BethChapter 76 free porn video

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October 19, 2017

Dear Ms. Diary,

We did not wake to Meka in our bed, about which I had mixed feelings. On one hand, who wouldn’t be attracted to such a sexy young woman? On the other, I am not at all sure that I want to add anyone to the Sisterhood, nor to the large web of sexual relationships in the house. I am certain, at least as far as I can be without confirmation, that Meka is on Sandy’s list. I know that Dad will put his foot down, but Meka is an attractive and very sexy young woman. I also still feel a little jealousy about Heather’s time with her. I am fully supportive of her doing it, but if that were going to be a one-off, then I would have liked to have been the lucky girl. Lucky Heather!

Dad and the Moms again put on a big morning feed, huevos rancheros this time.

“Charlie, Sandy, Carol, thank you for another wonderful breakfast. I could get used to this. However, I’d have to play soccer year-round if what was on offer the past two mornings were the standard for breakfast fare.”

Meka grinned around the table.

“You’re very welcome. We have been going all out the past two mornings. Before the girls got to high school, we generally did things like this only on game mornings or lazy Saturdays. We do go through lots of cold cereal.”

“In that case, I’m flattered.”

“Before you leave, please put out your dirty clothes, particularly any dirty uniforms,” Carol told her. “We’ve all been a bit ... side-tracked the past two evenings. I’ll be doing a load of uniforms and I could certainly start a load for your school clothes.”

Meka shook her head briefly, saying, “Thanks, Carol. I had forgotten the necessity concerning uniforms, myself. I hate having to put others out, but I greatly appreciate your taking care of that. I suspect that this evening will be another emotionally draining one, and I probably would not have gotten to that.”

I was just a bit surprised when it was Dad that responded, rather than Sandy.

“You have enough worries on your plate, so don’t worry about things like that. As my wives have told you, we like you and can help in most any way that you need. Please, don’t feel ashamed to ask for help. We know, we can see that you have been strong and have managed quite well without our help. Although I hate to say it, things will get worse before they have a chance to get better. The whole family is more than willing to provide whatever help you need. We will not look down on you for needing that help. You’re a strong person, but you will need to focus that strength on fewer aspects of your life for the foreseeable future. Let us help you not drop any balls.”

Meka looked at Dad for 15 seconds or so, then stood and walked up to the head of the table.

“Please stand, Charlie. I need to hug you.”

When he stood and pushed out his chair, Meka wrapped her arms around him. He put his around her and held her as her body was wracked by sobs. Sandy retrieved the tissue box, while she and the rest of us bused the table.

In the kitchen, I began quietly to lose it, whispering a burbly “Mommm.” Sandy wrapped me up, pulling my head to her shoulder. She held me without words until I wrested control, picked my head off her shoulder, and inhaled deeply.

She said, “We’ll get through this. I know that you know it, but even though we’ll have not known Meka’s father long, you ... and we ... will be changed a bit by this. Grief leaves an indelible mark and the process of getting through or past it is not short and not easy. This is true even for second-hand grief, the empathic grief you feel for Meka. You ... and your sisters ... are strong. You will have to figure out how to save some strength for yourself when you find yourself using much of your strength to support her. You five ... er ... you six should probably take it in turns, and probably more than one of you at a time, to support her. Gracey and Liya should keep spending time with their moms this month. I’ll talk to Kalina about occasionally borrowing Civia to help, at least for October.”

The Go5; Brittany and Cera, a couple of the girls that occasionally “dined” with us; and Brett were at “our” lunch table when Meka joined us, putting a tray on the table in front of her.

“Hey, teammates; Cuz.” She turned to the other girl and said, “I’m sorry. I don’t remember your name.”

Brittany reminded her, after which Meka said, “So, Brett. How did you like hanging out with all the girls in the locker room?”

She grinned at him while his face went scarlet.

“In the girls’ locker room,” asked Brittany as she looked between Meka and Brett.

“Well, of course! What would be the fun in hanging out in the boys’ locker room?”

I did a double take and joined with all my girl tablemates in staring at Brett. Meka was the first to recover.

“Sizzle! I do believe you’re gonna work out just fine as the team’s towel boy. You’ll need that wit and fortitude to deal with all those scantily clad soccer players.”

His face was, if anything, even redder, but he came right back.

“Don’t worry, Shameka. You’ll always be my favorite.”

She recoiled slightly, eyebrows raised, then grinned even more widely.

“Damn, Boy! Good on you! Your girlfriends said you had a good sense of humor, and I’m glad to see it finally.” She reached over, patted his hand, and then said to Brittany and Cera, “He’s now an assistant for our coach. There’s nothing salacious about his job, which is not really as the towel boy, at least, not in the locker room. The team meets there before games and occasionally on practice days, and Coach has laid down the law to us about always being fully dressed in the portion of the locker room in which he is permitted.”

“I’ll have to take up soccer.”

We all looked at Brittany, whose face had gone a little pinker than usual.

She smiled around, then said, “Brett, I’m just kidding. I’m definitely not an athlete.” She went a bit pinker, but added, “I was just playing along with your humor. I hope that’s all right.”

He turned to her, his face not quite as red, saying, “That’s cool. It was funny. You’ll make me blush, like this, but I’m learning how to deal with that. My... ‘girlfriends’ ... as Shameka calls them are not really my girlfriends, although I’m learning how to be their friend ... and Shameka’s friend. I’m frequently embarrassed, but it’s fun hanging out with you smart girls. I appreciate smart humor, and these girls, Beth’s gang, provide a lot of it. You don’t have to apologize for such.” He leaned in a little and very quietly added, “Boys’ humor at this age is sophomoric, at best.”

Gracey, who was sitting on his right, patted his back and said, “Wow. That was seven or eight sentences in a row, a whole paragraph. You’re getting much better at this. Perhaps Heather was right. Once Liya and I are at Beth’s house in November, you’ll have to go on a group outing with us.”

Brett turned toward Shameka and asked, “You’re actually eating with us? Not that I or anyone here minds, but this would be a first. We might have to alert the newspapers to hold the presses. I can see it now: Breaking News! High-society Senior Eats Lunch With Table of Freshmen!”

Meka stared at him for a second or two, then chuckled and reached over and patted his hand again.

“You’re doing great, Brett. Was it the locker room? Was it the interacting with all 25 members of the soccer team in 15 minutes? It must have been something, as you weren’t this comfortable two days ago. Your sharp brain is becoming obvious. You better be careful, as brainiac boys make me swoon.”

There was much laughing.

Meka grinned hugely at Brett; he returned a smile.

We four girls arrived in the kitchen following odors of the Orient.

“Showers. Now. Chop chop,” Dad said.

We rushed upstairs to find two sets each of our uniforms folded on the BRH bed, as well as some of Meka’s clothes.

Rhee yelled at Gracey’s and Liya’s room, “Your uniforms and clothes are in here.”

After a minute, which gave us enough time to strip, Meka walked naked into our room and picked up her stuff and turned to go.

Rhee said, “You don’t mind looking at our nude bodies and we certainly don’t mind looking at yours. You are crazy sexy.”

Meka turned around and looked at Rhee, then Heather, then me. My eyes were wide while I looked up her legs to her torso to her eyes. I was a bit embarrassed that she had caught me looking at her, but given the conversation, not much embarrassed.

“You’re probably the first white people that I don’t mind ogling me. I’ve had lots of white guys look at me, but it just felt like they were thinking, ‘There’s a black girl I wouldn’t mind nailing.’ Although I’ve not known him that long, I’ve never caught Brett ogling me. Trevor ogled me the first time we met, but I told him off and he’s been on his best behavior since. You look at me just as a girl, right?”

“Yes,’ Heather answered. “What does skin tone matter? It’s shape that counts. Well, as far as ogling. I haven’t talked with my sisters in this regard specifically about you, but we all greatly appreciate good brains. They’re something of a turn-on regardless of other aspects. Brett would be interesting even if he weren’t so pretty, while Bradley’s mental ugliness greatly dulls that façade. We’ve liked you from the beginning. At first because of your friendliness and intelligence, almost despite your attractiveness. But we definitely appreciate that, too.”

“Let’s move this discussion to the shower. And it’s my turn with Meka.”

I followed that by grinning at Meka, then my sisters.

I had a bit of trouble following the initial portion of the continued discussion, as I was washing Meka’s back ... and backside. I had the urge to wash her ass with my hands rather than the loofah. I managed to resist that and was able to contribute a bit when she and I were washing me ... except when the loofah ran over my ass.

As we were toweling dry, Meka said, “That’s enjoyable. How did it start?”

“With Beth and me,” replied Rhee. “We’ve been best friends virtually since the day we met, at our first soccer practice, five-and-a-half years ago. We thought we were smart and originally devised this as a way to save time showering. Although we didn’t discuss it, even after we both realized that it didn’t save all that much time, we kept doing it as, well, we were best friends. That was sufficient reason. Our decision to become lovers added a whole ‘nother reason that we do it. Oh. I hope that doesn’t wig you out.”

“It doesn’t. As I said, I’d like to know more about your relationship. It does include Heather. Right?”

“Yes. That developed from our friendship with her, but much more quickly than Beth and I made that change in our relationship.”

“Let’s get Rhee’s hair dried. Heather, would you go tell the parents that we’ll be down in about ten?”

She answered in the affirmative, so hurried off to dress and head downstairs.

“Would you help me with Rhee’s hair?”

“What do I do?”

“Just run the second hair dryer.”

We got it to the just-damp stage, then dressed.

As we were going downstairs, Meka, trailing Rhee, said, “Your hair is lovely, Rhee. I’ve never had cause to play with a white girl’s hair like that. That was ... enjoyable. It feels so silky.”

“Thanks, Meka. With soccer, it’s a pain, but I still enjoy it enough when it’s like this that I deal with that pain.”

Discussion at dinner (a variety of Thai dishes) was a bit stilted, as all of us knew what would be happening later and it seemed as if none of us were able to keep that completely off our minds. Once everyone was sated, Dad, Sandy, and Meka headed out, while the rest of us put away dinner and cleaned the kitchen. Rhee told Carol that we were going to do homework; the three of us went to our room. I had no pressing homework, so caught up on this diary.

[Added October 21]

The three of us were lounging in bed awaiting Meka’s return when I said, “Sandy said something to me this morning when I lost it that I hadn’t fully realized. Meka’s situation is going to keep getting worse until it gets horrible. I don’t know how families deal with such situations. I’d almost rather it happen suddenly and quickly. This wasting away crap is the worst of all worlds. I guess, as Carol implied, I haven’t gone through the stages of grief. I looked it up, but I still don’t see how anyone gets to Acceptance about someone you really love ... dying.”

“Yes. We’ll need to support her for quite a while. Although I hate the cause, this has brought us closer to Meka and her closer to us,” said Heather. “That might not have happened, or happened so quickly, without Meka’s breakdown the other day.”

The garage door began opening, so we bolted downstairs to be at the kitchen table when they walked in. We made it, although they were longer getting in than I expected. Meka looked rough, but she wasn’t crying, and the ends of her mouth turned up a bit when she saw us. She sat with us. Dad and Mom obviously went to their room.

“Although Charlie offered to keep the results of tonight from you, I asked him to explain to you the tentative agreement between my dad and your family, your parents. I don’t want to go through it again and I didn’t want to be by myself upstairs. Sandy offered the use of your hot tub; I took her up on it.”

My eyebrows raced up my forehead. In all that’s happened in the past few days, I completely forgot that yesterday was supposed to be our first day to use the hot tub. I almost said something but managed to keep that behind my teeth. Sandy entered the kitchen at that moment carrying one of Dad’s terrycloth robes and a large towel. Meka stood and accepted them.

“Thanks, Sandy. I’ll probably be out for a while. I need to clear my mind.”

“Take as long as you need, Dear. Feel free to wear the robe to your bedroom. You can bring it down in the morning. We’ll see you then.”

Mom stepped to Meka and hugged her, a hug that Meka returned, after which she headed down the hall toward the hot tub. Mom hugged each of us, then retreated to their room; shortly thereafter, Dad joined us.

“I’ll give you just the bare bones of the agreement, as at least some of the details are still to be finalized. We’ll be buying their house for something like 5% under the price that they could probably get had they sufficient time to wait for that offer. We were willing to give them 100%, but he was not having it. Meka will stay in the house, at least for the rest of this year. She’ll reconsider once school breaks for the holidays. She said that with the good chance of the team making it to the state tournament, she didn’t want to deal with packing their stuff until at least then, possibly later. We agreed with that, as it makes too much sense, although we had suggested waiting until she’d graduated. She didn’t like that idea, but didn’t explain why.

“As an aside, she did say that before tryouts, she thought that there was no way they could win the league with an offense led by the 10th-grade girls that had been on the team last year. She said that they didn’t get much playing time, so hadn’t improved all that much during the season. Finally, she said that a few of them have already gotten more game time this year than they got last year.

“We offered to house Meka for as long as she lived in Elkton and was going to school. We talked about her going to the university here. I suggested that unless she was interested in pursuing cosmology/astrophysics or mathematics – two fields in which the university is well known, she could probably do better elsewhere, as she could get into a better soccer program. She suggested that she might wish to spend a year or two here, then transfer to a better program. I suspect that she wants to be here as long as her dad is alive. Any questions?”

After getting the lifted chin from Rhee, I said, “All of that sounds reasonable. Is Nira the reason behind the cosmology fame?”

“She’s part of it. She came in at the behest of the department head, who had initiated the rise in the program here. He’s getting close to retiring and he’s pushing for Nira to succeed him. Since there’s a good chance that she’ll get the position, that should keep Liya and her here at least until your graduation.”

Heather said, “Oh. I never thought of the possibility that Liya wouldn’t be here through graduation. That would really suck if they moved!”

“Don’t worry. Nira has already talked to us about that. She’s willing to leave Liya with us if she does change universities. Both she and Inez have already given us the documents we would require for becoming de facto parents of either of their girls. The documents will remain in force until the girls turn 18, at which point they can choose to live where they want.”

We all breathed sighs of relief.

Dad said, “We’re whipped, as I suspect you are. We’re hitting the sack early. We’ll make breakfast again. Meka will let us know in the morning what she decides to do after tomorrow’s game. We’ve told her that she’s welcome to stay here as long as she wants.”

I got to my feet shortly before he got to his, and I was waiting for him and leaned into him when he was on his feet. Rhee and Heather piled in. I put my face on his and kissed him. While I had intended the kiss as a short, good-night kiss, it felt so good, so just kept going. Not only did Dad not object, he followed me as my ardor rose a bit. It felt good, but I pulled back to allow my sisters chances. Rhee followed my lead, and Dad began breathing a little heavily. When Rhee pulled back, Heather crawled up Dad, forcing him to hold her to his chest with his arms under her butt ... well, he was holding her up by her butt, a hand on each cheek, while they kissed, and his ardor rose higher.

Same as Beth
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Misty Reid - Saturday July 18th, 2015 “Jesus! What won’t you millennials do to scam a room and score drugs?” “Matthew!” I was so happy to interrupt Meghan’s meandering story. Our sister glared from her seat at the side of my hospital bed. She stroked her hand through her dirty blond hair and sighed with her entire body. I would’ve jumped out of bed ... I sneered at my plaster encased foot. “Oh, so you’re not dead?” Meghan scowled. She crossed her arms in front of herself. Her confrontational...

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Only my husband is allowed to fuck my ass

My husband had to leave for a trip to the UK so he called Bret and Fred and changed our cabin adventure for the day after the Labor Day weekend. Bret is leaving the next weekend to go home, his training at the Navy base is completed. Fred will be here 2 more weeks before going home to Australia . My husband had it all planned out the guys were supposed to show up at the cabin at 10:00 AM. 15 minutes before they were supposed to show up my husband texted to both of their cell phones that he was...

1 year ago
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A Desire Of A Son Leads To His Mom

Hi readers, this story is a desire of a son towards his mom. My name is Shorya and I am from a very conservative family consisting of me, mom, dad and my younger brother. As for every son, his first love is his own mom and I am no different. This story is how I grow the desire to have sex with my mom and succeeded in fulfilling the desire. Let me describe my goddess Chandra a bit for u to help u better your imaginations. She is an average looking lady, wheatish in complexion and with sharp...

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Wrong Bar

I was bar hopping in San Francisco and had already been to a drag bar where I was luckily still sober enough to recognize an Adam's apple on an otherwise feminine looking person who was hitting on me pretty hard, when reached a club called Deception, a club I recalled my colleague Fran, one of the few who had so far resisted my charm, had said I had to visit if I was in San Francisco.I asked, "Why?""It's a bar where you are guaranteed to get fucked like you have never been fucked before," she...

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Midnight Market

Some time after the visit I detailed in my story, 'The Second Time', David called to invite Gwen and me to join them and two male friends for a Friday afternoon of sexual fun. We had become firm friends with David and Gloria and had had many good times with them. Gwen was excited about the prospect of adding to the mix and I loved watching her with other men so we eagerly accepted. "Put the speaker phone on, there's something else you should both hear," David said and continued. "Gloria and I...

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Kim Kardashians Ultimate Footjob Experience

Kim Kardashian's Ultimate Footjob Experience Part 2: Featuring Kourtney KardashianPart 4 - Kimberly and Kourtney Kardashian, the famous Hollywood sisters, strut out to their in-ground pool/jaccuzzi like two visions of pure Armenian beauty, shaped like hourglasses. Kourtney has on a priceless ivory silk bikini, while Kim wears a flashier red top that shows off her massive, natural jugs nicely with a leopard thong wedged up deep in between her enormous, rippling asscheeks. We both have our butts...

2 years ago
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The CatalystChapter 58 The Honeymoon Vacation Part 1

Half the Fun is Getting Started July 21-22, 1985 [We all fell asleep in what could best be described as a puppy pile!] *** We woke up to a grinning Jessica and Tammy. Tammy, having just noticed we were all nekkid, blushed profusely. She was looking anywhere and everywhere but at us. “Oh my gosh. Jessica didn’t know you’d all be in here. We were planning on surprising you by getting things cleaned up. I’m sooo embarrassed.” Greg stood up with his morning glory pointing the way. “Sorry to...

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Crisis at IshtarChapter 52 A Courtesy Punishment

As Captain Entman vanished from the screen, Janice bounced out of her chair and threw her arms around me. "Oh my god!" she squealed. "You were perfect!" "But Brad was right," Lindsay said. "You have always been the quietest concubine on the planet. However, you were like a mother bear protecting her cub." I blushed. "Those men won't leave James alone. He's always so tired. I just want him to have time for us." "Well, you said what all of us think," Lindsay whispered. "Donna...

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Goodnight Daddy Part 1

One night, doing the nightly routine visit, I approached and entered her room fairly quickly, she didn't notice me at first- I took just a few seconds to pause at the doorway, just long enough to see her body was squirming under the covers, her head to one side, opposite me, breathing heavy and moaning slightly, as soon as she noticed, me she quickly stopped and re-positioned. When I approached her face to kiss her good night on the cheek, as I usually did many nights before, I could feel her...

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Standing by the deck rail in the pre-dawn hour, I gazed at a billion stars, uncontested by the new moon, like a blizzard that would never descend. I thought back to the dream which had awakened me, not so much a dream as a memory, brought to life by sweet slumber. I was back in the arms of my dear Mariah, tasting her wanton kisses on my lips, caressing the swell of her breast. The knowledge that this would be our last night together for many months, perhaps even years had driven us to an almost...

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NuruMassage Candice Dare You Wont Know Until You Try

Tyler Nixon’s been getting regular massages every week from gorgeous masseuse Candice Dare. He’s obviously got his eye on the blonde bombshell, and one day during a session, he decides to take the plunge and ask her out. Much to his disappointment, Candice turns him down, telling him that she’s actually a lesbian. Undeterred, he asks if she’s ever had sex with a man, to which she says no. He continuously asks throughout the massage how she knows she’s a lesbian,...

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How My Chachi Cheated Her Husband For Me

Hello everyone, I’m Sahil once again with another story. I’m from Pune working for a reputed leading company in Viman Nagar. I’m 23 years old with a muscular body after gymming. And also a 6-inch dick. So this story is about my chachi who cheated my chacha for me. She is a very pretty lady and her age is around 45-46 years. She has a son and a daughter of 20 and 18 respectively. She has the right amount of flesh at the right places. She has 36b size boobs. They are very loose though they look...

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Telling Mom Im A Crossdresser Part 2 The Adult Store

I awoke the next morning a little groggy as I slowly recalled the events that had taken place last night. I rubbed my body up and down feeling how the latex had now become a little sticky and how my ass and cock were still sore from the pounding I had taken. I read the note again left by my mother and decided to make breakfast as I was for when she arrived.   It was just past 9am when I heard a fumbling at the door, my mother had walked in with her heels in her hands and her clothes hanging...

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DNA IIChapter 6

"Are you sure about this?" asked Quince. "Enough to know we have a severe security breach." The other man was small and wiry. He wore an ill-fitting suit and was carrying a folder. From the folder he produced several photographs. Quince scanned each one. They clearly showed one of his security guards, Jeff Stockwell, in a bar with another man. "Do we know who this other guy is, Simonds?" "He's a cop. We don't know if Stockwell is a cop as well or just an informant." replied...

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East Meets West

Josh had been to any number of Nancy Walters’ parties. They were one of the few things that he looked forward to after having lived here now for the past five years. The people that attended her parties were always interesting and rarely were the same people invited a second time. After attending the fifth consecutive party Josh had pulled his hostess aside for a chat. “Nancy,” he said, “I want you to know that I love being invited to your parties. They are always fun and I always meet...

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Mother tricked into sex with son friend and dad part 2

100% fiction! I told the boys that when they hear the stereo, that's when they can come back in if they wanted to. Jennifer just started up the stairs with our wine when I went back in the room. i went through her dresser until I found her "pleasure" drawer. She had a lot more toys than before. Looking at some of them, I was quite impressed. I was pulling some things out when she got in the room with 2 bottles of wine. She asked "What are you planning on doing now?" as she filled our glasses....

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Alices Very Naughty Adventures Chapter I The Looking Glass

Alice plucked a daisy and idly plucked the petals, one by one with a sigh. She’d grown bored of sitting on the bank, her bare feet dangling in the cool waters of the brook, while her sister read.‘It’s not even an interesting book’, she thought to herself, having glanced once or twice over her shoulder. ‘Full of romantic notions and flowery verse. Much too polite for my tastes’. While the title had promised randy pirates, she was quite convinced that there was very little adventure, let alone...

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Danny and JennyChapter 2

Sensing my rage as I got into the car and tossed the tape onto the back seat, she kept quiet until I'd done about four miles at a ridiculously dangerous speed and calmed down a bit. "Danny?" "What?" it came out almost as a growl and I regretted it instantly. "Sorry Jen" I forced a smile and laid my hand on her leg, "What is it sweetheart?" "Thank you" "No need for thanks Jen, I regret hitting him though" "What was said that made you snap like that?" "Nothing really, it...

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My Adventures with KeikoChapter 4 The Adventure Ends

For the next several spring and summer months, Keiko and I were inseparable companions. On many evenings we would go out and have an exciting adventure, exposing ourselves in public. We would go to the beach, especially a beach where nudity was not allowed, wearing our g-strings and letting as much of ourselves show as we thought we could get away with. We skated a few more times, but never comepletely nude like we did the first time, always wearing something revealing and provocative,...

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Naked With Her DogChapter 7

At the office, Janey felt a little weird. Good, but rangy. Different, very turned on, she was rushing around with her work, asking questions of her superiors, bull-shitting with other girls on the prompting of an instant, often spewing out five minutes of talk with them in two minutes, shifting impatiently from foot to foot. They didn't think she was trying to get away, rather they enjoyed the attention she showed them. Always friendly, she was today being aggressive, solicitous, and even...

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Nice Time With A Simple Housewife

I am a software guy age 34 years, working for an MNC staying in Chennai, married and having two beautiful daughters and lovely wife who is also working. Though am a mallu am i have stayed outside of Kerala most of the time so very comfortable with Hindi, Tamil, Bengali etc. After the birth of the 2 kids our sex life went for a toss. My wife though very loving and caring is not much interested in sex. I on the other hand is interested in sex, not a sex maniac or something. But would like to have...

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just US last

As I swallowed your precious semen I didn’t stop liking your dick I didn’t want to stop o loved the noise you made but I knew that there was nothing more. So I got up once again kissing every inch of your body. Up to you nipples given that was as high as I could go and you passed you hand through me neck and made me look up. I will never forget that satisfaction look you had I had accomplished what I was looking for. I have just given you the best dick like you had ever had.   You put your...

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PornWorld McKenzie Lee Real Estate Agent McKenzie Lee Takes Anal Pounding From Client

Busty real estate agent McKenzie Lee knows her sexual prowess scores her house sales and as she shows off her newest aquisition, this hot MILF dresses the part in a skintight leather skirt. She shows around her first viewing, Ryan and comes onto him in the hope that he will seal the deal. McKenzie kneels down and sucks him off before offering both her pussy and ass for fucking! Both holes get stretched to the max as she takes it hard in all sorts of positions before this ambitious babe eats...

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Today Was Like Every Other Day Part 2 I Gave In To The Daughter And Started Her Lessons

Lynn and I walked into the house hand in hand. It was late and most of the neighbors were sleeping, hopefully.Lynn was smiling from ear to ear. I could tell she was very happy with everything that had just happened. She had a look on her face that was as if she had matured overnight.I, on the other hand, was horrified and thrilled at the same time. Horrified with the thought that I had just allowed and participated in a sexual act with my 18-year-old daughter. But I was also thrilled at the...

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Times are Changing Part Two

The drive to their new home was well over thirteen hours, and as the clock began rolling towards 1AM, Nathan felt sleep trying to claim his body. They were barely halfway through their cross-country adventure, and so he decided he need to stop.Nicole was fast asleep in the passenger seat beside him, and her hand had slipped away from his moments after she’d drifted off. Nathan had put their reasons for leaving at the back of his mind when they were holding hands. He’d felt an odd sense of...

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al sex stories 4

full series on must visit on it Later that night, Priscilla sat curled up in a chair. Her eyes weretrained on the television, but her ears were tuned to Ben. He wastalking to his daughter, Tammy, on the phone.Priscilla couldn't wait until it was her turn to talk with Tammy. Shefidgeted impatiently in the living room chair, unable to concentrate onthe TV show."I'm through," Ben said to Priscilla. "You can talk to her now."Priscilla leaped out of the chair. "Can I take it...

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Retirement Community Life

I’m an active 75-year-old retired electrical engineer and now widower since my wife of 55 years died from cancer two years ago. For the first six months, I moped about the house and just mourned the loss of my partner in life. The next six months was devoted to our children and traveling to see them and our grandchildren. Then it was back to moping about the house with nothing to do but my old car hobby. I had lovingly restored a hot rod from my youth; a 1962 Chevy Impala two-door hardtop. It...

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Late at the office

It had been a long hard day at the office, and Zoe still had paperwork to catch up on. At least with everyone else long gone she would have no interruptions. In fact it took even less time than she had expected. Sitting back in her chair she took a deep sigh of relief and let her mind wander to her plans for later that evening. She was going out for dinner with Adam, a guy she had know from her local gym for a while now, and she was hoping that it might develop into something more. As she...

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FilthyPOV Mia Martinez Coming Home From Work to Find My Wife Fucking Another Man

I had a really long day at work, all I wanted to do was come home, relax on the couch, and have a drink. To my surprise when I walked in I found my wife Mia fucking another guy on my couch. Mia yells at me to get inside and close the door, I can not believe what I am seeing. I know sometimes my wife says kinky things during sex but I never thought she really wanted to get stretched out by a huge cock. I was not pleased at first watching my wife get rammed by hie hard shaft. Oddly, after...

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More Than A StretchChapter 5

After studying the 1604 manuals for a while, and checking out a few journal articles, I became more convinced than ever that the analytic approach to the weapons systems analysis problem was not the right way to go. I wanted to use a Monte Carlo technique (which involves repeated use of random numbers and probabilities in a simulation model) and was convinced that it would be far more effective. I set up a meeting with Dr. Edwards to discuss the project. I started out by saying, "I think...

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Chocolate and Gold Ch 03

My plan worked perfectly. We left Monaco just before eleven the next morning with Vannie almost fifty thousand dollars richer, thanks to a generous casino roulette wheel. Naturally, she repaid my investment in her good fortune. I had made a few side bets, but nothing had come up the way Vannie’s good fortune did. I was probably down a couple of hundred. We stayed at the very nice Principe De Savoia in Milan. In fact, all the hotels her company’s travel agent had booked for her were excellent....

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My Teacher

This is the story of the glorious night when my panty fetish first started. I am 18 and at my high school there is a teacher that i have had a crush on for a very long time. She is tall, medium length brown hair, beautiful legs, an amazing ass and the perfect (and i mean perfect) tits. Now this is where it really gets good, she is my best friends Mum. One night I went over to his house, she took us from the school back to the house where she immediately started downing a few beers. My friend...

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Tower of the succubi

It was time to take the fight to the Stypos uccubus Queen head quaters. You have spent many months preparing for this day. Thanks to the rebels within your villages, they were able to muster up a horse and some gear to aid you on your venture. Riding out a few miles from your village, you finally come acorss the large catherdral looking building in the middle of a large forest clearing. "This must be the place.. " You speak to yourself as he hop off of the horse. You look down and see that your...


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