- 3 years ago
- 33
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Cassie took a deep breath and hesitated before entering the cabin.
Kevin was starting to get to her. Starting? Truth was, he'd been getting to her all week. But today, first waking up to that sweet note and rose followed by that incredibly romantic movie, he had stirred old feelings to the forefront, despite the fact she'd been fighting them back all weekend.
One part of her wanted to go inside and jump his bones right now. Maybe not fight so hard if he suggested they try a relationship again. God, she had to be getting old to even consider it. On the other hand, she was still raw from the emotion of finding her best friend beaten half to death by the man who'd promised to love her until the day he died. Cassie knew Kevin was nothing like Pete, but she also remembered thinking that Pete was a great guy when he and Andi had first married. People changed. Feelings changed. It was a fact of life.
Well, she was getting older. Hopefully that also meant she was wiser and more mature than she had been when she had first met Kevin. She'd run from him because she'd been scared to death. Maybe the experience had taught her something. Helped her grow. Maybe she was finally ready to try a relationship without running, and Kevin would be the ideal partner.
If it was just about sex, Cassie could handle that, but this thing with Kevin wasn't just about sex. She didn't think it ever had been, really. That still scared her, and she knew she couldn't trust her judgment right now. She might mistake Kevin's attention for something more than it actually was, and then where would she be? Worse, what if she mistook her own feelings as something close to love, and three months from now realized it was only lust?
She told herself to stop doubting and start believing. Maybe she could pull it off. Maybe not.
She steeled herself and entered the cabin, and then melted all over again when she saw what Kevin had done.
There were literally dozens of flowers around the cabin. Flowers were and had always been her weakness, and even though she worked with them day after day, she had never lost her passion for them.
"Where did you get all of these?" she asked wondrously, stepping over to finger some of the petals on a long-stemmed wildflower.
"Outside, this morning," he said simply, and moved to grab her hand and pull her forward. "Welcome to your next surprise." He led her to the bathroom, where he'd drawn her up another bath, complete with wonderfully-scented bubbles and topped with flower petals this time. Earlier, she'd poured a little bit of shampoo in the tub to make some suds, which hadn't lasted long. Now, Kevin had candles perched around the tub, as well as a glass of wine sitting on a nearby shelf. "You beat me to the idea this morning, but I think you had to cut your bath short when you found out I was coming back. This time you can take a more leisurely soak and relax," he told her.
All she could say was, "Wow."
"Good response." He smiled and handed her a towel and a robe - a short, silk one she remembered having in her closet at home but hardly ever wearing. "Take your time. When you're done, I'll have your next surprise ready."
"I don't think you could top this," she admitted a bit breathlessly. She tried to think what he could have planned next, and guessed, "It's not some elaborate dinner, is it?"
"It's a surprise, remember? Yell if you need anything," he told her, and squeezed out of the bathroom to leave her to it.
With a sigh of contentment, Cassie slid into the tub and instantly felt her muscles begin to relax. She moaned and considered taking a sip of the wine he'd left for her. On second thought, she wasn't touching the stuff. She barely drank anymore, and probably shouldn't around this particular man. Not if she wanted to keep her wits about her.
She knew exactly what Kevin was doing. He was trying to seduce her, and big surprise, it was working.
She stayed in the tub for almost forty-five minutes, until the water became too cool to stand and her fingers were shriveling up like prunes. She supposed all good things must come to an end. She was feeling so relaxed that she was almost drowsy. If Kevin pointed her in the direction of the bed and told her to go to sleep now, she would be a very happy woman indeed.
Instead, when she stepped out, her hair piled on top of her head and dressed only in the short robe, she saw that Kevin had lit even more candles all around the cabin. In the fading daylight, the inside was cast in a romantic glow.
"All done?" he asked, and she wondered why he was standing there with a towel draped over his arm. "Step this way, my lady. Prepare yourself for a relaxing massage, the likes of which you will never forget."
"Yep." He nodded toward the floor, where he'd laid out some towels and pillows. "It's not the Ritz, but hey, three minutes on the floor with me, and you won't know the difference."
She smiled. "I'll bet."
Cassie was too relaxed and too happy to argue as she followed his instructions and laid on the floor, face down. She'd never actually had a massage before - she didn't like the idea of a complete stranger touching her, plain and simple. Now, however, she used her arms as a pillow and sighed blissfully as she waited on Kevin to retrieve the massage oil he'd heated. She felt him kneel down beside her, heard something squirt into his hands, and then felt him gently begin to soothe the oil into her skin. He started with her feet and worked his way up her thighs. She moaned. Man, that felt good. Really, really good.
"I bet you've never had a massage by a professional before, have you?" he asked, beginning to work his magic hands under the hem of her robe at her thighs. She felt him shift his body so that he was straddling her back. She swore she felt his lips brush against her ear, then teasing the back of her neck. "Feel good?"
"Mmmm," she moaned when his hands found her shoulders beneath the collar of the robe. "Where did you get so good at this? Wait a second. I don't think I want to know the answer that question," she murmured lazily.
"I had almost a year of physical therapy with my leg," he explained, as his hands soothed away the knots that had lingered from her bath. "You know, I could do a much better job if we took this off," he said casually, tugging on the collar of the robe. "That way I can give you the full Kevin Cooper experience. What do you say?"
"Is that a yes or a no?" She definitely felt his breath teasing her ear as he talked.
She smiled. "Mmmm. OK." Since he'd already seen her naked, she supposed it didn't matter now.
She helped him maneuver her out of the robe, and she didn't feel the least bit self-conscious about being facedown on the floor with him fully clothed and herself naked aside from the bikini panties she wore. She pillowed her head on her arms again and closed her eyes. She smiled when she felt him shift behind her, then she felt his hands gently massaging her buttocks.
"You have a beautiful body, Cassie. Do you know that?"
Her sarcastic "Yeah, right," came out sounding like another blissful "Mmmm" instead.
His hands continued their journey up her back, and as if he couldn't resist the temptation, she felt him slide his fingers down the sides of her bare breasts and linger. She moaned, and he leaned down and kissed her shoulder. As his hands slid up her shoulder blades, his lips made a path along the column of her neck.
She felt him behind her, engulfing her with his heat, and realized how incredibly sensual and sexual the position was. When his lips skimmed the corner of her lips, she turned to meet him until his mouth was teasing hers open at the seam. His tongue pushed forward, and she sighed into him, remembering what a great kisser he had always been.
They tasted each other for what seemed like minutes but could have only been seconds. Feeling him pull away, Cassie pushed herself up, following him, trying to maintain contact with his lips. He leaned back, tugged his tee shirt over his head, and then leaned down to kiss her again. His slick hands slid around her, cupping her breasts, massaging them as she twisted to match the heat of his mouth, the thrust of his tongue against her own. She felt the bare skin of her back slide against the bare skin of his chest, and she felt a delicious thrill at the skin-on-skin contact.
"Turn over, Cassie," he urged and kept kissing her. "Let me do the front."
She had just turned over and felt him settle down on top of her, his jean-clad legs snuggled into the V of her bare legs, his mouth doing wild and wicked things to her own, when the shrill sound of a phone ringing startled them both out of the heat of the moment.
"What the hell?" Kevin demanded, looking in the direction of the sound. Determining it was his cell phone, he looked back down at Cassie, focused on the sight of her wet and swollen mouth, and then said, "Hold that thought." He kissed her hard and heavy in parting but got up to answer the phone, leaving Cassie lying hot and naked on the floor, panting and wondering what the hell had just happened.
She could tell from his side of the conversation that it was Jake. When Kevin asked about Pete, it was like pouring a cold glass of water on Cassie. Some of her sensibilities began to return then, and Cassie reached for her discarded robe and tugged it back on.
She blew out a breath and looked around, trying to make sense of how things had progressed so fast. Her eyes fell on the sight of a box sitting on the edge of the end table, next to the massage oil Kevin had used on her. She heard Kevin end his call and say, "Good news. Pete is in custody."
He saw that she had put her robe back on and was holding something.
"A box of condoms?" Cassie asked, holding the box up. He almost turned red. He obviously hadn't meant to leave those in plain sight. He laughed awkwardly.
Kevin took the box from her and tossed it over his shoulder. It landed somewhere with a thud. "Well, I guess my seduction techniques are a bit rusty." He sighed and lowered himself to the floor beside her. "Look, Cassie, I realize you didn't ask for any of this to happen to you. You put up with a lot before I even kidnapped you - for lack of a better word. I thought we'd make today fun, help you relax. That's all. If you happened to let me seduce you at the end of the day, hey, even better. But it's not expected, OK."
"Not expected?" she repeated with a short laugh, referring to the box of condoms he'd purchased - a multi-pack, no less. Not to mention what would have happened if they hadn't been interrupted just now.
"Hey, I was a Boy Scout, all right. Always prepared. Better safe than sorry. You get the idea."
"We hardly ever used them before," she pointed out, moving to stand and then to begin pacing. "Pardon me if I was caught off guard." She paused and sent him a serious look. "I'm still safe, you know, in case you were worried."
She had to mean safe as in "safe, free of disease" because Kevin knew for a fact she wasn't on the pill anymore. He knew because he'd searched her house top to bottom, trying to get her stuff together to bring her here. He would've included that essential if he'd found it. No condoms either. That had surprised him. He figured she must not have been sexually active in a while and was glad. He knew her too well to believe that she let guys fuck her without a rubber if she wasn't on the pill.
He cleared his throat, remembering some of those occasions in vivid detail, and pointed out, "Same here. In case you hadn't realized, I wasn't exactly prepared when we came here, and there's a reason for that. It's been a long time since I was with anyone."
She stopped pacing and flopped down in the chair, looking at him with an unreadable expression. She ran a hand through her hair and looked away. "I'm sorry, Kevin, but I can't."
"Why not?"
"Come on, Cassie. You weren't putting up a fight a few minutes ago. What's changed between now and then?" He could clearly see that her nipples were still aroused and pointing against the silk of her robe. He imagined if he were to slide his hand up between her thighs right now, he'd find her as drenched as he was hard. She wanted him, all right; why wouldn't she admit it?
She looked at him, and he saw many things in that look that he hadn't been expecting - longing, fear, and hesitation. Before he could say anything, she continued, "Look, Kevin, if I was anti-commitment when we first met, believe me when I say I'm a thousand times worse now. I'm in no shape to be getting involved - sexually or otherwise - with anyone. Believe me, I'm trying to do you a favor here. I know that I... hurt you last time. You deserve better."
Kevin knew she was vulnerable, and he didn't want to take advantage of that. Still, if not now, when would he ever be able to break through that wall of hers and make her realize she could take a chance on him? He felt torn between pushing the issue and backing off. Besides, what was it about him that always scared her off anyway?
"Just what kind of guy do you think I am?" he wondered aloud.
"Same as any other - the kind who wants to get into my pants," she answered, seriously. "I'll tell you what, Cooper. That's fine. I can handle that. I can even appreciate it. Any other time I would say, 'your place or mine?' but right now, I just want to heal for a while first. OK?"
Kevin was quiet for a while, absorbing that very revealing statement: "I just want to heal." He knew he could try pointing out the obvious, that he wanted more than to just get into her pants. He wanted a relationship, but she already knew that. She had to. He figured he could try to convince her not all men were like Pete Hendricks, but she probably recognized that as well. Cassie wasn't totally without common sense. She was just wounded, and he figured she'd been that way for longer than she even realized.
In the end, he sent her a supportive smile. "I seem to recall once you were looking for a friend with benefits. That position still open?"
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Hi ISS readers, I think all you know me. For the new readers, at first I introduce myself. I am Moni, late 40 and 5’-7”. I was born in a middle class Bangladeshi Muslim family and serving in a public organization. I’m married and having two kids. My whole life is lustful indeed. As I gained some practical experience about sex at my childhood, I became a sex-maniac and whenever I got chance I tried to fuck any aged girls or women with many tricks without applying force or at least to peep the...
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If everything was going as planned Kim's partner Cathy will have invited her man friend over by now. Kim smiles in anticipation as she hurries to get home at the designated time and "catch" her lover in the act. She can't help but caress her erect nipples as she drives quickly through traffic.They love each other so much. When Cathy jokingly suggested that she needed a man to satisfy her cravings, Kim jumped at the idea. It surprised her how much the thought of a man fucking her lover...
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Oral SexThe next morning, Liam and I woke up to the sound of loud knocking at our front door. Worried that it could be the police, we hurriedly and made sure that they could not find the hidden trap door. We moved a table over the door. When I opened the door, there stood two policemen. They were dressed sharply and prepared to investigate. "Hello sir's"I said"Can we help you?" One of the police officer's held up a picture of Mia. "This girl has been missing for a day now. Have you seen...
It had seemed like forever that they had been carrying Mia in the woods. Both guys had to take breaks carrying her body because she was continually kicking and screaming. A few slaps across the face usually got her calm for awhile but then she was back at it again. After about 15 minutes, from their guessing, they had finally arrived at the house. They carried her down into the basement and threw her in a jail cell, slamming the door shut. Her blue eyes stared into the dimly lit hallway....
"Can you believe its been a year?"I asked Liam." My partner, Liam, looked up from his Porn magazine. "I know, its insane." Liam, whose Black, raised an eyebrow and laughed. "It makes me want to go out and do it again"I said." "Do you think the feds are still out?"Liam asked." "Not as bad. It'd be easier for us to take prostitutes off the streets then to some random chick from the bar"I said"But now the city has a street patrol officer. And the only way to take the...
"Can you believe its been a year?"I asked Liam." My partner, Liam, looked up from his Porn magazine. "I know, its insane." Liam, whose Black, raised an eyebrow and laughed. "It makes me want to go out and do it again"I said." "Do you think the feds are still out?"Liam asked." "Not as bad. It'd be easier for us to take prostitutes off the streets then to some random chick from the bar"I said"But now the city has a street patrol officer. And the only way to take the...
Joey is the leader of the pack. He is 6'1 with a toned body. He is strong enough to subdue a girl. His blonde hair is always spiked up perfectly. He had to make himself presentable anyway. Joey is the owner of (Don't look this up. I made this up myself. If its a real site, I'm not trying to steal it) where girls are filmed being sexually tortured. You paid to be a member and you got to view live feeds, past videos and even tell them what to do to a girl. For all...
Special thanks to Kanga40 for her editing and patience on this piece, and to the three or four readers who requested we do it. We hope you enjoy. *** Cassie Ross struggled to push her way through the heavy door as the full impact of the night’s events began to sink in and overwhelm her. Someone brushed past her in a hurry, not even noticing that she had tears streaming down her face. Actually, that was just fine with Cassie. She hated for anyone to see her cry. Dammit, she hated being weak...
I was struggling with a very heavy afternoon at my desk there.After lunch, my phone buzzed…"Ana, please, could we meet after hour at my office…?”"Yes, of course, Boss…” I replied to Barbara, my Boss.I did not have an idea about she wanted to discuss with me.So, I just reported to her office as soon as I finished my day.“Ana, dear, your present performance is going down day after day”My slutty lady Boss said, giving me a very serious stare.“Any explanation for you behavior… ?” “You are my best...
This is the second part of a three-part series. As with the part one, this is a true story. This part is called Cock-Crazed. I had become familiar with man to man sex, but suddenly I seemed to find it everywhere. One day, I was on a business trip in a city several hours from home. I had completed my business day and impulsively stopped at an adult bookstore to watch a few mini-porn flicks. When I entered the video booth and locked the door, I immediately saw a hole in the wall of the booth. As...
Ever since I went through puberty, I have always enjoyed the sensations attached to the feelings I get when being whipped. Long before I married my husband, I used to beat myself with a small and slender rattan cane, while I masturbated furiously. I’d close my eyes and dream that a powerful man held me down and whipped my tender ass until I was delirious with the burning orgasmic pain that fueled a fully pent up release.For years after getting married and even after giving birth to two...
I had been laying in bed, watching shemale porn videos. I have always found them to be so sexy, so erotic. I had dreamed and fantasized about what it would be like to be with one. The perfect girl... feminine, pretty face and a cock.Of all the beautiful “girls” my favorites were always the “ladyboys” the Asians. I lusted after their gorgeous brown skin, slim figures and tight little behinds. As I searched the internet, I came across an ad for a shemale party at a night club several hours away....
I met Kevin on a Yahoo dating site years ago. Yahoo had a dating site and part of it was men meeting men. I believe this was before craigslist. Anyway Kevin posted on there he was looking for someone that was into oral sex. I responded back and we decided to meet. He had a place and so the next night I drove over.Kevin was a big guy. At least 6-5 and very hairy. We went into the living room and chit chatted for awhile. I shortly said I was there for one purpose to suck his cock. He stood up and...
Hi everyone, this is a continuation of my previous story. So, I was thinking about the last incident with my sister-in-law (SIL) for many days. I was turning horny by seeing her in my marriage pics and her WhatsApp status. I started touching my wife whenever she was on the phone with her sister. I listened to her voice and started feeling my wife. It was driving me crazy. I got an offer to relocate. I accepted because my SIL was in a relationship. And she used to travel frequently to this city...
IncestHi all. This is a real story. I decided to write in short parts. I had sex with quite a few women by now. I am 26 and just married. Even today sex excites me more than anything. Of all the people I had sex with, this one excites me the most. Because it was more passionate and fulfilling. It was with my sister-in-law and the more special reason being I may not be able to have this forbidden fruit again. I got married this year and one thing I noticed was my sister-in-law was way hotter than my...
Incestwhen i could finally force myself 2 move, i walked 2 the couch & then stepped directly in front of malcolm, straddling his legs between mine & then lowered myself on2 him, my knees planted on either side of his hips & my ass resting on top of his hips, his soft cock nestled in2 the sweaty crack of my ass. as his hands came up 2 my waist 2 steady me, i leaned 4ward & kissed him full on the mouth, my tongue spearing between his lips, searching 4 his tongue, tasting his mouth. i...
i looked in2 his eyes as i stood up & pulled malcolm 2 his feet, then pushed him back on2 the couch & knelt between his knees. his pretty cock was very dark & still soft, the mahogany glans still covered by his velvety 4skin. he sat with his legs spread wide & his cock hung down between his thighs, lying on his shaved ball-sack. i put my hands on the floor, next 2 the front of the couch & leaned 4ward, opening my mouth & letting his delicious cock slide between my lips,...
Hi ISS readers, I think all you know me. For the new readers, at first I introduce myself. I am Moni, late 40 and 5’-7. I was born in a middle class Bangladeshi Muslim family and serving in a public organization. My whole life is lustful indeed. As I gained some practical experience about sex at my childhood, I became a sex-maniac and whenever I got chance I tried to fuck any aged girls or women with many tricks without applying force or at least to peep the uncovered boobs and pussies from...
I wanted to meet Jeni bond a Home Shopping Network product demo lady that I really think is gorgeous, she's lovely sexy and tan. i came into the studios and greeted her. "Jeni Bond, your word is your bond." I said to her walking up to her. "yes it is but that's not what you're here for is it?" she asked."I really wanted to meet you, I know you're married but I must say you have a gorgeous figure." I told her. "really?" she asked."I'm serious I always check you out your presentations on Bissell...
After one of the most exhausting weekends of her life and all the fuss with Andi, Cassie was relieved to get back to work. Yet again Cassie had spent longer at the hospital the day before than she'd planned, simply because Andrea's parents needed a break to head back to their hotel and get some sleep. Cassie stayed by her best friend's bedside all day, doing her best not to bring up uncomfortable conversational pieces like, "By the way, did you know your asshole husband threatened my...
The next few weeks were extremely busy for Cassie as she had several weddings and parties booked at the store. Still, that didn't stop Kevin from stopping by every other day to take her to lunch or dinner. A few times, he'd even volunteered his services to deliver flowers when her regular help had called in sick and she was caught in a bind. Cassie was becoming very comfortable with their friendship, and she had to admit, she liked having a guy around as a friend, someone she could depend...
"Oh, I've dreamed about this so many times," he panted as he moved up between my legs and began pushing between my wet pussy lips. The feel of his cock moving ever deeper was thrilling. "You are so sexy. You don't know this but I took some photos of you last summer in your backyard. Some with your top off." "I remember a few days slipping my top off. You took pictures of me like that? I'll bet you jacked-off a lot to them, huh?" He was moving back and forth now, a look of ecstasy...
He followed me back to the bedroom and we both sat on my bed as I handed him the lube. He put some in his hand and curled his fingers around his cock. I leaned back, I was facing him, and spread my legs apart and began slowly rubbing along my wet slit. "Does seeing my pussy help?" "Oh, seeing it, watching you do that, makes me so hard," he gasped. "You cum for me, Rick. I want to see your cock spurt out your hot cum. Here, I want it to hit my pussy, Rick," I told him as I moved...
Seventy-six days and still counting. I am losing him. After finally finding a man who loves me more than all the stars in the clear night sky, it seems as though we are worlds apart. I sleep with his sweat filled t-shirt simply to remember his scent. I look at his pictures and videos a million times a day. I want him, I need him, I miss him.... Oh damn I am getting desperate. Only $49 for a train ticket. I am so going to see him! Acting normal, I call him and text him all day. He has no...
This is a transcript of my chat with Gena, a lovely young woman who volunteered to have sex with my husband, to humiliate me and help me to earn his respect.Me: So you want to attempt first time anal sex with my husband?Gena: Yes, he can have my anal cherry, if he isn't too big.Me: Well, I don't think he's very big, but can't your husband do that with you?Gena: Brian is way too big for my ass. He totally stretches my pussy and my asshole is much smaller and tighter.Me: Hmmm. Must be nice.Gena:...
NovelsWhat follows are chapters 2 through 5 of my ‘Beetlesmith’s’ saga. The first chapter, undesignated, can be found under the ‘Mind Control’ genre, or by going to my ‘Member’s Page’ and clicking on the appropriate link. The story follows the exploits of Will Henry, who has been given the ultimate aphrodisiac by a man named Beetlesmith. These next four chapters are a continuation of that narrative. Most importantly, I must thank Bella Mariposa, who was kind and patient enough to edit these the...
My eyes opened wide, as did my mouth. There was my daughter, completely naked again in front of me, acting like there was nothing out of the ordinary. She sat there half submerged in the water, but with her beautiful little chest completely exposed to my view. "Kimmy..." I said. "What are you doing?" "Taking a bath," she replied innocently. "Hurry up and get in before the water gets cold." "But I..." "What's wrong?" she asked. "Well ... I just wasn't expecting..." She...
When I was younger, I used to go swimming at my aunt and uncles house. One day my aunt, ( 42 years old 5'5 145-150lbs, Bbw big saggy d cups nice round ass, dark shoulder length hair, freckled skin) called me to see if I wanted to come over and swim. Being a young man I was always ready to swim, so I walked over to her house. When I got there I noticed none of my cousins were there. I asked where they were, she said they were gone for the day.She was rubbing sunblock on and asked if I...
We've been together 10 years, married 5 of those. Lately (several months) our sex life hasn't been great. Everything else in the relationship has been great though with no issues. Over past several months the work-life balance has gotten better of us both and our sex life suffered due to stress, etc. We went out on our monthly "date" night and had some drinks and live music. We both discussed the elephant in the room and talked about ways to liven up the bedroom. We have toys, massage bars,...