A Paladin's TrainingChapter 14: Shadowglen free porn video

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all characters are over the age of eighteen years

***ARAN – Maralon City, Ekistair***

It wasn’t long before the alarm was raised and Heralds quickly began filling the streets surrounding the big house in the slum district, making it increasingly difficult for Aran, Sorla and Sara to keep a low profile, especially with the two women wearing red and yellow Herald robes.

So far none of the Heralds rushing by them had given them more than a passing glance, but it was only a matter of time until the word spread among the Heralds that two of their number were dead, their robes missing. It was also safe to assume that Sara and Sorla’s descriptions had been circulated immediately.

The trio stuck to alleyways as much as they could, reaching dead ends often as not, then having to turn back and try again. Aran dared not summon his vala, for it would surely pinpoint his presence to the Heralds. His frustration increased as they continued to search unsuccessfully for a path exiting the slums, snaking through narrow alley after tiny side street, all to no avail.

Shouts began to come from behind them, indicating that the Heralds had begun searching the alleyways and back streets. Aran eased his sword in it’s scabbard; he would prefer not to kill anymore men today, but if was for Sorla’s and Sara’s safety, he would do what was needed.

The shouts were drawing closer as Aran led the women down another passage, tall brick walls towering to either side with a thin shaft of blue sky visible above, before stopping once again at a flat wall with no way past. Seeing no alternative, he set his teeth and turned, planting himself between the street and the women, drawing his blade.

“Oi! Over here!” Came a hushed, but insistent voice.

Looking around, Aran saw a woman’s face peering out from a small hole in the brick wall behind them. Her face was somewhat shadowed, and Aran couldn’t make out her features clearly.

“Get in! Quick!” The woman said as she disappeared from sight. A moment later, a section of the wall slid to the right, creating a small opening.

Aran didn’t see any other choice. Ushering Sara and Sorla in first, he ducked in behind them, the brick wall sliding closed just as two Heralds entered the alleyway from the street. With luck, they hadn’t seen the wall move.

They were standing in a small space made all from red brick, which appeared to be the landing of a set of stairs leading down into darkness. A small hooded woman stood before them, the lit torch in her fist illuminating them in flickering light. She was less than five feet and slight of build, wearing tight, black breeches and a short black coat. Slung over one shoulder was a coiled rope, and she looked to have several small daggers secreted about her person.

The woman spoke as she pulled her hood back, revealing a youthful, pretty face that bore both elvish and human features. Her golden hair was pulled back in a tail, and a thin braid dangled over each ear. Her clear emerald eyes looked over her three guests curiously. “You’re lucky I came up to see what the fuss was about!”

Her voice was light and airy, with a slight lilt from an accent Aran didn’t recognise. The half-Elf stranger eyed the women, in particular their robes as she pointed the torch toward them. “You two aren’t Heralds, but you dress like them. Why?”

Sorla answered. “We were captured by them, and they stripped us naked, our clothes torn off our backs. We escaped, and these robes were the easiest way to cover ourselves.”

The girl nodded approvingly. “Did you kill any?”

Sorla nodded sadly. “Unfortunately, I killed two, though I regret it now.”

“Bah!” The small half-Elf scoffed. “Don’t be sorry! They deserve it, all of them! If you knew the things they’ve done ... Well, let’s just be happy there’s two less of them out there.”

“You hate the Heralds?” Aran asked.

“The Heralds are the ones that do all the hating,” the girl replied, fixing her green-eyed gaze on him. “Particularly toward your kind, Paladin.”

Aran’s hand was on his sword hilt before he was consciously aware of it, and Sara and Sorla stiffened, looking ready to fight.

The girl laughed, holding her free hand out placatingly. “Relax! I’m not here to cause trouble, nor am I going to give you away to the Heralds.”

Aran kept his hand where it was, not ready to trust so easily. “Who are you, then, that you know what I am?”

The girl bowed elaborately, flourishing the torch. “I am Sylvia.”

Aran waited for more, but she said no more, just looked back at him expectantly, so he asked; “And how did you know I’m a Paladin?”

“I can feel your vala,” she said, before tilting her head toward Sara. “Just as I can feel hers.”

Sara was studying Sylvia inquisitively, as if she were seeing something for the first time.

“How is that possible?” Aran asked. “You are not arohim, or I would sense it.”

“This is true,” Sylvia said. “But my people have long memories, eruchen.”

That word – eruchen – meant ‘Child of the Gods’ in Elvish, and hearing it took him right back to that day in the Emerin Forest he had met Liaren, and Induin soon after. He wished he could see them again; he could feel them in the back of his mind through the melda, somewhere far away.

Aran relaxed a little. “Your people are Elves?”

“My mother, yes. My father was a human. I learned much from them both.” Suddenly the girl turned to Sorla, making a complicated sign with her fingers.

The pretty half-Orc’s face lit up, and she grinned widely as she returned the gesture. “She is a Servant!”

Servants – or aronduri in the ancient tongue -- were in times past ordinary, non-arohim folk whom voluntarily pledged their lives to the service of Aros. Long-time Servants sometimes developed the ability to sense the vala in others, and according to Sorla, this ability was often passed on to the Servant’s children, which would explain Sylvia’s claim that she could feel the vala.

“There are several of us,” Sylvia explained. “When the Heralds became too prominent, too dangerous to our kind, we moved beneath the city, into what’s left of the old Temple.”

“How many Servants are there here?” Aran aked.

“Currently there are four of us, but we expect a few more to join us when they can.”

Aran smiled for the first time in hours. His vala told him Sylvia was being truthful. He also felt that kinship with her that he had felt when he first met Sorla; perhaps because she was a Servant. “I would very much like to meet your fellows, Sylvia,” he said warmly.

“It would be my pleasure, eruchen,” the pretty half-Elf said, bowing in that elaborate way once again before turning for the stairs.

Aran shot a quick smile at Sara and Sorla, and they both returned it before he led them after Sylvia.

The sounds of his bones grinding and rearranging themselves were audible to Braith’s ears as he entered the glen, returning from wolf to human form. The cool night breeze felt good on his skin, and tugged gently at his long, shaggy hair.

Looking around, he saw he was alone, meaning the others had not returned yet. With nothing to do but wait, Braith moved to the circle of stones that decorated the centre of the glen and lit the fire there, warming his hands over the flames. The wolf had thick fur that would keep him warm, but it was dangerous to be the wolf for too long, so he remained human.

He was not looking forward to sharing what he’d found at the farm; his brother, Aiden, had been missing for weeks, and after days of searching, Braith had finally found him, dead and buried in a shallow grave in the forest near a farmhouse.

There had been three human scents around the farmhouse; a woman and two men. One of the men had left a scent that had set the hackles on Braith’s neck standing on end. Long memory had crashed home at that scent; a deep-seated hate carried down from his ancestors. Braith had never smelled it before, but his forebears’ memories – passed down to him as was the way of Druids – knew it well.

The maddening scent of Paladin was still filling his nose, even now.

There had been nobody home at the farmhouse, else Braith would have torn their throats from their bodies, but he had tracked the Paladin as far as he dared, to the town of Ironshire, further than any of them had been from the glen in many long years.

Soon, the other Druids began to return, entering the circle one by one as they shifted back to human form, all of them bearing traits of their chosen beast.

Pretty Fionn, dark, slender and graceful, arrived first, shifting out of that strange form that looked like a big, black cat. She said it was called a panther, but Braith had never seen one other than Fionn.

Fionn nodded to Braith as she approached the fire, standing beside him to warm her hands, and Braith let his eyes travel over her sleek, supple, naked body. She was completely hairless, except for the short black hair on her head.

Fionn saw him looking and returned the attention, looking him up and down with a smile before turning her back to him, making a show of warming her tight rear before the fire, wiggling it slowly from side to side, teasing him.

“Cut it out, Fionn,” said Fergin in his deep, rough voice as he left his huge bear form. As a human, he was much the same, with that thick body hair and those massive shoulders. “We talk first, fuck later.”

While Fergin’s words said one thing, his dark eyes said another as they roved over Fionn’s body, his impressive cock rising as she posed for him.

Two more Druids entered the clearing; first came Lyrra, stalking into the firelight in her tiger form, eyeing them all in turn before resuming her human shape. Tall, with pale skin and long, fiery hair, Lyrra’s body was lush and curved where Fionn’s was slender, and she had a small patch of red hair above her sex, where Fionn had none.

“It’s good to be home!” Lyrra purred in her sultry voice, stretching her arms up over head.

Braith enjoyed mating with Lyrra as much as he did Fionn, maybe even more so. He hoped to get a taste of one or both of them tonight, but with the news he carried, it was doubtful there would be mating this eve.

Just after Lyrra came Leif, strolling into the circle on his knuckles, his powerful ape’s body rippling in the firelight before he transformed into a short, yet stocky human.

“Well,” said Leif, taking a place at the fire. “I found nothing. Again.” His face was grim.

“Nor I,” Lyrra said quietly, her face a mirror of Leif’s.

In unison, Fergin and Fionn said the same.

All eyes turned to Braith, who took a deep breath before sharing his news. “I found Aiden.”

“Where?” Fergin demanded, his eyes flashing.

“What did he have to say for himself?” Leif asked, his round face hard.

Braith shook his head, suppressing the anger that rose in him as he remembered. “He’s dead. He was buried, but I sniffed him out easily enough.”

The circle fell silent; it was never easy losing a brother or sister, especially when they were working so hard to preserve their dwindling numbers.

“Where?” Lyrra asked quietly, her amber eyes glowing in the firelight.

“A small farm about three days’ run from here. There was nobody there, but I smelled something I did not expect.”

“What did you smell?” Fionn asked intently.

“Paladin,” Braith growled, fury rising in him again as distant memories played through his mind, of Druids being hunted down and slaughtered by the Order of Aros.

Shock painted every face around the fire. Braith had expected outbursts, or claims that he was a liar, but none came, only long silence. His brothers and sisters possessed the same memories as he, and remembered, as if they were there, being harried by the unrelenting Paladins, exterminated almost to the point of extinction.

“The Paladins are supposed to be dead and gone!” Lyrra exclaimed, crossing her arms beneath her ample breasts.

“How many?” Fergin asked, flexing his huge hands as if wanting to strangle someone.

“Just one,” Braith told them. “There was nobody at the farm, so I tracked him to a town nearby, a place called Ironshire. The scent was old, but unmistakable. I picked it up again, and tracked him to the mountains to the north, where his scent vanished.”

“How long were you at the farm?” This from Leif, who looked troubled at the news.

“Not long. Once I found Aiden with Paladin stench all over him, I left right away, only stopping to check the house.”

“I say we visit this farmhouse,” Fergin said menacingly, cracking his knuckles. “And wait for the farmers to come home. Then we can ask them about this Paladin.”

The others nodded agreement, looking to Braith for the final word. As clan leader, his decision would be final.

Braith chose vengeance for his brother, the only other Druid in the clan who understood the wolf. He nodded firmly, giving his assent. “Agreed. We leave tomorrow night. Rest until then, and soon we will spill blood for Aiden!”

As one, they threw their heads back, howling and screaming into the night.

Braith did his best not to outrun his clan mates; the wolf could run for longer than the others, though it was often surprising to see how fast Fergin and Leif could move, bulky as they were in their animal forms.

Leif’s big black ape with the silver fur on its back was called a gorilla, and lived in the northern jungles of Ekistair. Braith had been with Leif when he’d melded his spirit with the gorilla, as he’d been with Fergin when he’d chosen the majestic bear, and with Lyrra when she’d melded with the tiger.

Fionn had come to Shadowglen as the lone survivor of another clan that had been wiped out by Elves. Understandably, Fionn hated Elves, and never passed up the chance to kill them.

Keeping a steady pace wasn’t easy, as Braith was burning with a desire for blood, to kill those who had taken his brother. He led his small clan through the night, his keen sense of smell guiding him easily across the land as they ran under the clouded sky.

Elaina gently heeled Star, her white mare, down the small path between the pumpkin patches as she approached Jeira’s house. She’d left the Chapel a few hours ago, and thought to check in on Jeira on the way to Maralon, where Aran was waiting with Sara, the arohim girl he’d remarkably found.

As Star cleared the pumpkins and crossed the farmyard, the hair on Elaina’s neck stood on end; something was wrong here.

The front door was torn off it’s hinges, lying on the ground next to the doorstep. The two windows Elaina could see were smashed, and the walls of the quaint little house were smeared with what looked disturbingly like dried blood. Fearing for Jeira, Elaina dismounted and hurried inside, her vala telling her there was no life in the house.

The place was a wreck; chairs and tables overturned where they weren’t smashed to bits, cups and plates and pots strewn about, as if a raging bull had been let loose. Thankfully, she saw no bodies as she checked the other rooms, only more mess.

A panicked whinny from Star brought Elaina charging from the house, mace in hand, where she saw four massive beasts, all of them far larger than they should be; a wolf, a tiger, a bear, and a big black cat she’d never seen before, closing in on Star in the farmyard.

The poor mare danced in a circle, her eyes rolling wildly as she kicked frantically. With a wordless cry, Elaina dashed forward, knowing it was foolish – the smallest of these creatures stood almost as tall as she was! - but she refused to stand and watch them take Star.

Before she’d taken two steps, something struck her in the back of the head, and everything went black.

Guttural grunting and slapping sounds brought Elaina from her sleep, groggily raising her chin from where it had been resting on her chest, wincing as pain lanced through her head when she opened her eyes. Her vision was blurry; whatever had hit her, it had hit her hard, knocking her out cold for Aros knew how long.

When she tried to move, she realised she could not; she was sitting up against a tree, but her hands were bound behind her and around the trunk. Testing the bonds, they appeared to be well tied. For some reason, whoever had captured her had stripped her naked, but apart from her head, she felt unharmed.

She feared the worst for Star, hoping that the mare had gotten away, though it was doubtful; those beasts had been enormous!

As her eyes adjusted, the lurid scene before her came into focus. Not twenty feet away, two men and two women were coupling, panting and growling as they rutted – there could be no other term for it – on the forest floor. A big, hairy man with massive shoulders was pounding a slender dark woman with short black hair from behind, while a squat, thick-armed fellow was doing the same to a voluptuous, pale-skinned woman with fiery red hair.

Caught up in their primal lust, none of them had realised Elaina was awake, and she watched transfixed as these people, whoever they were, fucked like animals before her, stark naked and lost in their wild mating. They even resembled animals to look at; their features a little different to normal humans, if that was indeed what they were.

The man with the shoulders had no small amount of dark, curly body hair, and his muscles were larger than any blacksmith’s. Throw in that long, shaggy hair on his head, and the fellow looked rather bear-like.

Studying the others, she noticed the women appeared distinctly feline, and the short man like a more primitive human, with a slightly more pronounced jaw and forehead, a wide nose, and arms as thick as most men’s legs.

Elaina had a sudden horrible thought; there were texts she’d read, records of the War, which spoke of ancient shape-changing Druids that had allied with the Demons, but none had been seen for centuries since. These creatures couldn’t be them, could they?

She decided not to wait to find out. Calming herself, she began to assess the situation while the others were focused on their vigorous fucking, but that only lasted until a third man stepped in front of her, looking down at her with unsettling yellow eyes.

He was tall and slender, but strong-looking, with a shaggy mane of wild hair down to his shoulders and a generous amount of body hair, if not as much as the bear-man. He looked decidedly canine in his face, reminding Elaina of a wolf. He was as naked as the others, and as his eyes moved from her face and down over her body, his sizeable manhood began to rise.

His yellow eyes came back to her face as he squatted easily in front of her. “Your horse was delicious,” he said with a sneer.

Star! Tears welled in her eyes at the loss of her horse as she glared defiantly at the man, whoever he was, though she said nothing. Accessing her vala, she searched his feelings but quickly recoiled when she felt what was inside his heart.

Rage. Lust. Darkness. Her vala was all but useless; there was nothing in him that would resonate with it.

The yellow-eyed fellow lifted his nose slightly, as if sniffing the air. “I can smell him on you, woman.”

Elaina didn’t understand. “Smell who?”

“The Paladin who killed my brother,” he growled. “He smells like you, but different.”

“You’re mad,” Elaina said, instinctively bluffing to protect the Order. “There are no Paladins anymore. They died after the War.”

In a flash, his hand was at her throat, squeezing until her vision started to blacken. With her legs unbound, she kicked savagely at him, but to no avail. “Do not toy with me, wench!” He roared. “The stink is all over you! It maddens me!”

She gasped for breath when he released her, wishing she could put a hand to her throat to feel for damage. Hearing the man bellowing at Elaina, the others ceased their rough fucking and came to stand over her, the men’s huge erections still glistening wetly from the women’s juices.

They made for an intimidating sight, these five, staring at her with their eyes that belonged on no human, but Elaina was not easily frightened.

“Alright, so you know I’m a Paladin,” she said calmly, looking them each in the eye. “But I still don’t know anything about your brother.”

“You may not,” the yellow-eyed man breathed as he leaned in closer, his face nearly touching hers. “But your Paladin friend does. My brother’s corpse is tainted with his scent.”

“I hate to disappoint you,” Elaina sneered. “But I don’t know where he is.”

“You don’t need to,” the dark woman interjected, looking down at Elaina imperiously. “We harm you bad enough, he will come. We know how to hurt your kind.”

Elaina chose not to correct the woman’s mistake; she and Aran were not meldin, so he would not feel anything they did to her, which meant they could hurt her all they liked, and he would never come. Elaina briefly wished that she had melded with Aran, so he would come to her aid, but she was also glad she hadn’t; he was too important to risk his life trying to save her. She remained silent, hoping they would think they had her at a disadvantage.

Yellow-eyes barked a laugh. “I have to say, I’m going to enjoy this, whore. We’re going to start by letting Leif and Fergin here have a little fun with you.” He looked up at his two comrades. “What do you think, boys? Can you ignore the stench of Paladin long enough to enjoy this cunt?”

The two other men stepped forward in response, their cocks still sticking out obscenely before them. Both were long and thick, but the bear-like man’s was big enough to use as a club.

Closing her eyes, Elaina prepared her body for what was to come, allowing herself to relax despite her grim situation. Rough hands grabbed her ankles, spreading them wide, while someone loosed her bonds, freeing her hands from the tree so she could be dragged onto her back.

They hooted and hollered as one of the men knelt between her thighs. Opening her eyes a touch, she saw it was the shorter man, Leif, fisting his cock while hungrily eyeing her pussy.

Faster than thought, two things happened; the dark woman suddenly bellowed, “ELVES!” A split second later, Leif roared in pain, clutching the shaft of a feathered arrow that had sprouted between his ribs.

More arrows streaked down from the trees as Elaina’s captors began to change, shifting from human to a grotesque mix of human and animal, before becoming the huge beasts she had witnessed at the farmhouse, with the addition of Leif, who had become an enormous black ape, probably the one who had knocked her unconscious.

The massive creatures vanished into the forest to escape the hail of arrows, all of them with at least one shaft decorating their hide.

Two Elf women dashed to Elaina as she scrambled to her feet, grabbing her by the arms and dragging her into the trees.

The ever-growing army moved slowly south in two long columns – each five-hundred strong – under the clouded night sky, bound for Amindaer, the coastal fortress on Palistair’s southernmost peninsula.

Kreya rode her black mare, Pale, between the two columns, where Lord Maloth had instructed her to remain until further notice. Alongside her was Glinda, who had been given the same instruction. Kreya chatted idly with the busty dwarf from time to time, though her attention was mostly on her master, where it should be.

Lord Maloth was her entire world now, and rightfully so; any man so great as he surely deserved devoted women around him, ready to serve his every need. Just thinking about serving his needs sent a shiver of pleasure through her body; she had lain with men before Maloth, but had never known such ecstasy as when she was with him. She constantly ached for his touch.

In fact, her body seemed consistently aroused lately, whether or not she was in proximity to Maloth. She didn’t mind, as it meant she would always be ready to please him, which in turn made her feel wonderful.

A glance at Glinda, who was gazing adoringly at Maloth riding some distance away at the head of the columns, suggested that the pretty, raven-haired dwarf was thinking the same as she. Kreya did not feel jealous; only happy that Maloth considered her worthy to be a part of his life.

While she had only eyes for her master, he didn’t seem to mind if his women enjoyed themselves with others from time to time, which was something that Kreya would never have considered before, but now – thanks to Maloth – she found herself quite sexually liberated, and had recently enjoyed the attentions of Torvin, Glinda, and even that big orc, Barrog, which had been quite the experience.

Torvin was up ahead somewhere, probably glued to Lady Shenla as usual, as was Barrog. Kreya wasn’t partial to women, or at least hadn’t been until she’d met Maloth, but Lady Shenla certainly had a way about her that drew the eyes of men and women alike.

The army of Risen dead had doubled since Waterfell, their numbers increasing with every village and town they sacked, the force now numbering just over a thousand, and still growing. It was a perfect asset for Lord Maloth, an army of undead that required no food, or sleep, or protection from the cold.

There was only one major obstacle; there were only so many Risen that a Warden of the Grave could command at a time. Most Wardens could handle up to twenty minions at best, depending on their strength, while particularly gifted Wardens like Kreya’s mother, Queen Morin, could probably control as many as forty, if she desired. Kreya felt she herself could easily handle that many, though she had never tested her abilities to the limit.

A Warden’s strength and skill also determined how well the Risen would function; the best Wardens could create minions that could operate nearly as well as the living, able to talk, and even think independently, to some extent.

In Waterfell, Kreya had been allowed second choice of the fresh corpses, after her mother, and had chosen a handsome man and a pretty woman who had worn matching wedding bands. Something had compelled her to choose them over all the others; the thought of them being together in death as they were in life was appealing to her for some reason, and their attractiveness would make them aesthetically pleasing servants, once she organised suitable garments for them.

The married couple were the first Risen she’d acquired since her others were destroyed shortly before Maloth had appeared in her life, and she was eager to gain more, provided they were of suitable stock.

There was a raiding party due back soon, which would hopefully bring fresh corpses for her to choose from. Something large and intimidating would be useful, like an orc, or even an ogre. Too much to hope for a giant; they hadn’t been seen in this land in decades. The only Warden fortunate enough to own a giant – or giantess in this case – was lecherous old Levin, who by some miracle had found her in a lone grave. A wide search had been carried out for the rest of the giantess’s tribe in the hope of finding more dead, but nothing had been found.

Kreya’s thoughts vanished as Torvin came trotting up on a grey gelding, tailed by a buxom village girl he’d Risen in Waterfell. In life she’d had golden hair, but now it was silver-white, falling down around a pretty, ghostly face.

“My Lady,” Torvin addressed her, bowing deeply from the saddle. “I have been tasked by Lord Maloth to return to his home and escort two of his women back.”

“Very good, Torvin,” Kreya said immediately; what Lord Maloth wanted, she would see done.

“I have been instructed to take Barrog with me, and two of our Wardens for security,” Torvin added. “Lord Maloth said I should ask you which men to take.”

Kreya thought for a moment. Levin came to mind, but it was difficult to move in secret when you were riding on the shoulders of a fifteen-foot tall giantess – as Levin liked to do – and Maloth would want this done quietly. Hard enough with one of Maloth’s women being a giantess herself. “Take Garvin and Andrick,” she told Torvin. “They each have more than five Risen, which should be plenty.”

Torvin nodded, bowing again. “Excellent, Lady Kreya. I will head out immediately.”

Once dismissed, the muscular Warden sped off, his round-hipped minion hurrying after him. He’d been much more respectful of Kreya since the Wardens had allied with Maloth, given that not only was she royalty in her own right as a Warden, she was also one of Lord Maloth’s personal concubines, which had lifted her status considerably.

All in all, Kreya felt like the pieces were moving in her favour.

The network of tunnels beneath Maralon was complex, twisting and turning and often branching off into forks, though none of this appeared to bother Sylvia, who confidently led Aran, Sara and Sorla through the grey stone passages as if she’d been born in them.

After he’d asked the half-Elf how she managed not to get lost, she started to point out small symbols scratched into the stone, so tiny that one would miss them unless they knew what to look for. According to Sylvia, Maralon had once held a grand Temple of Aros, and these tunnels were leading them to the lower levels of what was left of it.

Same as A Paladin's Training
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Randi Ki Kahani 8211 Part 2

Or wo aik kutia ki tara zabaan bahir nikal kar hanf rahi thi………………………………. Kutty Harami Dallay Bhenchod Gando Meiny aik zoor ka tamacha uski choot par mara jis sa wo mazeed tarap gai or is sa phely ka wo zara sakoon mein ati jalti hoi moom bati (candle) meiny uski choot mein dal di……..Or or or aik sssssssss………….Ki awaz saw moom bati bhujh gai or dohwan uski choot sa nikalny laga…………kia nazara tha wo…..Mugh sa raha nahi gaya or apna loora uski phudi mein daal dia……….Uski cheekh ki kia baat...

2 years ago
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Peytons Naked Field Trip

Peyton wakes up as early as possible because today is her senior year feild trip to New York City. Peyton grew up in a small town all her life and never really had time to travel to other places especially a place as big as the city. She gets up and rushes to get ready. Peyton walks into the kitchen where her mother and sister are sitting at the table. "Honey your breakfast is getting cold" her mother said. "Sorry today is the school trip I have to go love you mom." she said. "Hey wait for me...

3 years ago
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Breed Me Big BrotherChapter 3 Little Sister Bred and Loved

Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! I trembled as I trudged behind Principal Carver through the halls of my high school. All the pleasure, the delightful rapture of my naughty sex with my big brother had died into trembling terror. My stomach writhed and swirled, and a cold sweat broke out across my skin. My heart palpitated in my chest. How could I be so stupid? Why did I think having sex with my brother in the middle of my high school’s cafeteria was a good idea? I just wanted...

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JapanHDV Seira Ichijo Forced to show the horny office staff her pussy

Seira Ichijo is the new office lady and she is getting a lot of attention from the office staff in her small office. They often get together at the office cooler and gaze at her and talk about her and talk about the sex they would like to have with her. They all know that this office job was her last resort as she could not get a job elsewhere. She must have known the kind of office this is and that the men there are quite often doing all they can to get the female staff to show them something...

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Damn the AristocracyChapter 12

A total of 117 men showed up by the specified time, and that was enough for a significant ambush. We spread out along the road in a dense woods and waited for the militia column to come to us. They showed up about 4:00 PM and were already tired from marching in the heat and humidity of Southern Georgia. There was almost no breeze, so they had no relief as they marched, and they were going through water at a rapid rate. I’m not sure of exactly how it happened, but the 800 men were not...

3 years ago
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Unexpected Pleasures part III

Introduction: Steves true story of lust and sex continue with his mother in law Prying Eyes I had seen enough on the local little remote security camera I had picked up at Radio Shack. It wasnt high enough grade to get the pictures I wanted. I wasnt sure I was seeing what I was seeing. Was my wifes son Zac really drugging her? Was he really having sex with her? It took three days but I got what I wanted and UPS second day delivery brought it to me. It was a nearly invisible pinhole camera...

3 years ago
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Love is to be Together Always

love story, no sex, The eternal love of two peopleThis story was a Finalist in the ASSTR Golden Clitorides Best Seasonal Story Awards 2005Love is --- to be together, AlwaysA St Valentines Day StoryThe phone call came in the early hours.“Hello, is that Mrs Lawrence?”“Hello, hello - is that the hospital? Is that sister? This is Sally Chambers, her daughter, how is my Dad?”“Mrs Chambers, we think that you and Mrs Lawrence might want to visit Mr Lawrence.”“Oh, oh …. Is Daddy worse?”“Well, Doctor...

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The Grandest CanyonChapter 3

I lay on the bed, with my hands behind my head on the pillow, propped up so I could see. Lynne got between my spread legs, on her knees and elbows, one hand holding my rod upright while she studied it. "You've already had it in your mouth," I reminded her. "I know, but that was in the dark, and I was scared and this is different." "Okay," I said. "Take your time." She did, inspecting my cock, (which I had washed on the way back from the front, but I didn't tell her that, ) by...

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Back after traininghellip

A couple of day later we arranged a date during Edmond day off from work to satisfy Maia’s dream to get his huge cock in her tiny ass, so the meeting was Edmond’s home (I suppose) where we shared some drinks and we spoke about our trip to Jamaica and so on…..until….Without any warning, he gently pulled her in to him and embraced her. It took a moment, but her lips relaxed and she kissed him back. They stood like this kissing as his hands wandered over her back enjoying the coolness of her...

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The Spirit is WillingChapter 13

As I again became alert, I discovered that I was lying on the floor in complete darkness. I couldn't understand what had happened. It was only Noon, so why was it so dark? I must have hit my head when I fell. Am I now blind? Must I live out the remainder of my days as a burden to my family? I felt a cold, numbing sensation in my back, and I tried to feel around me as I lay there. Instead of the carpet that I expected to find, I found the cold smooth feel of floor tile. Then I saw a bright...

2 years ago
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Naruto slept soundly. He'd only just returned to the Hidden Leaf Village weeks before, and he found that he'd missed his old bed. As he lay there snoozing, his pillow partly on his head, it was the sun's warming kiss that woke Naruto up rather than his alarm clock. The sunlight seemed to fill his body with energy. He woke slowly, smiling, ready for another day. He rolled over and took the pillow off his head. "Darn, it's barely 8 o'clock," he thought. It wasn't his usual wake up time, but today...

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Gorillas in the MistChapter 5

Evelyn woke the next morning feeling cold. Coming to, she groggily realised that Charity was nowhere to be seen. The smells of sweat, stale milk, and unwashed sex reminded her that heir torrid night together had been no dream. The clattering sound of a metal pan told her that Charity was up and already preparing breakfast. Unzipping the tent, Evelyn was immediately assaulted by the pungent smell of wet wood and paraffin from Charity's makeshift fire. Evelyn scrambled out of the small tent...

2 years ago
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Road trip ll

Each time the freeway lights passed the van Ann could see Mary's large nipples. Mary pressed her fingers between the folds of her nieces pussy. Closing her eyes Ann moaned softly. Leaning down, Mary placed her nipple on Ann's lips. Using her tongue, she circled it before sucking Mary's nipple into her mouth. Ann moaned against Mary's tit as she moved her fingers in an out of her. Holding the nipple between her teeth, Ann flicked it with her tongue. Moving her hand, Mary rubbed the sensitive...

1 year ago
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You probably already know or have at least seen hislut.com, as this site tends to be that one pop-up Ad that everyone sees. However, how much do you really know about this site? Well, if you are wondering whether this place is legit and if they offer the crap that they promise, I am here to tell you all about it, since I have already explored this place.First of all, you will have to answer a couple of questions, so they can see if you are old enough or if you are a robot because the questions...

Hookup Sites
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Arlene and JeffChapter 315

Deep Space The scout's AI had little problem finding the location of the alien ship after it dropped out of warp. Moving relatively slowly, the tiny ship crept toward the alien's new location to eventually snuggle to a large asteroid at the far edge of passive sensor range. The two humans in command of the scout were mindful of their instructions to be careful to avoid detection. Moments after the alien's move, the scout detected a number of tenders exiting the alien ship and fanning out...

4 years ago
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The Mistress Ch 01

1987 He was 19 and I was 18. 2nd Year University was about to wrap up in Apr that year. Our eyes first met when he was passing by our classroom. I was standing by the door. His name was Emman. We smiled at each other and my eyes followed him until he was gone. A voice in me was saying, ‘Someday you’ll be his mistress.’ Oh, my, how can that be possible? He does not even know my name. I’ve known Emman since two years ago because he’s so popular. He was a Corps Commander in high school of the...

11 months ago
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The tryst with my secretary got out of hands Cheating Sex Stories

Amanda joined our office approximately 3 months back. It was a fresh addition to the otherwise middle-aged men dominated work place. She was approximately 29 years old and had an appealing body. The raw appeal of her sexy body was undeniable and almost every head turned when she walked by. She was my secretary. Needless to say, I was a point of envy among the other guys but none would express it to my face because I was also the boss.  But unfortunately, that did not stop somebody from...

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Blood FangChapter 6

Paul showed up early the following day to his new job, eager for a new beginning. No longer would he be an alpha, and worse case scenario he could at least pretend to be normal. When the first dogs came in, he began their check ups, trying to hide the fact that he could hear them. He succeeded as far as the police were concerned, the dogs however knew better. Watching his every move they reacted to his every word and intention as if they clearly understood, and indeed they did. In an odd way...

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Suhagraat Mein Biwi Ko Jam Kar Choda

Dosto aap logo ne meri pehali girlfriend ki chudai ki kahani padhi hogi. Aab mei phir hazir ho gaya hu ek aur kahani ke sath jo ki meri suhagraat ki hai. Ek bahut badhiya job milne ke baad meri office mein hi kaam karne wali ladki ke sath dosti ho gayi aur dosti ke baad pyar bhi ho gaya aur phir kuch hi mehine ke baad humne shadi karne ka faisla kiya. Aur woh din finally aa gaya jis din hamari shadi ho gayi. Sare functions hisab se time to time khatam ho gaye aur phir sham ko reception aur...

1 year ago
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He was called by many names -- Xšayaršā in Persian, Ahasuerus in Hebrew, and Xerxes the Great as he was known in Greece -- but was always known as the fourth king of kings of the Achaemenid dynasty of Persia. His empire was vast -- stretching from Greece to Egypt to the Indus Valley -- and as such, his harem was populated with the most beautiful young women from the various lands he had conquered. He had so many wives that some woman would spend almost a year before finally sharing carnal...

1 year ago
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My life introduction

================================================================ Ever since I was 16 I knew there was something 'different' about me. After sex ed classes in the first year of secondary school puberty hit me like a train. I may was a small boy just under 4ft 11 but after the summer break things changed. In the first couple of weeks my legs and arms started growing longer and more toned as I was constantly at the gym for Rugby training. My hair bleached in the sun over time to a dirty...

1 year ago
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New DaughterChapter 3 Its Okay Were Family

I didn't know what to do. It was as if my mind ceased working at that moment. Here I was, completely naked, in front of my daughter! And worse, she was staring right at my cock! It took about fifteen seconds before my mind finally managed to grasp the situation. Then I suddenly grabbed the towel and threw it in front of me. "I'm sorry," said Kimmy with a frightened expression on her face. "Please don't hit me." "Hit you?" I asked, stunned. "I'm not..." Then I managed to gain...

2 years ago
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An Expats Life and LoveChapter 11

We slept on either side of Anita. Both of us were too wasted to think things through and we both passed out quickly. It may not be the smartest thing I have done, but straight rum can lead to strange bedfellows. The morning was unquestionably different. Anita woke up first and was snuggled tightly to me, but she was surprised to find Kathy snuggled up against her as well. She woke me up quietly, we had a quick, and quiet discussion of what had lead to this situation. I made it clear to...

2 years ago
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My Hotwife Lana Chapter Two

Lana and I played off on that naught adventure for several weeks after that with some great sex! She gave Dennis, her mystery lover, her cell number that night and she told me he called a few times, but for one reason or another we didn’t hook-up. When Lana turned 21 and we ran off to the JP and got married and now that our relationship was official, we both agreed that she was free to be with other guys as long as I either knew about it before hand, she told me about it afterward, (and all the...

Wife Lovers
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Tais Story Chapter Six

Chapter six I picked up the kids from the airport and I could see by the light shining in Talia's eyes she was very happy to see me. She jumped into my arms and hugged me tight. Tane was cooler standoffish, but he did still look happy to at least be here. The first few days slid by quickly but on the third night Talia waited for Tane to go to bed before she tackled me. "Dad is it true what mum said about you?" I couldn't answer I had been so afraid that this was going to happen...

2 years ago
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The Debriefing

I watched the young upstart approaching and sighed in exasperation. Across the spacious living area, our gazes met and the loathing I felt for him was mirrored equally. I didn’t have any rational reason for disliking him so much, but there was something about him that unsettled me… to be more precise, something I didn’t trust.It wasn’t just his meteoric rise up the agency ladder that twitched my antenna. Although it was unprecedented and widely disliked — mostly by the bruised egos and trampled...

1 year ago
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Ana and a black guy in the back seat

That long weekend Ana and I had travelled several miles to another not so far town; where one of my wife’s girlfriends had moved.Samantha had invited us to spend a while at her home.On our way back, another old friend, a black guy called Aaron, asked me if he could come with us, since Savannah was fine for him as a midway destiny. He added that we could leave him at the local train station and he would get on his own.Before I could accept, Ana told him we would be glad to take him with us. I...

4 years ago
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Dragons Flight Pt2

Dragon's first Flight pt.2As Dragon slowly returns to the land of present, I remove the spreader bar from between her legs and decide I need one last taste of her lovely pussy juice. On my way back up to untie her hands from above her head, my tongue finds each of her still perky nipples and gives them a little flick each. Finally, I untie her hands and I help her ease them down to her side. If anyone has had their arms tied above their head, they'll know that your arm muscles kind of go...

2 years ago
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Corrupting Cousins

Aunt Rita was the only one who could take care of Sammy and Sally, age 17 and 16 respectively, when their parents went on a three-month church mission to Africa. Initially it seemed like a good thing to the youngsters because there were two boy cousins just about their same ages that they would be living with. Rita had been a single mom for a number of years and they had always enjoyed previous visits to her place for holidays or birthdays and such. However their aunt had put on her “best...

3 years ago
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Innocent Mistake

Laura was having a hectic day. She had lived in New York for only two months and was already finding it hard going. From a small town in Texas, she had worked her way up through college, specializing in public relations, and finally got the chance of a lifetime, with a highly sought after career in New York City. Laura had just been promoted to marketing director for North & Central America and was in charge of client relations of the hundred plus companies that partnered with her's in one...

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Ricks Moms Story Chapter 2

This is chapter 2 of my story. Chapter 1 is posted under my son Rick's id - chefgiovanniThe previous night, Rick and I had made love for the first time. I came twice with his gorgeous cock in me. Rick did too, the first time filling me full of his cum. The second time we stroked his cock together till he spurted all over my pussy. Then I came a third time masturbating with his slick semen. We kissed and cuddled, then fell asleep in each other's arms. We both slept in the wet spots and didn't...

1 year ago
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Isobels Instructions

Hi, and thanks for reading!Some sort of feedback would be really appreciated just so I can know whereI'm going wrong :O) Thanks xIsobel leaned heavilyagainst the wall. She was so bored! She needed the stimulation of interestingsex. The 'wham bam thankyou ma'am' technique that James displayed was gettingtedious. She couldn't remember the last time a man had actually made herorgasm. She could do it herself, in fact she frequently did, but the touchof a man causing the electric sensations was far...

3 years ago
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Delectable 4

It was an eventful afternoon. The urge to press her body against the glass in my office had been overwhelming. This creature was fascinating. She’s not a submissive even though she’s willing to do whatever I wish. Her moans, the heat of her body, the feel of her lips on me, and the incredible tightness of her is very dominant. We left my office and arrived at her apartment. It my first viewing of her side of life. It was a quaint little place several blocks away from the city. We spoke casually...

3 years ago
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Sex at Work

I encourage comments and voting on my stories, I am new at this type of writing, and would appreciate any feedback.  I feel it would help in refining the stories I feel the need to write.  Thanks   I have been working for a large retail corporation for about four years in one of the smaller outlets in the Midwest .  I am a middle aged married guy, my wife even works at the same store, but would never dream of me getting it on at work with a coworker.     Mimi, a cute 25 year old and I came...

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Joanna and the Sea DevilChapter 2

RFS Dupetit-Trouars lay anchored some 100 metres or so from the shore. Her anchor chains were coated in a thick green slime of tropical algae. Her hull, once gleaming white, was streaked with rust. The tricoleur flag draped lifeless from the staff on the stern. The cruiser's shafts had not turned for almost a year and very little maintenance had been done in that time. It was now little more than a floating headquarters for the French Pacific Squadron. Nearby lay RFS Linois, an antique,...

1 year ago
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The Hot Sex Fantasy cums true

I always had a fantasy about a girl called Lauren that was a college. I would quite often stroke my cock to explosion just thinking about filling up Lauren's soft pussy. She was a few years older then me, and we were on different carrer paths, and outside of class I had never seen her once. So my chances of getting her were rather slim. She was a real knockout though; 5'6", 125 pounds maybe, tanned skin, light brown hair with highlights, nice curves, and probably at least a big C cup. Her tits...

3 years ago
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Flowers For SarahChapter 2

Sarah bolted through the exit and into the night air, tears streaming down her face, unable to contain the sobs which signaled her heartbreak. The tears clouding her eyes and the devastation her concentration, she hurriedly turned the corner her only aim to escape the embarrassment and shame of being unceremoniously dumped by her date at her senior prom. So it was understandable when she collided with a man headed in the opposite direction. Keith Morgan, thirty-two and single, was in town...

4 years ago
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Love to be loved

Hey hi to all iss readers.dont wanna boast here that my story is real and all.its all on you to decide.Let me start with myself i m a engineering student from mumbai 21 years of age with a good physique have a tool of 7 in with a pleasing personality due to which i m center of attraction in my friends circle…about me as i told u abt my education i loved to read and above all i love to go on morning walk..and above all i like womens…my sexperience start here as u all know mumbai its crowded city...

4 years ago
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Summer Vacation Ch 02

Tommy awoke with a start and discovered he wasn’t alone in his bed. He was confused at first. He couldn’t imagine who was in bed with him. All he knew was that there was another body in bed next to him. He turned his head and looked. It was Tina! He couldn’t believe it! The attractive red-head smiled at him. ‘Hi,’ she said. ‘Ah…hi,’ Tommy replied. He could feel himself shaking. What was she doing here? What would his mother do if she caught them? ‘Would you like to make love to me, Tommy?’...

4 years ago
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First spanking

I had been attracted to spanking for a very long time. I had been looking for a female to spank me for some time. I made a connection with a woman about a hour from my home. Our schedule had trouble working and eventually she quit answering email. I was determined to make this work and continued to search various websites that related to what I was seeking. I should mention that my age played a factor with some as I was nearing 60 it seems no one wanted to communicate with me. I located a...

1 year ago
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Wizard Gone WildChapter 6

Sam figured that if he did anything to the assembled demons, it had to be big. He was afraid that anything relatively small would just aggravate them and make them fight even harder. He asked Agar, "Is there anything that the demons are really afraid of. What could we do to cause real panic in their ranks?" "I don't really know for sure, but I have heard that they are afraid of cold. If there were some way to make a cold blast hit them, it would really shake them up. I have no magic for...

4 years ago
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Wife Alone

Stan had been gone for three weeks and I was missing him very much, especially at night as I lay in bed needing to make love and no one to turn to. At 41 years of age, I still had those sexual desires that needed attention. Yes Stan had been in the Air National Guard for all these years and now his detachment had been deployed to the Middle East for a year. Gee I missed him so much already! How was I going to manage for a year?Saturday morning Jan came over as usual for coffee and the subject...

3 years ago
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trash part 5 the finale

After that, Earn beats up Mickey. Mickey tries to kill him, but Earn shoots her five times in the chest. Mickey falls down the stairs dead. Julie is heavily turned on and fucks her father. Johnny gets the baby. He tries to calm it down. It doesn’t stop crying. The baby actually got HIV from breast milk. In order to trick the baby he lets it suck his nipple. The baby doesn’t buy it and screams. He goes upstairs and finds Julie and Earn having sex. He joins in. Earn has a larger penis than...

3 years ago
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The Vampire Kaid Part 1 A Bite In TimeChapter 2b The Return

By the end of the week I was on a Malaysian Air System Boeing 777 bound for Kuala Lumpur. Getting through immigration at Madras Airport was a breeze. I just passed the immigration officer a thin note book the size of a passport and the bemused official stamped it and passed me through. I had bought a first class ticket as previously I had always travelled in economy class and I knew how uncomfortable that could be. There were half a dozen people in first class. I ignored them and they did...

2 years ago
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He slapped me on the back on his way by. Next, I encountered my mother, who was sobbing, “Michael, that was so ... it was so ... amazing. When we get home, I want to re-check your singing range. You sang that with almost no effort. I’m so proud of you.” I saw and scarfed a few hotdogs and a bag of chips. Carla Cox handed me a water. “You are really a great singer, Michael.” “I believe you and Mr. Mitchell are more than just friends, Lily,” I said. “Ssshh, as long as I call him my friend,...

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Bright Star Quest I The Book of BaysilChapter 8 Kargh the Dwarf Soldier

He slept poorly, images of a fist sized gem glowing among his disordered dreams. Again and again he had it within his grasp, only to have it wrenched away by shadowy figures who laughed and jeered as he stumbled after them on legs that were too short to match their speed. He awoke with a start, reaching for his axe, but the hand on his shoulder was only Anji's. He wolfed down his breakfast, answering the others with grunts or not at all. "It is agreed that we continue?" Furdick asked,...

1 year ago
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A new career for Tony

A New Career? Tony was glad to get the job of English Teacher at this run down local inner city school in the North East of the country. He had qualified over a year before, with good grades and with horrendous debts incurred during his training period while at University in Birmingham. Living on his grant was impossible without family support, and he had no family, so he had to take out student loans. Their were four applicants for this particular job, and having had a tour of the school quite...

Erotic Fiction
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Mei Ling One Year Later part 2

Mei Ling, One Year Later - part 2 by B. Pink I arrived home from the club clutching the piece of paper with the hotel address written on it. I had wished and prayed over the last twelve months for Mei Ling to return and that she would take pity on me. What she had said to me earlier that night had confirmed that she still intended to humiliate me further, pity as far as I was concerned did not exist. I sat on my bed and unzipped my boots and slid them off. The small clock...

3 years ago
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Megans Transformation into a Hotwife Part 1

“So Megan, I have been thinking about this and want to ask you something...”“Well ask away,” I said with a smile.“Have you ever thought about or desired to have sex with another man?”I was stunned speechless when he asked me that. Where was this coming from? Why would he even think to ask this?We had been married for six years. We were both thirty-one, having met when we were twenty four and married at twenty-five. We were both high school teachers, me biology, him physics. We taught at the...

Wife Lovers
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Letter to My Navy Man

I sat at the table for two, sipping my iced tea. The waiter had refilled my glass three times by the time my Bri arrived–always outrageously late but generally worth the wait. ‘Sorry I’m late, hon’ She said loud enough for the entire restaurant to hear. ‘I was getting a bikini wax and it took longer than I thought.’ She always could make a stunning entrance. I looked around, but fortunately the place was relatively deserted. ‘Just sit down. I’m starving.’ ‘Perhaps I should order oysters. I’m...

1 year ago
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A WellLived Life Book 10 The WifeChapter 65 A Little Help From My Friends

August, 1985, Chicago, Illinois Bethany and Kathy finally came back to the house around 3:30pm. Kathy looked at me and her eyes told me that we needed to talk. I nodded my agreement and wondered how I could pull off the conversation without Bethany noticing. That problem solved itself when Bethany announced about 4:30pm that she was going out with Andrew and wouldn’t join us for dinner. After Bethany left, I asked Kathy to help me prepare dinner and she agreed. “So?” I asked as I got the...

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Naruto Bitch Chronicles

It was January 1st, and Naruto had just received either the best or worst news in the world. The Kyuubi was slowly growing more powerful in his seal, as the only thing that actually kept the Kyuubi inside his seal was the impregnation of women. The Kyuubi, over the years, had been growing stronger and stronger, and in a month, if he didn't impregnate enough women... ...The Kyuubi would escape. He had to begin as soon as possible. So, Naruto... which woman will you try to fuck first?

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