Apprentice MesmerizerChapter 4 free porn video

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At a quarter to eleven, I was back in Louis's Restaurant but Sandra wasn't there yet. When she arrived, ten minutes later, she looked funny, her hair was all in a mess and her white blouse was all wrinkled up. As she sat at my table, wordless, I thought that I could detect a smell of sweat and sex emanating from her body, it only confirmed what I already knew; she and Paul had gone parking. A couple of minutes later we saw Uncle's gray Ford through the plate glass of the restaurant. Mother was sitting next to him in the front seat of the car, we got into the car and as we drove back home no one spoke. It surprised me since I had expected mother to ask us what we had done in town and if we had met many of our friends. But instead she just sat in front very quietly and she didn't say a single word on our way back home. I was certainly grateful for that since it prevented me, and probably Sandra also, from telling a lie as to where we had spent the evening.

Next day Uncle Charles left Maplelane at two, soon afterward mother went to her room for a nap for the rest of the afternoon. It had been my intention to questioned Sandra about her activities of the previous evening with Paul, but I decided against this since it was too risky, instead I made up my mind to wait until mother would be gone working. But it occur to me that I could use mother's key word and then put her in a deep sleep and let her continue to rest in her room. It then would be just a simple matter of placing Sandra in a trance and ask her all the questions I wanted without any danger of being disturbed by mother.

So as to execute my plan I decided that it would be safer if I was to place Sandra in a trance first, and then go to mother's room and take care of her.

Sandra was in the living room, I went behind her and I said her key word. She immediately froze on the spot, and I made her sit on a chair around the kitchen table.

Next, I went upstairs to mother's room and as I stood next to her bed, I said softly her key word. I saw her body twitch a little and she then remained very still while her breathing continued to be regular.

She was wearing her nightgown and since the weather was warm at this time of the year, she hadn't bothered to cover herself with the sheet, half of one breast was exposed through the neck opening of her gown. Even if her window curtain was shut tight, there was enough light coming through the material to allow me to see every detail of her body.

The sight of her half-naked breast had a paralyzing effect on me.

Now that her bosom was only partly covered, her breasts seemed much bigger than I would have ever imagined, even Sandra's teats were no match for these.

Instead of ordering her to go into a deep sleep, I decided to ask her a few questions instead. When I found enough courage, I told her in a soft and even voice, to open her eyes. My heart almost stopped beating when she looked straight at me.

For a second or so, I was not sure if she was still in a trace or not. I could remember reading in the book that I had bought, that a hypnotized subject will seldom look at another person in the eyes unless ordered so, and mother was now looking at me straight in the eyes. I told myself that it was only a coincidence since I was standing in her line of sight and looking straight ahead for her was the same as looking at me in the eyes.

In the back of my mind I had begun to have doubts about what was going on with her and Uncle Charles, I was going to find out the truth this very minute. The strange manner they had both been acting the previous evening, plus the many presents he was giving her, and added to this the fact that he seldom miss visiting her, was enough to bother me. Ever since I had begun to fondle Sandra a month or so earlier, it seemed that my mind was keener on those thing that had to do with sex. The more I thought about Uncle Charles and mother, the more my instinct told me that something was not the way it appeared to be.

Since I knew that I was not going to be interrupted by Sandra, what better opportunities was there to elucidate the matter of her relationship with Uncle Charles.

"Mother, do you know who is talking to you?"

"Yes. You are Lawrence."

"Mother, you will now answer all of my questions and you won't remember a thing afterward."

"I will not remember a thing." She repeated it just like she had been talking in her sleep.

"Do you like Uncle Charles?"

"Yes, very much."

How was I to start? It wouldn't do to ask her straightforward if she was in love with him, I couldn't predict exactly how she would react. After all, she was very strict on these matters that had to do with love and worst still, sex. Therefore I had to approach the delicate subject of her relationship with my uncle very carefully.

"Have you ever kissed Uncle Charles?"

"Yes." I noticed that she hesitated before answering and I didn't know if I should go on with my asking her more questions. I tried to imagine what would happen if she should get out of her trance and found me in her room, I was too embarrassed even to think about it.

Then before I had time to think I asked her.

"Have you ever kiss him passionately on the lips?"

Again there was a long pause but finally she did answer.

"Yes, very often."

Even though I was half expecting as much, it was still a surprise to hear it from her own lips. But even then, at the back of my mind, I was half hoping than nothing was going on between them. Then my curiosity got the better of me, I wanted to know what else she had done with him.

"When was the last time that you kissed him?"

"It was last night."

Wow. Could this be possible, we never suspected anything Sandra and I and all the time this was going on right under our nose. No wonder, I told myself, that she had been in a hurry to give us permission to spend the evening in Maplelane on Saturday. She probably wanted to be alone in the house with Uncle Charles.

"Usually where are you when he kissed you?"

"Most of the time we are in my room here."

What dopes we were Sandra and I. All that time we thought that mother was a frigid woman and that Uncle Charles wanted only to give us his friendship. Instead he was having an affair with mother.

"When was the first time that he gave you a passionate kiss?"

"It was the third year after I was married to your father."

How could this be possible. It implied that she had been unfaithful to father. How could she do such a thing, it went so much against all that I knew about her.

There was now no way that I was going to stop questioning her, I had to know more.

I began to feel a little wicked about making her tell me these things that I knew that she would never tell me of her own will.

"Uncle Charles must have been much younger then?"

"He was only twenty at the time."

"Did you and Uncle kiss often after that first kiss?"

"Oh yes, every time we were alone together. Your father was often away from home and we had lots of occasions."

I then made up my mind to ask her the big question. I now knew that it would be impossible for me to sleep that night if I didn't know if she and Uncle Charles had slept together.

"Tell me mother, did he ever sleep with you?"

It took her a good ten seconds before she softly whispered her answer.


Disappointment and emptiness took hold of me. It felt as if someone had cheated me of something very precious to me, but I could exactly say exactly why I felt that way.

Mother had always presented a façade of being a strong willed woman with a strongly established set of principles. I had never heard her mention the word 'sex' in the house and the way she always dressed were certainly no indication of her secret life.

It was not the fact that she had slept with Uncle Charles that bother me, but knowing that she had done so while father had been alive. She had been cheating on him.

I was dumbfounded, suddenly I could no longer tolerate being near her any longer. I went down stairs, too stunned to continued questioning her. Sandra was still sitting on her chair in the kitchen. I got Sandra out of her trance and without bothering to see her reaction I went in the stable to lie in the hay and think.

Mother had lied to us. She was not the virtuous woman that she appeared to be. She had also cheated on father and in his own house, and worse still, she had done this with her brother in law. How long had this been going on? Could it be possible that it had all started after that first kiss, when Uncle Charles was just twenty, she and he had been cheating on father ever since? It was possible, and how often did they do this?

I now felt sorry that I hadn't asked her more questions. Then it suddenly occurs to me that Sandra could well be the daughter of Uncle Charles. After all she was only fourteen and from mother's own lips I had been told that Uncle Charles and mother had been fucking well before Sandra was borne.

Slowly my anger began to ebb away. Mother probably had a good reason to be unfaithful to father, I told myself.

As for her having this affair with father's brother nowadays, well it was only natural since she was no longer married, But why didn't he marry her if they felt so attracted toward one another?

Now that I knew mother's secret - at least part of it - I felt a little sorry. Not for mother but for the fact that she had always gave us a false impression of being someone with well established rules of behavior while she was indulging herself - in our own home - with sexual acts without our being aware of it. But it pleased me to know that there was a possibility that Sandra could be only my half sister. In the back of my mind I was very afraid that Sandra would get pregnant from me, and if she was only my half sister I figured that it wouldn't be as bad. Not that it really mattered since incest is incest weather it is with a sister or a half sister.

Then the more I thought about mother affairs with Uncle Charles, the less it bothered me. Why should she not enjoy life a little, she was still very beautiful and she had a splendid looking body, so why not? Now that I was thinking about this in a more rational way, I began to feel the strange feeling of power and lust that I felt each time I questioned Sandra.

On Monday, mother began her day shift from eight to four. The weather was now very warm and sunny, and once the dishes were washed and put away, I proposed to Sandra that we go for a walk.

There was a creek and a small wood about half a mile at the back of our house and with the weather being that nice it was very inviting to walk in the shade of the trees. We slowly walked along the wide trail then we sat under a tree. My sister seemed in a very happy mood, and I knew that it had to do with her going out with Paul on Saturday evening.

Once we were seated on the grass, I said her key word. Again, a surge of power invaded me as I watched her sitting very still, ready to divulge to me things she would never tell in ordinary circumstances.

At the same time, my cock was rock hard, as I anticipated learning what she and Paul had done together on Saturday, so I began to ask her a few questions.

"Where did you go Saturday evening with Paul?"

"We went for a ride in his car and later we went parking"

"Did he play with your breasts?"

"Yes." It was a slow process to learn anything from her with these short answers, and I told her to describe in details everything that she and Paul had done on that evening.

"We went parking at our usual spot and after he turned off the motor of his car we began to kiss. He then proceeded to play with my breasts and later he got me completely naked in the car."

Well, I told myself, it seemed that it was a habit of his to get her naked whenever they went parking.

"He then made me suck his cock while he had his mouth on my cunt. After a while he wanted to fuck me and I let him do it."

Just like that, she let him do it. I was dumbstruck. How could she do this, she had chosen to break up with him instead of letting him fuck her barely a month previously. Why the sudden change?

"Why did you let him do this? Are you not afraid of becoming pregnant?"

"No, you gave me the drops that will prevent this from happening. Therefore there is no danger of this happening."

It was true, I had given her those imaginary drops twice now - ever since I had begun to fuck her. But how could she recall such a fact when she wasn't in a trance?

I couldn't explain this and I began to realize that I still had a lot to learn about hypnotism. Could it be that she wanted to let him fuck her so much, that this part of her brain that control her trances memories was called upon to help her take a decision while she was no longer in a trance? Or could it be something completely different that I didn't understand?

It no longer mattered now, the important fact was that she had let him fuck her and she was no longer preoccupied about getting pregnant.

"How many times did he fuck you?"

"He took me three times while we were in his car. Then we talked for a while and he once again sucked my cunt and he wanted to fuck me again but it was getting late and we didn't have time to do it again."

"One last question. Why did he leave Pauline by herself in the restaurant and went away with you."

"Paul said that Pauline was two months pregnant, and he doesn't know if he is the father of her child since she went out a couple of times with Pat Higginson and he could be the father as well."

So the cute blond Pauline finally got herself knocked off, I said to myself. She is probably now thinking of putting the blame on me. She certainly hadn't mention this to me when I was fucking her last Saturday evening, and this was probably the reason that she was in such a hurry to have me inseminate her.

After getting Sandra out of her trance - she believed that she had had a nap as she rested with her back resting against a tree - we slowly walked back home without my having fuck her or even kiss her once.

I couldn't say why, but after hearing what had happened between her and Paul on Saturday night, I was not eager to have anything to do with her for the moment.

It felt as though she had cheated on me, and further more, I didn't hypnotized her for the next couple of days either. Beside, it was now hay-time and I had plenty of work to do and when I came home after a long day of working in the fields, I was too tired to think about Sandra.

Then Saturday afternoon it began to rain, this gave me the opportunity to rest since the hay that had been cut had to dried in the sun for a couple of days before it could be stored it in the barn.

When Uncle Charles arrived in the late afternoon I knew that if I was to ask mother to let us spent the evening in Maplelane, there was a good chance that she was going to agree to let us go.

There were no doubts in my mind that she wanted to be left along with Uncle Charles the instant that she agreed to my proposal.

As he had done the previous Saturday, Uncle Charles drove us to Louis's Restaurant.

Paul was already inside waiting for Sandra. How had he known that she was going to be in Maplelane, I could only guess. He was sitting around a table with one of his friend, a boy name Tom Luctor, Paul and Tom were often together in school.

From the public phone in the restaurant I phoned Pauline and I told her that I was on my way to her place.

We had no phone at home and I wanted to be able to check at the same time if her parents were gone.

The minute that she let me inside the house, she took me by the hand and she led me to her room upstairs. It had been my intention to just tell her that I knew about her being pregnant and then to leave the house. But upon seeing her with her innocent smile and all eager to fuck while her breasts were already half exposed - she had undone half the buttons of her blouse before I came in - I changed my mind and decided to remain with her for the rest of the evening.

As soon as her bedroom door was shut and lock, we both got completely naked and I began to fuck her. While doing so I tried to see if I could detect any signs of her swollen belly, but I couldn't see a trace of it. I guess that she wasn't advanced enough into her pregnancy for it to show.

After our second bout of fucking, I told her that I knew that she was expecting a baby and that Paul was the father.

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"I'm heading out now," I say, grimacing in advance at the inevitable response. "Kayleigh-Ann," mum says in an obviously fake pained voice, "come here..." I roll my eyes, before heading into the living room and facing my mother, whose face is scrunched up in a look of pure disapproval. "What is it?" I ask. "I don't want to keep Ollie waiting..." I don't want to keep Ian waiting, either, I think to myself. "WHY are you going out with him?" Mum asks, barely restraining herself from...

1 year ago
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HandsOnHardcore Alyssia Kent New Neighbor Likes It Hard And Dirty

New neighbor Alyssia Kent likes it hard and dirty. She starts flirting with Vince Karter and quickly sticks her tongue into his mouth. The two start making out on the couch in his living room since she can’t find the keys to her new apartment next door. Suddenly, Erik Everhard walks in and joins the two for an epic Hardcore threesome you don’t want to miss! Check out that tattooed hottie from Romania and watch her massage Erik Everhard’s big fat cock while riding Vince...

1 year ago
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Sunrise at the Park

Although it has been 5 years since I was last in town, it wasn’t hard to find my favorite spot at the park. It was a green bench on the edge of the lake that faced the tree lines across the water. I sat down and reminisced the old days, the fun and wild times during my senior year. There was one particular night… It was early morning, 5 am to be exact. Everyone was plastered and snored like reckless pigs with the exception of me and Justin, whom I had a crush since 9th grade. We flirted and...

3 years ago
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A WellLived Life Book 2 JenniferChapter 31 A Friend in Need

November 1978 I woke up on Saturday before sunrise. I read for a while, and once I heard my dad up, I went for my swim. I showered, got dressed, and went to get breakfast. I was sitting at the table and Stephanie came in to get her breakfast. She sat down and smiled at me and winked. A wink that conveyed a novel full of words. I just rolled my eyes. She crossed her arms and stared at me. I stuck my tongue out at her, knowing she was waiting for that. I’d let her have her thrill. “Do I get...

2 years ago
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My Secret To Success

My Secret To Success By Warm Hearted This a short story that came from my noir side. It is the tell of a meek, insecure, introvert's conversion into a forceful, respected, and envied success. As always all comments and constructive criticism are welcomed. Please remember my whole purpose for writing is your enjoyment. I once was Tommy Wilkes Jr., I was always called Tommy no matter how many times I would ask to be called Tom. My father was Tom Wilkes, but I was nothing like...

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My Nightmare Ch 01

It was almost impossible to see where she was going, she was just running as fast as she could to get as far away as she could from what she had just witnessed. Tears were blurring her vision, causing her to run into a couple walking on the sidewalk. She apologized and continued quickly away before he could catch up to her…if he was even coming after her. Her sobs were making her chest heave and she held the flaps of her wool coat close to her body, crossways. Her thoughts were bombarding her...

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Swedish lay over

I had been many places in my military travels. Seven European countries, Canada, Mexico, Panama, Honduras, Guatemala, Columbia and Brazil. Nothing in the Pacific. And I had always longed to visit Russia and the Scandinavian countries. I had just retired, after ending a 30 year marriage and it seemed like a good time to get away for awhile. My travel agent strives to save money and I had landed in a Swedish town I could not pronounce. I had eaten a lavish meal of meat I could not identify,...

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Hi folks, this is a long one. And it’s not going to be the ending you expect. But getting there is the fun part. It’s difficult getting to write during this time of year because we’re putting the batteries back in and all of the wheels back on all of the cars to get ready for spring. Yesterday we had temps in the sixties for the first time this year, so I took the Boss out. God, I missed that growl. Anyway, back to the story ... oh, now’s as good a time as any to warn you. Like I said at the...

2 years ago
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The Yellow Book Fantasies Ch 10 Megan The Soprano

Remember when I referenced Megan previously? In my two years in choir, the altos were my favorite section to talk to because you heard so many beautiful voices in so many different personalities. For example, the aforementioned Kiki was somewhat quiet but still sociable.“Oh, Chad. You like her, do you?” Kiki said, after I greeted Megan.“Can’t a brother be friendly?” I retorted.“Nah, you can. I just know the truth. I see it in your eyes.” I looked at Megan socializing with various people, while...

Quickie Sex
2 years ago
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Anitas secret drawer

Anita’s secret drawer After having a few drinks at a local pub, I drove home late. I wondered to myself if Ana even cared that I was getting home so late. When I got home she was resting at bed. I didn’t blame her. After the fucking she had just received from that giant black cock, it would be hard for anyone to stay awake. I crept silently into the bedroom and inspected her body closely. There was no evidence that anything had occurred. She was dressed in a pair of cotton panties, and a tight...

1 year ago
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The Unspoken Game Part 20

Hope you enjoy: ------------------------------------------- I felt soft warm skin touching mine, my eyes still closed. I opened them to be hit by strong morning sunlight entering the room through the window. My eyes adjusted to the light and took in the surroundings, my step sister's room. I was naked, the realization hit me and then I felt the same sensation that woke me. I looked to my side and saw a smooth female back, a thin sheet covering her ass. "Sam" I suddenly...

1 year ago
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Band Geek Diary Alternate Events

[Author’s note: This story, set in the Band Parents Universe, is an alternate set of events in “Band Geek Diary” and could replace the chapters for those dates.] February 22 It’s President’s Day weekend and Mom and I left Saturday morning to go out of town to a big gaming convention I wanted to attend. On the drive down there, I asked her what was going on with her and Dad and the Kowalskis. She blushed and tried to make it sound like it was just two couples being good friends, but I knew...

3 years ago
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Becoming A Man Part 8 Motel King

It was a lovely summer wedding, with beautiful weather: the dream of every bride.  The reception was held at a veterans' hall nearby, with alcohol flowing freely and a small group of college friends among the attendees.My other friends were all coupled up, but it was nice to just hang out with them and have fun.  No expectation of getting laid.  Heaven knew it had been a long time, though: nearly two years since I'd been with a woman, but that wasn't in the cards tonight, so I put that out of...

2 years ago
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Healing Cousin George 8

Alex Unmasked We pulled into a seafront car park and unpacked Melissa's buggy. We set of along the shoreline in bright sunshine a sea breeze just fresh enough to keep you cool blew in our face. "Fancy a bite to eat?" Debbie asked. "Yeah why not." "There's a little caf? up there, with tables outside," she said pointing along the road. We walked along and found a table outside sitting down I parked the buggy securing the brake as I did so. We sat down and lit a cigarette making s...

3 years ago
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Shes PregnantChapter 9

A couple of minutes later, Jorge, the security guard, called. "Mr, K? I've got a Ted here -- he says he's here to get Evelyn." "Hold him there," I directed. "Evelyn isn't back yet -- she went across town. I'll talk to him in my office." My office wasn't much at this point -- just a desk and a couple of chairs in the back of the store. Ted waved a finger, recognizing me, "You!" "Yeah, me," I agreed. "Let's talk in my office." I led him up the back hallway behind the stores...

2 years ago
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B5 Chapter 3 Jordan Transformed

Chapter 3: Jordan TransformedJordan awoke later in the afternoon. Her first perception was that she was in a different room than Dee Dee's lab, where she had started the day. Where she was now certainly didn't bear any resemblance to a laboratory. It looked more like a hospital room. As her senses cleared, Jordan could tell that she had been propped up on some pillows in a sort of semi-reclining position on the bed. At first, Jordan couldn't quite move her waist and hips very easily. She...

2 years ago
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To Serve You My Love

When we are living together, and you had to go to work, I would spend the day making sure our home was cleaned and everything was in order for you to return. I would love to fill in the gaps of your life, doing the things that you don’t want or have time to do, making your life easier. I would be thinking of you while I am doing these things, smiling because I know I was being good to you and helping you. I would want to please you so badly, and would take extra care in every detail of what I...

1 year ago
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Model FantasyChapter 7

I surprise you for Christmas and visit you with your family. You decide to visit your grandparents and ask me to come and join you. Your grandparents don't like visitors from outside the family to stay over so you decide to sneak me in. You wait until the prearranged time when your grandparents will be asleep and open the door for me. Taking my hand you lead me quietly upstairs. We find our way to your room and we start to undress. You are wearing black stockings and underwear. Removing...

4 years ago
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First Time With Cousin 8211 Part 1

Hello friends… I am Maddy(name changed) from Pakistan… I am 19 years old… I belong to a middle class family… Me looking wise inna kuxh zada handsome nii hun… Physically v smart sa hun… Anyway story ki taraf aaty hen… Though i am reading stories on iss since 2011… But for the first time i am posting my true experience of sex which occures with my cousin… I post the story in urdu so that it would be easy to understand… Jessa k mene btaya he k me Pakistan se belong krta hun aur aik middle class...

2 years ago
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Lessons In Biology by loyalsock

So far, a month has gone by and thanks to Mark, Ebony's grades have gone up in nearly all of her classes. The coach has already told her that she has made the cheerleading squad and that she will be given her first practice in another week. Why shouldn't she become a cheerleader for her high school? She has a great body of 36C-24-36, beautiful black hair down below her shoulders, firm legs, and at 5'4, she only weighs about 110. "I have all of the assets to being a great cheerleader," she...

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Punishment For A Sissy V

Punishment For A Sissy V By PJD The sissy lay over the chair sobbing, tears coursing down his face. Never had he experienced such terrible pain, his arse was on fire, from the thrashing he had received from the elderly housekeeper, and then the pain of the needle as the doctor had injected estrogens into his ravage arse. "Well, let's get on with our duties ladies." said Miss Smith. "What about Panties?" Enquired Natasha. "Leave her where she is," said Mrs Cartwright...

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in hot water with my hot bear supervisor

There's no doubt today will mark my 1st day running late for work. Why did it have to happen during my last week of probation, I dont know. I overslept from staying up too late trying to find something worth my time to jerkoff to, thought I could rest for the remaining hour left and messed up big time. Along the way to work, I was so disoriented from lack of sleep, I had no idea I left my work pass on the bus. Now I would be later than later just to get temporary access into the building...

1 year ago
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When The Truth Hurts Chapter 6

Chapter 6 Melanie sat in the small office, completely perplexed. It had only been three days since she had started the job and she wondered if she was getting fired again. Things were not going well for her lately. Money was running low, especially with the growing debts. Her landlord had also threatened to kick her out of the tiny crappy apartment if she did not pay the overdue rent within a week. She was barely able to pay for her higher studies in college and even with a part-time waitress...

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The house in the country

The house was in the country and it wasn't a long drive from the city. Rick had been very exited when Sasha his girlfriend told him about the place. They had been together for a year now and really loved each other, they even talked about marriage from time to time. The petite brunette had said that her uncle was overseas for the week and he asked her to look after his house in the country. She said she had also invited Amy her best friend and Amy's boyfriend Jake. Rick wasn't to fond of Jake...

2 years ago
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Lustful Family And Friends 8211 Part 15

Day 14 (Continued) After cumming four times on Hazel, I hurried back home to take a shower. I wanted to visit Discreet, my mom’s secret workplace before we left for vacation. When I arrive in the lobby of Discreet Inc., the hot receptionist processes my payment. Receptionist: Please follow me, Mr. Holmes. I don my mask and wait for the door to open. I stand before the closed door for several minutes. Mom appears wearing her hot black leather mistress suit. I’m not sure if I’ll ever get used...

1 year ago
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Wifes Birthday Surprise

It was my birthday. I had just gotten out of the shower and was standing naked in front of the full length mirror. Looking at all the ways my body had changed in the last few years, it was obvious I was getting older. My youthfulness was disappearing and middle age was setting in. My boobs were still the 36DD they had been for years but they were starting to sag a little. My ass was still round but that too wasn’t as perky. Oh well. Nothing I can do about that, I thought to myself as I pulled...

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Clothing Optional

I spent this weekend up in KC with my boyfriend and his friends. We had this long running joke "we will sleep our way into a hotel room, whore you out for the night" God, what a wonderful idea that was.We went and visited his friends int her hotel room six people I hadn't ever seen prior to the weekend. Well when we showed up around 6 that evening three of them were cuddled up on the bed and somebody shouted, "it's clothing optional tonight." Naturally my boyfriend shed his shirt and I...

4 years ago
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Cousin Cici Part Two

The Vegas trip had made me more valuable to my boss and the firm. After another promotion as a Wall Street stock analyst, I was home for Thanksgiving. I asked about Cicely, not mentioning that I had met Mila. Mom wasn't likely to understand that her niece was a stripper, a sometimes porn star, and maybe more.Tracking down Cicely turned out to be easier than I thought. My mom said Cici was, in fact, living on the East Coast. Apparently, Cici had taken a job in Washington, DC after graduating...


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