ProeliatorChapter 3 free porn video

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It didn't' take too long to get back to camp. To keep myself safe and to hone my skills, I monitored the area to see if I would be attacked. When I came near the camp I called loudly, "Do I have permission to enter the camp?"

In a few moments it was one of the Romans that told me to enter but he had his spear raised. He was one of the ones more antagonistic to me. I said, "Are you going to throw the spear at me when I have my knife sheathed?"

"Where did you go?"

"To make sure you were not attacked again. I do not want your blood shed or those of some German tribe."

"You made some type of pact with them."

"I was never on the Rhine in my life. I have no control over where we go. I have been with only Romans since I was captured. So I was gone for a few hours and in that time I convinced some robbers to form a mighty army and come here and defeat you. This is something only a god might be able to do. Do you think of me as a god?"

The man's superior came by and ordered him to put down his spear. The man did so only reluctantly and suffered another rebuke for this.

Iulius hurried over and got between me and the guard. I was urged over to the fire where I assumed breakfast was ready. We were having fresh caught fish and the fillets were very large.

"Where did you go?"

"I followed the men to their village. They didn't even put out men to protect the group. I captured the head man and got him to come with me out of the village for a talk. He agreed to not attack any Romans again."

"How did you do this?"

"A sharp knife helped but then I offered him a job where he would get paid and fed. This way he would be turned into a good citizen."

"You have no silver. How could you say that?"

"Licinia has money."

Iulius was very surprised and asked, "Why would she pay these men?"

"I will teach the men something useful and Licinia will make a profit from it. Everybody will win. No more robbers and both Licinia and Lucius will make enough silver to carry on their good works."

"What good works? Lucius is a businessman and soldier."

"Are you trying to be like Licinia? I have been talking to you for a long time now and you cannot fool me."

"They make their people work," he said by way of justification.


There was a pause as he thought then said sheepishly, "You are right. They are good people."

"Good, now is there a fast moving stream or river on their property?"

"Why do you ask?"

"Why do you answer my question with one of your own?"

"There is a stream it is not fast, except at one of the two waterfalls."

"Good, then I will make your patrons rich."

"With water? There is lots of water."

"Give me your slate and I will show you."

While he ran to the tent I spent the time eating quickly. Iulius packed his bags and sent the two boys out of the tent to get ready and the man ran back to me.

I wiped my hands after filling a large plate with fish to eat on the way. I thought again and got more for the boys. They were getting as bad as me. Too bad there was no Tupperware yet.

I had a chance to draw a falls and show it turning a large wheel. This area had mild winters too and ice would not be a problem. When we boarded the boats I got the boys to look at my drawings and I explained things simply to them. This way Iulius would not be slighted by the way I spoke.

Iulius did not realise the power of the water but he took this on faith for now. Plautius and Sicinius were on our boat and because they were not as antagonistic as the rest. I also started to teach both of them though they were in their late twenties. Two of the other guards were interested too and I explained my ideas to them as well.

"Our waterwheel could grind grain but I want it to saw trees into lumber. We make things with the lumber or sell it. If you are good carpenters you can make equally good carts, barrels and boats. I think the Rhine is deep enough that we can make some..." I had to fish for a word, then I continued, "fantastic ships."

Plautius was the more outgoing legionary and asked, "Why ships. We already have lots."

"That is your opinion Plautius, but I can make all of us very rich. This requires trade with other people. They sell to us what they make easily and we sell to them what we make easily but they find difficult to do."

He didn't understand so I said, "Lucius and Licinia have good grapes and make good wine. This might be easier to make than other crops. They clear more land for grapes and turn the trees into barrels. We take the wine in our ships to other lands that do not have good grapes but like what we make. They may have lots of fish which we get cheaply."

I had to get the words still and people were quick now to fill in the gaps.

"We can sell the fish for a lot of money. We can do something else. I can make some nets and some boats to haul the fish into. Then we can sell our own fish. There is a lot of tools we can make and then sell and we can buy products that are cheap in one place and expensive in another. All of this requires us to be able to move ourselves and a lot of cargo cheaply.

"A ship is good but needs to be both big and strong. I want our ships to be the biggest and the strongest. All of this hinges on producing some good lumber and training some good men."

Everybody but the boys were nodding their heads in agreement.

I was right about the fish but I got some to eat too. Early in the afternoon we turned east and headed up a wide stream. It was not that large as rivers go. I was told that it was perhaps thirty miles long but only twelve miles was navigable by the boats like ours. I estimated that this area had to be close to what the future city of Bonn would be.

I studied the land as we passed through it and found a lot of oak and tall pine for masts. Not all ships could be made of steel right away because the infrastructure had to be made first.

We unloaded at a dock and the sailors were invited to stay the night. This apparently was what usually happened. A cart came and then two more for the luggage. I was very sure that my armour and weapons were in the luggage as well as those of the cadets that had died. It hurt when I thought about Forni and it hurt more to be not sure.

With this load on the carts we all had to walk. The boat was moved to one side so the next one could tie up. Iulius got us moving and in a hundred metres of so we left the forest to find cultivated land. I was not tall enough to see that far but there certainly were a lot of grapes. I knew that this was just one field and some contained the various grains and vegetables. Apparently onions were a favourite.

A kilometre ahead of us was a large home. I expected it to be built all of stone but most of it was wood. This may be one of the reasons the owners were so nice to the locals. This may be bad of me because Lucius had got me away from the Picts.

As we got closer, I could see a great many outbuildings as well as some very large barns. The two boys were nervous now and I picked up Hirtius though he was a heavy weight. Iulius had been holding Livius' hand and this seemed to be enough for the boy.

When we got to the house we found a large family waiting for us. One short and slightly overweight woman must be Licinia. To her left were three girls. The oldest was about eleven then there was another at eight and finally one at six. On the woman's right were two women. One looked to be twenty and the other eighteen. A boy hurried from the house and stood away from Licinia but close to the other two. He looked to be sixteen and looked much like his father. There was one more child but I knew he was usually away and in the army. The rest of the porch had men and women who I assumed to be servants.

Iulius got us to line up then he walked to the centre of the line and in front of Licinia and said, "Greetings, my lady. Your husband Lucius has bid me bring to you some children he wishes to adopt into his family."

Iulius looked down to his right and said, "Quintus Nautius' and his wife and most of his family have been killed. Two of his sons, Livius and Hirtius, were able to survive. Lucius, your husband, asks that you treat them like family."

Licinia released the hand of her daughter and came close to Livius. She bent down to talk and I walked closer because I had Hirtius in my arms. The soldiers came close too all of a sudden and this frightened the woman. She looked at the boy and said, "Hello, little one. Lucius wants to be your father and I will be your mother. Welcome to our family."

She took the child's hand in hers and turned to me and Hirtius. When she was close she looked piercingly at me and my strange features before looking at the boy in my arms.

"Hello, Hirtius. My name is Licinia but I want you to call me, Mother."

She put out her two arms for the boy and he shook his head and turned his head to me. I whispered to the boy, "Hirtius, this is an important time in your life. This is your new family. A Roman soldier has to be brave. Remember all the things I said on the boat? I want you to turn around now and hug this woman that will give you as much love as your mother gave you before she left."

The boy did turn then I said, "A hug now to cement the deal." He was a bit hesitant but he turned more and opened his arms.

The woman moved in and hugged the young boy to her. She kissed his cheek in a moment and said to him, "I have two big boys but now I have two small ones too. That makes me very happy. We made a nice meal for you." She put him down in a moment and said, "Hold your brother's hand." Hirtius reached up and held mine because Iulius had called us brothers so many times.

The women looked at me now and said, "You don't look like one of Quintus Nautius' sons."

"I am not my lady. I come in peace and in respect but I fear I will bring anger down upon your house and your lands."

"Really? You have so many enemies that my husband cannot hold them off?"

"That may be true. I offered your husband a way to leave my father's lands without losing honour or more soldiers. I am afraid I was one of Rome's worse enemies. I was captured then tortured. They knocked out or cut portions from my body. They burnt me with hot iron for days. It was only with the intervention of the gods and your husband that I am alive."

"You do not look that hurt now."

"The gods are healing me as fast as they can without damaging me. If you take a half an hour you could talk to Iulius and the guards to find out that what I am saying is completely true."

"Even if it is, why would they torture you?"

"I was told that with twelve children and the help of some men and women I was able to fashion weapons designed by the gods. With these weapons I destroyed the V Iovia that had invaded our land. After that, my twelve killed three and a half thousand Picts and I am told an equal number will die or be crippled for life. On our travels here I learned that your neighbours lost men in this battle and if you take me in then they will pressure you to turn me over to their justice."

Nobody spoke and it took some minutes before she said, "You are still a boy."

"A boy favoured by the gods. I plan on saving the Roman Empire but to also change it from the way it has been for over a thousand years. This I believe is what the gods have put before me as their first task."

"The first task is only to change the Roman Empire! What is the next?"

"I have to change the rest of the world."

We were led into the house soon after. We had not been expected so no rooms were ready. Licinia was soon closeted with Iulius and I was not surprised to see her come out nearly two hours later. She looked very shaken.

I had introduced my self to Lucius' children but most didn't know what to make of me. I thought that they had not believed any of what I had said. The staff knew how to proceed without guidance and made a meal.

The soldiers and sailors would eat with the servants while a place was set aside for the three of us and Iulius. We ate very well and I assisted my two brothers to get around their food.

Nobody spoke to us though there wasn't a moment when I did not have at least half of the eyes on me. I didn't see this household being this quiet but it was possible.

When Licinia had a free moment I said, "My lady, I am afraid I may be too odd to fit into your household. My younger brothers will be treated the same way if they stay with me for most of the time. Perhaps there is someone that could guide them with love."

She looked at me and said, "I will send Oppia and Salvia to get the boys to help them with their chores. How shall I treat you? You are a prince of a foreign land and a very deadly fighter I am told."

"We have not had time to talk. I do not dislike Romans. In fact I admire them in many ways. The gods have been very generous in giving me knowledge. I can be generous too. While travelling here, I talked to Iulius about your family and business. Like you, I believe that people should not be idle. One of the things I have thought of that would make silver is if we produce dried lumber that we use for our own products or for sale to others."

"Iulius has told me about some of your plans. I do not understand this type of building. He has told me some but I do not understand evn how you would start."

"In the land of the gods they sometimes make a much smaller model of something they wish to make. The gods can view it from many positions and make changes to it before it is built to full size. I have seen in my dreams a tower made of cement that reached almost two thousand feet high. This and the land around it was made in a model form that would fit on our table."

"Surely you are joking. Two thousand feet?"

"Yes my lady. I have seen great wonders. None of these can be built now but we can make buildings and devices of lesser wonder. Over time as the industries gain in size so can our abilities to fashion unbelievable ventures with our hands."

"Do you think we can build this device you see by a waterfalls?"

"Yes I can. I need tools that you do not have. Some I can make but others I have to buy. Iron is needed in large amounts. Brass has to be made or found."

"Will you be making those things called cannon?"

"No, my lady. I am making nothing of that kind of war though I will make swords and armour but this will be sold to the Roman army. I do want the clothing I once wore as a warrior. To make what I wish for you will take time and a lot of help. I will be attacked by those that wish vengeance. I only wish to protect myself."

"Do you remember your past life now?"

"I do not remember it from within but only what I have been shown by Iulius and the gods."

"Perhaps your leaving the house would be a good idea."

"Let me survey the land and see if a mill can be constructed. If this is possible then I need help. Most can be made by talented men. Iulius must have told you that some people are coming already to help. I will be responsible for them while here but I need to fulfil my promise to them of employment. Food and clothing could be part of the payment. If the mill that we make is entrusted into their care then they will provide an income to the estate. This will also provide their own payment to stay on."

"I understand that but you want to make ships and barrels?"

"You need barrels for your wine. Ships are very useful and they can be used to take the wine to market and bring back what you wish. The trees we use will clear the land for more grapes."

"Let me reason this out. It may take some time."

I was put with Tertius to sleep. The young man was not happy with this arrangement. He had his own room and it was small already.

In front of his stepmother I said, "I am sorry to bother you. I come into your hours and even your room without notice. If events work out I will find a place nearby to live and work and not bother you further."

The boy was big and brawny for his race and still larger than me now. He said in a surly voice, "You can go there now."

"I could but your mother wishes to think on this matter we spoke of. If she decides in favour of this then we have to have time to plan then gather what we need before I leave."

"You can sleep with the servants."

"I could do that too. Your father sent me here to die or to be protected because I was hurt seriously. With the gods help, I am making a full recovery and this will be done in a month or so. Now that I am here I plan on paying back some of your father's generosity with my help. I am sorry to disrupt your family but this has to be done so I can make the mill."

"We don't need your mill."

"That is right but if you want to take my help then this area of the world will be more important to the empire. People will come here and you will be able to sell your products for more silver and with less work. You will grow to. We can make ships together then teach others. I made a plough that will turn over the soil much easier than before."

"We don't need that either."

I was not reaching the boy and tried a different method. "Again, that is right but on the way here we stopped at a fort and I talked to Horatius Postuma. He is now making small vehicles that fly through the air. They are going to be made larger and larger until they carry a man. As time goes on they will get bigger until they carry hundreds of people. Before you say we do not need this I will say it for you but the people that you know need this for many reasons."

"Nobody can fly."

I smiled now as if I had him and said, "Horatius Postuma is older than both of us combined and he said the same thing. He now sees that some devices fly easily and wants to see if he can make larger models. He saw with his own eyes and made a decision then. You could do the same thing instead of denying even the possibility."

"Nothing you say is true."

"Do you have a silver denarius that you wish to bet? Your words and mine come cheap."

It looked like he was going to take a swing at me and I just stood my ground. Licinia had seen this too and said, "Tertius, you will not fight in this house. Jón has been patient with you and even said that he will leave in a while if we can make his proposition work. You have made lots of statements that you cannot back up. If you truly believe that you are correct then bet the silver. If you are saying this just to be a child then withdraw your words."

"I will bet him that nobody can fly."

Licinia looked at me and said, "Is that alright?"

"No, because it will take many years and a lot of silver before a man flies. I will bet though that I can make a model that will fly five paces with me throwing it. I know this is possible because Horatius and I have made one with silk that has flown twice that distance. I have no silk."

Licinia tried to mediate again but to challenge me too. "I have some silk. I will give this to you. Both you and Tertius have to build this thing. If Tertius does not help I will take a denarius of his and give it to you by default. If the model flies ten paces then it will be me that pays the bet."

Tertius was angry and I said, "You are a hard woman to deal with my lady but those terms are satisfactory. I only have to add that we have to test the model many times to get it ready for the actual wager."

"That is acceptable to me. Now what else do you need besides silk?"

"The glue that a fletcher uses, some straight wood that is without knots. It also has to be a light as possible. We need to use or make the tools to shape the wood."

"I think Tertius should also make the tools with you."

"You have iron on your property?"

This surprised her for she must have thought of making the tools from bloom. "We do but it takes a long time to get it."

"Then we require the loan of some tools and some supplies."

"We will see about what you require in the morning." She dismissed us this way and we left the room. I didn't know much about Tertius but if there was a way to bring him around to my way of thinking I would take the time to try.

I said to Tertius, "I hope you are good with a bow. We have to eat and my arms are not strong yet."

"We will bring food from the house."

"I am sorry Tertius. I thought you knew how to use a bow. Perhaps we can find a person good with the bow to help us."

"I can use a bow. I choose not to."

"I said I was sorry for bringing up you poor use of a bow."

"I am not poor."

"I said I am sorry. Forget that I said it. We can find someone that is good."

It looked like he was going to swing at me and I said, "Your mother said no fighting in the house. Do you want to go outside? I can show you how to kill a man with your bare hands. I won't kill or even hurt you though."

The boy quieted down and we went silently to his room.

During the night I monitored the noises in the room to make sure Tertius didn't do something rash. Some Romans I found were as irrational as the Frisians. I kept up the repairs to my body because I now owned it by default. Instead of just building muscle mass I worked on my nerve pathways to get my reaction down to where I could stay alive while still looking weak.

The next morning I got up earlier than Tertius and left the house to stretch and then exercise in the cool morning before it got warm. I was able to greet some of the early morning staff that arose to make our breakfast. My kind words and small size got me a snack to carry me over until I was done.

I stayed at this for a while as I had no other duties yet. After an hour I was quite damp and went into the house to cadge some soap. They had some and I thanked the cook for giving me this.

"I am going to the river to swim and wash. I think I better wash my clothes while I am there."

The older woman put on a serious look and said, "Watch out, there are some of the girls going there to wash the clothes too. They may chase you around."

Since turn around is fair play I said, "If you were going to wash clothes instead of cooking you might find that some times I am slower than others."

She turned red and said, "You better get going then. You can eat in half an hour if you can be back then."

I reached up and pulled her face down and kissed her on the cheek. "Thank you."

I left the house and ran to the river and had to push myself the last bit since my legs and heart were not up to it. I saw the boats tied up and some of the sailors there guarding the boats. I took off my clothes and ran and dived into the water. It was a shock to my body but it felt good. I swam against the current a while then came back. In moments I was washing my clothes in the water as I sat on a rock half submerged. When they looked done I wrung them out and hung them on some bushes then scrubbed my body and hair.

One of the sailors said, "You swim like a fish. Some of the strokes you used looked odd to me."

"There are many ways to pull yourself through the water. There are some that strengthen the muscles of the chest while others stress other muscles. When one way makes you tired you can switch to another."

I walked back to the house in damp clothes. Some of the soldiers were coming my way and one said, "Where were you?"

"Washing in the river. Why are you asking?"

"You are not supposed to run off."

Same as Proeliator
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Be good to the neighbor’s wife. Now this is a kinda true to life story, or maybe I’m just shucking, you just never know. I’d rented an ole shotgun place a few years back, wasn’t much to look at, but it was out in the sticks so was good for my intended purposes. It had a big ole front room which was quickly turned into a practice room for my band. I’d tacked egg carton baffling up on the south wall as that was the general direction of my only neighbor who also happened to be my landlord. Said...

4 years ago
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Like Mother Like DaughterChapter 4

My God, my daughter had gone from an innocent to a raging slag, who had now fucked a dog and wanted more, all within 3 days of being here. I’d been enjoying myself so much that I’d forgotten the time, I saw Chloe’s watch and it was 10.30 am! I jumped up and went to the bathroom to clean myself up, luckily I had no mess on my clothes, so it was just a case of washing cum off my face and putting some makeup on. Chloe was drinking coffee when I went back to the kitchen, she hadn’t bothered to...

3 years ago
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Room 29

Room 29By Shabbadew2002Email me @ [email protected]  The InterrogationThe cell was 3 meters square.  The single bulb burned endlessly and the American girl could not tell whether it was day or night.  She rolled over on the hard metal frame bed and tried to get some sleep.  She had been held incommunicado for nearly two weeks, ever since they abducted her.  She knew what they wanted.  She was a commint (communications intelligence) expert trained at Quantico and Langley and her East German...

2 years ago
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AllGirlMassage Silvia Saige Ivy Lebelle Mia Masseuse

Silvia Saige is annoyed as she waits in the lobby of a massage parlor. When a second client, Ivy Lebelle, enters, Silvia informs her that the masseuse seems to be running late. They’re both confused and a bit annoyed, though Ivy doesn’t seem to be too bothered and Silvia is too polite to complain. However, Ivy’s a regular there and knows the place well, so she suggests that they at least wait outside. When it’s nice out, it’s not uncommon to get massaged in the...

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Private Anastasia Brokelyn Interracial Sex Is The Best

Anastasia Brokelyn has come to Barcelona in Private Specials, Black POVs, and of course this sexy brunette is after just one thing… BBC. Ana soon has her craving satisfied as she takes on stallion Jesús Reyes in an incredible interracial POV, and you can enjoy all the action up close and personal as if you were there! Watch this beauty put on a show as she strips down naked and shows off her incredible cock sucking skills before offering up her tight wet pussy for a fuck as she hops on for a...

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2 daddies and a lonely young hitchhiker part 2

Mark reached up to me and gave me a long sloppy kiss, his mouth lined with the slimy residue of my semen. Jeff’s cock still hovered near my face, but as I leaned again towards it, he had other ideas.“Let’s go into the bedroom”, he said.I felt electrified by the first-time lust as I stumbled towards their bedroom, my knees still trembling from the blowjob I’d just received. They laid me on the bed and then each of them lay either side of me, kissing me, nuzzling into my neck, fondling my cock...

2 years ago
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Salvation Ch 4 New Stock

It was a bright sunny day and the journey was much smoother than usual due the unique design of the carriage springs and to Alice’s delight the interior was completely enclosed to prying eyes. On arrival at the orphanage in Hamstead, Richard helped Alice to step down from his carriage smiling as he admired her radiance. Realising that she was just as much flushed with lust, as he was made this occasion even more special for him. Looking around for prying eyes just as if they were...

4 years ago
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Detention with Mr Nile

It was 4:30pm and school was out, for everyone but me. I had a detention to go to for chewing gum in class. Bullshit. Everyone chews gum in class and it's me who gets caught? At least it's with Mr Nile though, he's one of the younger teachers, well i say younger, he's 38 and married with k**s but he is some good looking teacher. So i walk in watching as fellow students and teachers go home for the day. A couple of cleaners walking out too, leaving early because it was the weekend. This made me...

5 years ago
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Little Loo by loyalsock

Sandra Small took a sip of her piping hot cup of coffee as she scanned several new reports that had been left on her desk by her boss, Mr. Olsen. It was still not quite eight o'clock so the office was still pretty empty. Sandra liked to get in early before the daily onslaught of e-mails, phone calls, and voice mails would inundate her. It was a quiet time to get her paper work taken care of without the constant interruptions that were a normal part of her business day. She was just about to...

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Nightmares Are Bad for YouChapter 2

"Oowww my head," Chuck sat up on and continued to groan. He looked up and saw something that almost made him laugh it was so cliché. There were the golden pearly gates and a line of about 20 people. He stood and moved to the line and proceeded to wait. When he made it to the head of the line he heard, "Name please" said a seemingly bored St. Peter "Charles Darwin Adams" said Chuck. "Hmm, nope not on the list, sorry." "What?!" "I'm dead, how can I not be on the list?" right...

4 years ago
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Do you want a Good Grade or not

Mariela and I were as close as a brother and sister could be. We didn't fight (of course we teased) and we always respected each other. Movies, Video Games, Dinner, whatever we could do together, we did it. I was her protector, too. Her being 15 and me being 17, I had to defend her from all the immature little assholes tweaking off of puberty-built testosterone and and an undeniable quench for some hot ass. And that was EXACTLY what Mariela was, some hot piece of ass. Now even though I...

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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriess9e11 Meghan Given 58 bored gran

Series 9, Episode 11: Meghan Given (58), from Guildford This week’s show begins with a shot from inside a car as we head down a quiet suburban residential street, slowing down to turn into a private tree-lined side-street, driving through gates designed to keep the ‘wrong kind of people out’... Then we’re outside a very classy house, very exclusive. Not the biggest garden or driveway, but the street provides privacy for all residents. We watch as the car pulls up infront of us and parks at...

4 years ago
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Car sex I had with a Friend

This true story dates back to last summer, and takes place outdoors, well over a car hood to be exact. I had been chatting to this lovely guy called Dave, we had been chatting on a different site and arranged for him to come over from where he lived to where i live in NY. Well I had been getting my self ready most of the evening showering, shaving my self totally smooth including my pussy, made a real effort to look hot with my makup and clothes. The usual things, stockings garters, 1/4 cup bra...

2 years ago
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The Video Game

Joel: Nephew of the house owner, boyfriend to Amy Amy: Boyfriend of Joel, ready to experiment, Mik's best friend Mik: a single guy with a lot of interesting fetishes, best Friend to Amy The Scene: North Coast NSW, Australia Mik and Amy had been friends for about five years, and had always fancied her, but it had never come to anything. He had never felt confident enough to try anything, because he was pretty inexperienced with anything sexual. But unknown to him, that was about to change...

2 years ago
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Second Chances Part Last

Ben thought of Lora’s beautiful face just before pulling out onto the main highway that made up US-82 East and US-287 South. Just then a large SUV swerved around Ben’s rig and blew the horn. Ben was taken by surprise and all thoughts of Lora vanished as Ben hit the brakes and steered right to keep the SUV from swiping his left front fender as it came over hard and fast in the typically stupid maneuver many 4-wheeler’s make to show their hatred for trucks. Regaining control of his lane Ben...

3 years ago
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so many so fast pt 6

Lisa couldn't believe that her friend was so interested in all of the details. She told her everything that went on in the gazebo. "Oh god Lisa I am so envious of you. I don't think I could ever actually bring myself to do something like that but I must tell you I have fantasized about doing a gangbang for a long time. I guess the opportunity never presented its self" Lisa listens intently thinking "hummm I wonder if I should set her up with a gangbang of her own?” Stacy continues so...

2 years ago
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Des lesbiennes dans la police

Mons dans le Borinage. C'est en Belgique, pas loin de la frontière avec la France. Ce qu'on peut dire sur les policiers du coin, c'est qu'ils sont pas super efficaces. Mais bon, vu que même ça ça réussi à arrêter les criminels du coin, du moins, les criminels qui n'ont pas d'argents, on va pas trop se plaindre. Pourtant, en 2016, le gouvernement Michel a décidé avec l'accord du parlement Wallon de donner plus de moyen et de recruter plus d'agents dans cette région. Ben voyons ! C'était bien ce...

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ModernDaySins Vicki Chase Jayden Cole Greedy Creampies Making This OUR Pregnancy

Jayden Cole has been successfully impregnated by IVF and is over the moon as she shares the good news with her loving wife, Vicki Chase. However, the surprises don’t stop there, because Jayden then shows off a strap-on dildo that is capable of cumming like a real dick! Jayden explains that she wants them to feel like this pregnancy truly belongs to BOTH of them. Vicki is touched and on board as they become intimate, unable to contain their love for each other. They have passionate sex,...

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The New Girl In The Band

The New Girl In The Band Chapter 1 By Princess Edited By Stanman63 "I have taken all your attitude I'm going to take now, little brother," my sister screamed at me as she stormed toward me angrily. I was backing up slowly, afraid. I didn't mean anything. She got to me as I backed into the far corner. She grabbed my shirt pulled me toward her. Her face twisted in an angry expression as she bent down toward me, her nose nearly touching mine. Her friends standing back watched her...

4 years ago
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Fantasies fulfilled part 4

Several weeks went by and Matt and Janelle’s lives went back to the normal grind of work and everyday things until one Friday afternoon. Janelle had been feeling particularly frisky since getting his text earlier in the day. It simply said, ‘Your ass looked great in that skirt this morning, babe,’ but she had been imagining him stealing a quick moment in his office to masturbate to the thought of her tight black pencil skirt and long lean legs in the conservative pumps she had chosen to...

4 years ago
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Celebration for new year with chut chudai

Again here to make ur cock & pussies wet… 1st of all thanks for all sexy females, aunties & girls jinhone meri pahli story padhke mujhe bohot mails likhe aur mere sath sex karne ki kamna jatai. Mere pahle story mai maine aapko batayaa ki maine kaise ek indian ladki ko america. Mai choda tha.. Tabhi to mujhe bohot maza aaya tha.. Mai ab bhi us ladki ko miss karta hu. Aaj mai aapke liye ek recent story leke aaya hu.. Jo ki 31st night ki hai. 31st night mai hamesha apne group ke sath celebrate...

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I sit alone in the dark except for th flicker of a TV. My wife (sometimes its my wife and sometimes it my girlfriend when I imagine it) had been out for almost and hour. Her only instructions, "Don't play with your cock when I leave. I want that cum for myself." As soon she left. I immediately strip and turn on some porn. I can get off to anything and everything. I guess its a sign that I am either extremely one minded or simply perfectly perverse. I like to think I am date perfectly...

3 years ago
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The Eighth Warden Book 1Chapter 18

The plan fell apart before it even got started. Early in the morning, Corec had tracked down some of the fishermen who worked the local lakes, and found one that was willing to sell him a large net. Then he’d bought a heavy crossbow, wishing he hadn’t sold the last one. While he was doing that, someone at the Three Orders chapter house helped Treya find a local farmer who knew where the drake was nesting, and could take them to it. Bren, the guide, led them north up the Farm Road for an...

2 years ago
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Bittersweet Symphony

"This is the happiest day of my life, Mom!" Shannon Kendall squeezed her adopted mother's hand and tried not to fidget. She looked up at the smiling face in the mirror, the woman's smile very happy but her green eyes a little sad. "You wish Mac was getting married, right? He'll find the right woman someday, Mom. You'll see. And Jethro will stand up with him. And we'll all be really happy. When Mac and Jethro get out of the service, they're going to open up a business together....

4 years ago
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Girl From Okcupid To Car Fucking

Hello all ISS readers. I am Rihan rai. I live in delhi. If any girl or aunty want to get fun please mail me at Meri story start hoti h ek dating application se. Well  I  am single to mai fun k liye dating app pe ladkiya khojte rehta hu.. Ek din aise hi jbb mai tinder use krr ra tha to ek mutual like aaya. Like ek 28yrs k ladki ne kiya tha. Mjhe waise to sex k liye face dekhne ki jarurat nai hoti but fir b maine check krne k liye uski dp check ki. She was looking hott. Mjhe dekhte hi usko ek...

3 years ago
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Caribean Fun part 1

My wife had persuaded me to take her to Jamaica for a holiday. Bev always gets what she wants, and I love to make her happy. I had to work a lot of extra hours to pay for it as she always expects the best.We arrived late in the evening and was shown to our room I could see why it was so expensive as it was a huge suite. Bev was pleased and just flipped back on the bed. ‘I’m horny babe’ she said and I knew exactly what she wanted I pushed her dress up pulled her thong to one side and started...

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18-year-old Ben was walking home from school when he saw it. The pale green amulet that would change his life forever, though he didn't know it. It was lying in the ground with only a small piece out in the open. He picked it up and examined the object. The chain that held it was broken. He noticed writing on it and read it aloud. It looked like Latin. He put it in his pocket and continued on his way home. Ben thought that he might be able to get some money for it from the pawn shop. As Ben...

5 years ago
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My New Neighbours Part 4

I was excited to help Lucy further and made a fresh batch of juice for her and rolled a few smokes in preparation to help her relax, I took a quick shower and decided to keep the robe on seeing no reason to get fully dressed.Lucy turned up earlier than yesterday and smiled as I opened the door, “Hello sir” she said and didn’t show the nerves she showed yesterday, she looked me up and down again smiling, “Wow sir, nice robe” she commented as she walked in taking her shoes off at the door, this...

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The Tree of Life

Mulberry trees (Morus spp.) are a species that are gender fluid—they may first be male, then female, then change back again. You can find individual mulberry trees that are dioecious—with only male flowers or only female flowers. But right next to such a tree might be a monoecious specimen, bearing both male or female flowers. And to add another veil of intrigue, sometimes mulberry flowers start out as one sex and transform halfway through the season.***Renata trips over something. She hasn't...

Monster Sex
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A Trip to NYC

I quickly packed up my clothes and sleeping bag for my week long stay in Payton's new house. She had invited me over after I had almost had an emotional breakdown after my year long relationship crumbled. Payton was my best friend all through high school and now in college it was no different. I hopped into my car and headed for the interstate, I wasn't happy about the two hour long drive up to the city where Payton was now living. The only thought in my mind as I drove was how I hoped I'd get...

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Ana in a darkened parking lot

That night my sweet Ana had gone out with her slutty girlfriends Laura and Camilla. I was a bit worried knowing these bitches and I was sure my lovely wife would end fucked by a huge black cock…I stood at home and after midnight, while I was enjoying a fine glass of my favorite whisky, my phone rang. It was Anita.I could hear she was excited and breathing hard. But she told me she was not fucking any man as she was talking with me. But then my sensual wife offered me, if I wanted to watch her...

5 years ago
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The Alberta Cold

I’m sitting on the couch watching the end of the hockey game. I keep glancing at the clock wondering when you will come home. A surprise snow storm hit the city, you were not dressed for the work you had to do outside. And to make it worse you had to work over. Finally I hear your key in the lock. The door opens and a rush of freezing arctic air comes into our apartment. I hop up to greet you as I hear you call out for me. When I come around the corner, you are bent over unlacing the steel...

4 years ago
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Tim and GraceRound I

Their drinks arrived. Tim lifted his glass. “A toast to the case, and your Reno visit.” He smiled, looking deeply into her eyes. Once again, she felt her face flush and her pulse quicken. “Thanks, and to you as well,” she managed. She’d much rather spend time with this man now than face the night alone. She licked her lips, gazed into his eyes. “I’ve really enjoyed our time together so far, and I don’t want to fuck it up by pissing you off. Truce?” She held out her hand.“Truce.” He...

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How Are You Not Being NeglectedChapter 3 A high EQ emotional quotient woman

When I entered the specified Starbucks I sat at an empty table and almost at the same time a nice brown haired woman sat down beside me. She had a dress that ended above her knees, giving me a glimpse of her luscious thighs. She had deep blue eyes and her hair was mid length. She looked at me, and smiled and she was beautiful. My eyes were drawn to her chest. Her breasts were an easy D cup, maybe DD and jutted out for me to admire. I was instantly attracted to them, but better yet when she...

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An Evening to Fondly Remember

It started out like basic "date night" – a movie and dinner.  My husband "B" was humoring my mood although he made it clear he was in the mood for more.  Just to show that my heart was in the right place, if not my mood, I dressed as sexily as suburbia would allow. A red blazer, a short black skirt with thigh high stockings, no panties or bra, and a tailored white blouse unbuttoned one button more than was "proper".After the movie and a relaxing dinner with a few glasses of wine, we were headed...

Group Sex
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BIRTHDAY Unforgettabble

I was pretty excited when I woke up this morning. I quickly discovered that my wife had bound my four limbs to the bed as I slept, and when she noticed me starting to stir, she treated me to a beautiful smile. "Morning darling. Happy Birthday!" "Thanks baby. I think we both know what I want for my birthday present this year." I glanced down at the cage locked onto my cock, then the key hanging around her neck. She smiled at me again. "You're going to absolutely love your present, I know you...

4 years ago
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Mommy 8211 My Whore Wife

Hi I am Robin, I am 18 years old. This story is about me & how i married my mother. My mother Eva is 36 years old, we live in together in Delhi. My mom got married to my father when she was about 18 years old but he was about 25 years older than her. My mother never wanted to marry him but was forced by her parents. My father belonged to a very rich family & was the only heir to all the property, so i guess for her well being she was forced to marry him by her parents. Two years after the...

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First Time Watching My Wife Get Fucked

I have always been a very horny guy. My wife on the other hand is fairly reserved, although she loves getting her pussy licked and really gets into it once she is hot. I have always been a little kinky and kept pushing my wife to be more ad.Last month I finally talked her into going to an adult bookstore with me in Louisville. She had never been to one and was embarrassed but i finally convinced her to try it.We arrived at the bookstore and began to look at the video's and toys. There were a...

2 years ago
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Backyard Pool

Janet put on her skimpiest bikini, a white one that showed off her tan as well as her toned body. She headed out to the backyard pool to get some sun. She wasn't sure she'd like the pool when she and her husband Derek bought the house several years ago, but turned out to love it, spending many Saturdays out there relaxing. The pool deck took up most of the small area, surrounded by a six-foot privacy hedge that bordered the yard. It was Janet's little oasis. The houses in the neighborhood were...

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Mausi Ki Gaand Maari

Aur jin mausi ki me kahani aap logo ko sunane jaa rha hu unke saath mera honeymoon abhi tk zaari hai..Abhi 2 din pehle hi unke saath poora din vyateet karke aa rha hu… Aaj usi din ke baar me sochkar badi tharak chad rhi thi to socha kyon na apni kahani aap logo ke saath share karke thode maje le lu.. Baat 2 mahine pehle ki hai, pehle to mein aap logo ko bata du ki ye mausi me khaas mausi nhi hai aur door ke rishte me mausi lagti hai mere ghar se kuch 2 km ki doori pr rhti hai kareeb 48 saal ki...

3 years ago
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My Reader My Bitch Part 3

Hello folks, hope you people are doing marvellous in and out of the bed. I am sorry for the delay for this part. Do pardon me. As I have told before, I will be continuing with the thrilling and horny Naughty Stories Season 1 as soon as I complete the story which happened with a reader who read my story. For the true reading experience, it is advised that you go through the previous parts to enjoy the fullest. Okay, now I am going to give a brief of what happened in last two parts. I am writing...

4 years ago
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Mom and MeChapter 13

Downstairs, Betty locked the kitchen door, then passed to the front and bolted that one, also. On a Saturday, no telling who might drop by unexpectedly, and she certainly didn't want anybody visiting. No Disturbances, she thought; no interference with the ultimate closeness that was so fast developing in her family. They needed nobody but themselves, for who could offer them more? Wearing her robe, but barefoot now, Betty moved toward the family room, not sure of what she would find there,...

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