Intrusive DelightsChapter 4 The Return
- 3 years ago
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After the debacle of her failure to gain her freedom by two minutes, something snapped in Rubina's mind and she finally gave in to the pressure and accepted her slavery. However, like so many slaves with strong wills, when she had finally been broken she was more or less useless. She walked around like a zombie for some weeks, doing anything she was told, but doing literally nothing if she had no orders. Someone had to tell her to eat or she would have starved to death. It was only after some eight weeks that she was given some news which roused her from her depression. The Chief Eunuch had more or less given her up as useless and was content to let her starve herself to death if she so desired, but then he had some news which reawakened his interest in her. She was pregnant, and carrying a girl child.
Calling her over to him in the harem he said to her, "Nabiha, you are carrying a child. All this nonsense must now stop, since the infant is the property of the Emir and you must not neglect it. You will eat a proper diet and take suitable exercise."
This seemed to rouse her from her torpor and she burst into tears.
"Why so sad?" asked the Chief Eunuch in a kindly tone, "You will have the child until she is grown to womanhood and the Emir decides to whom she is to be given. She may even stay here in the harem and be honoured by the Master himself."
A renewed flood of tears greeted this helpful advice and the Chief Eunuch handed her over to Princess Zubeydeh to comfort her and to find out what was wrong.
Later Zubeydeh told him, "She is distraught because the child cannot be her husband's. In her society it is the ultimate stigma to have a bastard child. Do we know who the father is?"
"No," he replied, "I understand from the Master of Quarry that conception must have occurred when she was 'killed' after her second hunt. Nobody can remember precisely who, or even how many of the hunters used her in that way. The Emir says we must nurture her as he wishes to see if her good looks breed true. If they do, he will probably have her deliberately mated again. I imagine it will have to be done artificially, as she seems unlikely to co-operate."
It was Arin who was the first to be taken in an abaya into the Ruby Palace and led through passages and down stairs until she came at last into a small room where there was an odd sort of bench to which she was shackled, naked and lying on her back, arms above her head. The metal of the bench was cold at first, but her body heat soon warmed it and she lay quite comfortably waiting for the Emir. If her Master, may he live for ever, wished to chastise her, then it was fair and just. None of the...
When he decided to try out another room in the Ruby Palace's well-stocked torture chambers, he reminded himself that he must be more careful this time. The concubine he used to assist in the experiments must not be allowed to fail him as Arin had. She really had been most inconsiderate, dying when she did, right in the middle of an experiment. This time he would take Ayat with him; he had always considered her as hard as nails. She was obedient and submissive in his bed, but he had no...
When the Emir decided to try out a part of the sixth torture room, he selected Ramzy El-Najjar's grand-daughter, Zeinab, for the privilege of being his experimental assistant. She was prepared as though for his bed, and in that she felt very honoured. An abaya was put on her over her ceremonial harem dressing gown and she was led through a series of passages into the Ruby Palace. She had, by this time, decided that unfortunately it was not the Emir who would use her, but that she was being...
It was cooler in Kobekistan in the autumn, so that was when Tiggs Boush managed to get her editor to pull some strings in the State Department and arrange for the embassy in Kobek to have her allowed in to the country, ostensibly as the significant other of one of the Second Secretaries, since no visitor's visa was forthcoming. She was totally enraged about the treatment of women in Kobekistan even before she arrived, and had already written an exposé of the "shocking lack of civil...
After a few moments a middle-aged woman who was obviously English came into the ante-room and said, conversationally, "You must be the American reporter. Would you like some coffee?" Tiggs stared at her. She had never seen anyone dressed quite as the woman was. She wore a short satin dressing-gown, reaching only to the tops of her thighs and with only a button at the neck and no belt to hold it closed. Other than that she was completely naked, not even wearing slippers. As she walked her...
The next morning Tiggs had two surprises, first that she was assured that if the Chief Eunuch had said she could have a private audience then she would indeed get one. "Nobody in the Palace ever lies," 'her' Second Secretary declared, "They may not tell you the whole truth, and you may have to examine the exact wording of what they say with very great care, but it is always literally true. About something as simple as an audience with the Emir they would not dream of lying. It would be...
The next morning, the Emir visited her again and was pleased to see that she had not been moved from the whipping bench and the blue and purple colour of her flesh showed that there was no part of her anatomy from her heels to the back of her neck which had escaped the whipping, and yet the skin had not been broken. She was asleep, in what seemed to be a perfectly normal sleep, so he woke her with a brisk slap on the left buttock. She screamed awake most satisfactorily. "Please, no more,"...
The Emir had been reading some of the books from the bookcase at the end of the torture suite room and had built himself a novel device he had read about; that is to say, he had personally supervised the eunuchs who did the actual work. The device seemed to be workable, and yet it was so simple. It had been used during the Second World War to extract information from female spies, but some of them had died from its excessive use. The Emir intended to use it as a standard means of execution,...
During the months of her captivity and slavery in the Golden Palace and then while she was being trained for the hunt, and hunted, just over a year had passed. During this time her husband, Ernesto Paphardi, was methodically searching for anyone who answered her description. From the note left in their honeymoon suite he knew she had been taken as a revenge matter by Kâtip al-Baghdadi, whom he had swindled. That being so he was convinced they had not killed her. If killing were intended her...
The only possible answer was that she had, as Kâtip had claimed, been sold in one of the slave markets of North Africa where young and beautiful girls of every skin hue changed hands for sizeable sums of money. By dint of persistence and by paying out bribes to many men, he eventually traced her, after several false alarms when he found women of similar descriptions in some very odd places performing some very outré services for their owners, or their owners' clients. Normally he left them...
It was at this juncture, possibly attracted by the loud profanities in a deep voice, that the Chief Eunuch with several juniors came into the store-room and pounced on Ernesto. He fought them valiantly but they bore him down by whips and the force of numbers. He was bound and taken to the Golden Palace's dungeon where he was stripped naked and thrust into a dark, cold cell with no windows, stone walls and a door made of metal bars an inch thick. The floor was bare and the only variation was...
The day after this puzzling meal, the Emir arranged that she should meet Ernesto in the harem, apparently by chance. Looking fearfully around they spoke in whispers. "It is rumoured that the Emir is going to have me made infertile," whispered Rubina, "and I am to be sold as a field slave." "He had me castrated," said her husband, "and I am to serve here in the harem." "Castrated?" asked Rubina, all the colour draining from her face as she remembered the previous day's...
The Emirate of Kobekistan is one of those wonderful places where a visitor feels that they have stepped back into a more leisurely, more dignified era of history, but without sacrificing any of the more useful gadgets of modern civilisation. Air-conditioning protects the inhabitants from the rigours of a sub-tropical climate. Motor cars whisk them from one building to another. Desalination provides ample water. The most modern medical advances are practised in the hospitals. Television shows...
Some ten weeks after his accession, the Emir finally received a fairly friendly letter from the Master of his old college in Oxford inquiring when he was intending to return to complete his Ph.D. There was, of course, no pressure on the Emir but the college would rather like to make use of his rooms if he did not intend to come into residence in the near future. Immediately he resolved to sort out Oxford once and for all. After talking to Kamal Qumsiyeh and Hajji Kofi Natsheh he ordered them...
His reception at Heathrow was suitably low key, with the Ambassador greeting him, a little over-familiarly he thought, with a handshake. Obeisance in Heathrow VIP lounge might have been a little ostentatious, but a bow would have been more seemly. Still, he could deal with minor problems when he got back to London from Oxford. The police seemed to want to provide him with a full escort of outriders, but he persuaded them that this was quite unnecessary. Then he dismissed most of the retinue...
When they finally reached central London at about two the next morning, the limousine bearing the Emir drove into the Embassy gardens and there was a group of notables, including the Ambassador, his deputy, the Commercial Attaché, and a representative of the British Foreign Office, all standing in line waiting to greet His Magnificence, the Emir Mahmoud Abdullah. Ignoring all of them the Emir walked swiftly into the Embassy and was conducted by one of the flunkeys to his suite on the top...
When the Head of Protocol arrived in the square half an hour later, a stage had been set up in the middle, with tiered seating all round it. There were about a hundred men there, with more arriving by the minute. As they all settled down, a naked man was dragged into the square, put on the stage, and loosely chained to a post. The only woman was Princess Zubeydeh in a fresh abaya accompanied by six armed guards and chained to the Chief Eunuch. Kamal Qumsiyeh mounted the stage and read out...
In the event Princess Zubeydeh was left to wonder, because it was Arin who was selected for the Emir's bed that night. When Arin finally returned to the harem, it was mid-morning and she was a sight which made even the most blasé of the concubine hostesses blench. One eye was completely covered by a bandage; the other one was nearly closed. Her back was covered by a large surgical dressing and her left arm was in a sling. She was naked because both legs were covered in weals and any material...
The Head of Protocol, Kamal Qumsiyeh, seemed very nervous at the Public Audience session a week or so later. He was obviously trying to decide whether to ask a major favour of the Emir; either that or he was trying to summon enough courage to raise something which he knew would annoy his master. "Come on, you old fraud," said the Emir in a fruitless attempt to jolly him along, "Out with it. I know you want to say something. What is it?" Faced with such a direct order, Kamal Qumsiyeh had...
The Emir took Ramzy El-Najjar fully into his confidence as to the use to be made of the new suite in the Ruby Palace harem. Ramzy was to use the Palace as an auxiliary residence and there entertain many guests to sumptuous meals at the Emir's expense. He would also purchase a concubine to service all of the men he invited; this was to be a particular ex-inmate of the Golden Palace harem, and it worried Ramzy El-Najjar greatly when he learned that she was Zubeydeh, the Emir's mother. It...
One bright morning the Emir rose at an unusually early hour, to the dismay of the concubine in his bed, and announced to a startled Kamal Qumsiyeh that he intended to visit the barracks that very day, and within the hour. "Our military establishment is important, and it is part of my duty to the people to see to it that the armed forces are properly housed and trained," he announced, "A surprise inspection might just have a salutary effect on them, if such is needed." General Mustapha...
"Now, where is that Rifleman?" asked the Emir. Rifleman Abubakar Ibn Abbas was duly fetched and was indeed much more sober, not least because the identity of the Emir had been confirmed and he was in mortal fear. In ten years as a soldier he had annoyed most of his superiors at one time or another, but never an Emir accompanied by a General. "What were you doing last night?" asked the Emir. After a moment's thought the miscreant decided that a well varnished version of the truth would...
Outside, the Emir said to the Rifleman, "What am I to do with you?" Wisely there were no suggestions forthcoming. "Go to the Adjutant and take your punishment. While you are there tell him that in future all evening passes are to be extended up to thirty minutes before a soldier's next duty. It is the soldier's own problem to be back in time, fit and ready for that duty. This applies at all times unless we are at war." The General agreed with the Emir that this was not unreasonable...
Zeinab was the granddaughter to Ramzy El-Najjar, Master of Quarry to the Emir, through one of his daughters whom he had given to a French diplomat as a present. Until she was ten years old the child lived with her mother in the embassy annex where her mother stayed with the other local concubines of the leading diplomats. Her father's wife had, of course, remained in Paris. When the mother was returned to Ramzy ten years later at the end of the diplomat's posting to Kobekistan, little...
The following morning, Zeinab rose and as she lay soaking voluptuously in her bath, she said to the attendant eunuch, Pass the long brush so I can scrub my back.~ The eunuch neither moved nor replied. ~The long brush. I want to scrub my back, ~ she repeated. Again there was no reaction. This both puzzled and annoyed her, so she called out, Ali!~ The Chief Eunuch materialised from nowhere and said, «Oui, qu'est-ce que tu veux?» Then the penny dropped. She was to be forced into using...
Ernesto Paphardi was a young up-and-coming member of a large business based in Sicily in southern Italy. He was a successful business man, as it is described in that part of the world, though the Italian government saw no tax returns or any other records from his business. He would perhaps have described his own work as buying and selling this and that. Mostly he sold what he called entertainment related products; drugs, protection, influence, and so forth. Among other things he occasionally...
When they woke the next morning, Ernesto kissed his wife deeply and stroked her breasts and then her mound until she was pressing herself up against him and stroking his prick into a fine erection. It was time, he decided, to move on to another pleasure which he had sampled only occasionally. Gently pushing her down the bed he stroked her face with his erection and said, "He is grateful for the pleasure you gave him yesterday and last night." "And I am grateful also, for the pleasure he...
Rubina was even then waking up some hundreds of miles from the hotel and a world away from the starched politeness of the Sicilian society she knew. The stench of sweating bodies was terrible; and she was naked in a small cage, only about four feet square and six feet high. All she could see were rows of other similar cages, most of them containing naked Africans, both male and female. Her body felt odd and it took her a moment to realise that her pudendum had been shaved completely; a glance...
Three or four days, and many more rapes later Rubina was taken from her cell and put into small cage on wheels. She fought every inch of the way because, although she was not in the least inclined to stay in the holding cage, she had resolved to resist anything and everything 'they' did to her or wanted her to do. In this resolve she was much strengthened by her inner certainty that under the code of honour revered in the Sicilian circles of both their families, Ernesto was bound to come...
The slave auctions were held regularly and so Rubina spent only three more days in a cage at the auction house to which she was sent, hobbled and shackled. The cage itself was a form of torture, since it was roughly cubic, but only about five feet in each direction, and she was unable to stand or lie down in any comfort. The only possible position was to sit on the floor with her back to the bars; the chains on her ankles and wrists made even that uncomfortable. Water and food were placed in...
The new young concubine, a gift from the chief of a wandering Bedouin clan, was dragged into the harem at the Golden Palace kicking and struggling. As the all enveloping abaya was removed she butted the nearest eunuch in the face, causing blood to pour from his nose. Immediately she was overpowered, shackled over a whipping bench and the Chief Eunuch spoke to her. After three tries he discovered she understood some English and said to her, "You will have to be whipped for attacking my...
After ten weeks of unremitting attempts, the Chief Eunuch knew he was unlikely ever to train the recalcitrant but beautiful new slave, Rubina, to accept that her lot in life was to loll around in the harem almost naked until she was taken to a man's bed. Even more was he convinced that she would never consent to being a bedroom plaything for just any man to whom her Master chose to lend her. Just shaving her required five eunuchs to strap her down and even at that she was cut by the razor...
Although Ramzy El-Najjar dutifully accepted his Emir's offer of a slave to train as quarry, he had severe doubts as to her suitability but he kept them to himself. Bundling the woman, in fetters and enveloped in an abaya, into the boot of his car, he drove the short distance to his home, thinking, 'This one will surely be a problem; harem rejects are always useless. When will he let me do my job and provide proper quarry, trained to do the job? It's no job for forced labour.' The girl's...
"Today is your first hunt," said Ramzy El-Najjar when he woke Rubina, "Do you remember everything I told you?" "Yes I remember," she said bitterly, thinking only of the penalty for failure "First they hunt me with elephant dogs, then they rape me, then they beat me, then I come back here." "You forgot the sodomy," he said sardonically. The conditions were perfect; there was a little wind which ameliorated the effects of the hot sun when the hunt met and the stirrup cup of port,...
Ramzy El-Najjar came to the Emir with an unusual request. It was from the Italian woman they were using as quarry, and who had caused such a dreadful scene last time by biting Khalid Balewa's penis so badly that he needed hospital treatment after he had half killed her in his rage. She wanted to study the hunting ground before being hunted again. This was, presumably, to plan her next attempt to avoid the huntsmen for two hours. The Emir considered the request briefly before saying to his...
Back at his home, Ramzy El-Najjar wandered into the harem and saw Zeinab sitting quietly sewing. "Tell me, my granddaughter, how good is your English now?" "Sufficient to understand that question and to make this reply," she said. "Good enough," her grandfather nodded, "I have plans for you." Ramzy El-Najjar was a patient man and still he waited for the appropriate moment with the girl's command of English and French improving by the day. Eventually he decided that the time was...
The Emir decided to inspect the torture suite of the Ruby Palace in more detail. Accompanied only by the Golden Palace's Chief Eunuch, he let himself into the suite and proceeded to tour the rooms, of which there were six, placed three on either side of the corridor with the sloping floor and the drain. In the first room, containing the rack, he wasted no time, merely ascertaining that the equipment was all working satisfactorily. The mechanism moved easily and smoothly and the cuffs locked...
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Hi, my name is Sucheeta, I originally hail from Gujarat. I have settled in Bangalore after my marriage. I got married early at my age of 23. My husband is running finance business along with his family members. Ours is a joint family of 6 and financially healthy. My marriage is a happier one as everybody would respect and care me well. But this didn’t continue for long. After two years of our marriage we lost of peace of mind inside the family the reason behind is that i could not get pregnant....
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Hi Friends, this is Rajesh, presently 38 years working as an Engineer in an MNC, and settled in Bangalore now.. I am fair in colour, well built with a gym body and most important with an 8 inch dick. My wife had been to US on a project work with our son and I was living all alone in my house right now. My younger brother Ramu and his wife Rajini used to come to my house to have dinner with me sometimes. They were a happy couple with no k**s even after 2 years of marriage and it was found that...
Hi I am Praveen 26 years of age, Bangalore, before starting with the new episode I want to thank u readers for Ur valuable comments and suggestions, For New readers who don’t know me, search for my saagas with the tag name missed fun in the stories list. (Journey of a Corporate Guy Part 1 and Part2). This story is about my fan/reader with whom I made her pregnant on her request. My Story “Journey of a Corporate Guy part 2” got me very huge fans/ readers. People from all over the world started...
“Which one is pregnant?” Lynn raised her voice. “Don’t yell at me. You two have been a pain in my ass since we got home yesterday. I need some answers. Someone is not pregnant. I want both of you pregnant. That means the three of us have to make love, right Erin?” “What?” “I said that I want both of you pregnant, so that means the three of us have to make love.” “But which one is not pregnant?” “It doesn’t matter. Erin, you want more babies, as you have pointed out numerous times, but...
Kavita stretched her lithe young body out along the lounge chair with a groan, her skimpy bikini barely covering her perky tits and shaved pussy lips. “What’s wrong, honey?” asked her equally sexy mother, Geeta, as she lounged on the chair next to her daughter.“I’m just so frustrated, mom! Ashok and I have been trying to get pregnant for the past year, and nothing is happening! I want my belly filled with a baby!” She pouted as she ran her fingers over her slim, tanned 20 year old belly.“I know...
A pregnant co-worker ends up fucking a semi-retired man who offers her a place to stay. This is a single chapter story, if others like it perhaps it can have additional chapters added.This is a total fabrication and based on the erotic mind of a 60 something guy that simply can’t stand not writing about his fantasies.I met Amy at work. She was just 21, pregnant and a boyfriend that had run off the minute she announced she was pregnant. Her parents wanted her to end the pregnancy and her...
Hi I am Sonu here writing my 1st story if there is any mistake forgives me. I am big fan of ISS last 7 years and I daily read story so I decided to right my 1st experience. I am 25 yr well built fair 6feet height 6inch dick and first of all I will introduce her she is rich women very sexy fair 40,28,38 she has dam good fig she is married her husband is an business man and I am working in their house. My boss always trust me so much I am loyal and very honest worker I work for them from 3 years...
Life has been spectacular since that first night I felt my son's cock inside me. We have been together ever since and he has even moved back home so that we could be together more. Since he moved back into the house, our relationship had been perfect. We spend time together often and have formal dates out. We even stopped hiding we were mother and son on holidays. God, I wish we could tell everyone else back home.We are a happy couple with an amazing sex life, and have experimented with a lot...
IncestFrom the first time I had sex with a man I became addicted to feeling him shooting his cum inside my pussy. When I felt it would make me cum twice as hard. It’s hard to believe I never got pregnant. I started having sex at 17. I was 23 when I had my first baby with my husband. Four years later we had another. Then three years later me and my sister’s husband had another one. Yes my sister’s husband. I found that the more intense the man’s orgasm, the more intense mine...
See you tomorrow dude Ryan said and I waved at him and got out of the car. Football practice was very hard because the coach decided to punish us for losing the game. I opened the door to my room and dropped my bag when I reached my room. Oh fuck I groaned collapsing on the bed. All I wanted to do right now is close my eyes and go to sleep. After couple of minutes, I used all my will power to get up from the bed and made my way to the bathroom. Mmm I moaned as the cool stream of water hit my...
This story is based on some truth but not entirely. When my husband Charles and I, Lynlee, first got married we couldn’t afford much so we moved into his dad Eric’s house. Eric’s wife had passed away when Charles was young and as Charles was the youngest of their c***dren Eric had the house to himself so there was plenty of room for us. It was awkward at first for me sharing a bathroom and laundry room with two men. On a few occasions I’d hear Eric walking around and think it was my husband....
I masturbate compulsively and my wife knows it and knows why. I am obsessed with the thoughts of her being fucked by a big black cock. I don't know why I feel this way and can't remember exactly when it started, but there it is.I want her to cuckold me by fucking black men. As many as she wants and I want to watch. I have to watch her being filled with black cock and all the scum they can ejaculate into her.I need to see her hairy vagina slimy with their seed.I am sick and we both know it.It's...
Dear ISS Reader, this is Shail. Here I come with the second part of my story as I promised. Thanks for responses to my previous stories. This is the next part of my story. I will tell how my bhabhi made me make her pregnant. The intro – I am from Ahmedabad. I am 6.1ft tall guy and normal looking with the 7inc long tool. I have great energy which can satisfy any woman of any age. Now let’s come to the story. After over goa trip, I and Riya used to all the time either at her place or mine in...
Hi all, this is ilrumjack here again. This is an episode that happened with two of my bhabhi’s while my wife was pregnant with my first child. As is the practice, we were having a baby shower function on the seventh month of my wife’s pregnancy. We were having the child after 4 years of my marriage. The function was being held at my parent’s place as the whole thing was being organized by my mom. Since both, I and my wife were working we had taken a day off for this function. Being a...