ProeliatorChapter 3 free porn video

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It didn't' take too long to get back to camp. To keep myself safe and to hone my skills, I monitored the area to see if I would be attacked. When I came near the camp I called loudly, "Do I have permission to enter the camp?"

In a few moments it was one of the Romans that told me to enter but he had his spear raised. He was one of the ones more antagonistic to me. I said, "Are you going to throw the spear at me when I have my knife sheathed?"

"Where did you go?"

"To make sure you were not attacked again. I do not want your blood shed or those of some German tribe."

"You made some type of pact with them."

"I was never on the Rhine in my life. I have no control over where we go. I have been with only Romans since I was captured. So I was gone for a few hours and in that time I convinced some robbers to form a mighty army and come here and defeat you. This is something only a god might be able to do. Do you think of me as a god?"

The man's superior came by and ordered him to put down his spear. The man did so only reluctantly and suffered another rebuke for this.

Iulius hurried over and got between me and the guard. I was urged over to the fire where I assumed breakfast was ready. We were having fresh caught fish and the fillets were very large.

"Where did you go?"

"I followed the men to their village. They didn't even put out men to protect the group. I captured the head man and got him to come with me out of the village for a talk. He agreed to not attack any Romans again."

"How did you do this?"

"A sharp knife helped but then I offered him a job where he would get paid and fed. This way he would be turned into a good citizen."

"You have no silver. How could you say that?"

"Licinia has money."

Iulius was very surprised and asked, "Why would she pay these men?"

"I will teach the men something useful and Licinia will make a profit from it. Everybody will win. No more robbers and both Licinia and Lucius will make enough silver to carry on their good works."

"What good works? Lucius is a businessman and soldier."

"Are you trying to be like Licinia? I have been talking to you for a long time now and you cannot fool me."

"They make their people work," he said by way of justification.


There was a pause as he thought then said sheepishly, "You are right. They are good people."

"Good, now is there a fast moving stream or river on their property?"

"Why do you ask?"

"Why do you answer my question with one of your own?"

"There is a stream it is not fast, except at one of the two waterfalls."

"Good, then I will make your patrons rich."

"With water? There is lots of water."

"Give me your slate and I will show you."

While he ran to the tent I spent the time eating quickly. Iulius packed his bags and sent the two boys out of the tent to get ready and the man ran back to me.

I wiped my hands after filling a large plate with fish to eat on the way. I thought again and got more for the boys. They were getting as bad as me. Too bad there was no Tupperware yet.

I had a chance to draw a falls and show it turning a large wheel. This area had mild winters too and ice would not be a problem. When we boarded the boats I got the boys to look at my drawings and I explained things simply to them. This way Iulius would not be slighted by the way I spoke.

Iulius did not realise the power of the water but he took this on faith for now. Plautius and Sicinius were on our boat and because they were not as antagonistic as the rest. I also started to teach both of them though they were in their late twenties. Two of the other guards were interested too and I explained my ideas to them as well.

"Our waterwheel could grind grain but I want it to saw trees into lumber. We make things with the lumber or sell it. If you are good carpenters you can make equally good carts, barrels and boats. I think the Rhine is deep enough that we can make some..." I had to fish for a word, then I continued, "fantastic ships."

Plautius was the more outgoing legionary and asked, "Why ships. We already have lots."

"That is your opinion Plautius, but I can make all of us very rich. This requires trade with other people. They sell to us what they make easily and we sell to them what we make easily but they find difficult to do."

He didn't understand so I said, "Lucius and Licinia have good grapes and make good wine. This might be easier to make than other crops. They clear more land for grapes and turn the trees into barrels. We take the wine in our ships to other lands that do not have good grapes but like what we make. They may have lots of fish which we get cheaply."

I had to get the words still and people were quick now to fill in the gaps.

"We can sell the fish for a lot of money. We can do something else. I can make some nets and some boats to haul the fish into. Then we can sell our own fish. There is a lot of tools we can make and then sell and we can buy products that are cheap in one place and expensive in another. All of this requires us to be able to move ourselves and a lot of cargo cheaply.

"A ship is good but needs to be both big and strong. I want our ships to be the biggest and the strongest. All of this hinges on producing some good lumber and training some good men."

Everybody but the boys were nodding their heads in agreement.

I was right about the fish but I got some to eat too. Early in the afternoon we turned east and headed up a wide stream. It was not that large as rivers go. I was told that it was perhaps thirty miles long but only twelve miles was navigable by the boats like ours. I estimated that this area had to be close to what the future city of Bonn would be.

I studied the land as we passed through it and found a lot of oak and tall pine for masts. Not all ships could be made of steel right away because the infrastructure had to be made first.

We unloaded at a dock and the sailors were invited to stay the night. This apparently was what usually happened. A cart came and then two more for the luggage. I was very sure that my armour and weapons were in the luggage as well as those of the cadets that had died. It hurt when I thought about Forni and it hurt more to be not sure.

With this load on the carts we all had to walk. The boat was moved to one side so the next one could tie up. Iulius got us moving and in a hundred metres of so we left the forest to find cultivated land. I was not tall enough to see that far but there certainly were a lot of grapes. I knew that this was just one field and some contained the various grains and vegetables. Apparently onions were a favourite.

A kilometre ahead of us was a large home. I expected it to be built all of stone but most of it was wood. This may be one of the reasons the owners were so nice to the locals. This may be bad of me because Lucius had got me away from the Picts.

As we got closer, I could see a great many outbuildings as well as some very large barns. The two boys were nervous now and I picked up Hirtius though he was a heavy weight. Iulius had been holding Livius' hand and this seemed to be enough for the boy.

When we got to the house we found a large family waiting for us. One short and slightly overweight woman must be Licinia. To her left were three girls. The oldest was about eleven then there was another at eight and finally one at six. On the woman's right were two women. One looked to be twenty and the other eighteen. A boy hurried from the house and stood away from Licinia but close to the other two. He looked to be sixteen and looked much like his father. There was one more child but I knew he was usually away and in the army. The rest of the porch had men and women who I assumed to be servants.

Iulius got us to line up then he walked to the centre of the line and in front of Licinia and said, "Greetings, my lady. Your husband Lucius has bid me bring to you some children he wishes to adopt into his family."

Iulius looked down to his right and said, "Quintus Nautius' and his wife and most of his family have been killed. Two of his sons, Livius and Hirtius, were able to survive. Lucius, your husband, asks that you treat them like family."

Licinia released the hand of her daughter and came close to Livius. She bent down to talk and I walked closer because I had Hirtius in my arms. The soldiers came close too all of a sudden and this frightened the woman. She looked at the boy and said, "Hello, little one. Lucius wants to be your father and I will be your mother. Welcome to our family."

She took the child's hand in hers and turned to me and Hirtius. When she was close she looked piercingly at me and my strange features before looking at the boy in my arms.

"Hello, Hirtius. My name is Licinia but I want you to call me, Mother."

She put out her two arms for the boy and he shook his head and turned his head to me. I whispered to the boy, "Hirtius, this is an important time in your life. This is your new family. A Roman soldier has to be brave. Remember all the things I said on the boat? I want you to turn around now and hug this woman that will give you as much love as your mother gave you before she left."

The boy did turn then I said, "A hug now to cement the deal." He was a bit hesitant but he turned more and opened his arms.

The woman moved in and hugged the young boy to her. She kissed his cheek in a moment and said to him, "I have two big boys but now I have two small ones too. That makes me very happy. We made a nice meal for you." She put him down in a moment and said, "Hold your brother's hand." Hirtius reached up and held mine because Iulius had called us brothers so many times.

The women looked at me now and said, "You don't look like one of Quintus Nautius' sons."

"I am not my lady. I come in peace and in respect but I fear I will bring anger down upon your house and your lands."

"Really? You have so many enemies that my husband cannot hold them off?"

"That may be true. I offered your husband a way to leave my father's lands without losing honour or more soldiers. I am afraid I was one of Rome's worse enemies. I was captured then tortured. They knocked out or cut portions from my body. They burnt me with hot iron for days. It was only with the intervention of the gods and your husband that I am alive."

"You do not look that hurt now."

"The gods are healing me as fast as they can without damaging me. If you take a half an hour you could talk to Iulius and the guards to find out that what I am saying is completely true."

"Even if it is, why would they torture you?"

"I was told that with twelve children and the help of some men and women I was able to fashion weapons designed by the gods. With these weapons I destroyed the V Iovia that had invaded our land. After that, my twelve killed three and a half thousand Picts and I am told an equal number will die or be crippled for life. On our travels here I learned that your neighbours lost men in this battle and if you take me in then they will pressure you to turn me over to their justice."

Nobody spoke and it took some minutes before she said, "You are still a boy."

"A boy favoured by the gods. I plan on saving the Roman Empire but to also change it from the way it has been for over a thousand years. This I believe is what the gods have put before me as their first task."

"The first task is only to change the Roman Empire! What is the next?"

"I have to change the rest of the world."

We were led into the house soon after. We had not been expected so no rooms were ready. Licinia was soon closeted with Iulius and I was not surprised to see her come out nearly two hours later. She looked very shaken.

I had introduced my self to Lucius' children but most didn't know what to make of me. I thought that they had not believed any of what I had said. The staff knew how to proceed without guidance and made a meal.

The soldiers and sailors would eat with the servants while a place was set aside for the three of us and Iulius. We ate very well and I assisted my two brothers to get around their food.

Nobody spoke to us though there wasn't a moment when I did not have at least half of the eyes on me. I didn't see this household being this quiet but it was possible.

When Licinia had a free moment I said, "My lady, I am afraid I may be too odd to fit into your household. My younger brothers will be treated the same way if they stay with me for most of the time. Perhaps there is someone that could guide them with love."

She looked at me and said, "I will send Oppia and Salvia to get the boys to help them with their chores. How shall I treat you? You are a prince of a foreign land and a very deadly fighter I am told."

"We have not had time to talk. I do not dislike Romans. In fact I admire them in many ways. The gods have been very generous in giving me knowledge. I can be generous too. While travelling here, I talked to Iulius about your family and business. Like you, I believe that people should not be idle. One of the things I have thought of that would make silver is if we produce dried lumber that we use for our own products or for sale to others."

"Iulius has told me about some of your plans. I do not understand this type of building. He has told me some but I do not understand evn how you would start."

"In the land of the gods they sometimes make a much smaller model of something they wish to make. The gods can view it from many positions and make changes to it before it is built to full size. I have seen in my dreams a tower made of cement that reached almost two thousand feet high. This and the land around it was made in a model form that would fit on our table."

"Surely you are joking. Two thousand feet?"

"Yes my lady. I have seen great wonders. None of these can be built now but we can make buildings and devices of lesser wonder. Over time as the industries gain in size so can our abilities to fashion unbelievable ventures with our hands."

"Do you think we can build this device you see by a waterfalls?"

"Yes I can. I need tools that you do not have. Some I can make but others I have to buy. Iron is needed in large amounts. Brass has to be made or found."

"Will you be making those things called cannon?"

"No, my lady. I am making nothing of that kind of war though I will make swords and armour but this will be sold to the Roman army. I do want the clothing I once wore as a warrior. To make what I wish for you will take time and a lot of help. I will be attacked by those that wish vengeance. I only wish to protect myself."

"Do you remember your past life now?"

"I do not remember it from within but only what I have been shown by Iulius and the gods."

"Perhaps your leaving the house would be a good idea."

"Let me survey the land and see if a mill can be constructed. If this is possible then I need help. Most can be made by talented men. Iulius must have told you that some people are coming already to help. I will be responsible for them while here but I need to fulfil my promise to them of employment. Food and clothing could be part of the payment. If the mill that we make is entrusted into their care then they will provide an income to the estate. This will also provide their own payment to stay on."

"I understand that but you want to make ships and barrels?"

"You need barrels for your wine. Ships are very useful and they can be used to take the wine to market and bring back what you wish. The trees we use will clear the land for more grapes."

"Let me reason this out. It may take some time."

I was put with Tertius to sleep. The young man was not happy with this arrangement. He had his own room and it was small already.

In front of his stepmother I said, "I am sorry to bother you. I come into your hours and even your room without notice. If events work out I will find a place nearby to live and work and not bother you further."

The boy was big and brawny for his race and still larger than me now. He said in a surly voice, "You can go there now."

"I could but your mother wishes to think on this matter we spoke of. If she decides in favour of this then we have to have time to plan then gather what we need before I leave."

"You can sleep with the servants."

"I could do that too. Your father sent me here to die or to be protected because I was hurt seriously. With the gods help, I am making a full recovery and this will be done in a month or so. Now that I am here I plan on paying back some of your father's generosity with my help. I am sorry to disrupt your family but this has to be done so I can make the mill."

"We don't need your mill."

"That is right but if you want to take my help then this area of the world will be more important to the empire. People will come here and you will be able to sell your products for more silver and with less work. You will grow to. We can make ships together then teach others. I made a plough that will turn over the soil much easier than before."

"We don't need that either."

I was not reaching the boy and tried a different method. "Again, that is right but on the way here we stopped at a fort and I talked to Horatius Postuma. He is now making small vehicles that fly through the air. They are going to be made larger and larger until they carry a man. As time goes on they will get bigger until they carry hundreds of people. Before you say we do not need this I will say it for you but the people that you know need this for many reasons."

"Nobody can fly."

I smiled now as if I had him and said, "Horatius Postuma is older than both of us combined and he said the same thing. He now sees that some devices fly easily and wants to see if he can make larger models. He saw with his own eyes and made a decision then. You could do the same thing instead of denying even the possibility."

"Nothing you say is true."

"Do you have a silver denarius that you wish to bet? Your words and mine come cheap."

It looked like he was going to take a swing at me and I just stood my ground. Licinia had seen this too and said, "Tertius, you will not fight in this house. Jón has been patient with you and even said that he will leave in a while if we can make his proposition work. You have made lots of statements that you cannot back up. If you truly believe that you are correct then bet the silver. If you are saying this just to be a child then withdraw your words."

"I will bet him that nobody can fly."

Licinia looked at me and said, "Is that alright?"

"No, because it will take many years and a lot of silver before a man flies. I will bet though that I can make a model that will fly five paces with me throwing it. I know this is possible because Horatius and I have made one with silk that has flown twice that distance. I have no silk."

Licinia tried to mediate again but to challenge me too. "I have some silk. I will give this to you. Both you and Tertius have to build this thing. If Tertius does not help I will take a denarius of his and give it to you by default. If the model flies ten paces then it will be me that pays the bet."

Tertius was angry and I said, "You are a hard woman to deal with my lady but those terms are satisfactory. I only have to add that we have to test the model many times to get it ready for the actual wager."

"That is acceptable to me. Now what else do you need besides silk?"

"The glue that a fletcher uses, some straight wood that is without knots. It also has to be a light as possible. We need to use or make the tools to shape the wood."

"I think Tertius should also make the tools with you."

"You have iron on your property?"

This surprised her for she must have thought of making the tools from bloom. "We do but it takes a long time to get it."

"Then we require the loan of some tools and some supplies."

"We will see about what you require in the morning." She dismissed us this way and we left the room. I didn't know much about Tertius but if there was a way to bring him around to my way of thinking I would take the time to try.

I said to Tertius, "I hope you are good with a bow. We have to eat and my arms are not strong yet."

"We will bring food from the house."

"I am sorry Tertius. I thought you knew how to use a bow. Perhaps we can find a person good with the bow to help us."

"I can use a bow. I choose not to."

"I said I was sorry for bringing up you poor use of a bow."

"I am not poor."

"I said I am sorry. Forget that I said it. We can find someone that is good."

It looked like he was going to swing at me and I said, "Your mother said no fighting in the house. Do you want to go outside? I can show you how to kill a man with your bare hands. I won't kill or even hurt you though."

The boy quieted down and we went silently to his room.

During the night I monitored the noises in the room to make sure Tertius didn't do something rash. Some Romans I found were as irrational as the Frisians. I kept up the repairs to my body because I now owned it by default. Instead of just building muscle mass I worked on my nerve pathways to get my reaction down to where I could stay alive while still looking weak.

The next morning I got up earlier than Tertius and left the house to stretch and then exercise in the cool morning before it got warm. I was able to greet some of the early morning staff that arose to make our breakfast. My kind words and small size got me a snack to carry me over until I was done.

I stayed at this for a while as I had no other duties yet. After an hour I was quite damp and went into the house to cadge some soap. They had some and I thanked the cook for giving me this.

"I am going to the river to swim and wash. I think I better wash my clothes while I am there."

The older woman put on a serious look and said, "Watch out, there are some of the girls going there to wash the clothes too. They may chase you around."

Since turn around is fair play I said, "If you were going to wash clothes instead of cooking you might find that some times I am slower than others."

She turned red and said, "You better get going then. You can eat in half an hour if you can be back then."

I reached up and pulled her face down and kissed her on the cheek. "Thank you."

I left the house and ran to the river and had to push myself the last bit since my legs and heart were not up to it. I saw the boats tied up and some of the sailors there guarding the boats. I took off my clothes and ran and dived into the water. It was a shock to my body but it felt good. I swam against the current a while then came back. In moments I was washing my clothes in the water as I sat on a rock half submerged. When they looked done I wrung them out and hung them on some bushes then scrubbed my body and hair.

One of the sailors said, "You swim like a fish. Some of the strokes you used looked odd to me."

"There are many ways to pull yourself through the water. There are some that strengthen the muscles of the chest while others stress other muscles. When one way makes you tired you can switch to another."

I walked back to the house in damp clothes. Some of the soldiers were coming my way and one said, "Where were you?"

"Washing in the river. Why are you asking?"

"You are not supposed to run off."

Same as Proeliator
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Originally written by Frankel Stewardess Cindy pushed the drinks trolley into the first class aisle. She liked working first class normally but today the other stewardess had come down sick at the last moment and she was having to work it alone. At least it was a reasonable crowd. Old Vietnam veterans on their way to a reunion. Cindy was still a little nervous though. The purser had told her that, as they were seniors, they had quite a few medical issues that needed to be attended to...

3 years ago
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Can I Change Your Mind

‘Can we dispense with the blindfold now, gentlemen?’ Djvonic asked. No response. He wasn’t completely sure these guys even spoke English. One of them said, ‘Put this on’ about an hour ago, thrusting the blindfold against Djvonic’s chest, but that might have been a learned phrase. Since then he had been bundled into the back of a van and driven through endless back streets and into what felt and sounded like an underground car park. To the best of his reckoning, he was now in an elevator that...

4 years ago
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A Life Changing Trip With MotherPart 2

Neither Melissa nor Eric minded the long flight to Switzerland. The excitement of skiing in Switzerland overcame the fatigue of the grueling trip. However, when they arrived and had loaded everything into the rental car they decided that they were too tired to drive to Zermatt that evening. Instead they rented a hotel room for the night. Eric said it was senseless to waste money on two rooms so they rented one with double beds. Then they went to dinner at the hotel restaurant. The restaurant...

3 years ago
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Greg Fucks Marcia Brady Bunch

Greg fucks Marcia
 Greg was planning on an evening all to himself for the evening while their parents were out on a date, Alice was taking the other c***dren to the movies, and Marcia planned to go to a birthday party with her friends. After Greg assured his parents that he’d be okay alone and everyone left the house Greg headed upstairs to have some time to himself. He’d always been sexually attracted to his stepsister Marcia and fantasies about her all the time. He went into the girls bedroom...

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Good Samaritan Cums To Their Aid

Sexual tension hung in the air while Chris was driving his white F150 pickup truck. He was trying to keep his eyes on the road and not on the two young coeds sitting beside him. Vanessa was sitting between Chris and Suzie, with Suzie’s sprained ankle resting on top of her thigh. They were all squeezed into the front seat of Chris’s truck. Vanessa was trying to stay focused on helping her new roommate, Suzie, but she was distracted. Sitting to her left was Chris, a thirty-seven year-old man with...

College Sex
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French Class

It was just another day, besides one fact. You had a D- in French, and your mom was pissed. She had said "If you EVER want to see anything but the WALLS of your ROOM you will go and get some EXTRA CREDIT!" So here it was, after school, and you were seeking some extra credit. Sadly, your French teacher wasnt the steriotypical hot, erotic kind. Mind you, she didnt look horrible, but she wasnt the hottest of the hot. She had about C-cup tits, and a rather large ass, a bit out of your...

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making them pregnant pt 4

The next dayWhen I got up the next day Dad had already left the house for the office. Mother was having tea at the table and my breakfast was waiting for me. I sat down after kissing mother good morning.Mother started the conversation with, “We need to talk about what protection we plan to take after my period, if I have one this month at all, I hope I do have one. I really should go on the Pill with the amount of semen you shoot when you reach orgasm.”“Mother, I really want to make you...

2 years ago
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My Sister Introduced Me Into The Heavenly World Of Sex 8211 Part 2

Hello everyone this is my fourth time I am narrating my personal experiences at ISS. I belong to a middle class family and we use to live in small house with 3 rooms, in one room my parents use to sleep and in another we all siblings use to sleep. It all started when I was in my high schools. I will briefly describe about my family I am the only son and I have to sisters both are older to me; one sister is 5yrs older to and another 2 years older to me. I have already told in previous story...

1 year ago
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GenerationsChapter 26 Breaking The News

Peter drove Lauren back to her home the next morning. His new fiancée was simply ecstatic, bubbling over with a happiness and good cheer that he almost found cloying. Every few minutes she would look down at her hand, look at her engagement ring, and then look over at him lovingly. “Have I told you this morning how much I love you?” she asked. “Every five minutes or so, but who’s keeping track,” he replied. “Not that I’m complaining, mind you.” The first time she had told him that morning...

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A Study in VioletChapter 2

Monday morning I sat at my desk and dug the business card Violet had given me from my wallet. "Violet West's office," came the voice on the other end of the line. "Is she in?" "I'll check. Whom may I say is calling?" "Gavin," I replied. "Gavin ... who?" "Just Gavin -- she'll know who it is." "Please hold..." Then I heard her voice. "Gavin!" "Hi, Vi. I was wondering if you were game for another go." "Oh, Gavin ... Can you hold on? I want to go into my office...

2 years ago
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Amazing foursome

My ex wife Emily and I had dabbled in the swinging lifestyle for most of our relationship. We had threesomes with men and women, gone to a couple swing parties and had some group sex experience. I was 24, she was 21, and most of our extra partners were significantly older. We were very excited when we met another young couple online and began chatting. Kimmy and Steve were both 23, and had been together almost as long as Emily and I. They were new to the scene, they had both had threesomes...

3 years ago
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Because the Night

The air-conditioning failed on the hottest day of summer. Lindsey, my sexy hot curvy girlfriend, and I are in a third floor walkup of a brownstone in Brooklyn. I’m sitting on the bed, propped up and watching a very hot lesbian video, something I downloaded off the internet and burned onto a DVD. She comes in, her body still glistening from the sweat of our latest wonderful “round” in bed. In her hand she has a bottle of Corona, perspiring like she is as the cold reacts to the heat causing...

3 years ago
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Hot Young Thing Part Five

Standing under a cool shower never felt so good. I lingered for quite a while, just loosening up, and of course, trying to get all my body parts clean, especially the inside parts. The menthol heat finally quieted down, and my ass and pussy felt clean and shiny after a thorough scrubbing. I figured Uncle Clyde must be pretty happy with me, seeing as how he offered to cook us dinner. He definitely had more pep in his step after I sucked off his big throbbing cock for him. As ordered, I slipped...

1 year ago
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Curiosity Runs Hot

Curiosity Runs Hot Lacy and I had been living together for a year and a half when the social structure between us and our sex lives took a significant turn. We had met through a mutual friend, and enjoyed a platonic relationship for several weeks, having lunch or dinner together, attending art shows, the opera and occasionally sitting side by side in the library reading fiction for hours. I preferred lurid tales of love and lust, while she was interested in psychology. After being together...

4 years ago
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The Night I Was Seduced By A Cop

The night was late, and the streets were dark and lonely as I was driving home from a friend's house on an average Saturday night. Average, for me at least, was drinking and having a good time with a group of friends and then going home to sleep it off until late the next day. Sunday was my hangover day, of course, and I would lie around all day wishing I hadn't gotten so drunk the night before.This Saturday night, however, I was sober enough to drive myself home. At least that's what I...

3 years ago
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Retribution The Grandparents Turn

Zoe phoned her close friend Hannah. “Guess what, Grandma and Grandpa are coming for lunch and Grandma has asked me to find a reason to spank Grandpa.” “ No kid,” Hannah exclaimed. “How will you work it Zoe?” “ Grandma is a wily so and so and I guess she will give me all the ammo I will need.” “ You gotta come over later and tell me all about it. We’ll have the house to ourselves.” “ Great. I’ll give you a call first.” Zoe’s Grandparents arrived for lunch and for once her parents, Marty...

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Youre beautiful to me

This is an earlier work with some tweaks. What would happen, I wonder, if I watched you… well, watched you touch yourself? Could you? Would you like it? Would you start out slow and gentle, music, soft candlelight? Would you wear something comfortable, silky on your smooth skin? Maybe you’d enjoy a glass of wine perhaps, maybe two just to lubricate the moment, the tangy taste of the wine waking up your senses. Maybe you’d begin long before I got there with a soaking bath, the tepid water...

4 years ago
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Johns Odd Day

John's Odd Day By The Guyver The bell rang and John Got up from his desk in Photo Journalism Class and grabbed his Guitar. He flashed a brief smile to Elisha, A young blonde female with a smile that made your teeth sweat. John often talked to Elisha in class and admired her, she was beautiful smart, funny and liked everything John liked. 'How can she be so... Nice,' John thought to himself. 'I wonder what it's like to be so happy.' John smiled at the thought. John for as...

2 years ago
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Alice in Wondeland Takes a Turn

Alice, clad in a pink bra and matching pink panties, sat on the lawn interweaving her silken combed locks into a thick long plait. No sooner had she finished braiding her hair, then a high-pitched voice from nearby started her. ‘Drat! Damn! Fuck a duck! She’ll kill me if I’m late!!’ the voice was saying in a very excited tone. Alice jumped up and looked over the hedge to see the speaker. To her astonishment, it belonged to a rather large, white rabbit. Not an ordinary rabbit by any means....

1 year ago
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The Choices You Make Part 1

Marissa Lewis jolted awake as a strong hand slapped her face, a bolt of pain lancing through her. "Wake up, mama", she heard a deep voice, with a strong Hispanic accent say. Her eyes immediately focused on a man that was standing over her. Her mind filled with fear and embarrassment as she looked down to find that she was completely naked. "But, how", she thought frantically, knowing that she always slept in one of her husband's shirts, especially when he was away on a business trip, as...

3 years ago
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How Diana Overcame Her Shyness Ch 03

Diana held out for as long as she could - which turned out to be not very long. Even as she hurried back to her room that night her footsteps unconsciously slowed as her mind returned, over and over, to what had just happened. She would shake it off and pick up the pace again, only to find herself drifting like a sleepwalker once more, her hand having crept under her shirt to touch the still sticky semen James had left on her abdomen.Ohhh...his cock in her hand, in her mouth!She came to a dead...

2 years ago
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Starting With Mom 8211 Part 2

I already told you guys how i approach mom to fuck her and how she resisted but now I am gonna tell you how i convince her. Today i reached home after 3 weeks and dad is busy in his work so he is on his business tour so its me and mom alone at home. When i reached home mom was looking bit tensed so i asked her what happened then she told me that she is bored at home and she has nothing to do alone at home then i asked her to make trip to shimla Then we asked dad for permission and he allowed us...

1 year ago
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Life Changes Chapter 10

John, 5’ 11”, 175 lbs, brown hair, blue eyes, 32 years old, married to Cindy. Cindy, 5’ 5”, 118 lbs, dirty blonde, blue eyes, 32 years old, married to John. Emily, 5’8”, 135 lbs, auburn hair, green eyes, 36 years old, married to Bob. Robert (Bob), 5’ 10”, 185 lbs, black hair, brown eyes, 37 years old, married to Emily. Samantha (Sam), 5’ 9”, 115 lbs, brown hair, brown eyes, 31 years old, married to Bill. Bill, 5’ 9”, 155 lbs, brown hair, brown eyes, 35 years old, married to...

2 years ago
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AssignmentChapter 2

J2 I heard him opening the door of the bathroom. Lucky me - I had placed the gun I always carry with me underneath my clothes that way he didn't get to see it. I knew he was watching me for only a little while and I planned not to let him know that I knew that he was watching. I took of my panties and got into the shower letting the hot water run down my body. I closed my eyes and started to listen to the noise of the running water - it was somehow very relaxing. I forgot about time and...

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The Naga Roast Part 2

Introduction: Part 2 of my story Bassed on the Anime The Slayers, Lina has been rescued from the spit by a young blonde man only to find her way back on the spit by that same man. The Naga Roast Story: Ani-Can 8 Copyright 2006 Written: December 8 2006 A story By: KaosAngel Proofed by: KaosAngel Please send any comments about this story to ([email protected]) ******************************************** Part 2 – Linas Roasting Now? If I dont get out of this im really screwed Lina said to...

1 year ago
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My House My RulesChapter 13

Pete emptied one of the lightly used cabinets and the shelves above. The girls needed a temporary place to keep their school supplies and clothes until the study hall was open for business. He set up a downstream server to anchor a new branch of his office network. When they logged on with their iPads or laptops, the network would automatically control the cams. There were other features Pete could initiate as needed. He would tell the girls before it occurred. Five naked girls furtively...

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Humanitys Last Hope

This story will include a large amount of incest fantasy stuff, and over time I'm sure a ton of other content. Just giving people a heads up. I realize that this has a very small amount of content currently completed, but I wanted to publish it to see if it's something I should continue or not. This is the first time I've ever attempted to write any kind of story in my life as well as the first time I've ever used Chyoa, so I know I have a huge amount to learn and improve on, but I wanted to...

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My Friend Before And After Her Marriage

Hi erotic folks! This was my exiting experience in college which I want to share with you. I and Nikhil presently working as a programmer in tcs and the incident I’m sharing was happened in my college days I joined the college in my early days as an innocent boy but the world really changed me a lot. I wish to enjoy my life as much as it will be. Coming to me I am 6 feet fair complexion boy with an agrressive attitude.This makes me to enjoy all the stuff job luxirious life what ever the thing...

2 years ago
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Pretty Maids All in a Row

PRETTY MAIDS ALL IN A ROW (Contains: sorcery, non-consensual hanging, wet panties) by C. Now was the final showdown. In the main hall ofFortress Arkan, Evil, in the guise of Syldav the Sorcerer, met Good, in theform of mild-mannered Noam, part-time bookstore clerk and full-time historystudent. Noam had so far defeated the Sorcerer's every spell; but now theywere face to face. Now the evil Mage raised his Wand of Power, with which hehoped to atomize this impudent intruder. The next few moments...

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Love With Tiffin Wali Aunty 8211 Part 3

Hi friends, This is Pankaj back again with third part of my story. Hope you guys have read the first two parts Thanks for all your comments So here it goes like this To wo 15 min ke hug ke baad… And unke neck pe kiss karne k baad..Main bina kuch kahe unke ghar se apne ofc aagaya per I was missing that 15 mins.I was missing her soft boobs touched on my chest her lovely neck baitha nahi jaraha tha per I was controlling myself but nahi hua.. Main lunch khatam karke wapas ghar aagaya karib 3 baj...

2 years ago
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Chapter 4 My First Ass

Viewer Discretion is Advised. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Have you ever had a crush on a classmate but were to scared to say or do anything? Of course, this simple question has got a lot of criticism as to why or why didn't you just go up to her and say hi. THE ANSWER IS NOT SO SIMPLE. Everyone who reads this, think of that one girl or guy whom you had a crush on. People will tell you that it was your fault for not going up to them and asking them out....

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Dog Lovers DiaryChapter 9 Kong

June 27, 1975 Dear Diary, America didn't let us down. After the first episode of 'Polly's Wild Safari' aired last fall, she embraced us with open arms, just like we knew in our hearts she would, just like all the research boys with their computer print-outs predicted. After the third installment, we were the undisputed ratings leader for all networks in all time slots. Philo Phoods dumped all the 'Polly' products on the market and sat back, chuckling, while our audience gobbled them...

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Teen DaysChapter 10

Following on from my experiences with Tony my eldest brother.I wanted to add further details of the ongoing fun we had over the years. Whilst at home most of our fun was of the nature previously described. We would settle down with a porn video, and suck, lick and fondle each other, me normally in my school uniform, until we would both cum heavily.This was the pattern for a good year and a half or so. At the age of 20 Tony moved out of the house and began renting his own little flat. He was...

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Carmen and Alyssa

Carmen leaned in to kiss her and their lips met. At first it was slow, deliberate. Every moment needed to be savored. Instinctively, Carmen’s hand began to caress her face, gliding from her cheek to the nape of her neck. Her tongue easily slipped inside her lover’s mouth, curiously caressing and searching. Carmen couldn’t believe this was happening yet she’d wanted it for so long. It seemed natural. She thought she’d be fumbling with what to do, what to say— if anything was to be said— or where...

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Yoga with a friend

When I went away to college I would still come home for the summers. During the summer after my freshman year, I had missed my HS friends so much. I remember all of the old gang having sleepovers a ton that summer.One time I was having two of my friends, Tina and Nat, over while my parents were going out of town for a weekend away. At the last minute, Nat couldn't make it, so it was just Tina and me. Tina is more of Nat's friend than mine, but I thought it would still be fun.We played a 'spa'...

4 years ago
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Business Trip2

Copyright A Strange Geek, 2005 Last modified 10/11/05 (header adjustment only) Feedback welcome! Please send email to [email protected] ( lose YOUR MIND to email me ) Please inform me if you wish to repost this work. Keep this copyright notice intact on any redistribution. Keywords: MF, Fdom, oral, cbt(mild), bond, toys I walked out of the restaurant to find that the heat of the southwest desert plains had quickly dissipated after sunset. A dark sky filled...

2 years ago
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My cousin jessie

well it was summer that time when my cousins came over to our house to visit, btw i have a cousin her name is jessie, we often take a bath together when we are k**s, after 8 years... "charlie fix your room your cousins are comming"mom said. "wait up mom one more minute i have to finish the game" i said. after an hour my cousins came, it is only her mom and jessie. i got downstairs and run to open the door. i turn the doornob and i saw this hot 16 yr old girl, my mom was behind me and she said...

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Ranno Aunty Ki Chudai

Hi iss friends, i have read lots of story on this forum, i love sex stories very much.Then i thought i have to share my sex story with you.I will share it in hindi.Main Jalandhar punjab ka rehne wala hu.Meri umar 25 hai.Mera rang gora hai, height 5’8” hai, aur mera lund kisi bhi fuddi ki aag bhujane ke liye kaafi hai approx. 6 inch lamba aur 3 inch mota.Yeh mera pehla sex experience tha jo ki aaj se 2 mahine pehle hua. Mere pados main ik aunty rehti hai Ranno, jinki umar 48 years hai, lekin...

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Al's wife had built on his mother's discipline training. She'd gotten him well trained into accepting any and all punishment she wished to inflict on him. Through psychological humiliation and skilled brainwashing, he was now very tractable and slavish.Yes, his wife's punishment was painful, but after it was over, the joy of knowing he'd been forgiven by her seem to outweigh the pain.His wife, Cora had trained her mollycoddled young husband to not move or pull away as she slaps him hard. He...

4 years ago
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Hiring a HousekeeperChapter 2

The second week of May Bill posted his next advertisement. The morning the notice appeared in the paper he got a string of four calls that he was able to wash out on the phone for various reasons. Then he got a call that sounded OK and set up an interview for the following day. A little after noon he got a very strange call asking about the job. "Good afternoon, Black residence, Bill Black speaking," Bill answered. "Em, a, hello. Is this the right number for the advertisement for a live...

3 years ago
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Do Miracles Happen Ch 02

I hear her retreating steps and focus my attention on Andrew. His breathing is shallow and short, his heart is fast but strong. His fingers are black, a sign of no oxygen in his blood. His airways are not blocked and otherwise everything appears normal. He wants to cry but can’t get a breath. Claire appears at my side and I open the bag, retrieving a small cylinder with hoses coming from the top. A little deeper I pull out a nose clip and attach it to the hoses, then put it in Andrew’s nose....

3 years ago
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Stolen Moments

Thank you, sluttytwenties for your inspiration on this and other stories! Kara knew she was hooked. She spent several hours a day on Lush, and yet she couldn't seem to get enough. The stories, chats, forum postings; all contributed to a wonderful fantasy world where she felt validated. People she met through the site were all great, and everyone was awash in sexual freedom and the pursuit of great masturbation material. Kara certainly was! Kara had a number of favorite stories, and Lush...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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Total Fabrication

When a middle-aged photogenic black guy said "I have a dream!" he inspired a generation. When an ugly older white guy says, "I had this dream..." you can pretty well figure that you're in for a wild ride. All I can say in my defense is, It's a total fabrication! I bought a big, expensive MIG welding kit off of Ebay. I'd burned out from teaching high school and got my welding certs a few years before. However, I had my fill of bosses that demanded that I push the jobs so hard that I had...

3 years ago
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Sex With Dirty Talking Neighbour Lady

Hi guys, this is aneel and this is my sex story based on my real life experience. I hope you guys like it. For any suggestions or women interested, mail me at (of course it’s my secondary mail) I m aneel from Hyderabad. I am 22 years old, tall and average built body. I used to live with my brother in an apartment of 5 floors with 4 flats on each floor. We lived on the fifth floor and two flats are unoccupied at that time. In the other flat, there is a family of three. We are close to the other...

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Collecting rent 6

I knocked on the door of apartment 14 and waited, a moment later the door opened and Steffi stood there, she was a young woman in her twenties, with black and red dyed dreadlocks, several tattoos all over her body, and for the first time I was seeing it, fairly pregnant.I stared at her round bulging belly sticking out from under her black vest and the plump boobs that were pressing against the tight material for a moment before saying "Oh hello Steffi, where's Hans? I've come for the rent i'm...

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Lesbian Hitchhiker Part 1

Hello, my name is Megan. Though I don't usualy make a habit of hitchhiking, let me tell you a story about one of the times that I had to, and it led to the greatest decision of my life. My car had broken down one day, so I was stuck there on the side of the road hitchhiking, when a car actualy pulled up. Inside was a beautiful woman, she had perfect DD breasts and long blonde hair, though I have C breasts, I felt a little inadequate. "Need a ride?" She asks, looking me over. "Okay," I say, and...

3 years ago
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Velaikaari Jakitil Karupaan Poochu

Namathu tamil kama kathaiyil indru parka povathu velaikaari house owner paiyanudan eppadi thagatha uravu vaithu matter seigiraan enabathu thaan ikkathai. Sexiyaana mulai vaithu irukum velaikaari muthugil karupaan pochu eera aval pinbu ena velam seithaal, ena nadanthathu enathai indru tamil kama kathaiyil paarkalam. Vaarungal kama kathaikul selalam. Vazhakam pondru velaikaari veetu velaigalai seithu kondu irunthaal, aval peyar rasathi. Vayathu 38 irukum, intha vayathilum parka sexiyaaga irupaal....

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