The Sibling Diaries P03 free porn video

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Now here it is four years later and Gretta has moved in with me. She’s been here for a few months and she’s started to settle in. I find it ironic that I’m sitting in coach on a flight returning to San Francisco as I take this story up. After all, our story started with us both on a flight between Las Vegas and Chicago stuck in Denver and here I am with my head in the clouds again.

As usual the passengers are jammed into row after row of seats that do little to accommodate personal space or even comfort. Happily for me I’m jammed in next to a twenty-year old muffin wearing perhaps the worlds shortest skirt, really more of a wide belt, operating a laptop with an earphone plugged into her ear playing music so loud I can almost make out the lyrics. She hasn’t said two words since we took off but what she lacks in companionship she more than makes for in ascetics.

There is something about sitting in the brightly lit cabin of an aircraft cutting through the air at thirty thousand feel that helps me to relax. As we rose over the blue majesty of the Rocky Mountains, I reclined my seat, took a sip from the drink in front of me and thought about the changes Gretta and I had both undergone in the intervening four years.

Gretta arrived, unpacked and moved in without incident. The first night she nearly walked in while Sandy, my girlfriend and I were doing the nasty thing over the phone, but aside from that we’ve managed the last couple of months more or less without incident. Well…almost without incident.

She has grown and is more desirable looking than ever. True to our word, neither of us has ever mentioned our stay at the hotel four years ago. The existence of this secret has caused us to grow closer in a strange sort of way. I sometimes think that she really doesn’t remember, but…I know better.

During the day it’s that way with me too. It is late at night when I’m alone in bed that I sometimes allow myself the luxury of remembering. I’ve been doing that more and more frequently of late and now that Sandy has entered into my life, well she’s confused the issue a little bit and that has also become a concern for me.

Gretta spent the last four years finishing her education and when she moved in the first change I noticed was she now had a direction in life.

She had always had a penchant for the logical and mathematical end of education. In graduate school, it had all come together unexpectedly when she discovered the striking similarity between calculus and certain computer program and software languages. Although she had envisioned tenure and advancement as a research fellow, her talent and ambition took her into software design. Now she lives with me, her brother in a conspicuously luxurious apartment towering over San Francisco.

You’d think with her talent, intelligence and knock-out good looks she’d be besieged by serious suitors or at least interesting dates. This has not been the case, at least up until now. In school as an undergraduate she had little time for the social activities most students immerse themselves in. Her field of study was dry, to say the least. She left the great issues for others to debate. There is no debate about calculus and applied physics, except in the most theoretical sense. For the most part, math just is.

Now that she’s moved in and we’ve settled down I find I’m more confused then ever about her chaste and very solitary lifestyle. I see her leaving in the morning, so lovely she takes my breath away. As a rule she wears a dark blue short skirt and vested suit with a white no-nonsense blouse. Her long white-blonde hair is usually done up in an elaborate French braid which reaches nearly to her waist, even after she has plaited it. I still haven’t seen it unbraided, but it must reach damn near half way down her legs when it’s loose. She breezes by with a sunny smile, a scent of shampoo and soap and the sound of her pantyhose rasping as she walks out the door and I just want to lay down and die for her.

I would like to say I’ve overcome my obsession with my sister, but that would be a lie. I have managed to conceal it very well and I’m very careful not to reveal our secret even with an unguarded glance. But the obsession is there.

It’s not like I’m hard up for sex. My current girlfriend, Sandra sees to that.

Sandy is that one in a million girl that every guy dreams about, but never meets. I’m not just talking about looks, which are beyond belief; Sandy defies description. She is short, petite, with dark brown eyes and jet-black hair. When I say short, I mean just about five-foot tall. Her skin is milk white, soft and clear. Her body is perfect with wide hips and breasts large enough to draw stares but proportionate and firm enough to need no supportive undergarment. You can tell that she will be that way until she’s old and gray. Unlike many women; gravity is her friend.

Now I suppose if I just liked beautiful women that would be enough to keep me in hog heaven. The fact is, she could be as ugly as a busted blister and I’d still love her. The reason is simple, she’s more perverted than I am and she’s really smart.

When I say really smart, I’m not talking about smart enough to meet the parents or discuss current events. I’m talking about doing the New York Times crossword in ink. When she writes a letter to the editor, it gets published, when she talks people listen. They’d listen if she had leprosy and about three teeth left in her mouth. You can imagine the presence she commands looking like she does. She takes people’s breath away. She’s not a trophy, she’s a treasure.

Did I mention she’s even more perverted than I am?

More perverted than I am? Now you might be asking yourself, exactly what does he mean by that?

The first time I met Sandy was at a coffee shop. She was dating a friend of mine. Surprisingly, he’s still a friend. We sat a while and talked. Actually, he talked. I was thunderstruck by Sandy. I’m afraid I gawked. That’s not entirely accurate, I gaped, I stammered and I blushed. Eventually I croaked something out like, “You are umm, certainly quite a woman Sandy”. At the same time I managed to spill coffee on my shirt while knocking a fork onto the floor.

My friend laughed and said, “Don’t feel too bad, Sandy tends to have an effect on people”

We all shook hands and went our separate ways walking back to work. About a block from the coffee shop, I heard small footsteps overtaking me and looked down to see Sandra by my side catching up to me. She took my arm and said, “I’m glad I met you, I’m sure we’re going to be very good friends.” She then offered me a firm dry handshake and turned to scurry off to her job. I nearly came in my pants.

A few days later, I had almost forgotten the incident. It was late in the evening and I was lying in my bed flipping through the TV channels waiting for the sandman to sweep me off to the zone when the phone by the side of the bed rang. I picked it up and said hello.

“Hello yourself” Sandra’s unmistakable voice came back.


“The boy has a memory, this is a good sign.”

“Well, um what are you doing?”

There was a moments silence before she said “David, there are quite a few things you’re going to have to learn about me. The first thing is that you should never ask me a rhetorical question, I don’t believe in them and I always tell the absolute truth.”

“Won’t you get drummed out of the girl club for doing that?”

“I never fit in, they all hate me, besides I’d never want to belong to an organization that’d have me for a member.”

“Was it Will Rogers who said that?”

“Who the hell cares, if I wanted to know I’d memorize Bartlett’s Quotations.”

“Well” I said, “What are you doing?”

“I’m lying in bed without a stitch of clothing on my body thinking about you, actually, I’ve been thinking about you for a while now and decided to call because these thoughts of mine are the kind that should be shared.”

“Oh, uh, cool…I think”

“You aren’t going to start stammering again like at the coffee shop are you? I don’t know if I can deal with a speech impediment.”

“No, you just kind of caught me off guard.”

“Get used to it, its part of my girlish charm. Aren’t you going to ask what happened to Allen?”

“Uh, yes, what happened to Allen?”

“Consigned to the outer darkness, doomed to life away from my presence.”

“I’m sure he’ll miss your humility, isn’t he pissed?”

“Nope, I set him up with one of the superficial female archetypes I meet from time to time; Tits out to there and a room temperature IQ. I like it when everyone’s happy. Aren’t you going to ask why I called you?”

“Why did you call me?”

“I’m glad you asked me that. I called you because I really like you and I think we’re gonna be real good friends. Also because I’ve heard you’re a sexual explorer.”

“Who’d you hear that from?”

“Never you mind, suffice it to say you’ve left a few broken hearts behind you and you know how girls talk.”

Sadly, I did know.

“So you called to have your heart broken?” I asked.

“Nope, I thought I’d give you a try and see if you’re the right kind of guy for me.”

“What kind of guy is that?”

“The kind of guy who wants to put his girl up on a pedestal – so he can look up her dress. The kind of guy who is smart enough to keep me entertained, honest enough to keep my respect and nasty enough to keep my interest. I want the kind of guy who wouldn’t mind being asked out on a first date no matter where it was.”

“I’m your man!”

“I thought so, I’ll pick you up in half an hour”

The phone went dead in my ear and thirty minutes later Sandy walked into my apartment and my life. She was dressed in sneakers, loose fitting sweat pants and a short sleeved button up blouse; a very strange combination. My face must have registered some expression of surprise. Looking up at me she said, “So I’m not a slave to fashion, at least not tonight. I suggest you follow my example.”

I put on a T-shirt, sneakers and sweat pants, “Is this OK?”

“Perfect” She dimpled nicely as she smiled.

Fifteen minutes later we were in her car driving into one of the seediest sections of town. Strip malls and franchise food places gradually gave way to liquor stores, pawnshops and adult bookstores. Sandy continued driving with utter confidence.

We were passing a group of sullen young men clearly involved in a d**g deal in front a gun shop when I asked Sandy, “Are you sure you know where you’re going?”

She glanced over at me with an amused look “Of course I know where I’m going. I always do.”

“Would you mind letting me in on the secret?”

This time the sideways glance was a little more serious.

“That’s fair enough. I’ll tell you and if you don’t want to go, we don’t have to. I’ll turn around and go home – no hard feelings.”


She hung a left and slowly drove down a dimly lighted street as she talked. “I heard about this place on the web. It’s like an adult bookstore with those little booths where they show dirty videos except the walls are made of clear plastic so the people in the booth can see you and you can see them.”

I was dumbfounded. I’m rarely at a loss for words, but I didn’t know what to say. Finally I stammered, “Have uh Have you ever done this before?”

The smile was back as she answered “Again with the speech impediment, we may have to find you a ther****t. No I’ve never done this before but I’ve thought about it plenty. I guess the trick is finding the right person to do it with.” Then in afterthought she mused, “I wonder what kind of response I’ll get from the patrons of this fine establishment? Oh look! Here we are.”

We were pulling into the parking lot of quite possibly the sleaziest adult bookstore I’ve ever seen. The dim lights flashed and buzzed over signs advertising a 24-hour arcade and Girls! Girls! Girls! Broken glass sparkled on the asphalt and a insubstantial drizzle had started to fall. She pulled into a parking space, shutting off the engine. We sat for a moment in the darkened car listening to the engine tick and then she said, “OK this is it, the moment of truth. Do we go in and try out the entertainment or do I start the car up and go back home?”

I opened the door and got out. She followed suit.

I think we’d better lock it” she said apologetically.

We walked across the parking lot s**ttering shards of pulverized glass as we went. She took my arm and gave it a squeeze.

“I’ll do anything for a new experience” she whispered walking on tiptoe so her whisper would reach my ear. We opened the door and went in.

The interior was brightly lit with row after of row of plastic wrapped magazines touting every perversion I had ever heard of and quite a few I’d never even imagined. The florescent lights reflected back from the plastic as we stopped before a display of magazines apparently aimed at men who liked to dress up as babies and poop in their diapers. Sandy coiled her arm around my waist and stage whispered “I hope you’re not getting any ideas, I’m as adventurous as the next girl, but the only asses I intend to wipe won’t be attached to a grown man.”

“Put your mind at ease” I whispered back, “That looks about as exciting as dental work.”

“I guess it takes all kinds” she said moving on to a rack featuring an array of blindfolded men and women engaged in diversified sexual activities while others looked on.

“Now on the other hand…”

“I think I might have a blindfold or two at home” I

“That’s more like it”, she said, giving my waist a squeeze and heading toward the ratty looking gentleman in the squalid change making cubicle. He sat behind a glass topped counter filled with condoms and various sexual aids watching Jerry Springer disinterestedly on an ancient 13 inch TV. As we approached I was able to see that his dirty T-shirt was a study in culinary anthropology with every meal he had eaten over the past few days etched in a pattern of stains that announced his dietary habits as clearly as some peoples T-shirts announced their political beliefs. As we walked up, he eyed us with bored disinterest

“My treat” She said, gamely offering the seedy, cigar-chewing proprietor a twenty. He counted out the entire amount in one-dollar bills and thrust it back at her. We walked back toward the video area. Standing near the entrance eyeing the various movie posters was another couple; a young girl and an older man. The girl wore a flowered print dress and the man wore a dark suit. When they caught sight of us, the man leaned over and whispered something to the girl who blushed and nodded. As we passed them, Sandy paused, looked toward the girl and smiled. The girl smiled back uncertainly and returned her gaze to the movie posters. We stepped into the twilight of the video area.

There were red and green lights above the booth doors indicating occupancy. There were also a couple of men eyeing us as we walked in. If we created a stir, they didn’t indicate it but their eyes certainly followed Sandy as we walked to one of the green lighted doors opened it and stepped in, shutting and locking the door behind us.

It was pitch black except for the red flashing of the slot where we were supposed to deposit money. I felt around for a second before I realized that there were two plastic chairs; just enough room for two people to sit and watch a dirty movie. The scent of old sex, sperm, sweat and the personal aroma of earlier patrons the disinfectant had failed to mask was so tangible it left a taste in my mouth. As we groped in the darkness trying to locate our seats, Sandy whispered, “It even smells nasty.” I heard the sc**** of a chair on the floor and the sound of Sandy sitting in it. I located mine and did the same.

As Sandy sat down and fed a dollar into the slot she whispered “This is so cool”. The screen came to life revealing that the walls of the booth were indeed made of translucent plastic. The booth to the right and the left were unoccupied, but the light from our screen illuminated the shapes of chairs in the other booths.

On the screen two men and a woman were having sex. The woman, on her knees was alternating sucking each of the guys while she played with her own breasts. Sandy switched the channel. “I just love channel surfing,” The first picture was replaced by a couple watching a man and a woman make love.

The couple watching squirmed and kissed each other as the couple fucking went at it. Sandy switched the picture again. Now one girl stood naked in front of a group of men who were clearly excited by her presence. The girl issued orders and the men followed her instructions. I heard Sandy draw in her breath and let it out slowly saying “Oh man this is really cool” as she exhaled.

The door to the right of us opened briefly allowing the dim light from the exterior arcade to radiate through the plastic wall into our booth. The door shut and we were in darkness again. On the screen, the girl was telling this man to stroke another and allowing various others to touch her breasts as they crowded around her. Next door the screen glowed to life as the occupant took his place in his chair.

“I think it’s time for me to give this fellow here a treat” Sandy whispered to me and started to slowly unbutton her blouse, never taking her eyes off the screen.

Up to this point, the strangeness of the situation had pretty well robbed me of any excitement it might have generated. When Sandy started to unbutton her blouse, I could see that she had nothing at all on under it. A bolt of excitement sped through me as she gradually exposed the prettiest breasts I have ever seen. She didn’t do it all at once. She languidly slipped one button off at a time until the blouse was open exposing her cleavage and tummy, but still covering most of her nakedness including the nipples and most of her breasts. Just knowing that she was naked and so exposed and open was having a considerable effect on me.

On the screen the girl was still teasing the group of men by letting one young boy fuck her and making the rest watch and play with themselves and each other. “Oh that’s so hot” Sandy whispered in my ear, her warm sweet breath tickling my ear, I’ll just bet they all wish they could fuck her.” I noticed that her hand had disappeared and was moving inside her sweat pants, with a slightly slippery sound.

I looked down and was surprised to see an erection making a tent in the pants I was wearing. I really had no idea how it had gotten there so fast, there it was hard as a rock and throbbing with excitement.

Looking at my lap, Sandy urged, “Go ahead, just give it a squeeze, I don’t mind.”

And then looking over to the next booth she added, “You won’t be the only one”

Next door, the occupant had unzipped and freed a clearly engorged cock. While she was whispering to me, I noticed Sandy’s other hand was caressing her breast. She pulled the material aside exposing one breast completely and started to tease the nipple, gently pulling it, rolling it between her forefinger and thumb and then pulling at it again. I heard the hand in her pants rub rapidly, stop and then rub rapidly again, the material moving as she accelerated and then stopped, started and stopped over and over, each time the wetness a little more pronounced. Her aroma began to fill the booth, overpowering the scent of the countless previous occupants

“Oh David” she shuddered, “He’s looking at me.”

He was indeed looking over at us. He had repositioned his chair so as to be seen as he slowly stroked his erect cock. Sandy’s hand moved rapidly and stopped again. Turning to me, she said, “Look, you can see his cock, shall we give him something to look at too?” She stood up momentarily and facing our neighbor, pulled her pants down to about mid-thigh. I could only see her pussy reflected on the plastic wall. She wasn’t rubbing it. She just stood there, letting him look his fill, swaying her hips slightly, thrusting her pelvis back and forth. Then she pulled them back on and sat back down on the chair. Looking at me she said, “Your turn”.

As if it had a mind of it’s own, my hand had found its way into my pants and was slowly stroking the length of my dick as I watched Sandy in the glow of the screen. Every once in a while she stopped to feed money into the slot. We were no longer watching the movie at all. We were watching each other and our neighbor.

I stood up obligingly and tugged my pants down allowing my dick to spring free.
“Just do what I did” Sandy whispered from behind me. I stood there and moved back and forth allowing my hard cock to bounce in the dim light. Our neighbor continued to masturbate, but at a slower pace.

“I think he likes me better”

I felt her hands tugging my pants back into place and she changed places with me so she stood in front of the glass wall. In one rapid motion she peeled off the blouse that she still wore so she stood entirely topless. “Here” she said, handing me the wadded up blouse. I sat it on a chair. She slipped her pants down to her ankles and stood essentially naked in front of the clear wall. She moved her hips back and forth so her pussy was nearly touching the wall and then back again.

Looking over her head and shoulders I could see our neighbor moving his hands all over the plastic wall. At first it looked like he was trying to touch Sandy through the plastic, but his motions were more methodical then that. Sandy whispered back to me, “What’s he doing?”

“I think he’s looking for a hole he can stick his dick through.”
I felt her shiver slightly.

“Ohhhh that’s really nasty, If he finds one what happens then?”


“Oh David, that’s so fucking hot”.

I noticed that Sandy had resumed rubbing her pussy as she watched our neighbor search for a glory hole. Behind us a dim light increased the illumination in our booth briefly indicating the booth on the other side had become occupied as well. We both turned to see who our new neighbor was.

I was surprised to see that the couple we had seen on our way in had entered the booth on the other side of ours. As we watched he leaned over and again whispered something in her ear and again she blushed and nodded. I felt Sandy tugging my pants down. “Give the girl a little entertainment” she whispered as she fed another of our diminishing supply of dollar bills into the slot. I stood there with my sweat pants around my ankles and my cock sticking out like a pole. I slowly started to stroke myself as the couple looked on.

The girl looked embarrassed and hesitant but excited as she watched me masturbate. She stood just watching for a minute or two and then reached down and pulled the hem of her dress up revealing panties under pantyhose. Behind me I heard Sandy clucking her disapproval. “I may not be a slave to fashion, but at least I know how to dress for an activity.” She turned to face our other neighbor leaving me to watch the couple on my side of the booth.

It was somehow exciting being watched by an attractive couple, even if they were almost entirely dressed. I continued to slowly stroke my cock. On the other side of the plastic, the man began kissing the girl and reaching into her dress to touch her breasts. I could see her touching a growing bulge in his pants as they divided their attention more or less equally between their video screen, my slow self pleasure and their own.

After a minute or two the girl faced me pulled her skirt up again and began to tug on her pantyhose. Behind her, her friend was loosening his pants. Soon they were both naked from the waist down and touching each other, glancing up from time to time to see my reaction.

Suddenly I felt Sandy behind me pressing into my back, rubbing her soft breasts back and forth. She reached around me and grasped my cock slowly stroking it and whispered, “Shows over for the guy on my side, he came all over the wall. I almost did it with him” Her hands moved back and forth on my rigid throbbing cock. Behind us the light changed as our solitary male neighbor left his booth empty again.

“Do you like that?” Her warm breath tickled my shoulder.

“Oh yes”

“Then you’re gonna love this”

Suddenly she was turning me around, her small hands positioning me so I faced the screen, giving our neighbors a side vies of both of us. She fed the remaining dollar or two into the slot and then sunk to her knees and encircled my hard cock in her soft mouth.

Looking to my side I could see the couple moving around. The girl leaned against the screen, feeding money into the slot and positioning herself so her ass was facing her older companion. I could also see our reflection in the plastic as Sandy squatted in front of me nude except for her shoes and pants pooled around her ankles sucking my cock. One hand was between her legs rubbing rapidly. I could hear the slippery sounds as she masturbated her pussy. Every once in a while, she would stop sucking me and look to see what our neighbors were doing stroking me as she did so.

Next door our neighbors were fucking, both their faces turned in our direction, watching us. I could see his cock, slick with her juices sliding in and out, in and out. We could hear their cries muffled by the plastic barrier as they fucked faster and faster.

Suddenly, before I knew what was coming, I was there.

“Sandy” I started to say..

Her only response was to begin sucking harder than ever and increase the rate of her self-pleasure. In the plastic I could see her hand moving so fast it was nearly a blur.

As my cock thickened in preparation, my entire body shuddered. I felt a vibration around my throbbing cock and realized that Sandy was moaning.

“Sandy” I began again..

I began to squirt into the warmth of her soft mouth and I could hear her swallowing as our screen blinked into darkness and she continued to drink my hot cream as she shuddered and brought herself off. Our reflection was gone and I could see our neighbors fucking as if there were no barrier between us.

A moment later she was standing up panting.

“Hand me my shirt”

I reached back and picked it up off the chair, handing it to her She slipped it on and started to button it. Beside us our neighbors were reaching their own climax as their screen also ran out of money and plunged both booths into total blackness. I felt her hands tugging my pants back on. When she finished, I reached down and returned the favor, pulling her sweats over shapely hips and tucking her shirt into the waist, my hand lingering to give her still slippery pussy a gentle squeeze. She shuddered and gasped, “That’s nice, are you ready to go?”

I pulled my hand free and opened the door flooding the booth with dim light and lighting our neighbors, also in the process of pulling on clothing. We stepped out.

Sandy took my hand and we walked back out through the store and back out to her car. The drizzle had stopped and bits of glass crunched under our feet as we walked across the revolting parking lot, stepping past used condoms and what appeared to be a pair of soiled panties. We got into the car. Sandy started it up and pulled out onto the street.

Looking over at me doubtfully Sandy said “Well?”

“What are we going to do for an encore?”

Sandy laughed and said, “David, believe it or not, you’ll remember this as the night we shook hands.”

“I must admit that your approach to a first date is a trifle unconventional.”

I felt Sandy’s eyes on me and looked over to see the expression on her face was totally serious.

“David, twenty years from now I’m going to be standing in the check out line at the grocery store with a cart full of pampers and frozen dinners and not a single person is going to look at me. I’ll just be this short middle aged woman with gray streaks in her hair and nice tits. I’ll just be another brick in the wall.”

Reaching over she took my hand as she continued, “Right now, I can stop traffic. Men are reduced to gibbering idiocy in my presence and other women hate me. I recognize that I’ve been given great power and I choose to use that power for good and not evil.”

“What do you mean?”

“I could make men marry me. I could make them give me money. I could trap them, turn them into slaves and receive enormous material benefit in exchange for what nature has given me.

She squeezed my hand and continued, “The thing is I realize that the man who truly falls in love will love with me will love what’s between my ears more than what’s between my legs.”

She stopped at a red light and turned to look at be with those deep brown eyes and said, “I think you might be that man.”

I hesitated before I said, “I think you might be that woman.”

“Really, why?”

“Your size, you’re really small.”

Her eyes flashed in anger, “What the hell has that got to do with anything?”

“I like a woman with really small hands, it makes my dick look bigger.”

Her anger vanished instantly as we both dissolved in laughter.

Later, on the elevator on the way back to my apartment she looked up at me and smiled “You sure know how to show a girl a good time.” We stepped out into the hall and walked to the door to the apartment. I took her into my arms and prepared to kiss her, she pushed me away roughly.

“I don’t kiss on the first date, what kind of girl do you think I am?”

Before I had a chance to reply, she flounced to the elevator, which was still standing open and stepped in. As the doors closed, she stuck her head out and favored me with a brilliant smile, Good night David, I had a lovely time.”

The doors shut leaving the memory of that smile shimmering in my mind. I unlocked the door and stepped into the apartment.

Twenty minutes later I was lying in bed. The phone rang, I picked it up and said hello.

“Hello yourself.”

“Hi Sandy, what are you doing?”

“Not a rhetorical question, very good, you’re learning. I’m lying here in bed, much like the first time I called without a stitch of clothing on thinking about you and our date tonight.” In the background I heard a high pitched buzzing.

“What’s the sound I’m hearing?”

“It’s a vibrator.”

My cock had already come to attention and I slipped my underpants down as I asked “What’s it vibrating?”

“My pussy, right now it’s vibrating my pussy as I think about our date tonight, would you like to hear it?”

Before I had a chance to reply, the buzzing became louder and I could hear a slippery sound I realized was her other hand rubbing her clit. I began stroking my own cock as well. The buzzing became dimmer and her voice replaced it as she said, “Did you like hearing that?”


“I liked you hearing it too. Did you enjoy our date tonight?”

“I’m still enjoying it”

“Point taken, me too. Before I climax, which isn’t going to be a very long time at all, I want us to tell each other a secret.”

“What kind of secret?”

“What kind? The nasty kind, you silly, the kind you’ve never told anyone ever”

“OK” I said, stroking faster, “Who goes first?”

Her voice was unsteady as she replied, “I will, I’m no chickenshit, besides, I’ve had time to think about it.”

“Well then…”

“When I took my first gym class and found out that all the girls would have to shower together, I got really horny. For about a week before I was hot all the time just thinking about it.”


“And nothing, I didn’t know how to rub off, I just got more and more aroused thinking about it. At night I’d grind my little puss into the pillow and imagine all of us naked together and you know what?”


When I finally went to the class, we all played field hockey. My puss was throbbing the whole time and when we all went into the shower, a lot of the girls was just as horny as I was.”

“How did you know?”

I heard the vibrator being turned up a notch as she replied, “They were flushed, their nipples were hard and I could actually see that three or four girls were so excited that their lips were swollen and their clits were sticking out. I still rub off occasionally thinking about it” she concluded.

“Like you’re doing now?”

“Yes” she gasped, “Like I’m doing now. Like we’re doing now. Enough stalling, I’ve told you something I’ve never told anyone else, it’s your turn, make it nasty.”

“How nasty?”

“Really fucking nasty, nasty enough to make us both do it while you’re telling me about it” she gasped.

“I’ve got a sister and I’ve had thoughts about her.”

“Oh David, that is hot, what’s her name?”

Here is where I was faced with a quandary. Both Gretta and I had vowed to keep our experience a secret and I wasn’t about to break that confidence. At the same time Sandy had been utterly frank with me and I didn’t want to start out our relationship by lying to her.


“Have you done anything with her?”


Sandy solved my problem for me when she said, “This isn’t an interrogation, just tell me what you’re comfortable sharing.”

I told her about Gretta and I seeing the movie when we were stuck in Denver. Instead of talking about what we did together, I described parts of the movie in graphic detail.

“And you both just sat there watching?”

“I got pretty aroused, but we were both sitting on opposite sides of the couch and I didn’t stand up.”

“Do you think she was aroused?”

“I’m not positive, but I think, yes, she must have been; I know I was.”

“What did you both do then?”

“We went in and went to sleep.”

“Just like that?”

“Well, not exactly.”

I told her about waking up with a hard dick and discovering that Gretta was in the other room watching TV. Sandy’s breathing became more and more labored as she pressed me for details.

“Did you go out to see what she was watching?”

“No, I just stroked my cock.”

“”I’ll bet she was sitting out on that couch totally naked watching that movie playing with her pussy just waiting for you to come and join her” Sandy gasped.

“You think?”

“Oh yes, I’m a girl, I can tell she was waiting for you to walk in on her, she was imagining it while she was watching the movie. It’s what I would do.”


“Oh yes and now it’s going to make me cream, are you there yet?”

As a matter of fact I was. My cock was in the process of shooting jets of cream up into the air and I told her so as the come spattered around my naked body.

“Then listen to this!”

Her voice was replaced by the buzzing of the vibrator and a sloshing sound. I could hear her crying in the background, “You’ve got me frigging my cunt you nasty bastard and it’s only our first date” followed by incoherent moaning and a liquid sound like water trickling.

Seconds later she was back.

“Now isn’t that better than a goodnight kiss?”

I had to agree that it was and that’s how our first date ended. We’ve been together for about a year and I hope we’ll be together forever. Sandy likes every kind of sex imaginable. Her main sexual hot button is being watched and watching others. As a result, when we are fucking, she often calls up single “datelines" and talks to three or four guys as I fuck her perfect wet pussy. Sometimes we talk to girls. Often we do it in public and sometimes we have done it with other couples. There have been a couple of trips back to the bookstore and a very hot night in an adult theatre. Sandy’s a keeper.

She has always had a strong interest in my feelings for Gretta. This has prompted me to ask her about her own family situation. This always caused her to smile mysteriously, but aside from telling me that she has one sister and a stepbrother about our age she hasn’t said much about her relationship with them. When I persist in my questioning, her response has been to say “There’s a time and place for everything.”

When Sandy met Gretta, they girls took to each other right off. During the first week Gretta was living in my apartment they went out shopping a couple of times.

Sandy told me that she explained our rather unconventional sex life to Gretta and Gretta was understanding and even somewhat interested.

Over coffee, Sandy told Gretta the story of our first date and Sandy say’s that Gretta asked repeated questions about all the details. She asked about what I was doing, what Sandy was doing, how it felt to be watched like that and so on. When Sandy told me about their talk she concluded by saying, “I wouldn’t be surprised if Gretta went home and got herself off just thinking about us in that bookstore, her interest was certainly more than academic.”

The fact is, there seems to be an attraction between the girls. Sandy tells me that during the same conversation Gretta admitted to a couple of bisexual experiences in school. Sandy admitted to fueling Grate’s interest by telling in explicit detail about an experience she had with a girl back in high school.

“I think she may be attracted to me”, Sandy says. “She was hanging on every word.” One thing is for sure, Sandy is attracted to Gretta perhaps as much as I am.

Sandy wants to know what Gretta is wearing. She wants to know how undressed Gretta is when she is running around the apartment getting ready for work. Mostly she wants to know how much undercover flirting is going on and she always has one or two pretty hot “What if” scenarios that we talk about as we masturbate together, or if Sandy is in town, she pretends to be my sister as we make love. Now how sick is that?

She’s spent a lot of time out of town recently so a lot of our sex has been over the phone.

Lately I’ve noticed variations in the volume of the headset as we talk like this together and it has crossed my mind that it’s conceivable Gretta could listen in on our conversations, but I don’t think this is the case. Gretta is pretty conventional about respecting boundaries and we haven’t said anything to her to give her a clue about the direction or intensity of our late night conversations.

Still, it seems that as Gretta has settled in, she’s gotten a whole lot more informal about the amount of clothing she wears around the apartment as well as our conversational topics. I guess we’ve just become really comfortable with each other.

As a matter of fact, we’ve become too comfortable.

Just the other night after her talk with Sandy, she sat on the couch in just a thin T-shirt and panties which she wears for pajamas and quizzed me about Sandy and our sex life, at the same time admitting to having none of her own just at present. I was similarly dressed in boxer shorts and a T-shirt, but the conversation began so innocuously I didn’t give it a thought.

“I can’t believe you guys actually made love in an adult bookstore.”

“Well, we do like to experiment.”

“I guess, I don’t know if I’d ever be brave enough to try something like that.”

“Why not?”

“I really don’t know, it’s certainly exciting to think about…but I think I’d be too shy to go through with it.”

As she said this, she plucked at the material of her T-shirt loosening the material where her nipples were beginning to reveal the true level of her interest.

“Don’t tell me you’ve never done anything out of the ordinary with a guy…”

Well…yes, but nothing like Sandy told me about, I guess I just…fantasize about doing stuff like that”

“OK, a fantasy is just something you haven’t gotten around to trying yet. What have you done that’s…unusual?”

“Well” she hesitated, “Once I watched my roommate and her boyfriend make love.”

“Did they know you were watching?” I asked, pulling a folded comforter over my lap.

“Well…yes, they wanted me to…and I decided…why not, you know, see how the other half lives.”

“I see…”

“Anyway, we all knew each other and even though it was kind of weird…well it was private…it wasn’t like anyone could walk in on us.”

“So did your roommate ask you in advance or was it…”

“It was kind of spur of the moment” Gretta said, reddening appreciably. “They came in from a date expecting me to be out, but there I was watching TV. Anyway they were a little drunk and we all got to joking around about them just doing it in front of me and before I knew it I was sitting on the couch watching them making out”

“Were you uncomfortable?”

“Yes, at first…I offered to leave, but they were both into it…and I guess I was too, I’d never seen two people together before except…in pictures and stuff.”

I myself was becoming a little uncomfortable with our conversation. One reason had to do with the fact that beneath the comforter I was developing a world class hard on which had found its way through the opening in my boxers and was standing up and growing harder by the second. Thankfully, for me at least, the folds in the comforter were doing a nice job of concealing this fact, although she must have suspected. The other reason had to do with Gretta’s flushed cheeks and hard nipples that no amount of plucking at the thin material of the T-shirt she was wearing could conceal.

“Was it different from…looking at pictures?”

“Oh yes…you have no idea…well, I guess you do. It was…unbelievable…I still…well, you know.”

“Think about it?”

“Yeah…I still think about it.”

“Did you do anything…?”

“Except watch?”


“You mean like…join in?”


“No…I just sat there watching…and I might as well admit it…I was squirming…it was very arousing…when I think about it now I imagine joining in or at least…taking all of my clothes off while I watched.”

“You took some of your clothes off?”

“Not really, I was wearing a dressing robe and I let it come apart on top. They could see some of my breasts…and…I guess most of me. By the time they were…being intimate…the robe was open all the way and all I had on underneath was my underpants.”

“So you sat and watched them until…”

“Until they both came…I was so tempted to take everything off and let them see me like I was seeing them…Maybe stand up so they could, you know…see everything. I know they were looking at me but I was so embarrassed, but I was really aroused too. I wanted to…at least stick my hand in my pants, but I didn’t”

“And when they finished?”

“I…went to bed and…took care of business…myself.”

I smiled regretfully, “I think I may be doing the same thing in a little while.”

“Yeah” Gretta said, “Me too…I’ve been doing a lot of that lately…especially after Sandy told me about your first date.”

“I guess it really had…an effect on you.”

“You might say that…but that’s really no excuse for…talking the way I have tonight…”

“Well, it’s not entirely your fault, you might say I encouraged you a little…led the conversation…I could have stopped you.”

“I could have stopped myself and I’m sorry for…well, you know…being so explicit. I guess I may have gotten too comfortable with you.

“I like it that you’re comfortable with me.”

“Well, I like it too, but there’s such a thing as being a little too comfortable.”

“Don’t worry about it” I said, “If a sister can’t confide in her brother then we do have a problem.”

“I could have been a little less…explicit.”

“Damn it Gretta, give yourself a break, I’m not offended.”

“OK, maybe this story got a little out of hand, but I was trying to explain why I found your and Sandy’s experience so exciting.”

“And why is that?”

“Because…it seems like you both are willing to do…like anything with each other…and other people. I wish I had the courage to find someone that…I could let fuck me…anywhere…in front of …anyone…you don’t know how many times I’ve imagined…guys jacking off…and watching me give head since Sandy and I talked.”

The thought of Gretta rubbing off over and over again while thinking about Sandy and I and didn’t do much to cool down the burning erection that was sticking up as hard as a railroad spike under the comforter on my lap.


“I know…I’m not helping matters.”

‘Well, I can’t blame you really, Sandy has sort of turned around the way I think about…sex and stuff like that.”

“She told me that you guy’s did other stuff, but she didn’t really get into the details.”

“Well, Sandy likes to explore our sexuality…she’s pretty open to anything I can think of.”

“What kind of stuff have you thought up…that she’s been willing to try?”

“Well,” I said, blushing, “It’s pretty personal.”

“Come on, I told you something I tried, now it’s your turn.”

“Well, ok, it’s kind of nasty.”

“Now you’ve really got me interested.”

“Well, you know how you watched your roommate and her boyfriend fucking?”


“And you know how aroused you got watching…and knowing that they were watching you.”

“I do…I’m remembering all over again.” She said, shivering and plucking at her thin shirt uselessly.

“Well I mentioned to Sandy that it might be exciting to have another couple…like under our control.”

“Yes” Gretta said, leaning forward.

“I didn’t think a whole lot about it at the time, but one night when I came over to her place, she said she had a surprise for me.”

“What was the surprise David?” I noticed that Gretta was squirming just a little as she asked this question and I realized that we were both very aroused by this conversation. My own cock was leaking as I related the details and I was resisting an urge to reach under the blanket and stroke it surreptitiously. Only the fact that Gretta was staring directly at my lap prevented me from doing this.

“Well, she made me get entirely undressed before she’d tell me and when we were both naked, she had me follow her into the spare bedroom.”


There was a couple, a man and a woman blindfolded and tied spread eagle to each bed. I couldn’t tell how old they were, but they appeared to be very young, just out of High School or maybe in their first year of college”

“Oh David, were they naked too?”

“No, the woman had on panties and he was wearing jockey shorts, but otherwise…they were naked.”

“What did you do then?”

“Well nothing at first, Sandy motioned for me to stay back and watch. She got out a little vibrator and started using it on both of them.”

“Did they…like it?”

“They were already pretty aroused by the whole situation, you know being tied and blindfolded and all…so yes, they did.”

“What were you doing while Sandy was…playing with them?”

“Well, I started to get excited just watching…you know hard…and pretty soon Sandy motioned me over and had me start running the vibrator…on both of them.”

“The guy too?”

“Yes the guy for a while and then the girl and then she’d have me switch back again to the guy.”

“What was Sandy doing…was she playing…with her pussy?”

“Well, a little bit…but mainly she was just watching…and then she went over and pulled the girls panties down as far as they would go tied up like she was.”

“I’d be rubbing my clit like mad?” I noticed that Gretta had trapped both of her hands between her legs and was squeezing them together as she asked this question. I tried to act nonchalant as I slipped one hand beneath the blanket so I could touch my dripping boner while I continued the story and Gretta pretended not to notice.

“Sandy motioned for me to follow her out of the room and when the door was shut behind us she explained that the couple were friends of hers, Judy and Michael who had wanted to try this. She told me that they were married. The agreement was that they couldn’t speak unless we spoke to them and they had to let us do whatever we wanted with them…and do whatever we told them to. I asked her how old they were and she told me that Judy was 18 and her husband Mike was 20.”

“So when you went back into the room…”

“Sandy pulled down the guy’s shorts and his cock was sticking up and I watched as Sandy stroked him. He was all slippery and I could hear her hand moving up and down his boner…and I started to play with Judy’s cunt…which was really wet. When I looked back at Sandy she had climbed onto the bed and was squatting over Mike’s cock using it to play with her cunt and then she started to slide onto him. The next time I looked over she had slid all the way down and was playing with her clit while he tried to fuck her, but she wouldn’t slide up and down on his cock like he wanted her to do”

“Oh David…I don’t know if I can stand to hear much more of this…” Gretta was rocking back and forth on her hands and I was stealthily stroking myself as I continued to talk.

“I slid my own cock into Judy and I think she started to orgasm right then because she was shaking and sort of sobbing under her breath. I was about to do the same thing when I felt Sandy pulling me off of her.”

“Oh David…I think you’d better stop talking like this…Its way too…sexy.”

I stopped talking and we sat looking at each other flushed and breathing hard. Gretta had released her hands from between her legs and had them crossed tightly. Taking my cure from her, I slipped my hand from under the blanket where my now rigid and inflamed cock screamed for more attention.

“Did she make you…stop fucking Judy?”

“She had me slide my cock a little way into her and then she made Judy ask me to fuck her.”

“Did she…did Judy ask you…to fuck her…cunt?” Gretta reached up and pinched a nipple through her shirt. She saw my glance and after a moment stopped, letting her hand fall away.

“As a matter of fact…she begged and tried to slide herself further onto my cock, but she was tied to securely so all she could do is struggle. Sandy pulled me all the way off and whispered that I should jack Mike off and when he was about ready to come I should remove the blindfold.”

“And did you?”

“Yes, while I did that Sandy got down and ate Judy’s pussy. We wound up taking their blindfolds off at about the same time, but Sandy had us stop playing with them and made them watch us fucking. When it was time for us both co climax…she had Judy finish her with her mouth and made Mike do the same to me.”

“You mean…?”

“I walked up to him and put my cock next to his mouth and for a second I thought he might not do it…but I think he was to far gone…you know…to horny to refuse. He opened his mouth all the way and as soon as I started to slide in, I started coming. He was bouncing his cock, trying to do it along with me and he almost succeeded because his cream started to pour out of his cock and run down the sides, but Sandy reached over and grabbed his cock at the base and made him stop.”

“Did they ever get to…?”


“Yeah” Gretta breathed, licking her lips.

“After we finished, Sandy untied Judy’s right hand and let her rub off while Mile and both of us watched and then when she was finished, she let Mile jack off…but we weren’t really watching except when he started squirting all over himself. That was pretty impressive, he was shooting come three, four feet into the air for what seemed like hours.”

“I wish I could have been there David…watching you and Sandy.”

“Would you have done anything…if you had been there?”

“Oh yes David I would have…”


“Well” she paused, I…I’d better not say.”

“Go ahead, I don’t mind.”

“It’s too…private.”

“OK, I understand.”

“David, you are so lucky to have found Sandy…I hope I can find someone…like you did.”

“Believe me sissy, you will.”

“I just keep thinking of what it would be like to have a boyfriend who let me fuck another guy…and watch me…and…jack off…or let me eat a girls pussy…maybe fuck my wet puss while I do.” She shivered slightly and continued, “I can’t believe that I’m talking to you like this. I know I shouldn’t be talking…like this. I need to find…someone, some guy…to talk to like this…and watch me…play with my pussy while I do…like you and…Sandy do when you’re not fucking…each other and…other people.”

“Gretta, believe me, sooner or later you’ll find the perfect person for you.”

“I hope so” she said, standing up, “Because until then I’m going to be one frustrated girl.”

I sat there on the couch looking at her. Her rigid nipples showed as clearly as if she wasn’t even wearing a top and her inner thighs were wet and shiny. I couldn’t see her most intimate area, but I suspect her panties were sodden with excitement.

She saw me looking at her and promptly reddened with self-consciousness and chagrin when she realized that her present excitement was so evident.

“David, “ Her voice broke, ”I don’t even know what you must be thinking of me right about now..."

“Gretta”, I said, “Don’t feel bad, I’m just as…bad off as you are. I just thought to grab the blanket first…but take my word, I’ll be spending some quality time with myself in the very near future. If I thought it would make you feel better, I’d stand up right now and let you see…how excited this conversation has made me…I’m worse than off you.”

“Maybe it would…”


“Make me feel better if I saw…no, never mind, you don’t have to…”

Without stopping to consider the gravity of my actions, I started to stand up letting the comforter slip from my lap as I did. Gretta pushed me back into my seat.

“Don’t David.”

My hard cock jutted from the opening in my boxers only partly covered by the blanket now halfway off my lap, partly exposed to my sister’s gaze. I wanted her to see my excitement, like I could see hers.

“Gretta, you’re not alone!”

“I can see that” she said slowly looking at my partly exposed erection, “neither are you, but we both can stop this while there’s still time”

“I don’t want to stop!”

“I guess I don’t either, I don’t even know if I can, but David, we’ve got to try!”

“Gretta” I said, looking her in the eyes.

“Yes David?”

“Do you trust me?”

“Yes…I do.”

“If you’ll let me look at your cunt…just for a minute, I promise I won’t touch you…or do anything else…and then we can go off and…do what we have to do…alone.”

“You promise?”

“Yes, just let me see…for a minute.”

“OK David, but positively no touching…and no touching yourself while you’re looking.”

With those words she raised her T-shirt high enough to hook her thumbs in the waistband of her panties and eased them down her leg until they were around the middle of her flawless thighs. She stood there in silence, holding her shirt bunched up high enough for me to see her swollen labia shiny with excitement. Her rigid clit was just visible and I stared at it mesmerized as she began top speak.

“David, I promised myself that this was a sight you’d never see again, but we’ve unwisely let our conversation lead us down a path…we promised each other we wouldn’t take again.”

At this point she slapped her pussy lightly and shuddered. I started to slide my hand under the blanket again, but she pushed it away and continued speaking, “As you can see, I’m very excited, very aroused, partly because of stuff Sandy told me about you and her…and partly because I let it happen to myself…and you.”

She slapped her cunt again and I watched, the desire to join her, to slap my own hard member while she watched burning like a sickness inside of me.

“I don’t blame you…right now…but I know I will…later…after we…do this with each other…even though I’m the one who…is doing…this.”

At this point, she began rubbing her clitoris rapidly, seemingly unable to stop. “David, this…isn’t right…I shouldn’t be doing this…I can’t…”

She suddenly stopped masturbating and slapped herself sharply. “I’ve got to make myself…stop.” She slapped herself again and again until she seemed to regain her composure. She then stood motionless before me trembling and breathing hard, her inflamed cunt an even brighter red after being slapped hard several times. We looked at each other and then she started to speak again.

She spoke in a voice that was shaking with sensuality and unveiled wantonness with an undertone of desperation that laid bare the real magnitude of our predicament.

“David, you’ve got to tell me what to do. Either I pull my pants back up and we go to our rooms and take care of business alone, by ourselves, like we’ve been doing since I moved in or we…do what we did four years ago…and go back on our word to each other.

I didn’t say anything and the moment stretched out into what seemed like an eternity. Finally she pulled her dripping panties back up and let her shirt drop back into place. She sat down next to me and pulled the comforter back into place on my lap, kissed me on the cheek and said, “Thank You brother.”

The friction of the blanket sliding over my erection was all it took to set me off. Unbeknownst to her while she was planting a chaste sisterly kiss on my cheek, my cock was stiffening with a feeling of sweet degeneracy and pure wanton release as I began having the first premature ejaculation I’ve ever experienced.

She got up and walked toward her room and then hesitated, and turned back to me.

“David, if you want, you can come into my room and watch while I…play with myself”

The first spasm began to subside and my cock stiffened preparing to spew its warm load. I willed myself to wait while I choked, “No, Gretta, I think we’d better not…not now.”

She lifted her T-shirt again. Her panties were so soaked that they were transparent. “Are you sure?” she said, sliding them down again, spreading her glistening labia with two fingers and teasing her stiff little clit with a third, gasping, “I won’t mind, I promise. I won’t be mad if…you just while I…play”

All the willpower in the world couldn’t stop what was happening to me as I gasped, gritting my teeth, “Gretta, please…don’t, I can’t…watch you, I’ll do something…” as I was speaking my cock was overflowing. The warm cream began flooding out of the tip like some kind of weird volcano. I felt the warmth flowing down my cock and between my legs. “We’ll both be sorry…” I began to ejaculate into the blanket on my lap as Gretta looked on questioningly.

I was unable to speak, but I shook my head and waved her off as my orgasm overtook me.

I could actually hear my cream hissing against the blanket as my cock disgorged the first forceful stream of warm sperm and then a momentary pause and the next fountain of hot come gushed out spattering against the blanket again with an audible hissing sound. I think Gretta was far too preoccupied with her own arousal to hear my warm geysers hissing and spattering as I rhythmically drenched the blanket. I struggled desperately trying to conceal the sensations that cascaded through my body as Gretta looked on and believe it or not; I succeeded.

A large wet spot was beginning to appear on the blanket as she said, “You’re sure?” and it was all I could do to nod weakly and watch as she pulled her panties up again. She turned and walked into her room shutting the door behind her leaving me there, sitting on the couch shuddering and squirting jet after jet of hot cream into the ever-expanding wet spot on the blanket she had pulled back over my lap.

I sat in stupefied silence for about twenty minutes and then gathering the blanket which seemed like it was soaked with more cream then twenty men could ejaculate I carried it to the wash, I went into the bathroom, cleaned myself up and went to bed.

We avoided each other for the next several days, but one afternoon about two weeks later she stopped me on my way out of the apartment and called me into the living room.

I was getting pretty sick of walking on eggshells, so I was receptive to the idea of a frank discussion.

She was sitting on the sofa wearing a short skirt with a white blouse. Her coat was d****d over the back of the sofa.

“I just wanted to say…about the other night, I wanted to thank you for not…”

“Taking you up on your offer?”

“Yeah, I don’t know what got into me, but I’ll make damn sure that it doesn’t happen again.”

“Like I said that night, don’t be so hard on yourself, we got a handle on it and it’s not like I saw anything I…haven’t seen before.”

“I’ll be more careful about…how we interact…and how I dress. If we had…done something, I really couldn’t blame you with me…running around…half naked.”

“Gretta, don’t give it another thought, I’m putting it out of my mind.”


“Honestly sissy, don’t make a Federal case out of it, we stopped before we got carried away, that’s the important thing, in the future, we’ll be a little more careful.”

I worked hard to forget the incident, but…late at night I still remember. This is one thing I’ve not told Sandy about. The last thing I need is for her to feed into a tryst that almost happened and Gretta and I are doing our best to forget and not repeat.

Every time I think I’ve banished it from my mind, Greta, unknowingly does something to bring it to the forefront. She never was

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The Dogging Diaries IX

Diary Entry: September 2008 What the hell is going on here? Ryan and I both slept in and when we woke up I wasn't exactly sure what to do or say. All he said was, "crazy night, last night." I don't really understand everything that happened. I feel terrible that it did and yet, I don't feel like I did anything wrong. It's not like I wanted this to happen. I was just doing what he told me. I feel dirty. I can still feel Tom's cock inside me, still feel his cum. I don't want...

3 years ago
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The Dogging Diaries

The Dogging Diaries Diary Entry: July, 2009 "Guys, guys, guys! Settle down. This girl will open her legs for the whole room. As long as you're treating her well and keeping her as the center of attention, she's yours to do with as you please. Just make sure you don't treat her too well." The room laughed. "You can fuck her, cum on her, cum in her, slap her, spank her, she's fucking hot and she will go all night if you can." I could hear Ryan getting the crowd of guys...

1 year ago
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The Dogging Diaries Questions With The Author III

Third in a series of reader questions with Alexandra Moore, author of The Dogging Diaries: Q. You seem to have quite a fashion sense when you were dressing to play. You were pretty detailed with what you wore for the events mentioned. Surely there must have been more about your thoughts on sexy fashion. Your fashion ideas may be valuable to other t-girls. Can you share your recommendations on what worked (clothes, makeup, shoes) for you? A. Great question. How much time do you...

2 years ago
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The Dogging Diaries I

The Dogging Diaries Diary Entry: July, 2009 "Guys, guys, guys! Settle down. Now listen. This girl will open her legs for the whole room, so you're all getting laid tonight. As long as you're treating her well and keeping her as the center of attention, she's all yours to do with as you please. Just make sure you don't treat her too well." The room laughed. "You can fuck her, cum on her, cum in her, slap her, spank her, she's fucking hot and she will go all night if you...

3 years ago
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The erotic diaries of Nicolas Renouvin

What follows is an extract from the diaries of my French grandfather who died after a long, full, amorous life at the age of 90 in 1992. He willed the diaries to me his youngest grandchild because I had followed in his footsteps as a journalist. The diaries are full of erotic encounters and I hope to publish more extracts in due course. This is a fairly typical one. I realize that the style may seem quaint at such a remove in time but as the extract deals with age-old themes I do not think...

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The Dogging Diaries Questions With The Author II

Part 2 of a series of questions and answers with Alexandra Moore, author of The Dogging Diaries. These questions cover parts 3 and 4 of the diaries. Again, thanks to Matt for putting the questions together. Away we go ... 1. You obviously had some deep struggles. How close did you come in 2007 to giving the dream of being a girl? How were you able to get past the stress and doubt? Do you have any recommendations for those who might be in that situation now? The answer lies...

3 years ago
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The Coronavirus Diaries 2020

I have been writing a diary since I was a young boy; every day, I write in my journal explaining what I have achieved or just a random thought for the day. I always do the entries within thirty-six hours, no matter where I am. I never miss an entry. I have been writing them since I was ten years old, sometimes I would go to the big box under my bed where I stored the diaries & read through some of the c***dhood dilemmas I was having at the time. I put everything in those journals. Things...

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Cindis Top Tips for Sibling Success

by Cindi Barton with Holly Rennick GHOSTWRITER’S NOTES My friend Cindy Barton, supporting character in my fledgling “Writer’s Notebook” may have usurped my role as leading lady. Her science-teacher flippant friendliness was, I’ll admit, sometimes a challenge to transcribe. But readers seem to appreciate frank advice. At the request of the critics (plural being a possible inflation), I’ve collected her “Notebook” insights on brotherly love and added what didn’t make...

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The Dogging Diaries VII

Author's Note: Thank you for choosing to read my diaries. Please leave a review when you're done! Wet, slutty kisses, Alexandra Diary Entry: August 2007 What a night. It's 3:00AM and I can't concentrate. Ryan had me over again last night to show me my pictures and to talk about the sites. The pictures came out pretty good. I like some of them, some not so much. Modeling is fucking hard. The camera doesn't lie. I thought I was thin. Thin! Yeah right. There's a little flab...

3 years ago
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The Dogging Diaries VIII

[Author's Note: The only way I know if people are reading these diaries is if they leave a review or send me an email. I'd certainly prefer both and answer all reader email. Thanks! Alexandra] It took me a while to begin writing in my diary again. They say rape changes a person. I know it changed me. It changed my relationship with Ryan completely. He was there for me, comforting me, helping me, but things were never the same after that. What was this beautiful, amazing love...

4 years ago
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The Hot Springs Incest Diaries Part Two

Introduction: On a separate note, if you read my story Incest Diaries & would like for there to be another installment, just comment your choice through this storys comments log. THIS IS IN NO SHAPE WAY OR FORM MY STORY. I CAME ACROSS THIS ONLINE. I ENJOYED IT & THOUGHT MANY OF YOU WOULD TOO. THIS STORY DEPICTS ANIME CHARACTERS FROM THE CARTOON INUYASHA (those characters being Rin & Sesshoumaru). IF YOURE INTO FANFICTION , THIS THIS IS THE STORY FOR YOU. NOTE , IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO READ THE...

2 years ago
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The Christian Discipline Diaries

The Christian Female Discipline JournalE.E. Norcod, D.D., Ph.D., EditorFacilitating the Submission, Obedience and Discipline of Girls and Women Throughout the Christian WorldVolume X, Number v, May 2003Editor’s Forward to the Issue In this issue of the CFDJ we continue our series of the Christian Discipline Diaries, one of our most popular features.  These are reports from our congregations who are out there spreading the Word of the Strict Observance Bible Evangelical Church of Christ...

1 year ago
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Mother Diaries 8211 Part 5 Final Bathroom Sex

It was a great erotic journey till now. I and Pranati both sat on the sofa, discussing how to evoke them. I got a great idea. It is easy to generate new ideas to seduce anyone. She was busy cutting her nails while listening to my plan. Me: Mom, is Keshavi fucked by dad? Pranati: I told you already she does not want to hang out with men. She is a lesbian. Better leave her. Chaap! I slapped my bitch mom. She threw the nail cutter aside. Me: I did not ask for your suggestion, mom. You told me...

2 years ago
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Cum Diaries Fucking on ecstasy during the Village

It leaves little to the imagination the title of this escapade. Fucked and wasted drinking all day in the sun, hyped up on x drenched in beer a corner away from the brass band churning out march anthem after march anthem, whilst getting sucked off from a 50 year old squatting behind a kiosk. Her maxi dress was pulled up to her hips squatting as if she was pissing. Looks however may be deceiving as she was actually chin deep with my entire dick shaft. Arm outstretched holding on to the mobile...

3 years ago
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Bengaluru Diaries Part9

Hello all, I’m Kishan from Bengaluru, back to tell my sex saga in a story series – Bengaluru diaries. Thanks for all the responses which mean a lot. This is a continuation of my previous story. After spending a weekend in Ooty with two gorgeous girls, I came back to Bengaluru. After 3 days of total fucking exercise, we were so tired that we didn’t even speak to each other for 2 days. By now our college days were getting over so we had to use most of our time together. One morning as I was...

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Kolkata Love Diaries 8211 Part 2

Hey raj here… This is the continuation of the love diaries 1. While madhu was busy with the guests I kept myself busy with my laptop watching porn and exploring iss. I heard guests leaving but still continued with my work and soon madhu was on the door with transparent maxi and clearly visible nipples. She was looking hot. She came near me and was watching the porn with me. I asked her why are you having sex with me, she said your uncle is not satisfying these days and she knew that I have an...

2 years ago
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Dickgirl Diaries Part 2

Part 1: 2We didn't talk about it after that and we never said a word to Tea either, and I was rapidly starting to feel uneasy about what had happened. It didn't help that Paulina's responses to my texts were as minimal as they possibly could be, and didn't give out any hint of her true feelings or thoughts. So, I was happily surprised when Paulina invited me for a sleepover the next Friday.Once we were alone in her room I...

1 year ago
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The Dogging Diaries VI

Diary Entry: July 2007 This shit can't go on. I called in sick to work and Mom and Dad were supposed to come over tonight. I had to cancel both because of the big fucking bruise on my face. One thing I'm not going to tolerate is Jack hitting me. That's just not right or fair or anything like that. I'm not going to turn into one of those hookers who get hit by their manager. I'm not fucking doing that. My face is sore. I can barely move from the sex and the massive dildo and...

4 years ago
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The Dogging Diaries IV

[Author's Note: I have tried to find logical breaks in these diaries to begin and end the different chapters. It's not easy to do because I didn't write my journal thinking it would ever be read by the public. As a result, it might make it hard for new readers to follow along or for an avid reader to remember exactly what was going on when they read the last installment. This is Chapter 4 ... Chapter 3 ended abruptly, so for everyone's benefit I've duplicated the last little bit of it...

3 years ago
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Dianes Diaries

I was sitting at my desk at work and looking at my co-workers. There were sixteen of us the large open area. The boss didn't like cubicles; he said that they cut down on employee interaction and he thought it inhibited productivity. I was sitting there looking at the nine men and seven women — there used to be thirteen men, but that comes later in the story — and I wondered if the men were like me and the women like my wife. What secrets were there that I couldn't see? Were the men as...

2 years ago
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A Sibling Love Story

Introduction: A brother and sister become intimate in New York City during the holidays. A Sibling Love Story Summary: A brother and sister become intimate in New York City during the holidays. Note 1: Be warned if you are a fan of my mostly sub-domme writing please stop right now. This story although has subtle hints of submissiveness, the heart of the story is two siblings falling for each other during the backdrop of a winter evening in New York City. Note 2: Also, although my style isnt...

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The Sex Rehab Diaries Broo

“I’m Brooklyn, and… whatever… I guess I’m a sex addict.” I glared at the group of pathetic faces in the circle surrounding me. This is so fucking lame. Why did I sign up for this? It was bad enough that I’d had to endure public humiliation when the scandal broke, but being away from the city in this touchy feely rehab centre set my nerves more on edge than they did to soothe them, which I’m sure was their original intention. From the moment I’d checked into The Belleview Retreat for Sexual...

4 years ago
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Two DiariesChapter 12 Open Wings

From Amanda’s diary: Dear diary, It felt strange to wake up alone after three days sleeping with someone. Sure lying at Clara’s feet hadn’t been pleasant, but weird as it might sound I still felt some sort of connection to her while doing it. Sharing a bed with Fiona was a lot better, and I knew I’d be missing that a lot. I got up and dressed, being careful to cover every bit of me that might show any signs of damage, before I went to the toilet. I decided then I’d be sleeping in my...

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Forbidden Sibling Treasure Chapter II Pearls of Wisdom

Pearl had taught Emerald every trick she knew about being with another female – and Emerald had been a fast learner! Her older sister had given her plenty of opportunity to practice, too. Emerald had found her pubic skin nearly rubbed raw from all the grinding and other attention it was receiving, but she didn’t care. It had felt too good to stop. The newfound pastime she and Pearl could share together was like a drug, and Emerald was hooked. They put the satisfaction of their bodies...

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The Sex Rehab Diaries Rachels Confession

I thought about that statement for a minute. Of course, I'd never called myself a sex addict out loud, but the idea of it sounded almost kind of sexy. Of course I knew I was supposed to be all serious standing there in the classroom at The Belleview Retreat for Sexual Health. But really, how can you find the seriousness of group therapy at all? They were a miscellaneous collection of odd personalities from different walks of life sharing intimate and intense details of their sex lives...

3 years ago
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The Dogging Diaries Questions With The Author I

Part 1 of a series of questions and answers with Alexandra Moore, author of The Dogging Diaries I'd like to thank Matt who has been such a great friend and pen pal throughout this entire process for putting together these questions. Awesome job. Away we go ... 1. It was almost a year from when you first dressed as Kristy until you even touched another man's penis. How did you drift? What were some of the things done that help you to drift? What would you say to help someone...

2 years ago
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The Diaries of Chloe Wilson

After going through some tough times, seventeen year old, Chloe Wilson, was encouraged by her therapist to record her diaries on tape. It was a way to try and get her to open up and talk out loud about her feelings, but Chloe rebelled and the tapes ended up being less about her emotional past and more just a diary about her explorations into adolescent life and the discovery of all things sexual. Listen to her recordings and follow her journey, hearing the events that happened in her own words.

First Time
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The Sex Rehab Diaries Kyli

“I’m Kylie, and I’m a sex addict.” I tried not to cry. It would have made things exponentially more embarrassing than just standing in front of the room telling a group of strangers that I was basically a sexual deviant. I bit down on my lower lip instead, producing just enough sharp discomfort to keep the girly tears back. I couldn’t believe I had really committed to this. Of course, I guess one could argue that I wasn’t very good with commitments, as it was. Ever since the depraved incident...

Group Sex
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The Princess Diaries Part 2

The Princess Diaries - Part 2 Foreword: This is the continuation of Kevins journey into total feminization at the hands of a guy he met online. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ The working day dragged along. Seconds seemed like minutes, minutes seemed like hours. I was becoming more restless as my shift on the counter of the plumbers merchants crawled to it's conclusion. I passed the time thinking about my forthcoming weekend away with...

4 years ago
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The Princess Diaries Part 1

The Princess Diaries - Part 1 Foreword: The following story is partly autobiographical and part fantasy.. Having been a fan of Fictionmania for a while, I thought I would try my hand at writing my own story. This is the first time I've attempted any form of writing since I was at school, well over 25 years ago. I already have the basic outline in mind for part 2, should anyone be interested in a further installment, but I also welcome your reviews and...

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The Sex Rehab Diaries Staceys Confession

Author's Note: The Sex Rehab Diaries is an ongoing series, featuring the intimate confessions of the patients of Dr Clark's group therapy class for sexual addictions at The Belleview Retreat for Sexual Health "I'm Stacey, and I'm a sex addict." I knew I wasn't the only person in the room that was in denial over that statement even as it left my mouth. ‘Admit that you need help and recovery will come quicker and last longer'. I had to hold back my initial laughter as I'd read the...

3 years ago
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The Hot Springs Incest Diaries Part Two

SIDE NOTE , IF YOU'RE UP HERE TO COMMENT FOR ANOTHER INSTALLMENT OF "Incest Diaries" THEN COMMENT BELOW. Thank You & Enjoy. Hot Springs- Chapter One kimono: formal Japanese dress -sama: title meant to show respect to the receiver hakama: formal divided skirt for Japanese men Glancing up at the noon sky, Rin took in a large gulp of air as the scent of spring's cherry blossoms gently drifted to her. The breeze was strong that day, and it blew her long, silky black hair around...

4 years ago
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The VampIre Diaries

This is only my second story. Had the idea for this in my head for a while but needed to work out the kinks (no pun intended). As much as I loathe seeing "part one of nineteen" of stories here, I think this might have the potential to be a series. Interested in your thoughts and feedback. As always, please be firm, but gentle. Kisses. The Vamp-Ire Diaries This was easily just as good as everybody said it was, thought Taylor as the buxom young co-ed with pinup girl looks gave him...

2 years ago
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The Malvika Diaries 8211 Part 2

20th May 2015 : I had a busy day today. The long meeting hours with clients really suck and it sucks more when they are old fellows. I was going to the parking in the basement of my office situated in Bandra when my phone rang. It was Siddhartha, my husband. He told me that his flight had landed safely in Mumbai and he would be home within an hour. One part of me was happy that my hubby was coming home after 4 weeks and the other part was sad because I won’t be able to fuck Ishan till Sid was...

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The Diaries Part 1

Alison grew up west of the Range, among sheep, wheat and summer dust storms. She learned to drive tractors and to repair dam pumps on the farm and everything else in the small school.Each Christmas holiday her brother, her mother and she drove out the farm gate towards the rising red sun. f******n or fifteen hours later they turned into the jungle garden of her grandmother's rambling white weatherboard house overlooking the bay and, beyond, the ocean. Already Alison's grandfather had died and...

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The Joshua Diaries Underestimating Tuesdays

I had been playing with my cock for about an hour. You know, edging. I kept watching the precum ooze out of the tip of my cock and thought, “I need to get laid, bad.” I was hanging out on Manhunt, but it didn’t look like a promising night. It was a Tuesday; not much of a fuck night. I was about to give up and jack-off to a hot blog story, when my mail icon started flashing.  “Like your look, man.” I opened his profile; Brazilian, 180, 6’2, 26, good shape, “love it wild”. But the guy didn’t have...

Gay Male
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The Joshua Diaries Underestimating Tuesdays

I had been playing with my cock for about an hour. You know, edging. I kept watching the precum ooze out of the tip of my cock and thought, “I need to get laid, bad.” I was hanging out on Manhunt, but it didn’t look like a promising night. It was a Tuesday; not much of a fuck night. I was about to give up and jack-off to a hot blog story, when my mail icon started flashing.  “Like your look, man.” I opened his profile; Brazilian, 180, 6’2, 26, good shape, “love it wild”. But the guy didn’t have...

Gay Male
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The Joshua Diaries Montreal Baths

I went to Montreal for gay pride with a few friends. I was constantly horny with all those hot fucking men around, but was unable to act because I was sharing a hotel room with two of my friends. One morning I woke up at 6 a.m. feeling so horny. I decided to go out and cruise.I got dressed and packed poppers, a cock ring and lube, then took off. I passed a sauna, which I understood to be a gay bathhouse. So, I decided to try it out. Of course, it was early morning so I didn't expect much. At...

Gay Male
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The Joshua Diaries Montreal Baths

I went to Montreal for gay pride with a few friends. I was constantly horny with all those hot fucking men around, but was unable to act because I was sharing a hotel room with two of my friends. One morning I woke up at 6 a.m. feeling so horny. I decided to go out and cruise.I got dressed and packed poppers, a cock ring and lube, then took off. I passed a sauna, which I understood to be a gay bathhouse. So, I decided to try it out. Of course, it was early morning so I didn't expect much. At...

Gay Male
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The Malvika Diaries 8211 Part 5

This is the 5th part in continuation. I will be better if you read the previous ones before going through this one. Enjoy! 15th July 2015 Our plans of seducing Sid went in vain as he didn’t show any interest in Riya. He was in Australia at the moment and Riya was busy in her college. Ishan had got admission in a reputed college of Delhi University and I was alone and hungry. I desperately needed a cock. I looked around. Everyone was busy in their work. After lunch, I called it a day and was...

1 year ago
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The Sex Diaries Part One Pleasing The Teacher

Calvin Calverley, once said, "Those who can, do, those who can’t, teach." In many cases that’s true, but not in every case. Take me. You could, if you were here with me right now. There’s something about hot, humid weather that makes me insatiably horny. The bottom line is that I wish that all the guys reading this were here with me right now because no one guy can get it up long enough or keep it up long enough to satisfy me for long during my horny season. Anyway, if I wax incoherent from...

Straight Sex
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The Malvika Diaries 8211 Part 1

Hello readers. This is Malvika Kapoor from Mumbai. I wanted this to write from a long time and in the last few days I had been through a lot and then thought about to assemble all the encounters and write it in a form of a story in parts. Some fiction is also added to make it spicier and dick rising tale for you guys. Suit yourself! Main Characters : Malvika Kapoor : A 38 year old lady working at the position of HR manager in a MNC. Siddhartha Kapoor : A 42 year old man , Malvika’s...

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The Malvika Diaries 8211 Part 3

28th May 2015 : Malti, our housemaid comes during the day between 12 and 2 for cleaning utensils and during the night between 7 and 9 for making the food and other cleaning stuffs. She was married in an early age and has got a kid of 10 years old now at the age of 28. Her husband died in a road accident last year. Since then, I used to help her with money and old clothes from time to time. Sid was as usual out of station for his job. It was more than a week since the incident with the beggar. I...

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The Malvika Diaries 8211 Part 4

18th June 2015. Siddhartha had caught typhoid and was on bed rest for a week. Four days had passed without a single fuck session. Riya too was pissed without sex. I advised her to somehow seduce Sid to take her to bed and after that we would disclose our secret relationships to him. My hunger knew no bounds. I needed a dick right at the moment. I asked Sid for it but he clearly ignored because of his illness. I left for office in anger. In my anger I forgot to bring my car keys down. I didn’t...

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Diaries of a Soldier RR part 1

Introduction: Half way through a 12 month tour of duty in Iraq I get to come home for 2 weeks of R&R Diaries of a Soldier – R&R (part 1) The first real feeling of being home comes when you see that thin line of land appear over the horizon of the Atlantic Ocean like the rising sun. You feel the butterflies when the mechanics move underneath you as the landing gear opens and the plane descends. At this point I think every returning soldier says to himself, Please dont let me die on this runway...

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Diaries of a Soldier RR part 3

Introduction: I cancel out the any guilt of cheating on my wife, we plan to include her in our fun Diaries of a Soldier – R&R (part 3) I awoke in a empty bed with the sun beating me down through a opening in the shades. That farmiliar feeling I hadnt had in a long time, hangover! Oh god, I thought I hate drinking. If I could smoke weed in peace and freedom I would never drink again I often thought after a hard nights drinking. I knew that Kimmie had gone to bed before everyone left last night...

3 years ago
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Diaries of a teenage prostitute

Tom Green was cleaning out his daughters apartment. She had been in an accident and was in hospital. He and his daughter had drifted apart over the last few years. He did not even know what she did for a living. But he did know while she was recovering neither of them could afford to pay for her apartment. In her wardrobe, she had found a large collection of kinky underwear. The things you only see in mens magazines. In her bedside drawers he had found several vibrators and dildos. The clothes...

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