my journey episode 3
- 2 years ago
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Well, the morning of January 1 came. Not surprising, actually. The sun came up almost every day. Make that every day. I woke up when Mrs. B. opened the door. I'm a pretty light sleeper, and I wake at just about any noise. I looked at the clock: 9:47. I saw Mrs. B. and she saw me awake, when I turned my head to the door. Obviously, she saw Lu, too.
Lu was partly uncovered by the blanket, still in her blouse, and one foot exposed, still in her heels. Lu was curled up against my back and I was on my side facing away. We were like spoons in the drawer. I started to rouse myself, and Mrs. B. shushed me, smiled and closed the door.
What she didn't see was Lu was curled up against my back all right, but her hand was draped over my hip and she was holding my cock. Boy was I hard!
I had to pee. Everybody must have to pee, I think, when they first wake up. But I was in the wall-side of the bed, and I'd have to crawl over Lu to get out. I didn't want to wake her. Did I mention that she had a hold of my cock? I didn't want to mess that up either. So, I clenched my abdominals and prayed that I could hold in the pee for a while.
Pretty soon, I went back to sleep.
I awoke later in the morning when Lu did. It seems she awoke and realized where her hand was, and jerked it away. That's when I woke. She was out of the bed in two seconds flat, and tried to sneak out of the room.
I rolled over and propped myself on an elbow. "You're welcome, Lu."
She stopped tiptoeing out of the room and straightened. It was like Bugs Bunny trying to sneak away from Elmer Fudd. Naturally, I was Elmer Fudd.
She turned and said, "Um ... thanks, Chris. I really needed ... um ... last night I was really scared ... and angry." She came back and sat on my desk chair, after putting my last-night-jeans onto the back of the chair. "I ... I ... well, I'm sorry about where I was holding you while I was asleep. I didn't mean ... You're really big. I couldn't help but notice. I guess the girls weren't kidding."
"I'm not sorry about it at all, Lu," I said. I decided if I couldn't tell her now, I'd never tell her. After all, she still had my penis cooties on her hand. LOL. "You know that I love you, right?"
"You what?! Oh. I don't ... well I mean, I do love you. Like a brother. One I care for A LOT."
I knew that she didn't love me like I loved her. It was okay. I'd just go on loving her, until I met somebody that I loved more. Right now, that didn't seem possible, but ... no sense in getting all pervey on her if she didn't love me back.
"It's okay, Lu. I know what you mean. There's romantic love and there's other kinds of love. But just so you'll know: I love you in every way there is," I said. And I probably would forever, too.
"Good, Chris. 'Cause I love you too." And then she tousled my hair and went out to her own room.
I got up and made my way to the bathroom, just in my boxers and t-shirt. After doing my thing in there, I came out and Lu was waiting, wrapped up in a terrycloth robe. It came down to mid-thigh and I got a boner again thinking that she might be naked under there. That wasn't that unusual, because I got a boner about every other minute. It made the front of my boxers into a tent.
Lu went back to school in early January, and with the help of the editor of the school newspaper – who was a geeky friend of mine – I ran a full page ad that he sneaked in without the school censor knowing about it – I mean 'advisor.' It said:
Chris Harcourt is not the father. Congratulations to Morrisette and ToddAnd we ran the same ad in the local paper -- full page ad in the sports section.
Boy oh boy did it ever make waves. Surprisingly I didn't get a call from the school board or anybody else. I heard through the grapevine – that means Lu told me – that Morrisette was crying all day, and most students were just buzzing with talking about it. She was even bigger, Lu said, than when she'd come over to the house. Lu put her hands out in front of her stomach as far as she could. "I mean, like, really, really big." It was supposed to be her last day of school before she had the baby.
In the next few days, I got a lot of phone calls, most from former friends who said 'I knew it wasn't you all along' or stuff like that. Mostly I just said 'Yeah. Thanks for being there for me.' Some of them got it and felt bad. Some of them didn't get it.
And I got some calls from the girls squad, who had been inviting me to parties and doing stuff with me last summer. Mostly they wanted to get together and do more stuff. I thought about it, let me tell you. I was getting a boner about every time the phone rang. I pretty much said the same thing to all of them: 'Yah maybe. I got lots to do now with homeschool. I got kicked out, you know.'
Between watching the internet videos and remembering the parties this past summer and then Lu coming into my bed on New Year's, it was giving my right hand a lot of exercise let me tell you. I got a boner every other minute, and when I was alone in my room, I used nearly every one of them and fantasized about Lu. Somebody must have gotten suspicious about my excessive use of tissues, I guess, but nobody ever said anything about it. Maybe they thought I had allergies. Lu's image got engraved on the inside of my eyelids.
One day Lu got into a shoving match with Anson, and it was right in front of our house. I mean the B.'s house. She got out of his car, and he did too. They were hollering at each other and then he shoved her with both hands. He was hollering so loud, I could hear it inside, and when I looked out the window they were going at it. I moved to the front door and opened it. They didn't notice.
He said, "Well, I did."
Lu said, "And I didn't."
"You've been playing hard to get a long time, Lucy. God! What a cocktease."
"Am not. I told you, I wasn't going to do that until graduation."
Then he shoved her with both hands. "Fine! Just keep away from me."
She fell back on her ass on the grass, but got up quickly. She moved back at him. Lu had never had any problem taking on guys who were bigger than she was. I thought back to a smaller version of her getting in the face of bigger guys about the 'Baby Huey' insults I took when I was younger. But this was a big football player, with muscles, against a girl that didn't weigh half what he did. I think she had always depended on guys not hitting her out of some sense of honor or doing the right thing or something.
She shoved him with both hands and said "Great. Never darken my door again ... Creep!"
By now I was out the front door and nearly behind Lu. He went to shove her again hard, like a football player hits those practice sleds, you know? But he looked up in time to see the expression on my face, and stopped himself short. It was one thing to hit or shove a small girl, and another thing if he'd have to deal with a guy who was just as tall as he was and maybe outweighed him by fifty pounds. Even if I was a 'dummy' with a fucked up left arm.
"Aggghhh. It ain't worth it ... Cocktease!" he shouted and then got back into his Jeep and drove off.
Lu stood at the end of the paved sidewalk that led from the door to the mailbox, and watched him drive off. I was about two feet behind her. She pirouetted and took a half step toward the house, when she noticed I was right behind her.
"Ah! Chris! It's you!" She was surprised. I put out my hands to steady her and grabbed her arms. I let them go almost right away.
"Yep. It's me. What are you doing with Anson? I thought you'd have broken up with him back when..."
"Well, I needed a ride home..." That was baloney and she knew it. And I knew it. I looked at her like she couldn't be that dumb, so she knew that I knew. " ... and, well ... I needed to talk to him."
"Yeah. I saw how that worked out," I said as we walked back into the house.
"Oh crap! I left my books in the back of that Jeep," she stopped and looked at the road where Anson's Jeep had disappeared.
"You can call him and then we'll go over there and pick up your books," I said.
"No, Chris. You don't have to..."
"Yes I do, Lu."
And so, that was that. We went over and I walked up to his door and got her books. He didn't even have the nerve to answer the door himself. Instead, his little sister gave me Lu's backpack. I knew her. Ashleigh was a nice looking blonde girl. She was in my class – well my former class – and still had some baby fat on her. She was a little pudgy, but she was getting pretty big up top. And she wasn't as pudgy this year as she was last year, so maybe she was growing out of it. Like I said, she was a nice looking girl.
Anyway, I got Lu's backpack and headed back to the car.
"Thanks, Chris. I didn't really want to face him again."
"Ashleigh gave me the books. Anson didn't show."
"Typical," she said.
In about the middle of January, I got a phone call from the lawyer that Mr. B. knew, Mr. Rice. He told me that there was a preliminary injunction hearing in two days and that I had to show up. I was to wear a sport coat and tie. It was the middle of the day, so I checked with Mrs. B. about a ride and then told Mr. Rice that I'd be there.
We got to the courthouse in time for the 10 a.m. hearing and he introduced himself as Mr. Rice, but I remembered him from before. Mr. B. was there, too. And of course, my ride, Mrs. B. was there. We went in and Mr. Fellsmore and some other guy was sitting at the other table.
"ALL RISE," said the bailiff in a loud voice. "Judge Abigail Wentworth presiding. You may be seated."
"This proceeding," said the Judge, "is for a preliminary injunction at the behest of Mr. James Harcourt. Is he here?"
"He is, your honor. If I may, he prefers to be known by his middle name, Chris," said Mr. Rice. "Steven Rice appearing for Mr. Harcourt. His foster parents are here as well, your honor."
"Do you have any witnesses besides Mr. Harcourt, Mr. Rice?" asked the judge.
"No. I'll just want to introduce the will and the trust document of his parents, Your Honor."
"I have them here, from Mr. Fellsmore. But I'll take what you have now." Mr. Rice brought some papers up to the judge and gave a copy to the other table. "Now," said the judge, "as Mr. Harcourt is a minor and has diminished capacity, I'll do the questioning. If I leave anything out, either side may raise it with me. Clear?" She got a yes from both sides.
"Mr. Harcourt would you come up here and be sworn in?" she ordered me. It was like she was asking me, but she wasn't really asking, if you know what I mean.
I promised to tell the truth and then got seated. Before she even asked me anything I spoke up. "Excuse me, but what should I call you? Judge or Judge Wentworth or Ma'am or Your Honor or something else?"
"Well," she answered, "any of those is fine. Now, you're James Chris Harcourt, is that right? Is your full middle name Christopher?"
"Yes, Judge. But I want to say something first. Is that okay?"
She obviously wasn't prepared for me to say anything, let alone to interrupt her, but she agreed. "Yes, go right ahead."
"I object to being called that I have diminished capacity. Why did you say that?"
"I mean no disrespect, I assure you. It says in the papers that your IQ is below standard," she explained gently.
"That's because I can't read. There's a problem with me recognizing written words. That and I have a handicap with my left arm." I held it up jerkily. "People think that means I'm a dummy. But I'm not. That's all. You can continue now, Judge."
Her face broke out into a smile. "How old are you, Chris?"
"I'll make a note of that. It's the first time anybody has ever given me permission to continue, in my own court," she said with a little smile.
"I'm sorry, Judge."
"No. It's all right. You are perfectly correct ... Now, why do you think I should prevent the trustee from investing your funds in any manner that he deems prudent?"
"'Cause it's not what my dad said. He wrote me that he set it up to invest in the S&P and in U.S. Bonds and in Overseas companies. He said it was going to be in an account at Fidelity, which from their ads on TV is a discount broker. I think Mr. Fellsmore is going to put it into a smaller broker, who I don't even know who it is."
"You say he wrote it to you? Do you have that letter?"
"Yes," and I pulled the envelope with my dad's letter out of my jacket pocket.
"I object," said Mr. Fellsmore. "We don't even know what's in that envelope, Your Honor."
"Overruled. We won't know what's in there until we open it, will we? ... Now then, Chris, may I have that envelope please?" Another question that wasn't a question.
"Judge, can you make a copy of it for yourself? It's the only letter that my mom and dad ever wrote to me, and I want to keep it safe," I said.
"I'll be very careful with it, Chris. It won't leave my hand, and then I'll make copies of it if we have to have it for the record."
"Thank you, Judge." I gave her the envelope.
She opened it and read it all, then she sniffled a little into her hanky. Then she went through several other papers, lifting pages that were stapled together.
She snapped them all closed and looked kinda angry. "Mr. Rice, where did your copies of the will and trust documents come from?"
"They were found among the personal papers in the office of Mr. Harcourt at home. They were in a safe, I believe."
"No," I said. "They were in a locked fireproof box. It was real heavy."
"Were there any witness to the opening of the locked box?"
"Well, Lu was there. She was helping me go through the papers," I said.
"Who is Lu?" she asked.
"That's Lucinda Belevere, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Belevere. She is 19 and the daughter of Mr. Harcourt's foster family," said Mr. Rice. I smiled a bit – he left off the 'of the Fox Avenue Belevere's.'
"Thank you," said the Judge. "Mr. Fellsmore, there are some discrepancies between the documents you presented and those presented by Mr. Rice. I will hear you now."
I was still sitting in the chair next to her desk and so I got a good look at Mr. Fellsmore. He was pretty upset.
"The documents I presented are the originals. I doubt the authenticity of those other documents. Perhaps young Mr. Harcourt doctored them to support his claim that his father had limited the powers of the trustee," he said.
"Mr. Fellsmore," the Judge continued, "what brokerage firm do you propose to handled the accounts under discussion?"
"American Eagle Investments, Your Honor."
"Do you have any personal involvement in that firm?" she asked. This was kind of strange, I thought. I watched enough 'Law & Order' to know that I was supposed to be the one answering questions, since I was the witness. But she was asking Mr. Fellsmore about stuff.
"No, Your Honor."
"Who is the broker? A Mr. Whistler, I believe. How do you know him, Mr. Fellsmore? I can't believe you selected him from the Yellow Pages."
That made me almost laugh. Nobody uses the Yellow Pages any more. They use the Internet.
"Your Honor, he is my brother-in-law. But I assure you he is qualified and fully licensed."
"Yes, thank you Mr. Fellsmore," she cut him off. I think he was getting ready to go on for some time about how okey-dokey Mr. Whistler was. She paused a bit then said, "There are serious issues I see here. I am going to grant petitioners motion for a Temporary Injunction on this matter. No changes will be allowed on this trust or any of its accounts until I have a report from the Special Master. I am appointing a Special Master for this case to determine which of these sets of documents is more accurate in regards to the testator's instruction. Until such time as a Special Master is named, all requests for disbursements from the trusts assets will be directed to this court for approval."
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Shapeliness The next day was memorable chiefly for Yvonne. I had invited her to Fran’s flat at lunchtime. It seemed only a courtesy to mention this to Fran at work the next morning when I apologised for again failing to return her keys. She told me not to worry, she had assumed I meant to retain them and had had another set cut on the way to work. ‘So keep them,’ she smiled. ‘You’ll need them if you’re going to keep using my flat as a handy knocking shop. How many girls this time, darling?...
Almost the entirety of Larchman had walked to Tyrell to witness the wedding of their lord to the granddaughter of a family they admired. Unlike the families and retainers that had come with the lords to Court, the people were well behaved. Genrico and Victoria had spent their free time walking through the tent city, shaking hands and accepting well wishes. Joseph had joined them once or twice but the people weren’t as relaxed around him as they were when it was just Genrico and...
Rebecca As my dad had advised, we had appointed a Scottish solicitor to deal with the transaction regarding the buying of a house. He said this would be the easiest way to go about it since the Scots law was different from that which prevailed in England. Rory being Rory, he found a young solicitor, Ross Donnochie, who after a few years working for others had now opened his own practice which he was running with the aid of his wife, who was a qualified legal secretary whom he had met in his...
I kept the knickers for a number of years, as a trophy, I couldn't tell you how many times I used those knickers while masturbating, thinking back, over what I saw that night still makes me feel hornyMark sort of got things sorted out with Linda, our friendship got closer, we wanked or sucked each other off on a daily basis, either in the woods or in one of our house's, if no one else was home, Mark had told me he wasn't the only one John had at his home, and described in great detail what John...
Top-heavy bombshell Gabbie Carter is here today to work Charles Dera’s big hard dick in this must-see summer Hardcore special! DDF Network proudly presents one of the hottest busty babes in town. Get ready for a blonde teen cutie and her epic natural 32DD / 70F titties. It’s a gorgeous summer day and college is over. Time for some sunshine relaxation and some breath-taking XXX fucking in the poolhouse! Both start making out and Gabbie Carter grabs his massive dick while he sucks her...
xmoviesforyouWhile my husband was working, my girlfriend came over to spend the day. We love to fuck each other, so we watched porn and ate each other out. She ended up with the strapon and fucked me senseless throughout the day. Something I wanted to give back. Didn’t care who, just wanted to fuck with the strapon. She left before my husband arrived and said she’d come back soon. My husband came home and went to take his shower after work. I went in to check on him and starred at his ass. ‘Now that ass...
This is part 3 of a 3 part story of Beth, a shy sheltered girl whose friends at her office try to bring out of her shell. In part 1 Mary a 40's mother type invited Beth to happy hour with the other girls from the office, where they talked her into going out with them to a club on saturday night.In part 2, the girls all met at Mary's house where they helped Beth get ready for her night out, including being loaned some sexy clothes because she didn't own any. As part 3 starts they are still at...
the wife (Claire) and i (Peter) went away for a weekend and it was just out the blue so no plans just got up on the Friday and booked a weekend in London. we got down there on the National bus stopping in the center near the eye. we had a walk around seeing the attractions stopping off in the pubs and having some nice food. the day passes quickly and we were back in the hotel room planning our night out, we were both tipsy and decided to stay in the hotel bar for a few and we sat in a corner...
“You seriously want to play this?” “Of course, we all need to learn more about the human body and there is no better place then right here right now. Besides we need a little bit of fun tonight!”That was Tommy. Always the one who got everybody in trouble, Tommy was the one in the group that everybody decided didn’t need to learn anything more. At 19, he had seen more then most people twice his age have seen. “Hell, why not, it might be fun” said Shannon, to the shock of everybody. Shannon was...
Poole, Dorset. July, the same year. Paul Wilson would not have been able to explain why he knew he had to move just at that moment, but after a sharp step to the left a tennis ball went whizzing right through where his chest would have been. “See you’ve still got the reactions Paul,” laughed a voice from behind. Paul ignored the voice and continued with what he was doing. He lifted his hands to his mouth and began shouting. “SHOULDERS FORWARD,” he yelled across the water. “ATTACK THAT...
The taxi driver and I hauled all of our purchases to the house and Dezi opened the door with my keys. We deposited the items in the living room. I paid the man and gave him a nice tip. He thanked me and told me what a beautiful wife I have. I thanked him and we were alone. Dezi seemed to still be Dezi. I helped her take her purchases to our bedroom and she spent the better part of the next two hours sorting out old clothes that she no longer wanted and hanging up her new ones. She had me...
I'm Amber and 30. I'm 5'1 and have a nice brother named Lee. One Saturday I went to the Colchester zoo with my brother, my 5 year old daughter named Jessica. My friend named Karen and her 6 year old son named John also tagged along. Our two husbands both had to work. We were all looking at the bears. “John don't knock on the glass,” Karen said. “OK mommy,” John replied. Then we started walking again. We saw a bunch of different animals. Everything from tigers to monkeys. It was a nice day out....
Straight SexNote to readers. This is a continuing story told to me by a friend who is strictly “trade.” He will permit me to tell of his gay affairs only if I don’t change his name, Verne and do change the name (s) of his partner (s) in that affair. If you have the uncontrollable desire to embellish this story, do so but do not make Verne into any person other than a guy who is so much a top with gay guys that he has never took a penis in his mouth or anal opening. You should note I am like a gay Dr....
Gay MaleInterest in this story appears to have waned, so this is definitely the final part of Book Four, and probably the end of the "Chrissie" saga altogether, unless enough folks want the series to continue. "Chrissie" Part XLIV by c.w. cobblestone Rebecca and Karl both did doubletakes when I stumbled through the front door. My angel covered her mouth with her hand. "OMG, Chrissie, what happened to you?" I had to brace myself against the doorjamb to stay upright. "Um ... it was...
New Student=s Second Day Part 6 By Victor Lavay & J.F. Sandra was tense as the older pair moved in on her, not relaxing but not resisting as they closed in. ‘W… what do you want me to do?’ she asked nervously, watching them. Jenny didn’t use words to answer. As her lips touched Sandra’s cute little tits, she took her new s****r’s hand and guided it to her own full boobies. Then she began to lick. The young girl cupped the large mounds in her small hands, delighting in the wonderful feeling...
I stood in the doorway, looking at Dexter sitting on the couch. I was nervous and very excited, having never seen a guy play with himself before… never having seen a guy cum before. Dexter appeared to be a bit nervous as well, though outwardly he looked more relaxed than me.“So, this is a no touch deal, right?” I asked, “You do all the work?”“Yep, that’s the fantasy.”He stood up slowly, kind of half heartedly waved his hand at the empty chair across from him and said, “Why not sit down? Relax,...
VoyeurYour not that old... So it makes sense you'd want to celebrate Halloween still as an adult. The thing is, you don't care about candy, and costumes, and spooky stuff. Nope, not you. YOUR into this holiday for the skimpy outfits, and parties... for the easy woman at those parties who are even better than candy! So as you walk downtown ignoring the kids in their cute costumes, REMEMBER!!! Halloween falls on the same day that the demons, spirits and ghosts come out to play in plain sight! Where do...
FetishThe stranger's cock slid in and out of my mouth as I bobbed up and down in his lap. The zipper of his unzipped jeans clicked slightly as he moaned softly in the quiet of his small SUV. A small taste of pre-cum splashed on my tongue as I circled the head of his penis, caressing and sucking hungrily. The stiffness of his member in my mouth was satisfying in a way that was both erotic and strange to me as a straight guy. Each time my head dropped down and he penetrated into my mouth again I felt a...
The next morning they all got up and ate a big breakfast. Chris went to get ready for a full day of skiing, "Mom, my long johns are still damp from last night they got all sweaty. I can't wear them today." "Just wear your sweatpants." "They make me, well, they make me sweat too much. That's why my long johns are still damp." "I don't know what to tell you son," His dad said as Chris looked to him, on his way up to his room to look for something to wear he stopped by Kate's...
On arriving home after collecting my son I had a bath to ease away the pain of the afternoon. As I lay there in the sweet scented bubbles I played it over in my mind. Getting myself quite horny again, I rubbed my clit and soaped up my pussy,although sore it felt good. I heard the front door closing and you shouted to me wanting to know where I was,I called you into the bathroom and as I lay there gently rubbing my pussy I went over the events of my day with you. You sat there eagerly listening...
This story is a collaboration between the talented Milik Redman and myself. I am happy and grateful to have had the opportunity to write with him. Philippe gazed at the leather bound documents with a trepidation he had not felt before. Oh, Mon Dieu! What am I doing? he thought to himself. He was usually a man of intellect and analytical certainty. The growing conflict between an action he knew to be wrong and the equally irresistible impulse to do just that had set his heart and mind into an...
Love StoriesHi, I'm connereight. I'm relatively new to the writing business like this so these stories will likely be short-ish and not very good as I get better at writing them. As for why I'm really writing this short forward here, you may have noticed this says Chinese Take-Out 3: Redux in the title and may have seen 2: Redux but no 1: Redux. I wrote the first one on xhamster itself and when my previous profile was removed, that story and a couple others went along with it. Rather than...
“You said you knew all along I was in love with him. And that he was with me. I might have been able to go along the way I was with him for a long time. Eventually we would have fucked and probably kept on fucking. But I realized that I loved you so much and that you and I were the real thing. But I had to be sure. I told him in very certain terms how I felt about you. I told him I was thinking you and I could be totally serious and maybe even make a lifelong commitment. He completely...
Melissa Singleton got up in the morning, took a shower and got dressed. The print-decorated man-tailored blouse and gray slacks she chose looked terrific on her, but she wasn’t aware of that. Then she straightened up the house. Tom was due home from another overnight trip today, and Melissa made a practice of having the house look extra-good when her husband got back from a trip. The phone rang. She walked over and picked it up. ‘Melissa,’ Tom’s voice came through the receiver. ‘Honey, I hate...
Yahoo Prison By evilman Chapter 1 My wife is beautiful, I have always known so. 31 years old, blond, 5'7, 115lbs,Hispanic looks, olive skin and a great figure, not a full round figure butvery sexy, slim with a little curve in the right places, a gently shaped stomachand firm pert breasts. Eye candy, the type of girl who drew looks in the street. Elena has always been strong and determined, intelligent and proud, whilstalso very stubborn. God we have had some arguments, her of course totally...
Cally was barefoot, walking down the dirt road toward the mailbox and the soft warm earth felt delightful beneath her feet. The sun was already warm though it was still early morning and Cally had a wonderful sense of well-being. She loved Denny so-and Loretta too! She was happier than she had ever been in her life. Why, she had even stopped torturing herself and Denny about marriage. It had seemed so important at first. If only he would marry her, then somehow everything would be all right....
In the morning was another early sendoff, all of us meeting Teagan and Isolde in the main hall for breakfast before we left. I'd have preferred it if Isolde had not joined us – she still pissed me off. Despite wearing armour and carrying two daggers - one of them given to me by Wayne right before breakfast, who then disappeared before I could thank him - Teagan insisted on treating me like a noblewoman, kissing my hand when I entered, holding my chair and offering his hand to help me up...