- 2 years ago
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The next Friday night, Sophie and Jessie were sitting on the couch.
"Warren's already asleep?" Jessie asked.
"Yeah," Sophie sighed. "Rehab and school is really wearing him out, he's so tired all the time. Plus he's cranky and depressed. He hides it well, for our sake, but I know him too well. The poor guy's exhausted and miserable."
"Which means, I take it, that Sophie's not getting any."
"Sophie's not getting any at all," Sophie started. "And, you've been spending a lot of time in your own bed."
"Yeah," Jessie agreed, "and I think it's going to stay that way for the foreseeable future. I hope you don't mind, and I'm sorry, since you're obviously horny--but I'd feel funny sleeping with you guys now."
"What happened?" Sophie asked.
"Well, Ryan and I slept together for the first time a week ago tonight. Wasn't the last time, either. In fact, if he were around, I wouldn't be sitting here chatting with you."
Sophie laughed. "Where is he?"
"Oh, yeah--Cup of Russia. I've kind of blanked on the whole Grand Prix schedule since we weren't able to be in it this year. So," she grinned, "how was it?"
"Oh my God, Sophie," Jessie grinned. "Look, I knew I was falling for him before we went to bed. Now, afterwards? Even more so. He's everything I could want--in a boyfriend, and in a lover."
"I'm glad, Jess, really," Sophie smiled. "I'll admit it, I'm going to miss you, but I'm happy for you."
"Well, the thing with Ryan is still kind of new, so I don't want to jeapordize it--but, as for you and I, I'll never say never. I'm not quite sure how open-minded Ryan would be--especially if it includes Warren--but he didn't have any problem with it before we went to bed with one another."
"Jess, it's OK. Really. Ryan's your important thing right now. Warren and I will always love you, no matter what, and no matter where you sleep."
"I know."
"Besides, you have a bigger problem, you know."
"Yeah. Courtney."
"Does she know?"
"I don't believe so. I think Ryan's trying to keep it a secret from her for as long as he can. Which, I'll admit, makes me uncomfortable, but I understand his reasons."
"I hope it doesn't blow up in his face," Sophie said.
Laurel was insecure, and she knew it. She couldn't help it.
She still couldn't quite believe she had snared someone like Ryan Kelleher--and, because she didn't quite believe it, she didn't believe in it. Laurel was a beautiful girl, but you couldn't convince her of that--since she'd been invisible to guys until she met Ryan. That was because of her intimidating brains, but she didn't always quite see it that way. Ryan being her first serious boyfriend, she didn't have any experience to draw on. She kept seeing Ryan as keeping her around until he found something better.
This was especially true now that Ryan had become Georgia Tech's starting point guard, and was playing well. The girls flocked to him.
And Laurel didn't feel she could measure up. She didn't even think she treated him especially well, though she didn't do it on purpose. She was just very committed to her schoolwork--and she sometimes blew him off because of it.
On this Saturday night, he had pulled her away from the books long enough to go to a party. And she was not having a good time. Ryan was being bombarded. She had brought her friend Lisa, so she's have someone to talk to, but that wasn't enough. Ryan was trying, but, if it wasn't the guys on the team pulling him aside to talk basketball, it was the horde of girls accosting him as he tried to make his way back to Laurel.
One was particularly persistant. To make matters worse, she was everything Laurel wasn't--a bubble-headed bleach blonde with enormous tits and a waspish waist who was slobbering all over Ryan. Besides her self-percieved physical shortcomings, Laurel was well aware that she didn't slobber. She loved Ryan with all her heart, but she just wasn't the fawning type. She was too self-contained for that.
But this bimbo was certainly the fawning type, and, to Laurel's horror, it seemed to be working. She saw Ryan--her boyfriend!--put her arm around this girl and lead her off from the main party, towards a room in the back! With her here? She couldn't believe it! She knew this day was coming, but with her sitting there? She wanted to cry.
Lisa, her friend, saw it all. "What is he doing?"
"Replacing me, isn't that obvious?"
"Nothing's obvious, you can't make assumptions," Lisa said. "Go follow them."
Laurel found where they had gone, a bedroom in the back of the house. She stood outside the door and heard the girl say, "Ryan, I'm so glad we're finally alone!"
"Carrie, we're alone so we can talk."
"Talk? I can think of more fun things to do than talk," Carrie giggled.
"Look, Carrie. I'm flattered, really. But you have to stop this. I have a girlfriend."
"Laurel?" Carrie snorted. "I hear she treats you like shit." Laurel, still listening from outside the door, blinked at that.
"Where did you hear that?" Ryan asked incredulously. "Laurel treats me like anything but shit."
"It's common knowledge around the team that she blows you off to study."
"So? School's important to her. I 'blow her off' for basketball, sometimes."
"What does she have that I don't?" Carrie asked.
"My heart," Ryan said. Laurel just about melted at that. How could I have doubted him for a second, she thought to herself. Carrie was still babbling, but Laurel barely heard it. She did hear Ryan's voice rise, just a bit, in response.
"Listen. I've tried to be nice, but that's not working. First of all, Laurel's brilliant. I'm not in her league, but I'm no dummy, and I prefer a girlfriend who I can have an intelligent conversation with. Sorry, Carrie, but that leaves you right out. Second of all, Laurel's every bit as beautiful as you are--and she's wearing a quarter of the makeup you are so she comes by it naturally. I'd even bet your boobs are fake." Laurel heard Carrie hiss at that one! "Third of all, Laurel loves me for me--the whole me. She wouldn't care less if I quit basketball tomorrow. Without basketball, you wouldn't even give me the time of day. What does Laurel have that you don't? Everything. Goodbye, Carrie."
Laurel waited, out of sight, until she saw Carrie clomp out of the room. Then she ran in and launched herself at Ryan, tackling him back onto the bed in the room.
"Wha... Laurel?"
"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry!" she blurted.
"For what?"
"For spying on you," she said. She was blubbering by now. "I followed you, I saw you bring her in here, and I thought, you know--I'm so sorry!"
"It's OK. It probably did look suspicious," Ryan said, cuddling her close.
"I'm so insecure. I keep waiting for you to tell me you found someone else. What you said to her, it was the most beautiful thing I've ever heard."
"You're so self confident everywhere else, maybe I just don't realize." He pulled her head up so he was looking in her eyes. "Laurel. I love you. You have nothing to worry about. Ever. Got me?"
"Yes," she said.
"Face it, kiddo--you're stuck with me."
"If that's stuck, I'll take it!"
Courtney Rogers was beside herself.
She and Ryan had gone to Skate Canada and had finished second--good enough. But then they had gone to Cup of Russia. The world silver medalists, Kuznetsova and Vasilyevskiy, were there, so they figured another second would be fine.
Monday, December 10, 2001 We had flown back on a Thursday, so I took a long weekend back home to get to know my daughters again. Charlie was at sea again, deployed on the U.S.S. Fort McHenry, which I thought was nicely poetic, since Fort McHenry was in Baltimore. She was a Whidbey Island class ‘gator, short for alligator, an amphibious ship that went from sea to land and back, just out of dry dock and a lengthy refit, and was going to be at sea for a good six months. He had left right before...
We got home. We got home and for the next few months, life was ordinary. I played some golf, I played some tennis. I sold some property. Richard badgered me into teaching some Real Estate courses - since he got roped into the commission job I dodged. Gloria conned me into another one of her committees - and sweet talked Ivan and Zane into catering the meetings and events for her. I made sure that everyone who was certified for something took the classes or tests or whatever to stay...
"Good to see you too Helen." The Brit turned to me. "Sylvia meet Helen now play nice and when we get in the car we will talk." he said. "Hello Sylvia nice to meet you, I hope." she said with resignation in her voice. "Me to," was all I could manage. Helen had a much nicer travel bag than I. Once we had it and her in the car. we began driving into the country. "Hey Brit, You promised we would stop at a hardware store," I said. "I did better than that," he said handing me a...
~~Jack~~ “Dead? Did ... Michael kill him?” Maria shook her head, and to his surprise, took a few seconds to comb her hair with her fingers. It was long and flat, and their fight had messed it up a bit. He forced down his smile. For a moment there, she reminded him of Antoinette. “Garry was embraced here in Dolareido, not long before Michael and I came here, barely elders in our own right. We joined the Invictus, and Viktor established the council.” “Surprising, considering he was a...
Once we passed into the Gulf of Aden, the rule was one of us watching the radar screen at all times. If the captain objected, I had already decided to lock him in his cabin. The ship would run itself for a few days. If the 1'st mate, who was hired by Alex, couldn't handle the ship, I would hold a gun to the Captian's head until he docked us somewhere, so that we could find a new skipper. It didn't turn out to be a problem at all. He was glad for the extra eyes, since the Gulf of Aden is...
February 14, 2018 Dear Ms. Diary, In the Sprinter after school, Brett let us know how his appointment had gone. “She was nice, but she told me that she had insisted that she have permission from my parents to see me! Of course, when Carol dropped me home, I got to have a long conversation with Mom and Dad.” We girls reacted to that, but before we could ask, he said, “It turned out okay. I told them that I wanted to know before I became sexually active. Yes, I had to use that phrase, as I...
Friday, April 29, 2005 (Continued) Carol and I arrived at the boys and we sat in front of them. While I was opening my lunch (it'd never left my hand, ESPECIALLY not after the disaster that had befallen an earlier incarnation of it at the Duckling visit), I said to Wayne, "Katelin's telling her story. Judging from what I heard she's telling the long version, so I've probably got a while to talk here. When she finishes she'll call out, and you and I will go help her answer the girls'...
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It was well after midnight when we turned in and 0600 when I was drinking the first cup of coffee while reading the reports. The missile defense sites in Oman and Saudi Arabia had shot down fifteen more Iranian missiles at sunrise this morning that were destined for the anchorage. Iran was livid, accusing the US of interfering with announced military exercises in international waters. They had demanded we cease all operations and were demanding the UN to censure the United States. Iran...
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Sep 21 9 AM John awakened with a marvelous feeling of contentment and a throbbing hardon. He snuggled closer to the warm body beside him and filled one hand with a large, firm tit-globe. "Easy, lover... my breasts are tender," Cheryl murmured as she wriggled against his gentle touch. "I think they're bigger too ever since you made love to me. Hee hee... like when you pumped me you pumped them up." Was there time for a quickie? He glanced at the clock by the bed and heard a sound...
While attending ballroom dance class, man finds a new dance partner...Dance Class.The time that I spent with Lynn, the girl I had met at the gym after my divorce, was rather blissful in many ways. Not only was she fun to be around and a great conversationalist, but she loved to try new things. This I consider a very positive attribute in a woman. Not just new restaurants and the like, but actually learning new things. Expanding our horizons, so to speak. One of the things we did together as a...
Introduction: While attending dance class, man finds a new dance partner. The time that I spent with Lynn, the girl I had met at the gym after my divorce, was rather blissful in many ways. Not only was she fun to be around and a great conversationalist, but she loved to try new things. This I consider a very positive attribute in a woman. Not just new restaurants and the like, but actually learning new things. Expanding our horizons, so to speak. One of the things we did together as a couple...
dance class, man finds a new dance partner.The time that I spent with Lynn, the girl I had met at the gym after my divorce, was rather blissful in many ways. Not only was she fun to be around and a great conversationalist, but she loved to try new things. This I consider a very positive attribute in a woman. Not just new restaurants and the like, but actually learning new things. Expanding our horizons, so to speak. One of the things we did together as a couple was to take ballroom dance...
The time that I spent with Lynn, the girl I had met at the gym after my divorce, was rather blissful in many ways. Not only was she fun to be around and a great conversationalist, but she loved to try new things. This I consider a very positive attribute in a woman. Not just new restaurants and the like, but actually learning new things. Expanding our horizons, so to speak. One of the things we did together as a couple was to take ballroom dance lessons. Prior to this time, my idea of dance was...
The time that I spent with Lynn, the girl I had met at the gym after my divorce, was rather blissful in many ways. Not only was she fun to be around and a great conversationalist, but she loved to try new things. This I consider a very positive attribute in a woman. Not just new restaurants and the like, but actually learning new things. Expanding our horizons, so to speak. One of the things we did together as a couple was to take ballroom dance lessons. Prior to this time, my idea of dance was...
Wife LoversPrior to this time, my idea of dance was something you did at weddings after a few drinks. I am admittedly not much of a dancer. I have to say I admire those dancers you see on TV. I often envied their grace and athleticism. I sometimes imagined myself at some event, tossing my date in the air in the middle of the dance floor while everyone present looked on in wonder. Hopefully, I would be able to catch her on the way down. Those occasional thoughts of wowing the audience on the dance...
Hi friends I am Nikhil again, meri bahut sari stories upload ho chuki hai ISS par, agar aap mere pehele ki stories padhna chahate hai to yeh link hai https://www.indiansexstories2.net/author/zenithdafucker/ padhe aur maja le. Aaj main jo story share karne jaa raha hu who pichle halte ki hai. Padhe maja le hilaye ya ragade par like aur comment karna na bhule aur mujhse contact karna hai toh par mail kar sakte hai. Toh ab story pe ate hai. Hamari sadi ki tisri salgira ane wali thi, aur maine...
Part way through the evening our friend, Tom pointed out that he had heard of a 'house' party planned at the university which was just a short drive away. It wasn't long and we were at the party and there were students everywhere - Now this was a party! There was lots of dancing, music and people laughing everywhere. Soon Tom and Bill (my hubby) were engrossed in one of their conversations. Pam and I wandered downstairs to the rec room where everyone was dancing. We got out on...
Introduction: My first experience at cheating! My first experience at cheating was at a New Years Eve party. My husband was just finishing university and we were at a party with another couple that were close friends. Now, that party turned out to be pretty boring, and as a result I was drinking way too much. Since we had bought more booze than we would need I didnt worry about my excessive consumption. Part way through the evening our friend, Tom pointed out that he had heard of a house party...
Thursday came, and when I got home from school, I could feel the butterflies in my stomach beginning to form. I played baseball, and most other sports. Athletes didn’t dance. So I was torn between betraying my perceived manhood, and having my friends laugh at me, so I told nobody. I didn’t tell Denise, because I didn’t want to create unrealistic expectations. Better to surprise her I thought. The Doorbell rang, and I could see JoAnne through the thick glass. I guess I should tell you about...
Thursday came, and when I got home from school, I could feel the butterflies in my stomach beginning to form. I played baseball, and most other sports. Athletes didn’t dance. So I was torn between betraying my perceived manhood, and having my friends laugh at me, so I told nobody. I didn’t tell Denise, because I didn’t want to create unrealistic expectations. Better to surprise her I thought. The Doorbell rang, and I could see JoAnne through the thick glass. I guess I should tell you about...
I put the shower on to cover up any sounds that might have escaped the bathroom that might sound like I was pleasuring myself. I put some lotion on my hand and began to stroke my already very hard cock. I sat on the toilet, closed my eyes, and my mind went right to the dance lesson. How good it felt to have my hands on Joanne’s soft body as I listened to her instructions on how to do the hustle. As my right hand continued to stroke my hard shaft, my minds eyes saw Joanne down on her...
July 5, 2002 My Dear Friend James, In My loneliness and longing, I discovered My pet’s profile, which she updated on April 2, 2002. This is how it read: cascade of velvet petals begin past of dim now blooms in bright by His hand and love does flourish a rose, only for His eyes delight Such beauty, poise and grace is the girl I love. Words so simple yet so eloquent that speak to My deepest love and touched every fiber of My being. As I continue forward each day, nothing stills My heart...
You probably have no idea your hard nipples are trying desperately to poke through the white t-shirt you stole from me. I want to bite them.Do you know your tits bounce to-and-fro as you dust off the dresser? I want to squeeze them.Your sexy ass also shimmies side-to-side as your hands rub the dust cloth over the furniture in long, repetitive strokes. I want to fuck that ass.Every now and then, you pause to check your progress, and tuck your blonde hair behind your ears, showing me your long,...
BDSMI was happier than I’d been in years as I unpacked my food and thought of Bradley. I was really getting excited as the time for our date approached. I showered, shaved and as Bradley had told me, I picked out a nice dark blue pair of boot cut five-o-one Levi jeans and a Ralph Lauren deep red polo shirt. I finished off with my black ankle boots and my silver wrist watch. I only had to wait a few minutes because once again Bradley was early. At six-twenty the doorbell rang and there he stood...
Gay MaleMeg and Josh, and Karen and her boyfriend Bill, were already at the prom when the foursome showed up. "Two weeks, two proms," Crash quipped as he sat down. "Our Junior prom at St. Mike's was last week," Warren filled in. Introductions were made for those that didn't know each other, and they all started chatting happily. The dinner started being served, just as the DJ said he was going to play some "dinner music." The sounds of Benny Goodman filled the ballroom. "Dinner music?"...
I accidentally walked into a straight bar one night in June. The weather was hot, muggy and I needed an ice cold beer to cool down. The place was packed but one particular guy caught my eye. He was at the bar with ladies all around him like flies. He was tall about 6-foot 2, black hair curling over his ears and down the back of his neck. He had emerald green eyes, a square jaw and a mischief smile. He was wearing faded Levis, a white t-shirt and a vintage black leather Harley-Davidson...
Gay MaleHi everybody I am Harshini and I am 30 yrs old now. I am married and have no kids. My hubby is now in gulf for the past 3 years. Thanks for all your comment on my previous two story. This is not my story but i took it from other site, enjoy reading it and give me your feed back. The next two weeks felt as though they were the hardest and most exhausting of Sada’s life. She practiced hard, reminding her body of so many things she no longer used. Her muscled ached constantly, she slept like the...
This is a fantasy my wife and I share. We hope someday it comes true You and I are out dancing at a resort. You're wearing a opaque short summer halter dress that ties around your neck and clings to your breasts. You never wear a bra when we're out dancing. Your breasts sway with the music. We're on a brief vacation. We've spent the day hiking and we're both a little sunburned. We're waltzing to a romantic song. We're holding each other tight and I can feel your body on mine. A man taps me on...
Wife LoversThe World Championships were held in late March. This year, they were in Amsterdam. Sophia and Warren were thrilled with that-because of what they had planned. The Netherlands was a liberal country. The USFSA insisted that they do a press conference, to defuse some of the furor. The USFSA probably regretted that. If they expected Warren and Sophia to become all repentant and compliant, they had the wrong ice dance team. "Sophia, why did you do the Maxim shoot?" "Because I thought it...
Melanie Hewlitt signed in relief as she perfectly executed a pirouette and finished the floor ensemble in arabesque position under the watchful eyes of her instructor, Nicole Mettraux.. It was a hot and humid summer afternoon and the pretty 19 year old high school dance major was glad to have finished her modern dance class for the day. Beads of sweat ran down her face and her grey leotard was soaked in perspiration. She reached thankfully for the bottle of Evian mineral water in her bag....
Erotic*** At 30 years old I married Beth, a cute little girl of 18yrs. My main worry was that she would get tired of me and want ‘friends’ of her own age. Well that didn’t happen, and after 2 years we are still very happy. Though the worry of her wanting younger guys played so much on my mind that it became a fantasy, which grew and grew till I wanted it to happen. I kept imagining her being fucked by other men and would get off on it whilst we fucked. The images in my mind were like a ...
***At 30 years old I married Beth, a cute little girl of 18yrs. My main worry was that she would get tired of me and want 'friends' of her own age. Well that didn't happen, and after 2 years we are still very happy. Though the worry of her wanting younger guys played so much on my mind that it became a fantasy, which grew and grew till I wanted it to happen. I kept imagining her being fucked by other men and would get off on it whilst we fucked. The images in my mind were like a movie show of...
At 30 years old I married Beth, a cute little girl of 18yrs. My main worry was that she would get tired of me and want 'friends' of her own age. Well that didn't happen, and after 2 years we are still very happy. Though the worry of her wanting younger guys played so much on my mind that it became a fantasy, which grew and grew till I wanted it to happen. I kept imagining her being fucked by other men and would get off on it whilst we fucked. The images in my mind were like a movie show of her...
They landed in San Jose on a Saturday afternoon for their second World Championships. Their practices started on a Sunday, and their competition was Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday. They were not in their room an hour, when there was a knock at the door. "Hi, Liz!" Sophia greeted her. "Hiya, Soph. Hi, Warren!" She ran over to him and wrapped him in a bear hug. "I'm so happy you're here." "So am I," he grinned at her. "We're all getting together in the hotel restaurant for...
Edited by Barney R. I tweaked it some more. All errors and omissions are mine. Please note: I did not suffer the injuries as described in this story. If there are errors in how the recovery works, it is because I am describing my recovery from a debilitating arm injury. Thank you I am Tyler Hundley, a military veteran, 36, owner of a Computer Security Systems Company, and a computer systems engineer specializing in cybersecurity, and married to Julieanne Simmons-Hundley. She is 33, a CPA...
"Well, I'm very sorry Mr Gillstrom. It's most unfortunate that you got caught up in this. Isn't it Commissioner?" The Mayor, seated behind the large desk in her office at City Hall, looked across at Brown with a furious scowl. The Commissioner looked uncomfortable. "Yes, of course mayor. I do hope, Mr Gillstrom, that you will accept the police department's apologies. And those of Jungle Jane as well." Jane was standing by with her arms folded looking every bit as uncomfortable as...
Sunday, June 02, 1996, Sanford Maine I slowly awoke and gathered my wits as I rubbed the sleep out of my bleary eyes. My head was pounding. Ugh. I needed to learn when to stop drinking; hangovers sucked. I needed Advil badly and water; my mouth felt as dry as a box of cat litter. I also needed to piss, my bladder was so full that it felt like my back teeth were floating, and if I didn’t move soon, I would turn my mattress into a waterbed. What had happened between me and CC last night came...
They were a little nervous. They didn't expect to be, but they were. It was, after all, their very first competition. For all their blather about not taking it seriously, they did want to skate well. Placements really weren't all that important. They though they'd like to make it to sectionals, which would take a top 4 finish out of the 7 teams competing. Outside of that, though, they skated for fun. Even so, they wanted to skate clean and skate well. All of their family members would...
They did, in fact, go Christmas Caroling, and had a ball. They also took a nice long drive in Sophia's car to look at all the Christmas lights. Sophia's Dad had invited her down for Christmas, but she wanted to go to Warren's again, so they went to her Dad's house for Christmas Eve. Warren's parents and Sophia's mom got together to buy them each cell phones, with the first year all paid up as long as they stayed within their plan, and under a special "family plan" offer that allowed...
I looked at myself in the full length mirror that had been my mothers. It was plain, not quite as lovely as my master’s mother’s. My pale, naked body seemed so stark against the darkness of my room. It was early in the morning, before the sun had even risen. I slid my fingers over my small breasts, gently touching my nipples. They became hard and erect. My fingers moved down the length of my body to my mound. An image of my master appeared in my head. His handsome physique had caught my...
I looked at myself in the full length mirror that had been my mothers. It was plain, not quite as lovely as my master’s mother’s. My pale, naked body seemed so stark against the darkness of my room. It was early in the morning, before the sun had even risen. I slid my fingers over my small breasts, gently touching my nipples. They became hard and erect. My fingers moved down the length of my body to my mound. An image of my master appeared in my head. His handsome physique had caught my...
Straight Sex"Right here. Pookie, you need to swing your leg right here, on that beat." "Right." Their blades cut into the ice, as they tried a move. "That right?" "Yeah, but my turn was too slow. I came out of it a half-beat behind." "'sokay, Snugglebear, let's try it again." It was the middle of August. Sophia and Warren were trying to nail down their new free dance, before they pulled their old junior-length free from last year out of mothballs for the Junior Grand Prix. It had been...
At 30yrs old I married Beth, a cute little girl of 18yrs. My main worry was that she would get tired of me and be wanting 'friends' of her own age. Well that didn't happen, and after 2 years we are still very happy. Though the worry of her wanting younger guys played so much on my mind that it became a fantasy, which grew and grew till I wanted it to happen. I kept imagining her being fucked by other men and would get off on it whilst we fucked. The images in my mind were like a movie show...
The weekend after Sophia and Warren got back from the Junior Grand Prix, John Vassar had his annual Christmas party. Four days later, it was Christmas Day. Even though she had more of a family this year, Sophia still went over to Warren's for Christmas. It had become "what she did" for Christmas, and she enjoyed it. They had won money with their skating. Although they were saving most of it for college and the like, they did spend a little more on this Christmas than they usually did....
Chad Kozak drove home the last week of August. He was exhausted. School had yet to start-wouldn't, in fact, for a week-but Chad was on the football team and late August was time for two-a-days. Not only was he on the football team-he was the starting quarterback. He had been, in fact, since midway through his sophomore year. He was a talented young man who was already attracting attention from college recruiters. More importantly, to him, Oceanview High had finished the season strong last...