Devlin's StoryChapter 31 free porn video

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Their plane landed at Miami International just after noon, local time. Once in the concourse Devlin had to take a minute and just stare at the people; nearly everyone was wearing shorts or a short skirt, and tank tops and tee-shirts were everywhere.

"One of the best ways you can tell you're in Florida is the tee-shirt signs," Krissi said as they walked past a souvenir shop. "I think the Florida State Motto should be '3 Tee-shirts for $10'."

"They do seem to be everywhere," Devlin said, looking at the third tee-shirt shop they'd passed since getting off the plane. "Remind me to say nice things to your agent when I meet her. How on earth did she get two tickets? If we'd driven we'd be somewhere in Kentucky right about now."

"I have to do a book signing in Orlando and Jacksonville," Krissi said. "She has a sister who works for the airline, that's why she found those tickets. We'll drive back, though. That'll give us a few days together, and there are some things I want to see in Florida." She stopped at the Departures display. "Here we go, Gate E1. We have about 40 minutes before they start boarding."

"How far away is it?"

Krissi bit her lip, thinking. "We're at Gate D34. I would say at least 10 minutes, maybe longer. That doesn't include a potty break. We should save that until we get to the gate and we find out when they're going to start boarding. We can change at the same time."

They made it with time to spare. Devlin had packed her blue floral print sun dress just for this moment. Krissi had one just like it, but in red. They weren't the only ones changing in the Ladies Room; for a few minutes it seemed like that was the only thing people had come in here to do.

"Much better," Krissi said as they picked their way through the crowd. "I know a sweater and jeans were appropriate for the Midwest, but not here in Miami." She paused as an older woman walked by wearing shorts and a sleeveless blouse. "Shorts can be worn by anyone here, just keep that in mind."

Devlin nodded, her attention on a tall, bronzed young man wearing much the same thing as the older woman; but he was much better to look at, especially his shoulders.

Krissi nudged her. "Come on, we have to check in."

A few minutes later they were airborne, circling out over the water before heading toward Key West. Devlin could see downtown Miami off in the distance, and a blue ocean that seemed filled with boats. She commented on that to Krissi.

"And the funny thing is, Miami doesn't have the most small boats, either in absolute numbers or per capita," Krissi said. "That's Seattle, another place I'd like to visit."

"Count me out. I hear it rains all of the time there."

Krissi frowned. "No, I understand it only rains 360 days out of the year. The other five days it's about to rain." She wiggled and leaned back in the airline seat. "No rain for this girl, not for the next 10 days. It'll just be sun, sand, palm trees..."

"And bronzed male bodies," Devlin added quietly.

Krissi broke up. "Yeah, especially those bronzed male bodies."

They arrived in Key West, rented a car, and stopped briefly at the exit from the airport. "Which way do you want to go?" Krissi asked. "If we go left its downtown Key West; if we go right, it's on to Islamorada and what we came for."

"I thought we'd planned on visiting Key West on our way back," Devlin said. "Turn right."

"Turning toward bronzed male bodies," Krissi said as she cranked the wheel. "Hard male bodies.

"As long as they're hard in the right places," Devlin replied.

"I think we can count on that." Krissi accelerated into traffic, and a couple of minutes later they both turned as a pair of Navy jets streaked into the sky. They pulled over to watch them until they were out of sight.

"Even if nothing else happens," Devlin said, holding her arm out the window, "this was worth it."

"I'll take blue skies, white sandy beaches and warm water every time," Krissi said. "If I make enough money from my stories I'll move to the Gulf Coast."

"Not the Keys?"

"Too many people move to Florida. Of course I may end up moving to Colorado or Wyoming so I can enjoy the mountains."

"I've decided I want to live some place warm," Devlin said. "I want some place with only two seasons, not four."

"The mountains may make you change your mind," Krissi said. "Snow, you and someone special in a hot tub... um."

"Have you actually been to Colorado or Wyoming?"

"The Swiss Alps," Krissi said. "And, no, there wasn't that someone special. I was 11 and still pondering important things like 'where does your nose go when you kiss someone?'."

"Well, now you know." They rumbled over another bridge, and Devlin tried to count all of the different shades of blue in the water. "So tell me how to pronounce the name of this place we're going. Is-lam-oh-rada?"

"Eye-lah-more-ah-dah," Krissi said slowly. "Say it fast, Islamorada."

Devlin repeated it until Krissi nodded. "I won't ask how it got its name."

"Good, because I don't know. I think it's one of those Spanish things, sort of like Cayo Hueso... I think I pronounced that right."

"Cayo Hueso?" She tried to remember her Spanish from high school. "Bone Island?"

"That's the original Spanish name for Key West. And, no, I don't know why they called it that. There've been a lot of shipwrecks in the Keys, maybe it's because of that."

A little while later they pulled to a stop by the side of the road and Krissi took out her directions. "We're looking for the Islamorada Marina. Not the main one, but the smaller one."

"You navigate," Devlin said, "and I'll drive."

Krissi nodded. "Works for me." They switched places and Krissi began comparing her directions with the map she'd printed out. "Seven Mile Bridge and Marathon, and then we're close. The bridge is just up ahead."

"Seven Mile Bridge? I suppose that's because the bridge is seven miles long."

"Got it in one. We're looking for the shopping mall. When we see it we turn left at the next light."

Devlin dutifully turned at what she thought was the correct light. When they got to the water's edge without seeing a marina they had to backtrack. She saw a small restaurant and pulled into that to get a bite to eat while Krissi called for updated directions.

"They wrote the directions assuming we were coming from Key Largo," Krissi said when she joined Devlin at their table. She snagged a fry. "Um, maybe I should eat. I haven't done that today."

"I'm told it's supposed to be good for you," Devlin said. She waved at the waitress. "Hamburger and a diet coke."

Krissi practically inhaled the food when it arrived. "I'll have to try that again in a day or two."

"You're not getting into the model's mindset are you? You know, if you can taste the food you've eaten too much."

Krissi shook her head. "No, anorexia was never my thing. Finished?"

Devlin took a last sip of her coke. "All set. You're sure you have the right directions."

"We'll be there in 10 minutes."

Not quite 10 minutes later Devlin pulled to a stop at the gate to the marina. Krissi identified them to the guard. He nodded. "Park most anywhere," he said, and opened the gate.

There were a lot of cars in the parking lot. Devlin found a place near some trees and killed the ignition. The engine popped and clicked in the silence.

"Getting anxious?" Krissi asked.

"Sort of. I was wondering: do guys start getting hard about now?"

Krissi laughed. "Judging by the way they park at Emma's, they must. Of course that might be the wives driving. I wonder how hard it is to drive with a hard-on."

It was Devlin's turn to laugh. "We'll never know, that's for sure. And before you ask, I'm not going to reach between my legs and find out if I'm wet, not here." She reached over and felt Krissi's breast. "Your nipples aren't hard. I can change that if you want."

Krissi removed Devlin's hand. "Later, if we both feel like it. Not right now, we'd have an audience." She got out, opened the trunk, and pulled out their luggage.

"Sure the car will be all right here?" Devlin asked.

"That's why we park here," Krissi said. "It's a guarded lot. Got everything?"

"You've got my small bag?" Devlin glanced around in the car one last time. "I think that's it." She locked the car and followed Krissi to a gate next to the water.

There was a couple there holding small suitcases. Krissi waved at the woman. "They were here last year," she said in an aside to Devlin. "Tina, hi!"

"Krissi," the gal said. She had short strawberry blonde hair, was slightly taller than Krissi, and was wearing black shorts and a white tee-shirt emblazoned with palm trees and seashells framing the words "Conch Republic".

In moments they were hugging. "So glad you could make it," Tina said. She turned and nodded at her companion. "You remember Joe."

"How could I forget," Krissi said. She gave him Joe a quick hug, then returned to Tina, holding her at arms length. "You're looking good. Love your hair."

"Thank you," Tina said. "You look pretty good yourself." She glanced at Devlin. "No boyfriend?"

"Not really," Krissi said. "I met someone, but he had family obligations, not that I'm sure he would be ready for this."

"I understand," Tina said.

Krissi motioned Devlin forward. "I want you to meet someone. Tina, this is Devlin. Devlin and I met at a party a couple of months ago, and hit it off right away."

"So, are you two... ?"

"Not really," Krissi said. "You know me, I prefer my partners to be male."

"Hi," Tina said, holding out her hand. "I'm Tina."


"I love your hair."

Devlin picked at one of the ends. "Oh, this. It's probably a rat's nest from blowing in the breeze."

"That would be a real bummer," Tina said. "But I know the feeling. I love the feeling of the air here blowing over me. Are you a student, too?"

"I'm a Business Major," Devlin said.

"Biology Grad Student," Tina said. "I've been specializing in reproduction, which is kind of funny when you think about it."

An electric cart towing a trailer with seats pulled up on the other side of the gate and a deeply tanned short brunette woman in a halter and shorts hopped out. "Hi folks," she called. "I'm Linda, your hostess. Tina, Joe, Krissi, nice to see you again." She gestured at the trailer. "If you'd go ahead and load your stuff we'll be leaving in about 10 minutes."

Devlin followed Krissi and they made themselves comfortable. Tina and Joe sat opposite them. Linda was about to start up when another couple hurried up.

"Thanks for waiting," the guy said. "Traffic was a real bear."

Linda waited until they were settled before leaving the gate. They followed a meandering path that ran along the end of the docks. Boats were bobbing in the afternoon swell, sailboat masts waved back and forth against the blue of the sky, and gulls wheeled overhead, searching for food.

Presently the path split, one arm running to another section of the marina. Linda followed the path to the left around a clump of palm trees and over a slight rise. The path ran along the shore for several hundred yards before bumping across a causeway and out to an island dominated by a large building. Linda followed the path past several bungalows. She finally stopped at the far end of the island, at a gate in front of a small bridge that led to an island on the other side of a small channel.

"We're here," Linda said, getting down. "You'll have to carry your luggage from here." She used a key card to open the gate. The bridge was over a hundred yards across, and several jet skis raced by underneath, splashing the bridge deck with water.

"I think introductions are in order," Linda said as they walked across the bridge. "Tina, let's start with you."

"I'm Tina Walker," Tina said. "I'm from Newark, New Jersey." She patted the elbow and smiled at the guy next to her. "And this is my boyfriend."

"Joe Crane," he said. "Tina and I were here the last two years. We flew in to Miami and rented a car to drive down here."

"Kristal Carpenter," Krissi said. "I go by Krissi. I'm from Bloomington, Illinois."

"Devlin McCabe," Devlin said. "I'm Krissi's friend, and I'm from Bloomington, Illinois, too."

"Joan McMillan," the woman who'd come running up the dock said. She was a short brunette wearing a denim miniskirt and a tee-shirt tied under her breasts. "We're from Knoxville, Tennessee," she added with a decidedly twangy accent.

"And I'm Brian McMillan," the guy next to her said. He smiled. "And before anyone asks, we're brother and sister, and we're not married."

"I didn't think so," Linda said as people chuckled.

"But it's good to get that out front," Joan said. "In parts of Kentucky and Tennessee we might be."

Linda nodded. "Okay, here's what's going to happen. We'll check you in, and you'll be told which bungalow is yours. For those of you who've been here before we'll have a brief refresher talk. For those of you who haven't, I'll meet with you individually starting in about half an hour. We'll go over the rules, I'll get some material for our records, things like that." She looked around. "Any questions?"

"Is there going to be a Get Acquainted Party like there was last year?" Tina asked. She grinned. "That was fun."

"That's what we're planning," Linda said. "That'll be tomorrow night after dinner. The main resort is having a get-acquainted dance tonight, and you're free to attend that. Any other questions?"

Nobody else said anything. Devlin looked across the water. Islands covered in green seemed to bob on the blue of the water. One blue shaded into another. 'Blue' was inadequate, there were more shades than she could name. The sun, the water, the white sand, "... we're not in Kansas any more," she quoted quietly to Krissi."

"I know. Don't you love it? Not a cornstalk or a snowflake in sight."

There was a small shack at the end of the bridge. Linda grabbed a list from the counter in the shack. "All right, Joan and Brian, you're in #3." She looked at them. "If you want, I can split you two up."

"No, we've seen each other naked before," Joan said. "It's no big deal." She picked up the bag she'd dropped. "Which way?"

"Up the path. The bungalows are numbered. #3 is on the right near the house." She looked at her list. "Alan and Ellen, you're in #4, which is across from Joan and Brian. Krissi and Devlin, you're in #5. Tina and Joe, you drew #6."

Krissi practically ran up the path. "I want to see what changes they made from last year," she said. "Linda told me they'd put in quite a few improvements."

The path, looped back and forth through the brush and trees, finally giving way to flagstones set in mortar. In moments they were surrounded by palm trees and other kinds of trees, including, Devlin was surprised to see, pine. The breeze found its way through the trees and brush. It was just enough to keep the heat down. In the distance Devlin could see the roof of the house. Beside the path were stones about 18" high with a single number painted on it. Krissi turned at the one marked "5". There was a short path to a small cabin with a door and a single window facing the main path. Krissi opened the door, flipping on the light.

"Just as I remembered," she said, looking around.

Devlin pushed past her, looking around. The interior was cool and shaded by the trees outside. There were two rooms: the main room was the bedroom, with two double beds. The other was the bathroom, containing a sink, a toilet and a small shower. There was a small 3-drawer dresser made out of dark wood next to each bed with a lamp on top. The bathroom was painted white, the bedroom was painted a very light blue. Blue curtains framed windows on each side of the room. The beds were firm without being hard, with plenty of room to sprawl out. The blankets were folded at the foot of the bed, leaving only light sheets as covers.

"This is it?" Devlin asked. Somehow she'd expected more.

"It's enough," Krissi said. "These bungalows are little more than detached bedrooms, with a small bathroom. We take all our meals in the main house, unless we want to picnic somewhere else."

"Where are the improvements?"

"Let's check around outside."

Devlin tossed her bag on one of the beds and followed her friend out the door. They followed the path around back of the bungalow. Just a few yards away were the backs of three other bungalows. And in the middle, where the paths intersected, was a gazebo containing a hot tub, chairs, and four picnic tables.

"That's new," Krissi said. She glanced around. "This'll be kind of handy."

Joan came around the side of her bungalow. She waved, and knelt to check the hot tub. "It's on," she said. She knelt and trailed her hand through the water. "And it's nice and warm, too."

Devlin knelt and felt the water. "I've almost fallen asleep in these things," she said.

"Easy enough to do," Joan said, nodding.

"We'd better see about orientation," Krissi said. "Come on."

Linda was sitting on the patio of the house. "There's another couple due in about two hours," she said. "Tomorrow morning two more couples will arrive, and then we'll be complete. But before they get here I thought I'd cover a few things.

"The island is just over 4 acres in size and is heavily wooded, so there's plenty of room and opportunity to be by yourself it you want. We have our scenic outlook on the west end of the island, but don't get your hopes up, it's a tree house set 15 feet up in a tree. There's no piece of land on this island higher than 10 feet above the water. We do have a small natural pond, on the north end of the island. I would advise each of you to make time to visit it. For these two weeks we don't sell romanticism so much as fun, but, guys, all of us gals like a little romance in our lives, even if it's just the setting.

"We're part of a larger resort. There are six other islands like this one, each separated from the main part of the resort by a small bridge. You aren't allowed on the other islands, just as the folks staying there aren't allowed on this one. Everyone is allowed on the main island. That's where you'll find a pool, jet skis and boats for rent, and the other things people like to do in Florida while on vacation. They can also arrange tours here in the Keys--I recommend you check them out, there's a lot to do here in the Conch Republic."

"What's the difference between this island and the others?" Joan asked.

"They're clothing optional."

"Well, so are we."

"Ah, but those are all for families; the rule there is the same as it is in most nudist camps: no sex. That doesn't apply here. And, by the way, we'd appreciate it if you didn't let people know what we do here.

"Okay, on this island we have the house and 16 bungalows, as well as a few other things. They're leftovers from when this island was a separate resort. Jim's folks bought it at a bankruptcy auction quite a number of years ago. We joined in a partnership along with the main vacation resort, and most of the time we run it as such. But twice a year, here in the spring, and again in the late fall, we keep it for ourselves Over the years Jim's parents rebuilt the bungalows, rebuilt parts of the house and so on. About seven years ago they got tired of the resort business and retired, moving back north up into the other Florida, and Jim and I took it over. Since then we've added water and sewer connections to Islamorada, added eight bungalows, rebuilt the pier, put in better pathways and electricity, and, this year, added the hot tubs.

"Besides the pool and the hot tubs, we have a sheltered anchorage where we'll dock our boat this evening. That's one of two secluded beaches, for those who want to do the thing with the waves. Because we put in a small breakwater, wave action in the moorage is pretty minimal, which we're glad of. We do get hurricanes through this part of the world from time to time. I would advise you to use the other secluded beach, there's a little more cover from curious passers-by.

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My fucked up life

Yes my life is fucked up and I guess you could say I'm to blame. I mean I guess I should've walked out when my husband got hurt, and I should not of fixed the books to get money to pay and medical bills, but I did and now I'm fucked in more ways then I can count. I met my husband in the last year of high school and, he always wanted to be his own boss. Right from the time I met him he said that someday he would be well off running his own business. Well we got married, and I went to work for a...

2 years ago
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My Buddy Max

It was a very old tradition, dating back to the days of the Syrisian Empire. Sammel heaved his rucksack over his shoulder and plodded to Max's house. Max was not his best friend's given name, for he was a dwarf. His real name was Grimaeks. The two had known each other most of both of their lives. True, dwarves were long-lived folk, and Max had been almost eight when Sammel was born. However, at this point in their lives, with Sammel finally coming of age, they were as similar in age and...

3 years ago
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Me And My Cute Chachi

Hi all iss users i am a great fan of this site and this site arouses me a lot.This is my first story please dont mind for any misleads or mistakes.This is zeeshan from bangalore 21 years of age thin but fair many of them tell me that i look cute…………And stuff now comping to my chachi she is a very hot chick she is of 37 years of age she is dam fair and she has a figure of 34-24-34 she has long black hair and very cute in looks and boobs are 36 d……And coming to the story we are a joint family and...

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Jessicas Scarf and the Old School Copier0

Cast of characters: Jessica Roberts -- 23 years old -- Newest science teacher. Stunningly beautiful, smart, lonely. Annoyed at being ignored. Mr. Skinner -- 34 years old -- High school principal. Single, geeky, strict, fair. A hopeless romantic, but awkward with women. Dirk, Nick, Paul, and Abe -- 15 years old -- Four naughty 10th grade boys. Horny, gregarious, affable, unruly, incorrigible. Matt Summers -- 23 years old -- School janitor. Tall,...

3 years ago
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Kaise Bana Ladke Se Namard Kutta

Hello friends! Mera naam Rahul Sharma hai. Mai 19 saal ka hoo. Mai Delhi me B.Tech ki padhai kar rha hoo aur apne ghar valo ke saath hi rehta hoo. Story par aane se pehle apne bare me batadu. Mai sawle rang ka hoo, height-5’7” hai and weight 60kg. Vaise toh mai dikhne me fit hoo but still mere 2 chote,soft and gol boobs hai jo ki kisi ladki ki feel deti hai. Meri gand bhi kafi badi hai. Aur mere lund ka size 5” hai. Haa bilkul 5” khali. Mai yaha baki ladko ki tarah fenkne nhi aaya aur mai apni...

4 years ago
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Wife Sells ShoesAnd More

Recently my wife starting selling clothes online - pants, tops etc. Even some of the kids clothes they grew out of. I told her maybe she should get rid of some of her old shoes and boots too, make room for some new ones. She really had no interest so I told her I would sell them for her. She thought I was just being perverted so she shot me down. After a few weeks of her listing stuff and not really selling, I offered my help again. This time she seemed interested but I told her there would be...

3 years ago
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Confused I was Part 2

I awoke the next morning which to my thinking is always a good thing! Though to try and figure out what was going through my head and how I was feeling!? All I can say is Claire Rayner & Sigmund Freud would have been stumped!! A young boy describing that he had woken up after a night of dreaming about Marilyn Munroe, you could and would be forgiven for thinking, Mucky Pup!! I have to admit, I did wake in bed that morning doing the best "tent impression" EVER!! However, ask a few...

3 years ago
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King Frederick IChapter 5

Lady Diana Cavendish, 8 April, 1832 I next saw His Majesty at the opening of the Princess Charlotte Hospital, which Edward had prevailed upon Mother to allow me to attend. We were placed directly behind the King, underneath a portico at the building’s front entrance. I did think the speech he made, expressing his hopes that one day no child should have to grow up motherless as he did, quite touching, and I am sure the display of emotion on his poor father’s face moved everyone that saw...

2 years ago
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Forever Pregnant Part 1

Forever Pregnant - Part 1 Synopsis: Rob's father remarries and Rob has trouble adjusting to having a step-sister in the house. Gosh, do I hate Christine! Oh, I don't mean that she's evil or anything, it's just that after my parents got divorced years ago, it was just Dad and me living in the house. And things were pretty cool, like we could hang out together and go to baseball games and stuff like that. And he wouldn't bug me if I let dirty clothes pile up on the floor of...

2 years ago
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Next Man Up

Howdy! Been a loooong time since I posted anything, but I've had some recent fun that I wanted to tell you about! So, a quick catch-up:I've had a "regular" local hook-up black guy this spring/summer/fall...he's considerably younger (legal! I swear! :) ) and works a minimum wage job at a local retail store close to my church (ahem). So we have differences in age, social class, race, and color (he's dark chocolate and I of course was pretty pale when we first met, but ripened to a nice buttery...

2 years ago
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The Firemans Smoking Hot Wife

I know it’s a commonly held stereotype but I believe it to be true. The firefighting community contains perhaps the sexiest, fittest hard bodies you’ll find in any work place in America. They are simply hot. It’s true for the men and the women as well as the spouses and significant others who love them. It certainly is true of Britney, the fireman’s smoking hot wife. Their passion for each other is almost historical. Justin and Brit began dating while still in their teens and soon became the...

1 year ago
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Jane Wilde 2100 588000

Jane Wilde goes by JaneWildeXXX on Twitter, adding an adult rating to her name just so people know what they’re in for. Honestly, I bet she tried to claim her porn name as her handle, no XXX involved, but somebody signed up with that nickname in 2009 and never tweeted. It obviously ain’t the end of the world because that XXX suits Jane, and let’s be honest, it’ll bring in the pervs who ain’t great with names but appreciate a sexy lady with her clothes off. That’s what you’re here for,...

Twitter Porn Accounts
2 years ago
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Big booty Ballbusting

Kadin is a 22 year old white male, standing at a height of 5'2. For being so short, he is pretty good below the belt, his penis a somewhat solid 7 inches. He is having a friend over named Willow. She is a 23 year old white female who stands at 6'3, she has Triple D titties, and an ass that can kill. She is coming over to with Kadin. They have been friends sense 7th grade. Somewhere around that time Kadin found his ballbusting fetish. He tried to get some girls to do it with him, but they all...

1 year ago
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She may not be a virgin, but at this particular moment, Cyrene definitely felt it. What her friend had been thinking, bring her to a place like this she will never know. All around her were people doing, in some form or another, the most sinful acts of fornication she had ever witnessed. It was like a sexual show-and-tell, with everyone watching and joining in on everyone else‘s show. There were men and women, women and women, and men and men. There were two-somes, and three-somes. Christ,...

3 years ago
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AssassinChapter 9B

Kyra lifted her top to expose her breasts and then donned a bra. "I guess we'd better be seen downstairs." "Yeah." I moved to the computer and disconnected the controls. "Here you are Mark. I'd better put on a display with Kyra for your folks." "Beverley isn't our folks," Kyra snapped, "and Michelle's just a brat." "She can't help what they turned her into." Mark gallantly stood up for their young sister. "She didn't seem too bad," I cautiously suggested. "Oh, she...

4 years ago
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RebelChapter 100 A shot at Cornwallis

Suzanne showed up again late in the retreat and stayed with us all the way into Pennsylvania. By then many things had changed, and she was a lissome widow with many randy admirers. But when I first saw her again, she was still the captain's wife, and we were out trying to kill Cornwallis. That was the plan. We would circle around the British, come up from behind and ambush the headquarters company. Foster's company, of course, got the scouting job, and we actually found Lord Cornwallis and...

4 years ago
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Giving Feedback

I left the classroom feeling great. I’d gotten an A on the story I’d written and positive feedback from the other students in the creative writing workshop. It was the last class of my first semester at Clinton State, and now the only thing between me and winter break was one more final exam. I zipped my jacket and pushed through the doors of Barrington Hall into the cold December air.“Chad! Wait up,” a feminine voice called from behind me.“Oh hey, Kara,” I responded, pausing in my tracks.I...

Oral Sex
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Panama party

We had been having monthly parties with our neighbors for a couple of years. We were all late twenties early thirties and each romantic couple took a turn to host a dinner party through each year the drink flowed as usual and when we got home my swinger wife said that the next one at Sue and Johns would be pajama party and all the girls would wear baby doll outfits. I knew this was my wife idea because she had mentioned idea before. The night came and I found a set of top and shorts I wore in...

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A Double Thrashing

Note. This is a POV story and a work of fiction.Hello, my name is Saba and I work as a hall monitor here at Fencer High School in Glendale, Arizona. I like the climate of this state because it reminds me of my native homeland of Lebanon. And yes, I am Muslim. One of the three on the school staff, but that doesn’t bother me much. The bell rung which signaled the beginning of another passing period and so my menial duty began. I leave my small office and walk out into commons area which was a sea...

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The Judgment of Sgt J Chapter 11 The Darkness of Truth

I watched Sherri run crying down the hallway. I knew she was running to seek comfort from her mom and Cathy. Those three drew strength from each other when they are united. However, for the past few years they have been against each other. Each of them had found a spot in my heart however; my heart was heavy with doubt about each of them. I did not know why they had turned suddenly against each other especially Kay and Cathy. All I did know was I was not going to stand for it. My family...

2 years ago
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Joanie and the JunkyardChapter 2

Back in Rocky’s Bar, I asked her, “So they drugged you? “They drugged us all right. The next thing I knew I was lying on a big round waterbed. There was a black Hunter Douglas ceiling fan going round and round. It made me feel like my face was following it round and round. Bull was standing with his back to me straddling my left leg, pulling on my cowboy boot. “Put your foot on my ass Joanie and push,” he said. I felt like I was suspended in a fog. “DO IT, baby,” he commanded. I pushed on...

2 years ago
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Enjoyed sex with married friend

Hello everyone, this is rahul from hyd. I am 27, dark, tall and handsome. Today i am going to narrate a real story of my life which happened 3 years back. The story is about me and my childhood friend mansi. We studied in a same school till 10th. She is fair and beautiful and she has good assets too. That point of time we were just friends. She was very conservative. After 10th we got separated because she has chosen arts for her further studies and i moved to hyd for my further studies....

3 years ago
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Build a Harem

***Warning: Drug usage, violence, rampant incest, and bad humor to follow. You have been warned.*** My name is Ephraim. I'm a tall, lanky redheaded prince of the Kingdom of Angelica. I've got forest green eyes and a couple of freckles on my face. I've reached the age of 21 last month, which was... nice, I guess. I'm in a bit of a pickle. You see, I live in the Royal Palace of Angelica with my family and our servants. My mother, Queen Vanessa, is the one I inherited my hair and eyes from....

2 years ago
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On the Fifth Day of Christmas

Honkkkk! blared the car horn. Mike Merrill jumped back, his mind on other things completely unaware of stepping in front of the red minivan. Looking up at the young woman, her three kids strapped tightly in their car seats, he smiled weakly as she glared at him shaking her head. Continuing his walk towards the mall entrance, he passed a red Salvation Army kettle. Putting a few bucks in, Mike strode into the holiday madness known as the Christmas season. Walking over to the Circle Centre Mall...

2 years ago
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White Girl Fascinated by BBC

Amy opened the laptop. She knew she needed to be quick, since the school bus would be there in an hour to drop off her k**s. But she couldn't resist touching herself any longer. Her last customer at the coffee shop had been a black man, and lately that was all that it had taken. Any time she talked to a black man, her pussy started to get wet. Sometimes even eye contact was enough. The worst was when it happened early in the morning. She could hardly stand the rest of her shift those days, her...

1 year ago
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One for herLocal Hotel

I sat back and signed into MSN, desperately hoping that you would be online. We had spoken the day before and had arranged to spend all of this evening chatting on MSN, and agreed to meet online at 7pm. Its 5 to 7, as I excitedly entered my screen name and password into my laptop. MSN opened up and I quickly looked for your name. There you were!!! I typed a quick message inviting you to chat and a new window popped up. ‘ Hi’ you said. We started chatting as I sat there drinking my bootle of...

3 years ago
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babysitter at the party

When I first met my wife the k**s in the neighborhood were all young and she used to babysit for them.Joey lived next door and he was about 5 when she was 16. I remember him growing up.We went to a friend's son's graduation party and were a bit shocked that the parents allowed a garbage can punch.We were enjoying the punch and after a few glasses, My wife and i were standing in line waiting for more and as the k** serving the punch turned around he handed my wife a glass and a joint and she...

1 year ago
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Stolen Smile Chapter 1 Cockloft

I shut and locked my truck and briskly walked towards the collection of handsome brick buildings, dropping my keys in my jeans, and taking a deep breath, I was nervous and excited. I have never considered myself a ladies’ man, and up until this point, online dating had been a fools errand. I will be the first to admit my online flirtatious skills are somewhat lacking which made the events of the past week leading to this moment all the more surreal. A week ago while lying in bed I had...

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The Futa Fairy Futas Hot MILF Wish Chapter 1 Cassandras MILF Desire

Chapter One: Cassandra's MILF Desire By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 “Oh, my god, Cassandra, check out what Deidre posted on her Facebook page,” Lana, my best friend, said. “It's a pic of her and her sister with their cheeks pressed together, looking so happy. Oh, god, it's so corny. 'Closest sisters in the world,' it says.” “Really?” I said with a giggle, reaching for my phone beside me to check out the post. Deidre had gotten real weird the last few weeks of school, spending all...

2 years ago
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TheBus fantasy that never happened

The BusIt all started when I saw her.Waiting for the bus same as I. Complete stranger she was a Filipino beauty and I couldn't take my eyes off of her. She felt my gaze so I quickly turned and looked the other way. She was around 5'4 a tight tiger print shirt that showed clinger to her body showing amazing breasts, Blue nurse pants within them a nice ass, green stripe socks and white sneakers. Her beautiful eyes and lips that seemed enticing. As I look in awe of her beauty we wait for our bus...

4 years ago
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First Step Towards Exotic World 8211 Part 1

Hello friends, my name is Abinash. I live in Bengaluru. I am a regular reader of ISS. I am going to narrate my real-life incidents with you. I am writing this for the first time. So please ignore all the grammatical mistakes. A little bit about myself, I am 5’9” with a fit body and 6” cock, which is thick enough to satisfy any horny girl. Without wasting time, let’s get into the story. There was a girl named Shruti from the MBA batch. She was my fuck-buddy for a long time. She used to share her...

3 years ago
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How I Met My First Love

This is my own story where I like to share my first love making experience with my girl. As others say this is a real story and I hope you guys enjoy it. Well so starting let me introduce to myself and my galfrnd. I am Aamir (not real name) 25 years born and completely bought up in Bangalore and currently working with a software firm in Bangalore. My galfrnd Ayesha Sahreef (not real name) is also working in IT firm as a HR. This story is when I just completed my schooling and entered to my...

1 year ago
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GirlsWay Sinn Sage Georgia Jones Whos The Boss

Georgia Jones starts her new receptionist job at Allen Enterprises. She’s working for top executive Sinn Sage in the most profitable division of the company, and she is married to the company’s owner. After her micromanaging husband calls repeatedly to warn her not to fuck things up, her new boss Ms. Sage makes it clear that nepotism will not be tolerated. Poor Georgia is getting mindfucked by her new female boss. First, she undermines her confidence, telling her the entire office...

2 years ago
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What a Turn of Events part2

The plane will be landing in 30 minutes. I park the car with the Valet and head into the terminal. I have plenty of time so I decided to stop and grab myself a coffee. I'm sitting at the table and I'm watching the entertainment as they walk past. I can't seem to focus. The woman I've had fantastic fantasies of is but a few minutes from being a real person. Her it really as curly and wavy as the photo's and video's? Do her legs really go on forever? Will her smile brighten my day just...

3 years ago
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Sofia A Youthful Vision And Tease

I mindlessly glanced out my car window while waiting for the stoplight and I saw her. She was walking with purpose, a bounce in her step and more noticeably a bounce in her chest. She was braless and that got my attention. She had a look about her, something about a young woman with nice toned legs, short frayed-edge denim shorts and an off-white sleeveless blouse with bouncing tits that can get one thinking hot sexy thoughts. Her hidden breasts looked just the perfect size for her slim frame,...

2 years ago
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Lady Hideaway Ch 06

Conner kept David’s old picture book in his office. At least once a day he would stop to look at it. He loved seeing Tessa the way she looked in those pictures. But he felt guilty about having the book. What would Tessa think if she knew he had something of David’s, and the love letters she had written him? He felt like he was lying to her by not telling, but he never brought it up. He never brought any of it up. He wanted to wait until Tessa wanted to talk about her past before he decided to...

3 years ago
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Connie is twelve years younger than me and has an athletic body with a great ass, firm erect breasts and long legs that seem to go on forever. We have worked together for about ten years and I have seen her through two divorces. There have been many fantasies over these years but one summer, the best of these came true. I had been promoted to the head of a department and managed to get Connie transferred to work for me. After about six months, I arranged a trip to California to visit a plant...

2 years ago
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Alon house wife aur me ek seals man

Hello mera naam subham hai, meri age 31 hai aur me ek home applinces bechne waali compani me seals man hoon, ek baar compani ne mujhe madhya pradesh ke sagar shahar me sealing ke liye bheja, compani ne local news paper me vigyapan print karvaya jo ki kuch es tarah se tha ki …aapne kichin ko sundar banayi hamare product ke saath..kichin sajane ki tips free , aapke call par hamare expert aapke kichin se sambandhit sabhi samasyaon ka samadhaan karege , home service bhi uplabdh hai aaj hi es...

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