HunterChapter 2 free porn video

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Finally, we calmed down and tried to figure out what to do. Eventually, we decided simply to get rid of the man's body and not to say anything to anyone about what happened. Disposing of the body would be easy: all I had to do was to dump it in the pecan grove and let the wild hogs eat it. The body would be fully consumed withing two days.

We stripped his body and dragged it out the door. That was easy because he was pretty well lined up with the door, so I tied his feet together and ran the rope to tie it to his saddle. I rode the horse and dragged him all the way to the pecan grove. I had no intention of wasting the rope, so I untied his feet and rode back home. I put the horse in the barn along with our original one and hung the tack on a peg that was already on the wall.

One good thing about all of this was that the man had a 12-gauge shotgun that used shells. Not only that, he had 96 shells in his saddle bags. Now I had some real protection against the wild hogs. The shotgun was a double-barrel type and had a sling so that I could carry it over my shoulder. The man also had $12.53 that we added to our cash supply. Though we didn't think of it that way at the time, the man did us a favor by intruding.

It was planting time, and I needed to go into town to pick up some seed and a few other things. Also, I thought to try my hand at commercial hunting now that I had the shotgun. The first step in my possible new career was to kill a couple of wild hogs for sale in town.

Since the wild hogs were not going to come to me, I had to go to them. I hitched the old horse to our buckboard that pa had won as some sort of gambling debt and headed toward the pecan grove. I figured that was the best place to find wild hogs. I was going to leave the buckboard in a safe place and take Sam with me when I walked in to hunt hogs. I had modified six of the shotgun shells so that they would act like slugs instead of shot and loaded the right barrel with the modified shell with a conventional #00 buckshot shell in the left barrel. That way, I should be protected from any sort of odd situation.

At first, we didn't find any hogs, but Sam's nose eventually came to the rescue. He was well trained to go after game slowly enough for me to follow, and he soon led me to a little clearing in the brush where a sow and six pigs and piglets were rooting for food. I couldn't tell if they were all hers, so I had to be on the lookout for more adult hogs. Naturally, I was most concerned about a boar. I didn't expect more than one boar because of the way they were so territorial. Two boars getting together was sure to produce a fight, possibly resulting in the death of one of them.

Nevertheless, one boar and more sows were definitely a possibility, so I had to be watchful. Sam and I had a working agreement: he found the game for me and I protected him from sneak attack. Previously, that had meant that I had little to do since we were only hunting rabbits and squirrels, but I was now essential because we were hunting wild hogs, and there was no more dangerous animal in the wilds of Arkansas.

I really didn't want to shoot the sow because that would cut off my supply of pigs and piglets for future hunts. On the other hand, I had no qualms about shooting a boar because a sow could find another mate the next time she was ready to breed. I wasn't sure how old a pig had to be before he could breed a sow, but I figured that it couldn't be very old, so I was not worried about depleting the supply of boars.

Sam had led me to a veritable paradise for wild hogs. While I was surveying the situation, another sow and four more piglets showed up. This was more than I needed for my first venture into commercial hunting, so I started looking for a suitable shooting stand. Just in case of trouble, I wanted to perch in a tree so that I could not be ambushed while my attention was concentrated somewhere else.

After a careful search, I found an old pecan tree just right for my needs. The first limb was only about five feet from the ground, and it was almost like the first rung of a ladder leading up about 15 feet. That was high enough to be safe and not too high to make a poor shooting angle. I ordered Sam to make himself scarce and climbed the tree. Sam was reluctant to leave, but he finally did so—at least, he was out of my sight, though I did not know exactly where he was.

I decided to take four piglets for my first foray into commercial hunting. The choice was based on the fact that we could use them ourselves if I failed to sell them. Also, taking only four would not deplete the supply so much that I would not have any to harvest the next time I visited this spot.

I planned to use the unmodified shells and save the "slug" modified ones for use against the much larger adult hogs. I set up by sitting on a limb that was about 15 feet off the ground and had another limb close by that I could use to steady my aim if I needed it. I hooked one foot around the tree trunk to insure that the shotgun's recoil did not cause me to fall. After all, sitting on a tree limb is not the most steady seat that one could shoot from.

I chose a piglet about 30 feet away and fired a buckshot shell from the left barrel. Uh-oh, I had forgotten to allow for the fact that all of the hogs, no matter what their age would run away from the roar of the shotgun. When the smoke cleared, I had one dead piglet and an empty clearing to show for my efforts. Shit! That was definitely not what I had in mind!

I reloaded the spent chamber before doing anything else, but I had little chance of finding another target without moving. Hardly had I started down from my perch in the tree when I heard Sam barking the way he did when he was chasing something. The sound was getting closer, so I resumed my position and waited to discover what Sam had in mind. First a pig came into sight, and it was followed at a decent interval by Sam.

The pig was running as fast as it could move, but Sam was not. It took me only a moment to understand that Sam was herding another victim toward me. My God! That dog was brilliant!

I got ready, and as soon as the pig ran to a good kill spot, I fired. Sam skidded to a halt and looked at me as if to ask, "Did I do a good job?"

I lavished deserved praise upon Sam so that he had no trouble understanding that I was pleased with his efforts. I gave him a few minutes to rest before I sent him out to try again. During that time, I reloaded the shotgun with another buckshot shell and settled back to wait for further developments.

Damned if I only had to wait about 15 minutes before I heard Sam coming again, but this time he had a different note to his bark. When I caught sight of Sam, he was running flat out, and I could detect a streak of blood along his side. Only moments later, I caught sight of what was chasing the dog: one of the largest wild boars that I had ever seen.

Sam ran toward my tree, and that led the chasing boar close enough for me to get in a shot. This was no time for pissing around with buckshot. I was going to need the "slug" if I had any hope of saving Sam from certain death. Sam was obviously tiring, and the boar was gaining on him.

I was so concerned for Sam's health that, perhaps, I was a little anxious and hasty to get off a shot, but I still managed to put a slug into the side of that wild boar. Just as I fired, Sam stumbled, and the dying boar plowed into the dog as it fell to the ground. Both Sam and I were unbelievably lucky because my one shot must have hit the boar square in the heart. It must have been killed immediately from the shock of the impact against its heart.

Shit, that was enough hunting for the day. Both Sam and I were almost in shock over what nearly happened to the dog. Sam recovered first, and came to me as I sat on the ground. He licked my face repeatedly and bounced around as if he understood exactly what I had done to save him. Our love and friendship were already established, but we bonded even more tightly as a result of these events.

The rest of the day was spent in field dressing the three kills. The boar was so heavy that I had to use the horse to hoist it by a rope over a tree limb so that the blood could drain out. I had pulled it high enough so that I could back the buckboard under the hanging hog and lower it onto the buckboard bed. I could never have moved the whole hog at one time had it not been for the horse. The other two carcasses were loaded onto the buckboard, and Sam rode with me on the driver's seat on the way home.

Mary marveled at the success of my hunt and said that she wanted to go into town with me tomorrow. I knew that she was going to brag to some of her friends over my prowess as a hunter, and I knew that would only increase my chances of making my new business grow. She claimed that she would take the opportunity to do some necessary shopping, but I knew that the bragging was her main intent.

My first stop was at the butcher shop run by Mr. Benson. "Good day, Mr. Benson. I am starting up a new business as a commercial hunter, and I have some goods out front that I think that you will be interested in. Please come take a look."

"Okay, Jack, I'll be right there as soon as I wash my hands." I waited and we walked out together to my buckboard.

"These are examples of what I can provide for you on a fairly regular basis. Are you interested in the meat from wild hogs?"

"You bet, Jack. Wild hogs eat such a variety of food that they always taste better than the farm-grown kind. Let's see what you have to offer. Hot damn, a wild boar! That is a real rarity; can you get more of them?"

"I'm sure that I can, but I don't want to take too many and cut into the production of next year's crop."

"That's a good point. Tell you what, you supply me with as many wild boar carcasses as you can, and I will pay you 7¢ per pound in the state that I see you have here. This one looks to be in the neighborhood of 240 pounds, and that comes to $16.80. Of course, I will have to weigh the carcass to know exactly what I will pay, but you know what range the price will be in. Does that sound fair to you?"

"Absolutely, Mr Benson." I stuck out my hand and we shook on it. Sure, he was going to sell the meat for up to 15¢ per pound, but he would have to butcher the hog and make a profit, so I did not begrudge him the price.

"How about the pig and piglet? What will you give me for them?"

"Hmm ... I guess that I can go 9¢ per pound for the piglet and ... oh, I guess the same for a young pig. Is that agreeable?"

"It certainly is, Mr. Benson, and it is a pleasure to do business with you. Of course, you know that I cannot guarantee how the meat will be divided between the age groups, but I will do my best to meet your requirements. What would you prefer?"

"At this stage, having a reliable supply of wild hog meat of any sort would be a boon for my business. Just bring in what you can, and I will take it from you at the agreed prices. Maybe, later on, I will have a better idea of what sells the best and put in special requests for that. Can you make deliveries on Monday and Thursday?"

"I think so, but I may have to slide a day every once in a while. Will that be okay with you?"

"I'm sure it will. I'll let you know if problems develop. Now, let's move this meat around to the back of my shop and unload it so that I can get accurate weights."

We did that, and I came away with $19.71, more money than I had ever seen before in my life. I could hardly wait to tell Mary of our good fortune. I found her at the general store stocking up on salt, flour, sugar, and coffee. The bill was $1.13, and I sure was happy that I had struck such a good deal with Mr. Benson.

We had a great trip riding home, and Mary said that she wanted to celebrate tonight. I was pretty sure I knew what she had in mind, and I was all for it. I had already moved into her bedroom and her bed, but we had not fucked since that first time. Mary'd had her monthly time, so we had put off any more fun until that was passed. From the way she talked, she must be through with that for this month.

I had not bought the stuff to put in a full crop this year because I was going to have to hunt every day to meet Mr. Benson's requirements. I wanted to talk to Mary about her putting in a garden that she would work while I was out hunting. If that were more than she could manage, then I would have to back off some with Mr. Benson. I really hated to do that because I was sure that I could bring in more than $100 per month with my hunting, and that was more than I could get by farming.

If Mary could work a garden large enough to feed us the vegetables we needed, then we could get by pretty damned easily with that and the money I made from hunting. I could plow it for her and then leave the rest in her hands if everything worked out as I wanted it to. Of course, I would supply the meat for our table. Come to think of it, maybe Mr. Benson would be interested in buying some rabbits and squirrels along with the hog meat. I would have to ask him when I made my next delivery.

It also occurred to me that a lot of the local farmers had a tough time with the wild hogs, and I might be able to get them to pay me to thin out the hog population. If nothing else, I could swap my time killing hogs for permission to hunt on their land and to keep whatever I killed. Hey, maybe that last idea was the best one, because few families had cash money that they could afford to use to pay me to kill hogs. Yes, I definitely was going to have to look into that.

I mentioned my ideas to Mary, and she said that she was willing to give it a try if I were really serious about commercial hunting. "Mary, I am dead serious about that. I think of myself as a pretty half-assed farmer, but as a first class hunter. I am dead sure that I could make us a decent living as a hunter if you can handle the garden so that we do not have to spend all of our money on food."

"Okay, Honey, I will puzzle out how large a garden we would need to feed us through the year. That would have to include enough food to can for use during the winter. That might be a larger garden than I could handle, but I will see what I can manage."

"I could certainly help you with the garden some of the time. I just don't know how much time I will have to spend hunting. I know that I was damned lucky yesterday to find so many hogs of all kinds so easily. A lot of this is going to depend on Sam's nose. In fact, I might need to get a second dog. If I do, I will try for a bitch so that Sam can have a wife of his own."

Mary laughed at that, but I could see her calculating on how we could best split our resources. We got to talking about a garden, and I told her not to take on more than she could do. I was a little bit afraid that she would get carried away with her enthusiasm and desire to help and plan too big a garden. I had about an acre in mind. The one thing that I didn't want to plant was corn because that took up too much space and would cause the garden to become a monster. I mentioned that, and Mary nodded her head in agreement.

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Love Stories
4 years ago
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Tumblr CousinChapter 2

I do not know why it is this way, but it’s pretty universal in America for people to look askance when an older man is with a younger woman. There are lots of terms for it. Cradle-robber. Chester the molester. Dirty old man. Sugar daddy. Those are for a heterosexual relationship where the man is older, but there are dozens of other names for other kinds of relationships. We won’t go into those. My point is that American society looks down on May-December relationships and I don’t know why. If...

3 years ago
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The story of Dan Jane Ch4

‘Or something!’ Thought Dan. He paced around in excitement as he heard Jane moving around upstairs getting ready for bed. After a while it went quiet, Dan wondered how long he should wait to make sure that Jane was asleep. He gave it 5 minutes before he could wait any longer. He rushed into the study and fired up the computer. He quickly opened a web browser in private mode and keyed in his favourite search term;cuckold sissy and bbc bullHe quickly pulled his stiffening cock from his pants and...

1 year ago
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My Very Hot And Sexy Meenu Maami

Ye sab shuru hua jab mai 18 saal Ka hua mujhe chut ki jrurt padi.Mai apne school Ka topper tha.par maine sex me shikari attitude apna liya. Mujhe meri sabse choti Maami dikhayi di. Jo delhi me sarita vihar me rhti Hai. Mere maama sab joint family me rhte hai. Maine unse majak krna shuru kr diya.phle phle normal jokes chalne lge. Dhire dhire mijhe majak krte krte unke boobs dikhai dene lge. Jo ki 38 ke size ke Hai. Unka naam meenu hai. Same to same zeenat Aman jasi lgti Hai saalu. Mai mauka...

3 years ago
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The Tides Of War Pt 11

David organised training involving setting up and firing the Vickers and Mortars until every man was familiar at doing it. This included their transportation by mules. News filtered in that the Germans were expanding their force and a regiment of German soldiers had arrived from Europe along with artillery. Askari’s were being recruited and trained and tensions were rising all along the eight hundred miles that divided the two countries. Maasi reports came in that Askari’s along with white...

2 years ago
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At Your Familys Mercy

You're Jack, a dark-haired high school senior almost ready to head to college in a couple months. You've got a pretty average build, not chubby but certainly not anything that would peg you as a jock. That of course makes sense since you aren't a jock. In fact, you fall fairly far down the social ladder at your high school. Nevertheless, you lead a fairly happy life, hanging out with friends and tolerating your family. Today was a quiet Saturday afternoon, unremarkable for the most part. You...

4 years ago
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Sex Lies and PCRChapter 4 Facing the rents

On the next Friday I picked up Lillian in Charlottesville and drove her to Bethesda. Almost during the entire trip she snuggled close to me seeking reassurance no doubt. She planned to spent the night at my apartment and we would drive over to her parents' house for lunch. That was the plan. We had dinner in my apartment. I had prepared a lasagna the evening before. We had that together with beer (non-alcoholic beer for Lillian, of course). She liked my cooking or maybe she was developing...

3 years ago
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Red Girl and Other Poems

RED GIRL In the presence of the red girl, The herm's penis grows Prodigious in its length and girth, Monstrous in its erection. SUPPLICANT On bended knees, she prays, A supplicant inside a glass cage That fits her to the bone. FETUSES AND ROSES She comes unraveled, Her midsection Festooned with fetuses And filled with roses. SOLO COMPRENDE Supine across her lap, The helpless lass held back Across the woman's knee By a fist in the hair, Is strummed like the...

4 years ago
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Becoming Nina

This is a story I wrote a while back. It was intended to be the introductory story for a role playing character, Nina. It can be enjoyed as it is, however. This story has lots of sex in it, including domination and bondage so don't read it if this is not of your liking. To read this story you must be over 18 in age and be permitted to access adult content in your country. If you are not, do not read this story. Becoming Nina "Come on, Frank, let's go have some fun! It's a great...

1 year ago
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EvilAngel Charlotte Sartre Anal Goth Girl Gapes

Gorgeous Goth girl Charlotte Sartre steams up the screen in a skimpy sling bikini. The sexy sodomite strips and teases through a heated opening, finger-banging her sweet anus throughout. Porn stud Mick Blue stuffs his massive boner into her wet gash. Charlotte whimpers as the alpha stud slams her slit, soon spreading her asshole for intense anal reaming. The tattooed vixen worships his hard dick, slobbering and choking when Mick fucks her throat ass-to-mouth. This kinky encounter features huge,...

2 years ago
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Came Home Too Early

It took many of us by surprise that she went before my dad. She died in her late 50s and my father was just topping 90. He isn’t in the best of health but he doesn’t show any signs of slowing down. No, you didn’t read that wrong. There is a 34 year age gap between my parents. My parents married late in my dad’s life. He was in his early 50s and my mom was a freshman in college. Since my dad was a professor and I was born about 7 months after they got married, it’s pretty obvious how that...

2 years ago
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Aunt Cassies Taboo Urges Vol II Bryans Birthday Present

Is it wrong that I’m looking forward to it? Probably. It wasn't until I pulled up in the circle drive to drop him off that I finally spoke to him. “So, what do you want to do for your birthday dinner?” Bryan shook his head. “I’m not sure.” “Well, I know you love my enchiladas. How about I get stuff for that when I go grocery shopping today?” “As always,” he said with a smile. “That would be pretty cool,” he agreed. “Done deal,” I agreed. “You have Drama rehearsal tonight?” “Yeah, I...

1 year ago
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Arabian Misadventure

Dear Reader, Tanya suggested that I copy my diary entries and send them to this site for your pleasure. I have of course changed all the names to keep my anonymity and the real location of the palace is hundreds of miles from the location I give, in fact I doubt there is anything but desert in that region. Actually it was Najibah, First Wife of Emir Sheikh Ahmed Faizal who, when she found it, encouraged me to keep my diary and allowed me to write home, first by email and later we were able...

4 years ago
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Best Friends ForeverPart Ten of Thirteen

CHAPTER 19: “I found out today that he’s dating Denise’s sister,” said Rodney. “Denise told me. Cross your fingers.”“Really! Thank God,” said Claire. “Oh and consider them crossed!”“Yes, for damn sure,” he said.“Serious?” she said.“Who knows? Probably too soon. But, Denise says that they went out four days in a row last week, so ...” he said, leaving his words hanging in the air.“Oh man, maybe we caught a lucky break. She is pretty, very pretty. And, they do have you know what in common,” she...

Wife Lovers
2 years ago
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Mother And Son A Tale Of Forbidden Love Part 3

Ravi, her husband was still sound asleep priya washed her body, meticulously cleaned out his spunk, she noticed the bite marks and other remains of their wild fuck last night…She decided to wear a jeans. She put in her black bra and wore a while tight fitting shirt to tease her son. At 9:30 AM, both the men of the house got ready, Ravi and Dev looked handsome in their business suits. “Did you enjoy the party?” Ravi asked. “I did enjoy Dad. Yesterday night was the best!” “Well what...

3 years ago
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Then the Fun Starts

I want to thank Steve Zink, Ellen Hayes, Chelli Davis, Constance Grant and Samantha Michelle for their help and encouragement in the writing of this story. If any of y'all read the IMO wonderful Tuck stories of Ellen's you'll know her last chapter had some major influence to start me into this story. BTW this is a true story even though it fiction. Then the Fun Starts... By Jean Rea Copyright September 2000 You give up eating beef or anything American. Nuhc Mam, rice, roastpork,...

2 years ago
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The Benefits of FriendsChapter 34 Confusion and Clarity

I was at most semi-conscious, but I could hear whispering, and could feel bodies shifting around me. I felt like I was dreaming, but if so it was a strange dream. Something moved over my skin, sliding from my chest to my toes. My body registered it as sheets and blankets, but my eyes weren't open to be able to tell. A moment later, impulses from a thousand nerves began flooding my senses. It seemed that there was a tongue ... no, make that two tongues, working along the length of my cock....

4 years ago
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Finally Im not alone

I woke up, just a thin blanket on us. The warm sun on our bodies, now 8:30am. I turned my head to the side and kissed him on the forehead, I looked back up… Just to remember yesterday. ‘Fits perfect, thank you!’ I said I was admiring my new tuxedo for my final school dance, it was black and had a black bow tie. This was the last dance of my school life, we were all eighteen and about to depart to college. Our school had rented this rather fancy place which was especially made for weddings and...

4 years ago
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Disabled But Still Able Part 2

It was in November that Brian broke his neck and became paralyzed. He still had motion in his arms but his fine motor skills and his fingers were affected. The nerve damage to his legs was complete and he would be using a wheelchair for most likely the rest of his life. He wondered at the time if he would ever have sex again. It was only the following summer that his questions were happily answered by two different women. The first was the personal care attendant he and his mother had hired. He...

4 years ago
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Gender Bent Fanfictions

Welcome to this humble writer's collection of fanfics. Here you will find stories of men from different cartoons, games and anime who undergo a undesired transformation into a desirable lady. How will they cope with the change? How will others react? How do their stories play out because of this change? Let's find out. To keep with the site's rules, all characters depicted will be at least 18 years old. If a character depicted is under that age in their source, they will be aged up for this...

3 years ago
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Ed Tatum

Attention The months, the days, and the years as they come along, are important to this story. Grady had a long term friend, Ed, who passed away. He is taking care of the estate until a niece of Ed's, named Katherine, shows up to claim her inheritance. The two don't hit it off that well. Different personalities build resentment between them, but they do agree to exchange Christmas cards. June, 17, 2002, Grady Potter, Tatum Road. Brattleboro, VT, 05301 I was driving home from town and...

1 year ago
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Testimony Of Hameeda 8211 Part 24

We washed ourselves, dressed in denims and t-shirts and started studying. I received a call from Omar during that. -hello?- -hello hameeda, how are you? I am still at field work here. Hope you are alright- Of course I was alright. With imad around, I am always alright. -hmm…are you coming back today?- -well…looks like I can but it will be dark by the time I come back. I guess you can manage till then- -mh…you know how much I miss you…- Oh god! Please forgive me for lying to him. -…but we have...

2 years ago
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Masquerades 101 Chapter 2 Strange Awakenings

Nicole I didn't sleep well, I tossed and turned because I was anxious about the first day of classes. This particular anxiety was a tradition for me each semester. At our school, if you're not present for the first day of class, you get unenrolled from that class. Therefore I was worried I was going to oversleep. It didn't help of course, that I still had my fight with Tyler still on my mind. My first class was at 9 AM, and I set my alarm for 7:30 AM. That should give me ample...

1 year ago
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Cousins a Tale of Teenage Incest Part 3

Introduction: A Curious Teen Girl has her first sexual experiences and her Young Adult Cousin Disclaimer Copyright, 2012, Patricia Steel ([email protected]) Do whatever you want with this story, only keep my name attached, please. Please report any and all orgasms arrived at through reading and masturbating to these words. I love knowing that I am deliberately manipulating your mind into an erotic state. This story is to be considered Fiction although it has its basis in Fact. This is not to...

2 years ago
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Fantasy 6

"Sup, baby?" He was black and smiling and definitely not my type, but his friend looked nice. "Hi." I smiled. "I'm Kylie." "You're fine too." Black guy nodded, looking me up and down and making big fat duck lips. "Yeah, whatever." I wasn't even looking at him. "Hey. Do you want to dance with me?" "Hi." The white guy finally realized I was talking to him. So maybe he wasn't too bright, but with a body like that he didn't have to be a rocket scientist to put me in orbit. He...

3 years ago
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Play It Again SamChapter 9 Horses

Remember when I told you how crowded the tiny shower was when Vicky, Jen and I had shared it? Well, the next morning after we all got up that was nothing compared to the four of us being in there. I felt like one of those clowns in a clown car. But I shouldn't complain, those clowns never had three gorgeous, sexy, naked women inside a Volkswagen with them or you'd never be able to get a clown to climb out. I insisted on fixing breakfast for the three women that had treated me so well last...

3 years ago
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Andy 13

Andy by Transbonder, translated by Leah from the German THIRTEEN Next morning I had a problem that only girls with more than overflowing clothes closets have: What shall I wear? Finally curiosity won out. I hadn't had the schoolgirl outfit on yet. It was an authentic uniform like they still wear at boarding schools in England. I drew on the nude-colored pantyhose, because matching kneesocks belonged to the uniform. My first stockings in a long...

2 years ago
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ConditionErChapter 3

“Hey, babe ... where have you been? It feels like you just dropped off the face of the Earth,” Shelly told Marley as they chatted two days later ... two glorious days later. “Well, I’ve ... sorta ... been with my new boyfriend,” Marley deliberately strung out the words, being as coy as she could. “Boyfriend? Do tell? I promise not to steal this one! I really am sorry about that! Forgive me, since you got a new man in your life, anyway?” Shelly told Marley, “oh, I have to confess that a time...

3 years ago
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Graduate WorkChapter 4

Jared clambered down the stairs, still damp from the shower, bare feet slapping against the wood of the stairs. For the first time in days, his dick, limp with fear, slapped against his thighs as he went. His heart pounded with fear? Anticipation? Both? He didn't know what his mom had planned, but Jared had the distinct impression that he was in trouble. If he'd been able to put on a pair of pants, at least then he'd feel somewhat more secure. Unfortunately, there had been a heavy new...

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