In My LifeChapter 1B free porn video

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At the breakfast table, Emerson began questioning Miguel, who sat at the head of the table. "Senor, a ranch this size usually has more than three hands, although I'll admit these eat enough for six. Do they also do the work of six?"

With that, all three turned their attention to Emerson. Old Pedro, who he vaguely remembered from the past, had grown heavy and slow. His dark eyes showed no emotion and he returned to his meal.

The man called Shorty, and it seemed every ranch had one, gave a quick grin, but never missed a mouthful. He seemed to have some humor and gave the impression of competence.

The third hand, introduced as Ray Brown, merely glanced at Emerson and went back to eating. He appeared to be a typical drifter, not working too hard and ready to move on.

"This ranch has had as many as a dozen vaqueros. I should have more than three," Miguel responded. "Just over two years ago, a wealthy man named Tom Taylor bought the Morgan ranch. Joe Morgan was a fine man. As you know, the town was named after him. After Mrs. Morgan died and Joe's health began to fail, he decided to sell out and move to Santa Fe, near his daughter."

"This Taylor immediately stopped anyone from driving their herd through Blanco Pass, which is the only access to Santa Fe, and controlled by the Morgan ranch, now the Lazy T. Joe Morgan had filed on the land at the base of the pass, and now Taylor owns it. He backs his legal right with enough toughs to make it stick. A couple of small ranches near Taylor have already sold out to him. He has made it very clear he would be interested in buying any and all ranches in the basin, at a low price, of course. We are denied access to our market. Most ranches have reduced the number of riders. With no income, it is difficult to keep any help."

As he listened to Miguel, Emerson saw what a simple, but effective plan Taylor had devised. The only flaw would be an alternate route to Santa Fe. "Isn't there some other trail? Didn't the old timers have another drive they could make, or is my memory off?"

"Pat Casey put a trail herd on the Benson Trail, as it was known, last year when Taylor closed Blanco. Three men were killed and almost four hundred head run off before they were half way to Santa Fe. Lack of water was a serious problem, but Pat felt they were overcoming that."

" Then one morning Bob Gustin and his gang of cutthroats rode into camp and told Casey they wanted to cut his herd for strays. Of course Pat would have none of that since Gustin owned no cattle to begin with. It was simple robbery. Gustin and his men rode out, but that night they hit the herd. Between the stampede and the gunplay, Casey was lucky to bring as many men back as he did. No one has had the nerve to try it again."

Emerson knew that Pat Casey would not have given up easily. It must have been some fight! Could Taylor pull this off so simply? This was why Emerson had been sent back home by his uncle. He was expected to help, but how?

Emerson spent the next two days riding the range. There were about ten ranches in a large oval basin. Blanco Pass could be seen from most locations in the basin, sitting between two mountains on the west. Travel to the south was rare with rough country and dessert extending for hundreds of miles. To the east was a mountain range, eliminating any chance of cattle traveling that way. The old Benson Trail wound its way through the broken country to the North. Lack of water and the presence of riffraff made this an unattractive route.

There was water and good graze in the basin, as long as it was controlled properly. Everywhere Emerson rode, however, he saw the signs of overgrazing. It could be a very difficult winter if the ranchers didn't trim their herds.

Emerson considered the situation. The ranches in the basin were mostly family operations. People with children and other responsibilities were usually reluctant to gamble, especially when it could endanger their families. These people had built to last and deserved the opportunity to peacefully pursue their interests. He had learned that men still had to be prepared to fight to keep what was theirs. How much would the ranchers be willing to risk?

He had seen Lazy T riders patrolling the boundaries with the other ranches. Occasionally, he came across a drift fence Taylor's men had put up. Obviously, Taylor did not want his lands overgrazed. The Lazy T was a well run operation, with hopes of expanding at the expense of its neighbors.

In the afternoon of the second day, Emerson found a small water hole, shared by Miguel and the KC. It had been walked in by numerous cattle that watered there, and was badly in need of a cleaning. This was the sort of chore hands rode miles to avoid. Emerson found a pick and shovel in the rocks nearby, left there for that very purpose.

Hard work had never frightened him, so he grabbed the tools and began cleaning the spring. As he worked he felt pleasure in the sun on his back, and the sweat the effort created. Emerson peeled off his shirt. His back and chest, already tanned from years at sea, glistened. Completely absorbed in his task, he never heard the two riders approach. As he turned to place a large rock to the side he realized he had spectators.

"Well, don't let us stop you. It sure is a pleasure to watch a man work!" It was Cathy Jordan speaking and she was enjoying Emerson's embarrassment as she looked at him with obvious approval.

The other rider was Maria. She sat her mare, looking from the cleaned water hole to the pile of debris he had just removed. Emerson was unable to read her expression, but Cathy Jordan seemed to understand his.

"It isn't very flattering, the way you glanced at me and stared at Maria, although I should be used to it. Don't forget she hates you, if that were possible. I never realized the sea put so much muscle on a man, not to mention a tan." Cathy was laughing now, as Maria colored at her words.

Emerson found himself laughing as well. This girl from Texas was direct! "And I never dreamed that life on a cattle ranch made girls so pretty. I've sailed to many ports and never saw anything to match this! You girls are the best."

Surprised, Maria looked down at Emerson. "Do you mean for a half-breed, as you used to call me?" She saw him wince and enjoyed it. At the same time, she thought how she never had been able to hurt him in their youth. What was the difference now?

"Maria, I said a lot of things I never meant, to a lot of people. For that I am sorry. What is past is gone. I can't change it, as much as I would like to. It will never happen again."

Maria sat her horse looking at Emerson. He had returned to Morgantown so different. Cleaning this water hole was something most riders would avoid. Emerson stood with perspiration trickling down his chest, and Maria realized she had never seen a better looking man. That fact caused her anger to return. It wasn't right that someone so miserable should seem so good. He spent much of his time making apologies for past behavior. Could he be so different now?

Turning her horse, Maria called back, "It seems that apologizing is very easy for you. Time will tell how sincere you are."

Cathy Jordan sat her horse, looking down at Emerson. "You two must have had some time of it when you were kids. She is always so nice to everyone else." With that she hurried off to catch up with Maria.

Cathy trotted along side Maria in silence for a half mile. Never at a loss for words, Cathy spoke as they slowed their mounts to a walk. "Your Emerson Trask sure seems to be the genuine article to me. Did you see how tanned and strong he is? He sure seems sweet on you!"

Maria swung around to face Cathy, an angry answer on her lips. As usual, Cathy's infectious smile caused Maria to soften.

"He is not my Emerson and having a tan and being strong doesn't mean he is a good person. We have never liked each other and we never will. Please don't bring him up again."

"Maria, I'm sorry, but I don't believe you. I have never seen you behave like this before. I've seen you cool to men, but not hostile. I think you are afraid of Emerson, and your feelings for him. I wonder what happened between the two of you?"

"He was very cruel and ridiculed me because of my Spanish ancestry. I certainly don't find that attractive!"

"Maria, I know you just looked at the same man I did. He is amazing! You never mentioned how great he looked. I can see how he could break hearts. How old were you when he left? Fourteen? It must have been terrible. If he were paying attention to me and suddenly left the country, I would be heart broken. I wouldn't make it a secret through. Everyone would know. Boys always tease the girls they like. They are too shy to admit how they feel. If he called you names, it was probably because he was in love with you."

Maria felt her eyes water as Cathy spoke. Looking straight ahead she simply replied, "He went too far if that were the case, which I doubt."

The two girls rode in silence for a time. Maria was thinking about what she had just seen. Emerson was doing a difficult job that would benefit her family as well as his. Cathy was right about how strong and tanned he was. Could the new Emerson be for real? Could he be trusted? Maria wondered what differences Emerson's return would cause in her life.

Maria admitted to herself that she had to make a real effort to not like Emerson. Her old emotions kept coming near the surface. If anything, it was worse because of Emerson's matured character. He had always been good looking. Now he was a powerful man with a quick smile and pleasant personality. Still, Maria had doubts. Could a man change that much?

Maria knew she would have to always remind herself of the terrible things he had said. She never again wanted to go through the misery and heartache she had suffered when Emerson left Morgantown.

She was very popular and had many suitors. Why did she feel such an attraction to a man that had broken her heart once. Thinking back, Maria remembered how young she had been, but age hadn't changed it. Just seeing Emerson caused her pain. At the same time, it thrilled her. She would have to be very careful to control her emotions around him.

That evening Emerson spoke to Miguel as they were having dinner. "I have been riding over the range and it is clear that this basin is overstocked. Since the pass is legally closed to us, I suggest we take the Benson Trail as soon as possible. I see no choice. The winter could be a real disaster. I propose we get as many other ranchers as possible to throw in with us and take one large herd. Also, I want to ramrod this venture."

Shorty looked at Emerson as he spoke, and turned to watch Miguel respond. Pedro still showed no emotion, while Ray Brown turned red and almost choked.

Miguel looked over at his wife. She sat very still. Turning to Emerson he replied, "What you are suggesting would be very dangerous. I don't know if anyone would join us, but I think some men would die."

"Miguel, I believe many would throw in with us, simply because they have no options left. That would give us a sizable force and a reasonable chance to succeed. Say the word and I'll start working on it tomorrow. You'll be able to take care of the ranch while we're gone."

"I know you mean no disrespect, but I could not remain here while others attempted this trip. We make this journey together!"

As Miguel spoke he reached over and squeezed his wife's hand. For her part, Molly Hernandez knew it had been decided and began to make her plans. She felt fear for her men, but would not add to their burden by questioning their decision.

"I'll start getting things together for the chuck wagon in the morning," was her only comment.

Ray Brown had heard enough. "Is everybody here crazy? We'd all get killed! You can just count us out."

Shorty had been quiet, but now he spoke. "Ray, I don't remember asking you to talk for me. You were happy enough when the work was easy and the food good. If you lack the sand, quit, but don't try to run my life. I wouldn't miss this trip for anything."

Brown stood up, his face swollen with rage. "You talk tough now but you'll change your tune when you're looking up Gustin's gun barrel! I'll have no part in this!" With that he stomped outside.

"Boss." It was Shorty again. "I'll miss that hombre about as much as I miss that boil I had last year. We're better off without him. He wasn't much of a worker."

Miguel had already dismissed Ray Brown's departure. "Shorty, tomorrow, we get ready for a quick round-up. We'll gather as many steers and older stuff as we can find in a hurry. Emerson, it's your show. Get as many ranches as you can to join us. Be sure to see Jordans, Caseys, Robinsons, and anyone else that's interested. Let's plan on leaving one week from tomorrow."

Daybreak saw a bustle of activity on the ranch. Shorty and Pedro began the many chores which needed to be done before the round-up could begin. Emerson's mother and Miguel prepared a list of provisions that would be needed and readied the old wagon that would serve as the chuck wagon on the drive.

Emerson saddled up after breakfast and headed for the KC, satisfied everyone on Miguel's MM would soon be prepared for the round-up. It was still early when he arrived at Casey's spread. Like Miguel's, it wasn't large but everything was kept in good shape. Flowers along the house were testimony to the female presence.

As Emerson approached Pat Casey stepped onto the porch and greeted him. "Hello, Emerson. Climb down and have a seat." With that Pat dropped into a chair on the porch and indicated another for his visitor.

Emerson brushed the dust from his clothes, climbed the steps, and took his place along side Pat Casey. Emerson realized Pat was waiting for him to speak, so he began. "Mr. Casey, you have some fine looking stock. In fact, I'd say you have too many. Your range is as sparse as Miguel's, and it could lead to a difficult winter."

"I'm afraid you got up awful early to ride all the way over here to tell me something I already know." Pat Casey wasn't one to beat around the bush. "I imagine there is more."

"Mr. Casey, the MM is going to spend a week gathering a trail herd to push over the Benson Trail to Santa Fe. We are asking you and the other ranchers shut off from the Blanco Pass to join us." As Emerson finished, he heard a gasp from the doorway and realized Maria had been listening. She stepped onto the porch and watched her father.

Maria had seen Emerson riding up and wondered what had prompted this early morning visit. Was he on business or was it social? If it was a social call, was he there to see her? She quickly checked her hair and smoothed her blouse with her hands.

Carmella had also seen Emerson's approach and watched her daughter quickly freshen up in the mirror. Maria saw her mother watching her. With no further word, Maria went to stand by the door to listen to the two men who were now seated on the porch.

Deep in thought, Pat Casey looked out over his range. Finally, he turned to Emerson. "You're biting off a lot. I tried it once, and failed. It's bothered me ever since, but I haven't done anything about it I don't know much about you, but you've got the right idea. With the right men it could be done, and there is really no choice. You and Miguel can count on the KC being ready to hit the trail, and this time we'll be ready for Gustin!"

Emerson realized he had been holding his breath, waiting for Pat Casey's reply. He was needed if this drive were to have any chance. "I'm glad you feel that way, sir. We'll try to hit the trail one week from tomorrow. I have to see the others today. With you in, I think they'll join."

"Just a minute!" It was Maria and both men could see the fire in her eyes. "Let me ask a few questions. Who will be in charge? What about Gustin's gang? They will know you're coming and be ready. How will you get by them? How many men will die?"

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          Bull the demon killer   by stHell66   (hero,comixs,d/s,w/s,humilation,rough)    Bull-half demon,half beast, hero of El Diablo, looks like a 8ft red demon with two horns and huge bat wings. A greek warrior hermit covers his face and his redish long beard braided down his muscular chest. His body shows the scars of past battles, covered by his huge black leather cloak. He is the cities greatest hero battling ghouls, demons,vampires, werewolves,etc and usally for a price. His powers are...

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PrincessCum Scarlet Skies I Can Help You Get Over The Breakup Stepbrother

Scarlet Skies knows her stepbrother, Ricky Spanish, just got dumped. She tries to help him by chatting him up about the five stages of grief. Ricky kind of blows Scarlet off, telling her that he can’t trust her because she’s always going for his cum. Ricky leaves after telling Scarlet that her family sex fetish is kind of weird, but Scarlet isn’t about to give up that easily. Later, Scarlet corners Ricky where he’s moping in the living room and suggests that they play a game. Scarlet tries to...

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Mature Nudist Beach Threesome

Mature Nudist Beach Threesome.Courtesy of an anonymous poster on another site.It was when i was about 18 and had just started visiting a local nudist beach.I guess that I was a good looking lad, fit from sport and tanned after the summer. One day I thought I was alone on my bit of the beach in a big dip in the dunes.There was I relaxing, naked in the warm sun but then I saw an older couplewalking towards me, they must have been in their sixties at least - pretty muchnude - and she was still in...

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We were the last of a dying breed. We were sexual entertainers and acrobats, the best, and because of that, we'd managed to struggle on when all the other troupes had finally collapsed. We'd always been small, and that's probably why we'd survived on our own as long as we had, but now we were in serious trouble, we were one body short. Although there were ten of us altogether, it was basically a family troupe, and to a certain extent always had been, right from when my grandparents first...

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Two Plus One More Fun

They'd met one day and quickly developed an easy, open rapport. Yvette was attached, she confessed to Jade, but that didn't stop her from constantly fantasizing about sex with others, dreaming up all sorts of intensely erotic scenarios for herself."I don't know why, I just feel horny all the time. I must be a nympho, or something," she chuckled, taking a sip from her glass of wine as the two women laughed knowingly. For that old-fashioned word, 'nympho,' could also have been applied to Jade, a...

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the secretary part 3

Afew moments ent bu=y while he looked down on her, her hair still wrapped around his fingers. That had been fantastic and he had felt the little suck she had done at the end. She was a little slut really deep down. So prim and proper when she had walked up to his front door. But what sexy underwear and smooth pussy. Yes she was a slt and she would be getting serving for the whoare that she was. He let her go and walk to the door, silently not saying a word he left the room and locked the door...

2 years ago
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The only guy whos been able to get this tran

His name is E***. He is 19, has a very sexy deep voice (though he doesn't like his voice, so I had to just settle for his typing), a virgin (but that's not a factor), he's got a 9in gorgeous cock and is able to self suck to half his shaft. I've helped him cum through caming before, but wasn't turned on enough to get off myself. I haven't been able to do that for in a long while. Though before today. I hadn't see him give him self head yet. Now thankx to a friend, who I sucked off just so he...

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The Curious Adventures of Miguel and Antonio1

I was a geeky, shy and chubby kid growing up, and always found it hard to make friends. I rode the bus home, but unlike a lot of kids, I pretty much kept to myself and either read, or enjoyed the stale, but pleasant scenery jogging past my window. In point of fact, I was often teased, and usually went out of my way, straight to the back of the vehicle, to avoid other kids, ignoring calls and taunts. One day, this method failed me outright. “Hey,” said an unfamiliar voice coming from the...

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New Job First Lesson with Mistress

New Job, First Lesson:It all began when I moved to New York to get a fresh start. Always a shy loner, I was teased throughout school for being somewhat short and effeminate in looks. After my mother passed away right after I graduated college, I no longer had any ties to Chicago, and I wanted to move to New York to find a new life for myself. I had very little sexual experience, and was hoping to be able to find a girlfriend in a new city. Landing an apartment in Manhatten and a job as a...

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Depraved Secret

The room was quite spartan – white, painted walls dotted here and there with a few old picture frames, a frosted glass window and, strangely, what appeared to be some sort of clear polythene sheeting, covering an old worn carpet. Lastly, 2 worn looking armchairs were just visible to the right and left of the scene that was revealing itself to my puzzled gaze. ‘What is this?’ I thought to myself. I didn’t recognise the room. It certainly wasn’t a video I could recall taking! The...

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Arlene and JeffChapter 577

The Alien Scout The main asteroid belt in our solar system is located between the orbits of Mars and the gas giant, Jupiter. The belt contains millions of asteroids ranging from the size of a grain of sand to what is probably a dwarf planet, Ceres, which is 587 miles in diameter. Also orbiting among the millions of asteroids are other larger bodies, but still smaller than Ceres: Pallas at 318 miles, Vesta at 326 miles and Hygiea between 217 and 300 miles in diameter, and others of impressive...

2 years ago
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Millie Continues Her Computer Education

It had been two weeks since my wife, Beth and I had last seen our friend Millie. Just when we thought she had forgotten us, we got an E-mail. "Hi Teachers," it read, "I think I'm ready for another computer lesson when you are. I'll be shopping in our usual place tomorrow around ten o'clock. See you there?" Love you guys! Millie To say that Beth and I were pleased would be a definite understatement. We were ecstatic! Beth was especially delighted since she had been shortchanged during...

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First time with my Aunt

I would like to let everyone know this is my first story and if it is well received i would love to share many more of my stories with you. All criticism is welcomed and actually expected. Where do I begin, i assume the best place would be to describe my aunt to everyone. She is about 5'4 and very curvaceous. I am talking about a huge ass and very nice D-cup breasts that aren't perky but actually sag in a nice way. At the time she was 25 and i was about 16 so the age difference was definitely...

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Fully Realised Domme

The chilled Champagne tingled in her mouth and spread through her with an emboldening power as she relaxed in the warm bath. A wry smile emerged as she surveyed the room. Scented candles, flowers, and warm fluffy towels folded to perfection.He'd been an excellent study. She'd had to be strict with him in the beginning. Zero tolerance to any male ego, or any lapse in his concentration on serving her. She'd whipped and spanked him raw in order to get him to where he was, but goodness, it was...

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Black lesbian sub for White Dominatrix

AUTHOR’S NOTE:  If you like this story, please provide me your feedback and let me know it.  Also, any input you have as to what you would like to see happen with these characters would be great.  Finally, like Mary Katherine, I am looking for my Miss Violet, so if you are out there, I want to hear from you.Day One?Mary Katherine slowed her BMW and pulled over as the police car with the blaring sirens zoomed past her.  This is par for the course for this neighborhood, she thought, as she headed...

3 years ago
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It had now been some months since I started my adventures with my sisters-in-law and I could say those were some of the most exciting and sexually fulfilling times I've ever had. It was great having three women looking after and taking care of me. Of course, I also took care of them, making sure that I kept them all happy and satisfied. It was also a challenge having sex with all of them as I had to make sure none of them knew what I was doing. There were times when I almost got caught but...

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Ashok Fucks Mom Again 8211 Episode 8211 2

Assuming Ashok had left, mom went to the bedroom to take her afternoon nap. I followed her as I wanted her breast milk. “no monu, you can. You are old now. Young boys like you shouldn’t drink mummy’s milk.” saying so she said I should sleep for a while beside her and complete the homework by evening. After 10 minutes I could hear a car enter our parking area. Our housemaid had already welcomed the person in. It was Ashok. He silently came into the bedroom and closed the door behind him. Mom was...

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RapeBetrayal 9 After All it is My Birthday

The late spring of 2002 was a weird time for me. I lost my virginity, finally. I was 18, going away to college, and have never had a serious girlfriend. Shit I did not even have a date for the prom. Go ahead, say it with me, "Loo-ZER!" I am not a nerd ("No really I'm not! Stop laughing at me you assholes, I'm NOT!!"). Yes I get good grades and like D&D, sci fi, and the occasional comic book. I'm not good at sports, and have a minor Spazzy-Klutz problem. I guess I should describe...

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It was far from the first time that a man had cum in my mouth, spurting his creamy penile discharge with a grunt and then a sigh. It's happened so many times that I've long since lost count. But I can count, and remember by name, those individual men to whom I've given the gift of my lips and tongue. I'm perfectly serene to think of myself as a cock-sucker but not an easy one. I won't do it on a first date. For me, the only purpose of a first date is to decide if I want a second date, and...

3 years ago
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A Splendid Night

The curtains drawn, candles lit, as the essence fills the room. The house is quiet as I listen to Enya. Feeling the relaxation run through me. I try to sleep but overcome with excitement. I reach between the sheets, removing my pants, softly touching my thighs running up. Teasing myself as I touch my clit. Rubbing round and round. As I feel the rise I reach down to my nightstand. Grabbing my toys. Turning my vibrator on high instantly I’m more aroused. Round and round I keep going ‘oh god it...

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First Sex With Teacher

Hello guys! I am rahul….Today I am gonna share my first sex experience with you. This happened when I was in 12th science…..I was an average student in chemistry but I thought ki mujhe tution join krna chahiye so maine rashmi mam ka tuition join kia…..Unka tuition mere ghar se thora dur tha bt still maine unke baare mei bhut suna tha so maine join kr lia. Wo unje ghar mei hi tution padhati thi. Mam ki age hogi around 25-26 and wo bhut sundar dikhti hai. Unka figure hai around 34-26-36. Waise...

4 years ago
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Jake Pleases His Pregnant Wife Melody Episode 1

“It’s just a spider, sweetie.” Mr. Housened grabs a paper towel from the kitchen and stands up on the end table to get the creepy crawly. Mr. and Mrs. Housened are high school sweethearts, married right out of high school. Married a few months after graduation. “Flush it!” Melody Housened demands. “No, I want to keep it as a pet.” Jake Housened jokes. He gets a glass jar from the recycling bin and sticks a piece of lettuce inside. “See, it won’t hurt us.” “NO! FLUSH IT! KILL IT!” she...

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iCarly iCant Do This Chapter 4

iCarly: iCan't Do This - Chapter 4: In TwoI walk around Seattle until it gets dark, until the air starts to get chilly and make me shiver. I feel like a tenderised steak. And a jerk. Carly was just trying to help me, but I couldn't tell her that it was her causing the problem. And it wasn't really her I know, it was me... the way I felt about her. But I couldn't help it. Why couldn't she have been like everyone else... afraid of me, disdainful of me? Why did she have to keep thinking there was...

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incest fun 3

Over the next few months life at the Wochick house changed dramatically. Bertha had pretty much lost her role as mother and wife, and had become not much more than maid and whore. Joe and Susan slept together many nights, but when Susan was having sex with someone else she made her father sleep nude on the hard floor beside the king sized bed she now occupied. John Clapper was now using the Wochick home as a film and photo studio, making porn productions that could only be found on the dark...

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The Tattoo Guy Made It Inside

It was my honeymoon with my hubby, we are from a small town but love to enjoy things outside. I never thought of this incident which will make our life too exciting. So let’s get to the sex story. I am with fair skin and long hairs, my hubby is also fair like me, we are made for each other. Ours is a love marriage, he is the only guy I met and we fall in love, during college. We married after he got a job. We did experience sex multiple times before marriage, he broke my seal during the 2nd...

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I had this really good friend named Dave who also had a friend named Rusty. Well, Rusty had this really knockout girlfriend named Candy. Dave is a real bullshitter and I didn't believe half of the wild stories he told, so I just ignored his comments about how wild Candy got when she got drunk. He told me how Rusty was the type of guy that only wanted it about once or twice a week and Candy wanted it once or twice an hour. Since she was a "good little girl" she couldn't really cheat on Rusty,...

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My First Gangbang

I was so excited to go to a barbeque at my fuck buddy Brian's house. He said it was going to be a fun evening of grilling out, beer pong, and fun. I figured it was just a good excuse to show me off to his friends for the first time. Brian and I had been hooking up for a couple months by this point and I was his dirty little secret. Seeing as how I was 18 and he was 42 I can see why he would keep our "relationship" quiet.After school and hitting the gym that Friday I went home, cleaned up and...

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Jade Ki Wo Raat

Sabhi ISS reader ko mera namaskar. Doston mera naam rajeev hai main 31 saal ka hoon aur good physic hoon doston meri ye ghatna abhi kuchh dinon pahle ki hai jab main apne gaon gaya tha baat isi jade ki hai mera gaon bahut bada hai wahan jyadatar meri bhabhi lagti hain unhi me se ek hain suman bhabhi bhaiya military main hain aur combine family main rahti hain Wo bahut sundar hain unki choochi badi aur chtar to bahut hi akarshak hain doston main jab apne gaon jata hoon to bahar sarkari handpump...

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Over twenty-two years, he’d worked his way up the business ladder and saved up until he was able to buy his own casino…then he expanded it and made it one of the most profitable on the strip. Now he had a well-oiled machine when it came to running his casino….it included a proto-typical gambling floor – with craps, roulette, blackjack, and slot machines – plus a top-notch restaurant, a high-end massage parlor, and a performance stage for dance revues, singers, and other acts. One of his...

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