ShawnChapter 35 free porn video

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After the meal I again worked on a street by street map of Tokyo and another one of exactly the same size that showed how I wanted it laid out. I did almost eighty large maps that listed even small neighbourhoods that could be shown when I had to convince the leaders of the local prefecture. I was still saddened by the large percentage of land that still had only bombed and burnt out buildings. Although this made my job possible, it had only been made so by the loss of so many lives.

I had the plans of the cement plant in mind for a long time but decided to enlarge it and make it even more automated. I could also dispose of scrap rubber, solvents, old foundry sand and other commodities that should be destroyed at high temperatures. The electronic control devices had not been fabricated yet but would be ready by the time the plant was completed. I stayed until three in the morning to finish the prints. I put everything away and went out the front door travelling west toward the Nagatacho district and Mr. Akutagawa's sprawling home.

The man had the misfortune of supplying three of the men that had attacked me last night. They had guns at the time and were now all dead.

This time I put the complete household to sleep, even the ones that were had started that way. The house had a burglar alarm but was supplemented by many armed guards to assist. Apparently after the three deaths, even more had been called up.

Mr. Akutagawa was sleeping with his wife and I just floated him out of bed and took him outside and sat him on one of his stone benches and awoke him.

The man was about fifty years old and overweight. His bald head gleamed in the moonlight as he slowly came to his senses. His eyes went back and forth then recognition came to where he was. I stepped out of the shadow and his eyes found me instantly. He needed glasses but could see my almost white hair and size and could guess who I was."

"Who is there?"

"You know who I am Mr. Akutagawa. I came to change the course of your life or simply kill you."

He tensed his muscles and before he could jump on me his legs gave out and he fell onto his face. Only his hands kept him from being hurt much. He pushed his body up to look at me and said, "What do you want?"

"I already said what I wanted. To be more specific I want you to drop some of your illegal activities and alter some of the businesses you own to provide a needed service. This keeps the law from attacking your interests and allows you to pay taxes. I know who you pay now for protection from the police and courts. This will stop now."

"What makes you think I will do that?"

"Either you do this after I demonstrate my abilities or I break up your empire and sell the parts. This way I make a tidy profit and you are beyond bothering me. Now to begin, your folktales mention spirits taking to the air and travelling from one place to another. You will now do that with me and I will drop you from a few miles up. I like the timing because I have exactly sixty seconds to catch you before you hit the ground. If I miss I have no problem. Let's begin now."

He screamed as he was hoisted rapidly into the air and soon he was too high for his voice to be heard. At the same height as last night I stopped and allowed Mr. Akutagawa to have a view. He was laying horizontal on his stomach and could see some of the lights below. "Your city was famous and will be so again even if I find it dull and drab. Are you ready for your fall Mr. Akutagawa?"

"No, no just put me down easily and I will give you anything."

"That is what you are saying now but I have to make sure." He fell screaming all the way and I caught him a bit lower than Tsuji because of his weight. We went up higher this time and he fell again and again, till he was thoroughly soiled.

I set him down at the front of his house. He was crying pitifully and stayed on the ground as if he could hold on to it to keep him from ascending again. "Mr. Akutagawa listen to me now." His head slowly came up and I told him what he would do in more detail. "We are going inside your home now and we will make some notes so that you will not forget. Now stand up or we will go for another flying lesson. The man quickly got up and followed me across the cobbles and inside to his bathroom. "You have five minutes. Clean yourself or I will drop you in the bay to do it."

He came out in three minutes with a towel wrapped around him and I led him into his office. I shut off his alarms and we entered his inner sanctum. He sat at his desk, while I stood. Paper was provided and he began to write as I dictated. When I was done I went to his small safe in the wall and opened it. He had cash and stolen jewellery as well as personal papers. The safe door I ripped off its hinge and then used my power to push a hole through the metal and then stretch the resulting ring until the opening was twenty inches in diameter.

"This jewellery belongs to an important man. Give it back to him but tell him you recovered this as a favour to him. I want his help in the modernisation of your city." I assisted him in remembering all this and opened the window and flew out. Part way down the street I removed my block on the people in the house and went to the next person on my list.

Mr. Ayugai was almost as hard to convince but I was fairly certain that he would assist me. The sun was coming up and I had to hurry home before somebody saw me flying about. I was a little sleepy but had got by on very little rest for days at a time. I just had tea made as Kochiyo got up. She came into the kitchen after seeing the light on. I sat her down then gave her a cup of tea and a kiss on the cheek. "Nice to have someone make tea for you for a change?"

"I have to do this work Sir Shawn. I do not want to lose my job."

"You would not lose your job. Mr. Hitomi likes you and so do I. If the worst came to the worst you would work for me and take care of my family." I made the meal and served her as I nibbled from a plate across from her. When Mr. Hitomi came to eat he found me awake and we talked about what the day would bring.

"I have completed the plans for the proposed changes to your city and made new drawings for the cement plant. The location I chose is good because it is close to a clay deposit and the coast. I think I will form a partnership with your daughter, with your permission. She would own half of my new companies and allow me to buy property."

"My daughter would only give her name?"

"Yes, that is all I need. I was thinking of Juni Cement Company but it doesn't sound as good as I think it should be. There will also be a lot of property purchased in the city and I will use the vacant properties to move people and businesses around. One day I think it will be worth millions of millions of pounds. That is only one of the reasons I am doing this. I can be like a gardener working on his bonsai tree but I know this tree will get very large. I just want it to grow free and straight."

Later in the morning I found a small shop close to the waterfront and made a deal to purchase it. A cash down payment followed and I continued down the street till I had bought everything I could find owners of. At noon I made some papers that were in the finest tradition of Japanese jurisprudence and had Juni sign them with Maeko and Kochiyo signing as witnesses.

I called Mr. Tsuji, Mr. Ayugai and Mr. Akutagawa and asked them to come to Mr. Tsuji's home for a legitimate job. Mr. Akutagawa and Mr. Ayugai were not over their fright yet but did as I asked. An hour and a half later I walked up the walled driveway and gave a small courteous bow to the two guards. The three leaders were out front too and I gave them a bow. I was given an even deeper one in return.

"Good day gentlemen. I would like to have a small meeting first if that is all right." It most definitely was and we were all seated inside, with a cup of tea. I brought out a large map and had three different areas shaded with different colours. "Gentlemen I want to start buying property now. Each of you men will choose a colour and I want you to find out who owns the property and where they are. Some may have reverted to the government. I want each of you to buy as much as you can get. This time you will not cheat or threaten anybody but act in good faith."

Mr. Tsuji asked, "How high must we pay to purchase this land?" I gave him a maximum and a minimum per square foot. I didn't want future generations saying I stole the land from the present owners and told them so.

To Mr. Ayugai I said, "You have prostrate cancer but it is operable. Check with you doctor to prove that I am right. I will cure you without losing your sex drive. Ask any doctor you think competent and see what their prognosis will be. They may give you only three years to live but I can do much better. Mr. Akutagawa you are overweight and your arteries are clogging up. You must go on a diet and some regular exercise. You have a long profitable and happy life ahead of you if you do as I ask."

Turning to Mr. Tsuji, "You sir are very healthy but don't get enough exercise. I would like you to work out, then relax a bit with your grandchild." Sitting up a bit I resumed my previous talk. "Gentlemen, the properties you purchase will be signed over to me and I will pay you full price for what you have paid yourself. I plan on buying much of your city and you will help me. Tomorrow I would like to met at Mr. Ayugai's home and discuss what to do next."

It took almost ten days until the loan was approved along with a large line of credit I attached to it. As in London I went to the many prefectures and negotiated for large tracts of land. The former underworld bosses and a few more I acquired assisted me in this matter. Three of the hoodlum leaders were not quite sane and they died. Their assets were split up among the rest.

The plans for the cement plant were approved and building started at once. I gave contracts to many companies and they would build sub-assemblies to my specifications. During this time I talked to all of my family and told them what I was doing. The ones in other countries wanted to come to me but had things to do where they lived.

Juni was gathering her strength after I removed the large growths from her head and abdomen. The latter required me to assist in getting her ovary and a portion of her uterus to grow and replace the dead tissue. She spent only a few days recovering and showed a marked improvement. The sad part for her was that she could not now see my aura after the operation.

Mr. Ayugai came to me and told me his doctor's prognosis and I decided to operate. This was done in front of Tsuji, Akutagawa and eight other men. I used no hands and they thought they saw an invisible spirit manipulate a scalpel. The man got up ten minutes later and participated in our meeting. Two days later he told his colleagues of how his doctor thought the way he was healed had to be magic.

The shipyard grew to a monstrous size. At night I cut large blocks of stone from the seabed and placed them in deep holes, resting on the bedrock of the bay. They were many tons each and I had to rest after each but I was getting stronger all the time from the work. I also came to a better understanding of what I could do and used the information to tap even more power. Soon I was using very little of my own power but could draw what I needed from what I thought was a different dimension.

Mr. Hitomi had his ships add to the top of my undersea wall and soon it was twenty feet above the sea at high tide and fully fifty feet thick. The muck dredged from the enclosed area was deposited behind another wall and this increased the size of our properties. Small shops were building sections of the ship I wanted. Some were so small that they had to form temporary partnerships with competitors to make the large sections. They were mostly 25 metres long by almost that high and ten metres thick. Forty sections had to be made but most were very similar.

I designed much larger cranes for the yard and got them ready for when the shops finished each sections. The parts were built and delivered just as we needed them and the ship went together in record time. I insisted that all welds be x-rayed and many flaws were found. I found many more and had them noticed by others. This way quality control was stressed much more.

In Mr. Hitomi's home I made my first monolithic array of transistors. The small but powerful laser burnt a path that was only one and a half nanometres wide. My mind could make smaller paths but these devices had to be made by others. They would be forced to use the laser. My first chip could only process a hundred thousand instructions in a second but the second could beat that by a factor of ten. With three small lasers I was able to make a three dimensional hologram that would display almost any of the data that I wanted. This could be displayed on a ten feet wide by eight feet high grid but the lasers worked better at dimensions only half that size.

This project was a long time coming and I had been working on it for almost four years. I had published no information for fear it would be used for something immoral. I was able to transfer data from my mind directly to its memory. It used the basic type of transistor which could only be in the on or off state. A crystal that was scanned by a eight pairs of lasers would store over eight to the twenty third different transistor states. For my own uses in future versions, I wanted to work with three state transistors that I found. Here only one electron at a time could go through a particular gate. This would produced a great increase in efficiency and in speed.

I took the device that was only ten inches square by three inches thick to breakfast with Mr. Hitomi one morning. We sat with Juni and ran my hand over her shoulder possessively trying to convey my love. She leaned into my caress even if her father was present.

The machine operated on my mental commands but would work much slower on voice instructions. The intonations of five language groups were stored in the machine at present. Many versions of Japanese, English, Amharic, Russian and Chinese were commonly used. In all there were almost a thousand distinct language files stored and cross referenced.

"What is this device Sir Shawn?"

"A machine I was telling you about when I first came here. It has many pieces of information stored in it. It can use true or false decisions and others based on value to decide what to do. It can do mathematical operations, basically but can show results in many forms. For our present purposes, it can display pictures that I have put into the machine. My ship design has been entered and you can go from one of the prints to another very easily. It is like looking through vellum till you see the print you want and remove the ones over it. The best part is that it can use voice commands to operate."

"That can't be. Nothing can do even a fraction of what you say. I will admit that the small control modules you made are amazing."

"Well just try it. Get close to the machine and say your name and say the alphabet and count to fifty so it can record the differences in your voice."

"No, it is too foolish for me."

"Well I can think of another way. Juni will try it but since you have made your decision, you cannot take it from her until tomorrow at this time."

Juni did speak into the device as she was asked. A mechanical voice came out and asked her to repeat words the way she would normally speak them. This was a shock and both had to have a few minutes to recover. "It is only a machine. A telephone talks to you and you are not upset. Please do as it asks."

Juni stood further back but did repeat the words. When the list had been completed the machine simply said, "Working." It took almost three minutes for the data to be stored correctly in her profile. Then it said, "Complete."

Both people looked at me and I told Juni, "Say, 'computer, display ship zero zero zero four six two, in profile from one thousand metres and an elevation of fifty metres. Proceed now.'"

She got it wrong twice but the third time the ship appeared in front of her and she fell backwards. Her father was no different and he scrambled out of the way of the ship before him. I remained sitting on the floor and they could see me through the hologram but only vaguely because the graphic was so rich. I got up and walked around the table and helped a stunned Juni to her feet. She fired questions at me non-stop till I placed a finger on her delicate lips. Her father was the same but quieted when his daughter did.

"Say 'computer, distance two thousand metres. Proceed now.'"

She stammered so much she had to do this four times but the ship shrunk in size. There was many more questions but I just said, "Just work with this and try different things. You will not damage it and hopefully you will learn a lot."

I took out a small device not much larger than a small battery and pointed it at the ship. A red beam of light shot out and intersected the hull at the bow. The light did not diverge much and was still an eighth of an inch after travelling almost twelve feet. "Take this light and press the button. Now Juni, never point this in someone's eye or where it can be reflected there. Do you understand?"

"Yes... Shawn."

She pointed at the bow and repeated my words. "Computer, reference position. Distance twenty metres. Elevation neutral. Proceed now."

The ship hull now filled the screen. The black painted hull and the bright white lettering showing the name I chose for the ship. The name Juni was easily seen but was off centre. Both people looked at the hull and could see the way the steel plates joined. The weld was prominent but not much. The wire rope strung around the edge to prevent people falling overboard. The stanchions were in view and could easily be seen for what they were. The display was close to a photograph but I could see too many places where I used mathematical algorithms to replace what would be seen to make it real. The hull was perfect and in reality there was always small imperfections.

"Juni, you don't mind this big fat ship carrying your name do you?"

"I... I; I think it is fine."

"Good, it is settled. Now say, "Computer, Distance fifty metres. Proceed now."

This time she did it right the first time and we saw the ship from further away. "Let me try now," came from her father.

"You have not been registered in the machine yet and I think Juni needs to have her turn to see how it will be used. Ask her to do what you want and we can see what works the best. The man didn't like it but had to work through his daughter.

An hour later he was late for work and I suggested seeing the engine room. All of a sudden we were in the room and we moved from one position to another. He got Juni to zoom in on the engine and he could see the serial number quite plainly. I could have told him to superimpose the text over the picture and he could have read a whole book on the engine and what it was capable of doing. Leaving it to later would give him a bright jewel to find.

"Juni move in further and say 'computer, animate'."

She did and then saw the engine working even to the flames from when the fuel burned. It had purposely been set to a low default speed but it was still easily understood what was happening. Maeko, then Kochiyo came in to clean up but stayed to see what was happening. I whispered in their ears that this was a machine I made and would sell in the future. They were invited to watch.

Juni got the idea and went into the generators and the gear reduction units and saw how they worked. Some of the data was not complete and there was no shading or many choices of perspective.

Juni's father had to call in and say he would be even later. He hurried back and I was just pulling out of the steering gear and asked Juni to go to Tokyo and display it from an altitude of six miles. I guided her to our shipyards and showed them what was happening as of three days ago when the data was entered. We moved over to the house and she saw herself in the garden. When we got close the figure looked up and stuck out her tongue and then walked into the house.

"I never did that Shawn. Why did you make me do this?"

"I knew you would come to the house and I wanted to see what could be done. Go to the washroom by your bedroom." In a moment we found Maeko squatting and ordering us angrily out of the room until she finished.

I heard a commotion and knew that everybody was now upset. "This was like a animated cartoon I made. It never happened. It was just a joke and each one of you are in it."

Juni asked, "What is Kochiyo doing?"

"Search the house and find out." We found her father working at his desk and when we came in he angrily gestured for the viewers to leave. Juni did then went back and the same gestures were repeated. Kochiyo was in the kitchen making a meal and tasting the food to see that it was seasoned right. She wagged her finger at us to evict us and again it was repeated when Juni went back in.

They searched and didn't find me till I told them to wait over the bathtub. My figure came out from under the water gasping for breath and hiding my genitals from view. I didn't order anybody out but my figure did turn red in embarrassment.

"I can put sound in too but that will take some time to get right. The five of us in this room are the only people that know this device exists. I want to install this in a large meeting room and let everybody in the world think that this device is very big. I will make a new display unit that if it is stolen or damaged will not benefit anybody else very much. The reason I am doing this is because devices like this will be worth many millions of millions of dollars. We will use them in almost every electrical device. They are working on one of these computing devices now and it takes up a very large room and will only be able to add and subtract. We are many years ahead of the competition and I want to stay there for a while yet. When the world finds out there will be people bothering all of us in this room for any information that we have."

Juni asked, "Why not just give it to them?"

"First it is worth too much to just give away. Second, I can use one of these devices to send a nuclear tipped missile around the world and hit an area only two foot square. Do you want the military to get this now? I have to make things so that they will not learn the real way this machine works."

In three days Mr. Hitomi chaired a meeting of his engineers, foremen and suppliers. A large steel cube with very heavy cables from it sank into the floor. On the top could be seen a thick glass enclosure that was permanently bonded to the metal base. When he was discussing some of the fine details of the ship, he actuated the machine with a FM microphone that sent a radio signal to the machine that was supposedly in the basement. The hologram he wanted to display sprang up. Shocked was not a strong enough word to use to describe their feelings. He continued his talk though as if he were narrating a eight millimetre film of home movies he took. Areas of concern were shown and what was proposed to change so that it could be easily remedied.

The display was at its maximum and we could see the ship as if it was outside our window. After a half hour he took us through a simple tour of how the machine worked and how the ship was to function. Then we went through the hull and down the access holes to the areas he really wanted to talk about. He had chosen the harder sections so that his ability was more readily seen. His words didn't register much as all the engineers and other yard owners craned their neck to look at this feat of magic.

I felt a bit like Pandora after the box was open but knew the world had changed again today and hopefully for the better. After the computer came out of the box I released the next horseman. I had shifted production to components for a satellite and even with all the miniaturization I could, it still weighed in at over three hundred pounds. This device would send back encrypted radio messages as well as receive the ones I sent it. Surveillance and television transmission were also installed. This would be the first of my satellites that would allow communications wherever I went.

I made six hand units that could easily fit in a pocket. The face of each had twelve buttons but two of them allowed different menus to be used so that the real total was much higher.

The satellite had its own propulsion units but could not make it to orbit this way. With my insubstantial fingers wrapped around me I could descend far into the sea without getting wet or high into the atmosphere and still carry some air with me.

With my new found increased power, I dragged the satellite behind me and travelled up to three hundred and forty miles and pushed it far ahead of me. Like a whale I had to dive back into the atmosphere for air. With the hard part done I chased the satellite and moved it higher and stabilised the orbit. When I got back to earth to test the phones I just realised that I had not only been the first man into space but I had circumnavigated it as well.

Mr. Hitomi used the computer at other meetings where he tried to get them to help in restructuring the city. This time the word had gone out and everybody came to our meeting room to see the fantastic device. He didn't say anything too important because it would not be remembered anyway. In coming weeks the people that ran the various prefectures came to find the machine less intimidating. The small wireless telephone allowed him to keep in touch with me even if nobody knew that they were doing it from a satellite.

Everybody had their own part to play but wanted to protect what they already owned. They expected me to work around them. The arguing continued and I was happy because the machine could be used to show what would happen when each obstruction was left as it was. Photographs sent back were displayed as aerial reconnaissance photos to show some important features.

Mr. Hitomi had been playing with this machine almost like an addict most the time. He did justify it by saying he was becoming much more proficient at it. Others from our company used the device to understand more of the mechanics of how the various ship's systems worked. The problem for them was that they had to use it at night because their boss was almost always on it.

Soon after, many strange people started coming to the meetings with small hidden cameras. Half were from companies all around the globe and the other half were from governments. I had been asked by many people I knew if I would sell the technology to them or some of the units. I finally used the newspaper to say that I would sell similar units in a few years when I could produce enough. This did not stop the spying or the asking in the least.

Juni's father saw us together most of the time when he wasn't working. She had used a second machine at home when she could get it away from her father. She went to many of the meetings at the yards and elsewhere. Even though she was a Japanese woman, she fought for what she believed in and the men did listen.

In January I had told her more of my life and by March she knew of all the rest of my family. She would even talk on the phone to them after I taught her English with a British accent. Her father thought this miraculous but that was common place around me by now. At this time my cement plant was almost done it was fitted it with the controls I wanted and I buried them under cement to protect them.

A tire plant had decided to make the tires that I designed. I made the moulds and they supplied the trained personnel to produce each piece. The tires were eighteen feet in diameter and even when laid on their side were over eight feet high. I was making the smaller truck first and only needed six per vehicle to carry five hundred tons.

The company that made large diesel engines, took my designs and made sixteen engines of three basic designs. Some would go into the 'Juni' and smaller turbo diesel went into the first truck. The engine was only a few times larger than what a large transport truck would have.

Our own yards made a large wheel that had many buckets around it. Large electric motors pushed the device forward and it would eat soil at a fantastic rate. The contents of the buckets would land on a long conveyor belt and be carried back to be processed. This device could move almost a hundred tons a minute and I knew it would gain as much of an audience as the computer did when it was working.

The machines for making my computers had long since been shipped to Ethiopia. I was going to leave Japan at the first part of May, in just three days. Juni was almost in hysterics when she knew I was going. Her father saw the futility of keeping her and consented to let her accompany me.

The next morning Mr. Hitomi and I were alone I said, "Sir I think it is time we continued our talk about your daughter. She knows about all my family and even ones that I treat as family. You allowed her to accompany me but I want her as my wife. Your daughter and I respect you and she still possesses her hymen. It would make us both happy if you were to give her hand to me."

Same as Shawn
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Chapter 2 discovering the need for an assistant Landon immediately stood up, crossed the room in a blink, and hugged Emily hard and fast. The beautiful smile on her face clued him in that she was absolutely as glad to see him as he was to see her. Landon suggested, ‘Let’s get the job done and go somewhere else to talk more.’ Emily readily agreed, with a little blush and giggle- hearing promise in that suggestion. The meeting was extremely brief and efficient. Emily had known exactly what she...

4 years ago
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The Manicurist

The Manicurist Belladonna [Author's Note: Partially based on a idea from Lois D'Nominator] Sidney Willard eyed up the bus as it started pulling over to the side of the road. He clutched the brown paper bag in his hands while he shook his head and muttered, "This is so unfair." Sidney was happy that he was standing alone by the roadside since he did not want anyone to get a good look at him. He had never ridden the bus before in his life, feeling that it was fit only for...

2 years ago
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Pizza guy really delivered part 2

Spencer rang the door bell just after midnight. He had a huge smile on his face as I opened the door to greet him. I invited him in and we headed to the rec room to grab a drink at my bar. I poured him a stiff rye & coke, and we headed upstairs to my bedroom where Liz awaited us. When we walked in the bedroom Liz had all the lights off. There was a sexy glow from the gas fireplace, a few s**ttered candles and the wall mounted tv with some porn playing. Liz was laying on the bed...

4 years ago
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Eden on the RailsChapter 13

"You shall have it, Muriel my dear. I hate to think how much this will set me back, but it was worth it! The dinner is, what, three days from now?" Gloria responded, "Yes, dear. Three days from tonight. The dresses arrived just in time. Now Penny and I need to pick up our necklaces, to set off the dresses." "Necklaces? You have necklaces? I don't remember seeing them." John expressed his doubt. Gloria smiled sweetly. "They are being made for us as we speak, darling. Nothing...

3 years ago
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ExGirlfriend Ko Ussi Ki Ghar Mein Choda

Hello ISS readers. Mera naam aashish hai , main iss ka daily reader hun and main delhi ka rehne wala hun. Meri height 6ft hai and body lean hai. Main athlete hun and mery 7 inch ke lund ne bhoto ko satisy kiya h. Koi bhi aunty ya ladki mazza chahti ho ya sexual realtion bnna chahti to email me ” ”. Relation secret rahega don’t worry. Ye meri first story hai so achi lagy to please give me feedback on the email above. Jyda time na lety hue main apni story pe aata hun. Meri story ki heroine h...

3 years ago
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Vacation in Paradise

As I admired my bikini-clad figure in the dressing room, I knew that all of the exercise and dieting had been worth the sacrifice. At 39, my petite body was as toned and supple as it had been in my early 20s. The white string bikini contrasted beautifully with my long strawberry blond hair and green eyes and perfectly accentuated my perky 34 C breasts and the tight curves of my ass. Having climbed enough stairs on the gym stair climber to reach the moon and back in the past 4 months, I was...

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Be the happiest and not the most successful

It was January 1985 and I was your normal 15 year old. Always full of energy and ready to do anything fun and exciting. One of my favorite things to do was hiking and camping in the mountains near our house. Ever since I was born, our family would always take trips up to the mountains to hunt & fish. We would spend days camped in a tent next to our favorite lake. This year we didn't get to take our usual trip due to my dad's job. My mother could tell I was depressed because I looked forward...

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Wisdom of a Goddes Chapter One

Wisdom of a Goddess By CelestialFury Chapter 1 The air was filled with the sounds of battle: steel striking against steel, the thunder of horses hooves pounding on the earth, the cries of agony escaping from the lips of warriors who would soon travel to the Tir Na nOg. The field reeked of sweat, blood, and death. The Ligan were outnumbered but their goddesses were on their side. Badb and her sister Fea soared over the battle on their great black wings, shouting for the...

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Miss Mabel

This is my first attempt to write erotic fiction. It seemed natural to me to give my tale specific locations, Loughborough, Leicester and North London, and a specific time-frame, the 1850’s. I hope my tale gives pleasure, despite being so far removed from most stories on Literotica. Please bear with it. Almost all the characters are made up, but two, Alderman Biggs and William Perkin lived real lives. Much to my regret I totally lost touch with my first volunteer editor when my computer...

1 year ago
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Desperate Married White MILF for BLACK Cock

Maria took a deep breath and felt the weight of his hand on her shoulder. She was electrified by his touch and the strength with which he seemed to know exactly what to do. "Are you sure you want this because it might be a little more than you can handle?" With that, Rick took Maria’s hand and put it on his growing erection. Maria’s eyes widened, thinking of what it would be like to have it inside her and reflected momentarily if she would become a “slut for black cock” like she had...

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Discovering Joy

This is fiction, mixed with one of my fantasies. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. The second chapter will be coming next weekIt took thirty five years but I have finally had a major fantasy come true. Let me tell you my story;I recently celebrated my sixtieth birthday. The wife and I live in a small town that is roughly three hours from her parents and all our c***dren. This arrangement allows us a lot of privacy and we do take advantage of it. Our sex life is active...

2 years ago
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Moti Gand Tagadi Chudai

Mera naam rohan hai, me baroda se hun, me Indian sex stories ka bahot bada fan hun , kai stories mene favorite hai. Aur me pahele gay bhi nahi tha. Par isako padhane ke bad aesa experience karane ka moka mila, me vahi apase share kar raha hun. Meri age 24 hai aur me dikhane me achha hun, matab white, clean shave, good height, par me thoda mota bhi hun, kai ladakiyo se mere riste rahe, au aaj bhi hai, par jab bhi sex hot man ko dekhata hun to pata nahi nasha sa chad jata hai.mere cock ki size...

2 years ago
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Whacked Round Ass Lass 5 Whipped Reporter Anal LostChapter 8

Only her panties separated his hand from her skin and Bart knew in polite society he was in dangerous territory, but we’re getting ahead of ourselves. So, lets start from the beginning. “Look, CK that lady is whacked!” “Really, maybe you are the one who needs to be whacked!” CK Delhi stated. These were the utterances of one Charlotta King High’s talkative flag girl who just happened to have the best bottom in school. And, when she wore the tight red short-shorts as she was now just, ahead...

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Amandine 2

I will not hide that this idea did not upraised any moral conflict. But I believe that after death, it is all black and nothing, no matter what you did in your life. I dealt with this conflict by saying to myself that moral was unnecessary, and that I wanted to enjoy my life. As for Amandine’s address, this was a little more complicated. For security purpose, I did not have access to it with my job, and her name was surely an alias. I had to find it thanks to the camera. But I already told you...

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Wifey explores BBC

It started because she was dressed in some eye catching "party" clothes. We were at a bar and she was being slutty flirty with me. She went outside behind the bar expecting me to come fuck her. Instead a huge black guy who had noticed her actions got to her before me and fucked her brains out. It was a surprise to her, but she enjoyed the sex.We had talked about it at great length. Now she was going to go out to see if she could pick up a guy at a bar. I was turned on by the thought of her...

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Mommys Chastity Boy Part VI

(All characters are age 19+) It is Friday night, just past 7 o'clock. I am getting ready for a night out with some friends. We are planning on dinner and a concert afterwards. As I touch up my make-up, I hear a knock on the door. She is finally here. I head downstairs towards the front door. I open it and standing there, in the doorway, is my good friend Christina. We met months ago, back at the tattoo parlor. She's one of the talented artists that work there. She stands taller than...

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What once was

I couldn’t even begin to tell you how much I want him. He would whisper my name into the phone and create a fever in me. ‘Adeline….’ his voice would trail out of the earpiece and slip into my ear, Sliding down my spinal cord into all my secret places. ‘Come here…I need to have you, I need to feel your body shudder under my thrusts, I need to hear you breathing hard, I need to make you scream for more.’ No one has ever made me as wet as he could. Every word he breathed would stimulate...

Straight Sex
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Ek Haseen Sham

Hi this is my true story it all began when I visited my Mausi place to give her some sweets which my mom had asked me to give her. There was cousin of my mausi husband who was visiting her at that time, her name is shweta. I saw shweta 1st time and just gave a smile; I did not spoke anything to her, as I was very shy at that time. I was studying engineering at that time in the year 2005. We both did not spoke anything just looked at each other eyes. For the next few years there were no...

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Dear Gregory

Dear Gregory, I'm writing you this letter because I just couldn't stand not knowing any more. I didn't tell you this in person because I couldn't muster up the courage. I know this will all come as a big shock to you, but I need to know once and for all what your reaction will be. As you know, when we first moved in together into our apartment, we hardly had any furniture. We shared a bedroom for the first two months until we had enough money to get a second bed for my room. I think at first I...

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Bridgets NightsChapter 6

As it turned out, it was three nights before I was able to deliver Sally May back to her home and family. By then I was walking kinda crooked. For someone who just wanted to experiment before settling down, I found she had been imaginative and down right insatiable. Just my kind of girl. Sally lived in a tiny rural community that in a strange way I felt right at home in. Her family was a wonderful group of down to earth people that reminded me of my own. Little formal education was overcome...

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Winning Over the Football Team

DISCLAIMER: I'm English, so for those of you in the US, *Football* is Soccer.Sweat laced my athletic figure as I pushed my body to the limit. I was the only girl in an all-male football team, which brought a number of obstacles for me to overcome. My footballing talents set me on par with the boys, but physically it was tough.The boys threw their weight around. Knowing I was better than them, they would try to bully me into submission. My presence in the team threatened their masculinity, they...

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WildOnCam Sara St Clair Voluptuous Babe

Wild hottie Sara St Clair just loves to show off those beautiful large tits of hers! She teases in her lacy blue lingerie taking her time taking it off as all of your cocks get harder and harder! She knows just how badly you’d love to feel those breasts as you titty fuck her! Brad Knight is happy to jump in that bed to get his cock sucked. Sara loves to get sloppy licking all around his shaft before getting on top and making those giant jugs bounce! She takes every inch and wants to see...

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Augenarzt und Optiker

Als ich in der letzten Woche bei meinem Augenarzt war, traf mich der Schlag. Da es mein erster Besuch dort war, wusste ich nicht was mich dort erwartete. An der Anmeldung saß eine sehr attraktive junge dunkelhaarige Frau. Ihr lächeln verzückte scheinbar jeden Patient der Praxis, so also auch mich. Aber als ich mich leicht über die Anmeldung beugte um ihr etwas auf dem, von mir mitgebrachten Zettel zu zeigen. Vielen mir meine Augen aus dem Kopf. Sie gewährte mir einen Einblick in ihre Bluse, den...

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Im Watching Sure

I typed:It’s hard to fuck your best friend’s wife, especially when you’ve known both of them for years. It was probably awkward for him because he spends a lot of time with ya’ll and , add to the fact that I know you suck a mean dick, Mike probably would’ve caught feelings and tried to keep you.It’s easier when you’re not emotionally involved with the couple. Like there was this interracial couple that wanted me to watch them have sex one day.(More liked I inquired about it.) It was my first...

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Our mutual lust for spandex and tights wrecks his home. Oops.We met at the amateur theatre group. Theo was recently retired. He’d previously had a career in the army, after which he ran a pub for a while He wanted something creative to do in his retirement but confessed to me that he just wanted to get out of the house, away from his wife and dull life. I, meanwhile, had recently graduated from university, and had moved out. I guess I just wanted to make new friends. Strangely enough, I also...

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The capture of a Beauty

Master Byron The capture of a Beauty Gemma Jones The great building sat nestled in the forest, it was known to the village people that Byron was not ?normal? his presence was only ever experienced in the dead of night, once a year as he came to claim his next woman. What he did to them was never known but in the 25 years none had ever returned, and stranger still rumour had it that his looks had never aged as time would have it. To all who REALLY knew, Byron was a creature of the night, a...

1 year ago
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BethChapter 34

July 30, 2017 Dear Ms. Diary, [Written July 31] I woke in the wee hours of the morning to a loud, very loud, crash of thunder, to realize that Mom might have had a good suggestion. I can feel the close presence of both my lovers, as I obviously wound up in the middle last night. “That’s a crazy storm out there,” Heather said quietly from my right. “I’ve been listening to it for a while. I’m sort of glad that the last boom woke you up. I’ve been wanting to share this.” “How did you know...

4 years ago
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Dance of a LifetimeChapter 137 A Visit Home

Warren and Sophie returned to Oceanview for pretty much all of the month of August. Jessie came for part of the time, but was back in Wisconsin earlier than the other two. They worried about her being alone, but she didn't mind. "Believe me, I can't wait for you two to come back, but the peace and quiet is actually nice. Since I've never lived alone, it's a nice change, at least temporarily." The reason Warren and Sophie came home-besides visiting-was choreography. It was easier for...

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Group sex that happened to us in Spain

I want to share a story that happened to us in Spain. My name is Vadim, my wife is Natalya. Several years ago we had a summer vacation in Palma de Mallorca. the rest was calm, and we decided to visit a local nightclub on one of the last days. in the evening my wife took a shower and put on a beautiful cocktail dress, in which she looked very sexy, and we went to a night swinger club.In the club building, in the center of the large hall, there was a striptease stand. there the strippers took...

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16th Birthday spent fucking Daddy Dave

Hi guys My names Jessica and I have just turned 16 today!! :-D I live in London, England with my Mum, Dave (her fiancé) and my very annoying little brother Simon. Mum has been with Dave since I was 4yrs old, so I guess you can say he's been like a Dad to and of course he's the father of my stupid little brother. Dave works for an IT company, so mostly he works from home. Mum works as Nurse which means she does night shift a lot and I don't get to see her that often as she picks me up from...

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EvilAngel Adreena Winters Destroy My Makeup

Busty British MILF Adreena Winters poses on the beach, revealing the butt plug lodged in her tight asshole. Back at the studio, director Angel Long fingers Adreena’s booty, and slender Adreena eats Angel’s butthole in a lesbian rim job! Adreena gags on Mr Longwood’s big black cock in a slobbery blowjob. His face fucking destroys her makeup! Mr Longwood reams her tight white rump. Adreena moans as the ebony stud pounds her asshole to gaping. The interracial anal fuck climaxes...

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BigTitsRoundAsses Ashlyn Peaks Ashlyn Peeks That Dick

Ashlyn Peaks is so horny by the pool. She has perfect big round titis ready to play with, she is relaxing at the pool, but her delicious tits are going wild. Just the slightest movement and her tits jiggle and bounce everywhere. She needs a dick to calm them down. So Jay comes over and wrangles them into compliance. He fucks her tits nice and good. She starts sucking his cock and it gets even harder. Jay can help but to notice her giant round ass. He fucks her pussy right. He cums all over her...

3 years ago
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Swing Shift

She was a typical midwestern girl from the late seventies. She wore tight jeans, Converse basketball shoes and denim shirt and puffy coat. Her light brown hair was parted in the middle and feathered on the sides. Franky seemed to know her and kept looking in on our interactions. At one point he pulled me aside and read me the riot act about cheating on my girlfriend Amy. I just smiled. I wouldn't let him take the high ground anymore because I discovered he was having sex with our boss,...

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My Dirty Little Secret 9

And 'Quin' is actually 'Dave' -- I didn't forget that name, obviously, but I've got this weird quirk of writing each chapter with different names, just experimenting with the flow of names so that I can use them for some other writing I do (unfortunately that isn't erotica). Then I just replace the names with the names I've been using for the series. Anyway, I'm sorry for that mistake and hopefully it won't happen again. You probably have noticed from the scroll bar to the...

3 years ago
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Magic Cum

Bill snuck into the room of his 16-year old stepsister. As usual both their parents were at their night jobs. It was a warm night and Alice was sleeping on her back, naked, and legs akimbo. She was a cock-inspiring sight. She had firm tits with long nipples, a shapely ass and a beautiful cunt with trimmed bush. Bill had only hoped to sneak a peek at her, but the sight of her naked body made his jizz boil. He dropped his pajama bottoms and standing naked started stroking his cock. It was...

1 year ago
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Beginners Meeting A Play Third stab at humor

Beginner’s Meeting, A Play Scene 1: A church basement. An odd looking assortment of people are sitting on metal folding chairs arranged in a circle. In the corner is a table with coffee and donuts. Characters: Charles: Middle aged man, about 40 dressed in a plaid sweater. He is the group leader. Pete: a.k.a. Pervert Pete, a graying man of about 60 dressed in a raincoat. Bob: A fidgety man of about 35 who continually clutches an inflatable sheep. Alan: Middle aged man of about 48 dressed...

2 years ago
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Prick Van WinkleChapter 15

The symphony was wonderful, as was the late evening dinner they had at a little Italian restaurant Zack knew about. It was past eleven when they finally got back to Zack's car. Val leaned back in her seat and sighed. "I ate too much. I'm just stuffed. I bet I look fat." Zack glanced at her lithe form in the clinging dress. "You're fishing for a compliment." he said. Her smile was only white teeth reflected in the light from the street light. "You caught me mister detective. I...

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Meister T Gier nach Lust und Pein

Meister – T – und Voyeurismus als KunstformMeister - T - Gier nach Lust und PeinHillas hohe rote Lackstiefel - Größe 36Lest - Was bisher geschah: - - - - -Bleibt auf dem laufenden und lest...

4 years ago
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El of a ThingChapter 8

FRIDAY 3: 45 P. M. Lake's Edge Hold, Elfrealm Lake's Edge Feeling like he needed to probe the attitudes of his Dark Cousins, Elnore called them to a meet in the Solarium. After the formal greetings were taken care of food and drink appeared. While Elnore nibbled at his portion the others fell to with a will. Snatches of tight band comm between the Dark Crew gave rise to Elnore's thought, 'What in the worlds must they be eating over there, that makes simple fare like this seem...

3 years ago
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Girls Like That

She was so tight she made my loins ache. I wanted inside of her. The slutty little thing wore a shiny lick of a dress that reminded me of the black paint on my favorite ride. Now I wanted to ride her ass just like I ride my bikes, with a lot of speed. No brakes would be needed for that piece of tail, she wasn’t after safety. I could tell by the way all five-foot-nothing of her prowled the bar floor in those spiked stilettos. There was nothing passive or tentative about her. She had game, but...

1 year ago
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TeensLoveBlackCocks Kyra Rose The White Rose And The Black Beast

There is a first time for everything. When Kyra Rose comes over to meet Jon Jon, she is a little surprised. She was not expecting a black guy, but she gets paid either way, so she does her best to just roll with it. Meanwhile, he does his best to set the mood by breaking out the champagne. Kyra strips down to her bra and panties and gives Jon Jon a private lap dance in the living room, grinding her ass against his stiffening cock in his pants. When he pulls it out, its almost too big for her to...

4 years ago
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My First Time With A Porn Star To Be Chapter 2

Candy was sitting up on the bed with one leg open off to the side giving me a perfect view of her now shimmering wet pierced pussy. I could not believe that this was happening to me. I mean, one of the hottest girls in town that had the hots for me, a guy still in high school. Rumor has it that she dated a guy that was in college when she was in high school. Anyways, something took me over, like a natural instinct. Her pussy was magnetizing my now throbbing cock. I push her on her shoulder to...

2 years ago
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SG69 Mission 1Chapter 8 Mission 1 Debrief

"Based on your initial report, I've asked Dr. Fraiser and Teal'c to sit in on this debriefing," said General Hammond. "Dr. Fraiser? Would you care to fill us in on what you've discovered about the substances SG-6 brought back?" "Yes Sir," said Fraiser. "There were three different herbal based compounds. The first was identified as linth, which Major Finn says is an aphrodisiac. It turns out he's right." "I thought there was no such thing as a real aphrodisiac," said...

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best Massage ever

This is a true story of how I got introduced to the world of private message and happy ladies. About two years ago, I used to stay in the South Delhi locality of Vasant Kunj. I was working with a call center which meant that mostly I was on night shifts. Used to be picked up by call center cab at around 9 pm and dropped back in the morning. Life was good. And, then I started going to the neighborhood gym, and boy my life became better!Let me introduce you to Aarti, my neighbor. She must have...

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The Arising

To celebrate my transformation and to increase the effect of myfeminization, Mistress Lynn decided a name change was in order."What's a good name for a useless, slut French Maid,"she asked herself aloud. "I shall call you Dawn. I thinkit's appropriate because you are at the dawn of a new way of life."Another belt was strapped around my waist. It had a number ofloops. My mistress attached my wrist restraints to the strap.This allowed me limited use of my hands."Just enough freedom for you to get...

4 years ago
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Kumar Apartment Season 2 Part 572 Bhawna Ki Nasheeli Chaalbaazi

Narrated by Akash Main kuch samajh nahi paya. Ek taraf ye bol rahi ki usko mat batana aur ek taraf woh kah gayi ki ise na batana. Bhagwan hi jane in ladkiyo ke dimaag mein chalta kya hai. Main: Par kyu, ab kya karoge aap? Bhawna: Ghabrao mat, bass itna jaanlo ki jo hoga mere hisaab se hoga na ki uske hisaab se. Wayse Shobha ne mere liye kuch diya tha kya tumhe? Main sochne laga aur fir bola: Are haan aapki koi purse unke yaha chut gayi thi woh di hai aapko dene ke liye. Bhawna:...

1 year ago
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JulesJordan Abigail Mac Tries Out Dredds BBC It Just Wont Fit

Abigail Mac takes on the new monster cock Dredd! Abigail has always been up for a challenge, she’s taken on Lex, Mandingo and now gets a shot at Dredd’s BBC. She’s looking sexy in her blue lingerie, hanging by the pool and getting a nice tan until Jules introduces her to Dredd. Abigail wastes no time and pulls his monster cock right out, once her initial shock of the size is over she enthusiastically decides that she’s going to deep throat this BBC. Watching this...

4 years ago
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Pia and I slept with Daddies old friend

We were without doubt two Scandinavian beauties, two young girls with clear skin and long tresses of blond hair, separated by two years in age, both long limbed and physically athletic, sweet smelling and tomboyish to behold, two girls in the care of their divorced father, borne from a woman known for her sexual exploits with other men, a father with a hatred for his cuckoldress wife and her beautiful daughters.My sister Pia was changing, her body that is. I was envious of her breasts, her...

3 years ago
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Delta OriginalChapter 11 The First Jump

Lee woke up approximately four hours later. The crushing effects of the jump forced the breath out of her. The tunnel had been created, and they were short-cutting across space. She never could get her head around the science of why it was possible. It was a simple fact of her life. After the jump, Lee had stayed pinned to the mattress for a minute due to several gees of pressure, as the compensators tried to reassert the artificial gravity. She then floated and fell several times as they...

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