There Is A ReasonChapter 4 free porn video

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The morning after my "rescue" by Abigail, I woke to the smell of frying bacon. I was a bit disoriented at first, and then remembered where I was and smiled. I had slept very well and the sofa had been a comfortable and warm place for my exhausted body. Looking around I saw the fire was back on and gray light was filtering through the lacy curtains at the big windows that looked over the valley. The wind still buffeted the house but seemed to have lessened a bit.

I got up and took a quick shower, brushed my teeth and pulled clean socks underwear and sweatshirt from my backpack. Dressed in sweats I followed the wonderful smells to the kitchen.

Abigail turned as I watched her from the doorway. Wearing a faded red wool work shirt, jeans and deerskin moccasins, with her dark hair pulled back in a ponytail she was beautiful.

She looked at me with those wonderful green eyes and said,

"Good morning ... sleep well?"

"Yes ... the best sleep in a long time..."

I couldn't help staring at her. She blushed and turned back to the stove.

"Tea's on the table ... so help yourself. Scrambled eggs coming up."

I sat where I sat the evening before at the butcher block island in the kitchen. I filled the big white mug with tea and watched her as she filled two mismatched china plates with scrambled eggs. She sat across from me and put plates of crisp bacon and toast between us.

I put my fork down as I watched her bow her head and whisper a few words of thanksgiving for the food. At home we were never ones to day "grace" before meals unless it was a holiday such as Thanksgiving or Christmas. From that day forward we never had a meal without a quiet prayer.

She looked up at me.

"Go ahead and eat before it gets cold." She smiled as she said it.

I took a bite. The eggs were delicious. I was very hungry and made short work of my breakfast. Abigail refilled our mugs and sat back and looked at me.

"I was thinking ... maybe I could use a hand around here through the winter..."

She paused and took a sip of tea, watching me over the rim of the cup. I kept quiet.

"The weather's not like this all winter and there's plenty of days where we can work outside and not let stuff pile up for spring ... plus there are lots of projects in the barn and the sheds that can be done out of the weather..."

At that point she seemed to be talking more to herself as she considered the various projects I could help her with.

I started to say something, but she held up her hand.

"Before you say anything ... I have to tell you I can't pay much ... and you've already seen the bunk house ... but meals are included ... I'm no gourmet cook ... just pretty basic meals. You'd get Sundays off and I'd be happy to run you into Choteau when I go for church ... although there's not much open on Sunday's especially in winter."

She looked at me suddenly uncertain. Did she think I would refuse?

"I accept ... gladly." I smiled.

' There was nothing that would make me happier then to stay with Abigail for the winter. I'd gladly stay in the bunk house, or sleep on the porch, or at the foot of her bed like a guard dog. It didn't matter as long as I could be with her every day.

"When do I start?"

It was her turn to smile. She turned and glanced out the window. We could barely see the barn for the blowing snow.

"Well ... I think we'll hold off until at least tomorrow to start anything outside. The temperature monitor on the barn says its twenty-seven below ... and that doesn't count the wind chill. We ought to wait until it gets to at least zero to start mending fences."

She laughed at the look of feigned horror on my face. I thought she was kidding but what did I know about crazy people in Montana?

"Guess since you're not used to this winter weather and probably need heavier clothes we can start on barn projects first." She smiled.

I knew at that moment I was completely hers, body and soul.

As I stood next to her helping with the dishes I asked,

"Did you grow up here... ? I mean on the ranch?"

She handed me a plate to dry.

"No, I've only lived here three years ... although I can't imagine living anywhere else now ... I love this place."

We took our refilled mugs into the living room and sat in front of the fire while she continued her story,

"I grew up in Missoula. I had a few friends but I was on my own a lot. My father was a math and science professor at University of Montana and we lived in a big old house in town. My mother died when I was ten so he was a single parent. He never remarried. He was kind of like the "Professor Jones" played by Sean Connery in Indiana Jones ... pretty absorbed with his work and studies. Sometimes I think he forgot he even had a daughter."

This was said with a wistful smile. She obviously had great affection for her father.

"After I graduated from college and got married he moved to Indonesia to teach at an American School. I was amazed to say the least!" She laughed.

"He comes back at odd intervals. I never know when to expect him. He refuses to get email. I suspect there is a woman there and he's just not comfortable talking about it."

She paused, looking into the fire, remembering. Then she looked at me.

"I met Tom when we were students in Missoula. He was a business and accounting major like me and was enrolled in the Reserve Officer Training Corps. He was very much the outdoorsman, and we were always heading off to find the next greatest trout stream or some place where elk were gathering. When we graduated he got a job with the Montana Department of Fish, Wildlife and Parks in Helena. I found a job in a bank there and we bought a little house on the outskirts of town. When he graduated he was commissioned a lieutenant in the Montana Army National Guard."

She paused again, sipping her tea. Her eyes glistened.

"His family had a military tradition and his father had been in the Montana Guard. Tom thought it was important to serve and also he had an eye on state politics so he thought it would be a good idea to join. He was proud to go when his unit was called up for Iraq."

Abigail paused and brushed a tear away.

"I'm sorry ... even after three years ... I still can't talk abut him."

I got up and brought the teapot to the coffee table and refilled our cups.

"You don't have to talk about any of this ... I was just being nosy."

She smiled at me. It was a sad smile but how I loved her smile, especially when it was directed at me.

"I'm just not used to talking about my history. In these parts everyone knows everything about you. That's the way of small communities. That's not necessarily bad ... because people out here tend to look after one another."

"When ... after Tom ... died ... I kind of lost it. On weekends I would just drive for hours. One day I found myself here. If you asked me how I got here I wouldn't be able to tell you since we're over a hundred miles due north from Helena."

She paused. I could see her mind picturing this place as she first saw it.

"There was a "Four Sale" sign on the gate. I remember driving up the hill. It was late spring and this house was pretty dilapidated. The people who owned the place had moved to an assisted living facility in Great Falls and the place was left vacant. The kids were trying to sell it since none of them was interested in a beat up house and barn on a defunct cattle ranch. The buildings had been neglected for years and the fences were down in places and there was lots of evidence of over-grazing."

"I stood on the deserted porch and knew this was the place I was looking for. I even liked the name ... so I took the money I got from Tom's insurance and some money from a trust from my mother's estate and bought it and fixed it up."

"I moved in, much to the consternation of many friends who thought I was crazy ... especially a woman alone in such an isolated spot. But that's just what I wanted. I wanted solitude and the intense quiet that comes from being out here. And I made it work ... I signed new grazing leases with neighbors that restricted access to certain parcels and in effect rotating the grass crop. Soon I bought a small herd and with luck ... and lots of hard work, I've made this place marginally profitable. My friends still think I'm crazy." She laughed.

I looked around at the beautifully finished pine boards on the walls and the peeled logs which crossed the ceiling.

"You did a beautiful job."

"I wish I could take credit for all this." She waved her arm indicating the walls and ceiling. "But my cousin Alex, who lives in Billings, is a master carpenter. We spent two winters when he was off work ripping out old walls and finishing this place. We even spent several very cold days flat on our backs in the crawl space installing the tubing for the heated floors and the insulation. I hated working under there but we got it done."

"I wondered where the heat vents were ... now I know."

Abigail smiled. "Plus no cold feet ever ... I hate cold feet. Plus I'm sure it feels good on Jack's old bones!"

We spent the rest of the day and the next just getting to know each other ... and me ... well I was falling hopelessly in love with her.

She showed me her office which was set up in what was a spare bedroom. It contained an antique roll top desk with a computer connected to a satellite dish on the roof of the barn. There was no television.

The third bedroom was a catch all room for old furniture, clothing and trunks and also contained Abigail's easel and paints. She said she hadn't touched them in a couple of years — just hadn't had the time. When she first moved in she would occasionally take a canvas out into the back yard and paint during the wonderful light cast by the dawn on the nearby mountains.

When the storm finally blew itself out and the sun returned the temperatures hardly got above zero. Nevertheless we were outside while Abigail taught me how to hook up the snowplow attachment to the truck and plow the mile-long driveway. She made it look so easy but when I tried it took all my concentration just to stay out of the ditches. When we got to Grizzle Road there was no sign anyone had passed that way.

I was sobered by the thought that I had been out walking on that road and had it not been for Abigail's arrival I might not have survived.

Over the following weeks, as the weather warmed slightly, we worked together to rebuild horse stalls in the barn, replace bits of wood siding that had been torn off in the fierce winds, replace rotted flooring on the barn's floor and loft, and clear out the tool shed to uncover the woodworking equipment that had been left by the previous owners. We completed dozens of other tasks that might wait for spring, or forever, as other ranch activities took precedence.

I slept in the bunkhouse but spent every waking hour with Abigail. She worked as hard as I did and had surprising strength for her slim frame. I couldn't have been happier. Well actually I could have, because I was so drawn to her I wanted to touch her and hold her, but I kept my distance. That didn't extend to my dreams though. It was a good thing I washed my own bedding.

The day before Thanksgiving Abigail and I spent the day in the kitchen running an assembly line of her pumpkin and pecan pies. We finished at midnight, flour bedecked and tired. We flopped onto the sofa, herbal tea in hand.

"A toast ... to successful pie baking!" I said

We touched cups.

She smiled.

"A toast to the best assistant pie-maker I ever had."

I looked at her as we touched our cups again, basking in the warmth of her appreciation.

"Thank you Abigail."

The next morning we were up at six with several coolers full of pies. We stopped at every ranch and home within several miles and dropped off one of each kind. Finally we ended up at the church where we lent a hand filling baskets for the less fortunate. Pastor Smith greeted us warmly. I hadn't missed a Sunday since I'd been with Abigail. Going to church with Abigail was a wonderful experience and Pastor Smith and his wife Sarah were most welcoming. Abigail made sure two pies would grace their Thanksgiving table also.

After the stop at the church we hurried back to the ranch to change into nicer clothes for Thanksgiving dinner with neighbors Hector and Nancy Johnson. I still didn't have much more than work clothes but Abigail surprised me with a new heavy cable-knit sweater and a pair of heavy cotton cargo pants. She smiled like a mischievous child as she handed them over.

She wore a long black skirt, knee high black boots with a very high heel and a burgundy sweater that accentuated her nice breasts. Free of the ever present scrunchee, her hair was down to her shoulders, and framed her beautiful face. I'd rarely seen her in anything but jeans or overalls. She normally wore nice wool slacks and a sweater to church. I was speechless.

"Something the matter?" she asked as she appeared from her bedroom.

I could only shake my head. She was a beautiful woman but dressed as she was, she was stunning.

"Ready to go?"

"You ... look ... I mean ... you're beautiful." I stammered

I was pleased to see her skin flush as she smiled at my compliment. Right remark I thought.

She looked me up and down and said with a laugh, "You clean up pretty well yourself mister!"

We put our coats on and headed out the door. For the first time she took my arm as we walked to the truck. Her spicy perfume went right to my head.

The Johnsons lived on a ranch a few miles up Grizzle Road. They were the closest neighbors and lived in a sprawling farmhouse that had at one time been the home of eight children. Now they were alone except the youngest who was a senior in high school, except for holidays when the entire brood settled on them. We walked in and were overwhelmed with the wonderful sights, sounds and smells of a large family Thanksgiving. There must have been thirty people there, representing four generations.

I had met the Johnsons at church and some of the local family. Abigail introduced me as "her friend Bret from Georgia".

I momentarily felt a twinge of guilt knowing this was the first Thanksgiving in my life that I wasn't at home. I quickly corrected that thought. I was here in a home full of love and I was with the woman I loved, so I was home for Thanksgiving.

Despite the crush of people, Abigail rarely left my side. After being summoned to the kitchen for advice about something, she returned to find me deep in conversation with Jennifer Johnson or "JJ" as she liked to be called. Jennifer was Hector's very pretty twenty-year old daughter and a student at U of M, home for the long weekend.

Abigail made her way through the throng and immediately put her arm through mine. I did catch a flash of annoyance directed toward Jennifer as Abigail pressed herself to my side. I'd seen this move before; actually Becky had done it more than once, clearly claiming her territory from an outsider. I figured it was a universal sign by and for females that let other "interested" parties know that she had staked her claim on this man. Even after Hector's daughter got the message and moved on, Abigail kept her arm through mine. It was wonderful feeling her warmth and closeness.

On the drive back to the ranch she leaned part way across the wide console and claiming exhaustion and too much wine, put her head on my shoulder.

In the darkness we walked to the door to the house, snow crunching under our feet, her arm through mine. The moonless sky was ablaze with stars. We stopped at the door and she turned to me.

"Bret, thank you ... thank you for all the help with the pies ... and for this day ... I ... I ... well ... can't remember when I've been..." She paused.

"Happier ... yes happier. Thanks to you."

She put her arms around my neck and kissed me. The feel of her lips on mine, warm and soft in the freezing cold, the smell of her, and the feel of her body against mine caused every pleasure center in my body to overload, As my brain began to realize what was happening, she stepped back and said,

"Good night Bret." as she slipped through the door.

I stood there a long time touching my lips, tasting her lipstick and feeling the warmth that she left there.

I turned, smiling and walked back to the barn, head up, watching the stars.

It was a rare occurrence that I was up and in the kitchen before Abigail. We had been out late and Abigail had some wine so I figured it was my turn to make breakfast while she got to sleep in. I raided the pantry for the ingredients to my mother's griddle cakes recipe and put the kettle on.

I fried some bacon as the electric griddle heated and then ladled out the thick batter. As I bustled about the kitchen I suddenly sensed her presence.

She was in her normal jeans and wool shirt but look like she was hardly awake.

"Good morning!" I said cheerily.

She sat in her normal spot on the stool near the island and then said,

"Sorry, I overslept."

I placed her tea in front of her and said,

"Considering your schedule the last few days you deserve it."


I directed my attention back to the griddle.

I felt her watching me as I filled a plate with griddle cakes and put it and the bacon and the warm maple syrup between us on the island. I got us each a plate and a napkin and sat across from her.

We both bowed our heads as she thanked the Lord for this meal.

"Delicious..." she said between mouthfuls.

"A terrific help around the ranch and a good cook too ... I may have to lock you up because if word spreads some young woman like Jennifer Johnson might just come by and steal you away."

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TRUST ME It’s written in big, black letters on a piece of card stock. It’s the second one I’ve received this week. The first one had three little words on it: I WANT YOU I called a friend of mine and told her what was going on. I asked her if any of our friends were pulling a practical joke, cause I wasn’t finding it funny. I was a single, young, professional that lived alone and things like this gave me the creeps. The second note kind of confirmed my thoughts about a friend pulling a joke on...

3 years ago
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Theres Always A First Time

There is no greater feeling than the start of summer vacation! Ten weeks without teachers, homework or responsibilities. Every summer, my parents and I spend two weeks at our beach house. I love our beach house! It is three stories with a patio deck overlooking the ocean, giving us beautiful sunrises and breathtaking sunsets. If I had my way, I’d live here all year long. One of my favorite things is to sunbathe topless on the patio deck. Luckily, mom and dad haven’t caught me– yet. I better...

1 year ago
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Theres a First Time for Everything

Sitting with a girlfriend of mine laughing and talking casually about our best and worst relationship moments and confiding in each other our sexual escapades and life lessons learned she reaches out spontaneously and touches my cheek with her palm leaving her fingers in the soft hairs at the nape of my neck a little too long for merely polite contact. While her hand rested on my neck just below my ear she fondled the small earring stud in my ear and said “if I were a man and you were my woman...

2 years ago
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Theres A First Time For Everything

We were in a group, about five people all together, as wewalked into the store. It was well known in the mall as being the place to go for a good laugh. You could find anything from inappropriate t-shirts to shot glasses and even sex toys. I knew what I wanted from the moment I stepped across the threshold. I was finally 18 years old and the thought of owning my own sex toy pleased me. I knew that I would never do it if I didn’t take this opportunity. Leaning over I whispered in my girlfriend’s...

3 years ago
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Theres More than One Way to Skin an Angel Part 2

“What notes?” “Oh c’mon! The notes! You know, the ones you kept sending to me at work, trying to scare the crap outta me!” “Huh?” “Seriously?” I could see the genuine confusion in Thomas’s face. The dawning realization forced me to ask the question I didn’t want to ask. “You didn’t give me the bra and panty set, did you?” When he shook his head, I could feel the cold chills creeping up my back to the base of my skull. I was spooked. Who the hell was trying to fuck with my head? I didn’t...

2 years ago
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Theres A Babysitter in my bed

It has been too long since I’ve touched a woman…. I thought as I walked in the front door, stumbling a little from the few drinks I had at the bar after work. Continuing inside I look at my kitchen clock its 8:55PM past my son Bens bedtime. Looking down I see the babysitter Carmen reading on the couch and I couldn’t help noticing what she was wearing, a pink mini skirt and a white tank top, with no bra! Just looking at her long brown hair and perfect body was giving me a hard on. I turn around...

4 years ago
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smothered slave

After a wild party last night, Riley admits to Natali that she not only borrowed her new Mercedes but also totaled it. Natali, being the mindful roommate decides that the best way to deal with her is to use her and humiliate her. She enjoys tying up Riley and sitting on her face, first with her cut off jean shorts, then with her glittery panties and then she tells Riley she's going to remove her panties and stuff them in her mouth. Riley has a choice: she can spit the panties out and lick...

3 years ago
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“You came here for something. You came here for this,” she said.,voice a seductive whisper of promise. Bumfelt bent down before her, pushed her black skirt up over her hips. Ran his fingers over her stockings. Placed them on her black satin panties and the warm mound beneath. He caressed her through the thin material. She responded, letting out a little gasp, pushing her vulva forwards. “No,” she rasped.“Yes,” stated Bumfelt, circling the pads of his fingers on her panties. In seconds she was...

2 years ago
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Smothered by my friendrsquos mum and her stinky feet

I was 19 years old. I often toyed with the thought of having a foot fetish. It always interested me and always crossed my mind but I never had the opportunity to experience it proper until one hot summer day. We were in the middle of a massive heatwave which lasted a month of pure 30 - 35 degree heat. Me and my mate had been in the town all day walking around and we were shattered. We headed back to his house to relax as his room had amazing air con. We thought we’d also crack open a couple of...

3 years ago
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Theres Something About Sarah Chapter Two

There's Something About Sarah By Michele Nylons Chapter Two - The Ice Queen Sloane did go to beautician school and also qualified as a hairdresser and took a reasonably well paying job in town in a beauty salon. Her natural beauty and style declined into what I described as a 'skank ho' countenance; short tight dresses openly displaying her breasts, the hems of her skirts and dresses were so short her panties often showed. She liked to wear platform soled wedges or fuck-me...

4 years ago
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Theres a prison on the moon

I woke up this morning.... again..... In the line of work I’m in the only thing worse then going to sleep and never waking up is going to sleep and just finding myself still here. See there’s a prison on the moon, a place so damp and dark it’s more detrimental to the staff then the prisoners. Only the worst of the worst find themselves here, a wide assortment of lab experiments gone wrong to visitors from other worlds to actual literal demons. In all there must be around 1000 prisoners at any...

1 year ago
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Theres No Place Like Home Part 1

Title: There's No Place Like Home Part 1 Author: A. K. Remenko Preface: The story is, of course fiction, but is inspired by a number of personal experiences. Hope you enjoy it. The author welcomes criticism of any kind. This material is for adults only. Absolutely no distribution to minors is justified under any circumstance(s). Note: Reading the author's previous work "Where Angels Fear to Tread" will provide background information and is recommended. This story is told in...

1 year ago
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Theres nothing I can do about it now

There's nothing I can do about it now. - Fiction by Elaine © 2010 * Patrick is watching me closely though I pretend not to notice. I wonder how he would react if he only knew what is going through my head. I'm standing in front of the bathroom mirror putting on my make-up for the night out we have planned in down town Helsinki. I'm standing in my newest 5" heels wearing just stay up stockings, a lacy black thong and a matching bra that supports and displays my ample recently...

3 years ago
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Theres Something About Sarah Chapter One

Author's Note: Note carefully: Although this chapter is a coming of age story, there are absolutely no sexual acts, I say again, absolutely no sexual acts, consensual or otherwise involving persons below the age of consent. There's Something About Sarah By Michele Nylons Chapter One - Sloane Not many boys get a breast augmentation for their birthday; nor that many girls for that matter. I had the operation during spring break from college. I needed it. I was a good looking...

2 years ago
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Theres None So Blind

This is my first attempt at a competition story and I believe it will most likely be my last. I started this damn thing for last year’s holiday competition, but didn’t get it finished in time. My pal has insisted that I finish it for this year’s competition. As usual I thank my LadyCibelle and Techsan for their patience, proof reading, editing skills and of course encouragement. As always I have to add that we don’t always see eye to eye with each other, I can be one cantankerous old bugger...

2 years ago
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Theres Something About Sarah Chapter Three

There's Something About Sarah By Michele Nylons Chapter Three - Prom Night Sloane never admitted to burning down the old barn but I knew it was her; I could picture her doing it in a jealous rage. She never came home that night or the one after, out catting or staying with friends most likely. But when she returned it was like our confrontation in the barn had never happened. "So. Drew Carter hey Sarah? Now there's a catch," she grinned at me. "You told me about your...

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Theres Something About Sarah Chapter Five

There's Something About Sarah By Michele Nylons Chapter Five - Redemption Tina and I, rightly in my opinion anyway, decided that we wouldn't move in together. Sure, we would save on rent if we did, but the temptation to constantly give into our urges would undoubtedly distract me from my studies and Tina from her work. Also our relationship was volatile, there were periods of serenity when I thought I might be in love with Tina but they were interspersed with brief spells when we...

2 years ago
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Theres Something About My Sons Girlfriends 4

A couple of days after my illicit encounter with Jennifer, I was on Facebook catching up with an old friend when I saw Anna, Jennifer's mother, come online. Smiling to myself, I quickly clicked on her profile to remind myself of our earlier conversation, and to refresh my memory of her good looks. Damn, what an attractive woman, I thought to myself as her picture in that tight dress and those high heels came up on my screen. I decided to wait for her to open a chat window, but I began to finish...

3 years ago
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Theres My Whore

There's My Whore By Salon Selective You're blowing the polish on the final nail dry as you tell me that tonight will be a new experience much more intense than experiences of the past. What ever happens I deserve, you say. "Whores like you get what they deserve." The nails are outrageous ... nearly an inch long and deep red. We head for the bedroom where I am instructed to sit in a chair placed in the middle of the room. My feet are bound to both of the chair's legs and my...

2 years ago
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Theres a First Time For Everything 2

There's a first time for everything by Alota Goo Chapter Two "Huh? What do you mean, don't need that thing after all? Are you referring to my dick?" "Uh-huh, baby. I said it off-handedly, but I wonder just how long you can go without using it for sex. We've already established you can cum without touching it and I have Mr. Big for hard times. Want to play a game?" "Game? Our relationship is a game?" "Okay, you're right. It's not fair to make the whole thing about...

3 years ago
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Theres Something About Sarah Chapter Four

There's Something About Sarah By Michele Nylons Chapter Four - Bruno's Bar and Grill The phallus was long, thick and veiny. The glans was an angry purple color and clear droplets of pre-seminal fluid oozed from the eye. The red nailpolish I was wearing contrasted nicely with the smooth, almost silky pink flesh of the turgid member as I slowly stroked the throbbing shaft. He sighed and then gasped as I extended a finger and caught a globule of the precum and rubbed it into his...

3 years ago
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Theres Something About Sarah Chapter Seven

There's Something About Sarah By Michele Nylons Chapter Seven - A Conclusion of Sorts Tina flatly refused to attend the reading of Amanda's will and to be honest I didn't blame her. "Sarah; it's between you and Sloane and it's legal shit. I don't think having a former prostitute and current transgendered porn star is in any way going to serve you well. Besides; you need to stand on your own two feet. I know you can do it," she said. And she was right. Little did I know...

2 years ago
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Theres Something About Me

My name is Michael. I'm 24 years old, blonde and blue-eyed, of medium height and build; once you get to know me well, you peg me as gay, which I am. I married my perfect man right out of high school, and together we have three wonderful children. But there's more. There's something about me... I've always been gay. I sucked my first cock at the tender age of 8. That was my cousin Jeff, who had me solo the next three years, until I sucked the neighbor kid Josh one day after school in his...

2 years ago
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Theres None So Blind

I was sitting on my usual stool staring down at my half full glass, when the noise reached a new crescendo; yet another group of happy partygoers had obviously entered the bar. "Shit, I hate this time of year!" "Sorry, I'm not sure I heard you correctly. Did you say you hated Christmas?" a voice beside me enquired. Bugger, I must have voiced my thoughts out loud, I hadn't intended to. But it was what I was thinking. "Yeah. What's everyone got to be so fucking happy about? Disturbing...

1 year ago
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Theres No Crying in Hockey

My dad regretted not having a son. He denies it of course but I could tell by how he pushed athletics on me at a young age. He even bought me a jock strap for my fourth birthday which confused us both. I grew up in Rabbit Ridge KY so began my fabled sports career with tennis and softball. I was decent in tennis until my boobs sprouted like melons, causing boys to giggle each time I rushed the net. I also tended to grunt on my serves quite loudly. It was annoying but, at least, the Asian...

4 years ago
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Theres Always A Silver Lining

“What in the hell are you thinking? You know you’re suppose to drive us back to your place after this.” Bella half said half yelled to be heard over the throbbing beat of the music, barely containing her aggravation as Colin gave her a goofy grin. “What’s your problem, huh? Why are you being such a bitch?” Colin slurred out, not seeing what the big deal was. “Don’t you dare call me that!” Bella hissed as she narrowed her eyes at Colin, her hand opening and closing at her side. ...

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Theres Something About My Sons Girlfriends 10

I looked down at my phone as I toweled myself dry after stepping out of the shower. It had been an exhausting evening, exhausting, but well worth the effort I had expended as the two naked girls had used my ageing body for their sexual pleasure. Despite the delightful images flitting through my mind of those recent sexual exploits with two nubile young women, my manhood refused to react. I caught my breath as I reread the text message:7 pm. DO NOT BE LATENot exactly a seductive invitation,...

4 years ago
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Theres Something About My Sons Girlfriends 8

The trouble with old vintage cars is that they can be rather unreliable, and my mechanical skills left a lot to be desired. In retrospect, I should not have driven it this evening, but, to be fair, I wasn't expecting to use it as a getaway car from the adventures at Susie's place, and it appeared that I was about to pay the price for that decision. "Oh, hello Anna." I said, as Jennifer's mother got out of her car and walked towards me with a surprised look on her face. "Jerry, I thought you'd...

3 years ago
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Theres a first time for everything bro

I'd like to tell you before I start this story that I have never been attracted to my actual sister. The idea of incest intrigues me though. It was Friday, that meant date night for my parents. Yeah it sounds lame, but I've always thought that's what kept them together. Even when Dad's secretary tried to split them. The whore. Amy was out too, at some party or something. Typical 16 year old wanting to be out the house no matter what. I however, sat in my room looking out the window instead of...

2 years ago
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Theres Going to be a Hanging Tonight

There's Going to be a Hanging Tonight By Rebecca Carnforth Taylor This is my fantasy. I haven't tried it, but I would like to? someday. Not far from where I used to live, there is a lovely old manor house. It sits at the foot of a wooded hill, with a huge green spread around it. I used to enjoy watching cricket being played on the green in the summers. To the left of the manor house is a small chapel. In my fantasy, this would take place during the summer, in this environment and...

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