being transformed into a woman and have constantly demanded that my wife participate more and take a dominant role in my fantasy. She always failed to approach the ultimate level I desire since she has felt repulsed with the idea of me pretending to be a woman. I now wish that maybe she remained at that former stage than the present state I find myself, slowing becoming...

3 years ago
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Problem Solved

I really wasn’t thinking about anything….just kind of rolling along… so it took a few seconds for her to register on my radar. Sneaking up toward 60 my eye sight isn’t what it once was but even at a distance I could tell that a very shapely woman was standing by the side of the road….and she was not happy! As I approached I let my truck slow and focused on the woman in the dark shorts and top….long dark hair, legs from here to heaven, with a gorgeous dark olive complexion. Her face was...

3 years ago
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The New Warchief

The New Warchief A World of Warcraft Story by Himesama Author's Note: Please be advised that I did take some liberties with the lore. Not everything is 100% accurate, since it's been a while since I last played WoW and I'm doing most of this from memory. I am not okay with how Sylvanas is acting in Battle for Azeroth, so this is my way of explaining everything. This is a very lore-heavy story, and this half will contain no smut. Sylvanas Windrunner, the leader of the Forsaken and...

4 years ago
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The Ring of TruthChapter 2

Tatiana leaned between her mother and I in order to lick us both clean of my spunk. Through suddenly sleepy feeling eyes, I looked down to see I had made a good sized mess between Madame Maria’s body and mine. Tatiana though was wasting no time cleaning us up with her tongue. She did well enough that I was able to relax. Just like any self satisfied male of any age, I fell asleep. The last thing I remembered saying to myself was that the mother daughter team should go home. Maybe I said it...

2 years ago
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My first online sex experienceSPOILERS I pai

I'm not a writer but I just had to share this story, so please don't mind the misspellings, type-os, run-on sentences or anything else I my mess up. Anyway, I have a satin clothes fetish. My girlfriend knows about it but I'm scared to ask her to do all the things I crave for, because she still thinks its weird when I just ask her keep her satin pajama top on during sex. So, because of this fear I went to a fetish cam site, got $50's in credits, and I browsed, hunted, and just plain scavenged......

3 years ago
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Halloween 4

(C) 2006 Nick B All rights reserved Chapter 4 Jess snuggled up to Chris hearing his breathing change as he drifted off to sleep. It was a sticky situation, no doubt about it. She had jumped on the situation without a thought for what it would do. She thought it was just a bit of fun. She knew he enjoyed it, but she never once considered that it would ever be anything more than that. The fates, situation, whatever, conspired to make it more involved, more difficult than a bit of...

4 years ago
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Her Secret Life The Sequel

As they lay in the bed he turned, still hugging her, and asked, “So, what were you doing on the bus with your pants open,” his tone held a bit of surprise, “And no panties.”“Aren’t you angry? Upset?” she asked.“Well, I was at the beginning, then all the blood went south and, you know, I can’t think with both heads at the same time,” he said chuckling.“You want the truth?” she asked, but it wasn’t a question that needed an answer. So, she went on explaining to him what happened. She sat up,...

Love Stories
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Anal Mom

AnalMom! Let me give you two simple words that will put all kinds of dirty thoughts into your head immediately: Anal Mom. Goddamn, the two concepts go together like carrots and peas or big shafts and tight holes. Lead with that, and you’re going to have to really fuck things up to lose your audience. Anal sex and MILFs are just two of the most popular subgenres of smut, so combining the two should be a recipe for almost certain success. A site with the simple motto “Moms Do Anal On Video” is...

Premium Anal Porn Sites
1 year ago
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Chapter 5 How my wife turned into a slut Annas 30th Birthday

It’s my birthday today and I know that my husband Chris and our Michael are planning something big. If you haven’t been reading the other chapters Chris and me wanted to have a threesome and that is when Michael became our new friend they would both fuck me in my mouth, pussy and ass. They would tie me up and whip me hard. They would also use all kinds of toys on me the biggest been a 12 inch long 3 inch thick dildo. Over the last couple of months we have gotten more torture devices so the two...

Group Sex
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New Girl In Town 1

My name is Sasha. I had just shifted to another state in the country and it had almost been a month. I hadn’t been for my regular check up in almost half a year. My neighbour was pretty much the only girl I knew around town. So I asked her one of those girl-to-girl things and she gave me the contact details of her doctor, and told me she worked as the receptionist at the clinic. My neighbour [her name was Kristen] was one of those people who indulged in extremely loud sex no matter what time of...

1 year ago
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BlacksOnBlondes Jesse Pony 07192022

Jessie has her doctors come over because she has an embarrassing question to ask them. Isiah and Don her 2 doctors come over to talk with her and she tells them she thinks there’s something wrong because she can’t have an orgasm with her boyfriend even though she has sex with him all the time. She wonders if there’s a pill she can take that will make her hornier because when she masturbates she can cum with no problem at all. The doctors ask various questions about the kind of...

3 years ago
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A New Direction

ANOTHER FIELDING HERO Commander Jennifer Fielding was tired. No, she was totally exhausted but duty called and she responded as she always had. It was just another routine day in the life of a Naval Aviator and then all at once it wasn't. She had seen some heavy shit in her twenty plus year career but this day looked like it would take first place in the shit category. Her take off had been delayed for almost an hour while the mechanics ran down a problem in her bird. She also had a...

1 year ago
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The Neighbor

The Neighbor By Eric Paul and Carrie Scott moved to their new home with happy anticipation. Paul had finally got that promotion and transfer and now that she was twenty-one the trust fund that her daddy had set up for her kicked in and Carrie could quit her job and raise the twins - two year old girls needed their Mommy. Their neighbors on the right were hardly ever home as they both traveled on their jobs, but Hoggs on the left were friendly and helpful. "Hogg is the right name...

2 years ago
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The CavemanChapter 10

Well, I didn’t get raped. God, I was sure I was going to be. And it was my own damn fault. When I saw Hugo start weeping after it finally sank in that everything and everyone he ever knew was gone for millennia I just went over to give him comfort. And then he hugged me, and I smelled that lovely smell of his again and, well ... I kissed him. Right on the mouth. Then he grabbed me really hard—he’s terribly strong—and started groping my crotch. I did the only thing I could think of, I...

4 years ago
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Late Nights At The Hospital

Sitting in the nurse’s station sucks; there's nothing to do here over night after visiting hours have finished; at least not in the high medial dependency ward. I do a round of patients; taking their blood pressure or changing their drip, whatever needs to be done, and then I get bored for the next few hours. It doesn't help that my boyfriend has been ignoring me either. I haven't spoken to him in four days, and to be honest I'm not sure he's still my boyfriend. I'm going to give him a call and...

4 years ago
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My Daughters Best Friend and I

I’m Bruce, I am thirty-six years old and work as a general building contractor. I was married to my high-school sweetheart in high school. It takes six months for a divorce to finalize in my state and today the six months is up. Our twins are in their first year of college. We were renting and had a beat-up old car. My now ex-wife has a nice job so she didn’t ask for anything. I moved out and rented a small two bedroom house about six blocks away.I let the twins know that they could come any...

3 years ago
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First time naked resort part 3

Late afternoon, riding our bike around in Valalta naked resort... We were never at the Marina so we decided to have a look... We did not expect to find such beautiful boats in a private Marina in this naked resort, so that's a new dream: holiday naked on a boat and on top of it combining with a place where you don’t need to put clothes on when you go to land. After strolling and watching the nice small yachts with the naked sea-captains and their female sailors, we continued our way with the...

1 year ago
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Almost Divorce

Warning: The language of this story may be harmful for your health. I had to do something about it. I just overheard the conversation between my Wife India and her best friend Natasha. The simple conclusion of the call was that my wife was going to ask me for a trial separation to jolt me out of my taken-for-granted attitude towards her. The plan was for me to stay alone at the house so as to understand how much work it entrails and for her to move into a motel nearby. The plan was despicable...

2 years ago
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Shirley 8211 My Lovely Sister 8211 Part 3

Hello readers.. this is steve here back again with the third part of the series “SHIRLEY-MY LOVELY SISTER”.. I would suggest to the new readers of my series to read the first two episodes of this series from the below links to get into the plot and enjoy the story to full extent.. Also i would like to thank all the visitors and my previous readers for their comments and suggestions ..Please keep it coming because it ll encourage me to write more stories for your enjoyment.. Now coming back to...

2 years ago
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The Case Files of Cindy Masters Dyke DetectiveThis Episode A Chance EncounterPart 1

The Case Files of Cindy Masters, Dyke Detective This Episode: A Chance Encounter - Part One by Trapper Jock McIntyre Masters is the name. Cindy Masters. I'm a detective. I get $50 a day and expenses, $75 if I can get it. I was sitting in my office trying to figure out how to get lipstick stains out of a silk tie, or preferably onto one, when I heard the clickity-clack of high heels coming down the hallway toward my door. I looked up to see a silhouette through the frosted glass that...

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My Sister8217s A Shemale

We are a family of four. Me, my parents and my sister. I am 23 years and my sister is 18 years old. She is very beautiful, fair and very sweet looking with small perky boobs and a very petite slender body. I, on the other, am a regular gym goer and have a very good physique, but the thing with me was that I was gay and loved gay and shemale sex. I have done gay sex a couple of times but have never been with a shemale. I always knew there was something different about my sister as I often...

Gay Male
4 years ago
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The last mission had been just short of disaster. What had promised in the beginning to be a simple extraction from Geneva of two defecting Chechens had turned out to be a trap for both sides, with a double agent in our side selling out to a third, unknown party. There were no goodbyes or tears when we left - guns had been shot, people killed, and your truly got a lead souvenir in his shoulder that still hurts when I turn to the right. If it had not been for my daughter, my 'backup,' I would...

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Carins deprived adventure part 3

So for those of you paying attention, I let loose my inhibitions a few months ago. Each week I fall deeper into my very own trap of sexuality, and while I fear what might happen to me, I also have no intentions of stopping yet!Over a week ago, life got frustrating for me, and it took until today to finally get some relief. Thursdays at the clinic, we still do braless Thursdays for our last 30 minutes or so. I had thought it was just going to be when we had the late shift, so after everyone else...

3 years ago
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The virus

Hi All - This virus thing is getting in the way of my (I am sure many of your as well) cravings for cocks and cum. Most of you know my desire to service the truckers mostly a the truck stops. Well, lately there has been very little truck traffic especially at the truck stops and rest areas. Saturday night I got all dolled up like a street slut and drove to my favorite truck stop. Pulling into the parking lot holy crap the lot half empty. I parked at my normal location next to the dumpsters and...

4 years ago
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Free Use part 4

In the new world Danny found himself in, being a college professor was one of the best jobs he could ever have. It is a world of free use where women and men could fuck in public without judgement with whomever they lusted for so long as the other partner consented. The college campus was like any other; it was mostly full of students in their late teens or early twenties. They were young, beautiful, and at an age where they were constantly horny. In a world so open, the students were...

4 years ago
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What the Future May BringChapter 36

Monday, February 2, 1998. Ground Hog Day. President Kathleen Lehrer woke to a colorful dawn as the sun began its ascent. She felt more rested than she had since she had become President, having slept a full seven hours without any interruptions. She reached over with her left hand and turned on the radio to hear the news and found that Puxtatawney Phil had seen his shadow, which meant another six weeks of winter. Her left leg and right arm were aching from the wounds she had received in the...

2 years ago
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A Lodi ChristmasChapter 17

At Last My love has come along My lonely days are over And Life is like a song Mack Gordon and Harry Warren Kesi Kaufmann glanced at the instruments, quickly scanned the airspace around her, and then went back to looking straight ahead. Like any good pilot, her actions were ingrained. Those instruments showed she was flying at 22,000 feet, in a north westerly direction. Indicated airspeed was 280 mph. They were two hours into the five- hour trip between Austin and Sacramento....

2 years ago
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Breaking Sarahs will with my freinds help part 3

As Sarah cried I thought about what I wanted to do to her, and remembered the olive oil I brought up from the kitchen, I told her to stay still and poured some on her back, and started to spread it out all over her body, I felt her squirm at my touch, by the time I was done her body was wet and shining, the sight of her skin glimmering off the light made Rowan and John hard again, my cock was throbbing, I took off my clothes letting Sarah look at my lean muscular body, I was the same build...

4 years ago
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Tracy My Sister in Law Introduces me to BDSM

“So, something new”. “For you maybe. I’ve been a naughty girl. Been with a couple other guys who introduced me. Don’t worry, I won’t be gentle”. We went down to the basement. Tracy threw open the door. “Prepare to suffer in ecstasy”, she said, with an evil smile. I’d never seen anything like it. The first thing that caught my eye was a giant wooden X cross with chains. A stainless steel table with restraints. On the wall, whips and chains, ball gags. A stock for head and...

2 years ago
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What do you think ends up happening to sleepy wife

An incident happened the other night, quite by accident, that awakened something in me I didn’t know I had. Last Thursday night a friend of mine, Larry, came over to talk, drink a beer, and watch TV. He works at the same place I do, and since we had a three day week- end, we were in no hurry to end the night. My wife, Sandy, had to work the next day, and since she was not a night person she went to bed about 10:30. She is also one of the soundest sleepers I know. I have...

4 years ago
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Drunk Mom Loses Control

Hey guys, I hope you all are doing well. I’m back with another story today about my drunk mom. I hope you all have read my previous stories. If not, please do give it a look A small introduction for the new readers, I’m Sarah. I’m 24 and live in Mumbai. My stats are 36-28-36. I’m bisexual, and I work at an MNC and also into modeling. We’ve usually come across guys fantasizing over their moms. But I don’t think I have ever come across a girl feeling the same for her mom. Maybe I’m wrong, maybe...

3 years ago
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Stephanie and the poker game

Stephanie and the poker game Stephanie, my girlfriend has heard for a while now about my buddies and the poker games I hold, she has always wanted to meet them and I told her the next game she was invited but she had to behave because Stephanie has quite a wild streak, she told me she would and sounded almost giddy looking forward to the game. I told her okay baby we will have the game on Saturday night. Saturday night is here and steph is ready to play hostess, she is wearing a nice outfit,...

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