Spanking The House Guest - You Call This Abuse?Chapter 3 - Clean Up Your Act free porn video

Still fully clothed, I folded the bathmat into a pad so I can kneel beside the tub. My rigid boner was concealed below the high rim of the old claw foot tub. I used a large plastic cup to pour warm water over Molly's hair until her unruly mop was saturated. Filling my palm with shampoo I worked it into her greasy stringy hair. Molly just sat with her eyes closed, arms clutching her bra, head bent forward to her knees as I washed what turned out to be long curls.
I was gentle, massaging Molly's scalp. Sensuously, my fingertips reached far down onto her neck and temples. The warm water and finger massage seem to be doing their magic. I can feel her body trembles slowly quiet in the hot bath.
I knew from experience the warmth from a head massage radiates through your body. I can feel her body respond with an 'Oh that feels so good, ' relaxation as I rub her head. Little did I know that to Molly my gentle hair washing massage is simply indescribably erotic.
I washed and rinsed her hair twice. I finished with conditioner, finger combed through her now curling tresses. My fingers sliding through silky curls send a hot flush down over her neck and shoulders. She shook with a different kind of ecstatic sigh as my fingers dug through the muscles of her shoulders and back. I'm sweating. The room is warm from the bath and humidity. Well, it is warm, but sliding my hands on this little naked sylph, that will warm a guy up too. It definitely has my woody throbbing. I've got to make a comfort adjustment on my package before stripping off my sweat soaked t-shirt.
Now bare chested, I soap a wash cloth to scrub down her back from shoulders to butt. I gently but consistently pull one of her arms loose from her still tight fetal curl to free the soaked bra from her grip. Slowly, I can feel her muscles unlock. She relaxes enough to allow me to move her arm. I gently washed her arms and arm pits stroking down her side with my cloth covered fingers. There are several spots that get a twitch from my touch.
I'm thinking, maybe I can get her to take over, so I asked, "Molly, please take the cloth. You can wash your front,"
Molly didn't move, she made no sound.
I took her chin in hand strongly lifting her face. Her long clean curls hung over her eyes. As I gently parted the wet tresses, she grimaced stone faced with eyes tightly closed. I gently washed her face and neck down to the top of her C cup breasts. Her nipples are tight little buttons with crinkly aureoles curling on the tip of up sloping breasts.
She isn't suffering too badly.
Gently rinsing her face with the wash cloth slowly melts the grimace from her jaw.
Her eyes are still closed as my fingertips massage her forehead and temples. Her face massage ends with a firm pinch at the inner corners of her eyes across the bridge of her nose. My other hand rubs the back of her head at the base of her skull. From my experience, I know this little squeeze play feels wonderfully good. She sighed and visibly relaxed in my hands.
I've watched her nipples peak up from her aureoles as I washed her face. Wise to her now, I turned her chin to look at me.
"Look at me." I quietly commanded.
She opened her eyes, to look at me as I said, "You like this, don't you?" I held her face in one hand with the other on her back waiting for her answer.
Molly has been passive, stone faced for so long. She tried to stay that way. I just wait her out. In a moment an uncontrolled flicker of a smile passed by on her lips. Molly tried hard to put the blank look back on her face, but this luxurious bubble bath is making some kind of impact.
I will never know what went through her mind. A tear formed in her eye and slowly fell. Molly relaxed against the arm I held behind her back. She lay her head against my shoulder and pressed my hand against her face with her own. I could hear through her sigh that she was silently crying.
When the silent sobs quieted, her hand relaxed from mine. It seemed as though she was silently saying, 'I'm, OK now.'
I lay her back against the tub and began to soap the washcloth again. Reaching into the water, I pulled up one of her feet. Molly's soles were callused tough, but my washcloth scrubbing tickled enough to make her jump and jerk. She fought to keep a smile from her lips as I ran the cloth between her toes. As I washed her other foot she lay her head on the edge of the tub and relaxed even more. Her twitch responses to my scrubbing were fewer, but I noticed her face could no longer suppress a smile.
I wrung out and soaped the cloth to scrub up her calf and thigh, first the outside, then the inside. I unfolded each leg to wash behind her knee. The stroke up her thigh must have pushed a tingle of anticipation. She sighed as her thigh quaked under my touch and I watched Molly's nipples crinkle into tight points.
Molly lay with her head back against the tub, her eyes were closed. I wrung and soaped the cloth once more to wash Molly's body, starting with her belly above her pubic bush, I circled up over her breasts, then down into her pubes. My dick was hardened straight up to poke out the waist band of my binding shorts.
I dropped the cloth to wash her breasts. My soapy hand first lifted her breast to wash under the fold, then gently squeezing and pulling at her nipple. My touch must have sent pulsing waves of pleasure to her pussy. I watched silently as her hand slipped between her scissored legs.
Finished washing and teasing on her nipples, I soaped up again to slide my hand down her belly. I soaped and slid from side to side exploring her lean body. Centering up, I found her innie belly button. Her flicker of a smile showed it was mildly erogenous. When my fingers reached the edge of her pubes, my hand slid beneath her hand.
My fingertips traced their way through her pubic curls. Sliding along under her palm she seemed to relax. As my middle finger bumped under her fingers to where she had them pressed, she moved to guide me. She led me to feel the slippery little bean of her clitoris flit sideways under my gentle press. She guided me back the other way. Her clit flipping under my finger made her bark a little "chaooo." It was half way between a sigh and a cough. Together we wiggled her little bean back and forth while she whined a tiny whine. I just knew those were good sounds. Something I'd like to hear more. Her hand held mine in place. She stiffened and strained trying to press my finger where she wanted. I held back, I was on to her game.
We held in place for a moment before she relaxed. I slid my bare slippery fingers further between her legs. Molly's legs spread and allowed me to wash her all the way back to her butt hole. I had her slide down into the tub to give me more access as I gently cleaned her in every fold and crevice. Molly's eyes remained closed.
Now that she was clean, I needed to rinse off the remaining soap bubbles and suds. I said, "You need to stand up so I can rinse you." There was no sound or action from Molly.
"See," I said, "If I don't rinse you carefully, you could get irritated from the soap. I need to rinse you here." I cupped her breast and thumbed her nipple. She sucked in a little closed eyed gasping breath of appreciation.
"I need to rinse you well all over." My hand slid over to the other breast. "I really need to rinse down here."
I slid my hand back between her legs, stroking along into the crevice of her groin. My hand went deeper, down into the valley of her butt cheeks. Her chin pointed up stretching her neck as I circled her asshole. She took a deep breath and let it out slowly. Slowly stroking back up front my palm pressed on her cunt lips.
A gasp of breath slid from her in a hiss of pleasure as I slid a finger between her lips.
With a fingertip at her vagina, I circled, then separated, her inner lips. Pulling back up, I slowly slid my finger over her clit. "It really needs to be rinsed; I have to do this over and over."
Molly took a deep breath as she shows another flicker of a smile, slowly opening her eyes. It is awkward leaning over the old tub, but I reached in and rubbed. My finger strokes gently pressed where I know the feelings are exquisite. Her stone face, her efforts to control breathing cannot mask her growing excitement. Her hands gripped the tub sides. Her hips trembled, her legs jerked as her clit slithers under my fingertip strokes. A bloom of pink colors her throat. Molly made a little croaky sound as my fingertip barely entered her vagina. My thumb mashed her clit against my digital intruder. In seconds Molly squeaked, shaking her way into a rather major orgasm.
Slumping back against the tub, she gives off a high pitch but mellow 'hum' as the orgasm rides a long drawn out crest before my fingers slowly disengage. Goddamn my dick is throbbing.
My dicks throbbing in frustrated anticipation. Mr. Johnson thinks it's time to try her on. I tell him to behave, then I tell Molly, "It's time to rinse you off. You'll need to stand up." Molly doesn't move. She's still fairly out of it, recovering from her O.
The throb in my groin prods me to speak, "Molly, It's time to move. I've treated you very well, but if you don't cooperate now, I'll dump cold water on you, and it won't be nice. So what will it be? Nice or nasty?" I made 'Nice' his out like the finest silk, then snarled out 'Nasty' comically like Snidely Whiplash.
For the first time in an hour, Molly spoke, meekly saying, "Nice."
"Nice what? You need to be polite, say Nice, Please."
I took Molly by one nipple squeezing gently. Molly's throat flushed pink. We held that pose for a three count.
Then suitably primed, Molly said, "Nice, Please."
"OK. Now, stand up," Amazingly, she did. My hand gentling effleurage rinsed her as I poured cup fulls of warm water to sluice off the remaining bubbles.

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