Swamped FoxChapter 2
- 4 years ago
- 23
- 0
Buddy’s turn:
Damned near a week in a hospital. Home now, slices healing in my calf. Went with Mimi so she could salvage things from her apartment.
She didn’t get much – some clothes, a couple of pots and utensils from the kitchen, a couple of photo albums. We got back home. I showed her some things I’d learned about salvaging flooded documents, got her precious photos laid out in the garage, drying. She started washing and drying her grandma’s cast iron pots, carefully cleaning, then putting them on the stove to dry under heat, finally wiping them down with cooking oil.
That took care of that set of tasks. She turned to me, wiping her hands with a kitchen towel. “Now, you. Go take a shower. Let me put a new dressing on your leg.”
“Yes, ma’am,” I replied in an overly subservient tone.
She snickered. “Good patient. Just do as you’re told. I’m gonna start a load of laundry. And I’ll do MY shower.”
I went into my bedroom, stripped, and showered in the master bathroom that adjoined it. The hot water felt good. I missed my home shower. My leg was giving me twinges of pain, though, so all was not good in paradise.
I finished the shower, was finishing up my shaving when I heard Mimi’s voice. “You okay?”
“Shaving,” I said. “In a minute...”
“I’m waiting, Buddy. Don’t be so bashful. I’ve already seen it.”
I toweled off my face, dragged on a pair of cotton briefs. “Okay, brave girl,” I said. “You asked for it.”
She shouldn’t’ve giggled when she saw me. “Ohmigod! Tightie-whities! I can hardly restrain myself!” The sarcasm was spiced with that laughter of hers that I’d heard only briefly. I hadn’t heard it nearly enough.
She’s playing a little game. I can play games. “Oh, it’s like that, then? Hang on!” I turned away from her, reached in my dresser drawer for a pair of blue briefs, then turned toward her. “Better?”
Her eyes flashed curiously. “Mmmm-hmmm.”
I turned my back to her, dropped the white ones, pulled the blue ones up. When I turned around, she was smiling.
“Now let me do your leg.”
You can’t give a guy a straight line like that and NOT expect a response. “A friend’s dog did that once,” I said.
She laughed out loud. “That’s the most horrible HORRIBLE thing you’ve ever said,” she squealed.
“I’m sorry. Momma raised me wrong. Uh, why are you laughing, then?”
“I didn’t say I wasn’t warped at least a little bit.” She smirked. “You think you’re sooooo cool. You should be punished.”
“I promise I won’t do it again, nurse,” I said. I stretched out on the bed. Mimi sat cross-legged next to me, her supplies laid out beside her. She knows what she’s doing. The leg is dressed neatly. I let my eyes close while she worked. When I opened them, I thought I caught her looking at the blue-covered lump at my crotch.
She finished my dressing and got off the bed. I started to get up. Don’t know why. Nothing pressing.
“No, you stay there. Let it rest.”
I obeyed. Closed my eyes. I just let myself drift until I felt the bed move as Mimi crawled in beside me. I turned to her. “Gutsy little thing, ain’t you?”
“Look, Buddy. We both have clothes on. It’s a big bed.” Then she laid a killer on me. “And I have a case of the lonesomes.”
And heaven help me, so do I. And she’s certainly pretty enough in a kind of tomboyish, girl next door way. Actually, I’d probably pick this one out of a lineup. And dammit, perfume. It’s been assaulting my nose. I’m sliding. I don’t know if I should be thinking what I’m thinking, but I do like the lady.
We’ve been talking about how dating would work, especially since she lives under my roof. We agree that the fact that we’ve spent so much time together, it’s like a normal (is there such a thing?) couple had been dating for weeks. We’ve talked in the mornings and in the evenings and we’ve shared meals and thanking God, she’s cared for me while I was in the hospital. Truth is, she’s seen every bit of me. All I’ve seen are the public versions of her.
Mentally? She’s smart. Seems levelheaded. A man could do a lot worse. Come to think of it, I did.
“Welcome to my safe space,” I said.
“How safe am I?” she asked.
“As safe as you want to be,” I answered.
“So if we’ve, like, had at least a couple of dates, then this would be safe?”
Before I could think of an answer, she kissed me. It was totally inappropriate for a platonic relationship. I turned to her, put my hand behind her head, kissed her back.
When we broke apart, we both sighed. She smiled. “Good. You?”
“I’ve been wanting to do that.”
“Why didn’t you?”
“We talked about this. I didn’t want to come off as some guy who took advantage of you. But I’ve been wanting to get my nose in the middle of your hair for a week.”
“My hair? Your nose? You one a’them freaks?”
I thought I’d ruined things. “Not the first time I’ve been called that. Mimi ... your hair. That perfume. Gets to me.”
“Well, now THAT’S a development,” she said, sitting up.
‘That’s it, ‘ I thought to myself. ‘She’s gone.’
I can be so wrong sometimes. She half-turned, flopped back, the back of her head softly landing on my face.
“Help yourself,” she giggled.
I moaned, a throaty, almost growl, clasped her head in my hands, reveled in the scent, the texture, the color. Finally, I said “Turn.”
She did. Our mouths welded together, tongues meeting, exploring. I didn’t feel bad about wrapping my arms around her because she wrapped me in hers. The kisses became hot, passionate, then finally we drew our faces apart.
I took advantage, stroking her hair back from her face, gazing into those blue eyes.
“What in the world are we doing, Buddy?” she asked.
“Beautiful Mimi, I don’t know ... Just sort of...”
“Me, too. Buddy, I’m not some stupid teenager making out at a pool party...” She kissed me again. “Though heaven knows, if this is what it felt like...”
“I don’t want...”
“I know what you want, Buddy.” She gently pushed me onto my back. Her face hovered just above mine, one hand touching my cheek. “You want this to mean something, not just a great shot of hormones.”
“Mimi, believe me, it’s nothing to do with you. You’re beautiful.”
“I might go as far as ‘cute’,” she said. “And I know what you’re gonna say.”
“What am I gonna say?”
“No one-night stands. No shackups.”
“At least that.”
“See?!? You’re this horrible anachronistic Neanderthal of a man, thumping on your chest and rescuing damsels ‘n’ shit. I know you. I know your type.”
“If you know, then...” I started, “why bother?”
“Don’t you see, Buddy? That’s what I’m looking for.”
“Heaven help us, then...” And I held her in my arms, looking into a totally charming face.
“You’re gonna mess that leg up if you keep flopping around like this,” she said.
“Are you gonna do this all the time?” I asked.
“What’d I do?”
“Broke into a tender moment with some of that sensible nurse stuff.”
“You’re kinda helpless on your own. Somebody needs to take care of you.”
“Take care of me? Are you applying for a job?”
She smiled. Kissed me. “I’ve had worse jobs.”
I reeled her in for another of the kind of kisses that men dream about on frigid nights in lands far from home. I made sure I didn’t flop around. One part in particular had no chance of flopping at all. And I’m trying to ignore hormones being dumped into my brain, erasing everything except ‘Ugh! Female! Must breed with female!’ Whatever’s left of the decent and conscientious part of me is telling me to back off and see what Mimi REALLY wants to do.
If that’s just kissing and cuddling, well, Buddy, you can use that. It’s been a long time.
More kisses. Her body seems to form itself to mine, fragrant, fresh, clean, soft in exactly the right way.
“Talk,” she said.
“I think I can still talk.”
“We both suffer from diverted blood supplies.”
“I love it when you’re clinical.”
“This isn’t clinical. This is Mimi being completely ruled by feelings.”
“I like it,” I said, then found further words impossible because she was kissing me.
“I do, too. What have you done?”
‘You, Buddy. You got me.”
“I got you?”
“I’m being a silly little girl, the same one that stupided her way into a bad marriage.”
“Happens, princess. So you’re thinking we’re stupid?”
“Aren’t we?”
“I dunno,” I said. “Truth is, I find more good in you in a week than I did in the months before I got married.” I paused. “And I got married anyway.”
“You’re no man-boy, Francis Marion Fontenot,” she said.
“And you do not appear to be some little girl who wants a man to keep her a princess all her life, Frances Marian Clemons,” I said, following her lead.
“You have a knack for serious conversation while wearing your skivvies,” she smiled.
“I didn’t start the serious conversation, Mimi.”
“I know. I did. We’ve had a lot of conversations, you and me, in the last week. But this is serious. About relationships. I think I know who you are. I want to know what you expect of me.”
“I dunno, Mimi. I guess I’m kind of fond of who you are right now. What I’ve seen of you, you sort of stepped up when you didn’t have to...”
“I am compelled by my upbringing,” she said.
“As am I. Yet here we are.”
She took a very deep breath. Appeared to almost say something several times, each time swallowing the words. Then, “Buddy, I know how to be married.”
I thought she’d get to exercise her CPR skills. I know my heart stopped and restarted three times.
“I do, too, Mimi. Kinda scared, here.”
“I’d make a good wife. Partner this time, if my husband wanted a partner. If he wanted arm candy or a slave, he wouldn’t be my husband.”
“I like that ‘partner’ thing, although any woman I’d take for a wife might have to spend occasional time on a pedestal.”
“We could trade places from time to time.”
There. She’d said it. It was me. Assuredly and unambiguously me.
“That makes this a very serious conversation, Mimi.”
Still Mimi: We got him to stand up, me and the ward nurse. His leg was wrapped in loose bandages, a concession to the drains and open wounds. Not much of a walk, but he did stand, and he did go to the bathroom and sit. He pushed the door shut. “You don’t have to do that, you know,” I said. “I’ve pretty much seen it all.” “I realize that, lady, but if I’m taking a crap, I may make a face and I don’t want you laughing at me.” Now I’m laughing at the absurdity. “See,” he said from behind...
Buddy’s turn: One day around the coffee pot, one of my particularly poetic co-workers said it best. Sipping a fresh cup of Community Dark Roast, he opined, “The love of a good woman is as the gentle spring rain. It is as likely to fall upon a flower as it is a dog turd.” The August floods that brought so much devastation to my home state also brought me the love of a good woman. I grabbed onto Mimi Clemons before she came to her senses, hauled her to the courthouse for a marriage license,...
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The Present... (Part I) by Debry White e-mail: [email protected] This story is fictional, any resemblance of the events, names, personalities, places, or organizations in this story to actual names or events is coincidence. It was already late and most of the invitees to my birth day party were gone already; After the last one left, Tony my best friend since I can remember, told me that he had another present for me in his car that he was dying on giving it to me... I just...
Joe and Terri Bonnar moved from Pennsylvania to Marietta, Georgia in the mid-1970s with their four children: Paul, Peter, Teresa and Joseph. Shortly after settling in their new home in the golf course community of Canterbury, their final child, Matthew arrived.Joe and Terri were soon involved in social as well as golf, swimming and tennis activities at Canterbury Golf Club.They were a popular couple as Terri had maintained a voluptuous figure despite being the mother of five. The men at the...
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A lyrical little item, I hope, drawn in part from my real experiences and in part from the losses of others, friends. A love song to my wife, and long may she be just that. It always made me smile. Thinking about my wife, I mean, and the way we ... well, the way we started off together. We were maybe a little older than most who meet and then marry for the first time, both of us twenty-seven, differing in chronological age by only a matter of weeks. By then, statistics tell us, most of us...
‘Ohhhh, Milt!’ Heidi Tate cooed while the man sitting next to her on the sofa tickled her neck with his fingertips. Warmth and delight began to spread through her. Her companion was Milt Bingham, the assistant principal of Jamestown High School, where Heidi was employed as school nurse. The assistant principal was about five-six, balding, and somewhat portly. He had been very attentive to Heidi ever since he assumed the assistant principal’s position at the beginning of the school year. He had...
Note : This story is completely fictional! After having seen the wife and her brother I couldn't wait until I had the opportunity to see it again. And knowing my wife I figured it wouldn't be long before I would get that chance. About 2 weeks later I came home early again in the afternoon and walked in and to my excitement I could hear the shower going. So I went to my usual peep hole and sure enough she and her brother were hot at it again in the shower. It didn't take long for me to get a...
IncestTammy Leigh quickly managed to establish herself at the exotic men's club where her girlfriend Amy had challenged her to try out as one of the featured dancers. In fact, Tammy Leigh had to be careful because as her name and the hotness of her dance performances began to spread, she not only suspected but found out through the grapevine that some of the other girls were becoming very jealous of her newfound success and popularity. Tammy found herself very soon not only feeling much more...
A story of temptation and opportunityIf Stevie Nolan had been born a hundred and fifty years ago, he'd have been one of those lone drifters roaming aimlessly across the wide open spaces. While it would now be impossible, he still managed to live a relatively similar lifestyle. As a representative for a large global company specialising in electronic process control systems, he spent three weeks out of four on the road. Stevie started career his as an engineer and drifted into sales, he however...
*** Anyone who enjoyed the first part please give me any feed back or if you would like a 3rd part *** -- Jessica stood leaning forwards against the mirror in the shower, her legs still spread with her feet on the floor against either side of the shower. Alex's Cum continued to flow out of her ass and pussy along with the remains of her virgin blood. When her hands left the mirror two hand prints appeared with the steam from the hot water. She looked at herself deep in the eyes and asked...
It was almost 8 P.M. when the front doorbell rang. “Oh, there he is,” Vicky said excitedly. “Go downstairs and let him in, then see if he wants anything to drink. I’ll be down in a minute.” She watched James leave the bedroom and head down the stairs. She went into the bathroom to dab some perfume onto her neck, between her breasts, and on the inside of both thighs. The doorbell rang again just as James reached the front door. He opened it and saw Vicky’s date standing on the porch. “I’m...
Two Saturday night`s ago, it happened.But first I will set the scene. One of Brad`s clients was having a dinner party/birthday celebration and we were invited to attend this seemingly boring formal night. As it was one of Brad`s many new clients I was expecting another dull (but necessary for business) night of minor chit chat and head nodding and was unenthused and barely interested, after a busy week working on a major court case in town. However the one small spark of interest came when I...
I've posted about how she started as a whore. And about her later time selling her body on the street. But missed the part where she went full time pro.It isn't pretty. She got addicted to d**gs while I was deployed in the military. I refused to pay for her d**gs. So she started going over the the bikers that got he hooked and would fuck enough of them to get what she needed. Later she realized that wasn't the best way to do it. So she took to the street. She was able to make a go of it, ...
‘So tell me, Manny, why is it that you came to see me?’ Pastor O’Malley asked kindly. ‘Well Pastor, I just get the feeling, that there aren’t any good people left in our neighborhood. You know, everyone’s like sleeping around and prostituting for fun and profit, and I think the whole neighborhood is going to Hell,’ Manny replied, his hands fidgeting so much he was almost wringing them. Pastor raised an eyebrow and Manny’s skin instantly flushed. ‘Well, everyone except for you and your wife,...
His first week in Des Moines is behind him, Jerry is back home for the weekend feeling pretty good about things overall. He's working again and he's got a place to live. Not bad progress for his first week on his own again. His time with his family is not great, but okay. He's bored at home.Everyone is into their own individual dramas and not really concerned about what Jerry's doing at all. Saturday night, his dad is out all night drinking and he has to listen to his mom tell him how...
TransWhen they left the Warden’s office Deke headed to meet the others at the hospital while John stopped at Sarah’s desk to thank her for everything she’d done to make his life better. “John, I know things went somewhat crazy this morning, but what happened this afternoon? You’re suddenly being transferred to Winslow in the middle of the night. Brenda is walking around in a daze, and not a happy one, at that. To top everything off I read Mister Templeton’s letter when I copied it; it’s his...
As Kelly stumbled into the restaurant, Ed examined her, hardly believing what his eyes were telling him. Her hair was wild and she acted like she was drunk. Looking at her, it appeared that she was in a state of shock and unaware of her surroundings. She even walked past the table where he was sitting before standing next to a chair at the counter. Martha immediately greeted her, “Hello, Kelly.” It took Kelly a moment to remember that she had been at her wedding and several more moments to...
The Other WomanBy Miss Irene ClearmontA fantasy that came true.Copyright ? 2011 (November)Preamble.----------------I suppose that there is a point in every marriage where one of the partners ?goes astray?. Well, OK then, not every marriage, but I have to admit that it happened to me, that moment when you say to yourself, ?There is someone else in this marriage, someone that I have not yet met, someone who is intruding.?This is the story of an intrusion that became an invasion.A woman opened the...
“Come on in,” Ann said. “It doesn’t look like anyone is here.” “Whacha mean? I thought ya said ya lifted alones.” I heard her quest say with a very southern drawl. I thought it sounded a lot like the local bouncer at the place, one of the few guys “Whacha gots ta drink. Days always close downs da bar ‘for I gets enough ta get loaded. Won’t let me drink whiltz I quarden da door an kicks us out when it closes,” he complained. “I have a couple of Curz left. Looks like someone was here and drank...
The morning sun was barely filtering through the blinds, not yet casting its glow over Mindy as she peacefully slept by my side. I watched in quiet fascination as the spreading light gradually transformed her hair from monochrome shades of black and white into the lustrous, golden sheen I knew so well. Touched by the sun, her hair shimmered like liquid gold as it flowed over her shoulders.As the room filled with light, I made out a graceful shape under the sheet: her pleasantly rising hip...
TabooSusan looked up and said, “Good morning, Mr. Parker.” “Good morning, Susan. How are you doing today?” “I’m doing well. And yourself?” she asked. She batted her eyelashes at him in a parody of flirting. “I’ve had a wonderful morning,” Dan answered with a smile. “Excellent,” Susan said. Dan looked towards his office making sure that the door was open. He could hear the squeak from Terry rocking the chair back and forth. It sounded like she was rather nervous. Gesturing to his office, he...