ProeliatorChapter 2 free porn video

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Later in the afternoon we went to see the smith. One of the three clay containers had sprung a leak. The contents was still just iron because the charcoal was gone. The other two were good. The pieces were forged welded and folded many times. A portion was cut off and this was shaped into a wood chisel while another was made into an iron for a plane.

These were finished as smooth as possible and then sharpened roughly. I explained again about hardening steel and quenched them one at a time. Sharpening was now much harder and the smith grumbled. When the chisel was fitted to a wood handle then used the grumbles stayed but I think the man was impressed. He examined the blade after every few strokes expecting it to be dull but being disappointed.

An apprentice was going to get the job of making a wood plane to hold the iron but the smith didn't want to get rid of the chisel yet.

We left the smith with the instructions to get the clay jars with good lids and mentioned that he didn't have to use his forge for this but he still needed a hot fire. Just like Yngvi, he said, "I know all about that."

I started to put on some weight now though it was hard to see. I ate a great deal but the German countryside produced a lot of food. Iulius had to pay for everything so I assumed that Lucius was the one footing the bill.

The men that went to make a bat had come back earlier and I complimented their work but also described how it could be made better in later versions. They didn't have a lathe and they were cut by hand.

I took the ball and swung at it and intentionally missed. After five times I had the carver stand the way I wanted then another man behind him and I pitched. He hit it the first time but not far. On the next pitch he hit it far over my head.

"That is the way to hit it. You would normally run from one base to another while my team tries to catch the ball and throw it back to touch you with it."

"Is that all there is to this game?"

"It is more complicated than that. You have to learn to rub your balls and spit too."

The men with the wing returned and their work looked very poor. The wing was twisted but one half was done fairly. I explained what was wrong and had the wing cut the way I wanted. We could keep one side. A wing could have a flat section on the lower surface or a hollow curve. I had wanted the former because it was easy to make. The men assumed that their quick work would be enough to make a flying vehicle.

While looking at the two wing sections I remembered the boomerang. It was just two wings joined together at a right angle with one leading and one following.

Iulius was always nearby and I decided to put on a performance. I had been working on the ideas for a few weeks and now appeared to be a good time. If I was going to get anywhere other than with the Frisians I would have to evoke the gods. I stood still and closed my eyes. I nodded to myself as if listening to a voice only I could hear then I smiled and said, "Yes, I will. Thank you."

I opened my eyes and with a big smile I said as I took the wing section in my hands. "Cut a piece of light wood like this." The two pieces of wood were at right angles. "This part here is the right shape but has to be cut smaller now. The other piece has to be cut the other way around. I was just told that this is used by the natives of a land on the other side of the planet. This one will spin, go far from me and then return."

The man that gave me trouble with making the wing said, "Who said?"

"Why one of Woden's people, I think."

There was a very pregnant pause and he said, "I heard nothing."

"But I did. I think most of my ideas must have come from his people this way. I just forgot."

Iulius got much closer and asked very earnestly, "What did they say?"

"I was just looking at the wing. They must have been watching me and showed me the wing in a different form. I saw the man's face. He was tall with wide shoulders and the thing he called a 'boomerang' looked small. He threw it and it came back though it didn't come back to his hand. He had a very handsome face with kind eyes. I was going to ask his name but every time I go to do that I start to think of something else."

"What did he look like?"

"He was big as I said but he didn't look German or Roman. His clothes were like the silk I had seen. It was cut and sewn with a lot of care. There were a lot of colours in it but they did not hurt the eyes but fit well together. He wore pants that fit him well but were not tight. It was warm but he wore boots." I looked at Iulius with a grin and said, "The boots were like the kind I must have made once."

I had already constructed the figure in my mind and worked to save it. I now had to go into greater and greater detail.

"Did he say anything else?"

"Yes. He held my face and I felt it tingle to his touch. He said," I paused to get my voice adjusted and in a deeper voice said, "I will repair your body. You have suffered much on my behalf." With another smile I said, "Do you think he can repair my body?"

Now it was Iulius turn to think and he said, "The gods can do anything they wish. If it is their wish then this will happen."

I kept a glad smile like a child and faced the men. "Will you make this for me? If you want you can just make rough piece of wood and I will show you how to shape it later."

The man I had bet with had understood everything and had his mouth open. After a long wait he came to his senses and said, "I will make this for you."

"Thank you."

Iulius pulled me into the tent and had me sit. "Tell me everything again in as much detail as possible." He had to go over this again to explain some of the new words. I repeated his words but he was anxious for the details now and not my grasp of the Latin language.

I started with the scene as if in a movie and added a fade in through a wall of fog. I thought this important. The twenty second time I had used for my conversation lasted nearly an hour as all the details possible were milked from it. I would have to remember all this too. I was sure I would have to repeat it later.

"You said your ideas came this way."

"I think that. How could a boy my age know how to make steel? How could a boy like me know how to make everything I have talked about? I had visions before this one and some are clearer now. I once rode in a giant flying vehicle that I talked about. I saw many strange sights but we were above the clouds so much that everything was hard to see through the glass."

I picked times in my past and just talked about one flight I was on. This way it was much easier to remember. Iulius had to get the boys to bed after I reminded him. I spent at least another hour talking about things that I felt I could let him know without damaging my position. We would have talked longer but I claimed fatigue.

That night I pulled out the stops on my recovery and worked to get everything working. This also meant improved plumbing for me and even some new testicles if I could get them my body to regenerate them.

The next morning Iulius was up early and started to ask more questions. We had not gone far when three men approached. They had the capes and weapons placement of high ranking Roman officers. We had not talked to them before and now the news of my conversation must have reached them.

Horatius Postuma was introduced by the lower ranking officer. The titles went on but he was not from the patrician class but had made it up through the ranks on his own initiative. He said, "I hear that a god spoke to this boy."

Iulius was the one he spoke to so he answered. "That is what I believe, Sir. We spoke last night of vehicles that could fly through the air. Jón has been doing a great many feats that nobody without a god's help could do."

"This is the boy that destroyed Gnaeus Scipio Magnus legion?"

"Yes he did. I heard that he used twelve children to do so. Some eighty men were there but they only escorted the children."

"I had heard that. How did he do it? I know about his weapons."

"We only talked to some of the survivors. They suddenly heard thunder that never stopped. Small spheres of iron came at the legion with such power that they went in one man then through many others. Their bodies simply burst like a ripe fruit.

"When there were no more men before the weapons then the metal flew over a hill instead. Different weapons from overhead came apart very quickly and pierced men even with armour. It went on for a long time but we think it only an hour.

"Camp was made and at night it was attacked with more of the metal that fell on us. None of those on patrol came back alive and all of them were killed the same way.

The next day this young man and his people worked hard to repair some of the damage they had done. Though he killed many, there are many Romans that owe their lives to him including my patron Lucius."

"I heard he ran the first time he had a chance." This was said very angrily.

"My patron had laid siege to Hildestun. There were very few barbarian warriors in the city and it should have fallen easily. The Frisians wore armour so good that our arrows would not penetrate it. They rode horses with strange saddles and used along lance that our men could not stand up to. We had a whole cohort but we were the only ones to suffer casualties.

"When this boy came he slipped undetected into our camp and was in the process of rescuing one of the children from Lucius own tent. Lucius confronted him and this boy said he would be back to talk after completing his mission."

"He allowed the prisoner to escape?"

"The prisoner was a young girl, Sir. She had not even a woman yet. It was much better to learn from the leader of the children instead of one child.

"This young man came back as he said and removed his weapons and offered them to be studied. My patron had given his word and this young man had given his so they were able to talk.

"They talked of things that only a god would know. Lucius knew that this boy was the only surviving son of Clovis, the king of the Frisians. Time was given for us to strengthen our camp without harassment. Later that day this young man brought out twenty of his men and his small group of children. The children controlled the cannons and fired into mature trees at a great distance. When we got close to the forest, we found that the trees had been broken like so much straw. Only a few of the iron balls were found, and one was deep in the ground while another had slowed down enough to be found buried deep in a tree after going through many more to slow it down."

Horatius said, "That is unbelievable. Nobody could do that."

"Then how did over four thousand men of our legion die? The boy killed nearly three and a half thousand Picts and wounded twice that many. Most would die."

When no answer came Iulius said, "The show of power had not ended. This lad cast forth a great many smaller spheres of metal that cut through more trees but not as deeply. No man no matter what his armour could stand up to this.

"After this happened, instead of asking for surrender of our forces, my master was given the chance to honourably withdraw.

"Lucius took this opportunity and went to inform Gnaeus Scipio Magnus Our general did not believe as you do not. At the first sound of the attack we pulled back. Tell me what you would have done? There was no defence possible.

"After the picts were slaughtered like sheep, Lucius got their king to provide some men and we watched as more picts were killed. It was only good fortune that allowed us to fight in the rain at night while cloaked in a thick fog.

"Six hundred and forty picts were killed outright that night as well as half of our cohort. More died in following days from the wounds.

"We managed to kill the Frisian men and they only numbered sixty four. We also killed the three children that did most of the slaughtering of our forces. We captured some of their weapons but the children and some of the weapons escaped. This boy here attacked alone with a flaming lance that could only be used by the gods themselves.

"The powder used to feed the cannon was destroyed all at once. We thought it was the gods' wish that we not gain this. This boy was struck by a piece of wood that penetrated his helmet.

"He was kept alive for days only to be tortured. His legs and arms were burnt but he said not one word. He was then castrated but again said nothing. It was only when the Picts were done did my master gain custody of the boy.

"Tell me that my master is a coward after standing up to the terrible weapons of the gods. We lost half our number and then it was the weather that defeated our enemy not our arms.

"Lastly, Sir, tell me how a boy of almost twelve summers is able to do all this and much more by himself? Only the gods can have chosen him for this task. What he is to do I have no idea but my master says it is not to destroy Rome but to abolish slavery and keep us from going to war to gain more land that we cannot hold."

Horatius just stared at me and so did the officers. I stood like a boy that had little idea of what was before him. I was also going over Iulius' words but there was no additional memories stirred up from them.

Horatius finally said, "I heard that a god may have spoke to him last night. What was said?"

Iulius answered. "The gods were watching over the boy. They must have smiled at what he was trying to do. They told Jón of a new device but not of a reason for making it. Jón wanted to make what he calls a wing. This he claims he has seen in his dreams. It was on a giant machine that carried hundreds of people at five hundred miles an hour and did this for hour after hour. All of this was far above the clouds.

"Jón wants to give us this information. The men I talked to would cut the wood for coin but the ideas come from the gods and through this boy that is before you now."

Horatius looked at me and said, "Is all this true?"

I said for the first time, "I have no idea. I guess I was struck on the head. I know that I forgot everything including my name. Iulius has been trying to help me remember but my past life has not returned. The visions I had of the gods though are coming clearer."

"What about the powder? Can you remember this or are you trying to keep it hidden?"

With a serious voice I said, "That has been lost. I may remember it later but to be truthful the powder is supposed to be weak. The gods know a great deal and give some of the knowledge to me freely. Some weapons I have seen but not understood that can destroy a legion very easily and by only one man. Getting away from war, I also see not only ways of moving through the sky but across the ground very quickly.

"The new type of iron I make will be made in such quantities that it can be used for a road. A giant machine will pull many large carts from one place to another. They can carry food or goods to sell or people. The roads you now use, can be improved. Bitumen is mixed with small stones and compressed into a hard surface. Giant vehicles travel on this carrying people and cargo. They move at fifty to a hundred miles an hour.

"The gods have shown me a kinder Rome that has no slavery. There is still a need for the legion but now they are to keep order. The soldiers are much more educated and they operate giant machines that make the simple cannon look like a toy. Rome is not ruled just by Romans but by everybody according to their numbers.

"I have seen us all becoming fabulously rich. We still have to work but our pay allows us to have so much more. We do not have slaves but machines are able to do much of the work.

"The gods use a device that they pick up and talk into. The voice can be carried at the speed of the lightning bolt around the planet. Think what this device alone could do for Rome."

The men looked at me in silence then Horatius said, "What can you show me?"

"I can show you a small model of the machine that will fly us from one part of our planet to another. It is being built now. I was also promised by the god I spoke to that my burns, face, teeth and my testicles would be repaired." I showed my scar tissue on all four limbs and pushed my face forward. I even dropped my pants to show that I was truly without a scrotum or even much of my penis. "You see me now much as I was. Surely nobody has healed from wounds like this. If I do then it has to be a god that has done this for me."

"When with this begin?"

"He already has. It may be very difficult to do this all at once. He is working slowly but I feel that it will only be a week before you can see some of the changes."

During the day many people came by to see me and my scars. I knew that they wanted to see the before picture so they could judge the after. Good skin was just under the scars and a week would be enough to shed my outer skin like a snake to reveal healthy skin underneath.

My aeronautical engineers came with more of their friends with some hastily made products. The wings were too poor to use but there were some blanks for making a boomerangs. I got a few of the men seated and got them to shape the two arms on the boomerang. One man was left handed and I had him cut his differently because it would spin the other way.

The other men went to find more wood and cut it before my eyes. This way I could make them right the first time. The ball and cup came back too but the ball was too big for the cup though it was close. The inside of the cup was enlarged instead.

I only smiled internally as I saw Roman legionnaires playing with a child's toy.

The boomerangs were roughed out and then rubbed down to smooth them out. Rather than go to an area outside the fort to test our devices we stayed to work on the wing. I went into the training I had to learn to fly a small fixed wing craft. There was no sense going far because I was only dealing with the wing itself now.

A much smaller wing was done that would be the tail. The horizontal and vertical stabilisers had no control surfaces and as a matter of fact neither did the wings.

A thin branch was cut like an arrow shaft and one of the men was able to get some of the glue from the fletcher. This was also used on the vertical stabiliser. The glue had to dry so this glider was put in a jig of stones to hold everything in position and additional hot rocks put close to dry the wood and set the glue sooner.

The boys now got a chance to play with the cup and sphere but more had to be made so they would get one. They had one of their propellers and launchers and this soon got copied too.

Two dozen men along with the carving crew went out to the field close to the fort. I explained about the boomerang and then threw it. It was like the frisbee in a way. You could do tricks with it if you played with it long enough.

The boomerang went out and it took a while until I got it to work right. The man making a left had version got his to work first. He was as excited as a boy and was telling everybody what had to be done to do it right. Those throwing it right handed failed utterly and they could not throw it with their left very well.

I was not that bad after ten throws and my casts got better the more I tried. Eventually I was the first to catch it as it came back to me. The two boys were dying to try but the bigger boys had to go first. It was getting dark and that was the only reason we had to go back.

Horatius Postuma and his two officers came back that night and he asked questions. Most of them were related to warfare in one way or another. He was told about larger cannon that could shoot over twenty miles but questioned this figure then questioned the accuracy especially when you could not see who you were shooting at.

Radio was explained like cell phones I had talked about earlier. They knew nothing about electricity so it was difficult without them knowing at least some of the intermediate steps.

They saw the model plane by torchlight and they at least knew about glue drying. I said, "The wings are still much too heavy. If the plane does not fly right we will have to cut large areas out of the wings to make it light then cover the wings with light cloth. Glue will have to be used again to make it stiff enough."

I had to get into the lift theory of a wing again but they questioned each and every assertion I made.

Horatius brought out his own version of the propeller and then I had to talk about what it did and why. This at least he understood because he had an example in his hands that actually did what I said.

It was difficult to get rid of the man that night and said that I would be around tomorrow to answer more questions. It was only when I said that the gods also talked to me in my sleep that he let me rest.

During the day I had been stimulating the skin and other organs to grow the way it should instead of the scar tissue I had. This was slow and I could do better with nothing else to distract me. My face though had to most work to be done. It was disfigured with a vengeance. Not only bone had to be sculpted but cartilage and skin. At least the skin grew much quicker. To mark the transition I decided to change my hair colour. I was now going to find out if platinum blondes had more fun than the shade of blonde I now had.

The next morning I itched all over but instead of scratching I just cut back on my sensory input. I had used a lot of resources so when breakfast came I ate ravenously.

Iulius was looking at me oddly and I said, "What is it that you find interesting?"

"You have changed already but I cannot see how just yet."

"Perhaps in a few days you will see some changes." I had wanted to say this in other words and asked about the words that may fit my ideas. I found a few more and tried to file them away to when they were needed.

I spent the morning making another plane but this time the wing was lightened when large rectangular sections were cut out of it. Horatius reluctantly donated some silk which I glued over the entire wing area. He even helped me when I said I was tired. We had no trouble getting more glue from the fletcher.

The mounting of the wood rod was now easier because it was slightly adjustable in relation to the tail section.

That afternoon I got Horatius to let me have eleven men while he had eleven of his own. All I had to say was that I had seen this in my dreams with the gods. It was a given that he would try. Outside the fort we made a pitch that was sixty paces by thirty. The goals were set up at each end and they were as tall as what a tall man could reach and five paces wide.

I kicked the ball around then kicked it to the men. I told them the rules about no hands except the goalie and then only in his area. Everybody wanted to play skins so one team got a white cloth and the other got any colour they could find.

I was the referee too and I had to be impartial even though this was just to get used to the rules. The Romans thought this a sport for sissies because they could not foul anybody. They could not use a knife or even punch anybody.

Soccer in my time had the players barf with the amount of running they had to do. The Romans were used to this treatment already and only one had to get rid of his last meal.

At half time, Horatius was excited. The sport was to his liking. He looked at my expression and asked, "What is wrong."

"I am worried about what will happen in a few years."

"Do not worry. Nobody will attack you."

"It is not that. You have the Roman soccer team already started. I have to get the Frisians to do the same thing. Then I have to get them to play without killing each other. Your team looks both very rough but also very good. Germany may not be able to compete as well."

"Do you think your people will play this game with us?"

"Oh yes they will. We are bigger and stronger but your people need less muscle to run all over the field. We cannot use the strength of our arms and have to rely on our legs. Then we both have to worry about the Picts. They are like you and will give you more of a challenge."

"You talk as if we will not be at war with anybody."

"Empires are always at war even if it is to keep their own people in line. I can go to Rome and challenge your empire to series of games in the Colosseum. I have to think of a suitable prizes for the winners."

"What do the gods give?"

"Gold, lots of gold. I talked about radio sending your voice for thousands of miles well in a very complicated process your picture could go too. It is almost like being at the game. When the games are played the pictures could go to everybody in the empire."

"That is amazing but do you think others will be interested?"

"The gods are crazy about soccer." I got close as if telling a secret and said, "They act like some of the people in the Colosseum might act."

The man looked at me and tried to fit this new piece of data into his conception of gods. I continued, "Television will make a lot of gold for some people."

"How?" He was even more interested now.

"If I show you a picture that reminds you of your favourite type of wine, you will want to drink it a little bit more each time it is shown. If I own the vineyards then you will want to buy my wine. If I pay to have my pictures shown to everybody then they will all want my wine. If I make bread or anything else I can have the pictures shown or have people talk about my products and say how good they are. I could be very rich."

Horatius said, "You would have to be rich already to have your wine available to everybody."

"That is very true but I would be very much richer."

"How do you send these pictures."

"This is a very complicated subject. No man can know everything. Some men know how to do one task while others do something different. You need to have power again and this means that you have to turn a machine and it makes harnessed lightning. The lightning goes through silver wires but it is too expensive. Very pure copper works just as well. Then there are many parts that have to be made. Some use up the power of the lightning while others change it a little bit."

I stopped and looked at him with a put on face. "I just thought of something. There is a type of iron that sticks to another piece of iron. Have you heard of this?"

"Yes I have. It is said to be bewitched."

"It isn't. It is natural. Do you have any or know where some is?"

"No, why?"

"I was going to make something for you. It always points north so you know what direction you are going."

"I can tell by the sun and the stars."

"With the sun almost right overhead you cannot tell. On a cloudy or foggy night the same thing is true."

"I don't need it then."

"You are a soldier. You may be attacked at any time or have to attack in turn. You have to be ready all the time too."

"What would you know about fighting? You..." He seemed to catch himself and was quiet. Eventually he said, "I will see if I can find some."

"Thank you and in return I will make you something to point north. I need a small amount of steel and a very small cup made out of bronze, brass or copper. Wood or clay works too if necessary."

It was late in the day that we found the second model dry enough to test. Horatius and I went alone for a secret trials. The model flew but not the way I wanted. Horatius and I went over it and I mentioned what might be wrong and he started to make his own suggestions.

The tail was brought closer and the dowel was pushed further forward to shift the centre of gravity. After that it flew very well with just a small push. It wasn't quite gossamer light but we could work on it.

Horatius said, "We should make a very large one of these. If only I had more silk."

"I will tell you a secret that nobody knows."

He very eagerly said, "Yes?"

"Silk comes from the east but nobody knows how it is made. It is a secret that is jealously hidden from everybody."


"You have seen different kinds of long green worms. When it is time they find a place to rest. They attach themselves to a plant then spin a material that goes completely around them. Inside this new home and over a period of time the worm's body changes until it becomes a moth or butterfly."

Again the conversation was long. I had to describe around some of the words to get the appropriate word. I was learning the language but not quickly enough.

"One worm in the east spins its home and before it can chew its way out after becoming a butterfly it is put into boiling water. The end of the thread is found then and pulled off slowly."

He looked at me so oddly I added, "I am not lying. Only you and I know this. Some people have been known to be killed to keep this secret."

"Why did you tell me?"

"A strand of silk is very strong. Rope made of this will be even stronger. If you get some strong but light wood you can make a frame. This needs to be covered in one large piece of silk. A man can hang below this and jump off a very hill in the morning where wind is blowing. The man will fly for a long time until he lands. All that he needs is an area where the heat from the sun makes the land hot enough to make the air above it rise. A man simply stays in this air going up and he goes up with it.

Same as Proeliator
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I invite you to my account:GayStoriesPLBelow, you can read the story "Thriller", have a good reading and please leave a comment after reading.ThrillerAutumn afternoon. Outside the window pretty nice weather. Colorful leaves fall from the trees. Despite this, I was a little depressed, but it's probably normal for this time of year. With headphones the sound was coming out my favorite piece. At least that in some way improved my mood. With thoughtfulness rescued me my phone vibration rhythm....

1 year ago
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ExploitedCollegeGirls Blair 19 yearold

Today is 19 year-old Blair who by all accounts is the stripper with the heart of gold we come to realize as this shoot progresses. But don’t let all her tattoos fool you. No no no no no, Blair is sweet, confident, and likes her sex soft and sensual with lots of kissing and passion. Well we’re not the playboy channel here but we are all about capturing whatever the situation presents and Blair presents a lot. Now I’ve never met a girl that’s had a continuous orgasm during sex until today. Well I...

3 years ago
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A Navy Wife and Cum Slut

I have always felt that it is important for the citizens of our country to support our active duty military in their service to our country, and I got my chance to provide significant support after my husband joined the Navy. My name is Susan, and at the time of this story I was 21 years old and living in Norfolk, Virginia. My husband Ed was 22 years old and on active duty in the Navy on a ship with Norfolk as the home port. But my story of becoming a slut really starts when I was at the end of...

3 years ago
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My Incestuous Journey

Hi, people of indian sex stories dot net, my name is Siddarth (real name). I’m 18 years old with a height of 190cm weighing 80kg of pure muscles. I’m a health freak and actively involved in sports and go to the gym every day. The heroine in this sexual adventure is Annu (real name). She is 23 years old. Height 170cm weighing at 55kg. Her body measurements are 36B 25 28. With that caramel skin and snake-like eyes, she is a looker. She is like the reincarnation of the sexual goddess because...

1 year ago
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DDFBusty Cherie Deville From Butt Probing To Ass Fucking

American Milf Cherie Deville observes Codey Steele in the bedroom as he watches porn and strokes his boner. The busty hottie wants his young dick inside her wet snatch and confronts him later on in the living room. There’s no way he can resist her big tits, curvy ass, and seductive words! Within seconds, he crams his face between her cleavage and plays with her 32DD / 70F boobs. The cock-hungry cougar kneels in front of his sac and takes his enormous cock down her deep throat for some...

1 year ago
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A Deal is a Deal

When I was 19 I had a boyfriend who had never performed oral sex on a girl before he had met me. He was eager to try at first, but I have to admit that he wasn't very good at it and therefore he shied away from it so that his performance wouldn't disappoint me. It was a new experience for him. He would usually go down on me long enough to get me wet so he could slide into me, but that was about it. He never took his time. He was great in all other aspects of our sex life, but I wanted to...

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Breed Me Part 1

The heavy hotel door closes with a thud. The jarring sound makes my heart race a little faster. I slowly walk into the room, taking in my surroundings. It’s a swanky, sexy hotel and the room doesn’t disappoint. Perfect for what I have planned. A big king size bed with sumptuous white sheets and comforter; six fluffy oversized pillows grace the leather headboard. Turning, I smile at the big windows overlooking the city. I immediately think of him fucking me up against the windows, my breasts...

2 years ago
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431 After the passing pt2

431 After the passing pt2He stared hard at the images, flipping the pages, checking each image carefully Ann of Hull, Sarah of Liverpool, and Tina of kings-Lynn all leered at him as he turned the readers wives pages. That took about two minutes as laughing he picked her easily, her face more youthful and smiling but recognisably her, he then looked at the clothed body, now beside him, markedly more robust, but to him still most attractive. She was flattered that he recognised her so easily. “Do...

4 years ago
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I Have No IdeaChapter 19

I leaned my head back and sighed in antagonistic arrogance. The sound of my piss overcame my repetitive smug voice. I had stomped up the pills in the far corner of the room. I spent an hour, give or take, being proud of myself. They didn’t give me--I didn’t give me even an empty bottle so I walked back over and I fouled the orange gel and amber powder. I pulled my shirt over my face when the bubbling became energetic. The other side of the room was the television. I retreated as quickly as I...

1 year ago
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Alicias New Life chapter 7

Alicia's New Life By Christine statment by Kathy Peterson I know that there is no way that I can take back what I did to my brother so many years ago. The only thing that I can say is that at the time, I was 14 and had just lost both of my parents in a terrible plane crash. We both were given into the custody of our older brother who didn't care about anything. When he hooked up with this mean blonde, she gave me many ideas how to torment my brother. I was 14 and wanted to take my...

1 year ago
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Land of Dixie

I was walking down the street one day and I see her a black woman and my first thought was damn nigger, but then something strange happend I felt really bad I mean she is really beautiful if she was white I'd be all over that. Then I thought occurred to me why not talk to her I could fuck one nigger pussy is pussy and it's not like anyone my friends or family will find out. Ok here goes . "Hi excuse me mame could I have a a second of your time?" I ask as I catch up to her "Umm sure what do you...

2 years ago
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Finding out her son is a girly doll

Her only k** never had a father , he lives in Europe somewhere, a random guy after a party at the bar,at 27 she had a good job and all so she kept him and bee a awesome mom for all she near 50s she know she made the right decision, life with him had been so easy, not the typicall brat every mum at her work always complain aboutIt started as a big dry stain on his boxer around 16 and most like every mum didnt say a word about it, actually happy for her son to discover joy and living...

3 years ago
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Ok so I guess Irsquom bisexual then

So this was freshers week, I was staying in halls with all girls. There was the standard getting to know each other and then going out and getting very drunk. I was anticipating a lot of cock over that week. I was single, had my own room away from my parents and had long accepted that I was a little bit of a slut and it was freshers.I got to the halls quite early on the first day of freshers, so I got in and unpacked a few more girls started turning up and we got talking and arranged to go to...

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Unexpected encounter

"Boy this is the life," Annette mumbled out loud while slathering her naked body with a generous helping of sun screen!!! After being cooped up in the city for fifty weeks a year, she had just followed her nose until she had discovered a small hidden lake deep inside the Minnesota-Canadian Boudary Waters area north and west of Duluth!!! She had pitched her small tent and set up camp three days ago and had as yet not seen another single solitary soul, which was just fine with her as rest and...

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In My Dreams

I lay in bed, feeling my husband's weight next to me. I can't sleep; my mind wanders to thoughts of another man. One who's touched my heart, my mind, and my body, with just words. No, I've never met him face to face, but his words to me through e-mails and stories have touched me in ways that no other person has ever done. As I lay there in the terminal blackness of night, my mind goes from thoughts of how he's touched me to how I want him to touch me. I can't help the smile that crosses...

4 years ago
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A WellLived Life 2 Book 8 NIKAChapter 8 Kingrsquos Head Pub

September 15, 1994, London, England “Did she say what she wanted?” I asked. “No, Mr. Adams; she simply asked to be connected to your room. Do you wish to speak to her?” Refusing would be the simplest course of action, but would also be rude in the extreme. And I’d likely have to see her in the morning when I ran and did kata, unless I ran a totally different route through the streets and skipped my karate practice. In the end, I decided it was easier to simply speak to her and see what she...

1 year ago
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Mehak Ke Saath 8211 Part 1

Hello guys, Aryan Chauhan this side coming up with my first story on Indian sex stories of my experience with my hot neighbor girl Mehak. First let me tell you something about myself. I am from Faridabad, NCR. I am 21 years old, 5’10” , Wheatish colour, Slim Built, dick 7” . Mehak, the hot chick , she is 18 , Fair in colour, Slightly fat but excessively cute. Her figure, which i came to know later, is 35-30-36. You can very well imagine the hotness she carries with her. Now coming to the story....

2 years ago
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Succubus Statistics

Succubus Statistics************************************************* Copyright Oggbashan December 2004/October 2014The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work.This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary; the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons.*************************************************I was in real trouble. I had failed the statistics module of...

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The Gardener

Lindsey and Martin had been in a relationship for five years. They were both in their late twenties and equally successful. Lindsey was a human resources lawyer and Martin an accountant.Four years before they had decided to cohabit in Martin’s home for two reasons; Firstly, Martin had a magnificent garden and secondly, because Martin worked from home, he already had a well laid out office to suit his needs. Lindsey, whose home needed a great deal of TLC at that time, was therefore happy to sell...

Gay Male
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Spa nach der Betriebsfeier

Seit ein paar Monaten bin ich in einem mittelständischen Betrieb beschäftigt. Am heutigen Abend sind wir von der Firmenleitung zu einer Betriebsfeier in ein Gasthaus eingeladen. Nach dem Abendessen hält der Chef zunächst die üblichen Dankesreden an seine Mitarbeiter. Nach dem offiziellen Teil unterhalten wir uns zunächst recht angeregt miteinander, obwohl ich meine Kolleginnen und Kollegen noch nicht so gut kenne. Da sind auch ein paar sehr hübsche Mädchen dabei, allerdings sollen diese wohl...

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Mistis Adventures Part 99

The party had gotten a bit out of hand for Sue's taste. There was more drinking than she could tolerate, and some one, or maybe several, had brought d**gs to the gathering. She had seen a boy that she didn't care for, that much, pouring something into a girl's drink. Knowing the boy, a REAL scumbag, in HER opinion, she could easily figure out what it was. Sue had "bumped" into her, causing her to drop the drink on the ground. Sue had apologized to her, and got her a new drink. The boy had...

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SRU One Of Those Days

A SPECIAL NOTE: This is my latest story. It's a little short and it may seem like I hurried it up a little at the end, but this is one of my more personal stories and I wanted to get it out as soon as possible. I didn't focus that much on the TG element. This entire story was based on a horrible dream that I had last week. It upset me very much, but I figured it might make a good story. This is the closest I've ever written to myself, mainly because it is me! I'd like to dedicate...

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my first tv times

Where to begin? Well I am a 43 year old reasonably happily married man. My marriage of 11 years was moving along auto-pilot. What I will outline is a journey into new sexual territories. It began harmlessly when my wife took up an Open University course, she was away most weekends studying for her course work. I started going out more with some colleagues from my work, a mixed bunch of marrieds, divorced and single guys. We went to local bars the odd club and parties. One weekend there were...

4 years ago
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Rahul And Dharanya 8211 Best Friends 8211 Part 1

Hi everybody, I am Rahul, a normal looking guy, and I make friends easily by my entertaining way of talking.I work in Bangalore in a company.This incident happened a few months back.I have a friend dharanya,fair 5.5”,correct boobs,and on a whole perfect structure.We are just friends,like we talk casually about movies,books,cooking and other likes and dislikes.We rarely go out to malls.This was like a limited access friendship. Whenever she comes with me,she sit in the bike casually,neither too...

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Their Forbidden Love Ch 02

I looked up at the stars feeling Jonathan squeeze my hand a little. ‘Hey, where are you?’ he asked me, making me sigh. Even though the hood of the car was cold below the material of my skirt I laid there thinking. ‘Why don’t you ever talk about your father?’ I wondered what triggered that conversation. But it was true. Aside from telling him that my father died when I was seven I didn’t say much about it. Honestly I haven’t thought about my father in a long time and that thought pained me. It...

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La Senorita De Muerte

After the events in Beijing a month earlier the outcome of their trial had never been in doubt. Guilty on all counts. Sentence – death. Unusually, much to everyone’s surprise the method of execution wasn’t mentioned at the sentencing. Both women had their appeals against conviction and sentence denied and they are due to be put to death tomorrow. The prisoners look up as the guards enter their cells. Smith jumps to her feet and protests “I thought we were going to be executed tomorrow not...

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“I love a good big ass on a woman. And I love having my nipples sucked.” “Some of my clients have sexual fetishes beyond imagination. Are you comfortable with that?” “Sounds fun, and I do like stretching the boundaries.” “Are you fine with a male and a female at the same time?” “Yes.” “Two women?” “Definitely yes.” “How about intercourse with a male?” “Sorry no.” “Or a blow job from a male?” “Yes, as long if there is a female watching.” “How long can you last? Can you get it up...

3 years ago
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A Cuckolds Second Chance

The story of my journey from being a nice girl to a slut in high school, and then finally marrying one of the boys to make him my cuckold husband should be both interesting and stimulating to you. My name is Jeannie, and my husband Ed and I are now forty years old and happily married, but this story starts during my junior year in high school.It was in the mid-1980s in Orlando, and I had just turned sixteen in the summer before school started. I had not had very much attention from boys up to...

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I want Her so Badly Part 1

She is the epitome of sexy, her short black hair, those piercing light green eyes, her thin 5’8 frame with soft subtle curves at her ass and chest. I want to ravish her. She looks over at me and smiles. ‘Hey, Em, I’m gonna go take a shower, I’ll be right back, ‘kay?’ ‘All right,’ I say smiling back. I watch as she walks towards her bathroom, that cute ass swaying. It kills me knowing I can’t have her. We are friends, plus I have a boyfriend. But most of all, I’m a girl. But nights like...

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Are you a gerle or a girl

Are you a gerle or a girl? Now I had met the drama teacher in the school car park and been immediately clocked as a boy dressed as a gerle, (or rather I think it was time I faced the facts, a boy dressed as a girl,) it was time I faced Julia's school again. Julia's Mum gave us our clothing bags and I started to walk as gracefully as I could, with the limited practice I had had walking in heels, towards the school. It was a very different experience now walking down the corridors...

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Washroom Romance

Kwame was a 25yr old student. He had spent four years in the Marines and was in search of a woman to spend some time with. He had been on plenty of dates, but hadn’t found anyone to settle down with. Every week he did laundry at the same place and the same day. The reason for this was simple. The young woman that worked there every Sunday was the prettiest woman he had ever seen. He was completely in love with her. The bad part was that she had a boyfriend. She loved heavy salsa and her...

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Home Economics Chapter 01

Miss Jordan had been trained as a Home Economics teacher. She watched that career crater around her as it became unfashionable to learn to cook, sew and take care of babies. She got her masters in education and drifted into counseling, and, continuing got her PhD in Education. She was one of the first women in her school district to achieve this milestone. Which was fortunate because, as politics went at the time, the school district was looking to promote women to leadership positions....

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Girl on a Train

So, as I settled back into my plush seat and closed my eyes, taking in the warmth of the morning sun pouring in through the windows, I was feeling a little smug I have to say. A business trip to Cornwall on a summer’s day was just what the doctor ordered. I was fully suited and booted, looking sharp, and content with the world. It was still early and the train was filling up, but I had my seat, and the chatter and hustle and bustle were passing me by.  A few hours to doze in the sunshine, or...

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Amelia and the Dragon Slayer

Amelia... A Dragon from the Gender-Swap world of the "Warcraft" Universe. She is a Humanoid Dragon who you... The reader... Will end up seducing and falling in love with. But theres 1 Question that must be asked.

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It Had Better Be Tonight

Caleb goes to his friend Jordan's summer house for a little vacation - what he didn't expect was the girl next door...“Hold this please!”Caleb was 1.5 steps inside the door, car keys still in his hand. And now he was holding a bowl of potato chips. Trying to remember if he’d really seen what he thought he’d seen.“Sorry!”She stopped in front of him. He had in fact seen it right. Dark red hair, the color of clay draped over bare shoulders. A sundress of that burnt orange that a sunset leaves just...

Straight Sex
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A Halloween RedemptionChapter 7

Tony rang the bell, alerting Deidra that an order was up. She got to the alcove just as Tony pulled the slip off the carousel. "Hey, Tony?" she asked. Tony looked at her, his brow creasing. "What's up, Dee? Something wrong?" he answered. Something was bothering his new waitress, and that worried him. "Is that the order for table six?" Tony looked at the slip then out at table six. He saw Robby and his mother bickering heatedly at their table. Understanding came to his eyes. "Yeah,...

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Ass licking is Amazing try it

Before you say, "Ewwww!" hear me out—it may not beyour thing, but then again, if you're open-minded andexperimental, just think, you might find an amazing newsex act to add to your repertoire! If the thought makesyou squirm, and not in a good way, then go ahead andclick back—but if you're even a little bit curious aboutoral-anal contact, then read on, and let's find out about"analingus," as it is technically called, (and yes, that isthe correct spelling, look it up!) or more commonly"rimming"...

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Wife now in control

Linda had always been the one to be the submissive type, wanting to please me whenever she could, that didn't hold true when it came to sexual activity, she still had her boudries which were non negotiable. Some time ago Linda had agreed to breast implants, this had been bourne outof her insecurity that they were sagging and were losing volume. She had a few sizes/shapes to choose from and we had finally opted for ones which she had thought would be too big for her frame, but which to my eyes...

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Little Eddies MotherChapter 8

I like it, I like it... ooooohhhhh, his cock feels so wonderful fucking up into me back there, I never thought anything this wicked could feel so good... The passion-enslaved mother's wide-stretched rectum had grown accustomed to the hugh rod sunk deeply up into the very pit of her bowels and her buttocks grinding wildly back against Carl's deeply fucking cock had begun to churn in mounting desire rather than in protest. Her moans were of delight now, not agony, and her long silky brown...

2 years ago
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Flash Flash Flash

Flash Flash Flash! By Radical Change They say that you can sense when someone is staring at you and I was sure that the woman sitting on the other side of the caf? was checking me out. Every time I looked out from the corner of my newspaper she was looking in my direction and in my shyness I looked away to avoid any direct eye contact. I was trying to understand why she would have an interest in me as she was clearly out of my league in both looks and style. As I rose to leave I felt a p...

4 years ago
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Hiding in SchoolChapter 3

This seems silly now but when I heard that I may need to be taken to the hospital I passed out. When I woke up I had no idea where I was, I just knew that my entire pussy felt odd. At first, I didn’t know if it was a bad odd, maybe because the memory of the pain was fresh in my mind. Then after a couple of seconds, I knew it was a good odd. Not the, “Oh my God I just had a great orgasm,” good. But it was a good odd. That’s the best I could describe it. I started to sit up but then heard...

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Charam Sima Ki Talash

Mene pahele 2 sal pahele huvi bat ke bare me bataya tha. Ye jarur padhiye “Dever aur usake Dosto se sath”. Par ye bat ko fir se 2 sal bad yad karake likhene ki vajah bhi thi. Kuch din pahele ki hi bat hai,me aur mere pati ek social function me pahunche the, aur vanha mene manit ko dekha. Saf tha ki me usase nahi milane wali thi. Par vo khud hamare samane aaye, usane apane aap ko Anuj (mere dever) ke friend ke tor pe introduce kiya. Iss bich mere to pasine chut rahe the, jab ko vo behad relax...

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Dark Night

It was a very dark night; I looked across at the bedside clock that said just after two am. I was wide awake and the gentle snores of my husband lying beside me told me that was all the sleep I was going to get. I silently slipped out of bed and padded naked down stairs. I always sleep naked in fact I just love being naked, always have done. The lounge was dark and silent and I stand in front of the patio doors staring out into the darkness beyond. I sip the glass of sherry I had poured myself...

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Universal Remote Control

I jabbed at the channel change button on my remote, annoyed. It was a good remote, the best of its range, which I recently bought to control all my remote controlled appliances. Unfortunately, I couldn't control what the television stations aired. I sighed as I went from channel to channel. Tom, a neighbour who always came over and scabbed off me, suddenly came in front of me and began to tell me that there was nothing in the fridge. Before I responded, I pressed the channel button once more,...

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Deacons Song

At first I thought it was a fly that awoke me. I tried to shoo it away but instead got a hand full of hair. I awoke with a start since I didn't remember going to bed with a cat, dog, or rat. I looked down at the head of black hair sprawled across my shoulder and tickling my nose. The hair was so damned black it was almost blue. That hair told me it was Rose. Now I do some pretty dumb things when I am half asleep. That morning I tried to look at the clock hanging on the far wall of my one room...

1 year ago
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Escaping with my GF sister

Sweat materialized on my back, making me feel as though I’d actually done anything all day. In reality, this was the biggest heatwave our town has felt is years and I wasn’t doing anything more than sitting on my couch, frying like an egg. “Are you ready?”, I hear my girlfriend ask. As I look up to her I see she’s dressed and ready to go out. Determined to beat this heat. “For what?”, I muster up from my parched lips. Looking at her in a daze and...

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First bisexual experience in winter between three women and a man

(True story)December 1st, 2017: I woke up around 10 am with an irresistible urge to meet a couple for the weekend FFM adventure.This would be my first experience in the company of both a man and a woman.So I logged onto the libertine site 'Madintouch’ where I noticed with astonishment that my profile had had a lot of success with the fairer sex but also with couples. I absolutely had not expected that.That said, like any such website there were people who roused my curiosity as well as many...

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Caught Smoking

Caught Smoking Caught Smoking "Both of you get in here right now!", screamed Michael at the two 17 year olds.? His daughter Lisa and her friend Sharon quickly ran into the room.? Sharon had long blond hair and was tall and slim while Lisa, a brunette was a little shorter and "rounder" with fuller breasts and hips than her friend.? They often joked about how Lisa would love to have Sharon's height and beautiful hair while Sharon longed to have her friend's fuller figure.? Right now...

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Caught Wife makes me Her Bitch

We'd made love for a couple of hours. We watched a great porno (at least I thought it was) that had three guys in it: one very well hung black guy and two white guys who shouldn't be embarrassed about their equipment. There were two women, one an adorable blonde, and the other, a beautiful brunette. The blonde was definitely the hotter of the two. The premise of the movie was that the blonde was ready and willing to take anything the men offered while the brunette was shy and only wanted to...

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Letting Loose

Last night we had a small pool party at our place with some sexy couples that ended up way more wild than we anticipated.   The event evolved into an incredibly erotic, suck & fuck-fest… We did our first full swap!   However, what happened after everyone left was just as hot! After everyone was gone, my husband and I were in the kitchen cleaning up the last of the party dishes. I was wearing my micro-bikini top and jean mini-skirt that wonderfully complimented my 34DD’s and sexy curves of my...

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