Tunnel Of LoveChapter 4: Hearts In Darkness free porn video

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In the film Apocalypse Now, the protagonist (an army captain played by Martin Sheen) waits in a Saigon hotel for a new mission. Two men arrive via the stairs, bringing him one—"like room service," Sheen narrates. "It was a real choice mission," he continues, "and when it was over ... I'd never want another."

Dr. Gayle Seymour sat in her office, preparing for her next and last appointment of the night. After more than twenty years in training or in practice as a therapist—specializing in relationship counseling—she felt she'd seen it all. She was getting a little bored with her job.

Maybe more than a little. The stories are all the same. The names change, the faces change—no, even the faces all seem the same now.

She still found satisfaction in helping people. She just hadn't had an interesting challenge in a while. Sure, depending upon the personalities involved, her work could be difficult, but it had become a tedious kind of difficult. She longed for something new.

Something not cast in the usual molds. Something that would engage me. Not just a case; more like ... a mission. A challenging mission. A seemingly impossible mission.

Boredom was not her main problem, however. In fact, it was probably good for her. No, her main problem was...

No. Don't think about it at the office. Keep it contained to home.

Dr. Seymour's newest clients were coming up the stairs for their first appointment. She did not know it yet, but they were bringing her a real choice case. And when it was over...

The husband stood to the side of the doorway, allowing the wife to enter the office first. Dr. Seymour took notice. She noticed everything.

Chivalrous. That's good—mostly. But it seemed reflexive, out of habit. He didn't look at her as she passed by him.

"Welcome," Dr. Seymour said, shaking their hands. "Jennifer, I presume ... and Mike. Please sit down."

As Dr. Seymour returned to her chair, the wife hesitated. One of the chairs was closer to the counselor than the other. The wife chose the closer one.

She wants help. Good; but she's not the one I'm most concerned about, it's him. He made the appointment, and he was damn thorough in vetting me. Experience tells me ... he's not the one who screwed something up.

"So," she told them, "I understand you were looking for counseling, and chose me. I'm very flattered! Now, the main goal of this first session is for me to get to know you a little. Hopefully, that will help when we get to talking about ... well, I sometimes call it 'tough stuff.' But let's not worry much about tough stuff just yet, okay?"

The man and woman nodded, somewhat blankly.

Same old same old. They're unsure how this is going to go. They're hoping for a fast resolution of their problems, but they're not eager to face the problems.

Dr. Seymour spent most of the session asking basic questions about the couple's background, their jobs, their home, and their son. By the end of the session, she felt she had a pretty good sketch of their lives prior to what had brought them to her. Disappointingly, there were many elements that fit the usual molds.

Married for twelve years, with a child for ten years. Jobs wear them down and stress them out. "Spare time" is consumed by child care, managing property and finances, and trying to stay fit. Not much "couple time," and it becomes routine. Then something slips...

Still, some of the standard ingredients seemed to be missing. Dr. Seymour was intrigued. Maybe this case would offer more than met the eye?

"OK, we have some time left. I promised you we wouldn't jump into the tough stuff right away, but I would like to know something about your current situation. Not the 'what happened'—we'll get to that another time—but the 'what's happening.'"

Kind of vague, I know. But let's see where they go with it.

The wife spoke first. "Um ... well, since..." was all she could get out before breaking down in tears. The husband's body language initially telegraphed sympathy; but after a split-second, he looked away from her and straightened his back.

Conflicted, aren't we?

As the wife struggled to compose herself, the husband spoke up. His voice was steady but slow. His tone was resigned.

"I'm sleeping in the spare bedroom. That probably tells you a lot."

It tells me you're having serious problems. Figured that one out from the fact that you're here! But the 'spare bedroom' thing suggests that you're open to reconciliation. No one has moved out ... or been kicked out ... yet.

"Does your son know that's where you're sleeping?"

"Yeah, Mikey figured it out, so we told him ... I told him ... that I've been snoring a lot, and Mommy can't sleep so we're sleeping in different rooms until I can get some help. Actually, there's some truth to the snoring bit, so I don't feel like I'm completely lying to him."

If you care so much for honesty that you find telling a little white lie to a child difficult ... let's hope no one's told any whoppers to you!

"What's mealtime like?"

"We have dinner together," the husband answered. "It can be ... uncomfortable for me, but it's important."

"Child care?"

They started to speak at the same time. The husband deferred to the wife. She spoke haltingly.

"We ... well, we've always split the homework. Also, Mike does a lot of things with Mikey on Saturdays, as always. One thing that's changed is ... well, I used to go the gym..."

She paused, seeming to be fighting back tears.

"Um, go to the gym after work twice a week and Mike would pick up Mikey from school. But now, I'm not going to the gym, so I get Mikey pretty much every day, except some Fridays. Mike ... well, he..."

The husband interjected. "I've been staying a little later at work most days, but I make an effort to get off early on Fridays if I can and spend time with Mikey and his friends at the school. He really enjoys it."

Obvious, so obvious. The child is holding them together—holding him together, at least. Maybe this is just the same old same old, after all. Nothing new for me—but maybe I can help them.


The wife responded. "It's ... better than it was at first. But it's still so different. "So ... formal. Businesslike."

She gasped at what she'd said.

"I'm sorry!" she said, looking at the husband. "You're trying, I—"

There was something in his face that the wife couldn't bear to watch. She addressed Dr. Seymour again.

"I know he's trying to keep things ... calm ... after what happened. I know I was the one who messed up, I just haven't been able to explain..."

Tears were flowing again now, but Dr. Seymour was not watching the wife. Surreptitiously, while taking notes, she was watching the husband.

He's playing the strong, silent type, but his body language gives him away. There's a lot of emotion underneath that exterior. He doesn't like to see her suffering, but he's suffering too, and comforting her would seem tantamount to conceding something.

"That night ... after I found out," he spoke, "we started, but ... well, Mikey woke up ... then, for a few days, there just wasn't a good time ... I mean, how do you ... what do you ... do you just sit down at the kitchen table and..."

The wife was watching him closely, trying to stay composed but losing the battle. Her hand was poised to reach out to him, but it just sort of fluttered with indecision.

The husband was losing the battle too. His voice had cracked at the end of his last remark. His eyes were moist.

"I decided..." he finally continued, gathering himself. "I said to her, 'Not in the house.' Not in Mikey's home. We can't risk him overhearing something, seeing someone ... upset. That first night, I started to get angry and..."

Another long pause.

"Anyway, I said 'not in the house.' Plus, I just don't ... I mean, I think if we're going to get through this, we have to ... isolate it somehow. That's part of why I wanted this ... this counseling. I know we have to talk, and we have to do it somewhere, just not in the house, and where else... ?"

OK, that's enough tough stuff for now. Time's up, anyway.

"All right, we'll break there. It's a huge step you've taken, to seek help. Here's what I want to do: I'd like to get the lay of the land better. Next week, I'd like to meet just with Mike. Then, the week after, just with Jennifer. Usually we'll all meet together, but maybe not always."

The husband looked surprised and perhaps perturbed.

He doesn't understand why he should be first. He thinks I'm picking on him. Why, he thinks, when he's not the problem? Well Mike, maybe you're not the problem, but you are the patient—one of them, at least, and maybe the one that needs the most help.

The wife looked nervous.

She's afraid of what questions might be coming. Afraid to be judged. Afraid that things might get worse before they get better.

She might be right.

"Mike, I'll see you next week. Jennifer, in two weeks. Again, thank you for the privilege of helping you. Good night."

After they left, Dr. Seymour looked out her office window, which oversaw the parking lot. She hadn't meant to look for the couple; she just hadn't seen the outside world for many hours and wanted a peek. But as it happened, she did see the husband and wife come out of the building and get into their cars.

Cars—plural! They mentioned that they were both at home before their appointment. Still, they came here in separate cars!

At home that evening, Gayle (no longer "Dr. Seymour") fought her nightly battle ... and suffered her nightly defeat.

She was good at getting inside other people's heads. That skill had brought her professional success. Unfortunately, she was not so good at getting back out of other people's heads when the work day was done. That difficulty had brought her personal misery.

Like many therapists, Gayle had her own therapist. For a while, that is, but it hadn't helped. Despite her own therapy, Gayle's cases continued to get to her. Her husband (now ex-husband) had cited that as one of the reasons for their divorce, years ago. After the divorce, Gayle's difficulty with disengaging from her clients' lives brought on an obsession.

Almost every one of her cases involved, to some degree, sexual issues. After years of experiencing those issues vicariously—and perhaps because of some issues in her own life—Gayle had become obsessed with sex. Not sex acts, per se, but the psychology of sex.

She tried to pass off her growing obsession with sex as purely professional, but she never really fooled herself. Gayle got off on her explorations of sexual motivations, situations, and emotions. After a while, she surrendered to it, accepting it for what it was.

At its height, her obsession had blended dangerously with her tendency to bring work home with her. Eventually, the flow reversed, and her nightly mental escapades threatened to affect her work. She thought about quitting, but with little except her work in her life, she did what she had to do to hold onto it.

She set up a firewall between home and the office. At the office, she was the pure analyst, focused on her clients but detached. Once home, her clients ceased to exist.

To fill the void, she became an avid reader of online erotica. Though she read widely, she found herself drawn to stories involving adultery—not surprising, she told herself, given her line of work. She also had a thing for non-consensual or reluctant sex, sometimes even a little softcore BDSM or mind control—it was something about the power dynamics, she assumed. She even started reading lesbian stories while treating a husband and wife whose relationship had been strained by the wife's affair with a female lover—but her interest in such stories had persisted even after those clients were long gone.

Recently, Gayle had tried to quit reading so much. Every night, on her way home, she would swear that after dinner, she would do something else at her computer—or leave the computer off. Also, she'd swear she would not rely on an orgasm (or several) to put her to sleep. Tonight, after her appointment with the Chanceys, Gayle made the same resolutions.

Tonight, once again, she broke them. She spent an hour at her computer with her hand between her legs, teasing herself. Then, with all the stress of the day gone and her sexual batteries at peak charge, she retired to bed. She brought herself to two climaxes, one with the help of a toy.

Like every night, she rebuked herself. Tomorrow, she declared, would be different. Still, she consoled herself, she was doing better than before! Reading other people's fantasies was safer than creating her own, especially when her fantasies had been built around things ... confidences ... her clients had told her.

Or worse, built around the clients themselves.

"Hello, Mike, welcome back."

"Hello, Doctor. Are you surprised to see me?"

"No. It does happen sometimes—people quit after the first session. But something told me you're not a quitter, Mike. I knew you'd be back."

"Yeah, well," he said softly, while sitting down. "If there's any chance ... but I have to tell you, I just don't know..."

He shook his head and took a deep breath.

"So, you wanted to see me first?"

"That's right, and you're probably wondering why."

"Yes," he indicated, not with words but with a shrug and a nod.

"Mike, last time Jennifer said she's the one who messed up. Is that true?"


"That's why I want to talk to you first. While it may seem odd to you, it's the way I do this. Okay?"


"And I need to tell you something up front. Whether or not the two of you get passed this is probably going to be up to you."

Mike looked uncomfortable. She continued.

"That's not to say that I'm going to let Jennifer off easy—far from it! And it's not to say that I'm positive that Jennifer's going to give you an opportunity to get past this. I have no idea yet what your situation is or whether it's salvageable. I'm just saying that if I can help Jennifer—and I probably can—then an opportunity may come. At that point, it's going to be up to you."

Mike's eyes fluttered around the room.

He's used to looking people square in the eye and saying what he has to say. But nothing in his life has prepared him for this situation. It's taxing his self-discipline to the utmost.

"I've made my decision, don't worry," he finally said.

"Yes, I know, Mike. You've decided to tough it out, for your son's sake. That was obvious, last time. I'm talking about something different."

"Yeah ... I understand. I'm sorry, I'll try not to shoot the messenger. I know you're very good at what you do. I'll try to listen to what you say."

"Then you're a step ahead of most men who sit in that chair at this stage. Usually, they just want blame assigned and punishment meted out. Are you looking for more than that?"


"Okay. Ready for some tough stuff?"

"Probably not ... but shoot."

"Okay ... Why are you here?"

After a long pause, Mike answered.

"I don't know what happened, exactly. That's part of the problem. I know a few things that I found out myself and there are a few things she told me. I just don't know if I have the whole story. And like I said last week, trying to talk more about it at home ... no way. I can't let it ... infect that environment."

Another long pause. Gayle prompted him to continue.

"Okay, let's start with what you found out on your own."

Mike sighed deeply, then told her about that terrible Sunday ("Black Sunday," he'd come to think of it). The telephone call from Susan Miller. The card and the drawings from the hospital. The visit to the hospital. Then, the crushing intuition and discovery at the gym.

Finally, the look on Jennifer's face. The look even before he said ... the name. The look that confirmed everything he suspected. The look that meant life, as he knew it, was over.

Dr. Seymour was intrigued. She'd heard so many infidelity stories, but this one had something odd about it. Once again, she thought this new case might be different.

"So, what did Jennifer say when you confronted her?"

"Well, as I told you last session ... it wasn't exactly a good conversation. And honestly, I don't remember the whole sequence of events. I wasn't ... in my right mind. But by the time we called it a night, here's what she'd said.

"She told me she met him at the gym. She said one day when they were talking, he mentioned he was a volunteer at a hospital. She said ... she said he invited her to go with her one night, and she said 'yes'.

"And that's how it went ... for weeks. She saw him at the gym twice a week. She met him at the hospital on Friday nights. Then came a night when one of the kids died."

Mike's voice—already strained from the beginning—was now breaking up. He was breathing sharply and irregularly, as if his airways were constricted. Dr. Seymour offered him a glass of water. He took a drink and continued.

"So ... that night, she got to the hospital and was told that this kid had died. She was devastated. I can believe it ... you have to know Jennifer, how much she loves kids. And there's the thing with her sister..."

Yes, she mentioned that briefly last time. Have to ask her more about that.

"Anyway, I already knew about the kid. I was there, of course, when she came home that night. We talked about it the next day. What I didn't know, of course, was ... damn it."

His voice cracked. He took another drink. While putting the glass down, he suddenly halted and stared at it. He looked like he wanted to throw it.

"A drink ... oh god, she said ... she said they left the hospital and went for a drink. She said she broke down, and he ... oh fuck ... um, sorry..."

"Um, she said he ... comforted her ... that they were hugging, and ... and..."

Frustrated—by what Jennifer had done, or his inability to spit it out, or maybe both—Mike slammed his thigh with a tightly curled fist. He looked down, seemingly amazed at how hard he'd hit himself. Relaxing his fist, he slowly continued, his voice barely a whisper.

"She said it got a little physical. She said there was ... some touching. And some ... kissing."

Mike closed his eyes. He seemed to hold his breath. After what seemed like nearly a minute, he finally let it out with a sigh.

"But then, she said, she came to her senses. She ... how did she put it? She 'remembered' me. Something about our wedding vows. Remembering when we were at the altar, how she felt.

"So she stopped it ... stopped it from going farther. She got up and left. And she hasn't seen him since."

The basic elements of the tale weren't much compared to others that Dr. Seymour had heard. But there was something about the way Mike told it, something about the context for it, the impression of the couple that she'd gotten at the first session...

"Do you believe her?" Dr. Seymour asked.

"About not seeing him? Yes, but only ... only because she's been with me or Mikey, the whole time. She quit the gym. She quit the hospital. Between working and taking care of Mikey, she doesn't have time to ... sneak around..."

"Not anymore," he added quietly, with a sudden burst of venom.

Another pause, then another question.

"That's all she told you, Mike?"

"Well, pretty much ... I mean, there were variations on it, repetitions ... like I said, it wasn't a normal conversation. It wasn't like you and me talking here now. It wasn't, 'How was your day?' 'Mmmm, I ran into this hot guy, and... '"

He arrested the sarcasm, but she could tell there was plenty more he was holding back.

"Sorry. It was hard to take, you know? And after a while ... especially after the second time we woke Mikey up ... well, I just shut it down. Since then, like I told you last week, there just hasn't been a time ... or a place ... and ... well, I'm scared to death."

It was risky, but Dr. Seymour hazarded an observation.

"Mike, I need you not to shoot the messenger now, okay? What you've said so far ... well, of course it's terribly disturbing. But on the scale of what I deal with day in and day out, a little kissing and touching while in an extremely disturbed and emotional state—look, of course it's beyond inappropriate, but maybe not a marriage-breaker?"

Mike closed his eyes again. His face and body tightened, as if he were wrestling to get something inside him under control. Dr. Seymour could almost hear a growl.

"But there's something more, isn't there?" she asked.

"Yeah. She swore that they never ... never had sex. Never fooled around or kissed before that night. Never saw each other except at the gym or the hospital. That they were just friends."

"But you don't believe that?"

Mike snickered.

"At some point ... again, this is all a jumble to me ... she admitted that she'd been attracted to him. She kept insisting, though, that she didn't intend for anything to happen, that they were just friends, and that nothing did happen ... until that night."

"You don't sound convinced."

He looked Dr. Seymour directly in the eyes.

He's wondering if I'm convinced.

"I'm not stupid. I was blind, maybe ... but not anymore. Here's the thing: She lied to me. She lied to me about who got her involved with the hospital. She lied to me about the hospital's rules, to keep me away. She never said anything about this guy, not once. So as for not having sex..."

It seemed to take tremendous effort on Mike's part to finish the sentence without breaking down. His eyes were closed, and the level of his voice dropped to a whisper.

"And when she came home that night ... she ... she ran upstairs and took a damn shower!"

The plot thickens. Disturbing stuff, certainly. But he's still holding something back.

"Mike, your suspicions are natural. I'm not saying they're correct—just understandable. But there's still something else bothering you, yes?"

Mike shrugged.

"Mike, you haven't said much about him."

Mike's eyes shot open. In them, Dr. Seymour saw a flash of light.

Reflected light, almost. Like the eyes of a cat ... in the dark.

"I just thought I was done with it a long time ago. You know, you marry someone, you think she loves you, the years go by..."

"Done with what?"

"Competing. Especially ... with guys like him. Players."

Lots of overtones in his voice there...

"I mean, come on. This wasn't some accidental thing. It wasn't a misunderstanding on his part."

"What do you mean?"

"This guy ... he chats her up, gets her to notice him, invites her to join him in a worthy cause ... don't tell me all that was innocent. No, the guy wanted to get into her pants. And she fell for it; no, I take it back—she went for it! After all this time, when I thought I was safe..."


A long pause. Mike seemed to be reflecting.

"Well ... I wasn't exactly 'lucky with love' before Jennifer. I was that guy that girls liked as a friend but ... you know. Jennifer wasn't the first girl I fell hard for, but she was the first girl I fell hard for who was willing to go out with me—at least, to keep going out with me.

"And I was always so ... terrified ... that it was going to end. Jennifer was, well, the kind of girl I thought was out of my league. Even when we steady, hell even once we were engaged, I couldn't shake this feeling that it wouldn't last ... that some player would come along and..."

There's that word again. And that's your baggage, isn't it, Mr. Chancey? No wonder why Jennifer's actions, though tame by my frame of reference, have hit you so hard. You thought you had the perfect life, but now you're that teenager or college kid again, brimming with insecurity.

Agitated, Mike had stopped talking. He shrugged and looked towards the window. Dr. Seymour knew what was coming. Silence reigned for several minutes. Then, somewhat recomposed, Mike asked the question she'd been waiting for.

"So, what do I do?"

Always that question.

"I wish I could just tell you, Mike. I will give you an opinion—when I have one—but I don't yet. I need to hear from Jennifer. Then, we need to meet together again; the two of you have to talk. Hopefully, I'll be able to give you some advice on how to move forward. But understand, it will just be advice."

Mike looked disappointed, but only slightly—as if he'd expected her response.

"Let me ask you this," she added. "Have you thought about what you want? The fact that you are here tells me that you want to move forward."

Mike closed his eyes and took several deep breaths. He seemed to be fighting back tears again. Just barely, he won; but he did not open his eyes or speak.

Let's try a more specific question.

"Are you still sleeping in the spare bedroom?"

Mike nodded affirmatively. He opened his eyes.

"I've got all my clothes in there now, too. Funny, we've used that room for out of town guests, occasionally. For a while, it was ... well, in case we'd had another baby."

He sighed deeply and shook his head.

"I never thought it would become my room."

"Mike, have you thought about how long you can go on like this? Living in the same house but sleeping apart? And, I imagine, starting to live separate lives?"

"Yes ... so far, the ... um ... cover story is working with Mikey. It's not a big deal to him. But he's not going to be ten years old forever. Someday ... who knows, it could be any day ... he's going to figure out that something's wrong."

"I'm hearing you say 'forever' and 'someday.' You seem to have contemplated ... well, digging in for the long haul."

Mike chewed on that statement, then shrugged his shoulders.

"If it weren't for Mikey, I don't ... I can't say I would still be living in that house. I didn't want to go home that night, after ... things came to light. And I didn't want to stay at home, after she confirmed...

"Mikey's my only ray of sunshine right now. You know, that night, I could have ended up in some crazy place ... or done something crazy ... but I thought of Mikey, and I just barely held on. It—he—was the one bit of certitude I had left about anything. I'm his dad, and I'll always be his dad. If Jennifer wants to fuck other—"

Mike caught himself.

"Sorry. The point is, I could have run out on Jennifer, or maybe even kicked her out, but I couldn't do either one to Mikey. I just focused on him, and that's what I've been doing ever since."

"Mike," Dr. Seymour said soothingly. "I commend you for keeping your child in your heart and mind despite what you're going through. Some men are unable to do that. I've seen it many times.

"But let's go back to my earlier question. Have you thought about what you want? Staying together with Jennifer—at least, keeping up appearances—for Mikey's sake may not be a viable long-term strategy."

Mike's eyes bulged.

"Long-term strategy?"

He made a sound that was somewhere between a laugh and a sneer.

"Long-term strategy? I just try to get through the damn day, Doctor! And the nights ... the nights are worse ... But one thing's for sure. I will never, ever quit on Mikey. As long as he's there, and as long as Jennifer doesn't ... do it again, I will stay in that house and be Mikey's father, one hundred percent. Maybe you're right, Doctor; maybe that can't last. He's growing up so fast. Maybe we can't fool him forever. Sometimes I think he already suspects something..."

Probably. Never underestimate the perceptiveness of a child.

"Mike, what about you and Jennifer? Are you telling me that you see your relationship as being one of convenience—or necessity—now?"

Mike chewed on that question for a long time.

"Here's the thing. I don't understand why this happened. I don't know how I could ever ... it's not about loving her, I still do ... I think. It's about wanting to love her. Right now, I don't want to love her..."

He paused, as if struck by what he'd said. Dr. Seymour noticed.

Your first insight! Good. Not a pleasant insight, of course, but an important one. To clear a hurdle, you have to see it. Now for some encouragement.

"Mike, couples survive these things. Not all the time, but sometimes. I don't know any more about what happened than you do, but from what I've heard so far ... let's just say that other couples have recovered from far worse infidelities than your apparent situation.

"One thing I can tell you, though, is that if the two of you are going to recover from this, both of you are going to have to want it. You're the one who's been wronged, but you can't just be along for the ride in this. Somehow—and I'll help you try to figure out how—you're going to have to contribute."

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Alice felt a blush spread through her cheeks as the Knave of Hearts scrutinized her appearance, commenting to himself on her comely legs and the shape of her bottom and the perkiness of her breasts, her making her feel more like a precious commodity than a young woman‘I should be quite cross at being examined in such a matter, and yet, I am not, and I find that most curious,’ she thought to herself, glancing up through her lashes at the man, admitting to herself that he was quite handsome,...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
4 years ago
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Tunnel of Lust

I remember that time when we were going home from an art exhibition. Thoughts of that incredible night still float around my head from time to time and make me shudder with excitement.It was one of those events where glamour and bling were part of the invitation package. So, we were both very elegantly dressed.You wore a tux, of course…exquisitely cut, sharp-looking, and well-fitted – perfect match for your suave manners. It was precisely the sort of thing a woman would pick for her man to wear...

3 years ago
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Tunnel of Love

If there was one thing that Janet Lynch was certain about, it was that she had absolutely no desire to ride into the stupid experience called “The Tunnel of Love” with a gaping black hole that had pairs of young people riding inside with the look of excitement in their infantile eyes and at the same time she didn’t see any cars coming out with happy smiling faces. Janet was a naturally suspicious sixteen year old girl with all the makings of a real potential ball-buster when she grew up and...

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Tunnel of LoveChapter 10 The Crucible

Fat man sitting on a little stool Takes the money from my hand, while his eyes take a walk all over you Hands me the ticket, smiles, and whispers "good luck" Well, cuddle up angel, cuddle up my little dove And we'll ride down baby, into this tunnel of love Dr. Gayle Seymour tensed as the first footage on the DVD played. The scene was a bathroom. The camera appeared to be placed above the mirror and sink. From its vantage point, it took in the whole bathroom, including a shower stall,...

3 years ago
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Bowling for HeartsChapter 101

I handed Sam the keys to the Escalade and we left for dinner. I chose Pelican's because Cat was working there that night. Bobby, the owner, greeted us as we walked in. He said he would get us a table as soon as possible and led us to the bar area. We had just received our drinks when Cat came up and hugged me. She said she'd have a table for us in her section shortly. She asked if we needed anything while we waited and I told her we were fine. She gave me a sassy look as she walked...

3 years ago
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Three Hearts

Three Hearts "You can't be serious! This is only March 31! Save that stuff for tomorrow. Really, now Bailey, you don't expect us to believe that, do you?" "You got that candle from an old Gypsy lady in a horse and wagon right here in Lilyville? There hasn't been a horse and wagon in this town in sixty years! C'mon now, Bailey, can't you wait for April Fool's Day?" "I'm telling you, girls, it's true. Do you think I'd lie to you the night before our...

4 years ago
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King of Hearts

Hi Folks, this one is little bit different. This one was inspired by Chrissie Steele's song "King of Hearts." Those of you who checked my twitter page for the update kind of knew that and hopefully were able to listen to the song. I hope it put you in the mood so you can get a better feeling for the story. As with most of my stories, sex plays a very small part in it, so those of you who need an outlet might want to skip it. The first two thirds of the story were edited by the incredible...

2 years ago
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The Rise and Fall of the Queen of HeartsChapter 11 The Fall of the Queen of Hearts

The Baron took her hand and led the Queen towards the couch bed. Her new larger breasts swayed and jiggled as she walked. He sat her on the bed and she scooted back so that he could kneel between her legs. "What do you want her to do, Sam?" asked Selassie. "Do you want an airhead bimbo? Do you want a slave? Do you want her to call you master?" "Master would be nice," answered the Baron. He ran his large black hands down her smooth wide legs and pulled them apart. "Semen Sez call him...

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The Rise and Fall of the Queen of HeartsChapter 3 Here I Come to Save the Day

The Queen of Hearts flew in hard and fast towards the federal reserve building in Miami. It was dark, an hour before midnight and no one saw her fly in. Her telescoping eyesight took in the two guards on the roof, zooming in on them. She could make out the telltale bulges underneath their pants and their big muscles, definitely the Baron's men. One of the Loa, La Sirene, could turn any man into a fit over muscled soldier for the Baron with a penis as large as any male that had gotten...

2 years ago
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Playing the GameChapter 5 Truth or Dare Hearts

Two days later, Jake and I were over at his house playing on his Pong game in the basement. It was raining buckets outside, and we were bored. We heard the back door open, and Kayla and Jaimie came pounding down the stairs, laughing and shouting. They came bursting into the playroom and stopped suddenly when they saw us there. They obviously weren't expecting us to be downstairs. They were soaked through, hair plastered to their heads, and their T-shirts were nearly transparent. They both...

4 years ago
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The Purest of Hearts

The Purest of Hearts Introduction: Hello everyone, this is my first story ever written on fictionmania, but it comes at no better than when fictionmania is about to reach 30,000 written stories! I've written a lot of short stories on DeviantArt, but I've only read those who have made the way for writers like me on here and I would love to contribute to this amazing website today. As a reminder, this story is for Adults Only as it does contain sexual acts, cursing, and nudity written in...

4 years ago
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Magical Hearts chapter 12

Magical hearts chapter 12 The summer passes into fall as we prepare the fortresses on the islands denying their use by any raider of our kingdom. By the end of summer and the beginning of fall, a tower is on all islands that has shown use by Raiders. Justins old teacher has shared with us the enchantment for his gates. Now we need only watchers to summon our forces. We have gathered a few more hundred men. We may need to attack more than one group at a time. Because of Izmiras past treachery...

3 years ago
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Hearts and Flowers

Hearts and flowers. Damn it, Tori was surrounded by hearts and flowers, and she hated every second of it. Of course, it was no different from any other Valentine’s Day. Tori had been working at the candy shop for five years now, and every year when the red and green of Christmas gave way to the red and white of Valentine’s Day, she felt like screaming. It was a good job other than those couple months a year, but damn, those couple months were hell. Tori couldn’t remember a time she’d liked...

5 years ago
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The Rise and Fall of the Queen of HeartsChapter 4 I Want This Cock

"Tell me you don't want this cock." "I do," she whispered, staring at it. The Queen licked her lips with lust for it. Don't do this Olivia. Don't do this. She fell to her knees and reached out for that hard thirteen inch black cock. It was their fourth battle. He pulled his penis out at every time they fought trying to get her to service him. The first time she saw it, it was like he took it out and slapped her in the face with it. She'd heard stories about it's affect on women....

2 years ago
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Hearts Roses

The flight home seemed to take forever. I had decided, with mixed emotions, to spend the first two weeks of February in New Orleans. Granted, I had to endure long lectures and endless role playing for a Certificate in Conflict Resolution but that was still better than enduring snow and mind numbing cold in Minnesota. But spending those 14 nights without Carol was another matter. We had been dating since last summer. We were very close friends and lovers and although we still lived in separate...

2 years ago
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The Rise and Fall of the Queen of HeartsEpilogue

"Daddy why are you crying?" Joe hugged Emma closely as he watched the television. "Ssshh honey. I'm trying to hear the news." The anchor looked somber as he read the news. "I repeat, the entire 4th fleet of the United States of America has been sunk. The fleet had been engaged in the ongoing blockade of Hispaniola and Jamaica. Now that blockade is no more and the ships lie at the bottom of the ocean. Warning, the footage we are about to show you is disturbing." A video shot from a...

3 years ago
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Enter the Darkness

This story is a pseudo X Men fan fiction which takes place in the same world as my story The Ice Queen Cometh. Enter the Darkness By Morpheus I clenched my eyes shut, groaning as I rubbed at my temples, praying to a God that I didn't really believe in for my headache to go away. The migraines had been coming a lot lately, and this one was worse than any of the ones that I'd ever felt before. It felt as though my very head was going to split open... "Why me?" I groaned out,...

3 years ago
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Magical Hearts chapter 7

Magical hearts Chapter 7 After dinner, the family talks spending time getting to know each other, my father and my in-laws a long with my uncle Justin had a long discussion. My mother-in-law insisted on me calling her Mom, I did not know what else the call her, Isabel only referred to her as Mom. I pointed out the fact that I could not truly leave Isabels side or her me, I said there for I will need to create magical armor for us. Dad, the King, informed me that my grandfather had been a...

2 years ago
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Heart of Darkness

Heart of Darkness by Arcie Emm The child awoke to the silken glory of norm, in a room larger than a Duke's dining room. But the child did not arise, for it was not yet time, instead the child continued to lie under silken and satin coverings upon a mattress of swan down, a mattress upon which even the largest man would be dwarfed, little alone a child. Awake, but abed, the child could only pass time in the same way as every morning, by studying the intricate painting upon the bottom...

4 years ago
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Candy Hearts

"Want a kiss?" I turned from my reverie to face the owner of the sultry voice murmuring into my ear. She was leaning in close to me, draping herself over the back of the couch where I sat. Her luscious red lips were parted just enough to let me see the tip of her tongue peeking out between her teeth, and her green eyes danced as they met mine, invitingly. She held up a teardrop-shaped chocolate wrapped in red tinfoil. "Tease," I said as I accepted the candy. "Hah," Kerry replied,...

4 years ago
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Magical Hearts chapter 6

Loving and knowing my spouses heart: Chapter 6 In the morning a knock at our door awakens us, I only let go of Isabel long enough to pull the blankets up to Isabel shoulder. She turns her head to look at me. A servant enters the room, on a table, she places a tray containing breakfast, my stomach grumbles at the smell of the food. Isabel stomach grumbles in return, apparently our appetite heightened because of last nights activities. The servant bowing and says, The King request your presence...

4 years ago
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Pounding Hearts Pounding Ass

Pounding Hearts Pounding Ass Chapter 4 LOVE HIM With anticipation and joy, I tugged at the elastic ribbon that held tight to Cody’s waist, like the wrapping on a birthday present I pealed his underwear down his thighs and off his feet, the only thing he wore now was a smile. It was so sweet undressing Cody for the first time he was so cute bashfully holding on to his underwear. No longer hidden behind clothes, Cody’s sculpted body was breathtaking his hairless sac hung with gravity between...

2 years ago
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Alices Very Naughty Adventures Chapter XXIV The Queen of Hearts

When Alice came to, she was alone and in what could only be described as a compromised position.“Oh, dear,” she murmured, gazing at herself in the oval mirror that had been moved to the foot of the bed upon which she knelt, her arms stretched towards the ceiling, manacles of gold securing her wrists to a chain descending from the rafters. She let forth a sigh at the sight of her once pretty outfit, now quite disheveled and revealing much more Alice than she would have preferred. Much more leg....

4 years ago
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MAU The SlayerVoices in the Darkness

MAU: The Slayer-Voices in the Darkness By Allen W. Previously on MAU: The Slayer After using a Morphic Adaptation Unit James Stevens becomes trapped in the form of Faith the rogue Vampire Slayer from the television show Buffy the Vampire Slayer. She reluctantly joins the 'Agency' to track down another device to restore her sister Linda, who was left transformed and paralyzed in the body of a boy named John. At the end of the last episode James/Faith manages to get her hands on an...

4 years ago
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1975, Southeastern United States Travis lived in an old log cabin a few hundred yards from the point where the creek flowed into the big river. His father had bought two acres for next to nothing and built the place one log at a time in the late nineteen-fifties and they had used it as a hunting and fishing getaway. When he was young Travis had always looked forward to coming there with his Dad and older brother Eddie to fish out in the river and in-season would hunt for deer and...

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The Rise and Fall of the Queen of HeartsChapter 10 The Queen Goes Home

A mile away and hidden half by a cloud, the Queen of Hearts would appear as just a speck to the construction workers. However, her eyes could zoom in on them as if she were ten feet away. She'd come to watch Joe for awhile now. She'd found out where he was working from his parents. He had a construction job and was currently on the roof of their current project, hammering away at the shingles. He looked good. Very fit, not much different at 23 then he had at 18 when they were...

4 years ago
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Uncaging Our Hearts

The 1950s (hiding in cages)"Gross indecency" is what they call it in British law. Homosexual men are prosecuted. However, strangely enough, sex between women is not criminalized. Therefore, the men who are attracted to other men have to hide their feelings. Many do what is expected and marry women - living a lie. Gay men deny their hearts and true feelings. Sadly, they love in silence. Tom and Hank work together in quiet, setting up their tent along the banks of the river. Anticipation fills...

Gay Male
2 years ago
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Magical Hearts chapter 9

In our last chapter the rescue of Lady Carissa, seem to generate more questions than answers. Why would she not want to go home? Why was her father not searching for her? Why had her father not asked the King for help in finding her? I wanted answers to those questions before I would force Carissa to return home and face her father. Magical hearts chapter 9. A Lady misplaced: As the sunset, I carried my wife back to our bedchambers, on the way we passed Rebecca. Rebecca ran to catch up, but...

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Candy Hearts

Candy Hearts It all started with a kiss. There were the four of us together that day, as was often the case. There was my sister Anne, her best friend Jill, my best friend John, and me - Mike Marshal, a sixteen year old kid who was the runt of the litter. We were in Jill's parent's basement, like always, as it had a ping- pong/pool table we could play with, as well as a tv set and a couch so we could watch programs if we wanted to. Jill's folks much like mine - a pair of...

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Light Up The Darkness

Isabella ventured into the woods until she found a clearing. Standing in the gleaming sun, the red-haired sorceress conjured a cool fog as a mystical globe levitated between her palms. While the mist dampened the skirts of her velvet green gown, it also shielded her hands from the intense temperature of the ball.She laughed to herself, knowing that if anyone should happen upon this scene, they would immediately assume it was a crystal ball. Indeed, she could see things inside of it. But, in...

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Kingdom Hearts 5 Floors of Oblivion

Let's start this story. Are you male or female? (A note to all writers who wish to add stuff into my story: Basic knowledge of Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep, Kingdom Hearts I and II, Chain of Memories/Re: COM, 358/2 Days and Coded/Re: Coded is required to write the story, and any threads that do not meet my requirements will not be accepted.)

4 years ago
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The Rise and Fall of the Queen of HeartsChapter 7 The Queen Betrayed

"Take those nose plugs out," ordered the Baron. Olivia sighed and smiled at her nemesis. "No, I don't think so," she replied calmly still feeling relaxed. "Semen Sez, take the nose plugs out," said Simon. Olivia's brow furrowed and she winced. Her head itched again. She reached up and removed the nose plugs. She took a deep breath of the Baron's cock stench and smiled. "How much control over her do you have?" asked the Baron. "Not much, yet," replied Semen Sez. "Not a lot...

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The Rise and Fall of the Queen of HeartsChapter 9 I Need Your Black Cock Again

Olivia huddled in the shower, rocking as she wrapped her arms around her legs. The shower struck her, water cascading off her body, but it didn't make her feel clean. The water ran down to the drain and swirled around clumps of Baron Samedi's sperm, clogging the drain. His seed was so thick and rich it drained slower then the water. Most of it was off her, but her belly still felt full. She was filled with shame, but it was hard to regret. She'd enjoyed sucking off the Baron's cock even...

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Out of the Darkness

Jacob Bard Daniel called her at work just before quitting time and told her he would be waiting for her at their loft downtown and for her not to be concerned about the lights not working. He had removed the fuses. Obviously, this was not going to be their usual romantic Friday evening rendezvous. He went on to assure her he had everything taken care of and that dinner could wait a little—adding that he had thought of nothing but her all week, and she was all he wanted. She giggled shyly,...

3 years ago
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The Embrace of Darkness

Abigail stood naked in the waist deep pool of warm water. The 19-year-old blonde watched as her jeans, T-shirt, underwear, shoes, and all the personal possessions she had had on her were put into a black drawstring trashbag and taken out of the stone chamber by a figure in a dark hooded robe. Three women, dressed only in swimsuits, attended to her; two vigorously scrubbed her with sponges and bars of floral-scented soap, as the third washed her hair, massaging the shampoo into her scalp. Such...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Trapped in the Darkness

This is a completely non-erotic story. The closest I come to ‘sexiness’ is a brief description of the protagonist’s co-worker’s breasts in a halter top. Sorry. ****** Trapped in the darkness, I didn’t know what had happened. Was anyone alive? Was I alive, or was this my own personal version of hell? There had been an instant of complete, unsettling quiet. The birds had stopped singing, the insects had stopped their complaints. It almost seemed as though someone had cut the speaker wires on...

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King of Hearts Ch 01

Never thought it would end up like this, didn’t you? So yeah here I am standing before you with a sword of blood and gore .Whatever you think of me already is not even close way afar from the truth. I am not justice or truth. This is my story as a warrior who was completely driven by another force. Driven with Chaos. War. Bloodlust Evil… How do you like me so far? Hold on now! Stand your ground before me. Breathe, even with one ear you have left, and I shall tell you my tale. Not like...

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Magical Hearts chapter 5

I held Isabels hand as I heard the beginnings of Justins magic, I had time to grown but not much more than that before I am awaken in the morning. The Wedding Day: Chapter 5. Isabel is kissing my hand. She says to the curtain, That was the longest night of my life, even with Justin putting us to sleep. I chuckle and say, I was thinking that just before Justin begin his sleep spell. That was odd I remember dreaming one normally does not dream under a sleep spell. Isabel asked, What did you...

2 years ago
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How I Became the Baddest Girl in Clarksville Part 10 Jar of Hearts

How I became the Baddest Girl in Clarksville Part 10 Jar of Hearts -I Don't Know Whether to Kill Myself or Go Bowling- My proposed sleepover dominated the conversation during lunch. The biggest issue was how to spend our time. Shelly had half a dozen movies she wanted us to see. Abby, who'd recently discovered K-pop, wanted to watch DVDs of boy bands gone 'Gangnam style'. Brett pushed for us to do each others hair and nails. From where I sat they were simply three voices in...

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Bowling for HeartsChapter 102

"Come on guys, tell me where we are going," I pleaded. "Nope," replied Michael. "Tamara wants it to be a surprise." We were heading south on Eubank towards I-40 when the limo slowed and turned left into the parking lot of the bowling center where this story started. "She didn't!" I exclaimed. Tamara had mentioned that she might want to get married there. The limo pulled up, Sam exited the front of the limo, and opened the back door. I hesitantly stepped out. Mike walked ahead of...

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My Darkness

Within my darkness there is of course a dedication… So to the one known as ‘derfauster’ this one is all yours… * You talk of darkness but do you have any thought to base this talk on? Herein lies darkness of the most terrible kind. Because you see my friend, this darkness was once lightness in and of itself. It was a real person. It was a person who had so much to give, and sadly she chose the wrong one to give it to. She mistakenly thought she’d met her dark soul master… You want to know...

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Destined Hearts Ch 03

‘H-how do you…I mean.’ Camryn turned away from him and stared out at the Ocean. This couldn’t be happening. She sliced a hand through the air, ‘I can’t believe you. How could you have pretended not to know?’ She lowered her head to her hands on the railing, suddenly feeling faint. Luke’s hand guided her to a chair, ‘Cam, just sit down, okay? I swear I didn’t know at first. You look so different, and when you lied about your name…’ His eyes pleaded with hers. ‘I did know there was something...

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The Rise of Darkness

Once upon a time, there was a land called Theras. A prosperous land that was home to the elves, humans, dwarves and gnomes, the four races living in peace and prosperity with one another. At least that was how it was until their land was assaulted by a dark force, a being of evil that would rain death and destruction and darkness upon the land for a century before finally reaching a stalemate with the "heroic" forces that were defending Theras. The Dark Lord would throw up a barrier to protect...

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Taken In Darkness

As she disembarked from the plane at JFK airport, Sara Manning couldn't help thinking how relaxed this flight had been compared with two years ago. Waiting to pass through security, she had time to focus on the reasons why that should be. First, she knew exactly what to expect, and what her duties would be. As head UK representative for one of the leading book publishing companies in the world, her last visit had given her confidence. The boss on this side of the Atlantic was the charming...

Straight Sex
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Strangers in the Darkness

Stuffy…. officious… prude! Lauren ran through the list of insults in her head. Her Vehement hatred blazed clearly in her eyes. Overpaid! She brushed brusquely past an office secretary, who made a slight sound of protest, which was stifled by Lauren’s incredible rage. Lauren reached the elevators at long last and pounded the button for the bottom floor, which was, in fact, underground. The building was made on some soft dirt, or something, and all the entrances had been moved up a level, but...

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Fallen Angel Chapter 14 The Road through Darkness

Chapter 14: The Road through Darkness Lightning flashed, illuminating the darkened room. Opening one bleary eye, Cal looked over and saw Tawny looking at him lovingly, her arm around his stomach. Althea was still asleep. "How'd you sleep, love?" Cal whispered as he slowly sat up and wiped the sweat off his brow. Tawny moaned and sat up, kissing Cal on the lips. "It was great!" she whispered eagerly, shivering from the chill bedroom air. Seeing the shudder, Cal pulled his blanket up...

4 years ago
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Destined Hearts

Camryn O’Connor took a sip of her strawberry daiquiri and stared across the room. There was a thin crowd at the small bar Camryn had found–called The Rusty Bucket. No surprise since it was Valentines Day. Camryn imagined that most everyone was either tucked away in a booth at a fancy restaurant or cuddled up in front of a fireplace with their lover. Everyone except for her and a few other lonely New Yorkers. Tonight was supposed to be a fabulous night of carefree drinking and sexual activity....

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Magical Hearts chapter 10

Magical hearts chapter 10 During our last chapter, we found out that the kingdom of Izmira had not only ordered Raiders to capture slaves, but had infiltrated Edmonton one of the main cities in Cowan. I fear this is a prelude to war, the harbor there would allow them to bring in as many troops safely with as many ships they can bring. A small army could more easily defend the peninsula that Edmonton sets on as they wait for reinforcements. I briefed my father, who seemed to lose his appetite....

4 years ago
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The Dead Kid Returns Part 5 Breaking Hearts

The Dead Kid Returns; Chapter 5: Breaking Hearts Beth was absolutely devastated. Her attempt to help the girl inside the new kid had gone horribly wrong, and now the new kid hated her. She dragged her broken heart to school the day after it happened, and the new kid wouldn't even look at her, much less talk to her. Beth even tried waiting at their favorite reading spot, but the new kid didn't show up. Worse, when Beth tried to see the girl inside the new kids boy body, the pain she...

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Three of Hearts

Three of Hearts "Him?" My wife Sarah looked across Shady's bar, where the bearded man moved slowly, squeezing in between tables. He was a handsome man, early 30s with short-cropped hair. He was tall, with dimples and brown eyes. You could imagine him at a department store, spraying cologne at passing customer. I watched him walk, considering the possibilities. He approached a table, then leaned down and kissed a blonde woman on the lips. He turned, and then he kissed a black...

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Broken Hearts Ch 1

The summer pool barbecue party was well underway with a real mix of age groups and diverse occupations. The hosts, Ben and Claire, were both leading citizens in their community; Ben, an active twenty-five-year veteran of the fire department, and Claire, a clinical psychologist at the local general hospital.Their guests gathered today ranged from friends and co-workers to some of Claire's clients. Ben and Claire never expected everyone to accept their invitations and were pleasantly surprised...

Love Stories
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Broken Hearts Ch 2

The wind billowed Karen's blonde hair back as she snuggled close to Bill in his '57 convertible Bel Air. The wide whitewall tires hugged the road as the big heavy car leaned into each twist and turn. A 60's radio station blasted tunes into the air, and they sang along, laughing at each other when they got the words wrong. Bill had his arm draped over Karen's shoulder, and her hand rested on his bare muscular leg.After meeting Bill at a mutual friend's party today, Karen immediately felt...

Love Stories

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