An Arranged Marriage Part II
- 2 years ago
- 27
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October 31, 2017
Dear Ms. Diary,
“Look! We got our assistant IDs,” Cera crowed as she and Brittany arrived at our lunch table.
We congratulated them as they sat. We discussed aspects of the Petaluma game this afternoon, a discussion during which Brittany was more upbeat and positive about her role on the team. The conversation, despite being unremarkable, was much better than the meals we ate for lunch. Near the end, Trevor stopped by.
“I couldn’t come by yesterday as I had to get some homework finished, but I wanted to tell you, particularly you girls, that you all looked very nice yesterday. I’ve already said that to Meka and most of the seniors that were with you. It’s also interesting and nice in its own way that this whole table is exhibiting school colors.” He looked down at his jersey, then looked up and said, “I think I like your home jerseys more than ours, although this is obviously our away jersey.”
“You don’t have a problem with pink,” Rhee asked.
“No, although that’s not really pink; it’s much redder. What do you call it?”
“Yeah. That’ll work. Meka also said I should introduce myself to your two new assistants. She said that you’re related to her, but I’m sorry,” he said as he looked at Cera, “I don’t remember what she said your name is.”
“Cera. C-E-R-A. Cera Martin. Nice to meet you ... Trevor Abernathy.”
She followed that with a grin when Trevor looked a bit taken aback. He shook his head.
“Meka said you were a soccer fan, so I guess that’s how you know who I am.” He turned to Brittany and asked, “Might I have your name so that I can welcome you to the soccer ... organization here at Central?”
Brittany colored slightly but looked at Trevor when she introduced herself. Trevor welcomed her, then make his good-bye. Once he was out of sight and hearing, she ducked her head, then looked up and around at us.
“He’s ... quite cute.”
She managed to keep her head up as her face colored again.
I said, “He is. Meka knows him pretty well as he lives in her ... neighborhood. At least, near the house that her family owns. She’s now living in Rhee’s house. He’s also pretty nice. Meka likes him as a friend, and he’s hung with the girls’ team on a couple occasions when both teams were playing at the same place. Granted, he mostly talked with the seniors at those times, but he was pretty open to conversing with some of the rest of us when we were nearby.”
“And he thinks Beth is a babe,” Heather said.
Heather grinned at me as my face heated, but I came back with, “And he thinks Heather is cute. Short, but cute.”
If anything, Heather’s grin increased in width.
The Petaluma game was probably exciting for someone with no dog in the fight, but it was nerve-wracking for us. While it had no real bearing on us winning the regular-season championship nor of our seeding in the league tournament, we were hoping to end the league season unbeaten. Petaluma got the scoring started early, less than three minutes into the game, as their left wing made a superb move on Kim, making her look foolish, and heading goalward. Just before Meka put the hammer down on her, she reverse sliced a shot – a shot that had one of us taken it, we would have considered it beautiful – between Meka and Hope and just inside the right post. We went to the locker room down 1-0.
“Gather ‘round.”
As we were quiet anyway, pondering an unsuccessful first half, Coach did not even raise her voice.
As we coalesced around her, she said, “That could have gone better. Short of a phenomenal strike by Tanaka, the D has been unbeatable, and I’m more than satisfied with how they’ve played. I would have preferred someone cutting off that pass to Tanaka, but it’s unrealistic to expect every pass to be intercepted. They probably want to beat us even more than we want to beat them. The final score does not really matter to either team as far as standings or seedings, but they would get a huge boost going into the tournament having beaten us. I would prefer that they not get that boost.”
There was some chuckling.
“While the O has been far from poor, it has not shown the flair of which it is capable. I will say, though, that their back line is very good, even better than they showed us early in the season. I have some thoughts on the problem, but they’re not very coherent. However, we need to do something different. We need to figure out either how to overload that line or beat it in some dramatic fashion. I would settle for a draw, but I’d really like to beat this team, because if we can figure that out ... here ... today, then we’ll have a better idea how to beat them in the tournament. Petaluma is certainly looking like the team with the best chance to beat us there, so we need to solve this. Anyone?”
There was a very pregnant silence, with various of us looking around for anyone that suggested she had an idea. After nearly a minute, I piped up ... tentatively.
“I don’t know that I have a solution to the larger problem, but I have an idea for an equalizer off the kickoff. I will be happy to share that, but I think we should tackle the larger problem first.”
I was looking at Coach and she appeared to be opening her mouth to respond when Meka said, “I agree with Beth. Can we send Rachel on runs more often? Heck, even every time we get a bit past midfield? Conversely, do we ask Rhee to go for a couple long-distance rockets? Despite that Tanaka doing a number on us early, I’m still confident in our back line handling their offense. However, we could also assign Gracey even more priority to covering Tanaka, as we did in the last part of the first match. It may be even more important now than it was then, as it seems unlikely, at this point, that we can manage three goals. I’d also like to hear if Civia has any thoughts. She’s proven her worth in breaking down other team’s defenses.”
I, and probably every other member of the team, turned immediately to look at Civia, whose eyes were wide, and whose face was reddening.
“In fact,” Meka continued, “this would have been an ideal time to surprise Petaluma by putting her in the game and changing our M.O. I sure wish you were playing, Girl.”
I glanced at Coach and saw her obviously change her mind about speaking and decide to wait on Civia’s response.
Civia stammered for a bit, then said, “Thanks, Shameka, for your trust in me, although I’m not sure it’s entirely deserved.” She paused, cocked her head, then said, “Despite that, I do have an idea.” She smiled widely at Meka and Coach, her face having lost all trace of its redness. “However, it would require a new formation for some on this team. Liya, may I use your white board?” When Liya simply handed her the board, Civia said, “It’s a 3-3-1-3 and one with speed on the front line being important.”
Everyone was silent as she quickly drew on the white board. When she appeared to finish, she looked to her right.
“Brett, would you hold the board for me so that I can explain?”
He stepped to her and accepted the board, then held it up facing us. Coach and the rest of the assistants moved toward us so that they could see the board.
“First, no changes are required of the back line other than...” [she looked at Meka and grinned] “not allowing that annoyingly good left wing another crack at Hope. Gracey is here on the right side of the midfield, but her primary defensive task is helping Kim with Tanaka. Of course, to do that well, she’ll need to restrict her movement on offense to keep an eye on her charge. Katie needs to be center half. At least, I see no need to change the rest of the D at all and changing too many things could get us in trouble. Obviously, we cannot have both Brits in the midfield, but I can see two options for the decision as to which, if either, to retain in the midfield, at left half. If we want her to have heavy O duties, then that means one thing, but if she is to have heavy D duties, then that’s another. I suggest a stronger focus on O in the hopes of helping to overload that back line. That way, we can keep Rachel more firmly on D, which may be important if we’re going to push hard on O.”
She looked up at Coach.
“I agree, so draw it out with an O focus.”
“Beth would retain her playmaker job, just as on the premier team. Rhee would move to the middle, and we’d want a very fast left wing, and one with some ball-handling and crossing skills. I think that speed is the important factor, as while that back line is good, it’s not got blazing speed. Since we have a number of girls with blazing or nearly blazing speed, I suggest we use it.” She continued to talk while she drew arrows and dotted lines on the board, saying, “Rapid counterattacks, lobs and chips over the top, or simply hauling ... butt by someone with strong ball-handling skills.”
There was silence ... for about 30 seconds, then Coach said, “That’s interesting. Some of my previous thoughts mesh with this, but this is more coherent. Thanks, Civia, and a very heartfelt attagirl to you.”
Civia beamed.
Coach stepped up front and turned to the team, saying, “Does this make sense? Does anyone have questions?”
“I don’t have questions ... yet,” said Katie, “but I suggest Jess move to left wing and Jules take the left half slot. Those two work together well, but Jess is a bit faster and has slightly better ball-handling skills.”
As I could see Jules nodding her head, I responded, “I agree. However, if we’re going to be running this much, then we need to figure out who will be giving various of us breathers.”
Coach took over at that point, assigning Makayla, Jimena, and Addiah as the first three subs for O positions, primarily as they were the fastest.
Coach continued with, “Beth, I want you on the field as much as possible. If you approach getting winded, give me the high sign and we’ll get you a breather. Addiah, this is nothing against you, but I’ll put Jess at playmaker if Beth comes off. She’s got more experience, but also importantly, you’re faster than she is, and I want you on the front line when you’re in the game.”
“Okay, Coach.”
“Thanks for your willingness to do what is needed, Addiah.” She looked around, then said, “This could work. Three of our designated five O players are used to this formation and the three of them work really well together. I want you three to dredge every scintilla of skill and experience that you have working together and make this work. I’m also tightening the screws on your sister’s sense of responsibility. Gracey, we need that left wing silenced. I don’t care where she goes on our half of the field; you go with her.”
“Yes, Coach.”
“Whoever’s on the other side, Jules ... whomever, work with Katie and figure out how to cover. Katie, you’re the midfield captain. Be aware and make the call.”
Katie and Jules both responded, “Yes, Coach.”
“To complete preparations, should we get a goal ahead, particularly if we’re past the 70-minute mark, we’ll go to full D as we did the last time. What does that mean? Anyone? Actually, not anyone. Jordan?”
I grinned internally as I turned to look behind me at Jordan. She looked surprised, but swallowed hard, glanced at me, and responded.
“Umm, would we change formation? If not, I’m not certain.”
“We would.”
She nodded, saying, “We would switch back to our regular formation. Rhee would trade places with Beth, I would go in for Heather, and any starters not on the pitch would go back in.”
“Correct. For however long our season lasts, that will be how we do full D. There may be the occasional replacement of Jess or Jules. However, after today, we’re essentially done after our first loss, so we’ll be using starters for all positions other than right striker when we’re in full D. Jordan’s D skills are just too much stronger than any other front-line option we have. Well, other than Rhee.”
I was still looking at Jordan, so watched her manage to both beam and be embarrassed at the same time. When I turned back to Coach, she was looking right at me.
“What was your kickoff plan?”
It was based loosely on The Thing of Beauty. Rhee kicked off to me and I sent the ball back to Katie and followed my pass downfield. Katie passed it to Gracey. We kept it going for a minute or so, passing to the side or back, or slightly upfield, but kept the ball moving among the midfield and back line other than Meka, even to Hope. Petaluma was pressing us, but we managed not to lose the ball and kept it moving in a slow version of tiki taka ... until we had sucked most of their back line up close to the centerline. When that happened, the next pass went on the ground to Meka, at which point Rhee, Heather, and Jess began streaking upfield. Meka booted it long as the front line blew by all but their right center back who had lain well back. Rhee controlled the ball immediately and ran at their center back while Heather cut across Rhee’s path between Rhee and the center back. As Heather was clearing out of Rhee’s way, Rhee set up to hit a rocket; the center back charged her. Shortly before the defender reached her, Rhee tapped the ball hard on the ground to the left of and just inside the penalty stripe where a charging Heather sent a lovely outside-right bend just inside the right post. Equalizer!
Most of the rest of the second half was a contest to see which team would collapse from exhaustion first. Coach made substitutions to get breathers for the front line and for Jules and me. She had Jess rotating through left wing, sweeper, and the bench, while Makayla, Jimena, Lucia, Addiah, and Nicole were subbed in for, variously, Jess, Rhee, Heather, Jules, and Katie, but with Rhee and Heather getting breathers only one at a time. I was surprised when Coach sent Jordan in, rather than Jimena or Makayla, to give Heather a break. I think Jordan was surprised, herself, although Coach also sent Rhee back in at the same time, in the 76th minute.
Petaluma’s next surge upfield nearly broke us. Jess, Rhee, and I all got sucked into D as Petaluma’s back line joined the fray. Jess had moved into roughly the center half position, as Nicole, in for Katie, had been sucked to the right to help cover for Gracey who was focused solely on Tanaka. I had cut off the passing lane from their center half, who Rhee was harrying, to their left half, who had gotten away from Nicole. Somehow, the center half managed to get a pass through to Tanaka about six yards outside our penalty box. Their left half continued upfield along the sideline with Nicole in hot pursuit. With a teammate outside of her, Tanaka turned to the inside. Gracey, understandably, committed hard to stay in front of her, only to have Tanaka cut back outside; Gracey had overcommitted, slipped, and dropped to one knee while Tanaka headed upfield. Kim slowed her down and forced Tanaka farther outside. Their left half responded by cutting inside behind Tanaka, who flicked the ball inside toward the left half.
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IncestThey slept in, not getting out of bed until nearly noon. Rob carefully peeked behind the curtains to see what is was like outside and discovered the sun was shining brightly. He reached out to touch the glass and found it cold, with frost around the edges. Rob came out from behind the curtains to find Elaina stretching like a cat on the bed. "What were you doing back there, beloved?" she asked with a kittenish smile. Rob snorted. "Checking the weather outside," he answered. "Mmm,"...
Staring out over the wastes, Val wondered what had possessed him. Sand, dust, and more sand, that’s what awaited him. He’d never been this far from the oasis, and knew that any water was days away…unless he turned back. Others had done so. It would only be a year till he had the chance to go again. Only a year. A year of sideways glances, and whispered jokes. After his strong words, his boasts, he could not go back. No, postponement was not an option. He would not learn anymore to prepare him...
I am a lover not a fighter! However my sister was just the opposite. Rachael was a real scrapper. I didn’t know why until recently. It seems that when Rachael was thirteen years old she had told some of the other girls in school that she was a virgin and that she was saving herself for marriage as our mother had drummed into her head. One day the other girls found Rachael alone in the locker room. That was all it took. There were five of them and only one of her. Four girls held her...
Rule 34 is arguably one of the cornerstones of the Internet, one of those universal laws from which there is really no escape. “There is porn of it. No exceptions.” As a professional masturbator, I’ve fap-tested porn revolving around all kinds of weird shit, from actual shit to living eels to fat ladies who step on you instead of playing with your ding dong. That said, when the denizens of the web are referencing the classic Rule 34, they’re often using it in relation to a specific format of...
Hentai Porn SitesI am a 22-year-old girl who has been suffering from night-time incontinence. I never told my boyfriend to whom I'm now newly married. Every other night I would pee in bed, right beside my husband.I need someone to potty train me now. Put a diaper on me before I go to bed every night, and my husband should check it before I get off the bed the next morning. If the diaper should be found wet, take me to the Spanking Court and tell the judge what I've done. Let the judge shame me with abusive...
Hi, I am Rohit, 25 years old guy from Delhi. 5’7 in height and quite handsome. Comments are welcome at Here’s the narration of an event that took place about 5 years ago when I was doing my undergrad in the US. I was a sophomore at NYU. That was also around the time that Facebook became famous and suddenly I could stay in touch with old friends from school in Delhi. This story is about one such destined tryst with one of my school friends – Udita. Udita and I had gone to school together for...
Give me your feed back or for being my sex buddy on: Hi ISS readers. It has been a long time since I have written my personal sex stories. But some of my experiences may help readers to enjoy their sexual life or for pure enjoyment. It is always good to have many friends specially sex buddies. For people unknown to the term ‘sex buddies’, sex buddies are those friends with whom we share sexual relationship & there is no place for anything emotional. One of my sex buddies name is Ishita....
Hello there, this is your jj this time submitting a narration with a difference. S very different and only meant for the female readers, read on to learn how i would lick you off when we get a chance to meet. The images that flashes in my mind’s is that of a woman who is on the edge, edge meaning nearing menopause a perfect south indian in her late forties inspire my imagination. His short story of how i would eat your pussy was written just for you. Read it and enjoy it while stroking your...
It was August. The bees were in the garden. The honeybees and I were indolent around the hollyhocks. We shared the direct sunlight in our God-given attire and we shared a buzz. Perhaps both of us were having too much nectar that afternoon. Theirs was pollen and mine was a cold sweet Riesling.The ‘hocks reminded me of my home in Europe where I learned to love the bees, the sun, my nudity, and colorful flowers. If ever there could be a Mediterranean experience in Minneapolis, it would be a hot...
Mature"Do you really mean to seduce her, 'bunch?" he'd whispered after she'd confessed her letch. His pet name for her was short for "Honeybunch." "I want to make her dizzy with pleasure," she'd breathed back and nipped his nipple lightly with her teeth. "I crave her, darling. I'm sorry - are you jealous?" She'd felt his shrug. "I should be, but I'm not. If you were talking about a man, I'd be in a rage, but since it's a woman, it - it doesn't threaten me." "Or turn you...
Warning: this story contains graphic rape and murder. Don't read it if this isn't your cup of tea. Conversely, if this is your cup of tea, so much so that you think you should try hurting someone in real life, please reconsider, as you are too stupid to get away with it and too soft for prison, where you will be raped more savagely than even my twisted mind could imagine. If, however, you are somewhere in the middle, then please enjoy... "This...
On the bed in the guest room, Jamie lay back against the flowered pillows, feeling pretty in his pink satin nightie, his stockinged legs spread wide, and the long black vibrator pressed to the mound in his panties that betrayed his tied-back cock. He slid the straps of the nightie off his shoulders and pulled one pale little tittie out a frilly lace-lined cup. He squeezed the small sensitive nipple and took the vibrator off his already wet panties and placed it instead against his tight...
Hi friends, my name is rohit(name changed), I want to tell my a true story which started six months back and its still happening. I work as a senior sales manager for a reputed insurance company in bangalore. My job is to hire people who are looking for par time job as insurance advisors so that they can work from home. I will have to ensure that they are active in the job, they have adequate training and they should sell at least 3-4 policies per month. If an advisor can sell at least three...
Even though Ariel was feeling in the mood to be with Nathan, she refused to do anything with him because of how guilty she felt over what happened earlier with the young man who approached her. She didn't want to remotely believe she was using her husband as a substitute for the young man and so she refused to give into her desires that night. Nathan for the most part didn't want to pressure her into anything and knew she would eventually seek him out. Kat parted with them at the...
TNA Flix? What does it stand for? Ass or tits? A question as old as time itself. Hell, the ancient Egyptians probably had hieroglyphics depicting this very argument. Though I gotta say, Egyptian babes have some of the plumpest asses that I’ve ever seen. I know what side I’d be on if I were a pharaoh looking for some good pussy. This argument still rages on as strong as ever today. And it’s always that one friend who never gets any action who brings that shit up. Like, dude, come on. Anyway,...
Free Porn Tube SitesWhile Mr Holtzman spoke, I absently caressed Corinne's hair and continued working on the ideas that had to be covered in the patent. I must have been at this for ten minutes before I heard my host. "Jeff, will you come here? Mr Sackman is on the phone." "Sure." I put the clipboard aside then tried to slip from under Corinne without waking her. I put her head down and she just went back to sleep. "Hello Mr Sackman. How are you doing?" "Hello to you too Mr Congdon, and I'm feeling...
(Kinda bullshit that you can't post a very short sex story, so I say fuck that and I will just enter the text in three times. Justin case you are wondering...)I squeeze his nipples and rub his belly while I nurse at his limp tiny cock. I bury my lips in the fat roll surrounding his penis and try to get as much of the little thing in my mouth as I can. I suck it like a baby cow at the limp teat. I moan and beg for his milk. I love a hard cock in my mouth but honestly I love a limp one too, and...
When Steve got back to the living area, he found Mary, Danielle, Yoshi, Moesha, and Abema sitting around one of the small tables, with an assortment of snacks laid out before them. "Good afternoon, ladies," he said as he approached. "Can I join you?" "Of course, Steve," said Moesha. "We were just talking about you." "Should I be worried?" he asked. "Are you plotting against me, again?" "Not plotting, exactly. Planning, perhaps," Mary said, taking up the thread of the...
Eric lay in bed, feeling the two women on either side of him against his skin. As big as he was, they made him sleep in the middle; that way, they ended up leaning against him rather than everyone piling toward one side of the bed and almost falling off. He suspected that wasn't the only reason, as neither Joan nor Sally were shy about playing with his cock when the mood struck them. Didn't matter to him -- there were far worse things than having to sleep between the two beauties. He...
London always wanted to Bang her hot Neighbors, so she tells them she needs help moving a new Couch she just got. They come over and she has them move it around in the Living Room as if she is deciding where it looks best. Then she says “OMG you guys just don’t get the whole Vibe I’m trying to get with my set up in the living room, can you both sit down on it for a second and let me explain it to you?” They sit down, but look at eachother and her huge Boobs and seem very...
xmoviesforyouAnother extract from the story about the time when I was seeing Kath, the married lady. By now Kath had become quite friendly with Lin, and when it was our shift's annual Xmas piss-up, Kath, who was invited to the do, suggested that Lin could come and meet up with us.The piss-up went as so many do as a trawl around the city centre pubs on Mad Friday. Of course Kath and I had to keep our distance as we were still keeping our affair secret from the lads at work. By ten o’clock we were all...
John was spent. He has rather regular sex but today was very taxing and he wanted to rest. Susan had other ideas as she had only had a little orgasm and was not about to quit. Susan looked at John and she started to kiss him first on the neck and then down and nibbled on each nipple and down kissing and lightly sucking on every part she could. John had a hand on her head and just lay back. He was thinking, man this girl is not going to stop, oh god that’s good, oh, you can do that all...