Swamped FoxChapter 2
- 4 years ago
- 23
- 0
Mimi’s turn:
Waiting rooms. I hate ‘em. As a nurse, I’ve seen too many tragedies played out with families in one of those rooms awaiting the outcome of a procedure on a family member.
Now here I am. Worse, I’m not even sure of what MY status is. Three days ago that guy in surgery rescued me. Today I rescued him right back. Our actual connection is kind of sketchy. Rescued me. Gave me a place to stay for some indeterminate time until I get my stuff together.
We haven’t had really long discussions about who I’m supposed to call. This infection thing ran right up over him. I don’t know who’s supposed to be here besides me, and I’m really just barely connected.
Finally the door swings open. The guy wearing the scrubs, the mask dangling below his chin, has ‘doctor’ written all over him. “Fontenot family?” he asks.
“That’s me,” I said.
“Francis is in recovery. We did a few incisions to relieve pressure from his infection, so his blood supply can get to his foot. They’re culturing to identify the infection. He’s going to be going to a room soon. Isolation, at least until we get a handle on what sort of bug he’s got.”
“Isolation? What’s the protocol for visitors?” I knew some of this. Wanted to see where this hospital would fall out.
“He can have limited visitors. Hand sanitizer. No contact. I think that’s what they do.”
“Okay. Thank you, Doctor.”
“You’re welcome. Good luck.”
He pulled the door closed behind himself, leaving me ALONE.
Soon I was in the recovery room with this guy, and I’m not really sure what I’m supposed to do. I sigh. ‘Okay, Mimi, ‘ I tell myself, ‘you’re a nurse. You’ve got ONE patient right now. You can do this.’
Apparently ‘doing this’ included a gentle caress, tracing my fingers along the curve of his brow, then down his cheek.
“I’ll bet you’re one fantastic nurse,” he said with a croak.
“Don’t try to talk. Your throat’s gonna be raw from the anesthesia protocols. And yes, If you’d listened yesterday, well ... I won’t say I told you so.” I squeezed his fingers. “Rest. We can argue later.”
A bit after that, I watched another nurse check him out. “We’re taking him to a room in isolation. You can follow, but we have rules...”
“I’ve worked isolation cases before,” I said.
Her eyes clicked to mine. “Nurse?”
“RN,” I said. “Agency nurse.”
“From here? I don’t recognize you.”
“No, I’m displaced by the flood. This guy rescued me. Caught that infection doing it.”
“Then you know what MRSA is. We’re pretty sure that’s his issue.”
“I can handle that.”
I followed the orderlies as they rolled him through the hospital to the surgical ward, then into his room. I stopped at the nurse’s station.
“You’ve got my friend Francis Fontenot. He goes by ‘Buddy’.”
“We just got the packet on him,” the clerk said. “That’s our isolation room he’s going in.”
“I’m a nurse myself. I’ll be here with him.”
“You can talk with his nurse when she finishes her admit protocol,” the clerk said. “She’ll have to brief you on our rules for the isolation room.”
“I’ll wait for her,” I said.
“He’ll be fine,” the clerk smiled. “We’re pretty good here. Want a cup of coffee?”
“Is it any good?”
“No,” she said, “but that never stopped anybody before.”
I took the offered cup. It was right there in the middle of the range of coffee I’ve drunk at dozens of units in the past few years. I made a mental note to bring some snacks up here when I got out and came back. Being nice to staff – well, I like it when somebody makes an effort, so I imagine they will, as well.
Finally, the nurse showed up. Middle-aged black woman, looking a bit tired. “You’re here with Mister Fontenot?” she asked.
“Yes, ma’am,” I said.
“You know he’s still groggy.”
“Post-surg,” I said. “What’s the deal? Meds?”
“Infectious isolation protocol,” she said. “You can visit, but you wash your hands with that sanitizer every time you come and go, and if you touch him. Nothing carried in ... Well, cellphone, okay? But he doesn’t touch it. And he’s gonna stay on the IV. We’re piggybacking some antibiotics. Surgeon will be in later to look at the drains in his leg, and I suppose that this Doctor M...”
“Yeah. Infectious disease guy. He’ll be in to talk with y’all.”
“Pain meds?”
“Hon, you got that ‘nurse’ look to you...”
“RN,” I said.
She smiled. “I can tell. Yeah, we got Demerol on the list for pain.”
“Can I go see ‘im?”
“Wash your hands first, go see ‘im, then sanitize when you come back out.”
“I’m familiar,” I said.
“Sure, hon.”
I left the nurse’s station, walked up the hall, gently opened the door. I never stop marveling about how small and frail a human can look when he’s framed by a hospital bed. This guy, healthy, robust, vigorous when I first saw him – now, in that bed, he LOOKS helpless. I see that they have the covers tented up over his legs, so I know he’s helpless.
I ease up by his side. “I’m here, Buddy,” I said.
His eyelids flutter, then open. “I’m glad you’re here. Don’t know what I’d do without you.”
“Let’s not think about that, Buddy. I’m here. You’re gonna be okay.”
He tried a smile. It works. He smiled a bit more when I patted his arm.
“If you’re going to stay here for a bit, I’m going to run home and get a few things. What do you need?”
“Nothing right now,” he said. “Take my wallet and stuff. And those clothes...”
“Those clothes are going to get a good washing, Typhoid Mary,” I said.
“You might want to think about YOUR things, too, Mimi. We were in the same flood, you know...”
“Yeah, but I’m not fragile like you...”
“Nurses ain’t s’posed to be mean,” he said. “Now go away while I sob quietly.”
“I’ll go.” I patted his hand gently. “I’ll be back in a bit.”
“Mimi, you don’t have to stay up here with me.”
“Thank you, Buddy, but I will be here as much as we can stand. I’m bringing ... Oh, shit! Lost my iPad in the flood.”
“Mine’s on the nightstand beside my bed. Use it...”
“I doubt we have the same tastes in literature...”
“So bring mine, get what you want...”
“I’ll think about it.” I gave my hands a good going over with the sanitizer, then left. Stopped by the nurse’s station and told them I’d be back.
Walking through the parking lot reminded me that it’s August in Louisiana – ninety-seven degrees and eighty percent humidity. Buddy’s pickup has a kick-ass air conditioner, though. Let’s see ... I followed an ambulance here ... Don’t remember much. But there’s a GPS. I turn it on, punch ‘home’. I hope that’s the way he programmed it. Oops! Cancel. Save the location of the hospital, THEN punch ‘home’ again.
Back at Buddy’s house, I bustled around, gathering ... Okay, I admit that at first I felt kind of strange going into HIS bedroom and going through closets and drawers to gather a few things, including a pair of socks. With the blankets propped up away from his feet ... I’ve put many a pair of socks on a patient.
I also took a shower. I was very meticulous and looked closely for signs of anything that might indicate that I had any infection. What Buddy had was aggressive. When I finished, I pulled on a set of the scrubs I’d bought yesterday. Why not? They’re comfortable, not flashy, and easy to clean.
On the way back to the hospital I stopped at a donut shop.
I dropped the donuts off in the coffee room at the surgery ward where Buddy’s staying, and I told the nurse at the counter.
She eyed me. “Scrubs?”
“Easy to keep clean. These’ll get washed when I get home.”
“You had me fooled. I thought you were a new nurse.”
“That’s a thought. I kind of lost everything in that stinkin’ flood. Buddy Fontenot rescued a bunch of people. I was one of them.”
“You’re a nurse?”
“RN,” I said. “Might be looking for a job after I see what’s happening back at my apartment. I’m sure I lost everything. I don’t know where I’d live around there, not to mention the job situation.”
“Hon,” she said, “You’re an RN. You can HAVE a job.”
“Agency,” I said. “Played that game.”
“Uh ... Buddy? Mister Fontenot? Your boyfriend?” she asked.
“Three days ago I was sitting on a rooftop with water up to the eaves at my feet. Buddy Fontenot came up the street in his fishing boat and rescued me and my neighbors. I helped him rescue a couple dozen more people that day. He gave me a place to stay until I get things together. Then he got his infection. My turn to return the favor.”
“Oh, I see.”
“Nice guy. Lives alone. Needs help. That’s me. I’m going to see him.”
“Remember the disinfection protocols.”
“Oh, I will. Thanks for the reminder.”
I walked into Buddy’s room. He was asleep, so I did a quick visual of his IV and his general condition, then put the bags down beside the visitor’s chair and made myself comfortable. I’d snagged a book off Buddy’s bookshelf. I thought it surprising that he had a bookshelf with actual BOOKS on it and I was even more surprised when I saw titles that I’d actually read and authors I was interested in.
I was going to the hospital, though, and mentally, I was sort of fried, I mean, flooded out two days ago, now staying at the hospital with a guy I just barely knew. He likes Tom Clancy. I like Tom Clancy, and there’s most of Clancy’s stuff. I picked up Without Remorse because I read it before and I liked the story line and as a reader I know that re-reading a book always reveals things you missed or failed to understand the first time through. I can dream about a man of action. I get into the book.
The nurse comes in, checks on Buddy’s IV. “Looks good,” I say.
She smiles. “I gotta do a pedal pulse. That’s one of their concerns.”
“Can I look?”
“He’s YOUR friend. That leg’s ugly.”
I looked. She palpated the pulse point. I mimicked her when she was finished. “Lot better than when he came in,” I said.
“Yeah, I would hope so. They left open incisions with drains. And that stuff we’re dumping in his IV will take paint off a Volkswagen.”
Buddy stirred, his eyes opening.
“Hey, Buddy,” I said.
“Hi, Mimi.”
“Mister Fontenot, how are you feeling?”
“My leg feels like a block of wood. That somebody set on fire...”
“On a scale of one to ten, what’s your pain level? Ten’s...”
“About a seven, I guess...”
“I’m gonna push another round of Demerol, then,” the nurse said. She looked over at me. “Pain management...”
“Stay ahead of it,” I replied to her. “Buddy ... You need to rest so you can heal.”
“I’m not much company ... Sorry...” he croaked.
“Here, take a sip of water,” I said. I held his cup and straw up with one hand. “Drink. Wet your mouth.” I cradled his head with the other. He felt warm. And more than a run of the mill patient.
He sipped. Worked up a bit of a smile.
“That’s good,” the nurse said. “He’s not putting out much.” She pointed to the collection bag. A catheter went to ... well, you KNOW where catheters go. I can be clinical. This is a medical venue. Clinical. Patient, I tell myself, not a pretty good looking, decent, intelligent guy. Patient. Right, Mimi?
Buddy’s turn: Damned near a week in a hospital. Home now, slices healing in my calf. Went with Mimi so she could salvage things from her apartment. She didn’t get much – some clothes, a couple of pots and utensils from the kitchen, a couple of photo albums. We got back home. I showed her some things I’d learned about salvaging flooded documents, got her precious photos laid out in the garage, drying. She started washing and drying her grandma’s cast iron pots, carefully cleaning, then...
Buddy’s turn: One day around the coffee pot, one of my particularly poetic co-workers said it best. Sipping a fresh cup of Community Dark Roast, he opined, “The love of a good woman is as the gentle spring rain. It is as likely to fall upon a flower as it is a dog turd.” The August floods that brought so much devastation to my home state also brought me the love of a good woman. I grabbed onto Mimi Clemons before she came to her senses, hauled her to the courthouse for a marriage license,...
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Thanks for the wonderful response folks. That to Rishma(Indian Sex Stories) for encouragement. This is continuation of Factory Love series.. Enjoy Cheers… I got a free license to have two girlfriends and I am happy and proud about that. Both Manisha and Reshma love me and I love both of them. As they accepted in front to everyone in the factory that they love me, there is no cat fight between them, but they don’t talk between each other. I am not really worried about it as long as they are fine...
My new neighbour was really nice but little did I know she was a red hot milf.Hi I'm Sam and I live in a really small town with my parents, my dad owns the local car dealership. And my best friend Rob and his family live next door.Me and Rob were in the pool one afternoon when he told me his parents were sellin the house and moving to be closer to his sick grandmother. This was a blow because when he left there would be nobody my own age to hang out with.It took a few months for his parents to...
As I am a cum crazy slut, I enjoy hanging out at the adult bookstores that have arcades or mini theaters. There I can usually always find a horny guy or two who will give me a creamy treat straight from the source. What I do is take a lip liner or eyebrow pencil and write the words "Cum Swallowing Slut" on one of my breasts, and then leave my blouse unbuttoned far enough so it can be read. On one night I noticed an average looking black man standing around outside of the bookstore. I...
Hello, this is a 100% true story of me and my cousin enjoying each other in a very intimate nature at the end of a party. I guess that I should begin with a bit about myself, I will use David for my name, at the time when we learned of our desires in was 26 years old. I am a 5'8" tall stalky guy, 200lbs, with dark brown hair and a goatee and am a heavy party person. I've had party houses since I was 15 years old and sold weed starting in my first year of high school. i got my first...
"Hey Babe, I'm really sorry, but I won't be home tonight. We've got a really big deadline and we're going to be pulling an all-nighter," she replied. I told her it was okay, we told each I love you and I hung up. I knew there was no deadline at work, that she was actually going to be spending the night in a hotel with her boss. They had been having an affair for over a year now. She thought that I didn't know but she had been leaving clues that only a fool wouldn't find. But fair...
The ladies all loved it laughing along as it went. As it quieted down, I released them all except Peter and Charles, but most stayed to listen. “I’m officially going to release you from the ‘Every Little Piece’ number, gentlemen. I will recast that later. Turn to the song called ‘You and Me (But Mostly Me)’ look it over for a moment. Johnny Carter and James Allen, you will be learning the PETE’S DRAGON numbers during our next day off.” Joan gave James a kiss, Geena gave Johnny a kiss on the...
The Beauty Alright, here’s the deal. This story isn’t about me… it’s about Betty. Betty the Beauty. But things got awfully confusing awfully fast, and so, for the sake of simplifying it even a little, I’m going to step in first and introduce the characters. After all, I’ve known all the participants in our tale the longest. But the thing is: where do I begin? Most people would say that I should begin at the beginning, but I’ve always been a rebel, so I’m going to tell you the end of the story…...
Jasmine Jynx is wearing some sexy fishnet stockings that make it look like she has the whole universe wrapped up in her thighs. Our lucky stud enters the picture looking to make a big bang where it counts. Jasmine teases him by grinding her hips and cooch against his package on the bed, getting him as hard as a moon rock. Then she runs his cock up her stockings, catching it between her cheeks and letting it slide up and down her back. She turns over and spreads her cosmic legs to let him play...
xmoviesforyouAmy’s StoryBySemiater ([email protected]) Bobby rang the bell at Amy’s apartment, in his hands he held a dozen long stem roses. Inside Amy had been getting ready for their night out since she’d got out of class earlier that day. She’d lounged in the tub for an hour after class with the warm bubbly water lapping against her smooth soft skin and her pussy aching, knowing they’d planned this night for months. It was her birthday, and Bobby was going to take her out on the town for a...
I stood on the landing, looking at the “C” in brass on the door for a few moments. I hadn’t had anywhere near as much bourbon as Shania had, but felt my head swimming. This was not a good situation, I thought. Still, maybe she’d go inside, fall into bed and go to sleep. That way I’d be spared any further emotional havoc this particular day. As I moved away from her door I shook my head to clear it. This had all been a bit much. As I reached the landing to my own place I decided I might as well...
I saw that clothes were laid out on my bed already and I took them into the bathroom with me to shower and get ready. When my hair and make-up were done, I turned to the clothes. Just a cream sleeveless sweater dress and leggings. The bra he’d laid out was just like the others – my nipples would be exposed. I wasn’t as worried today since nipples wouldn’t be so obvious in a sweater. I put the bra on and my nipples poked through the front. I grabbed the sweater and put it on. As...
The next morning I was awoken to the heavenly sensation of someone sucking my dick. An experience I would have almost every morning on the island. I didn't open my eyes, but I spread my legs a little. That tipped them off that I was awake. "Good morning, Sir" said the voice of a TK, to my right. I opened my eyes. "You're Tia, right?" The day before, I noticed a slight difference between the two girls' voices. It is hard to describe. Tia's voice had a slight rasp to it that her...
LIBRARY FANTASY SERIES: THE MAKING OF “S,” THE STORY OF “S”FOUR“S” GOES ON A JOB INTERVIEW By Pornmaster1. ©2011. All rights reserved Mouth stuffed with her Master’s cock, S now understood that it had been a test. Being face fucked by Master meant that she’d passed. She was glad because her new life of lust now devoured her and dominated her senses, and she didn’t want to let it go. From finding the phone number in her car, to the timing of this meeting, her master wanted to see how submissive...
Hi All – this is my first story in ISS so bear with me if this is too long. This story is of me (Rajat) and my Maami Simmi(maternal uncle’s wife) and both of our families live in Delhi. In my maami’s family there are 5 members – my naani, maama, maami, their one daughter (18 yrs now – another story) and a son(11/12 yrs). If you like this story – please write in to me at I dont know since when but i started liking my maami in a sexual way. I was aware of the sex between boys and girls because...
IncestWe slept late the following morning and missed breakfast, so we strolled around until we found a little cafe where we had coffee and croissants while sitting out in the sun.Mum phoned Mel who joined us within minutes, and from there we took a stroll around the little market again before finding a spot at the base of a large sand dune where we could sunbathe and just sleep.“When are you going to get naked?” I asked casually and they both guffawed in unison.“It took you longer than we thought,”...
IncestJune 2, 1992, Chicago, Illinois “Seriously?” Jessica laughed at breakfast on Tuesday morning. “Yep. The same as in Sweden twelve years ago! But given the rules, and the commitment I made to you two and Samantha, there was no way. Not to mention the fact that she’s fourteen.” “That’s just too funny,” Kara giggled. “‘Old Steve’ would have been in his element!” “‘New Steve’ is NOT going to be stupid. Even when a fun young girl puts it on offer!” “Good!” Jessica said. “Did the Board approve...
The nightclub was packed with people. Bodies were writhing together in time to the beats blasting over the speakers. All the flashing lights made it impossible to tell one face from another. It was like looking out over a sea of androgynous people, and she loved every minute of it. Her friends were down there somewhere, grinding up against the fellow of their choice. It mystified her that they would all probably hook up with someone tonight, and she'd be left alone again, tending all the...
Straight SexJury Service By Bill Hart Another day was underway. Once more I sat in the juror's assembly room wondering how slowly the day would pass. It certainly looked like it was going to be another long and boring day, not unlike the last two had been. I'd even finished the book, an epic of seven hundred pages, I'd brought with me from home, thinking it would be long enough to last the entire ten day stint. Oh well. In another half-hour I'd be off for one of those famous two-hour...
I have a major problem, which I have no idea how to solve. I may be pregnant by someone other than my husband and if I am, the baby will be black. It's an impossible situation, which is mainly my fault, and this is how it happened.I am a 35-year-old woman with 2 c***dren and I work for a large multinational company as a personal assistant to the divisional director. My husband has always encouraged me to involve myself in my job and I always have.A couple of months ago my company had some...