A Paladin's TrainingChapter 16: Ildernass free porn video

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all characters are over the age of eighteen.

Smythe knew he was running out of time. After Elaina had spoken to him on the Plane urging him to find Jeira and Hamlin before the Druids did, he’d spent the rest of that night and most of the next day searching Ironshire high and low. Finally, he’d found someone who’d seen them, only to be told that the couple had left several days ago, bound for their farm.

Smythe was still amazed that any Druids had survived the Purging. He knew a little of their people, mostly from old texts he’d read long ago. It was said that once they had your scent, they could track you almost anywhere. According to Elaina, they were out for Aran’s blood, but they had Jeira’s scent, too, which placed her and her husband in danger.

Smythe would protect Jeira and Hamlin if he could get to them in time. In the approaching twilight, he was lying low on Thunder’s neck, the rumble of the big black stallion’s hooves his namesake. Jeira and Hamlin had left days ago, but they had a wagon, and would be travelling much slower than Smythe. Hopefully, he would catch them up before much longer. Neither man nor horse had slept since leaving town, and the only stops had been to feed and water Thunder.

It was approaching dusk, and this late in the day there were no other riders on the narrow road that led almost due south from Ironshire and into the Emerin Forest, and the trees lining the road sped by as Thunder raced on. He was a big, strong horse, and had good staying power, but Smythe would only be able to run him like this for so long before risking an injury. The valiant steed had already been pushing hard for the better part of three days.

The trees thickened the further south he went, and eventually, with the sun now vanished over the horizon, he crossed the border of the forest, slowing Thunder to a trot and using his vala to sense the area.

It had been some time since Smythe had visited the Emerin Forest, and it somehow felt different, though he couldn’t place his finger on why. The oak and pine, elm and fig trees all looked much the same, as one would expect from a forest, so what was it?

The hairs on the back of Smythe’s neck prickled as he realised that apart from Thunder’s hooves clip-clopping on the dirt road and the light breeze rustling the leaves, there were no other sounds. A massive wood like the Emerin should be a symphony of life at this time of evening, with chirping crickets, hooting owls, barking foxes and the whirring of cicadas, but instead there was only silence.

Even though his vala was telling him he was alone, Smythe reached up over his shoulder and eased Lightbringer in its scabbard, his head swiveling as he rode. The deathly quiet was shattered by a piercing scream from further down the road, and Smythe had Thunder back to a gallop in a flash, his vala showing him the path ahead and enabling him to guide his mount over tree roots and sudden dips that could snap the stallion’s leg at a wrong step.

In moments, Smythe was there. A slim, dark-haired woman and a dark-haired man stood next to an overturned cart. They fit the description Elaina had given; it had to be Hamlin and Jeira. A broken lantern lay at the base of the cart, the burning oil spreading slowly outward, the flames providing the only light against the dark of night. A pony lay on its side nearby. The poor beast’s throat was torn clean out and the snapped cart shafts were still tied to its harness.

A massive black wolf as tall as a man stepped toward the couple, it’s maw still dripping with the pony’s blood.

“Get behind me, Jeira!” The man yelled, putting himself between the woman and the wolf.

With a wordless cry, Smythe booted Thunder to a charge, reaching over his shoulder and pulling a glowing Lightbringer free. He lowered the long blade at the wolf, but there was too much ground to cover, and the wolf was already too close to the couple.

The beast lunged forward with a growl, seizing Hamlin’s arm in huge jaws and twisting viciously, pulling the poor fellow face-down into the ground. Jeira screamed again in horror as the wolf released the arm and pinned Hamlin down with a huge paw before closing its fangs over his head and snapping his neck with a quick, practiced jerk.

Sorrow and rage crashed over Smythe as he saw Hamlin go limp. He was too late to save the man, but he could still save Jeira. “Try me, Druid!” He bellowed as Thunder crashed forward, hooves flashing as the stallion tried to trample the wolf, which leapt nimbly out of the way, but not before Lightbringer scored it across the flank.

The Druid yelped as it felt the blade pierce its skin, and blood quickly began to mat its thick fur. It hesitated for a moment, and Smythe used the opportunity to put Thunder between the beast and Jeira.The poor woman looked terrified, huddled against the bottom of the cart and staring wide-eyed at her husband’s corpse.

Smythe kept his attention on the mor’laman’gul. Elaina had told him there were five of these creatures in total, so where were the others? He needed to get Jeira out of here quickly. “Come, Druid,” he growled. “Try me.”

With a snarl, the Druid did something Smythe did not expect. One second, it was on the ground, the next, it was airborne, leaping clear over Thunder’s head and crashing a heavy shoulder into Smythe. Lightbringer fell to the ground with a clang as man and beast tumbled to the earth. Somehow, Smythe had the creature by the upper and lower jaw, and only his strong smith’s hands were keeping them from closing and crushing his fingers.

For long seconds they wrestled, until a scream of primal fury erupted from Jeira, who charged forward wielding one of the snapped cart shafts like a lance. She plunged it into the Druid’s flank, throwing all her body weight into the thrust. The splintered wood pierced the skin easily, and hot blood spurted, running down the length of wood and onto the ground.

With a high-pitched yelp of pain, the Druid pulled free and loped into the forest, dragging the embedded shaft with it. Jeira looked down at Smythe, and he gave her an appreciative nod before getting to his feet. “Thanks, lass.”

She didn’t respond, however; her attention was on her husband’s body, lying in the dirt with his neck twisted at the wrong angle. Smythe’s heart went out to the poor woman. “I’m so sorry, Jeira. I was too late to save him.”

Kneeling beside Hamlin’s body, Jeira began to weep. Smythe wanted to weep with her. “Come, lass,” he said gently, placing a hand on her shoulder. “It’s not safe here. I need to get you back to Ironshire.”

“What about Hamlin?” She sobbed. “I can’t just leave him!”

Smythe shook his head. “No, you can’t. We’ll bring him back with us, and we’ll give him a proper rite.”

She nodded at that, wiping her eyes with the back of her hand before looking at Smythe for the first time. “You’re a Paladin, aren’t you?”

He inclined his head. “How did you know?”

“You remind me of Aran, or Elaina.”

Smythe smiled reassuringly and helped Jeira to her feet before picking Lightbringer up off the ground and sheathing it over his shoulder. It had stopped glowing, which meant that the danger was gone, for now. “Come on, lass. Let’s get going.”

A short time later, Smythe was mounted on Thunder, with Jeira riding in front, and Hamlin’s corpse slung over the stallion’s rump. Smythe wished there was a more dignified way to carry Hamlin’s body, but with the cart ruined, this was all they had. He used his vala to align with Jeira, wanting to ease the woman’s pain, and due to the nature of the vala, he could now feel that pain more clearly. He bore the heartache silently, giving the woman time to grieve.

Aran, being melded to Jeira, would be feeling her pain wherever he was as if it were his own. Smythe hoped the lad was in a safe place; it had been some time since he’d spoken to Aran, and last he’d heard, Elaina had not been able to reach him of late.

As if reading Smythe’s thoughts, Jeira quietly asked, “How is he?”

“He is well, lass, so far as I know,” Smythe said carefully. There was no point telling the woman that Aran had effectively vanished; she had enough problems for now.

“That’s good,” Jeira said softly. “Up until recently, I’ve always been able to feel him in my mind, and in my heart, but lately, he hasn’t been there.”

Now, that was odd. Meldir should always be connected; that was the way it worked, unless one of them died, in which case the other person would be an emotional wreck for a time. “What do you mean, lass?”

“It’s strange; I know he’s still with me, but I can’t feel him, or tell which direction he’s in. It’s almost like he’s behind a wall or something. Is that normal?”

Truthfully, Bella and Rayna – who were also melded to Aran – had said something similar recently, and Smythe had no clue as to an explanation, though he hid the fact from Jeira. “The melda is a mysterious thing, lass, with many facets. Some are known, some are not, even among Paladins. Much knowledge was lost in the Darkening, and I often wish I bore the wisdom of my ancestors, though it is a foolish wish.”

Jeira patted his hand comfortingly and settled back against his chest, the gentle rocking of Thunder’s gait and her emotional exhaustion quickly sending her to sleep.

Smythe spent the rest of the journey back to Ironshire thinking; if he’d been a few seconds faster, would Hamlin still be alive? Would this woman still have a husband? Aros had a plan, Smythe knew, and all things happened for a reason, but he still couldn’t help but wonder.

With the slow pace of their return, it was almost midnight when Smythe halted Thunder before the closed gates of Ironshire. As soon as the two guards on duty – stocky Arl and bony old Raiman – recognised him, they immediately opened a gate, only stopping him to ask if he needed help.

Smythe had earned the trust of these men long ago, but still did them the courtesy of giving an explanation for why he had a body strapped to his horse, and a sleeping woman in front of his saddle. He left Druids out of it, instead telling the guards a pack of wolves had attacked, and they’d claimed the life of one poor farmer before being driven away.

Arl and Raiman had nodded sympathetically and offered their condolences before closing the gate behind Smythe. They were good men, but they would talk, and by tomorrow the town would be clamouring for guard patrols into the Emerin Forest in order to keep the local farmers safe from wolves, which would only place more people in reach of the Druids.

Smythe had some influence with the Mayor of Ironshire, and would deal with that problem tomorrow. For now, getting Jeira into a bed was the priority.

A short time later, upon returning home, Smythe had given Jeira over to the care of Rayna and Bella – two of Smythe’s lovers whom were also melded to Aran – and then taken a short trip across town to the old residence by the cemetery, where he delivered Hamlin’s body to the bleary-eyed undertaker, along with a purse of coins and instructions to prepare for a burial on the morrow.

After stabling Thunder in the small one-horse stable he’d built behind his home, Smythe went inside to check on Jeira, who was sound asleep in the room Aran had occupied during his training.

Smythe often thought of the lad, and wondered how he was getting on. He’d tried a few times to contact the young Paladin on the Plane of Aros, but had not been able to find him.

Returning to his own room, Smythe was greeted by the sight of fire-haired Rayna and raven-haired Bella sleeping peacefully in his big bed. They were naked and lying on their sides, Rayna cuddled in behind Bella.

Aran had met these two buxom beauties on his last night in Ironshire, at the end of his training under Smythe. It had been a long night of wild pleasure, and the two Paladins had made love to these girls many times before the morning came. Somehow, during that night, Aran had not only melded the girls to himself, but also melded them to each other, which was a thing unheard of, at least until Aran started doing it. Now, Rayna and Bella were inseparable, and did everything together, which, Smythe supposed with a smile, was greatly in his favour.

The night was warm enough that the women were sleeping uncovered, and Smythe slipped in behind Rayna, pressing himself up against her soft body and relishing the feel of her ample bottom against his lower belly. She pushed back slightly, letting him know that she was awake and willing, and though he was sorely tempted, Smythe instead chose sleep, for he needed to let Elaina know that Jeira was safe.

Smythe awoke to the sun filtering in through the curtains. Surprisingly, he was alone in the bed, which was a rare occurrence of late, what with Rayna and Bella spending most of their nights with him.

He had had no success last night at reaching Elaina on the Plane, or anyone else, for that matter. That was the problem with Plane visits; both parties had to be asleep for it to work. He would try again tonight, but for now, he would help Jeira as much as he could.

His house was not the biggest in Ironshire, but it was close, a comfortable, two-storey dwelling of red brick with a tiled, sloping roof in the fashion of Ironshire. The two bedrooms and a washroom were upstairs, and downstairs was the kitchen, the dining room, and a small library.

Smythe pushed open the door to the washroom without thinking, realising all too late that it was occupied. Jeira was sitting in the big wooden tub, and Bella and Rayna were fussing over her, the three of them chatting idly while Bella brushed out Jeira’s black tresses and Rayna tended the small fire that heated the water bucket. Why Bella and Rayna had foregone clothes to do this was beyond Smythe, but then, this house was very much home to them, and they rarely bothered with dressing while they were here.

Instinctively, Smythe apologised and pulled the door shut, not wanting to embarrass Jeira, but to his surprise, she called him back in.

“Yes, lass?” He asked gently, poking his head back in.

Jeira smiled, then beckoned him further into the room with a wave of her hand. “It’s alright, Master Smythe. I’m quite comfortable here, and I have no qualms about nudity, not these days, anyway.”

Seeing no reason to stay outside, Smythe entered the room fully, closing the door behind him to keep the heat in. “How are you, lass? You had a rough day, yesterday.”

She smiled in response, though there was pain in her dark eyes. “I’ll be alright, in time. Bella and Rayna have been a comfort, to be sure.” She smiled at the two women, who returned the smile warmly. “I want you to know, Master Smythe, that I don’t hold you responsible for Hamlin. It wasn’t your fault.”

Smythe took a deep breath. Although he knew that to be true, it still felt good to know she harboured no blame. “Thank you, Jeira. That means a lot to hear. And please, call me Henley.”

“Henley,” Jeira repeated. “That is an old name, isn’t it?”

“It’s because he’s an old man,” Bella said matter-of-factly, before she and Rayna burst out laughing as if it were the funniest joke in the world. Even Jeira quirked a small smile!

“He doesn’t look much older than thirty or so, to me,” Jeira said, eyeing Smythe up and down.

Smythe realised at this point that he had quite forgotten to dress before leaving his bedroom, and he was standing before Jeira in nothing but his skin. Well, she did say she was comfortable, and she certainly seemed nonplussed by a naked man watching her bathe, so he decided to stay where he was.

Rayna jumped in with an exaggerated whisper, cupping a hand near her mouth for effect. “He’s actually over a hundred years old, but don’t mention it, as it makes him grumpy!”

More laughter, and this time, Jeira joined in. “A hundred? How is that possible? Look at him!”

Smythe answered the question, shooting a flat look at his cheeky lovers. “Paladins live a long time, lass. Sometimes up to a thousand years or more.”

Jeira’s mouth fell open. “A thousand years? That’s incredible!”

“Aye,” Smythe said with a grin. “Now, if there’s nothing else, ladies, I’ll leave you to your morning?”

“Thank you, Henley,” Jeira said as she stood, the water running down her slender, pale body. “For checking in on me. I am grateful for your hospitality.”

Smythe nodded in response, unable to stop himself appreciating the sight of Jeira standing there naked and wet. She wasn’t as well-endowed as Rayna or Bella, nor was she as curvaceous, but her smaller breasts still sat proudly on her chest, and her legs went on for days. Smythe mentally kicked himself for ogling a grieving woman. “Stay as long as you wish, lass. I’ll speak with Aran just as soon as I can so he knows you’re with me. Also,” he added gently. “I’ve made arrangements for a burial service today, if that’s what you wish.”

Jeira’s eyes brimmed with tears, and she wiped them away. “Yes, that would be nice.” She replied, stepping out of the tub and accepting a warm towel from Bella.

Seeing no reason to stay, Smythe exited the room to give Jeira some space.

The celebration was in full swing. The Wood Elf home of Ildernass was alive with music and feasting and dancing. Everywhere Elaina looked, elves cavorted with abandon, many of them naked or very close to it. She was seated at one of the long tables that had been set up in the Circle – what the elves called the loosely circular area in the center of Ildernass that they used for important gatherings – watching the festivities with interest.

A very good-looking male Elf with long midnight hair appeared at her side to refill her cup with the delicious fruit wine the elves favoured. The fellow was slender, but with well-defined muscles and melting brown eyes, and he wore nothing but a flimsy loin cloth.

Elaina decided that he looked rather good, and made her opinion known by reaching a hand beneath his loincloth and firmly squeezing a smooth buttock.

The handsome Elf looked down at her and flashed perfect white teeth as he smiled, letting his eyes wander down the front of her loose white blouse.

“Hey, eruchen!” Silver-haired Induin called from across the table, where she was perched with her twin sister, Liaren.

Elaina looked away from the sexy Elf and tried to focus on Induin, though her eyes didn’t seem to want to. How many cups of wine had she had? “What?” She asked with a grin.

“What are you doing to Dainor?” Brown-haired Liaren asked with a smirk, her emerald eyes twinkling.

Elaina’s hand kept squeezing Dainor’s ass cheek absently as she tried to think of a funny reply. This wine really was good stuff. “I’m simply rewarding him for his excellent work!” She said, unable to suppress a giggle.

“I would say he feels pretty rewarded!” Induin said with a laugh as she indicated the front of Dainor’s loincloth, which was beginning to rise. He had long since finished pouring her wine, Elaina realised, but had stayed where he was.

Looking around, Elaina could see that the party was becoming more and more hedonistic, with many elves engaged in steamy embraces, and what little clothing remained on their bodies was quickly being shed. This made her suddenly very aware of how overdressed she was, in her shirt and breeches, especially with Induin and Liaren across the table, their pert breasts visible above the polished wood.

Tonight was indeed a night for celebration, and not just for the elves. Aran was alive and unharmed, and had found a whole group of Servants, and Elaina – thanks to the elves – had escaped the Druids without having to allow them to fuck her; something she would have tolerated, but not enjoyed, not from those beasts.

Peering up at Dainor again, she thought he looked a little familiar. “Don’t I know you?” She asked him, changing from squeezing his ass to lightly trailing her fingers up and down the backs of his thighs.

He answered in a smooth, confident voice that sent tingles into Elaina’s belly. By Aros, she was horny! “I was among the elves that found you in the forest, eruchen.”

Elaina beamed at that, and her fingers found a string on his hip, which she deftly pulled. His loincloth fell away to reveal his smooth and hairless manhood, sticking out at a right angle.

Induin and Liaren watched intently, their eyes locked onto Dainor’s throbbing cock, which Elaina wrapped her fingers around. “I never thanked you properly for helping me, Dainor,” she said quietly as she swung a leg over the bench so she was straddling it and facing Dainor directly.

“We are always happy to help the eruchen,” he said in return. A deep groan followed as Elaina took him into her mouth and began to pleasure him with all her skill.

Dainor’s hands found the back of her head and his fingers tangled in her hair. His hips rocked back and forth with Elaina’s bobbing head, his smooth sack gently nudging her chin.

Elaina had learned that like Elf women, Elf men grew more endowed the older they got. She had seen a whole spectrum of cocks tonight, from the young men sporting modestly sized appendages to the other extreme; the older men with thick lengths that hung halfway to their knees! Thankfully, Dainor was somewhere towards the younger end of the scale, and she could take him deeply without having to work too hard.

On impulse, she began tearing at the laces of her blouse, and shucked the garment, exposing her big tits to Dainor, who gazed down at them with lust-filled eyes. Her breasts were large, and ungainly in a fight – unless she bound them up tightly – but they were certainly useful in all matters of sex, and she used them to their full advantage. Because she was so horny, they felt heavier than usual, and her nipples ached to be touched.

A warm body pressed itself into her back, and a pair of hands snaked around beneath her arms to gather up big handfuls of her tits, squeezing them firmly and lightly pinching the nipples in exactly the way Elaina liked it.

Induin’s voice whispered into her ear as she continued to suck Dainor. “Let him fuck your tits, eruchen. Then he can spray his come on them.”

The thought of Dainor emptying himself onto her chest made Elaina moan wantonly around the hard cock in her mouth, and she sucked him a few more times before releasing him and leaning back into Induin, who began to attack Elaina’s belt.

While Induin loosened Elaina’s pants, Dainor stepped forward and squatted slightly, until his cock was lying on her chest.

When Elaina moved to squeeze her breasts together around Dainor’s shaft, Induin knocked her hands away. “I’ll do that. Liaren is going to take care of your lower half.”

A moment later, a pair of hands appeared from behind Dainor, reaching between his legs to Elaina’s now loosened breeches and tugging them down until they were off, leaving Elaina’s smooth pussy exposed to the cool night air.

Induin’s hands took command of Elaina’s tits and pushed them together, trapping Dainor’s nice smooth cock in a tunnel of creamy flesh into which he immediately began to thrust.

Elaina watched avidly as the Elf’s rod repeatedly appeared and disappeared with each pump of his hips. As if she wasn’t aroused enough, the sensation of Liaren pushing her thighs open and kissing and licking her way up each one drove her even higher. She thought she might explode if she didn’t feel a tongue on her clit soon!

As if Liaren could read her mind, Elaina felt something warm and wet lick her hungry cunt from bottom to top, sending sparks through her entire body. Her hips bucked instinctively, and a cry of pleasure escaped her lips.

As Liaren began to lick her furiously, Dainor’s breath hitched, and he uttered a deep groan as his cock began to spasm, sending ropes of Elf come flying onto her chin, her lips, her cheeks. Induin leaned forward as much as she could, putting her face next to Elaina’s and sticking her tongue out to catch what she could.

Elaina had never tasted Elf come before, and found it to be amazingly sweet as she licked her lips. It certainly explained why Induin was now licking her face clean. Dainor bent further down and planted a hot kiss on Elaina’s mouth, which she returned happily while Induin continued to seek out any remaining come with her tongue.

Elaina suddenly cried out into Dainor’s mouth as Liaren sucked her engorged clit between her lips, a tactic which pushed Elaina over the edge and sent her hips into a series of bucking spasms, and set her thighs trembling. Releasing Dainor, Elaina caught her breath as the aftershocks rolled through her. Aros, that was good!

Liaren’s face appeared from between her thighs, her chin glistening with Elaina’s juices. After giving Elaina a searing kiss, Liaren popped her ass up onto the table, leaning back on her hands and spreading her slender thighs before cocking an inviting eyebrow at Dainor.

The handsome Eryn’elda laughed, and his cock immediately began to rise as he knelt on the seat between Liaren’s long legs and positioned himself to fuck her.

“It’s going to be a long, fun night,” Induin whispered into Elaina’s ear as she lowered the drunk Paladin down until she was lying on the bench. The next thing Elaina knew, Induin’s smooth, hairless pussy was hovering over her face, and a slippery tongue was hungrily exploring her own sex.

Elaina awoke the next morning thankful that Paladins did not suffer the negative effects of too much alcohol. She had had plenty to drink, and had enjoyed herself fully, though she didn’t remember the details all too clearly.

Judging by her current surroundings, she’d finished the night on a high note. She was sleeping in a pile of naked elves on a huge bed, in a house she hadn’t been in before. Someone was spooned in behind her – a male, by the feel of the hard length trapped between her thighs – and she was in turn huddled up against another male, his sex apparent because she was holding his impressive phallus in her hand.

She felt her body begin to respond as she got her bearings, but instead of staying for more fun, she chose to gently extricate herself from the bed, which was no easy task, especially due to the ridiculously buxom, golden-haired woman who was draped over the top of her and her two lovers.

Miraculously, she got out without waking anybody, and crept quietly from the room, not even bothering to look for her clothes. The last time she remembered seeing them was when she’d ripped her blouse off and someone had removed her pants.

She exited the big room via the balcony, which had a connecting bridge that took her back in the direction she wanted to go; Induin and Liaren’s home. They hadn’t been in the pile of bodies on the bed, so she’d start looking for them there. Today was the day that she had arranged to leave Ildernass and head to Amina’s Temple, and the Lord and Lady of Ildernass had been gracious enough to prepare a boat to take her there. Induin and Liaren had also insisted on coming, which Elaina was happy about; she rather liked the two mischievous twins.

Visions flashed into her mind of her and the Elvish sisters engaged in passionate sex, along with a handsome dark-haired Elf with a nice cock. Dainor? She thought that was his name. Her nipples hardened as she remembered him spraying her face with his come.

She would miss the Elves sorely. Hopefully she could return soon. Happily, Induin and Liaren were at home, sleeping peacefully in their bed with no fewer than three men, one of whom she recognised as Farindel, one of the elder nobles of Ildernass. Farindel must have been a very old Elf indeed, for the weapon that rested between his thighs was easily as thick as Elaina’s wrist, and as long as her forearm, even in repose!

Elaina found herself wondering with amusement if Elves’ breasts or cocks ever stopped growing, or if they continued to get bigger and bigger for eternity. She would have to ask someone about that. Quietly, she roused Liaren and Induin, and they left for the riverbank, cutting through the Circle to retrieve Elaina’s shirt and pants and passing more piles of naked, happily sleeping Elves in the process.

A long, narrow boat greeted them as the river came into view, large white sails unfurled and bulging with the breeze. Thankfully, the crew were already up and clambering about the rigging; Elaina had been concerned she would have to go and dig them out of whatever pile of flesh they were sleeping in.

In short order, they were away and heading upriver, toward Amina’s Temple in the Karvani Mountains, and toward Aran, whom she planned on melding as the very first thing she did when she arrived.

Sara hit the ground along with the others as Aran dropped his sword and sprinted toward Sylvia. Thanks to a convenient rise in the grassy plain, Sara could see quite clearly the riders racing to catch Sylvia, and the fleet-footed half-Elf running to meet Aran.

The next moments happened all too quickly. The riders surrounded Aran and Sylvia, and then suddenly they were being tied up and led away, forced to run behind the trotting horses.

Sara turned and looked at the scared faces around her. Lynelle, Sorla, Liddea and Erik, all loyal Servants of Aros, and they’d just seen their leader and one of their own escorted away by armed men.

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35 Dawns went on secondment her last weekend

35 Dawn`s went on secondment, her last weekend. A lot of this is fantasy some is true, you choose the bitsIt was given me by her hubby normally a happy cuckold. Her company had “chosen” her to go on secondment to the USA and she was to fly on Monday and would be away for a number of months, he was devastated. Naturally they discussed it and decided what must be must be, it`s a harsh world out there, and they wanted the promotion that could follow. It did however mean giving up a lot...

3 years ago
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The Paper RouteChapter 12

Neither Becky nor I had ever been to the Hampton’s home before, but Mom had been there with Dad a few years ago, and she knew the way. We had to drive about fifteen miles to get there. They live out in the country, just across the county line and that’s the reason Joey, Dana and Leigh don’t go to our school, though our school is closer to their house than their school. I drove, with Mom giving directions. When she told me to turn right at the next county road, I slowed and turned onto a wide...

3 years ago
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My Boyfriend Tells Me to Get Naked in Public

by Vanessa Evans Author’s Note This story is a continuation of my story ‘What would it be like’, obviously it would be beneficial for you to read that story first but this story can also be read as a standalone story. I really love my boyfriend but he does get me to do the most embarrassing and humiliating things in public. You see, shortly after I realised that I was really, really, totally, madly in love with him I promised him that I would always do whatever he asked me to do, and I’m...

2 years ago
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A Reunited Crush story 1 0f 3

It all started in my last year of junior school when, like adolescent boys tend to do, I had a crush on a girl in my class. Living in the same small village, our families had known each other for years and Andrea Jones definitely knew I liked her. But, for some reason that my juvenile brain couldn’t fathom, she wasn’t interested in being a girlfriend, not even as we progressed through secondary school together. She’d occasionally flirt with me — but that was it. After secondary school, I moved...

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My Pregnant Neighbour

I was a single male in my late fourties, who has a really good job and therefore really hardly any time for relationships. I live in an apartment in a city and recently I got new neighbours. They were couple in their mid-thirties and they politely introduced themselves to me. He was a businessman named Andrew, she was a housewife called Paula, who was pregnant with their first child. They seemed friendly enough folks, but I didn’t pay much attention to them. I like to be by myself and usually...

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My Son My Lover

My son Bobby was twelve years old when he happened to catch me masturbating. I was embarrassed at first, but he seemed interested and came right into the room, confessing that he had thought there must be something wrong with him because he had been playing with himself "down there" lately at night and in the shower when he washed himself. I told him it was perfectly natural to play with yourself, and that all men did it. I asked him if he had ever had an orgasm, to which he replied that...

4 years ago
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How I Became A Swinger

How It All Began I retuned home early from work than my husband expected I thought id surprise him, I opened the front door and strangely he wasn’t downstairs so I headed up stairs, when I got nearer the top I heard a bitch moaning loudly, Oh fuck, oh fuck yeah, yeah baby she cried, what the fuck I thought as I stood in the door way there was my husband fucking some big titty rock bird doggy style, I stood at the doorway in rage, I was shaking with anger seeing my husband cheating with some...

2 years ago
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What A Summer Part 1

Finals were finally done, and I was home for the summer. The neighborhood was having a block party one Saturday afternoon during which I had noticed one of the neighbors staring at me on several occassions. To protect the guilty, I'll refer to her as Chelsea. She was married to a plastic surgeon and lived down the street. She was in her early forties, around 5'6" tall and probably around 120 pounds give or take. If was obvious that she had had some work done, after all, she was married to a...

3 years ago
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My First Time With A Friend

I have always been pretty shy. I open up among friends but even then I still hold things back. I am not sure if it’s a lack of confidence or if it comes from me not knowing what to say. Knowing this, I figured it would be quite some time before I let some completely see me, mind and body. I moved away from my hometown right after I graduated and hadn’t been back in a while. I missed my friends there so I took a weekend off from work and decided to go visit. I was excited to see everyone,...

First Time
2 years ago
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The Quest Chapter 4

Chapter IVThe Man - I bring you out into the outdoor training area and make stand in the middle of the sandy area."Hands behind your head A and keep your hair out of the way." I walk away and return a few moments later with a long, thick catwhip."Now tell me A, what where you thinking when I taught Teresa her first lesson?" My voice isn't harsh. Actually very understanding."I ... I felt sorry for her, Sir.""And you wanted to take her place, didn't you?""Yes .... yes Sir," you stammer, blushing...

2 years ago
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After cheerleading practice

You come home from cheerleader practice still in your hot little skirt and half top. I smile, greeting my eighteen-year old daughter warmly, holding you close. Your firm young breasts pressed against my chest as I inhale the smell of your soft silken hair. “Hey honey, how was practice?”You smile up at me, returning my embrace. “It was good, daddy. How was work?”“Boring as usual, but I’m better now that you’re home.” Chuckling as I slap your hot little ass playfully. “Let’s get you something to...

3 years ago
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Chaos Calls 01 The Learning VisitChapter 04

This town is called Bridgetown because it’s at a bridge over a major river. Both Joe and I are expecting trouble here because this is the town where we would’ve arrived if we came via the nearest bank, as per the standard procedure. We need supplies and information, so we split up. After finding a good clearing in the forest well away from the road and not that far from the town we set up camp and picket the ponies. The teens and I prepare packs that look like we’re travelling by foot and...

3 years ago
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Righting Wrongs

Special thanks to Digger for suggesting some of this series Prologue Kenneth Eaton was the youngest child of six, growing up on large farm in central California. His older brothers were all, "Masculine manly men" as they loved to say. Kenneth, however, wasn't. He was smaller, skinnier, and weaker. They favored their father, Kenneth favored his mother. Genetics weren't on his side. She was shorter, skinnier, and had barely any musculature. She was frequently called a, "Waif",...

4 years ago
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The Smell of SexChapter 7

Laura rushed to Dr. Adams's class, opened the door quietly, and sat down in the back row trying very hard not to be seen. When she finally had the courage to look up, she saw the disapproving scowl on her professor's face. 'Damn!' she thought, 'I'm going to be in trouble; that old bitch doesn't miss anything.' She made it through the class without drawing further attention to herself, but all she could think about was sitting naked, with her legs spread wide in Dr. Adams's office,...

3 years ago
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Arlene and JeffChapter 185

WINTER PARK Greg McMasters, head of procurement at the hospital where Caitlin was employed, hit a speed-dial number on his cell phone. Two rings later. "Yeah? What do you want on a Sunday afternoon?" Aaron Solomon, McMasters' assistant, answered, knowing it was McMasters by the number shown on the phone. "We need to talk." "So talk. I'm just..." "Not on the phone. Meet me downtown at the park," McMasters curtly interrupted, hanging up before Solomon could answer. A few minutes...

1 year ago
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Shes Back

She sat on her bed. Quiet as a mouse. Her legs were crossed and her laptop was staring at her, urging her to go online.She’d been away for a long time. She thought she had met “the one” who she could spend the rest of her life with. It turned out that it only showed her that she was much better off on her own. She didn’t need anybody, just her family and friends. She had a roof over her head, a decent paid job, and she had been lucky enough to travel a lot within the last couple years of her...

4 years ago
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Magical LabyrinthChapter 2

Rebecca awoke slowly feeling dizzy and miserable. Her head was spinning, she felt freezing cold, and her stomach has heaving. She blinked in bewilderment into the bright white light around her, trying to understand where she was while resisting an urge to vomit. She tried to make sense of her environment and failed. Her memory was an absolute blank as to how she got here. Where was here? As her mind began to clear, she realized she was lying flat on her back in a large empty room without...

1 year ago
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forced Cont

A roar from the crowd of pure excitement rips through the air. It sound to be fifteen to twenty people here. I fell a jolt of pain through my right breast. A blood curdling scream came out of me. I stepped back only to step into a female. May I do something to her? Yes go head. She grabbed the rope and lead me to a wall and told me to put my hands over my head and stand on my tippy toes. Hands go underneath my breast and lift me up. My wrist slide onto something, feels like a hook. I am lowered...

1 year ago
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Reminiscing about my first girlfriend

My first lesbian encounter started with a chance invite to an afterschool party. I’d known the party organiser* Charlotte, mainly as I’d heard about her, or more so, overheard that at a recent party she’d given one of our classmates his first blowjob. *By the way you’ll excuse that most elements of this are true trying to recount it in the manner in which I enjoyed it is a struggle…. You’ll get the gist – ha “party organiser” trying to think what my 15 year old self would have said, that or I...

2 years ago
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Shari decides to give up her virginity

After one semester of college, I was still a virgin. I was proud of the fact, but not anxious to keep it that way. When I first arrived on campus, I was convinced that Cindy was going to be my first. But she ended up being a close friend (more to come on Cindy). I got to know a lot of people those first couple months, and had some very interesting encounters, but I was still pretty lonely. Don’t get me wrong, I was a master at masturbation. I had a stack of Playboys and Penthouses under my bed...

3 years ago
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Hot Massage With My Aunt

Hi All, This is my first story on indian sex stories dot net. About me, I’m Nikhil from Chennai. Women find me attractive and always had their attention. I’m 29! – Good bod! if you find my story interesting, share your thoughts to (Up for some fun?) This incident happened a few years back. I was at work and my mom called me and informed that my aunt’s (Sheela) family had moved to Chennai and she wanted some help setting up the house. I haven’t seen my aunt in ages. I used to hangout a lot at...

4 years ago
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My Sons Migraines Ch 2

[Read Chapter 1 before proceeding] I had to leave the house early the next morning for a work meeting, so I didn’t see Alex until the evening. I had a hard time focusing during the day. Visions of the night before kept taking over my planned work. One minute I’m reviewing next quarter’s finance reports and the next I’m picturing my son’s hard cock glistening with pre-cum. My cunt was on fire all day. Thankfully the afternoon was packed with meetings that kept me engaged and not thinking...

2 years ago
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And so, you're on your own. At last, you've got your own apartment, your own life, your own world to live in. It's so-you. Everything in this place screams, "John Doe lives here!" You're so bloody lonely. The buzzer rings. Well then, a good solution to that problem. You answer, and are extremely surprised to hear your cousin Christine's voice. "John, you've got to let me in. It's freezing out here." Your parents just called today to tell you that Christine had run away from home. They were...

4 years ago
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All I Could Do Was Smile

I could feel him gazing at me from across the bar. Lifting my head so my blue eyes met his. Can he tell that I wanted him? His lips twitched into a rough smile. What was it about him that turned me on? I could feel my pussy begin to throb and get wet, as he undressed me with his eyes. Enough was enough, I couldn?t take it anymore. I downed my drink, told my friends I was leaving and headed for the door.I had just made it to my car when I felt a hand gripping my waist tightly. He spun me around...

1 year ago
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Naomi gets her birthday present

Part 2 or 3 Standing in the hallway before me is the vision I had been hoping for all night, I should pinch myself but if this is a dream then I don't want to wake up. Simone breaks from kissing Naomi. "Why don't you put some of your music on babe?" I nod at Simone, not taking my eyes off them both for as long as I can as I walk in to the spare room and quick as I can I fire the laptop up, open my play lists and find the most appropriate music I can and hit play. I half run back to the hallway...

1 year ago
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Keeping her happy

Let me set the scene. I live with my girlfriend, we have a great sex life innovative, imaginative and regular. We try lots of new things and the spice is still there after 5 years together. One thing, however, I never thought we would have is an open relationship. So here is my story. My girlfriend's friend, Karla, was real upset as her boyfriend just moved to Italy with work. Let me describe Karla to you a real stunner! About 5'8', blonde, a great figure with 34/6 C/D boobs, a round, peachy...

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LinnetChapter 12

Linnet was extremely quiet – almost withdrawn – on the journey back to Essex and for some time after. It was Erica who made the biggest difference to her; on the journey she spent most of trip curled up on Linnet's lap or snuggling against her, with a sensitivity that might have been remarkable in an adult. Linnet, in response, held her; occasionally stroking her hair or absently kissing her head. It took a couple of weeks but Linnet gradually returned to her 'old' self; not that she...

2 years ago
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Bitter LoveChapter 3

For the next year, Frank Maloue spent building his fortune and attending social events. Tragedy struck Astors when on the way back from France the Titantic hit an iceberg and sank. His new wife Madelein made it off safely but John Jacob went down with the ship. It was this incident that he started calling on Grace Wheaters. She was a cousin, or a niece, or some kind of a relation to John. He was curious but never asked. Over those twelve months he spent time with her frequently and even got...

3 years ago
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The Doctor is In Ch 03

I don’t know how I slept that night after all that had happened, but I did, sometime after midnight. For the first time in almost two years, I didn’t dream about The Nude White Male threatening to cum in my eyes. I was so rested, I overslept, and woke up late for work. After a quick shower, I changed into my work clothes, a semi-casual shirt and slacks. I collected an armload of case files that I never got the chance to review, and headed to work. During my thirty minute commute, I wasn’t...

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Hoping for a Dream Come True

I have been excited to see my uncle all day; no, even longer than that. When I say "excited" it describes more than just the normal excitement a niece would feel regarding a visit from her uncle. I've known for a week that he'd be coming and the moment I found out I was more turned on than ever before. My fantasies went on overdrive during that time. I can't remember a time I've pleasured myself more; it must have been at least three times a day every day up until his arrival. While jumping at...

2 years ago
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War Of The World II Part 5

Part 5 - The Miracle of WestminsterBig Ben struck half past midnight as we entered the eastern end of the bridge. It astounded me for a second that it was little more than twelve hours since I had first laid eyes on the Contessa and Bernhardt. Yet I realised that we had a bond with each such that I knew I would lay down my life for them, and them for me. I hoped the night ahead would not prove the truth of that realisation. I could tell that Bernhardt was eager to prove himself against the...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Mommy Made Me Do It

At first it came as a bit of a shock, seeing my mom being paid after swallowing some strangers seed but with puberty hitting, oddly enough, it kind of became erotic. There were many nights I'd lay in bed listening to the stranger pounding my mom in the room next door, my hand squeezing on my cock, stroking, until the semen was sliding down my shaft. A few times I even cracked the door and watched. It was dark but the shapes of the people were there and the noises and degrading remarks were so...

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Friendly Sex

I sat across from him watching his lips move and not hearing a goddamn thing that came out of his lips. Did he think about me? Did he miss me? We’ve been best friends for over 7 years, and I was in and out of love with him for most of it. A night of cuddling went too far and the next thing I knew I was no longer a virgin and I woke up next to the person I thought was the love of my life. Two weeks later I got the cold shoulder and 7 months later here we sit.

4 years ago
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Delhi Randi Part 1

Hello to all the wonderful hot ladies who are very horny. You people inspire me a lot. Thank you for your valuable feedback you guys gave for my previous story. So I decided to pen down my experience which happened recently. Actually, the heroine of this story asked me to post it on indian sex stories dot net . And the sex story I am going to narrate here is true and it happened in real life. Maybe I am too lucky :). Coming to my intro, myself Gagan Gowda.I am 21 years old. Presently doing my...

3 years ago
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Breeding Mommy Chapter II

Over the next few days, we’d keep a fairly similar routine. He’d get home from school and I’d greet him with a hug before giving him a loving blowjob in his bedroom, swallowing his semen, before starting in on dinner. There’d even be times where I’d give him a second round of head while in the middle of cooking.He’d be sitting on the counter with his hard cock out and his pants around his ankles, and I would just work away at him with my mouth and hand until he came. And when he did, and he...

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The Demons Harem Maras Story Part Two

She was rocking back and forth, cum oozing out of her pussy and dripping onto the floor. The threshers were all in a frenzy, begging to be allowed to fill her with their sperm as well. Someone raised the chains again so that she was tipped back up more horizontal, making her pussy obtainable for the beady eyed lizards. One of them positioned himself right in front of her head and shoved his throbbing cock against her face. He reached behind her head and ripped the cloth free of her mouth....

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CHAPTER 9:Ding, ding, ding … ding, ding, ding … ding, ding, ding …Annie was the only one in the house. The sound momentarily bewildered her. She was so used to not having a phone that worked in the house that hearing one seemed out of place. She grabbed it off the end of the counter and checked the display. There were only a few phone numbers logged into it and so far all by Bobbi. The display reported ‘Mendoza’.“Hi, Mrs. Mendoza. Ugh … sorry … Sofia.”A chuckle greeted her. “This must be Annie,...

1 year ago
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Matt My Fantasy Boy Part 3

“Wow,” I stated simply. Matt chuckled and my heart raced again. Here I was, lying in bed with my almost-naked crush after just making out with him; this day was unbelievable. I leaned back in to kiss Matt again but I was uncomfortably interrupted by my now hard cock poking Matt in the leg. I quickly pulled back, blushing, but Matt just laughed again. “Don’t worry about it,” he said, pulling back the covers. “I've actually got one too.” We both looked down and I finally got a good judge...

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Jack and JillChapter 47

I swallowed and pushed the button next to the front door. I could hear the chimes of their doorbell going off. They still reminded me of something I'd hear in a cathedral. Jill opened the door and held it open. Dressed in white shorts, just long enough to cover her butt, down to the tops of her legs. She had her Perlione's tablecloth shirt on. The one with the red and white squares, tied off under her bust. Her hair looked like it had been brushed within an inch of its life. It almost...

2 years ago
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Bangable Blond Bimbo

Bree sure looked like a bimbo. Blond hair, bounteous boobs, bubble butt, Barbie face. She could act the part too and sometimes had reason to. She thought of the play-acting as kind of a disguise. The real Bree had an IQ of 154 and was well along on her doctorate in astrophysics. It was a matter of money. She came from a financially deprived background and had no luck with scholarships at the graduate level even though she’d scored a few getting through lesser degrees. Having been abused in...

4 years ago
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Scotts Letter to Jen

Today was the day. I’m going to finally tell her I’m falling for her, I’m going to get up the nerve and ask her out. Was what Scott thought to himself. But, how to do it was another story, ok a little background. Around a week ago this incredible women started emailing him. Over the course of the week Scott found out they had a lot in common and had even spoken to her over the phone. This phone call on the previous Friday had sealed the deal, Scott knew he had to ask out Jen (Named changed to...

1 year ago
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Summer Hire Ch 15

Lazy AfternoonMelissa walked back into the house, the screen door banging shut behind her. As her eyes adjusted to the dimness of the house, she wandered over to Erik’s study on the top level, to see if he was there. In the yellow pool of light from his desk lamp, she could see that he was sitting in his chair, talking quietly with a woman standing next to his desk. She wore high heels and a pencil skirt, and she stood with a hand on her hip.The woman was facing away from Melissa, and the...

3 years ago
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Carol Part Two

Carol and I sat in her kitchen apartment. Our first sexual experience had not ended well. I did not control myself and came all over her back, hair, and ass way too soon. What followed was a well deserved verbal spanking, as she was upset both at my lack of control and having cum all over her back. It was now early morning, about 1:00 a.m., and sufficient time had passed since my embarrassing misadventure, that I was fully ready to continue with what she and I had started a few hours before....

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Ex sisterinlaw dominationhumiliation Part 2

I know the first story was long but I hope worth it. Feedback is appreciated. The last part ended with my ex-sister-in-law, now Mistress leaving me wearing the smallest chastity device I owned telling me that the only way I would get it removed was to travel the five hours to her house. Along with the travel was the dread of being not only her slave but potentially all her daughters; four of them, and her friends. I was also told that I had to wait at least a month. I texted and...

2 years ago
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Private party

I was going to call Cait back but first I read the texts she had sent, and the first one said 'Did she say anything?' with a blushing smiley and the next one just said 'What happened?'Then it was 'Calling, want to talk. You ok?' and then 'Call me pls' and after that 'Why wont you answer?'The next message was longer; 'You're kinda freaking me out. Something wrong? Pls call. Did mom say something? Are you angry with me??' and then it was 'Baby please! I'm sorry! Whatever I did I'm so sorry! I...

3 years ago
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For Ashley

We would start with both of us standing. I would pin you against the wall with my body and start nuzzling your neck. My hands would move over your perfect body, working my way down over your breasts and find their way to your waiting pussy. As I run my finger along the outside of your lips, I can already feel that you are damp. You wrap your fingers around my cock, feeling it get hard as you move your hand over it. I continue to nibble on the side of your neck and I feel you take a quick...

1 year ago
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Far Too Hot And Getting Hotter chapter 4

Far Too Hot(chapter four)Kevin is making me so hot, the relentless slapping of his balls on my pussy, his giant cock spearing my arse, his hands playing with a nipple and my ever sensitive clit. Kevin, you’re driving me mad.I spit again on my fuckers pole, his face is contorted, his mouth is gaping, his breathing is spasmodic, his hands fist the bed on both sides of him.“Oooo, this looks like just what I need, I’ve always wanted to be in a porno.”It’s Jen, my darling Jen . . . . . fuck, that...

2 years ago
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How She got me to love BBC Part 1

I enter the local supermarket once I get off the train on my way home from work. It is almost summer and yet the majority of the womeb walking around think that it is. So many of them are dressed in such provocative ways. I am not angry about it at all! I walk in to the market to pick up some milk to take home as I am listening to Mozart on my phone and not trying not to pay attention to anything, but then just like that, a glorious vision pops up in front of me. A striking Latina who is just...

3 years ago
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How I Started

Hey- This is a personal story. Let me know what you think. Mostly true...'cept names and a few other things...enjoy!!!!!!!!How Rebeca StartedThen, out of the blue, I received a friend request on F-book from the man who started me out. At 43, he was 31 years older than me when he and I played. I was on summer vacation and discovered masturbation in an unlikely way. Mom and dad had split up, so mom was at work during the week. I’d watched a series of movies that involved prostitutes that...

1 year ago
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The Hypnotists AssistantsChapter 10

Ken ran headlong into the darkness of the back alley behind the Klub Kasbah. His head was spinning, his tears still flowed, and he felt as if he was going absolutely insane. He knew only that he had to get away from the influence of Roger's voice. On he ran through the mean streets of the dingy neighborhood until he tripped and fell in a heap outside a darkened doorway. Ken crawled into the doorway and curled into a fetal ball. Is this all a cruel dream? Is all this happening in my head...

3 years ago
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Double Switch Ch 03

A Note to the reader: Double Switch is a novel with a Prologue, an Epilogue and 18 chapters. The Prologue has been on this site for some time. Unfor¬tunately, the censors at Literotica rejected my first and second chapters. I have rewritten them, making sure that no overt sexual activity takes place until the participants are 18 years of age. All of the major characters are completely fictional and bear no resemblance to actual people, living or dead. To understand the story, you need to...

3 years ago
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Arlene and JeffChapter 551

The Retreat Lieutenants Caldwell and Cox met Jeff in the living room before breakfast. “We have thoroughly enjoyed our short stay with you...” Caldwell began. “Good,” Jeff returned with a chuckle. “The General and I wish to reward you for a job well done, and since you seem to be enjoying yourselves, we thought you might be receptive to another day to relax. I have spoken to the Sergeant. Should you need gear to tide you over, he’ll provide it.” Jeff went on. “As you might have already...

1 year ago
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Good Medicine Junior YearChapter 38 Doing Ones Duty

October 28, 1983, McKinley, Ohio “You look cute in a skirt, Mike,” Melody teased. “It’s a «袴» (hakama)!” Kimiko protested. “Ignore Melody,” I chuckled. “And besides, the vestments I wear in church are very much like a dress, and so is my cassock! In fact, I’m wearing my cassock underneath this outfit to protect the Japanese clothes from skin oils, because we didn’t have a complete kimono available.” “Where did you get the outfit for Mike, Kimiko?” Sandy asked. “The hakama, or what Melody...

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