The Strawberry Patch Book 2: Lost And FoundChapter 31: The Wives Story 04 – Which One Is Pregnant free porn video

“Which one is pregnant?” Lynn raised her voice.
“Don’t yell at me. You two have been a pain in my ass since we got home yesterday. I need some answers. Someone is not pregnant. I want both of you pregnant. That means the three of us have to make love, right Erin?”
“I said that I want both of you pregnant, so that means the three of us have to make love.”
“But which one is not pregnant?”
“It doesn’t matter. Erin, you want more babies, as you have pointed out numerous times, but under your understanding of our marriage, all three of us have to be together. So Lynn will need to be involved or no more babies for you, EVER.”
“Lynn, you want our son back, but Erin won’t agree to it just being you and me bringing him back, that means the three of us make love together, or no son for you, EVER. So, what are you two going to do?”
“We need to know which one is pregnant!”
“No, you need to figure out how both of you are going to get knocked up. Otherwise the only people making babies or making love, having sex, or just plain good old fucking, will be Blossom and me.”
“So, you work together, or the idea of babies, with me as the daddy, is gone for good. Make up your minds.”
After a few minutes of waiting I had enough.
“Blossom, let’s go to bed. Lynn, you can sleep in a guest room. Erin you can leave now and go back to Dara’s.”
“But there is only one guest room with a bed. Blossom’s mom and dad are in that one.”
“Oh, that’s right. Well, I guess you got the couch, I assume that you have extra blankets somewhere. Good night.”
Blossom and I walked up the stairs. I had my hand on her cheek and she had hers in my back pocket. We went into the bedroom and closed the door.
“Alright Paul Smith! What are you up to?”
“I am hoping to get them to talk to each other. They will need to do that in order to come to a decision about their babies. Erin wants more in the worst way and Lynn wants our son back. I am going to let them stew in their own juices for a bit. That means that you and I need to go to bed and I need to give you that second opinion about your baby bump and then we need to make love and sleep.”
And we did.
In the morning, Blossom and I were well rested, and when we went to the kitchen Mom and dad were there feeding the girls, everybody but dad was butt naked. A few minutes later Erin and Lynn came into the kitchen. They each poured a cup of coffee and sat on opposite sides of the table.
There was a bit of tension beginning to show when Taylor asked what was wrong. How do you tell a three and a half year old that her moms are fighting?
“Baby, the moms are not happy. And when a mom isn’t happy nobody is happy. I don’t see you and your sisters playing in the office with Erin Mom or playing games with Blossom Mom or Lynn Mom.”
“They are sad.”
“Have the sisters dreamed to you?”
“No. They are sleeping.”
“Paul, we talked last night.” Erin spoke first.
“That’s good. Talking is always good. It also implies people asking questions and other people answering them. Anybody got an answer to my questions from last night?”
“We decided that you were right. No more sex for anybody until this is figured out.” Lynn spoke next.
“No sex! I don’t think so. Blossom and I are doing just fine. YOU two are out of our bed until YOU get your acts together.”
KABOOM! I didn’t plan for this. Lynn, Erin and I were going to stop making love. We were going to stop having sex. We were going to stop fucking. We were just going to just stop. Maybe that is what was needed. Maybe I needed to wake them up. I made a plan. It was a great plan, but you know all the things they say about plans.
Man plans, God laughs. No plan out lives first contact with the enemy. Everybody has a plan until they get punched in the face. I decided that I needed to talk to the babies. I needed to wake them up. All of them at the same time. But that would mean that they would know they were all pregnant. I was not ready to give that up yet.
“Blossom, would you please come to bed with me. I would lie to speak to the babies.”
“Sure sweetie.”
“What about our babies?”
“Which one of you is pregnant? I don’t want to chat with an empty womb.”
That set them off. They were now officially pissed. But at me instead of each other.
“Look you two. Here is an option. You two get straightened out. Blossom and I talked about our options last might. If you two want a divorce, I say fuck it and move back to Houston with Blossom and go back to the band and become a real rock star. Your call. Blossom, you and your folks try to referee this Death Match.”
I walked out to the garage and took the SUV for a ride, for two hours.
I stopped in at the Bar and had a beer with Mark and talked to Marcus. They both said that Erin was depressed and just acted like she didn’t give a shit about anything. More reason to get them together. After my drink, I talked to the Brothers about Teri and Bosco and then drove home.
It was almost midnight when I pulled into the garage. I took my time getting out of the truck and closing the garage door. I walked into the house and it was quiet as a tomb. I walked into the kitchen to kill time and build tension, assuming that the two women had not packed and left. I finally decided to go upstairs.
I ascended the stairs slowly and made only enough noise so if the wives were in bed, they would know I was coming. The lights in the bedroom were out as I opened the door and stepped in. It took a few seconds to get used to the dark. The room was lit only by the light from the alarm clock.
There in the bed I could see my three wives. They were wrapped around each other and cuddled close. I decided that they either fell asleep exhausted from a knock down drag out fight or they had made up. In either case, I was not going to wake them. I went out and found a pillow and a blanket in the closet and went to the couch. I said a silent prayer and fell asleep.
“Dad” “Hello, my darlings” “The moms are almost back” “Good” “Lynn Mom will have two more babies and then I will come.” “I am so happy to know that” “So am I Dad”
I woke to a quiet house. My son had just made me very happy. I wondered if the girls or the moms had the same dream. The message seemed to be for me only. I went back to sleep and dreamed that I was fishing with my son.
“Paul?” I was being gently shaken.
“Huh?” I would have said words, but my voice was still asleep.
“Lover, I need to talk to you.” It was my wife.
“Hi Blossom. Is everything alright?”
“I was going to ask you the same thing. You did not come to bed last night.”
“I came home and the three of you were all cuddled together. I thought that you had made up and I didn’t want to disturb you.”
“We sort of did, but a lot depends on you.”
“Me? What did I do this time?” I stretched and groaned and smiled a little.
“They are upset with you. They want to know about the tests. They got upset and suddenly it was the three of us against you.”
“Well I guess my plan worked. They got together.”
“Yeah, against a common enemy, you.”
“I can live with that as long as they remembered that we are a family and family members don’t hurt each other. They find strength through love not through distrust.”
“They are feeding the babies right now in the kitchen. I came to get you up.”
I pulled the blanket aside to expose my morning wood.
“And a darn fine job you did too. Come here, my wonderful wife. Before we do anything else, I need to ask, did the babies talk to you last night?”
“No, Paul. They haven’t spoken to me for a long time.”
We made love and after Blossom enjoyed her three orgasms and I came inside her, I rolled her onto her back and gently opened her labia.
“Hi babies. Thank you so much. I love both of you.”
I gave Blossom two French kisses, one on each set of lips.
We got up and Blossom led me up the stairs and to the shower in one of the unused bedrooms. The big shower in the master bath is great, but it was nice remembering how nice it can be in a small cozy shower with someone you love. I dressed and went downstairs, holding my wife’s hand. We walked into the kitchen to flying daggers and looks from two women scorned.
“Good morning.”
“Which one is pregnant, Paul?”
“Yeah, Paul.”
My name was being uttered in complete distain.
“It is good to see you two working together again.”
“Which one?”
Lynn was almost shouting.
“Calm down and talk to me first. Why do you want to know? If it is Erin what does Lynn do? If it is Lynn, what does Erin do?”
“That doesn’t matter. We are a family. We talked last night.”
“Yes. We laid in bed and had a good heart to heart talk. You made some points last night. We were on the road to separation. Blossom is a wonderful woman and will be a great addition to our family. She asked me if I wanted to think of Genevieve and Erin Lynn as being only your babies and my babies or if we wanted to think of them as OUR babies.” Lynn said.
“Right, and she asked me the same. Then she asked me if I was ready to tell Taylor that you were not going to be her daddy anymore if I left. That started the whole ball rolling. I realized that the way I was feeling was way out of line. This was not about me, it was about our family and I was causing the family to have strife.” Erin was tearing up.

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