SteffiChapter 2 free porn video

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I was sitting at my laptop when the intercom buzzed. "Yes?"

Ralph's voice came through the speaker. "Steffi's on her way up."

"Shit, I had forgotten..." If I had forgotten a date with a girl like Steffi, I thought to myself, I'm working way too hard.

"She's on her way up, Mr S."

"Thanks, Ralph."

I heard the chime of the elevator and then my doorbell. "Come on in, Steffi."

A cold snap had hit the city. She was wearing a long coat and black boots and carrying a duffel. I watched her unbutton her coat and hang it on a coat tree by the door. Then she unzipped her boots, slipped out of them and into a pair of heels from her bag.

I looked her up and down. She had parted her hair down the middle and all the way back to make twin ponytails. Under the coat she was wearing a denim miniskirt and a short-sleeve, white body suit that clung to her like paint. She was not wearing a bra, and her outfit left nothing of the twin charms of her breasts to the imagination.

"I hope this isn't too casual," she said.

I smashed my fist against my forehead. "I'm sorry, Steffi -- I won't have time to take you to dinner tonight. I had a hellacious day at work and I have to finish this report tonight. It'll take me about another hour and a half."

"Do you want me to leave?"

"No ... Are you hungry?"

"I'm famished."

"Maybe we can call for delivery. Do you like Chinese?"

"I love it. There's a little hole-in-the wall place I know that'll deliver."

"Then, why don't you call and order something?"

"What do you like? Hot or mild?"

"Hot. I can't stand that insipid Cantonese stuff."

"Me, neither."

"Order two different items," I said. "I don't care what. We'll share."

Steffi gave me a nod and went to the phone. I dug my wallet out of my pocket and realized I didn't have her fee.

"Here, Steffi," I said handing her the contents of my wallet. "I didn't have time to go to the bank. There's a couple hundred here. I'll have to owe you the rest."

"I trust you."

I returned to my laptop. Steffi made herself comfortable on my sofa and withdrew a book from her duffel. It was an older-looking hardcover with stickers from some library or other on the spine.

I was absorbed in creating charts and pasting them into my Word document when the intercom buzzed. "I'll get it," Steffi said and headed to the door. She answered the intercom. "Yes?"

"That you, Steffi?"

"Yes, Ralph."

"Hi Steffi ... did you or Mr S order Chinese?"

"Yes we did."

"The guy's here. I'll send him up."

"Thanks Ralph."

I pushed back from my laptop and stretched. "How's the report coming?" Steffi asked.

"Almost done. Maybe about another fifteen minutes or so after dinner." I rubbed my eyes. "I'm getting bleary." Steffi slipped a bookmark into her book. "What are you reading?" I asked. She showed me the book. "Balzac... Pére Goriot?" I took the book and flipped through it. "You're reading it in the original French?"

"Yes -- I prefer to read in the original language -- if it's one I know."

"How many languages do you know?"

She glanced at the ceiling. "I'm pretty fluent in French. I know enough German so I wouldn't starve if I was stranded there ... I can read and understand Spanish, Portuguese and Italian fairly well ... I don't know Greek or Russian, because of the different alphabets."

"That's amazing, Steffi."

She shrugged. "I have a knack for languages."

The doorbell rang and I answered it. I took the bags from the delivery boy and pulled out my wallet; then I glanced at Steffi. "I gave you all my cash."

She stepped forward, peeled off a twenty and handed it over.

"I'm sorry," I said, closing the door.

"It's okay ... really."

I took two plates and some silverware from the cabinets and set them on the dining table. "What did you order?"

"Sechzuan shrimp and Hunan chicken with Hoisin sauce." I started spooning portions onto the plates, along with some rice. "Do you have chopsticks?" she asked.

"I don't think I do."

"Wait -- they sent some in the bag..." She pulled off the paper wrapper, snapped them apart and rubbed the ends together to polish off any loose splinters.

"I've got some beer. Would you like some?"


I poured two glasses and watched her pick up a shrimp with her chopsticks. "You handle those like a pro." I sat back and regarded her.

"Something wrong?"

"I'm trying to figure out how a woman like you ... with your intelligence ... your education ... your poise got to be an escort."

"I told you. I like the work and there's no commitment."

"I remember ... But still, I could imagine any number of careers besides..."

"Phil -- I'm not some hooker. I don't just bang people for money."

"It IS a service you provide."

"Yes, but not exclusively. It's my background that makes me good at my job. You invited me to your Christmas party. I won't embarrass you."

"I have no doubt." I ate some chicken. "This IS spicy," I said. "What's your bliss, Steffi? What would you REALLY like to be doing?"

"Hmmm ... At one time I wanted to be a photographer -- but I don't even own a camera."

"You should buy one."

"No ... it's part of a life I left behind." She ate more shrimp and some chicken. "What exactly is your line of work?" she asked.

"I'm a hired gun." She looked up at me, eyes wide. "Businesses call me in when they're in trouble. Deep trouble. My current assignment is to save a company that's in very deep trouble indeed, and I'm not sure even I can save it." I swigged some beer. "In some circles I'm known as Neutron Phil."

"Why that?"

"Because, they say, after I'm done at a company the buildings are standing but the people are all gone."

"You fire people?"

"No, I don't. I make business plans to bring companies back to health. If that requires reducing the workforce -- it's what is required. It brings me no joy when that happens, believe me -- but if it does, it's not my fault." I drank some more. "Besides -- if a company goes out of business then everyone loses his job."

"I suppose you're right. There must be good money in what you do."

"I'm good at what I do. I've been brought in to help many big name companies -- some of whose products you undoubtedly use on a daily basis. I'm discreet and often no one knows I've been there. I charge a lot because it's the only way some of these CEOs take me seriously."

Steffi put her hand to her mouth and suppressed laughter. "Same with me. Tell me, Phil -- is this YOUR bliss?"

"I wanted to own a workshop on Cape Cod and make furniture."

Steffi helped herself to more food and rice. "This really hits the spot. I was hungry ... I skipped lunch."

"You didn't skip lunch on account of our ... appointment, did you?"

"Well ... Yes..."

"Gosh, Steffi -- I'm so sorry. Next time I'll make it up to you, I promise."

"It's fine, Phil ... This is exactly what I was in the mood for."

"You're not just saying that, are you?"

"Of course not." She set down her chopsticks. "Look -- I cleaned my plate and I had seconds." She held her fist to her mouth. "Excuse me ... it's the beer ... Excuse me again ... I'm really full now -- I'll bet my stomach's bulging." She pulled her shoulder blades back and turned her torso from side to side. "Is it?"

"It doesn't look like it to me."

She put her hand against her abdomen. "It feels really good in there, now." She picked up the plates. "I'll wash these for you."

"Just leave 'em. I'll put them in the dishwasher later."

"I can do that."

"If you'll give me fifteen minutes or so to finish my report..."

"Work before play," she said.

"I'm afraid so. I want to brush my teeth first. I love Chinese food but I hate having garlic linger in my mouth."

"I'm with you on that one." She opened her duffel and removed a leather-bound cosmetics kit. "I'll get in line."

I sat at my laptop and brought up my report. Steffi emerged from the bathroom and began tucking her kit back into her duffel.

"What else do you have in there?" I asked.

"I have a change of clothes ... and a few things we might use for playtime."

My interest was piqued. "What sort of things?"

"Well ... I brought some lingerie..."

"I'm not really into that," I said. "You have such a gorgeous body, Steffi -- I can't imagine covering it with anything that would make you more beautiful."

She smiled. "Okay, then..." She withdrew a pair of handcuffs.

"I'm definitely not into that," I said. "It implies power and domination and I believe lovers should consider themselves as equals."

She looked into my eyes. "I like your style, Phil. I brought these 'cuz you never know what's going to turn someone's socks down." She took out a mini vibrator with a battery pack on the end of a long cord. "This can be fun. Some guys like to watch me get off on it. I hold it and they control the speed."

"That's intriguing."

"Of course, I got off pretty good last time without it. I'm calling you the Man with the Golden Finger."

"It's too bad you have a thing about receiving oral," I replied. "If my finger is golden, my tongue is platinum."

"I don't have a thing against it, in principle."

"You told me you're concerned about herpes. I'm free of that."

"It's more than just that. I had a bad experience once."

"What kind of an experience?"

"Some guy went down on me and a few days later I got sick ... real sick. I ended up in the emergency room. At first they thought I had meningitis. Of seven key symptoms I had five ... high fever, terrible headache and backache ... my eyes were sensitive to light, my neck was stiff ... I was throwing up ... They even took a spinal tap."

I winced. "What was it?"

"It was a bad kidney infection. It had affected my liver and I was becoming jaundiced. I nearly freaked when they told me I had hepatitis; then they explained it meant my liver was inflamed."

"You had small-H hepatitis, not capital-H hepatitis," I replied.

"Yeah ... It was from my kidney infection. They said I was at risk for sepsis -- blood poisoning. I could've died from it. One of the interns asked me if I had a history of UTI."


"Urinary tract infection. I told him never. Then he asked if I had received oral sex recently. I thought ... uhh ... as a matter of fact ... But I didn't say it."

"Yeah, that can happen," I replied.

"As a result I decided oral sex is an unsafe practice and I don't do anything unsafe."

"Oh, it's safe enough if you know what you're doing. It's all technique, Steffi. What you have to do is to approach the clit from above -- never from below. Never lick up from bottom to top..."

"That's how girls are taught to wipe ourselves ... God, I can't believe I'm talking to you about this."

"It doesn't embarrass me if it doesn't embarrass you. The best way is to go back and forth across the glans with just the tip of your tongue, and not to let it get too wet -- just damp enough for lubrication." I poked the tip of my tongue between my lips and vibrated it back and forth. "Sometimes if her anatomy is right you can use a sucking motion." I looked into her eyes. "That drives a girl wild, but she has to be built for it. You can't just slobber away down there. Above all You need need to be careful not to force anything up into her urethra. That's how infections get started."

"Is that how you do it?"

"Call me old-fashioned, but I think a woman is precious. It's essential to put her health and comfort first."

"I don't think that's old-fashioned, Phil. I think it's pretty modern. The world needs more men with your attitude, believe me. How do you know so much about this?"

"I was carefully instructed by an expert."

"Who was that?"

"Gwendolyn -- my ex-fiancée."

"Oh, Phil, you poor boy ... Did she leave you standing at the altar?"

"Not exactly, but she did run off ... with another woman."

"So THAT's how she became an expert ... She was bi-curious."

"She was more bi than curious," I replied, "much to my astonishment."

Steffi giggled. "I would never do that. I don't go for girl-on-girl stuff. Sometimes a couple of us are asked to put on a show. I avoid those assignments if I can; but I can put on a pretty good act, if I have to." She looked me up and down. "Maybe I'll let you lick me tonight -- to see if your technique is as good as you claim."

"What else do you have in the bag?" I asked. Steffi removed a squeeze-bottle enema. "What's that for?"

"We haven't talked about anal, yet," she replied.

"You'd let me into your back door?"

"I might ... I kinda like it that way ... as a change of pace. I save it for special clients."

"Am I a special client?"

"You're an extra-special one," she said and wrinkled her nose. Then, she pressed her hand against my crotch. "And, you're about the right size and shape for it."

"I don't know whether to take that as a compliment or a complaint."

She giggled. "Take it as the truth." She held up the box. "I brought this so you could clean me before you ream me. That way there are no unpleasant or messy surprises."

I took the box from her, opened it and withdrew the plastic squeeze-bottle with its long snout. "Are you really game for this?" I asked.

"I am if you are. You said you have another fifteen minutes of work on your report."


She pointed to the device I was holding. "If we use it now, it'll take about that long for me to be ready."

"Sounds good to me." I started to hand it to her.

"No -- you put it in me."

"You want me to do it?"

"I can do it myself but it's awkward."

"All right ... I've never done anything like this before..."

Steffi reached under her denim skirt, pulled down her briefs and stepped from them. "It's easy -- just put it in and squeeze." She lay on her left side on the sofa and drew up her knees.

The thought of what I was about to do made me begin to stiffen. I approached her, lifted the hem of her skirt and beheld her beautiful brown bottom. Then I grasped the orange sheath on the rectal tip.

"Make sure you take the cap off," she said.

"I had figured out that much already," I replied and pulled off the sheath. With my left hand I spread her cheeks to expose her anus -- it was black, like her nipples; a little black pucker nestled in the valley between her smooth, dark brown buttocks. I touched the tip to it and could see her flinch. "Sorry," I said. "Did I hurt you?"

"It's okay. You weren't in just the right spot. Just work it in. Go in circles."

I rotated my wrist to drill the tip into her and could feel the point slip past her sphincter. "Is this okay?" I asked.

"Yeah ... Push it in all the way..." I slid the nozzle into her up to the hilt. "Okay," she said. "Now squeeze it -- squeeze hard. There's a one-way valve in the cap. Squirt it in and get as much of it into me as you can."

I squeezed the flaccid plastic, then folded the collapsed bottle onto itself and squeezed again. "What's it feel like?"

"Like a cool spray inside. Now I can feel it working its way in deeper."

I crumpled the bottle and squeezed again. "That's all of it," I said, pulling the tip from her.

"I know. I felt some air go in."


"It's okay."

"Now what?"

"I stay like this while it works."

"How long does that take?" I asked as I stuffed the spent bottle into the box and tossed it in the wastebasket.

"Not very long. I'm starting to feel it already."

"Feel what?"

"You know ... nature calling."

I knelt beside her and caressed her thigh. "You DO have a terriffic bottom, Steffi," I said. "Do you use these a lot?"

"Not a lot. Like I said I save it for special clients. Listen ... Can you hear it?"

"Hear what?"

She pressed her hand against her stomach. "Little gurgles in my belly. These things really get stuff moving inside me." I cocked my ear toward her abdoman and could indeed make out some faint growling. "I am really feeling it now."

Same as Steffi
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Martis weekend

She had found the ropes and the magazines by accident. They were hidden under Art’s bed, along with magazines of naked girlsThe girlie mags didn’t interest her half as much as these did.Where Art had got them from, heavens only knew. But it was easy to see why they were hidden.As she flicked through them, she felt something strange happen. She was actually getting incredibly turned on.  She had no idea why, but it was a fact.It wasn’t the girls. They did nothing for her, but the ropes the girls...

3 years ago
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A Little Outdoor Fun

I scan the Craigslist ads for casual encounters. This being London, there are loads of them. Every so often I click on one. I respond to a couple, but most are just bullshit. Then one catches my eye. It says “Schoolgirl for outdoor fun.” I click on it. “6form schoolgirl wants to meet guy for outdoor fun. I’m offering outdoor blowjob. Compensation needed. Email me with a time and your location in the subject.” I click respond. I send her my a little info about me as well as “8:00pm Kentish...

3 years ago
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Door To Door WifeChapter 5

Back on the home front, I must confess that I had let things go. My normal duties as wife and mother seemed trivial and boring indeed compared with the excitement of working for S.E.X. Needless to say, it was only a matter of time before I had a confrontation with Fred. "You bitch!" he cornered me one night after I'd served TV dinners for the fourth time in a row. "How long do you think I can stand living like this?" I tried to weasel out of it, but it was no use. The irritation had...

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Service SocietyChapter 23 Bang Bang

Mark had been right about the company wanting to settle before the news services got all of the details about the lawsuit. One of the news channels had gone into great lengths about the court sealing the settlement of the previous lawsuit. There was a lot of speculation about the the current lawsuit, and its relation to the previous one. The pundits were having a field day with the topic. Things really started to move fast. For a quick fifty million, they would settle with Dexter, as long as...

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XXX Christmas

Andrew Lehman lay in bed, awake yet not fully aware of his surroundings. Slowly, he opened his eyes and sat up. The room was dark except for faint moon glow from the window. The house was quiet. What had awakened him?He got out of bed and slipped his feet into house shoes. He shivered. The room was cold. Colder than when he'd gone to bed, what –? Two hours ago. The clock on his night table read 1:17. He padded through the window. The sky was crystal clear. The quarter moon shone brightly...

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Hiding Sandy Part 3

Sandy woke up and felt very confused. Mike was alternating between being very mean to her and being nice to her, and she realized she was giving into his manipulations since she was learning to tolerate getting painfully punished, since she knew afterwards she would get extreme pleasure. Her attempts at manipulating Mike were not working at all and she felt very much out of control. She got really scared that she actually might start liking the painful degrading things Mike did to her,...

2 years ago
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Homeless Pt 04

Part 4—the rest of our NYC trip, two great new friends. CHAPTER 11 It was almost 3:00 a.m. by the time the police and hospital were finished with us. I suggested that Charlie and Toni stay over at the Plaza as my guests. I thought it was the least I could do after all they had done to support Jennie and me. I knew my $3,000 suit, straight from a Hong Kong tailor, was ruined, but I almost cried when I saw the blood on Jennie’s jacket and dress. Once she had removed it I phoned for a bellman...

2 years ago
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My not so bright stepsister Part 01

by Vanessa Evans Almost your original Dumb Blonde Part 01 My father left my mother years ago and since then she brought me up on her own. When I went to university my mother met a man and he and his daughter moved in with mum. I met the man and his daughter when I went home one weekend and over that university holidays. The man seemed a nice sort of guy and he appeared to make my mum happy so I was happy for her. His daughter was a bit different although she was very attractive she...

1 year ago
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Banging my hot sister

100% fiction! I'm Ron, an 18yo with an average 7in cock. It was a hot summer day. My parents had gone out for a few hours to visit their friends and had left me and my sweet, slender body and large breasts. Knowing she was home, I was in my room slowly jacking off to her pictures and online porn. She was wearing white undies and a nice green tank top. Suddenly, out of nowhere, she walks past my room and catches me masturbating. I saw her too. "What are you doing, Ron??" "Nothing," I said, as I...

3 years ago
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First Porno Experience for My Wife and Me

Over the years I have been trying to convince my wife to join me in going to a porno movie theater. I always got such a trill in seeing couples coming in and seeing the wife playing with her husband and some of the guys. I always thought these husbands were so lucky. I fantasized seeing my wife with her dress open and her bare tits exposed, sitting next to me accepting the advances of fellow male patron. Many a night I would masturbate to that scene. Well here we were in the parking lot of an...

3 years ago
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Flights of Consciousness Book III Charitable Good DeedsChapter 26

To assuage his guilt over Wilson's possible assassination, David decided to warn the wife beater of his pending death. Wilson had changed hotels, which was immaterial. David connected with the individual, not a location. The disembodied consciousness determined Wilson's new room number, found a nearby empty room and called Wilson on the telephone. "Leave me alone!" Wilson screamed when he answered the call. "I cancelled the contracts. Just leave me the hell alone!" "I figured you for...

4 years ago
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A Lesson I Love Chapter 1

My brother called me. He wanted to come east to visit his big s*s. I’m not really big, I’m about five foot four, a hundred twenty five pounds-soaking wet. I have a shapely ass, smallish, perky tits with large sensitive nipples that point upwardly. I have a darkish, olive complexion and dark hair. I’m pretty hot. I used to be quite the conservative bitch. I am recently single, about 3 months ago, my boyfriend and I split. My brother knew I was sad and depressed about all this. This is why he was...

3 years ago
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Hotel Sex

You im me and tell me to meet you at a hotel. You then tell me to bring my toys and come prepared for a night of fun. I start asking you for details but you will not tell me any. All you will tell me is "be ready for me.". I become wet at the thought of what we might do together. I reach down and rub my pussy under my shorts then my panties feeling how truly wet I am. I can tell I'm already soaked. I rub my pussy some more telling you on the im. Reading that makes your cock get hard quickly and...

4 years ago
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A Very Naughty Girl Takes a Shower

It was just one of those nights. I was awake for more than half of it, fading in and out of consciousness. My mind drifted through every sexual perversion I had ever done in my life. On a number of occasions I found my hand would drift onto my nipples and I found myself pulling on them, really hard, and even pinching them to the point where it hurt. My other hand was of course caressing my arse and I felt myself push a finger up my anus. I felt like I just wanted to be used, by anyone and...

3 years ago
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Aunt At Our Holiday Home 8211 Part 2

After we finally were out in the open about our desires for sex most of all we loved it with each other (me and my aunt) and since last night we discovered the same in a really good way as mentioned in the previous part. Now it was morning and as usual i woke up much later than my aunt. I was still naked like the way i went to sleep the previous night. i woke up and put on my clothes as i knew due to all the noise the workers were there so i put on my boxers and threw on a t-shirt and washed up...

2 years ago
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Short and PointyDouble Pain

Hello reader, my name is Bella, I am 25 years old, 1.65 meters / 5.4 feet tall, have red hair and wear a D-cup bra. Not at the moment, though, ‘cause right now I’m naked. I’m about to start a torture session with my twin sister Anna. We’ve been doing that since we were teenagers, and even now we still get together at least once a month. We don’t play any Dom/sub games, we just hurt each other and see who cums first! Since we’re twins, I guess I don’t have to describe my sister to you, she...

2 years ago
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It was a miserable wet evening and I had decided to scratch my planned walk on the seafront and work late. Now I was 8:30 p.m. and, too tired to bother cooking, I decided to drive to a local Indian restaurant on my way home. It was a place I had previously frequented every week, but a change of jobs had taken me to a different locality. For some reason on this night I thought to revisit after more than a year, even though it meant a circuitous route home that added a couple of miles to the...

1 year ago
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Happy Birthday Part 1

I have a limousine coming to pick you up today, your birthday and whisk you to me. Upon entering my home, you hear soft music in the background and the only light comes from candles throughout the house. I greet you at the door wearing an extra long dress shirt and nothing else. Telling you it's time to take this to the next level as I take you to the guest bedroom. There you see a package and I ask you to change for dinner. I leave you and return to the kitchen to finish preparing your...

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Shared with Sperm Amanda Used

Anyone who meets Amanda thinks she is a very beautiful, intelligent woman with high personal standards and a serious attitude to life. And she is that, but only outside the bedroom! Of medium height, with fine, tightly curled brown hair, Amanda has an attractive, well-proportioned body created by a childhood of competitive swimming and track and field, and maintained by an adult interest in dancing and netball. Her legs are proportioned and well-toned, her hips shapely, her waist narrow with...

3 years ago
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Meri Azadi

I am sending this story because of reading Maid’s story I was really excited about sending mine. Hope you like it. Mine is a story of mistakes and mistakes. I am married guy of 35 from New Mumbai. I am a promoter director in a company. There are 2 male directors and a female director. Her name is Prachi. She is a widow with a kid of 6 year. The moment we met we liked each other. We liked each other and had sex. In spite of me being married I have very unhappy married life. But what I didn’t get...

2 years ago
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Naked in School MiraChapter 5

Tuesday I woke to the sound of singing. That was odd. Usually, my aunt was yelling at me about one thing or another. Opening my eyes was kind of difficult. My eyes were crusted over with dried tears. Finally working them open, I saw Lisa pulling up a pair of underwear. The towel around her head told me she'd just gotten out of the shower. Seeing me looking at her, she smiled. "Good morning, sleepy head. If you want a shower before we go to school, you'd better hurry up." Jumping...

2 years ago
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Stranger In The House

Hey Friends, A cock a doodle salute to the female readers. I am back again with an old experience explored. This time my cock shifts base to the land lords daughter-in-law. What can i say about her she is just perfect. Her curves are to kill for and so are her boobs. They bulge out as oil tanks on a flat road. So her name is nandini, she is whitish, black thick hair and a perfect figure for a married woman. My dick went crazy on her sight and wanted to feel her as soon as possible. I wanted to...

3 years ago
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Gaun kaa maja

Hello dosto namskar ab mai ek nai kahani lekar aapke samne aaya hu mujhe umid hai kee aap logo ko bahut pasand kahani gaun ki hai jaha logo ke pass bathroom paikhana room kuchh nahi hota sab aurat aur mard bahar talab me nahate hai aur wanhi khet me ya kisi jhari me chhup kar paikhana karte hai.ek din dopahar me mai paikhana karne ke liye ek arahar ke khet me ghus gaya.khet ke bahar se uske ander kuchh nahi dikhta tha.mai ander jaker paikhana karne laga mai paikaha kar hi raha tha ki...

1 year ago
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Neighbour asks a special favour

As I got home I heard chatting, from across the street and noticed my opposite neighbour was out on her balcony having lunch with a friend about the same age. I'd sometimes seen her coming and going, a woman a couple of years older than me, maybe late thirties, quite attractive and certainly with a body that looked younger and fitter than that. I'd often looked down from my 3rd floor window into her 2nd floor flat and wondered if I'd catch a glimpse of her in her undies or naked but sadly...

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Maxines New Life Ch 16

151 The flight from Germany passed in a drug haze. I am one of those people who can deal with pain, as long as my mind is on other things. When it is just me and the pain, then I feel it much more intensely. So I was popping the Vicodin like M&M candies. But once I got to New York. there were enough going on to take my mind off the pain. At least enough so that it was manageable. Gwen and I got a cab to a pizza parlor in the Village area. It was fun to watch the kids walking the streets....

2 years ago
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Farm lust

It was summer holidays again and as a 11 year old boy I only wanted to do one thing in this holiday go to my uncle k's grandparents,my 3 girl cousins,and open fresh land and air as far as the eye can see......... After a long 3 hour drive we finally reach the farm near the Vaal river. As always we ran in to my uncles home looking for my 3 cousins C(9),J(5),K(2) they were always happy to see us dont know why but that would prove helpful later in life me and C was like brother...

1 year ago
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Sharing My Wife

After my first divorce, I married a very sexy and slutty woman named Isabel. She was (and still is) an extremely horny woman. When we married she had fucked over thirteen other men since she was f******n, she was divorced, had one son and had been unfaithful to her husband with more than one man. She used to tell me about her escapades and that would make very jealous but very horny at the same time. After some time, I got so hooked that I would ask her to tell me about her adventures while I...

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The Club Kirby and Anna Redux

It was the Friday before Christmas vacation started. We had finished all our grades and had submitted them and for once, we were going to stay out of our office during our break. Neither of us was going to a conference or anything so we figured we would play it by ear. If we wanted to take a trip, we would. For now, we were just going to stay home and rest. Kirby had been really busy working on some stuff for NASA. He had finished that up earlier in the week and he was anxious to just relax. ...

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Wrong House Right Decision

Tammy looked at the address again, written on a little slip of paper. “I’m on the right street”, she thought, as she continued down the road. There was no one around to ask. The street was void of all life, except for a squirrel here and there, searching for some nuts to enjoy. She had never done what she was doing now before: meeting a stranger at his house for some hot one-on-one action. Tammy was a healthy, horny single woman who had done without for too long. Tired of the bar scene, she had...

Group Sex
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You go first John said

I woke up Sunday morning tired and sweaty. I'd tossed and turned all night, sleep barely coming at all, and then only in brief spurts. A bad dream about school had bothered me. In the dream I was naked in the gym showers, surrounded by fully-dressed classmates calling me names. Now that I was awake I didn't remember exactly what they had said; only that it had hurt my feelings.I looked at the clock and was surprised to see that it was only 6:30. My parents were still in bed, and I tiptoed...

Gay Male
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Ambassadors DelightsChapter 15 Invitations

In late October the plans were well in hand for the Thanksgiving Party at the U.S. Embassy in Kobek city. "With respect, it's very simple, Ambassador. We have a list of all the invitations you have received in the last twelve months and we simply invite all of the Ambassadors who sent them." "But I haven't been here for twelve months yet," Sharon objected. "Not you personally, the U.S. Ambassador receives invitations, even when there is nobody in post," the Head of Protocol...

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